Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 30, 1881, Image 2
Ntadford gepetta Towanda, Pa., June 30, 038 i. ANNOUNCEMENT. —The friends of STEiqtk- - "i_,STRICKLAND, of Wysox, will present his name to the Republican County Concentionas a can didate for the nomination for the office of County Commissiotier. JunOtc*. TUE. Centre County Democrat would like to see ORANOE NOBLE, of Erie, re ceive' the ' , Democratic . uoniinatiou for State Treasurer TnE first currency bearing the signa 'tare of B. li. - :Bnucr:, the new colored Re gister,was received at. the Treasury De partment on Tuesday last. Dn. Malty WatitEn • has addressed a communication to the perplexed New 'York Legislature announcing herself as a candidate fur the United States Senate. I I: v. Dn. liENRY liOcK ACRE.; pastor of the Firth. Presbyttirian Church of De 7 troit, has been elected Chancellor bf the Wes - tern I:niversity of Peuns'ylvanla, lo cated at Pittsburg. PEnttArs the General Post Office De partment was never nun on a stricter bus iness system than it is now conducted. Postmaster General JAMBS is a man. of bUsiness in its fullest Sense. - Tni: Secretary of War has mate the a,signmeuts t f 6 - tdi.:ti iccently graduated ft inn West Nint. The list includes thir- - ty-seven regula v appointments and fifteen as unassigned second lieutenants. limn, Superintendent of the Document room of ' the United States Senate, which was under his charge for over a-quarter of a century, died Sunday . at. Franklin Falls, .N; 11.,. aged eighty 19232 GEor:67: MERRILL,- recently elected Commander-in:Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, says .the headquarters will be established at Boston. Comrade OLIVERn is appointed Adju tant General, . Sr.cat7r.kaY l'lnKwoot) proposes to keep the peace in the Indian country by ic , pecting treaty obligations with the tribes, enforcing the law on all who interfere with them in the enjoyment of their legal rights. Put›Aul.sT GAUFIELD Will be the guest pf W. C. SMITH at St. Abatis, Vt., during lie meeting of the Teacher' Institution, hicb . ltegins alttut July s. Ou July 4 l'n itlential party will leave for We 71Immtains._ . IlAmrstintr: Republican Paper elaiMs that tl:c treasury department of that State is one of the most prudently loaliagetl in the IThittd States. The tlausaeliobs last year tunouuted to 100;0111, and thu total expenses fursala liesilcititing; &C., were $.2,000. IT is learned .at the State Department that the report in relatitin to tlie frauds in thc Halifax award will . be completed next week. There is believe that its wuclusiOns will furnish a s.atls -I.tctory basis for the Secretary' of State to negotiation.s regarding the matter. r. Pennsylvania Srliofil Journal •de times that bribery played a prominent part in the recent election of School Su perintendents in various parts of this State. The average price of a Director's vote is set do*ii at $5O. It is charitable 14 h o pe the &Lonl Jo,tr7,al has been im posed upon. Europe,.according to the figures of Mr. EttwAnn ATKINSON' there aro :no ; inhabitants to 1,54(1,802 square miles of territory. In the United States theft are 5o.i1(141,01111 people and 3,04,399 t,ittaremileS of territory. Herein is the t•eoret t f all our happiness aid prosperity. We have room enough. THE Drpartwent of State calls atten tion to the inconvenienre Which natural maYeyperience when return ing to their natiiT country if they neglect to passport;. Without_such proof of ideinity cities native or naturalized, nin lcgit inlat ely claim protection from i . nited States Legaiions or. Consulates. TII E Pennsylvania State Equal Rights I.eit'gne will bold .its seventeenth annual ni , :etilt on the ltith of August next at New Castle, Lawrence county, — Pa. The League si ests that the colored - people of .the State celebrate the recent `passage of the act giving equal rights in the pub lic schools on the 4th of July, asdhe act 4. - les into e ffeet on that date. Ilepubliyan State Gm - in:Mee of Aur - Ana has refused o go into a coalition ith the MAHONE party, and have called a sti aight-ont llepublican State Conven t ion ; to mtct at Staunton on August '24th. Ten. Wiciityot was - elected Chairtium of the State Committee in place Hon. .1,1:N F. I.rwis, who was nominated for Lictitenant Covet - nor by thelleadjt4ters MI Tin-: New York ./.9artiil o runimcrec thinks that this is the age of ship canals as well' as of railroads.. It believes that wrtatever 113 Panamapro jeet, :practically and -moderately expen sive witiks - ; like canals of Corinth, CapeCoa i runt FloridA v.ill be dug befoie . many years, and will prove of immense Lonvenience to commet cc and perhaps protitable tai sliairhold4s. . .• . THE WasniNoTtrs monument, last week teach( 41 a beiglit of; exactly f2OO feet. About thirty ifeet have been ;laded since _ Ltst spring, when work was resnmed. It is thought • that from, thirty to forty feet more will be added before wolk upon will be suspended next winter. When finished the monument will be 51n feet high. The president of the association • has received notice that a stone sent by the King of Siam and one sent by the State _of . Nebraska are on the - way •to ..---__Washington to be placed in the mono= - ment. : • ..kccuuNTs from the Pension Bprcau show that business . is now so crowded . - thero as to render it impossible for the clerical force to keep up with it,.and con sequently the aggregate of unconsidered claims gioWs in volume daily. The time is cumin. , s , ;when it will be necessary for . • the protection of the Government to re ' vise the pension list, and re-examine the thousands of so-called widows. Who are iirrßing pensions. The number of those . who have married is very large, while the number of people oh the pension rolls who are not disabled is also shamefully large. .Congress will be called on to open this (pestle% anti then the country dill .)tr. Altrued at the revalatienftt Which will IT isatated - at the Interior Department that the trouble in the Indian Territory arises mainly from . different interpreta tions of treaty stipulations, and of the permit laws passed by the-Choctaw and Chickasaw Legislatures in 1816 requiring merchants, farmers, mechanics, lOorers, etc., who are citizens of the United" States, to pay a small yearly tax for tlre_privilege of plying ?their different vocations within the limits of these Indian 'countries. THEM?. - ca!t , bil - no doubt about the pop ularity of the postal cards, in view of tl'e fact that over thrge hundred -millions of them hafe . .been sold within - the present fiscal year. They are so cheap and con venient that people use them when they would not think of writing a letter._ In t: o course of time we may expect to have telegraphic cards,.to . be sold at low fig ures, and to be receivable at any office upon which a. message of a specified length may he transmitted. Who, can doubt that such cards would have an ex tensive sale? OWV.OO to the great increase of railroad traffic ou the Pennsylvania railroad be= tween Philadelphia and New York, the management are contemplating the plan of 'introducing a four track system. Since the PeHn:ylvauia company assumed coif trel of his branch in 1872, the road has carried 71,504,715 passengers. Of this number during a period of nine years wily five werekilled, showing a percent age of one killed in every 14,298,943. Thit) is a very remarkable exhibit, and bows the excellence under which the road is operated. As Tim speculative life insurance boom is still Loathing, it has been suggested by the Scranton Republican that the Direc tors 'of the county alms houses, throughout the State place insurances on the lives of the aged paupers for the benefit of these institutions. The plan might be tried in alt public charitable establishments, and if that fact once became known, it would kill the speculative life insurance bill or cure it: Desperate diseases require des perate remedies. -- It is often necessary to fight lire with tire, and tlien, too, is it not largely held-thlit aiueiliu sintilibsseurait-' Fon the fiscal year eliding the .30tli . lust., the, - receipts of the Postoffice .De Partment will be over $39,000,000, or only 1,25000 less than the expense of the Departmcnt. will not belong at this rate of CC , 310114 before the Postoffiee Dc partment.will' be' self-supporting. The question of cheaper postage will ?moil bo in ordoi.. -. If Postmaster .TAMER can main tain the ( theiency o 1 the service, decrease tie late of postage and bring the Depait ment_oa,a self-:upporting basis, lie will earn' the gratitude of the Nation and make hini . Self one of the most popular men in the ly!pilblican party. • . Ot n race horses beat the English horses, anti for the first time in history it may. so , n le come fashionable to "do as the Ann:litmus do" in England. We arc sat- . isiied 'that- nothiiig but successful Aineri ;can' rate horses can bring they result about of England, even if they form au agency powerful . enough. But the recent Americatrt urf victories in "old Albion" se.mis - Ve started what may become a. rage for things American. Already 'tar n:lnv iii has been asked to imitate the patent laws of the United States-rgent,- ly asked—and po , ,sibly may cone y. It is tplittt true that tinder the present Eng lislr'patent laws a great and useful in veetor is tte.tted very much like a public. mil , ance that ought to be suppressed. 1 WORD TO REPIjIILICA%N. There can be • no progress-without conflict, no betterment without tribu lations. The tribulations of . these times - constitute a lesson which ,Re publicans can study with great profit. As!no man ever. quarrels with for tune until fortune exceeds his deserts. so no 'party finds time or occasion to quarrel with itself . until. continued successes affords it leisure to wax fat and kick. There were no family quarrels to speak „ of in the Republi can party during the first ten years f its existence. It was raised up to do a great work, and until the success of that work was assured the party fought with its face 'toward thecom- !nun enemy. Hut signs of internechm- quarrel were noted some 4tenri --before' the war in the party broke' out: - The partv'inherited a great responsibility. It had niitLonly_to build defensed and hold the citadel against traitors, but it had to subsist the garrison. 'lt found a nation rived apart by incur able discords; and it •had to remove the cause of discord. It found an empty treasury and a prostra . te credit and it had to rehabilitate .the latter in order to replenish the former. It found a great people all, unused to .war and-it had to create out of the mass-an army and . navy. It, found. in dustry-prostrate and enterprise Cowed, and it had to build- tip the one and reassure the other. 'Such were,, the rc.pon;ibilities the Republican piirty inherited.' It, was young and inex perience 4. It was plagued with foes in front and bushwhackers in the rear. - But it shouldered its: in heritance of - trouble and marched forward with varying fortunes, never loshigheart in the deepest midnight of tribulation. - At last, it triumphed over all eni taies without. The skies Cleared and the sun shown down upon a land one half of which wiis searred'and fiirrow ed by &sit:in:tire war, ankall of ,which was robed in mourning for the slain. The clamor of ambitious men had been di owned out by the greater clangor of war.' But when that great er clangor was stilled the clamor of ambition was able- to make itself heard, and when-the foe without was silenced the foe within arose and de minded audience of the people. As there is no life except in co,pflict, and as the open and avowed4fiemies of Republican principles retired beaten fro& the field, • Pelice within the victorious party would have been stagnation. -The Party Was.too young and too vigorous' to tolerate stagnii.; tiOn. So we have spent the_ list ten „years in a family quarrel. -It his alarmed Some and utterly diScouraged others, but at no time has there beep cause for alarm or discouragement. Had the'better elements of the party refused the asp of battle there would indeed have been min for afarm. But as a man 1 never so likely to . life an. When be is immi*tiset soicisF - 7 ty'osn not die, so long as It - resists like' influence of disintegration. The pnrtl has had a_ gird, , solid, knock down fight within its own lines. It is, stronger at this hour ban it ever was before. Were it called upon to-morrow to shoulder the inheritance of trouble. which came to it twenty years ago it would make a mach - 4'o4er and more! . .brillidn't campaign. It ha had the ekperienee. in defending against a common foe, and in addition it has learned Low to conquer itself. 'lf -its„ leaders are wise they will now enter: upon a new career. They must purge the Ration of the bad humors engendered by war; purify the-administration of go back . to first.pyinciples aid resist every - attempt to setup expltid ed theories and false methods. place to begin' is right here old WILmoT district, where the. pal:- ty . was born, a lusty babe, whose squall was heard- from the lakes to the gulf and from ocean to ocean. Republicans of Bradford, it is for you to' 'take -the-. lead' in the great work. As you were among the first to rebel against the established wri4pg so you mint be, first among those who again rally around the standards if of right restored to the,estate which the Almighty designed for • it. • You have been long enough on the skir ii'dsli like. .It is-not for yoii-to wait for the advance of the main body. You Must . go back twenty-five years and repeat•---the - stalwart adVance which made - yOu the mark of: all . eyes then. Dra* - the lines as .you drew them then. Perfect your 'Or grinization-ns you did then, determine. to win the reward. of right action as you did then. • The ambitiona of men are of little consequence, and only toleritble as they can be made to sub :serve the patriotic purpose of a pa-. triotic- party. -.Lpse no time. Or-. ganize l by .school districts, and I givti the -weight of ,your example fol. the encouragement of honest, economical IMO REPUBLICAN COCNTY COMMITTEE • In pursuance of the call of its Chair man, E. J. Esq., the Repnblidair County Committee convened at the Grand Jury Rome, in the Court:llOuse, on Fri day afternoon, and was e'd order by the Chairman. The attendance of mem : hers was quite large, nearly all of the 'towns being represented. On motion, J. M. FEY, of .-Atlien, was elected Secretary. On motion, the time for holding the County Convention was fixed for Tues day,•September .6th. . • • : The following resolution Was read and unanimously adopted : Reitolred; That in presenting the name Pi* our Senator, lion. W. T." Davies, as a :candidate for the nomination for the office of State Treasurer, we offer one whose past record is the best guarantee of a -fit and worthy .choie?.• ,By his conduct 4ts a legislator, Mr: Davies has shown a knew ledge of public affairs, :in ability to deal .. _with great questions.and a zeal andScar lesness to discharge his duty which has gained him a recognition throughout the State - as one whom the Commonwealth may fitly - honor. . - • Or] motion lion. GEOEUE LANDON, - J. MoNnos. (.mire, and 0. D. KINNEY, Esq., were elected Representative delegates and A. 31EaetTa recommended as Senato al delegate to the State Convention. Mr. SANdEnsos presented the follow ing resolutions which were adopted : Resolved, That vle heartily approve arid endorse the administration of President Garfield. Psolved, That, we approve of the course of our Senators and Representa tives in the Legislatute during its patit sessiott On motion, the,Chairman was author ized to appoint an executtvcio` committee of nine Members, and also a Treasurer of the Committee. " - - ; OU motion,- a committee Ras also ap pointed to report to the next county con ventioia on the advisability of changing the Basis of representation in County Con4ntion. I On imition the; Committee - adjourned, •subject to call of the Chairman: ocr4:11:con How bas approetl'the la rovicling for the, registration of all pri _, • - titioners iu medicine and surgery: >r ud r its provisions. the Prothonotary of,each county is kequired to keep a honk in which each medical practitioner must re gister his name in. full, the name,: of . the college tliat conferred the degree of doc tok of medicine, and the year it was 'Con ferred. Any per . Son desiring . to commence the practice of inedieineitt this State; and .having a diploma hued by any college or university in another State or country, shall lay the same before the faculty of one of the medical, colleas of "this Cain, monwealth for l inspection,-and being sat: *led of its genuineness the Dean of the faculty shall inde — ise the same. Those; in , iractiee since 1671 in this State without . the degree of doctor Of medifine, shall be allowed to continue such practice, , but mist register with the Prothonotary. The cost of registration is a dollar. The penalty for -practicing medicine'. without complying with tho requirementS of this act is a fine of one hundred dollars or a year's'imprisimmept in the county jail, or both at the discretion 'of' the court. The act took effect froni the date of Zits approval and is 'now in force. Under its provision's it,will be impossible- to do bus,. iness . wity bogus diplothasi and quackery will become scarce in Pennsylvania. THE news that the American tobacco crop has increased eighty per cent. within the past decade is a piece of intelligence well calculated to excite mingled feelings of satisfactionand regret, remarks the Philadelphia .26rth American. Of course it is a good thing that the productive re 'sources of the country are thus being do. velOped ; but an increased supply means an increased demand and a greater con sumption, and" if all we hear of the bad effects of tobacco upon those who use It is true, this is a circumstance deeply io= be deplored.. Our regrets, however, may be mitigated by the fact that if more tobacco is used now than ten years ago, there are also more pepplo to use it, and besides, the evil effects of which we bear so much are not visible to any Maiming degree. Ttm Atlanta: constitution reports.lndge Q. A. Locimmir, of that State, u say ing : "You want a point. The . son - of old Aux LINCOLN will be President of these United States, Do I know him? I do, and hes - a - man with the same won derful magnetia that father - bid. You Wyk out r LIACOLL" 'STILL ItALLINTIFifIT: Tbe deiul-lock inthe begis latPra'stilVool4taues;* daringl4 o past ; *etiklbeivi bait been nool4l . lo.;change the vote ..for: Senators, -from , previous iti , ,tite--_,Grand Jury ftui snlndietusent:agabisi :Senator . BEB,- iioNBloltibeyy. It is thought that the: trial will t cip.o Off untiLthe fall term: of the :t:ourt •of. Sessions. The Senator gaim bail in the SUM of 43,000 for bia sip- Yearauen, . On the evening .of the 1 28th, - the StalWarts and Fait-Breeds hatchiong donsuit4jou, but reached no conclusion. It is turnered that a preposition was sub mitted at the conference 'to unite on CONNE4G and DEPEW, but, the propos': tiou-met with but-little favor. It Is : also reportcd that ex-Vice 7 Prcsideut t.En favored the proposal, as the easicot way for:the warring , factious to get out of the present difficulty. Tim ballot on, -..Tuesday resulted as follows. For coN,n ',mu's place w PorrEti, .19 • WHEELER, 4 1 , 42 ; ; LAPHAM, 17 ; riOGEMS, - I ; FoiAiiss ;Aluowlpr, 6; CORNELL, 3; JouN ROACH, 1; Cuowukv,. 6. For PLATT'S 10.4C0 : DEPEW,- 50 ; • KERNAN; (191 PLATT, ; ConNtta.., 9 ; TREMAIR," ; CROWLE - k, 6 ; Larnior, 3 ;.11ossta - s; 1; WunElim, is • • : ~ 'Govt.ltugot HOYT has vetoed the.Judici aty . Bilit pOsed by the : late Legislatpre In his TO.O the Governor says : - - - "Theie is now a universal' recognitiOn of the inextediency of the great increase of judges in the Courts of Common Pleas hindering their efficiency and affecting the dignity 'of the judicial office ; and by imposing duties andlabors upon them in Many of the districts, tending to lower public estimate of their functions. The' number of law judges in Pennsylvania exceeds the number of the judges in all the Courts of the 'United States, -and the salaries of the judgesin - the State exceed :The midis paid the Supreme -- Judges, the gCircuit tidges, and, the District Judges ;of the 1.7 ited States by,rpore than $lOO,- , 00 annually. Its any tendency to impoli- tic and inconvenient results exists in the judiciary article of the cuns'itittion, ve can, at.least, minimize thelmischief by a rigid adherence to the definitions and lim 7 'stations of the article." , . . . The Governor,' however, bases his Con-, ititutional objection to the bill on - the fact that it makes separate judicial dis tricts of each of the, counties of Beaver,. Greene, Jefferson, Lawrence and Leba non, each of which has less than 40;000 • population, which is required under 'the, Constitution. App - Med to the veto mes sage is the- followinh plan of judicial or kanization, which is understood - , to be i based on,suggestions made by members of the Supreme Court. The proposition laas been unanimously indorsed by that. body. It is as follows : •• • Every r five contiguous districts May ho formed into an intermediate one, call it if you please, a circuit, the live Presi. dent 'Judges to form the 42ourt. No writ of error lie to the t.i!pretne Court from any county court' unless first_ carritid to the intermediate court and Una] judgment there entered. It could be so arranged that these intermediate courts should sit-twiee a year at such place as they may frorn time to time elect, the Prothonotary of rho Court of Common Pleas offlie county where the court may sit to belle Clerk of :the ;Court; Some special kovision may be made of Phila delphia n7,pd Allegheny. Iu Philadelphia the fourTresilent Judges might form the court and in Allegheny the three Presi dent Judges. • • - The advantages of this system seem to • 1. To_reduce the number of writs of er ror and appeals to the Supreme Court and thus allow the Judges inure time to consider and decide really. important questionti..' In 18$70 there. were more than 800 cases argued in the Supreme Court and about 200 non-suits. 2.-It would taxi to secure uniformity, Of practice in the several districts. . • :.;. It would give nfore - cOnstant employ 'molt, which will the better qualify their for their,office: 4. There would be - k additional ex pense to the State. • A GRATIFYINO indication _of the sta bility _in business centres is afforded in the rapidly decreasing number of commercial failureS. Until the millenni um shalrarritie, there will of Course be more or less of suspension, due sometimes to unforeseen contingencies 'and .not in frequently to rash speculations ou limit ed capital ; and therefore it must be ad milted that for the whole. of the l United States and Canada, with the gigantic in terests invollied, only sixty-five failures_ in the past week may be taken as a proof . of a healthy state of trade: The .volume of commerce may not be as heavy as could be wished, but sound and profitable com merce is preferable to an inflation which might prove ruinous in the end. The pulse -of the Nation beats regularly, if slowly, and that hinicates- health. THERE are but three President Judges on the bench in this State who Were elect ed when the judiciary were first elected by the people in 1851, thirty years ago. They arc Judge PEARSOI, of Harrisburg, Judge ALLISON, of Philadelphia, and Judge FlsttEu, of York, two - Republicans and one Democrat. Of the ten candidates on both the Whig and DemoOratic tickets for Supreme Judges voted for that year, only JEREMIAH S. BLACK and J.t. - stEs CAMPBELL on the Democratic ticket, and JOSHUA COMLEY on the Whig, are now living, CAMITELX., Democrat, was beateu by Cour;Trn,' Whig. Four Democrats were ejected. THE citizens of Bethlehem have been tormented for long time by the goats and cows which are permitted to roam at will through, the streets, and a few days ago a petition was presented to Councils asking thatihe ordinance relating to stock ruunieg,at large be. enforced. This bad. the desired effect, but the owners of the -animals were then- dissatisfied, and a few have banded together for the purpose of boycotting the signers of the petition. A notice Was prepared and posted in several parts of the town calling on the working men - to pass by the men who have at 'tempted to . take away the-rights of the poerhy suppressing the cows, and goats. THE decrease in the populatfon of Ire land, as by the census just taken by the British authorities, may be regard en as-the natural result'of the land mo nopoly prevailing in that country under British auspices, and as not likely to be arrestet% by any measures short of com plete''' delf-government for the Wand, which of course will never e willingly be conceded by the English Parliament, as the preceding reform bills fcii Ireland have entirely failed to reach the masses of the Irish people or to improve their condition. ATF.CittIiEY GENERAL MACVRAGR says that the . S;tar route thieves are to be pros ecuted and punished if found guilty. Last ;week he told DORSEY that lie - was going lo send him to the penitentiary. It la un derstood* that there are eighty-nine in dictments to be framed against him, and nearly asmany against BRADY, -with au armload relating to the contractors them selves. The thieves, as they. are ;now Galled, bays taken the alarm and are rsils in7g aline stud of . money for their de= . Some of tlie hest legal talent itas boso retained to dotond thorn. , _ _ . . Witai9k,HEBADON, the laW ply,!*! s 4 I one timit',OCUlßAuAg 1 4 240 g .s , 41 44 in affluelit'*/t uni4lla qt , t s * II IAPF I t ei: in SPrillitigol*litlwirO i F m * i of speeek,o4'ifin f Oinif bi -144 )400*o bf his professki4 tut: betneet strong It% petite and free: . seelidAa'bitti,*ifica4, addicted to diink, sunk into dtigra+ttldn jand is now a public Charge. rrfintl4l.:ii SHALL, once famous for his learning, his vivid imagination ' and „brilliant ',oratory. was . ,also -a victim of 'rum. And how •nmny others of like genius'at the haF,' in 1 the counting room, the workbhop auti the held, have fallen by the.same influence. I - A borriesr has been waged for Be6eral weeks bevreen parties of, the Lehigli.Val, ley. and Philadelphia and Reading roads as to which .could ship theTheaviest load of ceil on au 00A -wheeled ear.l,The Reading Paity led o ff with a lO;id'of / ,19.05 tons, which 'was followed by'22.lo_ 'tons, Caving loaded on a Lehigh Valley' 'car. This, was bir4tan by the Reading partY,l4 a load of 22.10 tens, but on Saturday last a Lehigh Valley car was loaded at the , • Packer colliqy, in the Miihataiy region, tipping tbe,bo , ain at-20.17 tons, leaving -the other Fatties so far behind that they will probably not make any further at teni it. ;. ' THE Press is after the gambling !pines and Itlayo lirsa, the Democratic " form" ,Mayer of Philadelphia,' with a very shah stick. .It says : ."The enforcement of the Sunday liquor law In Philadelphia is afake, and Mr. - Kum probalily cannotiircient the fact any more than Mr.ISTO.w.- LET could. The latter, however, did enfoit'ea the statute against gaming. Will ids successor do so much',.. e • • Those RepubliCans who vi•ei : seduc,eil to vote for Mr. KANO , Cop the- 'ground of the'great "reforms " ho Would• introduce are. having the wool pulled Way from their eyes with astonishing rapidity. . Ri..vorrrs of the tobacco- crop given out, by the .Census Office. state - that in this culture Kentucky occupies the ,lirst 'posi tion, produciug 36 per cent. of the total amount. Virginia comes next and Penn sylvania third, having advanced from. the twel r fth position. The average yield per ucre' is 731 pounds, varying from 1,599 ..; pounds in Massachusetts to 471 in N '. h Carolina. The following was the ,yi ld and per acre for 1880 of,the three 'eat i"_ States : ' Kentucky, total, 171,1t51,1' pointis, per-acre, 75h 'pounds Virginia; 80,099,838 . p0nnd5 t p x'acre,• 573 poimds ;. Pennsylvania, 30,0 - 7,772 . pounds, per acre, 1,340,1 ounds. Trut marrow of the Indian question NVIUI laid bare by the sharp'mental tomahawk of, a young Creak Indian at Carlisle, Pa.,. 1 the other day, says this ,Advertiser, when. ho stood up before an American audimice -himselt denied citizenship—and said: " The:,edueation whick we are gettingi here is'not like our land Hit is something! which . 'cannot be stolen nOr bought frbml A. keener rebuke has never been uttero ialhe English larignage. It em-! boiliqS the history of a century of wrongs. and • recognizes the. only reparation that •entahas—education, citizenship." EMI A :LAMn meeting of. gentlemen con nected with the oil trade -was held in Pittsburg last week. .A raters' associa tion, or union, for mutual prOtection.Was organiied.. 'lt is said that the policy of the union will be a defensive rather than an aggressive one, but that it will be opi posed to the workings of -the Standard Oil Company. - • COMPTROLLER of the Currency KNox has addikssed a circular to casbiers i of tional Banks. With a view of obtaining as accurate ar4estimate as possible of the re], spectiVe proportions of business done) through such banks'hy the use of actual money and by the use of checks, drafts and certificates. DutuNo a heavy thunder stor at Wilkes-Rarre' on Sunday the court house; the" Central Railroad depot; and the Stanton air shaft were struck by Fight ning,and injured, In the farming districts the damage vas considerable. . -------- . Amendments to the Game Law. . The following are the hill texts of severll amendment; to the general game law, which *were- 'passed - by the last legis l aturel and have been 'ay provedby the governor :. A . supplement to an act to-amend and -cOnsolidate the. several: acts relat= ing to garne.atid 'game fish, approm ed the third day of June, 1s78; changing the:time for.,the hunting and killing dear, squirrels, rabbits, wild turkeys, pheasants and prairie chicken. That the first section 'Of the act to Which this is a supplement shall. be so =fended as to read and be as fol lows Tlytt no person shall kill . Or pursue in any part of this state, any elk or wild deer, save only, froth the first day of October in any. year, to the thirty-first day of December next following, and no person shall have in his or . her 'possession or offer for sale or transport any elk, wild deer, antelope or. fresh venison, save only from the first diy of October in any year, to . the .thirty-first day of De cember 11, cat following.. No. person . shall at any time kill any fawn . , when in its spotted coat, or havii the of akiy such fawn in his-or her possession.No person shall Pur sue any elk or Wild deer with doge in any part of this•state, or shall kill in the water any elk, or wild deer or fawn which has been driven thereto by -dogs. Any person offending 1 against any of the provisions of tips section, shall be deemed guilty of .a misdemeanor,:and shall be liable:to a penalty of anydollars,,for each elk, will deer or fawn so Allied or pursued, or trapped, or fretifiTelk,Wild deer, antelope, or fawn skin, had in' his or lier possession, and mayibe prof ceded ageing in any county of the state wherein he may be arrested, haying the same in his or her posses sion ; and proYided also; that any dogs pursuing.- elk, or wild deer; or fawns, may be killed by any person, and any constable or other town official may kill any dog that habitu ally pursues elk, wild deer or fawnS,' and the owner.} of such dog shall be, liable to a penalty 'of ten dollars, for each elk, wild deer'or fawn killed by such*dog. ' That section.: twenty-five of thci act, to amend and donsolidate the several acts relative to game and game fish explanatory of the samemproved June. 3, 1878, be and the same - is hereby amended to. read as follOvis "No person shall byntiy mina or device whatsoever' odell - or kill in any of the waters of thiii state,' any black bass, green :bass,"keltoty baSs, willow basa, rock bats,: Lake Erieor grass bass, pike, or. picketeli'or Wall eyed pike cointnonl,y ktiown as!Sus quehanna salinon, between the !first day of danuaryAnd' , day or lune, dw nor ell' oe kill any of said !species of fish at any time.dur. -. . 11 . 4,, it .th yea r, ., Sayie r:. on , lPlrt.„, - a - - . ...64 . _ 4. Iwo "rt d line. --Any viola .othis - • i" •,.. • •'-• '• - . .00911. 0411 521104 the '4l;eoder-',.tO fejohhi, It . .**Aeti dollars fOiatil(o4itt. ' Wire*Wpitlii44 - ,otia sChtl* 01,0iptf.hPply'-tothdWaterS',Of -Utke. 1 1 ,1014 4 eitiiiitit:'.14.)144hClif#00 -t?.1 1 :.; : ....the Blind ;or peninsula forming tlie4toftli . - and east shores of the harbor Ottrie. .- •. That - no person shall ;at liny,..tiane , catch,: take, kill or have in.: his or her possession- after the same his Bien. killea,i any speckled trout or Califor -nia,MOtnitain troul, for sale lesE) than [lire inches in length, and it shall be unlawful for any person to fish: in M,gream-in thikcotamonwealth for •a. ix period } or -three years . - in - Which lgrOlt 1T015...11111/.e.:bcTn--...P1a004 by the fish commissi oners of the state, under a penalty:of twenty dollars as, provided for in section thirty.-six of :net 'Of assembly. approved - June 3; -1478 ;-, provided, public. notice has been given of said, ,planting •at thei time 'n any newspaper published in the unty- where said streams ., are loci ti for-the-period of three. eeks. That it.sliall be unlawful for any persOn or per Sons to take, catch or ill any the suaquehanna and - - Juniata rivers from sunset on Satur-. :day' till:•sunrise : on Monday of any week - during the run °timid fish' from 'Mach 15* to June 25 .of each year, bu fishing shall be permitted for i said WI from Monday at sunrise till - Saturday at Sunset'of each - week - dur- . insaid time with seine o r seines, -1 ne or nets, not less than four and i on dialfinclies in thenalesh,..measur- ed! from knot, to knelt diagonally; ' that if any person or persons violate the provisions of this section during the close time any fish -warden, con stable or slierifrot any county in said commonwealth is' lterebp-empoivered t. l ! arrest'the offender or offenders on stg . ,lit and. confiscate all scale or seines, net, .or nets, boator boats of any kind, and implements of fishing outside of 'any ittielosnre used in Con nection with the same, and - sell the lame at public auction and :Ippropri 7 ate the premeds less expenses to the Achool fund . of said district where the 'violation occurs ; and .the same. pen ,alties of fcirfeiture shall apply to any 'person or persons who shall employ 'or tise in. any 'Way whatever any gill lor drift, seine or seines, net or nets at any time, and in addition to the for feitures aforesaid the person of per - sons so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanoromt• upon conviction shall befined not .exceeth ing $5O and imprisoned in the county' jail for not less than three months or both - or either at. the.. discretion of the court trying. the same. That section third of the act to which this is a supplement to read as follows : No person shall kill or ex pose for sale or have in his Posses: , sion after the same has - been killed, any .. .hare, commonly called rabbit, between the first day ofJanuary and the first day of November - in any year under a penalty of $5 . for pack and every hare or rabbit so killed or exposed for sale or had in ; his . pos session. '-.No person shall 4unt or cause or permit the hunting of hares or rabbits with a ferret -or ferrets under a penalty of $lO for each and . every hare and rabbit caught or kill ed ,by mesas of a ferret or ferrets. All acts or parts of acts which are inconsistent with this act be and the same ate hereby repealed. .. Approved June 10, ISq. IlEx KY ,M..110171'. To amend part of. an act entitled an act to. amend and consolidate-the `, . several acts:relating:to game and game fish. : . _ That section -, fifteen of the actin . titled nn act to amend and consoli date the several acts . relating to game and . gam e fish, approved J tine 1 3, IS7 t 4, which provides as fellows, namely : " Nc i i-perion shall kill, batch or dis charge any firearms at any wild . picrettit while on its nesting ground or break up or 'in .any manner dis turb - such nesting ground or the birds thereon! or discharge any fire •arms within one-fourth of a mile of such nesting place of any wild ; pigeon or Pigeens l or shoot at, maim or kill' _ any wild pigeon or pigeons within their roostings under a' penalty'of twenty. dollars; provided, That no person except citizens_- of this com monwealth shall trap or 'catch wild pigeons with nets in any of the coun ties of this commonwealth, unless he ' shall have first ;taken out a licenSe from tie county treasurer, in the county 'in which said pigeons are found, for which , license he shall pay the sum of fifty dollars for the use of said -county, under a penalty of one hundred dollars ; and provided furth er that no person . shall at any time. Or placo - witum this state kill or take any wild pigeon with any net, trap or snare, nor; set any-Such. net, trap Of snare for the purpose. of taking or killing any,Of saidpigeons*.xlitiing the nesting season,nor-shall any . Per son sell or expose for' sale any of the 'said, pigeons after the Same shall have been so taken or killed, under ii penalty of ten dollars. for each bird so taken," be and the same is hereby amended so that it shall - read. asfol lows : . .- . . No person shall kill or take an) wild pigeon or squab while on its nesting or roosting ground or bteak up Or in any manner disturb such nesting' or roosting ground or• the birds thereon, or kill. or catch with gun; net; or trap or otherwiie take. Or destroy anyksuch pigeon or pigeons within one. mile of any nesting or roosting . ground, or diSeharge any firearms within , one mile of any nest ing or roosting ground under a pen alty of fifty dollars ; provided, That no person except eitizens'of this com monwealth shall- trap or catch wild pigeons -with nets in any of the coun ties of this commonwealth unless he shall 'have first taken out a licenie from the county treasurer of the county in which said pigeons arc found,for which license he shall 'pay 'the' sum of fifty dollars for the use of said county under" a penalty of ,one -hundred - dollars. ApproVed June • HENRY M. - H9YT. ' Severe Kahl, and- Wind Storm in Kansas. e fcrirra., Kansas, .Tine 27,—One of the; heaviest rain and wind storms, accompanied bYjiall, passedover this section on Friday night thatwas ever known. • - rive inches .of 'water fell during the night, and a section of country ten ".niiles' wide 'by twenty miles long; in'the Arkarisas . rive'r val ley, west of here; suffered great:dam- - age. - Tho.uSitids of acres of wheat, Corn and . oats were cut down to a level with the ground by the hail: Even, 'the' prairie grass , was mown .9tehards . and , grape 'vines . Were _corapietely .stripped of, fruit. The wheat,,just:stacked; was soaked thrOtigh, and 'roiluy . buildings, were Seriously injured.' " E. Pendergast *4 killed by, - the:' lightning while standing at tt Windoi in Another btorrn,:fiCarlY as severei *10! :Over - ib same section " Sat=Sa .diy - and aid 'Considerable daniags,.. - . us cow. 'Scientific. ISpeeniatients ea itellature an*ldtnifitr.":;- The estroncimera =appear tO he ali at; sea regarding 'the identity. of the comet which became first visible on Wednesday morning of last week; and is now visible at all hours of the night in the northern_ heavens._ co casionally one tbinksit may be the comet of 1847, though most agree _that it cannot be, as the return .of that one_hr not espected for a thous and-years or so yet, though its orbit and appearance are much Op same. Sonic suggest that it may be the 1812 cornet, - but most authorities agree that it is a newt visitor to , our unit. verse. The prevalent o Moving away from e earth and inion is that ttl it is the sue, but that it ill be visible and oven increase in rightness for some time to come. .I,IIOF. SKINNER'S 011SERVATIONS. WASHINGTON, June 26.—A very satisfactory , observation was taken at the. naval observatory of the.. comet. It will take two more observations to discover its elements. • The observation makes it certain that it is one of the most brilliant comets !on - record.. 'Whether. it is also. a comet which has tieen seen be fcre, oil- is- now for the first time be tween the eartband the sun, has not yet, been determined. Professor , Skinner's description of the comet represents the entire body of light as taking something the shape of npar abola. The nucleus is not at the 'extreme I end, but . perhaps a degree back from the end, in the tail:. The light -sin (front 61' the nucleus is ,yery, bright, but ndt so biight as that ini-: mediately behind its Further down the tail the. light-is" so apparentlhat stars can be seen through it. The length of the tail is about eight de grees. • -, 1 , . ! The comet in twenty minutes mov .. ed three minuteg- of an arc, And in one hour nine minutes. It has mov ed ten ' l legreesnorth . since its first discovery. ?rofessor Skinner's opin , ion is that it does - not go below the horizon .at all, but . about touche*jt at midnight It . was plainly seen "until after daylight "yesterday morn it ' ff. - • in In - 1858,. when. D'Onati's comet ' assednear the bright star Arcturus, it wasAuring the evening equal to it n brightness, and yet during the day, while Arct,nru i s could be easily seen in the telescope, the comet was totally invisible.- . The 'present comet is equally; bright, although the tail has not yet developed equal length or, brightness. On examining the nucleus" with a 'high poiver there was Jubacrved the peculiarity of abright spot within the coma, southeast of but entirely separated from the nu cleus, and much resembling -What is: Called.a ‘,4gliost," being diffused and without "a: central nucleus of RS own .Whether this: indicates _a temporary condensation of the-coma in that. par ticular place or a , permanent separa tion which will increase, as in the division - of Biela's cometot few days will probably determine.. It is regarded as one of the : most remarkable features, of the. comet that it should have burst- intoview in all its splendor. That is an anus unl circumstance,' and one which has already been seized upon by the re viealists,and is being made the most Of al.. many protracted meetings. Mini are already - being predicted, and one ex stable lady called at the war office to urge ' , upon Secretary Lincoln c4pecial vigilance.. -• ki:s t's DAYLIGHT BY PROF. BOSS, OF. DUDLEY OBSERVATORY. i ALBS:NY, ',Tune 26.—Professor Boss director of the Dudley observatory, 'located in the suburbs of Albany, says . he,. plainly obserted the new comet at 4 o'clock yesterday morn ing .in broad daylight, although the sun was not then up. It is definitely decided by Dr. Boss that this is not. the comet-of 1812. It is moving nearly in; the track of the-comet of-1807, which it resembles in general appearance, but is not at all likely" to be identified with that comet, which is•not expected for one thousand years to come. It is, how ever, pretty" certain to prove the comet which was seen in South America in the_ beginning of JAne. That comet was-moving north at a rapid rate and -at the same right as cension at, Which this is locateq. The appearans,e at 2 AI M. when the sky aroimd . it vias for . a moment quite t ele:lr, was splendid beyond anything which has been - seen since 185 S, the year' of IrionatN comet. The head was of extraordinary bril liancy, and the tail spread . out like a fan 'toward - the north pole fully twenty degrees in spite,of thoclouds. The tail was. three degrees_broad in the widest part seen through the tel escope.- The appearance was fairly dazzling. . . - - There was a bright nucleus twenty minutes in diameter anal of wonder ful intensity. From this, in -direction of-lle sun, tufts - of rays- . projected graofully drooping on either side laf the nucleus, giving it an ap pearance of a . fountain jet. The whole telescope field was'filled with luminous matter, and a multitinle of fine traceries were expoied. . . Prof.. Boss conjectures that the _comet has I passed its nearest' poinl, to the earth, as it certainly has:its nearest point to the sun. It Will probably appear this 'evening • in the northwest; grow fainter in a tow days anti then pass-rapidly but of view.. MEASUREN.II:NTS-AT JIABVARD UM:VEIL . .1 . - - BOSTON, Jnne comet con tinues to be the centre of attract:len t , although moil. people a re' disappoint .ed that it does not _.girow. brighter. The obseriration last night at the llarvard ITAiversity was very •suc- Cessful. Since the same hoar night before-last it has receded from the earth four degrees. It appeared to be about 69,00ti,0()6 miles from the sun and 29,000,000. miles from the earth. The dtmenAons computed by the astronomers, which show the diameter of the nucleus to be 1,000 miles, the, diameter of the coma 12,000 and the length. of - the tail 4,000, leave no doubt in their minds that it is the ypmet'of 1807. GROWING SAALLER AND BRIGHTER. ROCHESTER; N. Y., June 26.—Di rector Swift, Of the Warner observ atory, lays the new comet grows smaller and brighter in the - nuelens, showing that it is approaching the sun. The head is active and the tail does not obscure the stars. He thinks it will be visible several weeks. He cannot yet detertni he if the, comet was ever before seen. Great activity is apparent in its head: It rises earlier every night. There are ncpr nearly a dozen•clakmants for the two hundred dollar prize. Itla expected that speetroseopti examinations, now for the first time possible, will reveal much of the physical character of comets. • , 17771 Eai The ressleat Servile*. WASHINGTON, June 27,—Mr. Bent ley, Commissioner of Pensions, sur rendered his office to his successor, Colonel Dudley, this afternoon.: 'fore leaving, he made the following statement as' to the condition in which he would leave the office, and as to the future of the pension ser- vice: The number of new pensions granted during the year will be about 25,000, exclusive of the war of 4812 pensions. This is an increase of more than sixty per cent. over the nnmber granted_ last year. A por- tion of the increase is accounted for by the fact that we have A bandied a very large number of new claimsdur ing the year, rimy of which were gun-shot wounds, or foi, some disease of which there was a - record. This ailment will enter most - largely into the work of next year,. - and continue to increase the numberof annual set tlements until the claims are pend ing, but not yet reaches' for adjust ment, have been gone over. - After that the work will' again fall back into its usual course. The settlement next year ought to reach. from 45,000 to 50,000. First—There are probably from 5,000 to 7,000 cases on the files ready, or nearly so, for the issue of the certificates. Second—Thece will be an increase of the examining force, including that relieved from the work upon the new records, equal to nearly fifty per cent. _ . Third—Thefe will be a large in crease in the number of - special agents,Which, under the law as mod ified last winter, ought considerably. to increase the number of claims which *ill he settled. These advard i nges, together with .the character of the claims before re- , ferred to, ought to nearly; if 'mot quite, double the number of allow ances. We have exhausted the pension .appropriation this -year 306.08) and have been compelled to carry over into July nearly all the May and June, settlements ? I think they .will require for the! first pay ments about $5,000,000. This added to the expected increase in the set tlement next ye..r will run !the' . abount for next year up to nearly' r quite $90,000,000,:so there will be re quired for the pension next year an appropriation of $40,000,000 in addi tion to the $50,000,000 already .up-. propriated. New claims continue to dime very rapidly. There have been filed this year upward of 0,000 .ew, original claims. • Railroad Accident in Mexico. MEx TEO, June- 25.—A•whole' train on the Marks Railroad4mbled into . the river last 'night, at • n Antonio, near Cuantlai , by-the - gifing way of a . stone bridge. Nearly. 200 were kill ed and a great many wounded, mostly soldiers. Further details are unob 'tainable until to-morrow. ' Further particulars of the bridge accident on the Marks. Railway state that part of the train was loaded with aleohol..• This set fire to the wreckage and• everything was con sumed. ' One—bundred and ninety-two priv ates and thirteen officers were killed outright or slowly roasted to death. Fifty other persons were. fatally or eriously injured. The bridge was known .to be un safe, but was _nevertheless continued in . use. The road was first opened on the .28th inst. v. Only sixty persons ()011ie train cs-• mped alive, and of these forty were injured. Many of the wives and children of the soldiers were -among the killed and injured. The ;disaster occurred at eleven, o'clock at night, as the trainovhich was:a long one, drawn by two en gines, Was paSsing over thowooden bridge. For a. moment after the -plunge all was darkness. one hundred barrels of brandy, load ed on two of the vans, caught and the burning fluid inundated the mass of passengers struggling in the ruins. Only . a few, who were not disabled or kopelessly, wedged in the timbers, escaped. The dead and living were wrapped in a slicet of flame, nd were slowly burned' before, the eyes of tile survivors, who were linable to save them.. . ME.mco, June 28.—The govern went of Morelos is !itforrneil. officio!. . ly that• the railroad accident was caused by an officer, who apprehend ed a .desertion of the soldiers, by .compelling, with a pistol in hand, the engineer- to, go forward . in •spite of the opposition the.latter made on ac - Count-of the heavy rain and dark-, ness. . Both were ' saved and have been arrested. AMoni , the dehd are thirty-seven women and children. A 'Rernarkable Sight. ALBANY,.Jgne 27.—Froth the Dud: ley Observatory early this morning the comet : presented a remarkable sight. The tail spread out into two well-defined branches, enveloping the north star. The eastern branch ran up, pasiing about two and it half de grees east: •of Ake north star, and shooting op toward the zenith fully forty .degrees. The,. outer branch shot up 'MI the west for at lea4,,thir ty-five degrees, being about, five de grees- astronomically south-west of the pole star. The: . diameter of the nucleus is :decreasing. l'rofessor Boss states positively that the comet is the same seen in South America ,on-JUne 1) by Prof. Gould. Furious Storm In Wait'!onion WAsurNovos,June 27.—A thrinder, storm of unprecedented fury swe pt over the city to-night. The Opera', House, City-Mall, and a large num ber of residenees were unroofed. Many shade trees were prostrated and considerable damage was done to . the fire alarm and other telegraph wires. . The cellars -in the southern: portion of the city were flooded. The damage to property in this city and. Georgetown is estimated at - from $75,000 to $lOO,OOO. Anxiety is felt for . the safety .of several. excursion boats, - which ,left . this evening, well filled with passengers, for. points down the river. Large Fire at Tombstone, Air/sons.' TOMBSTONE Arizona, June 23. The fire here TOMBSTONE, one hundred and fifty buildings, including a large part of the business' portion of the place. Loss $230,000. Eight hun dred people are homeless. The build ings were mostly cheap and of a temporary character. The fire orig inated in a saloon, from the.opeuing of a barrel of whiskey, the fumes of which' communicated with a cigar. lighter. T.he water was scarce, and as there were no fire enginei, little could be done to check the times. There were a few accident% but no serious ones. • • Timitilliemples Itpeaks. nterest. AusitTowN, June 2L—John' Gy umber, the great sleeper, has spoken at last for the first time since admit ted to , the Poorhoise, one hundred and thirty-five days ago. He is not, as, was supposed, an -Hungarian, but a native of Selavonia. All that he said was ,: "Ito senem," after a flow er had been banded to him last night, which-means : " ktluink you," and "Ia nemseze hutoriz,. lem posocki," which was uttered in response to a question put to him by his attendant, and' means: "I- cannot speak the Hunprian,languagd, but the Sela vonic. ' His attendant_ has urged him all day tct talk, but be took no notice of his solicitations. His con dition is such that be will be able to give, his . whole history shortly. Ile is passionately fond of cherries,- and. goes alone to the trees and pick them ofT the lower branchesi being closely watched by his attendant. When the.flower was given bin: he , Wept bitterly, as though laboring uu der some weighty grief., CINCINNATI, June 28.—The steam er PhactOn, racing with the steamer Handy, four miles up - the river, this afternoo, exploded: her\ boilers ; which were• torn to piece The The • chimneys thel,.Handy were bloWn off. Both boats l wreNfilled with pas. sengers. The stearmcr ,Wildwood has gone to the rescue. The-engineer and. three other em ployes were. killed. A passenger,. name unknown, is supposed to he.: lost. The fireman was fatally, and 1 four cabers slightly injured. • .The Phaeton was a' small vessel in the local trade between Vanceburg and Manchester. 111111sige,ori.P. Mckshals. WASIIINaTON, dune 28.--.1:1 1 ,! toes- • tion having been raised regarding the mileage of ;United States Mar- , shals, the 'First Comptroller lecides that constructive mileage, or v.rits itrapSmitted to and servelt be depu- - ;ties,. and mileage for travel not nec essarily perforuied, are prOhibited. The Marshals are entitled to hit one— mileage Dirsuminoning witnesses on the part of: the United States, when several snlipcna.S have been issued 'for witnesses residing in one locality.- • The decision authorizes the account ing officerS of the Treasury to revise : the accounts of the officers and.clerks Of the codas of •the United States, notwithstanding their approval -hy the proper cart. The statute auth- . orizing such Pvision the Comptroller holds is inic nstitutionai. • Juni!, Greer was to4lay shot and killed n Morgan county. Ky.; by a man, nain ed doekerell.' 'The murder era= the seildel of five murders. one to aurae: the other. Cockerell had a, son, who • killed three personS and was himself killed by Greer sixmontbs ago. Cock ereil and all the women of the family have been going :firmed for tiftimr-. pose of shooting Greer,. IA hd never~ :went of j . 4 his yard until to-A, when he was.shot while working. in a fit4l. ST. .Locis,iJiine 27.=-Dispatelfe , from Kansas - city, Mo., say that the body-of the man - found in*.theriver the're last -Friday turns ,out: to he tli4t of the Rev., Sidney M. Stray. who was expelled from the- ministry: l by the Presbytery at Glens Fall-, N. Jutie• 14, for - shooting his Wife some time ago at Warrensbuni, where he was pastor of a fashionable church, and who afterwards confess• ed sundry allegations of adultery. lle had recently resided in Leaven worth, where he held a positiop t, boOkkeeper, but op -reecivinga letter stating that his brOther hnd started West with the avowed intA•n tioh• of 'shooting him.he leftleaven- . worth, changed:his name and ihtend- • ed to secrete, hiniself somewhere. At Kansas city, it is supposed, he took to drink and drowned himself. - NEW YORK, June 11., Williams, who , says- he resides in Philadelphia, was arrested this even on the charge of swindling and for gery, He forged- the names of 1). Appleton, Wm. Appleton and George Monroe, and many grocers, dry goods dealers_ and cigar -men havc been vic timized I.)y him, by changing wont y, which proved to be counterfeit. Par: ties gave ; ehahge to the mesz•en , :cr emptpyed for, the purpose. 'William , wore a bade upon which were the words "Peteeth:e police." - As . tonSiderable Inisappreliton seems to hace•arisen as tothe titrie for squirrel shooting . it isH,deeme.l timely to publish the law ouLthe - till , - ject, which is as follows,: . 2—No person: shall kill or expose for sale or haVe in his'or lie possession after the same has been killed aby grey; black or fox Squirrel between the first day of January awl the first day of Selitember• in each "year under a penalty of five dollars for each and every squirrel so . killed, exposed for sale,or had in'possession. This -section ,ifs from the, fi - dt 'to. amend and. co ohdate the several .acts relating. to game and. game fish, approved the third day of Juni, u. 1x: S. There was not auy general law.passed in 1 , 479: the I;e ! :-islature did not _ meet in:10 and the supple ments passed in.l.Ksl do not change this section of the net or in,re: lation elhe time for shootihg gquir• rels. Mattawan the 011110. ve Murders tin/elite. of a Moister A Swindler and Forger Arm.',led The Thite for Squirrel ShOililow. 131=1:1 Tit E Boston Pilot' says :, - St. Jacobs 4 )il stands NS ithout an equal. 'enl AtiveTtioentents. FRENCII'S QN THE European Plan, opposite the City NO% c.etrt and new l'.•-4 office. N v.W YOun. itt nut This hotel I%ts all ittodetu Itavr , e• melds. lucluding Ele%ator%, Iti:ittilt.: W t:, r. and iturglar-Vroot Ir ek on eNeal, .I(e,r. It 1 ,, el , venient to all Thealies.and ¶iltlut Mt. e Inlnetes walk of both Elevated itatirk `!tat It. Cars for all parts of the city pass tltn (if arrangetuents with excursion parties. Apt.2•4o. AUDITOIt'S NoTicF..—EStat.e of A. R. Dorsey, deceased. " in the Drph.or. Court of Bradford County. .The notion-It:11;A s‘l• (liter appointed by raid comi tl il!•7111 1 . 1:0 muneylin the handt of the adm"ntstrator of Ow es late of 'Allen B.- Dortey, lite of Atl;ens Boto:V. deceased, to thy , several credltory,; wig attend to the dude -of appoint Mott, at his i ciee In Ashen{ Borough, on TUESDAY, .11:1,Y, 12; 1" 1 . 'at 0110 o'clock P. M., at whirl; time and place .01 pers. win having etrittts3 Upon Xalll fund will pre , e; the sante, ftc be debarred from claiming any 0. ,1- tlon thereof. - D. C. =I ADAtINISTIt'I'OR*B IsT - oricE. Letters of administration having !wen grant ed-to-the undersigned, upon the estatt of Adolph": Slater, late of Burlington Tvrp., deeeam.4, not e hereby given that all - persons Indebted to the ...ill estate are requested to inalierionnirdiate i ayincut, and all persons .having elalms aga:tyt '7+4 must present the sane dilly annul:lto At... 1 to Ow undersigned fur settlement M. Is r,,t,trator. Luihne.s3lllll,l'a., tit In, IMI-61.V. GET YOUR JOB PRINiTII4I'G '-oo:1s AT ' BaPORTE R " OVFIC - 1 ., __