Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 30, 1881, Image 1
TERMS OF IPIIIIILICATION. The ABA!WORD IttPOltTelt Ii pabllaball even Thursday morning by Go °Deana i MITOROOOR, at One Dollar per annum. In advance. Cir Advertising in all cases exclusive of into ;:cr.ption to the paper. it Et' I AL NOT IC, ES inserted at TIM carraper 11113 for fi rst Ins-rtion, and !Ws CURTI psrllne for cash sn kSeqUeLlt insertion, but no notice inserted for less than fifty cents. • YEAtZt.Y A D VSETIS EMENTS will be insert= ed at reasonable rates. A.lnt.ulatrstor's and Executor's NOtlcesi ; An I it , r4 Ner.ices.p:.6o; Buitness Cards, file (pi year) S. whittle:tat lines $1 each. Yearly at rertisers are entitled. to quarterly chanes. Trauslentadturtisomente mast be p ai d for in .z.frunee. MI re plutionx -of associations; communications or I,nited or individual interest, and notices of em rriagos or d caths,e seceding !We linell&re chin cts's c twrs •kr I Ino,Lat simple notteesof mar rl34...s and de 4t horl.ll tie published withensteharge. 'Pito it scout' hiving a larger circulation than any other paper in the county, mates-It the' best advertising medium in Northern Pennsylvania. ,log PRINTING of every kind, in, plain and fancy colors, done with neatness and 11 %T IMM., !Hanky., Cards, Pamphlets, Blllbeads, S r tterfle }lts, ke., of every varletyand style, printed st the shortest notice. The REPORTER office Is ,r.,11 sapped Anti power . presses, good assort in; t of new type. sad everything in the printing- . 11 „. N ib be exeented in the most artistic manner .1-I at the lowtst rates. TERMS INVARIABLY (*ASH. . l u.siness §arbs. DAAIES, & HALL, ATTORNKi*S-AT-LAW, SOUTH SIPE Oil WARD HOUSE Dee 23-75 (ZAII w. BUCK, .A R T-.17-LAW, TOWANDA, PENS d' I=ll2 Otnee—At Trensurcr3 OllSco, in Court Itouse . -- tAt 1: & i THOMPSON, Tro t.v w. WM" A :rip A. PA. lit Mercur Dleek:'ZVer C. T. Etrb) Drug intruWd to their care:will be .:•inle , l to prempily. Especial attention given :.k! attaln.t the V nitrd States foe PEXSONS. 1U .1' S. TI Es, PAT E.-NTS. etc to collections and to Inc Net Dement of decedent's estates. •=... R'. 11. tnomrsON, -4:,:vw/att) A. TitomrSoN !-c1 BEVEIZLI7 & CO., A.. BOoKIiINDEPS, . . And dialers In Fret Saws and Amnions' Stipfines nil for prier-Its: s. EroltT Elf !Wilding. T.Atan43, l'a 1! • L. HOLLISTER,. D. D. S., 1)E T IST ect-i..fir to Dr. E. A ng'.o.). ricE—Second of Dr. Pratt', office. T, , ,vanda, l'a.,',l,inuary 6, 1661 MA DILL k NEI', .AT-ronNEys-AT-LAW. ()nice—l:wins formerly or:cuplcd by Y. M. C. A Reid lug Itoutu. ; It. 1. MAIIILL. 3,1 . Q. D. KISMET TWIN W. CODDING, ATTOR.NFa"-AT•LAW,.TOWANpI►, 1 I;rt. °Per Filtby's Drug Store :10MAS 'E. MY ER A TTA%Itt••:EY-AT-LAIC., TOW A!CDA, I'A with Patrick-mid Foyle. pv,cß_ S. ovERTo;i ATTMINF.VS•AT I, ASV, TOWAN DA, "A. I '.l ) ODN f , :1" A. 3.IFRCUR, it trron NET A T -L AW, ToWANDA, or r3otit,. P.stitenlar attentigti paid' t , l.ll,litc, in the t C , .urt. and In the settle ', 3T, )I , lwitise, inod; ‘VEIIT()N SANI)ERSON, j AT r. , ,: N T.IwANDA, PA. ovEnToN. JoliN F. SA NDErtso's • NIT .11 , :SSUP, • ATTORNEY AND CorN,ELLOR-AT-1.J117, •Alt/NTItOSE., • .111,17,.: Jessup haNie;.: re,urned the practlceet the law,in Northern Penn.elvanta, will attend to any iNtru.ted . 10,7111 n In Bradford county. Per.ons m.ishlng to eon.nit hltu. ran Can .011 11. Towanda. Pa., when an appolatment c.%n • rIENIZY STIZF.E ' TER, ATTORNEY AND corsigt.l.Ort-AT-GAW, TIPW.A.Nr DA, PA. Fel) 17, '79 14 1 L. IitLLIS, A TTO N,F. 1 . 42-L ANY, TOW A :s:1) A, PA. ItINAM E. BITIL, sritvEYOß.,7. ...Qi.t.ERF:G, ETI NG ANTI DRAFTING. tilwe ~;ii F. Nia..on, over - Patch & Tracy, Tor.,upla, I ' 4 l LSI; REE & SON , A'TToi:NLYQ-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA. N. c. EI.,I:uF.F I WIN W. MIX, AT roll SST-.%T -Lair SD V. S. coxmisstoszn TOW. Nl).t. PA. I."7.l.ce—North Side Public Square . - r ANDREW WILT, tr • .I:NLY-AT4.AW. I.‘al , e—Menns' Maln-st., over J. L. Kent's Mac he consulted In German. Alir 1. YOUNG, • kTToItNEY-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA —Me:our iaoek , Irk street, up stabs Vt. S. M. WOODBURN, Physi• L? clan mot S.trgeon. Offlce at residence, on ?Ldu strcet, tir:l l r north of M. E. Church. r.tu.ii‘• , ,N, Aims! 1, 111;1. vr B. KELLY, DENTIST.—Office cwt.,' F. liosenfleld's, Towanda, Pa. T , eth iii,erle,l 6,11,1, Silver, Rubber, and Al-. 'nn'nm ha.,. Teeth extracted without t.aln. • 1 1 .':. 34-7_ D. FAY NE, M. D., J• AND SrDDEON, °Mee over 31ontanves• store. Office hours from 10 to 12 A. m., and from: to 4 1. M Special attention given to DIS ASES T E EYE Ail,,. E. J. PERRIGO, JCNTO 011(iAti 1,e ,,, t. given to Thorough Bass and BArtoons• of the vole,. a ,pecialty. Located at J. tqat. , Street. Befercnee : Bednaca ' Towatata,•Va., March 4,1Ka0, W. RYAN, k_A • COUNTY SUCERINTENPIC Mce.o ay last Saturday dr earh mold!' orcr Turner Cordon's Itrugfitore, Towanda, Pa. Towanda, Juuc.O. litta; (1 S. RUSSELL'S kJ. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY May2S-70tf E 4 A DWRD WILLIAMS, - r 1: A . VTIVAL - PLUMBER A' GAR FITTER ofba , tar.a‘,. a few doori north of Post-Office Gas Fitting. Repairing rumps of all ia.k, and ail kinds of Gearing prompDy attended to. All wsnting work In his tine should give him Dec. 4.1879.- VIRST NATIONAL BANK, TOAVAN AA, PA. C.kPITAI. PAID IN SURPLUS FUND... This Rank offers unusual fatlllttes fortm trans action of a getletii ban king business. N. BETTS, Cast'ler J (IS. .I ; OW ELL, rreitdont. ' TIE,NIZY lIoirSE, S. tr. NI AIN S WASHINGTON STY:WETS FIRST WARD, TOWASDA, S a::11 hours. Terms to suit the times. Lstie stable-attached. W , P nor a t STOZ. %nda, „hap - A PEW COPIES OF THE ROAD LAwi r.n 1e Ina at this °Mee. GOODRICH & HITCHCOGICAIubIIshers. VOLUME XLII. gh deep her dreama of coming grad, So fast her gaze down passion's flood Ili sunny reach and shadowy wood, So bold and maidenhood - On-fancy's treacherous steep she stood, liar will perforce must sleep: The life behind was flat and gray; Deforn, s swelling prospect lay; And one was whispering her to stay, And one was beckoning her - away— It was not hers to say him nay ; TOWANDA, PA. In piteous trireme by her side. r " - The voice to each warm wishl replied • With words of duty. houte'and pride here, certain peace—there, hopes untried; And now the mused and now she sighed ; But scarce she strives to speak. For on her wrist she felt a hitulf.. o ,r . So softly strong its master•baud r A flattering breath her forehead fanned With vows `twere Masa% to withstand Or be they writ on rock or sand. _ i'horehlld I Wm such a dream to wake One word- the maiden spell shall break— one step her moment's empire shake., This !cart shall glow, but that shall ache By either Would he won. • Soil the blushing of the Ales • The snu to jeweled cradle Bea ; Hay cannot be unless be 1 !so ; • He lifts—the painted magic - He clouds at upon—at ere he tiles— And yet—lt Is the sun. —E. Purcell ,arch -1, 1891 THD MAGIC 'EMERALD. "Shadows to•ntght lave struck more terror to the soul of Illehard, Than could the substance of ten thoasabd soldiers." "The magic emerald, did you say, Mr: Langton? Dear me, how very interesting !" - " Did you fiever:hear of it before, Lady Matilda ? I _thought that.neat ly- everybody knew , that old story." " 0, one doesn't tlways hear things, you know. But tell me t what 'does the magic emerald: do - ?" • 'Lady Matilda' _companion, with al little sigh of resig nation, settled back more comfortably 'against the roots of the enormous oak "under: ' which be was-lying. He was a long,, lean, wrinkled man, - with a skin? burned by long xpi:?sure. .to tropic. suns ' to the tint of the autemn leaveleaves-thatlay about him. He would have been a noticeable figure anywhere, but . he was particularly so -amid . his present surroundings : - He was the kind of man one would have rather, expected to meet in an Atabian des., ert'or on the wilds of the Pampas than amid this ; quiet English land scape ; and his dress, which- was a compromise between civilized re quirements and , tropic ease, tended to increase the natural strangeness of his aspect.. • .• Stephen Langton, like all men:`,..6f any strength' of character at all, had his friends and his enemies, and their estimates of - him differed . as muchas people's estimates Of . their acquaint ances do ; differ. But .on one point they were unanimons: Langton : was queer.' . That verdict had been pro nounced on him very early in life, and had stuck to MEd ever since. In the cradle, in the nursery, at school, he had diff(ired frOmall other babies, from all other children, from all other *schoolboys: His, regimental. compa ions in the 200th compan ions had, accepted and confirmed the designation of his nurse and his schoolmates. 'He ; too k no interest in any of the things in which the British subaltern most delighted He (lid not bet, he never touched a card, he did. not brag about his prow ess to the fair sex. I suspect that it was the last mentioned trait that most exercised, the minds of his; messmates. What, could you make of a fellow who seemed as anxious to avoid the blandiShments of the pret tiest girls of a garrisontown they had been as faded and as dull as the lady whose commonplaces bored him to death on this glorious afternoon ? And Stephen. Langton was worth a pretty girl's smile, and might have had his choice in most ballrooms.- Independently of the advantages of a handsome face • and figure, his expectations were thrice . as great as those of any other' ma n in the 200th. But Nelly'Delpatd, of - Portsmouth,.and ,Kelly Despard, of Chatham, and other Nellys and Fan- . nys innumerable, all-of them pretty -and some of them'. rich, retired in turn from the assault of that itnpreg nable fortress. Stephen Langton was not a marrying man, and Sir.6harles Grandison himself was net more ig-' norarit of the verb " to flirt." He especially disliked any allusion to his martial achievements; and if he had left his regiment with the " Rogue's March " in .his ears; could not have been more unwilling to talk of -his campaigning days. But he had done good service in his time, and in many a village on the wild-northwest, bord er of Hindostan the name of Langton Sahib, the ". Feringhee boy-devil," is whispered to this day by white haired men, who remember with what a rod of iron he ruled the district in the days of the rebellion. Bat -son'. I;ENJ. 3i. Ity.cit ally 1, '79 tnoTll-75 M=l Jan. 1,1875 Apra '76.) msF.A.SES OF VIE EAR bre as were the prevailing tints of his character, it had lights as well as shadows. Many a man who was louder-tongued in sympathy lacked the depths of real tenderness that lay, under the , hard exterior.: It is a, great tribute to the sterling worth of a man who makes but few friends when the few who know him most thoroughly are loudest in their praises. There were tliose who could tell - of deeds of quiet heroic self-sac rifice done by this silent and sardonic man on sea and battle-field, tor duty and for friendship's sake. Every body knew at whose east the children_ of poor Jack Naseby were being fed and educated, and how, nobly the promise whispered in the ear of -the dying comrade had been fulfilled. And when poor little Tompkins, the soapboiler'snon, came that awful cropper over the Derby, and saw nothing before him but °to sell out and retire to an eternity of soap boiling under the eyes of an indig nant father, it was Langton who set, him right, and tided him over that' disastrous time. But .still, in spites of such stories as these, of which hia friends would tell you many,, the Or-. - dinary verdict regarding Stephen, Langton was that he was "queer;'. and the general impression he made on most_ people was the reverse of favorable, TOWASDA, .-616 - 6,000 -. 1 66,000 Arll 1:1871 > THE PAUSE. yet—dare she then he meat? 1w lIMI 1 -- TOWANDA, BRADFORD '-001711TY, PL, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 30, 188 L On his aceeasion to his fortune, he had behaved in fashion totally dif ferent from whathad been expected of him, and Langton - Ball. bad never , for a month together been empty of guests. His liberality in this respect did notarise from any modification of his own! peculiarities, but was sole ly due to the influence bf his sister, Miss Bertha Langton, to whom, re-, .port saik he was passionately, at tached. Report was right for - once; and Berti;s. word was law to her brother, w o concentrated upbn her all the affection that other men dissi pate on the thousand and one objects to which he was utterly indifferent. " The magic emerald," said Ste- Then Langton, "has been an heirloom in our family for the last foul. hun dred years. Apart from its associa tions, it is a very valuable stone from its size and quality. It is said undef certain circumstances to have the poiver of losing its tint, and becoming perfectly colorless." " What are those circumstances-?" asked Lady Matilda. " If its possessor:is guilty of any great meanness or rascality, if he be• trays a friend, or commits any really . vile .or wicked action, the emerald loses its color, and when that hap pens it is a warning of certain pun ishment. The criminal may strive hard to avert the penalty; but it will come in spite of all he may do." '" And has that ever happened ?" wNever, since it has been in our family," responded Langton. "My forefathers have either been exception ally virtuous, or the emerald has lost' its powers or never possessed them." " 0 Mr. Langton, 'pray don't cast doubt on such, a reallycharming sto ry 1 So very romantic, so truly in teresting. But, supposing that its posse4or---you, for instance (though I'm sure, of course, that you wouldn't) —were to do something -really dread ful, would the emerald never recover -its color?" "'Never, sO long l as it remained in my possession. But directly it - be came another man's -property -it would be as at present, and would remain,so until he did something awful, and so on." Lady Matilda made no remark in answer to her compa.nion's last speech,, and,. indeed, wins not to have beard She was looking in tently between the bushes behind Langton, and, as he ceased to speak, she rose, in order to obtain .a better view of the object on which her eye were fixed. Langton turned; and gazed with a languid-curiosity intik ,same direction. But i3uddenly* he rose too, and stood beside his com panion,- with his teeth .set fast, and his faee paling beneath its ruddy bronze. Lady Matilda'a face was white with ill-dissembled anger, and theliand which.patted the leaves 08 agitated by an angry tremor. A young bari of twenty-twb or three, light haired, fresh colored, and looking eXasperatingly cool and calm in the blazing sunlight which lit the open space . About him, came lounging up the little hill on which stood the copse which• hid the listeners from View. Beside him walked a girl, some, few years his junior, 'attired in a dress of some diaphanous fabric, lit by ribbons of pale bluer Her sum mer hat, decorated like her dress, she carried in her hand, and A thickly tWisied coronet of leaves and flotrs was in its place upon 'her lust us hair.' Ignorant of the scrutiny/ to which they were, subjected, they came on until they were within twenty yards of thAr concealed watchers. Then, siezed by a sudden faintness, the young man fell, limp and inter tebrat', .against a tree, uttering a hollow groan. The lady regarded him with a countenance whose;grav ity was contradicted by the laughter of -her eyes. He raised his eyes tip-. pealingingly to her face, and groaned again. • "Well ?" she asked. He pressed his , hand upon • his heart, and gasped: "-The customary. restorative." - • The girl looked about her, and then, believing herself unperceived, stooped Over her exhausted compan ion and kissed'him. He, with a sigh of relief, briskly recovered , the per pendicular, and the pair disappeared from the view of the enraged Lady Matilda and her companion. • ''Shameful;!" gasped the angry lady. •-0 Shameful I Outrageous ! How dare he ?" Langton made no answer, bu tugged silently at his mustache. "Thir. Langton," panted Lady Ma tilda, I pray you to believe that I am no party to this disgraceful con• duct op the part of my daughter." " Disgraceful !" repeated Langton, with an astonished lifting of the eye browst •" Why disgraceful? Per tectly natural, I should sig." Lady Matilda glared at him as if doubtful of his sanity. Given," continued her compan ion, ".a country house, a handsome young man, a pretty girl, time, place, and opportunity, surely . oke ' result should not surprise you. • But without consulting me—" Langton broke in. with a calm im pudence which completely bewildered his companion : " Did you always ask your mam ma's permission before—' He did not complete this sentence, but. eked= out his meaning with a smile.- - The lady, with an , angry flirt of her parasol, turned from him and walked ~towards the distant Hall. He followed her. ",31y dear Lady Matilda, pray don't _Rake the matter -so hardly. here is—isn't a better fellow in the hole world than Roderic Vane." "A penniless adventurer." , P,eraiit me. NOt an adventurer, :aid not "pennikss. That he has a ccent - position is past dispute; be is a gentleman, and has very good pros "A very good catch for a trades man's daughter, no doubt," answered the offended mother. " Bat I bad looked higher than a government clerk for Elsie." Langton would have spoken again; but she flashed round on him sud denly :with undisguised rage in face and voice. - Do - you plead his cause, Mr. Langton?" " I do. zlf I may be permitted to say so, I shall regard it as a good match-on both sides." , ' She; turned from him with 'a ges ture and exclamation in which anger, disdain, and surprise were all ex pressed, and left him Where he stood. Stephen Langton gained the soli• tude of• his own room, and shut-him self in, to fight out the great struggle of . his life, and have his bitter hour unseen.. The pride that had kept back any avowal of What he now knew to be a hopeless passion was too shallow a pretence _to be kept_ t!Oo himself. The agonies of such a mind are easier imagined than described, at least by such a pen as mine. There is no scrap of the proverbial wisdom which is truer than that one ivlifeh teaches us that the stillest watets are oft times the deepest, and those passions that Stephen Langton 'so perseier ingly cloaked in , cynicism were wider and more real than even anY of his closest inmates would have deemed them. A knock came to his door, and, in answer to his query, the voice of his valet announced the advent of his dinner-hour. He bade the fellow be gone savagely, and a minute after cursed himself for his weakness. " You ass!" he said, apostrophiz ing his reflection in the mirror. "Is this your philosophy ? Is this the result of the self-drilling of a lifetime, to make yourself the babble of your own servants' hall, andthe tool - of sucho match-making old herridan as that ? ' What do you want with the kid, you wrinkled, crow's-footed; overgrown schoolboy ? What's. the girl to you; or you to her? What quality of body or brains or heart have you to win such a - prize by What right have you to cast your ugly shadow en two lives ?" • , A second knock came to the' door as he finished this uncomplimentary harangue. • 1 . "Who's there ?" he askqd. " It is I," answered a tamale voice. "Is anything the matter, Stephen ?" " No," he answered, afraid: to trust his voice to say more. "John said he - thought you ware ill," returned the voice.. " I am not ill," returned Stephen. I shall be down to dinner present - y. " Stephen,l am sure there is some thitg the matter,"_ continued the voice, with feminine persistency. I .Langton opened the door hnd con fronted his visitor. ' i' l 44 What do lon want?" i e asked ufigraciously:i' il H' What is the matter with yoU?" reiterated this feminine Irish echo. Stephen Langton was tall and dark, Bertha Langton was tall and fair. Stephen was forty and looked more; Bertha was almost twenty-one, and , looked less. They differed',in ,a dozen' other things, and yet were alike in!, some mysterious way. Where the likeness lay the most astute observer could never have determined; but-it existed, nevertheless. " There's nothing the matter with me," answered Langton.- " Can't you take an answer 11" ‘! Don't talk to me in that way, Stephen," answered the lady, in calm reproof. " You'll only be sp_rzy for it afterward." . .Langtou made an uneasy growl Bertha smiled. ; ;It's only business affairs, my dear. -I've been bothered 'lately. Run away, like a good girl. I'll be at dinner directly." He turned away as he spoke, and walked towards his toilet-table. But before he reached it a pair of soft arms were around his neck, and his sister's cheek against his own. He sat down, almost , unmanned by this touch of womanly pity. The girl would have spoken; 'but there was such a look in the eyes he turned on her that -she forbore. Presently he said,quite in his ordinary voice : " You are the only creature who has my secret. Keep it, Bertha." She ansivered "by a, kiss, and left rn. Feeling Strangely composed and quiet after l his intense , mental stra in, i Stephen dressed and -descended to dinner. His appearance was the sig nal for a general movement to the table. Roderic Tene t he noticed, was iii at ease, and divided his fur tive. regards between Lady Matilda, who sat, prim and rigid, exactly op posite Lim, and her daughter Elsie, his companion of the afternoon, who had been established far down the table, with an insuperable barrier of two.. county members, their wives, and !a clerical dignitary between them. Elsie was very pale, and. sat out the dinner, eating nothing, and sending away her plate ; untouched after each course There seemed to be a con straint on all present; and conversa tion languished, in spite of the gal lant efforts of Bertha, ably seconded by her brother. Weavere speaking thisafternoon, Lady Matilda, of the magic emerald,' said Langton. Lady Matilda remembered the conversation. • - _ " That is the stone in the centre piece of my sister's necklace." ' It was nota atone of extraordinary size, and would havershown butimor. y in that respect-beside Some of its famous sisters. But color and brilliance were marvellous; and its water as pure ail that of the famous - treasure for love of which poor Isaac Levi went mad. Its mention gave a . filip-to the conversation; and though Lady Matilda still maintained a atonyJ silence, and Roderic and Elsie um mained taciturn or monosyllabic, the rest of the guests found plenty to talk of regarding the histories and legends of famous jewels. 'Dinner over, it was proposed by Bertha, and carried with acclamation, that tea should be partaken of in the garden where the ladies accordingly repaired. During:the: after-dinner symposium,Langton noticed that Vane drak Much more than his usual quantity, of wine, swallowing glass after glass in rapid succession, and with a countenance of unaltered gloom, t rising to join the *digs, =1 :;-- '''::::-..-T'',--'- . 7 :: ~ -:---- , .•.. ~ . .. . .. .. ..,..:, ...„., c: , . ~._ :._. r ..,:. e....„, ...... .... .....•.. :, ~.....,. '3 - i... :- .., . ,-. i. ...., „ _ . . .. . . ._ . •• . • , , . ... . , . ~ . „ ; . .. . • . . - 11110ARDLIBB OP DICIMCIL&TION 711031 t ANY QtrARTEIL who oould be seen wanderibg round the terraces of the garden, the young man took Langton's arm, and drew him sway down .a sequestered alley, which led into the park. The ;wid expanse of green . stretched in one unbroken wave-like roll until it met the overarching blue. The birds, recovering from the languor of the day. were- giving the prelhirinary trills of their evensong. It was such an evening as is made for lavers' confidences,—when not fliterect tbro' a third party. So thought Stephen Langton • but being fairly caught, he -trade d himself up for silent en• d u ranee. I' must school myself," thought be; "and here is an opportunity for a lesson. What's the matter ) Vane?" he asked aloud; "I never saw you look so glum."' "I, never felt so glum before, Steve. I'mgone coon." " Will You translate ?" "Um in love:."' "For the first time ?" '' Yes, to anything like this extent. Look here, Langton,. I must -tell somebody or burst. Let me tell ; you." Langton dropped his handso the young man's shoulder. "You young mull As if A didn't know all about it !' Vane stared; his companionemiled. " Well, it saves me the trenble of telling you, and you the bore of lis teeing. You're a good fellow, Lant ton, and you've been very kind to me. 'what. would you advise me to do P Lady Matilda knows` it, I swear. She cut me dead this afternoon, and Elsie 'came in to dinner looking like a ghost; so,' suppose "'she has been having_a bad quarter of, an hour, too. You see, I'm only a 'younger son. The governor won't stand a penny more than three hundred a year, and I get :another three from the office. I can't marry Elsie •on that. Her mother won't bear of it. I suppose she's right. It's bard to ask a girl to give up a life of ease and comfort to live, and perhaps rear a family, on six hundred a year: If Lady Matilda were another sort of woman, she might make things straight for as. But that's past hoping for. I must give her up, old man; and get out of this. I've got • enough coin to buy an axe, and get, a' passage to Canada; and I'll go there and live it down. But it's bard lines," he said, with a break in his office. "It's hard lines." "Keep up your heart, my boy,'% returned:Langton, touched by the young man's artless expressions of grief. " It's lmil; but might be worse. If the girl loves you, it won't matter to her if you have six hundred a yeas or sixtythousind. And 'if she doesn't mind, why should you ? There are better chances on the cards than _Canada, anyway. Hang on and Watch, -that's my advice, since you ask it." One by one the - guests wandered back to the Hall, and distibuted themselves over the carpeted desert of the great drawing-room, while the ladies officiated at the piano. Miss. Elsie, being warmly pressed e to sing, begged to be excused ; and Roderic, after several vain endeavors to get within conversation distance of his inamorata=each attempt being dlei erly frustrated by Lady Matilda— wandered off to smoke a sadly con templative, cigar, and muse upon her manifold perfections and his own üb worthiness. Lady Matilde, buried in the downy depths of an armchair, her eyes ap parently exploring vacancy, but in reality keenly. :Watching the move ments of Langton, waited with feline patience. She was too wise a woman to meddle actively in the Matter and court another rebuff; but Langton's affectation of indifference had by no means -blinded her to the true state of the case, .and she hoped still. • Elsie sat apart, beside the window, half in and half out of :the flood of Moonlight which partially lit the drawing-room. But Langton, with the exception of a few phrases, of course, did_ not trouble her with his conversation, and presently retired quietly, leaving Bertha at the piano. He eat at the window of his room, and looked_ out over the moon-flooded .ark, past the thin ribbon of sliver which marked the course of theriver, past-the rich-leaved trees that stood like islands of shadow in - s sea f of light.- He was looking_beyond them , into his own future. He-was calmer now, and could look at i lt quietlSin spite - of the terrible gnsts'of passion that still shook him for a moment, and passed, leaving the calm deeper. So far he had done well, ind was sat isfied with himself upon the whole, 'as belied a right to be. The prime Jtempiation Of his life was overcome, and his passion had made him false neither to love nor friendship. The calm beauty of the night seem ed to draw him from the house out into the alley in which he had .heard the confidences of the lovelorn Rod; eric. He could not pass the spot, without something ofa tremor. His hopes lay buried under that grassy ' inoundi and a great wave of some nameless emotion, made up of love . And sorrow and hopeless !lope, rose in his gout' And before it sank again! he saw before him something that sent the blood' from his face—Roderic and Elsieolimly visible in the shade at the turning of the alley. He slip• ped i back into' the darkness with a nurse on his lips„ and something 'very like a prayer in - his heart. Some blind feeling that his trial was beirii made unnecessarily bitter crossed his mind. The voices reached him where he , stood, ."too Joir for the words. they uttered to be - understood; andthen smother sound, nnmistalta ble in -*Silence of the night, faint as it was. A white figure fluttered by him,lost in the shadow, and Vane's step went slowly crunching the grass in the distance. ' , i Langdon left the spot with hurried unequal steps, and walked -rapidly across the park in the direction of the river. When: he Came 4 its banks be turned and walked with its current. Before he had gone mile the sound of the, falling of istant waters met hie earl, and p ntly l i e he came to the spot at which . he bed of the river' suddenly made a sheer descent of . some twenty feet. Re • ..., at the brin k, looking down nt , MI the foaming caldrbn into which the water ruskiid with - Oar and eking like the shouting Fif an army. Some vague thought t that in that Intions hell of wiurinenaters be might find the peace denied to him elsewhere crossed him as be gazed.; But Stephen Langton was not of the stuff whereof suicides are made. "The.coward's remedy," he mut tered, as he turned away.' " Net that • not that 1" He continued his stroll along the edge of the basin until his further progress`was barred by the trees that ran to 'the edge, intertwined` breast. high. with bramble anT7briishirood, and which served to mark the bounds of • his. domain: Heke, 'perforce, he turned and retraced kis steps. What was the black shadOW 'recumbent on the edge of the fall, dritte very spot on which he had stood ten minutes before? • He drew nearer to it with silent steps, somethinx,too hideous to be called a hope growing in Ida _heart as he advanced: The figure Moved, and be saw the moonlight fall upon its face. It :was Roderic Vane. With a shout that rang high abnve the tumult of thelall, he rush. ed down the bank :Vane was on his feet and met the sh4ck. " Langton! Good -God', what are yon doing?" • ,' He held , his arms about his victim, and resointely4hrust him back, fOot by foot, Until they stood non the edge. With all the tenacity of de spair the supple youcgster clung about him, holding • on with bands and teeth in a last bard struggle for dear. life; but . Langton loosed his grip, and drove him with a • cruel blow over the brink. One _ stifing gurgling cry, and his body struck ; the water. The murderer knelt, upon ' the turf, and looked down into the foam. Was it• fancy, or did be in deed see the white face looking up at him through the surges? What mat ter ? The appeal Was voiceless, and could be beard by no man save him self. • The horror of the place was, so strong upon liiin.that he.ran like a bunted hare across the park, straight for the house. He slipped in unper ceived, and mounted the - stairs. His dress was _torn anti disordered', and his cheek was bleeding.' ; He mist not be seen, so. He hastily changed his dress, stanched the slight scratch, ani then, pale - but calm, descended to the drawing-room. The guests were grouped in 'the centre of the room, evidently under the influence of some strong emotion of surprise or wonddr. As he enter ed,,his sister broke through them, and came towards bim, her ne c klace in her band. " Stephen ! look ! My emerald_ ! What does it mean ?" _ • - He looked and saw, colorless as his 01/11 haggard face, the jeivel cen trepiece. It was. no fable, then, this old wife's story. The curse was come upon him. He fell back with outstretched hands, as if to ward off some ,palpable borzoi.- that threatened - him. • - ; The dreamer _sprang to his feet, his eyes dazzled by the flood-of light that inundated the •room in which he sat, and glared out upon the'seene before him—park and garden and river and sky flooded by the rosy morning light. A clear voice rang up frOm below : • Vat:rote s'allume; L'ombre epalsso trust, Ls rave et Is biume Vont on Ta la milt. • ranpleres et totes B'ouvrent derel-chosen Du revetl del chose! On entend le bruit. lie ran to the window, and looked eagerly down fnto , the garden. His sister looked up at him, and waved him a good-morning salute with the dew-drenehed flowers she held in her hand. The illusion of the dream was so strong upon him still, that he half believthe vision hai beeds wak ing rea ity'and his present state a dream. ' Hesfipped gently into. his. sister's,' room, and searched awing . her jewels with trembling • flngers,, until he came upon the emerald:" . It was unchanged, as steadfast. in its glorious hue as his heart , should be henceforth to the accomplishment of the task he bad set himself. . , " DEAR Stu Wiitram,—On a cer tain occasion,, which I would rather not specify, you', told me that if it should ever be in your power to ren der me &service, you trusted I would afford you the opportunity. Permit me to request of you one favor,. which I know you will the. mote readily , grant, inasmuch as it"will give you the chance efl killing two birds with one stone, by doing two kindnesses in one. "There ' is, employed in "your de partment, a young igentleman of the. name of Vane, in i whom .I take a great interest. _. Hitt present salary, I hear, is three hundred a year. He is meditating the committal of that blunder which you and I have So happily avoided; but mamma is im placable. Can you .do anything for him f .He is a smart young , fellow, well up to the duties of any post that a man of his age is likely to be in= trusted: with - . ---Permit me '-to solicit your good officeron his behalf, and believe me, yours most faithfully, i STEPHEN LANGTON." --Tinet r etj'a Magazine." . —........01.•.-----_ . . IT is- much easier to to polite and neighborly than to tly into a passion when thineLdo not Suit you. Take this note, for instance, addressed by a lady to her neighbour next doorr-" Pear madam/ Your children, who are numerous, and appear to be disorderly, no doubt deserve the frequent floggings youeve them; but, u my nerves are weak, I 'write this to ask if yqu can't di, something to dead.' en the sound."- ' "The bill has got a new tooth, but the old lady ta laid up,witiva cold in her head, and Johnny is dtiwn with the mea. ales," remarked a Galveston 4entlematt to a defeated candidate. "What in the thunder do I pare," was the reply of the defeated candidate, scowling furiously. " Well," said the gentleman, slowly, " be fore the election you used to take me aside every time you met me and ask bow my tinnily was coming on, so I thought lon weak' like to know." . fi lone • Biwirna says—" To avoid all trouble of lawsuits Item Loire and alms I have lumpluded to administer upon my satata,..b7 spending it is I golecong.." ME ':E _ ~(~ ~.1 i - -, ~ •;" --,.., , : -, - ;i .. ~ `,- i. - ;.{:. , . !. _ : , , . * .. Then theimerry scrambling . Papa laughed to see !-- • . "And you didn't fink, now, That It could be me! ^ - • ' ...Mrs. 'R. N.- Titrner ta-Yotta'a Compatdon. " I doan' believe , " began the old Wan as he crumpld up a leaf of tobacco to fill hie pipe—" I 'loan' believe dat a sartin amount of, Bat tery eher hurt anybody. I know that Poo' Richard an' a hundred odders have tole 4 s to .bewar' of folks dat flatter, but ole as I er' an'timely as I be,l sometimes kinder long fur someody to say dat I'm lookin' young for one o agejOr dat holdiu'_inp wonderfully well consid :rin' thet I've been. blode up on a steamboat, fell outet a tree, wrecked On de lake; shot in , e army, an' had de small-pox. : - "When I crawls out on de - doah step of a mawnin' feelin' ole an' blue, an used up, an' long come Persever ance Jones an' calls out Hello 1 an' says Ize got de biggest wood-pile in town, an' folks am all talkin' 'bout our buyin' a seven-dollar bedstead, an' dat de boys want me ,to run far oflls, why, sah, it limbers me up like It bottle of linimen my doze doan' look half so bad, d ole woman seems ten y'ars younger, n' I begin to look aroun' to see ho much it would cost fur a silver front dotal. " It's de same w d de ole woman," continued the: ekl ras he filled ,up his pipe. " She's ole an' gray an ' about worn out w d hard work, an' yit when I- say to per dat she kin roast a 'posstnn a !eetle de nicest of any woman in de country, an' , our rag carpet -am t • wn's talk, an' dat she am young 'n iff to look fhr a second husband, y sn don't know how she ehirks up.l - ' Au' its jest se yid my nayburs. When Deakun Jackson gits sorter 'shamed of his ole doze, an' he sots on a log by de gate an' wonders what's de use of a poo' man tryin' to git, 'long,l slips oUt an' tells him dat I; neber seed sue cabbages as he grows; dat his o ll,* am pickin' up; dat his chi t e n ' am cornin' up genteel ; dat be o rbe proud of his ale woman—why, sah, all de medi cine in de world wouldn't help de Deskon like sick talk. De blues fly away, he begins to ' whistle, an' he slants his hat over his ear, an' goes on his way wid a new heart in him. "Ize bin watchin' aroun', an' it am my opinyun dat ye can hurt a human bein' a great mo by indifference dan ye kin by flattery. De only'way to make a man sunibody am to let him know dat he am= sumbody. De hu man,heart am like a wallet. It often gits low - down. ~Sind words am' its cash capital. De mo' capital. it has de harder it tries to make spring outer winter an' sunshine outer gloom an' sorrer." A MANTLE ~OF CHARITY FOR SYMPA THETIC PHYSICIANS. dual When an individual is reported to ha* died of disease of the heart, says a writer in Hall's Journal of Health, we are in the habit of regarding it as as inevitable event, as something which could not have been foreseen or prevented, and it is too much the habit, when persons suddenly fall down dead; to report the heart as the 'cause ; this silences all inquiry and investigation,.and saves the trouble and inconvenience of a post mortem A truer report would have a tendency to save many lives. It is through a reported disease of the heart , that many an opium eater is let ofi'into the grave, whiCh covers at once his folly and his - crime ; the brandy drinker, too; quietly slides around the corner thus, and is heard of no more; in short, this report of the disease of the heart is the mantle of charity which the polite coroner and sympathetic physician throw around the paves of generous people. At a scientific congress at Sties- 1 burg it was that of sixty-six persona who bad suddenly died, an immediate and faithful post mortem showed that only two persons had any heart affection whatever„ one sodden death only in thirty-three nom disease of the heart. Nine out of sixty died of apoplexy—one out of every seven ; while forty-six—lime than , two out of three—died of lung affection; half of them congestion.of the lungs; that is the lungs were so full of - blood they could not work ; there was not:Toom enough for air to get in to sup', •rt life. It is then of cUnsideiablC practical interest .to know some the common everyday causes of ongestion of the lungs, a disease w ich, the figures._above being trite, kills three times as many persons at short warning_ as apoplexy and heart disea:,elogether. Cold , feet, tight shoes, light cloth ing, costive bowels, sitting still until chilled through alter having been warmed up by labor or a long, hasty walk; going too suddenly from a close heated room, as a lounger or listener, or speaker, while the body is weakened by a continual applica tion, or abstinence, or heated by a long address ,• these are the frightful causes of sudden death in the form 1,; • per Annum In Advanoo. ■ HIDING FROHIPAPA. Papa's lost babi , t Searches everyw;ll. Under chain and es; With the greatesgeare Pulls aside the enr c lalo, Peeps behind th door Never sees the Iltt beep Carted ap on the 'door ; Never hears the whisper, !' Mamma, don't You tell !" Nor Um lOUs Welter. AnMed, - llke • bell ! OS he scampers wildly, Wanting here and there,. Overturning everything, - With the greatestosre. Canary has a visit, Sitting on his perch, Mamma's apron _pocket Suffers by the search. "Now I am so Wed— Elephant at play— Milt I must take a rest A minute by the way. lay my weary head ; On this tittle rug." Under mamma's towel -. Lay her darling. snug Elder. Duffy on. Flattery. doali-plate cn de Heart Disease. NUMBER fi 1:1 / of congestion of the lungs ;,but which, being falsely reported asdiseases of heart, and regardedvits an inevit• able event, throw people off their gaud, instead of pointing them to their true causes, all of which are avoidable;and very easily so, as • general rue; when the mind has once been intelligently drawn on the sub : ject. • WiiiiMZM THE INTELLECTUAL CONVERSATION BE TWEEN TWO GIDDY YOUNG: THINGS ON TUE CARL . On the way to Buffalo two "young people " got on the train somewhere east of Cleveland.. They were going back to school. ',key were not silly, ignorant country young people.. By no manner of Means. They represent ed seminary and, college culture, for the young man was on his way back to Cornell. They dropped into a seat opposite the pilgrims, and they talked, and the passengers in the im mediate vicinity listened to this high ly intellectual interchange of pulsing thought and throbbing sentiment. "Say I" exclabied the impetuous youth, "I heard something about •ou!" Oh yogi" she replied; "what was it?" "Shan't tell." - "That's. real Mean-1 Who told you ?" Oh, I know'," he asserted ; "it paralyzed me." `.Well, what was it about?" " Down there at Chatauqua, that thug. Oh, that paralyzed me. Te he, te-he." " What," she exclaimed, in tones of intense surprise, as though it was the first time.she ad ever heard of such a place—" Ohatauqui !" "Aw, yes, you know, out there with—" "With whom ? Te-he." id Oh, pshaw I Te-he, te-he I" "I don't know what you mean." , "06, no, you don't! Well, it par... alyzed me." _ " Well, I don't care anyhow, it ain't so." "Well, I got it pretty straight.• It int paralyzed me. -• " Who told ' " You'll never tell I told you?" " No, indeed, I won't." " Well, I got. Wfrom Will Blank. It just paralyzed Me." • "Oh, I know what you mean, now: what. of that! Te-tie, te-fie f" " Aw, well, a goOd deal of. it. Te het td-he 1" " Why, that was nothing. Te-he, •-be 1" ' Aw, that just paralyzed me." "I don't believe you know any thing about it, anyhow. Te-he, td h!" " Yes, I do know all about it. Just paralyzed me, tell you." . " Well,_ what did he gay about the. other ?" " " Oh, he told me all about that ?" " What did he think ?" " I wonlt' tell yen." " Oh, please do." ) • "A h, you're too anxious." r , " Indeed, I think I ought to know." You'll get mad if I. teU yon." (Then, suddenly remembering that he hadn't made the remark for thirty seconds)—" It's just paralyzed me." " No, I won't get mad." " Yea, you will." "'No, I won't." _ "Yes, yon Rill. - It'll paralyze you." " No, I won't get mad. Not at you." • " Oh, pshaw WOn't you?" " Indeed I won't. I will be thank ful to you. , I'll do something for you some tithe." -5 ".Oh, hish, you paralyze me," , be sighed. " Well, tell me; won't you 1" she pleaded. • • '' If you are real sure you won't get mad." .7 "Indeed /i'and indeed I won't! what did ha say abotont it?" ." Well, he said he didn't care. It piralyzed me." (Then, with a and den inspiration of genius, he added) And don't you forget it." "Are you sure he didn't ?" "He said he did't. Oh, I was par alyzed. Te-he-he." - " Well, I'm glad."- " Yes, 1 thought you would be." " Why ?" " Oh, becaise. Te-be!" " Well, why did you think so ?" -" - Well, because." • "But Irby ? Te-he !" • "Oh, because." Well, you must ba e some rea son ?" " 06, I know. It just paralyzed me, I tell you. , Te-be At this interesting ipoint in. . the conversation the passengers got out at Sliver Creek to conceal their,emo- Mon. The jester was weeping. The man on the wood box was swearing Under his breath. The fat passenger was purple in the face, and the sad passenger, lifting his hands to heav en, said " Immortal gods, dwellers on high Olympus! Did I ever in all my cal lowest days profane the secret quiet of the day with such colossal, heav en-daring, maddening, soul-destroy ing imbecility? No, a thousand times, no ; by,all the voiceless gods that guard the awful gates of eternal silence, no ; by thunder I never did !" " You bet your life you did?' said the woman who talks bass; and with out breaking the dead-lock the Sen ate adjourned.—Burdett's Roaming. "You had better change that rug," said a lady to her servant. "Don't you think it corroberatea better with the car pet in this way?" was the response. It was the same girl who told her mistress that a gentleman with herticament in his speech had called to see r. He was at breakfast, wrestling with a piece of remarkably tough veal. His wife said to him, " You always sky - there's something to be thankful , for in 'every thing. I fancy you'd be puzzled to and something to be thankfial for in that veaL" "Not at all," he cheerfully responded, stopping to breathe ; "I was ,fast think. ing how grate shoul d we should be that we met it when it was young. Soma fellow has discamered that there are 83,825 ways of spelling scissors.. If be bad been correcting manuscript for a newspaper he would have discovered that there are about 998.899 ways of spelling every.word in the English language. bifonnation for Tenants. zwrialurrnm-nors iros Mak Into PAT MITS...I4ATII o ohs , MOM LIB AL TOWA&D Tani. The courts were at one time disposed to construe the law as _be,- tween tenants and owners in favor of the latter, but recently 'their , de cisions- have been much more liberal to the tenant. - Once it was under stood that whatever improvement was added to a property by a tenant could not be removed. There has been modification of decisions onthis subject of late; As a igimeral nder, whatever a tenant puts, We a dwel- Hog or erects on the premises for his comfort, Without the intention to , permanently annex it, he may remove at any time before the expiration of his lease. This would include such things as cupboards, shelves, coal bins, and even a stair-way has" been held to be within the rule. All trade fixtures and temporary structures, whether frame or brick, and without regird to their Size, may be taken down arid carried off by the tenant who erected them. Even a dwelling house is not a parinf the reality if the right to remove it is reserved. All the landlord can legitimately de. nand is to have his property restor ed to his possession in as good order as it was received by the tenant, or dinary wear and tear excepted. Whatever the tenant puts in of $ movable nature he may take sway, but his carpenter work must not in jure or permanently alter the proper ty. All the decisions concur that these removals of improvements, and fixtures must be made within- the term of the lease. If the tenant waits until his leaise has expired, the land and all that is on it except the pure ly personal property of the tenant reverts to the landlord. ' Quin i, number of our citizens visited the circus ground yesterday, and among them was Mr. Blank. Among the curiosities were two aut omatic figures of women. They were -wound up by - one of, attendants, when tone of them made a. bow which the aforementioned Mr. B. t hought was intended for him, and he re sponded with " How do you do, ma'am ?" He turned to &bystander, and with a shake of the :head ad. dressed him thus : " Well, that , is a fine-looking woman, but it's a mys tery how she knew me, as I never saw her before."—Binghamton Lead. er. Tau sentiment of the honeymoon is a frail thing, and alter awhile a man flops right . through it like a brick through a 'cobweb. A three moirthi-old bride was rattling sway in her loquacious style, when her husband, forcing himself not to ap pear too :;aeverely tortured, said " Don't you feel as if you were peril ling your beauty by talking so much?" " Why so, John ?" she asked, with some surprise. "Because, pteciousi this is summer time, and you might; o.,et your tongue sunburnt;"—Brook lyn Eagle. A gOti‘i way to keep earth moist, in a hanging basket, without the trouble,of taking it down, is to fill" a bottle with water and put In it two pieces of yarn, leaving one end out side on the earth. Suspend the bot tle just above - the basket and allow the water to drop. This will keep the earth moist enough and save much.time and labor. - Thoughtful Thoughts: MnX are born with two eyes, but with one tongue, in, order that they should see twice as much as they say. No man has ever yet reached to perfec tion, but no man has aver been rendered worse by striving for it. Kaur trouble at arm's length. Never turn a blessing around to see whether it has a dark side to it. RAFE la like the min, *birch, as we journey toward it, cuts the shadow of our burden behind us. NATURE has written a letter of credit on some men's faces, which is honored wherever it is presented. A rsr kitchen makes a lean will. A Biwa. leak will sink a greakship. IF you would be sick think of Joy are our wings, 'sorrows are our spurs. . IT is better to be wronged than to do wrong: - - HAPPINESS is just as cheap s commedi. ty as misery. - A COUNT without ladies would be a yeai without a spring. WHAT maintains one Tice, would ,bring up two children. - We of Aare does us more- 41=0 than want of knowledge. REtrorott is the best armor in the world, but the worst cloak. FROWNS blight young children u frosty nights blight young plants. ' * GRIEF ennobles. He who has not suf fered can never have thought it. Tan morality of domestic life is the very corner stone of civilization. To twit a man of his faults, is to expose a greater fault of oar own. . To break a bad.babit reqnbes4nore. ef fort than to contract a good one. Fun, Fact_ and Facetisc. "FRITZ" EMMETT Bap be bas signed the pledge hundreds of times: It's no use, however. " dli signs fail in. 'dry' weather." 'A FRICNCIIKAN in busineas here adver tises that he has a "chasm" for an ap prentice. He had looked up the word openingP in the dictionazi.. "Tea first time a Yankee oyster went down my throat," e xclaimed Bea consfield, " I felt just as if I had swallow- IKI the Declaration of Independence." A nEwsrAPEß,shing over a recent painting, says : " In trout stands a rustic maiden wrapped in her own thouots." The scene is laid in latitude ono ftree south. - A BACTIELOR, on reading that "'two lovers will sit up all with one chair in the room," said it could ~not be dove unless one ofthem sat on the floor. Such ignorance is painful. A innow Awing' about to many her fifth husband, her pastor rebuked her for contemplating matrimony Er soon again. " Well," retorted the widow, "I just want you to understand if the lord keeps on taking them, I will too." " Amenvaii," he murmured, with .a ps thos in his voice, "why do you quiver at my touch? Why do you shrink from my embrace as the startled fawn trembles at the rustling of the autumn leaves?" " I've been vaccinated,," she said. Baia HARTZ% first poetic "fll commenced in these words — " s ipped the nectar from her lips ; I sipped and ho vered o'er her." And the last two lines were as follows "Her father's boot flashed on the scene. I'm wiser now, sod sorer." Tan word krre in one of the Indian dia lects is elnnebodstmcniglabanagegager. . Tb* accounts for the hat that never have but one sweetbeart at, a time. You couldn't expect, a toset to two cheese lendamoUgbkanagogager affairs at once. A' DISTINOUDIRED gentleman whose nose and chin Item both very long, and who bad lost his teeth, whereby. the nose and chin were brought near together. was told—" I ern afraid your now- and chin will tight ore lo t r t i c tthey approach each other very men ly." "I am afraid of it rnyielt" mid t hegeritletnan," - for a great many words have passed between them already."