DRIFTWOOD. A SCITOOLSIAiTER AT SEA. A story is told of a Boston schbolmas , ter, - strong ingarithms - , -- rarliad the courage on a recent voyage, having made .his own computation of the latitude and -longitude, Ito warni_the captain of the collard St - earner BOthnia thQt his (the calculations as to the therm of the ship were dangerously wrong. Said -tt - e iTchbolma'ster': Captain, if you con tinue ittitilie course you arc now sailing yu n ill bring - tip at Gibraltar." The -etit.t4'an-replied that he had' friends -at Gil,fiiitar Who would be glad to see tarn. When the ship arrived o 0 Queenstown the scho,ailmaster asked the captain how it- wsistliat lie (the schoolmaster; could have briM so IM:4AI:en in his reckoning. `!Nut being a - schcoltnitster, I can't say„,." utn.we:c.l the ealitalp.—llicrlinubn (Y(.) • GOVEUNMENTS The goVeinraCntti I , have seen suc ceed each other in France have endeaVor ed to play new tunes on'an old tiddle— It isn't ther , tnne that needs to Ve changed • , so much as the tiddle."—Emile de Girar din.. _ • ` TUI mosci.,:; AND Till. t , p1"1•., ,,. A cal•le di-patch duly iu the week . boiii : ;ll' it:w, of the death of the RuSsian Pr'n:A.! 1 . '21..1 Von Oldenburg.. lie was an eccentric cieaturc and as full • of supersti tion as a 4:loistin-is horn is of go:slies, llc caused Lis daliglitcr's wedding to be •p o stroni liftt-r:::11 the *guestii had .been summoned at•tl the fiAivities prepara, eer.lis , .l,(- it i?.l not discovered till then the date nil: the ceremony- fell on 101;-.1eky day for Russian Bat the bd . ', s!.•.l'-y. , :told o f hi m Le tined plico. of General Sai•din!en:li•nt of ilia im dial college for lie v.as ili.ligent to a degree in the pd to. dat_ies. Hearing that coloplahits Lad I.‘'ee . li made at the Smoling l'oiivent 4 thii quality of_ the food rtt:-Olveil 'to lest 'hi. 'tatter sudilenly bouncing down ini-tit 411 i(111 nue day just at the lintter lwr,r, he walked directly toward the kitchen. At tit^ flu:)r met two sol i. citrying Tinge canldron. " I ht.! cried ; "I.lit that kettle ' The sol.lierA obeyed instantly MEI " Wing me a spot tir was Lis next order. - One of, the soldiers fetched a spoon, but in offering it ventured to begin a 4am leering remonstrance. "livid- ,"your tongue l" commanded the niece. "Take off the lid : I insist on Lasting it." i Tta next 111.)1h10 - it the spoon had conveyed a 1);g poi his mouth. "lon eall tbir soup be exelltimed indignantly, as soon as he swan the dose ; why, it• is simply dui ty -water !" "IL is, your High replied the soldier who had tried tn, : "tee have jo i st been cleaning Lat the la untliy."—/; ,, xt , ,n t/,11 'Tu. I:I tol• 'rrave:-e, o• 11,) lately cllcdln I I , trnitaly the ntoht noted ca meeting' lea ler in Eastern New York. a a itorio as " Chicago Bob, — iiitt ropt.ed the I'.'ll'7le;.;:ition while sing ing hv (Towing. "Sit down, Hebert," "Chicago Bab sits down foi uu one." growied the bully. "Sit dawii, ,, ltotrert," once more said the elder.' El.bort•s teply'mas a movement to throw of his Coat. The elder dealt hint blow : , fter blow until Ite retired discanditted. Next .hay Lob ;,a) , , - peateil among-. the re pentant sinners :"• Arc: you in earnest, ibett*."' - mildly inquired the chler. " I ant." " Heally seeking faith?" You bet : If laith helps a man to get in his walk as 4plick .you did rsti.rday .aid Limed to have it ifj seri my hat." 4' i 7 r4j,;!,1 l', 1 " I .11a•mght it .heap when I bought ciould in his testimony, ex piaihmg tide pirilosophy of his tratisae when I thought it was pretty dear I Hvi It is - very simpl—buy nu'lle;lumpuonil sell on the jinni). That is all there is nf it.—Springfield Republi- A sOVEREI6N AND A FLUNKEY Mr. I.iw•rence Jerome has just depar ed Gm New York after, a somewhat ex te.ndrd soj4min on't his side of the water. lc.verylsAly hnows of the j.,ity "Larry," ;old be alde to appreciate ing aneettote 1111.• experience tit London ittiroit t , 11 , 1 by .leloine' , daughter. is he •v. ire . i.)f 1.0. 0 1 Nandolph (Thittchi ho al a n'Letl , 10) ill), iliitaiou to Ante. ad‘l: , ,•.; au4 1..0h01d. therefoze,, ou frieiHl nt „ f th e i r t ow veco-;ting a stately fu:,ti n : " zii•. ('lnir&•liiil at hornet•' CUR foift111:01 '•31.! I.if is in. 1 111:oal. ha Cs -h doing (The loOi Mall Filunt with horror.) " .Nlrs. - Clou in ?" fo,,tinantinivers-, kith indignation "Mt' imlY, sir, is not down stairs vet. , .‘t.t A pret . ty time o Jll:6' to be in bed ! Well, you Sust Mrs " -. (Tbe footnnin pales and is about to . t,nunnon assistapee to eject the and:Wants intruder, Then—a sn‘ery. laugh and, a nice ihats down front over the banisters. IlLar Uncle Laity ! Come right 'il footman, "0, sir, me Lntl'. paitlon lue. If you please, me ',tub this \ y " o , lllspul,tleut Phil- 'otfaihia Ia*EIZNOII ADVI(I A good, old Governor of the Stato of Maine, when he is.sued a fast-day procla- .mation, more than fifty years ago, made up his mind to forego platitudes and to_ 1,11 his people just how - ,' in his opinion, • they ought to get rca4 to observe• the day. This was his adviee : recom" , mend to each citizen-to observe the-..lai. as a Ulu ist lan : if lie be under the iwltY en;e Of any vice, to banish it ; if in error, in e,)rreet it : if under obligations to oth ers, discharge them ; if suffer ing injuries, do forgive them ; if aware of eNtinguish them, and if :add to do any benevolent act to any being • created by the Almighty Power to Vlach lie owes existetto and his . faculties, to di) it.' —srr .rol,q; ,96 Tiwr 8. EXPERIMENTS Mrs. Muller cut her throat at Cincinna ti nine years ago. tier at tempt at suicide was a failure, though, sbe his never fully recovered from the wound. She had quarrelled with her husband, and. their ditrerences have continued.? Muller fre. fluently .upbraided tier• for not dying ',bin shO mislid to, and urgt•d her to try :again. On the anniversary of • the event, a feW flays ago, he said that_ he woUld ;how her by taking his own life how. to properly; commit suicide,. lie aimed , a pistol at his heart and tired, but a rib di verted the bullet, and be will recover.— Nett York Sun. THE wife of an old colored man in the eastern Part of Georgia - recently present. ed him with the sizthiialr of twins, h family having previously been endoWed with two pairs of triplets, rdl burial/ink rebicat. ss s IF YOU FEEL DROWSY. DE nilltaied, have frequent headache, mouth tastes, hadly. p,xir appetite and tongue coated, yen. are suft-t tog from toipld liver, or " bilionsiess." and nothit.g will cum you FO speedily and permanently a, to tette - Simmons Liver Regulator or Medicine The cheat, , ,,t,, Purest - and iteEt V.llTilly Medi. dile in the World : - An Etrt.ctoxl St , for ME Stomach anti 11.1verant rm. nt • at:d lirevars, Ma. F••ver , . Dowel .11alludive. alit' N va BAD HEALTH \o!; - dr:g it so Ithy,!easatit, frothing so 'MCOIIIIIIOI as 1...11 teesklt, and in nearly Crecy case It efaill!S front ;qv-stomach. afol can he .so easily corrected if you At1:1. Like ShunionS - Liver Itegu l ator. lin not tieg.:i.r , N.) :LI: rt . a remedy for tIIIS repUbire disor der. I In pr.rt e , your AifiHtlie, Complex ion, an4l ; , 41c1 11.1,Alth. • PILES ' H ex ner.y sqtr-r torture day after day, making if. , 3 I:it, t 7.11 and robbing exktenee of all pleasure. militt, to :he serret ..utferiug from Piles. Yet: relief rer.dy t•,.the h tint of almost anyone who will ILS43 yStrll.:l2iO3.::y the- rentedy that has permanently •ur. 4I U. h sands. sdninons hirer lOgnlator Is no Ira-ho lloient` pu ge, but a genhe assistance to - • CONSTIPATION not. Le retarded a., ,n trilling ail. fact tuttore dummlis the utmost reg yur ihr hoWelS. a n d any deviation. int,;-.leinand paves the v.ayolfen to . 1 - tag.•r. It i. quite al neveq,ary to - reol,,ve impure aeetnnulattonj front -the a, It is to eat or sleet', and no health eln he expected where U. costive habit of pr , vailb. - SICK HEADACHE - Ttit , :0111 I,:t occurs tUI.St T 11.• ti IA:111,1%v, of the stomach. arising front the itapet t..ctly tlig.c.ted emitentr, causes a severe pain in I,,, , i,nccompauted with dlsaz i reeahle nausea; and the constitutes what is popularly kuowtv as dick II eadat he, oRIOIN.kL,AND ONLY i:F,NCINE 111.0101m urt,1 by .1. lI:ZEMIN 5: Co.; Plilladelphla, P. SuM by all Draggig. • way W._ The Curl! For all Female Complaints. . "ALI prepnrritinn, a t it i naino sirningog, coroisi + of 'Vegetable Propertiel t 1i....t. are harm! ,to the ii.leot gl. - 1•• lento Inralid. Upon one trial Its hig rift or t 1,13 C9i pound willli.l.reroTniz ,i, n, relief it h'.l7,dlr.t, , end when Its use Is eentinn^.l. in ninety•nine 'root -On tili'lll. man 4 '1 ,... deed, ape :le:A cult is 5:7 , . . • .. :.:.I. ~..',115, 1 3 soil to ,t tify. . 'On ac,• , .‘int IS iii., pro . .•••ii i 1,: .. .t.., it is lg•-•g'ay is. commended mad pri.-wrilie,l by the 1,,,t . 1 4,:,-,,,• - - , i n the country, . It will Cure entirely ties r• - o:• t f irni nf Pil:Inl of the uterus, Lotwori hi: .1, -\ trii.7,::`,..r and pi..:nful Menst runtlon, all Os aria n Trolii.h . r. I..i'r to mat i. n rand riceintion, flooillin.i,, all l i ii.i.laccooelitt and the eon. frequent tranal weal:nett, and I i :peel :1:v .... , (IP.I le.: 1 , 1 the Mantic Of Life. It s ill gli• - its. nett ~, , 4, 1 titinemi frgm the titeiruii in an enrly Maiie g r c.. a. , , : .,,,,,t. 5:.., tend. ] ncy to cari-erous Iraulors th..re ii eltee;ie.l T',_ry 111., (lily by lit 1.1,e, • • . li, fact It I.: , s proved t.g I.• the' Fre - A. oat and test rein, gly that 1,14 Vv. r 1 - . 1 01.4•1.,•:•• ell. 1 pern/cates vvt.ry 1 ,- Iit:• 11 c r ::::., py,,. ;:.,:.:. , 1; . ::v•: - , - DOW Irellll , l VI.: 3r. 1: rc.lll, .., 4 : 1 . 1!..,..., .':.:a:. :2:.:o. atm all erasing for rtinralaut,:.:,l .rt.:t5 , ...., ws .1.:n( sa Of tlale stomach It arm Illoating, ITeadaelles, Ncrvras I'rostration, Gene al Debility, tnetpLtletnC^?, De; rt .sion a::d Ind ') gestibbbbbn. That feeling of Ism rtnis dou n, eaushig Iran, weight and backache, to r.117: - ;"; rcrmant nt:y'Kai.t.r. - ..d 11 its tOe. It will at all times;tlnd r.m,ler:.ll circumstan— ces, art in harmony with tlta har flat roverns tho female system. • Fat. Kitn,•: - c'ontslaints or 4 it? Lydia. ts.lsinkliairi's prilmr...l I'rice forn...• - •11 , •!:-% f •:••:, • f I•.. of in it,. . t i . 1; ,I I ,111: fru. IS ;W. I. y fL. i 71, I L. aud'iotT,iu.;p of to-1...• ^ t N. H. DOHS' ViGETABLE:BALSAMIG E -. Is a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Distaste, when taken in season. People die of consumption simp ly because of neglei.l, when the tiinelpiise of this remedy would hare cured them at once. F4fittone years of con stant use proves-the fact that no cough remedy les stood the test like'Downsl '.Etaxir. Prim 511:. antl S I pm' bottle. ' Fur S r d + !•:vvr:.%%11.2r0, Dr. Baxter's Mandrake MB IT T E Will cure Jaundice, Dyspepsia, ' Liver- Complaints, Indigestion, nd all diseases arising from Bit loneness". Price 25 cts. per bottle: - Tor Vale Everritere. • • HENRY at. JOHNSON% ,ARNICA AND OIL LINIMENT For Man and Beast. The most perfeCt liniment ewer compounded. Price 25a and sot. ror Bd. ETerywhere.- GET . YOUR HAIR CUT AND SHAVING, AT . Ward. ITlcruuse SHAVING PARLOR: • Ms \ro study to please. ' D. V. STEDGE, Prop•r Tuwarida Pa., July 15,1N79. LIST OF LEGAL.BLANKS Printed and kept on sale at the Mei:H=ll.Ol,7MR at wholobalc or retsl. Deed. 310r!gage. Itond. Treasurer's Bond. Collectors But,4 7, Lease. Complaint. Commitments. Warrant. Constable's Return. • Art.Henn( Agreement,fltirme. Bond an Attachment Consubble•agaltt. Collectors Sales. Execution. S uhpcena. Petition for Lima*. ' Bond tbr LiCBlll4. sore Judgement. . Welts hutteabent Ma> EVISED. NEW, TESTAMENT. AN —Author:2M Vends% with the rt.t nth. TORV added. Agents wanted. 0 004.1rY• _Bend 6e. for outfit. A. GORTON' k CO:, Publlszertis Al E riltA ttsget, April ?.a7. froceties sab.lltreitsiots. GEORGE L. Ross NEW OROCF.R'Y STORE JIIST STARTED IN. THE MON TANYE BLOCK. This store being'On the corner near the. Fuhlle Altana. bone of the finest Groceriesin Mire, and t Mr. Moss tilts stoutest no pains In selecting the best goods that the great cities milord. His experience in the grocery business, enables him' 'to purchase first-clasSgoods, and at .bottom prices.' Farmers ..stel everybody can depend on it that when they get the prices of Groceries at Itoss's It Rot no use •to try elsewhere. kir his prices axe down to rock bottom. , EMMETT SPENCER has charge of Mr. 'Hess's Firs Ward Otero in Kellum Block. while •JessitiSehnonover is.clerk In the new Mote In Mon. t.mye 'Stock. Mr. Gess keeps a horse and delivery wagon standing at the store in charge of Cherie Wa.sblearn, who wilidellver In the itorougb, tree of charge. all goods as soon as sold. . All kinds of desirable produce takers in exchange for Groceries or for Cash GEORGE L. ICOSS. Towanda, January . 27, IbSI. ANTES McCABE CORNER MAIN & BRIDGE-STS Eleadquarters FOR CHOICE GROCERIES CASH- PAID. }TR . BUTTER, tEGGS, &c. - - GOODS-SOLD AT THE' LOWEST LVIING RATES Towanda, 'A 1 , 1.11 21, IA4O-3:1 N - _.t - vv - SWAIiTS . • - CORNER, OF MAIN AND •Itp.llDilE STRF,ETS (lately occupied by Oweu Bros.) with au entire NEW• STOCK OF: FINE • -FAMILY Groceries & Provisions. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT AND CIIOIOE.STOCK NEMO! - COOLS rir The highest market, prices paid to V‘arnierS in Cash for desirable produce. 'Wood and Willow Ware •kept ,ouilantly ou band. Buyers- are halted to call and examine our Good. and Prices. =II Towanda;•Pa., Jailitary `-'lth, 1881 STEVENS & LONG nOERIES, PROVISIOiNS, 1: EV, DB Zi 41 . r:1114,,t1I .i !.'. ~~r.a~~. ! s nr. REIM= CORNER OF MAIN & PINE-Sts (The old stand of Fox, Stecetis & Mercer They Invite attention to their complete assortment and very large stock Of Choice New Goods which they iltavealways on hand. ESI'ECIAb ATTENTION GIVEN TO VIZ M. J. LONG Tuwarola, Aprl 1 1879 NMAT 31LARIFEET• • E. 0. - RUNDELL; • Would respeetfullyaenouneethat liejs eoutinulug the Market business at the old stand,of tilliick & Rundell, and will at all ilnl9l keep atoll supply of bunb ta nt Iy on hand. Country dealers supplied at city rates. FRESH & SALT mgATs, Sir AU Chocks deltvered Free of Charge MEAT MARKET! • C. M. M Y E R, LOeated In BEIMLEMAN'S BLOCK, BRIDOX STBEET,' I Keep on hand, FRESH AND SALT .MEATS, - DRIED BEEF, FISH, POULTRY, , GARDEM VEGETABLES AND _BERRIES IN - ' THEIR SEASON, 4c. air All goods delivered free of charge. C. M. MTER 77:Tosranda. Pa.. May - le the Pleptletor of Use Has removed to utaklng It 14s 3i leaves Wyalusing st 6:09 A. M.. French town 004, Itumntertielii 6:13, Standing Storm s:at. Wysanking 6:19, Towamla 6:53. Ulster 7:06; Milan 7:16, Athens 7:25. Sayre 7:19, Waverly 7:55, arriving to Elmira at 13:50 A. M. - No. at leasins Elmira at 5:45 P.M., Waverly:6:ls. Sayre 6:45. Athena 6: - 0; Milan Ui.ter Towanda Wvslfiking' 7:al. Sanding Stour 7:14. Ruusmeillele7:l2, Fretichtown S:O2, arriving' at yiyalusing S:l5 P. M. .Trains 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping tars on trains -8 and 1.8 bezivsen Niagara Falls and Philadelphis and between Lyons and New York without rhaugrr Parlor cars on Trains 2 and 9 Lwtween Niagara Falls and Philadelphia without change, and through &tacit to and from IP.chestor vta Lyons. :. W5l. STEVENSON, RiM I'l SaYtli. Pa., May Ic, 188 :upt. P. k N. Y. It. it. S McCABE. JAM GORDON nave filled the Old :Rom • We 'invite ,attentimkto our • i or An hssortmont of M. D. SW:ARTS, A: S. GORDON, General Dealers in And COUNTRY PRODUCE, TOTHEIR NEW STORE, I'ItODUC.E T I And Cash paid for doistrabie kinds; Narnets. FRESH „ ru E), "1"4/1711"1-1.6). OYSTERS GARDEN VEGETABLES; FRUITS, &c. • • r E. D. EUNDELL Towantia, Pa. Nov. V:1879. G t ET YOUR JOB PRIN?INO THr... AFIrORTER" OFflO EIIIOII VALLEY• PENN. t "'Tr KOBE RAIL ROAD!. Arrangement° , Passenger Trains totakeeffeet MAY 15, Issi. iAITWAAD. • , 5 9 1. .1 1 3 I'STATION P. 31.1! 11 1 .5.11.'P.M.: , 4..11. ; P.14...k 111')1.51 ; 2.05;# 20 .. i 7 151ilirrandIsf, 1 03: ....1 08,9 41,. 2 Mix 2 1 ..::1 0 20' • .. Buffalo-411 40. ....limn 6 /8 5 151100 ....1.--..:. 110chellter,:i 9 50; 7 40 1 9' 40 . -- - 6 30 1.139, .. ..... ... Lyans...l S 40: —.11.504.- 0 3111,15.4 . „ • .„„ 1 ~ ; , ...(10005 - 9...1 741; 3008 14'.... 1 855;1 .18, 83 1 ...„ ...11b3Ca...i 610 2 1016 40..... 5 10ii - n:i' .„,. ..,,,1.. Auburn ..! 830 ....t935'... 900105th .... . ... , ...43weg0... 1 530 j ...46 23 1 ._ 9 10'1 43 0 00 ; 343 ...r.lollfa ..1 5'25'11 10'8 15'2 16 9 45,i II); .9 40i 4 151:.Waverly :! 4 4&1020',2 11,1 30 II) 10 2 30 . f0 toi 430, Siyie.. ;4 4 0 1 1010,5 20.1j23 10 12 344005; 4 34...A1hen5.,....! 4 30,1000;5 10,1 15 .:. ;... 'i 9 15; ....1.....3111an..1....; 95: ....,1 06 .;.'.1.... : 10 2r; .....;,..Ulster:.. I ....: 9 43!4 55 1257 10 lc 3 0015 s3j 5 ri..T3t7LVDS .1 I 013 9 331 13;1311 ....;., X 05 4, 5 13 1 Wysautingl ...., 9101....1234 -• • •'• . •11 1 0 3 ....I.Sta'g gtOne.l.. .; 910;:... 1221 .....i....111 ice 3 24. Itnul'ol - 11elk ....I 9 0.4....'1211 ....... 1118 j ....I rrenchtowl.... l 8 55:-. .11208 ....'3 3 , 1 11 30 .5 45;._Wyallialng , ...: 843 4'03;1155 11 44,3 54 1145' i 03'. Lacrycille.: 3 03 423 3 43:11341 '....L —ll 53 , 0 07 1 6kIn's Eddy,. ' ..! 8 19,....i113f ....,4 10,1210 6 23) Meshappen....i 804'3 28;1119 ........42 16, 62W Melimparly. ..... 7 371.:: .lii 13 1225 ` 4 35; X 01. 37 tOjTunkhau . ck I 2 18 733 3 03:1052 „- I ...! 1 lei 7 20!. La 41 range. .. :4 • • • •; . .••1 1 21t 735 ;••..Y9116....t ;,,..! 702 ....: 1 1030 I 4113 10 1 45' 8 05' IA 11 Junc'n 1 35, 6 iisll 2-51010 ,1 33 5 25 220 ; 8 35; Wilk-Barre 1 Oh; 6 6110 . 2 03 9 43 3 15 1 7 10 ,4, • 801110013Pell Chunk 1195 —.1155 72 ; 4 4 41,8 24' 'l5 53112001.Alladown . 1005,.....'10516 24 5 00,8 35, 6 05112 15 .fiellileheol. 939 .... 1045 6 15 1 30,9 001. F. 440t2 53;...F.ar400... 9 20' .... 1015 550 6 55i 1035; 112.5 t 2 2,o:Phllsuri tad.) 800 .... 0 00 4'15 305!....! 0151 3 31,':New 'York. 630 .':.. 7 40 3 40 A. 11.4.. Wi..5i. 1 1..14. : ..r.m. A.M. A 3i r. 311 El Jgc. ;RAILWAY' ' ,s-the.OLDEST: ftE.StCONSTRUC:TED : BUT . i EQULpvn E: and heuee the ILEADIAM ELEILW, LT •, , . . —OF TIM... 1 .;WEST'' AND NORTHWEST! is 'DM short and .best route between Chicago and ail mints In Northern IawIIIIIIQI3, , Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, California, /logo'', Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and for COUNCIL BLUFFS. OMAHA DENVER,.EADVILLE. SALT LAKE. SAN FRANCISCO !.- DEADWOOO, SIOUX *CITY Cedar Rapids. Des Moines, „Colunitits, and all Points In the TerrilorKat„ and the West, Also, for Milwaukee, Green tiny, tiilikosti,.Slietioygati. Mar quette. • FOntl du Lac, • Watertown, Doug Mon. Neenah. Menasha, sir Paul, Minneapolis, Huron; Volga, Fargo, Disinarck- Winona, LaCroise. Owatonna, and all points id Minnesota, Dakota. Wisconsin and the North West. A; Council Bluffs the Trains, of the Chicago A _North-Western and the U. 'P. Wys depart from, arrive at and use the Sane joint Union Depot. - ' At Chicago, close connections are made with the Lake Slime, Michigan Central, thiltimore t Ohio. Ft. Wayne-:and Pennsylvania. and Chicago & Grand Triiiik It'ss, and the Kankakee. and Pan Handle Routes. (nose conneetiftnit made at /id Ad bat Phints It km the °NEE LINE running Pullinan Hotel Dining Cars I:T WHLN Chicago & Council 'Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on all 'Night Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents' selling you Tickets via this road. Exathine your Tickets, anti refuse to buy if they do not road 'over the Chicago & you wish the liestlesuninodaticius will buy your Tickets by thisTobte, 1116 r AND 3. TAKE NONE (TILER. An Ticket Agents nelt Tickets by this Line. MARVIN lIPGIIITT, 7.11 V. P. & Gettig Mang'r,leago FROST'S SONS' FURNITURE! We arAttow prepared...for the sritiNb TRADE with a full lino of 'NEW-ANf) DESIRABLE GOODS L . I I I E , ST ST . 7ff it N . P L9NEST. if/ft!! 'We Invite the public to call add• examine PARLOR SUITS IN RAW SILK TERRIS, PLUSH AND • • • RAIRCLOTII, vor7 largn, and our prices as low as the lowest OEO. ST EVF.,tiB CHAMBER SUITS • IN ASH, .:-- WALNUT AND SOFTWOOD, whlel) we are selling a a very low nice. A full line of • SPRING - 4EDS; MATTRASSES Al\ I) PILLOWS.'; . IfNbta,RTAIUNG In thla department we always have the beat goods n the market, and are continually adding BEM LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, while our prices . are the lowest. J. 0. FROST'S SONS' Towanda, Apr 9, 1879. VIE-BRADFORD REPORTER Vaitroabc lIIE wzstwan.D. 8 !301 ; P - furniture. WROLESALE AND RETAIL !ETES *our assortnieut 6f We have a full line of OM NEW STYLES with all the SUBSCRIBE FOR ONE DOLLAR PER 3EA!, IN ADVANCE SYRACUSE -L-- . - 7•:' ----- ltocantdnes allthe lencles of any Plow in use. It obviates all the objeo tionsraadetoanyotherPlow. It embraces several new *Mures of the, greatest value. Its Beam, Jointer Stand ard, and Wheel Standard are STY-EL, And its Mold Board Is a co nposltloll of Steel and Iron; chilled under a process tor Irehich we have obtained an exclusive patent. Its weight is eighteen pounds less than mar former styles. A first-class Steel Plow, made In the ordinary way. ball rigged, retails lor tweillY-twtk dollars. Interior Steel Plows retail from sixteen to nineteen do llars. The price of our new Plow is but Seventeen Dollars, and It Is .the cheapest Agricultural implement ever sold. • ; it. Is cheaper than any other Plow now made would be let ilyttdollara and a halt. lUi Mol will outwear . . the very of the o. mold bbards It - will scour in sells where steel plows and all other plows' hitherto proved a fallum Withthis plow will be int anew style of Plow Point am Point, on which we have c. Patents, and which are also Improvement, both as rep and strength. ' The Jointer can be shifted so as to take more or less ~ 4 be kept'on a line with the PloW. The wheel will run under the beam or one side of it as ~. __, _ _. __,, . keep in line. • .• - ; elle beam Is adjustable [ or Spring or Fall Plowing, and also fortwo or three horses. • Th.: handles can be adjusted to accomodate a man or boy on the same Plow. It is the, Lightest Draft Plow ever made. . -.-- • ti'ooden beams are going ont.of use because they shrink, swell, and wail", and never ran two seasons alike. Iron beams aro 4 too heavy. Rai:aw am e teams beianne demoralized and bend„-which is worse than to break. - A Steel beam is. the neees‘aty of the day. It Is three times as 'Meng, and very much lighter than any other style. • . 'When'ete! s ly a Mold Board in chilled, the Farmers know it is so. __ _ . , • We W. , not. palm oil on them a composition offvatioas metals and call it cllilleit metal. • `A - re-2,witnt agerls for this new Plow in every town in this state. . • • tVe can give brit a-very small discount to them, but we will pay the Railroad Freight. . . We prep' se to place this Plow In the hands of the Farmers as near the cost of manufacture as possible. It Is the list .agricultural Implement ever sold. • It Is the ehealk.st. • • Pera"ns. therefore, who are net willing to act as agents on the principle that " 14nlinble eia - pence is better than a slow i shilling,n need net apply tar an.ag•mcy.• . ~ : '. , 1 • - S - . • ,No :Flaws on commission. All sales absolute. ' ' 'i , make Right and Left liana Plowsat all sizes: Also Side Hill Plows..l 'll .' . C,:r• This is the only steel' Chilled Plow in the Vorld. ~ . • y•zieet eosts Several thaes more than Iron. But this Plow, , full rigged, by giving. small discounts, cahbe sold for Seventeen Dollars cointe this Mire with that of any lron.;Plbw ever made. .+ h• r- in-N , are no agents, we will, on receipt oLSeventeen Dollars, send a Plow to any Railroad Station in the State, and pay the irehrii , Adilrcs , i i. • . • ' SYRACUSE CHILLED - PLOW, COMPANY, Syracuse- N • Y . „ . . . • . • J. W. Irvine, Libert. - .,Cor a viers, - Pa.;. Ac - esit...for Bradford Co , - . ("tem 4.3t4iites, Vows, &c. JOHNSON MAN U . ACTUI I'G COMPANY. MANUFACTURtitS OF -STEA.M 2,,T01N5, Portable Stat ionary Circular :gilts, SHINGLE, lACIIINES, CORN BELLES; Field Rollers "and. Plow Points, GRIST .(7: SAW MILL MAEMINERY Of ail Ititith.7, ur repairs for the same:: BOILER MAKING . . , . Or repairing of old Boilers, putting it -Ileatis.or Fates, a specialty. ar We burr, . I fit . .iiities for turning 6:u FIRST-ViVISS 1101 L Fli'S old Agri no tice. : • POrtable - anp Statioriary Engines OT any si re Illagh, tolutd , :r. A liki, lfraFni and iro Cahed room,. from /1172 to DSO per c. ar. ' For cm alogue or further purticuz lat . * athness the Prthr K'DM: IN -E. QUI NI. A N, A. 11.• T..." 1 " J n . notohor Igso, _ : _. ...,, ~ .• _ _ . ... .. . _.. - ,A c • . ,• , , .. _ •,,..;,.____, • . ..• • , , -;.... ..e.„...... _ ____„......,_ ...•„...„..„.•..,,„_•..-:-.§. :,.. ~.•••••••,. WIARD'S PATENT NEW 1880 SERIES Malleable lion and Wood Beam Chilled PLOWS nil ere! offered to the 'Farrner4 Grille country for the; coming eon with many valtna,:e improvements. THE WIARD - is the Etruiages.t sad mostdura ble P!ow in tne li.aket. . . THE IVIARD i 4 the best for genern: . purpose work, in both pb4.l'aml4.ltubble. . THE' WIA.RD . has the simplest and mrn.t coat! pieta ailjmtment for using two or three. borse abreast. • 121 WLARD is the Plow extant for hard Clay and Etolly grol.lllll. THE WIARD" rivals all other chilled Plows for cleaning in loo , n andndhcsive . THEVlAltnicannot he excelled for Lightness of Draft., • . Our 'Malleable Iron Beam is .the orlyinne tiro! MI tat Beina made; is guaranteed in:aitist bending or lireakinz; Is perfectly adjukable tor 2or :3 hors , :s; user 20,00) use, and not one in - a thousand failed. Our Jointers, Wheels and Handles are all auk:: -,401e: Our Moldboards i r, frli and umt °may.. Our Plows are warranted to any reasw:::e.::: es Sent. If you ate In buy t ne7 APL• the Wzimaya trot. Having full faith, from past experience, that all that is claimed above ' for • the WIARD PLOWS is true, I challenge se vere test trials with any