SERVICES - AT , 'RONK -ETC. Decoration Day, ira4er auspices:of Sitylgt*P.oA, No. 0, witi-thily ok geried here, also atiWyiox, Nortli.Orwen: The clap here ,vas tisberid'in with a aa 'lute at 3 o'clock. _ t - ' ..kt 6 o'clock A. iconintitte - s of sol i then appointed by the Post, placed ilagt upon the graves of tlieir fallen cornradea in the te Inc:cries at the several places. IFTWX. At S:3O a procession of soldiers, •and many others, was formed in front of th* Po s ts behdquarters here, std - with mar:- tial music. proceeded to Wysox, where . they were net ul the cemetery by soldiers and - citizczs With their excellent and fine; tiniformi 1 - Conitt Baud. Exercises there_wcre opened with prayer by 12,)v. 'William Steen, pastor of the PreSbyteri an at that place. Recitations were given - by Miss Rice and Miss •Lettie May - Wilmot, of :ionic. • Soldiers graves Were decorated in a very becoming manner with flowers .fur , niched citiaens, • Ilon...loseph E.. tquitet - favored - , those preciit ith a speech, which was very iinpiess . iic and well received; incereiscs there finished, the procession w a s re-formed and accompanied by t.lie b.tiol, returned to headquarters here, fir due time -•tteijoy the dinner whicb had been preparrd by many kind 11. i• ds - rcady for their ram. MBE ail lila , desi.4ld had refreshed thuillsviVeS to their satisfaction., the pro- A - as-formed in the following order and fit - ,e inaleh directed to the 'Rome cc:11:o : NVFiox._ Pirgess "Ilortw4h tl;,ttu :ma . C.;311,-;. , Stencils Po-?, .1. H. Other Si‘ l .iief;, Citizez” , and conk t;ny, they formed In r l uare to.outi.l tlift lot belougiug to the Olt.; f011.%5-in..; ceremonies were iih. iu the order here BEE given S. ll I(pyi e y, P.l.:tor of the M. E. .ia - cve,taiirayvr. Then followed. by P Address by 1.. P, t.'ohurn, of MIL -le by I)ecurat ion .2x, si.r.s in icnicmbranca 1.1 Ciiini7Riet: who t,lee p in unknown grant Itjoitatiiiii by tli,. Joss'eA.;rowlier. lt:ui;irk; by Atlj‘ilalt I:44eitation by Miss Rice. 31Liiiittlis by S. )Aisle by Baud. ittlnaika by Qiir..t.eiriasteii' E.. E L ~S a ►uiu,~ Itcciuitiun'oy Lettie May Wilmot t'!:,4l.l.iin. W. 11. Britvt. N:.llii7l.s . 11. m c then given ortlerm tl; it (•owman to fail in line, alto: hleh they nelle'..(.l in review of 'their l'•,ittra; l .es gi a c'es, aboat, forty in number, decorating thdn clith :l.•wcts carried by the little a iiver The baud 'at the same time pia) ed,aiiirge, and the gun , tiers in chroge',.f Comrade Albert Wilmot liicd a salute' (loin the minute gun. Cetemmees at Ilse eemetely over, they again formed in line and headed by the bawl marched to the M. E. Church to lis ten to the elosim: exorcises: After sing ing by the : Glee 'ha.. the Commander in . troditeul L Esq., of Towanda, who dell verea tl=< 111.1) iqu—spokeu of by ' g•kod jud s ,zes !lie best'ever listen ed to. Cert;:inly uld speak praise for itself if see c n ' •: I:!! it, in • full as. it fefl frni. the s;.eakei's Professor' L. W. acv, assisted by others of the Glee • ('hub, then in a very feeling manner, sang the sing entitled, "Starvation in Prison." r; I.r t Post, in a few 1. Maths' thfnlyed varim,s ones for the • ;liminess thoy had .shown them bv, theft. MIME .1. S. -Eit , ,v , )rh, of Orwell o.,sed the exelet , ! :; .'pf thu . day with the iet ion (inv. ;it Orwellll ill, .mem w Q r s til i ,vo t s 3s, by Abe cbii 411cii “t" 111.. * Salli:atli SOK) and citizens e:t•coraleti in a veq :it rn4riner tl.e graves of taEi'a buried jn the cemetery at that pl.bte. 'Nev. N« thertfin, .pastor of the Or \veil 31. E. " and Ifint::lAer.ry inatle r' art: vary suitable for the N , .1.1*; - 1 h )rwc:l, the eitiztlec tiC 1. "r 1! . vtul'a , l , ` D. S. Boardman, pry a;itloiaiatc::,. oc:corned the soldiers" . ;;rata , .Ineiery. Ceremonies at 1.1 the comrades al : ti prO . VIOI.IIS t! tttn hoe - to take Paul :ri flit, ixygex that whiny 11.1 icipatett —a considerable numl, q - :. llf fq ~1 i`1!•1 114 , ' find roam 11. e *:111 , !1•1. (:Ire a place 1,10 ri , l u,ar n 1100ri and win (lows, *heft 11.11'1 liear the speaker. •Tl , ‘ % W all er .1.1, , r,-d 13 be very tine. • alit lit Jlt . I,` w ere Nt rongly tlireatinktl with t tin. Every arrange 111 C I:NAV t;.tillicit "tit in excellent order, in a very inipt;.,ive anti 4=tr'enin ma Post decorated in all Over ninety solcliets g yves. Sit yens Post, pnderthe le.olersh;p ot thy Commander, B. G. wulptt, (ksel vi.s nitwit credit for the. manner in .\Li il they performed this ideasant mn duty. Vice Com mander t'. S.ewtut and the ladies and gentlemeti who assisted him, did valuable service inatianging the tallies for di nn e r . • laijks, of the many who lent help. in. 1.an14 received especial expressions oi!gratnitdc flout the': membtrs of the Mrs. Martha Warner, for her fiber- . • nlity in inn:listing ready for; the 'table, of the eltiee used, and M6:3 Eliza Culver, riam tool; the lead in arranging so tastjAtily neatly ail of the dowers used on the 4easion—smely -it was no small task; • In the; procession to the cemetery here t het e was hot e ticitqrs formed iu the shape of t casts t, escorted by eight com riules, each of w how carried a bouquet of tt. , 4w els made in the form of large plumes.' casket of dowers was placed on the A. R.'s lot at the cemetery in memory of coniraclet who are resting in unknown grAVCS The: s'oung 'o , lie, , ,,ANLo recited, rendered their Parts in' a manner which elicited much praise. The Glee Club, compo.sed 'of Profmor Towner, wife, amidaughter Jes.sie• Professor Oeorae Warner and wife; Pro: fefaior Myieu Dunn and Orville Taylor, showed (bat they - understood the pares they hid undertaken, Tbe day is one not soon to be forgotten. Our - sincere wish is that Stevens Poet will have the honor to conduct' many Decora lion Day ceremonies, as excellent and fit ting as this one, in remembrance of their fallen comrades. The orator never utter ed'uniels more true than when he said in words'iennewluit like theep, "Soldiers de - rerve there honor than any ofkr class Of men. Others sacrifice a few pleasures, hut the true soldier sacrilleca Oar most (liar to us on earth.-life florae, Pa., May 30, 1881. ~:.:::,a;~:. _..._,~.. ~~:.:.....: ~ .r::~.:.~ TF YOU FEEL DROWSY, DE -I_l,lll wed. hate fredaertE beadiette: Month tastes ha4lly. pwr appetite and Icrtgue:_tOaled,. you ate , nlierlng from totpl.l - Mver, or fdlltottrres." and rune yoxi , t,o speedily and permanently is to trite sininmar " -tater ,- Medicine. 4014 nest Faintty eine in .thc • KU rdr n .11. , 3a3 3of Liter. totuath ,t.; tit Liver revt•att 1•111;2., ant) Fevers, 13rit•rts 11:4 (:011110alitt , , Itrqi ne:.,s. Jam:dice NAttNea. BAD HEALTH Not Is sit - unpleasant, nothing so uneounno t' as Lid bteath. and In nearly every ease it comas from to i•, and van be so easily corrected If you will tai:e. Simmons Liver Regulator. Do net neglect 'ore a remedy for this' repulsive disor der. ft Improve your App Complex.- lou, and al Health. PILES , Row titioy sitg , ir torture day :trier day, making life a b 41 ur,l, and rebelng existetui of all pleasure, owing to the secret suffering from riles. Yet relief is ready-to the of almost anyone who will use system:Me:ally the remedy that has permanently rimed 14,i1i11116 1 / 6 LiVerlteglll3lflr is 110 tintStiC violent large, but a gentle ii.sistance to nature. CONSTIPATION 5h...1,1 not , be regarded as a trilling to, , ,,t—in fact nature:demands the utmost of the bowels, and any deviation loon Mix dot:la:el paves the way often to .o it.o . 4 , :er, It is quite as iiecearyto remove impure accumulations from the - as It Is to fat or sleeti.and 119 health eau be espeeted where a costive habit of prevails. • .SICK HEADACHE This Ist r.”.siti;:, , affilctiotioccata tu nst , Tlt3.llst.irktuce th 6 stomach, arising from the Itaiwrfcctly e4nteuto, eabsesu savere iwtu lu thule.o.accomjesuivet with disagree:llo tau,cet„ and 014 I, , :iStitlites 1:113t is popularly . l;nowa is Siek he. kr. AND ()N1,1" (3 EN r INE maw' fac tut y: zErLIN & CO., J'Etiladelidita. Pa. alt Drin;:rjst. . may:lo. A4l S. LYDIA E, OF LYNN, KASS, Dit.L - "oVETCEIt OF LYDIA E. PINKHAIWS VEGETABLE COMPOUND. _The Poiitive Cnm For all Female Complaint. This vrerattra.gen.; al 1:4 name pie : little", eenstrtz of Vegetable Prop , Rica that are 1:er:n1-.- 4 to the Ina, er+ ioate invalid, Upon one the ma :as of 'ltalia Ceres. Pound - rill be re cemil xI, x.rnliet opal when lts use Is continue: I, is ninety .nine case' In a lout dreal, pennanentan:r , i , eiTca7e.lastlteu,anale te+ tify. aceonnt 'a it peel cat a n raln, It is today re c omnlc•nalc4l ant prescribed by th e 1 the country. It c:111 cure val . :Ay - the wee,t f.,rrn c f fslttnq of the uterng, terci:lll,x anal tzlnful Nenstrtuttlon,allOcarinnTraelblee, 1r• rtmmttr, amt rlceration, floodings„ all I , !:.pliacernent, and the con isequent spinal weakness, and is a, pccirdly r.dapted to the change of Life. It i n ill dl?.,,vn hand r xpl turners from the utern,ln entY f.tagP tendency to cancerous '.r.1.41 =s theto 13 ellseUed, very speedily It:f Its ere. in fact It It i prorod to 1,, no rmat est and bctd, rrm Iy t! .t 1,4 n ed. It tienneatPs ea( r:S -- ,noti:l,F3 - qtern, and t;ir 'sew life nna - vig•lr. /tr7:n,v - s r.dat st,a,..ll3tld,•nig, de la roys attcr.lNlng f :-.1.11nu.1uir..!, vcfnl7.4lol Of the nouticli, It cure ll:oallitr7, IS ~ IkInr1:••, • , Pre. trnt!c:r, Goncral I , r1:11; ALAI gertlon. Thal fo•lir s 4 vain. •%•*•rizlit analurk:wt.., ::1 . .,; - sr . TVZl:vatly ' . urc.llll Its um?. /t nt rr: I 11 CM% i ntati re., • n^tin I,nrrnw. :7 V7i:.:lt. - 1.3 Iry tho it,Tnayeaistc%A. ' For KLlnrlCorarinin; . < r : • ::: 473114r:9d 1111 P: Lydia E:tlin'Khain's Cor.ipoucd la prenarr ,