Vvidfordltpotttr, CRAB. U. ALLEN, LOCAL EDVIVE. Towanda, Pa.; June t 6, 1811 t ENTERED IN TOE PO TOFFICE AT, TOWANDA AS MAIL. MATTER fib TILE:SECOND CLASS. LOCAL AND Gt'NERAL. The ezpiration of subscription is print ed on the colored Most. By noticing the .date every subscriber i - can tat when his paper will be stopped .untess the sitbserip .lion is renewed. ANNOUNCEMENT. The friends of STENIEN STRICKLAND, of Wysox, will present his name to the Republican County Convention as a Can didate for the nomination for the odic° of 'County Commissioner. • JunOW*. ' how elt.%itAid rain last week. • TAX paying time .bas . conic again. Ni..A . v Orleans Minstrels to-morrow, Fri day evening., TnE Birch Beer on :sale at KIRBY'S is - a dulicions drink. Try it. 'Nu fragrant perfume of new-mown hay will wen laderrtlie air. 'Two weeks from next Monday, will be the ever glorious ", Fourth. - G. E. BULLOCK soon commence building a brick block. in Canton. TnE Canton Graded School closes for the -, suminer vacaf 1(4 this week. EFronTs arc being ;natio to organize Ltittgi - of Good Teini4ars in this place. 111== .Powrio.l6; of. Putter County, this State, experienced a suow storm one day Inst week. • P. H. PECK. of Canton, has sold his market in that village to El) Atm '3F2i- MEM ===l AnANt INN s, of Granville, and his sons, all in the tannery business, empty ,about hauls. _ail E crooked lice '.insurance business will give the sheriffs and lawy'ersi plenty -to do avear or two hence. I=ll JOHN' TILL, of Canton, ha!: recently been granted letters patent on a rotafy friAet frame printing press.. Errours to,hindlekitchei; tires by the ;11(1 of_ kerosene are still' liriliantly sue ecs-ful in producing funerals. account, of the Decoration Day pro cceilings at home, Orwell, \Vysox, etc., I,inte I on the Fourth page.. llarriA.nirg letter is seinewbui. lt.tigthy this week, but readers will find it interestieg article to ' , cruse. . . " • Tichurs too the Minstrels , may be ob tained at Kt BM'S. eta char g e for reerved•seats—which are sold Sat. :.13 cents. - Tilt: protracted wet weather has rotted! much en n in the gnnind, and farmert`l. will be compelled to replant to a consider alde• • E I',i - r-silonse has rceeptly been sup °plied with ziitioniber of roeliiing chairs, to 'the delight :OPI comfirt of b i ; C %Trill old la :die:, I here. Fc z 1r IS rnpiored that a brick a,Oot, on an !.I.kborate jtan, is to be , bill4 . ..' , ;tyre, va terial iti already being' takewto the pro- posed site IVAnnEs Cenlre proposes celebrating the "Glorious Fourth." If. HARDY, of Elmira, has been engaged to deliver the elation. Tun view from "Table Rock," 'or the summit of the "Eddy Mountain," is beautiful—eptrancingV beautiful—at the precut time 11. N. Wit.t.wts, lsq., of this place, s-1(i last week, his former resideuce iu Canton, to Dr. CLEVELAND, of tha I.tgt, fn; $1.700 I=l=l G.. 1. GrEussEr, Cashier of the Na li‘knal Bank.Oton, erect a band .lllC residence vi_liage the Incsert but - inner. -' THE members of Osealliwa Grange, wil givf• ph.Nhyrry and ice cream fe-stlla at Granze 11311, North Towanda, ..to-mor r*M. rini , l) . e at the Nail Works, named rI IVAT;- ,, N, had laic baud caught in a plilcy awl quite injured at an ear ly home Sayrti l Land,fl:oinpanz7r c laid ot gtouthls, made anil commenced ilr..tt lug material for a rots', of. buildings c: the of the village. Curl:tit Of the Messialt (Universalist), Rev, WILLIAM TAYLOR, l'alor. At 10. 3 . ; A. NI., SllbjeCt, " to to converted." At 71; Mt., "The Doors Shut." A coNsompATiox of hat and bonnet is one of the styles for ladies this season. They are beewninit too. But then, any br , nnet)becomes a Towanda lady. - _ THE Managers of the• Agricultural So ciety will meet ;it the Fair Grounds, on Saturday,' June lath, at 2 o'clock r. M. • J. A. W►t.T, Secretary. ANI l's N - 01..04; a laborer living at Low 'man, near Welltibinr, had both legs cut oil by tlicea,riAildle attempting to, board amniving frei: 4 lit train one day last week. -L. W. F.II:IIMEY, of Troy, has putitlown tans new wells on .his territory in the i lliadflrd makina 13 now in ,o pera -11“11, rwthreing about 115 barrels of oil per day. Rer•icir is responsible for the story that an eel that weighed eight-founds, ant measured four feet and six inches, m As taken front the lake at Pond liill one recently. , . Tun: Elwell blouse, - Towanda, is enjoy ing a good patronage, as it well,deserves, being kept on first-class principles kiy Ili 4t prince of landlords Mr. 0. KELLt.:G. • . I=ll WILLIAM E. Wjt.urrn, a boot and shoe. , '.‘alfT on Main street, Owego, made an a.signment - Friday morning, for the of his creiitors, •Assettk and - liahilities atn unknown. VNOTIIEit ON E.—Leßaysville Adrertiser .apt we ~ k : Mr. Nathaniel 'Engler, of Herrick -11;r, killed a black snake the other morn ing, Ineahuringeiive feet in length." EIA I'EM EN TS seem to have bec.nue epi th•iltic itl some, parts of the State. In I) ( .l,l NN:t.county men and women are wires :i.ud husbands at a lively ae. The children of course .are left be ; . . 342Achers of Ow Troy ;Graded who have so efficiently carried on ih • ~f the School, have been hired of Education.. fur another !gar, with Professor J. T. 'ZtleCor.holt as tr.viittl. • - • • Taz laying of the corner stone of the Union Church of Lime Hill, will take place Saturday, June.lB6l3, at 2 o'clock r. Preparations are making kir an in teresting time. Hon. GEORGE LANDON will deliver the oration. ' ' BRADFORD BAPTIST ASSOCIATION.-1 . The forty-ninth annual meeting of this, body will be held with the Troy Baptist Church next week Tuesday, Juno o j , commencing at 2 p. m. Daily wash? tilt Thursday noon the "23d.. 1 WE noticed quite a number if Towanda lawyers in town yesterday, and yet our town was comparatively quiet—no gen eral Tows.— Athena Gazette, Oth. And that accounts ifor the unusual quietness that prevailed hero'on the day named. LYON SF.LDEN - propose to run an ac commodation and exp Fess lino between Canton and Towanda without regard to mail contract after July Ist. They have eight horses and suitable wagons and do not propose to be idle.—dOnton Sentinel. SAYS a Waverly _correspondent of the Elmira Adrertistir : "Mr. ELSBREE, river-side farmerl p reports every hill Of corn in six acres destroyedty cut Worm/. Every farmer in this vicinity tells much the same story.,i The: worms are doing immense damage.!' ; , , - POWELL & Co.,' announce another arri= val of seasonable goods. The advertise ment will convey a good idea what the goods zomprise. That there are bargains for purchasers 'hone will doubt wh.o have heretofore dealt with this firm.- Read the advertisement and then visit the store. THE bill . proViding that no, game of pool or other game Of chalice ofskill shall be played for drinks in any ihots l or res.: taurant, has been signed by_the GthrernOr and become a law. Besides:the penalties imposed, the second offence in any such place works a revocation of the licease. Clf . vsTm. Lodge, K.. of H.,. of this place, contemPlate 'giving an Ice Cream and Strawberry Festival at Mercur Hall, on the evening of the ?Oth instant: Among the pleasing attractions that will be pre• rented, aside from . the cream, an&bgrica, will be the excinplitidation of Frazier'a Fourth Degree As freight train - fifty-sew* .0 the Northern Central Railway Was'`igoing north early -Sunday morning,;Alte bAd section ran into a cotir ) near Canton, and the engine and seveelt enrs were thrown from the track. The'fircman and a hrakn-, man were slightly hurt., 4 wrecking car and force, were sent; front Elmira . and cleared the track after a few hours' work. c - THE Ladies of the Baptist Church will give a Strawberry and leo Creath Festival in the store_ occuPied by Powild, 6: Co., on Ftiday ,eveaing, June 17tli. They earnestly reqtiest.thc patronage of the pcopb. It has , been, a ~ number of yeats since they have ^made such a --re wiest, and they would Feem to have some claim upoi the town. A dmitsiou ten , cents. IN consequence of the rain the Concert by the Germania Band, at the :Park, was postwked from Friday - until Monday ev= cuing. A lark and appreelative audience enthusiastically. encored each piece kujbe fnllow•iu progranime t. March—ClieVetykalck - Stohho Selection—The Wait , l'ulka—Tanz .f uht,l A Vitus 4. .torch—lest Shot Dam in 5. Duilante ana l'lngleben Oalp---Trlvoll. • Tilt , . BRADFoIio RE:rot:TER holds upjts hands in astonishment at -otir-itish and snake items tit: last week. Don't get-ex cited, neighbor, we are preli:u'ed Ouch for their authenticity and will .give you sonic bigger ones before the season is over.— Tit niche! n flock nem blira'n. And it is bat a few days since the , Revised New Testament was put upon . the mar ket. Oh, CAmr ! C t urr ! ! CAMP ROLL of Honor . of Keeney School for the week eliding dune 3, 1881 : bIIN WILIIVIr;Ett.LIF. WOODRUFF, CORA I'EET, ADOLF: PEET, LOU4s.i. W.%JU Ev.t WILSON; - MM.UIE WOODRUFT, MAMIE MANNING. . Week ending June 10 : • Ati.iE WHIP PLE, TILLIE WOOD - HUFF, cORA PELT, Lout SA WAILS •MA NH E MCLOt, EDNA Itt cc; MAMIE - XINNINO. ; L. INAnxEn t Teacher. As effort is being made by the citizens of Owe A i) to pi'irehase and make free the Owego bridge that spans the Susquehan na at that place. - - They propOse totollect fifteen thousand dollars by subscription . iroin the IPA - railroad and non-residents of Ihe village; and levy a tax : often thous and dollars upon the citizens - of the vil •lage, making the amonut $2:000 the price asked for the bridge by the Compa ny, its present owners. • Two wiwkmen - at the .Nail Wohs--;- BIi.LY GARIZMAN and STONE DODOK.:- Monday, got into a difficulty : With Mr. RENDAT.I., of the works, over the • settle ment of their accounts, and used such threatening language 'against Mr. 13.,,that they were arrested by Policeman it unss, on a warrant issued by Justice Connmo, before whom they had a hearing and were committed to Jail, in default of bail for a further bearing 4-V, Wednesday. THE steamer WELuts, of Athens; put in an appdaranee at this port on Tuesday laxt, atuf -,retnained, two or three hour; Auring. Which time she was admired by, quite a huniber of , our Citizens Who.visit ed the little - craft and inspected her ma chinery. She was under command of her - owner C. Int E'LLOOO, and het : passenger list ”lts made up of W. R. UnnsTEn, C. IlAinn and _E. W. _KELIoOo. She slatted on th 4 return trip, at, about 1:30 - - G. L.. FISK and R. D. DPVGLASS, aged about 21, While coming from Sunday:' School in Sugar Run, on Sunday last, got into a stabbing affray.. FISK had been 'whittling just before the altercation, and had an open knife in his hand, with which he struck Douoi.Asts several times during the fight, editing hin► quite badly, but not dangerously. PISK had a.hearing be before EsqUire PORTER on . Tuesday, and was discharged. The cause of the . fight we did not learn.--:,bicrnaf, 10th instant. Is the line of snake - stories, so far:this season the Huntingdon Journal "is en titled to " take the. cake." The " hand somest paper...'„!. in the Juniata Valley gets off the following in its issue of last week: " A few days since a snake with two perfectly shaped heads, one on each end of. its body, was kilh d- on the farm of Toomas Trout, in Antis township, Blair county. Upon examination. there was found a sort - of ring around the middle of. its body. which Wink larger than any other part, leads to the belief that two snakes had grown together:" . • THE Tioga County papers are this year exceeding their record of last season in rattlesnake stories. We maks it a- point to always believe *snake stories, especially it they appeariin - t he Wellsboro papers. If we are not mistaken the Gazette is thus far ahead ofylie _Agitator threexattles and abort. two f fset. But,of this iffs are Itet 1 6 0101 M ' , 446 - ' WO 1110 , 014 our week's agitator, and lintel a I9ss n - de :Ciding whether'the 4 i Rattler"::killed' by it in that issue was Brij:three • feet ,tong„ and possessed of twenty-eight-rattles or whether its lenkth was twenty-eight feet, and the rattles fifty-tbree in number. It doesn't matter, however, for a few feet; or a feW rattles, to a Tioga County snake story, is of but small consequence, And this season has butjust Opened.' EDITOR REPOATER: The ' feature of interest during the : past week in Rome has been the meeting of the Northern Bradford 'Musical Association. Prof. BElni.v, of Elmira, acted as musical con ductor and gave vary general satisfaction. The concert on Friday evening was pro nounced a decided success. A constitu tion was prepared and adopted and L.W. Towwwn elected president in. place of Ron. GEORGE -MOSCRIPT who. served last X. Rome, Pa., June 12, 1881. year. AT the annual election of Linta, No. 8, held at their rooms on •Tilesdai , evening of last week, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year Proictent—WlLLlAM[ CuAmmuu t ui. Vie 4 President—E. W. ELWELL. Secretary ---F. J. Kum. Fineincial Secretary—W. F. DITTRICIL Treasurer—M. D.•SVV I VIITEI. • - , Trustees-41. B. PATCH, JEty.E 3IYEIL Foreman—JOSEPH OCRS - . First Assietant--Joini RAnM. Second Assistant—F: S. FELTON. Eayineer—S. B. TIDO:- Pipe:nen—JESSE MyErci W. K. binn- HALL, GEORGE MCCAIin, S. 13,.•TITUR, JESSE. WA It DELI;• e. M. myEn,- Fire Police—D. M. WILCOCK, GF.OROE ESTELL. Member of Fire, Bo'artl—D. 3 1 1;., COCK. .1: TILE editor of the Lellaysvillo !Afire HI, ger took iu the circus liere on the 31st ult., and judging from the following, which we blip From his paper of last week, *e,should sarthat while he was taking in the 'circus the circus was taking him in also. Really, we are sorry that it cost our neighbor so much. to see so little show. Ipt then experience is an excel lent teacher. Our neighbor thus tells of his mishap : "It our issue of May 31st, We warned 'folks of ticket scalpers on circus day, but instead of • scalping them they ;fleeced them in this way : charging fifty cents to enter the'animal tent, and after passing into the circus part, (which was all under one tent), another tifty cents is asked for by . s, man claiming to be taking tickets, thus.c*pelling one to pay one dollar to sce thef whole business. This is the way 'they take the advantage of country peo ple who are not posted in their tricks." 01- 4 the Minstrel troupe that is to ap , pear_in Merctir - Hall to-morrow, Friday evening, the McKean County of Thursday last says• : • I. "The New Orleans Minstrels played to a large' and intelligent ; audience at' . the Opera House on Monday evening of - this week. The Opera House was crowded to its utmost capacity, and many eager to see this famous minstrel , troupe could'uot gain 'admittance. There was -nothing stale, the jokes Were all hew and original.. The song and dance men .were fine, and were loudly encored. In fact everything was gbod and the company gave entire satiaractjon,to all. Their forenoon and evening SerenadeS were fully appreciated, from the fact that everyone spoke in high terms of. their playing." • OF coursa you sat up to see:it Saturday night—or r4ther . Snnday morning. • The . eclipse - we refer to. We did. Add it is our unbiased opinion, that, as an eclipse, it was •a decided success, • In fact we do not remenibei.of a more successful exhi bition_ of the kind. In company with sof= oral other gentlemen versed i» astronom ical knowledge and lore, wo• witnessed fair Luna's,,plunge into Earth's shadow from the stepS in-front of pr: Lvtis's office, Second street. .That is to say; • we scieneitim "-foliates " were on the steps in front of the Doctor's office. The: moon and the shadow, with • a slight elevation, were a number ofmillions of nines! more 'or,less, due Sotitlf, and "chuck ". (the moon is here referred ; to;) The schedule on which the moon and shadow were to run on that occasion had evident ly been carefully arranged.:. The sched ule: said 12:14 would be the time at - whic the -ohSeuration would begin. By 'TARRY T.YLOR's . Siviss chronicler Or the . . passing moments, it was just 12:13 ; Joins . MEA:NS' handsonie gold-cased American timer indicated with its delicate hands, 12:1:13 ; Dr. LYMAN'S hunter cased Bint-• lett movement pointed positiVely to 12:11, while the "long ,hand " of -the, clock iu the ,Doetor's office, was about four and a half inches—board measure—to -the right of the short hand, and rapidly gain ing in distance. Just at what time the :,. difficulty actually began,' we are not posi tive, as we had inadvertautly loaned our own gold chronometer to our uncleafew days preViotisly. No doirbt tha time was not a second away front- that anuo,unced . .for the commencement of the exhibition in „the REPORTEIt of lag. Week. With one's back facing the North, the range of vision comprehended - . the whole . show. And cstandinz, or. setting' in . that posi tion, the shadow first ;put in an" appear ance on - the left-haMrsitle of- the mlxitr. The shadow did not: seem to be "cramp ed" forlime, and:was an hour and ton' minutes in wholly covering—the face of fair Luna. It was about 3:10, - ....'al. when the exhibition closed, and we have yet to hear a single individual express an opin ion that it was not a - highly. satisfactory performance. We take this occasion, in behalf of those who witiiessed the per formance from' in front of Dr. LYSIAN'i office, to eci - Igrattilate the moon, and the shadow, ii4-so successfully , carrying out the somewhat . lengthy progrannne ;. - and -in the same connection the thanks of all. are due Mr. ,VENNOIi ioe the Splendid weather . furnished for the occasion. Should this coinbinaticin visit'‘r village agai9, we—trust they will commence their , . . - performance at au earlier hour in the ev- ening. • • • THE ,NEW YORK EXCURSION. , The followfng is the schedule time and ticket fare of the Excursion to New York on Tuesday next, June 21st : JUNE 21. STATIONS - . 4 11A. M. leave Athens, ' '4.42 " Ulster, . 5.05 Towanda, • 5.13. " Wysaultlore, 5.21 " Standing Stone, 3.34 'Yrenehtown, 6.:10 " Wyalusing, 6.45 " Laceyville, 6.5.5 " Skinner.' Eddy, 7.03 , Black:Walnut, 7.15 " 3reshoppen, T. 25 " Nehoopany, 7.33 Vosbnrg, 7.5.5 - Tunahannook, 4.00 r. R. arrive at New York. • Tickets can be produred at the above named Statiops, and will be good on the kickarsion Train only going, and any reg ular Passenger Train returning, until and including. JunO 27, 1881: EXTENSIVE BUSINESS REVIVAL. The Old established woolen mill at eamptocio, Bradfoni count/Pa.. Which for several years has been 'dle or worked only to a limited eitent, has come into the •possession of Messrs. ,1101.1.E1trukcir & A.usBAST, two well-known cipitalioto _ Wilkenann4 'l4: - Okia • thou 4 41 1 ft overhauled _. allnerT 0 00 4Mit!?gil preparationtfle -- prameontiort lot:: an - extensive Having . the 'advantage of . an4dmirithlt water Power ilia being ioaited in a large -wool...growing smite, it has pecelili facilities for the ManufactUre of yarn:rind woolen fabrics. The wool is purchased direet from the- producerO and carried through ail the necessary Timessm:to the manufacture of the , marketable 'prodeet. The business is under the management of Mr. ettattLES A. AVIMIItY, late of Bieg hoyden, a man of large' experience iind executive ability, and a thorough gentle- Man. The present capacity q r the mill is nearly live hundred yards cloth - per day. This capacity will be reateriaily. creased in the near future. : The beater portion ot the . machinery employed is of the most modern - manufacture apil pro-, duces a superior quality of goods. White, colored, gray-mixed and checked flannels, for shirting, :sheeting,. underwear and suitings, aro the speciality. Cotton-mix ed . goods are also manufsictured. A ring twister yarn machine is employed' in the manufacture of 'double, triple and quad ruple yarn and secures great uniformity of size and strength. This is the latest invention in this line of 'machinery. ' A roll carding machine is also in operation for the accommodation of the neighbor ing farmere. Wool is worked up -by the pound or rolled; as desired, for those who wish to , do their own spinning, and cus tomers froma distance can usually have their work do ne while they wait if they wish to take it away'the same day. Dealers in larn and woolen goods who live within reasonable disfauce.from this mill would not only consult their own in terests by patronizing it, but would have the satisfaction of encouraging a worthy home induStry.. Such enterpriseslas this, which build 'up a country and give it im portance, cannot be too fully appreciated. The commercial importance and finanCial prosperity of New England aro due prin. cipally. to her extensile Cotton and other manufactories: There are many excel lent water powers in. New Yqrk and P inn sylvania—far better and more easy of ac• •cess than those which drive New . ug land's hives of I industry—and only a ew examples of successful investment are needed_ to encourage their improve ent by capital now lying idle or unemplo ed 'n other sections.—Elmira Gazette. . I COMMENCEMENT. The rain fell :incessantly ; yet Mercur rall was nearly filled last Thursday even ingg,; to hoar the closing exercises of the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute.- ,Tbo following was the prcigranitne : • 1. ORATlON—Xenophonland the Ten Thousand MARK E. BuwiAN.• 11. INSTRUMENTAL SOLO—L'Orgle Daum=le. Joa. darter FIAEDEItICA. A. FOX.i W. ORATION—The Catilinarlan Conspiracy KENT 3i. BULL', • - IV. QUARTETTE—Whore has the Summer Fled. _ /Ivory Mitt 1.. MIASCS STICWA ET. PA 86.11.0 F.; tiLtd WOQDRUFF., and Messrs. MAcii -and 71.711NE1t. • V. E9BAY—Blues • ' MARY CODDING. VI. INSTRUMENT AL DU ET—SweedlA Wed • dhlg March,-(8 bands, slug. Sodzie . Man..Mlxies STEWA UT,- CALKINS, Fox.. and BLACK. VII. ORATION-yalue or Scientific Study.— „..* Ika,nur P. Couszu. VIII. SOLO ititel4lloßl.l3:—My lirigiq Heather. Fio*er , i J P. Skelly. IX. •ONATION—The American Navy, WILLtAIiN.' DUGGAN. X.ANSTRUMENTAIt SOLO—Home, Sweet • i l MIS/ ANNA F. THOMAS. [Home. 11. ICATlON—Tlte,Gricchl....., .. .t..:... Wittaisr t. LAN*, . XII. INSTRITME O NTAL DU ET-Vngarlche Irath isodie—( Four hands, Tyro Plano: 0..10W Loa% Misses Tnomß and EiWII ST,AT. I . .;4' ; XIII. ORATlON —SlatheinaticaVOtudles : `x~.. ' Lunimt.D. IV lliTti'F.Y. 4 : L . XI V. QUARTETTE -- WI ere are you' going fp, tny pretty maid....t..... , .Frutik Romer. '.. 4 XV. OnATION and Val ' :DICTORY—MuIt* ei. l'aryo AWI aitT F. - 1111t0S501Y. Presentation of Diplomas. . .: Prayer. . • _ ' . Dituediction. ' . . • Sjiace will not allow us to criticise the speakers individually. The dais that was graduated this year was the largest- that the Institute has sent ont for sevCral years. The scholarship ,of this class is high. Seldom will one see a group that gives more certain indications of a bright. future. We are sorry to say that what would have been a most interesting com mencement- was marred somewhat, be causee the speakers had to be prompted: We deem it just to say that Mr. Con- SElt is deserving much credit for his good articulation, forcible speaking, and most p all for the. perseverance he has shown inn overcoming an impediinent in speaking that would have daunted many loss ener- etic persons. . The valedictory . address by Mr. Ihrox- Sox was Well received., The instr+ental music of the evening reflects credit _both upon teacher and scholars. Miss - P - 4Ellnm Fox won many lauieg for her • tine play ing. MistP-TITOMAS: and Mis 4 STE7ART received much praise CO playing so nice ly. These exercises closed the twenty-sev enth year of the Institute, and , the elev enth of Professor -Qu NLAN'S teaching. Under Mr. QUIN,LAN'S anagernenfthe sChoOl hag'been increasing each. year in popularity, and 'in the amount of thor ough teachirig.. For a'gbod and horough drill' in the studies taug,litat theinitituto .there is no better 'school • in the State.. Never havl4 we been in a school where the moral inthience is better. The majority of those .in attendance are, prOfessing Christians, and they govern the sentiment ,of the school. ,We wish Professor Qui.s 7 LAN continued success in the future. • TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. Last week tke Teachers' . Association convened at Sayre, using the M. X. , Church basement for their meetings. The rain prevented a large attendance, but the interest was kept. pup by activity on the part of the four score or more pres ent. Professor Burgan, the President, and 11. C. Green, Secretary, teak much pains to have arrangements complete, _and of course they succeeded. Professors Ryan, Quinlan, Pitcher, and Benedict, added to the array of talent, and worked for the simess of the society.. Messrs. Harding, Bovingdon, Marshall, Beverly, and - ethers,..iucluding Miss Doane, gave; practical work, and many joined in: cip.sing various resolutions and questions. Bev. Mr; Hood's lecture upon" Self Ctil ture " was an interesting one, and Profes sor lienedict's paper,, , " School Esthetics," wad the same evening, was gOogi. Sever al recitations and Ceclamitions were in troduced, likew s ise music - of exCellent quality by the ,Church choir. Hon. 0. H. P. 'Kinney, of Waverly, was present, and added good suggestions at the'right time and giVe explanations and instruction. J. Ovenshire, of the Athens TownshiP School Board, was also present, and took part in diScussions. Thus the exercises were varied and instructive throughout, and we regret an inability to give , more time to_their description. The Sayre peo ple did everything to make their guests feel at home, and after the lecture Friday evening, the audience was invited up stairs <-to partake: of strawberries,-ice cream, fruits, etc., provided by Mr. How aid Elmer,. of the SaYre Land yompany, and spread by the ladies of Sayre upon tables placed in , the Church anditorium. It was a line ,social treat, and e j e l t :t o espeaks the liberal 'spirit of ,its ?raj r. We note the following as being.specially ac, tiro in attending to the - *manila of the occasion Mr. and 31 . 0.,1 R. M. Iloiey, Mr. and Mn, Angier, U. C. ;via. lIOU ND ?RIP. • t #8 On 5 es 520 5 2.01 5 00 , 480 1 4 so 4 25 4 IS 41 • 4 10 1 410 414 ' 2 3l4lllraet.lifriev. - Minn Peters, Mit ViightSeiai*oni, 3P,sreerian, Mts. Munk - Dea tr swa t Mn.i won= Leinist, and C. Otbeie did their . =part, ,and still rix — :wOnld have assisted bad theyicnown , soon enorigh.' The thing bad not been inen tinned until 1d o'clOCk that Morning:, t By Invitation of the railroad officials, the As ' , iodation visited the machine shops 'and were courteously , shown the interesting processes in rise , there for developing me chaniesal power.. Redoccd rotes were giv en by t,he Lehigh Valley Railroad. After passing suitable+ .resolutions, hue SOciety adjourned at 12 xi., Saturday, to meet next at New Albany. . „*, Juno 13, 1883. —Miss, Lanz Meeknz vitiltitig iti Pittston. —Ulan Murmur is home for the sum mer vacation.- . —Rev. J. S. Buniii has returned froM his Eastern-trip.... WILLIAM 111.0awnm. is visiting friends in Lancaster. —Miss MARY LUDAIIB, formerly a tenth.: er In Athens, is visiting there. " _,—Mrs. 11. T. JUNE has returned from a visit to friends in Philadelphia. - P. BARNES, a well-knovin - -- citizen of Canton, was buried lost Thnisday. —Miss WINNIE STEVENS is spending vacation with Mends in Standing' - Stone. • —Miss FIATTIt 'MALLORY is visiting her aunt at Inglewood, near . New York. —N. F. NAME has been quite in for several days past,' but is , now- convales cing. —Miss CARRIE HASTINGS, formerly ,teacher Athens, is visiting friends there. FROST" has so far recovered from his recent severe illness as to be able to ride out. —.Hon. JAMES IL Y l irEßß, of Smithfield, is talked-of as a candidate for Register and-Recorder. 9. C. , Ilooxan, of Atha, whO has been quite ill with 4ypboid pneumonia, has recovered. =Mr. and Mrs. S. W. .RODGERS, of eanton, Visited friends in this place .Sat ,l rday and Sunday. --CnAuLti flusmos is furnishing the Review with weather prognostications.' .I.le guesses very close. - - —C. D. Casa and G. V.liptinitt. have gouo to Illinois to work in a large maim ; facturing establishinent. •• . —Miss - BARBARA • LENTi; of Wyse; spent a few days last week visiting Mrs. HAnr.ow in Athens. • I . . —Rev. ,llAvOi CRAFT, ' of Wyalusiug, occupied the' pulpit of. the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning last. F. W.. BARTLETT, of Northfield, Vt., preached both . morning and evening at Christ Church , on-Sunday lasi.. • -SID.' HAYDEN has just returnedi.hOme from Kansas, where he has been for the past seven years.—Athen* Gazftte. —Mr. JULIUS T. Comthc is at home in Athens, having completed the college course in Lafayette College,, Easton. - —Luirn, only son of fmr former towns man, B. N. ASPINWALL, was drowned at Hastings, Minnesota,.ou the 3d instant. CUARLES 11. OTT, of Mauch Chunk, is the guest, for . a far days, 'of his classmate, MIMIC TAYLOR, in this place. . • • • -11. W. ,PAT - ItICK was ,quite severely injured by.a fall at the depot on Friday morning, while alighting from' his car- Li= -SENECA Att:Col.rr bas been made a member of our Borough Police force. SENECA seems to bear up gracefully under the honor. • - I , . ..:41rs..JOEI:Mciri.k., of • *tiler's, ac companied by Ler datghter Mbfr'NELLIE, are: visiting friends in Burli gtou and Stu ithfi - —C.B. PORTER, W. T. DA MS, GEO. ENNIS and Ex-Sheriff Larlinkf; have gone on a trout fishin,; excursion to' tlie. Adi rondackregion. - * 1 • —Rev. IlApLocK . ARMSTRONO, of Mon-. roctou, lias received a "call"?from the Presbyterian Church at •Asp:inwall, in Wells township. - , : —Miss cOOK, of the Institute', and Miss Hit.Lts, of the diaded School, aro so journing at the liational Capitol for a few weeks. ---Review. —Mrs. Judge . STREETER, after an ab sence of.severaf weeks, visiting friends in Brooklyn, N. Y., has returned to her home in this place. • W. Gusris, forinerlyfor several years a resident of : tbis place, but in t .i;v Massachusetts; , was visiting friends here last week: • —Mr. and Mrs. E. W. CALWELL,.J. W. STONE,: Co E. BULLOCK, WALTER. NEW MAN, and others, of Canton, started on a 'sit to Kansas last week._ . —Mi. and Mri. JOHN THURBER, of• R ochester, N. Y:, spent several -days last week with Mrs. THURBER'S mother, Mrs. D. C. Max, in this place. —AINIF. V. Immo, of Liberty Corners, has returned from Elmira where he bas been under treatment for weak eyes, With Dr. UPDEGRAFP; with good success: ,GEo. W. SPALDING, of Athens, has gone to Topeka, KilllSaN to accept a po sition as a liocomotivo engineer on the Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. For, of Towanda township, has been Pi i edented by a friend - with a couple of thoroughbred Jersey calves. Rence, the enlargement of GEORGE'S smile. >T. D. B. —Mr. SILAS li. HOLi Y,. a former resi dent of -Wave* is` about returning-with his family to again- take up a residence in that village after ten or 'twelve years sojourn in Wellsville, Missouri.'„ - -Colonel It. Al PACKER and Assistant Superintendent R. P. Goonmmv, returned to their home at Sayre last week, after ~a two weeks' enjoyable trip on the lakes in the Colonel's beautiful steam yacht" r.p3- ME —We ackimiledge t h e receipt of No. 1, Vohune 1, of the Archbald, Lackawanna County,' Netts, containing the Decoration Day Address delivered at that place. by our former townsman, Dr. W. A. 31A DILL: • —Mr. tinum AN Mons; of. Litchfield, was ialten,down Sunday night by !a cold arid nervous- prostration, and was very sick for a tone. He was,,a little 'better Monday night, and we biipe to bear of his early 'recovery. NORMAR EICRELBERGER, of the firm. of Jontrsox EIERELVERGEII, of this place, and Miss CoRA Bann:Err, daughter of 0. D. BARTLETT, Esq., were married at the residence of W. G. Tu . - Cr, on Thursday evening last. 4. —Mrs. J.J. GRIFFITHS and daughter ANNIE, areln Philadelphia, attending the mmencenieut exerciscii at the Universi ty of Pennsylvania, from which institu tion Mr. W. P. On n wPrras will tbis week be gradnated . with the degree of M.'D. -The cards are out for the marriage of Mr. JAMES G. LEIGILTO.% one of the lead ing ,merchants in thin! place, and Miss MAnrA A. h cxizv, of ippring Bill, Brad ford Co., pa., on ThruidaY: evening next, the lfith inst,—Tunkhanneck Democrat. —ltomtwr C. , FIMPSIMI Erg. of this boroulik hasbeefi appointed .by: the Gov , error and indorsed by the -131-Ceirteunial PERSONAL. Aenstaihn ane,of the managers _to haie c h arge ot.tha *ituattesell, bratkei. One gentleman inimeach ens. ty in the State has been seleated.—Wello boro Q azater. - I , _ and Mrs . RIESSINS, St 'AthOs.% Pa., father:and riwtherorlir. 0. B. Pint-. Sas, are visiting. our townsman_ and taking in the beauties or our city. They are both well up in their "eighties,' , and have seen their fifty e ighth winkling day. Hate hearty, vigorouv, they promise to Wen tins world . with • their present* for many more years.—Lock Karon Repubit- —" Elder " LEw IlAnum, one of the oldest employes on the-Barclay and one of the carefulest - and most Com petent railroad Men extant, has been pro moted to the conductorship of the Pitmen: ger train on the road maned. It is a Promotion well deserved, and we congrat ulate Supt. LYON on his wisdom in making it. LEW'S Mends—and they are legicia— will be glad to hear of his advancement. Ile assumed his new position this, Wed nesday, morning.. • i t ~ f - MUSICAL ALLt NCE. , The'llth regular nteetin of the Mutual Muiical Alliance was held at South Au burn, Susquehanna county, June 't i th and 10th` i inclusive. Notwithstanding t he fact that 'it rained incessantly during the whole tine,,there was an _attendance of about 40.. , The musical director, Prof. H. E. Cogswell, of Scranton, and the pianist, Miss Ida Pulls, of ISkinner's Eddy, were promptly in • their . pla i ces at the first ses sion. The people of! the place deserve much praise for the kindness they showed in conveying the singers to and from the church in their commodions„hacks ; and especially do the members Of the Alliance extend their thanks to Mr. J..A. Man ville, of (Towanda, who furnished them with a very flue Schomacker gold strung piano.' The concert, Friday evening was very good, and in spite of the rain and mud they took in over $3O. The audience were held perfectly spell-bound during the whole entertainment, which consisted of songs, duets, quartets, choruses, dee lamations ; and especially do we mention the fine cornet and violin . solos by Prof. Cogswell. The ,election of 'officers took place on Friday 'afternoon 'and resulted as follows : President, J. p.lßosworth, Le- Raystrille ; Vice-President, p. p. 'Pickett, Laceyville ; Secretary, deo.'l. Budic t Wy ? alueing ; Assistant Secretary, T . B. Vogl: burg, Skinner's Eddy ; I ' ,Treas er, c.l q. Brown, Skinner's Eddy : Exe utive Coni mittee : 1. F. Bloclir,Viyal sing'; S. S. Butts, Limo Hill ; ,D;T: Sitting, Limy , ville. . The next meeting will probably be 'held at Now Laceyville :iti September. It is the desire of many . Opt - Prof.Cogswell ~ , conduct the next, meeting. E. ATHENS (iFtADED 1 SCHOOL. The closing exercises 'of the Graded School took place Monday. Ity the )cind ness of - the trusteesof the .Preshyterian Church a suitable room for them was-ob tained, as their - church is the only one large _enough, and even it was crowded, or packed, with-a very intelligent and air preciative audience. At 2:31Y the exer cises, began, the 'tkehool being formed in the basement marched to piano music up the stairs at tliti side of the pulpit and around by the Miter aisle to the opposite side and formed iiiiront of the altar in . fotirlines. At the` close of a short, im pressive prayer byTev. A. W.,1100n they sang a greeting glee, by MYERREB, and countermarched t% seats reserved for thdm. Misses Opte. M.,HEATIL NELLIE E. SPALIONG, LOLA,M. WILSON and LOT TIE.E. GRAY and raster ALGIE A. KAT ons recited well chosen selections in a manner'creditable to themselves and an honor to - their teachers. Again the lichee) formed as before taal sang a chorus, "Oh 'Rright Merry Smiles," in a cheerful man ner pleasing to all. Then followed dec lamations by older pupils who rendered their selections with . force and native Modesty that betokened an 'interest in their subjects and-not a thought of self display.' W. Cam° GruEEN spoke !‘ Touis sant L'Overture," FANNIE H. KIRBY re cited "Cobbler Keezer's Vision," and --Nirrq..il3.SPEAR "Bernardo del carpio,!' then FRANK MCMAHON rendered "The Death-Bed of Eenedict Arnold." in an impressfi r m manner, the subject being one full of stirring interest as the history of his first honors and ,final disgrace appear before the dying man.: ThiS closed the recitations, the remainder of - thoi speakers having prepared their remarks or orations themselves. Miss MARY E. MORLEY ren dered an instrumental solo, " Raindrops at Eve,," very nicely. Then. began the exercises of the graduating class, whose motto, " Suaviter in ntodo, fortiter in re." (gentle hi Tanners, but resolute in deed), is a fitting one. We have, not space to give_ extracts of each oration, but we could, by so doing, convince all that they were worthy thoughts of la good class. The first, entitled "11411 Aims," was by FRANK POTTER, the second, "Self -Reliance," by WILL. 11Favaxxit, and third, "Industry, the Key to Success," by i F‘l a:ss L. EASTABROOK. AnotheichOrus, i r: , " Smiling Face for Me," followed,-and .Itli i ss' BUM COLEMAN read au essay en titled "Heroism." The young lady gave to the sitbject importance second to none in character, and in welt ehosen language defined •thl. meaning of - the term. She place.l loiifof country second to only one . noble sentiment, and that the love of God, and to the heroes who have died in defence of the principle„" religious and" political freedom," she gave high praise. The essay was well' read and contained noble sentiment. GEo. L. EgSTADROOK yead-au oration, " Power tg Habit,"_ and closed with the Valedictory. His subject was well treated, and we thought,; as we listened to the remarks, "an evil 'habit is easily acquired and good onos,easily loSt,', .that many citizens-of this town do not consider the importance of teaching their children habits of good morals; . and others, who like to see society advance, yerencourage habits ofevil by providing amusements unworthy an enlightened people. The contrast between the child ren present and those who;neglect schools ought to be sufficient, to call a halt and institute reform. The closing .remarks were kind and of a nature to cause the tears to start to many eyes, and evinced a vein of deep feeling in the speaker.. The Principal, Prof. BENEDICT, then in a few words of encouragement and respect, con ferred diplomas upon those above men tioned belonging to the claw of graduates. In behalf of. the the board of directors he thanked the trustees of . the Church Jur their kindness, and Mr. C. T. Hutt. for taking charge of the musical arrange ments, and all for assistance, attention and attendance. Miss jimsta - A. Cow Las pOsided at, the piano. in. an_ _nay and graceful manner, rendering marches, etc.,' in exact time. The last song was sung, :" TWO - lour of .Partii — ig;" and Roy. Mr. WATROUB pronounced a benediction; fol lowed by a march, to the strains of which. the pupils who had taken .. part either in singing or otherwise, marched out by the" route entered and the largo audience'diri. I' posed. quietly. , The only:manifestations f: applause was the ilorallfferings which were numerous and tin facdal asproalona of plosive. We watebed cloesly and are free 'to say th 4. the', 4 7Artiseg Seamed thoii - primmt, and give Was our opinion that many MOM pretentkes schools. might. feel heirstried byihe standing ot this one. , We "Mend congmtulathnui to Prof. Mom mei , for the succesqust has crowned his efforts, and alio commend the school board and people who encourage him : Prof.. Bunosw and Quutuar, of Towan dts, were. Present. Drs. _Amor_ and AUTIRTR HF&D, Esq., and's:Daisy' others to show an literest in education. Congratulations to all. BAYS the Brookln ra j *: Mr. R. C. Moore, of Messrs. Yernam & Co. 34 Sew street, New York, was almost instantly relieved by Bt. .Jacolus Oil of Severe pain following an attack of pleurisy. The remedy acted like magic. BUSINESS LOCAL. 'Or A S UPERIOR . - OULITVATOII:- The lontcontlnue4l,rainy season has caused a heavy growth of grass and weedi, and heavy ground In earn fields. fanners will And 'Welles' Issprovedl Tonstobtoo County Colittra• for to be Just the Implement that they need to dress out their hoed crops... 9 Towanda, June 9-w2. R. 3f. Wzi.Lr.s. . • I WANTED will pay good prices in cash for any number of colts sired by the Nor man-bon, Gambetta," of Milan, Pa. lam not particular in regard to age, color, or sex.. Job Griffin: Athens; Pa. March a, HSI, am° tar The Largest, Best and Cheapest line of Shoes for Ladles', Misses' and Children,' wear la found at Congas's new store, corner Main and Oims-istak, Tracy &Noble's Block. apti'7ll REMOYALei—J. S. ALLYN has 115- moved Its Undertaking Establishment from Bridge street to rooms on Main street, over Vim- NAIL & 9041)02r1i Drug Store, and :WoonrOaD VAN Dimes Boot k Shoe Store. A full line of Undertaker's Goods - from the cheapest to the best. jan2l,ll. • '.l. S. ALLYN, Agent. re DEATH TO POTATO - imps UBO Pure Parts Green and Genuinee s London Pur ple. For sale at Dr. U. C;Porter's Drug Store. • Towanda, 4unt, 2,1881-w3. - ,••• I CORSER hag the beat wearing Shoes for Meri;Boya and Youthe wear trier offered In Towanda, and at prices witilu the reach of all. vir L. B. RODGERS . challenges compe tition for quality of goods and low prices On:Sasti, Doors, Blinds and Mobilo" s, and al puildhig tas. te riai. , tang34f3 6s' QLIRRAQ to PEO. L. Itrs's New Grocery Store In the Montanye Block, andget your Groceries at rock bottom. Jan. o. • rif YOU RUN NO RISK when you buy !your Groceries at .G. L. ROSS'S new store In Hontartye Rlork. His PRICEs ate WAY DOWN to rock bottom. • Ills store In KELLUM BLOCK, lei WARD, beats the 'world by Law Prices and good Gonda. . , ! tor Not disagreeable ; hardly more bit ter than lager beer; and neap' more satisfactory and Peasant. .sitilmons , Liver Regulator can be taken at any tlme„without Interfering with busi ness or 'demure. It Is so gentle, safe, and such a good digester; that it Is often used after a hearty meal to settle - the food and relieve any appreken sionihat the meal may disagree with you.- 41W. — far Throat affections and bronchial diseases - are relieved immediately by the use of Downs' Elixir. 13Y7 GEO. L. Ross ells. Groceries awful - - CIIEAP because his expenses are very light, and he Is bound his custowrs_shall hiVe; the benefit. nr. Henry and Johnsen's Arnica and 011 Liniment le an external remedy for Min and Beast. far" Downs' Elixir will cure all ilung (Menses. The best, medicine known for whooping cough. - tom' .Never , ask a Dyspeptic person what be wants to eat, bat let him take a,tew doses of Beaters Mandrake Bitters and his appetite will be all right. Price 2b cents per bottle. rif Gaps made in the flesh by cuts, speedily disappear Without leaving a scar, when Henry &Johnson's Arnica and (MI Liniment Is used. Qs' Constipation invariably follows_ Liver Complaint ; but it is easily overcome by the timely use of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. Dye. pepsla also readily yields to this potent remedy. • lam' It is impossiblelot a woman after a faithful course of treatnient with LYDIA E. PINKIIAM*B VEGETABLE - COMPOUND ;to continue to suffer with a ' eakness of the uteri's. Enclose a stamp to Mrs. LYDIA E. Pirtxnam, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn., Mass.,. for _pamphletk. Said by Dr. H. C. Ponratti Druggist, - Towanda, Pa. MARRIED; HUFF—BEI•ZJAMI.N.—In Herrietville, June Met, at the teeldenee of E. Carr, by E. Carr, Eng Mr. John Huff and Clara Benjamin, both Of Standing Stone tosynahip. TOWANDA MARKETS, REPORTED BY STEVENS & LONG, Genersidealers in Groceries, and Produce, corner Idain,and Pine Sire WEDNEBDity EVEN'IND,' O.FNE 13, 1881. : t‘i 12SEEI Flour per bbl Flour per lack • Cord Meal per 100... Chop Feed Wheirtrper bush.... SF 00 (al 105 Cora -:—Aft RIF 7561 k .... . -- Oats .I 40 . se .42 Buckwheat 1 40 ea 4i, 0 - Buckwheat Flour.. .4'61,60 fill , (lover seed 4-a- ; 500 iit 650 Timothy, western,.. • . ( La 11 ta • 725 Beans. 62 lbs, it 50 0 1 so oA ' • Pork. mess - #6' Uhl. 620 00 0 #27. IV Lard ' 10 0 11 0 14 .Butter, tubs - 10 0 18 f 0 Rolls 16 0 17 . 0 ' Eggs, fresh . 17 ® 18 0 . Cheese - 44 14 Potatoes, per bush.. 2544 40 0 Beeswax ' 20 0 22 . - CORRECTED BY 11. DATIDOW k BRO. Hides Veal Skins , -Deacon Skins Sheep Pelts cai.itbvertt FOURTH. of JULY PARTY. There will be =a Fourth of -July Party at' the GRANGE !TALL, ASTLrat, Pa., ett MONDAY EVENING, JULY 4th, zBBt MI are Invited to attend: Mask :I-McDonald and 'Hulett's Orchestra. Bill $1.50. GEt►, FOX, Proprietor FREE TO EVERYBODY! I A BEAUTIFUL BOOK FOB THE ASKING ! By applying personally at the nearest office of THE BINGER MANUFACTURING CO; (or by sFEcard It at a dtstaurel any adult person will r s .Fi n oV e l entitled ead beautifully Illustrated copy of GENIUS REWARDED, .*OR Stara of the Sowing Mo.fto, • . • containing s handsome and costly steel engraving frontispiece; also, fiS finely engraved wood cuts, and bound in an elaborate bine and gold lithograph ed cover. No charge whatever Is made for this idsorne book, which can be obtained only by ap ptlestlon at the branch and subordinate ofticei of The Singer Manufacturing CM o:#43uNri:Wri:tili.ltytußt;olo) Princimi Mee, 34 Union Sqtiam, UDITOR'S .NOTICE.:—In" re the estate of Wm. H. Murray, minor child of Rae el Murray, deceased. Final account of .1. K. Wrigbt.Aeceased, (guardian of the said Wm. 11. Murray); as Wed by Ely Wright and Karla Wright, executors of the said J. E. Wright. The mrdenlgnedi. an Auditor appointed by the Orphea's Court of Bradford County, to examine and pass upon the, exceptions tiled to said guar.. dian's aceounti will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, on gilliYAY„ the 'Mb day of JUNE, 1661, atin .olelocli A.' K., at his Mee In Athens liormagbist which time and place alt parties inter ested usay attend If they think ptnpee • .= B. Auditor. Athena, rll. I Mq • Nor Poediseatits. POWELL. & CO.-. Have just received -10,000 yards - of Print ed Lawns of the best quality and newest styles which they will sell at 9 cts: per yard. W. A. P. Powell & Co. Have just opened a large stock of Lace and Plain Buntings, with a large assort ment of new styles of Worsted Dress Goods which they are ,offer hig at great bargains. POWELL & CO. Callattention to their new stock of White Goods, Dotted Swiss, Plaid Nainsooks, French Muslins, India Mulls,VictoriaLawns, Piques, &c., which are being sold at very low prices. _ Powell & Co. Have just opened a very large and com plete stock of Ladies Gloves; Hosiery; Lace Ties, Fans, Ruchings, Spanish Laces, French Laces, &c. Their Not , tion and Fancy Goods Departinent is now unusually full and complete, ,with all the new - things the market. The stock of Parasols and Sun Umbrellas is very large and prices very Silk Fringes, Girdles, Passamenter ies,. Dress - Buttons; a large assortment just received. • tIILLINO $5 50 (RI 7.50 el 40 91) I 90 $: 4 0 $ 1 40 . 06 6i) 0714 . 75(1 2s . 40 0 60 .4 75 0 1 50 POWELL & CO. Have now in- stock a large quantity of La dies Linen Ulsters, all sizes and prices also a full assortment of new Shetland Wool and Thibet ShaWls.- & Co. Have a large assort ment of Canto and Madras Dress ping hams, just receivedt also large additiOns to their stock of Cal i coes, Cretonnes, Furniture Prints, &c. New York. Ins ithationsesto. NNOTICE,—AII persons are forbid' eta da( ?Saber eh the taste et tbe late MI wart IteGlovers. la Overton Terestap‘ without the mutes mama of thstateirratamel„ water So penalty of the law. JOUR KoOtrttitle. Zymase. • • overran. MOM; isee•orre xEcirrairs NOTIOL—Lew tars testaamitary hoeing bees gloated to the • reigned. under the last will sad testament e t Martha Horton. deceased. We of Tani Tore:. all persons Indebted to the estate of said decedent are hereby milked to make Immediate payment. sad all haring delete aphis' said estate mast pee. seat the same duly antkenuested to the' nader.! alined for settlement. • , ELIZABETH B. lidETC •a l t Zs s. Tarrytown. Pa., June IS, ISSIAIs• lAIL SALE. One -second-hand Boller and Zegine. Alas oftWim, with new Shire dominion Mae of BMW, 42 Inches In diameter, 20 feet tong, two 144 sch Plies.with Weed Pipe*, Pomp, neater. Liao Marna/. Pally. he. Also, a liarrison Teed Stows Elevator. C. All or the above machinery Is In goed erder,Sad will be sold cheap. Address O. AIMS. May ifi-wt. Shesbcquinalrad4rd co,, Pa. A DMINISTRATOWB NOTICE. Letterset administration having been grant ed to the undersigned, upon the estate of Adolphus Slater, late of Burlington Tap., deceased, =lke is hereby given that all persons indebted to the said 'estate are requested to make Immediate payment. and all persons having claims against said estate must present the same duly authenticated to the undersigned for settlement. It. X. PIWYNE, Adminbitrisior, Luther's lIIIIs, Pa„ June It, 14514 w. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration haying been grant. ed to the undersigned, upon the estate of Maria. ti. Drummond. late of -Wysox Top., deceased. notice is hereby given that all persons Indebted to tbe said estate are requested. to make immediate pa at. and all persons having claims against estate mustpresent the same duly authenticated to the undersigned for settlement. B. B. BOLLZTT. Administrator. Moproeton, Pa, June IS, ISM 6w. 33 - M E l - - INSURING IN -ANY COMPANY OR _- SOCIETY, EXAMINE THE EQUITABLE And its Tcuktiiii !livings Fund Plin. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. ASSETS $41,105,602 00 SURPLUS..-- 9,228,294 00 Lame protlta in case of long life. Cer tainty ofprompt payment in case of death. $4,800,000 paid-to Policy- 4 - holders iii l lBBo. Not a ' • 'l' claiM contested. dor full particulars of TONTINE. and all other forms of policy issued by this Society, apply to JOHN D. STR=I, Agent, At FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Towaadk. L. C. Cue, Manager, IW, Broadway, N. Y. Jung. ..trDITOR'S NOTICE:— Estate A of John W. Bowman, late of Monroe Town ship, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, to distribute - the funds of above named estate, as shown by the final account of the Executrix and Executor, will attend to the duties of his 'appointment at his office in the Borough of Towanda, on MONDAY, JULY 11th, 1681. at 10 o'clock-A. NI All persons having claims will then present them or they may be forever at JAMES H. CODDISW, Auditor. Towanda, June 16,1891-w4. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of adininistratiirn haring been grant ed to the undersigned, upon the estate of (Medial' Ilemmenway, late "of Sheshequin twp , deceased, notice is hereby Liven that All persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons haring claims against said estate must present the same duly authenti cated to the undersigned, for settlement. - WY. SNYDER, Administrator. ilheshemtin. Pa., June 2, 1661-w6. et:4l-DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE- Letters of administration having !wen grant- -, to the. undersigned upon the estate of - damn; Lee, late. of Albany township, deceased. notice Is hereby given that all persons Indebted 1., Ask! estate are reqbested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate must present the same duly authenticated to the ~.. undersigned for settlement. , ALMIRA I.EE., Administratrix. Evergreen, Pa., May 4, 1881.4411. SEASONABLE GOODS C. P. WELLES'--- Crockery and 99-Cent Store :for the Semnier trade : Cream, Freezers Ice - Good and very Cheap. WATER COOLERS, FRUIT JARS (EXTRA-TOP), JELLY BOWLS 4: TUMBLERS. FULL STOCK Crokery, china, Glassware, Decorated Dinner and Tea Sets,. Decorated Chamber Sets at . greatly re- Aue.ed prices. LAMPS AND LAMP WARE, TRUNKS & TRAVELING BAGS Children's Carriages. BOY'S EXPRESS WAGONS AND VELOCIPEDES. JAPANNED AND TINWARE. Best quality of mixed BIRD SEED in one-pound packages, only 10 'ctn. Woodward's Medicated Nest Eggs—sure death to hen lice—.l cte.,• or 50c doz. Towandi, Pa., June 9; lan. PARTITION RTITION NOTICE.— In the matter of the partition of the real estate of Dees W Cornell, late of the township of Lltcb fleiii, In the county of Bradford, State of Pennayl 'seta, deceased. In the Orphans' Court of Brad ford County, No. 111, February Term. ieee. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to George Cornell, Phiebe Doty and Hannah Parka, all resid ing In the township of Litchfield, In said county of - Bradford.; 'Julia Ann Merrill, of Belmont, in the county' of -Allegany, State of New York : John Cornell. of Barton. in the county of Tlogi, State of New York ; _ Pbcebe Spear, Mary E. Lynch, Alan son B. Carr. Peter B. Carr and Gilbert Cam, all of ' Obits, In the county of Tompkins, State el New York ; William Carr, of Lisle, 4 .lm the county of Broome, State of New York; JOlll.lrW. Codding. of the Borough of Towanda, In said county of Brad ford. - guardian ad fawn of Kite Carr. William Van Horn, Frederick Van Horn. Jennie Van Horn, Flora Vanllont and Frank Vanllorn, heirs at law of the said Moses Wc-Cornell; deceased, and to all other persons interested. greeting'. . . , Bradford County se: You are hereby cited to be and appear before the Judge of oar Orphans• Court, at en Orphans' Court to be Mkt at Towanda, In Said county of Bradford, on MONDAY, the 11th day, of JULY. A. D. IVO, at $ o'clock in the after noon, then and . there to accept or refuse to take the rearestate.of said Moses W. Cornell, deceased. situate In the township of Litchfield aforesaid, at the appraised valuation pat upon It by antnquest duty awarded by the said Court. and returned by the Sheriff on the 9th day of September, A.D.-.IMIO, to wit : Lot No. 1, tontaining 107 acres and 711 per -1 elms, at three thousand and nine dollars and twelve 1 and one•balf cents ; and lot No. 2, containing 27 i acres, at four hundred and thirty-two dcllars. And 1 hereof fall not. Witness the bonorable Paul D. Morrow, Presi dent Judge of our said Court, at Towanda, the Ilk goy of May. A. D. 1881 June 9, 1831. FRENCH'S HOTEL; ON THE European Plan, opposite the City Phil. Court House and new Post Mace. Ems YOISIC. Paten 'ElbeCars. ,This hotel has all modem improve ments. inehttlinpEksvators. Cu, Running Water. and Burglar-Proof locks on every door. It is - con. realest to all Theatres and within thin minutes walk of both 'Mentes' Railroad Stations, Horse Cars for all porta of the city pus the door. Special arrangements with exmrsion parties, Apr... MEW REVISION.- AGENTS LA WASTED.—NEW TINTAKENT. As made by the maitamincust scholar/et Mailamil and America. NW Me Priesof OwThoosieffßO ` SiegillA MOM*. Line type. flees ewer mica. lered piper. elegant Nadine. A separate " Cow i resin' Ilistery tit the EOM and its Transits. ca." lactuding a tail account of , .the New L s :talon. Ova to!mbar-Men. test choirs for 1 $ nta .erer oNer.W." Bead stampfer pasta:olam "at Onee.• TIM SLIMY HILL PVILISUI/Vit ;CO, XOllW2,Gi t CMG - . APMetin! II A. C. 71113111 E. Clerk of the Orphans' Court