Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 16, 1881, Image 2

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    vildford Nepoto.t
wanda, Pa., June 16, _ 288z.
he Eeputilican County Committee will meet at
Court House, in the 'Borough of Towanda, Pa.,
'EI DAY, JUNE 21th, Mil, at one o'clock, T.
rov the Turpose of organizing. selecting• Vligi
ee Committees fur the different election Me
l's of the county, and for the transaction of such
cr hmlne.” as may ectnehefore the Committee:
E. .1. .4 N(ME, Chairman.
ilia—O. F. Young.
lhany--Janies Terry.
rmenia—lienjamin VanSlCkle.
sylum—F. I). lierricli.
them. Borough. - '
1 , 1 Waril—Charles T. Hull.
tnd Ward—Joseph M. Ely.
:hoot. Tonnshir.
tat District—Frank 14:)r1ey.
•:1,1 District—Dr. F. D. iNeyea.
:IN! District—lr. W. Thomas.
iaisiaol—F. F. Lyon.
ntrilrigton P.crough—M. notlo3A! , .
West—Jesse B. McKean.
-.won flormigh—J. H. Shaw. ' •
'maim Township—C. C. Brown.
*raiilllu.k. C. Fairchild. ,
ininviile-11. 11. ileald.
1,-crick—George Crown.
~I;syss cantlem,
rl: , -y-11. K. Mott.
s.19;1:•.• liorm:gli—C. N. Walter.'
."•-•‘• U. IL
C. NI.
-(1; L. ',quire..
1:! , 1;;Iwi -. —E. At. l'iv.ton.
T.,141,••..11-1.. .
1:• r.,r I; r. Kinney. •
N1,••••11, , qui:,--1. I. Yoll,lg.
11:1t I,r.- . n.
( . 1 v....1:•—w ottain ),nr..
tlO.l N5',,v..t.-3. 1 111
T• 1c1,h1.1--%, T. 1i..;
• ..!..!1 .1• . .
'• : ,:•.--1
•••414.1,•15 ,
i. N....a Hi.
:I) I:.n t 7' _NI ,
I— /rill.
".-c. :11., •
NV , ' •: 1..
!I • • ..:117. r
NV • r.
!. X 11 ahi-}:y.vnow pay
,l-_-:•. on tl.t• o.,:bt. England and
-.. th i:.tercst on their indebt
dth sz, Ir. 1. :I !Ily a tax on tobacco.
St; c'opri..nie Court of
INt• 11;it• Itozu ion. to the Stat
eti-vt that it is the duty of
tr.clx—eta civet a United
•••;,ite S3upetintemient bf
lie intends isit
ing evcry County io tho State for the put
p-se i f stiriing up ',lit, F.ople on the iin-
Is.iiant sul..;cet ultication. • •
— "Env. e .itntit.'s in this State
iti - e fife /OW/ ' l lnt y debt : Adatp`S, But-
e. Snyder. Sus-
Va..hi LI ttton,' West-
I':.. It
( t -t f•f •I ni,•na: the new tern
;or.toce :n Nt.'.1.1-1:a went into effect.
It i-11:111 be noli•Fereens,
no ,I ri de o eurtavos; tyi ob ail I n the and the
iil. That "keen light of
" roprx op every - mail who
.1: ink., :th.l s'.:111 I.e no 'sneaking
Tilt. IMI:311 , 11111i1 :fyf•
that It Ilof.i.\ , .rs I. Is di , ,col : erea that el
the rii:llel:t lacteal fluid
two.. I: vt.:ll in order now for let:
CIC 1 41:1
to law in a stock of
course,the minter :.
ow -t ri Ult.l iCS 1.11 adjacentcoutities
it c kw of the unwiel
dy lO nits. I.h.dy to be a big iu cloi.l:ants..
13111 j:
:1!.1! di
tit' it is said.tii
1);.. so..a,t t 0% t‘fiiinent- law oilicerr
in \;:l% I , veit vi2ry -• busy for
tinio, cleft,; they have,
~I,t'ained. It. i, ah-o known that they
have tile. stiec!iss, and fully
expert In 'iv Ablv ;11 qtly date to lix
the J.:a the forgery upon the
it aulh ,, ,is - of Cie
Leban,,n ('aunty,
I'i \rug iat
c;1 corinnenced by a
Tncl;t: :licit have been put
to m,.11:. a:J:1 1.1 oposed to push the
ulitd disem:ered—if
tlict cii tiny to te discovered. The doe
tfo-f I:r lic:ves that II ct c is gold enough in
I c'
1 1, 01 i c i a ny t, into i ns i gn ifi cance
tho day:, and Colo-
tat-wets tlie Eastern counties
of I St.itli ilt, t.. a gieat 'extent, fore.
Otis ear foithc purpose
uC occtlpying . their hod : with lob - lacco,
even if the crop is a . partial fail
tire au,l Mier: fall- below what
they arc now. V in pay much better than
wheat or ecnn, : in the raising of which
there is lc,ss profit than in any crop now
Ilan, est ea in. this St:ite.,
AN i 4.41 to prcvcut the explosion ,
of :lean. boile;s I.a• Itt_en patented. - - the
invt. taint: const,tN .0: a "pa-ftition across
the bt th r above t lt-vater )ing; with an
tpenie,; the. I.artit lon, which is
a.i . jostalde; and tln-o.n.:11 which the !low
of steam legv.l,lt,cd. It is claimed
that it ptevents Alatigerous variationst of
pre..sure on the ,*ttrfacte of the water,_and
hence prevents explosions.
covmouoitr, Chicf of the
Ordnance -Itqle:ru of the Navy Depart
-1:0 tentiel ell his resignation, and
it has been n noeepted: 011 his return from
Ealope. wherw he g(ies to 'exam* and
rep it ;Tow the ordnance and torpedo
he ice of I:Otopeau navies, Commodore
It:rt't tai Whi be placed on theliftired list
own reipu , :st.. Secretary liuNT has
yet cicehlill Gil his successor.
•'fttr. t %hit, P.. publican Convention held
at on 8:11 instant, was har
m?nious and ent linsiastio. The re-ninnina
ti,•;l F0.:71, was a w e ii. e a rn .
ed :LIA was as wiso as it-was
p , ..!., , , , ziate. *ate Treasurer TCHNEY
;11,t1 ;4 -lanai were Ilit 4 o IC
110111illatell. nr. .1. G. Ilicitinns,.of ;ref-
Coui:ty, wai,nominated for Lien
.r, and Mr. Nicnot.Ar.=
1, , .1\ 4.: WOW. of the very ablest mem
of the t'..l was nominated for
-em have norni-
L;ltt..l. t 1 .:.t.l E. CAMERON for
Goverw;r,' Hoti. LEwis for
Lieutelg:vi it..r, BLAIR
ivy Mt CAltratoN was ad
jtaant-(Z..licnil: of 31.kuom.'s rebel bri-
gads, and wasalways a Demo6rat. Lew
Is was formerly United States Senator,
and histeep kuoan as au active Repub
' • fiean. Tlie convention Was very enthusi•`
there Veiug a large cr.lored. mime
-hentatiou, ltes4lutions were adopted in
favor of afrrm ballot and a fair count, • de.
minding 4 free school •and. Oerawmoing
lbs toy rtion DtmOcrilcy.
•CtiitmoDoitr. Tuomes S. Pusiss, con►=
Manding Mare Island Navy Yard, reports
to the Navy Department that the Jean- '
netts search ' steamer Rodgers has
beet► fi!ii d out in the. most complete,
urtnmtr, and is in a condition to meet and.
overcome all the difficulties isf ice naviga- -
tion. Site has roll nary rations nf .
descril.ti On fur three years, in fact It .Is•
est ; there will i o ample food for
thirty-tlic etlie.:rs and men to last fully
five Icais. One of the objects of an outfit
for so Ittog a time is to have auehundattee
with' n Lich to supply the people of the.
Jeanuette, and of the whalers, should the
110dg - cis be so fortunate as to. meet with
AT II:6 Cenrral Synod of the Lutheran
Church, in session at Altrkiiia Thursday,'
4he reroc t of the. Board of FOreign Mis
.siens showed that the work of the Synod'
Inclia,ar.d Africa is in. a prosperous
condition. le India .iu 1S SO there had.
been 3,000 app icants for baptism, 1,200
of whom had been received as members
and the others retained as, disciples and
catecheumens. The various stations
now have_ 2,246 members and :3,-124 bap
tizedadherents. The board asked tor'
t. 40,000 to continue the work during the
next two years. SuperintendiAlt Pcon,
' of the Pennsilvania Railroad, invited the
ay itod : toati excursion to. Cresson, on the
-Allegheny Mountains. . Friday aftern.on.
.lucif interest attacliFs to the Bankers'
Convention, which is ttmeet at Xii - gara
Falls in Aug . nit. The range of subjects
lected for discussion embrace almost ev
cry phase of financial interest, and as
ti:ome , who will speak upon them will be
an'n of ptactical acquaintance with the
matters under notiec, it is to be expected
that the tesults reached will—be far more
portant than those likely to arise from
`a: sessions of the Merietary Conference,"
where questitins of statesmanship and
crude theories appear to. have held 'toa
much sway,„. Perhaps the most import
subject selected hitherto " The .
Currency of the Future." It is one which
is qualithd to exercise the best 'abilitieS
of the financiers who . will :discuss :'it.
- ,:- , , 4
4 - I
-ioneOda will certainly becosife and ire-
Thaitt l llic largest of the markos,
and it is fitting, therekre, that the hhsis
of the medium of exchange should be
tled heie.
A DELGEGA7iOS, consisting of Senators
and 3lvuN, 'and Representatives
WoLrE, TuomPsos, -Vont:ES and iltp.ts,
waited on the Governor. Friday morning,
in reference to the Legislative sitlab
pie:thin. The Governor, - while favoring
an early settlement of the Matter, will
not interfere with the action of the Attor
ney-General other than by suggestion.
After a short 'conference the preSence of
the Attorney General - was requested, and
it was proposed that the question should be,
reached by a case stated. To this the At
torney General demurred on the ground
that there could be no agreement as to
the facts: It apArs doubtful now wheth
er ti,il ease will einne upin the Dauphin
'Cot::,ty Court before: September, which
wOuid (lifer the final action in the Su-.
prelim Court until theNtober term.
bas it that many ._of the members.
have sold their wariants to others Who
are it foresanguine of the results.
- The Legislature has adjourned and:
ri-c ,, ived the usual parting kick fropai,
ti lies. The members, having'
fe;mbed their homes', and having leis
me to read up in newspaper litera
tun., will doubtless find that they
hilve been enuaged in mOst-disreput
al,4! business. Some of the more
sensitive may wonder how they are
permitted to return to their families
nt all without having served a term
in the penitentiary.. Generally they
may conclude that the press has unit
ed to do them some special injustice.
Gentlemen, be cunt forted. .No -Penn
sylvania legislature ever- adjourned
Without.a parting kick. It is the fash 7
ion. It can no more ; be avoided than
death or the tax gatherer. Should it
ever happen that the legislature should
dishand_withont, being publicly brand;
ed as i'den -of thieves or a corral of
idiotS, The public may know that all ,
the idiots and knaves outside of the
legiglature have had their terms serv
ed in some fashion. '
It might k suppbSed that alegis,
latnrc ;io far in advance of any that
has asses bled in Harrisburg for thir
ty years would-have- received a little
inore:. consideration at the -hands of
the press. The press is the.conser- :
vator of public morals, the dissemb:
nator of light and knowledge,, and
the torch-bearer 'of truth. Its chief
duty is to strike the balance betweeii
the good, the bad, and the indifferent,
and its delight is to honor virtue in
even its mildest forms. Were it pos
sible to constitute a legislature wholly'
of editors, legislation ,wcutld - take on .
the sublimity of. [wisdom. There
would be decortimbeyond anything
now known, and courtesy to which
the wrangling and bandying of epi
thets now so comiitou in legislative'
bodies `would be essential savagery:
The journalist is an authority in all
that constitutes bCUvior. He . - aims
to beat down wrong, but in doing it
observes:all the rules of politeness.
His epithets are . classical and select.
lle mays think a brother editor is a
- fool, or an ass, but courtesy forbids
hintto e_x - Press his thought. • The ed
itor cannot endure hypocrisy and his
gorge rises in the presence of a sham.
lie has a clear idea of what is just
and•a well-defined notion of what is
Appropriate.- Were a legislature corn
poised of editors to asseinble there
would be no lobby and no log rolling:
And-a law made by such a legislature
would battle the sharpest • Philadeb
phia lawyer to evade or break through.
As Money is no temptation to the
jonrnalist a legislature composed of
such men could not - be corrupted.
The appropriations would be rigidly
just and necessary. Such. a body
would provide for every expenditure
outside-of its own compensation, and
then, should there be any remainder
of public moneys, it would:perhaps
set it aside to 7 be . ..distributed among
the members pro. rata. In such • a
_legislature there Would be no itching
palms and no . jobbery. And there
would be very little' talk. An editor
i 3 a man of rew words and well chosen:
It could not be necessary to publish
a . " Legislative - . Record," because tlte
)ouinal uontain all the lira
ceeditigs: Etch mertilierwould4tite
out Init'speeeh .publish itin lo t s
ow.4paper. In thip'irtay**thotis7
ands of dollars WoUldbe'Saved tciltha l
treasury, Being pactieediii. public
i perness the sessions of sticks legW:
iatur6 would not eitend beyond thir; -
ty days. At tturCloic each member
would- present every .other member
with a steel lien, and thel . occasion
could not require speeches. Having
clo'sed, its labors the press 'of the Sate 1
_would 'with one Accord' render the
pleasing tribute of "Well done good
• and, faithful servants !" The people
alone would mourn at the dissolution
of ',so much collective Wisdom and
virtue, but society would receive the
eleinents back into its bosom .aaa
sort of leaven - that would leaven the
entire lump: .
Such a legislature,U4glit adjanaki
without a parting kick, We can by
no effort of imagination think of any
other that could escape condemnation.
Having indicated the WaY. to organ
ize a legislative body o : that living
it may_e.vemPlify highestliuman
dom and virtue, :and dying it 'may
draw tears of regret from all eyes,
we have discharged our conscience
of a heavy burl*. It remains to be
seen whether the people are equal to
the. task of reforming the legislature.
To constitute such.a legislative body
it will not 'be pecessary'to go beyond
Philidelphit and Pittsburg. By urg
ing it as a sacred duty the journalists
of those 'cities might be induced to
give tbeir tame and talents to effect
so grand a reform.'
iic situation" at - the.N
..eW Yon
ca 'tal has not chadged the pdst
we . The Senatorial fight
.ts ,as .
stubbornly contested ;as ever. l'he
result of the- ballot Ott 'Tuesday was
for `Mr. Conklines successor: Co - tik . -
ling 31, Jacobs 50, Wheeler , 23, Rog
ers -21,[ Cornell 9, CroWley 1, FOlgCr
2,l4aPhain K, Tremaine,3, Bradley 1,
Jas..lll: Marvin. 2.• For Air. Platt's
successor : 'Depew 55, Kernan 41,.
Platt 26, Cornell 10, Yolger 3, Lap
riam 2, Crowley 4. ;.ksensation was
created one day last week in the joint
session by. Representative Bradley,.
o f Oneida, who charged that. Senator
, -
&,-ssions had paid him $24000 to vote
_for Depew • the night before, with a
promise of $l,OOO more if. he should
be, elected, An investigating coin
; mittteof seven was appointed to in-.
quire-into all charges' of bribery, and
ciidencc -is now being taken. Brad-'
ley has sworn to they truthfulness of
his charges,'"and Sessions has sworn
that there never was any sueh trans
action betWeen' himself and Bradley.
Counter charges are made: that it- is
?all 4- conspiracy of .the Mends of
.eonkling and Platt_ tb defeat Depew,*
who ,bad gained grpund• so rapidly
. that his early noaiiii4tion has seemed
iprobable, And the' end is not yet.
GENERAL. SISERMAN, in leApouding - to
the toast of "The Army atut . Navy"
the banquet glven to the Arthy oftbie Po
top= at Hartford, Wednesday evening
of last 'week, after having alluded :to the
preseni, army in complimentary --terms,
and as "the Skil mish line alouKthe fron:
tier - tif ivilization," and after having
centcd , the drones, whom he ,causticlY al
luded teas owing their positions in. the
army to the services of their "mothers,
cousins, sisters, and aunts," launched out
into a scathing criticisms of ..hlFr.itsole
Davis' reeently-Published work, "The
Rise and Fall of the Southern Confedera
cy." He defended GIIANT'B Military op
erations before Richmond, took the Ez-
President.of the
.om!ederacy to task for.
misstatements made as 'to ihnnocroWs
and Moon's campaigns, and denounced as
gyo'ssly and notoriously untrue the charg
es made .againit Lim (SitEttmAN) as to
cruel 'conduct at Atlanta, and as to the
burning ofeolumbia. He cited variouki
trustworthy authorities to ,prove Davis'
statementsfalSO in every particular, and
wound up an exceedinglY, able and bitter
speech by saying that they taut as much
resemblance to the truth as Davis . him
self had to Jillars CiESAR.
ARTIFICIAT.' fertilizers have become so
important an element in the expenses 'of
,farmers of the present day that the State
Board of Agriculture is doing good ser
vice in endeavoring to ascertain their vat- .
no, both actual and relatiVely to the..pri-
Fes at which they are sold, and publish
mg the results for the benefit of farmers.
Ground bones or bone meal seem to. give
the highest ratio of value to price, differ
ent samples ranging, as folloWs : Value,
$59.27, selling price, $25 ; value, $48.49,
selling price; $35 ; value, $43.40, selling
price, $4O; value, $33.34, price,
$3O ; value, $45.30, selling price, $2B ,
valhe, $45, selling price, $37 ; . value,
03, selling price, $3B ; value, - $42.0, sell
irfg price, $33. High grade muriate of
potash is valued . at $f31.39, and sells at $45;
- and one sample of super-phosphate at
- $39.83, with a selling price of ,$3B. Sev
eral samples t are_ranked about'on a par as
to actual value and market c ilorice, and
many others bear but a Knell ;proportion
of value to cost. One sample of guano is
I . rated at sll.soper tom,in value, While it sells
for $25 per ton, and a fossil' alkali is
ucd at. $2.05 per ton only, ivbile the sell
lug' price is $l5.
Special Correspondence of THE REPORTF:II
HAntosnuno, June 10, 1881.—The last
week of one of the most exciting and
protracted. sessions of the Legiidature
which htu6nade a recortUtere in many
years, was 'entered upon on Monday, 6th
inst. The Senate met at 3 o'clock. tn.
on that day, when the House amendment
reducing the amount appropriated to the
Huntingdon Reformatory Institution.
'from $300,000 to $lOO,OOO watt concurred
in. The following general bills, which
had previously passed the House, passed
the Senate finally at this sessiGn : Author- 1
izing the county commissioners 'of the
several counties of this,coinmonwealth to
rebuild bridges owned by corporations
that may or have been destroyed by ice or
otherwise, and • abandoned by such &rt . -
porations, and authorizing them to-bor.
row money and_isstm bonds therefor; to
protect fruit gardens,grinving crops,grass,
eto., and punish trespass ;• to provide for
tit" payment of I.o)oreM of this common-.
'wealth at tegtdor intervals ;:prat/tar
bribery and fraud at fu . );lfituMitig elections,
nominating nonVentionalmturning boards,
county- or exeative - sommittees and at
elections of deligates,t9 noniknaing Pon'
yentiona.; to zeiinfOtertbsPeinsilvanla I
Institution for the:peat and Dumb tor
the' Mipenses incurred tithe Imelltiot)
for fal O atiuk and supporting the indigent
dzlif ;aides, ptipilsof this esmmouvrealth.
House .- resolution urging ' Pennsylvania
representativea in Congressto have passed
a law for the Mid of 'Union soldiers and
sailors whose Health has been destroyed
in southern military prisons, was con
curred in. At the Monday evening. see
sion House bill making On appropriation
of $7,800 to the State Board-of Apicul
ture was passed finally. A number of
Rouse 1604 hillsewere passed finally at,
this-session, as well as the following gen- .
prat acts : To authorize the courts of
quarter sessions in this commonwealth to,
annul and. set aside deciees annexing the
land, or parts thereof, of persons resident
in one township or borough to another
township or borough, forschool. purposes;
making an appropriation of $15,000 for
he statues •of distinguished Pennsylvar,
Mans, in pursPauce of an ael of assembly'
approved April 18, 1877 ;.• making an ap
propriation for, the Hospital ; for Injured
Persons of the anthracite coal regions ;
extending- to the superintendent and
watchmen of public grounds and build-
ings "power to make arrests, and to pre-.
serve theyeaco upon and within the same.
A, numbs?t
of d Wen passed i Wepassed on second
reading, when i the Senate
"adjourned till
--Tue-sday moroblig. , • - -
- The Moan met on Monday evening,
Gth instant, t 7:30. . Several 'Senate bills
were passe( on ilret reading, when the
regular see ion at- Ii o'clock adjourned,
-and the eq cial ontrloconsider the. pilot
bill was co . vend. ; This is a local bill
upon whic - the Philadelphia detegatimr
was divided, and which, it was necessary
to get through 'sccond.reading that nj4ht,,,
or it would fall. The'frieuds of the Meas
ure, after a tight Listing until aboutintid
night, carried theif point, the bill passing
second reading—yeas 93, nays 20. 'Subse
quently a compromise was effected l i rind
the bill passed finally in a 'all
parties Molested,
• The special or . er in the Senate`,on
Tuesday. morning,, 7th inst., was the, free
oil pipe . bill, and the whole time frotn 9
o'clock until 2' was occupied ikits
sion. At the conclusion of tbeVebate an
amendmCnt was proposed by Mr. Stewart
requiring pipe lines to be laid to nearest
railroad orj 'navigable stream leading to
any port in the corninoewealth..Rejected.
The first Jection was defeated and conse
quently the bill—yeas 13, nays 27.- At 12
o'clock m. ou Tuesday • the special order
in the Senate toes suspended long enough
to elect Senators Roberts, Seaming, Grof
and Nelson, Senate .repthentatives on the
returning beard tct emit returns for Steto.
Treasurer, •to be elected this.falf. .The
afternoon session was principally devoted
to disposing of Rouse - bills on second
Heading . .. The vote by which the game
and fish bill Was sassed teas reconsidered .
to add an amendment reducing the length
of the close term for shad tishing'from 48
to 30 hours. The Senate met -at 7:30
o'clock in the evening, and in an hour all
the bills on second reading, about thirty,
had heel ilisposed of.
In the House on Tuesday morning, 7th
inst , after several unsuccessful efforts
had been made : to take up bills out of or
der, the House' concurred in the Senate
amenilthents to the bill making an appro- -
priatio,li to the Miners ' Hospitarat Ash
land. '! 'The House reinsed to concur - in
the Senate amendments 011ie bill for the
payment of laborers' wages at regular in
tervals. Quite along calendar of 'Senate
bills on second retiding.was nest disposed
.of, a number - passing and. the following
among others defeated : provide- for
trial by jury in cases against justices of
'the peace, clergymen, ministers and other
persons for joining in •marriage persons
under the ago of twenty-one years ;' to es-
tablisl4two iron industrial schools—one
to be own as the
.Eistern Irowlndus-_,
trial School of Pennsylvania, and the oth
er as `,the Western Iron Industrial School
of Pennsylvania. The House then pro
ceeded b . ; elect the members of !tie coin
missiou-rePreieuting the House . o open.
complete and publish the returii 'of -the
election for State Treasurer in November,
081. The following.Avere elected : 6.e0.
W; Hall, Philadelphia . ; John Hill, Indi
ana; C. W. Tyler, Crawford;- M. Cassidy,
Carbon; J. L. Brown, Elk ; 11. S. Acker
man, Westmoreland; The first four of
these men aro Republicans, the last Jour
Democrats. These, with the four elected
in the Senate (two Republicans and two
Democrats), togeti l her with the presiding
officers of the two houses, constitute the"
Returning Board, as provided by act of
the Legislature of WM. At the : afternoon
session the Senate Philadelphia pilotage
bill was taken up out of order and passed
finally. The following among other Sen
*ate bills were passed finally : Amending
the provisions of an act for the'organiza
tion, discipline and regulation of the, mill
tia of the commonwealth of PenusylVania;
authorizing companies incorporated under
the laws of any other State of. the United.
States, for the - manufacture.of any`form
of iron, steel or' glass c to erect'and main
tain buildings and manufacturing-estab
lishments, and to take, have and hold
real estate oneessary and proper, for man
ufacturing purposes; to amend part of an
act to amend and consolidate the several
'acts relating to game and game fish ; to
provide fer fixing the compensation to be
paid for boarding prisoners committed tO
the jails of the several - counties wlie
there is no, special lay providingzfor the
same, and to repeal the act of llthday of
April, 1856, relative to ihe sheriffs of this
commonwealth;-empowering the prothon
otaries of the courts of common pleas to
Wear applications and grant stay of writs
of execution in certain' cases ; to make an
appropriation for the''payment of balance
due on marking the grave of General An
thony Wayne, at Erie, Pa., and to. pro
vide for the improvement Of said grows's;
making an appropriation to the Gettys
burg Battlefield Memorial Association ;
to fix the salaries of the judges of the su
preme court,
.increasing their salaries
$l,OOO each. Senate bill to extinguish the
color line in the public schools was defeat
ed on final Passage—yeas 6,:nays 42. At
the evening cession, among the bills which
passed second reading was Senate bill to
provide for the incOrporation and regula
tion of mutual assessment corporations
for the insurance
~ of lives... 4T. Baldvrin
moved to 'recoil/rider the . by which
the bill to. prevent race or coior distinction
in public schools was defeated. The
tion was agreed. to and the bill passed
finally—yeas 109, nays 35. Adjourned
.until 9a.m. on Wednesday. r •
In 7 the Senate on Wednesday morning,
Bth instant, the reports of conference cum.
mittens on the following bills were adopt
ed : To create a loan of -$10,000,000 for
the redemption of maturing bonds of the
State!. ritie maximum rate of interest
to be paid for Money is fixed at 4 per cent.
atd the maximum tune for the running
of the bonds thirty yeaCti.)" Appropriating
t 10,004) *complete the - Hospital for In-
Jared Persons of the - Anthracite Region,
and 02,40:1 for furnishing and maintain
institution the neat, tWo yeart_L: I
The .report of the ionferrnoe - ciarmilitae
onihe general lemma b was ieimlA4
owing to the stnall attendance_ , se
trimgraPhical anrorale OM bill im,printed .
action on it waf:piatlsino int OfltiOt:
(The bill provides for tier mill Wilt*
the dollar on all mortgagii, moneisi
by solvent debtors; articles of agrecinent
and amounts bearinginterg# exceptnotes
or bills formork or labor don&
also imposes a -four mill tai on obligations
Oren to banks for money IMMO _Mid_
bank notes, and also on all shareiof sthok
in any bank, banking or , saving Institu
tions or company, and on all public Imps
, or stocks except those issued by this Com-
Fmouwealth or the United States, and, on
all money loaned or invested in any other
State, and all other moneyed • capital in
the.hands of individual' cittzens.. -The
committee recommend . that Senate re
cede from the amendment providing , that
moneys loaned by building and loan asso
ciatiods shall be , subject to tax the same as
money loaned by individuals, and that the
House concur in the amendment exempt
ing insurance companies fr om the pay
ment of a tax on premiums collected out
side the State, provided they pay their
arrearages from Jannaiy 1;:11177,. to Jan-, •
nary 1, 1881,:orhich amounts to over stoo,-
000]... of the conference corn :
mittee on the House' bill pcottiding for the
payment-of laboreti at' regular intervals •
was defeated—yeas 24, naySi4 -- -;-not a con
stitutional majority. • The following .
among other : Hen's° bill 4 wore passed
finally : To better provide for the autliang
of the accounts of Libor districts composed
of one or more townSlliWand tioroughs ;
t,r the protection of dairytnen and to pie'
vent deception in sales Of: butter and
cheese ;' to regulate the •satisfaction of ,
mortgages when the legal presumption of
the piyment of . the, lame exists- from tie
lapse bf time and n 4 satisfaction of record
appears ; i appropria ing.sB,ooo-for the es,
tablisliment of bon dary monuments on
theline betiveen the State of Pennsylva
nia aird-the States of Ohio ; and West Vir
ginia. , The vote by which the conference
• committee report on l the Warren hospital
'bill was defeated was- reconsidered 'and
the bill Was recommitted.* The vote by
which the report of the committee on con
ference on the bill - for the payment of
laborers at regular intervals was - defeated.
-was reconsidered and 'the report 'vas
adopted. • Mr. Hall mired 'to reconsider
the yeti)
. by . -.vhieh• the-Warren hospital:
bill was. recommitted toithe committee on
conference on the . grornd:\ that the corn
initttxt :had not- -subst i tuted the nerd
"may"-for "shall," the latter word hay
ing been in the bill wLen it passed the
Senate. The
,report was then adciptcd-
The following - billS were considered on
third reading : Providing for the service
of process on partnership associations
(passed finally); repealing the special, act
. the Governor to appolnt'seal
ers weights
.and - measures counties
where, none exist (passed finally); to pro
tect the manufacturers of butter and
cheese (defeated) .
. The bill to permit de--
fendants, their ilyes, or husbands c to tes
tify in criminal. Ogres. was disauSsed at
longth,and defeated. .At the afternoon
'session the report f conference commit
. tees 'on the general approliriation and
judicial apportionthent bills, and bill am=
thorizing . foreign Corivanies to erect and .
maintain buildings ad manufacturing
establishments in thiS State for.the,pur
poses of tngaglng in'the business of man
ufacturing iron, steel or glass, were con
curved in. The following among ether
general bills passed . ilually :''For the sup
port of the Pennsylvania Training School
for Feeble Minded * Children ; at Media,
Delaware'colinty, and r the,icrection of
additional buildings ; to the Western
Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruc
tion of tlfelleaf and Dumb, and to aid in
the erection of a building ; to the Wo
men's Auxiliary Committee of the Fair
mount Park Art Assoeiatiat:iou. for the
erection of a 'bronze equestrian statue to
the meiAry of Major General General
George Gordon Mcaile ; tor Normal
'chains for the years- beginning the first
Monday in 'June A. I/. 1881 and 188? ; to
the State Hospital for the Insane at War
ren, Pa.; to the litte -Hospital for: the
Insane for the Southeastern district of
the State at Norristown ; to the Pennsyl
vania' State Lunatic Hospital at Harris
burg ; fur the maintainance of the Hospi
tal for the Insane for' the Northern dis- .
trict of Pennsylvania, and fo * r insurance
on the institution ; ,to Homeopathic and
Sergi al Hospital : and, Dispensary of
Pittsburg.; to • the Milton school district
for the re-erection and payment of public
buildingi destroyed by. the tire of Milton,
May 14,•1880; Following Bills were alto
pissed finally : To protectithe manufac
turers of hotter and cheese (having been
reconsidered) ; regulating. the ,mode of
plugging abandoned and pro
viding a penalty for the violation thereof.
At the evening session the following bills
among others passed finally : To author
•ize the several courts of record to continue
their term, to' issue venires for jurors, or
to detain general panel of jurors of - the
:last term for the continued term ; a sup
plement to an act to-amend and .consoli
date the several acts relating to guino and
- game fish, approved the third day of June,
1578; changing the time for hunting and
killing deer, squirrel, tilbbits,. wild ttt ; - ,
leys, pheasants, wild turkeys and prairie :
chickens ;. to repeal an act Authorizing'
Clerks of markets to - weigh better, etc.;
to prevent the exemption of property from
attachment, levy or sale upon executions
upon judgments' for. fifty dollars, or less,
obtained for wages for manual labor; to
enable the high sheriff of any county of
this commonwealth to have an interplead.- .
er on a eiaire.or property by a third per-,
eon, levied on by the sheriff under writ of
foreign attachment ; relating to-the places
-of holding • general and special elections,
and - extending the •jurisdiction .- of the
courts- - therein ; relative 'to the secnring,
aud - waseSsment of railroad. damages upon
property situated in two or More counties;
supplement to an. act of assembly entitled
a further supplement to an act
. .for the
regulation and continuance ofa eiystem: - Of
education,by common schools, authorizing
'the appointment of trustees for-the better
preservation of the funds and estate trans
feritde to any schooldistriot,by the trus
tees of any academy or seminary; in rela
tion to the • establishing of . joinfcechoola
for parts of district of different counties
adjoining each other; relating 'to the Hos- .
pital for the Insane for the, Northern Dis
trict of. Pennsylvania, at Danville. The
bill making insurance policieit non-forfeit
able filter two premiums shall have been
paid War defeated.
- The Hon se met at 9 o'clock on Wednes
day morning, and at once took up the cal
endar of Senate.hill§ on final passage and,
thintreading.. The Senate amendments
to the bill making au appropriationto the
Miners' gospital bill were concurred in.
The followingSonato were'
Regulating the clec , thins of over-.
seers of the poOr ; .Oronfo*g :on
hands, *Wei wrikcittiOristit i Oigtit 'of pos.
session of - itur',.tbodlit of their deceased.
.h . tiOanOiland . c . :6,lol44l;
. o:fitting . to
appeals and wilts' of earth:ea* and of
..trtiplf ; to authorize 'courts of coostatot
pleas on sale of;real isitste by minty for
the, sheriff or coroneion ipplieswtion by
:Petition to ',ilea* the letto of leetwdzance
the - Sonata amendments to tht bill pro-
Arlditit Or the pa meat of laboiers! wages
replailntervabs ; In the report of
the *confeionee bomniittee OW the but to
Organise a State Insane ilospital at War
reu. Thirbill to escheat to the State ttle-
graph lines.whicli violated the: constitn:
tion 'by:consolidating with a competing
line, Commonly known
__ as the telegraph
anti-monopoly bill, wis defeated on fi nal
passage--yeas 72, nay sB3. A supplement
to au.scAp l regulate te practice of dent- ,
istry was also defeate l . Johtt resolution
creating & etnfin3ission to revise the rove
nue. laws ofAhe, coinpOnwealth was also
defeated.: ',06. supplenieut to - an act to es
tablish an insurance[department, to the
increase and sale of capital stock of in
surance companies, 1 as passed fioaly.
The bill to authorize the composition and
extension of time for- payment of taxes
due by insolvent and liquidating corpora
tions was passed finally. The bill to reg
ulate the practiez of medicine and to es-
tablinh a State Mud oT Health and !flak-
lag an apptopriation therefor; bras defeat.
_ .
ed. TO secure to Operatives and laborers
in and 'about coal mines and iron arid.titeel
manufactories the paynient of their wages
at regular intervals and in Lawful money
-of the United States—.-passed finally. At
the afternoon session : the consideration of
Senate bills on final passage was resumed,
with the following result :
.Supplement ary '
to an act relative to the
,settlement of
p.iblie accounts, passed ; supplement to
nit act to' pt ovidu4ur the regulation Mut
incorporation of ' certain corporations,
passed ; 'relative ~_to the appointment of
pJliee for corporations organized under
laws of this commonwealth for the preser
.and projiagAtion of tiSh (.vote by
which the bill was defeated in the morn
ing, reconssOered and bill passed finally);
tr latihg tO I tniiitary claims for recrn:t lug
and subsiitence - on tile in tLe - - A u 14 ' 1 i .J;
Oeneral's office, defeated ; - to auttMlizq
foreign iosurancercorporatiotts to become
corporatiOns of Pennsylvania, and to pte
scribe the wide of their so doing (amend
ments offered in the morning stricken out
s and the bill passed finally); supp)einent
to an Act. to prevent and (punish the re;
hypothecation of stocks, bonds or other
Securities pledged for money led or:bor
rowed, passed finally. The !Loose refused
.to concur in the report of the. conference
pummittee on Oh supplement to the
revenue law, by - a vote of 100 yeas to
;0 nays. At the evening session Mr.
' Nebengdr moved that tbe vote by which
the report of the committee of conference'
• ofOlouse bill No. 104 was defeated be re
considered ; agreed to and the bill passed
finally. Mr. Hall called uji the report of
the committee of ! conference onthe ap
propriation bill No. 192 of , the House.
Mr. Ruddiman - moved to recommit the
billto the corol7tittee with orflers to strike
out the words, "and hereafter the salary .
of the members of4he Senate and House
'of Representative shall be $1,200 for
each regular sessio;
1, and $•100-for' emir
.special session, e3cept a special session
'ealled for the election of a United -States
Senator, for which the-salary 'shall be
$200." Mr. Emery aniended . by also
striking, out -the words,'" and the State
Treasurer, is hereby authorized and re
quite'd to pay to each member of the Leg
islature the sum of $1,500 as salary .for
the session of 1881.". Mr. Pounce further
amended to strike out - the following in
section 1.5: "And the sum of $4,000 for
the . erection of heating apparatus and
equipment of a . hot-house," etc., "and
+'the Sum of $30,000 " for improvements to
- the House and Senate,
." and .the further
sum of $1,8007 for repairing the execu
tive mansion..,' Mr. Emery's amendment
was defeated. The motion of Mr. Ruddi 7
man, with Mr. Fatmee's amendment,
were -carried and the hilbrecommitted by
a decisive vote.. The hills enabling moth=
cis iti Certain cases to appoint testamen-,
tary guardians, and supplementing au act.
enabling assignees for the benefit of cred
itors to,make sales / of '• real `
state encu.M
bared by-liens,
s authorizing flie courts to
make distribution of the proceeds of such.
sales, passed finally. A supplement to an
act providing for tho health and safety of.
persons-etOpfeyed - in coal mitres was de
feated, as ~s. a l`so an act relating to coal
mining companies: - The vote on the joint
`resolutionn creating . a commission to revise
the re venue laws of the 'commonwealth
was/reconsidered and the measure paised*
finally. The bill appropriating money to
the NOrmal Schools, returned from ;the
Senate with amendment,. was passed 'libel
ly. ' House bill, appropriating money = ,for
the erection of en insane hospital at War
ren and for defraying expenses' of the
Norristown -hospital, amended by the
Senate, the amendments were concurred:
in and the measure passed finally. The
appropriation bill.was reported from the
committee of conference with the House.
amendments agreed to; and was - passed
by a' vote of 112 yeas to 47 nays.. The .
following bills were passed finally: Trans-,
felting decrees in. equity feir the payment
of money ; declaring that the possession
`of defendant as tenant or otherwise at
.the time of the commissiOtrof the offense,
shall'not exempt him frond conviction and .
Ituniiihment for arson ; peniShing frauds
Upon life insurance companies by agents,
phSian s and others ;, providing foi the
. r itxpetiseX of , the centennial celebration of
„the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at York
ton, Va.,' Oct. 19, 1881 ; prohibiting the
sale to any person under 16 years of age
of deadly weapons, gunpowder, and ex
plosive substance,s-in the commonwealth
of Pennsylvania ; defining the duties of
Court stenographers in the several coon
tics of thisEtate ; enlarging the jurisdic
tion of the courts of common pleas in car.
thin cases. The mutual assessment in
surance bill • having been reached; Mr.
Nebinger - said-that the representatives of
the twenty-nine insurance companies in
this eity'svere on the floorlobbying against
the 'passage of the bill, and , threatened
the three members from • Datiphin with
dire vengeance if they voted for the pas
sage offenato bill No. 159, an act provid
ing for the incorporation and regulation
Of mutual assessment corporations for the
insurance of lives, Xupplementary to 'an
act approved May 1, 1876, entitled, ,".A
supplement to an act to establish an in
aurance department.", The bill was
brought up:and defeated
r by a vote of 109
yeas to 26 nays..- The-hill relating to the
fish laws 'was called up.afid passed finally.
The .Senate amendments to the bill to es
tablish: joint' school districts were' con
.curred in - by allnanimoua vote. A bill
grantiova_pension of . $75 to Mary A.
Brooks was agreed to. • Messrs. Ruddi
man, Yokes Mid Fenlon were appointed
.to wait on the Senate to inform it that the
House will-be ready to adjourn at three
o'clock. The vote for Senate bill 159 was
. ,
reeonsidered and the measure-was defeat
ed by‘a vote of 97)reas to 20. nays. Tito
bill authorizing councils of - cities of the :
fourth-and fifth classes iu , this common
wealth to,' fill vacancies lit • the 'offirie, of
city. cpatrallar was passed finally. An. act
•.anatOug : r AV, couuty,j.towikabip and bot.',
ough tax collators) ta. collect tam for
payment- of which they have become per
sonalty liable without having collected the
same, but by aspiration or the autharig
- 01' their rispectire,warrants, sad to es
tend the time for- casette's, of the MOO
for a period of one rot from - the pone
of this , act, wancalledim ont_of older bi
unanimous consent no* pined finally.
The Senate met at 11 o'clock oil Thurs
day morning. After an impressive prayer
by the chaplain, Alr. Stewart offered a
resolution ' recalling _from the Governor
a bill - relating to the rebypothecation of
stooks,' which bad bola passed in a wrong
shape in the Rouse. The joint rule wet
subsequently suspended to enable the
mistake to tie rectified. The usual coin-
mittees to wait on the Illotuie and the
Governor were.appointed. Mr. Newnlyer
placed in nomination .for President pro
Mr. McNeil, and Mr. (hot nomi
nated fir. Craig.
.Mr. McNeill received
29 votes and Mr. Craig 14 . votes. Mr. Mc-
Neill was conducted to the chair by
Messrs. Aorr and Craig. Mr. McNeill
thanked the Senate with all his heart for
tilt: honor conferred (intim and promised
to diligently strive to deserve the distine.:
tion. Ho said the session bad been rather
unsatisfactory, but • that the sessions of
the Senate had been characterized by_un
u4tial courtesy and good will. .The usual
resolutions of thanks 'to all the officers
were passed unanimously. The following,'
:nominations for fish commissioners were .
confirmed : H. J. Reeder, Northamp-__
ton ; B. :,14. ifewit,-Blair ; James Duffy,
Lancaster ; Robert Dalzell, Allegheny ;
• John Hummel, Snyder ; Garricic Mallery
Miller, Luzerne . The following appoint
pnintments were confirmed : To be, trus
tees of the State Hospital . for.the Insane
at Warren : L. D. Witmoro, Warren; W.
U. .osterhout, ;Eilc. ; Gen. •W. Wright,
Mercer,. for three years; R. S. Hunt, Jef
ferson ; John Fertig, Craviltiril ; -E. B.
Gramlonc - Warren, for two yeat; ; G. N.
Pantile°, Warren; George W. Starr, Erie;
.T. DI Hancock, Vericrigo, for one ycar.
The Senate 'refused td'confirm the nomi
nation erg, GeLerel Sigli fell, boiler inspec-.
tor, the Democrats excepting Mr. Ross
voting in the. negative: The President
pro tens., Mr. Newell, appointed Senators
Smith, • Grady, Greer, Gorden and Hall to
be •° committee on the paint of the Senate
to aid in the centennial Celebration of the
surrender of Lordeornwalljsat Yorktown,.
-and,Senators • Cooper; Herr, Davie Coeli-,
ran arid Haßto be Senate members of the revise the tax -lawi.; The
Senate then adjourned sine die. - .
• A meeting of Seuaterti was then hill,.
:it which Senator Davies preSided, when
a committee consisting of Stewart, Main
and Wolverton was_appointed to act in
conjunction with a: similar committee of
'members of the House, to go into court
on the salaryquestion. . .
/ it
The House et at 10:30; a. m., on
Thursday. n motion of Mr. Hall, J. B.
-Mitchell was i elected a trustee on the part
of the state as a trusiee of thePerinsyrvi . .
ilia, Museum and schoulof Lislustrial An,
Philadelphia, for the ensuing two years.
Me,. Landis moved a suspension of. the
joint rules for the purpose of reconsider
ing! the vote by which the bill relatirig to
mutualassessment companies for the in
suranceof lives was defeated. sThe yeas
and nays were called on_the motion and
it-was 'not agreed to—requiting a two
thir4 vote—yeas 102, nays .'The Mu
tual admiration performances, piesenta-,
tions to the officers, giving of taffy, "'i.e.;
Was now indulged in : to a rather disgust
ing extent:After this was through, about
12:30, the Speaker resumed the chair and
Mr. Solider, the talented'• statesman from
. Philadelphia, 'asked : " Mr., Speaker, are
you aliotit to scatter us?" The Speaker
declared such to be his intention. -"Then
11 - you are doing - more than the Attorney
Peiteral done." - The Speaker thenwish
ing each member a safe journey home,
adjoirned the House tine die. -
An impromptu meeting Of the members
of the House, at which Wolfe presided,
was then held to take actiononthe salary
question.' Wolfe, Raidiman, Niles and
others were appointed a committee, to.
act'vvith Senate committee. There is gb
ing to be war. over-the dispute : o , 4soo. ':
—Edo is• forced to drink unpalatable
water very often.
—The wheel founderies at Altoona are
making wheels per day.
—T roliiiiitiOnists of McKean corm
ty have a full ticket in the field. -
—Sci;eral - horses died of lock jawin
Lancaster countvithin a week. •
—Two-thqds of the men who ! desert
their wiyes in this State are foreigners..
—The lions carpenters at Bradford are
considering the propriety of a strike.
—Chester county sends fifteen hundred
gallonS of niilk to Philadelphia daily.. •
There is an immense stock of coke on
bind at Pittsburg for _ western sliipment.
. turtle dated 1821 was recently dis
covered waddling across Franklin county.
—There was no loss than a•thizen can
didates for the:President Judgeship. in
Erie county. • • ! • •
—A Marriage Mutual Insurance Asso
ciation has been conned at !McVey town,
Juniata county. . •
—The courts of Lackawanna county
have granted seven hundred and fifty
licpior licenses:: •
BloSsburg, toga• county, is famoui
for its game chickens: The cocks:are in
vincible in. every pit.
—A disease resembling hollow horn has
broken out' with fatal effect amwig the
covert in York county. •
'Partners in Nirashington county are
planting trues along the • highways which
run throtigh their lands.
—Alexander Flowers, of White ITalizn,
Luzerno county, was badly- injured by a
stroke of lightning last week.
Dan!el Steck, D. _D., a promi-,
nent minister of the Lutheran Church,
died at Gettysburg Friday evening.
—The houses of prostitution in Brad
ford were raided last week, and the tines
of the victim netted the city $125.
—The good Hope Woolen Mills, on the
west branch of Whiteley Creek, Chester
!county, were' burned down on Wednesday .
,night. Insured.
Flick, of Wilkesbarre, lids pre
seated Lincoln University, -in Chester
county, with $20,000 for the encloviment
of a professorship. ,
artesian well on the alms horis4
farm in Berks county has been bored to a
depth of 700 feet and no good water foiMd
The bore is to be continued.
—Robbers bleir open the•safe in Digo
Mitchell's itore- at Murky, Lycoming
county, on Thursday night, t but lwere
frightened 011 by the noise',
—Joseph Schmidt, a well-known bust._
ness man of Pittsburg, bade his family
good-bye on Friday last 'rind started for
his store. Ile has-not been - seen since.
—The prize ram Earns, owned by John
Van Voorhis, at Monongahela; City,Wash
ington county, at the last clipping yielded
thirty pounds and eight' ouratsof wool::
;The barn ;of Mri. M. Soars, -in
Munn .Creak iownship,.L7coming ownty,o
was struck by Lightning last wok and
burned down. Loon $1,500; insurance,.
The fonodry attached to tiro machine
shops of the Harriaburg car works was
tnirned_down on Saturday. '
_.William Buehler, a promitrnt citizen
of Harrisburg, was found dead 'in bed .
Sunday. Heart disease is said to have
been the cause.
—The tenth annual meeting of the
Protestant Episcopal church in the Die
cage of Central Pennsylvania commenced
at York Tuesday.
.--Logs that escape from the 11100 M at
Williamsport are worth 25 coat apiece
the finder. One man made over $lOO in
this way on Thursday. f.
—John Smith, living in Plymouth town._
ahip, Montgomery county was attacked
by highwaymen on Thursday, who shot
him dangerously and then robued him of
'nothing and $l7 in money.
—The whole of the School Board of
Penn townsuip, Lycoming county, were
arrested at the instance of one Peter Sny
der, for failing to - attend to,their duties.
They paid the costs and proidscd better
behavior hereafter.
—Last Saturday there yet remained a
bank of ice on the Lancaster,county side
of the Susquehanna river, near M'Call's
Perry, which is at least one hundred feet
long, twenty feet wide and five feet thick,
being tho remains of the ice gorge of last
—Frank ManiOt'a photograph Fa'
ply depot and wailer - it at Cairo, 111., was
binned on Saturday. Loss, $12,000.
—The Post Ofce at . East Greenwich,
R. 1., was deistroyed and•other adjoining
building's damaged by fire Thursday.
—The Secretary of the Interior denies
that Assistatit Secretary Bell - and Chief
Clerk Lockwood are to be sUperceeded.
—Charles Sutter, Dr. Ziegler and anoth
er man whose nam' is unknown died,
from sur stroke at New. Orleans on Satur
—The - President has recognized George
Crunip as British Vice Consul at Phila
delphia and for the customs district
-LA' renewed shock of earthquake in
Scio on Saturday overthrew a minaret and
ruined several houses. Two men were
injured. •
—The election of officers of the Grand
Lodge of Masons of the State-of New
York Thursday resulted iu the choice of
R. W. Ilorace G. Taylor as Grand Mas
tere, and It. W. Benjamin Flrtgler h as
Deputy Grand Master.
—Assistant Attorney General Freeman;
of the Post Office Department, has decid'-
'ed that express companies can carry such
written matter": s deeds, transcripts of
deeds, etc., aral other matter not in the
- nature of petsonal correspondence.
—The Commiisioner of Internal Rev .
enue Thursday compromised for $32,560.-
06 the case of the Corn Exchange. Bank
of Chicagojor unpaid taxes on; capital
and deposits, $20,764.96 of this amount, is,
for taxes on State and county deposits.
—Vrace in lapstreak boats has been
arranged between Wise,, of Riverside,
glit., and Edward Hanlan, for $lOOO a
Side, to . come off six werdcs from date, on
the Toronto Bay. The coarse will be five
miles hibk, with a turn. A- deposit of
$5OO a side has been made.
—Alex. Swift, brother-in -1 wof the
Sisters Alice and Phwbe CarY, has bought.
the old Leary homestead, kmi aas Cloy
ernooki and intends to repair the building
and make of the grotmds a m mortal park
in honor of the departed - a d'venerated
early occupants of the place. "-
—George C. Gatling stabb and killed
his wife at the Atlantic • beer gardens in
San Francisco on Thursday evening. He
suspected her of infidelity, and wrote her
a dicoy note, which she ani4ered by go
ing, to the gardens. Ile met :her In'tbe
room and stablkd herlti the heart. •
—J. E. Martin, a , prominent merchant
of Belknap, Texas, was called outof his,
residence, on Thursday night by three
unknown men, who led him 'half a mile
away and'ibot him. The men theft pro
ceeded to Martin's store, robbed-it of all
they could, carry off and made their es
caae. • :
—Berry Carpenter shot and killed hie
brother, Lee Carpenter,-,fiftech Miles west .
of New Albany, Ind., on Thursday. Ber
ry, who•Nis •a low character; has been
charged by Lee with having ,seduced '„his
own daughter. The Murderer•dcinanded
a retraction of the charge, which sets re
fused, *hereupon he.. shot his brother
hrough the heart.
—As a gang of men' were at woilcon
13aturday LafayetteOnd., tearing down
Me old 'Court House, . preparatory to
The erection of a new. building, the
roof fell in, bprying four nen. Three of
these—William Ilney, - Samuel Buckner
.4nd Peter Cook—received fatal injuries,
while the fourth escaped With only slight
:bruises: •
—Richard Thompson, colored, was
;,:struck by lightning and instantly , killed,
; - at Richmond, Va., on ther.Bth. The re
-smarkable feature' of the affair that there
was no storm -prevailing, and only very
'small clouds clouds pisling over the city at the
' ; time, from which but one flash of light
tiing accompanied- by a moderate
s i . report. of thunder. The man was at -Work
5131 n the river. bank when' struck by light
—On Friday evening last the( stage of
the Overland Transportation Company
was robbed while passing througlr . Black
Hollow, thirteen miles from. Gainesville,
Texas, by a masked man, . who obtained
a small amount of money. from the pas
sengers-and $lOOO from the mails. W.
IL Brown, a well-known stockman at
Montague, Montague county, has been
arrested as the guilty party.
• —On . Thursday evening, while. the fam
ily of W. 11.. Hutchinson, of Henrietta,
Texas, was returning in a carriage froin
st visit to friends in Montague county, ac
companied by a Miss Cox, a - thunderstorm
.came up and Miss Lizzie Htitchinsozi and
- Miss Cox 'were instantly killed bylighf
ning and Mrs. Hutchinson was seriously,
injured. Mr. Hutchinson and one of •.the
children were stunned, brit soon recover
ed. It is thought that Mrs. Hutchinson
is beyond recoVertr., • .
Grefit Fire . at Quebec.
QUEBEC, Junel).—One , of the most
disastrous fires which this unfortun
ate city has been afflicted• with com
menced list night about 11 o'clock,
and was only got under control about
6 o'clock this morning.
It is impossible to describe the
spread of the flames on every side.
Briefly summed up the streets con
sumed are : Running east and west
—Richmond in part, principally the
south side; Lotourelle, St. Olivier,
Richelieu, Daquillon, in St. John's
ward ; in Montcalm, St. Gabriel,
Nuneville, an Breton. Running
north and south the principal streets
were Sutherland; Debingy, St. Clair,
St. Marie and, St. Genevieve, west
side; besides Jupiter street, in Mont"
calm ward, also west side. Amongst
the:property destroyed 'on .Joh
street were a large number of 6an(l
- "buildings used as stores and
private resktences.
Rumors circulated as to losB of
life were not believed np to 3 P. 11.
It now appears that three lives were
lost. The bodies have already been
recovered. , They are those of Mr.
and Mrs. Hardy, of No. Oliver
street, whose children were saved,
and that of a man named Morris, a
joiner, of Richelieu street. Mr.
George Sapperiere and two children
are missing and are also believeil to
have perished in the names.
The loss to-night is estimated
at $2,500,00. The insurance will
probably cover about $650,000 :of
that sum. The - City Engineer esti
mates the number of houses destroy:-
ed at , about 600. • '
The Legislature to-day unanimous
ly agreed to appropriate. $10,600 f or
the relief of the sufferers. '
Most of the sufferers being iii fair
circumstances in life, the suffering
will not be extensive.
THE art, -connoisseur and exhibitor,
Prof. Cromwell, wag cured of rbetimatisrli
by St. Jacobs Oil.—Norfolk Virginian.
1881 = 1881
At the CLOTHING ,nousE of _."`
M. E. Rosenfield
Miin-ist., Towanda, yon will Sind
The Best. Goods
The Latest,Styles
The Lowest Prices
Ilia DIMNSf. - STOCK embraces aI I
the latest styles, in great variety, of
Yor Steil's, Youth's and Itors wear, from ttm.fre
and heaviest cloths to the cheapest and lighL, .t
grades fOr the Summer trade.
This department is compirete, having a
ull Mo. of Ifosle6-, Coli..rzi and Coff..
landkerchlefs, lit:My-made Shirt.: . ,
lerwear, ke.
A very large. stock Of the newest stylus iat
every quality,...Albo. UMW:ELLA:S, TRA V LI.
.REMEMBER-7T4at you can :•;,t4!
by purchasing at the old-established Clot
ing house of • •
- ,
• - . b.
M. L. OE N.I. ILL P.
Towanda, May 19, 141
'gßarbfe *rtrbs.
The lintlerligned having porebahed the M
fILE YARD of the late GEollti E cb -
sires tu'lliform the public that hating emplop .1
experienced tneM hole prepared- to do all kiwi-, of
werk in the line of
11n the very beSt manner and at lowest rates
Persons desiring anything In the Marble Ilue are
Invited to call and examine work, and sair'ageilts*
Towanda, Pa., Nov. 18.1878. 41(
Eurchill Brothersi
Manufacturers of
•- • •
m oNum EN T s_:.
. •
Main Street, Towanila,
[OnC door ?oath ihe Henry }louse::
practical 31arble WorkerN - olmelves, we Caft ;011.1,1
to sell elicapzr than those who employ their
'All work warranted and no defective. marlile'med.
C. S. RUSSELL, Agent,
Issued 011 the m , .;* irasonable term:
None Init relithie companies represen?ed
Losses adjusted and tiald here.
Towanda, Nov. 13, 1879
Lessen-3 given . in Thorough 'Ws and Harmony.
Cultivat tort or the Voice a specialty. Located at J.
P. VanFICOV6, Pine Street. Ate:forerun!: Holmes
& Patsage l Towanda, Pa., March 4, Wm.
tern 'testamentary having been granted tu.the
undersigned. under' the last will-and tentament of
Nicholas - It. Voorhis, late of Springfield Township.
!deceased, 811 ti ersons ItMiintcil to the estate of
`decedent e lerehy banned to mal4C Immediate
payment, and all having rilatrns against said esaate
nitist.preselit the same -dilly authentlt Med to the
nmlerstgueil far tenement.
. S. D. HARK:CF: - SS,
"SprlngtMd, Pau, June 9", 1381. ilw•.
—Litiers of administration baying beci,
granted 'to the .undersigned, upon the estate f
Orlando Spencer, late of Rome township, decease,
notice iv hereby given that all persons 111)410 , n: 1i to
said estate are requested to make Immediatcoay•
mutt, and all persons having legal clainii againsc
the same will, present them ref (twin delay In pr.
Per o der. for settlement to Walter Sructr, of
Laporte, Sullivan county. Pa.
La ate, VW, May I?. Administrator.
ter4 tesiamentary,haring been granted to the
undersigned, 'under the last will and testament of
Phebe Larrabee 4 .late-of Albany (up.. deceased•
an persons Indebted to the estate of Aalit decedent
are hereby notified to make immediate I.ay
ment, and alb, basing claims against said estats
must present the 5311119 duly authenticated to the
undersigned tut settlement.
J TEI4IIY, 7;tecuier•
.1144W11.1blingYra., Stay 4, 1441.1t11,