Vtatibril 4eportet Towanda, Pa., May 26, Mx. GEN. LEw WALLACE, who goeis to . Con stantinople as American Minister, beside being a diplomat of no Ordinary ability, is a romance - writer o 1 ranch brilliance. IMMI TILE .North .Inierica7i: says that it is understood that the new Commissioner of Akrieulture will not undertake at present to raise bullocks from beefsteak cuttings. Jas Gort.u. controls 50,200 miles of railway and owns 90,".:00 shares of West ern Union telegraph stack. -_When be (I.l*ws a cheek for millions he .ean't re ineinber a month afrwards whether it wad for live or ten. 7 . -AT the close of b&•incas on Saturday notices had ,been received at the Treasury Deparlment for the continuance-of $209,- -173,zri$0 of live per cent. bonds. ' In Most rases — ltie l bonds have already been receiv ed at the pepattnicnt: GENERA!: Wm:Nr.u, Commander-in- Chief of the:Grand Army of the Repubs lie, has issued orders stating that dosEnt Tt:strt.r., of Philadelphia; has contributed sl:s,t;_lo tsiwaids the statue of General lita•vntars, and inviting all Posts to con tribute. _ Tilt: Chief Signal 011icer announces that Mexico enters, by the Brownsville, (Texas) and Tathpico Oleiico) cable into ins e.)6ingibl c•mnec:i•in with the Unit ed States Signal S..rviCe, and -- that: this country "wilt rceciy...--:clita from 31ekico, Vi.:a Cm: and Ti i mpico hereafter. SINCE July 1, l' O, (1,1:10 miles of new I,uhuui mail serried hits been established by the I'4” : 4,llitte De. artment, The ex- tensi o this seiviee for t e preceding Yt.:ll' from July 1, 1'79, to June :X),„14.0, of new !i4. - Tvico was es t,iblislmtl, shows ao incrua . se of ';'01 Ttte Lr,11,1•.11:.7411.111i'd says of the new h.inslation, ;Jill the Loblest book in the English langmaie, referring, to the New Testament, hi, been so revised as to de 111 ire it fir netch of it beauty, and if the paw version is evea to ie. generally used, it will have to he a , rain rizii : ted and many alterations ilis;n7ll3. ' of over nye tholisanti can- - 1;04: elect a supcillitenkl ent of 1,111;lit. sch ),, 31, , whose action will be itylel)en4tit of th.it of the county iuper iutcaelent. This wiil give - many counties !..everal rupeTiuh . wlent,t, .thereby increas ing the expeii,es'4 the ::ykent, but Wir 1•I Le le,Foil the puhlP,- ;;et the woith motley 131;:i:i , "il) and Iltm- E 1., AN weir ii,111 , 1:11 at, Leball( /FS ? for tic minder 14 11%:-.Ett. in order to obtain.lifi itioney;,- - has Jusl been nixie pig ..' Is states that TE.wlrt.\N, ttho .ca, t ed. one of the 'Prin.- i n l ip. conspiracy. The . guilt, of SVisr, STitt , tit.rn and Diti,ws, who were also hanged, conclusively shown. l'iimmig:quNEit Li: Orr, of the Agricul tural Pittri-an, it reNigned, and Mr. itottur. It. Liotit:ii, of Massachusetts, is hi; sueues , :or. Thi:, is ..1 chattge which is very muidi for the 'triter. Mr. LE DU(' • hl4l WM. anl w not without ability of a eel Mill h he did not know how to' developi ukfutnesi of the...de-pat t lucid S'‘ :licit he administered. y, ul~eful, , , I'ls, just, issued, sloms.that thvicchtre of population, ac cord_no2, to thelio.l.,n, of Itisti, is in' 1 11 ,1,-, minutes, .t.lB seconds. moth and longitude sl degrees 39 min- utcs ,n seconds west. This places it in Kentiviiy one..mile flout the - south hank of the t tl.itt , river, awl one , and, inihis southeast ill , : village of Taylors ville. . THE ivo!nt appeared at Wa7. lei-town. N. Y.; :(Ic,ip,ying all kinds of eizet Ilunfircd, of acres of pasture land ate o.,Cpp:',l_ i f'eciry green thing. lkports.froni all "pints c f Sr. Lawrence county i;aileate that :he ravages of the u‘eins extend o% cr.: lie whole or_N-,•-vrt-h- ciu Nt:r6 . Yon consequences a:y feared. Illany -gannet s are greatly. MEE 11 k done iLf it bit to get "rid of plying the fraudn7r at indebtedness which was fostt ned upon !hew during the HER- M( 14.'1their history, the people Of t hare tUI lily concluded to make thu .‘f bad matter. The city it'd a taX•for the p a y_ mod of defluitcd iUrrire,.t. and will make effur to refund their outstandt ing'• &hi at a lower rate of interest. Tim Chief of the Bureau of Statistics leparts that the (.61 values Of the exports of dottiest le br9fistuffs from the United States during. the unnrth of. April, 1S• 4 1, 1 ! I, and. during . April, lssit, $ . 2'2 ; 741.1,07 L F. r the four months ended April :;o and for the foul- months ended April :O, 1.,81,574,- _,0,-17: 1 4. FOrthe ten monthS ended April 4 . .! . ,ri,115.mA1, and for the same pe- i.'.u, I l,:;"7 KE‘r.xyr, the representative hoodlum Hof San, Francisco, recently began to build \tciilthoasand-dollar house, and his \ ate wondering where on earth he got the money. The mystery i not a very profound one. Its . explanation that Kit xnw has not been a demagogue tor nothing.. After the manner of his kind, 'he has spouted stale , sedition to s.mne purpose, and put money in his purse between the_acts. They all do it. • is,at least some prospect of a move-i,ing made by the officers of the ic!:iiratice companies under whose names nin,crupulout: agentA and exrunining sur geons have been speculating on die lives of Old and, intirmpersons. An investiga tion of a nomlle ase is now being made by an officer of a company in which a it•Kpf insurance was obtained, and the `k" pionipt arikst and conviction of the par ties interestud in the swindling operation, i...q.ronaised a, sow, as the evidence of the fv.ctsin e.. 1 a "be secured. IT is enriently v, ported that tlie Lake Shore . ancl i,.!111:.;:in Southern Railway Compat,:.•i l !nred . control of the Erie Railway, :nil will assurnzt the direction of its operation about July Ist.. It is no se cret that Mr. VANDERI;ILT ptirehased a large interest . in the road last . winter. Shenk' the report of its absorption by the Sliore be erilleit. 'there will be a radical t kluge it thc policy of , the Erie. luthe iiiittL:euictit may be ex pectot. It is said t bat as soots as the bar gam riot !it...consummated, two of Ibn present directors will be sopriant et i b y vrn of tllO • TO. Annual Report of the Pennsylva nisinstitution for the Blind, at Philadel= phia; is received. There' are 121 children under its -care and they arc ,trying to give thern'all, beside a common educa tion, training in some business by which they will be able to earn their.own Much attt n: ion is giv, n to music, as many are 'fled in that way; and as teac!fris, efinurs of inAritinents, ters. fqc , it. iffltoped that maw.; will Lind employ:m-Ift. .Nianufacturcs of various kinds, clfif fly brooms utl , l brushes, amotif.ted in 1.•_ 0 :0, to $5,t17:1.91. They hale' ptir.ttf;l, in raised letters, school . reaiters geography, philosllphy, Tflstnry, astronomy:and a good selection of in:s.„ cellAncons reading.• pupil; from New .Terry and Delawale, and . thcsc Stites nial:o to it proportionate apprOPri, ration." This institution mai incorporated in T 3., so that it is nearly 59 years Old. A along its officers, arc foltud mimes familiar in l'ennsyvania' p thropic work. - AN appeal hai been issued by the com mandcr-in-chief of the Grand Army .of the Ite,public to tli comrades over the State to aid in the fund started by weiti zen of Philadelphia by a subscription of s'2:i,ooo to erect tit equestrian statue to the memory of Major General Tons PUT.- TON TlF.Y:sons, killed at, . Gettysburg while he was in the act of accomplishing a movement t vhich really won the famous victory. It i eminently fitting that:such contribntions should be made, but it is also to be hoped that. the givers io this fund be not confined to the Posts of the Grand Army. If Pennsylvania owes a 41,nument. to any Man, it is teJons Fur.- TON ItrA - Not.ns, and we earnestly hope that the re. pie of the State will -honor them elves in contributing on Decoration Day to th . fund for raising -a monument to t4t g al ant soldier. . . .T : tv Coolas's recovery from his financial disaster,. says an exchange, is a resultlull of interest, Ile has paid all his debts, and has recovered - his splendid home near Philadelphia! When NicitotAs ,B.Tnotx, went into bankruptcy, - and carried- the United States Bank dOwn with hint, he ruined jhousands of men in all parts of the country. When JAY Coot E failed there Was naturally great distress and s"littitutle, but he then assured his credi totS;• that their deposlts . would be :paid, that his Lifis s of credit would be redceme - d. and he has fulfilled his pr,intisc. Each claim of :::'l,OOO against :I.y; toNI; iii It 7, :f is to-day worth all of sl,:,f 1. lie is the tirst Mn, failingg under similar cir cumstances, !who lLas recovered as he has done, and the result is well worthy of newspaper commendation. Mvcv queer things have been thine in the name of the law, and here. is 1)111:,L of them. It will be recollected about a ear a! , (C a so-called Shepherd's Fold for t' Va gra n t in New York, conducted by one llev..CoWi.Ev, was broken up by the police as an imposition, the institution be: ing a tout as vile as it is possible to make such a place by knavery and hypae - tiq. Under ;t law of -New York, institutions condneted as a retreat fur juvenile deliti-. quoits, receive ,;:i,OOO annually, -as elee • mosynary assistance. CowLEv_ has sued the State for recovery .or this sum and lately got a verdict. in his favor. Now ar . his "fold" has never been reorganize'], lie `get this large sum, which:his law= yers say he can . put in his own p , : cke,t and take his own time to disburSe. Could anything be more ridicultms - and absind in law ? r PUTTING UP TIRE SHUTTERS. MemberS of business firms some-. times retire from business, either be:. cause they are tired of active, life, or pr(4*er to put theiricapital into'some thing else. But when this happens -the business does not stop. It goes. 6n pretty Much as usual. It goes on beeaus,! there is a deinand for what ever is produced, - and because no branch of buSiness depends upon the active co-operation of any single Sin dividual. And What is true of ordi- • nary business enterprise. -is Oue of politics. Mr. CONK LING, being either weary of public life or disgusted with a President and;Senatc which w(juld not let him have his own way,'has re: tired from political life. We'have no hard Words for Mr. Cosi: N%i ; is a brilliant man, i'dominating.mind, and ,a byglity, imperious le•ider. He has been 'of , service to the Republican party, and the party. has recognized him and his services by giving,. large share in its affairs and about twenty yearii,of prominence in' public' station. Mr. Cos R.LiNi: retires from the firth doing business Under the . .name awl _style of " the Republican party." But the firm is not about to initup the shutters and close out_its -busi ness. Mr. eoNKt.ixo did snot estab= . ash the firm in business. It was doing a lively volume of business be fore he tame into it. It did ri:_large stroke of business during hislonnec tion will it. will cOntintie to do a lirge stroke of business no*' that he has taken himself and • his capital out of it. • We, who remain in the firm, may regret his withdrawal. But his absence will tie of muchgreat er Moment to him than it can be to the party. Sometimes' men arrive at the conclusion that they are rather larger than a political party, and when they do that there is nothing . left for them to do but to seek More room in Which to dist r ioit themselves. When boy outgrows his clothes - he must have a new suit. „When men feel m cramped, by their i ronment they -can do no better than to get out of- their environment Tlie chicken does that when it pecks.a hole. in its shell and bursts it. That is the law. All creatures obey it by instinct.un less some other- law conflicts with the impulse and•suppresses it. • There -is nothing extraordinary, then, in the retirement of . .. Mr. CONK- Lusa from public life. - And there is -nothing .to cry about;' He folind . himself -"cribbed, cabiUed, and con fined," and he toot; himself - off in his own way. • Whether it was an act of wisdoin or not is 'of Very little con sequence to anybody except biinself. Re is his. own master. Slavery is abolished in the 'United States. ' It is not laviful even to reduce a white : man to slavery ; The Republican party, fresh 'rojn its labors in. decree. lug universal I ilierty of person; could nc,t afford to ;pefinititny man, hoii: ever great, to ordain a new speelesof servitude. This is a republic, not an autocracy; An. autocrat could not breath - our air. Thetetias ;be n subject claSs in this i. cointry. We elect a. Proaident,who-is expected to .be Preildent. W e Senators Who are expected to legislate„ and not - to do executive btisiness. It 'begins to ' look as ilthecountry was ,coming to a rational understanding of the duties of public men :and we.are , glad of it. BIBLE REVISION. An evervt.or very greatimp'prCanee. ,as transpired since this ripi4 went. o press last week. ess than'the publication of a revise( copy of the Sacred ScOptures of- the New, Testament: closed . a seven years period of intelli gent, devout, and painstaking work in which the ablest and_uitist_con, sciciitious Chiistian Icathirs: partici- pated. There is 'some danger that people - Wilhnisappre eic the nature of this'great work. It is not a new translation of the New Testament, as some suppose, but a careful 're vision of the authorized, or King JANtEs version. A great &any new facts have mind to light .since the authorized version, displaced the old Bishops' Version, and these facts re late to the, niehning of certain . Greek words in larg4j.plirt. ' The revised Scriptures sbould received on their merits solely,* And `we May . state at Once that nothing . has been done to disturb the funds. mental doctrines of Christianity. Doctrinally the NeWTestamentstantlsr just where it did before. But' mis translations, and misapplehensions of the text have been remedied, and interpolations have been dropped. Some of the passages in the authori zed version have feria been knoWn not to have been rarts.orthe original manuscripts. They are marginal notes and comments placed on the original- Manuscripts - by investigatOm rroni time to tiree..-A gain, many obsolete words4iave been dropped - and„words now in use and with; distinct mean ing, substituted. Theobjeet has been to give us the New Testament in the best English , of to-day. The Board_ of 'Revision mayNnot have succeeded wholly perhaps in' able an end, but, the-revised copy, by arrangement. •.nd by verbal . expres sions certainly does - read rathe - r more like a plain statement= of - facts. and faith than the old; , y , P We shall agree. that any . .viOlent tampering With sacred books is . not in the interest of religion the Board done anything like • that •it could not fail.to invite ha4sh-coniment,. But, as we. set (out byt saying, the fundamental truths of of r ysteril main rinchangcd.- . The objection of . tenest urged against'the' revised ver sion is that it disturb9he faith which crystallizes - around the 1 tanguage of the authorized versiOn. But the'saine .objection was urged' afrainSt the.aing JAmEs version in its day . - and it was • many years befOre' the version . we have all known becatnelliOstandard. Pt will not do to say that- faitli ponds upon the canonization of l what is known. to be error. Such faith cannot,save anybody. It is not, faith . at'all,but a sort of-blind assent. The mistake has . been in insisting upon the absolute infallibility of tlie letter of the Bible.- 'Mit best seholars have known better than that-for a centairy.. If there is a single sentence iii the authorized version that cannot, be found in the most authentic originals, then truth demands the removal of that senterl.,:.. The Utah injures no body. The (Christian world cannot be forced to accept the revised ver sion,:and hence-there can be no valid objection to giving it a careful ex - - ammatien. It will, of course, sup-, plant-tip King .lAmEs versitin iii. the • course of time. But its acteptance must he left to the people themselves. They will miss_ some texts over which men have fought: and -bled like gladi ators. but the fact that the tests haVe tended -to distract and divitle rather than unify the, CbriStian . world is of itself-enough to commendae versiOn to:tens of thousands. The world now about to read the Bible. That is a gain at least. JvcnE Wtt.r,tAn 11. llonEnTso's,last week confirmed as Collector of. the' Port Of Ne,w York, Was horn in ,Tle,dford, Westchester county, New York, October' 10,.1,523. Ile was educated at the Union . Academy, in - Beford ; after. which he studiedAaw.. lle was admitted to the bar in 1.1.8. he was elected a ntember of the Now York AsSembly, and. re-elect ed in ISSO. In IK:it ho was first elected to the State Senate. He was next elected county jud . o . e . , a position Which he held for twelve years, three terms. During th - e war Ite.was-chairmaitof the Military COMmittee to raise and organize troops itr his district, and was for:s,ix years Brig, adc Inspectbr of the Seventh Brigade of the NeF York National Guard.. He re entered the . State 'mate iii 1872, since which time he has been regularly re.elect-. ed. In 1874 he. was unanimously chosen president pro tem. , This place- he has veral years since. Mtn LL SOME time since charges affecting the official integrity of Colonel J.O. P. BURN SIDE, dishursing, officer of the Post Office •Department,_ were preferred against him by anemploye of the depaitment. Under directions from Postmaster General JAM a. thorough investigation Was - made.-by Post Office Inspector TIDIIALL. As ato suit of his investigations, Inspector Ttn- - DALT: prepared and presenteela report to the Postmaster 4 General„ TA which he states that none of the charges-or accusa tions were - sustained in,any particular by the evidence taken, thus completely exL operating Colonel BtrusSint : from any official misconduct. tur. limit Of f 2,50,000,000, at which the option of presentiag th registered five per cents; for . continnatiOn at was fix ed, has been exceeded by notices reeeived . -Tne.s.day at the Treasury. It not. ytt detorinined what coarrqi to piirsuo rela _tive to the notices ideicess; The mailer laid before the) Cabinet'. Two million copies of the revised Tes tament have, it is said, been sold already, Which means that its publication, from _a purely business point of view, - Will be ex . The buSinees has been mamtgal : with_a sbrevrdness which would ilatriTdOno crOit - to4 - _ - e - Unnecticut Yankee:. car et ally' gutiiding the edi tion, and ,;by :issuing it sitottltaimOusly on both sides of the Atlantic, the British publishers have been able tb make a liandimine profit before any • American . competition was possible. But why avere they allowed such a monopolv, seeing that the new edition was the joint _production of English and American scholarship? THE Supreme Court at Uarrisburg Monday affirmed thejudgment of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, that the Reading „Railroad stockholders' 'meeting of-Marchl4th was a ; legal elec tion,- and that 'Mr, FamiK S. BOND and his associates lire therefore - the dalyy_ sea president and managers of that'Com pany, .The'oPinion of the majority of the Court wassead by Judge MEncuti; and was concurred in' by - Judges. PaxsoN,' Gonnox' :MdfGnEm. ' The ,disentinf opinion read by-Judge TRUNKEY was con curred in . ..by Chief Justice SuAnswoon, - and JudgeSTERDETT. - Tit k v.ventis ui The 'publiehtion PRESIDENT GARFIELD, and secret ries IZIX:DOSt and KIUKWOOn ticilate in the ceremonies at the national eemetery at, Gettysburg on Decoration Day. Governor Hurl and staff,-with the heads of Departments and !botn,'Hotuies of the Legislature, have accepted invita tions and will be present. lion.: Jur.ius C. Brituows, of. Michigan, ,will deliver the address. The Presidential party will arkve on Moblay morning and remain until Tue;;day eve,ning.. . . Ex-SiNATott But:"cE, succeeds lion. G. %V. S6IOI , IpLD, as Register of the Tieas nry,,--liresident GAnriki.o by his ap pointment:"recognizing": the colored people. lint aside - frOm 'the recognition question the , appoint meat is a good one, • for six years servie in the Senatt, where aulikc liis — Spctesor, he represented the majority of the people of Mississippi, showed hith -to be a diligent and able public servant. He won-universal respect,. which is more than,can be said for sonic. =I Tun' 'Sanitary Committee of . Wilkes 11.irre set a force of men at work on Sat urday morning to build a pest-bouse out side of the city limits. The miners itithi, city became greatly excited over the mat- lei,and applied to Jinlge WoonWAnn: who granted tin injunction iostra,itqngthe city . froth roceeding With .the other: groundOnnot Ce'obtainednutsi4e, the committed bfwe decided to build with in the City hill:its on one . of the public lots. Tut: Suprdnie Cuirrt - Ti [ — the — United- States leas .decided that parties buying polici;2s or insurance upOnth& lives of in dividuals can only claim: the :Amount of' money actually due them put of Alm Poli cy: Any excess collected from a company can be recovered in a Court of laiv by the heirs of the person insured; This decision recentlylrmidered is a matter full of inter est fen.l;iieTTTi e interested in'the s ici:ulatiVe life insurance business. --* IN the ease of I.,Eipv vs. Pitoi7Tou, the Supreme Court of this Stafe reecitly-reu &red a deci:iion ‘that .A.,Ouichaser at sherilrs s.tle may take ppVii:shioe>uf the iiinperty immediately after the acknowl edgment of thedeed; and need not give the former owner three months'.notiee to, move out, as has frequently been done. .. Si'..METAI4Y - .WINDONf will, within a i day or two, aplu.;int_a Committee to investi gate celtailifeliarges which hav been pre ferred against tinperintendent Donut, 9f the San FraneiTcp Mint. 'EON. ' GLENN I SCHOVIELP . ,. of this State,. Register of the Tre c asurY,.was last . week appointed by the President, and confirmed by the Senate,. as Judge of the Court of Claims. - - THE Ileptiblicani)rimarje4 were held in Lancaster ((minty on Saturdayf,;and bOth sides claim:the, eleetiOn. Larg bets are wagered otAhe success Of the -whole He ferip ticket. . . Tug United .States. Senate, afteha two months and a half imiotlt toms and tent pestuotig extra session, aililrned ott Fri day last, sine die. Trin 'Graded School will . chute, for the current year, o-nioirow, Friday. ,The closing exercises will begin at 2 P., M. HMRRISBURq4LET rzp.xial Corre:p4ndence of THE 1:1.17) :TEAL May 14, the Senate on Tuesday 'morning, 17th Mr. Alexander, Democrat, offered the regolution : lb!Rol-red. (by tffe Senate if the House concur), That we heartily endorse the course of Senators-Conkling and Platt in resigning their seats as members of the Senate of the United States, and recent-. Mend that Senators Cameron and 31,itchell do likewise. —Mr.—Alexander-Stated that the Legisla ture a fetid weeks ago endorsed tho posi tion of . the Republican United'States Sen.. ateirs,. and no' reason. had arisen for a change of base. On motion of Mr. Cooper. the resolution 45 refeired to a commit tee to consist of the D,emocrafj,e Senators, As the attendance of Senatots was:small, Mr. Doss moved that the consideration of the Mexican - Pension bill be postponed. itir. Davies suggested that it . be modified, containsan-it More objectionable featurei than the one of a similar character vetom by the Governor two yen ago. Ile was opposed to allowing persons outside the State a pension, who would be entitled to one under the provisions of the act pro vided they had - served• in a Pennsylvania . regiment. It also would enable rich-peo .ple to partako of its benefits. It should be made to apply. to. persons in needy cir cumstances.: Mr. Ross supported the bill and expressed a willingness to havo reasonable amendments incorporated in it. At the ins+nceNE: was . postponed for the present. - Ifause resolution Mit,horizing the Governor to_ donateold hrasS.,cannon, ete., to be used in the - construction of an etfuestriab statue of the late. General John F. Reynolds, was Concurred in. Senate ; bill to convert the Ifuntingdon pcnitenthiry o into a reforma tory:_. institution 'was passed second 'read ing.; Mr./Cooper- called up the funding bill for amendment: submitted an amendment that the -State have the option of redeeming the leria after 'fifteen and vrithin'thirty years.. The amendment wwagieed.to. Senate joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Comititu tiiiti_ to reduce - . theiriernbcfshili of the ft& NC of Representatives to 150 niembers ras passed finally (yeas 26,,nays 11) and ant to the. House for concurrence. 1 IQ the Rouse OnTneedi4-triorning, inst., the calendar of House bills on th reading and final passage was taken up,' when the following,' among other_hilbs . were disposed of: as noted : An act to ea- tablish free public libraries w a s defeatedr lacking a two-thirds majority..:Tho .041. lowing bilis wempassed finally to boarding house keepereind aothera: ing the atta chment of wages of pemnus indebted for boarding ; to inthorite the courts' of quarter sessions to .annul and set 'aside - decrees annexhig the-land or_ parts 'thereof of • persons resident in one, township or-borAgh to another for school Purposes ; &mending an act, to provide means for securing the health and-safety . of persona employed in the bituminous coal mines, increasing - the:number of in spectors and districts ; regulating - the holding of mad to prevent frauds in the primary electiona of the several political parties in the Comm.' anwealtb; an act mg ! . elating life insura ncecompanies, limiting the time in which the company may-oh. ject to the payment - of iolicies tine to tiro years. At the afternoon session the sup- pleruent to the general revenue was passed finally. The vote by which tho bill to establish free public labraries was defeat & Was reconside'red and postponed for the present. -. . • . • . , In the tiernite on Vi! . n - eiday morning, 18th hist:, among ti bills reported from committee were the following : Approprl-• acing $1:25,009 to the State geol og ical sur vey. Affirmatively. Making an appro priation' to the board of charities. ftirrn atively with amendments increasing the appropriation Oloived for the general sec retary.fro.m $l,OOO to 'i,6,000.; . for clerical aid from= 3,000 to te5,:200, and for travel. ing, expenses; etc., from 41,00 g -to $1,600. :'These amendments make . the bill what it Was originally, before 'being 'reduced in A number of 'conscientious Senators and Representatives seein tertaih the idea that This board of chari ties is an expensive and ornamental, raih- . er than a useful, institution. It certainly does nut look Well to see the imposing, rotund forin ) of the secretary oetbe board pn the door of the House working for the passage of the bill. An invitation, from eurPoral Skelly Post, d i . A. R., Gettys burg,* was' . presented by Mr. Ilereter and accepted by the Senate, i lto.bc present at the decoration cereinouies::7 - Mr. McNeil offered a resolution, whiCh was . adopted, that the chief clerk be anthorized to have prepared 1,000 copies of ki skeleton Map 4 counties and townships in the State, with the vii ‘es cast in each at the !wt. ;president hit elict ion, for - the tin. of t he. apportionment& committee. The consid s.ratiOn on third reading of Rouse bill* to grant- pensions to the surviving veterans of ,the Mexicali war, and to the widows of deceased soldiers and sailors of said war, was resumed, and after a,disetission Of considerable length, was passed finally (yeas '2S, nays 14.); 'Senator PaVies:Voting in the negative. The bill now goes to the Governor, wh& it is- thought, will again veto it. The Senate concurred in House amendinentii to. the bill_ extending the time fur the 'completion of railroads in this Commonwealth, and also to an act authorizing 'trial requiring county treas urers in Counties where the treasurer by existing law collects State and county taxes, •to collect unpaid or •delinquent tared in certain cases. r - • In - the House on WedneStlay morning,. ltith inst., the •following bills were taken Up out of order and passed second read ing Making an appropriation to the -An thracite 7 jMiners' Hospital; ; relating_ to roads mild road lives in the Scveial town ships of tlie.eummonwealth; giving police power to,wat ehniensmt he public grounds; granting courts of comalon pleas authori ty to issue writs of estrepment, in certain eti j ses: An aet giving power to prison in spectors to adjust dedfictions of time from, the sentences .of prisoners who behave themselves well was taken up and passed finally: The vote was reeonsideret , by Which a jai to 'ant ionize the ;composition and exttiaiunof .time for:payment of taxes title by ins4 - dvent corporations*was defi.;:ited. A stipplAnent'to existing acts regulating and licensing the. sale of intex icatiug liquors, was taken pp and passed on .second reading. 'This bill, requires that every petition fur lic, , nse shall be ace:om panic.,l by ' 4:eertificate signed - by twelve reputable freeholders, two of -whom at least shalt be personally acquainted with the -facilities offered lid the establishment asking license. No pPriion shall sign more than one certificate and *no person shall become.sorety on more - than:one bond iv ; .hired to ; be tiled with a Demise appliCa tiod-under existile 4 laws. .At the after- noon session the Senate Iwo:intim as amended by the House Committee, pro- , viding for a final adjournment of the. Le gislature on May '26th, was called up. • ~ The subject was• discussed at great length, nearly the-Whole sesiion being thifs occupied. At the emiclusion of the debate, a motion to postpone for the presf ent was adopted, yeas„llo.;. nays, ;It The-gentleman from Bradford voted with the Majority. . . The house met at 700 r. x., for the consideration of the bill empowering, the court of Dauphin - County or courts with in a radius of Sixty miles 'from the State Capital to issue writs of mandamus on State officers. . . _ 311 r. provins'moved to indefinitely pbst pOne the further consideration of the bill and demanded the yeas and nays. There were Mt against the motion anil 14 for it. The bill then passed second reading and the house adjourned until 9 . 'n. 31. on Thursday.. •• . . . In.the Senate on Thursday morning, the 19th instant, :the • following, among . other bills, were, reported faVorably from committees; To prevent franc'( by the dif_ ferent political parties at'. primary elec tions. . Authorizing • the , attachment of wages for;boarding. Mr. Gordon moved that the committee on municipal alla ) is be diScharged from the further cons deration• of House bill ? dispensing with I the .publication of the Mercantile appraiser's lists - : iiir -Philadel phia. After a wrangle occupying neatly an hour's tittle among the Philadelphia Senators, the motion vevailed ; yeas, 21'; nays, 19. .. Senate bill K 1 op sing to convert the Huntingdon penitentiary building into a reformatory institution and appropriating $300,000 was called up on third reading. Mr. Stewart supported the bill and hoped, -them,wonld be no opposition to it. Mr.- ,Holben compared the • foundation of the building to a fort and suggested that it be fised for National Guard7purposes. He doubted the necessity of the proposed institution. Messrs: Cote and Cooper said remarkable things bad been accom. plished in Ehnirasfor the reformation of convicts, inmates in the instittition at that pointi . scateely ever returned to their evil ways.- 10. Cooper thought -the building Could be finished for $300,000 1 The dis cussion was continued in favot of the bill by Messrs.. .Tones; Davies, .lill, Nelson and Herr, the latter giving a 1 history of penology to show the prOgress that had been made in prison reform. - Mr. Kauft 'man Anought there was no necessity 'for an additional penitentiary, but bad been convinced by the :r , Fmarks of Senators that the preterit bill, should be pasted. ER. The billl - 44 - Wpassecl finally by , the follow ing vote : Yeas, 85:; j nays, 41. Messrs. Giady, Philadelphia; Heretei,- Minus ; siid~'Westmoreland; and *ileum Co lignbia; voted, in the negative.' sk. Laird oalleillip on third re ding Hpuse.bill to prevent frond str. . tl pima= - ircolections of the, Deitooratto_ patyin Westnionelind County . .. , Mi. Everbart raised the point of order that the bill was unconstitutional inaiinucli as it creates now. offices andilrovides for the punish. , anent of persons for offenses which are coat defined bt,statutes., The' point was submitted to the Senate and it decirled - against it. The bill was then passed finally—yeas, 27 ; nays, 5.. Adjourned until 3 P. M. The afternoon session of the Renato on Tifitrsday was devoted to the considera tion a bills on second reading; The fol lowli4, among - others, were paSsed through that stage : To provide for the organization of the signal corps to, be at- . tached t& be National Guard., PrOviding for the appointment of a committee to in vestigate the operations of companies in- suring lives upon the plan of assessments upon surviving — inecabers, To fix the reg- War sessions of the Supreme. Court per- Manently in the city of-Philadelphia. To provide for the granting by the Supreme Court -of new- trials iii. criminal 'cases. House till providing for - the printing - of 10,000 additional copies of Smull's hand s hook:, was passed second reading. The vote on the "Westmoreland. priMary elec tion bill was reconsidered -on motion. of. Mr. Hall. • Mr. Jones called up: bill pro posing an amendment to the Constitution prohibiting - the manufacture 'and sale of intoxicating liquors in this State for the purpose of amendment. Mt... Lawrence desited its passage through second read ing in its present' shape.. Mr: Davies ex pressed his surprise that the Senator from 'Philadelphia should call up the bill'wllen so few Senators were present. The Chair ;. (Lientenat Governor- Stone) Made the an:, neuneement that the clerk could not find' the bill.- Mr. NelsOn feared that if * r ill° bill were considered to-day it would be defeated. Mr. Lawrence said lie was par ticularly interested in its Passage because rolthe sentiment. ameng,his people. They, were, perhaps, more interested than he. Mr. Jones Stated thatilistimendnieut pro poSed that the miliufacture arid sale of wine for sacramental puspoaes should not be. interdicted. , Without actiOn on the bill Another one was called up -and seep after the Senate adjourned until Tuesday .morning at 10 A. M.. ; • _The . House was --ealled_to order on Thursday morning, the 1,9111 instant,.at 9 o'clock, who'll the chaplain made his usu al opening prayer, and Chief . Clerk Helm read the !journal of the previous - day''- , s Proceedings. 'The following Semite bills . were reported from, committees : Provid ing that no person shall be refused per mission to_practieeaS an .attorney-at-law on account of sex.: Affirmatively. To *regulate the time in which summonses ,s -sited by justices of the peace shall be -re turnable. Negatively.- The caltndar of the apprepi iation bills was then - taken up and the following passed fivally : 'Making an appropriation of : 7 ;7,000 for statues of distinguished Pennsylvanians now, being prepared to be'placed in the -old capitol at Washington. Making an appropria-• tion of $5,000 for boundary monuments on the lino between the State of P - etinsyls-4 vania add the, States !of. Ohio and . West Virginia. - Makiimg an appropriation Of 30,000 to the Wilkes-11arre City ,IlesPi- - tal. 711 e bill making on apropriation of ri;71,006 ti; the Itosine Hume,. Philadelphia; wasifv the third time defeated—Lyeas k 133 ; nays, 37. The bill appropriating. *10,4100 to the Harrisburg Hospital- was also defeated—yeas, 93 ;- nays, 37. The . house . bill appropriating - $5,000 to the Union Home for Old Ladies, Philadelphia, was also defeated—yeas; . 112 ; nayS, .36. These three bills require a-two-thirds vote. The bill making an appropriation to the Lackawanna Hospital at 'Scranton, ' amount $-:1:1,000, was passed linally—yem, 1.13 ; nays, 10. The vett by which the Ilosine Home appropriation hill was de feated was reconsidered, and the bill post poned for the present. The House 'then adjourned iint;il . 3 o'clock - in theafternoon. At the afternoon - session of the souse, Thursday, several House bills of a local 'character were disposed of, andlthe man damus bill was passed third reading after much discuSsion, andaftet being;_atnend ed: 'The bill originally empoweredcourts within a radius of sixty miles -- Of the State Capital to issue 'writs of iniuidamns. The bill as amended confines* the power to the Dauphin County Court.' The last hour was consumed in :discussing the Senate "military bill. A number of amendments. were offered in committee of the .whole, but the report of thi) committeeNas not adopted. One of these amendments Ihn itsthe expenses of tlic - i — Nr) .1 Guard $lO,OOO a year. Adjourned. „ •* * In the Vona, on Friday morning, 'the 20th instant, after the jiiutinii . reading and other preliminaries Were disposed of, the consideration of the . igandamus bill 'was resumed. After a brief discussion, the further consideration Of the `bill- was postp - ontd until - Monday 'evening. The consideration - of the r resoiutions on the late ei-Govertwr Bigler, Which were the special order. for• this session,' wits post poned until Wednesday ,evening next. Mr. Bruner moved to take, up a• local bill. - regarding dogs in Lycoming Cotinty. Mr. McKee moved t amend by including bill --39,Ithe Phils.de phia delinquent .tax'hill. • Mr. Landet,: - I "1 object, 'Mr... Spealier, there was an. understanding that this bill not to betaken up to-day:" Mr. '- • • McKee : "There was not.", Mr. Lauder: " Yon told ni . 6 -- SO -- yourself," The motion to suspend the rules:Was voted dawn, and 'that Settled.. Several hical bills were tak 'en up i by unanimous Consent and pawd Second - reading,' and the ' bill conferring. porters on the stiperintetilleut and watch men of the pubic grounds, was passed finally.. . • e' The use of tbo Hall lof •the' House on next Tuesday evening was tgranted to a :- i commttee representing the buildingasS4.- • - el:Aim t, s of this State for the purpose 4 . .. eXpliining the workings of the a.ssoeia- Cons) , . • i - , .. - :1 resolution that it committee Of five be appointed to make • arrangements for the excursion to Gettysburg miLDectira, Lion Day, - was adopted'. . . • - A coPcurrent resolution *that the ..tegis 7 ' l,'etive Record shall be abolished at the ex piration of the present contract, oi imme diately, if practicable, was referred to the committee on-Judiciary * General; There was OPOirensiperformance on Friday, the proceedings being conducted. in a quiet, orderly and creditable ;hay, prothlgconclu sivell that the statesmen 'can behave themselves if 'they want to. .Adjourned until Monday evening. ' ' . . Ix_ - I CT:EST.:WACO. • rn The.will of the late Mary Linderman, of ttppq Providence,. Montgomery coun ty, 4i to tie contested on the ground that she helieVed in witchcraft.. • -74Villiam 11. Richard and William Ileskitiq, of Ashley, Luzern comity, were killed -on the Lehigh Valley -Railroad, nearingnsNotob, on Ri STATE -NEWS. —Snow fell in Reading one day last week.' —The sore-eye epidemic raps in Bed ford and Fulton. =cities. : ' -Copper oro has been touncl - in, i•iew township, Dionroe-ixtunty. ; —An.abundant apple Fop , is-Predinted in the central part of the State: ' • —The Cedar Run Tannery - Company, of 'Tioga County, has 500 men peeling MI —The brieklayers of Easton have struck for an advance from $1.75 to *2.25 per day. y..' , —Farmers of Chester county. are badly frightened by the appearance o 1 the cut WOMI. ' —A. company has been formed iu .West Ibmtingdon with a capital of slr . io,boo to tan leather with chestnut. —Adjutant General Latta thinks there will hi, no general encampment of the National Gnards- . thia year• —The cars in trains arriving n Pitts: . burg, last week; over the Pau' 1 Handle routepwero covered with snow. 1 —AU of the Pittsburg papers except the Post and Times have agreed to the advance asked for by thelompcsitors. — . there is a contest for the Penfield,. Clearfield county, postofficc, which amounts to a general. fightliu the village. , —Barclay Brothers will erect 'a saw mill aeSinnemahoning, Cameron county, that will have. a capacity of 100,000 feet if lumber per day. —An infant child. of Mr. William Silke, of Lebanon, was suffocated on Wednesday night of fast week. It is claimed that a cat sucked its breath s . , —General Simon 9uneron has pres..nt ed the old homestead at, Maytpwn, Lati- castor county, to thc:Luthera.n.congroga Lion at that place For a parsonage. —The exectitthe - late - Thaddens Stevens' will "aio 'about tO"alipropriate $59,"000 bequeathed by -him to the build ing of au orphan asylum in Lancaster. —The t4-mouths end daughter of F. M Chritzmau, living in Greencastle, Frank lin county, was scalded to death on tia7,ur.. day by the itec:dcbtal up.:etting of.. a cdffee-pot. - - —Rev. Uriel Graves, proprietor of the Evening .News at G ree II sb u rg, -is publish ing in his paper the history et Ida life as A means of refuting • chargys _made by a rival publication. ::, .. .- ' , 1 —Major crertrgelW. •MirtalyLaiprotili nent citizen of Pittsburg., comiiiifted-sni cide in that City on Saturday by taking m!Thine. -H aewassuffering from iimlan ch. lia at.the time!: , . • Mr. Mary Fo has let the contract. f "r-a..V20,000 clureh to be built at Fo,:t lug, Clarion county, as a memorial of Mind N. Fox, her husband, and Wil liani L. Fox, -her son... __ ---4 girl; nineteen years of age, the daughter of a respectable: family,in Amity township;' Perks county, has resolved to starve, lierialf to death. She will givertio explanation of her strange'conducf.. • - - ---The BoYi , rtoWn Donoerat is ,. set up by Mr. Charles .Spatz and daughter. A 'T4-year-kila - :::ou is foreman, and .Mrs. Spatz works the paiThr off. Two small Spitzes serve the routes and mail !he . papers. ..- - • ..._ _ . . . —The "Mauch' -Chunk . Democrat says that the dead body of Thomas Costen, an old miscr was found in its hut, near Or le, on Monday last, and that a search HEM of the promises brought to light a chest containing $16,000. - - - - —The Pennsylvania Coal and Lumber Company has pnrcbased. 2433 acres ,of land-at Altoona, where they propose, to conduct the lumber and - coal business on a large seale.. - They will erect a mill with a capacity of 30,0( 0 feet of lumber a day. —A cave-in - be erred at the Pittston Coal Company's ,shaft • Thursday ' after ' • noun. The damage to the miue,eannot be I .ascertained, but is thought*-to be licavy s e - The citizens living in theilcinity were thrown into . a state of eXeltellltlit by the shock.' - —The-smallpox at sugar Notch and Wanamie, Luzern° county,' is increasing, ten lICW • cases having been reported. Thursday a committee of citizens called . upon the County ' Cominissioners for aid and protection. preivent the_ disease from spreading. - '-- - - . =The smallpo is increasing at W ilkes . barre, „ and a pes house is ' being built. Perscinsi living .in that icinity held a meeting on Friday and adopted a Petition asking•the Cou4to restrain the authori - ties from .furthetwork on the building.. 1 41. N. Paisley, superintendent of the Stewart Iron "Company's coke works, was attacked by highwaymen near Union town on Saturday morning, and robbed of 'a satchel Containing $4OOO. The rob bers-also took his horse and wagon. • —Jeremiah Cross Icy and Michael Quinn were killed and John' Dickson had :i leg broken on Batnrclay afternebn by the cav .ing In of It sbaft near-Mill Creek', in which they were working.. :The shaft was near ly twenty feet deep, and was only pro tected by slight timbering, which gave ,Way. • —General William .1. Polion; of Nor ristown,'was rejoiced on l'riday last of being relieved of an iron ball with which ho was, wounded befor .Petersburg on the 80th of July; 1861, and which has annoy ed him 'exceedingly ever since. The ball weighs 273 grains, Troy, and is .of the class knOwn as canister' shot, . . —Thecontcst over- a will-in the Mont gomery 'courts brought out the fact that the testatrix was a firm believer in-witch craft.. She had all the keyholes of her dwelling-house tightly stopped with pa per to keep the witches-out, and kept.a number . of pistols and guns which she tired oil at stated periods to .drive the evil ones away, , GENERAL NEWS. • , • —lltontgo i mery; Ala., is the healtffics city in the Union . according-to the healt officers report. • '—the Elkhart, straw-boars mill *as - destioyed: by fire on Friday toss, $30;000. • —The codfisherk . has •comtneuced fair prospects. Salmon are plenty at St John, F., at 10 cents a pound. .—Martin Flanigan, the convicted niur deter of John Kairns, was Friday, a, Buffalo, N. Y., 'sentenced to belting Jul) The entire block of buildings erected at BTansfield,Mo., since the great cyclone last year . was ''destroyed • by fire on Tues day of last week. —A fire it Dubuque, lowa, Friday de., stroyed Walker. & Co.'s barrel factory and feed mills apd Carr, 4k. Ryder's sash and door factory. Loss, $3:1,000. . —The Council of the Potestant.EpiscO pal Church in Virginia, which closed its session at Danville on Saturday, adjourn.: ed to meet in Norfolk next , year. - =A package containiar $10;500 was stolen by. .an unknown person at Balti more on Saturday frOrin behind a screen on The counter of p..rabliestock _ _ brokers. ' —A. broke bost,F, lioroicize, of GCo'r,tio B. Armstrong, the organizer of the United States postal railway service, was unveil- ed at Chicago, and Ron. Schuyler Colfax doliverd an fire in Talbotton, Talbot County, .Ga., on Friday liight, destroyed all the POrtion Col that town west Of the , public square, laying in ajlies ten stores and three offices. _ Lossel2,ooo. 4 • -Ex-Postrnaptet -- Boyd was arrested at lieulton ; Me., on Saturday night for rob bing the post office of letters containing_ money.. They were found on his Person, and ho acknowledges his guilt. —Colonel W. ti. French, ; (re-. tired], a native of Maryland, died at his residence in Washington, D. C., Friday, of apoplexy.„ Ile -was Major General of Volunteers during the•war, and - Brevet Major-General in the Regular Army.. —Reports received from various ctin tics in the southwestern part of AlissCuri aro to ! the effect that the flyhas already ruined thousands of acres CC wheat, and fears are . entertained that the crops in that section of the State will be more than . .half destroyed. , `—The. l'eoPle's Temperance Reform Convention metro second day's sesSion- at Columbus, Ohio, Thursday. Resolutions were adopted declaritig that the t4raper ance people will net --- strkpore_any member of thei late General Aisernljly-who_aided in the defeat of the:Local Option bill, nor any administrativr officer who is capable of WiiIIVISE4 influence against the ftliact-- meat of prohibi t ory laws. ;A call ijs also made for trim nomination of a Stilt - 0 • Tem perance ticket. f . , . . —The Genera! Assembly of the ern Presbyterian Church met at Stit Va., Thursday.' It will.,,coutinue sion ten or more days. - The openh mon was pryiehed by :Rev. T. - A . . of Nashville. lie was at one 'Ulm dent of the Gold Poard Of New Yor and presided there on the men, "Black Friday." From the rep appears that the soltheru•Presbyt( i twelve vYnods and sixty-seven pi ries. The contritintions of el for the yeas ending ed to .$1,062,2:.N. Matters of Genral Inter , . .' Col. Thomas Ala Scott 11Icai Col Thomas AleXanderScot Nied 1 „, at 1) o'clock Saturday. evening, , . tiliis country }lone,Woodbitrn, nett, Par by, Delaware.county. After siking rapidly during _tile afternoon 1 e fell i ff into a state of total-nacbnscio sness at 7 o'clock and remained so until the moment of final dissolution. lie was surrounded at; the last moment by members of his family and several of the officers of the Pennsylvania Railroad COmpany. lie died of pa ralVsis•and softening of the brain. . Thomas A, Scott was,born in Lou don, lanklin county, Pa:, December 2S, 1•11, and was educated at the village school. While alatl be worked in s'eyeral•eountry store, and on the . death of his father he became the clerk of - his ,brother-in-law, - -Major .Tames I'att6n, who Was collector of tolls at Columbia, where considerable freight was transferred from . .the State canals to . ..the Philadelphia and• C olumbus railroad.' Ile .soon showed that he, possessed good business tai. - A-, and his efficiency led to his prdmotion in is 17 to the office, of collector of , tolls on the State main line at Phila delphia, where he was niade. , chief ._clerk. He had charge of the pasen-' ger and freight traffic between Phila: delphia and - . all local and. 'through point , to the west. On Septunber 1, •I z.. 19, the first division oft- the Penn sylvania railroad, extilnding from Harrisburg to Lewistown, a distance of sixty-one piles,- was opened " for• . business in - connection with_the canal and the turnpike. A year later he entered the service of the Pennsylva nia railroad- company as general agent of the Eastern Division of the road, his office being at Duncansville. His ~ veal and administrative ability • we're so great that •in . IS5s he Was apPointed general superintendent of the . intiq line, and on the death early in I qf.) •iof• 'William B. Foster, jr., vice -President of the company, hewas elected eo -1111 the vacaney.• . "While holding these positions he made him self a mister of theletails of railway transportation anti of the nature . of the industrieS and interests along the Pennsylvania line, and made a special study of one , of the growing que'sti'ons (11 the day , --- --- the throttn•h _traffic- be tween the great 'ffrain "Tow in ,- *' dis tricts of the west and the Atlantie seaboard. During - the war he took: an actiVe interest in the Union ean , - , e, and after serving in various positions was Made Assistant • Secretary of War, which position he resigned ,to attend to his increasing railroad bus iness. 'At length in the Winter of 1 , z70-71 it'was, thou?kt desirable that a special 'company should he created which, 'should !have control of rail those linCr, with al single exception,' r wltielillyer(!. leased l,y the Pennsylva nia railroad cornpany. This corpor ation was .called the 'Pennsylvania company, 'and itA lifics , connected Pittslnirg with Chica! , r4 and St.',onis: Of . this newly formed company Ca'6l-. Scott wa&elected president. In:June. AWN, on) the death Of •.l. E.l!eir 'Thompson. 'president of the Pennsyl vania railroad company, Col.,Seott Was elected unanimously 'to fill the vacancy, there being •no other i.eni nation. Before the war .ooh Scott became :interested in thexpiesti,on of.. transcontinental • .railways. In 187:2 he visited 'Texas and California, and formed the scheme of the Texas -Pa cific line,.Of which lie•was made pres ident. The failure of -JaY Cooke in 1N73, a.Mpthet generiti . financial panic of the same year, were a severe blow to this as ,to many other companies, -but the pt ct was not lastin g . From 'March, l;• at, to March, I 572., Colonel Scott wasFalso . president.of the-Vnion Paeilic railroad, and in A u!Tust, 1 7:f, 11e„was elected presideitt Of - the At; lantce.and Pti6ilie ,railroad 'I fe had for some years a;Controliiv interest in the Sodhern Railway Sectirity Company, and for :t - long i.i ltle was '...7. director of time Kansas Pacific., Denver and Rio Grapie, and other railroVs. About a tear ago, owing to his ill-health, he resigned his posi tion as Kesident of the PennslylVania railroad company, and last month he also resigned the presidency of. the Texas Pacific conipany. The - funeral took place Tuesday . afternoon, and was .largely attended by persOns or prOminenee. Fearful Disastc4 In Canada . LoNooN, Ont., may 2 I.—As the steamer Victoria, plying* between London Springbank, Ont , was rettrillinif from Springbank, this eve ning, wittiSix hundred excursionists on board, when near the cove rail way bri,i e o . a mile bele4 ,the. city, the boat iputklenly collapsed like an egg gbell,And". became a total wreck OlLa level with the water's edge.. All the past engers were instantly plung ed inta . the stream, more than half being underneath the debris.. The first news reaching the city was. broUght, by the survivors, who strugalcd thrungh the streets wet and weary. The news fell like a thunder bolt, 'and - a stampede took plate for the scene: of the accident.. Arriving there, horrible Hight met the vim Fifty-or sixty, bolais had already been recovered, and were lying on the green sward, some distance up the bank. People from the city crowded, around,. anxious to see if their relatives 'were aboard.. 'About, one thousand farnilies verb repreeli• ted.on the excursion. TUZ -- WitlL OF AN' CIsIL that arose.'at the sight of the victim warAeart-rending. Fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters ru - shed panic-stricken, endedvOring to iden tify their friends. By seven o'clock . about eighty bodies wererecovered from littler the wreck, wluire the water is'sfmie twelve feet deep. Almost every Minute some poor victim was brought to the hank. The steamer Princess • Louise was car. lc brought to -the 'spot_ and the vic tims placed, upon her tipper •. Fiies were ighted oil the hai f ks looking : the river, iina - Petroh:;;;, l I 'torches were brought and the seat ,continued ,ur.til night. ••• Up to the present about one dred and fifty eprp.ses have been cured. Among, the, dead .are •.1 an A: . Robertson, manager .of the Bank (, British North-America ; d. C.. Mere dith, clerk -of 'the court; Bride,. Assessor and Secretary of ti Western Fair Association ; Wm. Aslibm•y ; Wm. Mi1lman,•:110:; treat commercial agent, and two son- J. Rogers, plumber: • - • Allr is confusion at present.' Th. landing .at the. foot of Ihindas is crowded with people, biting it' breathless expect:akin or the arriv:, of the steamer I.ui=4.• with the land:.:- The total loss will ae:grca•ate ME MEM TIMM :-CC • En MEI ME o*able ctn .~i~ucrf isc~rtcrtt~. IZ=2l r 3 Las •;.byte- EVISEI) TEsT:%:\IEN it„ —.1 ,,, t0,; - 17 , V , •;•;.,n., •, , I_l, Agclt7 , '';-, J•( .1;,. 4.411:Tf):\ 1/ F.frit ;: 7-i. . _ , I ,mches MEM ly_tr:iuns are furl Mr.. 4,, I oVttrt , .:) the Wlt!.•.t• t!, ilty Ml f; 1 . :11N . , Ex. I).. rt. al, NT rerfid . 1 -I RENC/I ' S - ON 'l'll ' 11,4, city •', ." Tiff, i7:P7u4il:g :111.1 Vt . 1,.;.t.-..f/! to a;!. an -, 1 •Ait!.lri ;hie- 11,1, 1%.1:4 I: ,i'10,•1 S!...1"•• - •`. f:;,1 rglr par:, .d-tl;•: t•i•ri , l•l arrililgi . nlC . Lt , Wit /C,:.14::!r. TEW. LIEVISION At;EY'r Tts.r.vurvr. a:11 A 1 , 1 , ` i-;s! r -!:.11`1...; I, •••••,,; : F: 1 - 11.S1:1 1111.1. (:4).. 17, 1 •XEC.I:TOIt'S - NOT IC GEED all in • . ctrl 311 !.31 t;:g =I w A I):11 L.-Yr Nt • 4.r ; ,t 1:;••;14.;1101.41‘ Hr. , i ,r :••:. ... . I ci)Frows ,;. '1 ':r '.S r.•t:' ' )/WSl ' .,.. • / . • A - 1.• f • ; tli1;1 ii,., F 01 - SA I,E. ! 1.:1;4 I=llllff= ~ i:. ~l 1,.m~.~t • •: 1.. 1 - • M V !•)-,. (71i111\111"1 - I.:1'.'S t•f I t.~~.a!:. •his ~ -1 •••., I.ltl`. -1. :1 : :;•::•-••,:,••.!,..••.: • It : ••: t •• ! 1 , ..,;;;;; u p;.; at -3 zi • =IP - . I,tr!!l,'s,ol' lIIIMEMI3I illt•n-y to L, ,11,1 -.! N 14 Er(vcr oF"1'11E coN ri, ‘l , r, •1.! ME 4i• !toll.;h:tr. 1 : • fur . :.: , . - ot• :it::.ct a • 1) • SE 4 I. (;v0r4..• It:, dtv • • 1011)0, I h...( t•P of I==llllll 1 . 17'0. . 1 !. I'F.t :I r )I;4) • NN'SY, J .; :tr,,•••ti., ,r).l ... ...... l'1•!•.'1 , 1 , i :1%; I. It •-• t)i!, ;11, I I I . 1 Mt The Cln.ai, ' F:tn,!ll Ifn• Wnr . -; : An ,f h • - all .1i • • I,i‘er, .t:•.tcli Splee!l. 1:•.gul:Oe the livtt 111,1 1,1*,%4. It: 11,11:,:t11:1, \.l `‘i tilt! i j, ==9 rt(9,3 •IF I t ,L It yt.:l Liv, 1- I: for 11:j, rcp.,:• :%; ‘,1,„ yuur J1:.11th„. • PILES • • IT w nr.vly vutt,r torture 413., - after day. I,7!:Atti.,ll`Xi,:etlt%,llr p (thug I" fi,a7! 3. ready t” y,telll , .:lCally tltr rt.111. -. 0,:i i 1.1! rtf‘i :,•11:1t11 , !,g 4i1•01. , ptl' go,. 101: _IL g.2att , ... , , . se 1.- - CONSTIPATION mould asr ;1 ulrri!—fu fart barlltt.` ili•lfltl4,l • Ih, uti. orthi—lusweb, aa.l aLy front Mc,: 1.1.• skay oftt; serious danger. It L. , plite al, inn ••1` , •: Ir repn•(• a , conoo.o.ionq r,,n; bowels an It in to eat or .!ero,a1;11 no In., can Le 4. 4 :(1wcit.,1 wilera 1 e , ,N; iva halt 1,041 y bvallf;.• • , • SICK HEADACHE • Tltli tllstivsstitgaltlellt.ti iii Ii m..t hrt 'NIP 11.0,1170 , 3 m, ~f .the 5t1. , 111:1, - 11 2 ttrisotLt itutot.t.:, , ,Thy Mgt.. .•.;11 „., . 1 Itt the tllit,at - t tnvattit - ,1 IN 013 4liagrec.tt.i, witl 11..!,4;h ppulafly :Sick - .411:1,114N 'AND ON - I,y I.•;Nt. 4 , If. Z. V1I•1 N IMEMCIIIII A ' FEW fiOPIES OF THE I LAW can t r lid 4 Office. r, 1.• t =NI =Mil NI II ISM I.x BIRO . MENNE =I MEE • . t)ne FCCOII,IIi I ..1. I.r I: cr., •-. t. I 11 I 1 1 =MEI +..T; ME . - . •: . I t 1 , 1 I +lt' • t MEE 1 r MEM I ; ; arlailli ME ME =MI =MEM lEEE '• t 1:77 , 2v , ".1v.r.‘ N ; I Iwo*" 1 1 '05.) i~ BAD-HEALTH EMI ME Ell El = WM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers