*Word *mitt Eil CRAIL. IL ALLAN, LOCAL ill/MOIL Towanda, Pa., May ig, :88z MITERED IN THE POSTOFFICE AT TOWANDA AS HAIL MATTER OP THE SECOND CLASS. LOCAL AND GENERAL. The expiration of subscription is print ed on the colored label. By noticing , the date every subscriber can tell when his paper will be stopped . unlese the subserip. lion is renewed. ENOLISII sparrows kill the bees. _Timm are over fourteen boars of d y light now. Tur.onorning choruses of the birds are 'TO: orchards in the country aro beau iful just now. •` THE • meadows aro. besprangled with ;dandelion flowers. JAMES H. DEXTON has opened a gro cery stere at Leßaysville. JAMES WILuuI has sold his residence on William street 'TUE new tannery at Troy will be ready for businiss in about two weeks. NINE dwelling houses aro now - in tile course of construction in Athena. Now that the grass is green there is a smile on the face of the dairyman. ALL kinds of fna - promise:to be OM (l3nt, with the exception of peaches. Two weeks from to-day, Wednesday, it will be lawful to catch black-bass. EDGAR SMITH has. purchased the line of hacks running between this place aiid !dont°Oton. THE Wyalusing Band Boys are' to . give an ice cream and strawberry festival the '2B.th - of this month . , THE equity ease of llAitiets vs. Psersit, before Judge LINN, was resumed at tie Court.liouse on Tuesday. - r: - THE Sunday school inTairder's Vaitcy has been re-organizid,....-VEL.OIi nssNAED being made Superintendent. Tiii First '.'"atienal Batik of this place, will exchatige'tlicies per cent. 'Bonds for 31 per cents, we aro informed. ABBOTT, the murderer of REED at the Elmira-Reformatory, has been sentenced to be hung on the 17th of June. - Mn. MALLORY will soou remove his Coal ((lice from the_ Argun building to the building immediately north. Umlicit of „the Messiah (Universalist) IZev. Wm. TAYLOR,, Pastor. At 101 A. m., subject, "The Eye Single." At 71 The gintleniug Season." . LEE , Tut: Ilnilding Association have sold the Cowt.Es block. • Main Street, tb J. N. I.IF F. Consideration $3,'2n2.00. Tut: firm of MYER & DEpw,market men, Bridge street, has been dissOlyed Mr. vEn will continue the business. Tin:dwelling house of CummEs T ERR; in 'cc - rry township, was struck, bylight ning, on Monday evening. of last week. Tkit: horse bank of Hon. B. LAPORTE, in Asylum: was struck by lightnhig cfn Thursday night, and damaged slightly. Tim revenue in this State last year I'r nu taverns, sa!oons, brewers and distil lers licenses reached the sum of '4.755,255. WE had a splendiefail rain in this Keel ion lasi week. And the first of this week, too.'; - There- can, be too much vra- lor.uTNtm: struck the residence of 'zaion.s . .it, at East , Troy, on Clay evening of . last weeli, _damaging it slightly. TIIE residence of • VANNEss, in 'r•;tanding Stone, was badly damaged by being struck by lightning on Thursday m ii bing 31.‘Nr of the Sunday SchoolK through ont the county, which had been `tilbsed 'luring the winter, hare recently keen‘re- titgani:wtt =I Paor, says a correspondent at 3t:M,-has traded his gristrmill in that idaci, Mr the farm of J. M. Loomis, just west, of • IT is•rinored that—low Ilmtiis will eliffaLle hi the mercantile business at Mon. roeton, a \ kick store which he will vre 4--tlii s summer fflitYrEn granite dinner ,sets are the rage just noW. They may be had in val rious colon:, and come nearly as cheap as ' plain white granite. • i • TIIE . clergymen of Canton believeAanc ing t 4) be rinful, and unitediin an appeal to the mernbers. of their churches ti refrain therefrom. JOHN 11ENINIERLY, of Pike township, has jest completed the erection of a etho iliodioris and well arranged barn on his premises in that town. Tit r Sabbath Seboolsy! in the Loveland and Spalding school disifiets, Troy, town ship, were re-organized for the simmer and fall,Ton Sunday last. IN at tempting to ford , the river near IlrAcKmAN's ferry, about two miles north of this place, Thursday, SimmoNs, drowned both of his liOn;es. rnAN(:r. of tinic in the running of trills on tbe.i'a. N. Y-. R. R. took plsce nn the 1: -, th instant, A :corrected time table will'appear next week% g===lMl P. E. WooniturF, of LeltaySville.• is making some extensive t - epairs to his . (livening house in that village, besidesi adding a large addition thereto. TnE weather on Monday was not as warm as it was almost any of the previoni ten dayi. Those who had put off their slime'i need not he informed of this. PcorLE living in inaiarious districts are advised to plant lots of suntloyrers al•ont their houses. The dear, homely old flower absorbs the poison in the at. mosphere. THE business at the Eagle Flouring Mill, in this place,' has gro®n to such pro pirtions, that, Messrs. , DArrox & Co. have found it necessary to put in another run of stone. A Tu:s - ntrA_Nnoca lady who sent an or- der in response to an advertisement offer hp.: 27i useftS, household arttles . for a , tlitce-cent stamp t • received twenty-five pins.—Sbihrlard. A EWF. belonging to SAMUEL ARNOLD, ()r nolo, Sugquehanna County, gave hiitli a few days ago to two lambs, one of bad fti3 porfect logsv.tittit is W ay, (" i f. iflZ4 mtn, 'Tip= is gm mistake abOutit this time,. The peach nrcip is doomed to 4 a failure, which, being the muse, we willtave to get along this summer, we nowise, with _ strawberries* and lee CRUM. SPLENDID growing weather we arr bay ing now. Grass and wheat. are gifting very rapidly,, and some of the trees are in full leaf- A week bars made a wonderfdi change in the appearance of nature. IT is said that as a result of the quarrel in the Free Will • gaptibt Church of East Troy, that the pastor, and a number Of. the members, have decided to unite: . with 'the Baptist Church in Troy Borough. CoL. MEsna bas materialiy, improied the appearance of 'his premises, corner.of Main and Bridge streets, by laying a sib: stantial atone aide walk along both-streets, and painting the estericr of his residence. Roswount,-of--Pike, recently this down a barn on his premises in that town, that was erected In 1807, and the shingles —which were placed on it at tho time of its erection—were found to be nearly sill sound. QUITE a number of our citizens have visited Eist Towanda, during thepast ten days, and inspected the workings of the steam shovel which is at work there excavating for the second track of the Pa. tt; N. Y., road. TnE Rev. L. A. OsTuANDEn, of Owego will deliver his popular lecture on "Cash" in the Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening, the 24th inst., beginning at 8 o'clock. Admission free. A cordial invi tation is given to all to attend. A LAnur. and appreciative audience at= tended the Old Folks' Concert at Morcur hail, on Friday evening last. The prp gramme was an excellent, one for an even ing's entertainment, and every piecain it was well rendered, and enthusiastically applauded. TUE Fair of the — Wyonung County Ag- ricultural Society is to be held, this year, on.tbe 28th, 20th and 30th of September,' at Tunkhannock. Those are the same days, on which the fair of the Society of this county will be held, and parties de siring to exhibit at both exhibitions will have lively work. 1 , ,, ,,,r.,, IT is gratifying to notibe that Orith each Succeeding year Decoration Day is more strictly celebrated and greater efforts are made to pay duo respect to the -memory of the Nation's dead. The preparations for the. observance of the day this. year are already being made r and promise , to be much more estensivithan ever before. THE man who as soon as the weather grows warm and theitgison is sufficiently far advanced gets out his straw hat and boldly sallies forth into the public thor tsmgbfare with that article on_ his hea'd, without waiting to make sure that his motion will be seconded, is a hero whose moral courage is seldom appreCiated at its proper value. • CIIMILEY . ALLEN, did it hurt celery to freeze ? You remarked something about it along during the early part of the win t CT.—A the ns C MARLEY HINTON, it is our opinion that celery is not improv ed by freezing. Let's see, CliauLts, you ought to know Onmethitig aboutrfrozen celery, yourself, if we remember correctly some remarks you made during the past winter. Mn.. B. I. RiuolVAT, at Allis Hollow,. says the Lcßaysville'Adrertiser, has an old relic in the line of a family rcc - c. dating back to the year 1751. It is the record of her great-great grandmotheVhy the name of ANNA SAVAGE. The names and births of ten children are recorded in the same instrument. It is au odd looking record, and bears Upon its faze the mark of time. THE cases of sunstroke already report ed. from - dilyerent parts, of the country since tbeatiirent of the present midsum mer weather, should have the effect of causing every one to take all necessary precautions to guard against-the danger. Not only should the persons whO are com pelled to expose themselves to the direct rays of the sun' provide themselves with means for keeping the brain cool, but a tention should also be paid to the welfare of the poor horses, • who frequently sutler as much from the exposure as their hu man cornpaions in labor. ..11. SINSA . PAU:6I2I met with quite a serious accident on Thursday larit. He was speeding his_.trotting horse on the avenue between hero and Waverlyenear PAUL'S nursery, when a portion of the harness broke and let, the Wagon against the horse, which set him to kicking ; and ho raised . Dies clear'-from thenwagon on the first trial, badly bruising his left leg at and just below the knee.. ORM CLAP• nix, who carries his left band in a sling, was also!in the wagon, but escaped -with out injury The horse ran as far as the Bradford House before hews stopped. Gazette, 11114. . UNDER date of the 14th, the Wyalusing correspondent of the Elmira Adeerifser says : " A sou. of W. W. Scotaza, of Wilmot, was brought to Wyalusing on train No. 2 yesterday. - he having been se riously injured on the Bloomsburg branch of the D., L. & W. R. IL; in atterniffing to board a freight:train. The young man had been attending school at 'Kingston, and was spending a' few days at Wel:- shinny, where theaccident occurred.. lie has injuries about the head and body, and one hand so badly crushed that am putation will dpubtleis be on Be was conveyed to his home a Stretcher, - and his / groans were : heard some distance from WC roadside." A lilustcAL Entertainment . was given by the pupils of Mrs. E. G. PEET, at-her, residence, May 11th. Tho entertainment: consisted of instrumental and vocal mu--' sic, and an operretta. The efforts of Mrs. PEET were a complete success. By . the . skillful frainineof her pupils they. were euatrled to play Witkease and correctness• some_ of the most difficult pieces. -- We were especially pleased with .the - playing of Miss LILLIE STEWAET, Whose excellent rendering of her piece deserves credit. The operretta, " Diamond Cut Diaultond" (in one act) received much applause, be: ing elegantly rendered by Mr.: MAci: and Misri,SEELEv. All who. had the pleasure of attending the musical . of Mrs. PEET, felt that she deserves much praise for get ting up so pleasant an entertainment, and' _that thetlayJug of her pupils showed that she'excels as a music teacher. , CONCLUDED TO LEAVE LOUIS BAILEY was arrested and taken before' Esquire VAN DYKE on Monday, on a warrant issued by his wife, charged with general misconduct and severe tlileate. The substincc . of the business seems that BAILEY was, indulging :l in drink, and undoubtedly listened to rti more not calculated to make him of an gelic temperament. He. was permitted to give IC4TO the conetry end PON'ilftti - the ligot:.vg(o6 POW6lfil BOLDIItit imildierigisXiaareT the age of eight = years are tequested to Matt at tie - Amory of Co. -1 4Von . i3ettir-' day, ids, 21st; at, 4 o'clock 7. tc„ for de' iurlxise of uiakioga. ird_ loll .o4 jig"' lzution .participate'tuOdeceration .#7 — elremonlea 11- iPlidilor • SOU of soklieng of the „tbte,liihelikia. Parents. arc requested toimme with theirions, if possible. Allure impede to be htforn2- ed as .to the company and .regiment which the father served. It is hoped that the soldiers will see that their sone may be taught_the proper observance of .deeo rating now,. in order that they will under stand its meaning when they, as sons of soldiers, will be eipected to take our places in the 'observance of them memory al services: ' BY O.IIDE/1 OF COMMMEN. . 1w the summer of 1878 the flimsily con structed reservoir belongiug to the 'Min nequa Water Works gate way' and• de stroyed the mill of Coons & Bums, be sides doing other . damage not necessary In thls connection. A suit was. biought and arbitrators allowed Coons & lin4tw about $B,OOO. The Minnequa Company had the ease tried in court which resulted in-givini Coons & Basin abOut $7,000. Not satisfied With thisnri appeal was tak en by the Minnequa Company to the Su preme Court Which has recently given a decision sustaining the claim of Coons BRAIN, which now amounts with interest Walx7 - otit $B,OOO. The gentlemen 'are to be congratulated on the successful settle ment of their claim for damages sustain ed. There are other suits that will per haps now be brought, as this case was looked upon as rather a test case.—Can. ton Sintinel. THE suit for damages _brought by A. Limo, of Wyalasing, against the ljehigh Valley Rail road Company, which was to have been tried at Wilkesbarre this week, has been settled, the CoMpany paying Mr. LEWIS $4,000. Mr. .L. was, injured at an accident ii few miles - belnw here in June, 1887, in which train No. 2 was wrecked, two or three- passringers killed and several injured. PERSONAL,. --Judge WlLosn, of Troy, is very ill, -bliss JENNIE -13E.NNETT is visiting in Rochester 4 —llinem H. WlLsozz., of Troy, Gas ro movosi to Sayre. , —Mrs. D. 11. TURNER is visiting friends in Syracuse, —O. S. PosT is confined to his house by an attack of erytipelas.. KELLUU, of Asylum, has re turned from his Western trip.. ALLO,N has lengag . cd as pisitoi of the Disciple Church pt Alba. —Miss SARAU RAHN!, of this place, is . visiting Mrs. .1: M. WARD, Syracuse, N. --Judge Monnow and WILLIANt A. CIiAIIitERLIN are after the trout in (Bow- man's Creek. —Rev. C. T. lIALLOWELL will deliver the Decoration Day Addiesi at this place on the 30th inst. • —CnAnt.Es Dultuz, of this`-place,- has received a position - in a railroad.:oiliee in -1-s4"sw- York City . As. P. Tmri.on, is confined to his residimee,, in this place, by a severe at- tack of rheumatism. EV. H. MonLaY, of Battle Creek, Miehigan, has boa speuding a few days with friends in town. ; . . -I. 0.:131#1011T,• and 0. A.. Bat,bwiN attended.the annual meeting of the'stoc lc '4" holders or- the S. L. & S. Railroad in Philadelphia, yesterday. AoniE GANFIF:I,I3 lias _gone to Towanda to spend several weeks, in recu perating her health, and visitiherienda. Advertise H. WHIGHT, and CoI,JOHN A. COoDfro attended th Ministers' an. Class Leaders' COuvention, _at Canton on Monday and Tuesday last.. —Misi ;CAi:ut Poutsfow, who has been visiting in Philadelphia for several weeks past, - returoed to her home- iu this place . , on Saturday evening. • —Mrs: DOWNING, a former resident of 1 this place ; - died - in Chicago, on Tuesday of laSt Week, of . heart disease. She was the mother of Mrs. cULAS. PASS3-10-RE. .—E. STRONG,. sealer editor of the Diisore Review, has taken unto himself a wife, in the person of Miss MARY B. THOMSOiI, ofaliushore. We extend our congratulations. . ' —To-day, Thursday, May 19, a council of the Baptist Churches of Bradford As sociation will.. be held at the Baptist Church in Troy, -to . ordain Elder S. F. M.vrTnEws, of. East ;Troy, to the . Baptist ministry. E..3lE.Nannt died at her res idence, in this place;' on Sunday morning. She had been in poor health for a number of yeari: The deceased was a daughter of the late Judge Hann MORGAN of * BO X, and was :$0 years old. ;She relives a son and three daughters to mourn her. -;-.Lour.s BRINK, who had been ill for several weeks, died at the" residence of his •sonin-law, A.' J. LArroN, in this place; ..on Wednesday afternoon of last week,,-at the age of 'l9 years. The re mains were takfn to Waverly for inter- . ment on FridaY.. . • .' • -Z3lrs. LEROY GLE.O.Tox, and son CHAR LIE, of Canfon; Pa., were in the city yes terday on theq way to• Tioga and Wells ville, where •Oley are to . spend . a, few weeks 11e;• brothers, one of them be ing Senator MyrcnEtz, of the later taco. —Elmira Advertiser, leth last; --Mum Cr, KINGSBURY, 0114 of the most:exemplary young'men of this place, Ins:accepted a-situation' in the.LAFRAxcE &emit Fire Engine Coinpany's Manufae tofy at Elmira, J.ED, although young in years, is an excellent workman', ~and his employers will find in him a valnahle ad dition to their force of skilled median . ... ies".l —Mr. J. A. M. PASSMORE, of Puttsvillc, .madea narrow eseafe from serious in jury:while traveliag on the Philadelphia and Reading :railroad recently. While stepping from a car to tlie platform of tlid 'depot the train suddenly got under way. Mr. Passmore ' was thrOwn: &Tit With great force and ..ylvas severlyl I bruised. but fortunately escaped Without any broken bones.' • . THE PASTORS• CONFERENCE. The Bradford Baptist iministeml con ference met at Athens onluesday,.)llay, 10th, at 1:30 p. m. I . . *Rev. C. T. llkmowsix, of Towanda,: was appointed moderator. Rev. C. A. RAYMOND, of Franklin, read an- able paper on "The Hunianity of Christ, as involved in His atoning • . vork.'' Suggestions and commendations, but no criticisms, werb offered. -As a complement to this, Rev. C. T. IlAtunrELL \ read an essay on "The Di iinity of Chirst, in ita relation to This atonement.” . This essay showed eat l efal Rreparation,and \gave evidence that.tLo author Lad struggled hard to solve the problems that clusti7round the saetlflor al cross. In the evening ROV. P. S BvignErr preached an able sermonen the'iubject_of ." prayort Aftil`.thif 4 llVit t Pt WATIMiI!I tfaii essay sr siegadenlSt ief.YIP o . • .Pbsisvg :innonbh3g "P,ti1m..1,; in'o!ving theloatiiiiikt . itatietuie - sisteor }fader; oa the receptacle ofitoula between death and the reiarrection: According to . Joseihne, the .feWs hellared In thlaiinder , world, Or 11.des; , but tintt theicoxt and the bad are eeperated by;o ttimio;'liiipiue able chaos. - The - platis of the rightism* called The bosoin of Abnduon,Tbrit the wicked are le s place of Wont. 1 -- ' On. Wedawkday, at, 8 Rev. A. Tit, DEN, of .Bmitkfleid, read a valuable paper on the Abnduunio ooventist. It was lucid _sad soriptura(and was highly oomniend ed by the pastors, - • The next meeting Is to be hold at Wells; burg; on the second Tuesday in &plain ber.—Atheas Gazette. THE. CIRCUS. The Hanover (York County) Spectator, one of the ablest sind.best county papers in our State;' in ittime of May 4th, thaa, referred to the Ciiens and Menagerie that' is to pitch its tents in . this place on the 3)st instant: "Yesterday; Tuesday; May 3d, BATMUILLER & flours Great . • Ocean Circus and Men9gerie, newly' re- Organised and equipped for the present tenting season, pitched its colossal :tetire on the Public Common, and gave• enter tainments afternoon and evening to large and delighted audiences. The grand street parade a 9 o'clock A. If., was . be yond question one of the most brilliant pageants ever presented to our people, , and way witnessedby immense crowds of people lining the various streets through which 'the glittering spectacle defiled, amid the rich and'inspiriting strains of music from two Splendid Military Bands placed at proper intervals in the long and imposing line. The chariots, Hires, cos tumes-and other paraphernaliaaad equip: ment are all new and first-Clam, while the horses and animals of all kinds are in superb condition and Brewery choicest of their species. - The arenic performances are all-by stars of the first magnitude, and many of them of a new and startling character, never before shown here, and which were received with rounds of ap plaule by the large audiences' compactly filling the spacious tent. The employes of the establishment are courteous and gentlemanly to an ieminent degree; and their bearing and condact was in marked favorable contrast with the behavior ex hibited by the general run of circus men visiting here in former seasons. One prominent feature highly creditable to this circus is Opt it strictly carries Out to the letter all that it promises to do, not omitting a single act or feature advertis. ed, and thus inviolately maintaining strict faith with its patrons and 'the public. Theiperformances here were of such an excellent and eXceptional order, that the best-classes of our people heartily express the hope that Messrs. BATCHELI.Eit Douts — will see proper to revisit our town before the close of the season.'? THE . .syLviNtA SUICIDE. r . The Troy* Gazetie, of last week gives the following pirticulars of the suicide of Mrs. BUTTON, or BIXBY, near Sylvania,.a brief notice of which appeared in the lire -PORTER Of last Wei : "The eireurristau eta of the death of Mrs. -Burros- as no ticed in our last number, were sufficient to excite • a good - deal of comment which has not boon quieted entirely by the, in quest .which was held on . the body. The facts as brought out at that tithe were that: Mrs. Ilnuot Burros, whgwas for merly AL PHARETTA Blum, ',roma? about'4o years of age, lived withher band and a daughter about 12 years our, at the hid of Painter Lick, ini a place called Bowe Hollow, 2}_miles fOrti Sylva nia. She . had had diffictiltiesi with her husband, and these had amounted to a partial separation they occupying sepa rate apartments. HORACE' HAGER, a neighbor, has been a frequent visitor at the house \ and his name has . been unpleas antly connected with the deceased. She has been heard to threaten her own life, several times,. and has once'or twice made attempts, price 'saturating her clothes with oil intending to burn herself to death. She had fora time in her possession a pis tol belonging to, Maim A. times she Would give up the pistol and then would demand to fceep it in posiession, ancl had made_ numarous threats : about using it on .herself and others: The day•before i her death Mr. flAorat and wife were over to Burro S's house to tea and the beat morning Mrs. 131*ToS accompanied him to the barn where after milking the cow and feeding the horses, they returned to BUTTON'S house. Shortly before this she had asked for the.pistol, and had promis ed Masa to. lead a_good life (2) if he would let her have the pistol, and he tes tified that upon this promise he let her have it. On reaching BUTTON'S house that morning he left her and started for his own home a few rods distant.. He hid gat "about foiir rods away when ho heard as he testifies the click of the pistol, and turning round saw that she had the pistol pointed at her breast and just as he looked around she tired, the shot taking effect in the left breast causing death al -1 most instantly: A coroner's inquest was held before N. TINKTI AM, Eaq.; of Syl vania, which succeeded in getting at the facts pretty nearly, The daughter saw her mother have the pistol, heard the re port and saw the body 'fall. 'We under stand that.she had ouco or' twice threat ened-to kill the girl and had at one time attempted it." • POMONA GRANGE Condensed report .of . Pomona Grange No. 23, P. of H. of Bradford and Sullivan counties, held at Franklindale, May 12th° 1881. Grange called to order by Worthy Mas ter A. D. Munn at 1:30 r. NI. Address of Welcome by .Ilro. Asa 8 1 1 Stevens. liesp?uded to by Bro. d. lli Committee on Resolutions : A. T. ley, E. J. Ayres, J. J. Vanttoi.- . The following Visiting Committee re port the Order. flourishing throughout the county.: A. T. Lilley, Open Hand ; C. P. Ross ; West Granville ; W.' H. Smith, Os ealuwal; Mrs. B. F. Bovrinan,'Towanda ; E. J. Ayres, Asylum ;. J. J. Vannoy, Un ion. . : Tile following officers were installed for the ensuing year : M., W.U.Smith, ()scale. wa; 0., J. Alger, North Orvrell; L., C.D. Ross; W.Gmnville; S., .T.LUley, Open Hand ; A. S., John Roffman, New - Era ; C., B. F. Bowman, Tovonda ;. T., U. 1). Baxter, Granville Centre ; S.,' Dwight Kellum, Asylum ; G. K., 0. A. Gilbert, Asylum; Ceres, Miss Lucy Stevens, Stand 7 ing Stone ; Pomona, Miss CollifiKellurn, Asylum ; Flora, Mrs. 0: D. Boss, West Granville ; L. A. S., 'Mrs. J:0. Alger, North Orwell. Finance Committee : E. J. Ayres, Asy lum ; E. II: Crayton, Towanda Valley ; E. G. Owen, Wysauking. Visiting • Committee-`for, the . ensuing year : 'Wilbor, North Orwell; 1). 0. Hollou, Oscalimi; J.-.l3.llogers, West Warren ; Mrs. Chas: Morey,' Romp; Mrs. . D, Munn,lljghland: C.D. Rosa,. West Grativiliet John liiitman i N'or Era; Fitt, loyinroi Wvol Pliti#l§Mh Wfffilikt .1.4 . 4" - ' l inta4;:frakin Doesti•rl 4 l- - ieg, OnlmnbMi-E; Wiry, Open 1404 -. Vominittenon Reeolntions tor the meet ing in Mood next: Wp. 1 J , Y 4 ? l 4!gi / 10 1#0 EZI% i 'S *l o 4 -' fr rY• res Port :Besotted That we Sitimmbors of this Orange hereby reaffirm the principles em. lifted In the resolutions already adopted at previous iflssions of thlei Grange. - . A. T. Limn:, - 1 _ E. J. AYRES, COW. / • I ' J. J. , VENNor. Resolution presented from Open Hand .Resolved, That the thanks , of this Grange are due and are hereby tendered to our Senator and Members for their earnest and honest efforts in behalf of ,auti.dise.riminntion bill in the interest, of the farming community. i /Wolfed, (by the Grange), To bold the next meeting at the Hall of the West Warren Grange, on Thursday, August 11, 1881, at one o'clock P. M. , Resolved, That our thanks aro hereby tendered to the' Trustees of this church for their kindness In granting us the use el this building for our meeting ; and to the Patrons and Matrons, and others not belonging to the Older, for their - cordial greeting and generous hospitality extend ed to us on this occasion. , Berrisirks for Good of the Order by C. - .D. itose, E. J. Ayres, D. 0. Holton, IP.. Bowman, U. D. Baxter, E. H. Crayton, S. Q. Ater and"others. - Grange adjourned for supper at sr. . After partaking of the bounteous repast of good things which the sisters , of Prank lindale know so well how to prepare, we again assembled in the church in' open session and listened to the reading of the Declarations of the Order, and declama tions by O. Bowman ("The Little Hero"), Miss Dora Holton (" The Drunkard's Wife ") and Miss Nora' Bacon. (" The Starless Crown "); also, an essay by Bro. A. T. Lilley:and singing ; by the choir—_all of which was well selected, well delivered, and listened to with marked -attention. Good speeches from C. D. Weis, E; J. Ayres, W.l.L_SmitiVand E. 11. Crayton.; after which we left, the church for our various homes or homes of our. friends, well pleased with-our meeting and enter tainment DWIGHT-KELLUM, SiCcrCta37. • REAPER DEATH. NVltnny,As t In his infinite wisdom, it has 'pleased the Great Masterof the universe to remove from our midst, and from a World of sufferinglo a brighter and fairer world of bliss, our esteemed. sister Erne line M.: Gilbert, a member of Granville Centre Grange, N0.:309, P. of II.; Ther fore Resoired, That •in the, death of sister Gilbert. this - Grange -has . lost .a true and faithful member, the husband and.family a kind 'and affectionate wife and mother, the mother and sisters a devotZid daughter and a loving sister, the neighborhood a a kin&and obliging neighbor. Resoked, That while wo submit to- the will of our Heavenly Father, we will cherish the memory of our departed sister, and sympathize with all who like ourselves feel 'so much the loss of her, with the consolation that barlosti is her eternal gain. . •"rhe still, whitolands, soft folded down Upon a tnother's breast, Aro beckoning from the upland he!ghts Of God's eternal rest. . 4 And will, they coma, thy 'melons ones, • , Safe home to hearen and film"; - Brlneig:the thoughts thy sweet lips dropped, • A fragrant memory. , And.passlng toward the eternal shores, • Thy youthful feet hare won. • Will leant at last, with faltering voice. . To ay th e y will be done.", liesoleed, That the ;above resolutions.be published in the Fanners': Friend, and also sent to the ouuty papers requesting them to publish the same, and that a copy be presented to the family, and that they be entered upon the .minutes ; • and tbat our charter bo - draped in mourning for :sixty days.- SAumil_._llArtnr, ) 7 " ' Mrs. PEIIMELIA PrITNAId, k Com. Mrs. .3ttAitY E. BAXTER, y G. A. R; lIIGADQUAItTEID3 WATKINS POST o.- 68, G.. A. R., TOWANDA, Po., April 30, 1891. Spceiai Orders No. 2 : I. The following named members of this Post are detailed to arrange for the customary observance of Memorial D l 4lly, at thls place; on the 30th day of May:: . Committee n itrrimgetnenu—Comrales .T. ANDREW WILT, J. It. KITTRIDGE, J. A., BRADLEY, JOUR HENLEY, NEWELL Bnomr. - Conmittee on Pittance Comrades CIIMILES F. CROSS, BENJAMIN M. Pack, GEORGE W. KILMER, L. . I L A 4 RIES. COSERiEIe on invitations—Comrades E. OVER TON, Jr., D. W. SCOTT, J. N. CA LIFF. Conitnitteii on nowers—Commden J. .PIATT, C. W. GALE, WILLIAM E. STE WILLIAM 11. NUTT Y HARVEY CUMMINGS, WILLIAM yotin, L. S. bLAIS DELL. Conzinitteo-on lfut*--Connade,sA, A ST. JOHN, 11. C. POWFAL, M. MCCLEN.. 11. The Chairman of each Committee named is requested to convene his . Com mittee as sopn at; practicable, and report the result o the meeting without 'delay to the Commander. By order of GEORGE V. Mn,Yr: Commander. J. 11. KITTRIDGE, Adjutant COURT PROCEEDINGS CONTINUED WEDNESDAY,. MAY It, 118? .Emma Dcwall vs. David Dewall ; Elmi ra Curran vs. James C, Curran.--Cases referred to L. Elsbrce, Esq., M . 4.ster and Examiner inDivorce. Rosetta Scott, vs. !dablon Sc:ott.—Di vorce gratited. , The followingNieriff's Deeds were ac knowledge . d : 'To 3§lartin Rogers, for house and lot in Atheng Borough. Sold April 28, 1881, as the property of George W. Soper. $5O. To B. B. liollett; Administrator, for house apd lot iu Nontoe township. Sold April 28, 1881, as the propertY of Eliza.; .bath Gard, et 415. To N.. C. Harris, for 2.10 ts Athens Borough. Sold May 0, 1881, as the pro perty of C. Ifunsicker. $l5. . To Sterne MCKce, foi 1 acre of laud in Fraiddin township.. Sold May . l4 1881, as _the property of Reed McKee..: $1,200. - . To Ef T. Fox, for 5.5 acres of land in, Wysox :township; and 1 lot in Toranda Borough. - , Sdld May 6, 18i3„1-, ,as the pro perty - of H..T.)Hadilt: $965. .To Delos :Rockwell,' for 411 acres of land in -Wells township. . • Sold May 6, 1881, hs the propertof Michael Simla .? o Silas Mills, for 13 acres _of land in rth ToWanda township.. Sold 3laz 6, 1, as the property of M. V. Mills. $ 0395. • •.- . . . To N - . - C. Harrig, for 226 5-100 acres of land hi Burlington and Towanda town- • ships. Sold May 6, 1881, as the property - of 'Williston and Baird. $2,500., To George Hettich, for 5 lots in Wysox township. Sold May 6, 1881, as the pro perty of Mathias Bing. $l5O. Ti - .E.E.,L.• Long, for house \ and lot .in Sayre, Athens township. • Sold April 18, 1881, as the . property 'of James -Barton; Jr: $375. - - I To henry N. Saint', for lot of land in Athens township. Sold May 6; 1881, as the property of Edwin tambenson. $275. To 0. C. Barton, Trultee; fOr 1 lot of -land in Sayre, . Athens township. Sold ':April 28, 1881, as the property of James Barton, Jr. $350. • POmevoy. Briatbofte use vs. J. ituti tiveytoq 14q04y; son and L.M. per; =mai Smith, Esq., and- Patrick & Poyle, &0., for defendsnM.. Virolict for phtintlif. John Hohrom Decker.—A; surkwit. • James 'Wood, Ett., for plain. , tiff; I. McPherson and p.ll. Peek, Ems., for !lefendrun. Verdict for 'defendant. E. T. Fox, 41!iiigoeO, Ira.' V. E.' Piollet —Assumpait. — Overton & ,Bandeison and N. C. Elsbree, Begs., fur plaintiff; fl. N. Williams and Elbanan Smith, Eaqs., for defendant. Caw settled by writing filed wherein it la fumed that judgment be en= bared iulavor of plaintiff for $450. RESOLUTIONS OP RESPECT. - VirliEttEns, The solemn notes which be token the dissolution of this earthly tab -ernacle, have again alarmed our outer door r and the spirit of our brother, Wil liam-B. Barton, has_ been summoned to The land where our fathers haie gone be fore us; WHILIIE" We, the members of Smith- . field Lodge, No. 128, F. and A. M., would desire to express In fitting wordspur tes timonials ; therefore, -; Resoited, That in the seknowldgement of this providenes- of the Supreme Arabi tect,of the universe, that while We boiv in submission to the carrying out of His wise.designs, weriveuld make mention of the neighborly kindness of cur , deceased brother, his genial sociability, his fidtAity terßia interest of Ow order, and his ten dtr, 'provident regard for hi t s family. Resolved, That while we irecognize the virtues and apPreCiate ther,Wrisdebi of our brothOr, we will Cherish tis memory. Resolved, Thatlo the family and rela tive", who are heart-strieken at the loss we have all sustained, we tender ohisin acre sympathies, Commendipg tbini to ' the infinite compassion of• Him who tem pers the windead the shorn lamb, Resolved, That a copra( these resolit- Hone be sent to the family of the d_eceas ed,.:ind to the BRADFORD REPORTER for, publication. ALANSON TTLDF.N, - JAMES EL Cum. , Wit l uma East Smithfield, May 16, 1881. I. 0. of 0. 'T. The unat session of the Northern Dis trict Convention of 'Good Tetnplars eifl be beld•at Blilan,llay 31st and Juno Ist. I'. MarEnsiv, District Secretary. DECORATION DAY HEADWARTERS WATKINS POST, No. 68, G. A: R. Towanda, Pa., May IS, 1591. Circular t No. Memorial Day, May 30, will bp-observ ed at this plic43 ;by the . cnstomary core monies of the G. A. R, = - The necessary arrangements arc also be ykg made, by this Post to Decorate the graves of Irt.ion soldiers at Liberty Cot, : ners and at Gheat cemeteries. The ceremenies at' those, places will be condticted bi a details from this 'Post, and will commence at each place at 10 o'clock A. 31; • The detailed comrades will then retwn and assist in the-ceremOniek. at this place at-s o'clocle I'. The citizens at each place are earnestly • I requested to assist the several committees in arranging for and conducting the cus tomary exercises of the day. • The ladieiare especially called upon to save and contribute liberally of their flow ers for-the ocsasifiu, as it is' feared that in consequence of the lateness of theAseason theie may be a scarcity. " The iiii-fous nrganizations.located here and in this vicinity liave- been invited; .and a very imposing ceremony is antici pated. .• • J. li. tiITTRIDOE, (ho. V. MYER, Adjutant. Local Correspoodence.- - • TERIIYTOWN. On Sunday; the lst, the Union Sabbath School at Tarytowu was organized with the following officers: Superintendent, Orin Fish ; assistant =superintendent, J. A..Bieneri,Jr.; secretary, C. P. Garrison; treasurer,' Miss Ella Terry. . Mrs. Hitt:Mali Schmitt has been - seriously ill, but is convaieseing. slowly. She is' under the treatment of Dr. Harshberger, of New Albany. Joseph Elliott lost-one of his' working berEes a short time ago. - - Byron Kinne, who tinr been in-the em ploy of Arian Bros.; White. Haven, bad his big toe cub off by the circular saw. He is now with his brother_in-law, E. 11. He is gaining. • Mr. Wilcox, agent for II: Di. Welles, has been through our community dispos7 ing.of some of the chill plows; .and finds ready sale s -• •. Miss E: E. Fuller teachCs the summer term of school at Torrytown, and ~Miss Dodge on Yialiliill. Geo. 11. Strong has moved to Rushiille,. SusquChanna county, and 11. M. Miller expects to put up in Rushville in July, which Without half way of their mail motet from Montroie to Wyalnsing. F. W. Vandersloot has moved to Phila delphia, where he is working in a rolling mill as foreman., Capwell .hati' been delivering a very` satisfactory lot of fruit, trees; . • We have bean informed' - that the light, ring struck into the 'house of . Chatles Terry,-in - West Terry, on Tuesday even ing the 10th inst.,s but not causing any serious damage's. On • Friday the 13th, Mr._ :Edward Thompsewaame near being dangeroWsly hurt while turning'. over a stump' on 11. Miller's stump bee, 'the tug of his Iwirness broke and the chain striking Mr. Thompson on the breast injUring him quite severely. We trust that it may' not prove serious. Charles Drummonds has' been deliver; ing a fine lot of fruit trees, U. Q. 11. Tarrytown, Ma)' 14, .18:41. ULSTER Gilmour Post, No. .227, IL, of this 'place.' have nearly completed .ar- ‘ rangeWientS for.. Decoration' Day. The procession tvill forin on Main street at 10. o'clock, sharp, proceeding to the cemetery they will honor their fallen comrades by Strewing beautiful flowers upon their graves, after which a discourse will be given by Rev. J: C. B. Myer, at the• 3lithodist Church. The other societies of the, place are invited to participate in the services of the day, - and we hope, they 'will.turn out in full force and thug show their esteem for the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the Asko of preserving Our Union. Rev. Moyer Will also, deliver a.. sermon to the soldiers on the Sunday pre vious, at It o'clock A. m. The G. A. R. bays will attend in whody, and desire the people to also attend. • As Andrew King was loading some feed upon his wagon at the grist mill of this .place, on Saturday, April 14th, the horses. became frightened , in Some way, and startel to run away. Mr. King, howev.;, er, by bolding upon one rein; managed to kee i them - geing'aroundin - a circle until assistance was obtained, and the , horses brought to a stop. Luckily no damage; save a broken dash-board, ;Was hieurred; , The tobacco plants which are being :raised quite - cistenaively -this • are _lancing very finely, and there is a . pest of a large crop in our valley. Vit IL - Van PTIS O- ii iiiiproviug titio 11 1 '14(11% 1 1 ttiP Witioti. of Ile* mat paint;'.OnaffPr-Co. _ Pnlnttn! nig:. well hiowts sslit, has the job.l O.‘W, Holcomb - has Oa added tha appaassote of bis lot by banding a roily. fame sod Inbar inspreinelits. Bevorai destbs-havi Occurred slow our l it ammuiskritiiii4wf *hitt I _will note the' moot recent ones : • A ring obild of E. B. Cooper was Wined on Friday bet. T,the cause of the death being paendo4nenibraneoge croup. Mr. Cooper's wifa and another child are quite sick with diphtheria. lift Hutchinson, an old resident 'of our village, departed this lifeafter' a pro: longed . illmiss, on Thursday, April 12th. The funeral was held Saturday from the residence of G. H. Van Dyke, where the deceased had lived for several - Months previous to his death. The only child of Charles Wood died Thursday_ from diphtheria ; the funeral occurring Saturday from Mr. Wood's res. ideuce on ritoore's Hilt Thus the old and'yeung aro taken from ns to try the sure realities of a vast eternity, while we are still left to toil on' F until the 'reaper Beath shall call Miss Bessie Irving has been quite 'seri ously ill from tlie effect of 'the poisonous property of ozolic acid whiebzwee- being used to take iron rust from some Clothing, and in some manner . became incorporated •1 into 00 veins from a wound in her ; hand, Causin g , , a general I blood . poisoremg. She is, we understandimproving, with pros pests of a complete recovery. Rev. Mr. Moyer inforins us that he has attended fourteen funerals since his resi dence ,with us, which , has only been abput six months. Tborims Park boa : moved to Athena, where hobos employmeOt in brick yard. We are pleased'to'see J. IL Merserein among us Saturday last. Ile is. looking as natural as ever, and informs us he is well pleased with his new home. • Yours. anon, May 17, 1881. lIMIZ=I BUSINESS LOCAL. tom" I would give notice to my filen& that I have returned from the death. and have liken eharge of my green house agate, where I shall!be happy to see them all at the fold stand, where they will tititl a plentiful supply .of all kinds of vegetable and.flowet lug plants. July I . 'Bl J. C. Invtca irzir M. E. Rosenfield In 4 a lagro stock of Ready-Made Clinking of the Latest Style In great variety for Mena', Tounts' and Roy s' wear. Spring and Summer goods that cannot fall to please. Also fiats and Cam for the season ; Gent's Furnishing Goods of alt 'kinds, embracing Ready. Made Shirks Collars, Cuffs, Nerktles,.Stispenders, Hose, Pte. " The best goods at the lowest prices. Roy of Rosenfield and save money. arCONVENIERT' CHURN POWERS: —Bare you seen the Adjrtelizlde Track Endless Belt Churn Power? If not you have yet. to see the latest, and tnostr.nrei.tent churn-rower. A full line of Powers to suit any ones means needs. Powers delivered at any I:. Statku tf, It M. WE1117.5. Qty' Mr. E. A. Plumme , of New Alba- ny, has been appointed General ♦gent of, the !State . of Pennsylvania forilidcomb k §perry's combina tion set of Ertn,bes and [folder, a very useful and convenient article. may in -wl.O. Mr NV ANTE !—I willlsay good prices in cash , for any nithiber or colts sired by the Nor• man hors ••t:antbetta," of Sidon, Pa. lam not iirtletil:tr In' irgard to age, color, or sex, Job Athens,J • a. March LISS', am• or The Largest, Ben and Cbeapegt line of shoes for Ladles', Misses' and' dilldrens* wear, le found at Consan's new store, corner 2d . aln and Plne,sts., 'Tracy &Noble's Block. • rill REMOVAL:-$. S. ALLY has re movett •hls Undertaking Establishment from fridge street to uoom on Main street, over -Ton s;Elt & OKI/ tIN Dung Store, and Wow, FORD VA N littnN's: Boot & Shoe' Store. A full line of Undo rtakers 1;oods from the cheapest to the ALLYX, Agent. Commander. _ cottsc it has the best wearing Sheer; ;for Men, Boys and Youths' wear ever offered Is Towanda.and at prices within the reach of all. or L. B. RODGERS chtille = riges compe- ItlVn for quality of gpods amt low pricer: on Sash, Doors, Blinds and-Molditu, 8, and at building ma. Cani3 l .t I) MEE VE - 41111tRA.11 to G&0. L. Itoss's New roceryB to re lit the Mon ta nyC' Block, and got your Grum les at rock bottom. ' Jam 20. rgrSeaionable goods at 1)TE"'& , CO'S. The "Daisy," a first-class Lawn-Mower, 'at the fallowing very low prices • 12-inch 14 " 1 -" The Manufacturers' have advanced prites oh these yosiers since our stock was purchased ; we give our customers the benefit of Old prices.: .We have a fine stock of WATER COOLERS :mil ICE CREAM FREEZERS. .Our PLUMBING anti GAS FITTING department is now in order, and we shillbe pleased to have any one wanting work of tkatkina done to give ui a call.. ;mayl9-vstt. ;X" G Ecf. — LTltiyAs-aells - Groceries awful. citE AP he'canse his expenses are ',cry light, and be lri bound his customers shall havethe C4' YOU RUN NO RISK when - you 'lily piny Oroeerles at G. L. ROSS 7 S new store In Montanyefork. Ills PRICES - pre RAT DOWN to rock bottom. Ills store In KELLUM BLOCK, 1 - ST WARD, beats Die world by Low Prlces and good. Goods. far SPRING TOOTH, HARROWS. --- The attention of•farmers Ix called to these valuable impliments—Tho latest advance cultivating ma chinery—Will u - ork, on rough. stony and rooty ground Where common harrows fall.' Wlll, on any ground, do four times the work of ?io common harrow. Fair trials allowed. Agents: anted. - if • n. WELLEs. FOlt S,PiLL—Four new-Milch COWS, and shead of young stock. Will be sold either on Onto ,or for cash CHEAP. Enquire of B. W. LAN Towanda, Pa. Apr. 2&W2. rtr" Back-ache is, almost immediately relieved by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Ilelladmina Rack-ache ,P.lasters. Try one and be tree 1 tom pain. Price '25 cents. - .12r The Anoelyne properties of Tee es this= of Honey render It especially effi cacious In relieving all affections of the throat and lungs. , I • • - rte It is „not the quantity eaten that gives strength, life, Wad and health. It Is the thorough digestion of the food taken, let It be Much or little. Therefore,do not stimulate up the stomach to crave food, bat rather assist digestion after eating, la taking Simmons [Aver Regulator. F.PRINfi SEASON.—NIAV 1.1.113 1111111811 syNteut is more than ever disposed to get out of order by the Insufficient: Midis of the Liver to tits gorge the:ezeess of bite. int is not astsh.led In its work. billions attacks 'mist necessarily follow, Sinusionsi Liver Regulator, prepared by .1. H. Zellln a I co., PtiPatielphia, sole ptoprletor, .has proven It if to be the Great 'Regulator of the Liver, and In the spring especially shohlti this ;rat eable ine'dlclue be taken. It esR be found for tale by all lint class Druggists. M' Downs' Elixir' Will cur© all hing diseases. The best in - min:lnc known for whooping. cough. Vir Gap, made in the flesh by - cuts, speedily disappear without leaving s& sear, when Henry St Johnson's Arnica, and Oil Lininlent J wed. - Constipation invariably follows Liver cpmpuent but It is easll,l overcome by the timely use or Batter ' s Standralte Bitters. Dys• peps's also readily yields to this potent remedy. , . _ I. It is impossible for a woman after 1r faithful corms of treatment with LYDIA E. PINKUAICS VEGETABLE COMPOUND to continue tanner with a weakness of the uterus. Encloses Stamp to Mrs. LY - DIA E. Pnemit...a, 23z1 Western Avenue, Lynn., Mass., for pamphlets. Sold by Dr. H. C. Pouring, Druggist, Towanda, N. • _ Julyt.yrt. . - tvr We .eall your attention to the ad vertisement of Simmons Liver Regulator, which appears In this paper. This standard remedy, inantrfactured_hy J. H. Zelin & co., does not de serve to be classed with the many " patent " nos. trouts. it is one of the very best preparations In use, and is recommended by the regular practition ers of medicine. It has a large - sale and cl — r-, n -bo. found In all, our drug Mores. A bottle or package should be found In every family, as Its judicious use,lts-siltuost _sure--to prevent a bilious attack If taken when the symptoms finirshow themselves. It ESSENWINECAMPIIEL.L.—At the Proshyto• rise rigeonate,•l7th test.. by 'Hee- lialloct M. Atteetroev. U. tittetlelt Edemel reeteuvtiae, er tfewerolik; 6n-1 tiattglit Pc eitme4u f Qi rim tefOitip- rwilltft 121 =1:'ill .111 00 . 12 00 . 13 00 MARRIED. OT TES EFiCIIPTS AND' ZIMENDITUSIA Of THE tIOSOSOU OF TOWANDA FOS 101.111 AS SNDISO 1U C$ 8I INN, AS IRS ITWtLD STATIGNSNTS'neussED MONTHLY' ; AND NOW ON IDA AT TINS mynas, ctiamettea, PASS. STIENT. assim. 'SIN" Mt 20 in= .».«..:......r...:.... ...... IJR.YIi MI 26 29 UP Stone •.5 20 Tautly tepal" oalby te...............44,46 Est 101 - itroet ..... f 9 19 Police 26 56 - 11921119 16 OD 4 Lints Xag199116660.—.... II 96 4 Park 66 , POLICY: $730 00 Johnson dOO - G. W.b 00 G. 1tritt0n......... 903 110 Fire department; not incindlog Gas coo. warned....—... ... 373 00 &pelts on Police dation and stove 39 24 Printing fur ail Ilse departments .. 39 30 Auditing tioro:Okbool &Poor amounts, 1880.. '4O trit . To cash in Treater", April 1,11 1 A9................/1 4a5 29 By onle:rs redeemed, /Ville of 1865.. Received of Collector to Depilate 1879....... 787 17 . lime of 1874 . - Received of Collector on Replicate 18110 6159 70 Lore of 187. S .-. Received on Sidewalk lICXXIIIII 4«,..... 169 011 1 , 111/36 of 18711....:. ........ . ......... .: Received from exhibition* and peddlers • " Ired fAi Irene of 1879 ...,.. Received from dirlsold from streets...-. -11 69 hone ot 1880 -...,„ , -..:-.. Received from Fines-- ....... 7. 81 _fame of 1/481...... .. . ... . ..... ........... From - old 11oar 501 d........................ ..... ..... al" I 0 Interest mid on orders redeemed_ From Rents.-- ...... .... .'. .... . ....--............. 10 00 , Refunded to 11aekmen................. From tax, collected after exoserated ......... 145 Cash in Treasury From Co. C0nim155i0nem.......;."...........,...- 154 30 ffrom 11ackmen............. ....--- ..... -. 60 00 ' " • • .-.. ........18,014 79 Total . Liabilities March 3160880; Onilete outAindiorwittithoi faterei24 . , therms u per repast of t h s% date.4lfrln 08 DeduCt dela 01 tato True., Trot valid. 329 71 ---1 379 0.34 . . Orders limed daring thit $ei55.:..........41766 91. Interest due . olll WOO order in Id ha , tional 37 16 1 ---;-14603 07 I Order redeemed during the; teal Ds stAtod in fotigoing account .102,3 '42 Interest mid on orders rtdeemel ' .122 V 7 . --01701 :ri OM Balance clue on Duplicate In, received—... ~; Total It will be observed by the foregoing Account, that -on the Ist day of April, leml, the hominid' hits a cash oinriolna abOVO its liabilities of UM. S 9. The bills against citizens f u r sidewalks, amounti n g au 5354J0iura, ,, n 0 t, included in attire 114 of assets, as many of them are not collectable. W. U. JONHICIA, Burgess. JAMES IIfcCAISK, ..1. 13D% PARSIELS, J. flOIAX)8111, *, W. KICELCR, HINGII.II.IIIT, Treescuy r. L. D. MONTAN , / E. A. II KING4IO-11V, ST'ArI'Ha&MN'T OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF THE OVER SEERS OF THE POOR OF THE BOROUGH OF TOWANDA I FOR THE ,YEAR ENDING SfARCII . 3IsT; 1881. . . Linus , Motl, permanent • - IHIS 65 ; Hannah Cranmer, permanent - -01 A %6 Mrs. Lewis Lewis. permanent 6 4 60 ;'Lewis Lee. permanent ' :,.. 57 75 , Lewis Lewis, permanent 79 70 . Stary'Keatlng.l permanent -- 110 75 Margaret Blake, insane • 168 25-s. Mrs. Lock AdAms, temporary - 3 110 . T. J. Junes, permanent. - - 124 63.: Ellen Finlon„ ; teroporary - ' ... 200 Joanna Crook, dismissed April 17th . 3 art ;Ed Sprague, Insane, transient .... 5 - co Mrs. O. D. Masten temporary • 200 IS. Mosier, family, temporary - . 3 .. 24 50__ Anna Hornbeck arid child, temporary • 20 63,1 Win Robinson, support and funeral expenses 5: 15 ; Mrs, Metre Webb, permanent ' 48 77 1• Sim Balser, temporary 2 40 Was Martha Lewis. Idlotte • . 100 00 Mrs. Luke Gillespie, funeral expenses...., II 00 Lyman Amens and wife. permanent 131 23 , Luke Gillespie, permanent • 173 33 • Sirs. John Connelly. temporary 3 :30 ;'R. W. Vanharger, permanent • 71 00 . Mrs. Catharine McNulty, permanent • 11l CO i Mary Garin. transient ..1 30 ' Mrs, Leenore Berry and children. pertnan't 4630 Mrs. Burt, transient -7 13 - Mrs. Adam Wolfe, dismissed April 3rd..... 200 Joe Johnson. funeral expense% 10 rn Charles ilineinan, permanent - 63 26 Mrs. Corbit, temporary ' " 1 Ili. Mary Kelley, permanent 65 59 Michael Clary, - temporary II) 60 Nora erotism temporary . . 1 00 ; Irlewis Sisson's board and funeral expenses.. .31 103 Lilly Stoll, left August 20th -. 6 63., Mrs: Kelwor P. Brown, permanent - 13 37 B. Thompson,rdtsulased Jannity 6, 1881.... 32 38 . Kph Lewis; rare lu sickbess..... -._... • in 3/0 Albro Vincent, temporary .... ~. • •. . 380 ; Mrs. Laperr, transient "2 no Mrs. George Barnes, temporary "'" • I 75 l J. Johnson; temporary 4 0...; E O. liurlburt, dismissed-January 29, 1681. 45"21 -Mrs: Stephen Lewis. permanent ...... ..... 53 27 .1. Gorham, transportation..., a: 76 t N. N. Betts, stamped check book -I 00 C. R. Alexander, temporary. 442 i W. J.Tnnng. costs for pone claim)! 'for %alert 640 ~ P. Talada, tempcirary...., -1 70 Alvord A Sin, printing three order books.- 3 otr,/ Mrs. Jones, temporary '1 • Iso I). a. Pratt„ overseer , „ 130 00 _ Sirs. Hemans - And child, 'permanent • •• 724 William MIX. overseer 160 lo - Tim O'Brien, transportation •-.- .80 IJ. 'Klngsbory. clerk. 3100 Lstatloner). 02.60. 102 .30 Henry Passmore, sick. tran5ient..:......... 15 00 .1. N. Caltlf, legal services! 13 00 S. P. Whitcomb. stationery-4.. . 3 42' ; Henry Barnes, work on cemetery • 2 00 • - - ~ , William Passel!, insane -.--- - • 134 75 -Total. 63,631 .3:i ,• - i . . _. . .. lal Received of collector on duplicate of 1ii79.. 54.53 ":8 By amount due Treasurer as pelXiidliiiiii' Duplicate of IMO 2.41: 9% ' "' certificate April I. trio Received from rommiKaloners on lands ro-. - , illyerseers• order% paid.l turned 4 .. 59 95 . Cash In the Treasnry'.. `' . .... . .. . TOE3I T0ta1.... Balance fine on duplicate 11179 A mount received - Total Liabilities Morel' 31,1981 (For payment i f which no demand has I'M bun ' ... - ....‘..- - -, ... made on Trediarer.) ... , - Due for tewts Leirls'aboard : ria 0 0 '. dwell In the Treasury.... Due J. G. Patton. Mrs. Webb , d rent......... h-00 Due from Collector • Due E. T. Pox, Illnehman's rent as on : Due Carrot. Mrs. $. Berry's rent, 11 months.. IA 00 ! • . Dattellte•Asylum, rassett's care 8 00 . - • • 18 00 Martha Lewis (Idiot), board ! • • • We, t.he . Overs+sers of the Poor of TOwitida Boiongh, do certify that the fsregoing statement of the receipts and:expenditures foi the support of .the poor of said Borough for the year ending March Ilst, 'd Mt, is correct. D. S. PRATT, t t.tierseers of the Poor, NV3I. 311 X, Attest—J. KINGSBURY; Treasurer We, the underslgneJ; Auditors of the Borough of Towanda, do certify that we . have examined the accounts of the Overseers of the Poor for said Borough for the year ending March alit. Int, and And - he same correct as above set forth. 11. T. STEVENS. 11. L. LAMOREUX, Auditors. F. E. JAY NE,, 't . •.; MME YOTF. =A supplementary and final account will be rendered when the Overseers are released by he County Commissioners from any further responsibility ; and notice iihereby given that the Treas.* firer will pay all.elaims against the Overseer. (approved by them) for the 'rapport of the poor on demand. Towanda, May 18, 1981. • - •.1. 11.11 4 :GSBURY; Treasurer. TOWANDA MARKETS. REPORTED WY STEVENS k LONG, Generahlealers in-.oroceries and - produce, comer Main and Pine Streets. . WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 11t, • PAYING. tILLLING • .3 , .50 (41 7 SO •0 40 (iil 190 Flour per Lbl. Flour per sack Cara Meal per 100 Chop Peed NN%heat, per bush.— $l,OO @ 1 05 Corn A4l _ . Rye ' • 75 Op , py Oats . • 44. 40 Buckwheat 40 (n - 45 ' Re -- Buckwheat F10ur.... $1 60 611 - - .6:iv . Clover seed 5 00 (di 6 50 - Timothy, western ,.: *3 15 la) 325 Beans, 62 Ws, $1 50 (4i• 160 Pork, Tess . c bld. 420 00 1a $22 CO' Lard • '. 1014 11 12 Mutter, tubs , 18 . 0 ' • %Rolls 16 (4 17 Eggs, fresh . 11 t) Cheese (ZO • IS PotatoeA. per bush.. 50 0 -55 Beeswax ' J... 20 1 - - CuRItECTED IIY 11,DAVIDOW k BRO. Hides .. - 06 (at 07!4 Veal Skins J • 7:i R 1 ft 25 Deacon Skins I 40 fill , $0 sheep Pelt., I .1 ' i 74 0 I 50 =MN 'len; Itbiletitsensents._ : IZENCH' EL, ON THE European Plan. opposite the city RAIL Court House and new Post oftice." - NaW Tonic. Pitices Ductr.n. This hotel has all modern improve ments. including Elevators, Gas, Running Water. and Burglar-Proof locks on every door. t . lt Is con venient to all Theatres and within - thieeminutes Walk of both Elevated Railroad Stations, "Horse Cars for all parts of the city pass the door. Special arrangements with excursion part r.24•ma: NEW REVISION AGENTS wANTE:o.— NEW TERTAMENT. As tnade by the most eminent scholars of'England and - America. Half the Pike of Correrpowling Enaltith Large type, /Men super ca/en dered paper, elegant binding. A separate Com prehensive 41/Story of the" Bible and Its Transla tions," Including a full account of the .New Revision, given to subscribers. Beat chance for agents ever offered. Sand stamp for particulars at once. THE 11ErltY HILL rtimistaiNo co., sonwiem, coNN. • Apr.2a-w&. EEXECUTOR'S NOTICE. -- Let. tere tenementary having been granted to the undersigned; under the last will and testameni,of Phebe Larrabee, late of Albany twp., deeelleed, all persons Indebted to the estate of said decedent are hereby., Uoiltled to make Immediate - pep meta, and allaseving claltus, against said estate must prestat the same duly authenticated to the undentignedla: settlement. JAMES TERRY, Executor. New Albeny;re.-,-Msf-4, AA D.M.Els lSLette rs-A-T-01V&II.OTICE. of 'administration havluir been granted to the -underslgned..upon the estatof Orlando Spencer, late of Rome township, deceased, notice is hereby given that' ll persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment, and all persons having legal claims against the same will present them without delay In pro per o der_for settlement -to .Welter- Spencer,iof gilllican county. 1.a. - 1 AYALITIM -I:6l o tßi 1%. MAI 1? 1 , ittlelinstroloti STATEMENT ExpeaditoNm Media* Vett , ... ... J. wig s legal sank's, ;full:0118g 051 for list yrar T. Tesseadon,ofro of Town .......- 40 00 Interest ..... ...... 7112 - Rentof(littleP,andand repairing arum 21•15 H. O. Woody; rent puldsc well 3 00 kleecur. Tldd, 2 too oral ,r Conceit iks;mit..-. 075 $. P. Whitcomb, stationer). 3 74 J. Carter, booing dead animals ..... .675 W. J. Voting. bill of costs • 73 25 Check stamps old • • ;2 10 N.M. •Ilt tts, lit Nstlonal flank, 300 ;checks, • stamped and tinned... 6 06 Russell A Dodge, losnrancs ligeota.... 35 00 Mclntyre 2144, .... . ?A 00 N. P. Hicks, fur chalra--;....--.. Moody,eleaning Council Itoome ". ..- ... .. Ire J. P. filthy, amorist returned onside wait • .1. V. Geiger, 1 thus office J. Kingsbury, Secretary and Elate tax on loans 1672 Allen McKean, taking census . I 7441 10- 411455 9.9 11016 43 Joieph Kingibary. Treasurer. C 31,41 in the T resat ry.. ...... ; ............ -.....—.. tine riot goltechabte tiepllrste•lßBo ' line on hurl+ return-11 to Co. Commhohmieri Dutotireuts - $&501 4l ..s~.ar~, , ~s Account with Collectcr Wickhain • , • Amount of Duplicate : for 1180: ........ Amount received-- .. :.. ltx-moratioile ?flowed ......... 3 per cent. for .. ......... -. 1 787 17 -...1757 17 .-• 1341.nce due. frctu Colttwtorw ith o utt further - - • discount or commissions —,.....11 192 98. ___. Inn rr 6787 17 Expenditure*. • Joseph Kingsbury, Treasurer. #2,3a#1 . 24 Account With Collector Wickham. Amount of doplirlte'of 18,0 Amount reretved - 'Exoneration% Comnilsasions .874 T.S Ij 5853.:5 tin . Total amount due from SPRING AND SUMMER I (4 4 4 11 (4 :I 40 M. E. Rosenfield Tice Best .The Lab The Li His IMMENSE STOCK. embraces all the latest styles, in great variety, of For Men's, Youth's and Bop' s weer, from the tine §t and heaviest cloths to the cheapest , and lightest grades for the Summer trade. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS This department is complete, having a• fall line or , Hosiery; CnlL IN and Cuffs, Noetwoar, Handkerchiefs. Ready - made Shirts, Hummer U l3 ' derwear, ke. A very large stock of the newest styles in even/ mlttaßtY. Alan, OuntELLAs, TRAVEL ING RAGS, Etc. --That you can save money, by purchasing at tke old-established Cloth ing lions! of. . --M. E. ROSEN-FIELD. • NOTICE.—'AII persona arc forbid entting Timiter,on the lands of the late Ed ward McGovern, in ,Overton Townnhip, without the written ronsent ut the undersigned, tinder the penitlty of the law. JOll/3 11000VKIIN - . VA• l4 taf: or"rton 11i,r111.1rti.1-11111 ..:..~.. El Assets April' Ist, 1881 OE W. 6.. ALGER. ) 'Lawn - JOHN M. RAHN, f CuanCir. CEA Ansel.' Marcia 31. 111‘1. 701) Abgettistuttuts. 1881 -7- - 1881 At the CLOTHING HOUSE of `Main-ss., - Tow READY-MADE CLOTHING lIATS.AND CAPS Towanda, May 19, 1181 11 ITI 5 21 :a zso oo 21 as . In oto IEI3 I Cr. ...... Ott 15 1 (go ..... 151:1 15 Ina VI 3111:I fD 1r . Tt _snlW .... .994 49 Opt i 79 $ . 94 *.f.l Si ($) 111,7111 91 if. 954 42 49 970 2 1 15 75 ..--16 , 10 1321 11:2 ra 2.,sni s% CA 72' ..}4,345 .:1 ..1t,61 1 5 49-- t 1,442 -94 41 ill; 1u 8 I ---• 1,427 4i 4271 01 107 , 1 7 271 0 1 tind S lakes
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers