fitatifki 'oda. • eallio • 11.47;;L15, LOCAL 1110110111. Towanda, Pa., April 28, 1881. piTTJULDIN THE POtiTOFFICE AT TOWAIMA AI X&IL MATTZR OF SIM SECOND CLAM. -LOCAL .AND GENERAL. The expiration of stsbuription is print. el os the colored label. By , noticing the lots wry subscriber can tell when his pope:wilt be stopped uniesi the subscrip tion is mere. : Dacoaavon Day next Mum water in the river. GARDEIMie has commenced in earnest ' Wurratonday' . falls this year upon .the nth of June. TRF. Rerieie itikued a double sheet of :71a turday last. - GEORGE Fox has been appointed post master at Durell. SOME beautiful spring weather during the past two weeks. 1881 is passing away swiftly. Four months almost gone. A NEN Job Printing of ice has recently been ftarted in Troy. I=l Sirry Italian laborers commenced work near Wellsburg TlinradaT. t , • lioN. J. G. PATTON' 18 baS44g bis Main street Block piped for witer:"" THE May term of -our' Colinty Courts will_comnaenoe on Mondny next. Uit•ntnkui A. of a fatal type, is again aging In Jackson, Tioga County. .TROY is to have anther ! Jewelry Store It will be located on Canton street. SEVERAL letters from correspondents are unavoidably crowded out of this issue. SEVENTY thousand feet of lumber is shipped from Grover, this county, every day. vors“ lawyer of this vicinity .com plains that he has more tribulations than trials. Tan article entitled " 71rue Purity." will appear in the RIPORTILR of next week. TUESDAY was the 62d anniversary of the founding of Odd Fellowship in this country CO ATHENS has a new Grocery stare. 4 1 1 tricktirsa, Jr., lite of Owego„ is the proprietor. 111:=11 PREPARATIONS art alresity being made for holding a Fourth of July eelebrairon -at Stevensville.. it:trtx Moiti.EY his just completed, at lreen's Landing, one of the best tobacco sheds in this section. - QUITE a number of persons in the •vi ciuity of Green's Landing .are, suffering from attacks . of . == THE Chemung County. Agricultural Society will hold a Floral Fair at Elmira on the tat and 2nd of July. T. (P. FuosT has the flagging on the ground to finish laying the walk in front of his residency on Main street. THE School Directors of Wyalusing have purchased the Academy building, in that village, for the sum of $1,250. ALPHEUS DECKRIL, of Sm i ithfield, re centlysold his pair of sorrel colts to a gentlotnan of Wilkss-Barre for $4OO. It. M.Wat.LEsbas a new advertisement in this issue, which will undoubtedly prove interesting to our farmer friends, THE boxes of garden seeds at the vari ous stores are being looked through and carefully noted by the amateur gardener. =Ell THE Athens Gazette says there will be no Hall in the new bank building in that place. More bkisted hopes for the Athe- IMME =CZ WnEmit are those April showers the al manacs brag about? One would come handy jug, now in laying the dust on the streets. - - • ==l AFTER the First of July next, Sugar kl / 4 Run is to have 'a_ mail to: and from', the milmad station twice earl day, Sunday excepted mcx:i EEO THE Towanda' Musical Society will meet this, Thursday. April 28th. at the residence of the Hon. Josatit Powri.t. Iteale B major. lit - WANG brush is now in order. While yottare about it, you might as well throw in yOur old gum shoes and your political 'documents of the late campaign. THE Troy Garette says that Moszs Gus- Trx goes this week to Pisgah to remain for the summer, and will have the tower open for visitors by the Ist of May. Cnunnt,of the Ideisiah (Universalist), Rev. WILLIAM TAYLOR, Pastor. At 101 • m , " ChuS.ek Work- and its Needs." p. " 7'he Problem of I)rrrry State Superintendent LINDSAi has issued a formal denial that Superin: tendentlt•llEE proposes to revoke the permanent eertiticate4held by teachers. W. B. Douuz is putting down a sub stantial stone walk in front of the prem ises he recently purchased on William street, immediately south-of his residence. ls the year 1900%Pebruary will have but twenty-eight ihiya, although a leap year. This phenomenon occurs but once in 200 years, and always in the odd hun dred; i 4 rumored that I•lontrose is . to . htree another paper. will be-run in the in terest of the Greenback_ party for the counties of Susquelanrui, 'Bradford, and Wyoming. - , tv treating should in , : become illegal i this State,.what would be - Come of those patient waiters about the bars, wbo de pend on some one dropping in to "set m up :" THAT wuich troubleth the mind of the -Small boy most in this villakte at present, is why none of the unmeronspgre . atest shows on earth" are not- traveling To- wandaward. rllot•scxzwrittts who do' not wish to re o‘e their—carpets for house cleaning may effectually destroy the moths by lei ing over the infested places in the carpet a wet cloth, and drying it with a hot-iron. • i'utoitine of lime, pieced in saucers and sL•t around the house, - is the best dis infectant known, ai.d this is the right season of .the year to lIFe it. Be anre and I%a'-e is out of the reacb'of the children. Is the mit of Jourc J. PAULEN of Wa verly; against the United States Express . Company for :injuries • received at the' Owego depot shout a year ago, the jury remtered a verdict of $O5O. WE direct special attention to the new advertisement of the 99 Cent Store in an other column. Those in need of the arti cles mentioned therein, can do no better than give Mr: Witmcs a call. . AND now :we bear it rumored, that a brick block is to go lip, on the corner knownfla as the " Wrob:". - -2Athens Ga tette, Rumors are cheap things, but brick blocks cost more or leis filthy lucre, Hu - TON: BY a fall of slate in the Barclay mines, on Thuradiy.last, DANIEL. REin, one of the oldest and ‘ most respected miners of - Barclay was killed. lie leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his .sudden death. FARMERS ought to be careful of whom they buy fruit trees, as the country is in fested with swindlers selling spurious yet i-lefties. No purchasei should be made of any individual not personally known and Twos. B. Pnoczon, „a wealthy leather merchant of Boston, has purchased ~,the interest of the other stockholders in the Greenwood tannery, situated about six miles south of.this place, and is now sole proprietor. THE Towanda Library, over EVANS* HIL•DRETH'd store, is open from ten to twel4, Tuesday and Saturday: - Yearly snbseriptions $2.00. Any one may draw a book from the library on . the payment of ten cent?. Tux formal dedication of the udd•Fel lows' Temple, at Elmira, is to take place on June 16th, next. Grand Master CORN and other Graud.ofticers of the or der, of New York, will be present, and conduct the exercises. • • • . • ELIZABETH SCR' V S, of Evergreen, has recently received from the GoVern ment, back pension money amounting. to .1,900, and an alloWance of AR per month: A son, on whim] she tilts dependent for support, was killed in the army. THE Sixth lecture in the Institute course will he given by the Hey. CHAS. H. IyRIOHT, in the Institute Chapel, on Tuesday evening, May $, commencing at 8 o'clock. Subject, '.CHARLES Susts: su' No admission claarffed. AI are itwifed: _ WITH at least tali huildred and twenty :millions of feet of logs in the boom, and more Coming; the prospect is flattering -for a busy and profitable. season over iu the city of Williamsport: dt leasti' that is the way the Brlietin scents' to % . •iew it. A Torso woman, about 17 years of age, by the name of A. SOPHIA SelfAvEn, in the employ Of R. ;E. FAsswouTn, of Wellsbbro, cOmmitted suicide on Sdnday evening . last by drowning. herself in. a cis-' tern. No cause is known for the rash net. I=l Tm Nthens (hizetti says that- some of the sidewalks in that. vkege are in such bad condition that. it is a dangelmis dertaking to perambitlate thjin by 'day light. Athens is not the only town along the Susquehanna that has dangerous side-- = • THE prevalence_of small-pox in Berks County and other portions of the State, should suggest the'iteed for - .:ouble vigi lance just HOW with regard to sanitary mattels. That rare, old maxim, . " fore warned is forearmed,_" will hold good in a%atie of this kind. • - IVF„learn from - an' exchange that the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company is pre paring to experiment with electricity, As a substitute for gas, in lighting the cars on all throngh trains. 'General Pascenger Agent Brmyros has eoultdenee in the success of the -experhneht. JOAN STREET plead guilty to a charge of assault and battery, Preferred against him by Mrs. ANNA .l ESTER, on Friday last, and Justice Commit; informed 7 1011 N thht it—would .require i,. with costs:ex tra, to settle the affair. Plaintiff and de fendant were of AfriCan descent. • Nid a little excitement was . ktcoasioinsil at Sayre on -Saturday. last by a trial ,of :peed between. WILL DE I.liOZl D and' CHARLIE. SCOTT. The distance run W34i 100 yards, and DES : MOND wou. A large crowd witnessed the race, and it is ru-, mored considerable miDney changed ou the leault. ...WnAT has become of all the people Who were running wild over town in search of houses previous to the tirSt of April? It was thb general opinion that the demaid for houses far exceeded the supply, yet from=all appearanee_s ,every body has secured athouse, and the world moves as usual. : • TnE Ameriean, WHARTON BARKER'S literary weekly published. at Philadel phis,.offsins prizes amounting to $1,500 for poems and essays by college !students and . graduates. _ Here . is a chance for those who have been priding themselves on how they could run a• newspaper, to distinguish themselves. 11:=2 WE learn from the Athens- Cinzet that ! OtuN CL ' AFFLIN an emPloye at th'e NW- • :lelty Furniture Works in that villageAgd his right hand badly injured Wedneiday afternoonll last week, by being drawn in up to the wrist between the feed -roll ers of a planer, Which were set only three eighths of an inch apart at the time. NOTICE, two flays ahestirl,'of what. sort of weather we are likely to have is cer tainly.a great convenience, and at limes, may be of considerable value Imaides. For these reasons the new essay of the Signal Office to make its bulletins cover two days in the future, instead of one as lieretqore, is a subject of, wide interest. Tai: Canton Sentinel wants the mem bers tif Company , I, 12th Regiment, of that iClace,.to compete for the prizes, 1- fered.Ethe best roarlamertof the Regiment. Om advice to the " tioys " Foy shooting at a matte' all tho snm tner,.filleth no coal bins, liooth no corn, and tendeth to no .business that is profita ble. A nANor:not:s counterfeit of the stand ard Mier dollar has made its appearance. They have the ring of the gennine the milling is perfect., and there is an Ofk : . semi of that greasy .substance Which is found by running the Thumb over ihti general run . of base coins. They are, how ever, too light and a trifle thicker than the genuine. • THE Lad: iei;Of the Church of the Messi ah (Universalist), will hold a sociable. at the parlors of the Church, on Tuesday ev ening, May 3d. A special feature in this entertainment will be a drill by the Red, White and Blue Broom Brigade, comprised entirely of young ladies. Re freshMents will also be served, conimenc ing at five O'clock. All are invited to at. tend.' . ICCE Sam a eorreirradent of the Review : "Ow4rg to the 'tummy snows, we learn that there was considerkble suffering 'en • Armenia during the past winter. The roads'were so drifted dist they could not haul wood to town, rind they were thus deprived of their - -usual means of liveli hood.. AND now the editor of the Argus and the editor of the Leßaysville Advertiser hive arrived at a misunderstanding. Why cannot our editorial friends settle their little differences without calling ono another bard names? The references to the editor of the ,Argus, in last. week's Advertiser, while lacking politeness, were certainly pointed. IT•is the _opinion, officially expressed, of a New York. justice that there is a cer tain sociability in collaring an umbrella at the house Of a friend, but that the same thing done at a theatre is quite an other matter, and au actionable °Once. Well, there's nothing like encouraging sociability, but we are. glad _to' litre the line drawn stunewhere. • • A LITTLE boy, aged about live ycars, a son of JACOB L. 11 , ALL, of Litchfield, Alas terribly and probably fatally burned on the 22d instant, by his .clothing taking .fire from burning' pitch which some child ren bad pit on the . stove at the Louse of his uncle, iu -that, town. Thc . -flesh was liteially cooked from the knees up as far as the pit of the. stomach. • . • SAYS the /?evictr "0. BALDWIN, Esq., of the S. L. &S. it. .Co., is the fortunate owner - of an Alderney heifer with a calf by 14r side.. Though petite; the little cow is handsOmejas a picture and good bolts are not her (tli media, as she give* a bountiful supply or rich We congratulate Mr. B. on his good fWittrite in TroascsSing so valuable an animal:"7 I=l Tow.%:spa borough, that -has been ealled.upon for' several years past to sup 'port, On an average, about tWenty pau pers, could only muster upfo mrto send to the Poor 11Odse, *hen the day for their removal: thereto— Wednesday, of last Week—cane around, and what is here said of our own town, 'was the ex perience of, a large• number of the towns of the county. - Tut: Cashier of the First National Bank of this place: was attacked, while riding out last Sunday afternoon, by three persons. IThey stopped the wagon, lifted Clin . m.fu out and gave him a thor ough overhauling, and finding. uo money or,valuable•treasure except his wateb,.al. lowed him to continue his jOurney.--Ath ens. Gazette. .Amt they didn't take. the • watoli . Eh, fifxrox . ? • I=l Svnisti time with all its gentle joys and birds and beesond sluing honae-cleaning has conic at -6st—to stay We . . hr,pe. . It has been a fickle spring , and the buds , Were blossoming forth, when "Old Bore-- as," with . cold accompaniments, cattle and nipped gentle spring in the bud Then came a Wail, of the..destreied poa% crop, and ruined pot plants. lint -we gay we hope all this is over, to return no more this year. • . . - Tluttit will be a select hop iu Meaner Hall, tO r norrow, Friday, evening, April Proceeds to be-used iu.fitting out' a gyifinasium: Vekets -50 . cents, fk sale at FiTru's Codectinnery titbre, • - riqnittee , .ITrahgenieofs WARDEI t y.; Fi u BROWN, , 11. ['Almon', F. 1/kiE(;.. , J(uor Conitnatte—E. 1; 7 C. FIPSIIIF., A. H. DEAN, C. M. Bri-Ti*G- BM Twig FIVE thousand liennebcck Salmon were placed in the river, near the mouth 'of Towanda ('reek, on Thursday, by SET! 1Y EfiS, of the State Fish Hitch [cry. The fish were very small, being I only about one month old. Engineer ST E.%1/1 A N placed several thousand of the same kind of fish, of about the same age and size, in the river opposite this ,yillage several year.: agO, and .they have, never ; been seen Or heard of Since. I:3= .Tut: following is respectfully refurred to the editors of the Artlo and Canton, "Shesat- on a - stamp in the shade of the twilight, resting her chin on her deep,dimpled latnis, and musing all alone between -darkness and starkht, she dreamed of pure gold in the far dis tant lands. The whipporwill sang to the tune of the night, wind, the tall . grasses waved adown the green glen ; a voice low and plaintive broke on the, deep 'silence, "Pap has struck oil behind,the pig-pen." WE, learn that,Mr. YouNG, of Le: ima, was dangerously injured on Thurs day last. Mr. YOUNO and one of his sons were returning . home from. Troy on Thursday afternoon when a runaway train, attached to a lumber wagon, over took them and- the phaeton which they oecMpial Was . totally wrecked: The pole of the wagon struck Mr.. - You:6; in _the back, breaking two of his fibs and other wise seriously injuring MM. We regret to learn-that he now lies iri'a critical con dition. • AS'Shi IfAEI. BURKE,• of Asylum, atm JAMES BARNER were riding.::',up Main street on Monday morning last; BURKE, at the corner of Pine street, reined the team around so:short as to upset' the wa gon. iloth_men were thrown to the ground, and - 13i - mit, who was intoxicat 7 ed,, narrowly escaped bbing injured', by the frightened' horses treading on him. BAit'sEit held to the lines and - prevented the team from getting i s may until assist ance arrived. BURKE escaped With a few bruises. Trier have, a niee=state of affairs in Sim quehanna County::: The Susquehanna Gazette is authority for the statement that physicians of that county -liar so of ten of late been sued for damages and prosecuted criminally for malpractice that their patience is exhausted and they now propose to protect themselves in a measure by - raising Their prices for at tendance. They also biro lose; to require the giving_ of bonds to 6curo theM against prosecution before they will un dertake sargical cases. =DEMI Tnv coming' conclave of the Grand COmmandery of Knights Templar in. Scran - ton the latter' .V•art of next month will ho the Masoiiic event of the year so' farastPennsylvanis is concerned, and al-' ready the fraternity-is preparing for the occasion throughout.' the State. . The Scranton Sir Knights are making all due preparations for the proper reception of such a large and distinguished body of guests, aniltherois no doubt the affair will be creditable alike do the -local coni :manderies and tothe city. to A Mits. GROOM, livingitbont twomiles 'from East Smithfield, wa very severely burned on Mouday bad a very narrow "escape from a Lfrightful death. Her husband is at work in a shingle mill, 1 an please her children slat was en gaged-in boiling . pine turpentine, or pitch, to make some chewing gum. The dish [in which the pitch was boiling caught fire and she somewhat frightened; ran with it to the door to throw it out. .When . a few feet flamkthe threshold, the botthm of the ' dish, affected by tholusat fell out, scatter =, ing the burning liquid over Mrs. GROOM'S dress, setting her clothes in flames , in stantly. With' groat presence of mind ihe ran to a barrel of rniu•water, and jumped into that; her little ; daughter pJuring a pail of \ water on her blazing dress. • Mrs. Gnooat then bailed water with her hands, and put oat the fire on the floor. liar. and • some other, portions of her person were terribly burn. ed.—Troy Gazette. . WE:take the. following ie reference to some formei residents of this place, froni, the Cawker City . ..Free Pricy br a recent date : " Monday evening Mrs. Nancy Enr- Mons Made , complaiut . before Justice Riley, against her husband, TheorloVe Emulous; reciting that he had used undue Violence, and threatened her life. 11•!C case came up for trial before Justice Riley. County Attorney Ellis•for plaintiff anctr. J. Kelly for the. defense. The in fluence of . the testimony on the Justice led him to bind Mr. Emmons in the sum of three. hundred .dollars to keep the peace. The boy Joe, a son of Mr. an Mrs. Emmons was included in the 'coin plaint, but wa's dismissed. SiVERAL members froth ; each of thee lire companies,_ under the direc tion 'tot - Chief Engineer made a test ,of the supply and force of water at several of fle e hydrants on Main street., on Thursday—afternoon last. We have not yet learned the opinion oft: th 4 Chief Engineer as ti the test, made, but judging front the six streams—two -from the corner of State and Main, two front the corner of Pat k and :Main and two-front Owner Pine and Main—thrown at the sante time, we should judge there Ivas. ample protection - against lire any 4bere in the central gait of the village along Main street. =ME= . THE residence of CuAtit,Es T., McKtx li EY; on . , Third street, between Chestnut and lip - sien streets, with a portion of its Coutonts, - wA destroyed by fire on Friday morning last at about 4 o'clock. The tire is supposed to have been caused by the bursting of a 'lamp. The alarto \Vas uot given down town -for Some time, and it was nearly an hour before the Met pen arrived on the ground, toolate to preV :lit the destruction of the building, but w ith water taken froM the •lbydraut:at the or . ner of Huston street. and York aye' ne, the -adjoining buildings were . prote ted front the flames. We- learn the loss is nearly covered by insurance: I ' w in token, of respect wai.• unanimously adopted by 'Bradford Lodgl No. 167, I. 0. 0. F.; April 18, 1881 : Wn En EA $3, By the' death. .of Brother harry K. Smith, this Lodge has Call So to mourn the loss of 'one of ,its young and active members, who practically cxenfpli tied during his life " Friendship, Love and Tenth'' by his kind and friendly in tercourse with all, his atteetionate devo tion to friends and Brothers, and his con , selentious; upright walk through life,— Resolved, That the members of this Lodge extend their sympathies to 'the bereaved relatives and friends of the ceased Brother, and that the charter Of Late:Lodge be draped in mourning for the petied of thirty days. .1. N. WILT, - .1..1. SP.?.i I,iNu. Cam: 31;,E. ) THE first Base Ball game of - season took place on Saturday last between the Stars and The Printers. ' The 'score 'was, nn•astoiaishar, as was much of the play ing—especially by the Printek The game wak.Played en Means' Field, and was "edited just after 'dinner: The last inning was played in the shades. of f:veniiig: The total score , was - ,70 The, havine 3 ) of :them,. and the Printras No,ininey changed hands on the/result: Them are .to be other games betasieen the same eontestants, to witness Mitch it will cost nothing but time, and the general public is cordially invited to be present. Time and place Will be hereafter announced. • tthltssv green lawns and fields will crc 1.11147; beckon children to go out and roll on their verdure,' and catch sails .frorif which they will not recover sunnner"; . rank wheattields premisc immeasurably large crops, but which will !letter lie real- No,- there is' no season like spring the season - of garticii-makhrg, house cleaning, and other joys we know_ not of . at -present. All hail, to 'gentle joyous spring. nvitli its buds, blossoms and gui- Ile, balmy breezes,- and its promise of sumniet with its bugS of ten thousand va rieties, large and small,-and soft; downy caterpillars, that crawl about One's neck and 'face with-a familiarity born of that season only. Hail,. gentle spring ! , " 1 1 11 "-•---1. THE meeting to further the building of the .Bradford Railroad, held at the Court House on Wednesday of last week, was not largely attended, but those present I seemed to have a deep interest in the 1 road, and to feel a perfect,confidencethat l it abuld be built at-no distant day. That the road is,' or will be an impcirtant link in'the chain of railroads leading froM the East to the West, there - can be do doubt, sborteriling, as it does, the distance by rail betweeli Boston and St. Louis more thaw sixty miles. The meeting' was addressed by Preriident 31snriEN, B. S. • PESTLE; Esq., F. .111E)oss, and - others, after which JAMES MACFARLANE, Esq., Col. ;1.. F. 31 ., lion. Jos. "PewELL, Judge BENTL.EY. N. N. Ilmrs arid „President MADDEN were constituted a committee to; being the enterprise 20 the attention of railroad metiand capitalists. . THE Convention to elect a Catinty S perintendent of schools in place of Pro" fessor (who -will undoubtedly be his OWn . successor), who has- the place -So acceptably fOr the Past term,' will meet' in the Court Mollie on the •:hi Of May. The law creating - the office an 7-• therizes the School Directors of the vad . • one disiticts to meet at the county seat 'and elect the Superintendent, and fix the amount of his salary. There is' nothing' in the law - to compel a. Director to attend, and no compensation is allowed for his time or his services as a director. It is, therefore, optional with him as to whbth er he attends or not, yet every director should feel it a duty to be present. The office c! County Superintendent, is one that,:in•vieW of its relation to the. cause of education, should erigage the attention and excite the active interest Of every cit izen. And. because. of this no director should fail to attend this conveutioniand thus show publicly and. openly that., the trust placed in his ,charge, ; although not of profit, is one which he fully appfeci ates. • dIrST Rim, and a member of his band, had quite 'A lively set-to on Main street, in:front of CH.% Nt ItEn LI S, on Thursday Afternoon. The difficulty grew out of a hOrse . trade,and from both beiug comfor tably full of tangle foot and lOose tongue." From words they came to blows, and both-fell out of the wagon iu which they were seated, on to the 'o 7 yeoff pavement, Where fin a few minutes they scratched, pounded and gquged ,each , other in a lively style. Officer Mor!tr,- assisted by D...(7l3liMirOeparateri the hellig7 Crean, and 'placed them look;dp, where: they were kept for - afi !lane or two and then taken ketare- 'Justine ponnnco,. where they made a , small deposit;for the benefit of .the :fiereugh-tnsitsury. Early in the-evening `Josh, again attacked the man, *hereupon Abe. young man swore out a wartant . against his chief and the atoiki Ring" languished in a "dun geon cell " of "Fort Dean " until Friday :morning, when le, had .another hearingg,. again contributed a small sum to the' Bor ough treasury, a n d Went big way, a 'soberer man, at least, if not a wiser "one. . - •Tith growth of Towanda and-, its busi ness, is very Marked. A. new peanut stand has been erected on. Main street. —. Waverly Advocate: Precisely._ And yet with all her prosPerity Towanda remern bets with regretfulness that her sister vil lage of Waverly is not enjoying' such growth and bUsiness prosperity. But "why should :the . of mortal be . proud ?" . 8,.;--Since the above was in type we, learn that repair were made'. to \ the "coal pockets " at averly one - day last week, that ',necessitated tl'e using of thirteen feet of hemlock lumber, and an expenditure 'of SO cents in money. It is be lieVed 'that. the -money centres of the . coun- . try will . 1r eable to tide over the iintnense transaction without serious difileulti, and that no " eorner " will eventuate in I the . 'lumber market. But it was a big day in the IniFiness of Waverly. . , =II ON Friday evening last Mr. McCO.LY read tb a small hut select and apprecia tive audience, in' Mercur llall. IliA two humorous selections from DICKENS . were well rendered. The selection from Su ali.F.s rEA ft r.- 7 -iluarfel. -between llnuTus •and Catiturs,-was depicted in ti Maimer to seem most fearfully teal. MARK T N'S VISA to Niagara Falls was marvellously `! The Old Man" in the 'Model 'church," was so well represented that. it took the speaker several seconds to throw off the imaginary mask, and to resume his ral likeness: - After a " Yarn of the Nan cy And;" a sailor's story, came the (dim ing piece, "A Night of Trolibles," by N/A tr Iti.r.E;Ws wife. The audience - wore nearly convulied with laughter over. poor S,NIANTIIA'S troubles. We bolsi Mr. MeCat.v may. visit Towanda - -again,. as wo think he has few equals as an elocu , tionist. • - • . . • , e • • rots several days past Street Commis sioner Nonniattr has bad a force of men at work .cleaning out the gutters, and the winters accumulation Of filtlifrom several of the streets of our village. The job, so far, has been well and thoroughly done, and we hope to sec the good worl d contin ued until every street and alley. in the town has been thoroughly cleansed and eradicated of filth. _Towanda has Always enjoyed a remarliableAcgree,of_inmunity froni the. visitation of, oontagious and epidemic diseases by reason of its geher al cleanliness and a due regard to Finitary laws by its people, and to enjoy a like de sirable state of affairs this summer; due attention should be given the streets and alleys, anti Water drains, at regular fre quent intervals during the warm season, and no tiltliy accumulations tir stagnant water allowed to pollute the air with their noisome and disease-breading stench. • altt Enrron :-1V ill you be kind enough to privilege me sufficient Space in your excellent columns to txfider many thanks to all connected with the socuring the pteliminary appointment at West Point, which 1 could not accept on, ac• count of my age Not knowing what-a the requisite ,qualificatians:for - admission to the Academy Were until I received the: oppointment, I could .not withdraw niy: 11*f. so alit Effille one else might have been selected, wholcould have been privi leged to enter tbel school. sorry .that, a mistake was made, btit I feel , that no one is blamable., The appointment wax. very desirable on my part, but •as I could not. accept in a conscientious way, cannot enjoy the excellent privileges, of fered at West Point, With a .feeling of lasting obligations, to'friends,Oand that it pays to be tionestO am Very-truly, - C. F. IlEvattrj. Home, April 24, • • 4919.22. • For• quite a number of year past the anthoritie. -of the State have charged Bradford county with a certain sum to be lt assessed and collected as a Staid . :a. Three years ago our Commissioners' be: ._- came satisfied that the assessment was tea high and illegal in form,.and irr i8:;8- 1).-8.0 the . amount was paid under protest. Last year proceedings- were compenced against the Commonwealth : to 'recover the overpayment of 1918 and. fol . an ad justment of the claim' for 181 Under date- of ;April, ,sth, 'Vie' Commissioners 'were athised by the . Auditor-General that a decision-1 ad been made in favor of our county, and that the - county, was entitled to recover the sum of -0,91b.22 from the State Treasury.- Our Board of emends : sioners, and their clerk, Wit.- Lliwts, .4:sq.,ar.e entitled to much praise for their pi udeneq.and carefulness in . iooking after the interests of the county. C=ZZ=MOMMIE FOR A HALF' MILLION The hearing before Judge LINN. Mas terh and ExaMiner in the case of N. C. tfAnnis and other:vs. AAA PACKKIet: ex .ecutors, was; coinmenced' at the Court "House on Monday afternoon list. The suit groWs out of the sale of the North Branch Canal by -the late C. F. WELLES, jr. to ;fudge PACKER. The sum claimed to be duo on the contract; with accumuL lated interest, is over half a million dol t lays. The amount-recovered, if the ting ing is for plaintiffs, will have to4e paid by the Lehigh Valley Itailroild Company. IL W. PAiItICK Colonel OyEnTos . , \V MI. rovrx, It, MEncrn niul .1on;i, P. SAN DERSON are counsel for plainfilfs, -- and SAMCEL DICKSON, C. D. CAMPUELL, HEN. „RV STREETER and L. M. HALL tO cd ttnede fendants. =1 A qixd,oo BIBLICAL PRIZE 7 3 " The publishers. of Itufletige*R2 Nonthip offer the following easy way for;sotne i ne to make $14.00,: To the person telling us how many times the - word -"Herod." is foUnd in the New. Testament Scriptures, by )olay 10th, IsBl, Will give $lO.OO itt gold r2s a prize. The money n - 91 be ' for warded to the -winner May 14, 1H0.41. Thosewhotry-for the prize • must send ten cents with their ansWer, for which they Will receive the June number of the ifolithly, a • handsome' Magazine 'of ZO.: paghs, in which will- be published the name and address of the winner of the prize, with • the. correct answer thereto. Address RrrLEnoE Pl ISLIPrrT er. COMPA NY, Easton, .Pa. . • • 'been Bred in the midst 'or them. Every eye was flied alternately on me-and upon the newly arrived agent. If you are indeed Gustave Berger,' said Petrokine, who is this ?' That -I am -Gustave Berger these credentials will show,' said the stranger, as be threw a packet upon tho tgble, • t Who .that utan. may l e I know not i but If hn tin; . intniaod iiimileit...ooo6 04 lutlti inn4tiv•linitiO Paßsothm. J. ANOLS is afflicted with a sore tbriat. - —Mrs. G. V. 31sEjt• is visiting friends in Arnot. - - ' . . ..7FRANK ROSKICFIELD - bas returned ..fromTwras. - - a 4 . ; . . .• —ll Butisn, of Brad(ord , is hki i wi) visitin . friends. ‘ ". . —Rev. CALVIN "I::l4 . nxls, of Litchfield, k dangerously ill.. • • • ~• M: L. Ilpois is visiting --friends in'Washington, ft C. . • • ;.--Preeident Cl.Annonx, of, the S. L; 'S. Railroad, is in Cown. 1....u5•0x,-of. Canton, has re moved to Willia nsport. . • -3lrs. T,. T. ROYSt is , kebov , ering from somewhat protracted —Captain SHAW, of Canton, is able to be out after an illness of two months. ' =SAMUEL Asylum, is On a business and ph aiWire trip to the West, .' —11i ! .41 ETA STEVENS; of .Beritley Creek, is visitinv,:friends in Owego, N. Y. Janitor WATinis, of the Graded Sehool,.has StiedilinAN BAKER for slan der. —M. Id, SPAVM:IING, of Bethlehem, spent Sunday last with his family in this place. • • —Rev. CHAILOCii G. .IpnbrimoN, .of Litchfield, is suffering (rep an attack' of pneumonia. - . —3lrs. l S,TE.teuNo, of bl,eshoPpen, is the ,guest of lier . dalighter, Mrs. C. P. Cuss, at the Ward house. —S. C. GAin.otio, of Wye}has gone to Norwich, Connecticut, to engage in the insurance business. —Mrs, Sc D. ScOTT, of Montresie; who is 83 years of age; reads Testament dai ly that is seventy yea 4 old. —The services of tilt Rev. JOHN DAM' LET have been secured for the present y,;ar by the Disciple Church at Grover.' —M. IL LANNINO ? jf Woos:, , who, has beep confined . to his h iuse by illness near ly all winter, is able 'te be out of doors. —Rev. J. S. BEE 4 Rector of Christ Church, is 'attend,in i g a session of the Northeastern Convocation -in Honesdale. —The little son of G. S. EqLII,Y, who `teas injured by being kicked, by horse some months since, 'died on Monday eying. 4 , —M. IL SCOTT has removeithis family. from Oair'Elaven,, N. ,Y., to this place, aitpo*„oceripieshis i'esidenee near the College. \ • ' NG, the tiorist, - received telegram from Meniphis, Tenn., Tuesday evening, that his brother was dying them. Mr. I. left for Memphis on Wednesday. CADWELL, .of the Auburn Theological Seminary, occupied the pul pit of•the Presbyieri.. Chuich on Sun day morning last, preaching • forcible • and —lly:GEolti; C 111 ; MElt;' a retired Sur geois4:llte U. S. Navy, dieil s at Washing ton, Dl' on the 1-ith 'instant., The de- , ceased was an nitcle of lion. E: OVERTON and %B. JAMES 3fA_CFARitANI-," of this place..; —M dttughterOf ex -13 uige l tiii JON Es, of the First ard,' enter tained about fifty of her young friends bu Saturday evening at the residence of tier parents. All 34sent speak nothing but )raise Of the affair. W..I%TItICK, Esy. , of To:Wanda, brothey of 2V:41. PATRICK, of this place, is in aitenilatiee at Court this week, as counsel pi. J." G. •Dot.olumagil his' suit against.;; the Erie Railroad Company.— .Ifordynie Democriy, iaat week. -WILLIAM : . W. Dorowo‘S, who has beentemployed at the Cayuta Wheel Foundry, Athens townshiP.for the past eight years as a pattern maker, has re moved to Jersey City, where be en gage in business for himself. 'We wish inn toiccegs in his new, en!erprise. of Elmira, for the past twelve years , Special Agent and Detictive of the Postoffioe Department, liss'resigned hiS position, and TSOM.V.I M. Ili.N)ittnttAw,late of theNetv Toil Post office, hits been appointed iu Lis plaCe. —Miss Auer: DoNN e. Youngest daugh-, ter ofd. P. P4wmin, tsq., of Leon; died Tuesday 'of last week after an illness of several _months. She was' a, highly cul tured, and estin4le young lady. fthe was a sister-in-laW of A. S. IIooKEn, edi tor of the Northern iTier Gazette, Troy. —The fallowing named gentlemen were elected vestrymen of, Trinity Episcopal Church, Athens,. at the election,•held on the 18th instant :C. Matinte; C. W, LEONARD,HORERT JOT,- LEY,: GEORGE E. Davis, N. C, HARRIS, JOHN P. F. T. Paom, JOHN, DA- VtEi. . • —Says the Owego. Record of-laet.week : Miss LAURA A.PRINCE, of WefOr War-i ten, Pa:, has beeit'spending about • seven weeks in New York visiting her sister, Mrs. ELLswoUrit, and her friend, Mrs. R. linuct.; Il.94lt,Aogether with other friends, retutning home on Frithvof last week." —The marriage of F. A. FRASIER, of andNiss DORA GONZALES, took place at thelionfeof the bride's parents, Rid gebu ry, NiTednes•lay ' afternoon, -April 20, ISBI, at;:three o'clock. The company was small, consisting oftke - family and a few of the.tnost intimate friends. -The marriage . cerenlony was performedby Rev. I'.. S. tvy.uttrr, of WellsbUrg. The bride received some-beautiful as well as. useful presents. H . ._ r D.RAKF., a former well-known .business Mari of this plaCe, died in Mont rose on Friday. Mr. DitANE- carried on the •wagmanaking - business here from IS2 to 18f7., when he sold -out his busi-, rums here tb" - BUYANT & STN EN, and re moved to Montrose„ Where ho engaged in the mercantile business. with his son-in-- law. Old age and bodily infirmities com-• polled him to retire from active business pursuits, and be retired from business in January was an honorable, straight-forward business man, and aeon: .sistent and earnest Christian. Hp Was about 80 years of age. - • • WEnnific.-La To wanda young "Knight of the Art Prefer 'Native 'was last Wednesday evening united in the bonds of holy matrimony to *Miss Lrcv A. St.oi t i; of this village ; at the residence of D. C. DzlA:citi; Park' avenue. Elmira. Towanda, and , Tioga Centre ,were represented.' Rev. P. S. 11.1.7LBERT, ar:ffitted 14- Rev. G. 11. %tut' officiated. Pr cents were numer ous and beautiful. 31r. PiaLEY receives= the congratulations 4f the printing frater nity in Waverly and Towanda where Ile' is known. May their troubles be little. ones.— liatlerly Apd not many in - - - POMONA GRANGE . . • Pomona Grange, No: -- 23, P. of IT.,.com posed of Bradford and - Bulliianediuntjes, will hold its next regular quarterly meet ing ,at - the hall of Towanda Valley Grange, . No. 204, at FranklindaliT, on Thursday, May 12th, 1811, at 1 o'clock v. . This opening session will be. ,opeli and all'are invited to attend. - A general attendance of Fourth Degree members is requested, :as business of-importance is to be transa,-ted, together with the • installa tion-of Aims foc the ensuing year. Dwlnirr KELtrm, Towandif, April 14, Plf?1. grecretary. QUARTERLY MEETING. - The Brd qaarterly meeting services wilt be held n the H. Z. Chursb,. nest Sab bath as relieve; : ' .Love Feast, 6:801. , u. , . - Seimon, by C. C. IV-filmn, 7:34 Ciimmunion after sermon. CHAR. li. Weietrr, Pastor. BONNETS. We _accord the weight of. our distill-. gurshed appic•l!ation to the following com ments on b,e4A gear," by the Elmira • Garefts; with the simple prefatory remark that.tho girls of our village, arrayed in the "gear " aforesaid, are, all of them, too. eicrucintiogly lovely for anything—and, the obiervxtioti might alio truthfully be extended to• many of the matrons of our town :,also. • The Gazette editor says.; " The. lievr:spring Style .in bonnets is just too sweet for anything. It is made out . of some kind of stuff,' Sort of delicate in texture, and of . a rather lightish color, kind of 'cut away on the sides, and' rolled beck on the top, and scooped • dut under 'math, and 'trimmed with some ;sort of ribbon stuff that looks and some , • kind of 'other - sorts of material that is handsome, and it is all fixed on in - that kind ofivay which looks so much like something that we can't remember; - "and the whole effect iti'very exquisite, remind ing us of a beautiful'. souiething or other whine name we can't just at present call to Mind." ' • 11111111 A GRANTYSOLDIERS' REUNION.. Soldiersrof the late war residiug the counties of Lycoming, Centre, Potter, Tioga and Bradford, are requested- to send 'delegates.-;-one or two from each organization—to meet at the Court. house ii Wellshoro,,,at •l o'clock y, m., :Mai 30th, 13 . 81, .to ment's for, a gel the counties nl then to•be flu make necessary arrange neral reunion of hOldiets of timed at . 0. time and place Col. At.' If. ' Ist Rifles, Chairman. " Capt. Wm. CtiAsE, • 45th Pa. Vet. 31aj.G. W. 31Ertitich, t;tlt Pa. Refteryes. Capt. A. B. TlonT6x, 149t:-.•Pa. Geri;. R. C. Cox,- - '' • .." 20-7th Pa. Vols WILLIAM HOM:IAND, • 7t.11 - Pa, Cavalry 1). 11. BELCLIF:It, 45th Pa. Vols is issued in pursuance of dopted, a; a meeting of the le Vith Pa. Vet.• Vols, held ast, when the above-named appoints - d a committee. to nary action by calling stich The above 111 7 a resolution soldiers of t i , in January k - sons we e preli i ion. persons we; take preljt convention, .7" tiER, Seciotaiy Issl., COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Wellsbm In pursuance of a cal* the Burgess a'. l special session of the Council was • held li Wednesday evening, April 20t", 1? 4 61. Metplicielpiesent—W. 0. Alger, Bur gess: Councilmen Frost, Gordon, Hol comb, McCabe, i nahm and Spalding. Burgess Algei, in stating, the object of 2 the meeting, said that Mr. Itundell had commenced the erection of a wooden stincture south of his Pine() of huainess on Pine street and his attention being' called to fit, ho had issued ''notice to Mr. Itu dell to discontinue the work,f and re move the, materials from the premises, that he was not only violating the law in relation to the erection of wooden build•- ings, b,nt -that the borough owned the . land. Mr; - Minden desiring to 'lay the matter before the Conned, this =meeing was called toraflonl,hini the opportunity. Rundell stated his ease, and asked for permilsicht to ereet a small building for . a cooler, which he Could remove next fall.' Mrs. Maddee and several oth er citizens ajected, on the ground that it would be in injut ions to their bbsinesS. `Mr. Holcomb said ho was,oPposed to any fuither encroaefinients on the proper ty of the borough, 'and should favor the enforcement of the ordinances, he thought it surprising that the 01)110 ': - Should be .asked to sanction the violation of the Borough or nancesi in , individual cares. Mr; Gordon said that in order to bring_l the petition of Mr. Rundell properly be fore the Council ho would . move that a,,, lease be. drawn. renting the ground to Mr. R., with, permission to erect a brick' cooler of the hoiglith.of the coal box ad joining, the said brick cooler • to be re moved next fall. .Mr. McCabe said • there "had been a' steady encroachment on some • of the streets of the Borough until several of them lniie been reduced to a miserable alley referring tiqine street, Mr. Mc- Cabe said the lawfiil width as appeared , on the old survey was 49 feet, and it re'- nrained open that' width where - no en croachments had been:. made. Mr. Mc- Cabe continued his remarks at some length stating that while former Councils did not feel dispoiedto'ejeet .the trespassers, they h i ld Always intended that in case the' buildings were destroyed by .fire or other- . wise, in rebuilding they would be. held strictly to the original line of the: street, Mr. Holcomb moved to: substitute for Mr. Gordon's motion the following: . '!that the COOncil approve and sustain the aetion l of the Bilrgess' in forbidding the erectirin of the contemplated building by Mr. Rtindell." • The yeas and s were. called on, the substi'tirte. . Resulting as. follows : Yeas—Holcopib, McCabe, - Rainy, ' Nais--Frost, Gordon, f4paltling, :;. There being alie the Burgess voted yea, and the substitute was carried. Mr.'oordon theiriaved that the fence, coal boxes and other debriS be removed from-the north side of Pine street, leav ing the stairs standing for the preent. Carried by the follovfingvote - 'Vo l es—Prost, Gordon, Holcomb, Mo. Cabd, ltahm ; Spalding, Nays—None. J. KINOS.BURY, Secretary Local Correspondence. 1 NORTH WINDHAM ITEMS As We notice but little in your pape ecniomiling this place, we thought it wool( be well to inform you of its doings. _Scarlet* --- ver is raging throughout the neighboring vicinity, 'there are no dan gerous cases, we believe, except a - little son:of D. Osborne's, who. c recovery is doubtful. The 'pinging school taught by C. B. Ti taifid—WiTelaron-spended at the Okborike' church, for a time and u.ill end this week at Johnson school house. There was a party at Fred C'ixtlin's a short time ago. Friends from Catlin 14i11. ,Windham Summit and tr'sborne Hill made up the company. 'One of the 'pleasing features of the 'evening, was some "tally," prepared by one of the party. We felt like. shouting '''Eureltg," as it wai the most . perfect taffy that we ever remember tasting. All. bad a good tiuie, and, at about 4 o'clock a. 111., the party broltp • up. Ou Thursday 'owning - oPlust Reek, about :%ixty peiions. friend!, of -Mr.-and 1881 SPI11:6 OPENI CARPETS AND Will POWELL & CO. Arc► now - receiving their Spring .Stock of CARPETS-. COllsi4tillg of ...liod:s 13rits,s0s, 13rrsels, 3-11 y Extra Super,. Super, Ingrain, C9ftage, .Rag, Hemp, &C., sold at inueli less than last year's price:. lIS A 4trge which O'er Mort , showW. WALL PAPERS much wilielt elegant the new DECORATIONS.. Mrs. Lutes Johnhun visited them for 'a - surprise party. On acic-Junt of the, lead era not understanding the ways of sur prise parties; hero' was some . delay 4bout OUpper,. but others took charge of the' Party. The oysters . arrived and'all went merry as a marriage bell. Among the • pleasing entertainments ~of the evening was some linely_executed musk!, upon the by.3iiss Jessie Everitt, Of Nichols, and others. young and old cuibycci theMselves hugely. !There are few who. can entertainguests in a ntore . pleasing and hospitable niatmer,thau Mr. a'itaxis. • long way they live to ekitly the,many blessings bestowed upon them: BUSINESS .LOCAL. .. • . rir.To THE Setioof. I)IItECTORS BRADFORD Ccir,...m—C•iitlenan: In pursuance oY tho forty-MIN a!:tlotof the of May, 167.4, hereby • nutiiled *i . l.rineet in roi.teritipa at the (*mat House to Towanda, on the first Tuesday in May. A. U.'lllBl, being Hie third day of the month, :it I it'eloelt in the afternoon. and .sleet, r , •ce, bysa majority of _the n hob: nonlb 3 r of directors present, one person of literw o tine aopilreincnis, and of skill and expelleltre . fu the art of teaching: a+ , ContiV . i.uperintentlent for the three suecet•ding parr , : sad certify the result to" the , Mate Superintendent at Harrisburg. as re inired by the thirty-ninth and torileth .ection. of " • Vt. W. RYAN. . • (*.laity Superintetident of Itta4ford County. fowanda, Aprlll4, 111,1-w3. said a( V"CONVENIENT OKURN POWERS. —Have you seen the. Ailf 141a4k ,Trq6l; Endless Belt ('burn Poorer? itnotyoti have yet to see the latest, and moat cemrenteat churn-power. A lull line of rowers to suit any ones means and needs. Powers'dellvered at any 1L- It. Statinu. ' R. M ET. t. r 3"" W ANTED !- 7 17111 pay good prices In 'Ash for any number of colts aired by the Nor. s man hors' "Cianabetta,!. of 311lan, Pa. lam not particular in regard lOrage, :corm, or sex. .10b OrTin. I:awns, Pa. • 'Mitch 3, 1,01, 3ni• . Qs" The Largest, 'Best and _Cheapest tine of hoe for Ladies', Misses' and Chiblrens' wear is found at Cons rat's near store; cosuer. Main and Tray &Noble's Mock. alit4'7s ItßatovAL.-J. q. ALLTN has iv moved .hls 'Undertaking' Establishment "ft ! om Ittlt!Re street to rootrasnm Stain street. over Tun. sin & GonnOs's Dias Store. and Woootponn & VAN Ittons's Hoot t Shoe Store. A full line or rnaeitakeem Goods /mai the Abeapest to the twst. Jait27,'Bl. - J. S. ALiTti, Agent. r:ari:coits'Eß has the - heat wearing Shoes for Nfen,Ror..and Youtbe• wear ever olfcred ib ToWanda, and at price& within the reach of all.- Adjounied, ItEmov.tE.—On "awl after April 2i)tb; Ed. Ibitilllesseana's Jewelry Store will 14rt•move,1 ?torn Streeter's new Block to Meanii-flluek, (with Manville's Music Store) in store formerly oreopled be Puwell & CO, - • - April 14.3 w. . Or L. B. RODGERS challunges comp°, mion for quality of goMta and low •Trirea on:Sasti. Doors. RIM, and:Molding, And a buildlnir ma. tertai. C4F43rtril. M - GEo: L. - Ittiss sells Groceries awful CHEAP - because his expenses are very light; and he Is hound his rinithmers.shall have the ~eneiti, .ar HURRAH 'L.'itog•:'s New GroceryStoroin tho 3fontanye Ana get your i • t;rocert. - o: trpck biAtnna. • . Jan. '2O. Mr" 'YOU RUN NO RISK when you buy your I;r"verles at I:, iorm store in Hucitanyo Block. . itls PRICES are WAY DOWN_ to rock bottom. • ms.tore in -KELLrat IVAlt!), , the %sorb! by Loll Priees 6.K1 Having sold my retail Furniture anti Undertaking Im.ines*, : known as . the ltridge !inert Fdrulture Sterna r.. 11.• Pierce Iwwitil re speetruili: reeinntnend thaw. in need of gends In his ILte to mill en him at the old stand. I'a!so wish to itiform those ludelite4 to rue that it Will be uecussary to settle the accounts soon. Febritary 34, 1831.3 m... • I'. Ilicas: - 1/9" PROF lON AIL TE.tiTISRANY.-. Many n: the Lest phy•iciatei lige I totrieit Elixir In Omit. dally practice became It is the best cough remedy that can be made. , `i _ assn rtniOit of BODY shall offer EU Our sthek of NEW • layger and finer than - Usual; and- to' lisk. your assOrtment ME c 1881 of whielr•will 11 BRUSSELS, prices than 10Wer 1111 especial attention. of BORDERS . • , N(Ericc.—A.s I am compelled to be ial.,•oot fur a time. I r.oold in fortn ' tny crleuit, an!! .;ition4 that 'Mr. .la,. I '4%anali will attend. to my I.; r.f...11 llf.l/ 4 .. /I - . .I AS. C. IRVISti. ' „Tvivato':a. Pa. Apill 2a. 1!81. liti. rff - SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, Tfi,..rttr.ntr v rtrf farmer. I, 11 , 41ied V3IUS . :•! 1111pitt11111...ii.911 late , t advance cultivating Ina: mcny and rooty gioolot w,i;cl4.r, um giAra r row fail. NV ill, on any ground. du !cur time+ at. work or the Nrrnmoil i;rlT VOW, Y3l? nlir,wr,t, 'Agents-wailtr4 Fut:Slux.—'•Four new-Mileh Cow . awl ',head; of To;il7, ~t ork. Will he•sohr.-ith..r oqj 'UM, or for cash CHEAP. Er.Tilre of II W. Apr.'2E•w:. I. N I yowan!la. eb* is:,the time to tow Baxter's Man,lrake liltter4 And prevent Dylpt.ptis, Bllknif- Less and .lanit , ll&; which are So prtvalent In tho 'prim; mf.riths. 1)0134 cent. a bfigh..- • lar deury & Johnson's Arnica and Liniment 1. s family retnely which shunid iteln every .larntiy., I:seri fm- Cats, Bum., Seatd•. S.trait,v, de.. It has uo Lar" It is impossible fctr a woman after a faltliftli ,riptlrso of treatment with f.) ['IA E. xititAM's VEGETABLE COMPOUND to voutintle'to suffer with a weakness of the us,rus.' Enclosesa stamp to Mrs. LYDIA. E. PtstiLast. Mre:tern Avenue, Lynn., Vass ., for pai*Miets. sold, by Dr. H. C. Poorest, Druggist, TMwands, . . , . Julyi-yrt. $.10,000 AWARDED —"1 was so 'sick and lowdipirtted that I dhought I would give anything to get well; and It any one 1-hasl ensured toe the god health produvil by uting . bitumon's Liver Regulator. and charged nis a thousand dol •lare. I would willingly have paid It IfLt-had had it ; In tart, ten thousand dollars would Mr:worthless to ine than what It has done for me. initr34."(,Lit. T. HARRRTT,-Ilacon, DIED. JON Smithfield. 22,1 hilt., of pa ruly , li of tlielleart. Deacon Israel SUNINER:—In Smithfield, 2fith lust.. n( typhoW pneumonia, Mrs..less . e Sutrluer. aged Al yeari. - c regisf. A PPLICATION IN DIVOIICE: LT_ —:TO Anthony Mullen. in the Court of Com mon Ilea:, of Itr.uttoril Co., No. 52', Dee. Tenn, You are' her.. 1.- notified that 11. L. Muller. 'Sour wife.' ha. 4 applied to the Curt of Common pleas of . Itradt,rd County fur a divorce front the T,sk,in, of metrlinotiT. and_Jbe Feld court has Mouday, .M.ty 2, ligl, in the Court troupe at Towanda, for hearing the said p. L. Mullen to the prrtuke4, at w - hleh time and place 'you mar attrnd if you think proper. ' • - PETER J. Dli:Agi Sherllt. APPLICATION "IN - DIVORCE. —To Ferdinand 31. 1.. nt. In the Court wf Comition Pb•as or- Bradford Comity. No. 90„. c• mtMr Term. tote: You are hereby tootled that Emilia IL. your wife. has applied to the ('.met of ilotntnon Pleas of Bradford Count, for a Illvore• Rota the bonds of matrimony, and the said Court has 7 appointed . Monday. May ‘..4 ISM, In the Court 'Molise at Towanda, for hearing the Mid ifti.lll3 the Precit,,...L. at which time and place pm may attend If von think pirper. • ' PETE!: Nherift. A I'PIACATION IN -111VORCF.. —TO Martha QUlnth to tfre • i:ourt of Com- / 7 'mon rlen.: of Bradford comity, No. 11.4. Dereru-/ her Term, ibito. You are hereby uoti nett that - Henr§ your - huliatut, has applied to the t ettrt,of Conrmon Pl.Jts of Bradford to, fir • dlrtitre from the h0m1.4 uf matrimony', and the said Cimortiai Monday. May 2, laity, the ,/'curt [louse at Towanda, for hearing )he uatil/Ifeor In Ow premise., at which time mat plate you ran attend if you think prnprr. PIETER J. 1) Ir. 4iN, :graft!. .A.I'I'LIICATION IN DI VC:I'll:I.:. -:—Ts4,l:llzalwth Farr. In the Court of Com mon flea... of Bradford County. No. SI. Bei.. Term. IS*u. you ate hereby tiotllleil that Jame*. your ha* appflcd to- the f'ourt of Commots Lica* of Bradford Comity for a divorce from the livhcb; or oiatrimory.'atol the . salil l'ourlhas ap pointed Stequlay. ;May 2, In the Co Howie at TtiVtatala, for hearlog the said Ellzebeth to the prenilre% at which Mut. acid place you may al. if you think prolwr: 7.4 w. CET ER J. 1)K N. litietlff. - PPLICATION. IN DIVORCE. za.. —To Chas. A. rarey. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county. No. 316, Dec. Term. WO. You are hereby' notified that Anna E., your wife. has . applie4 ttS the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford County for a divorce from the bonds of titatrtmonrouid said Court hay appointed' Monday. 'Mile 2, ivel, In the Court Mouse at. Towanda, for hearing the .aid Anna E. In the premlsev, at which time and place you may attend if you think prop*. 7-4 w. PETER J. DEAN, Sheriff. I IiI I PI,ICA'IION IN DIVORCE. —To 31;thion rleott;:Oln the Court of cow. mon_Pleo4 i.t 27—.. ford Couhty. N 0.241. December Torus, 14:lo. You arc larrehy notified that itooella , your wife. ‘ applied to the Court of Comneon ji '..1 fel,•aga or Kilo ford county for a divorce- from the b o nd. of matrimony. ami the said Court ha. appoimml Monday, May 'l. Prti. In the Coon limi4e o: TOWattd.l4 fur hearing the Bald Itu,- 1 1.4 in the pretidars. at which "time and pine. .y., 1.) L, :mew, it yffit tintl Pr" Pe- I' F.:ii.l: J. DEA N, lihrrift.: PAPER ! Tape'stry, MI All au (l EH It. 3t.