12111111 OTIMMILICATIOX. The SitADPOSO ifeiroirdlts peibilebst= TA urobj monded by GO omit= lb WM! ut Ons Denary's ananes. is advaltell. • , • Adtertising in all meta !Mclnnes IM'enu• scs-ption to the ttyir. - • SPECIAL NOTWSSIMIerted atinsittritsper line forint luotrtion, 'mad PITS earn pulled foe each mioseqnsat Inserties, hat nominee laaerted for less than ilfty cents. ' • _ . TE ABLY DV STISEN II NTS WII De lallert ed at reasonable rates. • Administrator's and Executor's Nd*dees. V; - Auditor , / Notiees,kLiet II mums Cards, Ihe (par year) V. edd Mosel lilies 11 eat*. • Yearly advertisers are entitled to quarterly changes. Trandessedverneementsiaus be pad for is aloaaeo. An resolutions Of ammelations; eeinnsatilnetiOns of matted or isdividual tannest. nail sallow of marriages or desths.enceeding ad pits canes per line. bat simple mums of suar. Cages and deaths will be published witbootcharge. ''!he Bareamis having $ larger circulation than any other papule the county. trite* It the beat a dcerlising medium In Northern Pennsylvania. JOB PRINTING of every kind. in plain and saucy colors. done with neatness and dispatch. Handbills. Blanks. Cards. Pamphlets, =heads. statements; ke..ofevery variety and style. printed at the 'shortest notice. The- ItaronSillt *see Is well supplied with power presses.* good assort. meat of new type. and everything in the printing me can be executed In the most artistic manner and et thelowestrates. T SRNS INVARIABLY CI ASH. 1. Volum gabs. DAVIES, CATINOCIIAN & 114 L, Arroiatie•A*Liw. 15011TFE SIDE OP WARD HRIIIIIG. TOWANDA. PA. Dee 23.11 i. A •- BEVEigX. SMITH . 4k C 6, BOOKBINDSRIi, And deafen to Tret Sawa and Amateurs' dapples. . Bend for prteeollsta. ESPORlZA_Baliding, Box 11,17., - Towiada. Pa. F L. HOLLISTER, D. D. 13., , : • • 11Ers r. . (Successor to Dr.*. 11. Angie). Oir VICE—ST:End , floor of Dr. - Pratt's orrice. Towan4ls, January 6. 1881. A/ApiLL & ; _,KINNEY, • AnoxiszTs-AT-LAIr. Ocoee—Romns torinerly occupied by T. 2d. C. A. Reading R00m.,-. ILADIfrL % 3,18,80' 0. D. KINIIST. 3 1 IRS. E. J. rgn:RiGo, _ • 'Macßamo:m - 131:m AND ORGAN. -,,,.,- LeARM% given. fn , ‘..Thiorocigh Baas and Hammy. '7 .., ',...',4!"jattPratton oUbe voice a specialty. Located at A neirs.,,Afaln.st. ; Reference : Holmes it Passage. ) ,- . , i' , Tostinda, Pa., March 4, ISM . 1 __,...„,,,...-4...... , ,,-.1. % .... ..;_ • . • - 1 - 011443 W.TQDDING , . , . , . t y. ATTORN . 1-1 . - Ala , TOWANDA. PA. .. - R - •in., • •. . , ' I Mee ovag Klrby's Drug Store. • . • I.#o3us E. MYER t. : _ AtTonsEw7ei•Leeii - TOWANIVA, ?A.. "%Mee with Patrick and Foyle. 1 ::14,74;79 PECK & OVERTON .• ATTOH:fZTS•AT J. &W, • TosyLsnk, rk. trA.OrzwrOx, • % • BIENJ. M. Pica. RODNEY A. MERCUR 9 , ~ ATTORNEY AT-LAW, • e TOWANDA, PA., Sollcltor of Patents. Particular attention paid to business in the Orphans Court and to the settle ment of estates. ' Office tnidontanyes Block - May 1,'79. ' OVERTOP' it §ANDERSON; ATONES-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA. F.. OVERTON, JR. JOHN F. SANDERSON W . 11. JESSUP, ATTORNEY AND COVNEZELOR-AT-LANY, MONTROSE.. Judge Jessup having resumed Abe practleeof the law In Northern Pennsylvania, will attend to any legal business intrusted to him in Bradford county. Persons wishing to consult .hlm , can call on H, Streeter, Esq., Towanda, Pe., when an appointment can be made. - 1111 "ENRY STREETER, 11-A- ATTORNEY AND COCERELLOR-AT.LAW, TOWANDA, PA. Feb :7,'79 E. L. HILLIS, ATTOUNitY-AT-LAIR, TOWANDA, PA. NVH. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY . LAW, WYALI. 7 BI,IO, PA. Will attend to all business entrusted to his care to Bradford, litilltrau and Wyoming Counties. Office with V.sq. Porter. • . . [novt944. HIRAM E. BULL, SURVEYOR. . 7 rNorNtlcsunto, 1517RVICTING AND DRAFTING. I.lfficA With 0::F. Mason, ever Patch St Tracy, Main street, Towanda. Pa. 4.15.80. GEO. W. KIMBEItLEY, ATTORNEY=AT•LAW. TIiWANDA, PA 413ee—S.:cowl door south of "lest National Kruk. August 12, itstio. ELSBREE - ArS9N, ATTOAX EYS:AT-L LW, TowANDA,r.A.. N. C. ELSBREK JOHN W. MIX, kironszt•AT-LAW AND U. 8. COMXISSIONICR, - TOWANDA, PA. Un Side Public Square. 'Jan.1,1875 LAM W. BUCK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, °Mee—south side Poplar street, oppOstfe Ward (Nov. 13, 1879. ANDREW WILT, ATTORIC SY-AT-LAW Odiee—Means' Block. Idaln.st., over .1. L. Kent's score, Towanda. May be consulted to German. F.: , (April 12.,110: W J. YOUNG, _ • TTORN LIC•AT•io A W, • TOWANDA, PA. olice—second door south of therlrif'Nstlonst Bank Mete St.. up stairs.. . ° 13urgeon. CI P D 111 BI Ogee at resid e P n h eT.Bot aln street♦ first door north of M. E. Church. Too* , , a, April 1, UAL Wr B. KELLY, over M. E. Rosenfield's, Towands,'Pa. Teeth Inserted on Gold, Silver, Rubber v and Al- Innltulkbase. Teeth extracted without Nita. Oct. 34-72. ED PAY NE, M. D. 4. PUTRICIAW AND 4111020 X. o>llee over Montanus' Store. OSlee boors from 10 CO 1: A. and from 2 to 4 r. ]l.. Special attention given to DISEASES? and S DISEASES Or or TUE Eygi ?Tmg EAR W. RYAN, • COUNTY SVPIGINTVCDZ mce day last Saturday of each mouth, weer Turner 7,1 e Gordon's Drug Store, Towanda, la. Towanda, Jane TOAS7 B . ----. C fl S:RUSSELL'S GEtiERAL INSURANCE AGENCY itaras-tott. TOWANDA, PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, TOWANDA, PA. CAPFTiLII3IN 0193,000 SURPLUS FUND 1141,000 . This Bank offers .rtnusual facilities for the trans. action of a general banking business. i f N. N. BETTIS, enabler. JOSE POWELL, President. Ar MRS. 'H. PEET, Ts.t'cniti or li•xo I;TERMS.-410 porter's. (BeAdmire Third street, let ward.) Towand4Jes. • EDWA4t'D.WILLIAMS, PRACTICAL PLC - JIBE' & GAB FITTER. Place of business, a fe w doors aorta of Post-011es: Plumbing, Gm Milting. Repairing Pumps of an kinds, and ail kinds of Owing promptly attended to. All, wanting wart In Ain lino should gtvs him a cat!. , Dee. e. 11171. IE T YOUR J Gil PRINTING nvie ea rpoiroß 017102. en,qHmar. Towsams. 0011Wid ' March I, la [novll.ls. L.Evssezz. TOWANDA,PEN.rA ME I- GOODRICH t HITCHCOK, 'Publishers. • VOLUME XLI. .j LI At Llst and Classtitration or persons en. th • gaged In e sale 'or geode, wares and merehandhie In the County or Bradford ror the year 1881. ' The veisters of foreign and domestic inerchan. distillers and brewers. brokers.- 4e., in Bradford Mont *lll take notice that they are appraised and - classed by the undersigned ap praiser Of Mercantile mad otter License tax for the yearlasi, as follows, to wit ' • _ ASYLUM TWP. ME loodtk Son ATHEAS TUT. UWE Beidleman D S Brown V S Reetee W 11 Bali► E Bradley W F Elmendorf • E Weller • ?nos Sruoire Sona' AniaNs Bono. Shores &-Stnith EN Frost & Son Joseph Hines - F•T Page Fitch & Kinney G T Ereanback. Mitchell Bros N P Chaffee L Fuller ! Wolcott& hut I Pot te . - Brown & EcCaslin John Peterson' Finch & Leonard H J Cowles & Co R - A Lowe & :Cu J W Carroll G Sseset t d< Co D F Pjrk D C Gray '• • E ali4 Lyon Ely IV right J C Gregg .- ALIII:130110. Geo H Webb f',Youtlst Landon Irvin Er=l S W Njirthrup J T iltSted • BUILLIiiGTON Twr. Sadler & McKean .BOLO. M A Worley , Blackwell tiros John K %ci►eehy W U. D Green tAIiCLAI T-WP It A Abbott:Supl. W J Thompson A Co B P Myer &42() ' P T Lynch Macfarlane A suns COLUMBIA T C G McClelland 11 , 700 C H Gernet II 740 VII Strung, Agent 14 7 00 F F Morgan '' 11 7_oo Strait .4. Hibbard 1 10 00 ' Jerry Ryan 'l4 --• 700 , . • CANTON •,-- 'MY. - ' - Vermily a & Son J IVright cANTO - N Itoito B S llartt S crat mer ISM Trout C W Beardsley Lyothsberg E L Mithley. • G M Ciious L Morgan ,Gen Irwhite. .1 Fel:10e14 .1 II Tripp S Co Coe h Campbell Jas Kenny F n Peck W Owen D Vtisuders Ortllln it Flacon Mix a-Whit:mil T lieree 13 10 Crlppen & Elliott - 13 • 10 ou t Moody- 'l3 • 10 till Hutt, Thomas S Co lo .110 Clerk & Wintunui 14 7 GO L G Newman , • 14 7 Ut) G 11 1•:%tell 11 11 00 6,& • S!Tait 14 - 7 Ut' • C"E stone • 14 7 to Beardsley it Correll 13 10 to rnANKI,IN p‘l BSS waiter C A Child oI:ASVILLE IWP. ChaaMeLachlan , 11. .7 00 Ta)lor .t M lanley . i 13 10 to r.rter Bros , Li 7 00 8I Baxter —" . 4 - 14 7 00 S T Riggs . . . Il 7 00. !LERMA:K. TWI , BVi Tit us '0 . J - . And Orson '1 >: 141'451:WIELD TWY. A B Artastroni - .! I LttoT 'MP. 11 ') .. 1 Hugh Id 'olco t) • 13 10 c 0 11A Uoleomo - . . 14 7 DO itLa. Tears &So „ 14 700 LtiakrsvzLu; vow. a NV 1111110 . 13 to ro .. L L Bosworth t ( : 14 7of 1) 0 It.ileyl4 : to . . . P C Vat.Gehler - 14 7 CO Bosworth k 14011 13 10 CO ..: Gorham &C 4 leManl3 . 10 0) .. I P Carl - • L P Blackman Co / A S-84.1t1wIti A. Co MONILUE ”VI J'S Harrington MONCOE 1301t0. 0 311ng.u.4 ' • ' Inch.ln t Griggs I) II IltiDn4t) L r .114.110 a Nartirriers A Walker • , DJ Swteti,. A L Cranier A; CO • F F.Acl•or • a C Triics NEW ALBANt ItORO. F P Corcoran 11 I•L•Su oravELL - • S D Sterigere .Case k Cowles l' Coburn G G Corbin .1 A Pendleton . . 21 I Ridgeway, Wm A Sibley, Ageut GI Nottou °VT...14T0:: TWP. F Eleichitner F 01:11aus anal 'MEM II A Bois AA° W w.t A B Burrows X Thomas 11031 E DAP. Eugene 1. Lent 1101[E ]lOllO Geo Nichohl R Browning Joho will/taxer M 1 Tito - wird ' Kinney S TOwnor Wm Rice RI Craig and Toton II C F,vans C Robinson I= F E Bosh - - Bostwick BTUS rui.suxquis- TwP Osborn Bios H Childs MOUTH WAN.*Ej.r. John Westbrook SMITHFIELD TRT E Voorhis C B Rlgina • C Shaw & Co. • rhpips A I". F. 8 Tracy & Co.. Newman & Allen • aPatNarDSLD TWP. Rl3 Gleason &Co • • W T Daly . •-sovrn cssrac we. J C Kinrstand Geotge strong • H E Chas., Agent John Gordon W S Pitt SYLPJ2(IL boab P Peck • F P Peck & Co. itoir Ilona Dobbins and Johns= Hickok' and Peck Freiz and Green Hobert and Porter B F Long Beardsley and Spalding 11 W"Ir! P it Hoffman E C Oliver and Hon E .1 Lee E Jewell - - IBM, Willoup.snd Co. - Bradley Newberry, Peet and Co I A Pierce awl Son RB_ -- Reddlosum and Leonard Co Milan Brea Wmater and Boothe • C N Cteab _ IHE ~ ~.,;,,,... ~,„, .,.. ~.. ••.,.•, ...., . •.„ . - -,. ;. .. ,t ,,:•• ...,-..;-„..,:--, ••• _,,,,..4:.-7,-,:.•,..". ~ i. . •:•:';',;1 - '•?...;'44i:, ! ,,, ,- - -; .1, ,. z' • '' . C , - - •:•.t . ".. 7.- .rv--O 'W• '''';?-;74f.'"'-".•'2":.. ---'''':•''' ''-''' '''........': '-,....t:r. .• 'r - - ' ' L:•- .- ' "-' • '' - '"••••.. :'•'-,.- -•":•-• :-..- .... --- '-'-';•"•••,'. r; ''-''' .--''"; •••••••• '.. ) 1 ." - •'•;.•` ,-, ,: fz:•;i::,,r ,- , , ••:':i...••••:: ' • 4 i . rg' . ..i , ....;•:i 4 .' , : -, :i';:. -, 44_•;,•'.f';' , ' 4:•:‘ . ' ,., :.'•-•'• • • •••••-•.-,.--•:,-- 41Z,v I t ..':. - ;:" - .,E .--.,..' :•;:r.'J..; , ,,,-„,-:: . ;..,?.i' --i4i ::;.r ti i 4 :71 , i ,,, :'7 4 ..7'-"ti'-'"'. - . ..._ . . '...'": '-I :: 2 - '' --, : . :1-•-... ......r.a.' ','-'; ! ''' 7 , - 44 , :,trAr-rt'4 4 r , k , .Air:0,44.),0, - 4..' , 7^- 4 . - -.. 4- ...."., - ;. ~,.... ~...... , ~ .. . •,-,....: 'i ''','.. .:. .Z- -,...,...,;_ -- ",;.,........::-.e.-.TI:-.- i ~ ) &J. 7 '., ' y , .. ~..?. „., , .„. ,:\ .-- 4: 7 ( 1 - ; , ~...-... , . .. , . ..--.-.- ,--- , , ? i -4 -, - • ~: . .i, , Vii....,1,, F:', ' ..,.. - ..e . ' ; :1, ; "....1 .i.;.: .;.A......1, • ...'... 1::.f:. - . --....., :...:, - 7 -.„, ' '' 161 ..-..! I * 1 1 • .:. .. - - ..... • • -•.-, 2 ( ' 1 , 1",:.4:.• '••••;:, 4" , ' I , ''e. , - • ' . ::';';':;: i ',1;:,.--;..:•;',--.,, ~,,,..,:,., • ;-',",‘.' . . .. „ ... _.. . ••••• ~'`.,: - , •.„4.4- i 1...- 1 -- , 1 .''...... '':-."., ::?' ' 0.... 1 _-.,-,." ' t, : ~,,.:.:.,- -: ..., . `i',. 44;''.7ri r . t i. ; ',..: ~, C; -7- .z. - ' _•-. , -• ... • • • , + . . .; . 'l, •f,, , ,:" . 1,.•, : .,,,-.,:2f,'; . ; ~:: ..,,,,:-;:•5 ... '•.:•.•••;) - m -'. .., . ..'„...!.. -- -I1! .: ! ••• - • .. a.- z... - ..-.., , •i . ,------... 1 . ~,.... ... _ • • . ~ .. ~ • . . . ~. . . . . _ . . -,. . .... ... .....,.. . . . • .. . ~. _,. . .... ..- , . . ... . .. „. . . . ~. _-› - •. • . . ~ .. . . , .. . .., . . . , . ... ~ _.... . , .. , ~ , -. : • . . Dewey and Co- - Dewitt and Milani John II Grant • _William Striker Ed E Loomis H Dexter Flituattack Win C Winlzc • Daniel Dunham W k 1 B Horton' ' A J Stlvvi Dyer And Co I) Scott end Cu: Clark. B Porter Class. ii Tak 700 Mrs E J Altugoa Wm A Chamberlin C IS Fitch 5 P Whitcomb • E. F Dittrich and Co. Patch and Tracy Homo- and Ramage Is 1) Randall John F Corse! • ' C P We:lia M Welles• A M Titus- Poweit and Co. Mclntire Broa John .. W. Kline • Thos MUir awl Co. 41-.Plitnney Ikukr.phrey Bros. and Tracy ?i R Cowles it Carman ik - J Blum -KJ Larkin Jaines McCabe B Pierce John siullivan • •7 _ J K Bush George Ridgway Snorts and Gordon . N Jacobs , • Van Fleet and La Ment. wfn .krrown 113er and - Devoe • H Davidow and Bro G 5 Ackley • Turner and Gorden • Ed Mouillessaux J A Manville • Evaks and Hlldtctit A D liYe and Co: , Lnewus and Frietriuth T It Jordan • Joseph Marks Felch and Co. • mocker Briar .Dsrker and Vought ' Ai E Rosenfield . • G Clank: .__ Stevens and Long Nathan. Thid H C Porter . If Bendleman .1 oFrost's Sous (leo L. Ross Geo L Ross, Store ~;(). 2 W It Smalley C F Crum. lAgent ' D Wickham Id C Meru* aril{ Co. C T Kirby S Woodford laiAton • A (I Falrchild C Alcretir :- E • Walker . Wm Al Mallory- John AI Lines Dayton and Angie _ W 111 Ltinenft_ C Weds . Shaw and Co Singer MI.. Co., J 0 Kiusley, Agent 12 ULSTEU . 7 00 T 00 7.00 710 1 -00 7 00 7 03 10 00 14 , 14 14 14 34 15.. OM 7 00 - 7 00 .1 e 0 /ILO_ 10 i 0 10 00 . I (J 0 RE :CO -t0 10'00 10 00 7 00 10 00 10-0 7 01 20 00 40.00 7 00 10 00 7 oq El 7 ob 7 Ili) 'XI 00 ; Oo OD 7w 7 00 10 00 30 GO SO 00 7 00 7 00 13 (.0 I , - 14 7 Co 13 10 00 13 40 14 7 (K.r ll 7 00 14 00 I 00 14 11 Ou 14 i 00 14 700 James Irving James Mauler - ` I It Scimoinaker t Wat ktus H.O Terry Chu rles Ktneley - t; H. Horton o' Ingham • T E and P A Quick .1.4 ; 14 7 tO 14 Ti co ,14 14 . r, CO 14 .00 Clark Hollenback . . . - • J It Howard . , • _ . . . Garton!, lironnei and Cu: t Mkkllls' . I. I.orls and Brown . ..- 1.1 Ji Ilallock . , • El 5 Keeler , • : , . Ddri.l' Brown Pa , ton,and Mints • • . Hosw , rt 11, Stone and Co.! ICJ Fuller l' A and f.: C Snitth ' -, ; ' .1 F Cooper . 10 00 14 700 It 15 00 ME J D Kitmey G Itosiwick 13 10 00 14 '799 William 11.RuSsell ' - • ' 14 AS Belttleman, 114 Mrs L E Harington, Ager,t, ! 14 • WYSOI Smith and Park Dauiel Meehau J W Brink Garrison unti Pinckney Beeman and McWharter, 7 00 I 00 TAKE Ncrrick, all who r are conc,srued lo this ap. praisemeut, that an -Appeal will be held at the Commis-loner's °Mee in Towanda Borough, on Thursday. tlietith day of May. A. D. ital, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. in., and 4 o'clock p. orsuld day. when and where you may attend 1( you thluk proper, _-,.=,- W. G. ALGER, AppraiSer. MO Mar of persons engaged la the sato of patent medieineß, nostrorw. &e.; la the county of Brad- ford for the year last, 124 follows, teewlt : • _ 14 - 7(a) 14 70) 11' 710 F Elhiendorf cisepli lline 3 10 00 t: 1' Ereaullack3 , 10 to R G Saaett and Co;l 3 10 00 ei t i crox 8080. 4 500 4 500 '1 . 00 14 • '7 00 • 700 14 700 I• 2 12 40 11 4100 .11, 7 0) 13 • 10 00 II • •7 00 Mix and Whitman Clark stud wnitmatal Taylor and Manley el) llolcorub I. I , Blackman anti Co - 'L•;. 10 00 D.l Sweet 11 C fratcy 12 , 12 33 13 10 1/1) . 13 • • 1 - 0,50 14 7 00 14 Oa 14 7 00 14 , 700 S L Sterigere and Co. .1 C Robinson B B Rttetiell Stuart Bros I 4 7 PO to - 10 CO Clark II Porter Turner and Gurflon We Porter C f Kirby 10 00 10 00 7 00 13 13 14 11 7O') T E anti 1' A 11tilsk: CO 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 '1 It AMA Yip Wry Hornet A list of Bank Brokers in the County of Bradford for the year 188 I: 10 00 10 CO 10 00 Pomeroy Brow. • List of persons engaged in running Billiard Ta bles In the County of Bradford for the year 1881, as followii, to wit : )0 to 700 7 00 7 00 . • C Canuon T 00 A J Beers • Jolla S Wolfe 10 00 7 00 7 CO 7 CO 7 00 10 00 1000 • MOSO. Charles McGouegal ToW.t.Nak 8080. U a F" !Habit*. J.Latufblit °mai Kenogg> TRJordin James Ktator, Jr. William Bolan E'Jimirtta 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 Cl) 7 00 10 00 -7 00 List of parsons engaged in Wholesale Liquor dewing in the Count-ofp Bradford for 1851 : Charles W. Beardsley T 00 700 Rednincil Caton John Sullivan John Griffin • James Commiatey W Nobles • CT. Kirby t ; List of petsons ttnolng Brentales In plitantrd County for the year ISO : 1 Loder ,-Tenirliinics. ell who ere ocitieerneil In this ill- Preleement, that an appeal will be beta et the tiorowiseionei's office to . Towanda hiondiati. on Thoteday,leo fith - dar of May, A.D. ISO, between the hours of 10 o'clock. a. so. wed 4 o'clock. 1 1 . m. ofthe bald day. when sad where jail ma attead if 'on think proper. _ W.O. ALGEI. , Appesser. Towanda, April 3.1481.- 7 4 w. • --,c.,19?-,;'-.:':.'17':',...r". , „:„.„.„ . _,,,,,rivz,tx,w...,,-.4,,,,;.:17;,-,TRI-;ccrl;t7,-4V.3.7„?.-.-'-_,•-_,---1,-::-.,..,:z_::::c.}•;.:::',-..21:',:'-jf,'-',:;_i'l-:',-,..5,.-:,.:..,...::-._!:. • -....-,-4 1-1...,`7,T.1'-i..1iii,;,•:',wk,•,:.--;1:',,,-.:!;-:..;,-•-',...s,-.,;;;;,,,.,-,„--^,,,.,;;,•, ~ -. :, .1-,,--_,;-•-•:::,'...1.,..., • ~,:..._ • : •:, ~-,,.,.:,_.,, ~., _,, , . -,.- : ---,?•.'-y.-,-:,',--fz---',:74--'.ritlik-i5;:,4,e1,:-::T;f,.-',;'-i::f';:y:-•'-';,-1-=-i:_'Al,..: - --- ”Tcy.;41.',..,*-,..,Z.e'4••,"7;',.:-.`:7-Fr;.4f.':?,,,k--p•?,.7..:,,',:.--,<7.,-,.---?:,4::---,i'";--1.,:_.'f_!),-1,::4':,-[.!,,,I.,,,i;','?.:. ---:,-,4r1t'e.:745--,2F-;;;:VP•ttl,:.-,--.:47::,;--_•._-- -.:,-;..v7-:=';_--';'4-,,,'.',:.1.-Zt''-,:?;%?-;-'-.,--:::-:"..,_:',7-','.P.:nr,,-17-,.'- '-'"''' - • ,---,...,.--.1,--i.t6ri`-,.?••4.-'3,--:-•,'-.,--'-',:7.?:"-':•":,-T.:-',- " ,,c,- ' 1 ; ,:-. .."'''-;-`.P- 7 .:1 :: ',,,' 7. 7_' : - . ._ --- -.z.4.-:,p,-::•.,,,,-;:cy-,:kir,' -.:;:.,..;-•_,,: -- ..,::,:.,,,, :-.. :: , ,,z. , _. , _ !. ---4,--- - --• M 1121 • I. , • k TOW/MBA, BRADFORD .0001% PA., THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1881. 14 7 00 14 1 O 16 700 . 13 10 00 13 10 00 111017 TNT. 14 700 14 710 TERIMTVI% 14 700 14 7 00 , 10.90 Itlfic.MßA TWP. TOWANDA 2102°•' MI I= WYALUSING IWP. 14 " 11 12 14 12 14 It 14 14 9 13 11 WINDHAM - 'OP • . 11%`1.. ATULNS TWP 1111 Ciao. Tax. 4 8m I - TWP 4 5 " 00 LELOt TWP. 4 ;s'oo LERAYSVILLE MONROE 110110 NENCALBINV 8080 4 5 00 lIIDGM;Wf TWI Tar)T TOWANDA DlllO WILtiOT TWP STYALUSINO TWP. F 00 44 -1 00 TROT 110110. er $4O 00 'ATILENB Bosco. Tables. Tax. 2 -$10(0 I= CA,4TON BOLD. ; 40 00 CANTON TILT. • •13 1123 00 ;TOwiarDk nom 13 23"00 13 2300 13 35 011 13 25 00 13 25'00 U ' • 2500 10RAND1 8080. Claw Tax. S . .23 00 in 1M CM L . l= . &L a a .L L . j There ore bowies widen aro regatta splendor, Andliegisevltklvare iqualld m d poor, And , ants unto ail eases the pleB9llo Of pieta width arlo Me Alike - sato atilt* shadow, • _ • Swift blottlarthe face et ner24.• thrift veiling the glow of the bmitiviegee, AM driving the gledmistriTT.- Ms the child who hiceogti polo the'eottsiM Or the ebild of the Mother biereft. Ins phrase tall the scorirfal Ofol7 . One taken ; the . otber:=but left. ' And the lay, world goes