Vfatifori (atm CILIAS. K. ALILN, LOCAL ILDITOZ. Towanda, Pa., Mardi ro,- E NTE RED IN VIE POSTOFFICE AT TOWANDA AS MAIL NATTER. OF TEE SECOND CLUBS. LOCAL AND GENERAL. The expiration 'of subscription is prir►t ed on the- colored' label. By noticing the date every subscriber can sou when his paper will be stopped unless the.sUbscrip .l-- lion is renewed. Tuts is the kind of weather in which pr• e3moni3 douiisnes. 1 t ONE week from to-day will rick's day in the morning." Ilurr up the rake and spade. Gaiden making will soon be in order. . • • EVERYBODY-IS longing fo the song of the_birds and the china of S ring. • • Savntat, of the young en -of this ` ; ti o uoty will "go west" this 8 ring. GEORGE BRADLEY has opened •a News Itoonvat IdonaAn's Store at Sayre. ;lows Ilsorts, formerly 4 • T., has opened a livery stable at Sayre. , :THE First National Bank of Canton be gun business on Tuesday of last week. A Idt:Tuat. Insurance Company is being organized at Laceyville, Wyoming Co. TnE - New York State Fair will be held at Elmira the second week of - "Se ptember next. • SIXTY perions united ''with the Metho dist Church at Owego, ohe week ago last - Sunday. - THE Township Auditors are riquired by law to meet on Monday, , the 14tht of March. " THE verdict of th© jury in the BURNii murder trial at Milford, Pike county, was, mot guilty. ATTENTION is directed to the new ad vertisement of the JORNsOIi Manufactur ing Company. THE mice are said to lie destroying young fruit trees, and oirmlSrmers should examine their orchards. J. W. NOliast, of Sugar Run, will :=Olivor a frees• leetilre at Vaughn Hill, 2 Saturday, March 12th. THE - newly elected constables for-the. county were sworn into office on Monday before Judge Itlonuow. - -- THE residences oflr. -- 11 - .—Donnt ant cO. Bm.nwin, in the Third ward,- have ,• "been connected by telephone. - I . . . Tr handl are at present' employed in the Athens fail, Factory, and the force is to be increatietl at an early day. Titts will be a• year of immense camp ineetings,i judging by the arraugments al ready making for such gatherings. =MICICEE Tit Ey ittorl - Com pauy, have decided to build.a railroad thrjugh the Couboctiti Valley to Buffalo. WE learn.. hat influential men of Wya - losing are coptemplating the organization of a MutitaiLifelusurance Company. 111===1 11F:SICV SAyEttco9b, a young . man who escaped froth our some time since, was recently arrested at Anbutn, N. Y. . 11 AI I K-S the Ilarrisbutg., Tele?traph : In ISfil Pennsylai4sent the first troops to Washington—in 18ti1 -she sends—the best • ~~-s---- -~+----= SEytats.t.43;ew• stores, we. undeistand, will be opened in this r•illage this spring, Isn't it Abetit.time that some one started _another newspaper here? • BIAllOr ANDREWS, of Washington, will preside at the W.comiug• Conference of the M. E. Church which will commence' at Waverly, N: Y., on the 6th proximo. Mit. LITTI.E,i an elderly man, was found dead in'his bed at East Waverly, on Wed nesday morning of last week. Neuralgia "_ of the heart 4as the supposed_ cause - of ; 'his death. Cnrucit of the Messiah (Universalist), WILLIAM TAYLOR,• Pastor. At 101 m.. subject, "Clinisr's sufferings a .Necessity for ts." At r. "How to Walk." IMEZ:11 Tut fourth anniversary services of the Ridgbury Baptist Church will be held on ''unday afternoon twit, 1..); V., at two o'clock. Set tnon by the pastor, P. S. EVERETT. All arc invited. - - 3 uDG E STA I. FOR D, Rev. C and J. A. ConotNn; the •comniissiouers . al , l ointed by the court to determine upon the Sayre independent school district, will meet for that purpose at Sayre March SPRING is boOked to put in an appear ance on the 21st instant. = . •••ilati, gentle Spring ;. Ettkrial nilldness,—;-coine.75 7 And the sooner the better. Tu E Clinton ßepublican, of Lock 'lla yen, entered upon its forty-third volume with its issue of laFt week. .It's an excel lent paper, neatly printed and ably edit ed. May it "live long and prosper," EMS " UNCLE Tom's Cabin " will be played by the GEORGE E. STEVENS Combination, in llercur Ball, Monday evening, March 14th. . This troupe are well spoken of by the press. Tickets for • sale at Mlty's. 31Aticrt has come in something like a lion, which will be accepted as a good sign by those who are very naturally' tir ing of-the severe Hinter, since according to the proverb it indicates that the mouth will expire in a laMb like manner. .JUST previous to the departure of Com pany 1, 12th Regiment, 'of Canton, for Washington,. on Wednesday of last week, the Men of the Company presented Joiu W. Dl:Alit and J. B. BUTLER, officers, each with a handsome sword. ONE of thelittle boys that perished in the fire at St. Patrick's Orphaq Asylum at Scranton last week, was a brother to NV.AI f Muscat., an employee a't the Ex change ; be also,has a sis ter living in Athens township. THOMAS • CARNEY, Esq., the original „proprietor .of the city, of Emerson, a iLthriving place of. 3000 inhabitants in Manitoba, and who is Mayor of the y and a member of the Canada Legislature, has lately paid a visit to his friends'bere _and at Monroe and tilster.- He emigrated from this county thirty yeah ago, and has-become quite wealthy.—Rerietr. • • W. A.WETMOILE, Administrator of the estate of :JEREMIAH panszsi deceased, late oflierrickville, will sell on the prem ises, Saturday, 31arch 19, 1881, at 10 A. yearlings, calves, one horse, wagons, mowing machine, farming tools, hay and grain,- etc. Nine months' credit given on sums over $3.. L Commit, executor of thelestate mm ai Cowes, deoused, Will sell on tape of the decedent in Tait:swore township, Wednesday, March at 10 s. in:, horses, cows, 'yearling% calves, Wag ons,. grains, taming tools, household fur niture, etc, Six months credit will be given on all sums over !MAL , - SAYS the Athens Gazette of Thursday . last : 44 FRED VANDRIDLAiK received a severe injury' while assisting in un loading care at the Bridge gWOrlcs, on Wednesdai. A heady bar of iron fell across' both legs, badly laeerating and bruising the flesh. It will - probably lay him rip fcir some time to come. This is the, second time that FRED has been- laid up this year." ' A POOR, Ockly soldier - 14Mo to know the postoffice. addres&of ELI D. Bums, who was a member Of C0.,-!!, 58th Reg., Pa. Vet. VOL Any peison knowing the whereabouts of Mr. EAGLE will, confer a favor on a companiorrin arms by address ing such information to Gomm I RnisF.., in care of HEIIIIY TITZEL, Esq., Water loo, Juniata County. Huntingdon Jour nal. • . _ "St. Pat SENATOR , DAVIES started for Philadel phia Sunday evening but from a dispatch received by/ his wife •. last evening it ap pears at he was intercepted by a tole -gram summoning him to the death-bed of his brother TEMIAB, at Delano:The brother was hi::: Washington with the Senator last week and it is supposed was injured in the accident which befel the train on which ex-preiiident HAYES was proceeding to his home in Ohio.--Review. spring approaches, it is absolutely essential for the Preservation of health to' have all places !around one's p:emises where dish-Water has been thrown, and garbage has accumulated during the. long winter months, thoroughly cleaned and disinfected,' for in them lies lurking the germs of many different fevers, diphthe ria, and other diseases. - Give : this matter careful attention as soon as the weather will permit. 4 THE season for snake stories seems to hare opened rather earlier than , usual ; this year, in our neighboring county of Tioga: -It was from the Mansfield Ataer- User, of last week; that we clipped the folloWing : • • " nn TuesthiY; r. Gco. Crook of this place killed four striped snakes _crawling_on the_ snow- (probably looking after bull flogs). TVey were froin eigh teen to twenty inchei in length, and were I found on the,farm of John/Bloom." MISS LILLIAN CPASE, whose wonderful powers as au impqrsonator and elocution. ist, gave'such pleasure .to our community when she was here a few months since, wi 1, at the request of a large.number of our people, give .another exhibition at Mercur Hall, on Tuesday evening, March lab. All those who want a rich treat intellectually shonl4, e prespit. Miss Cn:tsE will give akrecitation at Wyalusing, Friday,' 11th inst., and . at East Smithfield, lilizinday, the'l4th. I3tlFrust; a successful merchant of Friendsville, SuSquehannalcouuty,-: com mitted suicide in..the cellar of his - store one day last week by shootihg himself in the bead: There had been several indict ments found againSt him for selling liqu4r without limnse, and at the time of suicide these suits had cost lii.n• about . $l,OOO, with. two indictments yet untritd. It is supposed he became despondedt- in con sequence of this eitigation impelling 'him to commit the rash act. L 1 RE t ILLeSTEATED &CTENTIFIC N,EAs. —One of the handsoniest of publications is tbesl . llus4flted Srioili:fle,Yed,P, publish : ed by Dir.N.N Co:, New___Yoo.; Eery number containsthirty-twio pages, full of eugraqtgs of.uovelties in Science and the useful arts. Ornamental • wood-work; pottery, vases and objects'of TMxlern.and Ancient art are finely shoivn.. The March , number contains, among various other subjects illustrated, a full descriptiOn of the manufacture of paper hangings, tkitt, engravkngs ; hoW the 4,3- ;'cei,t,ive curve is produced in casting the , ball by the base-ball pitcher, his attitude, how he holds and handles the ball, all . fully illustrated. The :number before us also contains engravings of Captain Eade. .proposed ship railway across the Isthmus, and a nael hydraulic railway loeomOtive. In addition to all thitiit contains .many valuable recipeS for af i tiSans and house keepers. .': This publication.wiltbe found instil - lc-, Itiv`e and entertaining ~,4.p all classes, but will be eest appreciated by the most in ( telligent. .. Published by:-.ldt:s A: Co., 37 Park Row, :New York, at $1.50 'a year, 1 and sold by all news dealers.. ‘ EIIITORB OF IBT:Al)fOltD RETORTER : The Athens Citii ette states that "a candi- - date for a township office in Sheshequin was defeated - on the grounds that he was a juror in the Smithfield ~outrage case." I do not know how far the feeling here indicated extends, but as] this : case haS Vein made very notorious, and the facts as proven in Court have never been fairly published, I deem it Koper to say a' few words to the.ptibli, on the subject. Jurojs are selected from they body of the county," as We law quaintly express it, and repesent the average intelligence and bone Sty of the people. They are sol emnliswOrn, they have the ptlisoners be fore therri, they-listen to the evidence, oti serve the witnesses, hear argdments of 1 counsel. and have the law read rand ex -1 ylained t 4 them. Are they not more like -1 ly to arri'ye at a jbst conclusion_ than per ; sons with derive all their information ! from civrent reports '4 Considerate men ! will not\condernn jurors - Joe their sver ; diet in any case, unless they have had equal opportunities to hear thp evidence, and hate made themselves fainiliar with the law.' --if jurors,, who are selected from the mases of . our best citizens,- are not to do theit- duty unbiased by !outside in- . tluence, how is it poisible for Courts to administer justice ? The experiinee of centuries Itm_proven that - trial by \jury is the safeguard of our liberties, and the. system.is not likely to' be improved by trying jurors for their verdicts in town meetings.- . I suppose the juror in• question was censured for not finding Frank L. Pierce and Jamei blathers guilty of rape. If the evidence which vienl,io the jury in that case could be published in full it would so clearly justify the verdict of "not guil ty" that I would not• trouble myself or he public with this communication ; but the whole truth has not beeni published; and much that is false has spread on the wings of rumor far and wide. The. de tails of the case are unfit for publication, and, therefore; I can only sty in this pub lic manner that having given my most considerate attention to the evidence, without bias, for or against the prisoners, I came to the colichision that they wore not guilty of rapei , which •was the crime for which they were tried. If there are any persons Who express a different opin idn they should at least be' able to sax they heard 01 the evideaco as gitqt in. Court, and be stile to give :the statutory_ definition of the oritne is found in Puiii don's Digest, page 842. - I am sure that no just. -or reasonable pan will cat :Ithat r fowintow rumors and - hasty reports lithe Wiwspapers are more worthy:of belief witnesses 'wont and exaudned A" ilotiiii 4o o l gOnly that theil men were siltycifun Indecent - Mini an unmarried Women of bad . cluovicter, with her:full - ciumentlie - publkyindigOatlon 'et!cliaumneftflOolicluot is ;hulluttlj r ti; Oki eon' demn ik; burwitntut Wet Confound-, one 'crime with anolher. Ttieee - men weir tried for rape, and of that -they . wtui not guilty. -For the crime of which they were nallrgailty they were iiot, indicted. :The prisoners Were also indiCted With others fora riot Which! Occurred in the earli pa of the evening ; to that they phut milky, and they are now suffering in prison'the ordinary anif adequate puti ishment for that crime. • Somopersons, who do not reflect, or do not perceive the distinction's-Which-must prevail in the aduituiettution of justice, may think the penalty for crime of ric sot might have been enlarged' =to ' ' punish the crime committed some bniranftetthe -riot was_ over. This could not lawfullY be done. What would be thought if a judge, -whoon . a ?conviction Ibt assault rid a battery, - should impose a penalty for believed the defend- stealing, because he , ant was a thTe - 0 -- Itrthks case the defend ants-were convicted of riot and that alone. If the sentence had been enlarged_to pun. tab another crime, of which they were not conVicted,d - h - Oe left a stain upori_tlie Temple of liistice and a blot UpoOta records. diake these explanations to au intelli gent. because I believe a misappre hension existsin the 'public mind, caused by the fact that the whole truth , has not been published. • THOMAS J. INonam. PERSONAL. `4 =—TiMOTElli FELLON, of Canton, has re ceived $BOO pension arrearages.' —J. N. 'Fot.teE, has leased -the -Taber House ; at Canton, for another year. —LOUIS STEELS, of Philadelphia, is visiting at . Wei uncle's J. J. GRIFFITHS. ! —non. Jowl F, Crialumatstti, of Wyalusing, lying in a critical condition from tXphoid . pneumonia. Crtsurecal editor of the 'jtEPOIITEII, is eonfined to the bed. by amattack of bilious fever. - -WE regret to learn that Bev, DAVID CRAFT, of Wyaluifing, has been iudispos, ed for`the last few. days. —WELtax&roN WiIiTTARER has been ,appointed postmaster of. Woo; injplace 'of C. J. "EASTAIIROOK, 'resigned.- -JAMES R. MACFARLANE, Esq., has recently been-admitted to practice in the . .Court of Common Pleas-of Allegheny County, Pa. . . —Our borough was visited Monday by J. F. SHOEMAKER,. Esq., G. W. Fin, S. W. SLAUGHTER, J. B. FOY)) and 1. T. SAWYER, ail. of :Waverly. , ' L. HILLIS and ix -Sheriff J. Sstyrit were , returning 'from Wasbing ton O'n the train wrecked near Baltimore Saturday, . but fat tunatety etiOped uninjured. -Mrs. L. T. BovsE, of this borough, who has' been suffering excruciating pain from. an affection of the optic aerie for some weeks past, is now dangerously the disease recently, having assumed a more dangerous aspect. --Ex-Senator HAWLEY, of Montrose, late editor of the' Democrat, of that place,. who was recently relieved to an insane asylum, is skiwly failing, `and although :under personal care, but little hopes are entertained of his recovering. - -Attorneys froni this Bar in attend ance at the Supreme. Court- at Philadek. phia, are : D'A. OvEnTo - s, H. W. PAT RICE., HENRY STREE•I'EII,--11. A. MERCUR, L. M. HALL, D. C. DEWITT, IL N. Wit.- . moots, 1. McPnEusos and.DELos RoCE yea,. - —Miss ADAH Bx nor, ofi this city, at present in New York 'taking mile les sons of Professor:MAx Pr'Rom, has been admitted as a member.: of THEO - DORE Thom Choruii. When it isknownthat Professor ,TuoyAs condescends to give lessons only to those who are very far ad, vanced Music, the many friends of Miss Ilistior will be pleased to learn of her - suecess,;—Sierti la ton Jollr4al. - Miss BISHOP was formerly , a • resident of this ,place,-and is a niece of oar townsman, HENRY T. SXEVENS., Esq. Her 'many friends here will be Pleased to hear of her advancement. —Mr. HENRY DOANE, .who has been sick at the residence of his brother, litr. EnwAnn'Doxitn, in - this village since. lan nary 23d, died Thursday - evening,. aged 4.i years, The funeral services took pjace at the residence on Monday, - the Rev. Vr. lIAvnEN, of Canton, assisted by Bey,l_ii.- M. IttoutF,n, officiating. :The deceatied i was an excellent printer, and for a. 'ntirn- ber of years held the responsible position . of foreman on. the . Philadelphia S,ltriday Trnscript, which be relinquishea r limut five years ago on account of , poor' iealth, removing to s faint iu - East Smithfield, Bradford County, where he remained at - pout .e. year. Thinking be had.- regained i his health, lie then - accepted a tiositio.in3he 4:linira Advertiser office.' FrOm there he re turned to Philadelphia,•whete ho ientain ed until he came here, as stated above. We understand that a post modern exam , inaeon was held upon the body, to deter 'mine the Character of the' disease which i caused . his 'death, the -pbyeicials toeing somewhat baffled by the symptoms. z. The result, further - than-an extraordina , i , en largement of the liver,' has noebeen'made public. ' The inneral was attended -by' 'a large number of friends, principally from Covington. Messrs. Gnivas, of the Elk laud Journal and MillertOn Advocate were , - - alio- present. His wife survives him.— Mansfield Adiertieer, March 4'd. . LECTURE. The next lecture in the Institute Course, will be given by JAMES MACFAELANE, Ph. D., on Monday evening, March 114th, commencing at 7.30. Please remember it is Monday, instead of Tuesday evening,r the evening on whict -- iie others have been 'given. , All who 'know anything of -Mir. Mao. FAIILANE 7 B • scholarship,, especial y in Geology, in:which be has !few, if any equals in the State, anticipate a rich treat. Institute Chapel—Monday • evening—. 7.3 o—free.. • A - NARROW ESCAPE Sunday afternoon, as ;Mr. P. ROMAN was attempting to drive over the railroad orosiing at" Water street, in the face of an approaching train, one of the rulmers of the sleigh, in which several ladies .were seated, .caught in the tiack, and the weight thus.thrown upon the doubletree broke it, detaching the horses from the sleigh and leaving it to the mercy of, the fast approaching -train; Fortunately, however, a number of men were standing close by, and they qnickly ran to Mr. Ro_ wels's aid ; none too quickly, however, for the train dashed by within a few, feet of the disabled rig. It was i close call on a accitient;,eilaira ddrot(str, E)i~I): 'l:;ip4.); i : 'J ~=MUUttI. rrtAlhotmathor of Northam District rOariairkatir). ot% - -T.i:sialiittOistder 04* tAi•-lint: PsOriotHolm lbrOi; on Tneedny, Febrrowi'29, 1881 . . The W;:ir:T.: : :,winted .1. , . - obutilbec.k WC .1: inWtenf, who was • plensed to *Ppoirit tbe:following committee,: : Itenotutlienthent &, F. Wright,; M. E. 'Mott; 0. Chnbbnolt; Edgers 'Wh4 4 4 O I MMO Cbllbbtlek; Good of Oider=li. E. 01]OM, - G. 8. Horton, and Nettle Bmitlu Husio—E. W. Horton, Hettte Smith, and Mri. M. E Elliott. ...:-Phiasts L. Bradley, D.-IfOrtonsud li - rather ilniser., • ' ' Mjoinsed to meet at eCutic .41teinoon seesiOn - called to. order by W. C. T., 13: P. Warner: Minutes of last meeting read. and approyd. The balance of the session was devoted to'the 'presen tation of credentialsby delegate*, brief verbal reporti from delegates Sind District Deputies, Willeh . were highly satisfactory se regards the advanceinent and interest of the cider in this district,drsete . salon of resolutions, etc. The committee on resolutions made the - • following report : Wusuwas, The drinking •of alcoholic beverages is fraught with the direct re sPltti to the human family, being bulb the direct and indirect cans, or all shades.aud degrees of crime, pauperism, imbecility and premature death ; and • • Wniunraih The legalizing the traffics in the above named beverages is the most dangerous legislation that over disgraced our statute-books, endangering thereby the very life of onr nation ; therefore, Resolved, First, that we do hereby ex preiis ouraincere-and heartfelt thanks to the good and-wise people of tbe States of 'Maine and Kansas fortheir safe and glo rious example given to the family of States by so annuling their Constitution, - and changing their lairs as to, prohibit forever by law, the traffic in their midst of the rum demon as a beverage ; and Resolved, Second, that we give our nu. qualified approbation to the efforts now being made to secure an amendment to the constitution' of - our Commonwealth by . adding s XlXth article thereto which allail forever prohibit the manufacture or sale of intoxicants as a bevenige within ourliounds, and that we will give to the effort our uncompromising suppert in ev ery honorable way for Its speedy accom plishment. Resolved, That we regard_ the call of our central temperance committee for a, State Temperance Convention at Harris burg, March Ist and' 2nd, proximo, as timely and Well.located, and that we will here elect a delegate to attend said con , vehtion. • Resolved, That we earnestly urge upon the Legislature of our State now in ses sion, the importance of the immediate pas sage of the proposed tempe,rancelitw. • Repiced; That a person is answerable who makes cidqr and sells it as a bever age to be dealt out to the drunkard, and his crime is no less than the ruts-seller. Res°lra:, That•the executive committee of this convention continue to .publish in a County paper the names of__ all persons signing petitions for license to sell intoxi cating drink. Pesolveti, That the manufacture and sale of intoxicants as a beverage are un pardonable if persisted in, -for their effect is murder, and should receiveliimishmeut due its crime. Resolved, That the use of tobaeeo is ;second only to the use of rum in its, an- 1 noyance to ladies. We propose a vigor ous tight against it when rum is down. Resolved, That we hail with gladness the great conflict that is ' raging between temperance and hiternieranee from the centre to the circumference of our Repub lic, and we feel sanguine with reference to the final issue, and the wrath and surge of the rum power we consider as no unfa vorable omen to our cause. Resolved,' That we tender the good peo ple of Hornbrook our thanks for their generous hospitality extended to the members of this convention ; also, for their aid in making its session interesting and profitable. The Committee on Good of the Order presented the following Programme for the evening entertainment : -Music by the`choir ;- prayer by 0. L. Larcurn ; recitation, Nettie Smith ; re marks; W. Landon ; declametioir, C. A. Wright ; apeech, Rev. S. F. Wright ; song, Jennie Manley ; declamation, T. B. Mitten ; speech, Jerome Gillett ; deelama- - tion, J. S. Bradley ; - ,musie by the their ; recitatign, Sister Dicker* ; declamation, Fred Holcomb ; 'benediction by . 5._ F. Wright. Adjourned to meet at the_ M. E. Church at 7 o'clock P. M. The evening session was carried out as per programme, and was nominally inter esting and well attended. Wednesday morning session called. to order in the degree of Fidelity by "Degree Templar S. P. Werner, who exemplified_ the unwritten work' of the order, after which opened in'subOrdinate degree, de voting the time to discussing the resolu tions, balloting for the next place of meet_ ing, and the usual love-feast. Adjourned at '12:34 p. 31., lo meet at Milan, May 31, at 11 o'clock A: M. Pt MCNERNEY, Jr., Secretary. KATE Loons, Assist. Sec'y., pro tern. Ulster,, February 21, 1881. MUSICAL CQNVENTION A Musical Convention was held at the universalist Church, in Sheshegnin. com mencing on. Wednesday, the 2d instant, and closing on Friday evening with a oda cert under the direction of Professor C. J. BROWN. .PrOfeStiOr Bnown being a resident here; has given instruction to a class gratuitously during the winter. The class was composed largely of new begin ners, and it was astonishing to see the proficiency many'of them had,made. The concert was a fine treat to - lovers of music; y calling on 'our - neighboring towns for their musical talent, and com bining the whole it formed a chores that filled the very recesses of the old Church with barmony—among so'many it is diffi cult to specify and particularize. Mrs. LUNGER, of Litchfield, ably pre sided at the organ, and also aided in sing ing. Her rendering "Ne Mall Meet ; the Little Ones There," was very fine. Mr. TITUS and wife, of l Herrick, are ioo well knowi to the people of Eastern Bradford to require any praise from me, as it is well known they are a hostef theinsel‘es. Mr. POTTER, of Athena; added materially with his tine bus voice, and when he sang "No Married Life for MP. -No ! No'." you would think he was in death earnest. Mr. D. S. Rifsseta. and wife,. Mr. CHUM and wife, Mrs. RULDAIIPAMPSIE44 Miss ' ROSE PARK, Mr. LUNGER, Mr; RIVEN BURG and wife, from Litchfield, and . Mr. WAYNE Towage from, Rome, were line aids in the different parts assigned them. MAvire and JENNIE KEEFE, frOM Rome, aged eight and ten years, are prodigies. Each ' canying their part, sang the " Drunkard's Child," Mid " Little Bir ney," broright down the house. The so os of Miss Ina Pisa were rendered in her very best styls which of course was inimitable. - ,CHARLES SHAW'S "Polly Perkins," elicited much applause. 'no nA TOWN - Itlei "Dying to get Married," elicited a good deal of laughter. The whistling -duet by masters GEORGE and CHARLEY Pisa was very fine. "Don't Bury Me Deep, Papa," by Misses IYA Mears add Max WATKINS was . very af f'ecting-;-ii fact all did well, and we can 'not particularize, but it will long be re= membered as one of the events of the place.. Tne hospitality'of the citizens is Pro veFbial, and they did not fail to bang the Mob string out on this occasioii. , * - 4.00: - .0ijrniiiitfOce', - I,7 I, ,RRTProni• ttaoxrsspo our SisiSitto Abeto l 4 l ,o - M5 1 4 1.1 40 16 ns work thrOighlitit_oir _eouununity;, Almnlapc.Olt*Persstuk•* l itrist 11 !eui * 11 7*0 1 444. 100 1. IrßOW;FlSbni ii ij iteatb•_:22 - 107010 14* N. BidatitUd, who died B l ebrutrythOged about 139__years, mxtJames, *ants, who was in the employ of Burton Brothers; at Wyalusing, who dieorebmig 25th, be : 7 ingaiek only about four ,days.. Ile was buried * the Terrytotro Cemetery on Mondsstifebnisry 28t13,- under the 'inapt. oes of the 1. 0, of 0. F., whereof he was a member, aged about 25:yeara. Coughs and wide, with sore eyes, seems to be a general ecloplahit at rant. W.,2,Jibnftio4:lllm_wa_s_Atlt_ for some thne, . is new up and around 'again _about his baldness; - J. A. Fox Is oarraleseingslowly. Wells Brothers have purchase:Ai them a flue horse again Itiplaxi of the one they E. 11. Capwell is agent for Machin Brothers, Towanda% for tombstones. . G. B. McCabe, from Towanda, ban heed in our community giving bin friends a _a call, and_taken up a goodly nmuber of orders for..tombstones. . • Election - went off very quietly, and re sulted in electing the• entire , pcpublican ticket, with the exception of one' benio- Mrs. Orwell Krone, has been Very, ill, but - we arexiad fo leirn that she is fast recovering, to the joy of her many friends. kin E. E. Fuller and Mies Maggie Sul livan are to-day closing their schookkafter a mccessful term of three months. Miss Agnew Layman will close her school at Spring Lake, after a term of four mouths. Soon the Directors of our county will have to choose again. who is to preside over our common schools for the next three years. It will be wise for them to re-nominate G.V. Ryan, Who has' dis charged his duties faithfully. if he—will accept. • WiMain Fox has his neat new dwelling house Pearly finished, and will, be one of the neatest of its size in the township. Josiah Haggerty conteniplates building a dwelling.bouse in the sOring. William, Schultz has now opened his new store at New Era, and offers extra bargains. Give hind a call. Mr. Garrison, the principal of the Ter rytown Graded School; progressing finely, and the pulpils are making rapid advancement. Mr. G.' is a very. tine young mau and deserves, praise. We learn froth good authority that A. G. Walsh-: will be a candidate for the County SUPetintendency of Sullivan Co., 'in May neit. George Butt and wife, from Wilmot, visited their friends in this vicinity oil Saturday And Sunday last. • The question in regaritto having a law etiacted to prOhihit cattle from running at large, is discussed quite lively by' many. It would be fur better to have such 'as law compelling everyone take care of his o7rn cattle, and notlo bother, the commuting at large.. HONl'ilOrr 9,13111 ALT PENBE. March 4, 1881. 1:=11 , GHENT Mn. Emote :—We would. inform 'the numerous readers' f your most excellent paper that the-people of Ghent are still alive in the Sunday School work. M though the wieter has I eon severe, the work goes on increasing in nurnber, and interest. On the 25th and 26th of Febru ary, a Sunday School Institute . was held in the M. F. Church, which will be a time long remembered by all who attended: It was truly a very profitable as well as pleasant time.. . It opened on the evening of the 25th with a full"-house, and Was largely attended all through, many of the surrounding schools were well *resent ed and participated in the discussion. * Bev. 13: L.' . Williams from Danby, was conductor, and gave us as'a lesson title. the true definition of the 'Sunday School, as decided at Chautauqua, and we here give it : " .The `Sunday School is that de partment of the Church of Christ, which the Word of Christ is taught for the purpose of bringing souls to, Christ, and building up souls in Christ." We Would say for the benefit of other places contemplating holding institutes, would do well in securing Brother Williams as instructor, as he is just the man for that positil, and will make them a success wheraer he goes. On the last - evening, "he gave us a bird's-eye view of Chautan qua, which was very interesting. We would not forget to compliment the com mittee' on programme for their good judg ment in the selection of •questions, and also the friends from Borne, and Major Gore !. of Sheshequin, for their hearty co operation in the work. WO would be pleased to- give a more full detail of the.proceedings, but fearing of Wearying your patiende we refrain from dtiing so, but suffice to say all did nobly ind are worthy of commendation. On the last evening, before closing, a fewiresolutions were offered and adopted: Atullne, them was one, that we as s Church and Sunday School, elect a dele gate to repreient us at the State Temper ance COnvention, 'at Ilairisburg. Rev: S. P. Wright was duly • eleetpd and equipped with the necessary credentials. By the way, we would say right 1404 that our town has made a mark irr the right direction. The peaple of temper arim held a caucus, and made their nomi nations and elected two of their candi dates, and might . have elided more if they had put forth tie effort- that was .mader by • the other party. The Tem perance patty will surely win, and' that very tom, if the . Republibans do not - en dorse a Temperance plank in their plat) forms, and a pretty strong one too. Yours Truly,' COWLIE4PONDENT. March 1, 1881. CAMPTOWI.W EDITOR REPORTER—Des' Str ‘ :, I would like to mention through your :colUmns, of the things that are worthy of note' from this place as follows : Camptown is alive yet. There has been a grand rush here for a few days past for houses to live in—everybody seems to want to got here to live. There has been several" applications for house; that have failed on getting them ; they are all en gaged. Ido not know what the rush is for, unless it is to be in bearing distance of the steam whistle of tbit.,Camptown Woolen Mills which are fast approaching completion4nd the rattle - Of 'the many looms that are going "to be in l operation there. Everything is being done in first ;class atyfe, and they calculate to do a !first-class business when they start up. 'The &dory is all warmed with . y,team iktim garret - to basiment.. The new elitirch is progressing , as fast as'the weather will admit. Nearly every thing is . ready. AS soon as the ground is thawed out the sod will 'be broke for it. .\ - Everything is quietly moving on, only the sleighing has left us, and it is very bad getting around* < _ Our schools have been very - successful Ibis wiutor t ow) cicepticu ; thoy had not mueltgovelininintt over thencholars—' so say other child:oN wins are not large enough to go to schooryet—.lont they IWO hnprovftig va*fivt. , Good teachers, - nikif / think gecid Pll4loolllot. everything. I tincleratand there has been DO 004001 in UM DeiehtOrl/004,belatt trnit has been many all tbliwinter. If that Is the case I will censure eq ., ' _dliebtiihrfrii notiooking itter"thn wants' of the chil dteu bettor thin thai. it should be the : duty of directoni to hire the bat•or teach ers, and see that all of the schools' era taken up, and the very best, thing done, that they can do for the education of the young. Willem quite italic among our town u :vs about going to .the poor-house this spring. Some say they never will go' there, !sidle others say they will go them me for this reason : ‘1 I ain live in the nicest house ofan'y mon - in the , county, and can be cared for and wzitecron in No. I style. lam for thO house." •We have several in • our town that are aa able to work as any man, if they' would only. think so. • • There le quite in excitement here in re gard to what C. S. Laffertris going to do with all his wagons. For several days he bas had teama going to the depot after all kinds of wagons, there being about sixty in all.: Nearly half the barns in the place are now tilled with them. As yet I' have not heard a word what he is going to do with them, but the'first thing was beard that•he had gal 'twenty.ilve wagons and. abut thirty or thirty-tive more at the de pot. I suppose•he Can tell what' will be done with .the most of them before the summer is'gone. - Thom' is nothing wonderfully _strong hero at. present, only L. B. Camp, Esq., fell two weeks ago to-day, and broke his knee-pan through the middle cross-ways, and has been in a very painful condition ever since. , - All thi4 time, good-bye. • • ' CAIIEFLIL; OBSERVER Atoll 7,1881, ULSTER. . Still the thermometnr. registers the weather : close to zero, and warns over- coats are not an ineOnvrience. When is Vennor going - to give us 'a change d hi the programme? As we have no doubt ,but what he. will answer this question person. ally, we will waxiously await the result. Rev. J. C.. 8. Moyer and wife are visit ing her, relatives and friends at Overton. Rev. C. E. Ferguson (x;eupies -the pulpit during his absence.: - " Mrs. Elizabeth Gray died at the resi dence son, Wm. Gray, last Thurs- day. The funeral occurred Saturday. Mrs. Gray wrs a sister of Alex.. Murdoch, of this village, and wird of William Gray, Sr., who still survives her. Although the frosts, of many winters had• passed over herp yet she was exceedingly active until this , recent illness 'fastened itself up-A her, and a loving mother, wife and sister, was removed from our midst unto a vast eternity The Rockwell Brothers have sold their obacco ai private sale ti, a New York firm, and we understand , realid as gaud a pride as , any has been sold fur as yet. Several other parties have also sold their crops of tobacco during the past vieek. • The settlement of the town accounts show the township of Ul;ter entirely out of debt, and money enough in the treas. ury.tO . pay all expenses for the corning year , withouthaving to levy any tax for town pUrposels except road tax, this year. How many towns Imthe county can make as good a show us this ? We would like to Gear from them.. • James McCarty his - a - lier — fsiek horse, and will probably lose it,, as the' chances now are ten to one against it. U. B. Bartholomew .has bought-thee honse and lot formerly owned - by Almon Brown, and has rented it, we• believe, to_ Mrs: E. 8.. Moore. . • J. U. .liferserean and wife,., 'or Sayre, Were in town on Sunday. W,e were pleas,: ed to,,see-thein again on our streets. • Marrie&—At the bride's home, in:this plaice, on Satdrday, March 5, l 88 1? -by George Iliiney; Esq., father of the Mr. Edward Streeter, of Sullivan, Tioga County, Pa., to Miss. Lillie Birticy, of Ulster. The nieasles, are raging extensivelyhere at present, several now - being' ill with them. The leading question, seems to be " Piave you got the measles yet 1,. A constable from Waverly, N. Y., here Saturday, - autl took back with him a young-man 'who was charged with steal ing a watch chain. '„We are in hopes it is a mistake, for we had no idea any ,such lived here, but had it been the opposite we might not have wondered. • March 8, 1881. - • SMITHFIELD EUCTUR BRADVOILD REPORTER :-Smith field-has once more settled back into: its usually quiet mood.- Since _tlie . ..disposi-. tionof the famous suit, nothig of more than usual interest hits occurred._ . The Graded Szhool closed Friday; Feb ruary :'6th. The school entertainment on Monday night was a decided success. Notwithstanding ..the. inclemency of : the weather, the house was well - tilled. with a very appreciative audience. All who took part did themselves credit.. Special men tion should be made of the 'recitation by Miss Anna };peril and Miss Lou Carri tilers. The fan brigade was ,really flue,. and' was encored. The :charades were well acted. At the close of the ciereb%Mr. Craw for? made a few-appropriate remarks to. the members of the school board ; patrons and scholars of the school. He thinks that -lift labors' with .us have cloa• a, as luvalitandis to leave a short time for Red Bluft; California, , where be. ei pects to purchase an interest in a school property. While we regret that Mr. Crawford is to leave . us, we wish him abundant success in his new field of laboi:, Mr.- Dubert, who has so sUccesifully . conducted the primary department of our. school, started..for Hiram College, Ohio;, - 1 - . last Thursday. Miss Fraakie 'Rowe companied her. They have the best wish; es of their many friends. Mr. Ilarrison•Allen,nf - Waverly, N. Y.,- has purchased Phillips Brothers interest, in the firm known as Phillips &others & Newman. The new !fame will be New man.& Allen. - THO present pnispects for maple sugar makers is not very flattering at present. March '5, 1881. X. LEROY ITEMS A few days since one of Charles Cooti's little boys fell backward into a kettle of hot brine, scalding him so be is in a critical condition. • A. little son. of ,John Jinkins fell into the Towanda Creek,. a few days Billed, and would have drowned but, for the timely assistance of. John Rockwell. 11. W. 31cCriney has hold his farm, 'near the. Leßoy Cemetery, to a Mrs. Kel log, Mr sltioo, • - • Lewis Andrea has ,bought a farm in ElkUnd, Tioga county, and will soon oc cupy it. Surprise parties have assumed the form of au epidemic. Few families have been so lucky as to escape. Jay. Holcomb has the job of building a nes, school house in the Bunyan District, where one was- destroyed by lire a few weeks since. ; t • Our carpenters, Bush_ and • Williams, ' are making two velocipedes, so as to ride to and from their work. Port Dewey killed a wildcat on the 'rnountain, but lost the supposed panther. • 0. D. Suitt:. Loßoy, 31410 8,1881. thcay. arkrbiki.l7UoPre-411111t teCell ed—quicatter ear kod of XX Star corneae. 2•-••• sopa, , • :X. X. Wirti•tif..-'- _or COltatis hail the tteo7 4 o B l. Shoes for Mit, Irisitiba 4 :wear ever - offered la Tmraalla, and at Prices within the remit of all. 18-CELEILY ST,novD, near Tairalas CAW', ,has for sale 3,000 bunches One Celery: feb104411,« arena - larkost, Best and Cbeipent . tlue of Shoes for Ladles'. Misses , and Children,' wear Is ionn4 at Consait's new store, corner Kiln W 54 Phniats., Tracy &Noble% Sleek. oar WANTED - ! - -I iv. ill pay goad . Priced ticash for any number of cotta sired by the Nor. man hors) "Gambetta," AA Milan, Pa. lam nut' particular In regard to age, color, or sex. Job tuin. Athens; Pa. March 3,1831, 3in• or R movAL.-4. S. ALLYN has re moved his Undertaking lestabllshinent from Bridge etreet•to rooms on Stain street, over Tun.' mut i Gosport's Drug Store, and Wooproun k VAN 1101.0 Vii BOA • di Shoe Store. A Tall tine -rot Undertakers Goods from the cheapest to the best. jan27,•81. S. ALF:rtr, Agent. . L. B. Ilcoliesus - cleallenges eon*. Moo for qualm of goods sod low Mess osqadt, Doors,Blltids and 1101411 `s, sad a/ building wit. ItarGi.o. L. Ross sells -Groceries. intlial CHEAP because hisnspeu . ses are very Ilgtd, and hole bound his customers shall have the benefit. tir BURR,. to Geo. L. ROES'S Now Grocery Store In The liontanye Block, and get your Groceries at rock bottom.. dal). W. YOtritUN - RISK-limn you buy your Groceries at G. ROSS'S new store In Montanye Block. Ills PRICES are WAY. DOWN to rock bottom. lila Wore In KELLUM BLOCK, 181' WARD heat' the world by Low Prima and good Quails ar It 'is impossible fora woman after faithful course of treatment with Lrnia E. PtNuttAm's" VEGETABLE COMPOUND to continue to suffer with a weakness of the uterus. Enclose s stamp to Mrs. LYDIA t. PiNICLI AM, '2,33 Western Avenue, Lynn., .Mass., for pamphlets. Sitid by Dr. H. C: POUTER, Druggist, Towanda, Pa. - Julyhyr.l. gir The 99-CENT STORE is Head gunners for everything In the line Of LAM I's ant LAMP GOOMS. ' . Sept. I TETE-A-TETE SETTS, WINE , SETTS, LIQUOR SETTS—at '!•Cent Sto . M.. SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES Ili anti attachment 6 at the 9)-Ceut Store I The action of Carter's Little I.iier - - Pills Is pleasant. mild and natural. They' gently stimulate the liver, and regulatJ the barrels. but do not purge. They arc sure to pleuse.. febl7. t live' many persona have neglected to seek relief from an ordinary cough, or cold, and have re [wed Vo seek a remedy until consumption has performpl Its fearful inis,lon I If you have the slightest cough. no better remedy Is found than Tuck's Balsam of Honey. fehl7. Eir MARCH .The sudden changes and high winds which prevail in March makes a bottle of Downs' Elixir always necesbary to have at haud. It is a sure cure for sudden colds and - all tang dileasea. rte" Baxter's Mandrake Bitters .w cute atl billipas diseases. fteld 'everywhere at eta. per bottle. rry it. t The best remedy for strains am galls on homes 14 Henry & Johnson's Arnica an. Oil Liniment. Good for man and licagt. tar "Tour Simmons' Liver Regulato has I;ern In-Ose In my family, for sf/111e...time. and am persuailekit Is a valuable - addition. to the med Ica' science. • • .a"ooy. JNO. 611.1. lIHORTER, of 'Atalanta. 11. It has proved a good and effective medicine. . ••C. A. NUTTING." ; :tVir Haviu -sold= - rny =retail Turn' Wire' and Undertaking bushiest., known as the Bridge Street Furpituie StorS la B. B. Pierce I would re• spectfully recommend those in need of g - oods to his line to call op him at the old stand. I Alpo wish to Inform those Indebted to me that t will be necessary to settle the-accounts "satin: Febrnart 3d. 1881•3 m.. N. P. /-11t:a.4.;, I ‘'Now Ido mast uubesitatingly aver, cis on old prize/filmier, that Wantons:Sart; Kidney and Liver Cure Is among the most-ialtta tde Ittsemrerles of the Mt century.. I cannot say too touch In Its behalf. Plttshlrg. Pa, 6th Apt., :itgued) J. 11. CONNELL. M. L. rer ..! The doctors said I winibl never leave mi, bed. That was' three months ago and uow I weigh DO pounds. _I cannot Write halt 9f what I want to say. lint WirneetSafe Kidney and . Liver Care did It all. , • feht7. . H.' O. !!OURS, Itahwayil.4. J. - MARRIED. MI IMALTiat —CH AFFEE.—At the Presbyterian Pars.onage„ Monroetim. 2d Inst.. by Rev. flailed( Armstrong, Mr. Moses Middaugh and Miss Ethleen Chaffee, botki 'of Sheshequiti. GNAT 1u Ulster, Pa., 3.t inh., at the I esttienee - of her son, Wm. Gray; Elizabeth Gray, aged htt years. ; • I , IIIII3ISIOND.—In Monrueton, Mardi 7, at the resldenee or her daughter. Mrs. F. Sweet, Mrs Dartlel lltummuud, aged 64 years. SWAIN.—At her home In Towanda. 9th inst., Mrs. Alice A:Swain, wife of .1. Swain and • daughter of Hiram and .Emily McOW, aged 30 y.ears. TOWANDA MARKETS. REPORTED BY STEVENS & LONG, . Generaldealers in Groceries and Produce, corner CM Main and Pine Streeia WEIiNEBDAY EVENING, SiA,HCH. risSt Flour per bbl - . Flour per sack - Corn Meal per 100... _ Chop Feed, ' Wheat, per - bush,... fl . OO 6•71 105 Corn • Ai, 42, Rye... Oats.. Buckwheat is (at • Buckwheat F10ur.... fl au 411 Clover sera Timothy.Westeen,.. -,. 00 Beans, *nibs, 1' Go Pork, mess (3) bbl. 1119 00 121 to Lard Butter, tubs 'Wats Eggs, fresh Cheese Potatoes, per bush, Beeswax 20 CORIIICCTXD AT OEO. A. DAYTON lIMITI Veal skins Deacon Skins Sheep Pelts CORRECTED: BY H. DAVIPOW & DUO Hides Veattikins .flesedu :skins S beep - Pett5....... JOHNSON, ~. - . MAN U FACT CIIIIFG COMPANY.- - • :-.:-_.----- - .'-•:- . 31A.NUFACTOZElls OF STEAM ENGINES, Portable & Stationary Circular Mills. SHINGLE MACHINES, CORN SHELLER% Field Rollers and Plow, Points, GRIST & SAW MILL MACH I NERY twf all kluils, or nvallfor the same I:10 s fi DO AV cl :4 isicl Or repairing of old- Boilers, putting in new Heads or Flues, a specialty. af We ha% facilities for Mriiing Fit:ST.CI4.4BIS 14011.ER8 oia short tire. . • Portable: and Stationary Engines Of any Mee made to order. Also. Dress and Iron Castings. We use the best Item aid our work • Is done by skilled mechanics. •We guaran - ' tee all our work. Quotations given on Linton or Richardson Saws, Rub ber br Leather Belting. Foundry and Shops on Pine-st.,'lmek (f Petrie 1 4 bny's, Towanda. MOTICO:- GEO.. A. DAYTON 4.1 has *MOAT swoetatod witb himself M. W. lliiglit,sod.wider tba Ana maw of Dayton & Angle irtlt contltnie the boslosooot dealing to wool, Mew, loolt!vits,,,lpthe old Mod. - GEO. A.' DATToN, • - W. ANGLE. Towitodw, Pa., March 1,1181-wV. ' , • DIED. EC= 123111E1 15 50 IA 5° er. t: I 40 7' , Oil ne in 4 . 1.; On 14 —1154) -1 44 10 , @1) :ttl 2.2 , 15 ® At 18 ‘ 1);Ii so tID tt an 400 111 - 50@ i. 50 06 (a (17'; • 75 (a in '-'5 , A} fin 751/‘ l 50 Iptiairedifelusb. BEVERLY SMITE BOOKBIYPRitIi, . . And dealers In Fret flaws and Amateur. , Soppl:es. Mend for price-11am IMF°Win - Building. Box 1 .412 , Towanda„Pa. - ' Mardi I, MI. - Cizalar 01210: • for ibis asyll* of PaIiIIiFLPHIA SINGEL Espial wan, &Lam In ilso tiff = Reme: r b d e l eve onn o d i, ,` 1 74 a "Peri APr U. • Thill le the r u m* ,f3lllC i lrr n tripudeo Mail for SW. bl orarougo4 for !hi** -• years. teed for our iiloatem.d ca. - 44 4 1, 6114 Tr04 1 001615h LILIIIRLEN; A. WOOD L co., . - 171. Tank 114 fa B urchin Brothers> ARBLE WORKS! )lanufacturersM MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS -.\!IL TOMBSTONES Main Street, Towanda; Pa. (One door south 'of 'the ltettry,lioitre.7 Being practical Marble Worlers oureelveS, wen affotd. Vise!l cheapSithatt those who employ their - labor. All work wstrrituted and 11.0 defective marble recd. IiEORGE-L. ROSS Is the Prsprletor of the NEW GROCERY. STORE - JusT.STARTED IN, THE MON - TANYE BLOCK.: '• • Thi; store being On the, curlier near the Public square, Is one of the finest tiro :cries lictown, and .Mr. Ross has spared no pains tiu selecting the best goods that the great citles•allord; ifis experlen - ce In the grocery Wellness enables him to - purchase twipsrlass'goolls, and at bottom prices. Farmers stn everybody can depend on It that when they' get the price.. of G recedes at Ross's It is of no use to, try elsewhere. - fur its prices are down to reek t otu, • Mu. EMMETT SPENCER hag charge of Mr. Ross's Firs Ward Store In Kelldbi Block. while Jessie itchootiover 14 clerk In the new store in Mon. tanye Block. -Mr. Itori keeps a horse and'delivery wagon standing •at the stern to charge di' Charlet Washburn, who r. - 111 deliver In the Borough, free of charge.-all goods as soon as sold. • Alt kinds ut desirable produee takeu inexchange for Groceries or for Cash• GEORGE 1.. ItOS*. • Towanda, Pa., January 27, list. NMNAT FIRM ! SWA RTS G()RDON Hare tilled Ibe iijd store COHN EIZ OFNI? 'Mini; rsTirp:ET.:, (lately ocenj.led by 4(Weil Llt(e..) an entire SMOCK OF FINE FANLILY ° Groceries & Provisions. 'We invite attention to Our COMPLETE ASSORTMENT - AND CHOICE STOCK NEW COODS vir The highest market-prices paid to Farmers in Cash for desirable-produce.' assortuirut —Wood- and. Willow - Ware kept coloitantly; • bawl. Buyer,. are to - kited to call ankes.anilue oar Goods and PrlceN: p. - SW ARTS, • A. S. GORDON.. • Towanda. Pa.. Jatinary 2plv, 1881. NOW READY For the SPRING. TRADE ! C. P. WEIJI7FB' CROCKERY -C ENT STORE, Antleiteitipg the demand for INew lot the early Spring trade, we are offering in addition to a full and well-selected stock Of Crockery. Glass. Ware and Goose Furnishing Goods, i few speciali ties to which we ask. yotii attention, among them the newest patterns of Glassware, called the ' Japaneie Pattern, In a full line for Table use. 'SHERWOOD'S FIRE -PROOF STEW. PANS, The. line.% ankle ever offered to tile trade fur cook ing pitriee.e4. , , . , 1 . . . Safety oil Cans. NEW STYLE BRACKET- LAMPS. PIEW STYLE HANCINC JOB.LOTS IN GLASSWARE. And many MLA articles useful and ornamenta . _ C. l',. WELLES: Towanda, Pa., danuary;ith, 1881. GET YOUR jOBTRINTING. -D4INS AT-111k REP_SIRTER'" I OFFICE SUBSCRIIIE:FO THE BRADFORD' REEORTIAR ONE DOLLAR PER I'EAR 1N....4p V. 4 Na ORPHANS' COURT SALE.- By : shine of awarder lowed oat of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, the undersigned, 5. 1 - 11.11nlitgattrr of "thelatate of Isaac r, Bullock, late • of Spring fi eld towNship, In said county, deceased. sell! exports to public sale upon the pry:flees at , Big Prod, In said township, on 11113111 DAY. -MARCH Irrif, 111111, at 10 o'clock. A. It, the undi vided one-ball Interest et Ilve-riatbs of the follow ing described real estate' tsatijedt to certain rights of !Scott Bullock, a brother of sal.ideeedsmo, situ ate In said township of epringiletd,bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the lot hereinafter described at a'poisti in the smith Hoe of lands of A. J. Diekerson thence east 'long the lands of said Dickerson MO . perches to a corner In the highway kadins - from boil City westerly thence south along said high way te3 perches than an said highway; theist,. southeast "along said harai 84 4-10 perches : thence east Moog the lab of B. B. Giewsun 43 6.11; perches to a corner : .thenee south along the latl.ll of said Gleason 221, perches to an angle lasses southeasterly along lands of Told Gleason rrp, perches to a corner ; thence wrath along lands of the estate; of E. Watson, deceased, 2734 perches to au angle thence. westerly along lands of O. G. Duntnir perches to an Bugle; thetteesontb along lands 61. G. P. Voorhis 64 1.10 perches' to a : thence easterly along lands of said Vombla 11 6.t0 perches to a corner; thence southerly slang lands of Hiram Potter 120 1-10 perches to scorner: them , . a westerly course along -lands of 1t:.8. Harley 4* 4-10 perches to a corner; thence a northeasterly dire-Hon along 'indoor Donuts Mal ey 29 perches to an angle : .thence s oorihwed_dlmtion adobe land, of W. J. Wigsten A. perchee thAirs..gte thence easterly along lands of said Whrsien 97 1-to perches to an angle; thence west along the highway running from MIS City to the 'Euchre' school house 79S perches In thence north alonz lands of the estate of A. Clark, deceased. loi bto perches to a COI ner: thence westerly along Imolai of u. Clark's estate 107 perches to a corner them% north along land of said f'lack's estate 111 8-.10 perches to the place of beginning. Supposed to contain 227 acres of land. after deducting- their from about 16 acres heretofore sold and conveyed and now held by or in pomeetiou of ration* jostle and front the 227 acrea there is also to be deducted two pieces-or land sold and conveyed by the dece dent and C. E. Bullock to Mrs: Edith C. Bono. if. containing about 63 acres.. leaving to be sold the, derellont's Interest In abobt 161 acres of laud. mote or less, and subject to ail the tights of A. it. Bul lock to ally rialto lie may have to any putt thereof : about on acres imptoved.. clEh i framed home, 7. framed bat us with - shids attached. I framed Lome barn, 1 raw-mill. 1 rimy ping-mill for feed. I. ri'l.'r mill al"d an orchard of limit tr.es thereon. TERMS".OF SA E—fin6halt on the, impel ly being struck-town. and the tralance.cn court mat ee. or sale, with. approved bond tiled du the stdn...er 0.r.r0( I). JAME,. H. WEKE.'--- Feb. It. 1861. Adudidstratur. ORPHANS' COURT SAIE. By virtue of an order issued ont of - the orphsns• - Court of Brad ford County, Pennsylvania. fhe -undersigned. Administrator of tt e estate of Mal A. Itelitharb, late of Ilenlek- ton - 11,10N deeessed. will sell at . puislic salt, - on the- pretob.c., of the late decedent. on TUESDAY, APRIL hell. ISBI. At :: o'clock. P. IL, the followinuleactilsed teal estate ' sir: One lot. ,eltuate lu the, tow nrhip of Herrick, Isimtitictl as follows:- on the north by laud new in the possesslotiof James ii"s..ifte,te. cast by the public highway running from tlite,i Wage of Campton - A to omen 11111. south by land of I'. AV. Curdy. and on,the west by land of W. A. \Velum , : 'containing about 's an were of lint.L be the Same I;tOre or Jess. With a small framed hen;se. framcd barn and a fewgrult trees thereon. --"- - • TERMS A LE.--One hundred iloltar3f , n to, property bein g Tarifa dowp:.tialunee on rouil.th lion. W. .-W ETMO It K. INCORPORA.TION -NOTICE.— Notice Is hereby given that theunderslgoed, with their associates, Intend to !wake an appilea tion to the Governor of retIIATIT7IIII3... pur. ra nt the Aet of Assembly of Pennsylvania, of the soli 61 April. is: I, and Its supplement', and after har ing made three week% publication of this notice as required by law, for a charter of Incorporation for a corporation to be knon n under the name ihe. south Waverly Water cumparry, to hare its and principal plate of business In the Borough of . ISfruth Waverly, In the Corinty of ',,ltta4tfArtt and Mate of Pennsylvania, and to have for Its corporate pdrpose the snip y of the said Borough and vieinlty with water. II A'lD 1 I -- Seid• Ih,triek. Me, ra ..Sfarctr&,:*l./- Artmluistrat.,r • , ./4MINM enST. • - S. A. GENUNI:. rt,erlt I S yau4erx.u.t W. U. PLUM. !;:olicitor.„ - .1. T. SAWYEIr. Feb. '2 4- w . . - -S. W. SL•UGHTF.. I AuDyrows NOTICE.= In le the eAste of Ellen DElwen, deerwed. 'I Ise tinsternigned. an Audltor:aplotioe4 by' hot ? Orphan's Court of Bradford Cis oOoty <1.61.41!. , 0 , is balance or funds ray vowis lay his sal actotost- s lit the-handh of the Adnasslitmtor . s f 'aid est Air. will attend to the duties of his anointment at his othei.tin 3lotilapye's block.) In Towanda.. Ois IP I trA V, the Vsth,clay of MAUCH. Issl. at to o's-Issets, A. 3i., when and where all persons havito: Hamm on ',Ms! food most present them or be forever de barred frosts coming In.upon the same. . J. V. KE:ENEV. Anih.r. To., auda, Pa:, March 3, I 4-41.w1.. . - ' ADMINISTRATOR'S. NOTICE. Lettersof Administration haring !wen paw.: ed to the undersigned. opal the estate of Mary A. Reinhart, late of - Ilerrielolite.-PA.,, del - ea-ed. hereby ghee that all persons indebted to the..aul estate are rt..itytsted to make Immrdt.ite and al! person. trasing'-clainut •gaiti4 said e.oaie runt present the steno. duty ant nentica:ed the 1/lidera:ied for settlement. , • W. A. WETlitfit.V. Adminis,trat , I. • Itrrrit Mr. PA..' March ii. it.il4lsr. • A DIINISTIZATOIt'S NOTICE. a. Letter% of wltilinlat ratn havlrg tern g_ran t "to the ittoleffigniA. upon the eitatt.of Jerem iah ft-arnes,. late of Jlcrrlck, 17a., deceased, notice I% hereto given that all periona Int.lel4e4 to the aLt estate are re;itn.tetl to • mage lintrotalate lay tnent: and all pf..rson , !Lai ing etaims agar net rstate 111 present, the rave duly aattientleated to the ntter,igtiell 'for settlement. . _ A. wETMOI:I A,lnth=l.4Crretv.? l'a . )larvh,3, P'4l-40v. AIIIIINISTIIATOR'S NOTI('E. Letter iof ad till idatrat havlng bcoh gni ot - e(1 to tip! motet signed, upnt the ,ettato of !:irlah !ate of LI towin.hip, 'loth e .I• hereby gheti that all persoli• Indebted to the said r,tate are ri quested to make Immediate pay ment, and all IN:ISOIP , having. rialto% acaliod raid estate hoist pr:-sent the same duly authentivated to the itiol-r•ttfned for settletnent. l'a.. _ . . 1 1• .. . . . V I D.MINIS - 'I'ItATOIt'S NOTICE. - I,lltris..f ariallnl4t tint mon lha'vhir. Veen grant got to tl,e 1111 , 1a7317;iell, 1111011 the'e,,tate of t:'. 1 , . 6,odrie u„ I,t:c of Tow an , ta . Itormigh. fleek , .v.e.l. satire I, hereter - given that, all pera!ark: I n.lebt..l to the said estate are "requested to ITake immediate payment, illl.l ;111 )0,1"5 , 11.11 harlicg clalin ,- aiiii,.t &aid' estate mast present the !Willa:duly' atitlicDll eAted•to thy. tooterstgned for settlement. . • N. N. BErn., Towanda. ARItINISTRATOIV& NOTISLI. - - —Estate of . James fiard...tlmeaam% }}•y ;ox toinship. I._•tte•rs of administration have been granted In Gemze card and E. Itsed Myer. of sald totrn•hlp, tO whom all-persons atle'lltvit •to said estate are relit:tested - to make payment. mid those having claims or demands Wilt make known the same without delay. E REED . :Sun•irtng Admittistrat, T. - NOTICE. Let 14_AltEbA' tesjan.entary_having been grantcd to Ow underAned; under the last wilt and testament of Wilmot; Coburn: . late of TUSCATOIII. dore3....etj, ;kit ptr14)11,4 Ind-bled tbtbs'estate of said decedent le - 1 7 0V nut. fied to -make immediate payment. and all baring:sl2lms against said ef•tate 'twat pre,, ent the :‹krile duly uuthenticated to the undersigned for settlement. I. B. l'.11.11:1:N. 11111, Pa.. Feb: 24, EIESIIEQUI.V VALLEY MILLS Tho undersigned -has purrha. , (l and put in thorough repair the *Love Mills. and is prepared to do all klods of Milling promptly and satisfacto rily. sawing cheaper than the cheapest. It will he made an object to those wanting work in Mt* line to call at them, Mills. 4)1 ,. . AYER, t4lteslnntilo. Pa.. Jan. 40,. ih81.21a0t... FARNI AND STOCK FOR SA 1,.F. ji —the sultscritscr offers for sale lA, farm of toe acres, lomited in Uliter township. under high state of cultivation. good hutisr....two barns. sheds and otlte,r outbuildings ; well watered and abund ance of -fruit. The stsx:k cast be purchaszd tvlth , Termnt.-41.00S cash, halauce-to suit pur citaser. If not sold by March 1:5111, will ite for sent to a good farmer.. For further particulais rwll olk or address A. B. SMITH, feh17464. . Ulster. l'a. DES - CRARLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The property In l'lst:r formerly OW 111'4 and occupied by .1. 11. 3fereereau. censlst ing 'of a house and- lotosith lain, fruit, etc , I.l.:ieltsrnith shop with a. first-class busine., glooti blatitstulth this Is a'. most desirable opening. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Call on or aed!rge S. C. Hovey, Ulster., Pa.. or the under- Sayre, Ye!..., 21, 1a81.3m SHORT -HORN, CATTL i AND BERKSHIRE PIGS • We have la few ellelre 131114 and Betters .hilh ice eller At Very rt.l.4otirlble Also jilliP•brrti Berkshire,. • 7 Wyalusing, Pa.. Nur. 11.1660 SUSQUEIIANNA COLLEGIATE I X sitTvTlC.—,%eenttd Winter Tertia s ti.mtneurei MONDAY, JANUARY 24711. 1881. Expense.% for board, tuition and furnished room, from lin to WO per year. Yor catalogue or further paFttcu lara the Principal, • leWilaN 1. QUI NLAN,A. U. Towar.da.. October 211, 1860. • fl 4 OR SALE OR EXCITANGE. —alt hundred acres Of land In Litchfield., .isiienhequin and home Tuwhips., In lots of from twenty-ffve to one hundred acres. Illu to IS per acre,. These lands are—tinlnesunhered and an un doubted title will 14- then. For further particu— lars, addres s . THO'o S. MULL' , 6 isffislis. - Jan. 6, loft-In - 3. . Athens, Pa. ssoalticsent free to Alms who with to engage In the most pleisant prof - 112- We Walston,' known. Everythhig new. Capital not required. We will Nllll3ll you etirything. lio a day and upwar4a 14 easily made without staying sway frontporne over ulght. No rl,k whatever. )tans new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortune* at the, bustne... Ladles make an tuiieb 2 , 4 men. slot young boy% gioll girls make great pay. :So one vaio:43 ortilin; to work fails..vi make more 'money every day titan fin' be WO* In a week at any ordinary employment. Those. who engage at once will tifid a %bort re. a :0 fortune; Allftrobi hi. IiALLLI:T & Co 'lfni no. luet. is. I.lb. A GENTS w,ANTE.D-, In every' WWI/ Ia Musitzebanna. Way no and itrad• r.r , rd *cotnale, for 1111)11 1 1 4 E PEN' NnYINA N MUTUAL ItELIEV - ASSOCIATION, or Mltnto. ton, Pa.' lnsuran& nt cost: Good CornmlNlou'A 31towea Good referenevt required. .1. W. inknENrItTRY. DusTnic't At.zn r. . Orval Eternl. 11-Ir4 0 II It.)WE,\ M S. mlni•t to:r It. 31. 11 tiy F.Y. Sayre, 1•n G. H.