Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 03, 1881, Image 3

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    Vidfinit Int%
avLsx, toca. sztTon.
Towanda, Pa., March 3, Ali.
The exp i r ation of sitO Capin&
egos the colored labOl, tAW ----,- ,rry, a go
dots seal tiller:ler pas - seta Ms
paper will es stepped vista the euhierip.
ties it steered. • ,
ISloag is!iotir OR sy.
'me minpachetli.
disinfect your cellars.
THE country is alive wittilitOutumnee
Tax ph,ysieisus have treat kept busy
this winter. •
Au; carly.spring is predicted. Tbe ear
liar the better. -
Saysnat obituary notices are printed
on the Fourth page.
131..rtaaaT and Sunday — wen beautila
fdakye-warm and pleasant.
LEN:r begins this Wednesday. Easter
will fall on Sunday, April 17th.
AT the city election in Elmira, on TWA
.day, the Republican ticket-was-elected.
WAsirtworow's Birthday passed oft'
Initliont special observance in Towanda.
Tint storekeepers are- busy preparing
foribuir spring trade. A rood trade is
universally anticipated.
ONE hundred and fifty-copies of the
Elmira Sunday Republican were soldliere
on Sunday morning last.
Tat atext State Fair will be held In
Vittibsvg, commencing September sth
.a u) 53ding September lith!
AND now the people of Sayre are talk
ing seriously about :k free bridge across
the Susquehanna at that point.
Now is the time for farmers to_ put
their implements in good shape, then they
will be ready tor early spring work.
film:Yrs Services in Christ Chnteh will
11W-4 - iS follows : Sundays, 10:30 and. 4:30 ;
Thesday_s, 4:30 ; Thursdays, i:45 P, at.
tinstransv Brothers & TRACY,
.of this
place; are among the creditors of En. E.
iLotimrs, of Troy, who failed last week, to
the amount of $609.50.
THE neit quarterly meeting of the M.
E. Church of East Canton charge, *in be
held at East Canton on Saturday and Sun
day, March sth and 6th. . •
Writs you drive a nail into - the wall or
clothes press, drive it through a spool up
ten the bead, and you will have a peg
which will not rend or tear.
G. LINDLEY, of Canton, has sold to
..I.tmEs R. tis.c lU:it, of Elniira, 000 worth
of tobacco, which he raised from two
acres:of ground fast season.
THE mains of the Canton Water Works
are now frozen up along nearly their
'whole length, and there is a general re
turn to the use of wells and cisterns.
June Mourtoir ' hold a specia
.court Monday, March► .ith, for the pur
-pose of swearing in tie newly elected con
-stables. .No other business will be trans
.3.)}iN O. \Vann has purchased 'the Tio
ga House,'at Waverly, and will refurnish
it and have it open for 'the accommoda
tion of the travelling,' 'public- in a short
time. '
THE ladies of the Universalist church
will bold a' sociable at the residence of
GEo. W. BLACKMAN on Tuesday evening
March Nth. All ate cordially invited-to
MICHAEL LOCREL,i of CheXO!l,l3g, a
workmen on the DJ L. 45: - W. Railroad,
was killed near Shepard's Crtiek crossing,
on Monday, by being struck by train 8 on
the, Erie. .
S. B. Tino . lus opened a fiiiit-Class roe
tauratit iti the, "Streeter' BfOck," Main
Ntrcet. ' „STEVE will, no doubt, receive a
generous share of the publierfatronage ins
his new location. .
: COMPANN' A, Ninth Regiment, leave on
No. 9, this, Wednesday; r. M., to partici
pate iu the inauguration ceremonies at
Washington on Friday. they will num
ber about 10 men in line.
Yr.xxon predicts a -"blizzard," about
the middle of the present month. Some
one ought to kill that Canadian. It is
now a question of - Vitmszon or fruit next'
falh We prefer the fruit.
G. E. BULLOCK, of Canton, will com
mence the, erection of a new brick blciek
in that village within . a few days. The
building will be located on the "corner of
Towanda and Sullivan streets. - •
' SivEum, lads engaged in the game of
" marbles" on the side walks on. Satu
rday last, was the strongest indication of
the near approach of Spring, that has as
)et come under our observation.
THE front portion of Mrs. LYON'S resi
dence,' in Leßaysirille, is being remodelled
intostore-rooms.: One of the rooms is to
be occupied as a millinery store, and the
other by T. S. BOswowrn, Jeweller.
Cuuncti of the Messiah (Universalist)
Hew. Wm. TmciAtin, Pastor. A t 101 a. wt.
subject,, " The Tower of Babel and its
le sous." At 7 p. m., subject. " Redenip
tion from a Universalist standpoint."
THE Athens Gazette says that at the re
cent election, " a candidate for a town
ship office in Shesbequin was defeated, on
the grounds that he was a juror in the
"Smithfield outrage case." Purely that;
and nothing more."
TUERE is • a panther prowling around on
the mountain just below Leßoy. Several
have seen the " varmint." PowrDsvrzy
had a shot at the animal aprif days since,
and wounded it, but it was not, sufficient
=-1-y-injured_to_prevent its escape, andit is
still at large.
A comp.oor to manufacture the Avery
pump has commenced operations at
Tunklunnock with a capital of 114,250,::.
000.--Philadelphia -Record. The__Record
evidently fond of naughts. 'Zbe Capi
tal of that Company, as reported by: the
Tunkhannock papers, is about what the
above figural would read minus the three
ast nsuglita. .
Tne lecture of .J. W. 'maims, Esq.,
at the Institute, was not given Tuesday
evening, on account of the sickness of the
lecturer. The next lecture will be given
JAmEs 1111xerATILASTr, Ph.D. Monday
evening, March. 14. There will be no'
lecture next week on account of the
pirintlily meeting of the Institute Seient ifio
Soe:ety, - I
eitikblaytig `Watt On **P.* N.
Y. R. R. had a run . off it Booby
The engine . Ind several ears ware Shama
down an embankment ant trinebliailbly
&reap& None et -._the_Arahr Mtn 1110111
aerionely Weed sithmigh thly tad a
narrow; escape. The enginawaa N 0.148
and ran by :Son* Marta. The skoid
dist was anted by en viral mit&
Booms, the tramp Vito was:convicted
at the last team of : court of 'stealing an
overcoat from M. B. Rommunntes store,
and sentenced to - fourteen mouths in the
penitentiary,. made his tscape • horn the
jail . here on rriday night by • sawing a
bole through the floor in the ball way,
thrOugb which ha descended tfithe base
ment atuffrfun thence outside of the build
ing. Be is still it large.
Save the Lelinguine Advertiser of bat
week : "On Prednesdn, tut, february
18th, as 10. L. PlArt . **B hauling logs
up thnsteep hill below the village of Her
rlekville, the whiilletreea gave away, and
the sleds ran dawn the hill very: rapidly,
breaking the hind ags of both mules be
longing to Mr. W. Putirr, who was also
ascending the hill behind with .alond of
SAYS the Troy 6azette of last week .7 .
"The Sheriff's sale of the stock of goods
of P.p. LOOMIS' store will take place to- day unless there is a postponement made
to accommodate the creditors. The in
ventory has been taken, and runs up to
between $7,000 and $B,OOO. it Is. probs.
ble that the estate will pay about ten
cents on a dollar after the judgment cred
itors are satisfied."
Tut Orwell Library is indebted to Hon.
E.' OVERTON for many valuable books
from the Departments—among them the
full report of the Centennial Commissicin
—nine volumes. And a memorial of that
grand old man, Professor 41088PII HENRY,
for 32 years secretary of the Smithsonian
Institution. The library is ` doing well—
already over 500 volumes are on its
shelves, and an order is out for 80 .or 40
now books. -
TWENTY-BIX persona have made appli.
catkin for 'plembership Crystal Lodge,
Knights ' , of Honor, of this place, within
the past two weeks. Atter uext Monday
night thelnitiation fee wilLbe $lO instead
of $5, as now. Those desiririg to biceps
members of this flourishing-order, will-do
well to haVe their applications presented
on Monday evening next, as that 'Will be
the last oPportuftity to do so under the
present low rate of admission.
Tun Postmaster General big . issued an
order dated February 21, 1881, revolting,
the section of the postal laws which al
lowed,commercial paper and blanks,lilled
out in writing, such as invoices, way bills,
bills of merchandise, deeds, insurance pa
pers, etc. ? to bi'sent in the mails at third
class rates, viz one cent for each two
ounces orfraction thereof, and this class
of matter must now be prepaid at first
class or letter rates of postage.
PuysiciAws have decided that the re
cent death or a young man at-Towauda
was due to the excessive use of cigarettes.
—Huntingdon Journal. Not as yet, Mr.
Journal man l; Not as yet, have physic
ians rendered such a decision, but if the
poor tobacco holds out for a shot time,
and bits of paper can _be bad in which to
burn it, there is a fair priii - pect ahead for
several young gents in this place making
themselves subjects for- post-mortem ex
aminations,l .
Wrinx3ll:: R. H. Fisn, of Wellsburg„,
says the Elmira Asireniarrwas at the de
t, in that village, 395nday morning,
loading`on his wagon baggage that be
longed to a commercial agent * , his• horse
vas frightened by an engine that was jyst
caving. the station after taking water.
The horse started up the 'switch at a ra
4vid rate, and so on plunging into a cul
vert serne twenty rods from the station
up the track. Mr. Fisa was thrown out,
his legs caught in the wheels, and he was ,
dragged some 'distance, being tenibly
bruised before be became loosened. Ilia
condition is critical.
WILLIAM VERMILYA, Jr., - of Grover,
had an encounter with highwaymen near
Fox Centre, Sullivan County,-,one even
ing recently. A. correspondent of the
Canton . Sentinei gives the following par
ticulars of the affair : "He was- on his
way home from llillsgrove, and just be
fore li:reached Fox Centre, be was step
ped by three men, one taking the horse
Al the bits, and one taking him by
the throat and demandinglis money; By
making a desperate effort he released him
self and struck the man With the butt end
of his whip and his horse at the —, :istme
time, and thuS made good his escape."
-INronitaxiox is wanted in regard to
the three tramps arrested in Muntrose
some-,weeks since, and wbo are now in jail
at that place. They were welltirmed, well
dressed, and provided with' various tools
and devices for the perpetration of bur
glary, etc. They are sctipt;sed to have
come from the western part of this or
New York gtate, but certain indications
also lead tothe conjecture that they have
at some time been looked for in the east
ernfitates. The chief of, police of any
town looking for such parties, should
communicate with L. M.• BALDWIN,
Montrose, Pa. [Exchanges please copy.]
.A BRANCII of the Catholic Mutual• Be
nefit Association was instituted in this
place on the 19th ult. The following
named gentlemen were elected officers
President,:—.Tohn snllican. -
Ist.- Vice-Preaidettt.—Wm. Foyle.
Viee-.F:residerit.—Dairid Sheridan
Secretary.—John McNamara.
Assistant Recording Seeretary.—George
Jitincial-Secretary.—Maurice Condon.
Treqiurer.---James Arm3ld.
.Affrialutll.—J. C. Blurik.
J. Blum.
• Trustees.—Darid - Sheridan, TAlward
'Fox, J. C. Blum, Maurice Condon, Wm.
TEACHERS' examinations as follows :
MAUCH 12th, - Mmitoeton ; 14th Asylum
Center ; 15th, Sugar Run ;' 19th, New
Era; 17th, New Albany; 19th, "Barclay;
21st, Leßaysville ; 22d, Warren Centre;
23d, Orwell (Ind); 24th, Litchfield Cen
tre ; 26th, Sayre; 28th, Burlington ; 29th,
Siriagfield Centre; 30th, Sylvania; 91st`
Beckwith, Wells:
APRIL let. Gillette ; 4th, :Sheshequiti ;
sth; Franklindale ; 6th,; Granville Centre;
7th, Leßoy ; 9th, Canton ; 11th, Rome
12th, Ulster ; 'l3th, Bently Creek ;
Smithfield ; 16th, Troy ; 18th; Rummer
field ; 19th, lierrickville ; .20th, `Spring
11W ;- 21st, Wyalusing'; 23, Towanda.
Directors are cordially invited to attend
the examinations.
G. W. RYAN, County gupt
PROlt the_ beginning oi= the present
month to date, there have been twenty.
six new names added to the subscription
list of the Sentinel.—Canton Sentinel.
Well, you deserved them, and more.
For. the Sintimll, under its present man
agement, is an excellent paper ' , and wor
thy-the support of the citizens of not only
Canton villages but Oat the
yelghbeehead. lbw your st - to
*kb /elm**
t~soessittarfth:: t{ your
4od utiolosido a.; DedniWadi
eiliehtlory ther**llle Odett'to the sub.
leittptioti Hate of theiieroirsh *sll-nO,
aim howl, aid eke* the One of Amur
two hundr,ed and thirteen.. Our present
circulation exceeds twenty -Am bathed
copies . weekly -- over Aponti-tteo bun
' diadricidee iate-by mks
prompt.-paying subscribers - 2 - and
over two L.hotteand of such oubseribeterto
side within the limits of Bodrool County.
That is why Our , smile is so "child-like
and bland." a
ADAM FORZPATIOn t thegreatshowthary
offers s premium of 410,0e0 ikw the love
liest lady in tbb. land, providing, after
the - has teen selected, she gives her her..
'don for thirty days as the main partici
pant ins grand daily meant:
cults must forwird their photographs
and full address to Ottawa 11. DAT )
Philmielphh Ever Since .we read the
abmi , e in a daily paper, we have been try;,
ing to satbstf eankelf whit one of the
fair maids of Towinds will add that #lO,-
000 toiler bank account. . And we caul
decide.. Of course It is just as firmly
settled that the tummy will acme to our
village, as it is that WaverlY does not
stand a ghost of chance of getting it. • If
it was an offer for the Mealiest woman
our sister village could give odds and
-Major A. H. SPALDING, of Athens,.is
confined to bis room by illness.
—S. D. MADDEN, OEB4. Paul, Minneso
ta, is visiting friends in tbis Ace. .
• —W. W. Snooks,- of East Troy, recemt
ly recefved a draft for $1,500 back pen
sion. .
—OWE BERNicrr, of Wires Confec
tionery store, is confined to his won! by
—Asa DovoLass baa beeD Beriol2aly ill
for a few,ilaya past, 'lnd is now out of
, •
=Captain B. B. Mrrensm, of Troy, is
a first cousin to United States Senator
—Both Joni FELTON and Jolla •No- ,
mu, of this offioe, were on the sick list
last week.
Scovux, of- South .Towatv:
oelebrated his 80th birpday on Bat:
-LIEGKA•kto Busman is suffering from
a very severe attack of inliammatori
—First Lieutenant Jon TAYLOR, of
Company Ilegiment, of,
bas resigned.
—Mrs. J. D. SWAIN died at her real=
deuce in this place, this, Wednesdsi, at
12.20 p. m.• .
—Captain NEWTON LANDON, of East
Leßoy, has recently received $BOO blkek
pension money. • 1 - • - V.
—P. M. DERRICK, 'of Canton, canton
plates removing to *cheater, N. T.;
about the Ist of April.
-PEESONS BAILEY, of Canton. has pur
chased a farm in Leßoy, and -will occupy
it after the first of April.
—Hon. Jouzi I. larrcuELL, United
States Senator elect, is a brother of Mrs.
R. W. CLANK, of Canton:
—OamaLL KELLOOO, -of' the "Elwell
ifouse," is suffering from a severe Old,
the is confined to his room.
—E t . E. DOANE, formerly of Canton,
Occupies the position of book-keeper in'a
bank at °Sage City, Barnias,'
1-11iss LILLIAN CHASE, it is said, will
favor our citizens witp Dramatic Read
iligs on the evening of-the 15th.
—Hon. P. D. Monnow, has so far re-'
covered from his recent:illness,m to be
able to attend to his otil4ial duties... '
—Mr. and, Mris. JAMES Macteentatts I
have returned home,, having decided to
postpone their trip, to the South for the
--UGARLES PRA o f this place; has
secured a situation in the Pullman Car
Shops at Elinira. Cdinus -is an excel
lent mechanic
—Mrs: 4AIRES 0. RIDGWAY has been
very•ilkof pneumonia at the residence of
her son-in-law, GEORGE W. Scovitu.,
but is pow slowly improving. .
—Lieutenant J. M. CALIFF, U. A.,
at: present stationed at Fort Mamilion,
New York Harbor, was among the ; pleaa•
ant callers at our sanctum last week.
—CHARLES C. MILLER wail guile se.
verely injured at Fnowr's Furniture :Fac
torY, on Thursday, by being struck by a
piece of,,board thrown from a circular
7 -The Wyalusing Star says that J. J.
McKnixer, of Browntowi, has an irour
ance on his life for $30,090, aid 2dAfrni
as ScoFTEN an insurance on his life of
-JAitigs MANN, o f Wyalusing, died
very suddenly_of pneumonia, on Saturday'.
Morning. The funeral' took place' on
Monday afternoon, the Odd Fellows tak
ing charge of the ceremonies.
—Mr. Mu row flown., of Hornet's Per
ry, oue of Bradford county's most suc
cessful fanners, was a guest of our towns.
man, Mr. T. M. HARl:into, on Tuesday. --F
Titok . honnock ReputoYean:
—We learn from the Troy Gazette, that
Professor I. S. CaAWVORD, principal of
the Smithfield Graded School, leavei that
place. next month for , San Francisco,
whero_he_has accepted a position in a
• —Hon. B. ;R. JACKSON, who 'for the
past twenty years has been established in
business in this place,: leaves this week
foi%Monnt Clemens, Michigan, where he
intends to take charge of a hotel. •We
regret to lose a good_ citizen, and trust
that he may again' become a resident of
Dushoro.—Dushore Review.
The N6rth Branch Alumni Associa
tion of La - layette College " held its first
annual meeting in the Wyoming Valley
Hotel, Wilkes-Barre, Tuesday evening,
Feb. 22. Among the names of those
elected as officers of the Asseciation for
the coming year. we notice-the name of
Hon. E. L: Haus, of . this: place, as one
of the Vice- President s, and Rev. DAVID
Cnerf, of Wyalusing, as a member of the
. Executive Comniittee.
—_-We_regret to learn that Booms B.
liswrsir, of Montrose, who in 1876 was
elected State Senator from this district,
has become insane and been token for
treatment to an asylum in Philadelphia.
He was for many years editor of the
Montrose Democrat, but his interest in
establishment bah recently been
pied lot` to other parties. —lleneulaie
:—M/14. LYDIA Sforrolied at the resi
dence of her sen,,lL L. flcorr, in Tower'.
da township, on Pride . ) , mining: She
retired to bed in her ordinary health
Thursday evening, and was discovered to
be in a dying condition '
by a member of
the family. who entered her mien on Fri.
day morning. She Pissed off, without a .
struggle. -the would have been 93 years
old had she lived until Monday last. - The
funeral took place loin her late residence
on Sunday afternoon.
...Invitations are oat for the marriage
of-Miss MANTLE S. Tr.sLux3l recently a
reairk in T. V. Na4aiiit g li dki 1006 110111.
eaT11,44 *MAW OtOMAldli W. TAtsr ,
lisS*lll, Vitfarilkaji . rante PAti Tikr,W,
1614 ***tiiiilug* a Isiel4riti**
etyo444osiisf, Pais; , Thi*ininney
siiifilniplinasafthe inideiiii.nylirup
6; flansfifiiiiken aunt of Ns lib;
1 *Xi *W•thwiaday; mu 43104 illtiti 44
I Ith '4l vow* K . 41 .1 it 48 ,Bth ills aktesii
4L—rieioi Aseord.
' —ifow, mho bits 4 ' yrondientalinnei .
i," 34 0" 14 / 4 01040 * Month MK"
any be. veY be, :the fieselii' at that, vil •
loge, in its hit lone bas tbisitossOliout
Lim ) "A. pamisent ndkoimi worm of
thiS 'womb is Waft% of laming the
alatilliefeak by Colossi Pick" , that all
defeatist wiliisisils shonioripsiods dust
bi le
seines in .s wanner dime. -Cu is the
point in vieiv at . monk - yet Insi
change, _his Gout's so as to take - eens=
neves ma% to the lea."
• '--Tbe Delavan House was the scene of
&highly delightful *Mr to the ifittrnated
perties and appotatore yesterday after
work vie, a martiapa Mre. tun*
Deena, df tietmoit, Mitaisota, was
patrimonial,* joined to Mr. J. RAuttxo,
of Leona,..Bradfonl County, Pa. They
met by appointment, - -(though the bride
was twenty-fotirs late, which; of course;
did not, lOWA thebappirress,). and Rev.
Dr. , Form, of the college, officiated.
Three other newly rand& couples welt
also juests At the batman Rouse yester
day, and it.looks like a corner in matri
moey.—Rtarro Ooseffe, Filbruary e5tA.
--It is quite, coardimeirtery to' Mr. W.
VINCEIIT'a reputation as an insursoce
man, that be was simultaneously Offered
lucrative positions by two of ithe oldest
and soundest Life Insurance Companies
extant—the Mutual Lite of .New York
and the New York Life. We believe he
has decided to accept the propositicni! of
the latter, considering It the more adVali- I
tageona. While Mr. Vilicitses friends;
will rejoice with, him in his good fortune
in securing a lucrative , and responsible
1 situation, and one be is so eminently
qualified to fill, they will regret! that it
necesitates his removal from Towanda.
We believe be is to rake op his resident%
in the city of Erie. The very best wishes
of this entire community will follow Mr.
yricent and his family to their new
home, where they will NI accorded; we
dolibt not, -the esteem and - high social
position which they merit and enjoy hereb
---Mstrnren.—At Leßsysville, OR Wed
nesday, Feb. 2 3 , 1881, , by Rev. JAMES
Riennosry of t he Congregational Church,
Gamut Moans.% both of Leßayaville:
Miss 31: is an estimable young lady and
.the ward of G. W. Bungs, •Rsq., at whose
residence, in the presence of a number of
friends and untied guests, the ceremon§
was performed. The newly-Wedded pain
received the sincere congratulations of all
; present, after which an elegant collation
'was served. It is well 'known by the
many friends of Mr. and Mrs. BRINK that
when they assume the position of host
' and hostess they have few superiors, and
-the 'occasion was of the most enjoyable
character. Mr. 111 I 'd Mrs. CHAMBERLAIN
leit, in the afternoon upon a brief trip,
carrying with them the wishes of their
many friends that retrospection may 6m
-1 _tain nothing but pleasant memories, and
that the strnshiae may far exceed the
shadows in their advancing lives. B.
- Onr Troy correspondent sends us the
Allowing account of the ere which occur
sod in that place on Monday morssinalast :
A disastrous fire occurred here last
:Monday morning causing the destruction
of the laTge, tannery owned by BrainaM
Bowen. The flre was discovered in the
engine room at about half past throe in
the morning, and soon spread 'to the
Whole building which was. enveloped in
flames and seemed to bid defiance to all
efforts to subdue it. The finishingri:ooms
' were saturated With oil and the flames
shot up ,to a great height -while dense
volumes of black smoke gave a lurid and
dismal glare..
Cinders sind burning shingles w4re
mattered far and near and many bouhes
were in imminem danger of destruction.
It soon became certain that a tenant boom
belonging to Mr. McGounnntot must burn
and the household goods' of two-families
whonceupied it soon found their way to
safe quarters and the house was nearly
consumed. Mr. McGorounest's dwelling
was damaged to the amount of OOP which
is covered by insurance. Tbe l . tenant
house valued at S3OQ was uninsured. The
tannery was• insured for perhaps two
thirds of its value and the large stock of
hides and leather is mostly covered by
insurance. ti
It is to be hoped that Mr, Bowm will
rebuild at once for be has long maintain
ed a business enterprise of great value to
this community and has given employ.
meat to a large number of men.
A y.retty general row ensued y s eiterday
afternoon resulting in some bruises but
no damage. The motor power of the me
lee was tire water as usual. t ***
Tat Agricultural Society met at the
Grand Jury Room on February 23d, 1881,
and called to order by the,Prpaident j. E.
The first subject was a.general diipuss
ion in regard to agrioultnial interests . .
Mr. Pickering, of OrWell, suggested
the making of some effort to secure life
On the subject - cif horses it Was general
ly" conceded that the breeding of fad
hones is detrimental to the best interests .
of - farmers. • , •
Mr. Pickering thought a horse that can
go in less than three minutes is not worth
much for a draught team.
. President Piolett said that-his-son bad
taken Anita a fancy to fast horses and had
raiseifone, but had lately come to the con
clusion that such animals were not profit
Mr. Bates also advocated the raising of
heavy horses suited for faim work.
The late Secretary reported be bad a
quantity of blanks for life membership ,
A general discussion on the subject of
procuring life members ensued, and it
was understood that the board- of man- .
agars, revise . (if necessary) the several
oomm:ttes soliciting subscriptions.
Mr. Pickering very pleasantly gave an
account of his last years experience with
wheat, corn and potatoes, showing favor
able results in rolling, fordrought,arvi in
drokiing plater in the bill for corn.
_ SeVeral instances Trete mentioned of
favorable results, in same process, by. Mr.
E 4 :4 1 , Coolbangb, 8.. Laporte and D. O.
Hollen. Tbe latter beintin favor_ of roll
ing particularly. ~..
Uri Coolbangb thought farmers did not
use Plaster enough; and gave ids tut
year's expert' in wheat and clover.
'Mr. y Laperte Id the plaster bad good
effect on ill our w ground and gave
e gNr.,,,z
sortie. results.
Mr. Piolett gave an amusing 'instant*
of .his experience as a boy,lo plastering
eorn, showing numbed teaults in its use.
lie believed itlhe cheapest of all fertlllx-
aptil4ool*lo 1111,iteetitigi *" 43 / 1 1 t
MI airy : was sat am•bd anis Oink
*Me *se Satire cow
1 - (1:0 - 04 41-1 r#Ii***Olf.siod
404* hi"talifoillihitasithelkof
110_04, ilia :elk! AO* kiabb
Ns air slim itlase-F
Mr. Riolett siCsirerid inquiry as to the
nee`ot 1i1t,. - 1111 tte Welt;
The disc tindoihen turned`upon stool,
ao valuable
and Presid entlett espiressed
viewo drown from his large experience,
as to the resteoottotay in anusairethent:
r Mr Mates taco sodie facts and ham
sh to oat ofWoks stook.
The mooktr.sidiourned to meet tarb
oth st anal .7tuy Itimn , o'clock P.
It. At which thnnthi following subjeets
will be dioommilf
Boot.ihno-to sow plaster and they:ca
tion df manures in general I—Mr. Bates.
Does it pay to soil itottleth:-Mi. ros.
A TRARtOL wratoom WiTU
Chowly following the robbery of Hume-
Bono of $7,000 in ,his house on Orange
Bill, *Web', eXidted the Community at
thatiWie, eomes still whether, not more
than a milk and • halrfronk
mite's, milk:li hi Waimea(' daring and
brutality, rivals not - only , that, event, but
the Wvlnispa wurreness of that, kind.. •
do the mountain hit east)of Athens
village, is the! old Joan' liCifardwar
homestead. It is a beautiful Place/ Perch-
ed up on the brow of the mountain, an'
old, well improved farm with a comforta
ble mansion, and all the surroundings
speaking. of htibie comfort, peace and
prosperity. Here Joszyu McKiarizt
died bit summer, after baying during, a
long lifetime by toil and honest industry,
not only transformed his, rugged moue=
twin home into An earthly paradise, but
atnased a large fortune for a country tar
mer, itteing principally in money which
was loaned to neighbors in-the communi
ty. Here, some of his family, grown to
man and *manhood, lately laid (town
the burden of life and preceded the aged
parents to the other world. Here the,
wife And Mother, aged and . . infirm, wed
ded by a thousand recollections to the as
sociations and surroundings • of the old
home is " watching and waiting," while
the shalows of her life are lengthening
foi. the summons to join those gone be•
(ore. Here, Friday eveuing, she sat in her
rocking :lair by the old-fashioned fire.
place; her only companions being her
grand-daughter, 'Miss EMMA Wniwro
jAnd Joti: L.... WILLrArd MALLORY, a young
man who -imp employed on the place.
About eight o'clock in the evening a step
was heard in the porch, followed by a rap
at the door. MALLORY, with the • illtAp-.
FORD REPOnTlin in baud ho was
itaditfft) went to the door and was eon
fronted bir i fritwo masked burglars, who
withoUt delay pressed into the. room. He
withstood them, but one' of them closed
with him while the other presented a re
volver and said, " You sit down and be
quiet, or I will shoot you." "You shoot
.ano be d-1- 7 ,-d," was She ready response
of the plucky MALLORY; Then both cbs
ed with him and threw him for the pur
-1 •
pose. of,tying him, when Miss WHEATON,
watching the first oiliditifulty, ran • •from
the hobs° toward hor Uncle JosErn Mc
, KnisEv's, screaming for help., • Seeing
this, the smaller of the robbers ran after
her to bring her back.
Beinglett albne with the othdr villain,
who was a much larger man than hith
self, Msmonv made a desperate effort
and succeeded in raising himself with the
robber on shim, picked him: up and by
main three carried him exit on the porch.
Here he was Met by the pal who had cap
tured the girl and was bringing her back.
No. 1 said; "This man • is more than I
can handle ; get a club." No. 2,then
shoved the girl into the room, and Msl.-
Lony-tried to get in and, shut the door
ahead of them, but they were both on
him by this time with a club, with which
they dealt him a blow which stunned and
blinded him. Now Miss WnEaToN ap
peared as a party in the tight with some
' weapon, and it was necessary for No. 2
to again pay his attention to her, so he
proceeded to,beat her frith I club and
choked her till she fainted.' He then
bound the !aid woman to her chair —she
being nearly dead' with fright. In the
meantime MsktOnv had succeeded - in
wrenching the revolver from his antago
nist, and turning it on , him ,pulled the
trigger. It failed to respond,': and again
he - pulled, and ho saw — that lit was not
loadedi, Enraged at this being foiled of
ridding the world of a villain; he grabbed
off the mask of_thelurglar and gave him
a powerful blow in the fais3 with the end
of the ievolvep It was too dark to recog
nize the outlaw, and at that time No. 2
assisted' him in
,re-rnaslcing. bism.ortic
watching. his o pportunity again closed
with the robber and threw him with such
force on a chair, that it was smashed to
kindling wood. •
Now his ma' began to be alarmed: and
called on his pal to make short work with
his club. Again hd was knocked down,
and now a sponge saturated with chloro
form was thrust into his mouth, but' he
seized it and threw it into the, flre-place.
Einally, No. - 2 having choked and pound
ed Miss WnEsvort till she fainted, Came
Ito the aid of No. 1, and together 'they
beat and choked and kicked the prostrate
3IALLORT till be was insensil le, when they
tied him hand and feet and laid hini on
the bed. Miss WHEATON says they made
a critical examination of Mst.t.onv, and
came to the conclulion that he was dead.
I All being securely bound they proceeded
to.ransack the house for money and other
valuables. • They demanded t 0... knee ,
where the money was kept, audwere' told
by Mrs. Meginwsv that Was in a
- trunk. They then • demanded to: know
where 4 4 the churn" was, (misunderstand
ing the old lady). Miss Wilms:l.°N did
notaatisfy them on this point, and they
laded a revoever, to her head and said
they would blow out her brains if she'did
not tell. She told them they would do no
such thing, and she was well awsre of it,
and that shelves not afraid of them. Pi
therfound Mrs. id . clitrmey's mo
ney, some Ikpo -or $240 in all, though
they failed to find a small amount which
Was in an ext dace,' and which she
:&led p)
says they must have had their kends on.
Ttoy were much put out at not finding
more money s and sought in every possible
place--even cutting np balls of carpet
rags. They used the shovel and tongs to
break locks, and they were left in a dilap-.
abated condition. _They carried off MAL
LORY'S watch, tret•Wled to•tind his pock
et book. Miss WHEATON also bad a
pocket book and moneysind they failed
to get that. •
MALLORY was hurt `severely ii the
cheat, bad several bad scalp wounds,. also
a bad cut over the eye, besides being
marked about the throat where they cbok- -
ed him after they bad him hors du combat.
lie says he could hive whipped them
lwat they fult*** o 4 l 4 O- club to
bear in 04mitfitoi". light hand t 1
ittipplekkt seat& Ittiinner . hip conk
new grasp anytliktg With ff-4 1 ii - nrifforf;l
being stiff'—yet withlada diesnvantrapt be
gait. theta 4104 littrad fOr with
tlip good belief,. Wei IVIIIIIATON L : for a
fdll hod , WWI they coats cafflubrine
dlOlll. ' {vita ' ioitittiiirt 4nand
the bead end West, her ear being ` torn
and mangled, het =face cut mid throat
marked where - the brutee embed
that saved the aid bid, from violence *as
her Inability to engage in the defense.
Mumma is slowly improving; but is very
weak from the severe e*.ereise, and - font
the lost
On departing the &operant* t. ft; their
victims hound. They were in! the-house
In all Ocint two briers, and. when they
were gonelliss Inotaworr succeeded in
first freeing her hands by means , of „ a
knife which she somehoir conveyed to , her.
grand mother'e lutnda. The cords being
cat" which gotta her bands, s h e nett cut
those binding her fbet. Then ahe biosen
ened 31-tai MiDOlfBT, and Saw /ma who
had revived Jn a ineisurC, but vhd..was
nimble to sit up all night. • None of them
could venture - but that night, and it was
not till morning that Miss Wattarti- re
covered sufficiently to go and - slam her
Uncle JOSEPII. - s
The robbers were tracked cidwri the
mountain wad, and there were evidences
in, antnr_that one of them tell down
two or three times in the descent. , eThere
lan° clue ust to who they,were.
TUMES; Tim wout=utisos, qunss,
Twenty-flve years ago the first Mas
querade Ball took plaeo in Towanda. It
was given in the Ward House,, and was
the topic of conV4rsation l hereabouts for
weeks previous, ainifor weeks subsequent
to its occurring,' Nearly all of our lead
ing eitiaens of that day took part in the
affair. The costumes worm on that Ocea-,
sign were nearly altof home manufacture,
and the conic . chameter; assumed far
outnumbered all others. - We shall pot at-
tempt now to speak of an who took char
actors. Our genial townstnan, lion. J.
Parrost, had not then been a member'o
a Coastittltional (konvention; but his act
ing and dress in the character of F alstaff,
won him the honor of having made the
" hit " of the evening. The Music was
furnished by Keeler's Orchestra-under
the leadership -of the present affable
Councilman from the Second-Ward—and
Wrtmest called the changeslwith a clear
ness and dlstin'ctness of enunciation that
gave lim a reputation "411 the coun
try round" and made - ida'aerWeep in grea
demand awl eagerly sought for on every
such occasion. People did not, walk the
figures of a quadrille in thtue days. Nei
ther did they "waltz" polkas, redowas,
maionrkas, and schottishes.- The. Virginia
'Reel; the-Qi)era Reel, the Menie Musk
the Sganio Dance and March Quadrilles
were fagorites then—they are nearly b
eolete now.- The graceful "dancer" of
that da,y , „ was not the "majestic wfilker "
of the present. The lady or gentleman
then why could with greatest, ease,. "cut
the pigeOn wing," in "balancing to the
corner," or the most.gricefully "forward
and back," with the "rolling balance . "
step, became the envy of those less fortn-
nate and never lacked for partners. But
'tis not of . the " first misquemde " .we
latish to write, but of the last. In passing
let us r temarki that a quarter of a century•
ago, Towandi had . a wide reputation as a
town *assessing tbe largest number of
beautiful women And graceful dancers, of
soy village of its size in the country.
The town has. quadrupled in population
in that time. Its reputation for beauty
of its women today is the same is in the
."long agu" Its graceful dancers—ah,
well, we are growing old,-and the fash
ions in dancing change as do fashions in
other . things
Totianda's last masquerade took place
on Wednesday evening last, at Mercur
Ituder the directorship of Professor
C. 11. Danielle, who is conducting a large
dancing class-he're. It wit; a. eplendid
success in, every • particular. 'The cos
tumes worn by the merry , maskers were'
the finest ever seen on a like occasion in
this place, or perhaps anywhere in this
section of corintry,. This services of cos
tumers from abroad were called into re
quisition to array the fair lassies and
-brave laddies of our village, in fitting ap-
IpsetTisliiiewith to represent Kings and
Qneens, Princes and Pages, Cavaliers and
Brigands, Mythological Gods and Fixed
and Peripatetic Planets and Stars, Sailors
and Soldiers, eta., etc., until the most in
timate friends - of the yohng people were .
unable to certainly fit the identity of any
oneotthem ; while the illustrious parents
of the disguised personages,,were unable
to distinguish the beloved Members . of
their own households, or the .' children on
-whom the mantles of their good names
must ere long fall, and into whose keep
ing ere Many winters, they must likewise
surrender the custody of their—pocket
books. The Grand March, iu which about
50 couples prticipated, led by Professor
Danielle, who wore a magnificent costume
representing Aurora Borealis, and S. S.
Polsome, of St. John, N. 8., in a beauti
ful character costume, representing a
Knight' of the Golden Criss, began at 8:40.
The jmaskers entered' the Hall front the
Green Room through the main entrance
door,. and to the music of Staten's •orchea-,
tra, went through the evolutions embraced
in what is called" " The March of the
Amazons," to the - evident delight of the
large number of spectators wile occupied ,
seats upon the stage and around the large
Rail. As the bespangled column counter=
marched, colored lights were thrown upon
it which added. very • materially to the
beauty of the ispectacle. At the ,conclu-
Mon of the march daneingwas at once be
gun, and kept until nearly eleven o'clock,
when the msech preceding the unmask
ing took place.. This was the most.laugh
able part of the wliole eutertaiment, as
when the.masks WerelremOved at the end
of theanareb, it was thy that not only
oectators, but , the participants . there
selvesoliscovered what tiiiitakes they hail
made in fixing the identity of many of
the, persons present in costume. As , we
*poked over the happy ' throng as they
smilingly and good-naturedly made trier-
I ey over the mistakes of the evening, It
was with a tinge of sadness that we
ed to mind the fact that in all that merry
dead there was but one person in coa
tame, who removed a mask when the un-
masking took place at the Ward Rom
twenty-five years ago, -- and that among
the spectators there were less than twelve
persons who were present on (bat cocoa-
Mon. After the unmasking the dancing
was again begun, and the quadrille, the
!waltz, the polka and schottische filled the
!hones until after two A. 3i. f * When mark
ers and spectators separated and wended
- their way homeward, all - unitieg in pro
nounC[llg the whole affair a grand sue
case. ' Of Individual characters, we do riot
repose to speak.. The characters were
w - . ,
en taktuisa4
protlaieuci evieced by an
of the _Proteite's pepw would inakty it
jutidibei tbisktieulethe 1t tbsit ausileik
just, es any attempt •of a aIbsMOWN tit
tbs•brintiet sane ptemetted by the ma
ins would veva a- tailtqlN and. to. have
.been tippegated should" have been seem
As follefia is . s nearly full list of the
names of miens *ha fhttlielpethd 1! the
dime and tkp abaraetere reptheented .
mum Boresits, Protcorm Danielle ;Cherie. the
Second, C. B. Porter; BenerUetts Trod Phinsay ;
Priace Leopold. ArtharWelles ; Bob Boy. a High
lander. Will Decker; Prince Lowder, Jerry
illopbary ; Sir J:oeph Porter. K. C. 11.. John"Cul
tet Prince Cardinal, Honest Dean i Lori Melnik+ )
"Julia Wardell jCent de Inoue; Fred Walker;
Britrce Cores, Lon Ryan t Pew( airport; Hare
ty Stereos. an; Orpheus. W. Craft McKee 1 Pliant
Id the Mountain. George Hawes. Mooroeton ;
/Jed Jane, Clayton /*hie ;Jupiter,
Will F eet.
Nonteeets Meg Vest • Wil iam
'Chamberlin I Lord Dirtulseary, miler Steers, 4 1 7 .
inns ; Uncle Sam, Win Woodrulf,; Diet Delid„ltye t
George Ryan ; Holget of the Silver Getter, Hers
ter Pinter, Wysos ; italph Raekstraw. Baseline
Black Palace. £4. Smith; Mark Charles Coburn ;
Mid.Shlpman. Jame; Humphrey; • Prince Georg.,
Frank iranDora ; Prince of Bavaria, nary Mer
cy « Page to Charles IL, Bon Jarvis r - Prihee
William. frank Means; Little Turk. uavle Cash ;
Court Jester. C. IL Allen; Dram Major, Charles
111111 Page to George IV, Fred Mallory t ..Page
Henry]l; Willy ayton Page 'to Prince Arthur,
John Babcock; Stand; Cannier, Don Stevens I
I Page to King William Eighth, Frank Montarkle
10, 11. M, Allen I Fireman. Jesse Wardell. Jr.
wee. R .- Voliongti; Knight of the Golden
Croy; Folsolbe.ol st. John, N. B.; Cour:dose
Mint% Mrs. 0. C:Post ; Morning, Striae Jones ;
Princess Louise, Mist nolo Best; Prineess Sliver.
lee, Miss Anne Patrick ; Polbh Prince* Misli a ens
nie Ma4Ul, Wysairkinolly. Mee 'Helen Kings.
bury ;Blue Mis sile Collins; Daughter of
the Regiment. Mtn Hattie Walker • Duellers de
albargoorits, Miss Polly Stevens; Simmer. Miss
• MaggieluttaillMolo. Girl,' Hiss Wile Moore ;
Highland Lands, Cora Johnson ; Donna Vlorietts,
Miss Emma Griflisr.Christine a French Peasant
Girl, Maude Allen 187 Lim Barstow ; Princess
of arnnillady, Miss la Marsden ; Chinn, a'
German Peasant Cart. las Edith Woodruff. t Lit
tle Batteireop. Miss fielen,Powell ; Spanish 43euley:
retta, Minute Stedge ; Pet of the Ball. Little Dot
llerat V e ; MerniPli: Ida Layton ; "Flower Girls,
Hattie Mallory, Anna, Cash. and Little Gun Mrs.
Dr. Mootanye. Mimes Stevens. Lillian Storrs...llll.
Ile Bohm, Carrie Wardell. Anna Elliott; Helen
Scott. Allee Deland; Clara Worthier, Llaste Meant,
Minnie Reek Della Ross. Benne Warriner.Maggle
Snell, Loin Porter, Annie Bishop; Lulu Wardell'
and a number of others, wore very hands ome and
becoming evening costumes. "
On Thursday afternoon, February 10,
1881, several of the relatives and friends
of Mr. and Mrs; JOUR liArrEßilf conceiv
ed the idea of • making ,Them a .vialt, at
their hams, in Merrick —#‘: . being the 50th
anniveram of their wedding. The occa
sion was a very pleasant one,. and a well-•
planned surprise to the aged couple. • Mr.
and Mrs: LAFFROTY are among our oldest
and best War — arm, ntenjoy the confidence
of all their friends and neighbors. About
twenty-five persons were'present—among
the number was Mr. O. S. LAFFERTY and
'family, of C'amptown, who is a sou, and
is well known in his business relationkin
Eastern Bradford. Mr. I'. S. Squirms;
a son-in-law. and family, of Herrick,:were
also present, who is one of our hest citi
zens and business' men: Mr.' Tiorres
LEE, another son-in-law, and family, our
farmer. Jun! Corrmissioner, Mr. JouN
MANOR?, who is one of Wilkes-BrKs
best business men, was also present. Af=
ter a season of social conversation, the
cdmpany gathered around the hospitable
'table, where they found a delicious repast
and all seemed to enjoy the oceasinn—not
excepting .the aged ,goit, and wife. A
number of valuable presents were left as
a token of the regard of the donors,' which
were duly . appreciated. The gathering
was remarkable for the wonderful
good fe _ling and happiness mani
fested by all present Much
is due to the members of the family for
. 1
the good time. it was a success-'And as
the, time for wing good-bye came, the
seventeenth chapter of John was read,
and prayer was offered by Bev. E. C.
Qticl. We are aware that no description
of ours could convey the pleainre that
must, have been experienced by those who
are the receivers of so many kind tokens
of esteem and friendship.
ii communication published in the Can
ton Sentinel of last week, speaks of the
pro!lpects• of the railroad - up the Towanda
Creek as follows :
A number of the citizens of Canton and
vicinity met at the °Mee of Stone.(. Lilley
on Friday evening. to consider •Canton's
chances of being benefitted by the recent
movements iu railroad building.. :D. P.
Elliott was chosen chairman, after which
the meeting.was addressed hy'A. E. Case,
Es q.,. of Marion Centre,. Rama,. The
speaker was listened to • atte,titiVely, and
'gradually the conviction c&ni , over his
hearers that a new railroad up the To
wanda Creep' to Canton, and oh west
through the extensive coal fields recently
surveyed by Peter Herdic, was no vision
ary scheme, but was a project that only
required unity of action and \ organized ef
forts, on the part of those interested, to be
.fully realized. Maps and charts were pre
sented showing the location of some of
the proposed routes, among which •was
one to connect, with the Boston and Alba
ny road at Binghamton, running. south
down the Wysox Creek up to To
wanda, thence up the Towanda Creek to
Canton, and on west to Driftwood,
through a country rich in mineral wealth,
abundantly supplied with timber, and
through valleys second to none in -point
-of'fertility.• ,John Fox, of Towanda, a
civil engineer of experience,. Was present
and pronounced the route the best unoccu
pied territory in the State. Remarks were
made by a number of the citizens of Can
all in harmony with the project.
•Oommittees were appointed to confer
with parties interested in the. enterprise.
On motion the meeting adjourned to meet
on the 4th'of March next, and - an invita-
Ulan *as extended to all interested to be
The , editor of the Philadelphia new
spent a few days recently in.- ! Troy, this
county, and thus gives his Views •of the •
place to the readers of his,paper :
"Recently, while at Troy, Pa., ,wc visit,•
ed the Graded and High School, which is
under the charge of Professor James T.
MeCollom, A'. M. The school house, is
large and handsomei.and is well attended
by young ladies, young gentlemen and
children, the whole number of., pupils
being 33(1. As education is a very, import
ant • matter, we take the liberty to say
that we regard this school as one of the
best. The board of directors consists of
Hoo..Delos Rockwell, Robert F. Reding
ton,! John IL: Grant; Rithert C. Kendall, i
Thomas McCabe and_Jesse S art; The
teachers are Mr. McCollorn, and Minnie
C. Grobsi Eliza ' f. Adams, Hannah Beck
with and Libbie Shannon. We heard
some of the pupils , read, and it gives us
pleasure to say that they showed remark
able proficiency.
Troy is a Veautiful town of about fifteen
hundred inhabitants. The society is in
telligent, liberal and gracious." We have
seldom passed four days more delightfully
than dining our ?visit to this pretty and,
hoepitable place.
They have a fine hotel here, called the
Troy House, admirably kept by Mr. Mc-
Gonegal. It is one of the best hostelries
in the State. Likewise, they havAin ex
cellent weekly newspaper, ably edited by
ldr. Hooker.
'Troy is an active business town';'-itton
tains many beautiful dwellings, and some
noble store structures. is a charming
and healthy place for a visit during the
Local Correspondence.
EDITOR. REPORTER the issue .of
last week of one of your Towanda cetera_
pormies, I read with a great deal of Sittig
faction a complimentary'notice of Senator
W. T. Davms, and the members of the
House from this county. _The article was
entitled, "Complimentafy to our . Senator
and Members," and barring the self
praise of the writer himself, contained
Much that would : meet the hearty
doraement- of every Republican in the
°minty. &t the bottom of the article ap ,
fearvi the following as foot-cote, or
postscript :
"Norm.-=Tee above Was in typerbeforn
the mnrs of tbif ileetketiof 'Mr.' Mitchell
was received,"
Noir, what Vend 'mind of iny,neigh
toots; would kb to know, is this toes .
70* COtiflipthini &Sins, its Meth to WI.
derstatui by the "seta that the ,erticle I
would not bare been written and "pot in
.type" had it supposed thek Mr. Mtrat-
IV. 'would. be elected ? Or, - in other
wards I What had the ; selection of Mr.
Wren'. to do - with the rendering pf
praise to our meinbeis, if they were de
serving of it? Or, further, was the arti
-1 cle not written and "put in type" when:
there was strong indications, at least,,
that Mr. DAVOS stood pretty lair show;
of being attack by the Senatorial
ning44'j.and doesn't that account for the
extriordhiar, large amount of" "milk"
fit that atnplibientaty f" As
editors are supposed to knew tench more
about-evetything than plait! form, - I
wocld like to be enlightened as to the
6:imam of that note "at the bottom of
your coteroporaries article. •
Athens, February 20/1881: . ' ,
(The heading to our correspondent's
queries is about the best answer we can
frame as to his questions. Perhaps if he
would addreis hig queitions to ourcotem
pomry direct, he could get a more satis
factory answer. There are some things
in this world that even editors do not
fully understand. And very often they
appear iii newspapers.—Eorron- REtOR
TER. f
Dayton Wilcox has recovered from the
4carlet fevet and returned •to his st udies
dt the Normal school . itt.Mansilea
C. A. Kelley has purchased the'sto •
building lately owned by IL ,D. Baile
Now lOok out for some improvements.
It is reported. that getirge T.
bas purchased the farm residence of 11.
K. Mott for c. 5,500.
rer.ons Bailey,/ of Grolier, has pur
chased 20 acres of the 0. 8. Movie fa
for WO and will Soon become a reside t
of this town. .
The Leßoy Literary Socitty is again in .
running =order, and it is hoped that all
friends of its aims and objects will lend a
Oelpleg baud to insure its smieess.
Lilley Nat Of 0, A. H. is in a prosper
ous condition;; -
During the past week there has been
considerable excitement amongst the
'hunteis abonta certain "whit-is-it" that
has been chased day after day and filially
holed in the rocks on the Mountain south
of Ifoltis Ifelcomb'B sawmill. To-day a
large party has_ gone to drive the "un-
Inthwn 't from his rocky prison. -
0. B. ISUP.E.
Leßoy, Pa,; February 2241, 1?,81.
• .nr HYDItAi.:LICCVMENT.Tuat retieiv
ed-r-anotherear load of XX Star Cenient...:
aept7. . • R. M. WE ES.
- rar CORSER has the best-lirearingehoes
for. Men, lioys 4nd Yonths• wear 'ever Mitered In
Towanda, and a prices within the reach of all. • A
318k4.,CELERT !—Joni , STitoi;D, nelr
.Towanda Creek, has for foie a,ho builehcs tine
• tar A. Beverly Smith & Co., Book-
Binders and dealera In Fret Saws .and Amateur a'
Supplies. Send' for price-iists. Reporter Build
ing. Box 1512, Towanda; Pa. •
lalrThe Largest, Best and CheiPest :
line of Shoes for Ladlea' s Misses' and Chlldrens'
Wear Is found at Consrit's new stores corner Mai,
and l'ine-sts.,Tn_Acriatoble's block... apr4,7l
Ur WANTED !—I will Fty_good prices
In cash for any number of colts - sired by the Nor
man bora% "Gambetta," of Milan, Pa. lam not
particular in C regard to age, color, °r o ses. ,T-oh
Griffin, Athens, ra. . • • March a, 1881, 7m•
REstovaL.—NT. ALLY).; has re.
moved his Undertaking Establishment from
pridge street to rooms on Main street, over Tye-
Nan & Gonoclt's Drug Store,'and WoonronD
VAN Dowes Boot k Shoe Store. 'A tuit line of
Undertaker's Goods from the cheapest to the best,
isn7;,'lll. .1. tl. ALLAN, Agent.
rir L. B. Rowan chaltt.:lges compe:
tltlon tor goodly ol goods and low price s
Deprs,.Blitids and and al building ma.
I EDITOR REPORTER:-Ileainthrwht h
31r. Gurnet, or Columbia Township, that W. 11.
Bradford, of Sylvania, Pa., has refused WO for a
pair or yearling colts by • 4 Garnhetta, — of Milan,
Pa. 'ThirCh 3, 1831-Iw. i • U. S. E.
Vine 41 Cause Beate at • RIJUM : S, neldlrman's
Block. Nor. :7-tir.
tar GEO. L. Ross sells Groceries awful
CHEAP because his expenses are very light, and
he is bound his customers shalt have the !zeuefit.
Cs' FOR RENT.—The underisigned
wishes to rent the International Hotel located tithe;
First-Ward, Towanda Borough. License has 114 X-11
procured for the coming year. Terms reason - able.
For -further particulars enquire of T:
Barclay, *arch 3, 181d-lt
tar Fora good, durable and neat-fitting
suot:„ cau at V. 3..14.11141, Beldlemsn'A Block,
lialu street, •
HURRA.II to Gito. LAtoEles New
Grocery Store In the MontanyeAllock, and get your
Groceries at rock bottom. Jan. M.
tlr YOU RUN NO RISK when you
buy your Groceries at G. L. RoSS'S new More in
klontanye Block. Ins PRICES aro WAY DOWN
to rock bottom. ,
111st:tore In KE1.1.1:31 BLOCK, lwr WARD,
beats the world bpiorr Prices and good Goods.
rir-it is impossible fora woman after
a faithful course- of treatment with Lila:A..:.
Plaithast's VEGETABCF. • CO3IPOUNp-:, to
continue to suffer with a weakness of the -Wens.
Enetose — a stamp to Mrs. LYDIA E. PI Zi111111334.
nesters ATenue, Lynn., Mass., tor. pamphlets.
801.1 by Dr. D. C. Portrait, Druggist, Towanda,
Pa. • Julyt-yrl.,
jam' The 99-CENT STORE is Head
quarters for everything In the line or I,Amps and
SETTS,. LIQUOR SETTS—at 99-Cent Store.
ID5r UNION CIDER MlLL—Thin is an
excellent Portable3llll—onethat commends Itself
at - sight. Yarmers having apples going to waste,
will do well to give the Cider Mill atrial. It grinds
easily and rapidly--crushing the fruit instead of
grating. Capacity, flee barrels per day. Fur sale
cheap. ' R. M. WYLLE.S.
Towanda, Pa., Sept. '7. -
0115 and attachments at the 19. Cent Store.
'Off The seams of Carter's Little, Liver
Pills Is t. mild and natural. They gently
stimulate the flyer, and regulate the bowels. but
do not purge. They 00 One td please. fehit
[',How many'persons have neglected
to seek relief from an ordinary cough, or cold, and
have refused to seek a remedy until consumption
has performed its fearful mission t If you have
the slightest coughour better remedy Is found-than
Tuck's Balsam of Honey. . '
I Mundt' WINDS The sudden
changes_ and high winds which prevail. in March
makes a bottle of Downs' Elixir always necessary
to Wrest band. it is a sure mire for sodden colds
and all long disesses..
tar Baxter's Mai drake Bitters will
cure •all billions Miasma. Sold everywhere at Is
eta. per bottle. Try It. • .
tom' The best remedy for straMs - and
galls on
_hones Is Henry & Johnson's Andra anti
pH Liniment. Good for roan and beast. i
t "Your Shimmy: Liver Regulator
has - been itruse In my family for some time, and I
am persuaded it Is a valuable addition to the mcd.
toil science. - -. •
6 .00 V. JNO. OILL. SiltifiTEß, of Alabama
" It Ave proireda good and effective roeviteink
"C. A. .15UTTIN4,1.**
tair Having sold my retail Furniture
and Undertaking business, known u the Bridge
Street Furniture Store ts. E. It.
_Pierce I would re.
spectfully recommend those In need of goods In
Ids line to call on him at the old stand. .
I also wish to Inform those Indebted to we tluit
It wilt be necessary to 'setae the scannas soon..
February 3d, ISSI-am. r.
Ur 44 /1011 • f do 11011 e- 11111101alltto essi,
Wee. 41 '4* old pesetWoaare- thea Illranere
Ildoey stet Me: Cate it west tbe Noel sales
b 110!" the 11th eratary. 1 alma may
toe oath la ablmit, litteloati. Da
1110.". Ib / krt. C010113i.1., D.
tir " The doctors sold liwoldd serer
leave sly bed. ?bat was Wee ssostba age. sad
tem I eudirti 191pesads. 1 cut snide boil et
That 1 want to 11 1 1 1 1.101 Wieraers Sete Mersey sad
Myer Catirdid It 811. 0- ..
tom H. O. SOMA, aillway, I. J.
WOOMBIIIIN—C - 0M...4t the Plestor lw rise il'er.
i mage, *mentos, ' , shrug Vtli. the Ifei.
- Matkisk Asteetsreei. Mr. clans* L. twelbeto
and Mtn iteatteuel. Athrt, both et Wpm .
Agaittt—BLlCSlC.—At the bow ot the fehte. le
ke.Tehtvis7 24th. INC try Me". h. II Keeen,
Mr. J. W. Thom et nom, and Mu UMW S.
Beebe. of Plte. - •
. 2 2, 1181. by Wm. Z. C. go .-- let t li.Wehtle WUI-
M a. of If tovetkolllecand Iltof - Aaaa N,
pts' 11111.
DlVl.—;,kt Mountain Wm, Dec. 30, IMO. of
'Ptieurooota, Elltabetb Wife of the late
Go?lse R. Haight; in the I9th scar of her
GewitabWier, to Grocertes and Predate, cornet
Min and nod Streets:
1 PATIN°. est,t,lNO
Mar per bbt ' - 13 30 A 7 :.1
Float per sack it 40 ii; 1 1::.
Cora Meat per 100—, - a I:: 44
Chop reed 01 , 4 4 0
Won heat, per bush.. It 00 0 0
he 0I 04 1 4
C . se
e 75.4 0
ti • . 3S 4 -40
Buckwheat w 4 44 0_ 41 •
Buckwheat F10ur..., gi 00 0 I 2.1 0
Clover seed , • eOO 0 400
Timothy, weatern,.. fa 00.0 i Z.'s
Berm, 63 1011,g! 00 0 100
.. 0 .
Port. maim— i ._ A bbt. ty) 00 fis
Lard—, 0 0 0 1.:
Butter, tabs Z:I fta - ..2.2 0
• Rolla 'h) ilit 2/ a •
Eggi;freah 0 . IC. -
_O, .'.
Cheese.: ..
N • '-.
.14 - 0 IS •
Potitara. per bash.. 42 0 20. 0
Beeawax - 20 01 L"-. 0
- - --: Cole 1 it ICC 2t Co Ili T aZO.. A. DAT T 0 X
Rides -01S0 0/N
Veal skirts 20410 ao
Deacon Skins ,-, 40 0 al
.IStreep Pelt*, - - II 20 0 1 . 142
..> ConnectrD SY 11, 1144,V1D0W a Sao.
llldes ,
Veal Skins
eaeon Skins
t: beep Pelts
scar Abisteisentests.
Hare Bfied the Old Store
CORN , Ejt OF 5I fl' kND BuTGE sT
, (lately occupied by ()weft Moe.) with an entire
4 -
Groceries & Provisions.
We Italie stiention to our
zrzw Coons!
. .
Or The highest market pritxs paid to
Farmers in Cash for desirable produce.
Wood and Willow Ware
kept constantly ou band. /layers are finned "to
and risotto. our Goods and Prices.
Towanda, -Pa.. January :Ih, VW
C. P. WEI.T.T''
A.utielpiting the - demand for New Goods for the
early SpHng trade, we are offering In addltkm to a
full and well-selected stock of Crockery, Glass-
Vi are and !louse Furnishing Goods. a few speciali
ties to which we ask your attention, among them
the newest patterns of Glassware, called the
Noir. 27-tf
Japanese Pattern,
Ina full flue. for Table use
Tbc finest article ever offered to We trade tor coo L..
log purposes.
Safety Oil Cans.
And many othor articles usetul and onatueutal
Towanda, pa:, Janaazi Issl.
04 41 .07'j
73 IR 27.
I 71.0 SO'
An zisortment of
Tor the