, ... _ • . . S s ass . , ' . ~. \ 1 _ ; • s wite# . . . - i • ', "" . - , nit ' that the ~ P ro P rbtlias l anai' Wee the IlliteMlAL• ' - IiEDICATHIN AT MUMS. 0 Old . Hundred, " "Pain Cleft From to the line. Thit orwoo. is a meow tr. “Now Ido meet utibeiltatinez . t ' - " Alma an tl X it t rremido aaa ba" Ma' --- - ~,_,___l,_ 7 ' Whom aU Blessbags _' - Flow " - wait inn aljt:the fence of the voters. am .as essoitipradilieseir, theasu,lmelerw..h... • Sidney sad Liver Core is fra an, ' ePOUtt menoed the e on of a new buildhyrie -MO Ban Norman hi visiting inseam diverted. A-- 000 ---,- 800 Ille isessiss i i= edifiele "Mt. ithd the andki ° Thus the et- Town elecTa l tras * valet affair and by 200, whienis to tie i n u ne di a t i dy w e d M Nkhols, 31, y . lip to the wer- . . ...... . . . - -..- , ... -.- _.- . 0 Ns elanwerlaste the lith A l = Its ewe* vel 1 1 . -_L_______________________________---_ • i-. eel te , wed the loth• hi. MEM to Toll CLIMB MS (SOWS% VITO litiCe, Me WOOLS IteißlMMltil SWIM Willi ORO 1:17p. See ilea la Oa babel,. leitestiarsiaik. Oh 4,114, ' - . 7 „ . ..____________ . ____,._...____.__..___.__.-...--•---- ----- with machine_ g 2 Their orders amount -Mrs. General WILLIAM' PATTeri la m ea t, is Z ei I cei se ss i ser . eisos i m - Th e Gees, attar as - tbs tailor expressed ' the engioe, was elated. A atithiugooutrask J aw° 11111111"/ 4 ' ll ' C° 141". DOW tO Mier *4M,000. _ , OF TfIE CULL, U. ALLSX, LOCAL /PITO& __,. , - confined to ber bed by illness. ' . me s e of sn o b s t r iat um d es ti ne d heartfelt desalts 0111111 . Ilklefell rotate aid in thetwe parties was shown in the nal . *---- .-7,--' , . ar .. The doctors sidd a would never . • • --- "" -- "r --- ....Tim mum Thum, of to iggsre o biting Whom* S il os soc i e ty- nakired 9 SO the public extend the wish for the tickets were. nominated. The Repub. in „ aim vas was tun swi m s am anis - 1 Towanda, THE MAIMS Lrrra Concert COM I h. abundant =Mese in future lhaan canons was advertised a week. to- " la ' • Pa., Feb. 2.1, 188 z. - . - PM South Waverly, on T yof hist week. is of mere than passing importancti t there- the • .. sow 'weigh I Opened • & I cannot write - lan of Recernts win appear in atercur Hall Thursday even" -Bon. soexpupoweil baske t mar. fore we ow on ext e nd e d uo tt u re o f the • WHappend a - liet of the musicians and fore hand, and the cendidates were dem. what 1 want toIW. het Welwe i Zsere Ithtee7 und and Expenditures of Bradford County from ENTERED IN THE POSTOFFI in of this cr. AT TOWANDA 11 g week. This uomPanY bloom - ing for a few days plat from an attack of events - contiected therewith t Mogen; Orliadati Mae Dell thwigu; posed of *seven distinguished enlists who The building stands upon the tit. of Liver Mut; did la all." eh by bidlot--abe pelts tieing held open febn 0. 0. 0 00 e li s b m iy . N. ‘ j. . Singers--Charles T., I.lull, leader ; Town% two hours. , A few of ttie Dsmocrats sad ' . , January' Ist .to' 'December 31st, D3BO. .- . AB MAIL MATTER OF THE SECOND CLASS. will render a programme of choice m Pneumixlia. , the one d im t ro y e d t v th e e yew, iglu ,I,fot_lg K. P*l4. Chiron* A. Blood ; Batn, malcontent% met in the evening at Jebn's ,i' ~. _ ___....____.------.---------------------- R eserve d sees can be o bt a i ne d a t , m in. -Mut, DLENIUMMER, Of Ithaateet, an L. ,,,,, W. iL Benedict, Millard Huntile.ker, E.Q. store without previous announcement, - MARRIED. . , . , LOCAL AND GENERAL. f BY'S at the popular price of 50 cents. visithig her dangfiter, Mrik (11., it !.."MEANS, '''su lig% " 4 is mailltalitiallY omit= 1 , , i n um ) p l aaa . 1 f. i , of pressed brick with atone trimmings. It Rishel ,• Soprano, Miss Belle Noble, Mtv. and nominated 11. mongrel tilaket Of DM°. NOUTillittP-COX.-At the Prvebytt Man _par- . I ----.—= 1 ~. . is of a neat Gothic style, the main part eltru 900 by the . P.', R. - Yam& LIL Ruin Mrs. F. A. Gil- crate, sore-beads, etc. -Iths a fact that 0 6c = 711 : 1,0313, P arr ag nis i r an '------- ---- '---- -- - ' 14 , - orthrup- awl The expiration of subscription 0 print.' 'WE learn from the Owego Times, that --GEORGE FAIRCHILD, who his been ill be nz o i c° f eet. Ai' t h e sou th eas t °or _ iltte, Mrs. Heyde_ ,n Mr& A. P. Ford ; should teach them a lesson, that the only nias satiey - i: e - OK tion'Ter Mterneton. i , . c . ed en the colored label. By • noticing tha on Friday, the llth inst., an Semsesat S. of diphtheria for two weeks pus, , 1 la .. able ner .51 a tower 12x12, whirl extends a few to, Mrs. F. 111. Wells& Alf except Mrs. one of their ticket elected, where there SCUDDSR-DANN.-At the C 401110041 cottage. • - date every subscriber can tell when his I BILSEIStaRD was engaged in rolling some, to be out of doors. feet past the side, of the main building Hayden and Mrs. Ford are members of was a Cdritdit, was a straight out Deno- Greenwood, February 1110. by, the Re& Hillock Aratetvel, Mr. OUbert Scudder end Mu Mie7 •-. Expenditures. ,i, • - a er te __ _ , , _ _, „____._ ofos upon tbe skidnay at the steam isaw- -Hon W. T. DAI/ISS was in Cparn over and , I, s p Hi de SIOPPC.C 6 0133 . 43 en° illUg " l .P . mill in West Warren, Ps., the iron broke Sunday and returned' to Hamsburg on on tr tains ir tathennlnce . m ea t fr°l:l4 th e l s mu d % was excellent the acoustic (Li usually healthy village is getting lune ' el " et ITake • Tl V agull Y' Pa' PI /ion is renewed. ._ ! 1 .in the cant-hook, letting the log roU back Monday morning. ,i s &maw t ower w hi c h r i ses f rom th e arrangements of the audito.ium assisting its share of sickness this spring. . Lung maillealelamelelanalle rre a tir ua t t arltatet udit"s- ; : ; * aitattor ' ... ti g :1 t e ar" A l f aY rj d ria r afg I pri..... samort la penitentiary 1,996d3 ' Ezra Baiter. Troy T 30 et ,_ Me m 44 4 t . j ii o . l 4l. 2 . e llterae uam be ti m es, it it i ld di g b hu vry ry T T f i l no , _ ~w•-•!-•••••"•••••• - '-• ' against him, breaking one of his legs just _ C. T. Krim has so fee ered basement and ntains the entrance to . c p ee nn r ho ey notwri me p' rees ers to penitentiary co t to tender the effect - pleasine. The floral difficulties nem to predominate. We are 01110. Di order to give this week a list of ths above the ankle joint, aral injuring hhia fuse th led it bei f the " rth deconstions were confined to the chancel glad to see Postmaster Fee ont again af. CilitiSTIAN.-At his madame in Tuacarors. ~.,_r iff ituai50nie=.. ,......... ... 186 00 Charles Warren. Alba 8.... ..... 36 1,0 ' . otherwise. - his recent severe illness as to be able e ure room, og rom no December 31, 1880, Hr. JOhn Christian, aged 61 ""' officers elected it the recent election, Bev- ',to be out of doors. . side. The space between the towers is and not lIIIIMSD3us, but tasty. A. small ter a week's illness. Rise Lydia StalfoFd „ am , . Counsel to Coma 0 50 00 1 John Conley. hltigbury T.... ..... 800 end communications and obituary notices Earsterr WHALEN . while engaged in -Mr. and Mts. JAMES MaeranLesin enclosed to the height of the side walla of p i ,.. main tart,- and c,onstitutes thei vestibule. stand wreathed with. ivy and surmounted is gradually recovering.. Rent of Court rotes at Troy IH NMAN.-.013 Wednesday, Yebruary etb. len, ma ce contracts 160 GO , Eugene Dalton& Armenia T ,19 to 1.043 65 1 Robert Young, Troy T 171 0 . 9 \ ~ with cat flowers, stood tilt e)v ir a the desk at The whole town was startled Thursday' at the 1011101100 her 1101-Indew.E.B•Arauglin• Costs In Commonwealth sults 5,493 51 J. S. Taylor. Alba 11 16 oo -_ are unavoidably delayed until our issue felling trees at Gillette, tbis county, was have gone to Florida'where time' - [ - win Six windows are in the main tower for the right, while a few ge nine Mid cal- morning upon hearing the death of Hem Esq.. Wyalosing township. Auguste y. memo, Bradford Camay Agrkultnnt Seelisty... tee 00 D. T. Hildreth. South Creek 12 to instantly kWed Thwsday morning by a main several mouths. . , ~ r a t% o th r e stie m ate tryear sens of / te e ; age nte . man, Of , M'yairs. El ect i on ex p ens es lair 50 I Francis Cantrell, Burlington W. 19 tio of next week. tree which had become lodged in some -Mr& R. J. SHERMAN bas returned artietia effect, and several windows in lies were placed upon the window stools Schofield. He bad been sick a fortnight, Assessors 2,240 00 I D. B. Bruce, Leßoy T.. 9 !a 7 552 22 B:T. Linde Leito T ...... ... 17 te —.• .--__. front to light the various rooms, thus pre. upon the side. . but until a short time before he died Ids Having lived throughout many yeals a devoted ' 1 Gilbert Mcgi Y aight. jranvllle i' .. 28 oo either and 'which suddent 'od - Traverse juror Constables malting returns and attending , DID you get a v,alentine ? her visit to ber brothel!) L. R. treeN Y g lisi Yreei 1 bl r Benne' gas a who ean agreea e rout Rev. Mr. Sewell of Troy, preached in condition was not considered dangerous. eretb 0 . -• e -servant of the Lord Jona Christ, she died Mum; at eketioes . 915 23 ilyron R. Horton. Rome T.- ... 6 0 (' —4ll-11.-----" ed and fell on WM. He was a man f r u p Rt h aV - hit tic .T, near C MOD , V n . view. The tower is 84 feet high, and is His the evening, and the same choir rendered parents bave .the sy y 1 tn poor circumstances, and leaves a wife and le fifth In her - saute Redeemer, anitwucan not Office books 90 SE Cl. M. Hoffman. Terry T 19 0 , A PREVAILING iSM-rheumatistn. -C. F. TATUM, of the 99-Cent Store, etrengthened at the exPotied corners by songs of pmise, thus closing the exercises whole community in their reavement. doubt fell salatip in Jesus. The remains were Making duPlluslesmd regulen 60 00 401 Campbell, Litchfield T 23 Ott . a child that is only about - siz montha old. b been offered a Incrrative nosition in a ornatnental buttresses. At'the rear is a of the day which bad been ejeasant most The funeral servic,ea, conducted by Reva. 6 , 0 1 7 . Joh n ir. Verbryck, Wihnot T..... $4 0- ~...—.00.------ Wrought 419 tat Levi Stevens, Albany T.... ...... 824 0 Mr. WHALEN was about twenty-five years " of the time, only a fleecy ,covering of a Craft and Cole Saturday morning, were , yleauara end crier of Court - ABE you going to the inauguration . wholesale house, at Utica, N. Y. projecting chancel, which is the half of a „ to wyoox tot isonnent. , - goal ane lights Repairs on Wald btaidloga. s 481 92 G. S. Gamble. Wilmot ?.... 19 Oa of age. ___.....--- ,- -- inof an inch of snow having fallen laleli i attend:d. , . Bridp repair.; 2 662 92 Pills Bowen, Warren T .... 700 ' ____,-..........____ -M. H. LANNINO, of Wyso - x; w - ho has decagon 14 feet in diameter, with roof of , iract-o 0 . . . Pawners' support In jail. 2,691 29 , Win. P. Arnold. Rome T a 541 ' OWEGO now sporta a Chinese laundrylr. AT last V h been confined to his house by illness for ERROR as ean accurate same shape extending to the apex of the impeding the sunlight for a few moments. . . Lewes is quite seriously ill, but W. A. P. at this writing is supposed to be improy. i 'TOWANDA MARKETS. . - Grand J 112011.•• A HI 43 I James Holland. Wilmot T 50 68 prediction and we hasten to give him full two or three weeks past, is improving. main room. The windows of the upper Public printing . 1.584 el, L. E. Griggs, Monne T.... ...... %so A DAILY paper is soon to be started at portion are of the fi it gothic style placed ing. REPORTED BYSTEVENS g LONG, , Post age and stationery 116 60 , L. M. Marshall, Rode T 41 0 , crediL His almanac stated that the Feb. -Miss JENHIE, Bung has returned to N. D. P., the Monroeton correspondent 'J. F. Chamberlain, who has been con- Generateeelers in 61700117 1 68 senProanee, corner Diswici attorney 469 00 t Wm. A. Kellogg. Monroe T. .. , 850 . . in puns ; the lower ones diffesing only in - Waverly. rnary thaw was to end with the 12th, and her home in this place, from quite an ex- win Mae aud Pine Streets. Cowmen' and Justices" Inquisitions.-- 133 74 ,0. P. Taylor, Warren T 15 So • — '" ------- .4-. it did it here exactly. For the balance tended.visit to friends in Cleveland, Ohio. square headsi. • of the Review, furnishes that paper wilt fined to the house nearly all ter by ,_ , • neuralgia, is still unable lo be ouL . WEDNESDAY EVENING., FEB. 23, 1881. Insurance nn Public buildings 97 50 John A. Keene. Standing Some. . 'AS to . Vw-ronv for VeNnon t tam February of the month hill' programme was that -Mr. and Mrs: A. S. GORDori are re- Owing to the fomiation ef the grotind the following, under date of the 18th : Stenographer of Coqrt 1,200 00 , James Burke, Myrna' T. '2 00 _ the lower windows on the south side are . Silas M. Buck is visiting at home, atter . . 2: Jerr-comnosearaira - zio 78 George Grinitti, Uister-T ia 00 . thaw came. the balance of this term would be contin- 126 22 Peter Walborn, Towauda T 26 00 ued until the 10th, when storms ofairind, ceiving the congratulations 'of their small, and serve to light the kitchen and " Mrs• G. G. Ingham, one of our Mgt an absence Of three years in Michigan. • Peel ea. SELLIPICI Taz refunded Floor per bbl 50 Si 750 Damages for tbe toss of sheep by doge- - P. P. Sweet, Ulster T II CO friends. It's a girl-born Friday mom- filet room. All are of stained glass of di- esteemed citizetes, lies at this hour terri- Mrs. J. M. Elliot and family left %own Flour per auk • It 4 0 . NS 135 C. A 'Barrows, Albany T... . . .... tit tsl F. W. Fisher. Towanda T 14 00 MASQUERADE Ball at Mercur Hall, this rain, and snow would usher in a colder • ing. ' . bly stricken, and wa fear fatally so,. from Thursday afternoon, for Auburn, N. Y., Corn Meal per 100. . .7. Silt: 4 1 0 H. it. Vanioon, Albany T 700 • 1/.11. Crlmmin, Asylum T. a5O Wednesday evening. • I term. And again VENNOR was right. d tte Th f•f 1 te ith amen pa ma. e roo is os a w d. _ .... ted by the poisoning of 'Chop Feed. 60 (1 4o 1. B. Wheaton, Litchfield T 7Co. , P. Goiania, Wysex T IS 0o • , -Mrs. C. H. MANVILLE, who has been figures formed by .arranging different a wease contra° . where they expeet to make their home. wheat, per unith.... 0000 i 0 0 4. P. Horton, Terry T 650 _ 1 John Peterson, Athens 11 24 to • _ , ..„-,--.•,•,--.. ono of her hands in the following manner' Dr. R. Busb, who has been visit- con, . _ visiting friends - ita Penn Yen for several shades of color. Entering the heavy front - • Mrs' se 4$ 611 0 John Friable. Teny T. . 20 0 T. P. Mjer, Franklin T .. to ou - COLDs and thmat difficulties are quite RoLL of honor of Wbite's 'Corners sed and eared for her or ban n e She nur P i g fri nds in Strondsburg,'has returned. Rye . 75 att 0 H. W. Rhodes, Albany . T..... .... 800 i Geo. D. Ch ushers, Ifddibury T. . 17. SU , prevalent throughout the town. school (Litchfield) for the month ending weeks past, returned to her home in this doors, which aro beneath a gothic arch niece, Mollie Bowman, through a course The Sunday evening lectures in the M. Oatti .380 , 40 il. McDonald. Ftanklin T 72 00 41. W. Stetter, Franklin T..... .16 no Dlaee on Friday having a transom of neat design. and we a A, DJ Stone, Leßoy T 104 00 Patrick Mdluire, Terry T 12 00 - ° - ..-...---.........---,- , , January V 3, 1881 : FANNIE GIBBS, KIT.• - - ' , oir the scarlet fever which, -"ZEI'll "Km at work at JJ. Bon- stand in the vestibule which is Bxl3o. A- . . ' prevails here, E Church t y Rev. David Craft, are well Ib i t i kwheat 490 . tis a kwheat Flour.- gl 60 0 175 0 J. B. Warburton. Leßoy T IS 00 Ilifam Stevens. Monroe T 29 00 THE next State Fair will be held intth TIE VANDUZER, HATTIE COBB, BETTIE 1 . • _ . and in washing the napkins used in WiP- attended. The lectures are entertaining clover seed ' 6 0(1 01 660 H. H. Miller, Terry T SOu Guy May. Rldgbury T.... uoo - ' Ginn& 13THLLit , Conn, ELLA PtAnys, "LATER'S mill, Troy, had the thumb of Me few steps up and we are in the center of . trig the saliva from the rnoutn, was poi- and instructive, and will repay a long ride Timothy. western,.. -1300 3 25 Josiah lieggerty. Terry T 11 33 Ellen Pitcher s - Towanda B 16 to exposition building at Pittsburg. ~ JF.KNIE Ccrrron Lucy Grum,' GEORGE left hand nearly cut °fitly a saw on Sat- it near the broad entrance to the audito- zoned throueh a.nintole or sl ht sore On Ls to hear them. ' VILKENS. Beans, 6: lbs, ti 00 es tai SO F. A. Bradley. Rome T T.... 6SO John Ilislstead, Ten 7 T.... ...... 900 r , -I _ ~.., rium. Ahe north end of the vestibule - - - • • Pork. mess 0 bbl. 920 00 0 Thomas Beaumont, Pike T....... 17 00 Allen Knights. Alba II 37. 00 s. , .--.---....-- DECKER, t.LARENCr. %ATMS, lifffLl4,E, urday, the 12th instant. the hand ; and now the entire system is February - 20 1881. ' - Lard 010 0 it 4, 14, s e hoonover, TenVE....... 14 00 E. W. Peon, Troy T s . 34 CO L is? . Tueslair was the anniversary of cs . rialc, 31, 17 ILION 'WHEELER, FLOYD -At the . t," f ' mee mg o r,..e Conference a cloa in is provided, - also a stove for . . . involved. Dr. Hull is assisted by Dr. - Butter, tubs 20 44 24 tali. .1. Chubhuck. Warren T 900 W. 1) Rose, Artnettla T .... to co the birth Of GEORGE WASRINGTON. DECKER, FREDDIE VANDUZER, Witt.Lis Committee at Harrisburn on Friday last, the c venience of those coming nom out Pratt, of Towanda, and Ingham, of Troy, ' ULSTER. none 2o v. '22 0 Taoinas J. Rost, Standing Stoue .22 SO, S. J. Wheeler, Ithlgbury T... .... 10 pi ' Eggs, fresh 0 Z.I • 0 J. 11. Schoonover, Terry T 800 s‘ • Geo. D. Clamber'', Rldgbury T, .12 oo -- -.1-- VANDUZER, JOHNNY- COTTQN, EUGENE Hon. W. T. DAVIES, Os Loss place, receiv -0.1.1 1 ' :. of town. The auditorium is 38x00, ex- who aro employing their utmost skill to T ~, 14 0 15 Joel S. Taylor. iliraterille T ..... .. 28 to ,E. C. Abbott, Pike T...... .... ..12 oo own meeting or election passed off Choo" A sew furniture and undertaking es- Il ...ENTER. elusive of the chancel which is the half of ed five voteti as a 'candidate for Senator. alleviate the suffering of their patient. • Potatoes. Per busb•• 40 1011 4 , 7 60 0 John Elliott, Terry T 16 CO C. 1.. mullet. Plke T ZI co tablishment has recently been started in CHAS. COLEGROVE, Teacher:, W. W. Bowman, a prominent citizen a decagon having a diameter of 14 feet. , d i 1 1 iii , g d It is 39 feet from floor to a f f A pex o roo . 11 , e have e ayet t i rionce or aay or quietly, with no drunkenness -or disturb auce of any kind. Beeswax 9 "" 20 43, 22 • conageTZD BY GTO. A. DAYTON 44 Ellett Pitcher. Towanda 8... .... 51 in - Clement Ell, Terry T W. 91 Platt, Herrick T..- -. .... 17 on 950 , 5, .A. Bradley, Rome T ix oo Canton. • ____________ of Towanda townshi died on Tuesday • two to be a little inore,"'definite. At pres- ~,•,, ,„ „ ~,, et. s. Allis, Wysox T 41 oti m. Wel.h. Jr.. Towanda T 33 Ou •• _ THE defendants in the "Smithfield • PI single glance is sufficient to inspire pleas- • t . th h - bo t 1 " The sociable which was held at the par- Hides '' .. 2 W . y.: a William Fol., Terry T 14 CA) Joseph Elliott, Terry T 14 oil ' CANTON is to have a course of lectures case " were sentenced by his Honor of last week, and was buried on Friday. He had bee ' nin poor health for same time. ent wn ino• e c =CV* are a u equa . ant thoughts, and almost unconsciously - 1 died , • . sonage last Saturday evening was well at- Vaal 61006 on Sammy eve= one falls to thinking of the beauties of na- rl4 ng Lam - g• tended, an&-everybody seemed to enjoy Deacen Shit" -44 I ' ova Tr eo a. C. Rogers. Litchfield T 17 Oo -- 1.561 71 . ' 4° ,„ 40 ,, . as,,, li. Conklin, orwell T 7SO Repairs and expenses On Towanda bridge 2,342 as 8 Sheep Pelts 7 "'IN '^' Charles Coleman, Herrick T..... 19 00 Insurance on Towanda bridge Din as under the auspices of the M. E. Church Judge INGHAM; on Monday last, Cnem . ... past His age was about sixty year& I ture as the light streaming through the -*a- themselve& There was one feature that LAUGH to one month in the county jail, _ COIIIIIICTED BY H. DAVIDOW A 11150. (teem° Mingo'. Burlington T.... 13 oo Poor-house conatruethn 26,04 e ai of that place. -"Mrs. GEORGE 111011liAN, of Sayte, is different colored glasses produces all the was-noticeable, and that was the presence „,,__ , $lO fine andrcosts of prosecution. Haim.' COURT PROCEEDINGS CONTINUED. ~ ; Thontas Cope, Wyrox T.... 17 So Porchase of Poor Meuse fami .... 11,17 n C 6 .„, —••ss------ NEss an d H Ewirr were sentence d :go pay visiting her friend, Mrs. PAUL EMERY, effects seen in the rainbow rand then, as of so many good musicians who rendered ;,7,,r Bki „ - , S 4:14 (4 h7 S 1 H. Allet Rome T nib el 25 a 00 -Teams. implements, 'stock and labor Mr , TIIERE is small hope for settled better - Liberty street... .Miss ,MAlnt JONES, of we witness the charming effect's, produced wEDN'EsDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1551. many excellent and well executed pieces, Deacon !Skins .... 400 60 . d. W. Brown Onrell T... .. .... 700 Poor-llouse ferns ........ ... .... 2.447 us a rine of $lOO each, costs of prosecution, _ lames 31c9laran, Ulster T... .9 00 Enlarging Prot's an;l licgs Gies.. 2,5n7 Ca weather until we set through with the and undergo imprisonment in the count r eAthena, Pa., is visiting at the residence by the happy arrangement of figures and Sheep Pelts which tended to increase the enjoyable- , I 71 0 I sa James Burk. Asylum T 750 Sheriff for election proclamancto 94 64 e, Corn. 4s. Sidney Matteson.-FeloniouS Assault. . present Congress. s..- jail for two mouth& ' , Purnell, Maynens, of Mr& BETSEY , Tuwa.tal.-Otoego Blade. colors in the frescoing, we are led to eon- Jury find defendant guilty on second counehr in-, neSS of the oceasion. The next one will • B ford. Count Conon, loner aDo John It. Warburn ti. Leßoy T.... 8 2., Daniel rad y a s 5 J. 4. Shoemaker, Leßoy T 12 (41 J. W. Herat, Connty Commissioner ‘504 no .••• •• - lIOLMES. and JACKSON were fined $l5 t-FINLEY FURMAN, one of the most ex- tetnplate the benefits arising from a cul- diettnent. Smtenced to pay a nue of 'DO, cosa of ,be held at the Town Hall next Thursday - - ------ --- -- --- c. A. Kelley, LeltoY T.... l .49(n0 M. V. Ransom: County Ceenniwlener.,. 445 e n o J. A. Whipple. Leßoy T 1 9 tss William Lewis. Clerk 1.100 Do tivateh intellect thus bein immediatel Pc° CaNTox7 military company, Capt. each, costs of prosecution, and imprison- cellent of Columbians, &aye the Troy Ga- • g- y Cum. its Michael secutions and four months In county lap. Yincent.--Assault aud battery. • "lA-ening. lircie Absedisentents. . ment for six months in the county jail. zette, has moved over to Austinville and benefitted by ourvitsit. Jury find defendant guilty. Sentenced to pay a The young people have started an Am- um). T. Wilcox, Leßoy T.... ~.. 40 00 —. LSN BON, propose to attend tile itiaugura- and will -- —-- -- , Total , Ind,otc. 9* . gone into the store as a partner with Five double windows upon each side, rine ot vs, costs of prosecution, and 20 days in ateur Dramatic Associetion, •• _ - - • tion of Gen. GARFIELD. ELMltta's new paper-the Sunday B - JAMES lIIIIIIARD, buying out the interest five diapiondahaped small wiudows aud • elude jail. , E. A, Whipple 4s. Peter Passinger.LLEjectment. make their appearance on the public stage A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ----------------- -7 e: _____.„ . publican-made its appearance last Sun - of C. L. STRAIT. The firm is a capital two single long windows in the chancel, Eutaw:an smius Ewe, , for plaintiff. E.sbree & Son at this place soon, avith dramas, recita- xj. Letter% .4 administration having been grant- Act/aim/4 with the several Collectors or County Tax for 1580 sod 1 6 revilovol.. ' SOME five or six cases 9f small-pox are day, and is a sreditable sheet. It is neat - one and deserves succers. ; and two high up in front afford abundant fur defendant. Verdlet for plaintiff to be set aside tion, etc. • eil to the undersigned, upon tho estate of E. O. - ~ . ___ I__ ___ __, _ - _ reported in Danville. 'rho public schools ly and tastefully printed, and the fir,t - --At the meeting at theAlliptist Church light. The roof is an iron truss which iS on defendant's paying 9784.25„t0 plaintiff. 11. W. Laue se. J. II Covey. et al Issue -Two P. McNerney, Jr. of this place, tisti- °smirks. late of Towanda Borough, deceased, ,- _ ______-- -=--,- -- - -------. --•=-= - --- - -- -,-, , notice is hereby ellen that elf persons indebted to -' 6 I , l ,„. 0 isSUC was filled with -.excellent reading painted and frescoed in a tasty manner, cases tried together. Rodney A. Mercer. E l ., foe tilted a Lodge of Gs'iod Templar:l - at tine- the said estate aro requested to , make immediate _ A •,.. i Al -mob Int ..moont .4./I . lli Anent have closed in consequence. Sat nri Rev. J il on u ay, . anTON FRENCH 1 • - Matter for the - family circle, beside the givinu to the room a cheerful as et. The Minim Williams A Angle for defendant. Ver- shequin last evenins, with eighteen char- payment, ansl all person ha)ring clainss against TOWNS-11PS A BOVOUGHS. A.0..,* of Coll•etoro. -a 1 , 3 ~ t...rone. Per 41.11. was elected to serve as pastor for anotLer • • ,s•- .. • diet tor defendant In each ease: ter embers The e foll a' tl ' f said estate most present the same duly authenti- i' , : 7 If'hor, 9 'd. Reseived ratcd. 'Cast' lp. ()NE by one our old citizens are taken, latest telegraph news up to the hour of b • f • ' year y a unanimous vote o the ineetin s tunsaing ot e w -wor o tie rook f h ood kf I Is s. C. 31ann vs. J. M. Russell.-Seire Fade. El ~ v m • °mg were le o - „ tid to the undersigned for settlement. s , i _ ____, _ , 1 1 _ _ ___, i going to press. 4 One hundred and seven- mF . b ii neat, and the effect of the large rafters hanan Smith, Esq., for plaintiff. B. M. Peck, Esti. liners installeil :W. C. T., W. H. 11. N, N. BETTS, Administrator. -------= `'_---- ----- - 1 • .. , r_ / r RENCII as we served the' church and soon we will be a ithoot any person teen copies were sold here on Sunday last, ' ' with cross girders at right angles to them for defendme. Verdict for plaintiff .80.51. Gore ;W. V. T., 31rs. William Snyder ; Tonanaa, Pa., Feb. 2E 1881. Hirlifigion Wist ;IL C. licKian :1877 8a1..4 72 51 73^ in the past and his acceptance of the po- • J. A. Itecorips use vs. S. C. awl k ileu Means. -- CS. Wilson... 1379 ~ 11 07 II 07 . to give us information of Inippenings six- ancLyre !Joie no doubt many mere copies • is pleasing. The spaces between the raft- Secretary, 11. F. Watkins ; Financial Sec- Albs Bolts:041V I 411 411 319 21 A2s 67 .1474.34 I /than that will.be taken hereenext Sunday ti 'I b • f T si on wi 1 e very Batts eatery.- roY ers being thus divided . iuto squares, each ce ptfo n filed. -Auditor's report tiled and confirmed nod. Xx• rotary, Frank Luckey : Treasurer, Peter - , Athens tlerough 1. 11. liosmer • ..„,. , . ty ye.trs ago. - • Gazette. . gisn Tovmshi . ,Wm e. Lane' '-'- - Is, AS its lo IAS 41 to ' having a border of fresco work. There a\ C. Harris' vE Ass Packer's executors et al. Wolf ; Marshall, George Rodeo's ; Chap- GE ORGE L. 110 SS ri1r.111:,,&.", West 1 • N.C. McKean ,• • '2O Is 14 11' 647 I ..-...-.-.-.0.4.-----.. I We wish the enterprise unbounded BIIC , -Mr. ELMER B. MeKEE, of Towanda', are five spaces on each side and seven llorr 'Samuel Linn appointed Master and Examtn- lain, C. W. , Alliger; Guard, Lydia Atli- , . Burlington Borough.... ~..-.. 4. K. Tt0.,,, 82 01 '72 a: 3 = 3 711 AN I) now the people in and about Green's ,coss ; ,'• . - er. - 279 '4l Ins al4 744-63 42 1 --' 4 , , Pa., was visiting with Mr. Eti. Ilasal, squares each. The following Sheriff's Deeds were acknowledg. ger ; Sentinel, Clark Fuller ;P.W.C. T, is um Proprietor of the Itidgimry Town*hip - - , !no. Minim. Jr Das id c hase.... Ii SS aro So 371 - II 34 , : Landing, are talking of asking the Court Witaaasi BURLINGAME, working for in Chi!" village last Tuesday. Mr. M - The side walls are 18 feet high, suite; ed :To Catherine BD:Samar+, 14 of an acre itt Alirelia Forbes ;R. S., Kato Alliger ; 1.. south **reek ' s i lt anla Ilorough.7.. 'Das id Stevens.... .. . .... , ,„. 12 88 31 65 121 -7 KA lo organize that section of country info , Jut; SMITH, at Wellsburg, N. Y., was KEE, on Wednesday morning, Went on ble borders being arianged around the south waverlyaloreuga, sold Feb. 341 as the prop- Susan Walker ; 14. M., Eziia Wolf :1 NEW GROCERY STORE souti....waverly. IS. 11. Howell ...,. 78 7.0 . , 76 2o .' " • er of 31artin Mcliausara ; fli. To A. D Munn, '4 Pis ifTootoshi • ('ee. Bartholomew .... ...... :5 - . !7 s 57, 1 . ! ..!.. s'l 0, • I an independent sehool district. killed Wednesday night of loot week, by,, his way to Oswego to attend the spring window's, etc., to give efiect to all the de- :elms in Litchfield two.. sold Feb. Ilth aft prop. A. S. Jessie Wolf ; Lodge 1/cputy, E. JUST STARTED I N THE MON- wiim e a Ton-milli , rhos E. QUiCa.... ..... . ... ... -- 15 . 1 1N• 15 1. .'!, 41 si an oglv steer while doing chores at the let mof the Oswego State Noimal School, coratidns. The windows have narrow erty of F. C.Vright ; 015. To Elizabeth Duhert, Forbes. - . , ---- ---- ,ea; - 1 acres in Smithfield twp., sold Feb. lith is prop- $1.919 la et.49S 7o Ise. 40 .325 .2 1 barn. his skull was crushed when found, of which institution he is a pnpil.-Oungo borders of various colors, the rest of each -6 , Mrs. E. B. Moore has rented rooms in et TANYE BLOCK. Told. - .1 .... . , - ......... •• •••• THE Towanda papers are just now a- city of B. ra e„,; 10. o uman utmao, J c., „. 1•• IN- 9 0 T L P 1. , z' and be only lived a few bour& He Was Gazette. . glass being diimond patterns. Upon a. 130 acres in Granstile twp. sold Feb lith as pron. di& C y m s McCort 's house and will move - - ~ , • ''., bo • o find ring t out which steals the most hint at five o'clock and died at twelve -Mr C p w h • d l• tf tth*"•ht f th lta .- HAULM . AGNER. w o was raise p a otm a e rig o ea r, erty of L. D. Fon - kr ; 61:600. To George CS. At- sOOll.- We understand she has rented her e A rine* Yownship . , 4,11 a Bonibans - 1860 319 81 3'5 72 17 So 16 ss 1.447 43 1 267 71 774 71 os , locals. So far as our observation goes o'clock. All he could say in reply to ni ht to t th' I d fas you face it, is a suitably arrauged place g opera r a is p ace, an was a - eases 116 acres lu Standing Stone twp , told grub. lith as property of tharles A. Squires et a.; 11S, farm on "Moore's Hill. Ties store being on the corner near the Public _Asylum Township Athens Borough 1 11. r. Cbleson ...... 1 . „ . I. S. Willaton ...I ........ - • -1•4164 . 1 ...4 1.4.8 55 119 70 7% ii ' the.lrg u a takes the belt.- Ira rerly Advo- lilleStions as to now he was hurt Want teivrard stationed at Wyalusing as day for the choir, a neat walnut railing ex- To 0.31. Bruck, house d lot in Monroe twp:, totld d u nto chroniele the sad .We alp calle po Square is oue of the finest Grocertes In town and Athens T.Pwnsitlit ,A% A, Pluututer..4 . ..... 305, ~f, 3,5;04 36 61 .0 IA4 41 t. 3tr IN' b re.l "6 - f - 1 I I h' be . es asses no pown se ect ng t e st . , 805 S 9 757 33 r 4t. so se "ICattle." The unfortunate man has' operator, has been promoted to the posi- tending along the edge of the space. it' res. nth as property of 'eter 1). Gerlaugh ; 610. news of the departure nom our midst LI Albans* Township VV. Is. Keeyen good:that the great elties &fiord. HIA experience ... 134 as ibi 63 3:0 e ;..s cate. use add I t in Towanda Boron li Alba lloreu h ,I% S. Wilson- . ... - been in the employ of 8311T11 some ten tion of station agent at Wysaukiig, very neat desk of walnut supports a Bi- tro E• 1 . - FO2- ll" g ' death. of one 01 our 'Older citizens, Mrs. in the gro s sery business enables him to purchase Ina. 11. Davies 1,031 57 956 17' 25 07. l'ol 23 -----•-• sold Feb. 11th as property i, 11. J. • adtli; 92 Soo. , Ilareia g y Township. ..., Jane Bowman, w birdied at her resideuce find-class goods, and at .bottom prices. Farmers I W ss P. Lane.. -.. . ........ ... 1.35'; 48 1 1.264 70 SA 42 Cti st; years, and 'was highly esteemed and re- Bradford County. The L. V. 11. It. Co. ble, while a ,marble topped &nail Lane .. IioNDAY, FEBRUARY 2.1, 1881, Burlington Townsh'ip TIIERT: is not a week paisses that we do , and everybody can depend on it that when they i tur ti n ,t on w e ,, t• 1 :A. Pidillpe . ....I 1.976 113 1,; 01 32 21 74 5: 7. spected by all who knew him. - He leaves don't often make mistakes in selecting and three large crimson plush trimmed Coin. vs. James Rogers-Larceny. Defendant on Main stiest, Thui &lay minim, last, get the prices M. Groceries at Rosali it Is of no use - --" - Burn eon Borough . If. S. Douglass.. -!I ..... .. • 199 01 1.8 M, 414 , 1 ,9 , 7,,, F/Ot add quite a goodly number of new a widow and three grown up children. men to fill important positions, and this theirs complete the furniture of the mina le IS Uti'y ,pto g . . Sentent ed to pAy a line of 00, costs after a, . long and painful illness ; but to try elsewhere, for his prices are down to rock coot . - h n Boroug IIL Tripp .... 1.067 11, 1.007 92 613 ss n. subscribers to our mailing list, and the Ile was about seventy years of age. ease is not an exception to the rule. ister's platform. A neat communion to:: of prosecution, and undergo 211 1111pr180111110111. Of through all the vat ious stages of her sick- bottom. . . r Canton Township End. C 01.3 2,2“ 44 2.167 3.5: 23 $27 114 07 • , yOue year and three montl:s lu the Eastern Peniten- nes, she has shown Christian fortitude Mu. E"ME" BrEI•CE" has charge of M . Columbia Township ..s.l Lyman McClure ... 2,521 DI 2,190 ini 431 US tit CHARLEY is a good fellow, and we think blo with these words engraved upon it. . • dare Ross's Firs Ward Store In Kellum Block. while Irrinkiin Tc ,„ shiT , sterne McKee / 4 :7 al 778 1 , 7 , 745 49 as ' friendly comments icceived are exceed- REV. MR. BEERS' LECT,URE. he deserves success.- Tunkiionnoek Stan- "In Remembrance of Me," occupieh a con . i. ‘s. Frank L. Pierce, Peter Jackson, eines and patience. She leaves to mourn her Jessie Sehoonover is clerk in the new store in Mon- D-- si LS:2 9 , 1,444 19 278 76 01 ranvllle Township I Frank Bunyan • ingly encouraging. ; - The second lecture of the; Inatitute dard.t. , .. Harkness, Mel. • a , place in front of the desk, ,upou the floor. MatherN JO l lO H 0 140014 rililan F din rture a husband, William Ilowmari, tan •e Block Mr. Boss kee s shortie and deliverv - Herrick Towushlp H. F. Rogers _ 1d.53 92! sie. Of 872 5: 22 - - ---w.s.- -6 i HeWOU. and James Crumlaugh-ltiot. James w) n stantitti• p gat the store In charge of Charlet , 1.‘69 is , 1,577 29 aB4 SA o: course was delivered by th 1 e Rev JOHN S. sea ' Advancing to the left we lean upon the ' I * h d ats a i 0 three sone. E. and George Bowman, of IP. 1 iics field Township - ' klbert Canner Crumlaug sentence to pay a tie o ~os s 0 . . I;asoburti, who will deltter In the Borough, free ' ' - .... 1,387 49, 1,310 9S 754 49 141 A HOOK and Ladder Trnek has recent- Leßoy Tewnsbip...... L. A. Wooster BEEns, in the Institute; Chapel on Tues- BOROUGH FINANCES. curv,ed railing which guar - ds the descent prosecution, and one month in` County Jail. Ly- BUffalo, N.. Y., F. A. Bowman, Of LIM of charge, all goods as soon as sold. Leßaysville i ll. s. Preutice- - ............. : 449 64 413 37, 2 631 et ly been purchased for the Canton Fire day evening of this week. The audience to the library and agaan to think, this is man E. Harkness and Mende Ilenett sentenced to place, and one daughter; 3lrs. George All kind:tut desimble produce taken In exchange Monroe Borough.-- !B. B. Hollett „,. as) =I 211 81 ,19 i 4 ift 17 each pay a fine of *Joe, costs or prosecuthos.,,and Ro`ekwell also of this village. The Inner- for Grocerles or ' for Cash. Monroe Township iW. A.Kellogg.... . . 1,453 It ' I,3SS 59, 36 IR 71 ts - Dvpartment. The whole apparatus, in- r 09131 was well filled by students'and citi- The following is a Supplementary a fitting monument to erect in the interest two months i n Crnitity Jail. it. lank J.. Pierce,`Pe- 4 • GEORG it I. ROSS • • New Albany Borough ,W. W. Magee ....... .. . „ ft 77 79 OS it 1 ,4 4is eluding ladder& Ine buckes, etc., was _zens from the td , . wn Before thiclecture statement of the financial condition of. pf pure morals and true reform. ter Jackson, James Mathert and John Holmes al was held at the house Satmday morn * . Towanda. Pa, January 27, Ism, 1 ' Orwell Township ,A. A. Allyn ' -. . I 849 93 1,754 v.. it IS 01 93 Mr. IV. S. MACE' sang a solo. the borough of Towanda on the 16th day Sittings are provided for- 284 in cueh. sentenced to pay a line of 415, costa of prosedution, ing. - .._ Yours, s * . i w Tenon Ton nship ~.I Vrecdell 3.1r1t „" . .. sa ol• „. 448 05 511 918 23 54 purchased for $350. , The subject w,si Reminiscencies of Ly- of February, 1881 : . ioned pews, and chairs are available to and six months in Comity Jall. , , elitiaari. - n, 1881. . ' • l'ike Ton nship .... .... it:. F. Jones . ( ...21 i 57. „Ina St 14 03 110 73 _____...e......----- COIDIIIOIIWO3IIII of Pennsylvania, ex reistioa ;E. F . mogbery Township . NI. ff. McCormick i,rlo 81 1,443 40. JO ii s 7 Os ' Tins Lettish Valley Railroad have- ceums, Lectures and Lecturer& The sub- oilier!' outstanding Arr. 1, 1850, 41,030 of increase the accommodations laa Auo I" .- --. -or C. Gridley, et al vs, J. E. Plollet et al.---Contiutted -"' ' - ---- - Mune Township ...:It'. M. Van Winkle 1034 Al 1,339 76 544 71 17 4,427 06 to May term. . 19/ 05t Ist 79 72 9 50. jeet was suggested by a visit to the Philo- °PI' Issued t° this tlatfe' evening use gas is provided, being geuer- s 11 Rome B sr-ugh • B.G. Wilmot. .. I placed tickets on sale at Elmira, godd mathian Society Solite weeks ago and Total orders'. ---4,... tses: , i 4 ated in a Springfield maehine. Fifteen . wildlife sin vs. Anna Sill.-Court direct an alias suopoolla to be issued. ' BUSINESS LOCAL. MAIV .7 1 IIRIM. - N .- . sdleshequln George Childs s 1417 61 2.316 01 1- 39 7; 421 so -, "Inaltitrield Diton Phelps ''''' 2.751 :17.' 2,e2i 86 23 in iv 99 from that city to Washington, and return, although very interesting and instructive oniers redeemed during the time 6.501 Ot feet from the apex of the roof are three Rosecrance vs. Lyons.-Rule on plaintiff to per- : r seasth Waverly '4leo. W. Edmittster . 429 St" 869 95 73 61 41. 73 . .^, 1,167 7s 1,097 66 12 31 117 77 'o.lf. Thompson.- for $ll. POssensors go and, return by to ail, was especially di' ected to the young - ; 4outh Creek Total - indebtedness, 61.927 51 John Shackelton Is. Martin Mack. -- Record 2.4q4 ••1. 2,216 12 it ie 124 ttt . _•,.- . ^, Springfield s. Tim Leonard men of this society and Adapted to their trio jets for the choir, and four for the ,mentled. ed-anotlier c ar load of XX Star Cement. i 1.123 7; i mei. 83 11 SO .5.5 41 w ay _of Philadelphia. - ASSETTS. standing Stone Geo. C. Jennings ..- wants. pulpit, the lighting is perfect. Flues are on moticu of John F. Sanderson, F. 5.1.1 A. M. seri. \ , R. , M. WELLES. SW - W ". / 61 1 '1 AniS .ylvanin Borough - ...... ,W. 11. Steveps.,„ . - 218 It 2cl 70, 154 lo 87. 1 1 —.------ Due en Dup. tor *SO, 91,743 84 minis ikill - ---- Towanda 11 trough A. Wickham 5,954 21 5,372 34 Ss 63 791 la AJr ItY term of Court will be beld in Th&lecturer commenced by explaining ,• Land returned, 291 53 . provided for ventilation, and ' a furnace '-''. t . •csuice Es a - member o• the bar of iy ' mi l t , ' .1 31 rC 111 rrell, Es; , me; Ler of , _ rir CORARII \ has the best wearing Shoes Towanda N'orth '4l. M. Aven ... 675 au, ida 70 7lf 22 41 'f.---,... , the different way in which the term lyce-. " Switch rent, .ur (10 situated below suppl:es heat for the whole isL u bar . w z i l t Dat . ipilln . cOunty n , Were ado: a d a itte to erne- I .. 1.207 01 1.148 SS 15 63 62 ,7 1 :Allis borcnigh, commencing on the 14th Cash in Treasury, 797 32 TOWaII.I2I Township L. M. Bonllllall 1, UM has been used,- and stated the phase building. Suitable carpeting and rugs Hee in the several Court 4ar Bradford county ; for Men, Boys ani Youths' wear ever offered in . az Troy Township H. N. Fish .. 2 ril 02 493 39 9 41' 131 22, . . 2, , day of Ifla ch, 1•1•41, for the trial of the in which he would discuss it was in the •• 62,666 73 are provided for the vestible and the wb j e e re ro pon tbey were duly sworn. eNS bite vs. Peter J. Dean-Trespass. Towanda, and at prdees within the reaeh of all, . Frey Borough V, .1. '....te wart , . E ss.: e 7 1,757 to is an, itt eti ... 1,248 7S • Li 72 34 - ' 14 7; 61 70 - c,tsf of t e Ton anda Bridge Company relation of young men associated for men- ai les and seaces in front of the chancel Of the above Indebtedness, 41.0001; in one order, --s t s- 7 Willis is A Angle for plaintiff, WA. (tvertou and • - \ --- , _ Tuscarora folin Clapper . 9:1 51 667 41 15 62 45 II tea.. CELEItYI-Jonsr STROUD, near , i Terry Too n••litit ..... ...Shebat Bowman ts tal improvement. He mentioned his awls Aug. 20,1881, and the holder hi not willing to together with the platforms are tastily Rattle Mercer, Ems., for . defendant. Verdict for . • Z-12. 2i; 2,023 14 7 .M. ies 4; against Bradford County. 7 - Wellsbero Ga- have it redeemed until due. plaint' f, 9 .0. Tonanda Creek, has for •3ale 3,000 bunches fine Wurren Towhahlik L. S. Iton e ~.. • conhection with different 1 'll yesiums, i us- carpeted. B. S. Bentley trustee ine vs. the Pottstllle Mo , • 1.5:9 00, 1.732 67 60491 19 zette. , trating the 'story and points, the advan- In addition to the above aisets, there is Descending by easy stairs we enter the teal VI e Insur.suce Co. ,B. S. Bentley Esq. aud Celery. . \ feblo-w44. _ / f Wells TOWIWiIp..:. .1". W. Beetna - s , Wilmot Township D. D. Dieffenbach ...... - 1.(65 , 4 9555 41 28 47 SI 116 , i ---4.511.---•-• tages and'peculiarities of each by auec- 4 1 391 84 due from citizens for side walks library at the rear of• the lecture room, %Vilna as and Angle .or plaintiff. A. 31. Schalek, \ lar A. Beveily Snrith &Co Book- - , - • Windham Township E. E. s alaa - deu _ 1,609 e• 1.:99 22 449 81 17 ~ .. 2.081 52 1,9.52 48 •26 28 102 7.. Ee. E. Loomis, of Troy, having become dotes and reminiscencies which were at Put down by the Borough, not all collect- but connected with it by folding door& • John . Sanderson and S. J. 31. McCarnol, r..).q;., , . Have filled the Old Store Ws Musing I ... C. It. Stone for de endant. On trial. e Binders and dealers in Fret Saws and Amateurs' __ II. W ysox Ton nship I E. R. Bishop 1,657 23 1,743' 83 it 32, 91 in tinanciall4 embarrassed, his store was once interesting and profitable, and in Ible. Book cases are provided for 1,000 vol- • . , dtnusiu , closed bsq the Sheriff on Wednesday of many cases g• 1 It will be seeu by- the foregoing state- umes, and the room is a very cheerful ..... Supplies. Send for price-fists. Reporter Build. , I , CORN LR OF MAIN AND BRIDGE STREETS, Total ,s- J .. 1 •72.75is 76ipts.of3 ft 'turf 87,425 r... 20 I log. Ilex 1512, Tos•anda, Pa. - The points he made were : Ist. Never merit, that notwithstandieg the Borough one, nicely furnished and carpetell? It is , Local Correspondence. - -- - - --- - , last wee . The liabilities are said to li use ' t' wrong means to gain a Tres fon. tax was reduced - one-half in 1879, and 12125. The lectuie room is 22145, and is f. 1 ......... --- ~ rar Tli - e Largest, Best and Cheapest lino of Shoes for Ladies% Misses' and Children', Recount with the several Collectors of Dow Tax_far the year ass° and lorevlrio - _________—______ ___ , amount t about $1:1,000, and the assets 2d. Never support a side in which you do only 12 mills assessed for. 1880, the debt upon the north side of the,building,. Ad- I I LITCHFIELD. Gately accepted by Owen Bros.) with au entire to abont ,10,000. . not believe as earuestly as one in which has been stead 4 reduced - and the collect joining it on the south side is the kitchen - nnor is "a gentleman and / wear Is found at Cort3sit's new store, corner Main I - 1 ' '. I .... 4s.ount Loot. nt 'Anent Ah. a t 30U tiO believe. 3d. Be very careful to ible assets are sufficient to pay the fur- which is 12x12. It is provided with dish got his thaissaround but s ' and Pine-std., Tracy &Noble's Block. apr4•7ll • 1 'i ' - NEW STOCK OF FINE • 1 e O. HO : • ralt i -• 1 ToWNsi IPS BOR IG, ~ aomes 0_ ose ors. „.. , 1 Exon” e.g. AMt , u ti, Convention will be held at Pcepaie thoroughly, even though your ther necessary expenditures for the bal- closets, and dishes sufficient for suppeis, d time-but that was to FAMILY.. 1 7 ca”rg•d. Receiredl rated. Cent g • , once of the ear endin Mai fils audience is a small on& 4th. Always y 7 g Ch th etc. At the rear of the kitchen is the fur- w the "inclemency of the or RenovAL.-J. S.l .ALLY3I has re- , - 1 l : ~ I , i spring Hill" M. E. Church, March 9, 10 k . ____ I ____,- ---- , .......... .-- ....... 4.....-... ....... -eep close to the question. fith. Avoid 1881, leaving the borough entirely out of nace and fuel room, in which is a portion lid „not anuilidate OUr mooed his Undertaking Establishment from i , I , and 11, ceimmencing on Wednesday even- personalities. 6th. Learn thoroughly and debt This happy state of , things is the of the gas machine, and a set of stairs b ier ; wE ave enough left - Bridge 9treet to rooms on Main street, over Tint .. Groceries ft Pro - nsions •• . Athens Borough . . .J. IL llosmer . .. .Me Bt. pi 00 .19 Cr 810 oo 1 . Burlington Township . . Wm. P. Lane . .. , l't 50' 4 5 4 4 501 ' ittg. At the close an entertainment will practice carefully the rulhs of order. result of great care by the Council, in leading to the street back. , tea. What bothers as fmn & G0RD016 . 6 Drug Store, and WOO'D} ORD a \ '' Burlington West . . N. C. 3lcKean . . . 12 79 32-7 e, .. _ b • gii en consisting of Dialogues, Recite- The secopd part of the lecture, "Lec- counting the coat of propo,•ed new welt w The lecture remit is very pleasant , and water poduced by the V't.!.i 17 ' 011W% Boot A shoe Store. A full lino of • Ilitritngton Borough ..O. K. ROsS . .. . . 5 I'l 4Zs 1 Oil :2 tureS and Lecturers," abounded in de- not alkolutely necessary for the public seated %%WI chairs. It is entered 'from a nd left the wells and Undertaker's Goals from the cheapest to the best. We invite attention to our Rhigbury Township ~ ' . Jno. Stirlen, J r . _ 104 oo 90 23 9 (s) .4 7S lions, songs, etc. South Creek . . David Cbase , . . • 58 50 49 Ss, 6t02 42 scriptions, anecdotes and pecul i ar i ties u e good, and rigidly enforcing the collection vestibule 10x14, situated at the northeait ry. When the ice in Jan27, s st. .1. S. ALLYN, Agent. • , ' qyinilits Bo,rosSil • .. . David Stevens - . . . 750 7 lat ..- 37 famous lecturers whom the speaker bad of all taxes on exhibitions, peddlers, corner of the building. The woodwork int, two spans of the t :weer Township .. . Geo. Bartholomew ~ I 14 10 la 40! :so ,t. 1 bo WElealti from a Waveily paper that it - - COMPLETE ASSORTMENT wilinot Township . . Thos. F. Quick ..". . ', 1 / 4 7.41 N ° 23 , 900 r"' 't 27 heard. To many of us who had heard 4 :c• Is either of ash and walnut or finished to it the northwest corner rir L. it. RODGERS challenges compe- ; --- ---:, -,- -- is rumored in that viliar that J. P. Kin- many of the lecturers spoken of it brought ' The tax of five mills assessed for the . represent it. most of it being genuine. were carried down Mien for quality of goods aud low prices on:Saab, AND CHOICE STOCK i , . , -JJ 7i t 551 55 f a o o cu, :3 ei - and J. O. W slO), of this place, con- out forcibly former time& support of the poor, for the year ending -w3lr. Eli Morrill had charge of this work. landed some distance Doors, Blinds and_goldint,s, and al building mi. ' I i 5. r _ _._ _ ' ..r."' d .' .."... -------- z Following this the advantages of lec- .Nlarch 31, 1881, is sufficient and yill Mr. John liliddaugh bad charge of the mai. It is uncertain terlal. . is- t 1 5 f 10 93, 350 .57 template tfle purchase of the 'l'ioga Hotel, rsag3-rn \ -or , cover all outstandin indebtedness and tures ar;l reading-rooms were strongly g , masonry, including stone cutting. Messrs. will be repaired. I , wa) 53 671 900 2 ita in that toe ii, if the propeity can be a 1 d If w vocate ,t e speaker hoping that 'the should the commissioners be ready to ,Schwepe & Eger, of Elmira, had exclu- are tO have a new tir PRICES WAY DOWN on Gents' , Br . incr coons 1 26 111 s: 700 46 • 10 '• 051 4 50 1 " 3 oi, bought at a fair figure. -,,.., time Might conic, even in Towanda, when take the charge on the lat of A 1 Int next, sive cont.' olsof the frescoing, etc., the 'ormerly occupied by Fine and Coarse Boots at BLUM% Beidleman's . ~. ir.i :on :.-. , -- .... _,____ we might have a reading-room among the no further assessment of taxes by the committee thinking their judgment supe- s Block. NOv.27stf. \ , . • • 4 ~ . 's 6Sa 1 77. C. W. lloorEns and ;J. S. GRIFFIN, of advantages gf the town, and that eminent borough for that purpose will ~,be nects: rior. The building committee consisted 111 of S. B. Qum,. rafr GEO. L Ross sells Groceries awful • CH ' The higbest market prices paid to i: so' :ai 1 .. 4 sot 147 _ Farmers in Cash for desirable produce. - Canton, caught about , one bundled and lectuiers might not go away from Towan- sary. of E. G. Fitch, Chairman ;E. H. Perkins, or repairs 2.,0 the en-- CHEAP because 11111 expenses are very light, and . . 1 ... 30 twent-ii..e pounds of pickerel from the " g dacha lined and mortified at the recep- The usual detailed statement of the re-! Secretary and Treasurer ; and J. Lee ood running order. a. I -- .se 111 bound his customers shall have the !Anent. " , • •:a 77 tion leceived. tl ceipts and expenditures for Borough and Mandl, architect To the latter belongs - - "sr, who has been sick An assortment of ' • , 4 7.6 4 1.01 3 00 .1 Ot.• Waters of Lake Lamoka, one day last tar For a good, &arable and neat-fitting • , -The next lecture will be delivered by Poor purposes will be published a,t the the credit of designing so convenient and is bed for saver • . . Ino : •aw t 1- • s ids: ciiatr: J. BLU3PS Beidleman's Block s so 3 6 1 1 NS cen, so a correspondent says. But J. W. INGRAM', Esq., on Tuesday evening proper time. s---_ neat a place of worship. The committee nd his many frie ~ I • * * ' • '---. wheie is Lake Lamoka., any way S next, March 1. As frequent inquiry is enade :-- of - the were not hampered at aIl, ,the congrega- 3 Will never re. mat°' street. ' _Nov. 274 f. I Wood and Willow ' Ware 0. .rt I Borough Treasurer as to the sipublic w . la a7s - —sap.— _______ ss _______ flop accepting their report without any the skillfe o 3 61. - or HURRAH to GEO. L. lloss'S New .- - •`- •-." THE "*lound-abonts?' of Athens spent • TCSWNSHIP OFFICERS. • school debt, it May be proper for me to changes, and then offering no suggestions heshequi • o st add that the borough govenament has no as the work progressed. - • d .11r. ' 0 loceryStore In the Mental:tie Block,and get your and Liu en are Ins ital to kept, constantly on h . y , 4i 3 14 an evening last week with , the Smithfield • The following is the full text of the Act • • s d• • call and examine our GOods and Filen. , Groceries at rock hottom. Jan. 20. \ jwin tctiOn or control over, the depart- The total cost has been $9,63 1 4.10, as eiti• , . 2c »roved June 4th P 579 in reference to " glee club "at Mr. MALIE TRACY'S, of al I - ) , ment of Public School& • •announced by the pastor acid there ,re- ' • 235 lOWnshiD officers and their terms of office rff - YOl.l RUN NO RISK when you ,M. D. SWARMS, . 10( that place. They repent a very enjOyable Th • - • J. KiNosnuny, Treasurer. mains only a debt of $3OO upon the 3a( e persons elected at the rPeent election ...6----....,---. , church. The Church ContainS no Wealthy I buy your Groceries at G. L. ROSS'S new store-In - A. . 0 DON. S G R 4 7-. , atrAir Of course because they went to • . . , will do well to give it a careful perusal : A SINGULAR FREAK OF NATVRE Montanse Block. Ills PilleitS are WAY DOWN '- \ • 211 • ,members, and the meney has been raised • • • • w the right place fox• a pleasant time. An act fixing the date of the COrn- •to rock !sonata. Towanda, Pa., January-24th, 1881. , AC : in small amounts, $25 - 0 being the largest 1- s 4 41", _._. . mencement of the terms of township offi- sum iiven by one person. IVe mention , His store In KELLP.O eLoce, Ira WARD, Is - s '------T- s • .• • s t 1 , Tin - . third lecture in the Institute c d ers an of AntlitOrs' Settlement& _ . none of the many who have aided, nor T, beats the world by Low prices and good Goods. -- ' , ' _..mld .. • 9 t• onise will be given by J. W. INGHAM, , A Itirditig Stones . 7' ' - those who gave the most, for frequently -I:sq., (Castelar) on Tuesday o r next week. ' those that give but a dollar sacrifice most. NOW' READY , . :„ ~,,.. ri. rtevena , • .111. Wickham -.: Subject-" Knowledge, its Power and its However the pastor,' Rev. J. /fleMastera ' s M. Ayers '4 Bowman . . should be menTned as he has been very ' p I For the . - - ish . . . efficient in buil ng np and strengthening • . . . this church. I_ , - • THE DEDICATION SPRING TRADE 2 • '. , Adv:intageS." Lecture will .be given in thjb. Institute Chapel and commence at A:cordial invitation is extended to all.• . IT is reported that there are twelve cases' f small pox at Falls Station; on the. Lehigh Valley Railroad, and several at Mill City, few miles. distant. • The disease wasbrought there by a mau from Philadelphia. All'neeessary precautions have been taken to prevent the spreading of the disease. As - the Rev. WM. TAYLon„.pastor of the Church of dint Messiah, was - parsing the dhn - Passa . 4e way that leads ow the Water closets on . the first floor in the Ward House, on Monday - last, he fell through an open trap door,- and received Mme severe bruises, ; but fortunately no serious injury.-. THE annual 'Public. exercises) of the Smithfield Graded School have been changed from Saturday to Monday even ing. February 21. 4 , 1881. The entertain ment will be given 'at tho. Baptist Church, - and it is thought that it will surpass all former efforts of the kind. Spring term begins Tuepday, March Ist. THE nisi National Bank of Canton. has been organized; and will begin - husi • • ties< March Ist. The following are the , id: leers : President, Au.h Ea ; Vice President, B. S. Daurr ; Cashier, G. A. 1; • EliNsEv Directors, A. D. Foss, G. E. - KELEON PACKARD, B. S. DART; LEROY 'GLEASON, - DANIEL 'IE -1 ' - Tnr. Bridge Wlnts of KELLOGG & l lstArtOcE, at 4tbe,ns, in consequence:. of large orders for work, are to be enlarged fully fifty per cent. The Gazette says Sec. 1. Be it enacted, etc. That the term'of office of every township officer hereafter elected, whose term .of Office would under existing laws expire on the first Monday of April of any year, shall . expire on the first Monday of March next preceding said first Mciodaygof April, and "the term of the successors of such town ship officers shall begin•ou the- ffist [Mon- clay of March, and shall continue for • the period nuw fixed for the duration thereof by existing laws. .* SEC. 2. That. the township 'auditors shall meet on the second Monday of Ikt.i.ch, of the year ono thousand "eight hui..!red aad eighty-one, and on the sec ond Monday.of March in each year there after,' fOr the settlement of all accounts by them to be settled, except the accounts of the school directors and_ school treas urer. SEC. 3—All acts and parts of acts incon consistent herewith, be and the same ae hereby repealed. It will be observed that all township of ficers elected at.the recent election take their respective offices on thefirst Monday in March, instead of the first Monday in April, as under the Act nfdB7s. A - TERRIBLY VF;ALL The following is from . the' Binghamton Republican of Thursday last : "A man named R. H. Tqiles, an;em ploye of the' Athens' Bridge Company, while Work on the near railroad bridge across the Chenango river add Noyes' Is land,, yesterday afternoon, fell from the top of the iron superstructure, a distance of about twenty feet, sustaining "a severe fracture of his left leg just belovr the hip. The fracture is a Wad one, but would undoubtedly have been,worse, had not the man in falling exercised a rare presence of mind and caught of the iron frame-work, breaking id a• measure the force of the shock. Herwas picked tip by Hs fellow-workmen and placed in as com fortable position. as I ossible. A cot was provided and the unfortunate man was carried to the Cottage Hotel where phy seisms were called. He was about forty ;five yeari old, and being somewhat ad vanced in years, it was decided not to re. ducerthe fracture at prt.iient. The wound Was dressed, and he was taken on the cot on Erie train No. 5 to his home in Ath ens, where his family reside." On the ninth of this month Mrs. ED= . WARDFORREST, of Smithfield,, gave birth . to twins extensively joined together. The bead, neck, and arms were perfect, and lower extremities except one of the legs from the knee to :the foot 4 which grew, from the great toe joint' of tithe defective leg. The deformed leg. appeared to be a partial -failure 'of - development in the parts, with the appearance of the articu, ,lation of the leg with the knee crowded backward, giving the appearance of a partial dislocation. The union of these children may be'easili, comprehenad by describing them as being placed together face to face, with the head and neck of each perfectly natural and free, and unit ed at the breast bone throughout its length and breadth,.and.the union continued a little below the. middle of the abdomen, where they separated, each being perfect ly developed below, with the'exception of the slight deformity above descrioed. Both children were girls, and their com bined weight was seven , and three-foprtha pounds. There Was a. little difference in the length of theni, one measuring seven teen and' one-half . and the other fift een' and one half inches. From their appear ance it is believed that each had its own heart, lungs, and abdominal viscera, and that had they lived would have bad an in dependent Wei- though there must kali° been quite a strong vascular connectit.t, to what extent-can never be known except by a careful diesection. Dr. E. P. At. : LEN, of this' plat*, has charge of their preservation. The lady is under the care of Dr. J. B. UNDERWOOD, of Smithfield, and is reported as doing well.—_Athena Gazette. " . • KNIGHTS 'OF HOWL' The fees forilnitiation in Crystal Lodge of this place is now five dollars. On and 'after March 7th next it is to be raised to ten dollars. Persons desiring to, unite with this excellent organization, Will do well to take advantage ; of the present loir fee. Application for membership, and full informat*n may be obtained frOM -GEORGE RIDGEWAY, on Bridge street, or from any member of. the Lodge. The Lodge now has seventy-five member,O. Sick benefits $3 per week. Death benp fits, $2,000. Tug Burlington Hasokese says that " when, the Republican party was , four years old it was vaccinated against defeat, and it took splendidly." Took place in the afternoon, the house being well filled at two o'clock. Twenty minutes later the choir, composed in part' of members oLthe Roudabout Club, open ed the exercises by xinging, "Father 0_ Hear Us," by Professor 11. R. Palmer. An alto silo by Mrs. F 4,31. Welles, intro- duced it, and a soprano: solo by Miss Belle 31. Noble, then came soprano duetts by Miss Noble and Mrs. P. It. Young: - The invocatiouvras made by Rev. Mr. Hurl burt, of Waverly.. after which a carol from' the cantata of David, "Thou Who Art Enthroned Above," sestet by Chorus followed. ' Rev. Mr. Hoed, of Athens, read the 132d-Psalm, and Rev. Mr. McMaster the 516th hymn. "Just as I Am," which was 'sung by ehorus.- Rev. Mr: Corm then made an ' impressive prayer, awl the Lord's Prayer was chanted. .Rev. Dr. Stewart, of Towanda, then delivered an interesting sermon, taking. for his text the 15th and 16th verses of the.third chapter of Lae. In 'his open= ing remarks he asserted that the two greatest elements of destruction-were wa ter and fire, and proceeded to verify 'his statements by adequate proofs. The_ speaker did not - allude to external bap- tism however, but made prominent the necessity of cleansing the church and the hearts of its members, and-then to accept the promised baptism of the Holy Ghost„ and with zeal enter into the work before them. 'His sermon was logical, and strong appeal to the church to -exert themselves in the spirit of Him whom they worship, for the advancement of the interests of the church. Ho was listened to attentively throughout. / 'The anthem, "Arise and Shine," by Palmer, was rendered, and then Rev. Mr. McMaster made a financial statement and .a collection wm taken. - The formal dedi cation took place; the dedicatory prayer being made by Rev. 11. H. Welles, -ot -Kingston. The dedicatory hymn follow ed. It was composed for the occasionby Mrs. Anna-P. Ford, and was very appro priate. The benediction• being given, Yes, sir ! • Vonnor is "a gentleman and a schelar." He got his thaw, around but a few days behind time—but that was to be expected from the "inclemency of the weather." It did not anuihilato oar sleiging altogether ; wp have enough left for local purposes. What bothers us mos is that the water poduced by the tha all ran off and left the wells and all spri gs low and dry. When the ice in theriver moved out, two Spans of the State Line bridge at the northwest corner of the township were carried down stream. .one span.landed some distance below and was cured It is " uncertain whether the bridge will be 'repaired... It is said that we are to have a new store In the warns formerly occupied by G. W, Lantz. .-. The steam saw mill of S. B. Carmen has been lying still for repairs to the en 7; gine: It is now in good running order. .-- Mr,Josepli - P. Perry, wlffi has been sick andfined to his bed' for several, montirs, is still sick and his many' friends' entertain fears that he will.never recover, although he is under the skillful'yeat meat of Dr. Cole, of Sheshequin. _, Mr. 8.-R. Keeler and Mr. J. T. Brady, two old and respectW citizens, are seri ously ilk ~ At,the recent town meeting the entire Greenback ticket was elected by the - aid of Republican and Democratic votes. W. H. Canner, who was a Greenback- candi date last fall for the Legislature, was elected Constable in place of his brother,' Albert'Carmen, who has ,l3eld the office 1 lininterraptedly for four or - five year's, and who voluntarily retired with the rei, spect of every one of all .parties. It was generally conceded that as many times as "Bert." would consent to run for the of fice he could be elected—and the fact that he 'was elected so many times proves him to have . been a faithful officer.. J. E. Lunge!., . our worthy blacksmith, was elected Justice, of the Peace,' and will no dotibt•make a good magistrate. Albert Merrill was recently marri'e'd to a daughter of Benjamin Edsall, of -Nich ols, _lst. Y. ' Also Miss Della Gore was married to Mr. Charles Lent, of Rome. Also, it is rumored that one of our re spected widowers has similar Aspirations and prospects„-mbich of - course brightens the prospects of some one else: - How little we are impressed with- the extremes in social life, joy and sorrow. How little we mind the alternations of ' light and shade in the 'landscape of life. Thus, Daniel Losaw, a poor laborer, - a faithful soldier, with a large family, an industi ions man when able to work, has been sick nearly all winter, and.unable to provide for himself and family,-so it has been necessary for the authorities to help them. If some one has more of the com forts of life than they need—anything' to make a poor. family 'comfortable, how good it would come to him now. Therels bat one expression of opinion among ail classes of pe9ple here in regard to the verdict in the Smithfield outrage case—and that is that Bradford County justice is a farce,and the jury that tried the ease infainbus. ' Infamous whether they were bought, or whether they hon estly think the rich are privileged, to do as they please, and.the poor to bear all the odium that attaches to the crimes of both. • 2 Sy KEs. WYALUSING ITEMS. The band - boys are again on deck. . Mon. day evening the Cora Van Tassel Troupe are to give them a benefit. If 'the band does not succeed, it will not be from lack of effort. Horton Brothers' now saw works splen didly.. They deserve_the thanks of the Community for their enterprise. The commissioners appointed to run the line dividing the election district, have. done, we understand, but we ere unable yr it is impossible for a woman after a faithful course of treatment with LTDIA E. Pnortian's VEtiETABLE 'COMPOUND continue to surer within weakness of the uterus. Enclose a stamp to Mils. Lirit.s;,,E. rIIIITHAM, 233 :Western Avenue, Lynn., Mass., for. pamphlets. Sold by Dr. U. C. Powrzn, Druggist, Towanda, • " Julyl.l7l. ,r - Vir The 99 CENT STORE is Head quarters for everything In the line of , LAMPii . and LAMP GOODS. • h0pt.210... TETE-A-TETE SETTS, WINE SETTS, LAQUOIOETTS—at 93. Cont Stone. • g UNIOIkr.VIDE R MlLL.—This is an excellent Portable .1111 i—one that commends itself at sight. Fanneis having apples going to waste, will db Well to giverthe elder Mill atrial. It grinds easily and rapidly—crushing the fruit instead of gekeing capacity, fir, barrels per day. For sale cheap. R. M. Witxxze. Towanda, ra., Sept, 7 • pM.; SEW ENO DI 4WD INF; NEEDLES 0115 sad attachments at the 99-Cent Store. • ffli" The action of Carter's Little Liver. Pills Is pleasant. mild and natural. They gently Stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. -They are sure to please. febir. • • far lIoN many peisons haye neglected tp seek relict from an ordinary cough, or cold, and have refused to seek a-remedy until consumption has performed Its fearful mission If' you have the slightest cough. no bettor remedy is found than Tuek's Balsam of Honey. fcbl7. , ErmEmico.--Juit now coughs, colds imig and bronchial complaints seem to be epidemic. 'ln these Caws of sudden colds the best thing to - do Is to get a bottle of N. 0. Downs' Elixir. which Invariably gives _speedy relief and ultimately effects a complete cure in all cases where the breathing °titans are affected.. Use It in time and preventserlous lung difficulties. !Sold by all .. .druggists. • Feb. 3d, 188,1. tar "Tour Simmons' Liver Regulator has. been, in use In. my. family for some time, and I am persuaded it is a valuable addition to the med icarsclence. " GO:V. ,/NO. GILL SHORTEN, of Alabaina. " It has ',toyed a good and effective medicine. • , t.C. A. NUTTING." air Flaying sold • lily . retail Furniture and Undertaking business, known as the Dridge Street Furniture Store I. 4',13. Pierce•['mild re spectfully recommend thoie In need cit Ipiods In his line to rail on him at the old stand. I also wish to Inform those indebted to me that It will be necessary to settle the accounts soon. February lid, 1881-Btn. l . N. P. !IMO., C. P. WF,T.T,V.SI CROCKERY M 3 99-CENT STORE, Anticipating the demand for New GOods for the early Spring trade, we art offering in addition top. full and well-selected • stock of Crockery, Glass- NI are and House Furnishing Goods, a few speclaii ties to which we ask your attention, among Mein the, ewest patterns of Glassware, called the Japanese; Pattern, I -Ina full flue for Table use SHERWOOD'S FIRE-PROOF, STEW PANS, • ' The - finest article ever offered to the trade fur cook- lug purposes. Safety Oil CallB.' NEW STYLI BRACKET LAMPE. NEW STYLE HANGING LAMPS JOS LOTS IN GLASSWARE. And many othor articles useful and ornamental C. P. WELLES. Towanda, Pa.,•January 27th, In t. • •• Apneala . -. . . . • . Alba Burnham A,sylum . ' - It. C. ChOwn • . Athens Borough . . .J. S. Williston' .•. Albany Township .'. . , ..IW. L. Kenyon .. Alba Borough .. . . ..C. S. Wilson Bareray, ' L ' . ' . . -John IL Davies Township Burlington • .• ..W1:11 P. I.ane Burlington West' . . .1..1. A. Phillips Burlington Borough . . ..tM. S. Douglass . Canters Borough!.„ . . , • . .. i.l. H. Tripp . Cantor! Township 'i . . . Ewd. Cole Columbia . . , . . :!Lyman McClure Franklin . . . ; . . ~ItiternealeKee Granville ; . . . • . .'Frank Euoyan .' Herrick , . . i : * . 111. F. Rogers Litchfield— • . I . - . . ~Albert Cornier *. LeltorTownship . . , '.. IL. A. Wooster Leßaysville . ; ~ . ...; .d. S. Prentice - Monroe Borough . •;,. .!11. B. Hollett Monroe Township ) . . - . !Win. A. Kellogg . New Albany Borough . .W. W. Magee . Orwell , . 1 • :. .lA. A. Allyn . -. Overton' .1 .. - . !Wendell 'Sick Pike Towns hip .q - . ' .C. F. Jones . Itidgbury . .1 . -.IM. H. McCormick ItOme Township ! • .IC. M. Van Winkle Rome• Borough 4 . .18. G. Wilnint : Sheshequin - i .!George Childs South Creek' . .!0. H.... Thompson . Springfield • .. . !Tim Leons.rd Standing.Stoutt„ . . IGeo.C. Jennings . 'Sylvania.. .' .W. H. Stevens .. % rowsuida Borough . • . I A. Wickham! _ Towanda North - .. ....1 J. M. Ayers ,ToirandilTownshlp . -:, L. M. Bowman .. 'Tray Township . •. .. ''. 11. N. Fish . !XrutVoruullb' • - t -- ' - ; - -- , ' . N. J. Stewart 'TerriTownsh,lp . gaited Bowman , Ulster Township '. • . ~ tames G. Howie ..- Warren Township . - .1... S. Rowe . • Wells Township , .IF. W. Beeman Wilmot .. •. t, „ID. D. Dieffenbach Windham . ' - . ', . !It- E. Madden N" sox . . _. i • lE. R. Blabop Total, • . . John H. Grant, Treasurer, in account with the said county of Pradferd. To amount due upon duplleates for 1373 , and previous years . . . 12,340 71 Dup's for ISSO, Including re-usessments. 72,75,5 76 Dog tax . . • • • -.' 2,314 00 •Ovvr.draft at First National Bank. . 5,377 la incidental recelvals . , Tar. received on retnyned lands lu Treaisury, Ist,lannary 1880. Tatal.... •Money advanced Gy Bank previous to collection of taxes for 11180, afterwards repaid. B. Giant, Treasurer. in areouni with •= Bradford County roor'Diatriet." se • Dr. To smonot of cash from sale of Porr ' house binds . • . . . .W.OOO 00 ' Twal State of Pennsylvania, Bradford County, U: - • We, the undersigned. Commtuloners-of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing i's a true and correct statement of the reed's's and expenditures of said County from the lint day of January, A. D. 11530, to the thirty-Ant of December. A. D. ism both days inclusive. - Witness our hands and seal of once at Towanda, thisrloth day at January, A. D. IW. DANIEL. lIRADYORD. J. W. HURST. Commbakeen. M. P. RANSOM, • Attest—WiLLlAx LIRII3, Clerk BRADFORD COUNTY' sa :- - - • • • We, the ondersignedeAnditora cf said County, do'Cereby eettify that we have examined the fo e;.- Ina stateinemt and vouchers for the 'mor e - and and Oren to be (meet. W. - W. MOODY.I • . . • 4:. P. WILLEN, Atwitter,. ' V. W. PRATP, 1 ColaMiniOners' omee, Jinn*, 13',1681 1-120 781 633 V v 5 643 001 1880: 15 CO 10 93, 3 50 j 53 671 • 26 50 16 52 ‘• -1550• 75 051 - 9 - 66, •• 1 40 00' ; 32 76' 69 50 ; 34:15' i 34 0 0 , 28 01; 6 00 1 5 70, 6 On, 5 23 110 50' 91 20' 63 50 t .37 48, 50 00 ; 41 80 1 1 76 50, 65 40 41 50' 36 55: 77 01 62 22' 79 50; gs ygl- I , 9 50 , . 06' 9.50. 8 , 55 I' - . -74 001 6.155 '— . 5 00, 350 1 32 00i 63-65 1 21 501, 1 1 3 2:- . ' BO Sol 64 40' 96 50' 89 76 1 ' 56 56 ; • ,47 98 7 °° 570 97 P 6! 88 &I 7 ' 6 60 ', .48'45 74 00' 56 , 05 6 3 . 52 73 3 50. • 59 50 49 40; 7 sr , 2 0, .10 0 , " 31 1 93 ' 7 rro 1- 4 6 7 4 0011 83 8 7 94 5 "77 43 3 00' 4 07 , 1:78 59, - 71 6 . 5 . 5° . .11 77 11i00.• 4. 7.; WI 46'07 3 001 44 12 00, 75 es 3 001 3 9:i 62 00 52 251 2 00: 2 73, 101 000', 6 9 35 00 1 1 4 ILI 60 00 4 8 501 57 1 82 s° l '6l 75' 17 aoi r- 344 00' p 1.977 00 r. 43 00 By amount exonerated to Collector* for' x,1879 ',1579 (county tax. 8.0.40: dog-tax. 812.001 • SIM to For 1330 (countr, fiao9.s7 ; doff, pst.oo) -1,272 57 Percentage to Collectors for 1479 (county tax. 9135.83; dog tax; 0)411. . . 336 r 4 For 1830 (county. ¢3,332.20 ; dog . 9104.00) 3,11/31 Pall Supt. Ryan for Teachers' Institute. 21St -State•tax for years 1379 and 1550 . . 3,7.101 hn on orders other than Pcior•bouse . . 34.4 re 17 One per.cent. commission on f 711,651.10 . 735 :11 Two pet cent. cpmtn'n on . • 0' . I.esa over-drat tiat.F•st ?gat. Irk • 3,X77 ` 1* • •• 449,,53n r, I 939 19 • By amount ImTtessury, January 1, 1881.. It 07.708 10 I Total 11117!7( 1 6 to r 37 27 1 7.011 84 174 2$ By amount of Interest paid on Poor-house Minds . . . • . . $l.OOO 00 ','`Orders paid for I'oor-house purpose% . 30,883 04 ; One percent. commtssiOn on $40,000.00.. too 00 Two per cent. commission on 07,48.104 . i 7 fa i Amount In Treasury. Jaimary . ova .30 • Total 440.000 no =I sio,ooo uo E ~\ <~ :. El ki 0 El CB st 2 10 14 5 , 0' NI X 00 Ott 8.00 : g nn 304 I 92 11 a :4 Tao:34- 100, :i0 5 00 3 44 1 09 ; n 5 00 , 2 211 5 00 104 50; 3 110 00 4 72 00 ' 52 1 00 30 3 50 4,47 00 2 15 15 00 2 9 OXI 2 77 41101 Co