Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 20, 1881, Image 3

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    padford totter.
Towanda, Pa., Jan. 20, alit.
t. • •
The ejrration :of subeeription is print
ed 'en the colored iabei. By not the
date every subser4er can tell when' his
paper will be stopped links. the subserip !
t ion is renewed.. ' • .
SAFE 'Mt SALE.,-;-A NM safe of the
matte of Bowler, Bateman & Co, of .Cin
cineati, 1,500 pounds weight, warranted
first-class, will be sold Ifrery cheap. 'Ap
ply at this office.
OlreTEßS'are scarce.
TIM goodisielihing continues.
Tu borough election draw' near.
rninniAnY 22d is - the . ' next legal hog
day. •
. Oun streets are lively with sleighs from
various sections of the county.
THERE have been no liquor licenses is
sued in Potter County since 1852. ;
Tim pavements are still slippery. 11e
member that resolution in regard to pro-
TUE Wyalusing Cornet Band, which
numbers eighteen pieces; will soon don a
neat new uniform.
SENECA ARNOLD has been appointed by
the County Commissioners watchman for
the bridge - at this place.
WELVEB' Mill, at Wyalusing, has
ground over 6,000 bushels- of buckwheat
during the present season.
THE Commissioners have levied a coun
ty' tax of five mills; and a poor tas of the
came amount for the present year;
Tin new Rules of our COunty Court iu
ry!oi once to the obtaining ?f divorces, are
• •
printed on the First page of this issue.
•►f C; 'to
liE citizens o) :amptown and vicinity
• arc making arrangements looking to con
necting that village with Wyalusing by
Mgssns. ConsEn and DATTO'S last week
sold their bay trotting hers() to Mr. EM
._ EllA STROVE. The animal is said to be
v:Ty "fast."
-WILLIAM SnumwAY,pf Spring Hill ;
who has been absent in.: the Western
States for nearly ,a year past, _ returned
home last week. .
A vouNu lad by the name 6f PooL had
- one of his thighs 'broken on Sunday,
-whilst coasting on!" Shiner in To
wanda towthhip.
"' Tim Towanda Musical Alliance will
meet for regular session; at the residence
of Mrs. R. A. MEncun; this, Thursday,
morning, at eleven o'clock.
- CiEsEirm. 11. J.LM.Abir.r. has been ap
poitOd by the Court to audit the aim
counts of the ProthOnOtary and' Register
and Recorder for the Bast year.
A SOCIABLE will be held in the Lteture
Room of the Church of tho 3lEsstAtt on
Tuesday evening, Jan.- 25. 1 Supper will
be served anytime after live o'clock,: All
are invited.'
Tit* tcmpmature was so high at Christ
__Church,yes . terday morning that several
persops..were compelled to go oat antkmie
l'ady overcame by the heat fainted:Re
r, /cm, ~.41undgy.
KELLOGG & MAURICE, of the Athens-
Bridge— Yorke, have the contract for
'building 'a bridge 'of nine spans over the
James river, in Virginia, for the Rich- .
mond and Alexandria Railroad.
Ciiuncii of the- Messiah (Uniiiersallst),
Rev. WILLIAM TAvi.on; Pastor. At 101
A. M., subject "The Sunday School
Work." At - 7 P. M., "Is it -" This identi
._Aa-1, physical body,'? that is resurrected '2
TILE Japanese Tea Party
.at the resi
- (fence of W: A. CIiAMBERLIN, on Monday
evening last, for the benefit of Christ
Church, was a decided success, and very
enjoyable . affair. The receipts were about
i.:',4;11, leaving a net profit - of about $25. '
aid .wife, desire to return their .cordial
thanks to their friends for . the pleasiint
visit at the parsonageon — die 13th instant.
Onc hundred land tire different persons
took supper, leaving as a substantial tok
en of . their kindness one hundred and
nine dollarS:
THE following named gentlemei?ordre
elected Dire tors of the Citizens National
Bank of this place; for the present year,
at the annual meeting of the Stockhold
ers lield,;on Thursday last : E. T. Fox,
B. M. I i.:(_%:, .I.tatEs MACFARLANE, BENJ.
XY and S. W. LITTLE..
WII,ATEVER can be the matter -Jwith
IIINTos,•of the Athens Gaz i e l tie?
There is nothing connected with the
printing business of late. that seems to
pleasb him at all. In . facie sOrmise
that he is rapidly - drifting intoa stati of
nt'nd that will cause him to be rated;as a
chronic fault-finder. Hence our sorrow.
31. u. C. H. SEELEVs sleigh was tipped
over'near ScoviLl.E'S, in Towanda.TOWU
ship, in passing another sleigh, on Satur
day hit, and. his spirited teatit becoining
frightened, ran away, demolishing the
-sleigh and injuring One of the hories,, al
though not seriously.. Fortunately the
Nik - or escaped with no other injury than
a " snow bath."
,A Sin. G. W. Morse was citirmed by the
t;anate last Friday as Postmaster at Ath
ens. We:congratulate Mr. !tones upon
this recognitionof his past faithful and
'lll(fierit services, and the' - ,People there in
sure of a good otlicer for the
next'kur years. 11 is a deserved compli
ment''art soldier who left-an arm on, the
field of battle. The people of that stirring
't ! wn will have no cause to regret their
'Ttir, company for the 'manufacture of
Threihing Machines, under the
DtNISAR and 31cNsuotyr patents, at
t Alba, rays the Troy Gazette, are progress
ing in a sittisfaCt6rY 'manner. Already
$3,7,00 of capital has been subsctibcd.
Same is being hauled for a foundation
• fur a building which will be put . up as
Fool] as the weather is favorable. The
building will be - one story in height dud'
. by 26 feet. •
iNr. young 'gents, of this place ? accom
panicd by nine' young Ladies of course,
• tu:l, l e up a miry and happy Eleigh!ng
that wen•..ed its way through the
etkp air of Friday evening last to the
able mansion of WILLIAM SNYDER,
E , i., in She.shequin, where until the "wee
.sina' hours " they ; tripped the " light fan
tabtie" in the "giddy mazes of the
. dalice," to the most entrancing of,music.
. ,
Tire riTiggentlijue ariily - in
formed to that the whom Whir . was. "ins
mouse," While several of** ming imiles
smilingly told us that it was "just too
awfully splendid , for anything," which
we suppose settles it. Both the young
gents and young ladies give to Mr. and
Mrs. Simms the most unqualified pralie
for the pleasant wanner in which they
were sated:Wort - by them. • •
Ox WeduesdaY evening of : last week
Professor Dasant.i.n. gaiebbf fi rst &mem
bly this place, In'the Ball used by: bis
climes in dancing, In the _Means Block.
iThere will quite a large attendinice, and
the affair was a•very enjoyable one tfl all
Ire:Ant: The Asaemblieiwill be held on
each Wednesday evening during the bak
anon of the Professor's tonal of lessons .
here, and will no'doubt be patronized by
all who are so fortunate sit° receive, or
who have weaved invitations there
to. • •
Tan Athens G - nett 6:dic,11 ., pot, Wen the
Governor's Message as a aujipleiiiont. In
fact it did not print" it at all. And yet,
'twas but the other day that the Gazetta
bad muchito say about energy and enter
prise. Ahd we _may saY„• incidentally,
just here, that the REripwrzn alone of
the papers printed in this county, gave
its reader the full text of the Governor's
able message.;. and Jthat, tco Within thir
ty hours from the time it was read before
the Legislature at MaiOsburg.
D. M. Funny 4 Co t 's flower and veget
able seeds, of Detroit, Mickigan, are* not
excelled by those .of any others in the
same line of business. Their Seed Annu
al is a:most beautiful exhibition of every
flowei and vegetable raised in either gar
den or.field. Any , person desirous of se=
cueing tlowe4 or vegetable seeds from this
firm, should .make out .their order and
send the cash-by post-office order, draft
.or postage stamps, addressed to M. Fau;•
nv &- Co., Detroit,, Michigan. See adver
tisement in another column.
Pomotta igrange, No. 23, P. of IL,
composed of Bradford and Sullivan coun
ties.. will hold their next regulaiquarter
ly meeting on ,Thursday, February 10th,
1881, at 1 o'clock p. tn., in the hall of
West Warren Orange, No. 298. The even
ing session will be open, aad' all are, in
vited to attend. A. general attendance is
reqpested as_business of importance is to
transacted, together with the installa=
tion of pincers. Eminent speakers -are
expecind to address the meeting.
SnouLD this 'Department of the REPOR
TER this week prove more interesting
than usual, it may be ascribed to the fact
that the editor has not devoted so much
of his time to it as usual. The fact is,
the Local Editor, for the, past ten days,
with the assistance of a doctor, number
less powders, pills with and without su
gar-coating, hot and cold drinks, sweet
enettand!unsweetened, 'etcetera, etcetera,
&c., •&c.,.bas been wrpiling with a cold
—with the cold victor nine of tlirt ten
AMONG the flattering :notices of Miss
CHASE, who is to, give readings at the
Church of the Messiah on Saturday after
nooff and 'evening, we copy the following
from Rev.. J. P. Nr.wmax, formorly the
Chaplain of Congress cordially
recommend Miss LILLOS CHASE .to the
public.' She has rare gifts and graces.
She deleted a large: my
house, with one of her charming 'recita
tions. She is the coming woman." r . . ,
Ticket:S . for,feadings for sale at Wurr
cosin'i. For evening - entertainment; 25
teas. Afternootrieadln'gs - 10 - cbtits. .
TIIE Pisgah Praying Band -now con
ducting meetings , in the M. E. Church of
this village, ; are meeting with marked
success. Theli thrilling experience and
touching appeals have moved many hearts
~ •
to seek the salvation which bas so glori
4:on:Ay saved them. These devoted men
of (kin need no testimonial to verify their
Christian oharacter., Their straight\for
ward earnestness, their-evident sincerity
and self-sacrificing efforts, aro sufficient \
credentials to the people of Owego, that
they are true and faithful laborers in 'the
service of CHRIST. Let all who have not
beard them, attend the meetings and hear
for themselves.—Oirego
DIMMICK'S 'Hall. was literally packed
last evening with eager listeners, who
came out to boar the beautifulland talent
ed yorrig artist; Miss. LILLIAN CFW.E, of
Syr4use, N. Y., in her dramatic and hu
morbus readings, and charactim
sornitions. Everybody was delighted.
Theaudience was much larger' than on
her first appearance here, two weeks
. .
since. J.
. .
Orwell, January 18, 1880. - .
CHASE will give readings t the
Church of the Messiah, this place, atur
.day afternoon and evening.
Tickets for readings forlsale at . WHIT
COMB'S.; For eVeniug entertainmente:2s
cents: Afternoon readings 10 cents.
THE following, named .gentlemen'have
been installed by DeputyGrando Dictator
0. 11. ROCKNyELL, as officers of\Mon-ice
ton Lodge, No. 20$1, •K. 0f'11.,, fur tIM
current term ; •
D.—.l". A. tEVoE. -
}"..D.—A. M. CoolatAuan.
Clt , ll3,—A. E. BENJAMIN. • -
Repojler.—A. E. FOWLER.
T.—L. L. LYON., * •
Guardian,—D. L. HUNTLEY,
5.—V. MARCY.
WE icknowletlgo the / receipt of one of
the handsomest invitation cards that we
ever saw,, soliciting ourpresence at the
Annual Reception of Tioga Ilbsc, of Wa-'
verly, to begiven in the - • Opera House in
that village, on Wednesday evening. of
next week, January 2tith. Compa
ny have the reputation of giving the fin;
est and most enjoyable receptions that
;are given ,by any organization, in any•
town or city on the line; bf the Erie Raili
way—or on the lino of any other railw ay
for that matter. For the comfort
Pleasure of their guests on stick occasions
they spare no epense, and, knowing this,
we intend to bo present; as we-have no
doubt hundreds of other eminent citizens
froM different sections of the country will
also The Company's own orehestra—
which is one of theybest—will furnish the .
music for the occasion, and Profeskor ,
'DANIELLE will be Ceremonies.
The'supper will he served at the Tioga
Hotel. Again - We'remark, we anticipate
being present. , .
LITTEL'S LIVING Aon.—The number of
the Living Age for the week endini Jan
uary 15th, has the following variety of
interesting and. valuable articles : Sheri
dan, Temple Bar; A Large Otter, by•
Professor JOHN 31tizsm F. G. S., Japan ;
Popular Science Maim o ; Au Autumn
Ramble, Contemporary ileviete; New
Guinea, by .ALvitau %imam Na
lure; OH/AzteU! litapsurr as a Fisher
man, Magazine,: Mae.
Tams, Pall Man Gazette; The Influence
of $ unumotiiikoh the (hide' :8044',
Atari' Jewish amiati - 4 - : - '
Nora; Visited og * thi!drVlN :411 gm:
the conianatou
!skilful lohnoy,":
and 4IM usual variett4iiiiiif - -
- -_ - ,Theiew volume of-thlistandard °oleo:
*win- January Ist-. good
time-for thebeghming of a. subsoripthm.'
For fifty-tWo numberi of sixty-four large
pages each (or morn than 8 9 806. plipmi,ll
, year), Oke suissoriPfforiltios ($8)
while for $10.50 the -:publishers offer to
.send any one . of the AmerittM $4 month.,
lies or weeklies with the Living Age for
year, both postpaid.. itirtigra, Co.,
Boston, - are the publisher*.
Tux following items are gathered froni
the Auditor's Report and books of the
Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company ;of
Treasurer; Dr:
To Cash in Treasury, January 1,18804s50:00
To Fees paid 1n by Agent, 2980 .347.89
Omani. . - * Cr: -
Sy crder to O. Fitzgerald (loss) • intui.:
By order to J. H. Black, Agent 93 da. 1E9.50 "
•• A. 8.-Sumner, bee'y2o ds. 30.00 •
" ' " "B. W. Wood, Tr., Ter et.. (
and ezhon • 11.08
!? :12 114= Committe e ..
tors kid omeers 13.50
By order to biota!, books and
By order for Hall, r,..0i) ; AmdipArna. 12."
91.23 • -3.23
By order to postage and stationerz... 8.481
Balance in Treasury January 1,1883.4159.00 4703.89
Amount Follet t , In forte January 1, 1880...8737.091
Mimed In 1880 189.470
Amount policies canceled In 1140 2-z`
Amount policies in force dautiary 1, MOM: 1920.111
Membership amidst.; Oda.
The 'following are the officers for the
coming year, viz :. -
President—Wtmasif Saumwsx. -
Vice Prisident-- - -P. Ammar.' -
Secretary— r A: B. SUMNER.
• Agent—J. Macs. .
;Treasurer—B. W. Woop. -
DirectorsADlN LYON, Ji E. DODGE,
A. B.'SCIINEI4 Secretary.
Spring 11tH, January 10, 1881. -
.G.r.'OllSM ELTOT'Si ROMOLA.—A timely .
interest isgiven,. by the death of the au
thor, to the ne'w edition of her master
piece, . "Romola," just issued by the
American Book Exchange, New York.
It shonts her work, at its best and strong. •
est, and at the Same •time giies the read
er the- opportunity to acquire a lasting
familiarity with the scenes and society of
triedheval Italy. It is one, of• the few
really great historical novels of the world.
It is issued in handy and heautifulTorm,
extra cloth binding, simple but race ele
gance and taste in ' design, and
,like the
ot)ier issues of the "Literary Revolution"
its cost is. almost nominal, viz. 35 cents.
It is one of a series intended to form a+
library of classic fiction, which will in•
elude one representative • and characteris-,
. tic work of :each of the great author
who have won lasting fame in the great
realm of fiction. Life is : too 'short and
top full of work to permit , the reading of
all that is belutiful and valuable, in-these
creations of imagination,, but -even very
busy people can find time . to read one
lwdk by each of "the Score of authors who
hay l e won immortal fame and place in the
afflictions of the- people. Not to be ac
quainted with them is to be ignorant of
much that is most important and most
interesting in . the history of nations and
of men. Not :to. possess them iito be
deprived of most friOtful and most profit
able sources of enjoyment. Among those
isseed or nearly ready are-Scott's • " Ivan
ho ," BillWer's "Pompeii," Irving's
"knickerbocker," Cooper's "Mohicans,"
Tom Brown at ,Rugyly;" " Adventurci
of Don Quixote "rand tf trardx, a Ro ,
mauce of ancient Egypt." Full catalogue
of :stand:lid publications. will be bent on
request, by thQAincrican Book Exchange,
Tribune Building,..;gew York., .
ACKNOWLEDGING the reieipt of a Brad•
ford County Turkey, sent .to graße the
New Year'S-Dihner, the recipient returns
thanks in the_following tfiqy verses :
Some things lye guess at—some Wo know; _
, And thls Is of the latter:. ,
A fireless grate Is a sign of wee,
Also, an empty
A glei:' , lng grate and a boiling pot,
In the winter chill and murky
Are gra nd ; but still have them not,
'I can make a shift with turkey.
So, - bapc and forth the pendultnn Wrings;
And tho years are slipping by ut
Bringing good and ,bad, and a hos ‘‘,,,tthlngs.
That gladden or sorely try us';
And soma are blest In.basket and store,
And some In their hoTels shiver ;
SOme roll an plenty andcry for more . -
Forgetting to thank the leer. • ,
' ,
Something was said long yeirs ago,
I never could quite explain It •
It had a meaning as we all know,
It we could only gain it
To hinl that bath yet more shalito\
Into his basket shaken,
He that bath nof„,trOtn l hapless he
- Shall what he bath ho taken.
Good friends, the chile this rhyme I 4rite
A fragrant odor rises,
Reminding me of Time's swift flight •
—.And New Year's sweet surprises.
I hear that fowl'sexpiring cry '
Ring on the northern border ;
I hear his doom—.'Proud gobbl+ die,
. I ;kild southward Ay, per order •
There is no mystery to me 4 , z
'About this Eastern question ;
'Tie plain enough that it must be
A matter of digestion. , -
As Turkey pi osiers so does grease—
They are fnseparable ; , • •
move that all contentltit?ceae,
And lay It on thcrtable./_
t was a canny gentleman ache from A ultl Reekle
toed, -
:Who wrote shoot a tatior who somehow was ro•
tailed; .
it was a Yankee shoemakerwho r : law and leather
cobbled ;
So here ksend this .epic or The Turkey Gobbler
Gobbled. •
January I, 1681. .
With the compliments of the•seson, and many
many thanks for Ilt? gobbler, tne h\rusehold at 107,
N. 40th ..street,. by lease, wlshiyou "a thousand
more," and subscribe themselves
Ex.-Register and Recorder, C. E. GLAD
DINO, Of Columbia, Maio besides being a
well known inventor, a prorninent musi
cian and a leading member of the Patrons
of finsbandry, is a farmer with ideas a
good deal in advance of most persons
gaged in - agriculture, is preparing to put
up a very large and very tine
. barn. It is
to be of octagon shape and sonie . ideal o f
its Immense size can be obtained' by the
length of the logs hauled by hem on boli
sleds to BOFLATEII7B mill to be sawed into
rafters. They are eaoh fifty-five feet in
length. The barn is on a , new model and .
when completed will be one of the finest .
.and t most complete -barns in the northern:.
.portion of the State. Tito basement will'
bo used for ernsilage and the storage of•
fertilizer:the first story fortattle_and the ,
second feif hay and grail`, including mune
improvements in ,bays, etc. Mr. GLAD
. 111226 does no intend to pattern after that
Western farmer - who declared that lie
stacked all be could out Ordoors and put
thelest in it:wharf).- Ire means tb puke
a barn so large Jhat z lm will not need so
do .any stacking.— TM/ gazette:
, !_rimuicouil«7 -
.—W. H. INios. Wagons to Pid
;:" : " 4114: '. .andul 7 re
0 011 `:* 1 11 1 414 Waf.4t
Poitanilie. "
go - Blade haatainrevlootod Corpoisit,4oi o
Clerk or
t. MIAMI - 'UM! 601 .
ThirtiO)U4 over-thindin re turning . m List
logbilative duties oa *midair •
PAgjugunr; WOO_ Pan igo
resident of this place, hao bat"' elected a
Moab) of the
. Boniatoa Boar& of Trade.
- --,. ' , •,,.-11:,..1Vi:P_AT*C3,4 , wliOll4 . o***igert.
s iiii:frot*it iiiivre - 14041i:it- rheumatism ..
Or iivin4:wopk*iirst . l* rapidly ***ing
hbilitittli. '': ..• '..:-•.:- .-::.-- \ 1: 1 :-:: :.: .:::-'.•:'•:' ..:.':',....'. • -,....
.=;4., - )Ltdmit.swii. tkiPitts-'
burg, with wlview, -to locating titer's for
the practice 'Of the law. We WWI our
friend abundant success.
—Miss .Tnirs. E. Povizu. tuts been
quite 111 for several - days rust., So much
so as to prevent her from attending to her
duties at the Post Office.
—Rev. Wm. ,Mcdutlitanv, a former
rector of Christ Church, this place, oc
cupied the pulpit of that church both
morning and evening on Sunday last.
—Dr, E. P.- ALL, of Athens,: Pa.;
wasp fr-Priday last, in attendance at the
Sheriff Sales, and betame the purchaser
of the JAMBS H. GOETIMIS property in
Porkstan.--Consideratioti sBoo.—Tunir,
&Pinochle Democrat. , • ' '
—H. C. , WHITAKEp i and wite,• who
oved from this place to N. J..
me two years ago, where Adr. W; is
now engaged in publishing the Millville
Herald, have been visiting friends hely
for several days past. They returned to
their home on Wednesday - evening. -
goadley number Of the parishion
ers and friends of Rev. ci-T. tIALLowEt4.,
gave the Reverend' gentleman and his
geed lady,_ a pleasant surprise visit on
Saturday evening. The evening', was
passed in pleasant intercourse, hitt the
minister has more substantial _ tokens of
'the visit than the simple recollection tpat
it was given him. -
—Under date of Saturday last, the El
mira Advertiser's Sayre correspondent
writes : "Colonel R. A. PACKER and wife
and Mr. 110WAKD ELMER and wife, sailed
from New York Thursday afternoon for
Havana, t •üba. ' They expect to spend
part of the winter there, then go tnMex
ieo and remain until Spring. Previous to ,
Mr. PACKVIt'S departure he was elected
President of the Pa. &N. R. R. Co. Mr.
U. F. GOODMAK, Assistant Superintend-
Ant, will act as Superintendent until .Mr.
PaexEn's successor IS chosen. The fu
ture Superintendent , will probably be ei
ther Mr. R. F. GOODMAN or W ILLIAM
STEVENSON, Who is now Supi3rititendent
of th s e G. I. &S. R. R. They are both
well known as old railroad men, and if
either of them is chosen the management
of the road' will be in competent hands."
The following gentlemen havebeen en:
gaged to lecture chapel of , the Sus
quehanna Collegiate Institute next term,
which commences Monday next : Rev.
Dr. STEWART, Revs. Mr. Bums and
WRIGHT, Hon. P. D. 311 - meow, and JAS.
.MACFAALANE, Esq. The lectures will be
given evenings and will be free to all, and
especially selected with reference to the
benefit of the young. •
Tho Supreme Lodge of this organiza
tion was in session in this place on Tues
day and Wednesday of this week.. A
large number of de,eg,ates representing
ten Lodges of tbe order were present.
The reports; of the oilicers showing a large
increase' in Membership, the organization
of many new lodges during the past'year,
and that the order-iS in a prosperous con
dition. The following are tbe officers for ,
the ensuing year : Sup. W. S., Bev. Dex. s
lEL SA 'AGE., of Morris 'inn ; V. P., Ii
N. 6111[NNELL, Antrim , ;V. M., Sister
EMMA McNErti of Carpenter ; W. Chap
lain, - Rev. It. W.,CIIENET; of Big Pond ;
W. Secretary, R. H. McNErr, of Carpen
ter ; NV. TreaSurer, J. H.. CAMPBELL, of
Shunk ; W. Marshall, 0. P. Ciimmixos, •
of Bentley Creek .; Assistfint Marshall, C,
H. Tommvp:s, of Grover ; Lady. Assistant
Marshall, Sister IDA GuovEn, East Smith
field ; Guardian, Sister JULIA KING,''ELIBt
Apirim ; 0.
.'G., O. G. -DoNnwit, of Big
Pond.—Ciinfon. Sentinel.
The Com Mission of Hon. Paul D. Mor
row, President Judge elect of the Thir
t4nth • Judicial District for ten years
from the,first day of January, ,1 . 881, read'
in opcn:"Conit. .
N. P. Brown vs. Lydia A. Brown.--1
Role • on plaintiff to pay money to defend
Ursula t. Hawk va. Mrs. C. P: Law- ..•
rence.—Bolo on defendant to bring 'ao-1
tion of ejectment. - . •
Jeanette. Wiggins vs. J. L. Patterson.
—Rule to set aside Fdreign Attachment.
George Nichols vs. q. W. Park, et. al.
—Rule to open judgment. . . t
Jeremiah Roth vs. Henry Fritz. Rule •
for Sheriff's interpleader.
W. S. Pierce, Administrator, vs. J. B.
Chaapel ; Abram Johnson, et. al., vs.
Dennis Crimmins ; Coon & Braine vs. the
Pottsville liisurance Company, Garnishee
of the Minniqua Springs' Imprcirinint
Company.—Rumade absolute. .
Sylvanus Varner Administrator 'vs. C.
Warder; James Burke's use vs. Isaac
.V incept .— Rules disc arged. ..
-.Rosetta Scott vs. Ma lon Scott ;G. H.
Maynard vs. Abbey . \ aynard.—Alias
subpwna to be issuedirreach case. .
Sophii L. McCarriek'll...McCar
rick.-4. W. -Vitudyke Sppo .ed Com
missioner. I
' Commonwealth vs. J6hn Ackle et. ; al. -
-B. M. Peck, Esq., appointed A ditor 1
to distribute funds paid by defendan ' .
In re the lunacy of .Myron Luther,
Return of inquisition confirmed Di. ' Bl. .
In to the assignment of S. N. Wpostpr.
—Court discharge assignee.
In r© - Georgd.> llemminger a lunatic.—
Court discharge committee. • - ; "
' Hiram Thomas':use vs. 11. W. Thomas'
Exeeters, et. al., two c,ases.=Judtrrient
against Garnishee on answers #1 each
case. , r -1 V I
Tug Coons
_ .
By circulars , honed by Colonel R. ,A.
Pacimu, President of the Fa. & N. Y. C.
&R. R. Company, rind the G. I. & 8.
Railroad Company, we learn that WIL
LIAM STEVENSON, Btlperillgerld9llt of the
G. I. & 8. road hal teen appointed to the
same position on the Pd. & N. .Y. .Road,
and that R. F. Goonmen, AOsiotant Su
perintendent of the Pa. & NI Y. .Road,
has been • appointed 'Assistant SuPerin.
tendent of the G. L & Roid also. Both
of these gentlemen
.mined am excellent
railroad managers as they have . fully de
monstxat. id in the - past.; And we 'doubt
if better selections could hive been made
for thipUsitions, iir'selections that would
have givins mom satisfaction to the trar.
cling tii,persons who transact bold !
uess Witl4he SIAN .or'. to the employee
of the twisncunpanies. -
ride* et siego - r of
43010110 M4 fix* AsAil"*"
,11 0 1 Poi ! , .. 1 "f)a** 1 0 *ltt'
indoar - Y 1 •11* 16 , Zen*.
;prof last liadt. Tait aliarebleitlttere
Ailtio6o l 4:l4*
eitiokietieousilitea Of the 814011 of
andideoes by *amTanoiy girt!,
Mac; Tonna tad W00n, , -and Ita ad
inns by Grand Pkltatair atoutTr, of thyO
State. D. C; DoWris Zeq., introduced
the Grand ashartbut appro.,
Oriate address.' Mr. Eoscuirrx walisten
ad to with the:closest attention by the en
tire atulletsce, which noinlyfilisyd the large
ball; from the commencement to the close
of his. Address. The addnot *bounded
with, much =valuable iniormaticta to not
dblyinembers of >the order port, but
to those who were not. Ic was well &-
Wenn% awl-will, we have no doubt, prove
Of valise to the ordfsr. here. At the cones
elusion of the addreu, 'about two bun:
dred ladies and gentlemen repaired to K.
of P. Hall, whereafter gnre lbeing said,
by the Rai. J. S. Mcrae, of Christ
Church. they partook of a splendid colla
tion prepared by = the ladies whiles
husbands are: tumblers of Crystal Lodge.
After the banquet an adjoununent
was bad , td the 11 O. of O. F. Hall !
adjoisting, when tbe assemblage waaagain
called to order by the Dictator of Crystal
'Lodge, Jaen Wasunctz, Jr., when D. C.
DEWrrr, in a neat and witty speech, pre
sented to the Grand . Dictator, on behalf
'of Crystal Lodge, a beautiful emblematic
gold charm. Mr. Bscenrr, although
taken completely by surprise in the pre
sentation, accepted the gift with's few
appropriate remarks. After this there
was singing; by MOMS. WOW, DEWITT,
BETTINATO, Buck, Maim, and TAYLOR,
and short addresses by. Hon. E. L. Mr.-
P us, M. B. Fowsza, Dictator of Kingston
Lodge, FRANK AMMERMAN, Past Dicta
tor of Ulster Lodge, and Past Dictators
BLACK and ALLEN,'of Crystal Lodge. It
was twelve o'clock when the exercises
finally; closed and the happy assemblage
separated, all , uniting in pronouncitqiit a
complete success in every particular, and
an occasion long to be renicmbered by all
who were so fortunate as to be present. .
There were present a number of Knights
from Waverly Lodge, of Waverly, N. Y.,
and a goodly number from the lodges in ,
this county. Thei Committee who had
charge of the arrangements for the affair,
and carried it to 'so successful a termina-
Aion, arc entitled to great praise. Thii"
Ccmunittee consisted of the follewing
named gentlemen: I J. R. Krrrnwnox,
On Saturday, January iftit, lIIAAM
kiroonnunir, Esq., of - Roatu, celebrated
hit eightieth birthday, and although the
day was. intensely cold, the house was
tilled with Children, grand-children and
•friends, who came to enjoy with him the
happy reunion. Burlington, Towanda,
and Checrry Valley, N. Y., being repre
sented. Just, before repairing to the din
ing-room—where a sumptuous dinner was
awaiting us—au unexpected guest was
announced, who received . hearty wel
come from all; it being the , youngeSt son,
who had just i returned fromidinneappo•
lie; Minnesota, after atiabseuee of four
years. One brother and slater were pre
vented from joining the happy group by
the many miles which intervened, and the
wife . of the _brotheit—Mrs. LESLIE WOOD.
nurrx—contributed the following origins
poem for 91? occasion : .
Beneath•the weight of eighty snows,
• Lie dud my eighty years;
Like visions/air, then morn arose ;
How brief their sin appears.,
How oft I view again In thought,
The loved and vanished days;
The hope and comfort. that they ; hrotight,
Looks soft through vanished haze.
The fairest 'scenes, the saddest hour,
All that my lire has known;
Ariso again In mystic pOwer,
int memory's canvass thrown.
The noonday gitiis s ejnlang lot!,
But through : Abe tlvlllght - gray,
ilow - many stairrelustere glow
Invisible by_day.
I would not check the current
'' t hat bears mete the shore;
Bec'ause I know beyond tts
la4lfejor evermore,
Some dearest friends have long been gone
From out Ire rushing tide ; • • •i`
I know they'll grplt me In the dawn
Uponlhe other side. •
I almcst see thefr wsstlng eyes,
lindlanned by grief or rare ;
. Grown loveller. - for In-Paradfse,
For there Is no night there.
Then thankful for Ilfe'a Bloseloga all,
For night no leas than morn; • .
lo hear the angel call
I'll watt
16 me welcome home
re to call the attention of our
one of the greatest newspapers
We des
readers td
no that secures' the best
of the a
writers inAis country irind Europe, re
gardless' of expense ; hit 3 the best_ and
fullest book reviews of any, paper in the
country ; has able articles' upon financial
subjects,; has departments devoted to Fine
Arts, Biblical Resiarch (something' that
,cannot be found in any 'other 'newspaper
in the United States), Farm and Garden,
Insurance, Weekly Mar ket Reports,*at
tle Market, Prices, Current - , Dry Goods
Quotations, ete. 7 in t fact, . a newspaper -
fully suited to the re quirements of every'
family, containing a fund of information
which =not be bad in any othcr 4 . o‘ thaPe, ,
,and haiting a wide 'circulation all over the
country and in' Europe. We refer 4o the
Independent, of New York. 44 Tileilarg
.est, the ablest, the best."
lIVBISARD Brothers, of 723 Chestnut
street, Phila.; have recently issued livery
handsomely illustrated 'book of 500 pages,
entitled " Digging 4:31d Among the Rock
ies, or, Exc' itures of Wild Camp .
Life in Leaf c Hills, and the Gyn.
nison Cour 1 author of the book]
is GEORGE al, Esq., of Sugar
no, this/county; who sixint several ,
months )1S Colorado, Dakota, Montana,'
etc., \in the capacity of a Deputy Mineral i
SutvQr of the Government for the inin-!,
eraybeit of that region. `
:The book isi
printed; iriclear, bold type,- and is the lat. . ,
est and best•'sketchhook of adventure in
•thyirent gollelds oil the far West:- It
•cinitahis thrilli A . narratives of crimp -life
at Lcadville, am' ig the Black Ilill‘and
in the Gunnison co ,I, try of Colorado: It
also sketches life u , the Snowy Range,
the home of the elk, thskdeer and the.ciri ,
demon bear. Itdescrilses streams pled
With fish, foresta filled with game,; and
mountains filled - with silver riul gold:.
that land where cities spring 'p
in a day,
and where fortunes are made ip 'll,,`lno
- are many mat‘ers of momentoits in
teresL This book tells Vow' 'midi 'fully
rich . " strikes " have-been made by rro.
' fessionals arid by.".tender - feet:" t
scribes how they find the treasures, he
they find it, how they mine it, how, they
prepare it for commerce, - and where, they
sell it. • It tong how .min'i'e live, tln:cost
of living, how claims are located, , -and
bow they are bold. ,it describes the Min;
'' _
, ing cempanies, , both large and 'small,
good sobs& Imam* t Pidpi of
- ohs** qt tit
lath impastem.& , Itgiveilabar*liiesX
wiinanive mide OwArc
1 44.945 t 1 44 tivh.lei-0 1 . 1 44 therlinOtesev
.10 hdalf 1 1 1 0 1; . -1, Vd•
shim danger, wainyoUrei.----041 1 411.34-:
and all time features - ofactiki!lifi among
the ficOifliountitimi are Iwo :pottriy,d'
with enable pest, The and - moat
ant iens% WU:nation-- -Ow
-goldiwnduoing, sections, the - prodtietiotr
Itself, and ill that peot,ioo to W. Is Ite'
painted, not by a theorist, but by one:
who has traversed the-fleids, minted the
toil, and gMherad some of the maids or
life airlift the Rnekies. - The West 'bi-
Wes of iniimai.prodnetion by: years are
given ablo; in short, all that one !weds io
know about mines and mining in 41kese'
raglans Will be tonnd in this book. . The
book will be sold by Subscription, and
those desiring territory , in Which , : to am
muss for its sale, should address livimarin
brotbers, l 723 Cheat:mt. streetr, Philadele .
phis. ' .
Local Correapondcnce.
The del Imo, luta
g g lag
improved:, .
The past week has been: . a very' lively
one for Stnithiteld.
• , "
A sociable,was held at the parsonage of
the Congregational Chnich on Thursday
Thursday night, a donation party was
given to Ilev. A. Tilden, at the Ainericau,
Hotel. There was a 'large attendance,
'lid about eighty dollars were left for the
he pastor.
tast Widneaday night Mr. James
Harkness,. an old ' gentleman ahout ninety
years of age, who was livjpg with his
daughter, Mri. George Corey, died with- -
out a moment's werning.. 110 went to
bed a little earlier than usual, but feeling
well. In a few, moments he was found to
be 'Frid4, the temains were taken
to Springfield for interment.
Saturdiy, another child of Mr. James
Waldron died with diphtheria. -
Protracted.meetings are being held'at
the Disciple Church with very good. suc
cess.; Rev. J. G. Encell is doing the
preaching. ' I F. '
2 -
- About the Smithlicld rioters; Iva have
Only to say that we hope to see them re
ceive the punishment they deserve. But
it is a fact that there are a few persons
who are doing all in their power to help!
the leaders of the shameful 'act to get
clear from he penalties of the law. With
few exceptions there is vfo sythpathy for
them here, and a ny one who helps by any
trickery these persons to evade they law;
should, and will be considered as bad , as
they. • ' •
Many stories about kidnappitig the
principal witness, • and. thus' prevent her
from appearing, against them are beipi,
circulated. Should anything of this kind
happen, it would be the most dispraceful
part of the whole affair, and for this we
would be blamed, and in a measure juitly
too. Let us r be alive to the importance of
seeing these'oUtlaws pun shod as they de
serve. •
January 16, 1881:
\ as . - ULSTER.' ` '
Ple ant weather ;.- nice bleighiug, n 3
plenty sleighing parties 'in and a ut
out. village. The' farmers and tearnst rs
"are hnprovink the "shining hours" by
drawing their logs to the respective mills,
'and bark' to the markets, etc., making, as
one remarked, atone that reminded him
somewbat of "old times." '
Mr. John Sallivan,a laborer on the Pa.
47, •. Y. Railroad, at thifi place, , met with
a bad misfortune last .Thursday, in the
bUrnirig of his barn; together with a-cow
and necessary fodder. He being a poor
man, the loss must. be severely felt by
, him and his family. • '
What would have been a disastrous fire,
bad it got head Way, `was caused by tho
hreaking, in some manner, of a lamp in
the .rooms occupied by John . McQueen;
Jr., in the. Wheat block. The flames,
'however, were put out before much.dain
age was done. Had this not been done,
the whole blOcktogether, with the several
buildings hear, must certainly Been en
tirely -c
consumed. .
- A - bcil Holcomb can now be seen ou'our
struts with" an air' of conscious import
ance not usual with him. It is a girl. We
will take a cigar this time; Ancil.
Mr. Wm. Irving is erecting a bath to
take the place of the one burned recently.
Rev. J. C. B. Moyer is bolding meet
ings at the Oak - Hill schoolhouse. Con.
siderable interest seems to be manifestcd.
The sings g slaws, conducted by 3. IL
Mersereau, „are thoroughly organized;
have procured ' net Woks, • and._.are
being prepared to sing not merely
with the "Spirit,," but with the." undct
standing also."
The gentlemanly agent of the Sunday
Telegram (Elmira) was in , town Llst
Saturday. Several of the papers named
are sold here eackweek.
donation fo / r the.beneilt. of Rev. J.
C. B. Moyer/will be held at the Toin
Bkll,tp-morrow evening. .
Mi. Lee Thomas. 'has moved his family,
from Tinge county to our. place, ho hav
ing °Semi into partnephip with C. P.
Forrest. "1)E So_ ,
Ulster, Pa., January 17th; 1881.
HYDItAtILIb CEMENT.—Jost mesh,
ed—another ear load of XX Star Cement.:'
sopt7. B. 31„WiLLEs.
_ .
Qom'POMBA has the best wearing Shoe/
for Men, Boys and Youths' - wear% ever offered in
Towanda, and at prices within the reach of all.
vir All orders for . Milk. or Cream left .
at C. S. Furcirs Confectionery . Store will be
promptly tilled by Sutra ItyOthers. dee3O-w4.
Eligatit new stock of JEWELRY
at the . Da-Cent Store: :" Oct. 29, 1650.
VirCILOYES and .MlTTENS—loweat
prices-41 the 09-Cent Stott. Oct Vi t 80.
or Job lot of Ladies Pants, 2.5 cents;
worth 40, at the 00-Ceatt tore. - Oct. 28,'80.
er GEo. L. Ross sells PiWeeries awful
CiIEAP because his expenses ire very light, and
be is bound his customers shall- have the benefit:
rir Fora good, durable and neat fitting
8110F. L eall at F. J. 111.11314, Beldlemaa's Block,
Main street. • N0r.17-t!.
99-Cetit Store. • Oct. 28th, 1080.
teIIIIRRAR to (CEO. L. Ross's New
Grocery Store In the Montanye Dloct,and getiour
tirowles at rook bottom. Jan. TO.
t" New Books just out—Mrs. Holmes •
May Agnes Flatlet. E. P. Poe sad tAhers—at the
ant Store. - 'Der&
tr YOU .RUN NO RISK when 'you
tiny your Groceries at G. L. RoSEI'S nett s store in
Montan,ye.Rlock. His PRICES are WAY DOWN
to tOilt . botUtui.'
beats the world by Low Prices and good Goods.'
- •
Qom' It. Is inipaissible for,lwoman after
a faithful come of treatment, with LAMA E.
cooll4e to suffer with* inuilmesi of the illefes-
Beet a stamp to Nis. l.44sta E:Ptsatraw,
Westetro\keettuti,, Lyttit, Num., -for 'Pamphlets.
Bold' by r.if. C. Pc9iTaa,' Drunist, Tawaa4a,
ur Lookeigiti*Olikiiiii" you out
ext upopot umi mutes at olio. BOWS,
ltaitsaya amt. Blrp.kes are wwor &we,.
sore ha Kellum Week will be immellest with
• •0•4 4 •60.•••• 11 014.9t 8110C1121/41, they
be eel# tiorietwesikiiitdb NI prism.
Iltr The VOW: lITORE - 14 ' Head
*vim uso 4 , LAMPS and
arrNtit dioirri‘bb; iladdli*Ord bit
ter thankleiss bars sad mutt noes esedsfardery
and pleapide."o illseesasd , User keicabdor esit - be
tam ataliXallmkpildost Martian Idlb bast.
nos at didldidw , ILO so dead% sate. swiss*
EONS dlorter; estls stun se ed stter a hearty
meal ta thirtrod sad
-11011. dud des =sal asay Oro, "Kb yea.
SETTS, LIQUCII SiCrTS—at rTS—aN►Ceao Store.
Heir 1:410,11 Casa MILL.-•-ThiS is an
excellent Portable nitll—one that. commends
at sight. Footers haying apples going to waste,
win do Inn to glee Use Cider WU stria IL Odds
easily and iiphily—crustklng the. fruit !Woad et
Vain. 0 1 1m4tY, pie Carrels per day. For site
Towanda. Pa., Sept. 7.
Otis and ettaebutente at the 99-Cent State. -
Ur Why don't you., try Carter's Little
,LlflllaPltiar Tito area • posture "pue tor 'sick
headache, and all the Ills prodeeed by disordered
liver. Only one pills dose.
PAINTS 40 . - FARMERS. ;•;-Don't let
your bosses be seen standing much at the taelarn
door; It don't look right. Dan% be without Henry
.111 Johnson's Arnica and Oil Liniment near at hand
to apply la case of -secident. , Keep good' fences.-
espgclally Hue fences it protinote good feelings
among neighbors. Keep Ddwris , E l ixir always In
the house, and uso In eases of sudden coughs; Be.,
as a safeguard against cense mption and other dan
gerous diseases. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters; taken
according to directions, saves large expense In doc
tor's bills.
When y read of a remedy that will cure all dis
eases, &rear It; but when you read of a pure
vegetable {c ompound which eiaims to cure only cer
tain }arts .,[ a body, and furnishes high proof that .
U doss this, you can safely try it aad with the as
surance that it will help you. This Is Just what
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure does. It
cures all troubles of the lower portion of the body
and none others. It will not help the tooth-adhe,
Car-ache nor consumption, but It will put your body
In a rigorous and healthy state where you cai en
joy life and appreciate Its good things. Try It.
been greatly troubled with wiy_ kidneys and liver
oiler twenty years. and during that entire time I
wile never free from pain. My medical bills were
enormous, and I visited both the Hot and White
Springs, noted for the curative qualities of the
water. I am happy to say lam now a well man,
and'entirely as the result of Warner's Safe Kidney
and Liver Care. With such glorious results I am
only too glad to testify regarding the remedy which
has made me so:happy. (Rev.) P. Y. 11.1111KLF.E.
coal yea CroSslng, Arkansas. • Jan :o.
COOK.—At her home In Towanda. January tattk,
ism, of pfrutnoola, NW Julia A. Cook, to the
7 , ach sear of her age.
D •
eceased was an swat of. 0.4... and T. C. Dc.
Generulderderi In Grocerlos and Produce, corner
• 'Slain and Pine Streets. -
Flour per bbl. $3 30' d 3. 7 50
Flour per sack • .1 . 40 ; 00 I'Bs
Corn Meal per 100... . - • 4t: 4C
Chop Feed ; - Si} ;1 40
Wheat, per bush.... fit 00 0$ 1 63 4
Corn I • 543 qll - - 58 Eb
PY e " • 75 (43$ @.
~... _ -- S
Oats . - - aa 0
Buckwheat - 45 0 '
Buckwheat F10ur..... it s- 10
Clover seed
Timothy; Western,..
Beans, 62 lin, 6 5 50
0 0
41.0 0 00
St 0 0
at - 1 25 61 20 0 .
Pork. mesa Dbl. 616 00 0
Lard . • 'O9 0 lO 0 12
Butter; tubs 21 0 25 0 • .
nous..., . : ... .20 a 21 0
Eggs, fresh . ~. - t , 28 • 0
Cheese - . ' - 14 0 18
Potatoes. per bush .. 1* ("4' 35 al
Beeswat..." - 20 0 22.
tildes .., 1 5 ' 06. 1 4.:0 01'
Veal skins 1 , ' • 50 011 :s0
Deacon Skins 40 0 65
Sheep Pelts
it 6 500 180
0664 (7
75 0 el 25
404 Go
6 750 1"50
Hides ' .
ireal Skins' • '
Deacon sktue...., ' •
tihecp rags i.
Are opening this week a large
stock of
Evecially adapted to
They have taken advantage of the
markets at this season, and
have closed out lines of
Goods which be offered at
great bargains and much be
- lOw former' prices.
particular Attentipn I
Isiasked to their
-;•=0 F
Dress -Goo&
To their New Stock of
. A ND
Which is.fully 'stocked with all
• the Novelties. for the
.." - Holiday Trade. • e
Towanda, 'Deo. 9, 1880.
"Vgirearcl E 3 cri4 ,l
- firWes. 4l4 7 act OF alle ir. V. 11=0E, /roper
Towanda, Pa., ;ply 15, 1579.
LEEL.By. vlctae
ki of sectary mitts Wood Oat or the Court ot Cott
woo Ples of Broatord.COcucty sod to me directed,
I will expose to publict age M the Coustatooto
Toccoada• on _
Tbursdayi t Febinsairyld, 1561,
at 1 etelock, 21., the follawingdesathad pror7
ty, to wit: • :
No. i. One lot of land situate In Troylownsblp,
bounded as falloirst Beginalng at • pest and stone
NI perches west of the east line of - leads belonging
to the patties of,the Arstpart, situate near *small
stream; thente outh by other lands m of e the parties
of the first pegs istancoof 120 tres to a post
in the line of. land d s belMging to E. C. Williams
thence west bi-Le.Willbmt 47 perches to a post;
thence *oath b sweet* perches to a thence
west .52 Fer y ehea. Itletift. le Bite of lands late be.
• longing to J. Jackson ; _ thence meth b 7 some 45
perches to a post • thence west b si n ie se 7ll perches
to pestle Ithe cif leads late be to E. 13.
Parsons.; theme Detail), Wee 1 perches toe
t stoats la line Of lands of if. A
;. Cialie';
pos thence ang
east by same liperebeisto a poet thence
north by same the distance of 27 parches to a post,
corner of late heleaging to C. Newbury ;
' thence east by - same the distaste* of Iff perches to
the plate of. beginning; contains lel sem and 40
perches of land, more or less. Excepting and
always ;cackling all • that piece or parcerot laud
situate within Abe boiradarteaof aforesaid tract,
All of the land lad its apportetuutete. Including
road or the privilege to use for me. my heirs and
assigns.'whielt fi described la'acertain deed exe ,
cuted by gleaner Pomeroy and . Rhoda his wife, 1
bearing date February 5, A.. 1). 1547. and acknowt.
edged on the same day-before Wm. Kendall, epos
lice of the peace is and leißradford Coontyafore-
said, and which was reco r ded in the °Mee for re
cording deeds, In deed boot No. - te; page 431; etc.;
about 10 acres improved. Ault of Amos tlinderliter
vs. S. M. Dobbins. ,
No. 2. ALSO—one other lot of lend. situate In
tiger township. bounded Meth by lands of Chas.
Thompson, B. Livermore and John Lenox; east by
land of George Lenox and N. Davidson ; south by
:land of D. and Patrick Dinins, and west by land
of C. Mallory ; contalellloo. acres, more or less.
nearly ail improved, with I n :framed house, 1 framed
bare, other outbutidlngs and few fruit trees there
on. Suit of Edward Mills' use -vs. ,Charies
Kitchen and G. If. Vandyke, administrators of
Fannie W. Kitchen, deceasedi
No. 3. .ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in
Colombia township„, bounded north by lands of
Schuyler Gates antiMesley estate, east by lands 01
Schuyler Gates and the public highway, south - b,
the public highway and lands of Bothwell and Ira,
Smith, and Meat by lands of Ira Smith and Bette,
estate; containsacres, more or less, all Improv ,
ed. with 1 framed . house„ I framed bun and' few
fruit trees thereon..
No. 4. ALSO—One other lot of land, - situ:4l6,h;
Columbia township, bounded north and west- by
lands of-Wm. Young.feast by lands of Eva Austin
and south'by the Piddle highway; - contains .of an
acre, more or less, all Improved, with I framed
store building thereon. -
No. S. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate It
Columbia township, bounded north ter land of O.
0. Bosley, east by lands of Charles Billings, soon.
by lands of Samuel Tink ham, west by landsof John
Benedict; contains acres, more or less ; t o Im
provements. Suit of Caroline Slade vs. L. B. Slade, .
No. O. ALSO—One other lel,of land, situate It.
Athens Borough, bounded Mirth by lot No. 37. east
by Water street„south by tot No. 39, and west b,
lot No. 23: being lot No. 31 In a pint or survey mad,.
by Z. F. Walker, known a:s,the Sitterleo plot, and
recorded in Bradford County deed book No. 110.
page 258; this lot has 74 3.lo:feet frontage en Water
street, Its north line Is 193 feet deep, and Itsiendt
line is 191 feet deep; all Improved, no buildings.
Suite! Jas. H. Webb, administrator, vs. F. A.
Bishop. Lafayette Anson, T. T. ,- • ' •
.• No. 7. ALSO—One other lot of land. slttiale
I Springfield township, bounded north, east;:l wmtb
and West by lands or r Aorge Leonard ; contains 6
scree, about 1 ° Imp ‘l, v.ith observatory, i
stone shanty, I ham aiiiied thereon. Suit of,Tiar
Victor Sewing Machine Company vs. J. Id. Onstin
and N. Dustin.
No. 8. ALSO—One other int of land, situate In
South Waverly Borough, bounded as follows: Be
ginning In the north line of Mathewson's lands at
the southeast corner of a lot sold by W. P. Decker
to E. it. Northrup thence north 4 0 east line
rods to the centre of Pitney street ; thence along
said street 83 0 10' east 3 4.10 rods to a comer , ;
thence south 4° west 23si rods to said Mathews4n , . , -
north line ; thence along said line north 83°10 ,
west 3 4-10 rods to the place of beginning; contains
anacre. more or lessiall Improved, with I framed
house, 1 framed barn and few fruit trees thereon.
Suit of James It. Stone vs. Ira Davenport.
No. 9—ALSO—one other kit of land situate in
Smithfield-township, - bounded as follows, town :
On the north by the public highway ; on the east
by lands of, Jackson Wakely (formerly of Owen
Harris); on theaunth by lands of Jacid) Fletcher ;
'and on the west by the public highsay. :containing
SO acres of land more or lest, about 43 acres im
proved, with 1 framed house, 1 framed barn, and
an orchard of 'fruit treat; thereon. Seized and tat
It. M. irimiss,
-en Into execution at the suit - H
and Louisa Storms' use vs. Alexander Bleb
at the suit of s iohu Merkle's Adni. vs. Saone. _
No. 10--•-ALSO—One other lot of laud - equate in
Athens Boro., bounded as follows : Being lot No.'
0 In a plot or survey'retbrded itt Deett Book No.
141, page 159, In the Once for recording deeds iu
said county and beinga parrot a piece - of land con
veyed to the above named grantor, 'by James M.
Webb, Adm.. toy Deed recorded April '2oth„ tsso.
and recorded in Deed Book. No. 141, Page sc.„ . in
and for said comity. All improved, no building , .
Seized and taken'into executron at the snit of S. B.
- Boger. Va. W. N s Hilton.
so.ll—ALSO=The defendant's uhtllvided
interest In one other lot of land situate I.overton
twin, bounded as follows to-wit : On the north by
lands of Daniel Heverly ; on the cast by -lands of
Margaret McCann :on the south by lauds -of Ed
ward Streevy and the pnbile highway; and on the
west by !amt.; or Andrew Wlit and a private• . road
from what is known as Monsiemau road to Andrew
Wilrs ‘ honwfrontaining about 70 acres of land
more or less. about 60 acres Improved, mltli 1 tram.:
ed house, 1 framed barn, with sheds attached, and
an orchard of fruit trees thereon. S - -Ize.l and tak
en Into execution, at the suit - ef James McCann's
usa . rt, Francis McCann.
NO. 12—ALSO—One - other lot Of land situate In
ToWanda Borough, hounded as follows t 4)n the
north by lands of J. 0. Frest : on the east by lands
of .T..` - 71Ifesns : on the south by lands of John
Lantz; on the west by Charles Street ; being about
-100 feet front on said Charles street, and 'about ISe
feet'dettp, volth.-1 framed building used fur:paint
ing house and Store - room,. and oue other entail
framed building thereon;
No. I7—ALSO—One other lot of land situate in
Towanda •Borough, bounded as follows, to-wit :
' Beginning at the north-west corner of a lot belong.
Itm to 'William' Welcli on the east line Charles
street: thence easterly. along saldWelehes north
line 150 feet morwor less, tithe west line of lands
owned by J. F. Means; thence northerly along said
Means' line 50 feet; thence westerly and 1 araliel
withlald 'W elch's north line f5O feet inereor IC'S%
to the' ea.. t line of Cbarlesstreer ; thence; southerly
along the line of said street 50 feet to the place of
beginning; all Improved, no bui id hip. Seized and
-taken Into execut , on at the - suit of James Wood's
use Vs M. A. Cash, Adw. of 13; Cash, it ceased,
F. A. Cash, et al. 1 • • • . .
No. 14—ALSO—One other lot of land situate In .
South Waverly Borough, bounded as follows : on
the north by lands of Timothy Flireeen : on the
cast by Williams street; en the south by lands of
J.Sulllran ; awl On the west by lands of Time thy
litreen, .eentalnlng D 4 acre of land mere or, lesx
all improved:with 1 framed house and a few fruit
trees thereon. "Belied and taken into execution at
the suit of Walker Bros. vs. Martin McNamara.
1 No. 15—ALSO—One other lot of land situate In
Athens township,, hoUndFd as fellOws: !Pi the
north by lands of Bowmati& Splan ; on. the east by
lauds of H. Willlston's Est.; and Abram iluoslck
er ;on by lands of Smith & Griffith and of the first; and on the west by lambi of
James Melrdle containing 250 acres of land more
or less, about a 0 acres improved, with I framed
hoess,_7. barns and sheds attached, 2 hog houses, I
milk hous; and few fruit trees thereon. Seized
and taken-into execution •at the snit of William
Grath ek v.% C. Ilunsicker.
• No. 16—ALSO—One other kit of land situate In
Athens tewnshipo hounded as follows : On the
north by lands of Menry Kirby: on tae east and
south by lands now - or fornierly owned by 3 elm D.
Keyser. and on the west by the public highway.
contenting 1-4 of acre of laud more or less, with 1
framed house mad a few fruit trees thereon. Seized.
and taken into execution at the suit of Friendly
Bros'. -use vs Mare F. Carnier. •
No. 17—ALSO—One other lot of land situate In
Smltlitield and Athens taps., bounded as follows:
On the north by lands of William Phelps'; On the
east Ity Lauds of B. B. Burnside and James eurn
side and highway . leading from MI an to Smith
field ; andon the west by lands, of .1: - El; Pierce
contsining.6l acres of land more or less, , abont Si
acres with 1 dwelling house, 1 barn, 1
steam shingle mill thereon. Seized and - taken Into
execution at the suit of Davis C. Pierce vs."l'. 31.
tierce. .
No. 18—ALSO—One other lot of land situate In,
Albany twp.,
bounded as follows : 'Beginning i rod
south of the third telegraph pole north from New
Albany station ; thence east tothe east bank of the
creek ; thence northerly along the tank of said 44
creek twenty feet below the water-fall of the same: -
thence west to the creek ; thence along the .creek
to G. 11. Kendall's east dam t.thencof west .to • the
road; thence along the road to the place of begin-.
ning ; together with a private road privilege from
the land along the creek to the Ilubleird road, sub
ject' to a-private rearptivllege to Wells 'lrller-x,
his heirs and assigns, actosi the creek below the
mill : all Improved, with) saw mill, I framed dwel
ling hou s se. I Learn and a few fruit, trees thereon.
Seized and' taken Iwo exeeution -at the cult of
W Ils Wilcox vs. E. 11; Sprout and E.- T. Spiout
/.. - o. 19—ALSO—tine other lot of land situate In
• °wands tap., bounded as follows, to-wit: Begin
ning at a corner on north line of street In said twp:
f thence north 84 deg. east along north
_line of a
lot sold to E. 31eDonald 173 feet to a corner:
thence north 53 deg: east along lets. of 3iason
am' G. F, Mason, 45 feet to a corner; thence south
84S deg., east 187 feet to a corner. on RatlrOad
street; thepee south 5.15" deg. west along, said Rail
road street 29 feet to the corner of said Railroad
street: and thence south 45 deg., west along North
line street 18 feet to the place of beginning, with I
framed house thereon: Seized and taken into ex
ecution at the suit of Rodney A. 31ercur's use vs.
. Michael Meehan.
No. 20—ALSO—One other lot Of land situate In
Athens Bore', bounded as follows: North ly pub
lic highway ; east by lauds ot I% larks; south by
lands of N. C. Barris ; and west by lands of 3thrtin
Thoidlisoli and Gotehlus; being 75 feet front and
' 110 feet. sleep, with 1 house and 1 fronted barn
thereon. Seized And taken into execution at the
suit of C. O. Huntington, to the use of F. C. Baird
vs. Edwlti"Drake. • " . . .
CITATION.In the matter of the
N.,/ --
estate of Griswold Owens. late of the township
of Ridgbury. do thesouuty of Bradford. and State
of Pennsylvania, deceased. The.Cornmorwealth of
Pennsylvania to Juletta Owens (now Juletta Wil
kinson). of the townshla of Springfield, In said
county of Bradford, Annetta Owens (now Annetta
French), of Andover, state of Ottio,,Ency Owens
{not Eney Mouldy), Mandates, Leralle county,
state of Illinois. hetrs-ot-law of Grissiold Owens, •
deceased,..orid to J. U. Evans. of the township 'of
Mldgbury;_in said county. of Bradford, and tv all
other perrons interested, greeting:
Bradford County sa: lou are hereby cited to
.be and appear before the Judge of our Orphans ,
Court, at an Orphans' Court. to be held at Towan
da, fit said county of • Bradford, on toe twenty-first
day of February, A D., ISSI,- at o'clock In the
afternoon, then and there to accept ,or refinie to
tate the real estate of said Griswold Owens.
deceased, or Lid therefor, or show cause why-the
COurt shall not order a sale thereof, situate in the
township of ittdgbnry aforesaid, at the appraised
valuation put upon It by an inenest:dtily awarded try
the said Court. and returned by the Sheriff,"On the
ninth day of September, A. It. 1680, to wit :'Two
lots ckfntatnlog In all 3 acre s, at ten hundred and
ninety-six 87-100tiollars,.and hereof fall net;
-. Witness the honorable P. D. Morrow, Presidet
of our said Court at Towanda, the fieth day of D
ceinber, A. It. IMO: •
Clerk of Orphput` Court.
I certify the foregoing to be a true 'Copy of the,
original rule. /
P. J. HEAN, Sheriff.
1 - I.—Letters of . administration having been
granted to the undersigned, upon•tha estate`of
Charlotte Noyes, late tif-Burlington twp., deceased.
notice Is Wely glyen jhaL all person indebted to
said estate ato requested to make -immediate pay.
ascot, awl sit pdriona laving legal claims against
the oaten will bresent itnmt withent delay In pito
per o. der for settlement to' .
'J. W. NICHOLS. Addlinistrator..
Burlington, Pa., Jan, 20, i5Bl.
• •-•.
don. RAXL D. Kowtow. Pnoddeertjfiddh
the lath Judicial District, eass
ix trj of Jae easel/
of Bradford, Ina Wald kit Waft doe
'the lath day of December. t to me directed , fey
holding *Coulee Oyer nod Tersitaer,' Elgaeral
Jan Delivery. Quarter fiestion of the ll'esse. Cow
soon Pleas and Orsaws Court as Teirsads. ter
the coast: of lasSfard. earisseaOsa , lgesoday.
zizsamorr nu, um, to continue Wee weeks.
Solite Is Wilder* hereby glees blithe Careiers
mini Justices of the Peace of . the watt, of Dad
ford: that they be then and there in thdr
persona. at 10 o'clock to the toreasoss,
with recbrds. ingnisit loos and ether reansinbrances
- to ao there thing, ?Mehl° heir *See apperhda
to be done ; and - those Who ere bound by
sums or ottierWtor. to plaierata egidose t he
ners who ars or iney beta the jail of sold County,
are to be then sad them to prosscatfassinst theta
as shall be last. Jurors are 'visaged tote paw.
lust In their attendance, ispely to tbeir
Dated 14 Tayside, the 1215 day of Jeanery. In the
• year of oar Lord one theassisdalusdred
and eighty.4ne. and of the fade of the
United States one Inteared and . •
• - PETER J. D.ZAN.lllwild.
virtue of an order Issued out of the Orpheus ,
Cool of Bradford • County, the endanigned; ad•
mini Dater of Charlotte Noyes, to said county. de:
tem 4, will expose to public sale upon the premises.
on THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 10274 -I1101,"at 2
o'clock, P. X.. the undivided half part of,the tat.
lowing described real estate, situate to Burlington '
township; Beginning at point In the turnpike..
being - the adothwest corner of a lot Intended to be - -
conveyed this day to 'George R. Haight; thence
south 32% 0 east, 7 perches by said turnpike to the „„,
northeast corner of the William Robinson lot, be-
log lot No. Is; Menge by said lot No. 18 rooUt
5-134° west $1 240 perches to a post and
thence north .Bs%* west 63 &L.O perches Ur a post ,
and stone, a corner Of a lot this day moseyed to
Reuben Italght thenee north }( 4, east .26240 pept,
ekes to a post and stones. another /mesterei Reuben
Might's lot; thence south UM° east 63540 perches
to a post and stone* ; thence north &I 240 perches' .
to the place-of beginning; contains 22 acres, more
or loss; revert log half an sere sold to Leßoyflaight.- -
Being the seine laud conveyed by ZdwaM Overton
and wife to Charlotte Noyes nut Christiana Noyes,
by deed dated August IS, A., D. 11121, and recorded
In deed book No. 32. page 272, he.,
TERMS OP BALE-450 down. .100. on panfirma.
Lion. and balance In one year with Interest from
confirmation. J. W.W1C1101.13,
Burlington, Jan. 20,18x1. Administrator.
R EGISTER NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given. that there has been fled In
the of of the Register for the Probate of Willa
and granting.Lettere of Administration In and for
the COunty of Bradford, state of Pennsylvania.
accounts of alltnlntstiatlon upon the - Ictllowing
estates, viz: •
First and final account of 31 ilt3 twirls and Ell
sha Lewis. executors of the Lot w land testament
of Juitus Lewls,late of the towns pof Wyalusing,
• Final account of F. H. Huff marl, administrator
of the estate of Thomas Maxwell, late of the 1tor
oni:11 of Troy, deceased.
• Final account of J. F. Woodruff, surritting exec
utor of the last will and testament of Jared Wood
ruff: late of the township of Monroo:deemstred•
First and anal accouat of Henry N., Bixby and
IL Matilda hical. -- admintstritors of the estW of
Chester Neal,.late of this township of Windham,
deceased:. • -
, First and partial account of Cynthia Antb.xi,
and Samuel L. Anthony,'executers of the last will
and testament of John S. Anthony, late of the
township of Ulster, deceased.
Flusi account of E. 0. Taylcr, executor of the
last will and testament of alahetable Vairchltd,
late of the township of Herrick, deceased.
Vaal account of John Livens, out of the adziln
litrators cum testament° waxers of ~the estate of
Daniel Liven:4lst* of the townshipof South Creek,
• Final account of 0. L. Russell, administrator. of
the estate of Sylvester dialer, Lite of the township
of Rome, deceased.
Vibe' account of • Ellsha Lewis, administrator of
theestate ot.William Conover, late of the township
of Wyalosibg, deceased. '
• Final account of - Emma P. Redington and Roh.
ert F. Redington„ administrators of the estate of
George F. Redington, late - of the Borough of Troy..
deceased. . .
Final account of Sarah A. Besley, guardian of
Made E. Besley (now. Marie E. Montanye).
First and dual account orira Finch, adminlstrao • •
torof the estate of- Reuben Hickok., late of the
townshLp of Warren, deceased.
First'lnd anal account 'of L. Pitt, adminls-
trator of the estate of John Pitt, latent the town
p of South Creek, deceased.
Suppletnental final account of A. H. Spalding,
surviving administrator of the estate of George 11.
Wetles, late of Athens, deceased.
Final account of W. H. Cole and B. B.llollett,,
administrators of the estate of Salsbury Cole, late
of the township of Monroe. deceased:
Final account of Jason K. Wright, guardian of
W.ll. Murray, minor child of Rachel Murray. de
ceased. by Ely Wright and Mat le E. Wright. exec
utors of *the last will and testament of said Jason
K. Wright, deceased: • - .
Final account of Chandler Canfild anti C. W.
heeuttirs of the last will and testament
of Wilson Canfield, late of the township of Pike,
deceased. ' •
A 1,,,
" And also the appraLsement of property set oft-by.
executors and administrators to widows and chil
dren of the following decedents, six:
I. Estate of A. R. Bowman, late of the tcrwuship
of Leßoy, dec.:eased.
2. E.t4te of John Driscoll, late of the Borough
of Troy;dee•aQmi.
3. Estate of Edwin M. Wright, late of the town
ship of Columbia. derea4ed
' 4. E4tateOf Abel Watkins, late of the Borough .
of Sylvania, deceased. '
5, Estate of Atabel rirmenter. late of the town
ship of Sprit:olCW, de - ceased.
G. Estate of Daniel Itur..lek, late of the townsblp
of. Albany, .decemed. - ,
• 7. I.state of Nathan Coleman, late of the town;
8. Estate of-P. C. 3lorgan,. late of the township
of colneobla,Aleeeas•d.
9.' i;,tare of yolarn.Volc, late" of the'township of
Springfield...deceased. ~
10. Estate of Alphonso - J. Lloyd, late of the
town hip of Wyatusing, dieeased.
And the same will be presented to the Orphan's
Court of Bradford. CouLty cn the 10th day of Feb
ruarn fr'di. at 2 O'cleek, F. sr.. for contirmation
and adocaure. • A. C. F 1115.811.7.. Register.
Register's Office, Towanda, Jan. 13, 1881._
LICENSES..-- . Ngtic e • hereby
given that the Killowing app lications fur li
censes for ',lcicle, eating.hottees an merchant deal
ers have been sled In this office, and that the same
will be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions
of Bradford County, on MONDAY; FEBRUARY'
7rll, Del, for the consideration of said Court,:
Lyman Brewer. Wells township. Z
James W. Wilcox. New Albany Borough.
ttitclu tslakesley, Smithfield township.
James F. Fox, Gantt Borough.
George and 0. L. Jor on, 'Athens Borough.
Marcus A. Forrest, Ulster township:"
Joseph Causer, Jr., Springfield township.
Safi' ue I Walbridge, Towanda ilorough, Ist Ward.
.Leonard Morris, Burlington Borough.
Ira H. Smith, Alba Borough.
I). H. Bodge, Monroe Ketone'. • • •
Miehmil F. Sullivan. TowantialPme. tat Ward.
.Chas: H. 51cGooegal, Troy Borough.
11. F. Pitts, Sylvania Borough.
C. E. Bartlett. Wysox township.
John A. Briggs, Sayre, Athens township. •
- EATING-1101;810.
Eugene Riker, ToWanda Borough, 2d Ward,
S. B. Tidd , To.wanda Borough. 2.1 Ward. -
'C. D. Holcomb. Leßoy township.
A. J. Beers, Canton Borough. • . , .
George O'Donnell, Canton Borough.
S. M. COnovei, Athens Borough:
James Nestor, Jr.,Towanda Borough, !,t , t Wsrd.
William Bolan, Towanda Borough, Ist 'Ward.
- Redmond Caton, Towanda Borough, sat WAD;.
John SlMl:can, Towanda Borough, 21 'Ward. .
C. Beardsley, Canton Borough;
• Wm. C.Schnlze,.Terry township.
GEO. W. BLACKMAN, Clerk - .
Towanda, ra., - .1an:13, 1881.
—To Edmund Doty. In the Court of Com
mon Pleaa of Bradf ord County, No. ILA September
Term, MAO. You are .Vereby notified that Willa,
your wife, has applied to the Court of Common
Pleas of Bradford' County for a divorce from the
bendier matrimony, and the said Court hat ap
pointed Monday, February 7th. 1881, In the
Court, House In Towanda, for hearing the said
W ills in the premises, at which time and place
you flay attend if you thing proper. •
13-Iw. , . PETER .1. DEAN, Sheriff.
—To M. E. Baker. In the Court-of Cowmen
Picas of Bradford county, No.9l,Bvpt. Tenn: IIIS(h
You are - hereby notified that T. E. Baker, your
husband, has applied . to the Court of Common
Pleas of Bradford County'fOr s,dirorce frowtho
bonds of matrimony. and the said Court hater.
pointed Monday. February 11.10881, In the Court
ilouseiln Towanda,. for hearing the T.E.Baker
In the premises, at whieb time and place yen may
attend If you think proper. "
13—Iw. PETER .1. DEAN, Sheriff.:
—To John F, Bergetiessen. Iti the Court of '1
Common Pleas of Bradford C6unty, No. an, Sep
tembcr Term, 16843,, You. are hereby notified that
Polly E., your 1014, has applied, to the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford County for a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony, and the said Court,
has appointed Monday, February 7th - ; ISSi, In the
Court louse' In Towanda, for. hearing the said
Polly. E., in the premises; at which time and place
you may attend if you think Proper. r
134 w. , PETER J. DEAN, Sheriff.
'„("1„.--Estate of Isaac F. Bullock' de:el:mm(l.
Letters of administration on the estate of Isaac,
F. Bullock. tato of Springfield township, Bradford
county Pennsylvania, have le Cen ranted. to
James I. Webn, residing In East Smithfield; lit
said county, to whom all persona Indebted to asild_:
cstatean3-requested to make payinen*, and these
having.elaims or demands will make known Bus
same without delay. JAMES H. WEBB,. -
Jan 13, Wt. • • 7 5. • Administrator.
accOuut of John ITVlne s committee of
Rebecca Steve s," a lunatic. In the Court of Com
mon Pleas of llratiford County, No. 377, February
Term; ma.
The final account of John Irvine, committee In
the aboyorase, , illed November 6,1530; and sali,l
account will ; be presented to said Court for nod,
confirmation- and alPrwance 'on THURSDAY,
FEBRUARY 10Vit, 1381. unless cause be shown.
why 'oathd account should not be finally ecnermed;
and,alloWed oy the Court.
- Towanda, Jan. 13, Mil. Prothonotary. -
.ni„ Le ttrrs of nem Inlstration baring been grant
ed to, the uuderalgned.opon the estate of AJplwnso
J. Lloyd. late o 1 \Vyalustng township, deceased,
twitch Is hereby giren that all persons Indebted to
the said estate sro requested to make immediate
payment, and all persons hayinr claims against
said estate must present the same duly authenti
cated to the undersigned for settrement. •
-Leiayssit ISSO*. Administrator
FOR SALE.—As I wish to go
West,l offer for sale My Norman Stallion
•.•tistubetta." lie is young, kind and sound ;
weight from 1,400 to UM lbs.; is a very aura feat.
getter and his cotta are very desirable. He willbe
for sale anti] the first otliareh neat.
-B. S. EDSIISTON, Ownir.
Milan. Bradford C0.,-Pa., Dee. •
FAKFOR SALE.—The subicri
R bar btrenicor sale his farniat ilirScree. Welded
lo 'Orwell township; Improved. with ;goad house
and barn and orchard thereon. Time even Ea snit
purchaser.- Also. will sell his home farm 2 alines
tioi.ftest at Leitaysellle. of Via appe. tar further
littlitlaars call on or sildreris
aotts-sx.Acic . .
0e5.141u061. tourenne; Pa.