Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 20, 1881, Image 2
-ffltatifted gtpoda Z. 0. pOODRICH, =TOIL Towanda; Pa.. Jan. 20, IT is definitely settled that Senstor litr►lNE iS to take the position a Secreta ry. of State in General OABIPIELtef Cabi net—an announcement which gives gen eral - satisfaction to the earnest Republi cans all ovcr the country. Onto honors herself by sending ions SllElitidAN to the Senate; Connecticut will be ably represented by Gen. JOSEPH lIAwLEv ;- Indiana elects an able lawyer in the person of Bssvarts,lisnrusos while THOMAS C. PLATT will do no dis credit to the. great State of New York. 'Tar people of kflaio called for low: SHERMAN !Or United StateilSetrator t be was nominated by acclamatien ; the people of • Conticcticnt asked for,General li.s.wLE.r,,...and he was chosen without opposition. - In Pennsylvania there was 'an equally well-defined -public - opinion favoring Mr. GROW. LIECTENANT GOVERNOR STONE Will s:Ale his warrant in time for a successor to Senator ECKLES B. CoxE, , to be elected at the spring election. It Was at first pro poed,,to declare Senator Coxes seat va cant 'by resolution; but that was covered by -the constitution, 'which says a refnsal to'take the-oath of office vacates the seat. IT is announced that General GRANT bas accepted the poitiOn of President of the Committee cti. Permanent Organiza tion of the International Exhibition, which js to be beldria New York, or rade. r New York, three years from now, iu czusideration of his having been elected the I.lace by a unanimous vote. The itrtjectots of the prolosed Woild's Fair arc to be cmgtatulated. upon the circum stance. Tun Republicans of Maine have acted honestly in connting the votes for Goier nor awl declatin,g PLATS TED elected:They c:,uld have made a different result by • PALA% lug:the example of the Fu sionists iu 1):9, but ,they refused - to avail themselves of te . chuicalities, and gave PLA WI En all the votes which were intend ed f,r hicn. lie will he inaugurated, and the Republicans of Maine have'the con scioasness Tcf Lavin;: been honest. Till: experiment (f appoiuting a Demo matie 1 - sited StateOlarsbal iu the South r•-rc. llas nut in the caN'of Frrzimmt INS of Geor:2,ia proycd- successful. He-de clined to co.operate. with the Internal otliceys in klieir attempts at sup pressing the illicit whisky business, which lionfislies to such a remarkable extenein the Scrith Atlantic States, awl is now in default to his- dePuties to the amount of Furzimoox . 3' is a pro-. tege of ex-Senator Goarm.s. • TM: llcitise of Representatives at Wash ington wa , i the theatre of a disgraceful exhibition of inebriety last week, the actor in ‘i hich was lion. 2 1 bi1:.1looKEtt, of Mis sissippi. The tonoriible gentleman took pi)ssel•sion of the floor 4iirl appears to hare held it:for hours, gapite the efforts of members to stop the cllsFusti ng exhibition. 'When riot drunk he is said to be a gentle man. The House _}Gould have sullicient self-respect to squelch such disgraceful members. 7 conitEpoN DENT of the West Chester /;(I,t4 l lceris. aqvhcates• the claims of WilAlattN , Jc, of Philadelphia, for Secretly of the Treasurriu Gen. GAli rtni.v'enet. lie is recommended . as, a practical, Arewd aud upright man, ac customed to systems of financering, and able to, grasp 'intricacies with clear-sight edness and:rjudgment. We • fear that Pennsylvania : will* Utif, he honored in the selection of die Secretary of the Treasury, but that it will be a Western man. Tuf: !louse has made considerable pro gress perfecting a refunding bill. The main features are the issuing new bonds to the amount of $100;000,000, shall be .ledectuable in twenty mull payable in •forty can., and bear interest at three per pill. It provi4's for the - issue of Treas toy thice 7 Ter-eent. notes to the amount of s:!oo,ootonpayable at the pleasure of the- t,vernment. These are to be ex changed for the . $700,000,000 five and six per cents. dile the present year. No other bonds will fall duo until the $2.50,00d,000 4! ? per cents. mature in 101. . 1111t.4 . 110 11.V3 C. PLATT, who becomes the successor of -Hon. FRANCIS KERNAN as Senator from New York, is well and favorably known to many of our citizens, . having been born in Oi?ego, where he has resided mostof his lifetime, being aetively engaged is business. lie was County Clerk of Tioga for three years, and served tivo terms in Congress) from December 1S:13 to March 1g77. !le has always been a. stalwart Republican, and though a quiet, unassurniiig gentltman, has- the reputation of heti* a shrewd, _sagacious, active politician. lie will be a worthy and acceptable colleague with Senator eolcattNi;. THE Philadelphia Ledger makes a fair Lit at the character of the members of the • Legislature wheit it says that if the Rep resentatives from that city were as solid on the candidate for U. S. Senator as they are on the pasfers and fOlders, a Senator might be made from Philadelphia. It seems manifest that to the average mpre: sentativc at Rarrhsburg it is of more int portauce—tia wiu a pa.ster-and-foldership than to elect a statesman who shall'honor the i ,State and ably. serve the people, to the t. .5. Senate. Representatives falter and halt and play all things : 4o all Men to secure wine paltry positian, when the . question of the magnitude•of the election of a inan to the U. S. Fenate —the highest representative body in thC - world—is to be determined by them. • THE House Committee on 31ilita i ry Af fairs, Thursday, by a vote of six to three, decided. to report adversely ou Mr. MC- Cooietz Lill authorizing the President to place Gen. I'LYS,SEI4 ;..GRANT upon the list of the army with tlie rank, and pay of general, the six hostile votes being cut by the Dernocratimejnbers of the com mittee. The mcjin _and narrow-minded spirit by - Iv:Web-this action seems to have been prompted will subject the controlling majority In the committee to general con demnation. Considering the signal ser swhich General GIIANT has rendered to tlin country and the greatness of his military genius, it is very little that was asked, and that it should have been re fused will give fireign observers good reas'ou to accuse republics of ingratitude. THE following is a summary of the law governing the election of United States &nab*, under which the two houses wilt net : *sett house votes **tritely "on the third Tuesday of January - at 8 o'clock x., If the Legislature shall have organ ized lefore the second Tuesday." On the day following at 12 o'clock x. the twd houses mee t - in joint convention and the journals of the two houses Are then read and certifimkes signed. If, however, the same person shall not have relieved a majority of ;the votes in each house, or ,if either house shall have failed to take pro matins at required by law, the -joint assembly shall then proceed to choose, by a viva vote vote of,eich member present, a person for the purpoie' aforesaid, and the person having a majority of all -the votes of the said joint assembly (a major ity of all the members elected to both' houses being present and :rating) eluhrbe declared duly elected ; 'and in else of no election -on the first day the joint assembly shall meet at 12 o'clock x. of each suo-' cceding day during - the seision of the Legislature and take at least one vote Un til a Senator shall be elected. TUE'I%ETITAELE We believe in political parties as an organized force, and that without orp ganiz2tion a pOlitical party cannot, have any dominating form. But in so believing we do not , lose.siait of the fact that not orgasiization Of a party is not merely a mechanical process. All organized force; in which human passions, ambitions, and publi2 needs constitute elemen tal factors, in order to be effective and lasting, be based upon the kaolin will of ,the people. This will may be made known in various ways, but however it be made known, it 'is the highest wisdom to respect it. The clearly expressed will of the people may be ignored in some easeS, and the'p'Gsition of a party may be forced by an .arbitrary exercise of power. , It may be done once with comparative'. impunity. It has never been done twice without creating po- litical distempers beyond the power of quacks to remedy. And when the, patience of the people has been ex hausted by such arbitrary acts. there follows to upheaval Which burieslbe authors. of 'those . acts out of sight. The Republica - n party in this State has now been forced 'to the limit of it 3 patience. It would be folly to ignore the situation or to deceive ourselves 'as to the inevitable conse- quenees of the arbitrary course of _ Republican lezders touchipg the Senatorial contest. No intelligent marl denies that Republicans of :the State . had indicated their preference for Mr flaw as against any other man for that high trust. Ills follow ing was not limited to any _ldeality. It:-• was ,• distributed very generlly throughout the State. A large•nnm ber of Senators and Representatives •had been instructed for hiin . .by the people .in C4nvention_ assembled. Still others were personally favorable to his selection. And upto a period • 'within ten days of the assembling of the legislature no other-oar.didate had been designated- whose selection was demanded by any considerable' number of Republican-.voters:_ When the- LegiSlature convened there was soon developed an inten tion. to- ignore the, indicatedprefer ence of the people . of the State.'7The fact—which was not because it could not be denied—that so • far the masses of the party had any choice it was for Mr. Gaon', was conteMptu ously set aside,. and a few disorgan izers clubbed their resources to de feat Mr. Gaow. how well this suc ceeded is now • a . matterof history. But the defeat of a man indicated by the masses of the party is not a mat.s ter of slight importance. It is a mat ter of serious importance, and. so Serious is it that' it is ingiossible to discern the end. • The' methode:by which this reversal.of the will of the people was effected ;need not i be explained. No matter how 'it was done, it . was done, and the consequencis - cannot be escaped. These consequences,, will lie spread as to their effects and fatal as to the political future of _the parties' who invited them. It is the last straw that breaks the , camel's back, and- sane gentlemen who seem to re, gard the party as a -spire horse to be used on all occasions 'for personal profit or .:advantage, may have to learn to walk in the future. Fo one thing is pretty certain, — this attempt to overthrow the ,will of the Repub lican maS4 - s will not. be forgotten, nor will it lie-forgiven-by the masses themseiVes. Will men never learn that it is possible to force the masses into an aggressive attitude? Do men sup pose that the , masses care a farthing for the private ambitions orthe few? The political history of this county may be studied with profit by such mistaken .persons , if there be any such. More than once the imbecility and wrongheadness of leaders have wrought the end of thodominance of a great political "force. • The Demo cratic leaders did this in 1854. The Whig leaders had done the same thing a few years earlier. The Fed eral' leaders did the . same thing in 1812-16. If any remain s keptical as to what the consequences of such reck lessness were, they can be enlighten ed by reading history. Let no man suppose that any but the universal law will operate today. , The Repub lican party has a grand past. It ought to have a grand future. But the events of the last , month do not brighten that promise of futite great ness. The party sprung from the loins of the people,. it has been main tained by the People., and its future : is in the custody of the people. Should the people stand apart for's, single year; and refuse to obey the arbitrary mandates of a few reckless men, or to' submit to a nullification of their will fairly expressed; it needs no prophet's vision, to disiern the consequences. - When men-call and the people refuse to rally, that Is something significant. There may not be much noise, but the execution 'will not be cr.ritemptible. IrltelliMATOßLl**trimni. The put week has been fill of itn- Orient incidents resulting Ikon the (Maks of hawed* and aen*nenta uto the-candidates for _ Rhstes Senator, -and the Indio& which have been etiphled tousled the action of the Republican caucus: The Preliininary caucus to organize the Legislature showed that a um ber of- members instructed for' Mr. GROW bad been persuaded, by the peculiar influences which were em ployed, to disobey their. instructions and disregard the will of -theircon ir , and vote in such a way as was etrimental to , Mr. ( ;how's in 7 terest. But the triTing point of the contest was the transfer ofoe Phila delphia delegation to OLivErt. This was done after much dickering, but was finally- accomplished, and the Philadelphia members, with _the ex ception of four or five, were told to go . for OLIVER.. When this fact be... I come public, a caucus of Mr. firrowis friends was called for Thursday at 3 o'clock, Which was attended by about fifty members, and a lengthy. Wit temperate discussion was had is to the ' proper course to be adopted un der the circumstances. The conclu ision : rived at was that the poPular will in regard l:J to the .olted States Senit(m should be respected, and that as the managers had attempted Co thwart the popular expression and reverse, , their` deCision by means and influences which were dishonest and disreputable, that it was the duty or, the_ fepresentatives to vindicate the wilt of the people. The caucus finally 'adopted and signed the following declaration : • ' We,,the underiigned Repeb!lean Sena.: tors and members of the House of 'Repre sentatives of Pennsylvania, being oT the opinion, that in the existing condition of things it is not for_the best interests of the Republican party or the welfare of the State that we should co into a caucus on a selection of a candidate for the United States Senate, decline going into any pre liminary caucus and intend to give ex pression to our indifidual preferences in' ,the-Senate and House or in joint conven tion of the two Houses : G. B. SEAMANS, Lucerne. - I. D. McKEE, , Philadelphia. C. S. WOLFE, Union. GEoune. E. MAPES, Venango. JOHN H. LANDIS, Lancaster. LEWIS EMERY, Jr., McKean. W. L. Hatunsos, McKean.. • M. IL SILVERTHORNE, Erie. ' ' • W. B. ROBERTS, Montgomery. JOSEPH H. MACLAY, Mifflin. C. W. TYLER, Crawford. JAMES .NE.ILL, Philadelphia. JOHN N. EMERY, Lawrence. . WILLIAM REYNOLDS, Wyoming. JEROME B. NILEs, Tioga. _ CHARLES Tuims, Tioga. C. A. HUNGERECHID, Susquehanna. C. H. ELLIs, Susquehanna. J..MIL.LIAZi, Wayne. . Joux S. LATOUCIIE, Lackawanna...: W. T. DAMES, Bradford, E. L. Muds, Bradford. Joscrd TiIOMASi Bucks. C. S. KAUFMAN,Lancaster. , .1. W. LEE, Venante. • N. McGrvrii, Washington. THOMAS PHILLIPS, Lackawanna. JAMES GEORGE, !Luzerne. . THOMAS PERRY,'Mercer. • L. TAGGART, Cameron. • ELLIS Monursos, Lawrence. JAMES SILL, Erie. J. B. BnowN, Indiana. . W. P. BRAHAM, Butler. • R. L. WnivE,•Potter. .S. M. LOVELAND, Mercer. ' A. W. HAYES, Erie. ' W. WAYNE, Chester, • Tirkononz K. STUBBS, Chester: JOSEPII H. MARSH, Bradford. L. D. TAYLOR, Bradford. JOHN STEWART, Franklin. G. V. LAWRENCE, Washington. W. B. HIERLIHY, Lackawanna. I). V. DEBRICKSON, Crdwford. ••• -• 11. I). Lowtiro, Crawford. STUART H. WILSON, Crawford. • The signers of this declaration do not bind themselves to vote for or , or against any. .man— i tneysimply decline to go into . a caucus the; action of, which had been forestalled by in ducing members ,to disregard their instructions, and by • the bargain which controlled , the - Philadelphia delegation. They believed that the hest interests of the Republican par ty demanded that they should not be parties to the consummation of a plot 'against the integrity of the par ty, but on the 'contrary they should be left free to adopt such a course as would satisfy the public expectation. - The caucus called/ for Thursday evening was attended byninety-seven members. • On the third ballot Mr. OLIVER received 19 votes,' and was declared nominated. The instructed GROW men who voted for OLIVER are Senators LANTZ!, of Lebanon, Ron- MIMS, of Crawford, and Rovaa, of Montgomery, and Representatives ESHELMAN, of Lancaster, GEIIDIAN, Of Montgomery, KLEIN, of Lebanon; SEELEY, of Luzerne, and SEIDEL, of Lebanon. Senator ROBERTS, after voting once for. (snow, said he thought he had filled the measure of his in structions and went over to OLIVER. There were fifty-three absentees and three others withdrew during the proceedings. The Democratic caucus was held Monday evening, and Senator Wm,- , LACE was nominated by acclamation. The - two houses of the Legislature, at 3 P. m. Tuesday, proceeded to bal lot for Senator, with the follow' g result : , House. Senate. — Total., 7E; 20 , , 901;- 044 MEM Grew Wallace Brewster . McVeagh Baird RUDDIMAN, of Philadelphiaivoted for BREWSTER ; LAW, of Philadelphia, for MCVEAUu,and Waiettiof Sehuyl hill, for HENRY CAREY BAIRD. The result of this ballgt shows that there is-to be a prolonged con test, the issue of-which is difficult to foretell. The members voting' for Mr. GROW have signed an agreement not to votefor Mr. amen, under any circumstances, and there is little or 'no probability that Mr:throw can command enough votes to secure his election. The situation, is full of peril to the , Republicanputy, and needs wise counsels and great for bearancb to avert „disastrous conse quences. Already the Democrata are calulating upon advantages to be gained in the, apportionment of the State into Congressional- and Legis lative districts in 'return for Demo. cratic votes to be given to Oitirsk Intrigues and conibinations of any NM . . character wilt Ordinddintansly to the feelingsbnvOidnullY - - - &iced thin rupture, slid - Will in the end corer;the partiaoidth petit.* contempt` and pitAIO 4eprobation. Surely, them, sr, ways out of. the ***ft.without coalescing wi th, the Dentocntcy---ptd satisfactor y end frig can be found, provided there is a desire to -consult the popular will, to harmoniie the party, and not to run the itepubican machine in . the narrow: guage of personal interest and selfish and nu-Replibllcan hose- PHILADELPHIA .LETTER: ritiesesirsts. anus* It; The Board of Directors and the/limn ers of the Permanent Exhibition bare striven nobly to make it a success, but without avail. The International Exhibi tion, with its million of visitors, and its great and winiderful o display of rare and, curious exhibits, 'seemed ,t? sattsfy the public curiosity, and- that the show was continued in the Main building, bag quiet ly passed out of the public mind.- There was much contained in the building worth seeing, bat the recollection of the immen sity and variety of the Centennial exhibi tion dwarfed it, and made is . loOk cheap and common. The Permanent Exhibition was started on thn same great scale of its 'predecessor,' and time soon demonstrated that it was a' line and expensive elephant on the ban ts of the manager s. . They have striven nobly to keep the concern above linter. Misfortune after •misfor tune hai'been experieheed, and overcome. In 1870 it more than paid expenses. Last year, with the. most rigid econnay, it barely paid . expenses. 'Now, extensive -amt expressive repairs are needed. The floor has rotted away ; the roof . leaks Ake a seive, ami the immense' building, re quires painting. The attendance is an occasional straggler,' whose memories of the Centennial induce him to pay the building a visit. Naturally enough, the Directors hive concluded that It is impas- . sible to overcome all the difficulties in the y way, and, have Concluded to cloao the building, remove the exhibits, and- sell ' the property. It seems a great pity that the building cannot be kept permanently. is so far,from the business centre, so huge in its Proportions—so costly to keep in repair, that if: is impassible to find the ways find means for its preserva tion and maintenance. The Republican Convent ions nominated Mayor Stokley for re-election ; Wm. Nel son West for City Solicitor, and cieorge Pieria for Receiver of Taxis. The nominations were made with great unanim ity, the friends of Ml. Kelm, vireo; com peted for the Mayoralty, declining to go into the Coaventions. Mayor Staley had already been recommended by ; the Citi-, zee's Committee of One Hundred. but it is understood that his letter of acceptance is not satisfactory.-th the Committee, and there is a prebabilitif4hat they will with draw their endersement, and substitute the name of some other well-known citi zen.' Mr. Caven, Who was named by the Citizen's Committee for City Solicitor, clines the honor, because he does not be here there can be' any Reform within the party - tines, and that it can only be brought about by the joint efforts of Re publicans and Democrats-acting as citi zens and not as partizans. .What the out- Come of the present complicatiOns will be, difficult to accurately forecast. The. Republicans have made a strong ticket of Unexceptionable men, but the same inde pendent elements_ that gave Pattison (Democrat) a majority of 1 4 , 000 . in the heat of a Presidential contest, when the pity gave 20,000,Itepublicau: majority, are anxiously striving to strike a blow forte " form, and honest. municipal government, and it is hard to tell where the blow may fall. - Gen. Robert,Pattersontritered upon his ninetieth year, Wednesday lait, and George W. Childs. commemorated the event by a complitnentary , dinner at his residence. Gen.. Patterson. is still as active:as if but half , a century had pass ed over his bead'; ' gives his extensive manufacturing enterprises i his personal supeiyision,i*rerenjoys a goOd dinner as 'well as the youngest. ~ John W. Bear, better known ,as the Buckeye Blacksmith, 'rwas Wednesday morning found dead in, a chair; at his home, 1128 South Twentieth street. De cease Was well-known throughout the city and State. For many years he was en gaged in the daguerreotype business at -Fifth and Poplai streets. Although an illiterate man, tie gained a reputation by stump speaking during . political cam paigns. He began this during the liar orison campaign in 180,0, and at each cam paign since that, time, he has_ taken an active part against the Democratic party, He was very popular throughout the State. Mr. Bear, who was about seventy five years old, died, it is thought, from heart disease. Simon Brolasky, formerly as extensive retail dry goods dealei, t died Friday morn ing,at his residence, on the east side of Broad street; near Locust, at the age of 77. Owing to successive strokes of pa ralysis he bad lost the use of his limbs, and when he purchased the Broad street property a short , time ago ho had con structed a dumb waiter by which he could be carried from the first floor to that on which his, ehaniber was located. A few evenings ago, wishing to go up stairs; he crawled on the back of his col -7 bored servant and was carried to Waiter. - The apparatus, however,was o . the floor above and hence the servant stepped with his burden into the open ing and fell to the 'stone fliwn beneath, a dis tance of Weave feet. Mr. Brolasky sus tained a shock which has,proven fatal, While the servant sustained a fracture of the ci -\ dtsit bane — end shoulder blades and other injuries from which it is believed that he cannot recover. A singular homicide occurred on Mon -Iday at 826 Nokth Fifteenth street, caused lby . a three-Year-old childi forcing a red hot poker down the throat of a infant. The mother of the deceased child was at work in the lower room of the house, and hearing it cry ran up stairs and found it in convulsions, and on making an ex amination,discoveredis number of bilms on the face and month. The only one in the room with the child was a three-year old colored boy, who innocently remarked that he had been making marks on the baby's face, having the poker in his hand at the time. . . Conrad Meyer, senior Partner of the firm of Conrad Meyer & Sons, died Mon dak in his eighty-eighth year. , Ho is te- . liered to have been- the oldest manufac turer of pianos in the country. -. ' The largest order for locomotives in one i block ever placed in this cnuntiy has just been received by the Bakiwin - Locomigive Works. It comes from the„Denver and Rio Gninde Railroad Company, and calls for one hundred'and torty-fourhxximo- Ryes, part of which number will be de, livered nest fill and ,the lenudnderdur lng thehoow lling winter., These pronto- 12, 54* 18 0 onn briOnied ta mast the eiutiamtwiquitsa iff:thea****llK waked timi.poner gad Rio Thelleliddime "Ermonihe 1- 4 0141 . of emAighes Waal met as tletiwitifert nine, and Pima snixdtagalltadthilfaill, Seniteeksliciseiatiol inid# by tha An; Legislatin caucus and asking Representative Law of the' district to stand by the same. Zr. law,Was nodded of the action talteu by the Ward Commit tee and _in answer -declined to comply with the request, basing his rifinsd upon the grounds that it will be impossible elect Kr. Oliver, the caucus nominee, without the aid of Democratic TotisOind sume one should be selected , upon whom I the discordant elements could unite. 4 petition is circulating among Reptith liming• which bas 'received a large sumber of signatures approving the action of those Senators and Representatives who refrained from participatiug in tile party caucus at Hamsburg on the 13th inst. J. Berry Robinson, a clerk in the Pro thonotary's office, was found at noon Saturday, in the basement of the build ing, weltering in blood which Sowed from • a self-itillicted razor wound in the neck. The wound was sewed up, but he , jerked his head around so violently that the gash re-opene d. nil was , placed in arr ambit lance to be taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital, but died' before that institution was reached. • Prof. William' Pepper has accepted the Proioatabip of the University of Pennsyl vania, made vacant by the resignation of Charles J. Stine, Li: D. Ho will contin tinue to hold his chair in-the Medical De partment, and to practice his profession. HARRISIWRG LETTER., Special CorrespOndenco of Tux BEPOIITIR. HARRISBURG, Jan. 15, 1881.—The sec ond week of the present legislative session closed yesterday, without any - I:articular progress having been made idthe business of legislation ; and it is not expected that anything of consequence will be acromt plisbed in ' this direction runtil after the election of a United States" Senator,— which should take place on Tuesday next, the 18thinst., but Which may continue in dispute no one knows how long; The elating event of the week—the one compared with which all others paled into insignificatid—was tbd meeting of the general Republican caucus of Senators and Representatives, to t nominate a can didate for Senator to succeed Mr. Wallace. There was a brief cessation of hostilities— a kind of breathing spell Indulged in— fer a day ortwo since. my letter of the Bth inst., but the battle, narrowed down to a contest between the friends of Grow and Oliver, was renewed early in the week and carried on with renewed energy, .if not bitterness, until the caucus adjourned on Thursday evening about 10 o'clock. Dur ing the forentxm on • Thursday rumors were circulating that the Grow men were contemplating a " bolt," "kick," , or " revolution ". (the reader.can name it), and that they would not go intdthe cau cus or be bound by its action. The post ing up early in the day of a call for a meeting of the supporters of Grow at his headquarters at the Lochiel Hotel, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, was taken as a confirmation of these reports, and there was great interest-manifested, while ian- gnaws much more emphatic than elegant was very freely indulged in. Very little attention was paid by any one to the joint session of the. Senate and House, which L, had convened to hear announced thd votes for Auditor General. The. Senatorial question was the only, pun talked — about, the Grow men denouncing .ithe machine,. the sling, etc., while , the Oliver men in dulged in very uncomplimentary remarks about the Grow • kickers, bolters, - etc. The thing was getting redhot, and serious trouble was anticipated. At the caucus f the supporters of Grow held in his - rooms, forty-seven - gentlemenwere present. An organization was affected by electing Hem. Geo. V. Lawrence, of Washington couty, chairman, when the situation was ini t ly and freely discussed. After same time spent in considering several -proposi tions, which were not adopted,, a declare -tion was agreed urn and signed by forty seven Senators and Repreitentatives,, de clining to go into caucus. When the proportionsef this "bolt" or demonstration 'carde to be understood, it surprised almost every one. and added greatly to the excitement already existing. i The: Oliver 'men, however, were plucky,) and determined to proceed in the regular way. The general caucus, advertiad to meet in. the State - Library at 8 o'clock in the 'evening, 944tibled at that hour. Seats had - been placed for a full cornitle- - tnent of legislators; bat they did not come. Strangest of all, the reporters were allow ed'to come in, which was a departute from the well-established custom as to caucuses of this kind. Ninety-eight Members and Senators answered to their names on the call of the roll, *hen Senator Hugh Mc- Neill, of Allegheny,: was chosen to pre side. Representatfie Law, of Philadel phia, called . attent ion to the fact that h there was not enon members present to elect a United StateS Senator, and *anted to know if, node . be circumstances, he would be . allowed to support a comprcs: miss candidate if. it. Should at any time become evident that the nominee of' the caucus could not be eleeted. This matter not being settled to the satisfaction of Mr.i ,Law, that gentleinan withdretv from the caucus, and his example was afterward followed by Representative Rudd iman, also of Philadelphia, and Senator Smiley, of the Perry county . ;listrict—these gentle men stating that they did not wish their action in going out to be looked dpon as showing disrespect or as a threat. The caucus, after the names of, candi es dates were announctd, proceeded to the :first ballot,- - with- the follovrin - result Henry W. Oliver, 4.4 Alleghtur a :sl ; A. Louden Snowden, Philadelphia, 1 ; It H. Bingham, Philadelphia, 5 3 Gain sha A'. Grow, Susquehanna, • 10 ; C. W. Gilfillan, Venango, 5 ; Congressman Ward, Chester, 4 ;W. 11. , Koontz, Som erset, 2 ; Harry White, Indiana, 2 ; C. W. Stone, Warren, 2 ; D. J. ' Morrell, Cam bria, 2. - , • The second 'ballot reanited is -Oliver, ; Snowden; 15 ; Grow, 0 ; Gilfillan; 3 ; Ward, 3 ; White, 2 ; Morrell, 2 ; Stone, 1. At the end of the second ballot the names . of Snowden and Morrell were withdrawn, Senator Jones protesting:, against the withdrawal of Snowden. The tidid intllot, upon which the nomi nation was- made, is in detail as follows: For Oliver--Senatore Anglo% Bog Pi Grady, Greer, Herr, Keefer, Lantz; Me 4 Knight, McNeill, Newell, Newmyer, IteybUrn, Roberts, Royer, SMlth, Upperinan. Representatives Baldwin, Bell,,Billingaley, Boyce, Cariipbell, Clark, Colbiro, Davie, Deveraux, 'inwards, Eshelman, Flinn, French, Gelman, Gin- - winah, Graham, Hall, liarvey, Hazlet; Hewtt, Holman, Hoffnagle, Hugh, 'Klein, Kneass, Knowland, Long,- Mansfield, Marshall, McClartan, McCleary, lteCoy, Myer, Mitchell, Mulieeaux, Moore, Iforri sea, Myers, of Snyder,' Nebinger, Pada. noun" _Pollock Posmigh rort• mcs, mai* 114mIgt arair, BO del, 8111014 8011401 4 8 1ingtec 81 0 1 MV 8 'Om 141k Tbia4l o o, Diva*sud ThillsP - Scm, of Ans*Emit Town , Volgtiri Volg- jso4';wilf*iiii.tlYiiii4l-4-; . _'2•.: ,2 :,.'-' l. "--' , :':_. - --*:i*iftisfit*:ikiii:4•litsi 0*0044044(3.9*010y,;',00,41.{0$- .. . . chard, Holing* and Riese,Of ago. For. Ectowdcu—Seriatcriloues aud Rep. resenUttive Server. • For'Ward--SeastorCilopft and Repro aentativo Garrett - • ?or White.4-Representatties Brounand For; Stone4:llapreeentative Benaiint. ()liver was thereupon declared the nom• inee for lienatpr, and upon motion of Sen afar Cooper 'it was made unanimotui, the ninety-five gentlemen voting, thus pledg ing themselves to stand by the nominee. What , the final result will be •no one at . this suiting can tell. ,The Oliver men seem to be confident that their favorite will come out all right, while his oppo nents iiipress ttiemielves as equally cer tain that he.cati never get the 126 votes necessary to . eject.. • Very little has heen.done, .so far, in the Way of, legislation. In the, House, on Wednesday, a reaolntion providing that a committee of five and the Speaker, be ap- pointed to revise the rules of the House was passed, arid 'Messrs. Billingsley, Hall, Wolfe; Fauna) and Provens, were named as the committee. The Speaker announced that Rev. B. F. Beck; of this city, would act as „Chap- . lain dining the session. . Resolutions relative,: to the death of Resident Clerk John Smut', and. Repro . sentatives44 , lect Boyd, of Montgomery; and Whaley, of f Clinton, were passed. The Speaker called the Sergesnt-at- Arms, Doorkeepers, and other officers to the Speaker's stand, and instructed them= in the duties of their positions; adding a little lecture to enforce the observance of the. rule against smoking iii the-Hall: • jAfter naming a lot of candidates for Halted' States SenitOr, the House ad journed. , In the'!.. 2 .enato on Wednwsday, the . ap- pointmcnt of 11ev. Mr. Irvine, of Steel p pas ChapLiin, was announced; as were those of more subordinate officers by the Chief Clerk. Several bills were also read in place, of which proper notice will .be hereafter,' when a large number of names sere announced or nominated far tr#ited States Senator. ' The Senate and House metin joitifton xention on Thursday, at noon, hear -read the tireturns for. Auditor General, which have 'heretofore been published. The House adjourned until Monday even ing. A resolution offered by Senator Cooper Was adopted in the Senate, on Thursday, requiring the' general appropriation bill to be reported to the HOWie on -or befoie the fusti Monday in March, and that it take priority of all *solutions of emadolence were offered on the death of Senator Paulson, of Alle gheny, Jackson, of Sullivan, and Elliott, of Philadelphia, which will be called up hereafter, and eulogies pronounced. A resolution Was also offered providing for the appointment'of an executive ap pointment clerk in the Senate. Laid over for the present. - , The Senate was only in ses.iion a - few moments on Vriday, there being only twenty-seven Senators in their'. seats.. A number of petitions wore presented, And Senator Davies read a bill to po,y Benjamin S.,Bentley, for services as Pres ident Judge of Lackawanna County. Adjourned until Tuesday morning, at eleven o'clock. Cussw.W.too. STATE NEWS. —Mrs. Meyer. 'of Juniata county, has nine.sons, all of whom aro ministers. ;—Judge . o,‘ Meyers, of Easton, re ceived severe injuries Thar eday by a fall. —Hattie Moyei, aged four years, was fatally burnixi at Mahanoy City on Mon- . day. . t , - —A paper pulp manufactory near Potts town consumes ninety cords of wood daily. • —There Acre twenty-six murders in Allegheny county in 180 and not one murderer hung• —The Dauphin car shops, near Harris burg, have been purCliased by Brush S; Co., Philadelphia. —There is a balance of $34,000 in the treasury of Washington county after.phy ing all bills to date:. —At 'the present time there are kat flight collieries in operation in the entTre Schuylkill coal district. , —The body of JanaCs Hamilton, of .Greensborough, was cremated at the Washington furnace Friday. ' —There is so little for the Sheriff of Crawford county to do that he has d _ is: charged all of his deputies. -:-An old woman-named_ Murray, who was taken to the almshouse in Pittsburg last week, had $l7OO in bank. • —Mr. J. S. Ake, of WoOdberry, Blair county, this year 'raised '6OOO bushels of corn from fifty-one acres of land. Chambersburg ,oustable served a warrant upon Jacob K. Myers while he was attending his father's funeral. —The pay-roll of the E. &G. Brooke Iron Colnpany, at Iltrdsb - dro', amounted to $21;060 for themonth tof i . December: --lieopes, ,Bro. & - barlington,. of Ches• ter county have received an order from England-or .504 . ..1 sets of carriage wheels. —Edward Seitz died at Easton Fr4lay afternoon from injuries received in the merging by.the bursting of a glass siphon. —Last week 24,000 pounds of cheese were - shipped from. Frederick , Station Creamery, in Montgomery county, to New York. —ln the Bradford oil district there were On the first of December 8,845 produCing wells, .213 abandoned .wells and 130 -dry holes. —William H. Picking, aged Vs years, died in Somerset a few days ago: He was well known in political circles in that county. • - —John Cassidy, a young man-of Rock: dale, Chester county, was frozen to death while out sleighing' ow Wednesday night+ of last week. , —John Brambley, of McKean county, lost four of his six children by diphtheria recently. It is thought the remaining two will recover. / —An' nfisucoessful attempt was 'made Thursday to throw a milk train of the Reading road off the track - near Perklo. men Junction. : —lt is reported that in Luzerne county alone there htive been over a dozen Lind League organizations started within twd' • L or three weeks. t —Separate libel Seib; were brought this week in Northampton county agahlat the Easton Argus, 'EaSton Free Picas and South Bethlehere Star : , - -The ainton.Dentocrat, formerly edit ed the late a. ' C. 'C. Whaley, has been placed under - the editorial management of Henry L. Dielfentath. —E. L. Watson, State chairmae of the Greenback party, has called a convention to to held st Oil City mita@ 1041 Insint, and Reading on the 20th boat. - - 4 30orge &W PM a tanner Ming se. Erie; scratched Gaga wilt Sinail a tow days ;ago. Lecidatractin, and he diet, in horrible agony a tem dsOisturistabk --John litorriorgot vait_instantly And Patrick Sauna and William Brown dingeroualy injured Thom* by as ex- plosion or, gni at Lucy . Furnace, near _ 40 141 fter, of Meg Bed" ford-amity, with three loge, attacked a Wild cat. After a desperate; tight, which Boyer Was nearly disemboweled, the eat - was killed. —Anthon.Kloefel, who killed his wife at Weissp9rt, on the . 2d / inst ., has beep acquittedof the chargeof murder "at I.lsuchehunk› - The jury found that the shooting was acciden4l. —The -10-year-old daughter- of Mrs. E. Dougherty, ts!` washerwoman; living at Bellevue, near Pittsburg, was accidental ly burned to death on Monday-during the mother's absence from home. —Under the law of this state all physi cians are required' to register their names at the prothonotary's office 'in tack comi ty. In* many of the counties the, resident physici.ins have failed to do this. - r Thi!lizias IL Wilson, Superintendent of the Pittsburg, Titusville and Buffalo nail._ road, his been s appointed by Governor Hoyt a commissioner to , the World's Fair tette held in New York in 1883. —A. J. Gibs,* and Thomas Cross well) tried and convicted before Judge. Bailey in Pittsburg, recently, for selling short *eight coal. They were- each sentenced to five months in the work house. ,—The body of the man found on the Pennsylvania Railroad near Lancaster, on Monday of last week, cut to pieces, has been. identified as that of William K. Drown, of IFulten township, Lancaster county. , —Ex-Slerlff Funk, .of Altoona, is build ing the largebt lime-kiln 'in. the state,. if not in the world. It will 130'May-six feet high 4nd thirteen feet in diameter. It will take $l,OOO worth of tire brick Wino the inside of the kiln. Alrtf. Etzegoodivf Long Aland, writes to tint, Newtown . Enterprz a denying the newspaper story that the grave of Gover nor SiIIIOEI Snyder, at Selinsgrove, is un marked:. The lady is a grand-daughter of Governor Snyder. •• • George Herrick, an aged wealthy far mCr, attempted to drive from Pine Line, *Crawford county; to Meadville, on Tues. day of last week when the thermometer was 15 0 below zero.. He was so badly frozen that his feet and arms will have to be amputated. Two freight trains collided on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at Everson Siation, near Pittsbirg. Thomas . Lee, a `brakeman, was killed, and the engines and a. number of cars were badly wrecked.. 4Charles 'Ulrich, who had-been for ten years in the employ of 3lrs. A. C. Noyes, living near Nirstport,,Clinton county, at tempted to Aseassinate - that lady several! days ago. He was drunk at the time and I was arrested. . GENERAL vNEWS. -General liar , Xis M.. Plaiited Thursday inaugurated Governor of Maine. .—Frank Mars fatally rfitablrd Collins at ;Parkersburg, -W. Va., on Wed 7 nesciay night'• • • , —Hon. 11: IL\Stephenson, Collector of Customs p at;Cincinnati, a position he has held fourteen years,' died Thursday. Opera Irolise, at Jametown, N. Y., .was entirely destroyed by lire Wednesday morning. Loss, $12,000. —Senator Eaton will• be supported for relection.,as United States Senator by the Democrats in, the Connecticut Legis lature: • Hughes was, probably fatally in jured at Guelpb, Ont., Friday, while dig ging a_ well, by a bucket falling' his head. , • —William Wirsini, a butcher, 42 years old; committed suicide friday at, New York, by shooting, while temporary in sane. A. Goddard; County Auditor of Wabashaw county, 'Minnesota, Wednes day committed Suicide ~chile temporarily insane. --It now appeals that General eraig's shooting.near Marsl4ll,. 111.,. a few days ago, was a cowardly murder 1j one Paul Sweet. . —Thoma4 J. Kirk, • a prominent iron mean of Chicago, residing' at Lake Fofest, committed, suicide Wednesday by shooting. tithes' Stevens, an emplaye at Ray mond's saw mill; Miteliell's Bay, Ontario, waa instantly-killed: by the bursting of a, grindstone. ' —The date of the 'National Guard Con vention'of•the United States at Pl•iladel phia has been chinked from January 20 to March 7. .—Esquire lia.zzard, of" Sea ford, Del:, was struple:by a train while walking on the-railroad ou Thursday and instantly killed„ • —Edward Reinhardt;• the wife murder er, was banged in the yard of the county jail, at - Stapleton, L. 1., Friday. He met his fate with st6lid bravery. —The boiler of a steam threshing ma chine at Lucan, Ont., Wednesday ex ploded, killing Brumon and injur ing a,number of others. ' 40n Saturday last a little daughter of William Hazjewood, in Green county, Ky., death' by her clothing hiving accidentally caught fire. =-William Lowry. one of a gang which, for some time. past has been engaged in passing"counteirfeit United States notes, has been arrested near Cairo, Ilk ,- =ln a quarrel over a billiard match at Port Bowen, Ont., R. Richar&on, the stakeholder, was dangerously stabbed by William Berry, who was arrested. • —On Hemlock Lali'e, south of Roches.' ter, led.,•two children of : James o.tßuck ley were burned to death eiv)Thitruday in his tibiae, :Which waa . also' burned to ashes. ' ' —J. A. Verrio-Gazzanio was arrested at Baltimore on Thursday bight for stab. bing John Gordian during in quarrel. Gorman's wound will probably prove • fire on Tuesday night in Douglass' shoo store, at Rondout, N. Y., extended to the shoe store of James, the Rondout Savingsliank and First National - Rank and Roosh's law office. Loss, 03,000. —Near Straitsville, Ohio, on Tuesday ,night, Christopher. Walraven was acei- . dentally shot and killed by his father, an ex-soldie4 who' was going through the manual of. arms with an old musket at the requst of the son. - -41overuor Long' has teedered the Judgeship of the - Massachusetts Supreme Court, made vacant by the resignation of Judge Ames, to the Hon. Walbridgq, A. Fields, rand has 'telegraphed to • Washin gton asking him if he will accept it. • —John Davis, while intoxicated, with out any provocation, shot Alfred Powers on Thursday at lionard's, Col. Davis krMeked Powers ,down and the 'latter tried to avoid him, bat- Davis followed tbdbilled him. ' • --arlte Adjutant Otanals otthe merit Ofates baste beennotified gist th 4 amen- tk•tk'of the Nittßinal 41natd biuxiation - sill Teat at the Mercantile,Library build lag, Vilna&li•bia, Wednesdai; 410 A. N. Aro on . Wednistay night at Trim. tiin, Tenn., •destioyed the Ihiard office, atio & Co's 'outwore house, Kelly's Jew- elr3r f re, Ebbett's eotthetionery and the Bic .s House, which was: the only hotel in T enton. Several, persorus were injur- TU anneal report of the Au. ditoF Charles IC. Ladd,. of Maasailmette, shop a deficit for 1481 of 4217,511 M; Ile estimates that a tax of $1,000,000 will meet the estimated deficit and pro vide for the atihseguent wants of the Treasury. --Joseph Higbee killed his son-in-law, Park Wilion, on Thursday niglA, at Win cheater, Clark county, 31e. The trouble arose from the fact that Wilson was soon to marry, another woman, his first wife having only recently died'. No arrest hat yet been made. . . —The strike of the colliers is now al-1 most univer:4l in Lancashire, Byglaml, principally c.nised by the desire' of the masters to evade the law rendering them liable to pay compensation in the event of accidents. FrJM 40,000 to Zio,ooo"men and bays are idle. —A. colored man tinned J. Lewr has just died at Cambridge, King 'county, Nova Scotia, at an advancid -age.. He was a slave en board the United State' frigate Chesapeake at the 'time she was captured by the British frigate Shannon in 1813 and ,brought to Halifax -by the victors. • --drhe second span of --the'iron bridge betvieen Haverhill, Mass., and Groveland, built in 1874, broke through and 'fell into the river Thursday. A team of horses with a heavy . load of lumber was on the bridge at the time and went down. - The driver escrapWuninjured, •byt, one of the horses was sadly cut. • r-Captain ; Keene, living eight miles north of Gallatin, Tenn., - while in the yard of his residence on Sunday night, was shot "byan t uiaknown person, supposed to: have been some " moonsbiner whoni' be had reported to the =authorities. Ser4- enteerauckshot were taken from Keene's body, and he will probably die. —Bev. Edwnid COwley, convicted of eruelty9to little children in the Sheperd's Fold, at New York, of which he was manager, anti who, on l'brua,ry 28, 188:0, ' was convicted of ill-treating ,Louis Victor and sentenced to penitentiary for one .year and "82: - )0, was released on: Monday list on tile expiration of his time and, the • payment) of 4lls tine. *, —Timothy Cooper,-colored, secured a verdict of C. 4200 damages at • Chicago againSt the People's OutnibuS and Bag gage Company. CoO„per entered one of the busies shortly hfter'the great fire,' but aftir he had'raid his fare w,:iS forcibly ejectad . by . the driveb who said colored men were not allt'FWed to ride; This is the second trial and'a reversal of the for mer verdict. , • —The boil r in the Onion Flouring , Mills, at, \ Detroit, i.exploded Wcd-.1 n esd ay, en ti wreckingrel,y the structure. The engin - iier,'n young man tier, the limit-lan , and oiler were instantly killed and buried under the di:brit , .. A fourth man, Funding; just outside, was severely injured in the head, but will pro , bably 'recover.. Three horses 'standing near were also tilled, ' morning Mrs: Ocorge Ilkhards l New L , :adon, Conn.,- Was fonni on the ibur-Of-1:0 house dead, hav ing, been bitim - ...d to ‘ a crisp. lier husband had left her- half au. hour before in ap parent good Thealtiii and no one - knew anything. the Manner of her death till her: body was disicivereit-by a neighhof; She is suppos - ed to haTi - falle - a , on the stove in a fit and set her 'clothes on tire ,/ —Sixteen election cases growing out of alleged illegal -voting and interference with Cnited States depitty marshals on the day of . the last general election,, the trial .if which was to have ciommenced in ,the Knited States District Court at Wil mington, Del., Thursday; were continued until the April term. on application of counsel for. the &fence. Several of the defendants in the cases for interfeiebee are special or policemen. Matters of .General Interest. Stage Passenger* Wrirdereti by Indians. SAN Fakscisco, January 16. bispatelies from Tucson and Dein ing report that the-stage coach run ning from ;Itesilla to Fort Cunimints was•attacked by Indians on Friday evening about fourteen mites from Fort Cummings. The bodies 'of driver and three Men . and one-wo man (tiassengers) were folind'mutila ted and burnt.. The bodies were re moved .to Fort Cummings. Troops are in pursuit. The Indians are sup-, posed to tare numbered about fifty. - A lininiable Barn Burned. ErilnlTA, January' 16.—0 n Fri-. day evening a valuable stone. barn on the - Eliisbeth farms, belonging to. the Coleman estate, was totally des-. troyed by fire, which is supposed to have bee 4 the work of an incendiary. It contamed fifty -head-of Jersey cat tle, all of which were lost, valued at $lO,OO, - and most, of which was ex. hibited at- the State Fair., The loss on the barn was -6'25,000, covered by insurance; • - _ hero Abnettioetitento. FS. lI.OLLISTER,. D. D. S:, ,• - DE.vTrsr. iSaccessor to Dr. E. A ngf<j. OFFICE—Second ' , noir of I)r. Pratt's office. Towanda, January c; BSI. .SALE OR :EXCHANGE. --nsiz bundled acres of land En Litchnehl, Siteshrquin autt Houle Townshipg,- in lots of from twenty-tire to one hundred acres.' ele to 1 . 5 per acre. These lands ate 'null/cumbered and ah un doubted title will to given: For further particu lars, address 'FRO'S S3ILELL'S SONS, • Jan, a, Itsi.m3. Athens, P a. BALSAM of ifON:EY A DELIGHTFUL, ANODYNE • EXPECTORANT. _ Prpared; Expressly ter‘Dliewlexcit the Throat and Lungs. A..weleome-nlessenger of relief to persons suffering ' , front Coughs, Colds,. Influenza, Bronchitis, Tightness and Oppression, of the Chest, Wheezing, Wltooping Coitgh,•Astlitnatt- , le and Conintopt ive • Coughs,: and, lloarieness, eithcr in Adults . • or Children. It speedily removzs that difficulty of tireathing and Setnie:of Oppresslop which nightly tlettrive the patient of rest give - krellef and corn- ' - fort to the,: afflicted with the above • • distresiln aud, when neglected, • fianihrous ccenplaitits.• • For aged people It is especially soothing. For,chii: dren it Is pleasant to take; no child will refuse/ • It, but rather crave it.. The BALSAM OF. IIONEY Is put up in large bottles hold. - lug three.quarters of a pint, 75 cts. per bottle; large sample bottles, • 45 cents per bottle.- Prepared by Wm. Tuekt Druggist. Wilkes-Barre, Pc For rate by TURNER & GORDON. Main street, Towanda, Penns. Jan. 20. Shatisamds. VOR SALE.--.L seeoixtUnd en: giro and boner; in `lrstisittog order. eleePC IMOMMIfter WW be **l ditsp. -Eafiaire of Joiawe * Toirsalls4 or ;be sgblexlber. O. r Avesi. nesbeinte, Pa,, sup. _ SIIESHEQUIN VALLEY MILLS Ito anderstraed . has purcbasiA and pct in thorough rilr &bolo 21111 Ia and Is prepasP4 ray.a all 111 of Illingioviaptiy satistscw. Surtax ebeges ;tun th e cbcaplst. it am • birtnado an object to those wanting. wort In this line to calls!, these Hifls.U. 1. ATEli v ,-EhaitLe4tiln. Jaa.lo, 1841-Zaate. GEI4TB WANTED! " . • _ • Detery town In Susquehanna. Wayne and firm: ford counties for MIDDLE PENNSYLVANIA MUTUAL lISLTIGT AtidtX;ILTION, of MULL ton,"Pi• . , L • Insurance at cost. tiocd Commissions allosied. Good stratum* , required. . .1. W. DESENSE NY. • - _. Dforatcv Aczny. • 34.453 ' • Great Bend, Pa. Closing Out Sale =OF-- .- paa4-1111ide CLOTHING! Tlie following inducements offered to CASH BUYERS for : the! next SIXTY DAYS, at , • • M. E. ROSENFIELD'S In order to make room for next spring:* trade '1 'Aare REDL'CET► TIM PRIcEs ON OVERCOATS and WINTER CLOTH I NI/ . Unprecedented and. &approached ! (74 , n. la:tying the largest stock I ever .weed at tl:l• seance of the year In, to cash at such prices - as I can sal have never been known be-fore. The following SPECIMENS OF PRICES IBMZMEI Fine Flu Btavei ISlsek:to(l.7lnJwn 17'00 •er 1:". ESE +. IS lAI '• 70 , Black awl Brown Reaver..:. U.OO 9 t•I • • Chlactalls 10 00 " —7.50 ' 1 75 Slack; rcateh and r,O op " - 4to •+ 3 1,0 Suits of every deserip.tiun at the sairii— reilurifon In, prices.— HATS. ('AL'S and YUlt , Glrol).S. This li beyond doubt the :MARK-bowls; ever nmile In IL: rrra r .- tug. -No one lot'of .thsse goods swill ever be ilupll.- eatstsl at these prices, and, you wlll'find It a•matter of great • policy on ymtr part to visit Inc lu tie:- sinierest possible time. I have reerything here advertise , and things not *here enumerated, Eq1..7 XL AS 1211 _ _ M. E. ROSENFIELD Vmatpla, Pa— Jan. 13, IX9I SHORT -HORN. - CATTL AND BERKSIIIIIE /PIGS_; We have a few choice Bulls and Heifers a ;dela WI! offer at very reasonable prices. AISO pare-bred Berkshire:._ IVyaltizit-,7;1'a., 11, 'XTOTlCE.—Notteejs.lierebV given 1,.:11 that att application r. ill be ma,le era! A. , 4,1111.1:, - ..: Cot:moons ealtit hest the pa4aage of a pr. at large in the County of cattle._ Mtliee. cheep :•?1,1 4. A. It :vitt irtart• othi.r citi z•ns Ilra(iford Co.. VA. 4 Toscar. , la, I)er. *?...4.w • Waeltil,zl:: 4en.l pttitivr.s to i l ik.,cut th.; 6,7r:cral lir FREE yALtraLE FMS For Sale • -• A }arm of 140 acres, four thiles north of Cl.,:mung and onie mile. from Dl ngbani S'ztlon ou.tar G. 1. It. • . A- Farm of 13 acres,' five mileo' north of AV:ierly, N. . . , l• • • • - A-Farm of 150 a:4es, four miles•nork eas: of Warer;y, N. yi 2 : . . . . • • Will be so:d upon tht fleet jp,slol , trrure. Apply to A. NI F. I:, 'Jan. , 0 - er;3".. N. THE INDEPENDEN T. ...The foremost iLligious newspaper of the United State.r. - -Jo..F.Evit COON Ttte UstnellE . Nc , k,NT leeks th: patronage of the public tot three . groituds, as foltows: 1.4..1: Is the largeit weekly , religioils newFriaper published In III?. world. • sd. It employs aserintributors wore alite writers, at Mime antralmead, than any other weekly news-, per, 3d. It gives Its readers a wider range if topics and more and !tiller; departments .than they can find elswhere In any pair-nal. • TIM INPFPRips:NT 32 pages, neatly cut And pasted. It is painted from clear typo (we storotype tho pages weekly, and. Mnice, erely issue is really printed - with new type) and 00 goed 1 , 3 r. and imodianien IN it is unexcelled. There 1 tim quest lot prominence in ratigtrn, VIDICS, science. edneat • D. finance. or any other department of human kn orledge which Tit r. - riErr.;:nt:l'ir deer 'nut discuss. It tics regular in-- praline-Ms rLivoted to Dibl - Icad Researches, Mis sions. Religious intelligence, Book Reviews and Literary News, the Sunday School, Fiducath Seiunce,Sanilary questions, Fine Arts; the nowe ments of ministers. Persorialifies'. - : News of ,the Week, Financial and Commercial matters, hiclud: log Weekly Prices Currett, Market Deports, Cat; . tie Market, Drygoods quotatlnus. - Flowers and Farming. and Insurinee. In Its religious depart ment it gives news and statistics °Lail denCtruina lions of Christians. every where. In fulliAiss, ae s curacy, and camprehensiveneas MIS departnic tit Is unequalled. Several pages of stories anil . gssitns. adapted to Old and` Young,.are given every week, with a colnmn of puzzles. Front ime.todimeSermons by:eininent ministers are piddished. The em - rent topics of the day are dlsetis,ed In our editorial columns. freely and vig orously. We are not afraid to state our opinions. Our New Terms For 1881. One siubLeription. - on4 year. in Fnr c month:., ;;1 :"..); for 3 months One SlnsCriptnel, two year:4, in advance.... One.sstbscript lon, :with oue iew subselber; Loth in advance. in one remittance' 5 03 One subscript u Ith two st:ve subscriber,. Loth In advance. in one remittance One.subseription with two new subscribers, . • ali threelir advance, Inoue remittance..; 01.1 One subscription with three"fiew supscribepi all four in advance. Imbue remittance ' SSO One subscription With four new subscribers all live in advance, In otie reinittanne....lo CJ Any number.over.gve at the same rate.ltiva- J tiably with one,remittatme. These reduced prices 49 per annum, In chins of five or more) are very much Mier than any of the standard 'religious' weeklies, thoogh the paper is much larger mid better,' as comp:wise!' will show. Subse'ribe with your -friend* and get 'the . lo* rate. We. offer no premiums; acd reterre the riqfht to 'withdraw our liberal club rates at ail time. after six Months. • . . Sample coplea_itee upon application 4WSubserl be it❑«•. Addrets TII Ell% DEPEN 01:3a. IlroailwaY. New yorkCity, I'. 0. Box 2`;.7 CHANGED HIS MIND T Z. OTTA'RSON, - THE UPHOLSTERER, Thou g lit of advertising .with nir but busines4 ha picked ups!? since the liolidap, that he elcmgc , l his mind about advertising., All -that be waufrd to say, stag that IV any one should send, for hint o, repair, or make new . . EASY CHAIRS, SOFASi • DIVANS, RECEPTION CII AI RS ' •CH MI I CHAIRS Oft CUSHIONS, LOUNI: ES, MATTRESSES,' PLATFORM ROCKERS, SLIP COVERS, SOF::i PIL,LOWS, FOOT. RESTS, Our• or thwe NICE; EASY, DIAMOND ELASTIC SPRING (That are made fit any bed) nr anything In his line, they can depend upon getting last what th.•y want, and that tiral:tss, and charges ressonslde. Doping to hear froth' you soon, I remain - York's Truly.. . . .1.• 01' I'ARSO S, . Upholsterer, South Side - Midge St rest, Towaa - .:3, Pa., over Myer .t Devoe's Market, Towanda, ya., January lath, lasl.6reo. S 5•00 R,E WA R ti; ie • STRAYED OR STOLEN. —Tbe above reward wilt paid fOr the return, or any M. formation which teed to • tho "recovery of the Scotch . Cotter Mitch (Fannie). whle,h 1..1; my rot, tees about the 15th of November.3Sio. In robr she was black and tan, sable conk on bed,' and , tweon the - legs, full - frill and br Mb. au& was very trim and handsome. She was 'a - splendid cow driver. , . • • . . ~ . ALSO- T -1 base a flrAt.chissl- SHORT-1101:N BULL. sired by the 13th Duke of Mirk., N0..5,535, which. I will sell cheapo ,• eiChange.. for Orst•clws cows. , Addresi C. 11. WEBB. ... Jan6; 4 Bl.East Smithfield,. Cs. . , I = Former • DO for .0:0.60 Ito " • 1,7 rd) '26 (.1 . 1 " li 711 14 ( n I'.! ? ) G. 11. WELLI:i IHE ELM BEDS,