Thi D ou Hoi»e. tanccycnsai , accompany the constable, and see that the prisoner did not effect an escape.' _ Meantime, the gardener,__Who, since the "ghost" had been discovered to be but flesh and blood like hinvel.f, had beciime as bold as a lion,.voluik. teered to stay in the house with us all night and help me to soothe the fears of my poor terrifiedchildren • 'whileAr. Burrows, accompanied by the joiner, proceeded to the home of the - steward. I need not burden the reader withdetails, but I may men tion that i nanswer to a quiet tap at l the window, the door of the house was immediately opened, and old Mrs. IVeeril was st.once in thegrip . s of the Officer. She was absolutely thunderstruck, and quite lost her presence of mind. Without telling her anything of what had happened, Mr. Burrovrs_asked for her - son, the steward.' Al first she hesitated, then said he was ill in bed. . . '.-No,'!,said Mr. Burrows, '!'be is not in bed, but he is safe enough by this. time: in the Police office ;_ so yoti Lad ,better ;gist tell us, all about it." At this Mrs. Weevil entirely broke down and confessed-all. It is unne • cc-nary to 'repeat at length. what the. reader can - guess in great measure ft... himself ; but the sum Of her story v-%!; this: The in - other, equally 'with • r hated Miss Ronpel for de . his a•birts , .es, atith s took the ti:e:.ns. we have seen in order to drive each successive tenant out of her bouse. also 'admitted that After . the,sudden death' of M jtatipel it they who had spread the stories charging foul play against the (laugh-, ter. _ln answer to a question from ,Burrows, she confessed that it - Was l he_ who had played the ghoston the previous evening; but she. had - never before shown herself to any one who did not at once flee and quit the house. My attempt to get hold of her, - therefore, had so alarmed her that she had great difficulty in CSCarl= ing ;Tand neat morning had gone to -• her. son, and told him she durst, not - play the part of ghost any longer ; as the present tenant was likely to stand her groUnd, and they would in that way,be found - out. ' - 'They were both enroed at thus being at last baffled their long•eheris.hed course of ma liciont; practices against Mrs. Ron pel ; and ...`‘er son determined to. take ou t hi s revevi je upon me that night by fir,t fr ghtenth me and. then rob bipg the house, atilt ;7tliell they were resolved to take the first opportunity 'of quitting that part . of. the e.:untrY• • Their cupidity bad been aroused bV The sight of Some trinkets in Indian 'jewelry which I possessed ; hence the design to rob me. In order to'cover their purpose, the old hag- was-sent' to me with the :story of her son be.j ing ill ; and us he had a secret means of access to the house, he readily af- feeted an entrance after he supposed the family asleep. It was her- son who liad first put her upon these evil practices—had• brotglit the old sur plice from Lord B--'ahouse, in wbirh eithi. - :r 1 of them as occasion of fered; was in the habit -of terrifying thehiniates, s and thus depriving the _ obect of their hatred of her chief:' means of livelihood.. Mr. Burrows did hot trouble to ap - - roliend the old Woman at that time; but he took care that she shotild not leave the country till after the . trial Of her son for house-breaking and felony, when she had to appear against, lihn as a witness. Ile was • fotititl- guilty and sent to -a penal.set , • tleinent Mrs. Weevil, ashathed to Show her face in the neighborhood, . departed, no one knew whither. . As fur the ghost story, as soon as iii salient points were known in the' neighborhood, the house not- only • lost its , _ bad character, but 1. became for . the. time quite a ind of heroine, everybody praising my courage and sagacity. I had the pleasure, some Weeks later, of entertaining in the house Mrs. Richard Egerton, the for _ mei Miss 'loupe!, w:iom the neigh borhood, conscious of unjust condem nation, received with open arms. Af ter the term of my tenancy expired the charming house let "for a more . suitable rent, and ever since. I be lieve it has formed an -adequate ' Eource of income to its worthy own ers.= Cl/ethers' 'Menial. r--- Fun, Fact and Facetim. A ck:Nim, mi,take Sew Beauty .(m -vet sed as yet in the mysteries of high life) —" Who's that wonderful old gentle man?" The captain—" Sir Digby de Rigby, a Hampshire baronet, one of the in England ; James the First's-cre ation, you know. 7 New Beauty (deter mincd to be surprised at. nothing)—" In; deed, how well preserved • he is ! should'n'thave thought him more than TO or• '' l Witr, Jennie, you foolish gill, come into the house. What are. you out in the snow for without wraps?" "Oh, nothing touch, ma. You sou 'Augustus has iust called, and here aro his footprints-in the snow. rin measuring to get the right size for those Slippers,.and do you know. Idotit,bOliere live got half enough cloth for therm," Ilt - mAN nature is no:, to be changed by the opp.isition of interest, or the laugh of folly. There is still enough of dignity in man to respect what is great, and to ven erate what is benevolent. The -muse of man. had at last gained the suffrage oC man. It has advanced steadily. onward,: and left ridicule to wonder at the' inipo-, tence of its shaft, mid malice to weep over the inefficacy of its hate. -Th.nEsr daughter `I think you might let me come out, mamma! I'm twenty, you know, and surely I've finished my ed ucation Festive mamma (by no means prepared to act the part of chaperon and wall slower)—"Notyet, my love. Socie ty is'so hollow ! I really must preserve that sweet girlish freshness of yours a lit tle logger . • , . Wisittmi to pay his friend a compli ment, trgentleman remarked : "I hear you have a very industrious wife." "Yes," replied the friend, with a melan choly smile, " slier is never idle. She al ways finds something for me to do." ' " Is it true, Harry, that you have brok en off with Marka,wim's danghter?" "Alas, yes was forced to, although is a charming woman." " Shy?". "Incompatibility -of complexion. the does not sult• my furniture." WHEN a boy walks with a girl as though ho - were afraid some one might see him, the girl isliis - sister. If he walks so close to her as toi nearly crowd her against The fence, it is the sister of some one else.H "Kt:owall men' by these presents,". read an old bachelor lawyer. "Why don't they put in women, toes?" asked his lady client. "Because," sa:d the old bachelor, "if one viol:nue knows it, all women know it:" r 4 THE young woman who bangs away at the piano, and sings: • " WLat is Home - Without a Mother?' whila her mother is bending beer a washing-tub, is like a piece of cheap calico. She won't wash. Jithh's wife and Jobs were tete-a-tete, She witty waii, Indust riotts tie : Faye John "I've earn• d the bread we ate "And 1," says she, "hare urn'd the tea." "No, marm," said the shoekdealer, "I would like togive you a smaller pair, but to sell you anything below eight cents would render me liable under the statutes for prevention of cruelty to animals." - "CAN there be happiness Trhere there is no love?" solemnly queries an author in'a book bn marriage. Not much bap pines, Perhaps, but if the girl is awfully rich then can be iota of fug. • plebicat. MRL LYDIA E, MIKHAIL I LYDIA E. PINKIIAIIII I II 'MUTABLE COMPOUND. 'The Positive Cure For all Female Complaints. Ttd preparation. as its name eagnldes,-c‘dst. at Itagrteble properties th at sae bars49a to-the twat dirt. bateismai: Upon one hint theideitts of this Cam: . ported win be tees 4rdael, , uretict hi lineedlitt . a r and when Its use Is continued, is nicolynelnc eases In a hue. tired, • penztanetteare cif, ctodasthcatemda win tee WT. On account of its pro eon tocrits, it is today re. ecocesedod and prescribed. by the bk. physicians In the country: Ik wilt ewer . entirely the toceit tdrm ortanbe • et the tatonta,'loncorrbdrea, inrotrsOr and painful Menstruation, all Orarian Troubles, l .Ilazonsation and -Ulceration, Flood:ngt,p, Dirplaccost and the con. segue:it spinal weakness, 9415 et pres adopted to the Change of We. It will glasoire &Da ' expel tumors from the ntrnesin an earl, Singe ot Corelopment. The Sandency to Cancerous Minna there - i checked verir-; speedily by tie tura In tact it has preyed to -be the great. ad itiedbest remedy that Les el - er been di rover. ed. It perecesdeseTery p-,rtion of the eyste re, and eves Dew We and rigor. At reraoyee feintnees,fittaleam, de. Weft idler:ming fok stl.modents, 0.L. , 1 eel:eyes weekfrele of the iriamach ii MKS Blostinc, ricadr-chei. NCr 7 MI3 / I "traleag ' 01111 11 Datirlit7 , Sieepleamen, lie pri. - .,al:= and bat- ' ten. - -that feeling or bearing down, cawing pate, weight and backache, is alwrga rar=nently cared tig house. It willat all tl=re, end Luc:eel:ll eiretnnstaa- L 1 sr, act in harmony wlththe law that governs, the ieroale side= . 1 . ~ for Eldriky CcanpLalnti of tint r ecz this eamp4xuell ', it insaspezled. ' ~ , . 4, Lydia E..PinPam's Veptable, Compound Is prepared at and Z 5 Woutcro Avenue, Linn. Yam Price SIM. biz bottles for fri.lXl. Sera by mail to tbo form of pals, aLsO in the form of Lostilzus. • on recelpl of pie% VA, per hos, f cit-r.• 1tre..11.501.&1 frerly =seers all letters of loquirs:. &ut for pam pblet. Adarao ns 13.1/./TO paper. No U=14414 , 1 0 Ibe without. LTDI.I E. ylls. -- Yrf LIVER PLUS. They cora Gratt!patlon„ aLot=cji a I adiorpiday of the-Liver. ou:411;,: box. L DOWNS' VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR Iss sure . cure fortoughs, Colds, Whsop:ng-Cough, aid all Lungs, when taken in season. p People die of consumption simp.' 1 ly because of_ neglect, when the timely use of this remedy Would have cured them at once. -,. .1 Fifty-one veat's of con dant use proves the fact that no cough remedy has stood The test DU Downs' EriXilr• Price 35c. 50e. and SIM per boa). For 811 e Ererywhera 1 Dr. Baxter,'s Mandrake IT. TERM Will cure Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Indigestion, and all diseases arising from Bit iousness.° Price as cts: per bottle; For Sale Ev_ery2;there. HENRY & JOHNSON'S 4 . 4 ARNICA AND OIL LINIMENT For Juan and Beast. The most perfect liniment ever compounded. Price 25c. and sae. _ Ira Bale Everywhere; PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER IR A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For INTERIM end MERNAL Use. PAIN KILLER has serer feted when nae 4, according. topebn,d direr. (tong inclosuweachbottle,..awl is perfectly ells even the most inexperienced hands. FAIN -KILLER Thr o nr eou e h f a o Rai° aufarrbara. Draontery. Cramp.. Cholera. dad GU /luxe' Complaints, PAIN ISIILEI rti in _ S own fr.r i TUE ll ar7T4lckn i met y , Sick pea ache , ti In (Ito Hack or Side, iihenmatism. an, Neuralgin. PAIN KILLER it FM •0.341 a"! PEE 8 . . 1 v brings speed,/ asdparsiannit re/tel intil canes of Undoes. Cain, Sprainn,Severe Borne. etc. PAIN K ILLE D in the %mil-tried and trintail. friend of thc , Mechanic. ' 'armor. Inviter, Sailor. and in fact ail classes, wanting a medicine alwars'etthand, and iefe re . us , Internally or externally Icith certainty I of relief. 10' I.:o faintly can afford to to without this In- . trainable remedy ill the Nouns. Its rrice brings it within the reach of all, and it will annually bars InanY tinlea its mot in doctors' Lilts. . *O,l by an druggi.ts at 1t:m.6 , 0e and el a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON. Providence. R. la proprietors. - . • BACK ACHE QUICKLY CURED BY CARTER'S Smart Weed Belladonna Back Ache Plasters! • These plaster; contiin Smart Weed end Zeta dorma—bolh wonderful pain addi t Inn to the'usual gums, balsa:us,&c.„ used in other porous plauers, altd arc consequently superior to all others for Weak or Lame-Back, Back Ache, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Soreness Of the Chest or Lungs, Asthma. Pleurisy, Kidney Troubles, Crick in the - Back. Stiff nothi or the A •es. and v‘rherer 7 a 2 1aste - r can Wed. you have .:ay. need for a Porous Strengthening Plaster. we laiow this one will pleaseyou. •It is sure to give relief; and pain can nct exist where it is applied. It,k your druggist for Cartcr's Smart Weed and &IL:donna Back. Ache Piasters. Price, 25 cents. CARTER MEDICINE CCi., New York. For side to Towanda by C. T. 6 IEIRTII • Ii(SETTS WANTED FOR. OUR - popular , NPw B3d)k. . THE. IitIIIVIRIAL keTOKY Or THE UNITED STATES. Its At. rteutture, Manatee:lmp. Mibitqt, Banking. Insur ance, etc. *prints make •V", to If ito per week. Send for iSteselat Terms to 14..Vril BILL ProLtskiko _ CO., orwich,' Ct, . JUR. flit Say, Straw Staff Cit#lrs I • The tray Crop is short. and goodllay • h too grab/able and ex - perish° to be fed except with • strict economy. -.- Saxe money by cutting ail you...rod:lel, - By, an means cut all of your Corn Stalks. I f 101 harp not one now. it will Fir to buy a 44;r,e, first-arts • • TEED CUTTER., , • - 1 believe the pes t to be the . _ _ _ =I r . - i Cumming ' s Feed Critter. - _ 1 ~,, Ain also prepared to supply the ilia: of other ,- leading lands of ' - Fodder.. cutters of micas sizes, styles and pekes: Sueb as the • -- .. ' a Baldwin. Daniels, Telegraph; )Cale's Copper Strip Rotary. and Cale's Elide!lent and pheap.. , i Lever Cisfter. All these I feu for Cash at the lowest possi ble pricks, owl slit at torrespoa+llriylydo toprices. Order Your Feed Cutter Early, .. Decause the demand upon the manufacturers Is so h.-ary now that ord , ins rewtra much time to befitt ed. -1 will .I..!lirer free FEED CDTTERS atanyltall Bbad Sntion. • . Send o;C:renters and-Prices. 1111 IMI -AND / B. M. WELLES. Towanda, November .IdoBBo.-tt "rEf. EQUITABLE LIFE!, ASSI:EXNCE SOCIETY ' OF THE H. 8.; SEW YORK - OFTLt • FERFECT SECURITY. ASS FT'S - • 8374660 W SURPLUS 7,e7•15,407 All policies INCONTESTABLE after three years. Nearly $5,000,000 paid-to:Polley-hold ern In 1879. CLAIM CONTESTO ME Insuranee:lnthe3EQt'lTAßLE on the TONTINE SAVINGS: FUND IP,LAN, Combines the advantzqs of ONDIN4RTZLIFE WITH ENDOW INERT ASSURANCE, Seeming a pmlitrthle tpvestmenl, with positive . protect/ your fatally. For full particulars of TONTINE, and another forms of pulley issued gy thlanoelety, apply to ' JOHN D. STRIKER, Agent, • At First National Bank, Towanda, Pa. Uptuager, 120, Ilrn:4lway, N. Y. - Nov. 11th 1610. ' STEVENS & LONG General Dealers in • .GROCERIES, rßovisiossi And t C.OIINTRy PRODUCa HA :4 V I 5 0 I TO THEIR NEW STORE.II CORNER OF MAIN & PINE-Sts (The old stand of Fox, Stevens k Morenr.), They invite attention to their complete assort - rams and very large stock of Choice. New GOode ' - which they have always on hand. : ESPECIAL. ATTENTIOH,E,IVEH TO THE PRODUCE TRADE, And Cash paid for, desirable kinds. H. di LONG TawAnda, Apri 1- 1871 i. SPRING AND SUMMER 1880. L. ROSENBAUM dv SONS. 20t EAST WATER STREET. Dealers In DRY AND FANCY GOODS, ALSO JOBBERS OF MILLINERY Mg LARGEST, BEST Atil) CHEAPEST Assortment ,At NIXALLITERY In the Southern,Tier. air dpecial Inducements and 'rtces to Milliners. calystrespecttully solicited.' L. - ROSENBAUM A; SONS., 1 1 201 EAST WATER STREET, Rathbun House Block. 1114-71 • $, Outfit sent free to those who Wish to - engage In the most pleasant and profits. ble business known. Everything new. Capital not required.. We will furnish yo everything. flo a day.and upwards Is easily' nude without staying away from home over night, No title -whatever. Many new workers wanted at once._ Many are making fortunes at the, business. ' Ladles make as much as men, and young boys and! girls make great pay. No one . who is willing to' work rails so make more money every day than du be made in a werok st any ordinary employment. Those wbo engage at ones willfind a short road to fortune.' Address If. ilattgll k Co., Portland; Meths. . - I Oct. la. 11110, GOLD .Girtnechanace to town to take bmnailteinmonevey. ed the largest. cheapest and best Illustrated family publication hilts world. Any one can become a successful age W 81x elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent' reports taking ito.eubseribers in a day. A lady agent reports making over WO clear in ton days. All who engage make money fast. Ton can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. Too need not be away from home over night: Ton can do-lt as well as others. Full &makes and tams free. If you want profitable work. send us your address at once. It 'costs nothing to try the bust. ness. No one wbo engages tails to make greata ataddressGEOlME ITIYAIOX CO.; Poni Maine. Jiityrati. k In Tone own town. .5 Wilt tree. s66Nwoeerlsk. header, It you want a tontines* at which persona of either eez cait sake peat pa, all the time they wee i ==. WWII u4saamarr a CON PENN it saw , YORE zuz ROAD& _ Asraata' most of Pioseoset Talus to tats effect • JUNE tO, - " SASTWAED. 1519 1404.111 0517 20 50 1 4 24 40 7 301 45 !0 54 4 NI 451144 i 25,1 05! 30 1 1050' 10i1 asi 45200 , , 1012'151 112 141 EITB i 40'2 411 ME l'a•Vii 135 5 23 3 45 7 SD 410241 ee l 11-35 . P 9 52 toes',a IC 8 05'1122i.. 25 I . So. az' icaore.s - sr,j•siusing at 600 A. M. Prench .own 0:14, itnnunertield 6:23.; Standing Stone 6:31. WPat 6:40. Towanda 6:53. ITlster 7:06; Milan vac Athens 7:25, Sayre 7:10, Waverly 7:53, arriring In Matra at 8:50 A,. M. No. 21 leaves Elmira at 5:20 P.M.. Waverly.6:ls, Sayre 6:30, Athens Milan Ulster 8:53, Towanda 7:10. Wysauking 720. Standing Stone 7:29. Rutionierlield Yrenchtown 7:17,f, arriving at Wyaluslug 8:00 P. M. - Trains b and 15 run daily. Weeping carrion trains 8 and 15 Iss,tween Niagara Falls and Phtladelphla and between Lyonsand New York withoritchawg , Sleeping cars on 3 and :6 between Buffalo and Wilkesritittre. Parlor cars on - Trains 2 and 9 be tween Niagara palls and Philadelphia without change, and through coach to and from itlebester via Lyons. • It. A. PACKER. • . Supt. P. Ali N. Y. P.. R. Sa Pa., Jute SI, 1680. .• • • NATHAN TIDD, Dealer In . • ~' PITTSTON, WILKES-SABRE API) LOYAL SOCK COAL: Lowest prices for rash. Odlce.and yard font of Ptno.atrect, Towanda., 1880. N . SU R ANCE! le. S. RUSSELL, Agent, ' - ..TOWANDA, . FIRE, 'LIFE, AND ACCIDENT . ••=* POLICIES , • Issued,on the most reasonable terms. . . None but reliable companies represented. Losises adjusted and paid here., Towanda, Nov. 114-1879. JAMES cCABE Has removed 'to - CORNER MAIN & BRID'GE-STS making 1t 61a Zest.aqUarters FOR CHOICE GROCERIES CASH PAID FOR BUTTER„EGGS, Stg. . _ GOODS SOLD At THE LOWEST LIVING RATES l i cnianda, April 29,1840-y1 THE OLD MARBLE YAlltD STILL - IN.OPERATION. The understated having purchased the MAR RI.E.YARD of this late .GEORGE ,McCABF., de sires to inform the pablic that having employed experienced meu, he is prepared to do ali kind& of work In the line of • .• MONUMENTS, - • e" • - HEAD STONES ! MANTLES and • SHELVES , . In the very best manner and at low4st rates. 'Persons desiring anything in the Marble Ilneare Invited to call and examine work, and save agents' commission. • ... ' JAMES McCABE, Towanda, Pa., Nov. 113.p78. 24tf GEO. STEVENS • . 7 ....... NEAT nARKET. • ' E. D. RUNDELL, • Would respectfully announce that he is continuing i i the Market business at the old stand of Id dock & Mundell, and will at all times keep a full 'apply.° - : FRESH . • .- -' P P , - -1 7-; 5 1 1 1A- (141. OYSTERS, i,..-.- -. Constantly on hand. Country.dealers supplied a city rates. - . .. . , FRESH li SALT MEATS, . • GARDEN YE GET,AB LES, . • - FRUITS, l ac. : • . i sir All Good' ilieliveted Free of Charge. • i --,- . . - • - , E. D. MUNDELL. Towania.Va., Nor . 27, 1579:' . .•. , EL3IIRA, N.Y EAT MARKET! M- MYER & Dr.VOE BEIDLEMANII BLOCK, BRIDGE FRESg AND SALT MEATS DRIED BEEF, FISH, POULTRY, BARDEN VEGETABLES ANO - BERBIES IN Sir MI goods delivered traria ebarge. I • MYEU k DaV,OE Towanda. Ps.. 11151 !KIM 71 Geo. L. Ross, Of the Third Ward Store, has opened *large and convenient Store in the brick bloat, First Ward, c r elimptly Bret bas :1s nTners Soot and Shoo 7 twitb. A.:LARGE STOCK OF _ • CHOICE GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS; Which he has purchased In New York for cash, and solicits the confidence 104441stronede of the public, and respectfully anuoisifees that be . ,WILL NOT BE UWDEBdOLD By anybody. Goods sold as low as the lowest. _ Tmasta, imam d, DSO. • i . PM] ME WIC6TWAIIIO. 1.30 21 41.1110.0.% Po 31:P.X. I ,A it. 103` OS. ' 11 40, .4205, • 501 .. 420;1000.1 40 6 801952 741 5 058 14 405 154'40 825 ....IS 461 3 3 3 : —.16 25 1 5251 . 26616 15; 4 45;111001 251 1 4 44'114016 25' I 4 101 l 'Cs 10 1 111314 55 , 4001303 1 4 431 I 7 .3 - I P. 11.1 .... 71,5 910 ..• .• •• . •• • STATIONS. CZ= • Lit rout., Genera • w• 'ego; Maul=..Ulster -"Miran ~ Wyssukluv Stone. { 3 Rum•ertleld, Frenehtown Wyaltuilug 1 , Lsceyvllle. I s!skhr3 .Edd,yl I Meshopperki . ?Sciboopasy. , 5 Tuokban'ek If .La Grange. ME ME . 1017 JlOO5 3 . 03 1 1 id ....I1120940) 920 . 2 . 18 esS .. 441' 1128 1 $O5 lOt 730 014 11 ... • 1002 E •• 9.50$ ....I 920 1 00 GUI • P..11.1A.W. L&B Junc'u Wilt-Barre M'ch Chunk ~.tlleutcren . , %Bethlehem. , ..Easton... irhitadlphla' .New . lfork. i . . ..1 §arbs. JAAES..MCCABk. LocateEt In-: Keep ori THEIR 8EA8.0114, VIBRATOR THREIHMUI L Traction and Plodn'anginss and Morse-Pawara; limiessmoilleTbnare tiara I Eatabltihllll 32,441111-1.--'2ANKSa--"Ata."4:4 4.1111 il 40 II 00 '~~ = ola '3 49 Woo osiosourtal. not dreamed of by otberjoskan. Far aim Of trom 6 to IV blxs CIPINAIIi, far ereaw or /braszenrer. ._ Tommiallos of "Mounted Lima.ponrers IP UM AIM Fret ofl tietces ed Lzosiber torin_ • In. FROST'S SONS' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FURNITURE! We are now prepared tor the SPIZINQTHADE with a tall lino of NEW AND DESIRABLE MOODS LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST whlch•we tulle the public to call anti examine. PARLOR SUITS IN RAW SILK, Tp.RRIS, PLUSH AND, EAIRCLOTII, CCM CHAMBER SUITS IN ASH, . WALNUT AND SOFT WOOD, which we are selpng at a very loar price. A fall line of. • .• - . (SPRING BEDS, < MATTRASSES AND PILLOWS.. UNDERTAKING: In this department we always base the best goods n the market, and are continually adding LATEST IXTr;OVEMENTS; while our prices are tho lowest. Towanda, April 9, 1879. CHAS.'JOHNSON & CO.'S Foundry &' Machine. Shops, BEST` CIRCULAR SAW MILLS _ ' In the market. SHINGLEI MIL S—LA.II. T MILLS Parnell's Improved Feed Cutter, - Stroud's Keystone Fire Shrinker, Griswold's Boss Water Wheels, Ward's Patent Buckwheat Cleaner, &c., • &c., • - • • Made to order. l i tepalring of all kinds done on aboit nonce. Satisfaction guaranteed. Also. olishing and diluting ITOIIB 1 The best In•tho - World.' Agents wanted. Towanda, April 15, 1880 L. B. POWELL, -- SCRAN•TON SI'BEET, i ! .- I i ; . General Agent for te4 It ) CIIICKERING PIANO§, erp.NWAY :PIANO S , • -- , And . MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS Also instruments of other , makers. largp,Haedsome ORGANS for 960 and upwards. New Square ana Upright Plltems $l5O. - andtupwarde, - A lorge:d3et of SHEET M 131310 and mtrsiq BPOKS. • - iferantan. Bept.l3. 1880. IST OF LEGAL :BLANKS Printed and tept en sale at the Rxrpasitt 011iq at wholesate or retail. • Mortgage. • • • Bond. Treasurers Bond. Collector's Bond. Lease. Ctnnpblot. Commitments. Warrant. , • Constable's Betdrn. Artleles ot Agreetbont, 2 OMNI. Bond on Attachment. Constable's Bales. • Collectors Elales. Execution. Subparts. • Petition for License. Bend for License. Note JtulgestenL Meta Jeditelliniti bag. Creek. Mlchiczus. gf nutting. OT TIM PRICES 0 or assortmei t of , and our prices as low as the lowest. We have a full flue of NEW STYLES with , 911 the J. 0. FROST'S SONS'. TOWANDA, PENN'A'4 • We elahn to makq the ENCINES AND BOILERS manufacturers of and dealers In JOHNSON'S PATENT CIAO. JOHNSON & CO. L. B. PcIWELL:': Scientists now all admit that most diseases are - caused by Olsosdered Kidutys or Liver. and that If these .great organs are kept la a perfect condltinn. health will be the" resulto• 'WARNER'S SAVE KIANZY ANTI PFEIL C 131116 li Made frsuu a Simple Tropical. Leaf OF. RARE VA LUE.sud Le a FOSlTlrEvemedy for tbe following troubles: •- • . Pain in' the Mack, Severe Headaches, Dizziness, Bleating,- Inflamed Eyes, A Tired Feeling, Night Sweats; Pains in the Lower Part of the Body, Palpitation of the Heart,. Jaundice, Gravel, Painful Urination, MAU: - rial Fever, Fever and Aguey • And allAseases caused by the KlCl a eys, Liver or Urinary Organi being out, of order. ,• • It is a SAFE antIAtEUTAIN cure coral! Telltale difficulties, such as r •, ' • . LeueOrrhcen, Inflammation of the Womb, • • Falag of ; the Womb, • Ulceratioti of the Womb. it will ztontrntandi‘ttate tnentttiuitlcn, and Is an excellent and We remedy (of :ciliates during megnancy, . As- a Blond ?twitter It ti unequaled, for la eut l ea the organs that Juana the blood.- Fur . . Carbuticle4, .4Crofula, White Swell= ing, Salt Rheum, Poisoning by Mpr . ...cury or any other lirng, it is • certain in every case. - • For Incontinence. Impotence, Tains in the Loins, and all Similar Diseases, it is a safe, sure, and quick cure. • It Is the only ka , , , wayregrielly that ,has cured Bright•s Disease. • Asa proof of the platty and' virorth,of this Great Natural Remedy, read the Collor:lag CHEMICAL ANALYKS. 14, s :it. LATTIMORE. Pb. 1):, L. L: D., Professor of (11-2wistry in the Uolversltyof liochetter, N.Y., ktioartng the popularftv and merit of WAllNsn's SAFE. KIDNEY AND CURE ' afterathorough - Chemical Auzlyeds, has foroished the feltc.mlog statement UNIVERSITY OF ROPITESTER, CHEiIICAL LABOILIOTOItY. ROCHESTER, N. Y, Jan. 8, 1881. • Mr. 11. 11. W.InNER has placed le my possess - 1;n the lernania .of the medicine tnatutfactured and sold by him under the general designation of WARNER'S SAFE KtI>NEY ANIs LIVER CURE. I have itsvellgated his processeabt man=' uratlpre, which are conducted with extreme care and according to the beat methods. I have also taken front his laboratory :ample% of all the tnate;• Oafs used In the preparation of this medicine, and 'upon critical examination I fled them, as welt as the medicine into which they enter, tone entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances. Thls remedy which. has Alone such launders, Is Put up In the L A RGEST SIZED BOTTLE of any craelu•lnu upon the market, and Is - sold by Dreg ghts and all 'clualtra at 81.25 per bottle.. ".Fur Blabetes- enquire for "WARNER'S SAFE DIA BETEI CURE / It leis POSITIVE remedy. •H. H. , WAIMER & 00:, Rboleatetilt. Y .o'll6 '6 r. , • _4vgot ---.-—f:-m143 WI ----elt. 1 ° IL It. C ) * ' -all ut in try c re Z t %. s , 0. 1 "'" C. tc-' 1 "" - nt. ow :rso . ' kert,oare „0. wt. to E . , 3 to ZeoV„ ....west 1., ettlil a Ir-t: Ilitereta.,nr ~..xckase. .... ~t bob es s, ". rialsde" .°Pottitiiiir'e," a - r.toto 1 ' ' lr° /- ~e.ilforbe air Guido 01' s Adu llcs iur.'-..jr11.11-Iclntics. tiowlitalssiosier.i 1 10 .-,...0 4 . c ; ix worn? 0.10310 ~ co.. i v:Lvi"ln:3-13.050,4 1,0.113.a`c -per, Cll-11.-"Ir E.;l4artliter,es dos& 0 31 ' s 11 ' 3 . . 1 A 0 , c i...„...,..„..•_.._. 0 .. r .„,, „....,...-..r.,;,„0,Es , .;; K,... ccAt v .1-11- ; Bc: ,-- TA Au . . . ~.... 1'.~7 ;v A. BEVERLY SMITH, BOOKBINDER AND , DEALER IN SCROLL SAW GOODS. • MA GA ZIK ES bound neatly anti proniptly. BLANK BOOK bouneto order and warranted AMATEURS'• SUPPLIES • TLis dt.Porimetit. of my t;itsluess Is very corn plete. A hill ❑ue of WOODS, .SA.W BLOCKS, CLOCK MOVEMENTS, Constantly on hand, and for sale at lower prices • than elsewher* • MT $1.33 W JRTII OF OESIii.NS FREE FOIL $l.OO. Send for price REPORTER BUILDING,. 4.29.80. . TOWANDA, Pl., P. O. Box 1512 NEW FIRM ! DAVIDOW BRO., • - ; • No. Deldlotaan Block, Brldge4t., Towanda, Pa CASH PAID POD. PITHS, HIDES, PELTS, WOOL AND BEESWAX. Towanda, Oct. 80; 1879 GILMORE Bz. Coi, • • (Ilsabllshed 186l;.7 PENSI.)NS, INCREASE Or PENSIONS, ' • And all other classes of dlalms for Soldiers and 'Soldiers , Heirs, prosecuted. _ • , Address with 'stamp. nxor.k. & CO.. W ashlortoll,ll. C. , r . . Ostruutfictoofnusrngrhecilontec,tiwnelththfeulml most able business that anyone can engage in. The business Is so .easy to letual; and our Jae:ruction§ are so simple and plain, that any one can make great profits from the very-start. No One can fall who Is willing to work. Women are as successful as men. Boys and girls can earn large sbms. 'Many have made at the busi ness over one hundred ,dollars do a single week. Nothing like It ever known btifore. All who engage -are surprised at Vie ease and rapidity with which they are able to make m.ney: - You can engage In this-bnsiness during your spare time at great profit. You. do not. have to Invest capital In it. We take all the risk. - Those who need ready money should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address Tuca & Co:, Migusta, Maine.. % Oct. 28. T. YOUR HAIR CUT AN SHAVING, AT: TgE ViiTastrcl: 3E-Icnage SHAVING PARLOR. AtlirWe study to please. , • D. V. STEDFE, Prop', Towanda. Pa., July 15, 1879. , • . HELp• Yourselve,s by making money when a golden chance Is offered, ~ e b rom i o always o r keepingcve w f t t i y o always take advantage of the ,good chances fop making money that are offered; become wealthy, while those who do sot improve inch clutnces remain in poverty. We want many menj, carmen, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localttoes. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. We furnish an expels. sive outfit and all that jou need, free. No one who . engages falls to make 'money very rapidly. You can devote your whole time td the work, or only'your spare moments. Full information and all that is needed seat free.. Address STINSON' Co., Portland, Maine'. ' Oct. 28, 1880. EAGLE HQ/ I EL; , . (801:I2II PUBLICAQUARI4 I . This well-known house has been thoroughly ran novated and repaired throughout, and the proprle tor lanow prepared to offer Ant-class accommoda tions to the imbile, .on the most reasonable terms. ' • L . A. JENNINGS. , TUltanda, 'Pa.', May 2, 1978. • HENRY HOUSE, ...• • ' CORNEthIALN A WASHINGTON STEEZTO • Yams, Winn, TOWANDA, PA. Meals at ill hours. Terins to Mitt the times. La • stable attached. - WM. HENRY, Moran:Ma. • 'Towanda, July a, " • ';-%=''',:, _!:'`. '-..:-'! MEE ME' ' W 2466 Weetwgeito iloiris6666we 664 cosetteetkmegaleafebowed tlieeseet dosesee-4 soffeter.,with, MM.* DPileni whose - wenumb 0.4 'man dentate morsel * y i Jew.. Betreehing -elee .6101‘quka :norms wort stunjets;sod_beuasp ngaofeverbetng well. eavieitiliali as lake Simi mu Livaito ga,utoi Which he, OW. :Rut lilt short limo 1105 hot AhlY reliereel but cured.' ' Replier, If you are itilfcrisig yrith MPPTAs or tAtspnisease in any Tenn. dot wait until - the sib t eMe has taken* the' bold goon you. but uss_the Regulator when the symptoms; first show thew selves. -It has rallirred unteldAsutterlng: 'lllll - LIVER REGULATOR As not an alcohoild stimulant; but • PURELY VEGETABLE REM. . MDT that trill - Cure wheteivryttlng esker falls. .It it a faultless family medleine.rt' Does pot dtsananp. the spite:ll: Is no violent draAtle purge. but mi. ture's Own remedy. The friend of crayons. and ,will not disappoint you. A. siogbsArial will- con since you that It lathe Cheapest:Treed and best Family Medicine in Shp Toni& - .AS the 14celveredilyipeptiekhdliasta sufferer's. victims of fever and ague, the mercurial diseased patient' bow they recovered their health, cheerful spirits dud good appetite- 4 / 1 0y •wili tell you by takVng 8111 MONS LIVER REGULATOR. ASICTOUR DRUGGIST FOR SIMMONS I a rVER! REGULATOR ' Original and Oenntne prepared only by J. Z . V.IMI $i CiO PlaWzratrik BOLD BY 44.6)1111GG15T/3.. SALES " •tow VEGETABLE mums Neam.o s op f ° 'et • - j r RELTEVITER, Ttitkatandard article to compounded' with the greatest care., .It a eflacta are as wonderful . and tadsfactery u GM ' It restores "vat or faded hair to . Itis yonthiut • It removes alleruptions, itching and dmidruff ; and.tle scalp py Its use benomes white and clean. By Its tonic propetties It restores...the capillary glandi to their normal "Igor, preventli4 baldnes,, and making the hair groir thielcand strong. As a dressing nothing has bee. u Nund so effectual or desirable. br. /64' Stlite Assay e r of Wassachm setts. says of, It: .•' I co4sl.llfr !tithe best prepara tion for its Intended pimp/su f ." , . • BUCKINCHAM'S DYE, This elegant preparation may be ruffed' on, to change the, color of the , beard.-from gray or any other, undesirable shade, to brOWn or black r at dis cretion. ISis easily-applied. being In one prepara. 'ion, . and quickly and effectually produpts a per manent color which will neither rub norsraelt off. S. A. LATTIMORE R. P. HALL 4c: Nashua. H.. H . , Pinslrtla (_.•• so/ __it .1.,e If/ Tel CLOTHING! CHEAPER TITAN AT ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT IN TOWANDA BOROUGH! MN FOR THE WHISKERS.," Y~YCFAC7Iaau BY Sold by all Druggists and dealers lo Medicine "Miscellaneous. It is a conceded fact that J. K. BUSH CIS SELLING liIS STOCK COMPRISES EVERYTHING; IN THE LINE -OF 3 11 T o e y n "s" CLOTHING yetnth. AND GrEiTS' FURNISHING t GOODS OVERCOATS LOWER THAN' EVER BEFORE ' • OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. J. K. BUSH, BRIDGE - STREET, RWANDA. Agricultural Machiliery R. M. Welles, Towanda, Pa-. Wholesale and Retail dealer in IMPROVED FARMING IMPLE MENTS AND MICIIINERY. WIRAD TRUE bRILLED:PLOWB Gale Chilled Plows, . • -Best Reversible Plows, Adgate and Enterprise Churn Powers, Corn Spellers,. Farm Wagons, Platform .Wagonsiliuggies, r.eed-Cutteis, Grain Drills, ACP M1L1FE417,32C/ BARROW AND CLOD CRUSHER, Bullard'a•llay Teddera,• Leader and Gale Wheel Rakes, Tompkins' County Unproved Cultivators, Mowing Machines, • . Reapers, Plow Sulky Sprout's Hay Elevators and Harpoon Forks. • Liquid Paints, mixed ready . foi the brush. of best brands.. EX STAR HYDRAULIC CEMENT, &c., &c. Call tad see my stock or,send for circulars and prices. " °Mee In C. P.Wellea. 99-Cent Store. Warohouse directly lit rear of same In 11'0.1110y. , R. M. WELLES. ' Towanda, Marti' 11, 1880. EDWARIYWILLIAMS, PRACTICAL PAUMII.64I' GAS' FITTSII. Plaee of business, a few doors north ofrost-Oftlee. Plambing, Gunning, Ittepalrigg Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of tiearing promptly attended to. All wanting work in his ltne.should give him a call. Dee, 4. 1879.. SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE IN ►af tryrt.—Vint Winter Term commences MONDAY, NOVEMBER leT, 1280. .Expenses for board, tnltlon and furnished room, from 4172 to 080 per rear. For catalogue or further s pa:Mu /aro ad4fo2a the Friar 11.41IIINLAN, A. Y. Towaials, October 1180. , • Seer) *leeP• At least a few sheep shouldle kept on every &rm.; into . kind of stock is lime profitable. In 4tarting a flock; a 'few superior' Animals should be eboten instead of double the namber of Inferior ones. The increased value of :a flock range from good sheep, will greatly exceed thoincresiedeost of a feW good' ones to start with, over -what inferior ones would lave cost. 'Start with good sheep and keep them good or mike them-better, by gener ous keeping. If one intends to half starve his sheep he might as well be gin with hart - staried asithey Would bo more likely to "hold their own "than those kised to better keep ing.- Sheep-keeplitg; however, is not profitable when the starving.process is adopted,.and'we would not recom mend it to farmers who practice any such methods. When good' sheep Are purchased to. start with and' are well kept, sheep keeping is profitable, beneficial to the farm; and it is to be cotemended.--Leteistown Journal. How -to ;Judge' a Horse. The folloiving simple rules will be found useful to' all parties about to huy a horse: , J. Never -take the seller's word ; if dishonest, he 'will be cert4tin to cheat you ; if diSposed to be fair, he may have been the dope, of another and will deceive yon throughreprf sentation\ which cannot be relied up on. 2 Never trust a horse's mouth as a sure index to his age. • 3. Never buy a horse while in mo tion ; watei him while at rest, and you will discover bis weak point. If sound he will stand firmly and square ly on his limbs, without moving any of them, the feet - planted Sat upon, the ground, with legs plumb and.nat tirally poised. If one foot is throlin forward with the toe pointing to the ground and the heel raised / or if the foot is lifted from the ground, and the weight taken from it, disease of the navicular'bone may be suspected,, or at least tenderness, whirl* isa pre-; cusor of disease. If the footeiti thrown out, the toe raised and the heel Arought down; the 4orse has suffered from laminitis, fokmdei, or the back sinews have been sprained ,a_frif he is of little future value. %Men the feet, are aft thrown together beneath the horse, if there has been no disease, therb is a misplacement of 'the liM,bs at least, and 4: weak disposition , of the mus-, eles.C;' If the - horse stands with his' feet'spread apart ; or straddles with the hin' legs, there is a weakness of the loins.and the kidneys are disor dmd. Whea the knees are bent, athe legs totter and tremble, the bet has been ruined by beavy pull ing, and will never be right again, whatever rest anti treatment he may have. Contracted or ill-formed hoofs speak•for themselves. 4. Never buy ti horse with a bluish or milky cast in •his,eyes. They in dicate a constitutional tendency to opthalma, moon blindness, etc: - 5. Never have anythink, to do with a horse who keeps his ears thrown backward. This is an inZticatipn of bad temper. 6.' 11 the. horse7s- hind legs are scarred} thnAlict denotes that he is a kicker.• • • 7: if the knees •are blenAshed; the horse is at to stumble. 'B. When the 'skin is rou;211 and haiish l and does not move easily and smoothly to the touchy -the home is s very heavy dater .his digestion ' 9. Avoid a horse n huse re•Tiratpry organs are at all ippaire4l. l lf 11. e ear is placed at the si(ltl= of the heart„ and a wheezing sound is:bi.ard.'.it is and.indiezition of! -tronbki, go.—Turf; Field mid Farizi -,Vinegar from- Cider. NEM -,;Cider is so cheap this = seasonthat Miners who study economy will be likely to make their own vinegar: The process of manufacture is very simple. The best vezirsel to tie in making vinegar is .a barrel- in which': hard cider or vinegar has. been stor ed. ' ilfa new barrel' is employed, it should be thoroughly rinsed out, ,a gallon or more hot vinegar poured' intad' allowed to soak into the wood. presence of a small amount of old.vinegar will cause- .the contents 1 of the yessel . to acidify more rapidly. The barrel in which vinegar is made should not be entirely; full of cider. It is best leave a space equal to about one-third of the 'Capacity :of the vessel in which the air can.eireu.-•- I late.. The bung of the barrel shoUld be left out and the Yessel placed 'on its side about a foot from the floor. -1 In order to. increase the circulation ofnir it is well to boar a hole in each end 'of the barrel a'f_few indica troml the'chinie. A -temperature I of abouo eighty deg,res' is most far . - I orable ta. the rapid making 'of vine- gar. „This may often be conveniently; I obtainectlby placing the vessel back of the stove in the cooking --- tvom.l Sometitae's• a loft over the - kitchen can be employed for the.nianufacture of a considerable amount of ,vinqgar during the winter.. If. a stovepipe runs, through the room the requisite temperature_ may be obtained without extra expense.: - The process of changing the cider into vinegar may:be hastened by oc casionally rolling) the barrels from. aide to side. • 'Cider to which mus= tard seed,. 'horseradish and sulphate of lithe= have been added with a view or keeping it sweet cannot 14ponvort ed .ifito vinegar. It is not - neeessary to hive hard ciderlin order to.manu facture vinegar, ' It may be made - to .good advantage from juice just ex pressed from' apples. It is customary' to allow the new cider tir.remain a week or Vito in open. tubs or barrel's from which One head - has, been - re moved befOre placing it in. the barrel that is to serve as a, vinegar genera-. 'tor. During this time it passes 'through the vinous fermentation ; and Is tolerably . If It" is strained' • before it is putln the generating bar , relan accumulation of sediment may. be. -prevented. By filtering . eider through animal ch areoater bone-black the vinegar made from it - be . nearly colorless. By adding a little 'burnt sugar or caramel a dark-color ed vinegar may be obtained. Vine= gar of very fine, flavor can be -manu factured only from the juice of sound, 'well-flavored applei.- The taste' of acetic acid, which is the sour princi pal of - vinegar, is not • pleasant. It requires to be modified by- the natur al acids and other substances Of agree-- able flavor contained in frniti. „ MM Saving Manure. Geo. C. Clark writes to the Elmira Farmers' Club as follows: "I - find the discussions in,your club are-often on the subject, How to,make manure and, how to use it.' : 1 1Iy plan I have not seen suggested. Now this is the • plmr I adopted nearly _tbsee years. ago; I graded my. barnyards into a %Sin"shape, the lower part under my eow•stable windoW. Then I settled a cistern five- feet deep and - eleven feet square. Then -I laid my walla with water and cement s sowhen done it wait, eight .feet square. Then, I •made a stout ' wooden frame and placed it In' the centre ;to receive a flagstone covering. Thiel is all Wow 'the surface and inclitied towanfthe centre., Thin I put in a ribber chain pump high enough to spout out the drainage into a hogshead —standing on-trucks. I heave the manure from the stable right on to the cistern. This protects it from 'frost. The drainage from other- stables all ten- tres into this cistern. Now, the leaching of - the manure heaps is what_ I save to saturate .mY land. - I use a street sprinkler.. Drive about twen ty rods and back, the . load - is dis charged. Last tear I saw a decided improvement in my meadow; timothy tall and coarse, sold it for'retail hay . I use the liquid. to mix with • Paris• green on lay potatoes. It is agoo , l fertilizer as well as death to the hugs. I never invested in patent.fertilizer.. I think a farm that can't furnish it, own fertilizers is no farm for me. The above is the cheapest and easie , P, handled and spread on the fields. save over a 100 loads' every year. I think it worth as much as so rnany loads of manure." - Do Not .Neglect .Youi Wells Friend, you ,have a mild your well? Go for it at Once. no , not eat "or ;sleep . - till .it is remove,'.Take a hoe.. and drag out the mud and filth, and then fill - the bole with dry Soil or sand; '• After • doing - this,. shut out the pigs and poultry frr,th , the well, and keep' them out. If the curb is broken or rotted down, re place With a new one. After doing •, this, scaape away the grass and stir.' face soil around the well, arid re_pl'ace • With a layer sand andgravel. If, frOm the eharacteLpf- the land yottr well.ever fills. with water, cut a ditch. six feet deep all. around it; the distance of a few yards; and'have an outlet' frOm this to take Off the water. The water ,n the well' will not, after this ; rise higher than the, bottom of the; ditch. ' If your water is muddy and impure, throw in' a peck of•liree' to'purify it. - If animalculat appear in thet,water, throlv in a half a gallon of salt to make them settle to the. bottOm. And it is, -worth 'i'while to take'some pains to Di up's9me con'. veniences . at your well'. ~.'bench. to set the bucket on -LW - tile it is beit,::4 filled, and a handy and easy way to get the water, and asmooth,•dry p'lth from the' well to the kitchen-these things will ral,ke' s' mach -1, 1. task of your 'Wive and Farmers, do not ne lectiy, single day longet,'7put st about them is neat and V terminc; to keep it so.— Farmer. Household Recipe,. • ICE CREAM C.....7i11".-O ne; an(; half pound of "A sugar ? " two tai spoonfuls of hutter ; one and,a halt teacupfuls of water; the rind o 1 hlf . .a lemon. Boil Until it • will crisp -when drlpped. into cold. water ; st:t aside; s and When it Las ceased hub stiF in the juice of a lemon': When cool,- takt - ,:!itit and pull until u kite. Draw 'hitt) thin stick .and 'cheek in'o three or four inch length , . TI c - s'crab be. stirred all Aime., it APPLE • I:MI/Will an:l j . el3v may • be made SpitZt:l.Lt ',;, c,r - Northt rn Spys. trii9 r. , 1 core ..t./ tLr whole haC a 1(1, ting 4 k : soft. 'Pour into a r -rain .o:r• the and run it thr.,ugh a . jellv-ling. ore .161 f - ht-tIT. Mt`fll-111 - + and to every three eifus silos two cups of 14t , ar and bofl:a., , ain fifecen minute—. If liighiptlavilwrijelly k ot manilla may be! tylkied before turned into tlid cup-1. Most jelly reci pes give an erihal Measure of itzutzar and fruit juice, but in making kily of . winter apples I have 'found tWo Of sugar to time •of fruit, give a good firm jelly that •will cut srnoothly:With a knife. ' A Cu , or COFFEE.—To malie a cup of good'eotiee an esSentral - art is re quisite. Many women who prat's themselves, and justly. 'upon their' skill fail here. '_l7.Or early risers and. those who require an early breakfast there is a mode of making coffee so generally practiced . as: to •be almo-t universal is this country, and that is simply- bOil ground 'coffee' fer few minutes and .then. either settle. the grounds with cold water Or give them time to settle gradually. -.This: mode can be .greatly improved, by corking the spout with a - cotk, cloth or paper, thus prventing the escape of steam which oases from the. boil lug cotlee. By the escape of the steam we lose much of .the _aromatic -flavor that renders coffee .palatable.." Let those who cook coffee after' this methodlry- our pl in, -and they will' find a vast improvement: An emi nent chemist recommends' the follow ing as a "favorite way of making this now universal beverage Three , fourths of the coffee should be boiled anti the 'remaining fourth infused, after Which the whole - should be mix ed. By this means both the strength and the flavor ; are increased. To preserve the tiavOr of. ground coffee' it should be ,wet . , with the. syrup of sugar and' -then covered ' with . pow dered sugar; in. this way the-volatile partg of the coffee are prevented from .ese'aping. As heretofore said, coffee. after being roast2d- shOuld tie each 1. ed ,from the air . and ,kcpt in a dry place if not used at:once, as it absorb; from the atmosphere .and . gradually it • lgseS its flavor.. 1 „, D P lITES A COPPF3. 13011, Use a . coarse. cloth ; have a pail of very hot Water;. soapthe-clotti a lit tle ; sprinkle on .plenty of- pnlverizeil borax, and rub the boiler. well ; rittz ulf with- hot water;- and dry with a soft cloth. The boiler can he bright -this way as quickly as with acid. 1"011K CAKE keeps:weW Potirlialf a pint boiling water ofer one poun'l fat, salt pork, chopped very fine, two cups Sugar,_ one cup molasses ; stir" into the molasses one teaspoonful, daleratus dissolved in. a little warm, water ; one pound raisins, seeded and ehopped.flne; one-quarter pound can-- clod:citron, 'cut fine. 'Stir, in cri , vgli sifted-flour to make condistance 01 common .cake • mixtures, add ont!- ounce 7'each of grated nutmeg and fine-ground cloves, two ounces flue cinnamon. Bake slowly. Two young ladies recently saw a young man trying to dodge three cross hornets, which into his room and seemed to wine at him from all directions ; L nd thaw thought bo" was practicing the ;ac quet, and said he was getting it o'dcwn line. '