JANUARY NIONTII:UES. —Appleton' s Journal for Januar, be- - gins a new v./ohne% and the - publishers annomice their intention 'of adhering to their purpose of praline", intelligent leaders with literature with Permanent and sterling charades on all topics which affect public - Welfare and general culture. "Large space," they say, "will continue to be given to literary and art themes, to disensinoos of social (mations, to critical and speculative essays, to papers, original and selected, that in any way are rely to interest intelligent people, or which will reflect the intellectual activity of the age." - A. feature will be brilliant novel , ettes froni French, British and borne wri ters ; and considerable attention will be given to comprehensive and analytical re view of important new books. A. sub editorial department has been added, an er the title of "Notes for- Rcleya," 'in whicti will be preserved many' minor thingi iii literature of intereet . to readers. The contents of. the Jila* number consist of arreview, with an abundance of entertaining ,; extracts, of 7nivelyan's -14 Early History of Charles Jaines Tor ;" the beginning of a new novelette OrErek rearm Chatrian ; reviews of Amicis's ' " Holland and its People," of " Endymi on," and of Lady Jackson's "Court and Slims of Old,aris." There is an article on the'School of Philosophy at Concord ; 'and a paper of great interest and value, entitled "Social Life among the Early Greeks," A collection of "Vera de So ciete" includes some charming- trifles of • this character. Then we. have Professor Seelye's "Political Somnambulism," and 1 other paters, with the editorial depart mints. • —Buckle's explanation of the decline of the spirit of religions. persecution, was that in modern times faith had undergone an eclipsei,;and men couldnot briegthem ., selves to persecute others into believing that whereof they were themselves sleep -•, ticaL The inadequateness otthis expla nation of one of the most striking social phenomena of our time is forcibly shown in the North American Review for Janne . • •. : - 1 ry, by Prvfessor John Fiske, who assigns ' la number of other causes 'that have beep ' !at least as influential 'in bringing about this most desirable 'result. First, there • is the decline of the martial spirit and the -greater devotion - na pkific industrial pur suits. Then, as men rise in the scale of . civilization, they are less disposed to Is domineering. ' Finally, - men in modern times have quite lost the-sense . of corps rate responsibility the belief that a " whole-community is liable for the whole i offences of each individual comprised it it. These points - are established With all the ingenuity of reasoning and wealth of laraing for which the author is PO distin guished. The other articles in this num ber of the Ileciete are : "Controlling For ces in American Politics," • by Senator George F. Edmunds ; " Atheism in Col ' leges," by President John Hascom ; " Thr Ruins of Central America," by. Desire Chanaay ; " Partisan Government," 5 1)3 • William D. LeSneur ; "Popular Art-Ed ucati:/n," by Professor John F. Weir : The Limitations of Sex," by Nina Mo rals ; " The; Mission of the. . Democratic Marty,.'_- x 1 Marty,.'_- b yt:illiam A, Wallace ; and finally; a rev w of -Recent Philological Works, by P , fessor F. A.. March. The /:e-rini‘is sold by bOoksellers and newsdealen . 3 generally. .. A MYSTERIOUS LAKE Laurel Bill is one of the highest of the range of mountains extending from Lib erty to Ralston. -From this mountain, southward, is a wilderness 'of many miles in extent broken only 'by - the Lycotning _ valley on the eact, awl Pine creek on the •. west. Our Laurel Hill passes the old State road, surveyed from Trout Run to Corning, N. Y., and used while the :In dians yet inhabited - tha country. Tradi tion tells of many fights in those days be t w een the pioneeri and the natives. In this wilderness not many miles froth Lau rel Rill is a sheet of water that bears the • name among the people living near of the " Mysterious Lake." The mystery about • the lake is that it has never been seen-ex cept by • persons lost in the woods and that they have never been able to find its a second time. A land surveyor was lost in the woods one day in midwinter and came upon the lake. It was covered with ice awl , the 'peculiarity about it was that the edges appeared banked 'up. as if by the hands of man. The surveyor - found , . his way home, but although he has made - several attemps, has never been able' to find the Joke again. Another man came - upon the lake in the spring and noticed many trout in the water. lie observed the same peculiarity in its banks. as re marked by the 'other. Others have come upon the lake when out of their way and all give the same account of it. 'artier • have been organized for tt•e purpose of finding it, but their search has always proved futile. Some of the 'old German people•who live just north of the trionn._ tains are strong believers in witchcraft, and aver that the lake is the work of evil spirits. Whether such a body of water exists or whether it is - only in -the imagin ings of easily frightened people. lost in the woods; it is certain 'that the " Myste rious_ Lake" is the subject of much spec ulation among the people who-live in the vicinity of Laurel hill.—C raton Sentinel. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE•BRADFORD REPORTER ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR • MUMBLE LIMB ANIANCI SOLIEI OF THE E.S.. , NEW YORK CITY. PERFECT SECURITY. AETS... EVRPIXS All pr,licteg ISCo.v TES TMILA* ctrlirr Urea Nearly $5,000.0e0 paid to:Polley-lield. NOT A CLAM CONTESTED lasi:mane* in the EQUITABLt on the TONTINE -SAVINGS lUND PLAN. Combines the advanteces of 1 • ORDINARY LIFE WITH ENDOW• NIENT ASSURANCE; Securing a pratittats !Ointment, with posittre protection to n your family. for full particulars of TOWTIN L. and all other forms of polity tuned by this Society, - apply to JOHN LE STRYKILZ. Agent. At That National Bank, Towaada, Pa. L. C. .Coe. Manager, .130, Broadway, N. T. Nor. Mb., DSO. . • , MN IN ADVANCE -.527,06,441 .... 7,50,407 rza2 ers In IS7S. E. PINKRAM. LYDIA E. PINKHAIIIre ME V= =MM. The Podthre Cars Poi all Female Complaints. Thts prepitel los. es CJ zone elgatisk essalsta ci ,Itergetehie Proyertles that are barrages to Um IMO Ws& bete heat& • Cyan eme trial t. # iets et the Own • vowel wilt be reeccaterd, assets( icedew. sad we Its meta eardszed. is nisketywhe rases to weal *el, a yerminetteare Is elbsetbswmarkle taw • illy. Oa imeetert aids proem twerie, It Is Sealy sw eaelasessiad Lad peseeritred by the bet phyahidas ha the eoaafrl. IS will tare esthrely the worst tons of WOW et the lateral, lwaccrebtes. Ir74ttlar sod pate& learbweloo, all Dineen Trouble, lan sad Ckerattols. floe:togs. all IM;;Weiweesta eel the eon sagest ottal weakness, and Is fordar admitted to the Ctratage of We. 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