JANUARY NIONTII:UES. —Appleton' s Journal for Januar, be- - gins a new v./ohne% and the - publishers annomice their intention 'of adhering to their purpose of praline", intelligent leaders with literature with Permanent and sterling charades on all topics which affect public - Welfare and general culture. "Large space," they say, "will continue to be given to literary and art themes, to disensinoos of social (mations, to critical and speculative essays, to papers, original and selected, that in any way are rely to interest intelligent people, or which will reflect the intellectual activity of the age." - A. feature will be brilliant novel , ettes froni French, British and borne wri ters ; and considerable attention will be given to comprehensive and analytical re view of important new books. A. sub editorial department has been added, an er the title of "Notes for- Rcleya," 'in whicti will be preserved many' minor thingi iii literature of intereet . to readers. The contents of. the Jila* number consist of arreview, with an abundance of entertaining ,; extracts, of 7nivelyan's -14 Early History of Charles Jaines Tor ;" the beginning of a new novelette OrErek rearm Chatrian ; reviews of Amicis's ' " Holland and its People," of " Endymi on," and of Lady Jackson's "Court and Slims of Old,aris." There is an article on the'School of Philosophy at Concord ; 'and a paper of great interest and value, entitled "Social Life among the Early Greeks," A collection of "Vera de So ciete" includes some charming- trifles of • this character. Then we. have Professor Seelye's "Political Somnambulism," and 1 other paters, with the editorial depart mints. • —Buckle's explanation of the decline of the spirit of religions. persecution, was that in modern times faith had undergone an eclipsei,;and men couldnot briegthem ., selves to persecute others into believing that whereof they were themselves sleep -•, ticaL The inadequateness otthis expla nation of one of the most striking social phenomena of our time is forcibly shown in the North American Review for Janne . • •. : - 1 ry, by Prvfessor John Fiske, who assigns ' la number of other causes 'that have beep ' !at least as influential 'in bringing about this most desirable 'result. First, there • is the decline of the martial spirit and the -greater devotion - na pkific industrial pur suits. Then, as men rise in the scale of . civilization, they are less disposed to Is domineering. ' Finally, - men in modern times have quite lost the-sense . of corps rate responsibility the belief that a " whole-community is liable for the whole i offences of each individual comprised it it. These points - are established With all the ingenuity of reasoning and wealth of laraing for which the author is PO distin guished. The other articles in this num ber of the Ileciete are : "Controlling For ces in American Politics," • by Senator George F. Edmunds ; " Atheism in Col ' leges," by President John Hascom ; " Thr Ruins of Central America," by. Desire Chanaay ; " Partisan Government," 5 1)3 • William D. LeSneur ; "Popular Art-Ed ucati:/n," by Professor John F. Weir : The Limitations of Sex," by Nina Mo rals ; " The; Mission of the. . Democratic Marty,.'_- x 1 Marty,.'_- b yt:illiam A, Wallace ; and finally; a rev w of -Recent Philological Works, by P , fessor F. A.. March. The /:e-rini‘is sold by bOoksellers and newsdealen . 3 generally. .. A MYSTERIOUS LAKE Laurel Bill is one of the highest of the range of mountains extending from Lib erty to Ralston. -From this mountain, southward, is a wilderness 'of many miles in extent broken only 'by - the Lycotning _ valley on the eact, awl Pine creek on the •. west. Our Laurel Hill passes the old State road, surveyed from Trout Run to Corning, N. Y., and used while the :In dians yet inhabited - tha country. Tradi tion tells of many fights in those days be t w een the pioneeri and the natives. In this wilderness not many miles froth Lau rel Rill is a sheet of water that bears the • name among the people living near of the " Mysterious Lake." The mystery about • the lake is that it has never been seen-ex cept by • persons lost in the woods and that they have never been able to find its a second time. A land surveyor was lost in the woods one day in midwinter and came upon the lake. It was covered with ice awl , the 'peculiarity about it was that the edges appeared banked 'up. as if by the hands of man. The surveyor - found , . his way home, but although he has made - several attemps, has never been able' to find the Joke again. Another man came - upon the lake in the spring and noticed many trout in the water. lie observed the same peculiarity in its banks. as re marked by the 'other. Others have come upon the lake when out of their way and all give the same account of it. 'artier • have been organized for tt•e purpose of finding it, but their search has always proved futile. Some of the 'old German people•who live just north of the trionn._ tains are strong believers in witchcraft, and aver that the lake is the work of evil spirits. Whether such a body of water exists or whether it is - only in -the imagin ings of easily frightened people. lost in the woods; it is certain 'that the " Myste rious_ Lake" is the subject of much spec ulation among the people who-live in the vicinity of Laurel hill.—C raton Sentinel. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE•BRADFORD REPORTER ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR • MUMBLE LIMB ANIANCI SOLIEI OF THE E.S.. , NEW YORK CITY. PERFECT SECURITY. AETS... EVRPIXS All pr,licteg ISCo.v TES TMILA* ctrlirr Urea Nearly $5,000.0e0 paid to:Polley-lield. NOT A CLAM CONTESTED lasi:mane* in the EQUITABLt on the TONTINE -SAVINGS lUND PLAN. Combines the advanteces of 1 • ORDINARY LIFE WITH ENDOW• NIENT ASSURANCE; Securing a pratittats !Ointment, with posittre protection to n your family. for full particulars of TOWTIN L. and all other forms of polity tuned by this Society, - apply to JOHN LE STRYKILZ. Agent. At That National Bank, Towaada, Pa. L. C. .Coe. Manager, .130, Broadway, N. T. Nor. Mb., DSO. . • , MN IN ADVANCE -.527,06,441 .... 7,50,407 rza2 ers In IS7S. E. PINKRAM. LYDIA E. PINKHAIIIre ME V= =MM. The Podthre Cars Poi all Female Complaints. Thts prepitel los. es CJ zone elgatisk essalsta ci ,Itergetehie Proyertles that are barrages to Um IMO Ws& bete heat& • Cyan eme trial t. # iets et the Own • vowel wilt be reeccaterd, assets( icedew. sad we Its meta eardszed. is nisketywhe rases to weal *el, a yerminetteare Is elbsetbswmarkle taw • illy. Oa imeetert aids proem twerie, It Is Sealy sw eaelasessiad Lad peseeritred by the bet phyahidas ha the eoaafrl. IS will tare esthrely the worst tons of WOW et the lateral, lwaccrebtes. Ir74ttlar sod pate& learbweloo, all Dineen Trouble, lan sad Ckerattols. floe:togs. all IM;;Weiweesta eel the eon sagest ottal weakness, and Is fordar admitted to the Ctratage of We. It Irtil diatom and expel tams* from the sweats aft early siege of ocweireersat. • The tesederry to macerate UUCP the* to checked eery • , f neednibY it/ CR In- fart It law perish' to he the peat sad bet weedy that bat ere. . been <heaver • Gd. It Pertmirtes ewe, bastion attar fleas, &Adele' W Uhrand egos. It recluses tahatrees,fiatelemm, de. . Oros aUeresisg tar eidtartiahla, arid rees — es madam _ el' the swear* li ems /Skating, Berser Nervous rmasstion. 4; Generral Deba lty. E7eeyiesoca,. ben and lad yeeicw- net fee Mir of bearbse Gown. carmtne psis, weight and barkaaw, Is dust's, tereweezi-1 cared by dis are. It will at aIl tl ea. and staler all dreamless ea. act In tersely withtheibw that resew the cs X. 14-10 Costylatag of eities 'ses tWa er;:apscad cograPlusticL Lydia E. Finkharn's Vegetable Coinpound Umpired at 1;2 aitit We Arefste. Lyra. Xls.. Price SLT. Sstcraei fcr *sm. Simi ay mail is tie torn of 144, aiao Ln th form sof lettetwea, as reeetpl of prim, *LAO, per bet fir etther. w ra PUCEELAN freely &Warn all Utter:a QC brr_iry. gra for palm Wet. atAricts as s:yn nps i =prr. So fa.r..4.isFborzi be ••:!.. , 1-,c LTDIA L P.. — CIEILLIC Llt PI'S. They c-..t.rz Cer.st!patics. =imams imatTorouilty of f.et eortr 1 Lex., N. H. DOWNS' VISETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR Is a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Diseases, when taken in season.. People die of consumption simp ly because of neglect, when the timely use of this remedy would have cured them at. once. -Fittlfresni veers of con stant use proves the fact that no cough remedy has stood the test Wm Downs' Elixir. Tria3sc 60e sod ED() per bottla. . Tot Ws Zwaryarbm. Dr, Baxter's Mandrake MICITTEBM will care Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints. Indigestion, and all diseases arising from Bil iousness. Price 25 cts. per bottle. , Tee asis Joe 7wberc umY i . J011315031111 ARNICA AND OIL LINIMENT For Anus and Beast. The most perfect. liniment ever compounded. Price asa and Soc. Far e.l. Zymitare. PE IS A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY Fer IDTERNAL =TEMA Vs.. PAIN . KlLLERM;grig7nri.. t... - .Pide,szlit jape r ay e d a ir to vu;s , Amda. ptilti KILLER 414,.::::,c=jorrzar, .13 fur: bcea. Dysentery. tranakss.Minierti. trod nit di...fet Cw,nricista. PAIN Klafil ai rEtWl T T BEST eT~~edf :•!:-k a I endnelke, nln ;he r err lade:. ittiputlation. an "%enrollee. PAIN KILLER V.r. -- -iIiEN"74II4•D B EI I rpeody ax.peran-o-md reliff In ad MEM - gay. Sprscloortteerre Barns. eic:- PAIN KILLER tne arell-trc I and truFt‘l. frlerd of tlx Aterbrlde. antieft Planter. fc . ..-ciler, and 1:2 fa,-t ;el times • aerdielne al•rapc at la ad. and alp to '•-•• Intrrnally Or externally en:taint/ c 1" r•••liet". . • • fanal,'Y stn •aferl ta r•lth•-e-tthlt in. y tla, t:^l a- ta:rws • t~ fh of Al:, A •1 - • :t :-• - • el • tXtlll. A7lS — lk Z rt;::c 1t.;16 Sa4 BACK ACHE QUICKLY CURED "BY. CARTERS Smart Weed Belladonna Bacticlie Plage „ . These plasters thntain Smar t Weed and Bella donna—both wonderful pant relleteno--in addi tion to the usual gums, balsams. Ete.. used in other porous plastund are cotsequenth , , supetiorto ail o".a.m for Weak or Lame Back co,Ah of the Chester Lungs. Asthma. • . sidiiiimiataiii:crick 3a theßitele. Buz art - d Y_oT all Pains sad taster can be Aches. tined. If. you have any tied 6r a Porous . Ktreugihening Piistm we L : lo.), this one .vid. or-tr. It is 5.-re to give relict, ar.-1 pais Pr D e t where it is applied. Alt roes drucgist for Carter's .C:n Ed!.: - .d0..n I ae Ms, : CARTER MEDICINL .Cr) Toe sib) la ?armada by C. ?. MUT AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR popular New Book, TUE 'IIIDUSTBIAL BLS .%.11.1' OF THE UNITED STATE& Its Ag. rtcalture, Bareseturee. Mining; Making, baser. soes.-ete. 'Agents make ftS to gttO per west. Bead for Speetal Terme to fig.wng BILL Puntientits Co., Norwich, Ct. . N0v.44,4. = Thin ,111 1 1' The Y.Tribuite FOR 188,4 TIM LARGEST (111CULMINAMOG TEE BEET PIPPLEi Owlet the, past less the Ifirer-Tort 'MUM reached the largest cirdelation Est with UM single exeeption of a deor la ne• !lest Linenle campaign. It, is tarpr dwellings. asd more whielydistribetted werthewbele country. than Waver enjoyed by any other aewspimer it* Veiled States. This fad may be takes se the verdict of the Antedate pe4rM on The Tithing , * Wattled Owe, its Sanity to sound peincipleasoff its wilts ass newsPoPer. for nel. The Telibunewlll try le deism welt of the public. What and tuisr much 1.4= the success of Gmerata/Garleni it is nuntset to he cutest Republicans tell. It. now hopes to give to his Admintstration a discriminating support le elective as ill efforts for his election. The Tribune will Wen for. and 11. coeldently expecte She lecenring Atnetaistiation In ecocide. a tree ittel fair enrage, South and North, sound money,. - protection to flame industry. - judkieus IlbefgAllf it Internal impreseereents, and a Civil Seed= conducted me business prineiplei. - on the theory of elevating. sot of igtionlig tun 0'4141010g Zed' zen whoireged to bring in this Ad. -ministrialocr should watch Its course. The events sa-be - Wegitet . . lin The Tribune for len will there fore have a peculiar taterest. The year promises besides to diew Whether tbr South wit still mai- See eierything solidity; sad whether tbe Demo. crane party, after twenty years of disloyalty and defeat, will dissolve or reform. Abroad it 'show whether l.ngiand can enepose Ireland ; whether the grin to In France. without the sup ; art of the leaders who established can stand alenii; whether the Turk ran anger polintelEurope. In edenee it powises web practical triumphs as the iueof decuicity.for vs. new antacid beading. and new forces of power In dace of steam. in Literature and art it olds the very Sower of our nineteenth century development ; In Religion,. a -commit:a:ion of force, and anima organizations on simpler creeds and better work. , No intelligent SAD will be willing to liee Wimp the year without reading of these thing; aed be will be wise co look for them In the journal which has Meg enjoyed the distinction of the largest entation among tau time people. This positioniThe Tribune secured anti means to retain by becoming the medium of the bed thought and them:dee oi the best consclener.of the;new; by keeptng Wean of the highest progress. ftering the freed Oscar. ante. heertng all sides.,appealing Wways tp e hest Intelligence and the purest morality, and refuslag to ester to the tastes the die. or the prejudices of the ignorant. The well-known special features of The Tribune will be sedultenly maintain , * ` its Agricultural DeparUnent will remade the fullest and ben. The Household and the Young Volts' Departments. the lit.rary, scientific and ',igloos feature, the 'standard market reports, will all be kept eg. and, as opportunity offers. extended. . Tema of-The Taunt. P•st.tige free tet tAe Vatted States. DAILY TIIIIION't - .41 oc - DAILY TRIAMISIL. without Sunday edition— 10 00 ScaLP.ILY TllllWlllf 2 00 THE, SEMI-W-XEELE TRIBH:NE. Single copy, one year,, . $2 00 rive copies. ate - 2 SO each Ten copies, one year ' 200 earl Single copy. one year - Five copies, one Sear' 1 SO each Ten copies, one year • 100 each Any nuinber of copies of either edition above ten at the seam rate. Additions to clubs may be made at any time at club rates. Remit by. Draft on New- Tort, Post Mice Order. yr in Registered Letter. ER - AND - ` { t ~ r. w erover a. ccrtc 111M1..i. show••• 11 Eri THE WEEKLY TRIBFNE. THE TRIBUNE PREMIUMS. The Tribube iiss'never been equalled in the sob molls' and permanent value of its premla to agents and sebeerttrers. and , ff. adds .to Its l istthis' year two of the. moat deitrabli it has ever offered. Note the tolkartmg •- - The . Great Bible Concordance. Analytical COneordance to the Bible, on an en , I tirely new plan, containing every word In siphs, betleal order arrangedunderits Hebrew or Greek original, with the literal meaning of each and Its pronunciation ; eXhibitint 311,000 references, 116.- 000 beyond Cniden ; marking 30,000 various read- ings in the New Testament; with the latest Infor mation on Biblical fieograpby and Antiquities. etc, etc. By Robert "Toung, LL D.. author otia new Literal Translation of the Hebrew and Grerek Scriptures; Concise Critical Comments on the same a Grammatical Analysis of the Minor Pro. pheta In Hebrew: Biblieal Notes and Queries; He brew Grammar. etc„ etc. In one handsome kusrto volume, containing over 1,100 threo.column pages. very substantially bound In cloth. The' pages and type are the same size as those of Websters Vabridged Dictionaryite type having i beautiful. bold. clear face. making it more fealty read even Man that of the Dictionary. rise stereotype plates open which It is printed hav ing been made by the photcrentabvitill Proms& ft is necessarily an team fac-simlie of the Esiglish work, witimmt the abridgement or variation of a word or letter. It is at mice a Concordance, a Greek, Hebrew and English j Lexicou of Bible words, and, a Scriptural. Gazetteer. and will be SI valuable LOW:dents of the Holy Word as an Una bridged Dlctlonart is to the general reader. Every home that has a Bible in It ought, also to have this ' great help to Bible.relt and study. It is as well adapted to the use of ill =nonreader as to that Of the scholarly elergyes This' great work was originally published In England In October, 96.9, and was sold at 115. We can now ofier.it In connection with The Tribune at the following remarkably low rates: For 11111 the Concordance and one copy of The _ Weekly Tribune five years, or flee copies one year. For 1111 the Ouncordanee and one copy of The Semi-Weekly Tribune five years. or Fie copies one year. or ten copies of The Weekly tribune one year. for 520 the Concordance and twenty copies of The Weekly Tribune one year. The postage on the Concordance is 40 cents, which the subscriber will remit if wishing It sent by mail. Except for short distances-the mall will be cheaper than the express.' Our second new premium this year is the follow ing: • The Library of trniiereal Knoirledge, • -Embracing Chambers's Encyclopedia complete, omitting oaly some of the cuts, with extensive aill• dttious by an able corps of American °elite's, Mat ing about 15,00 D additional_ topics. thoroughij Am - erica:llring the entire book,-Wain to It over 25 per cent. of the latest, freshest and most saline ble matter, the whole malting 15 Handsome Octavo Volumes of 6by eii Inches-in size, printed In large type on good, strong, calendered paper, and neatly and substantially - bound is cloth. • We can hirer this valuable work in connection with The Tribune as foll o ws: - T The Library of Untirenal Knowledge - ! complete In 15 octavo volumes. substan. For I.lllstantiall 7 bound in cloth as Moire de. ___ - - scribed, and The Weekly Trlbuni 5 1 years toAme subscriber. .. The Library o 1 Universal Knowledge For 01 as above described, and she Semi-Week- • • .ly Tribune 6 years to one subscriber. .; ' ThiLlbrary of Unlvenal Kt:umbilici For $l9 /as above described, and ten copies of The Weekly Tribune one year. / ,The Library of Universal Knowledge For SKS is above described, and twenty copies 1 of the Weekly Tribune one year. • • live Volumes of the work are noir . ready; the sixth is nearly through the press, and the rest will • rapidly follow. it will be sent by mail or express at the subscribers expense. The postage. If tent by mall, will be 21 cents per volume. z In packages, by express, they can be had much cbCaper. PROMPT WORK. To indite quiet work for this gßreat premium we mate the following mostertraordlnatyoferc With the first 2„000 orders received. for The Library of - Universal Knowledge we wilt send - „ - pahz.-__ as $ present from The Tribune, Yamada - re IWiory of England. in three handsofne volumes. prLtited on large'type sad good paper, and neatly.. - Wuni in These books, like the others. frill be sent at sub. scriber's expense by mail or expfess. rue poster on the three volumes will be 21 cents. A Magnificent Gift! WORCESTER'S GREAT UNABRIDGED DIC TIONARY FREE.: The New-York Tribune will send at subscribers expense for freight,- or 'deliver to Sew-Teri City free, Worcester's Great Unabridged Quarto Inns trated Dictionary, bound In sheep,.editionof 1179, the very latest and vertbest edition of that great work, to any one remitting $lO for a single five years' inbscriptlon in advance, or Ave one-year subscriptions to The Weekly, • Or. $l3 for a single See ;eels' Caliiicription In advance, - or Sire one-year spbseriptions to the Semi% Weekly, •or one year's subscripthm to The ' Deny, or, LSO fora single. three years' subscription In ad- 'ranee to The Daily Trlbane. For oae dollar extra the tdctionary can be seat by mall to any part of the totted States, midis for short distances the expresl is much cheaper. For any further lotonnattes desired, address TEE TEIEITIIE, naliAretk. TRY THE NEW YORK osnecaß THIS YEAR. The Largest and Best Family Paper in the World. Bind . Fin; Sample Copy=FREE NEW YORK OBSERVER, 37 Park Row, New York. GET YOUR Jflll PRINTLEG' ...00*$ AT Tlai7r.,. “RISPOR .471613 MEn..M.R.I. ••••••1 lay, Strwit . • TUa Hsy Crop is short, and good' Hay b too irabable,opt es:Wolfe to as ad sues sraa SISK eassomy. • Sege woo/ eiffslog sifyoof Tedder. $7 iii mews tat Yi of rob 'porn grotto. If ps love sot ob. nab: le bin pq t021t07 a large. Jhat-thalia A eVITZR. I Aft boot to Ibb• • . • I mg - wiled V etter. asviagiresioso to toppir the best of tem _ - iestbsoi kinds of Fodder ,Cutter* of various atie6eyies luta prices. seekes the Baldwin , Daniels. TelegraPhs Cale's Copper . Strip Rotary. awl G&W* Buiellent and Chimp Levers ; Cotter. ,„ these 1 hay for Fuel at the fewest poet& big prices, sad sell akcorrespondingly /ow pricer. • Order YOur Feed Cutter - Early, Became the ftrutand upon the manufacturers Is so beery now that orders requite much thee to beill.; d. i will delver free TEED 6TlTigB9 la fay gag goad station. 13et4 tor Circulars arid Prices. . 1 ' -• IL M. WELLES. Towanda, Nossuiber sa w ISM-41 GREAT SALES GOING ON ! GREAT SALES GOING, ON ! GREAT SALES . GOllig ON ! • Readpatade Cllthtag st i itserlaes. -• Bead y-amis Cicadas at a Saerighia., Nasty-n*o Clotttlait at a EseribtS. I LOTHINGI • iteady4We Clota at a Sacrifice. Iteady-inade Clothing et s Ready-made Clothing at a Swifts. TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED TWENTY-FiVE PR. CT. SAVED TWENTY-FIVE PR..CT;;SAVER For the Next .Forty Day/ v . _ For the Next Forty Days For the Next Forty Dap . =3: By buying of By buying of IL E. ROSENFELD E. ROSENFELD . . . . • fhe coisseqiiace of ibis great sale Of my stock is tbit I sm impelled to enlarge coy present stare to make nein for my Ineresslng bald ness. and Instant or mowing tiny stock while ball - Mg WILL er4..r. FOB COST for the nest 40 flays. No such chance for years to come. No such chance Tor years to come. .No snth chance for years to come. ran start going very fast. ran Stock going very fast. fall stock going very fast. • The opportunity to purchase - s CHEAP SUIT la • rare one, and sbooki be embraced by all. early at IL R. ROSENFIELD'S and enjoy the advantages Dom offered by Mtn. Towanda, Maid' 4,-11190 STEVENS & LONG Genera Dealers in ROiIpAIES, PitOVtSIOS,II COUNTRY PRODUCE; HAVE- REMOVED TO THEIR NEW STORE4I C9RNER OF'• MAIN PINE-Sty. alto old stood of Pox, Stevoits i Meteor They invite attentimi in their complete .. • • and very large stock of Choice New Goods which they have always on hatiSL. ESPIOIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO. THE PRODUCE TRADE, And Cash paid for dedrnble kinds. N. J. LONG Towanda, A pri 1 919. SPRING AND SUMMER 1880 L ROSENBAIJ & SONS. 201 EAST WATER STREET, NM DRY AND FANCY GOODS, ,;.,JOBBERS OF MILLINERY LARGINA.NItirr AND CHEAPEST MILLINERY 1111.11 fully so peals• lladsceissits sad ?Vices to A Is reqeetlicited. L. ROSENBAUM & SONS WITWATZR 81111 INT, • &Mbar* Nagar slat. 1171kyll. Oen 'mat Ms to. those wbo wish to mpg. la Um wan IdeaiSist act You.2big banana kooora. Z Capitol aottatialrod. Ire trig 7 11 **IP W * *AY ma ll = l * awls syltboat *Watt away boo OM Ito slit wbatoww. lim sow mutton as 41.111. Keay ant factual, at 0 1 * 14 . 110 .- Ladles make so Nara to as.. and young m boyar* sato gloat pay. o- oar *to la inim to w OM ork Ms moats sato N totwormil day Ma as to Mils IS a vast at way lowbssy oarylaftwoat. Thom sbo at atoo will DI abort tool to Mum L. 11"1"s" ICO -14.111181. LIP POW - rm. tins ir Yoga' urT,sepanit, l . Arrelis•rsiammeitiaboweludiar pp m^ ohm. - aurrriss. I lirairralla• 159.-7 , 3 71rik 11 .9 Z., • ir;••• • 11 . •' I • , 1 8 $ 9 19 9 I•'s. 4. 4 41 11 ...4.4 . 11/ 1141 . 114 , 4 4244 211 IS 12 1; MSS 114 444 41 , 440 4024 SU 0014 Si 404 IS)1 sa sa l 9 WU= 911 110.42 lama Itystasisg at 0.411 A. 311,Prisieb• tows sat. itaafiteriala 1123. Stowltalt lOW Oaf. padthse 4:40. 'remolds SAL Chair 7.A11. Mao 7:14. Athens M. Bare Waystly Is Elmira at lAD A. 11. No. II lama Wolfs at Wit P.M.. Vrastly talk tape 1120. MAN* sat. Antis 11:441. Ulster GAL lowatida Wsisaatog 740. fltaaabag Stow 7214 Itaimastatial 47. insebtava aerleliar Wjabistag SAO P. Y. 'halal • sad ft ran daffy. flaseptagianat tablas Lead It blames Magus rails 'Sea IPAIWADIPIIIs 4between I,yoes sod New Tan 'lama clasps Slertabg eats as S and • t between Battalo and Wl..Bsrra. Parlor can as Trains sad lk be. tra' Sprik Tails and ralloliaPhis wUbast elute. ImAttgroaes math to sad fres Wiebsidet wiz prams. _ t Se pt IP ACIIISL :LT. it. IL Slits. Pa.. Jose if. 18110. And Ow. STEVE'S,: • tt.311114‘, N. T Dealers In ALSO Tie Asegirtsiiat :of Ia thBSoathes2 Tier. itresoxs. Itsebsiisr: 111:=5 .30110041.' CE -AWE 4 Iliame linialiallikki rnmeauirs ai j To orraestag .t.wrine skita*zal iresbarrat maimpra. okbaa ;La Grasp. kalkJusii , Wilk- 'MYl'" , •fl Alleatirsra . rirmas -- ...Zama.- : 1 "1124 :11swi4'. 1. . it. itssiseis gabs. NATHAN TIDD, Desks In PITTSTON, WILKES. BARRE AND LOYAL SOCK COAL. Pl i rerstreet, esi liri T ers oiran f nla. eash. "I r e "J4sgrlt iNSIJR A:NcE! C. S. RUSSELL, P41 , 11t, TOWANDA, PA. FIRE , LIFE, AND -ACCIDENT POLICIES Isnot OD ID , * MOS! INRSOO6IIDiD Bone Nit retiabie companies repessenied. . • heti..Losses idjuste4 aid psid, Torniada, Now.:111, JAMES MoCABE Has removed to CORNER MAIN & BRIDGE-STS miklng it Ids Zeadquarters FOR CHOICE GROG. CASE PAID FOE BUTTER, EGGS, dic GOODS. SOLD AT THE LOWEST LIVING. RATES JAMES McCABE. Tainulds. #ptil 13, 18410-71. THE OLD MARBLE YARD A. ' . • T STILL IN OPEIiATION. • 11• The rtuderstreed bailee purchased the MBE BLZ YARD of the late GEORGE McCABE. 'tree to Into= the public that haring employed experienced men. he is prepared •to do all kinds of werli In the line of s 2dONIIMENTS, READ . FONES, MANTLES and fiery best =saes sad at Invest tubes. !in I dishier enything In the Marble line we tall sod examine work. and save agents' on. . H • , JANZB lacCAl3ll. ea. pit... Woe. IS. 111711. _tett ffE AT MARKET, 1• '' E :D RUNDELL, . D. • .. Watil'd respectfully , notifies that he Is continuing li the it business it the old stand of Ifalksek t Run 011, and will at all 'lmes keep a full supply of • rFRESII OYSTERS •tonstsistly Oft nand Cotmtry cit desists supplied st y rates. FRESH & SALT MEATS, GARDEN. VEGETABLES, FRUITS,, &c. w AR Goodordellvered ins of Cbaiga Towanda, Pa. Nov. 27, Ira. MEAT MARKET! MYER & DieVOE szunarmws BLOC*, -silDes. SWUM Keep en band. FRESH AND SALT MEATS, DRIED. BEEF, FISHLPODLTRY, GA DEN PECIZTALISLZE 111;11111:i1 IN THEIR MASON, &c. sr All reds delivered Iles et our Tetwohias. Pa. that ltit. Geo. L Ross, or the Third Weed Shoe. has opened hiveand convenient Store In the tolck Walt. !Ira weed. °media Heniptun Erotheen & Tracy , . Boot and Shoe rectory. sod has Oiled tt with A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE GROCERIES Which be bse purchased hi Now Tort for meth *ad the cotbleoessedlstausage of the putdie n uad respectiudy anuoduces that be WILL NOT 31 UNDERSOLD Sy -body. Goods mid NO kw so tee 'amt. Tomb, "awls, Is. ._,..... - .1.1.. • •..---- MNftURE STOBEI. „:irwo.mairs.lo.9sx! lall6 . . I a f1 ' IN; 1 4. 4 . 11 1. I, 41111 i ... 1 filli k 7 . 41 511111 - 14 ,ill Illy II l& -; M ... . 4‘. ..:. sirs . 4 oti •4044 . us 404111 IfilLlll . ... n ;11 a .luss .. Isms vi • omn ..1111111.....r .....„....... . 111 ... 19..... ta• ..ons 4 -1 uiss ..... • ... s' ... : 's i t :iii, ess War . s .... se sss •. 37 iiil Tillll 1:16 1 11117. 11 11115 .... WM Sat stilll .... IS 11411.:..1, 4311 , Inc -.... iv a •,... 1 es .44. 34 .is - Soda4MMl4..r tattlitios tads pot kir sow itomos.-to see fougimoll to tillor s = too* Ittaa war isele. sot at • • FURNITURE CHEAP . lit Time tie CHEAP EST Attie sone Vas vs trip op stsaistd etas: UNDER TAKING, We . lietsbetket. We an peepereirtodo se that Ilse en sheet-melee. sedan de esislael tipplers. • Toirs,ds. Nay Ist. 11711; Fapsys so s= FURNITURE! We erieliaw pregarea fee the SPIKING TILLDZ • with a fall Une of NEW AI4D DESIRABLE GOODS LATEST STYL ES AND LOWEST PRICES width w tastta•tts ' }stole torn sad,stimilse SHELVES, Z. D. ILUNDELL Located Is UM a DsTOM. OF ALL KINDS, IBM II Irommaielair Of all Mesas CMUPER' tars arsaassirl. Call and Bee for yourself N. P. HICKS. 11111014:8LLI ♦SD =TAIL Cl= Oar amicetnewt of ; PARLOR SUITS IN RAW SILK, TERRIS, PLUSH AND HAIRCLOTH, - V very lane, sad oar peiteS as low as tba lowest. WI bare s tell Use of CHAMBER. MU; WALNUT AND SOFTWOOD, 'bleb we an aping at a very low prim • tall line SPRING. BEDS, MATTRASSES AND PILLOWS. UNDERTAKING: In tida deparipent we alwayslarretbebestgeode a tae market. and are continual adding NEW STYLES • wtiaan tLa : • LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, Irbil* our Wets are the lowest. -IT. 0. FROST'S SONS' Towanehi, Apr 4 t, CHAS. JOHNSON & CO.'S Foundry' & Machine Shops, TOWANDA, PENN'A. • We claim to make the' BEST CIRCULAR SAW MILLS In the market. SHINGLE MILLS-LATH . MILLS Parnell's Improved Feed cutter, fitnnid's ICeystone Fire Rainier, OriswoWs Boas Water Wheels, Ward's Patent Buckwheat Cleaner, &c., &c., &c., &c. ENGINES ASO BOILERS • Made to order. Repairing of all kinds done en short noties. Satisfaction gaaraateed. . AWN manufactarers of and dealers in JOHNSON'S, PATENT Polishing and Fluting Irons The best lz the world: Agents wanted.. THAR. - JOHNSON it, CO. Towanda, Apr 1115,12110 L. B. POWELL, SCRANTONIPA.. General Agent for the i • CHICKERING PIANOS; STEINWAY_ PIANOS, And MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. Also initrunkents . of other 'sulkers. larte aseisemelHlGlANS fee *le awl sew I,W. s tswirria Plbaseil fU • lazgalstaelt at BUZZ? 1111810 and =SIC BOOILS. ilei4/ISten. vs.. left. mi. Ism LIST OLBOAL BLANKS . . .. . Prtated andirept es tale si the Derosess Oen= , -- 4 la irboieno o g e " I P" 4 ' Keltillre• • : • Deed. Treaseiere Bead. - CeDeeters BOO&. , . Lella. . . . - Candied. 1 • . . Coseedueeete.' Versant. , . . .. Ceastatdee letara.% Aida** , A= t riseue. Need la • - , . • Coesaddse Seto. ;. Coneetore Sales. • - - Ilebees .. . . PAM. f Llama's. ter User& Natelelpiesst. - • lisSo iledipmed *NIL • • . . , ea , lefratists um( ail Meet lb& awe Creams see mood b 7 dinnissol 1041841 , 11 , al& U Ow* gnat (*pulsate Opt ta &write earillicia. will" be - thi• veraN4 MIS WM KIM= AND LIVES el= la mode from s Leg Of SAWS YALU& and Its a I =l"Wcsaredi for Ws toWityr usehie!: .• itt.the 13sek, Severe Disginese, Iticitin, Inflamed Eies .41: Tired Feeling, Night iiirettat • Pains is the Loirer Part of the Body, Palpitation 9f the Heart, 'Ake, Gravel, Painful. Urination, Ita • vial Fever, Fever and Ague, ' - . . And sai diseases ceased by the SUWON Liver or trftifuT Orme befog out of order. It Is * SATVatitt CZEThIN cue forte Ye diflculttes, such as " . Letteomhon, Inflammation of the Womb, . Fallitt of the 'Womb, leeratka of the Womb, • t eciitrol and nigulitte toemistrustlM ito4 tie/anent sod tato remedy tar females dafr sPregmai`g e s Woos Purifier it is unequaled. for it an*, tiro *rpm that Suss We blood. Pr Boils, Carbuncles, Peroftila, , White Swell ing, Salt Elm* Poisoning by Mere curt' or anyfbther Drug, it is certain w every ape. For Incontinence. Impotence, Pains in the Loins, arid all Similar Disuses, it is a safe, sure, and quick cure. •tt is the only known remedy, that has eared Bright's Disarms. ' . • As a proof of the purity and worth of this Great 'Natural Remedy. read the following CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. M 8. A. ILAirrixois. Ph. D.. L. IL, D.. Profs.:sr of Chemistry in the University of _Rochester. MX, knowin the pipwarity and malt of Wausau's SATZ SIMIAN AND LIVED CENS,aftera charoagb Chemical Analysis, has fornisho the following statement: - tisivinstsv OP Rocurstni. I ' CIDLIIICAL LADONATONN, -- • • ' ROCHESTER., N. Y.. Jan.% talti: Yr. H. If. W.sioina has plaited la my poesession the formula -of the medicine manufactured and sold by him ender the general designation of WARNER'S SAFE Eilibi.MY AND LIVER CURE. .1 have. Investigated bis processes of maw. ufactture. which are:conducted with esteems care and secorilng to the best methods. 1 ban - also taken from his labondory samples of all the ulnas; Hats used to the prtpatatiou of this urecikeine, and uron critical lesamination I Sid them, isa well as the medicine Into which they enter, to be entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances. . ..... 8. A, LATTIMORE, - This reniedy.wbieb lan done such wovders, Is poi up lathe LAIDIESTSIZED BOTTLE of say medicine upon the market, and is sold by Dna. gist/ and all deigns at .1111.23 per bottle. For Diabetes enquire for W ;IVES'S • SAFE'DI'A BETES CURE. It is a PMTIVE remedy. H. t'WW/1/311, & QO, liocheoes, I. Y. OEM A. BEVERLY SMT BOOKBINDER AND DEALER MAGAZINES booed neatl7 and Prot4l4; to order and is rrantaa BLA NK BOOKS botaid tt AMAT,ECRS' SUPPLIES\ This depatttnt 4 nt 'of my boslaess,la ye corn- Veto. , A tall line of WOODS, SAW BLOCKS, • • CLOCK .MOVEMENTS, ftcr, caitstantli ota Land, and for esle at iowee pried ttian elsevilfre. . 'writ OF DESIGNS FEES FOB Send for prier Usti. ; . WV9r FIRM! No. 4, Beidlecaaa Block, Itriige7et., To,rands, Pa. L. B. POW-ELL. IN SCROLL SAW!.GOODS "REPORTER BIJItBING; 4. .80. TowANDA. PA., P. Box 1511 H. DAVIDOW &, BRO., CASH PAID TOR FURS, WOOL AND szitwAx. R i ograada, Oet. 10 s 11171Myi, , . GILMORE & CO,;, . , [Established 1245.) e - . _ • ' PEN DINS, INCREASE OF rissioss, .. said ail other classes of claims for Soldiers and Soldiers' Heirs, prosecuted. • ' Address with stamp. \ • GILMORE A CO., ,- . - , Washington, D. C. , Outtfuned withtull- ram = the =. profitable.. $ engage In: The business Is so easy to tem. aad our instructions are so p er . and plain, that any one can make great profits the very Start. No one can fall who Is willing to , work. Women are Is sueeessful as men. Bois and girls can earn large same. Many bare made at the busi ness over one hundred dollars in a dngle.week. Nothing Uke It ever known before. All who engage are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make m ney. You tab Engage in this business during your spire time at great profit. You do ot have to Invest capital in it. We take all the risk n . 'noes who need ready minty should , write to us at tines. ' All furnished free. Address Tuns &Co., Augusta, Maine. ' ; Oct. U. GET. YOUR HAIR CUT AND SHAVING, AT. ME • liNristarel. . ' SHAVING. PARLOR. ~ • • metre stodY to please.. D V. STEDGE, Prom Towanda. Ps.. July WIC*. • • :NEL Yoarseives by making eneley. when& golden thanee battered thereby always keeping pererti from your don'. Those WhO 'always take advantage of the good chasers ftb making money that are offered. generally become wealthy. while these who do not improve such ehaoces *remain in poverty. We want many men. women, boys and girls to work for °aright In their own localities. The boldness will pay more- than ten times ardtharyArages. We fureash an expea live outfit sod 331 , that you need. free. No one who engages fails ;to make. money very rapidly. Too can devote Sur whole time to the work, or onlyyour spare toseuents. ' information &M -ath that is needed sent tree. Address Stinson & Co.. Portland, braille. Ott. 23, ;sp. EAGLE: HOTEL; , (soviri sum itlsuC sratr.sit,) This irelArsown house has bath thothugily ma sanded and repaired throughout, and the proprie tor is now prepared to otter tradassi,s& , ossuaadar 116" the Pub"l4 : en the most ]e terms. Towanda. Pi., may 2, 117 HENRY HO • U E, .. , . , CONSZS MAIN )h, ABHINGTON STIMITS limn/V/44M, TOWANDA', PA. loom. Nags .21 Tors to s a ti e tLth! time. Large stab WM. HURT, rsorailreos. Teirsadli. Jody I. 17114 t. Ina IT ':C ,I 'a' um wilappipiaagaro oaawastaies - usa ireMwi asimaNaly abaasa Mad at dl_•.vallseer at* Nemo 11, - - fie. la Man mma ata Mit 61101010 11101111111111 tlw kat. listialkial Oda ma aakt awn won aamairma, aid Ms 11=11 ative . s , astagirdt. _ . - Ire *hard aft bomm I•isw 14tdatg lA M dbl., oath' subset elale vas see- adi vielleinell bee cense. - tt an mewl,/ web latimemis lemimos lobe am. et mist inn the Mona bas tikes • bin boil spa few bet is H. lbeensi *bee itts symensim It A.tr asm msnes. It Ism rallimml sated& maltanag: 1111- NOT* WWI WPM *TAX Is snail but • missy TKOZTAII= EDT Wilms sass imistrable sims bib. 11 Is ostsabisso lastly smilielse. Damson Misnames Is a* sksiat enine pane. Mt me =vrnemsdy.. Tbs Mad at enspirm. sae i P o li Misopolat ableif trial sill cow Was* pmi an Is Is ilmi=mmt. panit mid bin ramally eelbelas Is tan _ • AIM the reerseee4l4meginal. Memo sell = aid F vlettosof : fever eall aape:ape:lAs Iserewlai d 3 pstiels 11 1 rearmed near tea*, eheeetel obits ' ocemate—they - will tad yoe , try tialso VAUNTERU RZOLATOS. - _ ASK YOUR DRUGGI&T - FOR LIVER REGULATOR. Orbg rol Genuine yeepond ably by . J. E ZEILIN 00: ! , PEUDELPILL BOLD BY ALL DitUpGISTS. Averts Cathartic FiUs Pat to the fansioa of 4,Feadly Pim* Dkeases. littour Liver Complaint. Dropsy. Tatter. TIMM and Salt abiatin. Wanes, Goal, Deunilgia, as a Dinner Pitt, and Purifying the Blood. are the most cougehial porgativa yet perfected. Their steels abundantly show bow much they ,excel all other Pills. They are safe and pleasant to tate. bet -poererfal to care. • They purge eat the feel bunters of the Lobed ; they slim. elate the sluggish or disordered organs into action; and they Impart bealth audiene to tki whale being. They care not only the every dax•ecenpisints of army body. bat formidable sad dangerous eases. Most state) physicises, moat eminent clergymen, and oar beat citizens. Send certificates of cares performed. and of great benefits derived Dom these Pits. They are the safest and best physic for children, became mild as well.as etio late); Being sugar anted, they are easy to tats : and beteg purely vegetable. they are entirely harmless. • 77.1grASED EY Or. J. C. AYER & CO. Lewin, Mass Pretences/ asd Asa/Wail ellesaiste. Sold 1.7 an Ennutata and Dealers to 1111adlotnit. - titiscdfasens. 111 11•11 Fa ?to 8063 'lt is a conceded fact that J. J.K. BUSH IS SELLING' CLOTHING! CHEAPER THAN AT- ANY OTHER EBTABLISHMENT IN TOWANDA BOROte4II HIS STOCK COMPRISES EVERYTHING IN • THE LINE Boy : 1 4' CLOTHING youAnL AND GENTS' FITRNISHDIG GOODS OVERCOATS LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE • OFFERED IN THIS HARKEY. • J. K. *BUSH, Birnos §TREET, TOwAND..i. Agricultural Machinery B. M. Welles, Towanda, Pa. 'Wholesale and Retell dealer In IMPROVED FARMING IMPLE MENTS AND MICHINERY. WIRAD TRUE CHILLED PLOWS. Gale Cbilled Plows, Best Reversible Plows, Adgate and Enterprise Churn Powers, Corn Sheller*, Farm Wagons, Platform Wagons, Buggies, . Feed Cutters, Grain Drills, ACME PITLVEUZING EASSOW AND lUD . • BulLsrd?s Hap ',redden, Leader slid- tiale Wheel :Rates. ,Tonipkins County' Unpaved' Calthstare. Mowing Machines, Reapers;-Plow Sally% SProat's Hay Elevators and Harpoon Forks. - Liquid Paints; railed ready for the brash. a best Wands: ,XX STAITITDRACLIC -ctIIENT. die.. he. Call and see ray stock %send for Welders and prices. Office In C. P. Welles' 1111-Cent Stove. Warehouse directly is rear of same t • alley. • R. IL WELLES. °wands, Mare b tl, tala., - EDWARD , WII;LIAM8 ' . nuarzail, PI.VN3III • GAS 'lrma. Moo of buidnen, a few doom north of Post.olllm. Plumbing, eso Pitting. Betalrfilg Primps of an kinds. and MI kinds of Gearing promptly attended to.' All wanting work to his Ilse aboold (I re btu s rail. Dee. ISM §IISQUEHANNA COLiZOIATZ Ix rintrTs.—lint •Winter Tenn COII2III4IDCOII liDerNol423lllltß Isw. lawman for board. ttai,aod turatabed mow. from 1172 to iN pir !or estaktgue trttrtlar addiitos the Prbrt. - 4 1“) S. QIIOIL AS. 111. Twist.olo. 08186 w 101. MI is: surpriehig how few really good Orchards we are able to find in no - good an apple section as this. It would seem that the majority of, far ina* fusee an ides that st. fruit tree after it la once set out needs no fur ther ittetition, and hence manyor chards are left to follow the incline. Lions of their own wild nature. The orchard is a portion of the farm that too often suffers- Deets:L. Fruit trees whose trunks and branch es are disfigured with lusty Imola and black dead limbsi which _make . them unpleasant to - the eye of the thrifty, neat farmer, are too frequent ly se m. They indicate carelessness on thepart of the owner which is poor economy, fors little labor and expense expended on an orchard each year will be well spent. A good orchard with proper man agement will usually pay as good a percentage on the -investment_ as or dinary farm crops. The cost of tak ing care of the fruit trees is but , tri fling compared with the expense 'of growing -other-crops, but it will not do to neglect - them altogether. Ma- Dilte must be applied if the trees are 'to yield good crops. Some sort of cultivation is also highly beneficial with most soils. We believe there is no better way of manuring! and cultivating an or chard than to use it as- a hog pas ture. Swine confined in an orchard will not only keep the soil about the trees well manured and tolerably well cultivated, but they will alsodo great good by destroying destructive'. , insects which are in the early fallen apples, or io the ground beneath the trees. Besides, the orchard usually makes a convenient; and desirable hog enclosure, as the. defective fruit, of value otherwise, will be turned to good account We refer in this case to medium.sized or fall-grown trees. Small young-trees - Should be pro tem.& Fruit trees should be pruned ve ry year. The season is not so im portant prOvided it is not Yieglected, yet- we have orged that the, work be done.during the mild days in winter, when there is little else to do. CURING Jaairlies. iny.irosiStlnseb . liesasebe. rislielas. Pl]a.~ Eruptioot sad ..0E- =I of ,Orcbards: The Benefits of Ensilage. The pseservation of green fodder by the system of ensilage has become . a subject of much interest and com ment. On many farms throughout the country the system is being fol lowed-with good results, and many who have had _practical experience with the.sdbject report decided ad- - vantages for it. Others,.hoiever, in • writing concerning ensiLsge, 'have said things that- tend ,to discourage 'farmers from trying this 'new meth: od of saving fodder. Our opinion of - the question, we are to say, is not founded on personal experience, but , from what we have gathered• from the experience or others as communicated to the agricultural press. From what we can learn con cerning the ensilage, we are inclined to beliere• that the systep would prove profitable to - many farmers in . this locality. It is &question of vast' importance with many' farmers who town high priced land near the city, how! th ey.shall manage their farms to make them pay a reasonable per- centage on their value. We hare found it utterly impossible to make our farms do this by following the • common system of farming—raising ' stock and grains. It is in such cases, we believe, where the system of en- - silage will yield the_ - best results. 'lrk localities where land is cheap and la bOr high there is less room, for a margin ; and' it is doubtless cheaper to winter, stock in the usual way, on dry fodder and grains. Good bay can nearly always be disposed of by fanners living near the city at pay-' ing. Prices. If, then, we can make green fodder. preserved, by the sys. • tem of ensilage, take' the place of hay, we will hare a crop to put upon the market—which we hare hereto-. fore consumed at home. The. value of the system, to fatmers must de pend on the feeding value of the fixi -der as it is taken from the silos, sls compared with good hay or dry corn fodder. It has been stated by good , authority that two tons of ',ensilage - 'corn fodder are worth as much as , one ton of good timothy hay. Our authority is John M. Bailey, of "Winning Farm," Billerica, Massa chusetts, who has had much experi ence with ensilage and has tried many careful experiments. relating . to the subject. He says: '•My ex periments thus far satisfy me that the value - a corn kidder is doubled by the 'softening and fennentive pro cess which. it undergoes in -the Silos; that, two tons of it-are worth as much - to feed as four - tons of corn, fodder fresh from the field; or one ton of the best timothy bay." If* Mr. - Bailey is correct in his ideas, there is little doubt . that this novel system preserving stock •food may be followed with profit by many farmers irk this locality!. It is cer . tainly deserving of trial and we hope in no distant day to • be able cuss the subject- from personal expe rience. • - Receipt for Curing Meat. As the season has arrived 'when curing meat is in order we repfiblfsh to of old, our famous receipt, for cur ing beef, pork, mutton, ham./ etc , as follows: To one gallon of water take one and one-half pounds of salt, one-half pound' of sugar, one-half ounce of saltpetre, and one-half ounce of potash. 'Omit the potash finless you can get Abe pure. article. , Druggists usually kcip it. In this ratio the pickle, can . be increased to any quantity desired. Let theie be boiled together until all the dirt from the sugar rises to the top' and, is skimmed off Then throw i into a tub to cool, and when, cold 'pour ° it over yofir beef or pork. The meat must be well covered with pickle, and should not be put down foe - at least two days .after killing, during whith time it should be slightly sprinkled 'With powdered *saltpetre, which removes all the surface:blood, etc., leaving the meat fresh and clean. Some omittoiling the 'pickle, and find it to answer well, thOpgii the operation of boiling phrifies the pickle by throwing off the dirt al ways to be found in salt and sug,sr. If this receipt is' strictly followed it will require only a single trial to prove its superiority over the common way, or most ways,' of pit ting down meat, and will not SOQII be abandoned for any Other. The meat is unsurpassed for sweetnes4 delicacy and freshness of color;, A NEW YEARS-GIFT' THE BRADFORD REPORTER ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR _ IP ADVANCE . ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers