• Statifed _ u. ALLsos, toticAt. vinTox. Towanda, Pa., Dec. 30, z88:4, -ENTERED TIIgPOSTOFFIC&ATTORAHDA, 'AS MAIL MATTE.R OF TIIE SECOND CLASS. , LOCAL AND GENERAL. 774.e.rpiration of subscription is print ed on the colored 14bel. By nofieing the orate every subscribes' ' can tett Aehen his inlper will be stopped unless th,e - tubserii). tier► is renewal. • - SAFE FOR SALE.--k new wee of the make of Boger, Bahman & Co., of Ciw, eineati, 1,500 pohnds weight, warranted first z elass, will be sold very. cheap., Ap ply at this o office. 'Aug's New Year. ' • 13vr one more day of 1880. Irian't too late to make a holiday pres ent. _ -TIIEP.E have . 11 fifty-three Thursdays this year. - TUESDAY last- was the coldest day of We season so far.- TnE Leßayeilllil Rifle TeaanC i liavo dis banded fur the whiter., factoyy is soon to be started - in Athens. Good for Athens. It. t 3. THURUER has opened a meat market in the Arcade Block. • • THE HELEN POTTER Pie Lades at Mer• cur Hall on Monlay evening nelt. Tits office of the Ward douse id being re-plastered and otherwisd, repaired. TICKETS for the litt.r.N PuIITEI .atles . for sale at Ktuuy's Drug g Tuts is the fifty-third.num litTunTEit issued during Pie y Green's Landing literary will nit& Cone-organization this e ETAour ticket for thd HELEN POTTER entertdiumeut. For sale'at Kmur's Drug = 31-ANnEvii.i„r, of Canton, received la - 0 : week a cheek for $1,5(4 back pay on Lis pension titz revival meetings at the. Disciple Church, Cantcin, 4re said to be bery large ly attended.. NOT since ISG4 Ilve the ice-houses been so welililled at this time in the season as they are this.yeaT. SF:itmoNs appropriate to the season werelprCached in-all of the churches o our village on Sunday last. • MERE will Le a partial 41ipse of the spin to-morrow morning. You will have to get up as soon 4s the sun does to see it. 'T►►E Western New York and Northern Pennsylvania Chess Association - meets at Tunkhannock, Tuesday, January 25, ISI. . IF you desire a mail route you mus liave your bid on file in the Dep l artruen. it•Washingtoion or before the 10th o alnulry CoMPLAINT is made of the scarcity: of silvorWare as wedding presents this tvin ter. Them is 'no scarcity of weddings, however Gov. liovr has granted a respite thrill Ft ternary ^d to GEoto;E.".s.:ttrut and CATH ARINE 3111.t.E1t, the Lycorning county i►uu•derers. Perrrpss are being circulated in Ath ens asiclng'llie Court to divide that bor ough into two wards. They, are receiving numerous signers THE ladies of the M. E. Chard , will give a grand dinner in the Church par lors, to morrow, Friday, for the benefit of the Church. l All are invited. • lloi;Ens' Planing Mill was again put in operation on Monday- last, after having been idle for a week. Ilepairii . to the en gine caused the suspension of work in the factory. Mu. C. C. 11;flows, of East Canton, bad the misfortutie'iu Lip from the loft of his barn to the Ito >r, a distance of about fif ty n feet. one day last iieek, receiving se rious injuries. CIMIZeII of the Messiah (liniveskalist), 11,v. WNt. TayLon;- pistor, at 10; a. m., It-eeption of Members anti Communion service. At 7 , p. m., "New Tear Tlioughts." DunING ; the recent' cold weather:. the ('anon Sentinel says.mlny of the farmers on the mountains about that place hare lost the vegetables4stored iu their cellars by being frozen. Tiff: people of Athens are to have -a course of lectutes . untler the auspices of tho M. E.. Church pf that place. Several of the most eminent lectures of the coun try have been enaaged. :• I ;.kv.s t he Canton Sentinel of the 24th : Mr. MtuttAEL ,lllcKlic lost a_valuable nse 011 Tuesday, while coming down Solth 11l llllltalil The'aninial slipped on the icy road and -broke its lkack." IV-E. notice quite a numbers of our local items in varioas exchanges credited•-to the llnAnyoun REPOUTEII.—L4 (hens Ga- r!t. Gentlemen of the . Press, •he kind elmugh to "give the devil his due." I Tut: Particulars of the shooting of Po -liumatt j PET ERSON.. at Athens, on Christ ina.; daY,_are given in our Athens letter, besides a 'number of i_ other interesting neWs items from that sprightly town. MAURICE, says the Athens C•e:ettt; have contracted to build a draw span for one of the bridges on the New Tork Central '§ailroad. We learn that this Will be the lamest and. heaviest span' evi;r built in the shops.• YENNon's prediction of a great snow st‘irrri last week, was verified in certain Pa;'ts of the country ; reaching far east and -s.)fith. This Section seems to have been out of the vith. of the storm s as but an or two of the " beautiful " fell here. TIM Bedford Inquire r says - that the ex periment of crossing the brookind salmon trout has-been entirely successful at i tbe State hatchery. The ofispring are said to be a well-fortned and handsome fish, and are likely to form a valuable addition to our bctter class of toad fishes. • IT is a suggestive fact that hymn 320 in one f the 3iethodist - Ifymn Books is the 1111iliar "Crown Him Lon of A.11." T.zr.inda I:eporter. Yes, yes, that's it; that's the BonlsoEssota.. of it. Make time ;President King—" Crolyn him Lord' o" ‘ll.—lt is easy enough to see the drift or tiw lt.pablicans.-11:ellOoro Gazette. Well,. well Those boys ,of the Gazette haveevidently made .the greatest diicov erysinee the days of Coil:runts, or they're r: 11.4 billions. Song of the Delitishits of Wyoming County adverthm that application will he nisferAlhe eq4n Pe. fist itire' . for the repeal Of . the mi s t roWsillig the mode of sotio4, plat., as it relatesto Lozeme and Wyoming: The object of this inOvemeni Jibe sabstitubs the "flee. ticiret.", for the ticket. again .of voting. , THE ' Presbyterian Church at this place have tarie4 4l -_neiv ilePaitlint imrellex&iii . CYMich A MY ovitteer ttaiso — riaroif to servo as deaconesses in place of the malo Members wh'Uterms Lave expired. Mrs. JOHN Fonatrr was elected sto serve oae dear, Mill* # l7/3 " 11 "9 111 ;" ) year!, aud Idra: N. P. Noss btoPthree years.--Tunkhannock, 41andard. H " 'Mile Mar 'Rim __Ka,vFT, Alm Lurch, of this plaoe, was Oita badly burned on Wednesday of last week. The , little fellow was playing near the cook stove, on which was a kettle of boiling lard, when in 'some ..*ay -- nziknoirn the stove was, upeet and the hot grease 'from the kettle was threin on his leg. Dr. Join:sox was called and dressed the wound. - , AS District Attorney IdcPmstucow, 40- companied by Facts GRADY, was riding up I►iain street on- Friday evening, the buggy in which they' were seated came in collision with another wagon, near the abd was.tipped partly over, throwing both gentlemen to` the ground. Neither of them were seriously injured, but the horse becoMing frighten ed ran away and broke . the buggy up badly. J. T. .Bstratv, of. 'Granville, says the Trot Gaunt; has a cider' mill' at, which he bas made 412 barrels of . cider. Part of this was stored in a large tank it the mill. On the night of the 27th of Novem ber some villain with intent to injure Mr. BAILEY, turned the faucet to the tank ani. let thirty-five barrels run on the ground ievolVinta,kwa of $OO. Any one who would do each a dastardly act de serves a State's prison sentence. MR f the 880. ociety No, GEopoi. The locaieditor of the REPORTER did not receives a Christmas present of $1;000,000iin Government four per Cent. bonds. The committee having in 'charge the preparation of the presenta tion address were unable to complete it, and so have postponed tendering' the gift until some other suitable occasion. Pos siby the present may be tendered on New Year's Day, and possibly not. iiire in cline to the opinion that it will—not. ‘ i ening. "It is rumored that Minnequa is to be rebuilt," and this_time • the old prevaric4 7 tor Dame 'Rumor shakes her old bead and declares that "what is to be. Will be." We are told that,it is still doubtful which one of three,. parties. will undertake the task, but probabjy it will be the Keystone hotel companY,'WhiCh is but another name for the Pennsylvania Central railroad e?mpany which is naturally most directly interested in its reconstruction. Itseems safe to assume quit they will certainly re build it, unless some one else does who . could work in harmony with their inter ests; itrasinuch as - they would be satisfied .if the hotel paid its c unning expenses lear.: ing a not gain say of $20,000 in increased passenger tmffie.—Ounfon Sentr4 i el.. . THE particulars of the late opt ge_per-, petrated in Smithfield toWnshiii, are too disgusting and revolting for publication. We bad hoped thattbey were greatly ex aggerated, but the accounts which 'first reached us fall snort df the facts as dis closed at the examination before Justice FORREST. It is disgraceftil .that such an exhibition' of brutality and indecency should recur -in a„ Civilized „community, and it is due to the vindication of the law abiding and respectable citizens of Smith field, that the actors in the outrage should meet with the punishment they so richly deserve. Our Smithfield correspondent refers to this occurrence, but evidently considers the horrible indecencies were proven to have been perpetrated as unfit for recital. Canzstmas passed off very quietly, al though observed very generally" by our citizens as a holiday. Appropriate ser- . vices were held in, the morning - at both the Episcopal and Catholic Churches. In the evening the M. E." Church Sunday School held a festival,' at which i there was some excellent singing_ by. the mem bers of the school, some beautiful instru mental music, an d two handsomely deco rated Christmas trees. The Church was filled to overflowing 'by happy schohne, - their teachers and friends, and the even. ! . ing proved a highly pleasant and enjoya ble one to all present. On Christmas eve the Sunday School scholars of the Church of the Messiah were treated to an even ing's enjoyment and a Christmas tree heavily laden with good things; in (the basement of the Ch lira). The large rooms' were well filled with scholars; teachers and friends of the school. Seyeral of the scholark received handtionie presents for punctuality in attendance during the past year, and several of the teachers were the recipients of ttstinionisht of esteem at the hands of their scholar 8. • • Tun Cbristmai Tree festiVal of Chirst Church Sunday School, says , the Review of Tuesday, was held last evening.. The programme embraced a portion of the Liturgy, appropriate. Lyme% a beautiful exercise by the Infant Scilool, and distri:. bution of presents from the well-laden tree. One of the ,fiappiest events of the evening was the preSentationl to the Rea tor of a handsome coma:mien set, which was a complete , surprise to the Revererd gentleman. THE STERLING COMEDY COMPANY. The STERLING Comedy Company, under the Managentent OM. C. %Mir, played at the Opera House on Christmas afternoon - and evening to first-rate houses. After see ing them, it is not to be wondered at that the party have had such a genuine success wherever they have appeared. Miss May ROBERTS is a leading lady who possessis every requisite for the position that she occupies and has nmuistaltable talent. 'ln ooth the playa, "Led Astray " and "Sl4- ela " she made - a 'very pleasing impression. Iu Mr. RUTLEDGE, the trodpe have a leading man who wins at one, by hinennine earn estness and Strong personality. Jilisis Ha- LENA COB is o too well known hereabouts to need to be introdueed. , . She hair a very attractive 'face and figure and an exceed ingly pleasing voice: • Her popularity: is by no means confined to this locality, for wherever she goes she establishes herself at' once as- a favorite. These with Mr. and Mrs. Morrrtmun and.. Mr. and . Mrs. HAG le and the others of the troupe, make up a party who atic4ComPetent. to - render any drama and to rendel . it accept: ably to the most critical and ex sting au diences. The company play in Troy, Pa., and Towanda 4)r, the rest of the wk, and bare a route laid out that will ocu py, them until near spring. Their outlook is a- very promising one.—Einairis Free Press. " The above"-CompanY .will give ." tied Astray" at Hoene Hall, this, Thursday, evening. ' They will also 'appear here on Saturday afternoon-awl evening. xammmMiiiekt Mis*Bmma: A. HaimEn,i * .native-of out ` km*V7Tiiii - iiii i iontAifihrkVit ''' ' A ity:' , aritliew „, .° 4 " 4 •*rig4 ffiaiii '' . 1 ' :ZIR if entiai'bur,Mii i iile 'an ouliinity et ter at the enter**, mol t itfdl*itilif- a t the Church of Ate#4 4 4'Pi l Oitidi7 t ve . tlioff neitv- 1.14, twil 4th. :,Thef.nikeetimi-?Bouina, -tple Retriiii. ;Atiaidoi4i - ':=lttait - isic , ,,Pol4, This riqsgs *OW 0! Affor;stisiiiiiii 0 existlig amoniesMUs44: thiliiiiitAltillt i,'4"4s.riiicatool. 4 8 / 1 4 4 : 41 t1t 1 ** 8 1"itici - eamte!;_itiri , *t 'thfo*O4Olt, Of -Milti,.B*4l - nrutintedriiiikiii:li*Plol4- debgAialO viehillishe t*itled,*oo,l3/0- 1 Y 11**t' 4 4.• Alie4 .l 442***M-. T oo ri i, *aad. iPri* 0 1 : 4 ,4 . 4 0 ,""ii 0444° on Vi is 44;14 4 1 *c 10_, ; */: enum erate .. thattouebiug Poem Of mini Fariiiingurea, -"The Last Hymn." "The- ' Balcony Scene from "Romeo and _' Juliet," "The Little'llatcheC Stery," by Burdette, and lth4 intensely Iltrillim. awl' difficult de lineation; " The Famine." - Our readers wilkbe glad to learn alsd that our talent ed vocalist, 'Mrs. " Let ". Mosvamvz, will, if' her , health Permits, yield her sweet tribute of song td the occasion. Miss. Mica II; SPAinanica, whose skill as pianist is well-known in' -our - tau3ical circles has kindly offered a solo. Mr. Wm., 5."11.3cm, of the choir, will sing "The White Squall," and those who have heart) him, know it will be well rendered. The choli of the church, consisting of Mrs. D.. TAYLOR, Mrs. S. A. Wurreoun, Messrs. LACEY; MACE and Gonixm, ; will offer quartettes of high order. Mr. An. 'mutt LACEY offers a cornet solo, and Mr. HENRI Serums, a violin solo for the'. c cabion. While Miss 0/Liam!. Lora, the talented young organist of - the church, will be ,the accompanist of..the evening. Tickets 24,' cents ; may be had at Wnrr- COMB'S ! COMB'S book store or of any member lof the 1 church. - - , ROLL OF HONOR.. The following are the names of those belonging !to tliti Big Pond - School," Rulgbury, who are - entitled to the-Roll of Honor for goad conduct, for the month ending December 14th : , GRANT CULP, EDWIN CRAIG, GEORGE MILLER,' WAL 3ER CLARK, JOHN WEIS.; • TnostrsoN Cutr, Taos 31cKEi, EMERSON 31it; LER, WOOL/FORD MAY, JOHN MCKEE, JOHN STRANEY, EVA MIDLER, FRANNIE WRIGHT, EMMA MAY, EDITH MILLER, JENNIE CRAIG,' INA MILLER, JULIA MILLHAM, LIZZIE CLARK, MAGGIE MILL HAM, JENNIR CULP, - CORA • MILI,EI4 ET TIEMAY, KATEIWELSII; ELLEN WELSH, ANNIS MCKEE, ALICE MCKEE, IDA MIL LER. _ LIZZIE B. MAY,, Teacher. CIDENTALLY SHOT. MY. PERCY BROWN, son of Mr. ' SMITH . BROWN, of RidgburY, met with a terrible accident ou• Chrtstrnas day, while out bunting. Mr. littims had a double-barrel ed shot gnn, and while loadinglhe gun, some way it • discharged, sending C the contents through -his bands, Mutilating theta in a shocking -roamer; The little finger on his right band WU entirely torn off, and the index finger of tbe same hand was torn'to shreds. The left hand fared even worse; the entire charge of _shot striking the hollow of the band in such an angle as to strip the flesh from neatly every finger. Mr: Boon-if is now in a critical condition, and frars are entertain ed that be will lose his left hand Marcie., if not his life. _One: shot strirelr his face, while eighteen passed throtigh tlui rim of his hat.- He is under the treatment of Dr: CIIILSON, of Pennyville. Mr. .BROWN . is one of our very best young men, and should hav(ra greai deal of Sympathy in this sad 'affliction. - . NEXT YEAR'S FIGURES. • • . Some mathematical inquirer acquaint 7 ed - with the mysttrious properties of- the figure 4 has been regarding the cubing': year with something like awe and 'has mathematically mixed himself up as fol loWs ----- .; The year ( 1881 will be a'nathematical curiosity. tFroni right to left and left to right it reads the same. I z Pghteen dicid ed:by 2 gives 9 as a quotient; 81 divided by 9 gives 9 ; if divided by 9 the quotient contains a. 9 ; multiplied:by 9 the product Contains two 9's ; 1 and 8 itr09.; . 8 and 1 are 9. If the 18 be placed under the and added the sum is 99. If 110. figures be added thus•: 1,8, 8,1, it will give 18. Reading from left to right it is 18, and 18 is two-ninths of 81.1 , 8 y adding, divid ing and multiplying 19 Vs are produced, being one for each year required complete the century. • A MAGNIFICENT NEWSPAPER. This complimentary designation has been fitly applied to. "the Philadelphia Weekly . PressAnsei its present able man-. agement. With a greatly strengthened 1 editorial staff, a large corps., of , trait] d_ special cotrespondents and distinguish i d occasional contributors, and an WU' r _ passed' mechanical equipment, it rn y fairly claim to hive'distanced all rivals 1 in an enLrged field of usefulness. 'ln edito rial discussion it aims to be courteous as well as fearless'and independent ; in the collection of news its enterprise-As great; in the family departments nothing of in terest in the home circle is slighted ; in 'fiction its Standard is high, and the beet stories of foreign authors appear excht sivelyin its columns by arrangementwith• the publishers ; there is something in ita pages every week tp interest all classes. We commend the 'Philadelphia . Weekly Press to the attention of all who are mak ing-up their lists of newspapers and peri oAils for the new Sear. It is a neatly printed newspaper of eight'pagts, and is offered to clubs on particularly+ attractive terms. Send to the Press, Philadelphia, for a sample copy. , - , , TWO DEAD HORSES. F 2 Ais the Elmira Telegram of SMiday last : In the County Court in this city . last. 'week, a case of peculiar iuterest was tried. i The plaintiff , was , one CHRISTIAN Konzit, who is a resident of Wells- town. Bradford County, Pa. -The defend ant watt: . MARcus MILLER, a prominent citizen and resident of the Fifth Ward of Elmira, and a brother of .l e=-Alticnpan VALIRVTINE MILLER. The plain fade of ,the case appear to be as follows : Kotiatt, the: plaintiff, was desirous of getting a team be owned employed on street work for the corporation. applied to Cap tain Latritaw, the Alderman of the Fifth Ward, bit the latter stated that be could : not secure employment for the teams of persons who were non-resrdrnts, saying Ouse preference should be given to those belonging here. - Afterivards an artatige aient was made by Swim, as he claims. by which his team was rented to - the •de fendant MILLER, who secured for it work on' the streets. While thus employed and while_ being driven by a boy the horses were driven into the river while in a heated condition and both animals im mediately afteiwards died. Hence Ko- BED, the real owner, stied foi theit2 - value. Ile recovered ins Justice's court, and an appeal was taken to the county court. The jury returned a' verdict in favor of theislaintiff, (Konen) for f 177.30 as the value of the team. I'llitetNlAL:. 44ret olidate. • `* —Mrs: H. Prat Is ;faith* her niother . in Nei! York City. , =`-‘144 iu•e itiends Jo - -Osi•►es. —*by; USrnis Miniuriz.vicanton, is !visiting :friends iiißhilidelphia. ; — BERM/ *umcdiedi gradate° in Litchtlehi, - nii tier*: —Lieutenant C. B. Bwertentxx, 11. 8. A., is visiting his patents at, blttroettin. =-1 4 1 ° 8 3 TA:grT. 31 A 1 4 1 °Ri Ptt, spundui her holAsi , vacation with her pireets-ut this iiface 4 -4diasea BEsain and Louis Vamp, of B,yracuse, Is,-37.; -- are visiting :filoads in thin Owe. • „ , • .-4/.IIES U. CORDING hag been appoint ed District Deputy G i and High k irl l 3 l "Judge on o'f tie • Ai.gus, is spending a few weeks with his daughter, Mrs. STARK, Philtu3elptia.. ADAM WOLF died at ter resi;• deuce on Third street, on Sunday morn ing, after an ilinesa 9 f inry months. —Mr. and SprEli tincninALD are spending several days in.Vett Franklin, Pa.—Owego WilpSIE DAVI* of the. Elmira Female Colleke, is spemling the hellaai 'vacation with her parents in-this place. --Medical Students W.•Encun, C. L. Copia:NG 4nd C. 31. PRATT, :}re borne filin.puweViiiito "pew) Aho-414:4aft .li... l gkimadrilinnuirWP.chiSSl; of the Canton Graded School, is spending the holidaf . vacation with friends in Havani, N. Y. Ast MAXWEr Me eminent temperance lecturer, sa Is for - England'on January: &-•; to engage in the work there with Then Ann T. Euirk.:in. —Mr.'. and Airs. Ci;:tux Wr4 ox are spending, the' liolidapi . at; their home in thif •plaeo.' They have been engaged in Gospel work in New Xurk City for, some time past. - • —Says the :Waverly Review: - ;” and Mrs. R. A. PACKER and Mr. and MIS.I - lowAntEELU.s.a will leave January' 6th for - Cuba, to. remain •-duriiig the winter;n: ' ;• ' 4 • iegvei to:le.ain ofibe 'Serious .ill ness of Mr. who INNESS, of Granville Center, who was taken siiddenly ill on Monday- niitit•with au attack of pleurisy. ---Canton Sentinek:e4th. • .';'' and Mr. 11. HA Ei retained from their bridaltour.on Thuisday, 4nd were present at a grand .reception giien lu their 'honor. by J:,11 1 .: - .441ii..s, at his is-i -idence near Greeriiveod s , on that evening. —WintaAm.Crismszra.iN has been ap pointed District Deputy Grand MaStet for the "Masonic District, composed of the counties of Bridiord' and Sullivan, rind Lodges No. 248 and. ` ‘ ).63 Wyoming !ounty. Tuostitsr returned last Reek` from Potter county; where he has be4oif a several weeks' deekhunt. , lie two dear while onthisrtrip, abd Mr. W. A. THOMAS, 0 4. e of the party, killed six:— V.1740Th Sentinel. _• t , , • —}"roxri' a late number of the olis Tribuhi, We learn' that our former townsman, Dr.' D. L. PRATT, .huts been elected Dictator of Minneapolis Lodge, Knights of. Ilona., for the ensuing term. The Lodge vitl have an excellent , Prcsid r ! ing otlicer for the nest its. months: , COURT PROCEEDINGS yiEDNE3DA : r; PECt.lolßre:*7B+9o Victor E. Piollet vs. JOlin.p. Means— Assrfnipsiti. Iteasons for a pew trial tiled; Iu re.-tlie . alleged lunacy of Stanley C. Bullock. Inquisition confirmedsi.: In re. the matter of the application of Hannali A. Cartier for the benefit ,of her separate , earnings. - Prayer of petitioner granted. . : George H. Mills,- gt.. al., vs. the: Water- Insuratico COmpany, Garnish ; nes of Bartley Ileath.--.hula.on plaintiffs to quash attachment of execution. Leonora Heath vs. John Caryoll, et. al. =Trespass. H. itiiddi And • William Maxwell, Esqs., for plaintiff; H. F. May, trard; Esq., fOi; de fend anti. -.JA4tn4lio able to agree Were discharged. William,H.Barne; vs. William Trespass. S. W. and William, Little for, plaintiff ; William Foyle, Esq., for -de fendant. Verdict' for plaintiff of s4o(lf. Ream - as filed. for new trial. W. 11 Christian J.D., Owen, et. al. —Scire Tacias. Williams & Angle for plaintiff ; Andes, - CAnqichan ( 1101 for defendants. Court reserving question o law. I : S. B. nipper vs. E. 0. and D. Taylor, et.. al. Auditor's -Report tiled and` con- firmed ni. si. On motion of Williams and Arigle, E. D. Bufftrigten was admitted to practice in the several Courts of Bradford Coutity, w.hereuprin he was duly bwiirn. On motion of Davies, Carnochan Hall,James 11-Macfarlane was admitted to practice in the several Courts of Brad ford County, whereupon he was - duly sworn. On motion of 3. Andrews IV ilt, 'Esq., E. A.' Thompson, Esq., was admitted to aeticer th several Orirti Of Bradford County, whereupon ho was duly sworn. . The following Sheriff's deeds Were ac knowledged : To ? John B. Overfield, fur ,90: acres of land in Tuscarora township. Sold Deceni ber 2 ; 1880, as the property of William Martin. .05; • -; E. Sracord, Tor-me lot inSorith Waverly 'Borough. Sold February 1880, as the property of N.. Deli' Walker AdMinistrators. $l,lOO. To lcemir — S. , Vanorman, fur 20 acres. of land in; Warren township.. SoldDecimber 2, ISBO,' as the property of 'Leßoy Ed war*. • - Tii - '6:11. - and Elk n - Welhrs; E'kecuto:, i s of Ellen J./Welleii, deceased, for 427:acres and 107 perches of land in Wilmot town, ship. Sold December 1880,, as the prO . , perty of A.. '4100; - • 1. 0. P. OF• CHECKERVILLE On Thursday evening of last week our people ICC:I3 highly entertained 'biEMer Car...N.Ev.and Joss Rustsvot; of Mans field, Pa., who delivered lectures at the school hnildings,with,a,Chmta.orrOize a kodg, , ,e; . termed "Independent Order Pa trons of Temperanbe.!!.- The views pre sented by the represcutatives of that,Or der, met with the hearty approbation of all, insomuch that a lodge was'organizeei: with a. membership of nineteen, bearing, the name of Northern Tier Lodge No: 50. The billowing were the officers initialled W. 6.--Jaines Mason. V. P.—Walter Furman. V. M.—Edith Kline. C.--Joseph Craig. M.—James 11. Mason. A. M.-4). P. Cummins. A M.--Eida Kline. (4.—Mrs. James Mason. -: . ... B. B . parsolo• ..-• T.—J• ..• carman. 1. G. —George I:,e° -a,-- Kline. G.—Georgerva O . G• .—James mahood• 1 . The lodge is to meet on ThWally ning oreacb week at the hall of IL. )La= sox. The organization is young, but its principles are such as -will-notnntend.it to all.. B. S. PAtiseos,Beeretnry. - ,i CHECKERVILL . E; piie. es; 1830, ' • 'test initwaicilAsz. 111 PoPulir Pung leader ha i been se- gored for the basipiatabiOritatiffiggs at Dimaiock's IJA:riusthiy eventual 'lan'M -3 0 1 . 8 ; Ci "Or Olichfrepitio•Nt,"-anil tic; onetishoillintiut ql'nqtl 4 o'7 9 o l. o s o - K. h e r' , ,fif-e gill t - gond in tosunitiorint- then prestOyfor i i .',l `ACCIDENT = AT - -ATM_ NS. ' .-: -', t ..Ro!to_e;, ll24 , 4 Mcident oocncred, e residence of lir. ' F. "A. Vsan, ' .iii k a itie“,Ailienik ''f4l Thursday eviOt9giOt; Lot is ''' EVAIOI .Irall "busily engaged in dressing 11401 ior :ler 'little sister Krr. tarts, Whit:lb Sonia moans the lamp was 07(Ftdrtie.d; setting lit* to thil, carp e t___,ao 0. also the clothing of: little • Itrreta. The scrams of the 'children 'hiooght the fate- . from the other ream; and finding the Child's clothing iea blaze; they' soon suC,.. "tided in smothering-the.flatites; thereby saving the.`4iltio oodi Pre; ° h i is badly burned abaut the lower extremities,/ but Isviil mover._ : - t • . '`Tim following is a list,of tbe 'officers of . Smitbfiellt Lodge. K. of-IL; bto. 1,318, elected December 2ist, for t4ili term end, itig Jitne 80, 1881 : - - I Dietator74. A. Fpittslcu. • 1 r . f D.,70. E. Wii•loi• -:% ' '• . 4-D: 7 -ALLEN 11. WOOD. . Report.o.-;-P. A. § WARD. -• • - P.11.-7A, O. SCOT . I • .• ~, Tralailtir4r.,c.LAYTOß (iiliallf.D. Caplitint3 . l). TRACY. .. ' 'Guide-A. E.• WOOD. ... • GuardiaN--enuislorumt FRAIXY. -, , iientiriet—DrroNyttsus. • • .1- A trier history of the German Evangel teat (Lattheran) Church in -Wilmot town ship, dila county, and the only church to this denomination in - Bradford Count* :"7- In the yearr,iB39 there came from the Kingdom of Baden, Europe, some erni irt!tewirtr sOtleditOle southern Par 4 01 4rttong them a certain family,jGeorge J. Eberlin's, were the first to settle7there, andsoon others follow& : Mains, eanfman, , Geo. Sebook, Bkieh and Feubers, and many more of the Lo th= denomination. They soon num- bored a small'Ciingregation, and procured the :55ervicea 'of "Rev:. C. L. Erie; - who 'preached the lira eerreen in Geo. J. Eber'- litt's house, where they., continued to have seriiceicnntii- the); 'referiP:leoto build a log . church. They socin grew in numbers, aud:conthauqd theii services in. the log church until 1.872; when they built a neat frame church buiking fo`t $1,500 ; it was 'dedicated in May, 1872, by 110.4". L. - Erie and Rev..l..Schlapeg. OtM afterward the. said "Rev. C. L. Erie swab disOarged,by the congregation fur mi - hehavior iii iegartPiolonor and reputa tion. Re'.had served the 'congregation upward of, thirty-two years. . " The first` s English Sabbath-School was organized and superintended in -the new, 'clmrsh, 2872, by - J,' A. !Menet., jr., (at tiistfPnearesident,ofhpOt); who con tinued-to lead tha - Sabbith-School for live terms in English and German languages, sone• months after the discharge of C. L.. - Eile; the - congregation }secured the services of Rev.' IL 13. So °ditch of Reid -Whb:i : WIS.- an able hitgidter ; he stayed two years and then accepted a call Clum lc - OrristoWn, Pa. Ilfter• Mr, .Btm: dae.,h - .(lie Congregation procured the ser vices ',of ono Rev. Louis Wolferz,' of Brooklyn, N. Y., :who stayed, only one year and thenaccepteda 'call from New York. • In the fall Of _Wit they sectired the services 9f :one - Rev. Lis Smith, of _Bak.g, P . a.; who 'stayed ,until the'spi in g of 181'9; anirthen accepted a call at Cogan Station; Lycoming.cOunty, Pa. Since the •last Mentioned date the congregation has beeu minus a minister. Rumor has it that a Rev. Mr. Wagner, 'of Ilarrii.,barg, will supply. the charge: - The ground on which the new cht*ch stands was given (gratis) by Jacob Eber , - - lin, a soli of the above-mentioned Geo. J. - JEberlin. Geo. J. -Eberlin, the original founder of.thechnrch in Wilmot, bad four 'sons: George; Jacob, Godfrey and Joseph; and _one daughter, Rosa.. Three of the sons reside-in Wilmot ; 'one (Jacob) died in 1814; one (Godfrey) resides in Missouri,- and the daughter (Mrs... John Butt) lives in Terry township. The congregatiOn tilinlbers about two hundred members. . JOHN A. • Terrytown, Pa., - Dec. 24, 1580. - MEI • Local Correspondence. r EDITOR REPORTER :—Meirj , Christmas has poem ,and gone, aud. the .question whether "Anticipation gives more pleas ure than realization," has again received a solution iii the minds of many. What afer may be the decision on that question all will:agree that fond recollectioiis ofta, happy time are still active, giving cdmfoft to many a heart. Ilow swiftly the re- . , yolving seasons*, rollin their. burden of,pairsand pleitstire MIR the trat3t, abyss of,tketiaii„ and leaving tke'mind to grasp anevi-fettjhe hops and - fears "of the fu ture. For a little time the heart-of child hood is gladdened by the inentOry• of past events, and oven the. larger children love to turn back the pages of life to i „,rlatiee once more at the - -bright spots surrounded .but dimly, air the Serraws!Whiq, time helps in art to assuage. , But as we pass on the Wa'y*te older leaves are less frequently. visited! and our day dretints of future happiness till More .turd more the time which we'eatch in the:interests of present duties. Brief and-transitory' as life is for the inflividual, it still presents a Charming variety of hutnanaction_which blends. into -a harmeniotis _picture Most pleasinkto liehold. SabbatirSehools have badkbeir annual entertainments at the various ehuteheA, and the Christmas trees have yielded their precious burdens most bouutifullt.. At the liethoclist Church a novel sub-' stitute was made or the tiaditooal tree. Abeautifully i trimined ship manned by a crew orlittle girls, I . atrideeor.ifetl- with a pri?fusiou.of gifts froni' hull to top-sail, was as pretty a sight' as one . Could, wizti • . The Baptist.sahool had - a finely decorat ed tree and appropriate exercises. At the Presbyterian Church ta‘o trees were tastefully arranged, and the exercis es consisted of a colloquy of little children And Christmas carols sung by .the'school. At the chwti)f the - eiercises Rev. G. P. SEWALL, on behalf of the employes of the Enterprise lilanufaeturing Company, pre:. rented a gold-headed cane to the mauagt er, Mr. Joux A. PARSONS. The gift was atolten of the appreciation In which the men hold Mr: PARSONS, and, corning as it did from as fine a -body of men as any , community can bbast of, it was a decid edly handsome compliment to him. The hearty applAuse: of the:audience skolte volumes for the respect in which both employer and employes are - held, add shows that the. community, deligtts to honor those who by their labor and capi tal build up home industries. • ' 1 Mil =The Trojan Lodge of ,41. Y. 111. elected the folloiring officers, for the ensning year :4Y. M., E. DOBBINS ; I'4, AtSTIN LEONARD; J. W., W.. E.-Cum.- L'.OF H CHURCH HISTORY. TROY. :1 1 : ; Treasuregi.lhfloski ;480ttetwy, R. O. itindism.. : - .4_ . . _ °soden% . Pim - Voratany bla , 01004, the folloequi t datum for the : - uipiniutt year :,, , ,Pfriuldeirit'T VcComosf• VIE* President, J. kilooLlor ; Ttwiltrwp. ,is s ILI liviliantf - torofir; - e:-W; -1 ) i Foiol4lMlXikiti**arn ; pot ibt, 5.94,1 - 11;,*00 Aiiiiiitant;„ 0. Lifesoi , -11htilifhiAstiii4 -6 -go. Ri. * BrAmtsta ;410(Eiginear, J., L. Fais.os Second Itoitltati#:, Jima 4 (Ittms ; Tidnr Eugineui„ WifOutit :_ASE L rourik,En g t. neer, 11"4 11 . - .Re.bunnort ; : Chief,: F, A, Lono. ,_ :- ' .„. ,•- . - , : o *;," . Denembet igl; 1880. CHRISTIVIAS-NOTES= 7 ,ATIigNS. The return Of ' the 4iolida3r season and "(gym, of the, year afrorda opportunity for for future consideration. .'Our',advancement " the, past yeav'has . been satisfactory, and the building of:tvni temples for the worship of Mut Whose Aatal day we celebrate, does credit to the people of 'this • place and oar near nelgfi bK 5M 13 ..1 1 c r ethals binitnies Pros - peiltyben.' tineies,' i and wo look forward to the time when,_othey entevprises shall beinstituted to ad d' to the prosperity . 'tif- thlk place, with interest. We give some _ current . news whiclAve recordWitli regret, ns - the'folli evil courenbas caused sorrow in some bonies.. But young men _gill .persist in sowing' 'Wild oars and reaping the sad eonsequen eel; if not in tears yet bringing down grit hairs in Wirrow"to the grave. 4 company ot them - bad been celebrat: lag the birth of a Saviour . far differenili from the ancient shepherds, and this morning were intoxicated and quarre l some, when .loft.t PiTensox, a police man, while in the discharge offbis duty' and trying to persirOe•them to go horne. Was shot by one'of their nurilber`, but rot.: tutiately not Seriously injured., P.irrEs sok was hot by , ‘Sinksv . Msrrisok,'with a small pistol,. `which he fired . with Out taking it from .a ,pocket in his coat.' The ball struck some , obstruction and was turned from its 'course; only inflicting a flesh won' nd in the abdotneu.lThe wound .ectrits3a seised his r.s.sailantond with the assistance of others, disarmed Min and took him to the lockup, where be remain ed until this afternoon at 4 o'clock, when be had a hearifig before 'Squire *mum- TON, and was held in slooB=bonds for his ,appearance corirt, • " The practice of carrying ,firearms bad enough b.it when y4uog men in dulge in their use upan officers., it is tinip for justice to be meted out to them to the extent of the law,' whatever may be the standing of their famsies or friends. Mr. C. A. WlLe§ accidentally shot himself, - this eveniug4 with a sniall inflicting a severe wound in his', left hand. Dr. E. P: ALLEN, rcniovcd the ballly the use of- the knife, aufl the geut!eman will have time, while the iwoundTta healing, to reflect upon the dang:er . o . f - handling such toys. Ono poor fox was 141 around by a string' 'Awhile this, .nion)ip and .then turned loose _to be .caught bir dogs. Our fiiends mill parth.)n 114 Tor calling it bratal sport, but it, seems to us lilse an Unfair game CO • torture a captive. • A shooting match was held this-after noon:castor the river; but we4under- . stand they were to shoot at targets and dr.tw turkey's "instead of slaioting . at the fowls, themselves. If we commend the marksmen for avoiding We now turn to lipleasauterVde of the ifitylsitistory and notice tho advent of Santa Claus. lie appeared last - night at church, or, atlleast was sup.• posed to, and werowded louse listened•to the singing of appropriate melodies and the distribution hundreds of . presents taken fiom tha overloaded evergreens which had been prepareri. Many of . the presenzs were valuable, and the . gifts to the pa , tor of the church, numerous ; eluding a INT overcoat and other articles of value. IlVe were . remembered, and for he little maiden with a:TerBey - cloak and smiling face, we thank:the onors': The hint is a good one, an we will, .just_w that we are reatli , to surrender. if allowed to appear under a thig of truce to arrange preliminaries:. • • • Othdrs of the boys received similar or youngc,:•loking, presents -and all seemed. - - IWO- , • - j:.411 the - members of the sabbath' schboi were. remembered by their teachers .or friends and4he evening was enjoyefi by the assembly. - • "--` • Th 6 evdning ‘ a similar scene is taking Place at the 'Methodist church, where a nicely arranged programme is being ear, ried-out,' and in a church neatly decorat ed ; • many gifts :are being 'distributed from two trees placed in front of the minister's desk. ,AII looked bright and cheerful there, though every inch of space *as occupied. • . • OR „next Tuesday .evening a similar scene will .be enacted at the Episcopal church,l and we presume with the like success, as Santa has been liberal . this • year. • For lack of time we cannot speak of other events, and so we' close the year With the compliments of the season to the RE:PORTF.R and its readers. ALTER Eao. Athena, Pa., beepniber 25, WO. :„ RIDriBURX ; ITEMS r Mrs. VI NT I3.it•owL*l has entirely re covered from her lite sickness, under the able .treatment of Dr. Crrmsox..-" The beautiful . residence of Mr. M , Cum() is nearing completion.'-..t.Mr: CILAIG is building one of the - finest Or,d'e - 'resi donde, in the town. .The woad Is under the managenient of M.R..1 C * () Or;El:t.. .. I . . ThethriStthaatteii turd tiref.ctiertain= mcnt by. the Sunday s.chooli was'a grand unde'r the lead of superintendent D. - I - 1. 6 1,..k1t111:q1N, 'assisted by - his "able teachers. The siagipg *as conducted try .Mrs. Dr. Cint.soN, assisted by the D.OTZ l ' - sisters, Miss RoumsoN; 'Miss 'l3AT.ewis, • , Miks_3lAv,and Mr. I A.l,nwt., The reci tations Were exceedingly good. Superior to anything: the writer ever listened to, for a Christmas'entertainrsent, .The mu tiering of "Maud Muller,!' by Mtss 11Nr- TIE B.i.t.uvrix, was very line, and showed careful 864. While the pieces spokeit by Miss MINTA ROM;S:SO.S, 31iSS MAY, liii*GtOiiiZAL* Miss Cti.r, 11.01.T.i, - 31r.Crrmi and others; were equally good. The lass recitations, under . the direction of Mass COnA GONZAI Es and Mrs. Dr.' CIIILSON, were admirable. The Christmas trees=for there were two of them—were well laden with pres ents. •The school children were all re membered with presents 'of more or less Value. Some ' received: bevutiful gold_ watthes ; some valuahle boOka, lamps, PS - astotmentl in a word almost everything beautiful as well as ornameitar..‘ The superintendent, Mr. D. H. Pialusox, -was remembered by the scroxil 'among - other things with a beautifril silver castor, and from one of our worthy merchants and wife, with a very valuable and It-se ta' book. lAA, but riit least, among the pretients,, was . one given to the pastor, P. EvEttari, by the most worthy eit!zens cot a& it*llle4o ll 4.isClf.o 0 . 994# your Om City; sheri ff P. prea eitt---,lm A beatititni, inbe; - r etilected by .70KkenspoNbktbityity.l4Ahtitras.$14 innaented by D. B. Latinist's, in behalf of the citizens - or Bidglittry.• Attached to the robe; Asa ;jig'fukcf. sil v er ; 4* IbtZ i - Cltriannale, it flan 1 . :V . 4 turkey, frnm Mra.,WICGONZLLE(I. Thus closed one of 1 ther beat inteitstinmenta Bentley Creek ever had. P. B. E., .Wellsburk, December . 27, 1880. DitUMNGS. iWherwis on . i'eleven feet of snow that as-to visit us the 224. I ' • FIE Mr. J. C. Rontwa is doi4g a lively business. The large Dumber of people which, can be seen pore trading speaks well Air Mr. 'R. and clerks; Great preparations are Lein made for Christmas. There is 'Co he a Christmas Tree at the Baptist thatch:. Quite ex -WISP/0 arrangement* hava been made in the line of recitations, etc. After which supper into be served at Stevens' Hall - for the benefit of the church. ' Dr. Orsjiou seems to be in great fa vor, judging from' the practice he has. - • Schools seem - to be progiessing finely nnaer our present teachegs. Ridgbury pays better arlig,6 than most of the adjoin ing towns. Consequently We get the beat teachers. Mr. Sir.vmlic gives his Opening Ball New Year's eve. The xesidence of Mr. MACK CRAIG is nearly completed. It-is a very handsome buildinF. , December 22,,1880. • ' SMITHFIELD TUE 'l5 CALLED SILITIMELD OUTRAGE It is probable that nothing has ever oc curred in this county, that has so. thor oughly aroused the public in 'general, as did the disgraceful affair, .the account of which was first published in the Elmira Telegram.. According to the. evidence as brought out by the trial, the facts were not in the least exaggerated. The state ment in the teltram is wrong, howevei, in two particulars : First, the outraged partiei l l were not married ; and second, it togs nett in B:ailltyleld at all, and we should, not irve, the credit of it., The perpetra tors of the nefarioris, deed, with a single exception, were not` really residents of Smithfield. Tut° reside in Springfield, two *ere from Troy, having been in our town but a short time, one from Towin da, and the others cannot:be properly 10. -rated anywhere that we. know of—they certainly do not belong here. Neither do the unfortunates five in Smithfield, but in the adjoining township of Springfield. liappen where it may, it was a disgrace -ti]a civi.ized community, and the perpe: tratora should be punished to. the. extent of the la*. A. fair trial was ;given them last I Wednesday , and Thu: tklay, before Esquire tORREST; who committed four of the number and held the:others nude: five hundre-dollars,bolicls to appear/ at _the Feiuiiary Court.- We understand that - two of ; the four committed have been tbailed; out at one thousand dollars each, one other (the negro) for five hundred, and the fouirth is awaiting trial in the coun ty jail. Our greitest anxiety is, that, through some underhanded way the -guil ty parties may manage to evade the.pen alties of the law. Every honest law-abid ing citizen should use his influence. to have law enforced in this case at least. •• 1 • s SM !TTIFIELDEI!. Deiiember 2i, 1880. MRS. MILLER. FOX. We aufrouueed last 'week the death of Mrs. 3fuzsat Fox. seems fitting that a more extended.notice should be made of oue so long and so well known in our • community. MARGARET GARRETT EVAN/A was the fifth child of Jouß EVANS.; a prominent lawyer of Wilkes-Barre, and was. born in that.place March 14, 1813. In early child. hood she removed to Cooper's Plains, N. Y., and . made her home with an older .sis ter. There she was .married' to MILLER Fox, January 4, 1847, and after a brief resi dence in Vermont, moved to Towanda, Where • the remainder .of her life was spent. . The circumstances of her early life had. great influence in determining her char= actor. Left motherless in her fourth year, and bereaved seven years afterward of her father,- she was thrown more than is, usual upon her own resources of ehar 2 , aster, and hence became brave, energetic, positive . and self-reliant. Her intellect l , was naturally dear and vigorous ; her in tentisms subtle; her will; resolute and in:- flexible. In the way of conscientious conviction nothing could move her. IShe 'hood by the right with an immovable and outspoken determination. i At the - same time her heart was tender l und„ de voted. To her family she was the incar nation of love; and fidelity, and she stood by her friend with unilinblflit loyalty. And ito union with her clear iat.2llect and loving heart she_possessed a delicate and artistic tastes A thing of beauty was al si.ays a joy- , to -her ; :flowers seemed to knoW:her tender touch, and beauty' sprang responiive to her 'assiduous care. Her come-was a sanctuary to . her clinging af fections. She poured out:all the treasures of her mind 4ud heart UPon itrand her family feel as if the ;perpetual light bad burned out and,the altar-fires had expired. gifts of this strong and active NVORIINI were!eon.secratedhy faith in the Lord JESUS !Onts.T. Her religion was ,undeinoiistrAtive, btit powerful; it; jras note mere feeling hut a life. Grace was both 'a restraint and an inspiration. It nerved her for duty ; it supported and soothed her ender_ great trials. Few_are called Am suffer as she suffered duringthe past four years. Biit - she went' into ,the dark: and long valley leaving upon the Be lo'ved, and she passed out with the peacc fulmss of a child into the, radiant rest be yond. GOD gave her the sleep of his be lova it was no doubt to her a blessed change. Aud in this belierher bereaved friends can for themselves until the day dawn and thePshadows lieb away. ' S. WILLIANI•HOWELL. • *Died at the residence of. hiaeou-iu-law, JAMES W. JorrEa. in Warren township, Bradford ;county, Pa,,-Octal'er 18th, 1880. Wit meg agedl - 41 years and 20 days. Thus has passed away in peace. -with the blessed hope of the Christian, at a ripe age, another - of the pioneers of Bradford county. , . The subject of the above notice was t • - born in Glaurnovgansbire, Wales,- Sep tember 28, 1808. la 1832 he, with Isis Artottier tEv4N. IIowELL, together with some seventy-five others, from the same neighborhood. concluded to emigrate to America, and on the 17th of June, of that ye:it., bid adieu 'to their many relatives mid i friends, and, embarked on board the brig "Rabbi Castle," theniailing from Swansea to New York . After - a long and perilous Voyaye,.. they arrived safely in New York, October oth, of the Same : year. Here, th e parties separated, some going one 'direction and' some another,_ but the most of them settling in rerun -71- vault'. Mr. HOwitta, weutto Carbondale, where be'- Itlgh4 *hen some, time in, 1883, be removed to Bradford county. hating in the meauthne, married Ale ROM ,MOBBIO, then late of Morristown, -near Swamies, 'his brother ETAN, and his lister CAMAS'S; wife of Evaus, having preceded him. Upon arriviaig- in. Bradford county, in the township of Warren, he settled upon the farm where his daughter and son-in law now live;whin that 'section of - the county was almoit an unbroken wilder ness, and there lived until the day of his le,ath. . He , liyed to lee the wilderness converted into. fridtful farms, land in the community whipli' be . livid, he saw 'schools - and Churches and other Instal: tions of Chilithua morality and refine ment flourish ill wend him. - During his life he erpeliejmed much of the bitter ness as well *Stile sweets of life, especial ly so, in_the logs of Lis dear wife in 1842, and More recently, in the.death of two of three children. He embrseed tiligion in early life,' and united with they' Congrega- .tional church,Jn Wales, and upon his ar rival in thiwenuntry, was-one of the fore most in organizing the " Welsh Congre gational Church," at. ITeatb, 'Pa., *of which chnrch he continued a faithful and devoted member , until his death. Mr. How - ELL took a very active and lively in terest in the affairs of the community in ° Which he lived, and gave liberally of his time; influence and means to promote the be.st interests of Society in ienentli the church in particular, and all worth ir ob jects of charity. In fact, be was a Man of whom it can be emphatically said that "whatsoever; his hands found to do; he did it with his might." SOcially, he was almoiit an nOlversal favorite among his acquaintances, and, indeed, not only be caine of his genial pleasarTtnesi and good nature, but f l i or his 'irrepressible' love of fun, as will as the fund of general intelli gence and infoimation which he' ppm:w ed. And many of his old acquaintances, far and near, will mist the greetings of Uncle " BILLY HOWELL." lie was always cheerful and industri ous ; a devoted husband and father, and a kind-hearted neighhor. He -leaves one son and one daughter, and ghost of fela tiVes, frienai and acquaintances to mourn his loss. -" He sweetly. Sleeps low in the ground," by the side of his father, moth er, three brothers, his wife and his son JouN, in_ the quaint old churchyard at Neath. MRS. NELSON WOLF died in Columbia township, Bradford 'cotinty l . December 22d; in thri Gad year of her age; wife of , Mr. NELSON WOLF, to whom she had been married 42 pears, and by allow she had live shiliren, three of whom survive her and are married. She left also twoigrandchildren. Ilet. °funeral was largely attended, on the 26th, at the Presbyterian church of itsPinwall. and wag conducted by the Rev. JOEL ''JONES, her former pastor and intimate friend for thirty years, and Rev. A.• G. Ilan a:A her late pastor, who . chose foilfis text, Psalms 127-2—" So he giveth his beloved She had been an acute and constant sufferer foitnany years,. but bore up With wonderful patience and cheeefulness, and died Farrotpderl by her children and grandchildren. fler hushar.cl has sustain ed an irreparsble loss: Theit.t uhApter of Proverbs was read asstri ingly appropri,te, with the'remark that to this description of a virtuous NVO , mati,•she added the higher virtues of the christian. Her children rise ttP . and call her bless. eil ';• tier htisband also, and praiseth her. She .early professed•. the christi2 religion anti united with the Presbyterian church of Avints'all, nf which her husbaud.is an honored (deacon. NO - one was pore -re spected in the community and by the min; fster's •of' every Evangelical denomination, who were always iveleonied to her house and table: She had no eat mies for she made none, and her memory will long be cliciishd with respect and . affection. • Let me OM the death of the righteous, and la my last end be like here: She. fell asleep in Jesus'andis blessed. BUSINESS LOCAL. tar HYDRAULIC CEMENT.—Just receiv. efianother car laid of XX Star Cement. sept 7. • - R. M. Wata.za. t SCHOOL BOOKS_ and - SCHOOL SUPPLIES of all kinds, at the lowest prices, at WHITCOMB'S Book Store. dee.a.w4.. CASR PAID FOR PRODUCE at Oct. 30 Vir Cons Ea. has the best wearingSlioeti for Men, Boys and Youth . r' wear ever offered In Towanda, and at prices wlthfh the re:feh of all. rffr" A very large assortment of Books suitable for gifts ; all the Posits In Ann bindings and4. , eapeditionst,a very ctiOlce line of Illustrated JuvenTtes. and all the late publications of the sets. son, at WIIIItOMB'S Boot . Stove, dec.94%-4. Ali "orders for Milk or Cream left. at C. A. Pl:retr's Confectionery Store will be promptly filled by Patin( Brothers: dee3o-w4.- rir Elegant pew-ste4 or. JEWELRI at the 49 , Cent Store. - ,Oct. 28, 188%; Our gooda:areZlEW and of the BEST QUALITY. DECKaßrai Vocairr, Please look at the BEAUTIFUL sTaTtiARY, STATIONERY, SCRAP BOOKS. CHRISTMAS CARDS, ETc., at WHITCOMB'S Rook Store. dee.9-w4, rir GLOVES and MITTENS—Iowes vices—at the 90-Cehz Store. * Oct :3 , *SO. Vir Job lot df Ladies,Pants, 25 cents worth 40, at the 99-Cent t tore. Oct. 29, 'BO. tar Tlie LARG:E:z-T and most BEAU TIFUL stock or HOLIDAY GOODS ever'brought to Toymnda. Positive bargains at WHITCOMB'S Bait; 'Store. tlec.9-wl. Qs' ; For a good, durable and teat - fitting SHOE, call at F. J. BLUM'S., Beldle au:s Block, Main street. tar MERINO tNDERWE&It, at the et-ceet store '2lltb, 1880. Provisions•of all kiads, of the best quanty, at DECNER tkyouctrt's. iar Try our New JAP. 'TEA. . Best in tizeits*/: VOL' 11.1 HT. AWL _tar Choice 'TEAS and . COFFEE . •pactalty at llsciczn & VoccnT's. New Books just out- 7 -Mrs: May Agnes Fleming, F. P. POe and others.;—,st the 97Cent Store. . oct2B. - Of Sell your Hides,' Pelts and Furs to IL DAVIDOw a BOortran, on Bridge Street. They Pay the-highest market price. norl7. .rt Vr Persons wanting' anything in TO BACCO or CIGARS, eiti l get the BEST and CHEAPEST. of John Sullivan (formerly of• the Elwell House) at Ma Store on Bridge Street. Dec. S3-lty • Qs' ~iinisteri Lawyers, Teachers and, others whose occupation gives but little exercise, should use, atrrttn's Little Liver PIA* for torpid Liver and blilousneslC One is a dose. &c.a. t Cnoix,n&—NO danger from Chol era I,f the Liver ' Le In proper enter and ordlnari prudence In diet Is observed. The occasional taking of Simmons' Liver II •gubstor Ickkeep the sykeni healihy, will. sorely prevent attacks of Chokers. ' Dee. a, ISSO-ull. tir PRICE'S WAY DOWN on Gents' Fisosad Coarse 'Boots at BLUM'S, Baldtermites Pck. Nov. p.m • t Horsemen. Ask your merchant for Henry & JOrdion's Andes and Oil Liniment s ind keep It alinynln the stalse, W use In ea*e of acci dent. its' L. D. Tiogsnot. "c-111441-"a* *ea targitialitiotteuell Flews Saab, ppm, Wadi aad Italait‘sViad at losilasig as. , (181$411 _ _ 3.7 The Largest, Best sod Choral otilbool*lno Ladiuraillesse end Cb"reas' $s tom! st Cossurs ours dote, cornet Matz sitd rialilts4 'Tracy kflobilliiitoek.' WV,/ IT Dr. Bastees liagidaks Bitters act the litomseb. Ltver ant Bow s 1 Pewee all Woes, putty the alooA,sol fertttithe maw" • tir It le impossible for s woman alter af 1. faltbfilP Cline of .1.1121011010 With 1411VIJI. L. Lizailfeihs VIWXTABLE COXXOtiND to epntioaa W suitor 'tithe greatness of the uterus*. stamp to Ws. Mina X. PriniXAN, ves4ra" Avenue; Lynn., Maas., for peepidets. Qol4 r . B. C. roams, DruUtat, Towanda, re. -4 : •Jusql.prl. tr. Perfectly safe In all cans. For ammo,' or Lbw ?bran. Lucia. efogni4 WiMig Cough. Colds. etc., Downs , Vizir Is sate, re Is sal el/leans! remedy. The S.CENT SToitg is' Mad ly:tartan for einrythlng In the Una of LAMPS and I.Amr GOODS. WS. TETE-A-TETE SETTS, WINE SETTS, 1.1Q1708 SE 99-Cent Stere. • tier UNION CIDPS ILL.—This is ; an' Oieellent Portable lull—one that ecnamendi Melt at sight. Fannen baring apples going tote. will dowel! to gife the elder 31111tatial. lt easily and rapidly—crushing the Milt Instead of grating. Capacity; live barrels pet day. To; sale cheap; - • .Towitutta, Ps., Sept. 7. • . • Oa,. SEWING MACLIthE NEEDLES Otts and attachments at the coaCent Stare. • • • far AYER'S CnERRY PEcroir4.t. , tlio world's wrest remedy for Colds, Coups, onsornp. don, sod sU affections of the Limp and •Throat. air I have Coffered , from a kidney diffi culty for the past tenyears, accompanied -.'with nervous spasms. Physicians mere me but tainces• vary relief, but after using three and ono-Ulf bot tles o 7 Werner's Safe Sidney and Liver Cure, my nervous spasms were entirely relieved. .Myriige is 77 years. I recommend this great remedy ta all suffering from nervous troubles. Easton, Pa, MRS. MARY BLZSE. . Dec. 9. tom' 1 have no mint doutot of the bone- Octal effecti of Warner's Safe Hider" and Liver Curelban I have that the Genesee river empties Into ,Lake - Ontarto.—Rev. J. E. Reakta. D. D., Waihingtors, D. C. - •E . Dec. 9, 'Wert. WHITCOMEI—=DARN.—At Troy, Pa., on 'hew , day. December 21, at. the residence of -C. F; I.llley, try Hey. 11. H. Hayden. assisted by Rev. A. B. Chamberlin,- 31Ir. 4: Y. Whitcomb, of Altor„ and Mrs..YellndL Dap% of Union. If A.VEK—BZEBICII.—At .tee Presbyterian Par. nonage, dillonrotton; November tits. by liter. liallect Armstrong, Mr. Thonsis ifayes.ot Athol, Nam, and Miss Ettlel3oeblett, of Tawamla. BOOTR—OftAtiGETL—At the Presbyterian Par. wnage, Monroeion, Sth Inst.. by Bev. fialloek A raistrong. 'Mr. Win. L. Booth. of Towanda, and !ties Attneda Granger. of Burlington. • . SMITH— SM Leßoy, gatii bril. ff. Mutt, Esq.. Mr. Myatt Smith. of arid Mlu Helen Stulth, of West Franklin. SWAI"ZE-13rEi.L.—tu Troy, lettileit.. by Rev. Joel Jewell, Schuyler Swayze and Ills, Via Hue!, 4f. Wells. • SIMPKINS—MAXTER.—In Port / Huron. Mich.. :3t last, by 'Hey. H.S. White, pastor of the First M. E. Church, Port Huron. Gee E. Stosoldna, of Marion City, Mkh., and Miss ',Lary Jane Beg ter, of Troy, L's. • AMMONDIte.II.NED."--At the Preshyterlan. Parsonage. Asylnwall, tbli county, Bth tnst.. by Itvi. A. 13. !lensed, Harriet D.sugla.s% daughter of the officiating clergyman, and Frill . Hain ' mond; of Horseheads, y. Y. W AVNEII-I:MOLITTLE. —in Herrick. loth last., at the house of tg.amuel Overpeek;by the Geo. Lawton, Mr. Edwin Warner, of and Miss Emma Pooltttl..; of Herrick. SIERRILL—TOWNER.—M Ulster. VA inst., by Rev. C. E. ; if erguson., Mr. M. 'W.' !Terrill, of Ulster, and Miss Louie A. Towner: of Rome. Bt Y.\3=LOSiar.—fit East Sri:00)1101d M. M. Parsonage, 2aclinst.. by Rev. John Mr. Horace U. Bittnaand v alise Ella If, Lomax, Loth of Burlington. DEMPET—PRINCE.—At East Smithfield Church. 21:h lust.. by Her. John L. King, Mr. John .L. Duffey *n4llllll Fannie I. Prince, both Eas,t. Smithfield. BP.OWN—P£IIRT.—At the 'Baptist Parsonage, Itehoopany. 14th inst.., by Itev.._./."lt. sin,. Mr. Ashley Brown. of Sugar Hill, and ]lles Kittle perry. or Sugar Ran. MAITGEK--11A.WKIN3.—At the M. E. Tirana. :4th 111.4.. by P.er. S. 11. Keeney. Mr. W.-31. 3tauger and Miss 31ellsra M. Hawkins, both of North Towantiii. BEELE,S.In'Troy, 19th last., daughter of 11.% :fifties. aged 7 weeks. W ARNE/L. —ln Columbia, 15th inst., of general 111rani Warner, aged 75 years. LEUTZ.—In Troy township,-15th ingt., of diph theria, daughter of Charles Lent; aged 7 years. iV 11 I P L Springfteld, 16th Inst., of cane*. r„ •Catherlue, wife of Andrew Whipple. *Zed 12 year*. . . BATINTEs.—In Quick's Bend, 6th Inst., nf thharil- matton of the lungs, Emma, daughter of E. 11. POWELL & CO: A. Cr. ITARN ED NEW ..GoODt, DiCEER & VOUGLIT'S THE HOLIDAY:SEASON No*. :74 t MARRIED. DIED. and Ella Ilarnze, .aael. 4 years, s months and 3 days. Wen, - Abvestiscuintts; - • Are opening this week a large stock of Especially7adpted to They have taken advantage of the markets at this „season, and - . have closed out: lines of Goods which will be offered at great bargains and much be low former . prices. - Particular Attention! Is asked_to. their NEW STOCK -OF Riiint" -Th 0 0 0 iS # Vaia. To their New Stock of. CLOAKS.: _. SHAWLS: •: . . ~ AND. FURS AND . 7O THEIR NOTION :_STOCK Whidi is fully stocked with all the Novelties for the . _ . Holiday Trade. Tow=b, Dec,. 9, 1880. LIM
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