Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 25, 1880, Image 3
Otitaferl *pate!. CUMI. U. LOCAL 1115t1011.. Tc i :rattda, Pa., Nov. as, :880. ENTERED IN THE POSTOFFICIC AT TOTaNDA. AS NAIL NI 14:TTER OF THE SECOND CLASS. LOCAL AND GENER44:. The expira;loss of . subscription is print sd ms At. colored label.' By noticing the . date every subscriber can isli.ishsn' his. paper teal be stopped loges* the anbserip tict4 is renewed. GEO. H. Woon, of Towanda, is an au thorized agent to solicit subscriptions to Ri.ronmn; 'arid 'receipt fer'inoneyiin pa:;merit therefor. Ile will canvass differ ent portions of the county, and we trust ,our friends will aiibitn - in adding new names to the ReronTEn's already large list of subscribers.l THANKSOITINO. WINTER, indeed. THE stove dealers are happy. THE epizooty is disappearing. Tug river.has been "frozen over," for , sevoral days. Tag initial snow storm of the winter TI - ,iirsday last. , CnEatt:xo County, N. Y., is in debt about $30,500. TuiratE are but thirty-six more days of 18S'1 remaining. finste=fartners . have not yet finished hu-kitig their corn, T,ii weatber-wire; predict 31' , snow storms for the coming winter., Antiorr, the Reformatory murderer at Eamra, has beeu respited to January Ist.' IN the year 1881 there will be four echpses—two of the sun and two of the is a rani current that the Wa- Tee,y Water Werke - Temp. iv will lay a lain to -Athens. Anoi.ttr SOLOMON presentedlOHN BEE MAN, on Monday last,. 7:vit.h a handsome 111ANCING SG%OA in this place tbis winter is now being talked about. It will prol)ably end in talk. S %NIVEL N. MANLEY itas been ,appoint ed Postmaster atGranvi:le Centre, vice L. 1) - .7 - TAYLon, resigned. • COLONEL 141 FANS has „put down 3 sub stantial stone sidewalk op Bridge street, south of his residence. -• Electoral College of this State will rnt,•t in the- Senate Chamber; in Harris huxtr, on Wednesday. neit. THE Water Works at Waterly were . completed on Saturday last. Their entire , has been about $40,000. ' ' Tue new :depot is a success; - and no wo,aier, as it it located so much nearer the ;aisinessr centre than the old one. , ITut? Presbyterian. Church of Canton v.'w.• losers by over :IL hundred •dollars tilt. , =ugh the failure of PoAliv.-ifc,Son.• is inst; , as w ell tai. remember that ci!;tvr warmi vineg - ar•and water : or kero oil will clean mica in the stove door. "i weather for the past fe-.v days-has I,eci quite ad, stifijcielatlj , so to freeze ice severaLitAes hi : thickness on the IF volunteer firemen of this State pro. Tyr. , to hold- a convention . on' December In i? Reading. Each company is enti. t (-;; to a -delegate: 'Az:AIN we, say Towanda shotild and ou , Y:t to have a conrsc - of popular lectnres thi , winter. Is any`' .one moving. in the ma: ter! :Probably 'nOt„ . . .-- , THE packagenxty at the residence of lbw. .r. G. P.ktroN, on Monday , evening, tNac a decidotsuccs, and netted t6e F.)..-.eval MitelSociity VO. . .• bah'. been aproinled a. , i lit at East Waverly. We. suppose '1• • hc•t4.•after train Son the G. 1.. &.; S. It-31.1 Till always ue on tittle. ,g Of ids are arriving, and the 7 litiie•knies are already peeping into the wintloWs, wondering what Santa Chi will bring areitud this time. Witr.s the President designee& the 250! of :covemlxr as Thanksgiving pay: we 'a tinder if he realized the fact that the day preeeding it would be the 329th of the year? ' .T. - W; Strtt,En, of Tompkink; cifle; Lackawanna County, has ground I 1,. 10 bashids of ariplea in'o cider this apples inak'ug about .18,000 gal lons of eider. 1=1=11:=1 'FITE Board of Pardons, at_ its. recent r:esl e '.on, voted to hold the applictiou for 11161 on of IRA LEST, convicted at Sep tetalter term of our county courts of per t- j o yy, under adfigemetit. VANDERMAIM, a porter at- the Ward House, had tine of his feet badly Inv!. a few days anti, by a heavy trunk 'he w_a_s• assisting to unload from the hai- , ...!age wagon falling on it. ("11:1rE a lardnuinber of the Republi leat.A of ourtiicti ,and vieinity,.express their intentions of Washington on o,e 4th of March, to witness the in auguration of President,p:urtELD. THE following is clo:n the Leßaysville Adrcr.tiicr of last-%4Qli : " HOMitt Co- LE of killed.a calf the other day, wit •1 only three legs—two natural , bt-L , o(1, and,.one iu ffont,couta,lning two !i';sl hoots:" . CARRY 11611 AN, of ttoilington townihip,. hr oglit to tiiis - o&_:.e to Fiiday' !isl, a 'wirier radish of his: raising that weigiled tiint• }Janis, and ineatitired twenty-eight ipAes in cireatufekence. Something of a that. A' (Irairr Oevery six inhabitants is tho tole by wbteh they calculate' the amount of 11:i if: required to supply the populatien or ..ny city. :: , so sAysran exchange.' To wal:cia; therefore, requires about 700 .piotts per 40. Ir Mr. VIINHio4 is correct in big gur , on the 2::d of December, at 11:35 A. at., a SII3CT will begin that; will last for : , ,erenteen hotirs. Let's see ; that will give us sleitthitirlion Christmas:. Let her VENNolt, i , pla. boy. Arri:n the firii of January next;'; says an exchange, thel work •of the 1. 0. 0. P. will he changed ttnd consist of three de gree:, which will simplify the work, ma i : three are at pre4nt five in addition to the' r --: in. iatory degree to the subordinate 10dg.: . :, _ t • & • One of tbii objets of thtl changt ve...1. ; It IP kr+qt Co 04.04 8 011, fl 4 tlr PM It 1 44! OS lt i f iiiNIIOOMN. rnity of Slimglaad, that - a andipm;tiolk iiiii-bOornied*Stithicgraialiiji: such conjunction can be formed therewill be one mdlion Odd Fellows lo good atat4l. ing, and all , the INId Fellows of the world' will have the name work; '- "..YESTERDAY; Wed 11086 79 WV/a° P2DLIII day of.lBBo. Today we p•rtaieof rosar turkey, etc., and give- Ihaniur. How singularly appropriate, inthe tight of the recent political campaign. Perhaps our democratic neighbor will not thus view it. Tuts poet of the Elmira Gazette thus re-: fers to one of the fair maidens of that, DEE - 3fsbel's sitting In the firelight Welting for her loTer true • • All the tomb filled with daikneie— VIII the Mindoro , of her shoe. . THE Board of State. Canvassers of New York, have declared the follawing, results of the late; election u to Presidential electors tisnitELD. 555,544; Maircocu, 534,511; WEAVER, 12,873; Dow, 1,517; GARFIELD'S plurality, 21,033. Majority over all, 7,843. Foutt editors ere seated at one table at:dinner in the Ward House dining room on Saturday. Itjwas merely a coinciderice. —Review. And - a "coincidence" that will long be remembered by the landlord, the cooks and waiters. The - HOUO is still doing bilsiness. ' ON tho first page of this - issue, under the heading of " Awful," , we publish the predictions of one Professor C. A. Gum. of the dire calamities that are to be ; fall this world in the next few years. Our ,opinion of the prediction is„ that those who believe it, will , be "awfully" fooled. pAux in Towanda township, Velong ing to JAMES 31cGmt., ',together with its ,content, consisting of a pair of horses, a *few sheep, a number of wagons, a quanti ty of hay and grain, etc., was 'destroyed" by fire on Friday morning:. Loss about $l,OOO. Insurance, $3OO. _The work of au incendiary. - THE Post Of* Department has adife-r -tito,d`for pFopoitils for carrying the mails in this lhate [dr four years: from the tlrst of Jul , next. Bids must titsent'to Wash ington on'orVore the 10th of -January next. A pamphlet containing a list of the routes let; may 1 . ,;e : seen at the Post (Mice in-this place. ' • hex thieves ant operating in Terry town. .A correspondent of Wyalusing Stir of last - - week sa"s of; them : "Not - • long since one entered WlLiasit•TEnnx's Cellar and carried oft' a quantity of can ned fruit, provistons, 'flicat,,etc. We have alSo learned of other depredations, such as stealing chickens,,etc. enosa is receiving the largest and hand somest stock of Books, 41bnms, ete., suitable fnr holiday gifts, ever brouglit to this market. It is. worth srour 'time to visit his store and look ovfir the stock, even though you eliohid no4lesire to pur chase_any of the artcles Op. exhibition. This is not a "puff,-" but truth. WE are inforMed o sais the Tunkhan tiOck Republican of ?Ii wt 4,. that scant- Lugs were placed acrossthe failroad track jnst, above Ransom on Thesday • night, 'with the. evident intentiotiof wrecking the t; in which :arrives 'in tr ualannock . i at 9p. In, .Tlie bbstructionii.lwere discov eied by the cligincer in tlmil to avoid dis - - . I aster. zi \ ----4-41.------, .- . ' ITur: chilling blasts of wiPter and the snow, forerunners of Which Have al ready been manifested, should remind those w - hti have been abundantly 'blessed :n haaketland store, and whpse comforta ble homes and wane fires age apt to make them forget the harder side of life, that there are many, things th4y • Can do as stewards of the,Griver of alllgood to light-, en the butden and lessen the sufferings id,their less fortuu4e neighbors. • • Ps Thursday last the last raft arrived ln Marietta froiu Up the river. A total of bout sevetty-tive 'rafts arrived at Mal iet.- and were sold here, nwst.l6l.them being ken through to Port' De p osit. One or. l k,wo pine rafts sold as low a'S' fifteen cents, Ibut the majority brought liwenty cents, and a 'll.;w, ...s. ftt:.tekt last Week, brought twenty-two •cents.. Ilemkkic lorought as igh as eleven cents, althiingli ten cents 'as the ruling price. Luthbermen h ave ut done so, well for ievilal years previ . lIS. Time; ISth, . TWE borough.aut orities have complet ed the purchase of the steamer at Towan 4. The contract includes a Silsby steam er, a four-wheeled hia.e.cart, and a fuel 'cart, all in goad condition. ; , The price for . hi is $1,500; the origirial Cost was t-5,10b. Thc apparatus has been thoroughly test-' ed by Mes'srs. Minn and rvioNs, of the Honesdale Fire Department. • It is to be kept; with the steattier alreadyedby. the borough, in No. .3 Engine HouSe, and nil) be held inreserve, for use vrliencver .tie,eded. This purchase, relieves us from idependence, on a stogie mtgiio, .and iires adequate, means of 'eirt ; ingnishing fires beyond all pi&able cout t liogencies.— Übinesdale Citizen. 7 WAz.s:s, of the Waverly Review, is sat- Aied that that villa e, ought to be , the :terminus of one of to&Ndivisions of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western. Rail road,, : now .in course .. of construction through that town. ' The management of •the Road tin nut seem to agree with IRA's idea, and favor .Elmira; as the division terminus: ~..'ire the managera aware• of the terribitness of IRA's wrath when fully aroused ?'': Supposing that jest Omit the time the road bed is ready for the ties and rails, the perhelicin of the iveekly e and semi-Weekly Review were to ,occur: and sup use again that at that time a day of KlNNEY'S;ititot ‘• ate Kalondar should be in opposition t„, a had column local in the ' Fr& Prees. -Supposing this to occur, we, say, MIA/ a short space of time, would there' not be danger of Spanish Hill being: "trot from base to apet, and the Lehigh ;;Yalley coal pt•ckets 'carried doe west to 1 .. - Tozer's Bridge ? . Ink will kindly think Of these possibiliti- s prehe unchains the i. forked lightning of his wrath. • E=l2=l MAN LOST • JAme.g STOREY, of Northmorelatid; Wy oming County, Pa., who has- been de ranged for a short time, strayed from his home on Tuesday, November 16th. He is thirty years of age, about five feet ten inches in Ipight, taco spare, thin light colored moustache, light hair, blue eyes. Wore check overalls, tan-colored blouse, black glouch hat, buckle shoes. , A spite reward will be paid for his return to Is.tac STOREY, KeilersbUrg, Wyoming County. Pa., or for •information that will lead, to his recovery. • Ile is perfectly harmless, and :could be easily persuaded 1 1 to remain with or accompany any one who might meet I. 0. 20. 2 F. One of the officers of the Grand Lodge Will give instructions in the unwritten work of thi!oider, at the Haller Bradford ge, in Towanda, on Monday evening; icetnbt . r 13th All bttitbens of the thief to rnviiitiw,invitei IF; to! petsenn W!‘!if Tiriti 6110* timp,pilaynars. Tsx am! iiill:4ltheitat NOrtit Gloat time)! :Thaskaghlaig art** at the 'ft'idriterian Church this mons*, at 101 4)**o4' Tito; tadiaaot Christ Church CEOs*. pal) Will hold , s talr sad sappir on TMI. day, and. *adaaaday, Deasiaber lib sad Bth, at norm HA. Tax piervioes of the 'celebrated Suns Family. havebeen secured for an enter tainment for the benefit of Christ Church. The familynre now traveling in a west ern State, and will stop in Towanda on their way to Connecticut. The concert will be in Murcia. Mall, Monday evening December 6th. , Adinissiun to all ; arts of the hallA cents. poLLo2;oss for thebenellt of ,tbe La dlein*volentAssociation, will ,be tak en np_ii 7 l.ll of the charehes of. this place, to-day--Thanksgiving. There_ is no law prohibiting generics donation& on such occasions. . vien OF, Tag lIESBtAIi (itsivErtsausT). Rev., Wu. TAYLOR, Past Or. ThatikSfriv ing Services: 25th instant, at 7P. M. New music appropriate to the occasion. Sunday, 28th instant, at 'l%, subjeci, "The Vision of the Waters." At 7 P.M., " Built on the Bock." o TUE ladies of the Church the Mes siah will : give a supper in he lecture rooms of the church on Tue sday evening. November 00. All: are cordially invited to attend.. c a .- ' ' FATAL. ACCIDENTr A young, man by the name of MAT. t p° Pince, , son of Etas Place, re 'ding near Luther's Mills, was, :it is sup sod, in. stand) , killed by the accideltal discharge of a gun on Sunday _last. H was oat huntir%, and ittclimbing over a I fence Lis gun was in , some way dischargtid, the con. tents entering his left side, proidecing, it is 'thought, almostinstant death. His body was found near Where . the accident . curred ,on , Monday. He, was about years of. age age and unmarried. THE BRIDGE SUIT. Tte case of the Towanda , Bridge Com pany vs. Bradford County,- to gletermine . the value of the bridge crossing be Sus quelianna river at Towanda, which wit made a free bridge some time tigo by the County Commissioners, was brought to trial in this borough last Monday morn ing, but on Tuesday . was continual until March•next,.owing to s the annoying ilt ness of Hon. M. F. Et.ttorr; one ,of the 'counsel for the defense. Distinguiatcd' and able legal talent is employed on . both sidegiho Bridge Company being repre 'sented by - Meisi Oyairros--&- Sa.lttwit; I sofi, of Towanda and 11. SIIEEW-0011 • .Son,. of this place, and Bradford County by Messrs.'Davlas & CiRNOCTIAN, of To wanda, and Et.tac4TA Wkritous, of this bar. Colonel E. OvElvroN, of .the plain tiffs counsel, isi the present membertif Congress from the Fifteepth District, and Lion. W. T. DAVIcs, On the the defendant, hais just been re-elected to the. 'State zlenate from the Bradford Senatori al District.. A - numberof the proininent 'citizens of our 'neighboring county . were present as witnesses; its Well - as 'a few from -other parts of the State, 'among .whom we motel the following: JA:stEs Macraitt.asm, E. W. HALF, Colonel J.F. MEalis, N. N. BFrrs, M. A. SPAR', M 11..- LER For, Jolts: E. Riff', G. F. - MasoN, .Joni.; 0. WARP, URIAII TERRY, M., F. RANSOM, E. B. COOLEAVOU, } E: C. DM- . ails, Gambia W. OTT, Ca/tunas DIM- ItOCK, DAVID LAMPREAIt, T. C., WOALON, Gs:oao E V.. MTER,..I. W. HOIST, ToiVaß ; J. 8.. HIND?, Wysox ; MYRON RINGS 4.EV, , -Standing , . Stone ; AVERY FILINK, Montrose; R. H. LAWSIIE, -B. -ORIFFEY, Clearfield ; G. 11. Tour, J. S. TOME., Jet' . sey Shore . ; A. H.. Srannuto, Athens ; Joni's , WRITE, Williamsport. Wettzboro Gazette, I,Fth.. - . - COURT PROCEEDINGS. ARGUMENT COURT NOvEmßi.o, 15, 1880. The Bradford Bn*lding and Loan A4So ciatien• vs. George Mani; ; Same vs. Wit- . ham Riff; John Holmes vs.'N: IV. Clark; C. B. Shepard vs. John Bosworth, lld, et at ;. Lawrence Ameigh vs. Georg Ameigli;, M. S. Scouten vs. J. M.' Mann ; Citizens' Bank of WaVerly vs. J. D. Monta.nye ; Ellen Ealitch.ell vs. James Kelley; John Bandal-X use vs. Douglafis Davidson's ' Admrici4tratriz ; May - & Stern . vs. M.. ilendlenlan.,:-Rules.discharied.a 4 . • I J. 11. Cnaai el vs. 'W. D. Ridgeway. et! a 1.,; Towanda Building and Siving . Fund Association vs., C. IL- Turner, et; 'al ; N. • C. Harris vs! J. C. Robinson, Garnishee ; G. C. Bullock vs. Margaret Dann ; Lovice . BlaCkman vii. D.. It. Blackman ; First Na tional Bank of Athens vat hiarAall Bul lock; total ; L. 31. Ileweit vs. Mary Jane Bs.bei k ; G. W. 'Nichols vs: F. N. Will cox. Rules made absolute. • - . G. V. Faisett Vs. 0. a. -- Barnes ; Same vs. C.!R. Baines; W ! '''' W-. ,Boarnian: vs. Patrick Consadine, two mails ; George 11. Strong vs. A. J.' Kaine. et al.— tittles to open judgment.... ~ • • . - ~ Lydia A. - Brown vs.. N. P. • Brawn.- Rule to pay money, - . , . • James Wood's •use,:vs. M. K.Rasli, et al.—Rule.on .T.,11. Frost to pay Outs. • , James McGill vs. Nettie . I voree decreed. Loly 13. Talady vs. Frank Talady.— Court direct alias au! paina to be issued. Coe &, Campbell,. vs. Jas Executois ; A. S. .thiwkins vs. Salim. Judgment Stricken oil in,each cite. William Tice vs. Maria E. IViiiht.— Judgment - affirmed. Joseph Jarolman vs; john Kticlier.— Juilgme' nt reversed. 1 . ~.. . S. S. 'Hickok vs. LatbaniA.ndrusf-!-Wil bam'Foyle, - F, sq., appointed Master and Examiner. - ! ! - 1 . First :rational 13ank of . Towaffila vs. W. A.. Rocki t eit, Garnishee of A. J. 1%4. ble.—S. 11.Payre, - Esq.. appointed) AAA% ...r it for to distribute money paid in Couit.. E. T. Fox. vs. J. 11. Ellis, et al.. it ditor'Oleport.contirmed finally. -- - ' X. N. Betts vs. 0. A. Black.--Audi tor'B .WPort confirmed finally and excep tians"diamiseed. Smith, Kitmertt Co. vs. G. W.Triiitz. —Auditor's Report filed and coctirtued Di. et. In re. the alleged, lunacy of Stanley C. trillock.--N. J. Young, Esq., appointed Commissioner.. POMONA GRANGE. Pomona Geange •No. 23, P. of FL, 'met in the Court Flows at Towanda, Thurs day, November 18th, Worthy Master A. i D. Munn in the Chair. • ' The following visiting committees were present and reported the Order in a' flour WAN; condition throughout the, county : A. T. LilleY, C. D. Ross, B. Laporte; W.. B. Smith, 8 Whitney and .1. 0. Alger. At the conclusten of the , very cheering reports, Orange prOceeded to the election of officers, With the Allowing result : Master, W. H. Smit h; Oreiseer, 0. Algtr; Lecturer, C. D. Rose-; Steward, Lilley Aesistaut Steward, John cbliplalnt lit 11nrtntil TAMP 111141 VI lietlik 1 • 11,61,110 POO, Stanls) 4 1 40 I.4 l l l Pre A. Gilbert; Ceres, Mrs. IL L Scott ; ikes, Jim C. D. alai f*Alimakfig 4 tOnalnindittal ; LIAO", 1111wq4. o.4tger z , 100041 : 0 0 108 M,F,.. - Tlto Eleautirit, Comet:tea teas elected : .1;4, VanNoy, ` A: r: Young,- a. D. None, w. ughita Jim B. La- Tbe Colutnittee usa Resolatione nado the following report, which iwars iulopted assstset. east es away re me users. we sit War Ilspresealathea, Mae and itistioual. to give their earnesteterts In fitter ot ehesper goy %Molests and a oessegaract‘ *Over lases. Use. less and atummessarytielemsbould hi: abollsbed and eiorbitaut Miaries eat Wean to I basintil taints in every department ot the vreenaeot. The labor et the coaster stutalns to the end all fluanclal bur. dens, and th Interest of that* who pay all emen: sea should be regarded sa•more pmeat than the weedy thusuuds or those Mend stmloa. 'rhose who axe sustained by thepsopte at this polls abou'd iMS nap their duty to &Mir conslitients. iternarke for the good et the order by 13. Lap4rte, Esra Loornis, John nolftnau, 13. F. 136elnan, C. D. Ross and 'others. E. E. Quinlan delivered an addiess on Education, *Mai Acme listened to with attention.. Culture of amber cane and the manu facture of syrup vas discussed at some length. Some farmers have raise.) at the rite of 820 gallons per acre. • Thr. , being no further business _ the Grange adjourned as above. _ DWIGHT KELLUM, Secretary. Towanda, Novembei 20, 1880. PERSONAL. —Judge Monnow is . &tiding Court at 'Montrose this week. —D. 0. Ho',tau. and wire, are visiting, friends at WyaArising. —Rev. C. T. Flamm Witt. has removed his family to this place. _ —Fuin VA'cortati, of Wyalusing, Las gone to North Platte:Neb. —R. S. Trumann has sold his (haying business to ERlth MaNTYRE. —Rev; GEouctu D. STROUD has retnov ed his .family to iTutik.hat flock.," . . T. Krn.tre has moved biro the "Mason MausiOn," just below town. --Jot; IN Ent of ,i3tisquelinnua County, pussed . Subday with friendi in this place. -11:89. , MINIO n R GAYLORD, 'of Wyaltr sitig, is visiting friends at We.4t Auburu. gAllig L. _MOODY, of Towanda. is visiting friends ,here.,— TuUkhannock, Re publican.. —Mrs. Jons Cots hai changed her i.lace of residence from Springfield to . Smithfield. . —Mr. GOlttlE: BEACH and wife. of Sinitlifirld, are visiting' friends in Provi• &nee, 11. I. —ff. A. BURUANK, accompanied by his daughter NARY, is Visiting.. friends. in Owego, N. Y. , . • - —We are pained to learn that DiNtr.f. TRUMBULL. of ! Liberty Corners, is dauget ously ill or paralysis. • • -%V. " COLL " BUFFINGTON t of Phil• .is visiting his sister,. Its. L. B. Rowans; iu this place. , • - —Mrs: - .L.„ El.SllltE't.: reti.tned borne last seek frtinti tanne - vant extended visit to rel itivee and friends' at` Ithaca,,' aca l :::Pl._ Y. —Mrs. J. D. Iliht,, formerly , a4tsidedi of this place, but now a resident of Cali fornia, is visiting friends in Burlington - —Dr. C. F. PAYNE, of Troy, is leetur. ing on Pliy?liolowy *end Hygiene to the students otithe Graded School in that vile ;ages. —MasteriFnalig Btu:lva% son of D. A. rigavEs, oI Sap. roceived a:broken n by. o fall . from a lonil)er pile pbo day fiat week. . —FRED cOIITII now MIS a 'position in the Lehil.thFfieiglit fliee :it Waverly, hav ing been transferred. from the otbee at Pittston. and Mrs. Jous Hot.mvs Celebrat. ed their " wooden wedding," at their Fit& idence in I;ast Towatici l, on Monday ev ening last. t. —Miss KATE MitatELL, who has .been an invalid, and blind, died on Friday ev ening-list. She Was a sister of Mrs: EL LEN MADDEN. —CEO. SMITE. an old resident of Mon - rata township, divd- at his residence .on 'Wednesday morning. lie; had been ill for several months, —'sliss Latina OFattiutar r o teacher; of Smithfield, left home this Week rot.. Hiram College, Ohio. .Stie has the best wishes of her many friends. Join.; Faux, of •liiertall, • this county, has gone on a visit to his brother ELIAS, who resides in Texas, an wilt be absent from home some months. . .The . tericio scys that wholortperry taught school in Springfield township,. is in Africa-with a "view to .es tablishing missions along the river Niger." —Mr. and Mrs. Catxo; • VansEv, of Troy. have just returned ;from theirwest. ern journey,after ao absence of eleven weeks, having visited friends in New York State, Michigan, Illinois. Wiscon sin and Minnesota: They erfoyed the full, benefit of :a Minnesota "blizzard," while iu that State. Josrpu ltiNskr.r„ of Towanda, a musical director of Mitre than local repu tation, has been secured by the Twelfth Regimental Hand, of this city, as ari in structor. Under his directorship, thAt al ready efficient orgatiitiation. will, no. doubt, exhibit a marked improvement in their playing in a short port litinner. • --Mr. NAPTKIA -K.: - WOODltune 'tiled at';, Tioga Centre, November 1011 t: -wa,:• born in WYsox, BradfOrd County,. Pa,, November 10, .1816. - Ile was converted early in life, and at the time of his death was an ordained -deacon in the liaPtiet Church. He served abouttliree years in the 'Cnion army, and was Wininded,, being shot throtigh the, shoulder. With a minnie hall.. Ile . ivas a mau of upe . ight chaiacter, beloved and respected by all l icho knew Oreego."Goiette. • :---Our old friend DAVID GARDNER, has removed from Orcutt Creek, this county, to Wellshpro, TiogaVeutity. Mr. GARD leen had been a ?resident of Orcutt Creek, for the past forty-one years, (hiring Which - Ohio be had been for ten years a Justice of the Peace; Assessor two year's ; fifteen years Postmaster, and was 'foe twenty-.j .seven' years engaged in. the teereantile,! business. In Ins removal the community - . of.Orcutt Creek loses one of it s b es t c hi... zees, while Welisboro galas a resident of whom: shomayWel4 ba proud. • • HoLLt"vnu, dentist; Who has been located , ht Tunkbannock -for. Some time,. has gone, toTow.tuda, tei take charge of the dental-office of De U. Axto,E, who has been forced to. go to Minnesota for the benefit` of his health. Dr. -11oeeisTen is a graduate of the Penn- Cofiegii of Dental Surgery,. and he Was one of four who took. first prize for proficiency in dental filling. Ile -is s,univereaq esteemed here, and we cop; dially recommend him .to the people of Towanda as .a skillful dentist and a cour teous aitd honotalili gentleman, ..who is entirely worthy -of their • coulidenee.. .Tunkhonnoek Republican. '‘ —l3y their card, elsewhere in this is•sua of the Reroiereie it will be observed that 'he laiv firm-of DAVIES* CARNOCLIAN, have adinitted to a phrtnership in their firm, our talented' and accomplished young friend, ''Lewm• M. Mu.. •rj., and, the !kin will hereafter be known uuderi . . theriaine of DAViEsi CARNOCIIAN HALL; We congratu ate our young friend . 'on his admission to a firm which has such a large practice end- high standing, and con gratulate Messrs.- DAVIEs _CARROCItaN in their selection of a - junior Member of their firm, who, though but-a young man, has no supelior as an orattirin our coun ty. and but few equals, anyavliere, for one of his'years; in the legal prOfession. —The vote-east fur 4r. Jitiwin r at the recent elect ion, proves at once his strength as e. candidate and the compactness of the Republican organization -in this district.- His•vote is 5.078 more than the -Republi can COngressioriel vote of 1818 ; 1;269 more than that-be pm; and 0.141 metre than that of 1874. It is the largest vote ever given to any candidate in the fotie, counties composing the district; and is, with a .single .exeeption,' larger -in each courtly than the vote ever before given to a Congressional candidate=-the except:On being the vote for the• Hon., F. C. Bunnell in Wyoming county, at 'the speeial - elec! .tion in" December, 1872, vatioh was Sevin ty More than the vote,foe Mr. Jadwin to that 'eounty: When we cOnAider the lito. tied trite remaining After Mr. Jaiwin's Ibilinatiliel--foOnakli* the Wivies, and the neeettlettlellte Lilt- titiu stivappf et *or dem WeriP ooll , irtatiittivettitdsfeatim hito; it F ranatteadatiMed - tbsta.l4o atWasW. stinted by: the almiliblitivall et ,Will)* talfilled all thitt Idie, trlends Ohiiitietl-hli, ill beball". - -r.Reini&ditie Citizen. - - : ;.- : , ..Mrs. - lama& lteCauti Was .strleken with, parelyabLongridatinotningirender. lag her entmly,telplesa and naconatdoms. She had been in the enjoyment of hurts*. . id health up lo the time, of being prostra.l ted, and was then eng4ed hi- attending to bentehold dirties; Physicians were at mica celled, atid • everything e dema that medical - akill`could suggest for ber whet; -but ail without avail, and she paased qui. oily away at about five o'clock 1 , . st. on Friday. Bhe was in her seventy-first year. " Mrs.,MoCana," says the Avisto of Sat urday,_.".Wits a daughter of the late Major .JOUN Tr,YLott, oue of, the edritest settlers in Wyalturing. filer:, mother was' the , daughter of Captain .a.uoman Ilucx, pne• of the victims of the Wyoming Massaere. Iler first husband wai,Buirrorr Enwints, who died in 1851. In • Augnht, 1861, she was married to :finals IicCSUE, altd the union proved a pecoliarly happy one.. In 1809 - she came with her husband to reside in this place. - She Was an earnest Chris- Hal: wornau„devoted to her own family but ever ready tojespond. to any cull for abler sympathy, and thus, while natural- - ly modest and retiring in disposition, silo endeared herself to and won tae roil alien , tion of a large elide of frend:i by whom she will be sincerely mourned." The fu neral services were bold at Christ Church on Monday last, at 11 o'clock, A. M., and the remains were interred in Riverside Ceme tery. Ton Wilt be Certain to geed ini "Brick" POldEltffir bad his beautiful Office in La Crosse closed (as it is now, pending litigation), • went to. Deliver,. bought a new office, .and engked largely in mining. •He has made•a fortune hr t e n Montt* haii the thirst office in the. city, and has in his new paper, The Great an evidence that he is not dead. nor'sleep ing. His new Paper As red bot, against bonds—is illustrated each week and full te • the brim of wit, sense, nonsense, pa thos,ugliness, etc., beside - news. • Chat witicorrespondents, pictures and desci ip tions of Colorado scenery, mines, mineri, etc . ., besides ;ono of his very iuterestiog Saturday Night.ReverieS in each number. Which chapters are alone worth the prim of. this live eight•page Viper, - which an. be hadut the low price of. $2 per year. or six pereinas can club together, and get each a copy for a year for $lO. The Giant West is a paper that men and women will read &' long as "Brick" is its. editor. Address, M.. 111.: POgETIOY. Dewier, Colorado, and loam more of The . Griot West than ever before • k. •A. VISIT TO TROY. We nap:red such a rich teat recently, and glee a sketch of dome or the lniprovelotnts and nolo+. tried of thejineti. Alio ride SS A pl'ea•aat rote t.y rail. coin: to Elmira anti thencexia the Northern Ventral up oniony; the, bills and wars, past small untilAtio divide la reached near Jun ifirtg, station. Passing a long pond, we seowbigin to desrend toward this busy village. located In narroW valleys and upon they sloping sides. We aught, atter •aAwenty-flve tulle ride front El nura, to see the Troy HOUK 'Lux crowdell full and groc , ry wagon or t Ivo In a similar n , onlitton4 and coutitule to take the Independent lino in vearctrot friends. The distance Is not great into town, unit the waits are good • .. • At Rev. Mr French's we found a New Englovel sapper In pregrets• for the tenant of the Haptid. o,ure4.* .There were ladles ltir*sed Halite styles of year+ ago, having gurtnents that hiskbeen Sown for genorattons, and w..leertaltily, believe , with all due respect. for our graottwolhers, that the present generation dress 1> la better taste/ aod tod leas healthful habits. • flue refre4troents were abundant and excellent. and the attendance ta , gef notwithstanding the rain. After supper we attended A concert ander the auspices qt the Y. M. C. A.. of ildit place. civeb al• the Prembyterian ehtireb. tot the inse of which the tru-tees received the society's foilnie thanks` ; The programme was attr‘ctlve and geueroffs.miel - the: slog - ems frequently encored Toe quartette cow th,ted of Met. Hump and Mr... flasitsart; Mr. Meek. Vett and Web Newcomb. wi if W . Cramer as Organ and pianist:all from E Tatra. A large sod 'mice Watt .prosent. and nil well pleas d with the entertainment Renaming_ to the supper ue en- jured a secial"hOur with the good-natured, intedi • gent peoplevrim. make such gathering attra'.tbre. Meeting p.t l. meeollogn. of the (traded school. we arc. pled an invitation to dine with him. arid at` the lime. set enjoyed trim hempitifilty and,. a vl it with his e.timabre_wite. He has a pleatkantlrnunt, and -under his care the Trey .Itradett School is prosperous and -pmgrestove In company with ltev. Mr. French we ' , pent a half day at the icheoh. and found evidence of thorough drill sod sneer .s in each department. Mims Minnie C. Grohs. Mks 'Atlanta, Miss Ilan:rail Merriment and Mims Share non sod alto employed In the vaileue grades, aid are wen liked. Upwards of 100 pawn: are en rolled, :0 of Who are from eut of town : s tact which reemantend4 the s chool. The t'r. sbyterions have the Attest church. , . resting upwards of lichiOn. Bur. 3I r. SOWER; FAXsIOY; Is entertaining.' The Baptists bay° the oldest lir gan yatinn and elinreb. They Cate hack to .a log house of worship }'-earn ago. nearly. Bev. Mr. French. their pastor. Is very ihpular as IS Ids (am ity Iter. Mr. earthen Is the recent') hreated pas. tor of the 'Methodist choral, Bev. r: Brown past- or of the Eph‘ropal an& yew. Father Ituon o the Thti , threo -st uatnett .114 not ha.e an . pportitnlty to Itstpi , fu, hot teamed that they orre St., todges..4.l. 0.,0r O. F., 1.T. - 0. - of A. M.. K. ot G. R. 0. Ma•oold exist here to influence society. , A ..I.ligrinisauttl.antl Telll - permice Order:" for boys , meets three per week to enjoy gems', read books etc. It IS an ans-, Wary of the Y. 51. C. A. A gymnasium:l as beta fitted up by the 'cling and'fus nista with trapeze ; bars, dumb bells, Indian el tel, tasd bags gloves, etc. It has been organized only one utontleg The departmentneeds no Comment, only to sal It is efficient - m. 4 well managed. • A hoe brick hioek is being finished on Matte street. IS owberr,y,,Peck & Cu. are constructing a part of It. and iaM occupy It with their large niers eant lie business; the remainder will be tevmpled by c. - tilivor St Son with their furniture stuck. It Is a largo eluilding and wl I give these gentlemen tine facilities for theirlarge trade. Merritt Pom eroy is building a fine house, as la Mr. Van Dyne and Mr. Mitchell. Robert Itedingtoit is occupying. a fine residence Just constrheted on• Iti , dington veline.-and Mr. !looker, prtunictor ofitio Nort4- 'ern-'rter Gurefte. has just completed a fin- resi dence. Mr. Knight is building a flue residence Jost outside the borough un'Canton street, and several ethers whose names we did not learn, have reveldbe added substantial imptoventents to the village; - . . ' - ' . IVc visited the cemeteries which adjoin each other, and may be combined In one smoithate in 'the future. , •The old' one bas received large addi tions; and now cant rises sulaisleut area' for years to come. The new noel. large mime' for present purposes and fur years. Ihdh contain remains Illnilt , l by line IlfuliuntralS. and Imiro the ground nicely laid out. They will tr 3 stirattive spots when hilly Inter red, • and as we must return to tlu4 .those reposing there hate the promise of respect: from future- gifnerations,. because the :Runnier' shown in beautifying heir resting places attests • their worth, and will hallow their grayes. We will, notice the (sins fiat pursuits, some what, although': we did , not 'haVe op °tinnily to visit all theplaees of interest in the vicinity. (I. F. Vlole flea just camel • red and put in operation a arrant flouring told up - n Canton street- It is de awned for custom and Inc chant - work, busying grain and shipping four,' The machinery is first class and some of new design. A . firewater re finer is used far preparing buckwheat, the hulls being removed Riot grant cracked, before being finely ground. Three men are employed and three run of atone in used. Geo. Dillon bawl purchased the old Viele min jitid, oid'of town molds operating it. doing custom and merchant work, gl log employ ment to ihteetnen besides hiniself. 11. F. Long owns the largest Will lu the -vicinity. as well as the oolest mill site. it is nearly a milli below the vil lage and has a combiried.power;or so arninged that steam call b-. at tett whim water fails. Ezra' Lou, owned it upwards tit. arty years ago when but two rue of *SUMO were fo me in lead it was rebuilt and now contains five reins quid gives employment' to , I flee ineu. An oMce and salesroomis kept in the 1 Village ' and custom and merchant work &meat the mill. They have recently added a 1:8150. - storsire and. engine ram m. Last year. ending March 30, 40.ou0rbustiels of grain were ground for customers. (lee car.load of wheat And .004;) bushels et .corn - were brought. rime -the \Veit to supply home de mands. Ali these mills buy grain and and a home market for their. products. Near • Long's Mills there ialtwoolen Wit which mannfactines various woolen fabrie•. ( tittt we learned, that it is their de :len to give up twines work and run on specialties exclindrely. IV. 0. Loveland is manager, anti we regreti;our Inability to visit. Ills factory. E. Van* Dyne has a steam tannery three-tptartera of a mite up the creek and B. Bowen ADO on I 7Ant Oft Street In the village. M r. Bowen tans nothing but sole teethe: and rims out 10.000 stiles per annum. He pot etiasos-bldeS and markets leather in New Yjrk. Mr. Van Dyne iturns out sole and rough leather sle ntia.nee sides Is.r annum. ;Each "tlitil about 1 4 000 eOrili of bark lit Said time.honghtirtos the wagon. I' gut men ate employed In each establishment. - TILE EN,,Vitnr tt6E 3tAkin'4CTUIIIVO COMPACT occupy a largei brick 'building 'near the railroad track, and. do Wgood bualuess,giving entitle) inent to eighty uten. and paying out $1,500 per month for labor. They have e50,n00 ItlreAtect in the business. Ail kinds of agticultural imptemehts are itlaimfae I Lured, and any, castings desired supplied. An elei vated oven cook sttive la made here, aid they have facilities for manufacturing all kinds of machinery, rap to a sixty ,horse-power , engine: They make .ii, spnialty of the Enterprise Power, which is a very ; neat tread. pot up in sizes suitable for a dog on law). enough -fortwo horses, and costing, from twelve to one hundred dollars. Small sizes - Awe, mostly lu demand—Ave hundred dog powers being sold per year—many 0114 to a Medan e. In their iuouldbag rooms, every . day_one pay .witnm•s tile casting et:stove., plows. "Meta: or something, fur they cast every slay and in the blacsatuith rhou some very neat machines cor facilitating work stn lid. line. ii. the latutuating nem, pinws, 'powers. etc., are se , up, and in the wood-cutting room: the - yrocess of oreparing "eh piece- is systematitally arranged—five hundred, pieces .aril fitted 'of li kind to avoid ettl_nging tom one tied to another often. A novel planing machine was in tide MOM —(t is auarranged that a revolving - upright -shaft with arms attached at the lower end wilt plane the ' wood as It is run upon a- carriage benea' h them. They will , lane forwards or backwards Itudlis the stick' is moved. They have-rooms devoted to - the 1 Manufacture of the po.ceut we ens, having a cepa , city of one thousand per.mouth.' They have beets engaged oil these about two months.' - ' • .1' buir Powersarriaearranged k bat the endless belt or tread-may he tightened or eetsteeperor lowered by just moving cam wheels. and the walking beam 1113 an attachment that fastens It to the power and lessens friction. Corn ateliers. wheel rakes, etc., etc . may be idealised here. They were establish ed in WI. Mr. John A. Parsons is general man. ago-. and Mr. Ueorge D. Leonard Wet-keep er: TO then) we are indebted fur courtesies. Mr..‘„E:' L. Lewis. foreman of the machine shops, is an 'caps riebeed band, served an - apprenticeship willithe Drawl ManutnetwringeoMMmy,E , Cranten, and having worked coven years in Baldwin's L4o motive Rorke, Philadelphia. Robert. Young II foreman. in the moulding room, and Lyman tintith of the wood shop. Edwin Porter has charge of liti• tatting sad shipping. • \ . • • • We called next upon . • - ..• , • . . - Z. C. 01.1V;tit h SON. •• .: " i - manutairarelli of furtattins. ate. They have plans Mg, niOltlittgc and stf.Ping machines, and keep . all AMA 01 wino:ail AfArrinitho . - The hasinest Warreel !4).91,44ir )840t- rthat4f. littrikna [llan .044 rttsff ett APS u sw . Mt • , 11,011 li VIM VS . . 'RV Ohara to Ilk oidts obotry Intro - •Mly tautly*, ram torgoolo_elsbir or NO lioodoi 004 anistectibi aaa,wrePa • MK! .P/ 011 1 1 don' torn , , - . sarciitAL A dimpled - eiaddisheed,o4llLlNbADO shop opoit „ ,s shodi of-ole In 104 cod ere-laeressing their. boot!. *O4 I.TAci LeAft . is epeoLtity... : Muted lople. pante cad Weal jabbing. :Art Improred smeltiog otaeldne for grooves lode ie hetes perfected by srotl3 paxatly paraboloid tha:anioafictarfig awl of L. la .ILighluajr, coaqua to aiouufao, -lure warms. etc.. and .d* rrparlog of all aortaaad order. = Watt tria are Outplayed. •• - • • , . . 2 W ULM: . " • wt the Victor Carriage *hope. insentseture the usual flues of heavy owl *plug eltiotek telgthei: sleighs. tite.,4114 alleluias et nos work. as Ow reds, beets , bereuehes. etc. 'Repairing end pideto lug Is also done here. The Victor hide Spring le* novelty. and the Portland end Alueui * sleighs ex htblteil were tee. . • Ot tae mercantile Interests we only vay,Avery breach Is well represented, Pune very doe sleeks beffig kept, Professional men ate apparently dm leg well. and of cecina, there. Is pot 1 1 dearth of them, We had the pleasure of me.ting A. C. Pan sing. T.eq., alto doe. uot *Meer „Palfra 11 P at the Idea of acting for the county in Ma prufeselonal ea. pacify. TM, Gazette is a ptosperous. newsy sheet, and It. editor. Mr. Booker; gave Ise information; and a tad's* greeting. We may have made some errors." but believe we have given facts relating to the Iteltettries orTroy,l it end It we have omitted any it is ihronb, mistese, The town has a , lendld trade with Abe surround', mg country. and it, businessmen exeeitent repn4 tatlo"s. 'lt is a pleasant race to' and we sek knowledge Courtesies from manv citizens Count 'Treasurer .1, it. Grant is just the same stratghtfor ward gentleman as ever, and lulling by appear attea, he has plenty of genial company. W. A. P. - Local Correspondence. • -. ••\ , CANTON ITEMS.- Cantatinow possesses an institution which It has lentil needed. namely- a drst-etas bank. As era de voutly whit to see It be omee a complete success and a filed Institution among us. we .very much regret to see that rome people seem to Cabot under a great misapprehension as to what ,& bank la to. tended. A safe. sound. trustworthy' bank Is net benevolent Institution , by AO means. Wbein person draws a check on a bank ,he should kin that he ha. the necessary funds on hand :o We Ir. The banker's übjecl Is to use the money; or to keep a sort of store - house where the people ma draw teulone day and pay In the next without eve so much as paying rent. ,, Again, no bank worth the name will ever be *gilt notifying debtor that their notes are due. .If the people desire *mod business bank, they must do kutisiess with Ir. Mr. Guernsey Is rapidly gaining the' confi dence of the people; his greatest dearrNick befog,. that he. la yet. owns no real estate, but undouhted ly wile In due ti. e. . Of course wo celebrated over the tt lemons rich:t ry:" litapr Dern wds tautens:or. anti Orinil speeches were made by Messrs.-Para. Mimi and Seen - riot. when, by s very nrifortemate intsunders tt startling, the boa -fire was started. and. Mr. Shan't alleged epitaph upon the tt rag baby " ?Ow that t am so semi done tor. . . I wutuler what 1 evevigas begun for, , I was r uthlessly put among thetuaoy"great effort. 'thatoillght have been. .. Chester Thomas. Jr., who Jen usfor dronihy, Saunas some fifteen years ago, is with us for a . short time looking as young and go. d•looktng as ever. - • Unfortunately the appraisal of the assets of the defunct bank does not reveal as happy • *tits of . affairs es had been expo:died. It Is finned that we may.lose one of our best physt clans ere lone, as he finds that his Immense ride Is telling on his health. The doctor has. had such rare success in the treatment of that malignant disease, diphtheria. that we have nodoubt but that he could poon obtain a Inerailve cdy • practice, if 'lie could only start • diphtheria "• boom" as It were, ' • Wessrs Sectirlst and Cleveland expect to be full fledged attorneys soon, now, - ' "3tr John ttrielti has bought a fine top buggy for his trotter, which, by the way ;bids fair to eclipse. them all. • . ATHENS NOTES. . . Last Satunday was a lively day for business, and also productive of some casualties. Mr. and Mrt. Meath, of Junction city. Kansas, White driving- a totems. attempted to cross the bridge near the Erie railroad Waverly. The barite Note fright and 'turned around, upset •ting the buggy and throwing its occupants forcibly to the WCOUtyd. Mr. Heath received a. severe cut near the left eye and other bruises, rendering him Insensible for a time. His wife could walk, though sh -was shocked and bruliett The. buggy 'wise wrecked but the horse esca i ted injury. A , a-o of pommelling occurred lit the evening here, that was extremely brutal even if the recipi ent did deserve punittinnent. It has been custom*, ry for some parties to come to town. and owing to their sloe and desire to show MT. get drunk and 4,o P"ftn upon any one they Choose. i act Saturday they were engaged-In the pastime and got into a battle. One of the parties had dds nose broken and visage pounded into a jelly—to appearance. Touch nut the exciting cup, and avoid the wounds with out cause ,fr. 11. I) Gnetchlna was severely, hrulNd In the face The °thee day. whir,: a-aiming to fa.ten a bind.' ing pole upon Wbaul. It escaped control and struck him across he face nutting some ugly bruises. klr Job Griffin brought name two deer from the wilds of the equutfrs gout h west, last Saturday. tie had been gone hut a week or an.. yet his success complete—one of theta being a very large ono. Messrs. Murray, Brink and Seger are now hunt ing on Kettle Creek, and will .doubtless bring to 'mune venison. • A traveler tett his pocket bOok in his room upon leaving the Central House not long since, and upon diseoverlog Ids lova anxiously returned—to • find It all right. Orrin Woeltl<ral her not hare such thing+ left eo carelessly howeret; because they might' be lost through no fault of Ids or his employes. The teachers of the'vlelnity held s , meeting last Wel urday. and re organised theli district institute. The next meeting will be held ar the South Waver- Ise school house its two weeks; where all wilt be se.- The firstsermon was In the basement of the nor church on Sunday morning, .by nev. Slealaver, from ir.xodus, twentieth chapter, twenty-sixth verse. Some time will yet elapse fore the audience room will be ready:for dedica tion. A few nights pet has suMced toelose navigatiou ,on the river, the cold bowleg been extreme. EGO. SMITHFIELD. Lest., Monday nieht the 15th Inst., the fine large faint-house and its contents, belonging to *Mr. James Collins, as destroyed by fi re. Such head aay had the iames attaltuttl when discovered that the family had no time, to lose in making their escape. Very little of th it clothing could be saved and searcelj any of the furniture.' All the butter from a large dairy was In the cellar; and waist° be taken the next' day to 1. - ddilta, where it was con tracted; we. understand that,this was lost. The foss was. fortuuatelv-for Mr. Collins. partly Cover ed by insurance. Netutures were promptly taken by the neighbors and friends' to relieve the Immo. (Bate suffe•lriga or the unfortunate family. yrotracted meetings are being held at. the Bap tist Church. conducted by C. Itoraltir., good psopie 0 . ! . Suutaillel4 are once more favored with a harbershop. Th•• winter term at theAraded school commenced Tuesday ' No change to the teachers Is to be made. Mr. Jameb Lyons. and Ins- faintly haye moved to Flinshanitou, N. Y., where they expect to spend the winter, • The Patr•ms of Temperance of this place expect to give an entertainment on tt eduesday evening. preeernher let. • All are cordially invited. The residence of Mr. tleorAe Corry Is undergollfig esterOve repairs. , Mr. C. S. Manning has sold his stock otdrogs to 3tr: D Miley -Phelps Smithfield, Niytember 21, MM.. •,„ BUSINESS LOCAIi. . HypitmiLit co3tEs'f.—Jast receiv ed7aliopier ear toad of XZ Star Cement. - . • • •E. M. Wm.d.ta.. . CASH' P.AID FOR PRODUCE at Oct.. - • DEC*ER at VOCCIIIVS. M^ ComER has the best' wearing Shoes' for 3len, Boys and Youths wear ever Offered Towanda, and arpriceswithlu the verb of all. t fair Elegant new stock of 'JEWELRY at the 09.CCent Btvre.. Ort. 28, 1880. nei n ...Our goo& are NEW and of the BEST QUALITT: ' DICIMA k VOVAIST. lar (I ,LOVES and MlTTENS—lowest ie 99 Cent State. Oct 'SO. prices-at it rar Job tot of Ladies Pants, 25 cents; worth to; At tho 99-Cent a lore. Oct. 2S, `Q. ar" Fora good, durable and neat-fitting SHOE, cal) at F. d. Itt.U3l•B; :opposite Seeley's Hotel. • ' Nov. rr MERINO UNDERWEAR, at the 93-Ceut - *tore Oct. 29th, IMO., ar Provisions 'of all kinds, of She best quality, at - itscsan i tt voooirr.s. . , • rirNew.Books just out—Mts. Holmes. May Agnes Pteuttug, If. P. P.oe acid others—at cite 98-Cent Store. • . Ea r ` Prompt relief in 'sick headache, dizziness, nausea., constipation, pain In the shle, etc.. gnatanteed to those using IL'altitit's tAttle Liver Pills. 'one pill a dose. 25 cents. Noc2l, lie. gr. Sell your Tildes, Pelts and. Flits to H. DAi - toow & BRO., on Bridge Si. •Thei pay tbe highest market price. Nov. 17. ar . Try our New JA.P. TEA. ' Best in Diwiign h vorour. =I Qom" choice TEAS and COFFEE a spectatt, at DECKER & VAvanE.E.- PRICES WAY DOWN',on Gents' Fine and Coarse Boota st BLUM'S, oppoqte See- Writ Hotel. Nov. 2:7-tf. Th'e largest, Best and 'Cheapest line or Sho‘s'for Ladiee% Aliases' and Childrens' *ear is round at 0041,1Lk'S store, corner Nabs and rine•sta., Tracy &Noble's Bket. : =i Vi' It is impossible for a woman after a faithful course. of .treatment with :LrntA E. MuguAire VEO ETA RIX COMPOUND to coorlaueliisotter !Mho weakness of the uterus. Enclose a stamp to Mrs. OrDIA E. rISWERAM, 2.5; Western Avenue. Lynn., Masi.,',for puuptilets. Soul .by Dr. ti. C. Matta, Druggist, Towanda, Pi. L:l3. Ropazai abilknges compe•. tidos for quality of goodiand low. vddena on Bash, 'Door!, Blinds and Itoldts4,4 arid Utaldlng ma. . - ' tauga-tf l 601/"Thg Og:VPNT STOUP Is Head• liforotto tvr elf 0144 In i , tittf6 oitvi MO WM* IPA Ceti tir IsTaihmair eirns, SLTI6; LIQUOR tistraf*Ciiit sum, , Ufaox Cnnsit , alibt.-114. is eer,lieet ratable Sill, 1 •" ( ele iliesle o leeileireitee ), at Opt. - raven tun Log iippeo 111110 g 10 1 :wiste, itlll 40 Wellio give Oa4ar a gist. •It gm* mil 444 ripirli4iil4loog the . trattinatem 'Ol • Miler-7 CePeehtsiletasrteis pet di rue 414 'cheap. 'i >s. IL WaLlatE MI _.i'.Aept. 7,, . • SEWI AGIdACTILVE NEEDLES oni and attachments at the 99-Ceut Stole. . rsr AVM'S - Cuomo? PEcronAt.--the world•iireat teased/ for Colds, CouithsMoneunip. non. and all affections of the Longs and Threat: haVe ruled Dr. Bitumenlo Liver Itegn'atei myself and ttt toy totally tartan. and pluisOunee It 0110 ot the most sattametorp (Widnes that can be used. Nothing would Induni too tube without It, and I. recommend all my friends, tf they .irant to secure health, to atoms keep tt on hand. It. L. MUTT, Columbus. Ga." Ur Mow fiArririzikft ts - Happiness is the absence of pain or annoyance. and wherever there le pain there is disease. A' pain in the loser portion of the loop indicates a diso der of some kind. , If there is any odor er color 0r:de...,, posit in the :urine It means, disease sndrequires attention at °see. We have beard, many of our trends' speak of the remarkable powerof Warner's laftvlElduey arid Meer Core ~and are convinced there is nothing so Certain and valuable for all die. ordersof the attars system both male and female. Nev. *4. 10. • . , , No remedy for kidney diseases 'heretofore dlsCusered can be held for one 111011110111 t IR comparison with Warner's Site Kidney and Liver Cure.—a 4. Haney, D. D., Washington, Sire. 24, 1310. LEsox—wiemzr.n.— At EvergtTon, NOveln Der /7th, oy ReV. D. Jones. J. A. Lenox and Em ma Wieldier, both or Albany. GOVV—.HEVERLY —At the Prenbyterian Par; bonnie. Monroeton, November 17114. by Rev. Matlock Airmet rang. Mr. Wells S. God and /Mu Magee Ituverly, botp of Liberty Corners. WILLIAM' —AYEItS.—kt Cant n. on Wednes : Asy. Nteretnber 14.111*, by the 1 or. 8., H. Hay . eti.*at her home, Me. Evart WI hint ; of Shunt. and alive Clara Ayers, of. Canto • • GATES—SING.--On Monday. Nlnvember 4 ls, Wes at ,the residence of T.. 1. Harrington. Ithaca,. N Y. by the Rev. Milton ffamtutn, George N. Gates. of Trumanshurg, and Miss Katie V. King, • of Willow Creek'. - STEVEMI.--KEEKEY.:—At the !residence of t h e bride.% another. Mrs. N. A: Keeney, Laceyvltle, l'a., October 28th, 1880, by the Key. M. D. Flu ter:Ate. C. L. Stevens, of Stevensville, l'a., and Miss Nettled. Keeney. et Lace!..ville.. , ;* Dr.'fiITVISSII and his wlfei Immediately started for Afloat", Turkey, Where he Is to hive the 'lon Of fiesta in the Medical College of that place. The Dr. was one of, the eradeates at • the elastic! '7Ol of Lafayette, and h 4 spcnt the past four years in lurcas a Student and Practitlober of medicine, The Ur. and his wife cirri with them to their new field of labor the best wishes of their many friends bare. , • s • • -• • . DIED. i 1 . . • • 31cCABE.,-In 11 - 11 borough, Vrillay , afternoon i 1 Noverhber 17th. Deborah, wtte of lir. dame% McCabe.' hi her 715 t year. , 1. ~ . 1. 1 . GRIFF3TH,-10 'omits., November 37..1666, Chris. ..tabel laughter of Ilk* and .I.lbble Driglth, aged -:7 years and 6 menthe. 1 , )( home.. Novealb4r,7th . , , 150 Miss Evelyn Taylor. daughter of 4. J.. and Hester . Taylor, aged 2:2. years. The enbleet of this notice had been an Invalid_ for about five years, suffering much part of the ihne: roust hare 'been hard for lire In life'is morning, with s t uck bright liol)es and pros:pect4 tor the. future, with her ambition to succeed and her 'high order of intellect,i to be laid aside frorreal l . • the activities of life ; and yet she "'term; murmured nor complained, bet was always bright and cheer ful—the tightof the home circle. She was unselfish to the . list degree, thinking only of others and always greeting her friends with a smile. But the Silver chord is,looser." and Et 4 vt has gone where 'she Will need po more the tender care of beloved parents and ioring sisters; to dwell forever. with the angels Of tied and In the presence of that Sailor whom she loved and whO sustained and cheered her all the way through life. " "She is not lost but gone before." • TOWANDIU MARKETS. REPOIIITED RY STEi'ENS & LiGNO, Oeneratddalens in Groeeri,a and Prod i tice, cornnt Man and INne WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. ID, 11880. _. . ~ . • - PAVING. 46ELL111 , :0 Flour per bbl 0 60 at, 7 61 Flour per sack ' • tk4U 0 j ye,. Coro Meal per 100... . .. (is ‘ :,,,' 4.. Chop Feed . • (15 110 Wheat, per bush.... 01.00 4 , i e+ a riA -..-. Coru • ^f , . 4 .4 • . 60 cu Rye - 70 Oats • . 37 . :- ; Rack wheat • ' Buckwheat F10ur.... 1 b 0 Clover:stpd Timo!il 4 s;.westerit, lbs, Porl:4 . mess.... Lard • thitt4r, tubs :• •1 Rolls Pggsi tread Ctieeie Potatoes. per bust Beeswax. 0.100 40 1 et . :o GA bbl. #lB On 0 '2O 00 rA - 10 0 -- 12 O '26 20 0 23 21 )26 fit) "a 26 14 cb lb e k 30 (e 4 20,0 '22 COURICCTII. int GAO. A. DAYTON FfldeS• Veal sitlns • Dearpu Sins Eitieep Pelts CORRECTED lIY 11 D.AinDOW a ORO Idea VelaliSk Ins... ties4on Skins Sheep Pelts— - , view Ativertiogitents. .011ORT-HOLY CATTLi t . , AND BERKSHIRE.PIGS We have . a . few choice Balls and flelfere•whfrh we erre,. at T,ry nasouatrte prices. Also pure=bred flerkNalre.. -G. H. WF.LLES. Wya:usirg, Pa.. Nev. 11.1580. • !rim. • • • EQUITABLEASSVANCE3,. *IETI • 'fol , " re U:S , NEW YORK CITY. PERFECT SECURITY. ARSETA tURPLUS.. All policies IscoxrEs,TABLZ! afar three yeare.4--, li - t• • Aiearly 65,000,000 paid to Polley-hold- Insuraeco in the EQCITA BCE on the- . . tONT6IE SAIVINCS . FUND. PLAN, 1 r C011041(4 the'advaretages or ORDINARY LIFE WITH ENDOW- ' -I ..MENT ASSURBiIiCg, Seeming 3 privita6le Investmen't, -with positive - protection tojour tatully. . For full particular of TONTINE. and all other forma of pulley loaned by this society. apply to I~tHN. D. rjtyx V.% Agent. , • . At Fitat National Hank. Towanda, Pa. L, C. - oe . Manager, VA Broadway, N. Y. - lb. hat). , ATlLl;;S.—The.undersigned baring j lea , ed the old Saulsbury Mill. would fond: the patrenage of the community. Custom Wotk done lintriediately and to good order, A/1 leaks In ,the Mill hive been repaired and hereafter it slit be, kept in good order, Vega, Flour. ]feat and limo constantly on hand. Cash paid for gran at 1 1 Masontown. HENRY W. WELLS. • 1 ,Ifonroetort. done 17, ICAO. ; AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR : popular . New B ok.. THE INDUSTRIAL IIIsTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Its Ag 'rlculture„ Manufactures.'„ it inlng, Ranking. Lamle. area etc. AgAillt make te n tondo per week. Send Jet • Special Terms to BILNUT : BILL VCIILISIII - NO CO., Norwich, Ct. ', ~ , Nov. +lst Oct. 28th, NOTICE.—AII persons are forbid cuttingi'lluber on the lands of the late•Ed• Ward McGovern, In Overton Township, without the written cf.insent of the:undersigned. under the peosity or the law. r • • ! .1QH12.1 stcoollf.nir. rxecutor. .cwortnt, 7 4 1,,,, an, 1.4.1‘.• • GO 1 Great chance to make money. We need ericn even'. 1J 111 •town to take aubscriptions for the lergest, cheapest. and beat Illustrated family publication in the wort& Any one .catt- become e succeashilagent. ' tilt elegant works of asp giren free to stibscriberp. The price la so low that almost ever; body salute rthee.! Quo agent reports taking t.m subscribers hi $ flay A lady agent reports making over ;:60 clear' preflria ten days. All Who engage mgke money fast, you c-n devote all your time to the besinesa„ i?r only. your ;pare time. Yen Deed not be away Trout home made night. You can do it a s well its others,. Full directions and terms free. If you want ptellt..ble Work send us your address at onee. - It Icosts softie... to try, the hotli nes.. No one who engage* falls tomakegreat Addrela GEORGE STINSON k (.04 rrortiphd Maine. • - riEN RY ROUSE; . -- • COINER )LM a - WiSRINGTON RTREkTa • , - Tuts* V.L. • dtbaia stall Estill,. Terint..A . 4s salt the Masi: tare dtalAS isttettlied4 wilt! Dittotti ViimiAltiltiell • TOWN litff MARRIED. n (dt • • 0 .56 OP a 00 ...ft tO M .; .. OBS 66 01..{ 51) el 30 •. 40 @ 65 5014 I SO, MEM 06 03) ' 07!5 75 @ #1 25 40A 110 # 7510) 1 50 $37,564041 7,31544c4 en In 079. !gfilr A CIALSI ,CONTESTEP lEr2 REGISTER'S -NOTICE.—NotIce is otos, figta, that then hes been KW to - *Mee of:the Register fee:the Pftitafilef and (mting Letters of Adiellibitratten In end for the uty of Hottlfard. Stets of Penespranis. accounts. of atimletieWoa spew . the following 'Final accoeutt of C. T. Abell.. eltectilor of the last will and tesiaMentof Caleb Abell, late of the townsolp of Warren. deteased. • . Pettis! account of Joalpb McKinney. Jr„ admto- Istrator of the estate of. JoeepitMcKinnely, late of the townsbipof -Athens deeeasodi • • . • • Partial account of Della EL Wlngoultelnistrac tees tit the estate of Wastes Coven, late of the townabip of Artueola. deceased., • Final eecount of George Vlach. executor of the last will and teetamentof snob Barnes,latet of the township of Windham, decefsed.. • • Final iscrotUd of Joshua Banos* ihnardian of Adellee Stunnway, minor chili!' of Atistiso_ntinut. way. declaimed. • First and , aeuriant Samuel Beth end Kelvin Stereos, execrators of the Wit will and tee !amen, of Peter D. Kenneat, Mte of the township of Standing Stone: deceased. Tint and SAM account of Lark. Bird. floor of the estatreof Eden DrlaColl, late of, ' the township of Athens. deceased. • - Pinar 'moonlit of James H. Webb. sitriiving et - Fodor of. the last will and testament of Semite Gates la of the township of Salle hfield, deM.asoil. Sappiediental - final account of 'Henry Gibbs, ex ecutor ad florlast, will and teefament of Blazer Anti, - tow! of the township of Orwell. damaged. - - S econd and final aceount'of Richard Bedford'. Om rttor of the estate of ,Owen UtCann, late of the township of Over Um. deceased. First .:rid Awai accannt of Dell Phalinf formerly liell Part), ad [Onto 'atria Of the estate of Orlando J. Park Late of. Hie township of Litchfield, de ceased. ' • . FlEal account of A. C. Ifimarnerly. administrator of the estate of 'Mary Orerpock, late of the toted . ship of Herrick. deceased. - teal account of Lncella Lee. sultulidstratris of the estate of .Uriatt Lee, late of the township et Albany, deceseed. First and -patois' account of Humphrey Wilson. executor of the last will and testarneht of Jams. W 11.0 n. late of the township of Wells, deceased. Ft, a/ account of Mel ads A. Wateneau,eseen. *fix of the last will and testament of Bishop H. Watenn:in. late of the tonwriship of ' Herrick, de 7 . cesgod. Final' account of -E. e. Quick. executor of the. last will end testament of E. V. Brown, late of the township of Witmot,,deceased. • , hernial and final see/tont of Miner Mlles, erects. tot of the last will and tostamentof Jacob 'Wilcox, late of the township of Granville. deceased. secouut of JannesNewcil anti 'J. K. Xew cil, administrators of of Cartes Ne well. Lao or t - towiiship Wysox. deceased. Final account Of Jelin Huainan. executor of the Mist ist” at teal:nook of Daniel F. Wells, late of the township of rferry.'dereased. ' - Final account of • Aurelia , Fortnotid. winitniztra t fix 'of . the estate of Ira Adams; late of the town ship of Smithfield. deceased. ,'And also the appraisement of property set LI PS bY 'executors and ad niluttrators to widows and chil dren of the following' decedents, vit: ' Estate of Patrick Welsh,late of the Ilormnb of Towanda deceased. 1 , , Estate ot John Van Posen, late of the township ,s/iesly giolo, d. ecned., - Estate or; And' ew Ayers, late of the townstdp of 'aotoo. 41,LAcased. • , Egan _of Eberstainning, late oT tlie township of ,11th'ioreek. deceased. I ' • Estate of 'Otorge H. Bixby, tate of the iownshlp or .tVys'ost lig. deceased.' - Estate of G. Wayne Kinney, late of the town. 'ship of Sh.shequln. deceased. Est.dc of , jetties Lee, late of the township of Albany. deceased. Estate of &Ile . rsortsM. Henry. late of the Mem ship of West Borfington, deceased. And tO, same will be presented to tlie. Orphan's Court of Bradford County. liecemlwr eth, 4. 0. 1 , 00, at *2 r. at., for confirmation and A. C. artistes'. Regis:et Office, Towanda. Nov. 6, lase. SHERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of .ondry u rite iesued out of the Coiirt of Cou pon' Pic .1 , , of,ftrad ford County 'and to me direeled, I will eXl , l,e to public sale st, the Court Itou in, Towanda, on • -----Thariday, December 24, ISSO, at 4 o'clock, P. M., the following described proper ty, to wit : ' '. - No. 1. tme lot of land situate in Tusrarnra town ship. bounded north by tande of E. "Saran ;eel I). Wtaner. • est by Linde of Addle Pitepproh email by ' lauds of F. Wilson and Samuel Woodruff. awl west uy Land- r,r JamPs 31r Cloe; contains tO acres, 21101 e or less. about 3.1 Improved, with 1 framed h , ;11• , • I framed lam and ow fruit trees thereon. 'aelz •d aod taken Into execution at the salt of John R. Overflent vs. William Martin No. 2. 11.813- Inc other lot of land, situate in Monroe lion ugh. bounded as follows: Beginning at a post In the centre of the State road: theme Ii liihin Of Enoch R. eranuter , north 80•4* no st fle perches to a coiner: thenee by lands of J. 11. M Monet .1 north 9e3 0 sent 4 perches to a corner , : teem e stetth 11'. 1 ;° east 20 perches to the centre of the afe,timaid State reed ; thence aioug the stmt south eye west 4 perches to the hence of le gin nate et otains IL.„. an titre. more or lent , all lir 1 40,- f ,E, IS lII' I framed lame.. 1 email barn and few •rutt trees tit ream Selz. ti acid taken into eserut it 1, at tnr suit of Marge , et 'rheum. vs.. A. 31ellen. No. 3. ALSO-strife other let of lane, situate In Canton liorough, bounded M follows: Ilegaming at the so' theast corner, of a let of land awned ior J. E. 'neen. ; thence. north r7 , '* west. Vilest ; iiii`illi ...mall '2 ° west 113 8.12 feet io the centre-of rowan. da strew; thertee north fa), ° east 137 feet to W..). Phelps' lot ; thenc,, north Is° west 17 feet to ,std Vili'lP" . northwest earner;.thence north 71° west :12 feet to said Phelps' uot theast corner ; thence I,'.rtb I.° west 120 feet to a corner In Scarp lire mates 1.1,d ; thence berth st.° west alonpraid Ber le ire's 1 uth lie 03leet to the west nee of land of t:, A. K i t te; thence south 2.,° west 13: feet to the a.ece or L •ginutng; mutates if; :macre. inure 01 it VC, aft , mproved. with 1 flamed house • (known an the Cen r al Betel). 1 framed barn, 1 meat market 1 traint 1 -rorebuliding. I ogs and ft,w fruit trees there ei. Being same land e, deecreted In deed recorletl In deed book No, page 244, etc. No. 4. Al 84-One other lot of land, situate to Canton toe usbip, bounded as 1 °lions: B. ,ginning at the southwest corner of a lot conveyed 1.2 the luny of ,the first pre In a certain deed Of Cirktiew Stoet.tVel' to Jared Phelps; thence south itl o 45' west :ti_ rode to a post ; thence 2° 15' east 82 nets le the south line of n let of Thomas and Wei •riek I:l,llants (-aid Roder telt now deceased) to a beach: tbence rortb 67° 45' west along said WI) lams li c e 12‘ rods to a pest ; thence south 2° 15' west 'r2 rods t'i a post the northeast cornet of Ira Turpenniug• • lot (forrerly); thence South 87° 49 frodsditabe former/4 craned by Thomas Walsh to a post; them..? north 2 . 4° met along said Walsh 12 rodi to the be. cloning: contalns 7.5 acres and '34 rods of land imparts measure), more or less. tieing only the tae-halt interest of the foregoing that Is hereto conveyed. and being the UM: Ititefee. s 5 conveyed it, the pa•ty of the first part and Wm. - McNeal ht Charles Stockwell sod wife, of like description, and recorded as aforesaid In deed book No, it`ti. ' , lee 10 • te., and recorded to deed ,book Sc. 1..5. page 31e. , lc ; no impretements. Seized and tat. "u into exe.ation at the suit of „James F. Fox, execu tor, v.... A. Ilan tall, laroline Manley and. 11, 11. Illekok. 'l' T. , No. 5. A.L`O--Sasue lot et land described above hi tract NO. 3. 5e12t.41 and taken into exeeut / nat the stilt of W. E. Cook Is. i. A. Randall and 11.11. Ilickoe. T. T. Ni,. G. ALSO-One other lot of land. sl•ltate In Renick township. bounded north by Tanis of •Ly .nan 31a son, east and south by the public highway. .aid we.. by lands of G. F. Warner and .5 . Wet more; townies 2 urea, more or less, a ith 1 (ranted 1. , use,' I timed Lanni other outbuilding- a• it few fruit ate` oruamentat trees thereon. Seized and •aken Imo execution at the suit of 0. IL Pickering • r,. A. it, ,, ephens. No. 7. A - LSO-One other let of land, situate in Ton areradownship. bounded as follows: 11.gln i Ing at c• birch southweet corner of lot berth , ' Lem 4 .yt•il a: 1 •0 corner of lands of Item)* st koly, de. enticed : trence along Tienry Ackley's land, me ti, ito rods t., the mild'o of "rota le tiling tray Ad, 1 y school-house to the steam mill; Ranee along said weld centre and lands of Vineentilwene„ anti A. Roci.v.oll eaat•l3e, rods to a corner In the line of road leadisg to Black Epehool-hon se ; thence part nay an ug lad said road and along hied* of A t fad Ackley and It. F. Browning south 120 rods; thence along 1 t a ds of George Sumner and 0. •.. 1. , 1r1s nest 100 rods to a corner the pat., Of beg timing. farming . kilter, ;contain* 100 acres with ell allow uuce, mere or le T. Retag land. conveyed by Mor rison Mt•nigoniery to Francis llagerman area son. Lorenzo Ackley, by deed hettrieg date the I.lth day 01 April. • bfit and subsequently deeded by Lon•nzo 40`eley Lod his wife to Annie E. anti Mary I'. Parke, a n d worded February 7th 1,72. lu the u@. e for retorting deeds yn and for the t:k Imty of IleatiZerd, in deed book Number 109, page 153 ; mostly Reproved. Nillll 1 framed house. 2 (rained I•arra, I framed hog pen, 1 corn-CFO lied an orchard d fruit Erect thereon. Seized and taken into este' ail( n at the wit of N. G. Tarte, Anna E. Parke, B. C. Sayre and Mary C• Sayre vs. 31. L. 1 ekley. No. S. ALSO-fitte.other lot of land, situate,ln Albany ton usbip, bounded north by hands of •Item l mottled' ••est ,1,) 14.1 Al ut A 11. spears. ,ett,tt by tenth of the 5. L. .k S. I:. it. Co.; and went by Lands of •lohu Detnp-ey; coutalus 30 acres twee Of 1.101. alert 41 Improved, with I framed house, 1 framed ;tau end an orchard of fruit t rept thereon. I.eizeil nod taken Into execution at the salt of E. Reuben Der °nit's exeetitrix vs. Lewis T. Smith and I,elc,f, Haverty. Also at the suit of 4.l•agall's use vs Lewis T. Strilth. < N 0.9. ALSO--Que other lot of land. situate it;. ... risteni . .. township, bounded north by lam's - of 'fortes 1 1 . Munn nod 11. M. Lyon. east by lands of Curt Lai gene, oath by lands of Thom: se curton, and we.-t by lands of I.ydia Rogers ; cuotal• e 28 •.• :roe, n.ore or less. about 20 unproved, with I t rallied house and few fruit Ire, a thereon. Sired Unit takt a Into execution at the suit of 31r4.-11. G. Bullock's use vs. E.V.' Lyon, John 11. Lyon and James Lyon. ~ No. 10. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate in lament.. 'oen.lllp. bounded north by Lends of I.A. place, ale* by, lands of•J. Rockwell, south by 1 tuds tif Thomas (Mae, an s rest by the public highwav: contains 30 acres,• more or less; no tee. proven tots. Seized and taken tats execution at the stilt of Israel Moore vs. John Molly. No. 11. ALSer-one other lot of laud. situate in Troy le Mitt; bounded north and ead. by 1:11. (14• of 11.4. Id :than. south by the public highun! and vest bi :ands of Prank Si eVrbUTE and deco' , It ,h• etc, CI teatits 2 tier 3, wore or less, all improved, with t I (tried house and few fruit trees ill I eon. Seized and taken into execution at the snit or 11. G. Ilulloel.•6 use vs. Reuben an Ephraim Case. No. 1: ALSO-line other eit of land, situated in Troy Itetungh, temoded north by !midi of B. A. Long, eest by Centre street eolith by ands of V. 51. tonfre estate. emir west by ether lauds of A. K. l'innetoy ; cold:this }1 an acre, more or less, all Ini peeved. with 1 framed house, I hot-house, other outbuildings and half of a framed barn thereon. ' No. 13. A 1..50-One other lot of land, sltdate In Troy Borough, bounded north by laud- of R. A. Long, cog by lands of A. K. Pomeroy, south by tarsda of V. it. Lough, estate, and tweet by Exchange street; coulalos ,ti an acre, More or les;•„ all Ina proved. nlth 3 framed houses, half of a framed rare, other ontbstlidings and few trait erre.% there. on. • eels 41 and taken Into execution at the suit of lliram t the'm'e use vs. A. K. Pomeroy. Ito. 14. ALTO-4)ne other lot of laud, situate In Orwell 'V witahip, bounded as •follows: Regimiing at a pet and atones on southwest corner of lauds of View:, Mari ; thence south be° east tel perches ; thence s aub 741° east 24 9.10 perches to a 1,11.11 c highway: then ..ti south 2.3 1 t0 west it perches: thence eolith 71° east 113 pe chest thence south 20perches; thence south 76%° west 71 perches; thence list Wild 63 1 1 perches : thence north 15° east2s , 4 perch en; then s• north no west ft perches; thence north 8° west 37 6•10 pirthes; thence north 24ii° nest 12!..i pert at s to the pave of traenning; contains 02 lames strict measure, About 60 improved, with I framed i oust., a framed barns, other outbuildings and 2 or( bards of fruit trees thereon. Seised and talc. n foto execution at the suit of John Llllack's• use vs..l. E. Ulne.. Also, at suit of John Hawk vs. [ J. P. Mae. No. I. ALSci-One other lot of land. situate In Unitthfle..l township, bounded mirth by /1.. Is of Newton Weed, F. Is. Bennett, Ruts P. Niti , mtior sod C. F. Cot t»; east by lands of Jatnea U. Webb, E.lss T. Weeeler.• C. V. Ceftin. the highway and lands ofathe Conglegationaltaselety; south Illsasds of the Congregational Society. the public highway rut tang tut svd west through Stulthgetit cottro v•oro lot now dr formerly of Itatsbell bullock and tim e s of ills: S'aucy. Piste, W. E. Voorhis. Inset. Me Chureb; C. B. Riggs. Mrs. Martha Davld, Mrs. artha Peptiiitt, 11. G. rhalps . A.„ E. Child. Mrs. C, e. et re ii i!li ten klali Id a Tflelpr, 1 11 1 1111 0 k iiHt* writ. L hisseilt m e i rail VI 1, INF .r. , d s ilf. l i t I Illr 1 21 1 I #1 lii i i rese, rip; E. O. HMI; the 11/11011 , 144 1 tWelnit Worth Tenni ' Centre - and Medi et U. f. Hiders= Y . ' .0 , ' • .. to eolidshi Id tares.' about ' MI Imported, ,wtt • 1, - betelle.l telmettheeesbelli.ltlMeteld .bant tit shoes attached and an onkel/lief Ind' • tree* Iberia* - Selma ileal taken tole /Mem** li+: the salt et Jamie H. .Webbli. aste Fe. ibitellalt Bailleek. No, ta. ALges..Haeterther iet ret laid. elteate in- Toormathrewashlp. hounded north i the noihtit.. highirsy leadlog treat the Ilittittrk 51unit:a b. it ll*hlisad IMO Corners to lelankiladale.-east by ' 'be Berwick Teltapike. south by loads ut Wheel. • li. Walter, D.. and west by lauds of Pelee Was. 's tars; contain. 43 acres and Its percher of land, mere or teem about 40 Inipcoved„ oMta 1% puny - framed. home, e framed barn and slie•l and au orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken Into execution at the snit of W. H. Decker vs.. Dimiel W. Decker. ',„ •., N 0.17. A1.50...0ne other lot of land. state In • South WaverlyNorongli. hostailed north bytho ili.., between the State of New York and the State or - Pennsylvania. east by lentrolt street. wlillb by 131i4 of Jobe C. Hanson. and west by lands et - Thedna_ Bork; Wog about 11/ feet wide on said Fallen street sad extenttleg westward, therefrom** feet. , red beteg' about 22 feet wide sei the west end ; te.l • Improved. with a 2.stoty brick building and ether outhouses thereea. Serest and tikes. Into ix cc. Hoe at the salt of W. B. Campbell% use vs. Jere. mlah D. Hawk.' • NI. H; ALSO-One other lot of land. situate In .'• - Asylum township, bounded as felkewst beginning at st stake se west earner of Vaneertnart% Mt ad - joining lands of Jilin Westbrook; thence south 6: 0 .recut 30 perches. to at Mike corner of dram West- • ;Took and Charles Turner; theme moth 2° wed 41 perches to a stake In centre of highway ; ths.nce ,torch boo east 24 percheds to aatake lit said road ; thence south 66 perehea to the place of beginning ; , contains It acres, more Or less; no hoprov.-nst-M•o, ' Seized and taken Into elecetlem at the salt of Win. Vaixterniark ys. Lois E. Shed e. - . 7(0. le. ALSO -O ne other lot or land. situate to Sylvania Borough, „bouuded north LI leads of W..- If. Mosher, east by lama of Harry tind , h, and south end west bythe public highway: e oto skis 1 acre, more or less, ail, Improved, with 1 large traffic! hotel, I framed barn and a few fruit draft pre , . . thereon. lielzed sod taken hitoeveention at the suit orialininel Baum vs, 11. Cunoluithatn. No. 10. ALSO--One other lot of land, :Innate In' •Tusearora township, bewailed as follows,: Com mencing at s corner of lot In the rood or bill/ 4 f opposite H. L. Sturdeviint • thence sloped lids at said A. J. Silvans south 44 0 west IS rods to a enr- aer ; (haute along said grantors land aura 47,' , ' . • west 4 rodstoa corner; t hence alit* taints occupied by .1_ 11. Taylol mirth 44 0 east 'S lads tone rtmet , - or highway :I thence along said road south 44° ca-: . 4 rage to We place of breinning ; yenta ne CO too - ..r_ ,hi of an acre, Mrict measure, ' more or less, a.: . ". niproired, , with I framed house, 1 shop. I boar.* stable and few frail,. tires thereon. Seized ana ..." taken Into execution at the cult of D. D. Chatlat'o ' use es. David Collar. No. M. A LSO•=4,ine other la of land, sir eatot to radtaysyttle Borough, Ismunied north by lands-4' IL r. Duck, mot and sontb by lan.l. of A: Cnam- • pion, and west by the publie highway; contalbs : 1 .1 t an acre, more or leas, all Improved. with I nulls.- - idie.l framed liouse. therein. Feted .21111 trice - into execution at Ole suit of G. W. Balky vs. H. t W. Shortelle. . , No. 7,2. ALse--41ne other lot,of land. situate I;, Wiltnot,township, botintted as "follows: Begionit :a a pine; thence mirth *2 O east 243 pereb-s tr..! ~ pine; thttice north 22* east 186 perches-to a 5z0i,,,,-,", heap; thence west iOB lunches to a. Stone 11.1•:11, ei • thaftlee north 67 perch •s to a stone hear; th-mco. 1 . west 87 perches to a post In warrant line ; l Mm. - : 0 1tith 1,4 0 west 30 perches to a stuno heap; • -hew- : 0 t„ , west 63 perches to a corner In the Mad ; th:mco ...1 along said road south 43° west 26 p: reties ; Harm • , - 1 by creek north 80 0 weld. 15 perches; thence .60•1:11 • - -6 0 west 20 perches to road ; thence north 7ln ! ' west 5 perches; thence meth 42° wert= perches to . a corner In road; thence south 44 0 east :3 perchrs to a hemlock: thence south 27.° west 160 Pyretic, to ' a stone, heap In warrant line ; thence east Si 2-10 perches to a down heroics-It corner of JeAc Teo . '. 'warrant; thence south. 22 0 west 41 perches to:.,': • ',lac, o f beginning; cmtains 427. wave and V.:7. . perehei of laml, more Lt less. Being parts of to. , .sets surveyed on warrants In the name of Job., Hagerman and William Williams, convert I m J.,- ~ph M. and domes H. G Ant:le-by :ho .atiou.lrl4t, , e- - tors and heirs of Sarah Butler. July 16. 18:7 Oitel- hod county deed book No. 61, pages,36B and 3* , t ' and the whole conveyed by the .14tertfi of hrealfr+ :-•- , , county to Alienates Lowlr, September 7,4F71, s• .' Iteknowledged, In , open court September ' i.t. t.-;. -trecorded In isherift's de: n.l book . No. 4. page conveyed to Ellen Welles by Augustus Lewis an,l wife. January 'll. 1872 (deed boot. NO. 14. ;..of;. me, etc.); stoat 20 acres Improved. with 1 (rano,: „ holu-e, I framed barn, other butbnlitlings- tind s , orehard of fruit trees thereon. Seized. anti "tai• - l - In'tD execution at the SIAS of George ti and Ed a.:• . ! tirettes. evocators or Eaten J Welles, deceaeot, s.. • s Waittuan. 3ames-11. titre P•i' William Genii-+g., t,- 'Wee of James It. Wear, and Almond Ito erantat T. T. , • + No. 23. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate I" Albany townsh'io bonnthal north by lands o r aot,. Smith and -..- lInr east by laud. of ito i telottr Vantlytte, smith by land. of Warree Ayers oca G. ohne blithe ay. and wen by the pit Lk hi:hue: smi lands of 3.21. Hatch : contain. 40 arses. mot • er less, neatly all knprore3, with 1 Ad hoax, ,•,,,,, " orchard of fruit trees thereon. Sized and 131: , t. I; to execution at the sill: of DeWitt k 11•41 a-. 1. N. VargawM . ..„. - - , 'No. 24. ALS O - One ether lot of land. sltem.e , in S suton township. ,:ounded as (Miens: Be:font: , 7 tt the centre of the outlet of Gillett'. Lake , :het c VS.t along lauds of B. W. Lar.e it p•..rehe. IV .• po,t and stones; thence south by keds of . the sail t.ane 20 perches to the t.. enre`of road readitg from Solitran county road to Beech Plats le 'sorely> to , e,otre of said out et of Gliktt's Lake; throe.. nearly north along the centre of sold oath • 2 . , perches to place of. beginning ; coutstns I% ern-, more or less. all improved. with 1 ...mall r0e..., 1 house partly finished thereon. lietze4 and': ,t.• : ;,, taco execution at the suitor Charles Vaneyir' use vs. ltatriet Breckenridge. , No. 25. ALSO-One other Mt or hod. fruit , .i. . • Athrusittorough, be dr-d north Ily the ~1 .-, ,, :,:, ; u tr lii.elsof Said Borough Athens run Irons ning fnt :. .. Chetuung to the busti honua rev, r a tier. ir 1 , I helere said Itorough nal extended In le'-5; to it's liannhed on the north by lonia now in riove•sedoi: • the heirs of Horace W1,411.40E1. dec,,aaeslt in-1 V ; .:- lam Coleman. and on all other slates by the r••• i, -Ivey's, s• r : east, south eni west by the Suciite•tat - 1 - a, anti Chen:hug rieent-it being all theta:a: I.i, - -milli Of said old llorvegh line and betst en -..0 - rivers; contains .500 acres, more or less. B,•!: , ' blltle land that was conveyed by the-mtrnial.,:r.o. • • , •4 George H. Welles to Henry S. Welles by fit . .1 dated September 3. A. V. 15e7. and .reeold• d larch 13. A. th. 14164, In deed im.k. N0."14.1, ye,,, , ,,.. . 4 , 16 and 467: about 460 acres Improved. with 1 !AT:' , stone duelling house with woodsheds. entbizilein,-. ' • tc.... attached. a fmme.l sionses, - , 4 framed bat:, with cow or stock stables, 1 bole-tarp, 1 'a to; ;_• house,..l eons-house and granary, a ped-i,,611.... + • 'tog-pen. etc. - and an orchard of fruit - *tett.. Si tre , - ~, sery of young fruit and ornamental tree , ,, togeller with a large guacti ty of rs - pberrles and other sm.:. - trait trees, thereon. 'No. 26. ALSO-One other lot of .h. 1 1 ,1, situate IF. Albeit., township, bounded At follor.s : licit nnlr,t; at a_,t atlite lower end of the 3l'Ver Oats to Of oentre of the old road ; thence north 34% 0 east 7 , 2.10 reels to a stake: thte co east 122 trio rods it , E. - smite ; thence south 241 : 0 west 151 6 , 40 rods, in :•- stake on the Athena and 11 She-.loln , town ',Hue ; ;hence along the same north 431s° east 103.2404,d • o•the place of beginning ; contains 76 acres mot 7 : - perches of land. according to a survey 1111../.. , 1819 by Zeplcn Flowers; uo Impiorr men is. to,%t-•t ' -,kid taken into execution at the snit of A l -11. .- spaltling. administrator. vs. Henry e. Wnlos a:.+ l Elks. A. Bochanin. T. T. - No. 27. ALSO-..(one other tot of land, si - ttu: 1... _ ' Wanes:: tow:m.lllp, Dottrel NI as follow , : 'legit:Mr • at is stake and stones the northwest corner , t." Airrie.r on tho line ot lands of F.. lyetui ; 111...f.'..• tooth 51'5.6 0 west 113 5.10 perches; , thenc- mar ,'. S7° east 31 :do perches; thane* south 4 1 ," T.6° ea* 104:0140 iNerelies: thence sonth 42° west 5:1-1 , t )..I ..' - . i•:. ,• thence send: 731 0 west 9 tyreiser.; thence not --- .90 west 3 410 p*rdhes; thence I.,:i'h 50 0 as • t• - ,*. 3 10 perches to the 021:a of beginning; contain.. ' . *ores, ' more or lest ab•mt thimprornt ; err 4.6+ 1,, - 'tir. setard anti taker Into cam:brim:. et :Iwo - • . .. 01 Henry S. Vanormair a.. Leroy Edwards. No. 25. ALSO-Gue r...her lot of fatal. 511111:•.: , ' ' • :;!seer SOWISillr,b011:14,1 north by0.114,50t 11::.,' . SlcKinney. east by lands of Ftillatoler ir.7. , ... , I ~,iith by lauds of ,Alfred llokemb, and weo t I. fonds of Huston Slic li 11111(7; COMAIIISZNISt 40 art , .. .I.ore or less. about :10 Improved, with 1 old 1 , . Mime; t frau:to ba.n., t or--bard of apple trees z.:•. • ~ orchard of peach treysthereon. ' - - No. 29. ALSO--One ether lot of linit. sitoatc ; 1 Ulster township. houndrd north by the p' ,, '. • highway. east by lands of If. A. Forrest. 1.•11:1. ' '- . 'stids of It. killls. alati.wett hy lends of John 81-...1 , - er ; contains 1 ., an acre. more or 'ea.:, ail impien ...t, with I framed house and sew fella trees tb”lei'n . seized and taken into etre:anon at the stilt Of St . .5, Slather, intrust for Isabella Conklin, vs. Joh., a , 'to:kiln. ' • • No. 30. ALSO-One other lot or mod. Atto-ile I:, the new Borough of Athens, bounded north by 9 , 64 south line of said Borough of At h ens runt:"... from the Chememg tothebniqueharna GT 4. , wit. • , It run before said Borough was ea:ended-In 1:3 and 'bi Hie land of - ilo'ract• Wllllstor., and on an It. other sides by the Said livers, irk; easterly by Go• -usquebanna river and westerly by the Ch•os t. • :leer-embracing all the lands within the rork* o , sad rivers lit ing soutbetty of the opt Datong , . 11 - or Athens: sepposed -to contain about SOO stir , . more or less. Ile tue and intend lug to he the p' ,l '..'n Y - k - nown as the" General Welles' Farm:. beteg .; : -.ante premises conveyer' by Jsmes TI. WeVe- am; • +elle to Henry S. Welles l.y deed record: d in th• • • Iteeoriler's Office In deed book No. 50, p Jac etc. and by bald Henry S. Welles and vi ife li, s:4l i" party of the first part by deed templed In a• • , iook No. 50, page 223, etc.; about - 46 d acres It • proved, with 1 large stone 'dwell:fig bonne wt ~• woodsheds, roattmlldlng, etc., attached. 3 tan.. .V. 1 houses, 4 framed barn. 'with cow or stock t taht.i,- - . horse-barn. 1 wagen•hoose. 1 .corr.-hoe..e at.. ' - granary. 1 tooldmuse, , l hog-pen, etc., nu., an 44. ::- ::-.1 of fruit trees:- a+ nurstrY of PtMg trait ,"' di nal:dental trees. lowlier with a largo, /point tiy of raspberries and other steal; frail toes. therehr. belt 4 and taketsluto execution at Cho sal ref I. it , . Hewitt; executor,' to use of Geo. L. nradfnr , i. , vs. A. 11. Sikaldine, sutvlving ext.cutor. and FM:. -. A. Buchanan, wife of Thonno. Um banan, Ter.- , T, nante, awl all other Terre Tenant,. • N 0.31. ALSO-S. M. Dobbins. Interest In a lot, piece or parcel of land.-'innate In Troy ail Armenia townships, bounded north by lands of 11. A. Case and lands formerly owned b„,.E, Nei-nary. east by the Mountain and leading front Troy to Arthenla south by lands of E C. WHIL:ms" estai., 'Oliver Williams and R. Jacksoin and west by land. of E. 0. Parsons and H. A, Case: contains Is : :erns aid 40 perches of :.21•11. more or less. about ..., Imp *eyed, with sew fruit 'meg thciron. Reeery Iv: ~. IT. acres from the above de2ribmi tract. alt. right df way .to said eloontain avid ; Isimg tl. • ,acne land deeded by y.. port:lefty :Ind wife 10, (V, 9: Dobbins by deed dated February 8.1867. Sala-"t and taken Into execution et the suit of 11. 5. 3.0 - %mu ss. William S. and 8.31. Hobbit:is. , • No. - 22. ALSO-The undivided oue•etglith (l i r I Interest of defendant In a lot of land, Mange so • Towanda Bomigh, bounded north by lands of N. •N. Betts, east by Maio street and Dna of N. N . Betts. south by State greet. and nest by Seem i /street; contains I acre,'tnere or less, with I Lai: - I tamed dwelling" house, I- largo fr..mesr I artt, a number of grape vines and frultlud otnaumui... :tees thereon,- - . No. 3a. AI.SO---The defendant% equal undividi .1. ohe-elghth 00 loterest In one other lot •,! 'ant), situate- partly In Ttivtanda Rotough awl paoly in Towanda township, botioded north by au e..,w.1 .hone tto called' east, be lauds of Om saystow es tate, south by the publie - hlgnway„ and west by sir .. public highway and lands of.the Ward estate; cor talus 60 scree. nefee or lets, "sitionteall Improved, edit,' I framed - dwellthg house, framer barn and orchard of fruit trees thereon. S.Ated and tak. , , , , intnexeentlon at the suit of State Tina 4 Snilico", Ilailnuad Company's use vs. Henry Mcreur. - pg•elgit 0. DEA.N.,sholtr. Shoring °Mee. Towanda, lion 11, LW). - .. TAKE N'OTICE.—That I hayq ap gaud to the Honorable Jodie of. the Court o t.minon Pleas of,DradtOr.l County. n•r the Ivilefit i.f the , insolvent' taws of the Coutoomwoo:th Pennsetssnla. Awl the -414 court apriolt.tto 6.llten. to hese mo and my ere attoni, or th.• Court. Hoorn, In Tow , upts borough, trty,t sou where you may attend If you think prop r, , ' EDWARD CHILEtO.N. Tows;ids, Nev. Is, ADMINISTRATRIXIS ISTOTIrT: —Letters-qf .arintinistratiges hams: assured to the undersigned span the twat., elf John tote, late of Springfield tariltSigip, node. is hereby green that air perms iswdet.ted the laid estate are rettoesteg to erne tottnegitaie taCia !shoe hieing Mattes to ralailltiArtni.l4l • "I '7,71