Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 18, 1880, Image 1
n • . '0 isineolia Sworn" a -Potheliii•M_Off Tharsday morning . by - GlooDasta One Dollar per annum, la isivanai. egi-A.drertisint in - AU oases ,annbudin 01 nab* • liertptloA to tbirpsper. • - • sio'ECIAL NOTIONS inserted*: iral =raper • line tor first sad rtvaosinesparltse fin': e h hsequeuta nsertiont:bilVirkbols4 l llllooo 4 l . than antraentlW. • Yt:►ILL Y NISTINICYNNISIviII laiMyt.i 1 at ressanaltie ratest,:i ~f lu i t yrestagsa gala Ezecatara -.Xotkies; Arl; t;t:pr! ,, NotipelkirLlO t :a usuilliaCarbilluefilitn, (1 ,, additional lines ildseb4: - s srly A ipettlestrw are ,Os miarterly Tram leatadvarginMitimplVto pal 4 for iNia4vase4. , • • - . A,!rdiohluoas otasaocias4 of tt nited or Individual Itaseraot. - aatrykaa= marriages or deMbaselesellingam - cd rtyks cents per line, bat simplenattentlef Samt• - riag. s And de .thswill he pnbUshed , wltbc stahsr I: Bern litT gm airing a time eiremarins mum any other paper In the county. dratted :It the best setortistug medium in Northern Pennsylvania. 3 , PRINTING of every Alnd.. in plain and f anc y colors, done with neatness sad dispatch. ilauttdits, Blankir. Card*. Pamphlets. Ittilbeads stavments, ike.icit every variety and style. printej st this shortest nOeti.. The ItspOwria - alba is. well mpolled witirpower presidia,* Mood assort meet of - new type. atekeverything In theeprintlim line can he executed In the most artistic meaner and at the lowest rate!. TERMS INVARIA.BLY CASH. ' • . VUtsinos ifietrbs. ADILL L_- Ar .•_ ATTOTiIiIiTS-AT!LAW, . ' Onlee—Roems fornterly:lmet! - ple4 by Y. M. C. A. Rending Wain. •• IL 3. IiADIkL. 3.18,8 0 E. J. PERB4GO; TEACTIER oriviixo AND ORGAN. Lessens given In Tlierough Bass and Harmony: f:ahhatton of the vette a specialty. Located at A. Sner's Muhl St. Reference r Holmes & Passage( Tovrands. Pa., March 4, 1!r& JOHN W CODDING, Arronxiy-Ai-LarprowAND.A. PA. 04t1 ^..e . over litrbri Drug 84rTe.' fraomAs E. MYER 1 ATTORNIET-ATTpAW, • - 'race ulth Pitrick and Foyle. t- 5ep.25,'79 pEcK .&' OVERTON , ATTolotzis-ATI.AW, T0W4141).k. A. n•A. 4)CIERTOI4. RODNEY AM RC ATTOWater AT-LAW, • 7 • - TOll ANDA, PA., - Solicitor of Patents. Particular. attention paid to business In the Orphans COurt and to the settle ment of estates. °Otte in Montanyes Block r ETI It TON '& SANDERSQN, ATTORNEY-ArT•LAW, TOWANDJ4*'A.. J P. SANDB.IISON! E. nyEtesoN. OIIN W . 11. JESSUP; ATTOIIXEY AND COUNS.ICLLOR-AT-LAW, mox - mosE. PA. _ Judge Jessup having resumed the practiceof the law In Northern Pennsylvania, Will attend to any legal business Intrusted to him In Bradford county. • Persons wishing to consult hlm, cau call on it. treeter, Esq., Towanda, Pi., when an appointment can b^ male. HENRY STREETER, AT?on:c S 7 AND COOfSZLLOIL-AT-LAW, TOWANXIX; FA. • ; Feb 27, •79 L. lIILLISii ATTO Tt SEir-#*-L AA, TOWAINI'DA, PA. F. OFF, NM ATTOR:CtIr4At.LA*, wte:Lugso, PA. • • • Agency for the sale and parch of all kinds of Secuilicles and for making loans m Real Estate; AU liaslnesi• will receive careful and prompt a‘telit lon. : r4utic 4.1879. Al, T H.. TH.OII - 1 1 S0 N, • TTORNEY • kT LAW, WYkastNin, P 4. Will attend to all business entrusteCto his care In Bradford, Sullivan and WyonkinOlounties. OMee *WI Esq. Porter. • .1 ; [novl9-74. , - j TTltAri E. iiIILL; SURVEYOR: Ii.:ItVF.I"I:Va. AND DIiAFTING. • 111 . c.1 with G. }..Mason, over Patch At Tracy, Main , trect. TovVarida. Pa. 4.15.60. KIMBERLEY, ATTORNEY-AT•LAW, TOW AN ail, PA Ofti..C—S. cowl door south of First National Bank.- •August 12. Isso. . . E LSBREE .& SON, A 74011 N EYS-AT-L A W, TOWANDA. PA. N. C. CI.SBRES T McPHERSON, l• A TT ORNST-AT-L AW, TOWANDA, PA. Diet .Itry Brad. Co :FIRE INSURANCE. - Itacin g accepted the agency of the LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, (Assetts over $13,000.000 00.) I am pri:p.ired to vriteA...,7ve s s w a A t i c rr it s. rre; ; t gt ra ,n t t es •.lic;i:with Wm. Vincent, Towanda-Pa. lyr - I WIN AV, r 1 ATTORNET-AT•LAW AND U. S. COIINISSIONZA, . . TOWANDA, PA. • Orice•rNonh Side Public Square. Jan. 1,1878 6411 W. BUCK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, cirl , !e—South side 'Poplar street, opposite Ward 11(111‘r. - Nor. IS, 18:9. VIES & CARNOCHAN, D A TTOR'SFYS-4.7-LAW, SOUTH sirE ot. ivAr HOtSE 0 :- lit.° 21-75. - - TOWANDA, PA. ANDREW WILT, 19 ATTOTO.MT•AT-LAW.: : i 1 (dace-:-Mnalig` Block, Maln-et., imerii. L. Kenrs store, rOwunda. 3tay be Consulted in German. t April 12.16.3 W J. YOUNG, • • ATTOIINEY•AT-T.AW, , TOWANDA, PAI. Ordet..--sound door !tooth of thtellrst Na:Mnal Wank gain Rt., op stalro. WTM MAXWELL, ATTontriV-AT•LAw. TOWANDA, PA. , Omce over Dayton's Store. t A prit 12, ISM . S. Ni Alt• 's S NI WOODBURN; Physi- I I 'la and Surgeon. Office at reAdenee, en ~ "iiie Street, YAM of Main. 1 Tovrwo , G, May 1.1877 ir i - • ,j 7 B. KELLY, DENTIST.—Clifice • over M R. Rosenfield's, Towanda, Pa. Teeth Inserted on Gold, Silver. Rubber, and Al. minions base. Teeth extracted without pain. Oct.:11-72. - . 4 D. PAYNE', M. D.; • ~ PHYSICIAN AND Scsozos. • OC.mover Montanyes , Store. Office boars from 10 • . t 0 ,12 A. st,, and trotn '2 td 4r. x. Special attention given to I) ISF ASES- • ' `DISEASES 2 or and % OF - I THE EAR ( . 1 W.'RYAN Ore . COUNTY SCPS.V.INTENDY ftl , !e day last Sltardayof each month, ever Turner & Gordon's, Drug Store, Towanda, Ps. 'l'w:cat:We, June 20. 1878.• , C S. RIISSELIL'S INSURANCE AGENCY , TOWANDA. PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, TOWA'; , IDA, PA. PAID IN $123.0011, EL'kI'LUS FUND - .. 66.000 Thli Bank offers unusual facilities faiths trans. action of a general banking business. N: BETTE. Cashier. I JO . B. POWELL, rrestdent. II: PEET, TNACIiZiI OF. PIAXO',II,OBII4C, =I TERMS.—+loperterm: (Residence Third street, Ist wirdi) Towanda, Jan. 13,1111.17. GET YOUR • .10:11',PRINTING Done sttbeRBPOBTCBOTTICB. .C:.7ort s tionse, Tolman. volnrea-11 0 711 a areg.,l.,, co. D. Ktrizrzir. Bzwa. M. lima May 11'79 tuoyll-75 , L.ELEmsucis [ feb.l'7B TOWANDA, PENPA GENERAL Aril 1.1979 EME El MAI i ~1.~ OM IMMI IMO apooßics,a MITCHCQCK. Publlliters. VOLUME XLI. eteStl. .. -- NTICE IN PARTITION. 'State of PenrisylvantaXounty of Bradford. se I. Toßarah Ann Lawrence, Joseph P. Wheaton. . Gyres ilii. 'Wheaton. Emil: F. Sibley. Obartottem. Rogers, Henry. W. Wheaton, Melbas • Ann H. Rogers—please tat* notice i " Wheless, at an OrphattieCourt. held at To eanda In and for sald Comity of Bradford, on the . Nth day of April, A. D. 1880, before the Ron. P. D. Morrow, President. Judge of said Court, In ti e matter of the estate of Joan Wheaton, deomsed, the petition of Melina Ann M. Rogers, wife of James Rogers and daughter of John Wheaton, late of the township of Warren. In said County, de ceased. was presented, setting forth that the Bald Johti Wheatoti died Match' til. 11110,Intestate. seized in his demesne as of fee of and In a certain metemege and tractor land situate In eald township of Warren, bounded nerth by.. Weds 01 George Pendleton and Benedict Arnold east by lands of Benjamin Buffington. and south and West by lands of Samuel Wheaton ; contalning steed lee acres,— and ieaving to survive him a widow, Sally Whea ton. and eight children, Sarah Ann Lawrence, Joseph F. Wheaton, Cyrus o:Wheaton. Frederick T; Wheaton (sieve deceased), Emily P. Sibley, Charlotte M. Rogers, Henry W. Wheaton and Mis lissa'Ann M. Rogers; that the widow, dally Whea ton, died March 12th.1880 ; that the said Frederick F. Wheaton died September 17th. 1 5 E3, leaving to survive him a widow, Susan Wheaton (since man riedi to Major Darling), and one son, Seymour Wheaton ; that no guardians were appointed for any of the minor chlidretret said John Wheaton, deceased ; that nnderand by virtue of the intestate taws of this Commonwealth, It belongs to the said Melissa Ann M. livers tolutve an equalnna.eighth parklif said real estate. No-partition of said real estate having been bad, the petitioner preys the Court to award an Inquest to make par li to of the said real estate to and Among the aforesaid parties according to their respective rights, and she will every pr.y, etc. Whereupon the said Court grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of said decedent to show cause wiry partition of • the above described real estate shall not be made. And now to wit. May 6th, 1850. the Court continue this rule until Septemper Tenn next. A nil now to witeSeptember 724,'1880. rule made Absolute, and the said Court, on doe proof and con. alderat lon, of the premises, awarded an' inquest to mate partition as prayed for. We therefore coin. mand you that; taking with you seven good and 1aw1..1 men of your bailiwick, you go to and upon the prentir,ss aforesald,and there. in the presence of all pa, ties aforesaid by you to be earned (if op en being warned they will be present), and having respect to the true valuation thereof, and upon the oaths andellermations of the said seven good and lawful men, you make partition to and among the heirs and legal representatives el the said intestate fu' snob manner and In such proportions as by the laws of this Cummouwealth is directed if the same can he so parted and divided without prejudice to or. Spoiling the whole ; and If such partition cannot be made thereof without prejudiceto or spoiling tile -whole, that then you cause II said inquest to luquire and 'aseertain•whether the same will cum vet/fenny accommodate more than ens of the said heirs and legal repiesentativesof the said intestate u ithout pr. judice to or spoiling the whole; and If so.,vhow many 'lt wilt as aforesaid acconnuodate. (I,(cribing each part by metes and bounds, and re turning a just valuation of the same. But if the i said inquest by you to he summoned as' aforesaid to 'make the said partition or valuation shall be of Oritlitlll that the premises aforesaid, witn,the are purtenances, can not- be so paned ead divided asio accommodate more than eueeif the said heirs end legal representativesof thi said intestate,,that then you caws the inquest to value the whole of 'the said real estate, with the appurtenances, hav ing reap. ct to the true valuation th reef agreeably to law ; and that tbo partition or valuation so made you distinctly and openly have before our said •ImiglAat Towanda. at an ..Orphans' Court there to be held on the regular (My of seiMons thereof, after Isuch inquest shall be made under your hand an d s ieral, mid tinder the hands and seals of those b ye whose o.itlis or affirmations you shall make one • partition or valuation, and have yon then and there this writ. • ,Witness: P. I). Morro*, President Judge of our raid Court at TOrranda. aforesaid, the 4.7,.. th day of April. A. H. 1130. A. C. 1 7 /14SBEE. • I Clerk of Qrphine Court.. In conformity. with the above order, I hereby give notice to the above named heirs and all ether persons Interested, that an !wiliest will he he VI on the, above estate. on the p remises , on FRIDAY, the 28TH day of NOVEMBER, A. D. 1880, at 2 o'clock, P;3l. . PETER .1. DEAN, Sheriff Towanda. Octotwe r r 14, 18,41. • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Letters of administration having been grant ed, to the undersigned. upon the estate of Chas. 8.. Beater, late of Tuscarora township, deceased. notice Is hereby given that all persons Ili - dewed to .the said estate We • requested to make Immediate 'payment, and all persms having claims against I.sid estate must presetit the same duly authenti cated to the undersigned for settlement. ALMON C. ;DEXTER, Administrator.. Tuscarora, Pa.. Oct' ISSO•ua. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A of administration having beau granted to the undersigned, upon tha estate of L. M. Minden, law or Burlington, deceased, make is hereby glren that all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make • immediate pay-, lit. Iv, and all persttts having legal 'elaJmn against the same will present them without delay in !ro per o.dorfor settlement to ' D. M. R IT N DF.T.T., Administrator Luther ti Mills, 0rt..28, ISSO•we. XECITTORIS NOTICE.— Let , ters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned. ender the last will and testament of ;lames C. Itidgw.v.late of Franklin deceasett, all persons'indehied to the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to make immediate payment, sod all having claims against said estate must pro sent the same duly minima cated to the under signed for settlement. ' • SEM AN YHA S. RIDGWAY; Slonroeton, Oct, 2tit 1880. gxecutor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.-- In the'estate of Charles S, Fox, deceased.. The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Orphans! Court of Bradford County to digribute the balance of funds of said estate In the hands of the adilnintrator , or: sindestate, will, attend to the duties of Ills appointment .at hii office In the Hof ough of Towanda, on SATURDAY, the 13t11 day of NOVEMBER, ISSN at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where all persons having claims on said fund most present them - or be forever debarred from coining In upon the same. . ' .1. P. KEENEY, Auditor. I Towanda, October 21, ISSO.w.i. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE—In. the matter of the assignment of M. F. Itausotn for the benefit of his creditors. In the Court of common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 7C4. 31 a9 Teint, 1877. -The Anal account 01'14.11. Van Dyke. Assignee In the .love case, filed September 224 IMO; and Raid aecount will be presented to, said Court for Anal confirmation and allowance on Thursday, Decent: belt 9. 18110, unless cause 'm shown whyeald account stunild nut be finally cnrifirnn , d and allowed by the CAM • ;GEORGIA. W. BLACKMAN, Towanda, Oct. Oct. ' rrothonotary.' A uprrows NOTICE.- S. B. Toppers use vs. E.. 0. and D. Taylor. In the -Court of Comm" Pleas of Bradford County; No. 1160. !Tay Term, 1879. The tandersigued. an Auditor appointed by the Court to diAritotte the fund arising !rota the tlher• lira sale of defenthints personal property. will attend to the, duties of his appointment at his (Once In Towanda; on • MON DAI , NOVEMBER 22 D, 180. at 10 o'clock, A. M , wh4n nil persons having e alms upon said fund must, present them or be forever debarred front coaling in open the same. • THOS. E. kIYEIf, Auditor. Towinda, (let. lfaO•a 4. . APPLICATION IN DIVORCE. —To Jolla E. Munch. In the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford corintf.• 11i0..568. May. T., ISSO.. You are hereby notified that George. your husband. has applied' to the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said Court has apr. pointed Monday, December 6, 1880. in the Court Dense In Towanda, foe hearing the said GeOrge. In the premises, at which time and place you may at tend If you think proper. 4-4 w. PETER J. DEAN, Sheriff. A PPLICATION IN DIVORCE. A Remit:ill Chamberlain. In the Court of Common Pleas Of Bradford county. .No. 1 l4;May Term. 1880. You are herebynotifted that Estede J. your wife, has applied to the Court- of Common Pleas of Bradford County for a divorce from the bonds of matriniony; and the said Court has ap pointed Monday, the 6th day of December, in the - Court House lit Towanda., for bearing the-said Estelle, in the premises, at which Ame and place you may attend if you thing prOper. 44w. PETER. .1. DEAN. Sheriff. A PPLI CATION IN .DIVORCE. 1 -- x. —To Albert Curkendalt. In the Court of Common Pl.-as of Bradford' county. be. e.miber Term, 1860. You are hereby notified that your wife. - hos utlpllett to the - C nut of Common Picas of Bradford County for a. divorce from the bonds of tuaLrtruithiy, and the .said Co u rt has appointed Monday. llecentber 6th. 1880. in the Codrt House In Toaranda, for bearing the said E112111,-111 the nrenlise&. at -which time and place you may attend If you thintt_proper. • 44w. , ' PETER J. DEAN, Shelia, PROCLAMATION..-Wunzka; Bun. PAM. D. Monnow. resblect Judge t`f toe 13th Judicial District. conslatitg of the county of Bradford, .has Issued his precept 'bearing da.e the 13th day of September. MO. to me directed. for holding a 'Connor Oyer and Ten:ether._ General. Jail Delivery. Quarter Session of the Peace. Com mon Pleas and Orphan's Court at Towanda. for the county of Bradford, commencing on Monday. DiliCEMßEßerrti, tatta, to continue three weeks. Notice Is therefete;bereby events the Coroners and Justices of anti:rata of - the county of Brad-. ford. that they be enthere in their proper persons, at 10 ci!cloo lu ti n e forenoon of said day. with recorde.biqulsttionsand other remembrances to do these things which Ito their race appertain to be done : and those who are bound by recogui sauces or otherwise, to proseente 'gains; the prlso. nem who are or may be in the jail of said county, are to be then and there to prosecute against.them **shall be just. Jurors are requested to be pune.; nut In their attendatice, agreeably to their notice. ;Dated atTowanda, the lib day of November. in the year of, our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty, and of theindepeMenee of the ' Visited States onebutdred and fourth. • • - PETER J. DEAN. Sheriff. .QIISQUEHANNA Cpi l tacomia IN rrtitrr..—Ftrat Winter. Term commences XONDA Y. N.OVEMBEE UT. 18110. Expenses for board. tuition and furnished room. trout 1172 to fitio per year Tor catalogue or WOO- parttea• Urs address the IPrtartpitl,' EDWIN X. qunifF47.o6-4:; rwli.4l l optirm(2ll l isso. - • • , • - f~ ISE IM ME . • sagm BE = liini - . Letter From Dakdta. , [The following letter, written by a lady of this place, who spent a portion' of the past. summon in Dakota, will be . found highly entertaining:3 Brintrwooa Fauna, Dakota, Aug. 5,1850. My Dear S : Yoia have bleard of , Hamilton's plight — 6 kten miles from a lemon;" well, just imag ine me eighty-three miles from hair pins and shoe blacting I with .bat one house in sight, save those belong ing to the 'farms, no evidence-of life far away, time the scream of the loco motive. Picture a boundless, _tree less, grey=green and cold prairie ;vial a horizon that abruptly dips into a sea of '.oats, peas, beans and barley" and ' amber grain, - and I a tiny speck in • the centre, still confused ,by the long journey ,l with, eyes. ye,t ? aching with On entl q avor to - measure these vast' distancei, but . for all that, ;WO bitably,.it is ' 1 Ye. tookthe steamer Atlantic frOm Buffalo en mute to Dnluth,otir party of four,Judge M., Mrs. M., son and self. S oon kilter we met Mr. F. and (laughter— charmipg people. 7 - -from Boston, and by. tacit agieeMent the two parties became . ohp t ill, We end of our stea m er trip Thi'Atlantie is a fine bdat, neat., well furnisried, with a captaila who inspires Confidence in his skill 'to manage his craft and crew. re - . 1 : P..',:,-.- 1,',-,1.',,':•:,:-Fi.-'7.: ISOM El . • FOUR SEASONS. In therbabny April weather, bt,tlore. yowknow, .When the eorn begin to grew; What walks we toot together, ' What sighs we breathed together, What vows we pledged together, In the days of king ago:. . In.thegoldeit summer weather, ty'love, yon know, • ' : When the mowers went to mow, What home we built together, . What babes we watched together, ' - ' -What I tans we planned together. -' the skies were all aglow.' In the rainy autumn weather, - Mt lore, you know; When the.winds began to blow, What tears we abed together, . _ What ;nomads we heaped tognther, What hopes we lost together, When we laid our darlings low lv. - , In the wild and wintry weather, • • • My love, you know. ' - With our heads as white as snow, What Tuners we pray together, What fears ire share fogittber, What heaven we seek together, For oar time has tome to got • • - ~.-Theodore As for the pasSengers, they are the regulation lot:---the people who travel in their, best clothes the. female ear.' respondent With a note . book find a semi paralytic husband ; a Oerman and wife - who sit day 'after day with- out speaking; an unpleasant. elfilifor so; a loud-voiced, backwoods party with theyiundice. The women wear pounds of cheap jewelry, the men saucer their tea, have four kinds of desert and headache for dinner. Two pretty young girls traveling alone. There is a white-face, flaxen-haired. Yorkshire girl in a long black velvet gown with:yards and yards of Span ish lace wound about her throat. The sly puss soon won the sympathies of the gentlemen of the party into when ready ears she ponied a touching tale of loneliness, a lover, a cruel parent, a flight acroSs.the sea, the-uncertain ties of the long voyage and of friends awaiting her= at the mines. She sweetly took = their consolaticin and advice, with an -artlessness touching to behold. But - alas " the' poor young English girl " turned the tables and proved to be the belot of travelers and an arrant smuggler besides, and bade her sympathizing friends good bye with fifty yards of the best blaek silk snugly tucked away in the tail of that velvet gown. - From Buffalo to Cleveland the route lies close to low banks lined with vineyards, orchards and sloping pastures, comfortable and common' place. The water is lovely. of a pale pure beryl tint. Opal skies bounded by a horizon of delicate silver. agaifist which in the light of the, full moon the white sails of the slow-moving ships shine like fairy wings. I must tell you that I have disco, ered an antidote to sea sickness -L.- knitting and salt codfish in alternate dose.. When forty miles out of Cleveland we.had, somerough water. Eveiy one had d isappeared=for nap. Miss F. and I encamped in' arm chairs in the ladies' saloon., She pale, I esqually•pale, but determined.. AV every lurch I set my teeth firm and , knit viciouslylor.a minute. Near by was a cabin boy cleaning his! lamps. Ho east one baleful eye on tllein„the other on; us with a glare that said, "that swell, will fetch !" I mouldn't have gong under then for any consideration We sat there ford what seemed an age.wl,ile that deniO niaele boy grinned and chuckled over our misery. At last Miss F went to take a nap,and oh the mournful smile' or the boy. • Soon after the stewad ess Stopped 't.2.—say„ "Oh, Miss. but you do look hick ;let me help you to your state-room." 4 ' Thanks, Annie,"' said I,"" there is nothing the matter; I am perfectly well—that is, ehnost perfectly well. But," 'with a gasp, "can._ you bring me a piece of salt codfish?"". "Codfish!" muttered An nie sispecting lunacy, while that boy nneoasciously upheld a huge lamp in his' right' hand while awaiting the denouement A quarter squire yard of codfish appeared on a dinner plat ter. One bite made "Richard him self again!" The muninfaliboy fled. , We spent several hours,. riding - through - Cleveland; and did . fell ~just ice to the i handsome - Euclid avenue. Nearly a day i was given to Detroit; a pretty city with lovely - china stores and shoPk of rare lake curiosities. But milks horror of a park, -Wpaper littered enclosure Qin& :ought_ to be -Written with a little 4.,p." The, day was very hot, 92° - onhe boat, and a large access - of passengers, whom We naturally look interlopers.. At the Sault Sainte Marie the scene•changea. LOW Ones, firs and white birches line the rocky tholes, on which crouch squalid tints swarm. big With half breeds. ' Farther.on are bulbuls' 1 fishing limiting, the sharp rocks of theR apids: It is:wonderful EM MIME 1101 ?~~ ,1, =III TOWAND&, ,BuDEUR4, COUNTY PA., THURSDAY" MORNING, NO' mi.r.M, kB, with what skid that erect;'figrire guidee and: balances' thefrail,birch bark toy' in the boiling waters- and what splendidhig White fialf big ssm• radoptdis out for our supPef. - Now , we are on Lake Superior, no . land in sight. Thehermometer has fallen 50° in-less that two days. No more chats on deck, _ the hanging hiskets are taken 'in Wand we hover around the radiators. Some t•ike tells ghastly tales of shipwrecks , on the Lake where ladies haVe . been - Ibiind frozen stiff, still dinging to.their life preservers. Woman,' they say, if strong, -men live fifteen .minutes in these: icy waters. I out through the window and try: to' fancy the cruel'creep of the 'waves as they said. to those poor creatures, "home, friends and life were yours, but you are mine." Then I call the steward ess to = put - Another blanket br my stateroom. Then Come days of bright _ sunshine. The light lingers in the Northern skies till nearly ten o'clock. The crisp cool air stirs_ the blood like wine. From the pilot house we look down upon* the softly-tinted waters of -Kewenaw bay and sigh over the . Pictured Rcicks passed in the night. While the Atlantic discharges. her , freight we eiplore the tiny , fishing voyages, buy,lndian enrinsities.peep into the copper works` -and rathble one perfect morning hrough Myr-. quette, quaint on high cliffs gay with blocitn. In and out # 4 e wind throtigh the Isles a the 'Apostles, past the old churcli founded by Pere Mar quete two hundred years - ago; ' One tnorning, we were awakened by , shout, "Duluth is in sight!" The metropolis of the . West that was to 'be and is not, lies asleep before •ns, not a beauty when asleep. certain iveot improved when awake! Hasty toilets, good-byes, the eight days of steamer life ; are over Sind here begins a long ride eftnearly 40(1 miles "into the far-off lands or the Dakotahs." For miles the road follows the coarse of the St. Louis River with its Oailes or falls.. The pitchy.-black water dashes over grey . rocks in and out of tettnarack swamps, into whose cuverts the - wild deer flee as we pass Indi ,ans dance` about their camp ites and 'the bright eyes of the little ones peer up incuriously into ours. - We stop for supper at a tiny wayside station and have a squaw cook—and a good cook, she was. • • Suddenly the great plains of Min nesota appear. Here great reaches of ,virgin _soil, gay with countless flo*era new and strange,\ gorgeoue., golden sunflowers With soft brown 'eyes, glowing disks of lavender with I a maroon heart; acres spiked with amethyst bloom; and sweet wild roses everywhere, miles of 'fresh, black up- ' , I turned sod, a sea of wheat. Weary eyes close to open next laming an time to hid: good-bye to Minnesota. 1 lazily sit listening to the melodious voice pf an' , English o ffi cer in com mand of a forma Canadian mounted police bound for frontier duty What ,marvelous tales he tells of slating adventures in the Rocky Mountains, and bow terribly afraid of. him Si tting Bull must be'!' I ask no qiies- Mons and. believe everything he says --it saves so muckinental wear and tear. I turn and loOk up into a m'llar.face.'' Mr. Ili : . has come out from Spiritwepd to meet us. His cheery " good. morning-" banishes , _sleepiness and we all sit up and be gin- to take notice once more. We are drawing near to Fargo, the boundary town of Dakota,; and in a few minutes will cross the Red River of the North. A thrill rues through me. We are in enchanted land. .A 0 a child I had dreamed 'ofl the river famous in song, romance and story I saw the symtic river, a silver thread winding in and out 'of wild ,rice marshes clasping tiny emerald hikes in close embrace. I saw the brave French missionaries-carrying in one hand the lilies of Franee, in the oth er the - cross' of Chri-t. I saw the wild Assinoboin with poised arrow watch the far-off flight of the wild goose..l saw the Red Rivet voyageur ship \his oar and turn to catch. the Angelus chimes fioui the "turrets twain" Of sweet fit. Boniface. -With a hasty cry to the scribe we rush en maise to;the rear platform. The train is crossing a small bridge. „A mo ment a suspense.' Some one asks, " How soon shall we reach the river?" " said our , friend mildly, "is the "This " . said Of the .North.' One look, acry of detisiOnand,a.disguat ed - party tumble into the car. Be neath us a narrow stream of muddy, dingy water.creeps - sulkily in a canal like *twirl. Some' sad, wind-tossed elms and pert box elders straggle.up and down the low banks. Close at hand Wan Lee's establishment of pine beards give evidence of - a Adv.. in s businesS. - The, discordant rattle: of a dummy engine comes from yon der pudgy barge taking in freight from an elevator. 'ln a clay an edifying dog fight. No sweet St. Miniface, no wild Assinoboin, no "voYagenr, no Margery Daw 1 I shut my -eyes on it sll and murmur, " another dear gazelle gone," 'and wonder what we will have for break fast. Fargo boasts a very respects- .ble hotel whither we at once repair:l After breakfast_ Mrs: M. and I go to?' bed—regularly to tied—in a bed, for the first 'time in eight nights. Not even the sight of the DalOmple wheat field, twelve miles lotig and five wide, is ateniptation. • Later, freshened by a batli and a dip into . our trunks, • we: sa ly put. What a brisk little place it ix—banks, Atoms, shops, , farming machines piled every corner. A babble 'of many • tongues in many, languages. Men, men, men everYwhere—young, stalwart and •stiong e nn *my of bar vesters,waiting to be hired. No won der -there are, it-is said, sixty thou sand old maid school-tescheri .in New England alone. However; un less ther aforesaid female have an instinct toward an adaptability for pioneer life = they had'betten stay, at home and, contentedly teeth A'.B C's to the little 46 botches - and bilkers and ":candle=stick makers. " Wndrive out of the teiwn and see the ont o a huge golden ball, drop ont'of light hi en oat: Geld:- :Here,,toi4inuike the eifOliiiiiiinefercit 'the Dalt*Olos; idit6o3-49 20 Wet. - . Willows • _ • hi.-, 'r.. '.,y,..: ~ ~,,,.., ~.,. - ""-'''-' 4 ' ;s:r, -;-1:g alr',.N.. k . , .., , -- 5 .. • . -...,,,, . ..- --ki,n - it:.-,,.' , -:,:' - z . ' ' %5):-'-'-4:•f,:.''-vrP':-'''. '`,',i•-7-,';‘`-'14.::4'.',"ii3,:-1-,:kkf,;-..:.,;.-, ..,-.. .., .. • - :--, , -"i•-:.:,:'11 - ',-. st,'4Y-nt!,-i"4-.:74Et'',''J..;•i,.,,.- IP-'':-...4 , : , ' . 0 7 -! . %.k . t zi;f:fo - :f il :r4,1 - -ff- , ..,. 4.-,, -. ~: . -..-- '-'.....e.A '' -f :: sC'''-44,:V4'''',; 11-11.::,,41:,`,;'r':::',;!,-'-' '..-I'-!-P •"e....-'4?&A-:. -,*,-..;.... - -' , "' - 41 :' .. .! ,, i -..."..,"; 7 1 ''''l<!-.:,,,'.--,.: 4'.7'k;.x..ii:t.t , -4" ;• - ': r l ". '=:, " ' --- l''' - ''. ''''' ; t-Y7-Yi/,:',4j, , :'...t. :' FEE 1 nownattfo or IMNIMCIATXON WY ANY !:1IIAIYINN: M=2l!M MN: , .-1-- mm ::'-- ''''.. . 7 .:'::',+' ....,::, i,t.:43,,, - , ~,,,... ..!' ..,i, ;!:;,..'l... v .:47.; ' 1 r .. '. ) 4 '. 'Pi, ."; ",' i ~• ''' ' ,g. • .. , y.:. : t 4:" 1 . t : . ... ‘.,... , ~..... 1 ' - 5i.:tv...,..•=;... .. - ti . .6 , . 4 . t `,-4.,-' '' , - ' i . ~. \ S., '. \ ..„ ti' '- :' ~ ~ ...:1 4;- t :e'., : ,..1., ,, ... :-.';'; • ?.- '.-"' . ' ..- '. ' l, :.- '..^....' V-1 . '',.: .',‘.' - 1..4 1 ',.: ' '.::,4. --:. '..- ' _. .. —. . . 115 ME • • „ of them swum out iof every, pool of I water, Not so active,. fortunately,' as their Eastern krotheri,i they` ily spine, the - face, with a heavy thud mind stay there—till you kill”, them. The story goes that Eastern sParfo.; men have occasionally shot them for snipe. •Rich fields of wheat Just be ginning taripen and acres upon acres of oats.--Ifne thliblack.road on which thC hoises smoothly trot. - Morning comes again. Aftei a ' good breakfast we are on the train leaving the ,level- plains behinc,l The -grocnd swells_ IR. eci,ftly rounded hills and quaintly curveil.depsions. .are few Mid 'far - tween. Lakes of every Shape 'arid dim:7ston, from a- good sizett.sheet of veral acres to the vetiest, '-pocket haudtter chief of a pool—allhwarming with wild fowl, , of ducks, and there goes the - philter, another and another. The men grow restless, and even I, wlib an in mortal terror of fire arms and cannot tell one end 'of a gun tram the other, am seized with an implible to snatch up a stick, - imall out and shoot something. It id won: derful =how • many faces this almost treeless plain can assume, each-more beautiful than the last. Here is another drive. I aui not yet recon ciled to these Western rivers. - Every: thing else is on . so grand a scale that one can't help - being disappointed: It hi absolutely funny to see the pride with which the pioneers point to a narrow-.creek that an athlete could clear at a bound. But tieware, oh agile youth, lest you fail .; them mriay be six feet of water, there will 'be nine feet of mud The day weirs on; but before the shadows lengthen our journey of ten days is at an end. The train stops. 13xpeetant faeef; are outside. 'Mr. R. springs out and we are Welcomed to the great 41r4wood Farms As ever yours, How : LOyely . Wqrpan Stoops to . Folly. .\ • •- • Wide mouths_ have come.into rash ion for *omen: This is a change from the prevailing style oflthe past year or two. The proper mouth of the present season is worn in a con stant but 'mild smile, the corners be ing drawn back Itoriwntally, 'with the lip left closed. The expression is one of *amiable, quiet satisfaction with all the 'world—as though the mind was free from sorrow and the feet;free from corns. - Care should be taken not to broaden this into an ac tiVogrin, except on mirthful occa sions; nor should the lips be com pressed. All should be in repose. The, lips may bC•reddened if,the-nat nral.color be too light. A practice of painting the exposed membrane Of the upper lip broad an light just at the centre has crept •in,..but it is bad, !or it gives - an* artificial and sen suous, look. the - fashionable belle has cut the puckering-string of. her Mouth, and no longer murmurs, " Prunes., prunes, prunes." She can khis two men simultaneously, and give good satisfaction, *here before only one could find room at a , time. The reader who supposes that the ab - ove is fanciful, I and not plain, straightforward fashion ;news, is very much mistaken. Women can change the style of their faces, if not at will, at least considerably: The hair over the forehead can be arranged to pro duce any desired outline for the.up per part of the face; the mouth can be made to widely vary its expres sion ; the. eyes can. be , .kept pertly wide open or languidly half closed ; the cheeks can be rounded by using plumpers;" the eyebrows can be arched or stpightened ;'the color can be_controlled toa high degree. Thus it is apparent that a woman can, it 'clever, have to some extent the kind :Ot face she wants. The nose is about the only intractable feature. It.sticks right out in unalterable indepen dence, defying all efforts to shorten or straighten it. L et me interpolate the fast that not one woman' in ten eve: laughs or smilesnaturally. Knowing full well our defect of teeth or expression, we try to hide or re form them., I knoW a girl. who /will never go to '.be minstrels, or anyoth er funny show, because she isn't. ret ty when she laughs. Itadvertely caught by something comic;, she ur ies the laugh in a handkeiehief; but whenever •possible she does all her laughing internally.—New York Let ler to Cincinnati Enquirer... Romance of . the Oil Regions. NSpoleon Rogers .lived __with his parents ituthe beautiful city, of Titus= vile, on the' babks of Oil Creek. Napoleon Was young and imbitious: He was smitten with the charms of Lucinda; Merkel. After an ardent courtship h - took his case . to Mr. Mer kel, the rat er of the fair-Lucinda. Adolph erkel was 4, merchant and had :accumulated gold galore, while Nagoleon was poor as an out side refiner.: • ~ • -.- "No!" said t he father sternly. ',,+ You, who cannpt L support jourselr, have no right to'ask for the haneof my' aughter. 'Go!" and he spurried ,hind with his boot. • - - 1 Napleon struck the sidewalk i, When ,Irurned with dashing eyes: ' - " ie Mark you, AdolpA Merkel! the , day will come when your miserable Store will,not be a peanut stand com pared with-,the one I shall own !" - . Young Napoleon , disappeared. Years rolled On ! - Our hero had kiell toiling upon the Pacific slope, and lied' erected a butane:is Moose-in C,hicago that was grand bey s imd compare. lt wasAlled with rare - ttnd radiant goods from looms of every land. - • ' Napoleon had thotographs taken of the inside and outside this Mag-' fltificent frade palace, and sent them to Adolph who bad refuse:li him the hand of his dinghterbeea l use of his poverty 1. • - - FINIS —The store was mortgaged for more than - It - was - worth f the Roods belonged . - to ••another party; Lucinda was r9vd•headed oil brolter..-:-.FroM :the PetrUteum - ' I lady, rtio rasa into soiletyto light thallaitie oftvoißsest= hos -greot - trOohlo to keep her ppo l er Oil In warn wsaillet. memon,Mwomwswwwwqm 1„ Srs:'f. , - ; 1•4?. ; :,,-;.7 1 5.i.:. , :! - 1:; t':~'• -.I . SEM MU DEM NZ= =I ME ME 'FALAZN 'FLOWBRIL . 0 0'aftiptihkiroka Living tiOid:s l 4 ll s ll 4l 41 4 4;' ': -.i , Ilat . tatommoVitat and world . went en, , And...wsa not etniaed when he erangooti -, 1 'A elreng aria attleken c a nide sail tutted k • . And oafs it ten won sighed. . ~ Ode of tee tie 5 orthe world • • . , .. . . 1 fought to tier; he toned to telt, ' _ And fell slain In his blood-staine d Mall, And oteibts t they" step '; , is " . - His cause was - Nisi and his banner tnriel;! --* And'onl7 a women wept. ..t.' . , ... I • One of the shiers among mankind -. , I Sangheidlig soap from an ceerirroeght bead; But ere luau listened the grass and wind i • Were wasting the rest ruining like a wave; And earr,of !sale that wlll Wee depart • He has never heard in hts grare: ; - , One of the women who only Wm: - Loved and - grieved and'faded away- Aktno are i thene gone to the God above. What there of each ran I ray? They are !Inman flowers that flower and fall; Thla Is the song and the end,Of Menial!. DOCTORING THE7PLE TREE. Chronicle Chnicle of A ~puiblozm the _ _ - Now : it was in the year of the big apple Yield in the land; and the heart ofthe farmer rejoiced within him. Forhe said, "of a verity there is no end to the apples . ; I will build me nen , cider presses and I will sell Unto the dishonest dealer of the city, the ehampagneythat eoineth, - from abroad that he may label it to suit himself and sell 'it to the unwary, that we May takelgreat profit from the un rightioirs'young man who ireareth Alaska diamond 4 and eoncealeth his) hoods in much cut; and affecteth_ cheap ehampagne." For it. is- written ; " Ye shall play it low down .on the pagans of "the eity,and ye shall spoil the young man whose head is lighter Ithan.his pock et book." , • And his :heart was glad, and was joyful within him, and he picked up his big basket and made joyful noise with his mouth as he get him unto his favorite apple tree. And when. he was 'come unto it ; the voice Of his singing was hushed and his heart was filled withAree, an i he Was cast down 'and sad, even ns a dog which asketh for a tone and receiveth a brick. • • For it was so that where there was one apple on the fruitful branches of his favorite tree; there were three boys ; and they were town boys, and they. skere outside' of all , .the apples tittre were, and were_ looking for more. v • And it'wss so that when they ,held the farmer ; they descended from the tree, 'and got .over - the fence in great haste n - . • And they mocked the husbandinan and smote their palms together and darieed up and down the road before him, and they cast stones i ut and smote it, insomuch', that the, voice of its howlipg: was heard even unto old Noah •=insler's as thou goest down by Cy. Ilaukse'n black smith Shop. , t • - . And the hushandruan was wroth, and he cried aloud ; 4 : Would that I had ye in my , hands _that. I might neck ye." , And the lads laughed him toScorn and called aloud unto hire, and mock-, ed, and said one to another, ", Oh, ain't he got, the gaul!" And 'then entreated hilt that he would go into the house and cover himsellup, and that he would walk amnia the block and look for Christmas. And with loud voice they besdught him' that "he would lie download walk over himself." . And Ahpulblozm the husbandman trembled in the fierceness or:his rage, insomuch that he broke his basket on a stinp'and he lifted up his voice and .conversed:, in swear word's,, so that the lads were not ahleto stand before him. And they fled down the road, but Ahpulblozm the husband man pursued . not after them, for he was heavy with much corn bread and fried pork, and his figureiwas even as the figure of a sperm whale, and he was not built to run a ft er boys, who are light of foot; .yea; they are altogether swifter than arrows' and stronger than onions. Now then Ahpulblozm: went 'into the house, and he held.peace, for this same thing had happened last year and the year before that again. And the husbandman said, ,"Next tithe I will fix 'em." ' • And when the Winter was come a" nd_gone, and thel time of the sing ing birds was, come again, and the -ground was Soft; Ahpulhlozm, the son of Irarratuthe the ;Clodhopper, said nothing to nobody, but he spent much time with -his favorite apple tree, and he pruned - it and 'digged about it and day by day he watered its roots. ' And he compounded the water' wherewith he watered it, from the,- herbsof the apothecali and from the roots of the field. • • For he .stirred • into half a 'barrel of viaegar bitters, ten pounds of quassia, two quarts of castor oil, half peek ,of worm vr nod, hatful of qui n i ne, some, tincture ofrhubarb, one quart of tartar emetic. an armful of dogwood! hark,rhalf a' dOzen " Indian turnips," a can of concentratedlye and three gallons ot sod corn whis ky, whereof if g man drink one drink of it he will straightwaylle down and have a fit. And he 'boiled it all 'in a great iron kettle, and stirred it up with a hem lock stick, antitsprinkledin salt and , cayenne pepper, and n thbfui;of ed horse radish.-_,. And arose early in the 'Morning and - watered hie fa,..yorite apple tree , with this mixture,; and at the eveh time he neglented not. And the freer greir and\ flourished.and' it Mos sounal so that the- lea* could not . But the bees which sought honey in its blossoms; after they had Yeast ea, went back: no more - untb the hive; hut, went and _lived with the wasps and hornets;nad made. io,morehon eY.; but , passed - _ themselvei„ off for yellow' jackets and weald sting a railroad tie, if so , be it shotild look upon them. . • • " And Ahpulblozm the husbandman -noticed these things, Mit beheld his POlce• • " ~Only.inthe ANA watches of the night, whin .he., lay,up on - would he rubhis pawn together` in $••il I' , , Ell laugh under the bedclothes and say softl; Now I got 'em." - An y d his wife answered - him c and saicl, 4 OC I' verity then, bast got 'em, and thou 'Last _got 'em bad, and-of a surety unless thciu shalt ;Jet, up on. it . and quit drinking ihon Wilt aie with , But she spoke mockingly flir el.e tho't he had the jimjama. BO he laughed the more, sodrei baked her arid bade her hold he r sa Peace .dolo _A , l 4d it i g e ht i r dL f Bu ' tterpa - dd i e: the daiiymen, what dolt thou know about tar?". And ft was so, that when theitp• pies . were ripe they were fairer to look Upon than 'other fruit of the field.. I And3hpultdozm, the son of Her ratut4e commanded his fainily that they Should '-not t,e,nch so Much as one nipple. For be said, "It is a satrifice to the immortal gods." • And when i• fair Saturday morn ing wai come e Ahpulbluzm, the hus bandman, tied up the dog at the house, and went by himself and lay , down in the grass in the orchard. For he said, "Of a verity, I will =give the boys a chance."' (For he'Fist there was nO Khoo) of a Saturday ) ( And the .boys came betimes and. they•climbed gently over the fence and swarmed up the apple tree as of • old. And when they saw the fruit that it wai fairer than any fruit of the field, they smacked their lips and re joiced, and said one to another,' . Oh, golly," and, alas. "Oh, I guess,not!" and moreover, "Yum Yum 1" - But it was so that when a boy bad eaten one bite of it, that he turned him round about and cried unto his fellow and said," Of truth I am stab bed.". But they thought he had mocked them:. and they said, i‘ Go to, thisu tag a devil." Andrwhen another ISd had bitten an awile, he was stricken with, re morse"and Said unto his fellows:' Deliver me up while there is yet timei=tor I am the. man who 'robbed the Manhattan bank !" 'Ahd they 'marvelled greatly, but, Abpulblozm the mar velled the grass of the field into his mouth that he might not laugh. - And 51 third 'bby laid hold of an apple ;and bit :it, and when he gad craunched his bite only once he cried aloud, " Bury me close to the school house!" and he slid down the tree and 'lsy in. the clover and twisted himself up and wept,. And when yet another boy had plucked an apple and tasted it, 'he called unto those who were with him, " Help me home, for I have swallow ed a Fourth of July." 'And even another boy bit into an apple and it was so that when he bit, he let go all hold, and fell upon his back in the clover, and =gasped, ' pray thee, let notthe medical students carve up my body." , And when yet another lad- bad bitten an apple, he Came down from the tree and lay down, by the road side and sought to die - ,but could not. And another lad took unto him: saris large bite, and* cloiab down, and wentaway into a desert place, and laid down on the railroad track that the down express might come along and. ripple over him. ' And so it was,, that all around the orchard .'there; were lads who Were doubled up and who . feared to . look upon each • other's - face - And.they ate sand, and prayed the immortal gads that the awful taste which they 'tasted might . die with them, and not be visited upon their children's children. And wnen night. ;was comethey got them home, but when meat was before thein they would not eat it. For, of verity, they could not taste the difference between the taffy and dog-fennel tea. • And tt, was so that after many days, when one of the lads _should see an apple, that he lay . down and had a fit. • Ah pulblozm, the son of Hairatu the, arose up out of the grass an he coin. mued: with himself an said, " Ho, ho." , And he took, one of the apples which, the lads had bitten, and he handed it to the sandy pig.. And And it was so that when the sandy pig bit it, that he looked up into the face of Abpnlbl'ozm the son of Hit. ratuthe.end rebuked - him with a re proachful expression. And :the sandy pig said, "Of a truth thou bast played 'Won me pret ty , • Andhe lit out and took to the, woods and be never 'wait seen not none no more. 'But the orchaid of Ahpulblozm the son of Harratuthe grew and nour ished and bOre fruit as it had never done before. . For there was' no lad in all the towns / and the country rout* about, who Would 'eat of its fruit. And each yeat,Abpulblezm the son of Harratnth e kept the Cider presses - going and made champagne for...the market, and he waxed fat and was elected superiisor and lied_mon ey to loan.--Bur/ingtort Hargew. • = 1 .• The "O'Meara.' cmsolidated.". They*et by chance, • the usual Irdy.",‘amorig the daughters of *the life of Adam. Said the one neighbor nto the other : 4 i;" Good' a:l°min' ye, Mrs. 'Mears." • . Thank ye kindly, good mornin rs. McCracken, yer lookin' vrel this tooroin'." - " •:" AO, but its kind ways ye , have, Mrs. O'Meara; ; :ye'd be spakin' the eheerin''word if ye saw a l poor body wid afoot is the #ave—but I'ni 'far iroin► - feelin''well., it's the onki disli tress in my chest, -dear.- It's Addy ye're sbroid the day, - .Mnr. O'Meara, but ye're always so indristrioun and dririre." " Ye Mather Die;iiirs. - MeC i rackei, but' it's onlyin drivin' that there is only ituivite these tirnes—with God% Wessin'i sv course " ' • „_Ttbrue 'ffor, ye, 01419]* Ongyi stikimb now Elnil EZIESI - '-'r.. 1 1,;:•::':‘:- :•,,:;,:' -..',.:,,,:,, ,:: t., , ...,,...,. 5 ; . ' 17 '4 .. :',, ;1: . 7 ' . . . . $l.OO per Annum In Advance. IRE SMI WEB=MIZ ER Bfill MS ::,,,'... .i?f , ,i.:: - i`..`P . ;:' ''',;''::.!- =I ME ~,, , l' EEC L2El=l 7S: BEM MEM ' '1 1111E1 MIXTER 25 : T'3 .:, v cam(. maiiiin' Vat 'the honest words I 'sphalie, and - no lathery." the bleeder' ot God we're dofn" fairly-41day; Mrs. McCracken." " I wash '1 could get the 'event, Mrk. - O'Meara. My ;Michael works ivery blessed day in. the , mines, but nothin' 'stays wid us." • - • 66 _ Do you collect assissments, Mrs. McCracken ? " • . , " Assissments . , Mrs. O'Meara, what: world I be dorn' with Collectin' sissmenter Bad cess to it, woman Bad cess to it, woman ; it's_the other way us, for Michael be do be payln! a 35ierametits on lids an' on that ivery blessed month*most." • "An' ryhere . doe's'he pay thin), dear?" , . Al To the broker shop; sure, where else would he be min' thin, Mrs: OiMearar • •,‘ Why, to _yourself, " To me, 3 , ,irr. O'Meara ?" "To youriiilf? Where else should be be payin' their! ?" " What for Would he be payin' as sissments to me ?" • " What for 'does my Patriek : pay assissments to me but because I level 'cm on him, dear "On him ? An' what is' it for, darlin'?" • "It's for the stock he holds in the O'Meara;Consolidated—do you us dershtanil that now--, the 011.e-sri Con-shol-idated -1! Whatorould that be, dear ?" " Originally it wasp Patrick O'Me ara and Norah MeCne", but was in. corporate(' as . the o`.ll.eara Consoli dates} in 1865 ; Ora:issue of stock in 1866, with , a ne* issue every two years since. it. is .vehat they call, si close corpon belave,*nd I am both president and b( - 31 - Crd of directors. hould the conthrolling intrust and livel assissmenVi." "I don't underatitand it at all, Mrs. O'Meara. An' what is that ye the assissnients on, dear ?" " On, the stock, to be sure, woman ttle live stock, do ye see !—six shares, now." ' "Do ye mone the cl:i!der ?" " What else Would I mane? tell ye, dear, for I see`yer wits are, wool gathering.. You see, for along time-Pathrick was buyin' this wild cat and that wild cat, an' all the cats were li‘.-elire assissments, an' he a payin' 'em and kapin' us all". at the' point of schtarration.. I saw bow things was goiri', so I just 'brought out on him the: papers of the home incorporation, and I says to him : " Here, now, sir, is the O'Meara Con solidated, with but six shares in it. now I lirel on it my first assissment of twenty dollars a share. .gay be : 'Norab, ye'rewus than the wild cats; , ye take we whole month's wages !' 6 Thrue,' says I, 'and I'll honestly ialiind ivery dintin improvements for the benefit of: the Company.' " • "An' did he schtand the assiss-- pent, Mrs. O'Meara?" _ " He did, for he thought it a good joke at first; an' for two or three - months he paid up like a man." ' 66 Then he'quit payin'?" "'lle did." . . " An' what then, Mrs. O'Meara?" " I sould him out." " Sould him out! 'How could 'y* sell him out?" ''!" " Well, ;lear, he had due and legal notice.. I 'firstof .all tould him that such' a day. it would be delinquent in' the Board, thin that it was adver tised delinquent, an' than such a time . would come the day- . o' sale. He thought it ,_a good joke, but when he kern home that' evenin' he . had no supper. ,'I didn't cook. him a warm male 'a month; I' Sint a lot of fee niture to the auCtion,iin" cut him. off in ivery way in his home coinforts." "An' what then, dear ?" - '" He Myer since refused to iniy his regular assissments." - - 66 Ach It's a wise woman ye air, Mrs.', O'Meara. Good mornin'. till ye, an' *id the help o' God I'll incorpor ate the McCracken Consolidated thin 'blissid day, an' livettny first assiss.: merit before restit my haid on me pills "this night!"—.Virginia City ( .I.l'ev6 Enterprise. . A Liberill Editor, We were grieved to read the other day of the 'death of one of Michi gan's jolliest pioneer editors—almost the last man of a band who publish ed weela es in the State when a coon skin would pay far a column " ad," and three bushels of corn dumped on the office floor stood for a years sub , sirlption. ,Never a publisher was more liberal with ~his Space. It was hard work for him to charge for any: , thing except the tax list and wort gage riles; and he measured short etenon them." One day in the years gone by his paper' copied, an attabk on a county official,' and Maik was dozing at his desk when the in jured-party. stalked Grind began: 6 . You are a coward, coward !" . ' "-Mebbb I " was the editor's' . eornillseent • "And I can lick you, sir—lick you out of your wrinkled old: boots." 6 ‘,1 guess you could," answered Mark, as he busted the wrapper off his only exchange. ' I • "I'm going to write an article call ing you a. liar, coward, • cur, slanderer and bodysnatcher and , go over to Iona ; and pay cents a line to have it Published.!" , . . " trey ?" queried the old man as he wheeled around. • • "Yes, I'll pay five , cents a line to have it published r . • ." Say, let me tell' you something," replied Mark.' ." I've got 200 more circulation than the Banner, and I'll publish your attack on me for two cents a line, and:take it out in mill feed or corn-stalks! Don't trot over to lona when you can , help build up your own,town l" Mark would have published it Nord - for yrord, .just- arbe said, and thrown in a, eut of a. horse or st4o33P pnller-free gritia, but the official cooled - 0ff..4-Front the Detroit Free Press. • . , -:..~. 44 Trat devil is ,not black as: be is painted, 4 no more than a lades_ cheeks are tarred as tainted: • "I' W: mate 'it hot for yoti," ;as the` ' o ► WPM' Ned te the ; man milt, ; woo !lotting it in his soup. _ , - - e • . - . - ri , q l rnia l W 'Sky With shads aialibeibuivir • sago aa brag and: fah . .. „ * iiali sitat Mara sarlit-tairsitaa*,, _ Napa air sank tree ana = - , Owls, ealar, aid .• „. , • Grow 0144 Woes aim, slogiesiada, - la lliaalliatia 4 , ' - Ilfaisimaiaias;•coarbaa matt pope biait cif • ' , " .11 7 bats itomok rtsaM4asa. •11 - IMM ME And dont which haillerastre • - Sines slibilataillbsedllisisasalt. War Garr A 644 - Awl jp4dioret! era* 121 ; : • Pap% ;Item! blosasinfitnlig • • • ' • And inapt. adast or. , •40ora /sad Ziirodolt; It MmilY P.4lYri. • A New zerooThlerilisibt . met as actittabitance on a., . otl . the Elevated yeaterday, and -after some general remarkii the latter said : "'I saws newspaper notice that you bad failed.". •• - • Yes; I went by the board." " Very bad ".Yes, watt)! bad.", • "Outside speculation, I suppose t`. Partl3o , ,4 Creditors willing to givnyou a. chance to recover r" y ea .” . . 46- Glad of it; I,suPpose you'll soon be all right?" "Yes. 'I tell you what, it is a very disagreeable business. I had to plea‘F family "extraiagance, and my wife, who hadn't bad a new dress for six mouths, was •as mad as s hop. I proved that I had given too much to the church, and the minister called, and raked me over the coals,l had s. clerk abscond with a lotofcash and the•' creditors made me own - up that he was my brother. I supposed that I had lost ssoolry a fire, but they figured that I was $lOO ahead. I figured on having enough to pay thirty- cents on the dollar, but somehow they got bold of enough to pay ninety-eight, and -put all the costs on me. I Icst four weeks of trade on top of this, and 'l'm feeling awful blue. It hard ly pays to fail—unless you've , got a partner to- help bluff creditora.”— Mill Street New _ Pennsylvania Crops. , We commcmly..... speak Of Penns3 vapiats a mining and manufactur- ing . State in contradistinction to the agricultural States of the West. -It is true that in, manufactaires, as in the products otour•-mines; we lead t every - - other State, but of Is7o 'only three Statesz- r New :York, Ohio and Illinois—ranked above Pennaylvania in the 'value of their agricultural pror.., dncts. The statistics given ,Oct. ii; by Thomas J. Edge, Sec'y of State Board of :Agriculture; of the estima ted value of this year's harve.qs throughout the ,State will surprise those who - think_that the great. talus of the country areall in the far, West. The . hay crop alone of Pennsylvania is estimated at 130,000,000, sad the , corn, wheat and other grains, pota toes acd tobacco bring the total up to $111,250,009. This is only the value of the garnered crops; it does not:include the $85,570,000 worth of' live stock , raised hron the farms nor the numerous minor items which en, ter into a farmer's profits, which would easily bring the aggregate far above two hundred millions, a fisnru which very few - of the agricultural §tateiwill equal, and fewer still ex.- peed. The cost of fences in the State is estimated. at $152,000,04Q. .: . :,Womares IlViortb. ~_ • `1 Two of the best steel engravers in this country' are women, one living in Sew' York andone in Columbus, 0. . 1: The President of the Board of Im igration of.:Wyoming . Mrs. A. 11. Stuart,,holds her commission from the Govenion- .. The leader of the etruises at Vassar 'college is a Japanese girl. kihe is from the elite- of .Japanese society, itud is both stylish and popular. There aie more than three millions of women in England and Wades try ing to earn .a living in the varion ,, , trades and -industries. The niece of the late President of the Royal Academy is rapidly com pleting some groups in Carrara mar ble for the new Edinburg Cathedrtl. The official reporter of the Points of Washington county, 0., is a Wu- . man. This is the first case ofltetly'g being appointed to such an e the State.' The Princess of Wales will, this\ month,.lay the 'foundation stone of a hospital-for , gentlewomen in reduced circumstances irrespective of their social position or work. Thoughtful ThouglUi. A SMILING face often hides- an aching eart. THOsit who live without faith must * die without hope. Gen loves a bleedipg vine more than ono that is unfruitful. , • Amos° the breakers is not , the place to dismiss the pilot. • _Bon-never afflicts so much, so often, or so long, as we deserve . •NOTIfING can remove opposition to God but submission to Him. LEAustro may be the source of igno, ranee as well as of knowledge. THERE may be ignorance without er ror, buttetot error without ignorance. Armansrri tends to prepare the piling or living and the old for dying. • PaosPzurrir tends to attach men to this world, adversity tO:wean them from it. TUE darkness of death is like tbeeiren lug twilight; it makes ail objects appear more lovely to the dying. GRATtVIDA is the fairest blossom which springs (row the , soul, and the heart of man knoweth none More fragrant. WISDOM is not fonnd with those who dwell at their ease ; ratber - Mature, where shit adds brain, ad d s difficulty. . . A 11A21 has no more right to nay an Un civil thing than to act ow--no mo re light to say • a rude . thing to-another thin to knock him sown. Tunic Is no Chriathudty Lea enough for those 'who sham* wink - to see it: and darkness enough rto confound those of an op'posite disposition. , • FEELIRGg COMOt go likelight troops following the victo ry Of the present-01ot principle-se troop.f the line. are un disturbed and stand fait. Wires wrifirei out of wpt* with the young, then oar w*k in this world is over. That is .a sign that the heart has begun to Wither, and that is a dreadful kind of °id age. • • Wu= you see two young loveri at op pm*, ends of the sofa of may be certain that anearer approach of happiness is iin- MINDS. - ' • • Taiir toil land they spin and wash (that els and yet_Bolonson in all his glory WAS not arrayed likes co/ortel girl at a. dress --- • - . Warr ; spell Rune." " am -e " Right ; go up , one." „ No, Mali —k . you. I ant not prepared. to pan in my check yet." - - • Tire law again* dying concealed arspans does not apply to bicycles. They are revolvers, but sbey avoid cartridges and never go off tlannsalsla. aooto coutatsitioapiitt a 7 make melt baud at o - (wat t afoo4 Iloy tikis - • HE