Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 11, 1880, Image 1

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. .
The Bitatilleabßal'ollllllll 11:11 011 101 1 4 1 44
Thorn's , ' laming by 000111110111 B anrcaccogig i
One Dollar per sunnin g , la *Planes. • -1 , • c
ti'kdrorUatst in all yam* exclusive
scrintion to4tte uspee„
S ec AG NoTliNtSinsertistiskritir
line for first insertion. sod TITS Clara perlistior
each butnoquentinsertion„ but ao notizeinnerted
for less than fifty cents. - •W m
MIL t) Y a VISItTLEIENNNTS will be Xt.
at reasonable rates. -
A Iministratersa sad Nitecittotta Nate* lilt;
Atutitor's Notices, ButtneetUarthlrfelltles,
•t , per year) 11, additional lines ,t eselh .
i'ttsrly alvertisers are entitled ' t • quszserly
c hinges.. Transient adirettiseliaents Guist .be paid
(Or La advance.
AltresJlntlona of assoctstions; coulisuoigistiels
of limited or individual intettat, ant notices of
,a criages or deaths, exceeding Xy_e lines axe obarg
e,l ?IVY OONTS per Noe, but iiimpistudicesof taw
rt cgcs and de tthswill be published witbontPlumte.
Tito R eponym& having a larger circulation than
,1) . Other paper in the county. makes it 145 b elt
3LIT, rtletng medium In Northern Penturyttrania:
J tit HUNTING of every kind, in pilau and
fancy catom, done with neatness and tifitpatch.
scabill!'. Blanks , Cards. raciphlets,
s At dulcet!. kc., of every variety and - style, printed
at the shortest notice. The - Itarowrita once is
)ce)l sappllear olth power presses,* good Assert
ri ut of new type, and everything in the printing
ue can be executed to the- moat artistie immix
and at the lowest rates.. TERNS INYARTABLY
"Xusist6s 'lads.
. .
. I
.....Tll •
'ollire—Rooms tormleiiy occupied by T. Y. C. A.
Reading Room.
ik: 4. u.Coti.L. 1418,80 O. D. KINNEY.
T.e l / 4 , given hi Thorough Bass and Harmony.
ult hat 1..11 of theapice a specialty. Located at A. St. }Reference: Tiohnes & Passage.
'f anda, Pa, liateb Ip.O.
'""tee over Klrbra Drug Store.
_-_-, ' 421 . 0.E.1t
I.:-AZ-LAW, '. , .
"•:ace with Patrick-htid Foyle. • Sep :5,"19
pECK.-& 0 , RTON
Arrob,74lE.Vs-AT 1. ASP,
Solicitor of Patents. Particular attention
r.ion•lncss In the Orphans Court and to the settle
ment or estates. -
.01hco in Montanyes Block,
N. . . • ~
11. JESSIJP, .c. • ..
. ...
, •
, . .
A'rIQII.NBY AN D couxsELL9tt-Ai-LAW,
,• ' MONTROSE. IPA. . .
Judge .Tesaup having resumed the practice of t'le
law to Northern Pennsylvania, will attend to any
legal hushieas Intrusted to Mtn lu Bradford county.
Persona wishing to coniult hits, can call on IT.
Streeter, Esq., Towand,a, Pa., when au appointment
can he made.l
- ' •
.9 I
L. HILLIS, H • • • H
TOWAN:DA, YA'. '' tu0v11775
A TT011,1;:11Y-;AT-LAwi'-
Ageney fret le sale and' purehatte of all kinds of
Ltcenritlett and for making Many on Real Estate.
All business will receive careful and prompt
attention. • r,,11 uue 4. 1879.
v • 'kT LAW, WVALV:iiNG, l'A. attend
to all tiii-anes, entrusted to hle care in iiratlford,
Sullivan and Wyoming COntaltni. (Hike with Ebit.
Porter. • • [nul9-74...
s 47: I NNt NO, S11071E:VI 1(i. AND.
)111 G. F. Ma , on. over PA.tell & Tracy,
31 al u !.treet, Towanda. Ps: •
GEb. W,'KI.MBE!tLI,4;Y,
0 ire—S:cond door wultt of First .National
Bank. .A ngust 12. I tirid.
1 - 4 1 LSBREE SION,
, f
4 . OWA DA, PA.
N. C.
PLC dtt y Brad. Co
iTal,ltlz accepted the agency of the •-
• (Assets over 513,000.000 00.)
I wn prepared to %rite policies at current rates.
I). SwAnTs, Agent.
ti:litte with Wm, -. Vincent, Towanda. Pa. Iyr.
r •
. 4—Nonli Sitku Public Squarer"
Jan . 1, 1-575.
itii*•r—South side Poplar street, .opposite Ward
(N0v.13. 18:9.
I_l l
OtliCe--;• . Means . Block, Nlaln:sf-over J. L. Nent`s
store, Towanda. May be consulted In German..
[April 12,16.3
I :
~!!:TTOItNEY- A T- L
,'"OWANT)A., PA.
011ee—second' door south of the First Nat.'nut
Rau' Main St.,:up stairs.
nftlea ocer-Dylon's store.
Aprlll2, 1876. •
I' IR . . S. N. WOODBURN, Physi
s. Om find SurgPon. Office at residence, on,
* t; ' ir Strzel. East or Main.
TIP , F. au la, nay 1, 172 ty•
tvr B. K.ELLt -
T iwer Al. L. Rosenfield's, Towanda, Pa.
'reetit inserted on Gold, Rubber, and Al
nm base. Teeth extracted without :41n.
Oct. 31-72. .
1 - 2 •D. PAY NE, M. D. . . •
Ul'icr over Moutanye.• . :3lore. 'Othee hours !ruin 10
to 12 m„ and from?. to dP. It..
Special attOntloTglvexi la
. 1 • and - ur
Mee last Saturday of eachinouin, over Turner
a Gordon's Drug Store, Towanda, Pa.
Towanda, J une 20. 1878. •
gAT'2A-70tf. TOWANDA.PA.
C P4ID IN $123,000
14111 FLUS FUND • 46400
'rhlp. Rant offers nOstial tians
action at a general banltiug baslpeas..
.1 OS. t'ONV ELL, President.
Ar 111.187.9
, Its. 11;PEET, • - ''' ''-'..,-'
rt•Cilitt OF PIANO M.1711:16,
(Residence Third 'treat, Ist ward.)
Towanda. Jan. 11;19-13r. .
( . itT YOUR
Mite at.tnq,UXPORTER Olt VIC& . o Pliettte the
Coort;Ilonso, Towanda. Coktred molt a opootalty
NOTIOR .IN , PARTITION. - State of Pennsylvania, County of Bradford,
as : To SarahAun Lawrence. Josephlirhtgtm.
Cyrus G. Wheaton. Emily F. Elbley • Chario M._
Rogers. Hoary W. Wheaton, 'Mellon .Anti - 11.
.11002 . 3—p1ea% take notice: - -
Whereas, at an Orpharts , Court, told at Tediande
In and for said County of - Bradford,' on the . 17th
day of April, - A. IL IBA before -the lion. P. D:
Morrow, President Judge of said Court. in ti e
matter of • the estate of -John Wheaton, derealled ,
the petition of Melissa Ann M. Itegeia, Wife .of
James Rogers and daughter of John Wheaton; late
of the township_of Warren, to said County, do-
ceased. was pre*nted, - setting forth that the said
John Wheaton died March gd, 1899, dutestate,
seized in Ids demesne as of fee of and Inn certain
metduage and tract of land situate In said township
of Warren, bounded uorth by Lands. of George
Pendleton and Benedict Arnold, east I.y lands of
Benjamin Buffington, and south and-west by lauds
of Samuel Wheaton ; containing about italarres,—
and leaving to survive him * . wldow„ • Sails' Whea
ton,. and eight children, Sarah Ann Lawrence,
Joseph F: Wheaton, Cyrus G. Wheaton. Frederick
T.., Wheaton (shim deceased), Emily P. Shiley,
Charlotte M. Rogers, Henry W. - Wheaton and Me
lissa Ann Si. Rogers; that the widow, Sally When.
ton. died March 12th, 1860 ; that the said Frederick
F. Wit. aton died September 17th 143, leaving to
survive him a widow. Susan Wheaton (since mar
• tied to Major Darling), and- one'-son,Seymour .
Wheaton ; that .no guardians were ap pointed for
any of themi nor children of said John Wheaton,
deceased; t hat-under and by virtue of the Intestate
lairs of this Commonwealth, it belongs to the said
Melissa Ann 14. It'gers to have an equal one-eighth
part of said teal estate. No.partition of said real
estate having been had, the petitioner prays'; the
Court to award an inquest to make ?argil° of the
said real estate to and among the aforesaid parties
according to their respective rights, and she will
everyprsy, etc. Whereupon the said Court grant
a rule on .014 heirs and .legal representatives of
said decedent to show cause why partition of _the
_above described real estate shall not-he niade. And
now to wit. May tab 1880. the Court continue this
rule mail SeptetuberTerm next., I
And now to wit, September 24d, 1880, rule made -
abr.olute, and the'said Court, on due proof and con
stderatlon of. the premises, awarded an inquest to
mute Data:hitt as prayed for. We therefore com
mand ye ti that, 'taking with you seven good and
lawf.d Men of your tlatliwiek.. y 9: go to and upon
the premises aforesaid, and -there, in the presence
of all pa, ties aforesaid by you to be warned Of tip.
on being warned they will be present). and having.
respect to the true ,valuatiou thereof, nod upon the
oaths aid a ff irmations of the said seven good and
lawful men, you make partition to and among the
heirs anti legal representatives of the said intestate
in such manner and In such proportions as, by the
laws of thisCommanwealth is directed If the same•
can he sophrteVand divided without prejuiltee to
or spoillug the "ode ; and If such partition cannot
be wade thereof without prejudice toot, spoiling
the whole, that then Lade cense th said inquest to
Inquire and ascertain whether the same will con
veniently accommodate more than one of the said
heirs and legal repteseutatives of the Said Intestate
without prejudice to or spoiling the whole . ; and if -
so, - how many it will as Wort-laid aecommodate.;
describing each part by metes and bounds, and re
turning a just salutation of the same. Rut If the
said inquest by yen to Ito summoned as aforesaid
tutunake the said partition or valuation shall he of
opinion that the premises aforesaid, with thtt ap
purtellances, can not be so parted and divided
as to aecommoulate more than one of the said heirs
anti legal representateresof theSild intestate, ittatl
then you cause the inquest to.value the whole oil
the said real estate, with the appurtenances.
lug resin ct to the tnie vainatit u th roof agreekidy .
tolaw ; and that the part Mon 'et valuation to made
;vowtstinetly and /peaks - hare before our said
udge at Towarnia.. at an Orphans' tlourt.there to
he held on the regularday of sessions thereof, after
such inquest shall be made under your hand and
seal, and raider the hands and %eats ofT-those by
whose friths or affirmation- you shall make such
partition ()evaluative, aud have you then and there
this writ. ;
Wlrie-ss: 'P. D. Morrow. President Judge of our
said Court at Ton ands{ afur.lsalti. the 7th (lay of
April. A. D. A. C. PIZISIIIE.
Stay 1,'79
Feb ; 1 7. ';9
•In conformity ‘Vith the. above order, I hereby
give notice to the ulneee natnvd belts ned all Wier
persons Interested, that an Wittiest still he held on.
the above estate. on the prrnsiees, on rRIDAy,
the 21iTit d.iy. tif N°YEaftlEß, A. D. i eso, at • 2
o'clock, I. 11.
tees testalneutary - basing been granted to the
utricrslgintit..under the last will' :and testamenset
l'elly Ctiatifeltute of New Albany.• deceased
all persons inci.thr,q to the estate of said tlivedent
are lit-rehy nottned • to make linntedlaie pay
ment, and all baying claims against said estate
must present the'smutt duly anthentlicated to the
undersigned settlemenr.,i •
s. W. Cif AP'Sl,l,'N',
, . .
C. W. C lAA l'llik.N;
N ow , Albany, Oct. 7.18U*. Erecutors„
N. N. BETTS, Cashier
• •
" ~;
GOODRICH & HiToHeQelite Publishers.
VOLUME - - .-iii. :: :::' -'''' ::: ':- : 1 - '''
' : -'2'-':':
ClOrk of Orphans' (hurt
PETER J. I)EAN, Sheriff.
Towanda. Orthlier
TO RiP NO TI CE.—Not,i6e
_A Is hereby Oven Oat .11 person* indebted to
the estate of A. U. Bowman, !pre of Leßoy. de
,rdsed. inu.t make Immediate tutrnielft. and on
persors hay fog elstims akalust said estate most pre
sent thew duly at ttu.ntteated T , ..r sett iemunt.
JOSEPH B. B 11 110141. ti,
fletdllll-rar'.*•.. VAtonstnra.
Letters of utiminisliation haling been grant.
ed to the undersigned. upon the estate or ow. B.
Beater. late of. Tuscarora - township, deceased.
notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to
the , said estate ate ,requested 'to make inimedlate
. pSytnent, 'end all • pvs,ns• having cialtus against
said estate must present the same duly authenti
cated•to the undersigned for settlement.
NOW.!: C. D FX TER, Administrator.
Tusearora, Ott. gt. BiStl.un. •
• • •
rx,—Letteis of administration .hayink been
granted to the undersigned, upon itia *State of
L. M. Mundell, late of Malin:tom' derevcd.'
notice Is hereby given that all persons Ettdebted to
said estate are requested to mate binned.t,afePak
mew, and all pe.m . m.s ha,ing legal claltnii agninst
.the 83111 A will prssent theta without delay;ln pro
o der far settlement to
11. M. RUN DELL. Administrator...
Luthers Mills, Oct. 'ZS, 1t u RG. f ,
. . . . .
ir ~ tf, r s. t esratnentary baring be granted to the
undersigned. under the last will anti testament of
James (. irbidgway.lateurFratiklin tvip:i &Ceased.
Ali permatiOndelited to the e- tate of t•ald. decedent
ate hereby 'notified to make immediate payment,
and all having claims against riald estate' enwtt pre
sent the - same duly autbent cated- to the under:
signed for settlement. - .
.. • _
Muntoet:ijn, Oct. 28, 1850. Executor.
the estate or Charles S. Fox; dectilaetl.
.i . llO undersigned, •ien Angkor appointed by the
Orphans' Conrt Bradford County to dh•tribitte
thisi.haisnce of fends of s:1,1 estate In the hands of
nie administrator of Paid cstam. will attend to til‘ ,
ilutles'of hie appointment at his (Mee it. the Bor
ough of Towanda. on SATUILOAY, the day
of NO VI:3II3KE, lssa, at .10 o*,cMclr, A. rd.. when
acid where all persons having claims on ealit fund
must ptesent them or he forever debarred from
coining In upon the same.
.1. P. KEENEr, Nudity'"
Ivand,a, Oetober. 21, 1630-w4. -
Matter of thf. ILeAgnment of M. F. Ranront
for tho tu•nrf.t of pc, .bredltorn. In ttle el.urt of
common I.';eas of Bradford County, No. 704, May
Term, 1877.
The final account of G. H. Vant`tyke. Aluditnee lii
t caw. filed Sepltlnber 22. isso: and said
aeeount will 'ho presented to said Court tortilla!
ronti ls tnation and allowance. na Thursday, Deeeel.„
is O. unless cause r shown' wby said account
hhoild not be Maally confirmed and allowed by the
Tvicanda, Oct. 21. 18S6-w4. Trethohotary.
rl Tnipor's nse vs. 1-. 0. and D. Taylor. in
Couit of Common Pleaiot; Bradford county,
Sc. 1160. 31nYTerin, 1E79. . •
The undersigned, an Auditor apknted by the
Codrt to ,li.trltotto the fund arising from the Sher
iff's rale of defendants persoinl property, will
attend to the duties of his appolutruent at bigot:Vett .
In- Toreanda, on MONDAY, INovgmllE it 22n.
1160, at 10 o'clock, A. M all persons having
c slut, Ilpoll bald fund whit present - them or be
forever debarred from coming m upon tbe'sante.
THOS. E. 'MYER; Auditor,
Towanda, Oct. 13W-et:
—To Julia E. lltineff. In the Court of Corn.
WWI Pleas Of `Bradford county.. Ea 668. LidayiiT
ltdiO. You are hereby notified that George. pia
husband. has -appited to' the Court of equation
Pleas of Bradford County for a divorce from the
bond% of matrimony. and 'the said Court has ap
pointed Monday.. Deceinbtr 6,, IMO, in the
Rouse in Tewanda, fOr hearing the sald tieorge„ to
the nrornlaes. at which time and place you'may at
tend If you think proper. •
4-4 w. r PETER J. DEAN, Sheriff.
Hetetlah Chamberlain. In the Court of.
common Pleas of Bradford county. No. 114. Nay
Term. trio: You are hereby notified that Estelle:J.,
vour,stlfe, hia applied to the. Court or Common
incmsof Bradford County for a dirt:wee from the
bonds of matrimony, and the said Court has ap•
pointed Monday; the 6th day of December in the
Court, (loose in Towanda; for hearing t e said
Estella, In the premises, at which time d plate
you thsy attend if yon thing proper. •
44w.- - PETStt J. DEAN, B,eriff.
..EX. —To Albert Cur - kende% In the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford county. No. tCt. De
remise! Term, Sao.. You are berebrilonfted that
7 YOUr Wife;.! has- applied :to :the Cetrt of
Cumtni'm PiCas of Br adford County. for - a .diy er ce.
from the bonds of uttrlinony„ and the. said Court
has appoltited Monday, December 6th; 1880, In the
•cour , Hooke in Towanda, for hearing .the. - td
_Ent*, In thtt..„promlaes. -at which tluseand pace
100 may attend If you think proper. • •
4.4 w. • PETER J. DEAN. llhetiff.;
. —A ilrat-class tegnlar Life Inaurabee Com
pany desires to employ a few. men to devote their.
ehtire time to their interests in Pennsylvania, to
-Whom liberal compausathos trHI he paid. 3lnat
pt good character and possess tact, energy and per ,
',S,eirerance , past experience tn the. buttlactatenot
,ttecessars..„. Addreas.liatintear;Past occupation;
tatld NO, receti*od and eapeotod, with raterrsciur f
13 Alder House Omces, New 'fork City.
-..' -
What are the wild winds saying
As they sweep through the stormy sky i
Or moan *sold the leafless branches, •
With a witund like a human MOT,
Theylam telling in mournful whispers
Of the beautiful summer dead,
Of May and bet faded garlands.
Of - June and hernias Clad; .
Of the - shining days of August,
And the sweet Sepeemborglow,
Of the regally•crowned October,
With footsteps silent and 510 w...,
They are telling of harvests garnered,
Of ripened and gathered sheaves,
Of empty nests in the forests
Anti ander the homestead eaves:
,They tire telliog,of stranded vettelr,
And wieeks upon stormy waves, ,
Of sigaalgems an a midnight sea,
Of cruel and watery graves:-
-And of leaves that drift in the valleys,
And mentidawhere no grass has grown.
Of beautiful idyls vanished,
Aud beautiful visions flown.
Of a year with its joys and sorrow
That Time like a sheaf bath bound,
Leaving no fruit far the gleoer
On all the desolat eground.
Oh. wind of wlld'Sovember, . _ • ,
A sorrowful voice Is thine—
A requiem of the dying year, •
Of the showy shroud a sign
- Atilt harvest days that are over,
ll:ben we gathered golden grain,
And !Inks that ere broken fcrever
And lost from Love's mai:leaf chain.
D. Y. Jordan; Roseindry Leave*.
'"." In this world it. is best not to
think too much of pleasant possibili
ties; that we may not be out othumor
with present. insipids l ; . yet despite
this lamb-like maxim, if ever .one
planned, ecOnontizedi . making old
gowns last -twice their, usual'span,
that she might have one long, cool
holiday in. new gowns and. free from
care, it was Ruth Dean, the cheeriest,
.of b eings, with the. whitest teeth and
brownest hair that . ,ever adorned a
mortal woman near her fortietlibirth
davr-ani age when many other sisters
lave . loit youth, health and comeli
ness, send begin to have' a dim Con-,
seiousness that' they ought 'to have
died when they were young and 0)1-
Wben.Ruth first planned this Visit
to her relatives away among Maine
hills, she was . thin. , in a large West
ern city with a ne'aklo-,well husband,
and a graceless young nephew, upon
whom she lavished all, the
. pent-up.
motherhood that she- had never been
called to expend upon children of her
own. -
Why Ruth, the .fairest and most.
loVable of the five Worthing girls,-
should have hottnaherself fortuitous-
otherwis4 to such acbundle of
obstinacy and incapacity John
Dean, while ail of her plain, ordinary
'minded sisters married' capable,
ae,pri'sing. men,-is a luestion for phi
losophers and biologists.
• keturali Ann ILo:wera, an angular
down-east woman, ;living with Mrs.
Lane, Ruth's nearineighbor,
.ity. the
capacity, of unpaid ; -phikiSopher and
paid nurse, - guiltless ' of Darwinian
theories in regard to.Mitaral selection,
and having positive ideas of her own
about Matters in general; "{lowed,'
t 4 use tier expressive language, "as '
well a she wanted to,just why Ruth
throwed herself away mer
ryib' bat skilless - John Dean." .
".Ef anybody knows Ruth an' all
her fainly an' all,ttieiriyays. it's me."
keturali was trotting,' quite gently
for her, a two-weeks-old baby 'on lier
lap, and said this in answer to some
.question of Mra. 'Lane in, regard ,to
Mrs.,Deate. --- " Vow - see, i dived with_ .
Deacon Worthin's ((Aka, off an' on,
most of the time after I was fourteen..
When I went there Ruth an' Robert
—they were both twine—was jest
tittle tots in Pinafores , . MiSs Worth;
in's other children was a sight older,
an' Ruth an' Robert groomed up all
to like'; 'for the older
ones merried an' went away afore the
twins was ten ,ears old. Sich-happy
critters as . them two twins! A play
in' or S plannirr c a study in' or a work
in', they was alwus together. Robert
was master smart about lardin',
and Ruth w'an't a bit ahind him, of
she was a womankind. . , The Deacon
kalkerlated to send him to college,
an' 'Robert took to studyin' 4;lreek
an' Latun an' rich. an' Rutir kap
right along with hin4 an', I' guess,
she helped him' more' Iddid her. '
" But this college notion didn't
last long afore he got in a desperit to
so'to sea. The Deacon thought he
might go jest once, to sicken hith of
sich a life." It didn't, though, an' he
kep' on goin', as boys mostly do
down there on the' coast of Maine—
it's born in 'ern. .- 1
"When Ruth was nigh twenty'
year.old, Miss Worthin' took a stroke
an' . wen t off suddenly. The Deaion
never ,got over. this blow, an': next
year. when the laYlocks was a-blowin',
we laid him side of '.mother,' as he
always called her. They was all pie
father an' mother I ever knowed.')
To bide a touch of feeling in her
voice, Keturah Anrigave the baby's
clothes a vigorous pull downwards,
observing in her usual Stridulous
tone : .
u The Masterfullest baby to be
alwus a hunchin' its clothes A ever
see". .
" Where was Robert when Insfpt.
rents died 7," asked Mrs. Lane. •
* 4 I was going to say he was off on
a long. trip, an' came home a fGvfi
monthri afterwards. What should he
bring with him though but a _ queer
kind of a furrin' wife, a German, that
he took off a wrack with other talf
starved 'critters. - How on airth they
contrived to get acquainted an' fall
in love with one 'nother, it beats me;.
for when she comes to us she couldn't
speak scnrse a word . except ' nine'
that I. could make out, an' that alms
put; i n rich onspected places that I
,to laugh when I oughtn't—she
a. poor funiner an' all, her family
- " But as soon as .I.tuth set eyes on
this. Bertha'Rubinstein, she took to
her an' all her outlandish ways as of
she'd been a born sister."
"But," suggested ;Mrs. Lane,,"
thought, you --;were to tell me, hove r
Binh happened to marry John Dean.
She had no bean, no lover pp to this
timel"- - . _
Babes alive l_ w
.Venty of them,sieh
OA they. was.- -There as the schcal
, -1
—,- .i. , .. - . , -,.i,,,',7%. ',,- -4 : , :`,.',;.:,. - • ,, , - .; 4 .71 . :'.-.:-."
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; ! . , ,s, !!‘.:::.-... - ,1. , ' .. . : - : !, ,-:':, _ . .
:,,,?..:....,,.F:.. ..--.
, --,-:
f f
mister that,Buth never got sight on
but she'd ,e'n a'most' laugh in his
face, he *was that queer and stiff in
his ways; an' there was a neighbor's,
son•with a soft spot in his head
where, for he writ poems And things
for the papers—believe he came to be
editor afterwards--Rutlt couldn't
bear' bim. Then there *as the tics
eapting, a eight older'n her. forever
a askin' of her to' go a ridin' or a
walkire with him, an' she a g ‘ nakin!
excuses an' never a goin'. Ruth
nicknamed : him, in her funny way,
Laird Dutnbiedikes, an' said he'd,
think biaieby, she - .ought. to marry
him she'd . knovinhim so long. Then
there was Robert's friend Dick;' real
likely he was, too, ad' he was-at the
Deacon's a sight; but I didn't call
him a beau then, for he an' Ruth *as
alwaus a sparrin' hiV a argyfyin', an!
never seemed to agree about nothin'.
'They was the oppositest bein's I ever
see—Ruth so quick an' techy, an'
Dick as cool as a, cucumber. ,
" Ruth was kind of independunt
an' svomatrightsly, and was minded
to say that women didn't never have
more'n ball a chance, men was so Sel.
fish .ads treated 'em as of they was
doll•babies. An' Dick believed, or
purtended to, that the hull kit-of
female kind needed masters an' per
tectors as much as the nigger slaves
down South. Thitewould set Ruth
right tip, for she didn't b'licve in
slavery, nohow.
"It was soon, after the Deacon
died that there was a picnic off to
one of the islands, in' Ruth an' Dick
both went., When Ruth came back
she looked awfill cut up about acme-
thin' or 'nother,an' went right to her
root:a. • I heerd her, tramPin'• up an'
doWn half-the night. I never'kndwed
what %as up for three years. an' then
she was married'to John ;Dean an'
moved out, -West, an' it was only an
aggravation.": , ; , i
At, this juncture the bab y , like Pp
brought up by handonade; an outcry.
Keturah Ann satis fi ed its ;demans
and put it, in its crib, saying with a
little chuckle : I .
1 . .
"There, you're . a blessed good
specitnin - of the male sect in gineral,
as peaceful as a lamb when you're l a
stutiln',.sOrnethin' into you that suits
you anti for jest a little 'while after
wa s." - ! 1 -
rt . .
A Ketursh took her sewing Mrs
Lane remarked, smilingly: "You
have not made it clear yet why your
friend married John Dean."
" I Why it's plain• as ;day ; that . she
took him because he ihoosed t'i'er an'
seemet to *usshap the ground she
stood on ;
.ihme's manya woman thas'
merried when she did not git the one
she'd sot her heart on, an' didn't keer
about flying in the face of Proiidenee
an' not,„marry at ' , all. Ws clear'as,
can be that she'd a drawin' towards
Dick all the time, for all her inde
pendence; an' his goin' right off to-
California after that picnic; an' never
_suite of her, made her kind of reck
less' like.' One day when I was at
Ruth's old home, takin' keer of , Ber
tha's baby, while she - an' Robert was
off to sea; Dick walked right in where
J was. They said -h_e,'d got rich a
"ininln', but didn't , look, no ways'
cheery ef be had. Ile kep talkin' of
Buth,,an' asked ef I •thought John
Dean would ,make her happy, an' all
sich' questions. •Ile said little Ru l 7
binstein'lookcd more like. Ruth tlepo
Robert, and then he kissed him an'
looked so down-hearted, I. jest up an'
asked h im.w hat had happened to that
picnic. It all come ontthen that he'd
been-lovin' Ruth -eight - along; an'
that day, when they were alone
among the etititg, he'd told her lie was
goin' otr to be gone'a long spell, an'
he wanted to have a aerie, talk 'long
of her; - an' Rath never stopped to
hear what he was gout' to,say„ but
turned an' walked off, sayin' kind o'
scornful, she belied he'd
.haVe . inore
sense about • women folks when he.
came back. An' he went 'off, thidkin . '
she'didn't care forl , him • but seein'
That she was still RuthNrorthin' the
last time his folks writ •him. An' .
here was Ruth another man's wife
out in•lllinoy I. ,
"I . • declare it,was awful provokin'
to see how them two belies, both on
l e
'em,„ a sp akin' the same tongue, an' /
knawin' ne 'notber all their days,
went on to blind their eyes an' make
sich a mess, a upsettin' all their hap
purness for L life like two nateral born
'jets; when there 'was Robert and
Bertha,. only knowed one %other six
weeks, or better, .an' one's talk all
gibberish to • t'other, an' they found
out they were meant for one 'pother.
I read a novel once all through, itia'
I'm blessed ef Ruth's an' , Dick's en
s msible doin's want jest of ,a' piece
with the two foyers in that story, for
they went on actin' coetraryfthrough
two vollems an' at last come togeth
er by aeOerdent. But_ that's a sight
better'n 'Muth an! Dick come opt.
It's , all for the best though', an' I'M
nbt I, findiefault with Proyerdedee."
" I am glad that you are no pessi
mist,''laughed- Mrs. Lane: " I bogie
Ruth lived happily with John Dean."
. ,
•' Why, yes, leastwise as fur as
folks knowed ; for a woman like .
Ruth, with a head full of ideas : an'
t ai i 3
common 'sense, don't go a ,tellin' li
the world she's made a mistake a '
got the wrong man4—she'd be " pull
in•tatters before she,'d , own It. -. Its
mostly them couples" its is both link ,
one as
that brings
their little mean afore . th
world' an' law coutts,ln' git,diverce
as of them was a penalty for all their
miserableness... John bean wasn't - a
bad roan, but kind of hard for wo
mankind, to deal - with, for he was
monster conterary, an' hadn't 'much
guniptiOn about business, an' lost his
property as keerless 'as a child. Ruth
couldn't do 'nothin, to better things,
for them kind o' men, an' the weaker
they be the wais they_ be; . is ererlast
in' afeared they'll be ruled -by women
folks.. Little Stein, as. Ruth calls
him, l was with me at home when
Robertran' Bertha was lost at sea,
an' Ruth sent for me to fetch him to
he; , . It nigh u pon broke her heart
to lose 'em bot all of a sudden . . but
%was a conifer; she said, to ' have
Robert's boy. 1 , .
" I've bad la town with Ruth - ever
sense; of a .Inady evei is at home in
this shirlesa out Weilt." ...,- •..
'._ ;king a *lie of Kettirith's swrd-
a, : - ,-. ' .:.:: -:- - - '--•- '- - . :„
-- - 1 , ;-; .\ - _ • - -(' ,
~.. ,:._,....,.....,.._,...._...:4_,:_.
BsGABDiEss or inctrumuilo* num lint (atrium -
ed ," out ,West 4.7 Mts. Lane - hid a
smile is' her queStlim :
"Nis Mrs. Dail . never been East
tsa see her yelatlves In all this time?"
- leturah beesWazed tier thread and
gave 'hee l peculiar chuckling laugh
before-she spoke.
‘ , f: It's fanny of disappintments ever
Is, but she hasn't *vet been. When
Stein was' , ten year old,, or tipwar4s,
Bath platned in her heart some way
to take wall on a good long pleas
urin' tower East;F and
- John. Dean
1 111
seemed to need a change more%
of us, for he'd been i failin' all t at
sprink.. Ruth,she teached in a.frien 's
school an' colored photograps that
it mightn't comel hard on. John for
the outlay; and we was all ready,
trunks, packed, ang the airly roses a
blowin% an' the black dust, a-cholin'
us, when poor John was took down
helptess With a shock of, p'ralysis.
Instead of a hollerday amongst them
blessed Maine hills; we 'staid in that
hot city all thatlive-long summer a
tendin' on , that poor sick mortal .
P.uth wasn',t a angel; but ahe was
better'n one of 'em, a Doppia', their
wings around in a sick rosam,lor she
was a human with human hands au'.
cheer words, an' be 'was 'a childish,'
onrestful \ inverlid. , . ,
" 'Twaii along in the winter he died;
an' wh;enrthe sound of , them--frozen
clods at failin'.. on his: Coffin struck
Ituth'd ears,' she fainted away in my
arms. P'raps you don't believe it;
'tisn't thein we've loved most an'.
been happiest with that we weep bit
terest tears - for when 'they're gone;
it's sorrow fur happerness we never
had cut deepest.
" After awhile : we. moved. doWn
here to this village, the decentest
place I ever see out Rest, for it has
a 'few - . litilnroelia in the road; ant ft
little risin' ; ground: An', Ruth with
her Oho! -for little'ehildren,an' her
otudyiie an' her eddicatin' of • Stein,
bas•bee_n kind of , peaceful-and con
tent. •She'S minded all alongt.hOugh
to make that
.visit East, and twice
;Sped John' died we've' been e'n-a'
most' started l , aut. someth i nglts„sOrn 7
ed up to hinder; but I g
. essiwe shall
go for sure• this, time;•seeire Stein's
off . to Coloiady an' there's only me
an' Ritth to,go .An' too, I'm iin 7
pressed, - as them Spiritualists say,
that:we'll- be.disappinted."
"..oh, I hope not; but it is unfor
tunate that Stein. is • not ,here to ac•
company his • aunt," remarked MrS.
Lane, sympathizingly. • •
"You see, Stein wasn't any 'Fuss,
as I.knows - on, 'than_ other boys,:-is.
Dimly is alwus in hot water that li4s
no one 'em round: Ile took to bodk
learnin' 'as his father afore' him ; an'
he was a master hand to pick things
to pieces to see what was in 'em, an'
was forever a bringin's_ home weeds
and insOts; an' ail 'sorts of .crawlin'
things, a clutteriptuP the house with
An'• many's the time he's:nigh
blowed us all up. with the chemical
'Muth seemed 'to think him all'
right as long as he kept on studyin'
for eollege. but-when her cousin, Mr,
Leonard, irdm Massachusetts, came,
along last year,. Stein, a great boy of
sevgnteen, took a notion to . go 'an"_
help him on his sheep ranch in Col
orady... Ef you'll mind this baby a
mink, I'll run over an' see of , Ruth
has heerd from
Keturah found Ruth in her sitting !
room. strewed with various signs of
speedy departure, seated on the cor-_
ner of a half packedgopen trunk with
a w erushed letter in her hand, and
with a dazed, tearful look in her eyes.
": 0 Ketnrali," she exclaimed as
that worthy spinster appeared before
her - "Stein's letter came half an hour
ago '4 and I hs*e sat like one stunned
ever sihee. He has been thrown from
horse, broken one arm, sprained an
ankle and , brniSed himself terribly.
'He hopes we have not'started on our
jourireyi - for hi wishes to Come home
as soon as his, condition' will permit
'him to do 56.1 He will take up his
studies again and behave himself, he
writes. The dear boy-I Am so glad
its no worse, and, that I'shall have
htm at home_ again .' -.How fate 'bust
'eloy upsetting our plans," and Ruth,
laughed hyiterically - until the tears
rolled down'over r the htilf-folded gar
ment on her lap..
," Butyou ngo, and we
will'come on 1 er," she said, when
she had comp.'sherself. ,
"Not a step wi I budge until you
go, of . I have td w it till I'mpld as.
Methusleh. l've felit all along
boy! so
would h pen to that
t \l
, boy-l-so pernickity an' ‘enturesome
no good comes offraiiing upraces."
. 4 ' You need not. say that , for see
how Stein's Yankee proclivitie send'
him roaming after adventure a d to
see the; world, while-the German Id
of him brings lira home to quit
study and duty.l - Rut lielp me put
thin torturing, qurik out of oght;”
and Ruth robe from: her cramped pa
sition- with regained cheerfulness.
• .As she shut the truck - out of sight
in n dark closet she broke\Out afresh:
"To think how many pietnres of cliff,
mountain nod sea I've biidled into
that trunk with every pac, age; and
now-mo d " .
"'Preps you packed in a picter of
a great broad-shouldered feller stand
in' ag l in a- rock, an' of a little woman
a.streakin' through the bushes alook
in' back kind of scornful."
. Having deliirered herself iif.this un
expected speech, which for a moment
quite suspended her (With's) breath,
Keturah's face disappeared in the
pasteboard tunnel of, her calico sun-.
bonnet, and, in spite of her' "disap
pointment," she went milling back if.)
her duties. ,
The marlplot nephew's. letter was.
answered with due apeed, and two
weeks later Ruth sat one afternoon
in her cosy parlor. The light from
a nearly-shaded window played over
her wavy brown hair and•little gray- .
'clad. figure, the soinberness of -the
dress only relieved bya little knot of
tiny, ferns and, scOt geranium blos
soms at her throa t and lit , up the
pages of the book She was vainly en read . "It is useless,"
she murmured, can neither read
nor work. It is that foolish dream of
last night which brings so vividly to
my. Mind all .thiose by-gone scenes--
fatherpnother, Robert and- Dick.=
dead - end living, all mingled together
after the fashion of dreams.; Keturah
!•z;;:;:,:1 - ::. : ',; . ;:.;.%g :'-*;': , F - ii;PI 1 `, - 7''Z' .- :',' . .''
'f j -' - r.,;6 . : ; - .7"
• , :,--:'..-7:,,
„ ._ ..
'' _.,,.,-...
is so sure that he went away heart
broken ! - I imagine, ,:though,' . that
away in o that "wild Vancouvel with
his coal mines, his wealth; and with
that doctor's widow that he Married,
he .has quite forgotten ILittla Ruth.'
/ was all "to blame. What'ldiots
women are; saying - and doingln pire
caprice what they would 01,4 worlds
in a moment to unsay and undo. But
oh, it's the afterthought, thdlintCr
gedanke, that makes onr.bitternessP!
Coverin o ct her face with bath hands
Ruth lost all thought 0f... alb present
in °a reverie of the past. The sound
of an arriving train at the near de
pot aroused her, and brushing away
an impertinent tear, she 'exclaimed
aloud: "What a sentimental• old .
thing you' are Ruth Dean; _why, yo'u '
ought to be wrinkled and gray-head
ed and sensible—ou are only one of
thousands—only one
Whose ovisrhiity, tinpulse drove:Min
Nat eartbtrjoys 4e might eecure4 "
She arose and opeped a bliad that,
had tempered the hot June dun.
Pulling towards her an overhanging
vine, she gathered - a handful of roses,
and as she turned away from the
window felt herself half lifted 'from
the floor in the clasp or some intrud
er's arm:.
4 Stein, dear little Stein, you great
frightful darling!" she exclaimed, s
her blonde•haired, Teutonic nephew
releadd her from his close embrace.
"I crept ins by the _ back way to
surpise you—see these confounded
splints, how they bother me, and my
ankle gives Me a twinge at every
step. But, Aunt Ruth, I have not
come alone—here's sombody that
knowsl father—Mr. Say*ood.:—Aunt:
Ruth—why—what is the matter ?"
For as Stein uttered his companion's
' Ruth gave a slight shriek, and
stood pale and trembling as wild],
bronzed,- heavily•beanied man came
forivard to greet , her. -
May I coupe in, Ittith !" asked her
guest, with meek - in hi
tone. si
" Diek—Richard Say wood! is i
possible ?"
," It is pOi'sible—it Is the same
Dick' who used, to have so little sense
about women—one woman particu
larly," he Said, taking her hands in
.his and leading her to a. sent:
" I came i lronrVictoria to place my
stepsen in school at San Francisco ;
while there I learned that my frield
Leonard was in Coloradp. I dropped
in to. 'See him •for old acquaintance
sake, and there I met Roberts son,
and the poor, 'bruised rascal needing
-an escort I have guided him safe to
your arms. Could I do less for his
father's son ?"
"1 am: grateful,but Di—Mr. Say-
Wood," blundered Ruth, half. bewil
dered by his, steady gaze and 1,14 e
close clasp o r her unreleased hands,
';your family—yonr wile—why have.'
you not brought her with you PY
"I 'have no family save niisoiing . l
stepsen, Maynard. His tallier yeas
'the wife'of my dearest fries in that
rude land. Ile died, leaving his wife .
And son' in. my care. She was An
•valid when_ I muried 'her; and two
years tig6 she died, and now MaS:.
nand is my sole comforter. Are you
'still pitiless, Ruth—my Ruth?'-' he
asked in a voide•gOky with emotion,'
as Ruth's tearful, joyful eyes. looked
up into his
. questioning face, giving
himthe full assurance of that love
he had once doubted.., ' - • •
Keturah Anti' was'somewhat span=
dalized at, the brevity of the plepht:s
tie* for the 'wedding which-followed
thiS,meetirig of those two onserisk
ble'bein.'s•," and she was 1 card to de
clare : Ef !the ways Of Providence
isn't the 'onsetriterblist ; hems that
',visit dOwn East that's been upsot so
many times come to' be weddin'
toler.after all." . ' •
Three years after Ruth's second
marriage Mrs. Lane visiting frieniis
in Maine met Keturith Alui and made
some inqpiries in regard to her for
mer neighbor. •
"it's equal to a novel how things.
have come round," answered ktu
yah.' " Here's, Dick - and Ruth li in'
on the old,pkee, all fixediup beauti
ful, right in sight of mountains :an'
the sea; an' there's littlt Robert a
toddlin' round, justi the, Oicter of,
Dick. An' Stein's away 4 c,ollege—
:is fond of weeds and crawlin things
.as ever—he'll come to lbe 'one of
them nateralists , bimeby.l An' that
sober Maynard, as stiddy, is a dea
con a learnin' to' be a farmer, an' all,
of 'em is as busy an' hay us mor
tals can be in this oncertita world:"
;--Sophia Emery, in Bostqn Travel
.:A Living Express Package.
All sorts of queer things are car-
viedby the railroad - companies now
adays, but the oddest piece of freight
hat has been seen in Pittsburg for a
14 pg time passed through on Satur
daYl A chubby, round-faced, bright
lookingboy.eleven years old ; named
Casey\femmel, arrived in this city
'on Saturday evening in the care' of
the Baltinkoreqt Ohio Express Com
pany. He bad traileled as a piece of
express mattefrom some place in
far-away Texas \ He had a paper tag
tied to him lust\as though he was a
bag of pOtaKgs, and 'oh the t g was
written, the address \ of the con ignee .
He was entered on the waybi Is and.
manifests just like anybther reight;
and as' he passed from\ of
one expresS messenger tit' anetber he
Whs duly receipted for. This living
express bundle left Texas ott\Taes
day and has, been well taken. cat:c \ of.
With Caisey was a package contaT
in: money, a baggage'cheek and a
ticket. over the Pennsylvania Rail;
road from Pittsburg to' Philadelphia. .
When the boy wanted anything 'to
eat. or desired some other reasonable_
object . the messenger took , eikificlent
money from the package to 'pay fOr
it and charged iton a bill which Ras
with it. Casey was' pired'an bland
a passenger.traiti on th,e • PennsylVii
nia-Railroad on Sundak and? is now
probably safe in . the hands of his
filends.--Pillsbn s "Post. L+ •
41 Atts, you last; Y little fellow?" ask
ed'a gentleman of : our-year-old. A. NoT
be eoblasd, b•butimy'roother ix" .
A TWELvnlrear-okf West Chester boy
can show 4,700 warbles of all kinds, °bar
new and description,. as the stun total of
bis winnings dining the , ent • season:
• i '-,"
I t
Ile told _ meDli 104 e tbtalnarnlng,
R:ttti his dear'boad doped lb mini,
And be told, " pod speed ti ealmrotoig
What, darling, all thee tahm.,i o
Bat my had ImattillanglOned
Though loviag Alm One awl well;
Win Ids love outlast all change*?
Wu I !tow' can a woman tell P
When the years shall bring their trials,
And the cues and the pains outweigh
The joys In the little household. 7 •
- As clouds might obseui% the day—
WIII the bend Mit has held mine 'fondly,•
, When maidenly Ills befell,, • ,
At earnestly ehledd from sorrow?
Ales ! bow cnn a woman Letts-
Wb4n the inters threads are cm! 14nie
Through my Witeses one by one;
'Whin I lose my Youth end, beauty,
As man); a wife has. done; °
Will ble heart be mine as truly.
As when In the flowery
Ife gas* me his (fisted promise?.
All t bow can a WOMaU,tell ?
Islanee at my sweptheakWaltlng,
Ills eyes they arirelear and true :
"I win love hlm,” my heart inys gladly,
"I will Oust him the wide workl through,
I irlli be to blur Jny and comfort,
I will othcrWitrei exeell
I Will keep with love's sweet
. Z3le much Lazy a wean tell
It was one otthe by-laWs of Heart
ache's Heavenly Raiser that it be
used liberally before retiring, rub
bing it well' into the scalp. Just be
fore he went to bed that
man bolted the back door, Vut the
cat in the woodrshed, came in whist:
!ling the " Fatmitza " waltz, danced
up to the clock shelf, and pouring oat
what he supposed to be his hair fer
tilizer he mopped it alt over his scalp
and stirred it well in around the root
0( the little hedge of hair at the back
of his neck.
'The glue' bottle, by an unearthly
coincidence, was nearly, the- 'same
shape and size as the hair:sap bottle.
He went to bed. -
'" George," said his wife, turning
her face tnthe wall, "that 'stun you're
putting' on your hair smells like a
pan of soap-grease." ,
" Perhaps I had bef,ter co up stairs
and sleep," snarled George. "You're
m'ghty. sensitive ! You wouldn't ex
pect that a man cap put stuff on his
head that will make . his, hair grow
and have it smell like essence of win
tergreen, would you ?"
They went to sleep mad as Turks.
This particular bald-headed man ,
like, a good many other baldleaded
men, had to get up and build the
fires.- When. lie arose next morning
the sun peeped in at the window and
the pillow clung to the back of his
head like a great chigon. At first he
did not realize his position . ; ' he
thought•/t must• have caught on a
pin or a Shirt button. 'lt looked 'ri
diculous, and he would throw it back
on - the bed before his . wife saw it, so
he caught it quickly by one-end and
" yanked."
"011! \ Oh! Darn:Wan to fish-hooks,
"what's been going on here? Thunder
lightnin'," and he began to claw
at his scalp like a lunatic: His wife
sprang up fiom her couch and Vegan
t to sob hysterically..
"Oh don% George! What is it?
What's the.matter ?"
. was dancing about the
room, theyillow noviiiangling by a
feW . heirs, scalp covered with
something that looked like sheet
Copper, while the. air_ was reiTlolent,o
warlike expletives, as if a dietiOnary
had exploded. With a woman's 'in
stinct the poor wife took in the 'situ
°Lion at a'glance, and exclaimed :\,
• " Itis the glue I" „
The hdld-lketuledAnan sat down in'
a cliair.and looked At her a moment
in contemptuous silence, and then,
uttered :the one expressive word: •
" Glub
NOW began .a series of procesies
and experiments unheard•of in the
annals of chemistry.
" Jane, you must soak it off with
warm li'ater.: gi:ktAo go to Utica
toAay.", - •
. "I can't, George," she rethrned in
•• ti guilty tone,." it's waterprool:"' '
• " . might have known it
and I suppose . it's, Are-proof,. too,
ain't it ?". ,
He scratched 'over '.the smooth
plaiting withlis finger-nails. . I
"It's hard as iron," be said. •
",!Ye&-- , lie said it was good glue Pr
replied e, innocently. " Can't yOu
skin it oft with your razor, George?" .
"Don't bc"a: bigger fool than you
are,.Jant. Get Hie that coarse file in
the woodshed." •
It may be imagined.what folloWed,
and now las the bs r ld-headed, man sits
in his office he
.'nei'er removes his hat,
for.his entire skull is.a hoWling waste
of blistered . deSert,yelieved here and
there by oases of Mack coUrt•plaster,
Sunday • Times.
A Revived Art of Conversation
Is there no great principal which
can be laid down as a basis of a re- .
vived art of conversation ? We think
there is, and le will proceed to de.
ielopit with the modesty that should
ever grace the announcement of a
new discovery, however important.
And, .first of all, it is hopleless to en
deavor to revive the Past. If, conver
sation everlourished„ and we almost
doubt, it, the conditions which pro-
duced this vigorous growth - .hate
passed away. 'What success it had
was certainly- owing ,to the men of
genius who devoted their lives to i%.
Now-a-days men; of, genius have other
things to do. There are never very
many of them, and they are not al
lowed to *slate their time. , If talk is
tote revived at all; it must popular
.4edi like eveything else, and, brought
w Now
the capacity 'of. commonplace
people.. ow there is one way by ,
whieh i ren the most stupid of us-may
make hie utterances invariably inter
esting and often amusing, it is—here.
conies the\great discovery.. by tell
ing the truth.
The reasOnhat the conversation
of the fool is eoVarren ,is that it is
never their own Ot is the repetition
of what they have heard or read last
and always spoilt in\ the'rgtelling. If
they -would only tell\ i i i is their own
minds, their real ; thong ts and. opin
:ions, their likes and dislikes, their
principles and their wealettems we
skouldsnot be -left. in such horieless
ignorance of whither.the world is
1 - -'
Rising Hair.
itimo poi Annuin In Advance.
tending; - for • after all, the fools are
the most importankclass; :the clever
men may preach and write and work,
but with 'all their effort they can only
slightly divert the course " of the
great solid block Of ignorance and'
prejedice that rolls on sO steadily
throughout the ages. If ' the•wise
could only understinid the- foolish
they might make th world go their
mita way; but the foolish echo the
words of the wise and keep their
thoughts to themielves.-
And,bow good a thing would • it be
if women would only speak their
minds. There is nothing that hon
est men desire tune than to under
stand that mysterious. race that is so
like__ them and yet so unlike, who
share their , homes but not their
thoughts, who are so shrewd, so
practical and so irrational. The poor
men yearn to break down the invisi
ble barrier and see into the real life
of those they love so well ; but the
loved - Ones smile and chatter and say
pretty things, and ingenious things,
and things they have borrowed from
men and improved them in the bor
rowing, but never one word of the
real thoughts that are working in
their busy brains. 'So i l *, men gat
ter and lie because - t ey'think the
women like it ; and the !omen accept
it because they think it is a man's
nature •; and the men think women
Pre empty-headed angels ; andi the
'women think men are fine, intelligent
brutes; ,and the two classes go on
loving and despising one another ac
cordingly;and-all for the want of a .
little truthfulness in'conversation.
'Few of the ancients had any cloth.
ing' for the lower- 'part of the rj . Ddy,
and must have bad extreme difficulty
in sheltering themselves from the
severity of the season. The North
ern nations first had a hose or trous
ers ; their stockings were made of
pieces of cloth sewed together. We
eaanot-say with a' certainty-in what
country the art of knitting originat
ed. France, England, Spain and
Scotland respectively claim this use
fßl discovery. _Some believed it-orig
inated' in ' Scotland in the sixteenth'
century, because when the French
litocking-kintters' guild made charm of
a patron want they 'selected - St. ll
acre, a` native of Scotland On the
other liand;the invelition is attribut
ed-to a,Spßibard, on the strength of
Mezeral, whp asserts that silk stock
ings were ~worn - by Henry 11. of
France at the marriage of his sister
in 1559 ;• but before that Edward VI
,had graciously- ac'eeptel‘ a pair from.
the merchant prince, Sir T,homas
Oresharn, who imported them ,from
Spain; the land where they were first
Manufactured. The story goes•that
a loyal grandee, the happy voisesors
of one of the first pair made in Spain,
thought he could do no better than
present the novelties -'to his .Queen,
and to that end placed them in the
hands of the first minister of the
crown, 'greatly to the diseomfiture . of
that modest man, who astonished the
innocent-meaning noble by returning
hid the stockings and bidding him
itlnernbet• that " the Queen of Spain
had no. legs." Queen Elizabeth of
England, not ashamed- to own that
she had legs, received, a similar gift ,
in livery different manner. In third
year of .her reign (1561) her silk
woman, Miss Montague,...tendered
her as a. New Year's gift a pair of
-hlack silk s kings—the. first pair
of -the ' kind m de in England. Eliza
beth lost no t me' in putting the gift
son her .
." limb ," and was so pleased
kith the resnl that she sent for Miss
l c
Montague an inquired where she
procured suc comfortable foot-gear,
.and if\she 'c uld get any more of
them. ' 44 \ I m de them very carefully
of purpose- nly, for you majesty,"
replied the \ silk woman ; "'and,. see
ing - these please
.you so well, I . will
presently set \more in the hank."
"Do so," said this queen; "for indeed,
'I like silk stOckings so well, because
they are pleasant, fine and so delicate,
Ithat henceforth I will wear no more
cloth stockings." , \ -
A '
c.• \ ' • 4 4.1 , ' - s ' j
1 Children's Faticies and Sayings.
A-fishing Master Freddie went.
Against tr We wishes and consent,
As usual to such cases. he -
Yell In. When be came hems to tca
Ma laid her !dipper where It would
Do.Malder Fred a world of good.
'A playmate asked of Fred next day :
"Did you strike bottom to the bay?"
agtrite bottom 't• Nort' 8214 1 , NaughtY Fred,
s• But Ma did 'Rim I got to ima.,
• A voun.year-old Sunday School girl did
the best she could with a question that
was asked of the infant :class. Said •the
teacher : "'`And it came to pass when
King. Hezekiali heard it,. that he rent his
clothes.' Now, what does that 'Mean,
children, he • rent his - , clothes?' "
went a little hand. "Will, if yOu know,-
tell OP." . " Please,i ma'am," said the
child, timidly, 'II pine he hired . 'em
out;' '
,Constx Exit.'" (whose young man sits
opposite in . dreamy contemplation .Of his
inamorata): "Do you like your new doll,
Bertha ?" .tHertha : " Et, tuzzin
; I loves it weal loth, all but one-fiug."
Cousin Emily': " Why. _What is that, Ber
tha?" Bertha : " hair will come
tt ; but tuzzin she isn't a truly
lady, oo know, 'cause .her teofins won't
come out all in a bunch, like ;mne floes,
oo Which was more than Emily's
young idan ever dreamed of. 1
JOHNNY'S father is a professional jury
man and talks about his businesi at the
family table. Johnny goes to Sunday.
School. Last Sanday the teacher, asked
him° What - Cain did when God accused
him of being his • brother'* murderer.
"He didn't do !lain' but tit it with the
jury," was the startling reply which
struck the tmeher'a ear. .
• • ,
My baby boy eat on the floor. . .
Hie, big blue eyes were ful) of wonder,
For he had never thought Oefore, •
That baby by the mirror ddor,
What kept the two, so near, molder.
He leaned toward that golden head,
• That mirror border framed
Until twin Oleo* like roses red.
• Lay Me by aide, then ratty Bald: •
• ' 4 l :eau% get out ; can Yotteomw
- Pitnivv.Pluttler !—(After the wedding
breakfast ; departorOof the happy pair.)
Child—" Why do they throw things at
the pretty ladi_in the ca y" Young
lady—" For luck, dear." Obild—" And
Why doesn't she throw Ahem back?"
Young lady--" Oh, that would be rude."
Child-. (promptly) . —" No,' it wouldn't.
Ma does." [Pleasant for Ma—, and Pa—
Who overheard, and ktiow tbat' others
Overhear also.—,Funny - Fake: i
Tabbs Fork&
. _
It is not grally brown• tbat we
are indebtal to • the Chinese for the
use of tbe fork - -; *filet not only that,
but these - riesPised barbarians have
taught us the art of• printing and the
use of inoVestibil vpesitheurizhreei
cOmpass, 'the use of Anse% chsiri
bridges, pectades, India ink, chain .-
pump; winnowing maiiine, wooden
baEs t ete. •It was ` not an the butt •
pa of the sixteenth century • that
to forks were introduced hp° po
lite society in Emland. • .
They were part y known In Italy-.
in the tenth century, for in a letter of
Peter Dataiani, who died in 1073 -
mention is made of a lady from Con
utsatinople, wbo was inariied.trithe
Doge of. Venice, and who was so fas
tidious respecting her food to use
a fork to takerter meat. 'They are
mentioned in a charter of Ferdinand
I, of Spsin, 1101, and - l inthe Ward
robe accounts of Edward I. of Eng
land are specified a pair of knives of,
siler'and forks of crystal. _
Forks were common in Italy in the -
fifteenth - century, although nearly un-,
known in Frince and England in the
following one. At close of the
sixteenth century they were noticed, _-
is a luinry in France, in fact so late .
as 1641 they were not universal in -
Paris. :In a , representation of__ ft
great feast held by the cobblers in
that year no forks were on the table.
The carver held a leg of mutton with
one hand, while with - the other he
cut slices off for the gnests. In 1611
an Englishman was ridiculed for
using one.
In a Manual of Cookery published
in 1684 we- - find the following: "A
gentlewoman being at the table,
abroad or at home, must obierve to
keeto, her body straight and lean riot
by any- means ; upon her elbows, nor .
by.ravenous gesture discoVeru vora- •
dons appetite:. Talk not when' you
have ni - eat- in your , monthe, and do
not =lecke like a pig, nor ear !Toone
meat so hot that the tears stand in
your eyes. .It is very uncourtly to
drinks so large , a 'draught that your
breath is almost gone, and you are
forced 6o blow strongly to recover
yourselfe. Throwing down , your
li into a funnel is an action fit
,.ter,for a juggler than 'a gentlewoman.
In carving at your table, distribute
the best pieces first, and it will ap
peare very decent 'and comely -to use
a foike, so touch no piece of meat.
without it." • \
PAPER BARRELs.—Barrels made of
pulp are among the latestinventions.
They area Michigan invention, and
as described by the Detroit Tri bune,
seem likely to become an important
rticle ofi commerce. It is a barrel
.made of pulp, subject to an enor
mous pressure. The advantages claim
ed for the invention are its lightnessi
durability and cheapnek - ' , " The body
of the barrel is ail made in one piece,
from coarse wood pulp. Tbe press
ure to which it is subjected is four
hundred tons. 'The ot the
barrels are made of one_piece in the
same way, and when'put together are
extremely light, strong and satisfac
tory'.in every way' apparently. There
are two kinds, One for fruit, flour and
other substances, the other for, oil,
lard, and liquids of all kinds. It k
haid'that a barrel of flour made in
this way and filled, can be dropped
from a wagon-without injury. Fruit
packed +in these receptacles keeps
longer thau , when putrtip in the ordi •
nary way being and excluded from
the air. The barrels for liquid sul.
s' antes are , made by subjecting the
first form, to a simple process, and
oil can be kept in 'them without any
leakage. The saving in cost is about
.fifty per cent. Steps are being taken
for the formation 'of a company to
manufacture banels, tilbs,_ etc., by
this new process.
IN London an- American gentle- '
man was one day invited to dine at .
the .house •of an -eminent solicitor.
Tbe daughter - of the host sat next to
him at table:- -Some questioh arose
respecting our national currency,
and he took from his .pocket some
specimens of our hank notes, among
which was one bearing the portrait of ,
General Washington. The note pass
ed from hand to hand around the
table, and finilly came to the yonng
lady above mentioned. 4 Who's
portrait is thatrP she asked. - Gen
eral Washington,' be answered.
And who was her she asked. 'One'
of- our Presidents,' cautiously re- 4..;
marked the gentleman, who was rath
er anxious to See, how fathis fair
neighbor's ignorace woul d extend.
' One Of your Presidents—ah, indeed!
Did he come before or after Mr. Lin
coln ?1:
Fun, Fact and Facetite.
Tnniheu, like the amateur at billiards,
depends principally upon the scrata..
FAM4Y jewels stick to .some -
Air many yea* but the old clod
"THAT'S . where your head is le
the Indian said when he pulled
• Wny is au omitted i like being
Wellone reason is that it makes
mad. • . -
KY burden is light," rernai
little man carrying a big torch in
Who was it that said to a Doctor
vinity found playing on the violin
'file D. Di?"
WHE":4 the cook returned from'__
etery she said she had been to see
her marma-laid:
Auznous are spoken of as dwelling in
attics becsolue so few of them are lable
to live on their first story.
Tut beauty of a man's parting his hair
in the middle appears to be that .it , gives
both ems a chance to Sap..
A THIEF, who lately broke OVER lb gro
cer's warehouse, excused himself on - the
plea that he only went to take tea.
-AN imbecile who wished to Make him
self agreeable to Longfellow said : "Sir,
every night of 'm y: life I all asleep over
- One of your walls !"
AN exchange says that thirty ,persons
in a small town in Michigan were recent-. ,
iy poisoned by eating sausages. This'
comes from having hems Dollars On dogs.
DAUGHTER' :" 44 Lee' , ma, look 'at that
heaNle !" : Vy, you hignorant
gal, it's a bowl !" Showman' (0014(4):
"Axes your pardon, mum, hot it's a '
'awk I"
"I SUPPOSF " said a quack, while feel
ing the pulse of a patient, "that you
.think me a buinbug. - " - "Sir," replied
the sick man, " I perceive you can discov
er a man's thoughts by his pulse."
BETWEER two horse-or conductors :.
" What a pretty watch, Billy?" "
you buy it of me ?" "Is it guodr . ' "I
believe you ! and not lazy, either ; why .
that watch will make her hour every
time in . forty-five minutes."
Tnz - pupils bad got as fir si the word
" hypocrite." None of the children could
explain what it meant. (Inc guessed -
that it meant "big feeling," and another
thought a " hypocrite " was a "bit:ani
mal that wallets in the mud." tla the
teacher explained : " k hboarite, chil
dren, is a person who pretends to be what
he is not ; such a one may be plealant to
your face, but - steaks ill- behind your
back." ' "Please, maim," 'ma a little
boy eagerly, raising his band, _.f'then my
.pa ain't n hypocrite, 'came Ims .naid you
was a confounded old mid.' and he'd *4
lives tell.yer so to yot awe r