Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 28, 1880, Image 3

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    ailadforti *porta
Towanda, Pa., Oct. 28,
- ,
The expiration of subseription is print
tit on the colored. label. By noticing the
.thve every subscribei can tell when his
paper will be stopped unless the subserii.
tion ie renewed.
111,:tnyc e.5,,A , et the signal,
waving In the - sif
I trar the t houtsirtun 'Milne to 'Fonda,
Vis,tory is nigh.
Hold the tort ter Gartield's coming,
ishoslgitais stiff:
I*the answer through tti!e Union,
ituilins says "She %IL"
I s , -
. •
• r
4 A.
' ,---
Tnr. Troy Court beganton Monday.
,• is the fatest Demoratic trick.
Yerr E fo
VQTE t 4 . 3 whole !ticket next Tuesday
t 'aditig. • -• • •
Vo'xF: for MARSH'.
THAT excursion to Lehighton was not
for pOor men. ,
VOTE for TAiLott.
. .
FORGERY is - pr4ctiped only by tbe
Democratic party. • ,
VoTg for ;SEwAni)
Internationl Hotel, in the First
Ward, is for rent.
• DI PIITHERI A is prevalent in several por
tions of our county.
TicE cheesh factory at Ulster was burn
ed olte do last-week.
Sow: of the young meu of TrOy have
organized an athletic club.
G. TI. EsTELL is building an addition
to his store builaine in Canton.
TtiEnx 'was a slight fall of snow at Le-
Ra) twine on Sunday morning last.,
Tut , . Athens . Ga:ett , says that chills and
fever is prevalent in ttifit
VOTE the Repulilicani Electoral Ticket,
and'see that it contains„2ll names. '
No complimentary votes next Tuesday
Vote the whole Republican ticket.
Loos out for Democratic lies about our
candidates frotiviAlNv until afttr election.
Rim DemociatS can. ride in a - free car
The poor ones can stay at home and swar
FARMERS should hurt) , up their out
woik. Rough weather is•uot far off.
THE October frosts are. fast pfueking
the 'leaves from the shade trees al out
DOUG. WIT FON says : "Lightning done
gone and struck dem mules in Indiana,
l'uFi best of friends get a little 'spur,_un
e: eh other during the present politicalex
TkIEICE were SbaCCU cars for the rich in
that -Lehighton excursion train, but not a
single car for,the poor.
TnE Waveily Steam Flaming Mills
hive been leased and put in operatiori_hy
31r. VANDuzErt, of that village.
E4110:1: H. JOHNSON, 11. A. WiLsON
ana IIosENctIANTs, killed three otters
ut'al• Sugar Hun, one day last week.
Old Wilmot District will gree,t the
T0n...1, Legion on Tuesday next with 8000
majority for GARFIELD and ARTHUp.
IVILLIAm Not., tried hi•Pittsliairg last
Wert; on a charge of forging an . endorse
- 11It`Itt, on a pension certificate ; was acquit
3 ' 4
. .
t)st.: of the subliniest things in the
no 14 is plain truth. The average Deina
cratic politician is net able to grasp this
41.i:ti. ..
Om) Boreas blew some piping blasts:in
the latter part of- last week, ; that made
pt , opht hunt their wraps intl. overcoats in
a h rrY.
• li. E. WHITNEY, of Romp, has one : of
_ the titnst apiaries in the county, which
.14 , 4 season yielded 17,00 pounds of choice
-.hox honey: • •
TILE Republic:Atli; of Trey are to have a
I..rroid rally awl torch light parade to
morrow. Friility, eNeuiug. Rev. M.R.tstu ,
lAN Ili to speak..
Cuuncit of the lesSiall (Universalist),
ltev. Wm. TAYLOR, pastor, at,lol a.
and 7 p. m. 'Morning subject, " The of the Universalist General Con
Wv. learn from the Review that an em
ploye of the Enterprise Manufacturing
t'omoany, Troy; named JOHNSON, COM
stini!teil suicide on Sunday.. Ile was jeal
ous of his wife.
THE editor of the A rill'', says - he is in
fav9r of a protective -tariff. If thisle
true his editorials leave belied him. bet
him - consult the files of his -paper during
the pest ten years.
Tun Prohibition :Congressional Con
fe-rees of the•lsth Dhtrict met at Great
Iktui, Pa.; Oct. ;20, iand after . a - Spirited
nominated Dr:, LATIWIIN A.
SMITIf, of Sing. county, for Congress.
NF:t^ Yoi u STAtit is sure for GAR
FIKLD and ARTHUR i 4 November,-and the
c4uhts ,which. operate to that end will
equally effect Cunuecticut and New Jer
sey."—Er-Senator Cameron in Plsiladet
-2,14.i: Press.
learn frorn_the Troy Gazette; that
Joit„ PILLIii,. a young man of that
1 , 1.1 Ce, attempted suicide by cutting the
;titer: in one , of.his arms, ono day re
celit).. The rash young mon:wiArecover
iisself-intlicted injuries.
Tit -V had to come up into York State
io get the thousand Demoel ats;to repre
sent the "Old Wilmot District" at the
. barbecut!.— Warerly Mrotate.
I) , even then there would have been less
tha s the thousand had not Republicans
1:6 Accepted "comps.,"
Pa., has accepted the call to the
torate of the Towanda Baptist Church.
c Church is fortimate in its selection
a pastor. Rev. Mr. HALLORrELL is a
-aetier tif much ability; and of tine so
il qualities. lie was pastor in Troy for
veral yeara.
) a
WIII LE engaged ill operating a circular
at FROST'S factory, on . Thursday af-,,
to x,u, 3osErtt ANt'El. was quite seri.;
isly injured -- by a piece of board
heit4g thrown from the caw and. striking
hint with great: force in the stom
eh. 'The injured man is. a. member of,
Ille Germania Band., .
Ssr . ..o: thieves are operating, in' the
"'lira Ward. Clothes have been stolen
%cabin a short time from the line of E.
A. l'Aitsolvs and .1. M. Sru., and on
Thai salty night- the scamp - entered the
;es , flence of Mr. SreNcEn and carried ofr
•u❑,_• clothing and a check for $6O. See
h,tt 3our doors are securely fastened be.
fo,u retiring at night.--
' 1111eitAF.L O'CONNELL, sun of PATRICK
0. .(.)NNE1.L, of Moore's Hill, WaR fOtilld
ot-lti in ' his. bed at n hotel in POrt
..`,t-rvis, on . Wdnesday mottling, or last
week, His death was .caused by, suffoca
tion froin gas. It is suppose-1 be blow
oet the dame from the jet in his room in
btetal of turning off_ the gas. He. was
about 2$ years' of age, and wan unmar
ried. He was, at the time of his death,
in the employ of the Standard Oil Cen
t:eq. His remains were brought to this
plebe and interred on Friday.
Tilt West Leßoy 'correspondent of the
Canton Sentinel of last *veek says :
" Some miserable. heartless wretch' went
while. Mi. T. B. Mantuan WaS gone from
home and cut the throat of one of Oh
mules belonging to Mr. M. and killed a
nice hog, by cutting its b ody open and
letting its bowels drag on the -ground un
til it dkd. It is thought that the hog
would weigh shunt 300 pounds.".
In his letter of declination, printed in
the Tunklisnettek R s epubifeta of last
week, Mr i EDWARDS pays ,the following
compliment to Sortator DAVIES.:
"In accepting the nomination I did not
take it .eti Account of any personal feeling
akiiinst Mr, DAVIES, and I think he hes
the approval-of his party in this county
for the course he has taken in the Satiate
for the last four-years."
THAT the coming election is considered
one of unusual 1-inpottiace by thinking
men, is sho-vn in the fact that the Very
hest class of citizens are taking part in
the campaign. . A peculiarity' about the
Republican parades everywhere is the ap
pcaranoe in line of steady and aged busi
ness men who never carried a torch before
in their lives. They all say they feel call
ed upon to`do their part to help the Re
publican cause this year. ,
SIXTY high-toned Detnoci-ats of Waver
ly, ray . s the Wayerly Advocate of last•
week, and South Waverly were presorted
with:, free tickets' to attend the! great
Democratic, meting at Lehighton, Pa.,
lase Saturday. • None were allqWed the
privilege of a free ride who coulk•not
wear adress coat and a shiny hat.. It was
an ettetifdingly select party of the
bon stinrp. Ordinary Democrats 'were
not gocid enough.for the occasion.
Ii IrixcocK should fail t 9 be elected it
would be quite a disaster' to this place,
as, we learn, the Secretary' of the Navy
and Postmaster General are to be selected
from our citizens.—Athens Gazette.
—Good :gracious, Huvrwit, the disap
pointed democrats of Athens will be .uo
where when. compared with disappointed
ones here. The Secretary of War, Minis
ters to England, Prauce,•and Russia, Sec
retary of the Inferior, and Constils
fond number. are all to be take& from
Towanda. Disappointment at Athens !
Bosh ! Come down'here on the 3d. of No
vember, starisehold a river of tears flow
ing from Democratic eyes.
I Tut Republican Clnbi mectipg 'was well
attended on last ;Friday, evening, and it
was agrand - goodimeeting with tirst-claSs
speakers, R. M. IIECX and CoL OvEtrrois , .
The remarks . Were so- telling that some of
thi . peraocrats present, fairly grunted.
These . two.Ontlemen are among the best
speakers in the district, and the Colonel's
position, for-the past few -Years has given
him a storehouse of knowledge, - which is
lien..fiting the Ropnbliana party; to a great
extent. His arguments. sb forcible
that wherever he speaks - he hasimany
converts. His illustrations are • grand.
—Athens- Gazette •
Tut: Knights of honor , Adrocatr, pub this place by J. It; Krrintrooz,
entered its third volume last week:- It is
an. able.advocate of the principles of the
organization in whose interests it is pub
lished, and has done.mukili to extend the
membership of the Order. Mr. I{ITTIIDGE
is a graceful, easy writer, and' his 'paper
is worthy the Confidence and should be
supported by every Knight of Honor in
tbb country. We are pleased to know
that it already has a . paying subscription,
:fed We hope its plucky - founder may find
ift it as tich a mine of wealth as he has
madelthe paper a mine of information for
Itnights generally.
No. 88, G. A. It,
Genenti.Order No. 4: •
The Comrades of-Hurst Pdst, No 80,
G. A.R., 'are !wiliest:ea to be 10 "head
quarters,'' fully equipped with fifty.rounds o blank 'cartridges each, at ten
o'clock A. M., October 29,-, 1880. Com
rades will be prompt, as the line of march
will be taken up at 10:30 sharp, 'led by
the Herrickville Cornet Band. All 'sob- .
diers, and especially cothrades of neigh
'boring Posts, are cordially invited tojoin
us as follows : A.t Isaac Lyons, at twelve
o'clock m. Gillett's bridge, at twOo'ch (4z.
i.. 3f., at which place preparations
made for attack on Stevens
Headquarters, Rome. •
Adjutant. Commander.
Herrickville; October 25, 1880.
Otcr: of the neatest residences in'town
is that of A: J. FtsitEnt, the photographer.
It is situated on tie west side of south
Fourth street and commands a charming'
view of the Wysox varey and the Sus
quehanna river: .The building is a model
in the *arrangeMent of rooms, and all its
appointments have' been' regulated with a
view to both - coin fort and eonVegience.
The handsome dwelling is just receiving
the finishing touches at the hands Of . the
intelligent biiiider, Mr. Anm
rbd-paintin g , which is exceptionally neat
and artistic, is the work of CovErtnALE &
GRAY and harmonizes well with' the ele
gance of the" finish and workmanship in
other respects. We congratulate Mr.
FISIIEn on being 'the - fortunate possessor
of so comfortable a home and express the
sincere hope that be and his happy. family
may long be spired , to enjoy it.—Recient.
A CORRESPONDENT informs IPS that the,
Republiein meeting at the Brick Sch 4.11
House in Asylum, on Saturday evening,
was seriously; interfered with by a.num
ber of Democratic roughs. *That: the
speakers were interrupted by shouts and
all sorts of noisesand were asked number
less simple and fthdish questions. and that
profane and vulgar . —a.s freely
indulged in by ,the disturbers of-the meet - -
ie.-, a number of whont were evidently
under the influence - of . liquor. Occurrences
of this kind are frequently noted in 'Or
respondence • published fiom Southern
States during the past few months, but
this is about the only case of the kind we
have heard of inr. this county, thus far
during the prestit campaign. For the
good name of the county we trust it, may
• -„
be the last. .
AT a special rwicting of Moaroeton
Lodge, No. 137,' 1. O. of Jteld in
their hall, October 13, 1880, the following
otliceLs were installed by D. I). G. M. J.
E. WAnziEit:
2c. G.—E.l W. STEvE:.S.
G.-43. L. MCCLunE. 8
S.—l. B. Stit.n.
A. S.-0. L. STErExs. -
T.—J. 31..GRIGGS..
11. S. to N. G.—G. J. HARVEY._ •
L. ,S. - to G —G. 11. Il.unss . -
11 - ardsn—C. M.. PRENCII.
t I oLE: •
B. S. S.—S. AV
L. S. S.—D.- Wit:cox.
0. G. ! —N. CRANxEct.
I. G.—A. R. OwEN.
R. S. Co 1. G.—F. M.. Cox.
L. S. to V. G.—W.7E.:Gmoin.
TIIE Republican meeting at Barclay on
Tuesday evening was the largest political
gathering ever assembled there. A special
train from' this place took the_ Germania
Band, Drum Corps and .1.50 . members of
the GARFIELD and Arrnen Battalion of
this place to.the foot of =the Plane, where
they arrived at about 5.30 and marched
froca there to' Barclay village. At Bar
clay:they we're joined by the Barclay
boys, 100 strong, , headed by the Barclay
Band and the cohimn marched'to Sand,
Run, where they were met by the Carbon
Run delegation 100 strong. From Sand
Run the column returned to Barclay,
where two meetings were organized. One.
in Masonic Hall, which was Crowded to
its utmost capacity, and addressed by the
eloquent young Irish orator, DANIEL.
O'CONNELL, of 'Elmira, and an out-door
meeting, which was addressed by • E.. L.
111 .11s, Esq. 31.inY of the houses along
the line of march were beautifully illumi—
nated and the column along - its entire.
march was greeted . with frequent . and
hearty chem. Both of . the speakers
made telling and couvincing - speedhes and
were' frequently cheered. The rneetiug
was undoubtedly productive .or much,
goat to the Republican cause, as the vote
on nest T..esdity .will show.- The Itepub=
licans of Barclay.claita that they will give
A majority for • GARFIELD . and AIITUUR.
And still the tide continues to rise..
VoTit for JADWM, DAMES, and Ake
whole county ticket. -_
GarAeld and . Arthur and
the Whole Ticket!
Aid others will speak.
The GARFIELD and AR:rumt Batt l*ion
of Towanda, and clubs from several Parts
of the county will parade. Turn tout and
join in the greatest demonstration ever
witnessed in' Northern :Pennsylvania.
Vietori is in the air. It is expected that be
tween 3,000 and 4,000 men will be in lima.
A number of bands will furniih music.
s should report as early ,as poseible
The number of men they will have in the
liue Iltindreds - orlionses .and basineas
places in Towandit will be Illuniinated.
Come,' and bring !your neighbor.
—Judge Monnow is holding Court at
Troy this week.
—Miss Dili nn Davis, otcantori, is vis
iting, friends in Philadelphia.
—Miss MARY KRISR, of eanton, is vis
iting friends in Syracuse, N. Y. GRIFFIN, oft Canton; is
enjoyins a visit to friends in Deliii,'N. Y.
—Hon, Head YOUNG, National Bank
Inspector, is quite 'Beriously ill at his
home in Wellsbero.
Leßoy. is now convalescent &pm a liever,:
sickness of some weeks.
—;Jortiki" W. Mix, Esq.,who has been
confined to his house by iine4s . for•stiverat
days past, is 7.onvaleseAg. •
.--,Postmaster PQWELL, and daughter
JUI:Li.,* attended the United States -court
at Pittsburg 'lasi ireek, as witnesses; •
—Mr. LEE MORSE has accepted - a posi
tion with A. ROHRER & `Brothers,
florists of Lancaster, Pa.—Canton
-31 r. WILLIAM LiTri.n, Esq., and
wife, of Towanda., are visjting'friends and
relatives in our lorough.—L.eßuyarille
Advertiser. • •
—Mr. and Mrs. N. W. PIERCE, and Mrs.
M. S. PIitNTICE, of our borougli,,are vis-!
iting friends in Pittston,' for a few days:
'rldrertiser. - -
—Mine host PiTctiEtt, of the American
House, who has lieratofOre been a haunch
Democrat,- came out laS,k, week for' Gan-
Et.tkand ARTHUR. • And still the tide is
raising. _
, .
C. ADAMS, of:tlfis place, , has ac
cepted a situation a itli E. E. ALvonti&
~ coal dealers of i•lytacuse, N. Y. SA:at
is well posted in the coal business and au
excellent clerk.
Wit, COROIN, Who was seri
.ously injured sUtne.monthi since_, Lasso
far rLcoveied as:to he about by the help
of two canes. lie gave: this .011iceia pleas
:llft call oh Tuesday last. 11 •
—E. C. PosT, Western . Passenger
Agent of • the Kansas and iConnell
Bluffs Railroad, has been in town for - a
few days past. : • Mr. P..)s.a native of this
place, being a•aou of the late ISAAC POST.
--then Ann rittaas, 9stner of- E. L.
Midas, of this place, an old and esteem
ed citizen of Herrick, died at his resi
dence in that place\ou Wetiriesday of last
week,, at the age of 6 years. He had
been a resident of Herrick township since
-0: C. .T4nwrx, of Wayne County,
Pa., has been nominated for Congress in
the " Old Wihnot District," by the. Re
publican Congressional. Convention.
OvF.trrox Valls off his coat and goes in for
JADWIN like the sensible man'that be is.
—Waverly Ildr)&rie.-.
—Mr. JADWIN, on his return from the
Congressional Conferenca at • Susquehan
na, on the eleven o'clock train, Wednds
day evening of last week,.; was met at the
depot by the Republican clubs of Hones
dale and Texas, and a largo number Of
citizens of both parties ; and escorted into
lode, and through the • prindipal streets,
by along • torchlight procession, headed
by the cornet baud. The welcome ex
tended to him, and the Vide-spread . man
ifestations of satisfaction at the•TnoMina
tiou, attest his: popularity at 'home.--
Llonesdalt Citizen.
• ..—Says our llumnfertield correspondent,
E. M. M., under date of • October 1411 - :
!' We bad the pleamire of attending the
Teachers' Examination; held by Superin
keudent - Hyatt: in Illiniinertield, on. Moti
day-lasi,•and, Wi3 were much pleased with
the manner in , which' the- examinations'
were conduatetr; In the - awarding of cer-•
itificates, Superintendent Ryan endeavors
not onlypromote the educational-interests
of the county by requiring knowledge of,
all branches taught the pupils, but_ he
alto encouraged and advised the teachers
to study and gain ideas in regard to
- St IC ,1 E.
. Our New Albany vi • .spondent Sends
us the following, under ate of October
tl;ith : "Mr. CI ARK t AIICOCK,, a man
about seventy-five years of age, !commit
ted suicichi last Week at his residence in
New Albany Borough. He bad long been
thinking of this deed. Be purchased
coffin in Towanda a few weeks ago and
brought it home, arranged matters re
garding his funeral by penning a letter
which was to be found after his death.
Sunday, the 17th, he took arsenic and ;
opium, that be might s leave the body and
go to the Spirit Land, but he -lingered
about four days, then died, and. was. burr
.led according to. directions-In the letter.
lie-leaves no fanfilyi save'aniece who liv
ed with him. lleleavesn.good property."
About tour years ago- SAMUEL . ,DOANE
Son opened a bank in Canton: l with 6'l
capital limited to some $3,000. The bits
iness has never been. a paying oho, and
nearly every year has closed with books
showing a loss. The luisses during the
time they have been in business care. esti
mated to be about $5,000. When they
sold the businers to Mr. GUERN4E; after
paying checks and certificates for several
days, they were unable to meet; any fur
ther &maids of depo.itors and their-sus- - i
pension was Announced. On Tuesday,
both members of the firm, in .order to
meet - the demands upon them, made an
assignment of all' their property, real,
personal, and mixcl, to J. StoNE, Esq.,
for equal distribution among their credi
tors. The property assigned' includes a
one-half interest in. 800 acres'of land in
Pawnee County, Kansas, a one-third in
terest in 400 acres of wild land in' Tioga
County, and a large number , of notes and
judgments, and ;kiwi a quantity of person
al property. It is thought that this pro
perty will pay every bent of thaliabilities
of the firm. The assignee has 'one year
in which to 'do the business allotted' him,
during which time'ertxliters of thoi thin
rest assured that their claims will be fully
met•?---Canton 'Sentinel. _
The lint "annual fair of Highland
(Hauge was held at their hall, on, Satur
day, the 16th instant. The :projiiet was
iu contemplation only about two -weeks
before It oubrdnated In the grand iniceiniti
which it was. in every. partacrdar.. They
Grange appointed IL D.. RS% Esq., ak
Superintendenk and much of the success!.
Of the, undertaking was due. to his hideia.
Roble intilistry in organising and CIDCIIr
frig the 'artingettients._ - The day
threatening and partially stonnyi -which
deterred many froM attending—notwith
standing a large iintriber 'of patrons und
townsmen, 'with Visitorti from 'adjoining
towns in the county indNewl r ork State,
were present and vied with-eiteh other in
making the exhibition Interenting Gad
profitable.' This lateness Of the season
precluded the , ,exhibitian of much _that
would have been brought forward, snob as
some kinds of vegetableii, fruits and ilbw,
era But as it IRA. the displaY mai; ex=
traordinary t and embraced sem* of the
finest specimens , of (nut, 'Vegetables,
grain, etc., in this agricultural depart
ment.; not often acceded, in higheritoned
fairal while the display of tioivers, house
plants, fancy work woven and knit fab
rics, Octures„, dairy products, fruit, can
ned and osherwise. equalled anything .
commonly seen at our.county fairs. To
show the magnitude of the fair and the
number of contributions, dt is only deces
sary to state that one hundred and three
premiums Were awarded for- dairy and
farm products, and silty-three premiums
were awarded for fancy. %fork and mann
fact mud articles. A specimen of sugar
made from the celebrated amber sugar
sore was on ex:.ibition, and interviewed
with much interest ; a s . the experiments
already made proves it to be all that is
claimed forit, - and 'there is a sure - pros -1
pest-that it will become a staple pnxlne.
tion with our farmers. Last Spring Com
missioner of Agriculture LE Due present
ed to IL l); MORSE - a quantity df seeds
which lie distributed among some of the
farmers of the township. The cane has
made a good growth, the seed has. ripen.:
ed, and _those who have raised it ,have
sent the product to Wysox where - there
are facilities to have it made into lump.
Mrs. ISAAC BALDWIN raised infe-half
acre, and expects to obtain as a result
three &sprees of. goid syrup. Howl is that
for progress? Short addresses word made
in the course of the day by, patrons _and
others: J. IL COOPER made the,oplining
speech, in which the old and the new or
der were contrasted. Ile was followed
by the Rev. C. ATWA.TER t
of Virginia, in which be paid whigh corn-
pliment to the excellence of • the -exhibi
‘ tion, and expressed a high appreclatioo7
of the - evident signs of prosplrity and en,'
terprise evinced. Ile also gave au &der- .
taming description of the nay of doing
things in the Old Dominion.. Mr. Invoini
of Ulster, proprietor of the cheeSer-facto
rf there, and also one at Smithfield was
present, and presented the project of. es i
labliishing a manufctory hqre. A meeting
was appointed for Monday, the 25th in
suitit, in the evenink, at the hall, to per
fect arrangements with the dairy men fn
the enterprise. • The Grange
propose to repeat their fair.,next year on
a larger !scale, when all the towns will
compete..' SYKES.
Saturday last, says. the Wyalusing cot.-
respondeut of the Elmira Aticertiser, un
der date of October 10th, Miss MAGGIE,
daughter Of PostmaSter a very ‘ qa;
triotic: Isdy of fourteen, . went to the
woods, and with. the help of a young
frictid, cut and brought home attached to
the fen axle of her buggy, a . tine forty
tive-foot pole. She peeled the bark her-
CIIAULES SyLlVEliti helped her
.to plane and Mr. CADDIED, painted it for
her. She then issued pokers
. inviting .
her young friends to come and assist her
in 'raising. it . at eleven o'clock. /
day. ,At that hodr: a goodly number of
her yoftg as well as old friends,wpre on
hand, 'when the work of raising commenc
ed.: .Afterllie pole was raised and secur
ed;`-three cheers were proposed for MAG
GIE. PEE, and were' given with a' will.
-She ihenyull &'up the stars 'and stripes
and a : handsome streamer bearing the
naives of.GAIWIF.I.D and AILTDUIt., Then
niOunting the post ollice steps, she notni
43.ated GLonoS. H. WELLES, Esq., to act
a'4 president of "her meeting," who de-,
eepted with a abort but tolling and spicy
speech, followedi by WILLI/of H. Tnomr:
SON and, Rev. DAVID Cust-r,each compli
menting Maturold and giving *ood . advice
to the many youngyeople prOselat. -
Generals Su:ILM and OaMM, who were
at Wyalusing to address the Republican
meeting in the afternoon,, were present,
' and both' complimented the_ young lady
ulhet patriotism and success in her fiOdt,
deltaking. •
' This was something: ofMAnnift's own
. planing: Her_ people knew nothinvAit!
until the pole wasin the ytt`rd;. She7f&kii
ed hard, and her efforts` were crowned
cnnplete success. 'Can any or either
of our opposing parties produce such a
patriotic, courageous little girl as 31/LootE
FEE? • -
The Daughters of Rebekah, and mem
bers of Springfield Lodge; No. 381, have
adopted the following resolutions :
WHEREAS, It haa-pletisC r d our Heavenly
Father to remove from' our midst by
death, our friend and sister,Mrs. Lador
na Daggett, which oecurd :Septiiinber
28, 1880.
Re Aoloed, That in this affliction we bow
iri „submission to His will, hoping ani be
ligying that our . loss is their gain; -and
while we all mourn her- early death, we
will cherish , her many virtues in loving
remembrance. -
,Rvsolved, That we deeply regret'lser be
ing cut oll,"winle yet in the morning of
lire, amid opportunities of sueligreat use
fulness, and•that the Church and Lodge
'af which she was •an honored • member,
hive sustained an irreparable loss.. •
• Resolved, That we extend our heartfelt
sympathies to the bereaved husband and
friends, iu this their great sorrow. •.,
Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing
resolutions be sent to the family of the
deceased,' and be published in the• BKAD
FORD ,RFPOKTKR, and Northern Tier‘
kette. • Mrs. J. ()REDWOOD;
Mrs Dr. .WilajEll, •
Committee on Resolutions;
Local Corropondenc.e.
We have given you quite a rest :
Wyalusing rejoices !in a magnificent
Garfield pole land Streamer that is to be
dedicated next Tuesday. The pole,was
raised Thursday,' and the returns rom
Ohio mid Indiana were "a great help in;
getting it - .
The favored one's _of, the Democraticl
party in this section who received tickets
for the free excursion to Lehighton came.
home about :seven o'clock on Sunday
morning looking tired • enough. Those;
who were slighted say that if they are not
good enough to ridei with them they'll be
hanged if they - wjll Vote with them.
It was a very incan thing! to ask John
how large the POst .office looked to.him,
when the Indiana news camp,;! he had
enough to bear without that.
0. A.' Gilbert, a stalwart young Repub
lican' from Asylum, was lin !town last
Thursday ; he is confluent of the Repub:
licans,nfaking large gains in that town,
James B. Pitcher's
daughtei and aged
mother, from Warren Centre, have been
makin:: him a three weeks' visit. They:
go home this week. ,
Mrs,. P. Bosworth , a billy or three
'score years, took her first ride on the eacs
last week, to Athens..
. ,
Mr. Martin Blocher, of Herrick, is vis
iting at hia son's, J. F. Blocher, in this
place. •
Mrs. Wallace Dodge, of Wilmot, it is
reported, was very badly , burned. last
week while boiling cider ;• her clothes
caught fire and before help came she was
burned so Beverly that her recovery is quite
The 'citizens - of Wyabising are ;very
much pleased with the "Mar '
' if Messrs..
Clizbe Bon give us a good papey; they
will be'supported.
Wyaltising, Oct. 18, 1880,:.
F. E. Stevens, of Hooksett, N. 11., ,is
visiting his parents in Pike. - -
The Teachers' •Examination held in
thiii place on Thursday of last week, pass.:
ed off I very pleasantly, there being but
few in attendance.
A stone walk has beea recently laid in:
front of the post office.
Frofeasor Ackley has recently opened a
singing school in this place, 'meeting once
a week, and to continue for twelve weeks.
The Democrats in this place are getting
rather cynical.. . - -
A Greenback meeting is to be beld itt
Lellaysville October
-October :41, 1880. .
Bo* is polities ltE.
Tueselsof Peto!)er /9t14 as P:Vo
fituney,Ar., 'lran tettArnitig loon: front
be illso4veredllimet butuirig from'
the Lugo .eheOm . ,feetory) Vash Creek
street; be sinvnattleirnediete Mural s -but
the - ilre lied truetruieblutiadway to be e 4.-
tinguishiii:Sotbititt , buttkoctuple or milk )
eans-werc saved.- ,We underataud there
was 'in, insitialuni `Of 11500 On building
and reententai',Pz-,
J. 14 Merieivan )41' been "quite 411 with
a tualaxial attack, but is , now able to be
Michael O'Ponnelli of 'Moore's
was suifocatediby gas at a hotel in Port 1
Jervis, recently. His 'remains - were.'
bronght hertro for interment; the services
being, bald at; the Catholic church at To
wanda, last Friday.
',John Mather and wife.,of Washitigton,
.relatives • and friends at our
village. , M. is now quiteilL -
Mrs. Hattie ,Bush %who has been visit.
ing ter sisters,' Mrs. 11. •Shilw and Mrs.
Louis Dettra, has returned • to her home
at Lawrenc.e, Mass.- ,
We are t t ll have a Republican meeting
Monday e enibg nest,,Novehiber Ist. to
be addresse4 by . Daniel O'Connell, of . EP.
mire, and others ; a torch , light parade`-
and illuminations are also to be in order.
The Towanda and Athens "boys in blue"
are cordially invited to bepresent. - A - big
time is anticipated by, all, and we were
never dimppointed yet. Raul."
Ulster, Pa., Octoher 20tb, 1880. •
arr CE4tENT..--jtafttneeiti
'od—another varAoid of X. Star cement.
.50Pa; • U.M. WALLES.
Oct. O. _ Durza &
'• rir Cousin has theiiest, wearing Shoes
ror Men, Bays and Youttia! , wear:ever ,ottered td
A ; onnada, and at prices wuldit llama at all. , •
EN" Elegant . now stock of: JEWELRY
at the 99-Ceat Store. Oct-28:, 1880.
. . ,
• tp.. Our — toods are NEW mid of the
BEST QUALITY. • 7 Dir.ex an & VOUCH?.
. 1, . •
cgr (;LOVES and MlTTENS—lowest
pricep=atthe Sll:Cent Store. . ..- - Oct 28 . - 'BO.
nr "I have used several honks of .
SIAIMONr..I.IYEIt ItEtiULATflWindryou may
record' the fact, that my . feelloga are miler changed
that I . can eat hearty, and am./Dore filr.e elven man
than I have been for 3 : earl...Vast: I have. Buffered.
fear yearil and am grateful fer relief. ;
• "d. 11AFFE.Iti . Y,
w 4.. Periodical Store, 1806 Market-al., Phila.
.rsirJob lot of Ladies Pants, 25 cents;
worth 40, at tho 09-Cent tore, - • Oct; 28, 'SO.
• 1
, or For a good, durable and neat:filting
SHOE, ca11..-at F. J. IILySI•S, opposite Seelera
Hotel.' Nov.
9J-ceut store - Oct. 28th,188o„
rir Provisions of all kittds:of the best
quattty, at • .I)Ectitu'a[iVocaires...
fgrNew Bo4ksjust out—Mrs. liolthe - s,
May agtrra-Fletaliig, E. P. and others—at tho
98-Cent St4re. ! Oc:t. 29th, 1680.
ar,', Our - New JA.P. TEA. Pesti'!"
or Choice 'TEAS and COFFEE. a
specialty at bECKE.R & VOUGIIT'S.
ar PRICES VA.Y DOWN on Gents',
Fine and Coarse . 13e is at * ntint , s, oppofite See:
toy's Hotel. o N • •
oy. 27-tf.
Mr The Largest, Best and Cheapest
!Ina of Shoes for Ladles', Misses' and Chlldrons'
wear Is found at COninn's uew store, corner Main
and Pine-sts.. Traey . kNoble"a Block. apt4lB
Or L. B. Itooomts chalk ups corupe
anon foiquallty of goods and low prices on sash
Doors. Blinds and Molilnt,s, and a' building Ina
.terial. • ranga•tf)
ti' It ?is impoesitAe fur a woman after
a faithful' course( of treatment with LYDIA E.
continue to, suffer with a weaknesl of the uterus.
Eneose a slainp to. airs. LYDIA 4. rusim , ..m., 233
Western Airenne, Lynn:, *ass.; for-pamphlets.
Soid , by Dr. IL C. Ponyin,:bruggist, Towanda,
Pa. • • J
ter CNIQN CIDER MlLL.—This is all
excellent Portable MIII7-one that' coininends itsel
at sight.' Farmers; having apples going to waste,
will do well to give the Cider Mill atrial. It grinds
easily add ia — pidly—crustiltig the fruit Instead of
grating. barrels per day. .For sale
cheap. ,
-Towanda, Pa.. Sept. 7
11011SE4 ,FOlt ALL WORIt.—I bare
trio, r :rood teams, and would sell ono of:them.
Wyaluelag, ra., Oct. 21, IISO-w3
/sr "A- friend in need, la friend in
deed." Such a friend is Dr. nul l - Gough Syrup,
which should be In creeY family ;,* costs only '24
cents a 'bottle awl may save matly a doctor bill.
Give It a. trial. Oct. F.S.
Mr All cases o weak or lame back,
back-ache, rhentnatlsot. &c., find relict _by
wearlug one of Cartels Smart Weed and Belladon
na Back-ache Plaster,„ Price 25 cents. 0ct.28.•
Ur - When you are
_depressed by the
; gaunt, sickly feeling of a di.ordered system, which
neeth to be cleaused and' stimulated:, into healthy
action, take a dose or two of MiEltli PILLS and
1 seu' how quick,you can be restored for ; a quarter.-
rir A GRAI93 . REPOTATION.—Wariter's
Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has reached a reputa
tion that is not limited by the contines)of 'section
or country. There;ire no - injurions substances r.or
false and temporary stimulants in . the preparation..
It 16 purely votettible and compaundotl tinder a
formula • that has passed severe tests apd won en
dorsements from some of -the JhlgheAt medical
taltnt Ju the country.—New York
reply to the many inquiries m bleb we have , received
regarding a moat prominent modern remedy we
would say: To the best of our belief Warner's Safe
Kldivey.and Lives Cure is pure In Its nature, ern;
dent In Its action and' certain in its results... We
have learned of some remarkable cures which it
has effected, and believe that as a.preventive of
disease it Is unequalled. For delleate ladles and
enfeebled men It is Invaluable; audit; pnre vege
table qualities commend it to the favor and se of
all. - Oct. ZS.
• .
VANDERMARK-11000'.At the residence of
the bride in Nichols. .y.. the 17th Inst., by
Rev:l. C. ltralnald, Mr. S. D..Vandf tniark, of
Sugar Run; and Mrs. 'Altutra . Moore, of Nichols,
WALDEW—LEATiERSON:—:In Waverly,' N. Y.,
IlOth inst., by Rev". Albert Sins Hey, Mr., Leander
Wallow and 3110 Mary E. Patterson, both of
East Waverly, N. Y.
WHITE—BENJAMIN;—At the 'Elwell .House,
•, Towanda. 2tst Inst., by Rey: Chas. IL :Wright.
-Mr. Jeron*White, of Terre township. and Miss
f Alice M. Renjautiu, of Liberty Corners. - •
[KENDALL—GEST' N.—At the M. E. Pa'sonage,
Towanda. September. 9th, by Rev. Charles H.
Wright, Mr. Owen C.,1 Kendall and.. Miss Lnla
Gamin, all of Burliogtlin. ;
V i r n—PRATT.—At itm Panonake,
1 tech, air . a IVI rl i g 71 lit h o
i d " o tL A y
m A nr.;;
10 .Mies Celia M. .Pratt, of Canton, Bradford
enmity. •
DAVIS PIEuCE. I —At . flip reshlenee of the'et parentk Alextuidei• Lane; .31r:
, Grinler Davis and , 3.1.148 Junta 3ranoi Pierce, all
of Burnt:4ton. -
. .
o,.Eb. •
; . .
POST.—Atthelesidehee.of her son, O. C. Ppst. on
YOrk avenue. Saturday evening, (ietober 22.1,
Mrs. Isaac S, Post,' aged S 4 years and 8 months.
Mrs. POST was horn in Newtolan.
211th, 18VI, and came toTOranda in 1839. In- 1845
shettnarried ISAAC POST, with Whom she lived
happily for more than 30 years. - wife, mother
and friend she faithfully discharged her duties
and endeared herself to a large circle of actplaint
ancre. Her husband died about four yearit ago. ,
The seven affectionate children who deeply 'limas'
her loss, have returned from their homes in differ
ent parts of thecountry'to
.pay, the last tribute of
anal love, and give burial to the remalna of
the'kindest Of mothers, . -
6 .50 He glveth His beloved rest"-
"Father: thjehaalehing rod .
$o helpta, thine atllletettonets to beer,
That, In the spint land,
Ileetturat thy night bind, ' ;
Twill be our hearen to find that She Is there."
—Review t
, .
•'•. • • -
aTiTtrrx.—First Ilfititer. Term rommenres
3 1
ONDAY. NOVEMUER Ist*. nee. .Expenses for
boird; tuition and furnished room, from 1172 to
18800 per yesr.- For catalogue or further partial-
We address the Prinettal, - ' -
!miscall'. October zs, letin. .". - •-
.. - . •
.. . .. .
: °....w,:evbefrz,rp those who Wish to
, a .
.leasant mind prod hs
hie business known.- Mverythilig new.
Capital not required. We will tarnish
yon teerythiug.- lid i day and upward* Is silly
made without staying away frau home over night:
l NoOisit whatever. Manyttew workerliwanted at
I 'ow*. -Many Are tusking fortunes, at the business:
-Ladle* make as much as men, and young boys anti
, girls make great pay.' No one who -is willing to
! wotk.talls .o make more moneyevery day than can
be ;toads in AV week at any ordinary employment.
' *Owe ho engage at once will dad a abort road to
fortune, ' Address. ii. MALLET* *fin.. Portland;
Among which will be le ele
FACT (TRE E whlel we ha'o just received
from the - Importiers, toueilter with to large
and complete. assortment of COAKS
and DOLMANS . direct from Manufac
turers. •
. October 21,..1880. .
Evans & llilireth
TOO* Coo**
Surparaes any of their tprmeri offerings, and wil
at all times keep their stkek supplied with the
R.. 11. Wcuacs
Jarriesto' wn Serges, Jamestown Alpacas
ykinirning Silks, Trimming Satins,
vi.P.l - - v' •Z , s,
Call attention to an
_, :AND-.4
, t -
Take pleasure In offArini to L'u)ers of
Latest Styles
1 .
- - - ,A's they appear in market.
ev Invite Attention
To their New
-eiss "
IBlack .6shmere*,
, .
Henrietta Cloths, . Black Tamise
ih, -Black . Nun's Cloth, Black -
'cps Cloth, Black Mornie Cloth,
COlored India Casbmerea,
Colored Flannel Btlitings, I
Colored Novelty Suitings,
In Black and Colori3.
Cloaks and Shatvls,
. i
Cassimeres for, Men's l 4s':Youths' ,J
wear, 1
Flannels and'l3lankeis,
Prints and GinOiarns, •
' .Sheetings and Shirtings, ~. ,
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Underwear,
. Hosiery and Gloves, •
Laces• and Embroideries,
&.c., '
Also, a complete; line of
Cupots, 610 the,
Mats; piaci Mattlltg.
Thankful for the very liberal patAnage bestowed
on uh for the past ten years; and hoping by strict
attention to our customer's wants and truthfully
reprosentint goods, to merit a continuance of the
Evans &liiitireth
• .
6 Oont fi t funds .ed . free with fall In
structions to conducting the most
•• profitable bn iness 'that anyone can'
-•. engage In.. 'Tile business Is so easy
! I l l i P eart4,- - and oar InErucrions are so . shhpla matt
plain. that any one can maktivreat profits from the
very start: No'une can tall who !swilling to work. 1
Women are asaucreastul as men. ' Bile and; girls I
can eanf i targe sums . Many tarot:wade at the best.'
ness ..ovet one hundred' dollars In a• single Week.
Nothing like It evarknown,.before.-All who engage i
ate'surprised at tne'easo and.raiddi y with width
they Are able to make m pey ,. Yo f can engage In '
thls;bnidness during your'aparttim a t great profit.
i r
You do liot hive to Invest capital n It. We.tske
all the risk. Those who needrely money:Mß*ld
;writeto•ds at once. All furulahe tree. :Aadress
:Taos ar co., Angus* Mitlne:.-- -i ', ' 0e.,211.-
1L1.48.-The.underi pi - ed haring
AIL leased the old Saulabttry : :W srouldAollels
the patronage of the eerotoonity. - Canons Work
done Immediately and In good,order. All leaks in
the XIS have been re paired a and herea ft er It will
` - be„ kept in good order. r Flour. Meal and
Bran conatintizon band. C h paid for g~rraain at
Hascntown;' If W. WELLS.
Sloar9etn,,Jutie Ifso. ,
AGENT -43 'W,ANTED::-.-We - want
stew OrapableLhatiesti,luten to Set as WV'
nts for thei.salont Kktsery tic In this county.
A .ktusodedga at: the Widnes*, Is ossify acrydred.
TAY A 210.1MVEN.0.4 the right mamba ran
stiva their tindlitdfdisttin B_l itlon,to the work. Glyn
Byte, preidous and:preit'wt .occupallnn, and tater
_anent,. Address , C 0.,&
0ct.21144 40 . • • ' .2 South Messick-lA.4%UL'
.—Letters of administration having been
to the undersigned. upon the estate ot
L. M. Banda.' late of Burlington, deceased.
notice is hereby given that all penons Indebted to
said estate Are requested to taste* immediate pay
ment, and all passions having legal claims against
the nine will Present them without delay In pro
per o. der for settlement to • . •
13; 41.1NDELL, Administrator.
Lutberi Mills. Oct: 28. ititamea.
j,% term testamentary having been granted to the
tuiderslgued. under the - last will lod testament of
etudes aldgway.lateof Franklin twp,‘ deceased,
all persons Indebted to the estate of,sabil decedent
are. hereby notified ' make Immediate payment,
and all having clatms against said estate must pre.
sent the same duly authent catetE to the under
stguett for s4ttlement. • . • •
- SEStAliTif A. S. BIA4IV
Ifonrooton,•Clet. 28, 1880. 'Esectitor.
FARM FOR SALE.—The subscri
her offers for rain his farrn'of se acres, located
in:Orwell township ; improved, with good honk!
end Mum and orchard thereon. Time given toSulf
purchaser. his home farm 2,111 miles
northwest of Lel:tample, of 250 acres.- For further
particulars call on or address . • 4
/ -- • LeHsysville,. Pll.
Oct. 14mosS.
- -
—A first-class .regular Life Insurance Com
pany desires to employ a few men to devote their
entire time to their interests In Pennsylvania. to
whom liberal compensation will be paid. 'blind: l ie
of good character and possess tact, energy and r
severance ; past experience in the business n t
necessary. - Address, stating age, past occupation,
And salary received and expected, with references,
(Oct. Hags). ' 4 3CANAGEIL , '
" - .as Astor House oMces, :Kew York City. •
li7CITICP.—AII persons are forbid,
cutting Timber ou the lands of. the late Ed•
ward Dletlovern, in Overton Township, witholi
the written consent of the undersigned, under the
penalty of the law. •
• Ant McGOVERN, F.xecutor.
Ove \ rton,.May 411;1880-1yr•
Letters of ad min at iatlon having been grant
ed id the undersigned. upqn the estate of Chas.. B.
Dexter, late -of Tuscarora township, deceased,
notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to
the said estate are requested to make Immediate
payment; and alt pers , MS basing claims against
wild. estate must present the same duly auttlentl 7
cated to the undersigned for settlement.
- ALMON C. DEXTER, Administrator
Tuscarora, Pa.. Oct• taBo-1413.
.4 - L .UDIYOR'S NOTICE.— In re
the estate of Charles S. Foxi.deceased. ,
Ina.nudersignedo, 'an Auditor appointed. by the
Orphans' Conrt of Bradford County . to distribute
the babinee of funds of Fa tdestate in the hands .of
the administrator of aaid estate. will attend to the
duttns of his appeintroebt at his oMee-in the, Bor.
ougteid Towanda, on SATURDAY, the tarn day
of NOVEM 8F.% 1880. at 10 e'e'oct, A. M., when
and where all persons having claims on said fund
reukt • present them or be forever debarred, from
coming in upon the Raufe.
.1..1'. KEENEY, Auditor.
Towanda. October 241e:80-wt.'
matter of the asslgntnent of M. F. Ransom
for the benefit of iiiB %!redltors. In the Court of
common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 104; May
Term, 1877.
The. final account of G.ll. Van Dyke. Asslgnealn
the 'al.c.,ve ease, filefl.fieptember 22. Isfet c and said
account wilt - be presented to said Court for float
confirmation and allowance on Thuilelay, Decem
ber 91-1 S O, unless cause ne shown whYsald account
should nut lie finally confirmed and showed by the
Tow"atela, Oct. 21; 185116w4,. Mothoixtary.
13DITOR'S• NOTICE. 1--- S. B.
A t
Topper's use ITS. E. O. and D. Taylor. In t N h o e . ,
l o 6 u o 7 s . l ) a f y e T o e tu n t u a . oil s7 l;leas of 11mdfOrd County,.
TIM undersigned, an Auditor appointed bythe
Court to distribute the fund arising Inuit the Shpt.
irr6r-sale of defe , ndants -pernal property. wilt
all, t e x al' t o the duties of ht's appointment at his oihoe
,in Towanda, on MONDAY. NOVEMBER '411).
18A0, at 10 o'clock, A. 31., wipm all persons' having
o alms upon paid fund must present. them or be
forever debarred-from coming in upon the same.
- . - THOS. E. MYER; Auditor.
, Towanda, Oct. 21, 11110-w4 - • i .
yirtne of an order ho
Court of Bradford County,
dian of 'Mary, John U..
Atiihrose, Margaret A.. CI
roll, minor children of Dei
Township of Athensl dece
tic sale • upon the pre*
OCTOBER 30th, A. D. Jbl
followl , ,g tot. piece or par<
Township of Athens, Cl
e and descrin d as !pito
On the north by. land
Paul. on the east by lant
Loomis, on the st nth by
a road. and on the west
farm ; contalning about
five acres be the same
north part of what was
Borers' farm. north of t
said, farm. About onc I
proved, with a framed de
'and an orchard of apple
however, to the reservatl
right to take off all the
said premises.
upon the property tying. s,
confirmation ut the sate.'
equal anneal payments f
with Interest. , • .
Tat Smtthfleld, Sept: 2
, ,
. k ,
By virtue of ati °rile is.4ued out or the Or.
phans• Court of Bradford C unty, the undersigned,
administrator de bunts aim f the estate ot Charles
\ 4,1
F. Welter,x' to deceased, will ex rose public sic at
the Exchange Hotel, In Ath nsitorough. Bradford
County. Pennsylvania., on • ATURDAY„ OCTO , .
BEIt 230. 1880, at I o'clock, P.M., the following
lot, piece or parcel of land, si ate In the township
of Athens, County of Bradt rd. boynded and de-
Retitled as follows :, On the . tuth by lands of Ed
'ward Murray , west by land of C;Thurston and ii.
Williston, north by land,of O s ,en Spalding and the
Commonwealth. of Pann'sylvadise•and easterly by
the Chemuk. river; containing about 200 acres
fiess,:ain ut 35 arcs deeded to ten Drake byMeed
-. duly recordeAl tit which refer we is made for de
scription ; and excepting anti reserving also Imp
tlas residlte a piece of laud bounded as follows::
Beginning 0535 feet west of tint west side of the
canal bridge abutment on the east side of the canal
at t he first c ressing of the canal from the Chuntlng
bridge.; thence north 87.t5 0 west 493 feet to the
road that leads up the hill : thence south along the
east side of said road 6° West 264 feet ;, thkwe
south 10 0 crest 381 feet; thence South 21° west Ir.
feet; 'thence so th 31}4° west 'lO4 feet : thence
south 2!5 0 West 42 feet to a corner lot the north line
of land beleuging to the estate of Edward Murray,
deceased ; _thence south 875 0 east along said line
591 feet to a corner 70 feet west of the centre of
the bed of the canal ; thence north 4 0 15' east 825
feet to puce of beginning: containing 10 acres and
4-10 Of au here : and excepting also about 18 acres
of fiats adjoining the Charming river, being the
same. lona released hunt mortgage by release re
corded in the ceicel for recording deeds and mort
gages in and for sald.eoutity!of Bradford, in moil ,
gageamok No. 7, Page 494)—about 100 acres ini-
Droved, with framelhouseand barn and; fruit tree,
`theteoh. .
ALSO;--The follewing described lot, piece or
parcel of rand, sitaate to the Boningh ktf Athens,
State and Countriaforesard, and - bounded as fol
lows:: 'NortlChy lot_No. 33, east by Water street.
south by lot No. 35,4.1ttut west by lot N 0.132: being
pot-No. 341 n a'plotor survey made by Z. F. Walk
er. known as Ilik,Satterlee plot, and recorded in
Bradford County i records fur,' the recording of
deeds. etc:: In deed b•tok No. 10, pkge 258; being
the s tae 1i Conveyed to one J. 11. Stickle by John
C. Welles,' by deed dated May 1, 1874.
TERMS. OF SAJ.E—The • purchaser to pay ten
per renl. of the purchise price of - each lot on lit
being struck down t twenty-five per cent. of the
balance on contlratiOtiof the sale, and tha 'it:shine
In one year front oonfirruatiOn of sale with IntereSt.
: ! •- JAMES it. WEBB,
. Sept. 20, 1880. i Administrator de bon e l t on.
, ,•
`Sale adfourited' to SATERDA-Y. NOVI , : tidal
Brit, 1880. 1 :'._.': JAMES H. WEBB,
Octeber, 23.' !' Adininistrator de bonis non.
i _A tern testamepturrhaving been granted to the
undersigned, under the last will and testament of
Polly Chapman. tate of New Albany. deceased
all persons indebted 4 to the estate of said decedent
are hereby notified . to- , ,make Immediate pay.
ment, and all having Claims against said estate
must present the same duly authenticated to . the
undersigned I'4 settlenient. , •
S. W. - CEIA.PM AN, .
• •
New Altacy, Oct. 7. 1880•. Factutors
1 1 4 X ECUTO.RS' NOTlCE.—Notice
• la Is hereby given that All persons !wielded to
the estate of A. It. Bowman. ipte of Leßoy. de.
ceased, must make Immediate I.nyment. and all
persons having claims against said estate must pt*:
Bout them duly at thenticatil Per aettletufmt. ,
Manufacturers of •
' wirAttsvea, PA;
Cash paid for gala. G. 11. WELLES.
.. ,
H .
YOurselvete by making money
when a golgen chance la offered,
. ; h r. e qu ivb io a u l r — d. yolrk.eePrifo'Z'vewrg
always take advantage of the jgood chances for
making money that are offered, :generally .become
wealthy, while those who do not Improve such
chances remain In poverty. We want.many inen.
women, boys and girls to work for titl right In their
anti localltes. The business will inty more than
ten limes ordinary wages. We furnish an expen•
else outfit and all that you need, ,free. No otos''
who engsgeti falls to make Money very,rapidly:
You can , tleVote• your whole time to the work, or
only your spire moments. Full 'lnformation and
all that Is - needed sent free. Addrbas
Co., Portland, Maine. - 'Oct. 2S, IMO.
~ . , .
This weli.known hotise ha& been thorOughly yen
norated and repalrel throughout, altot tpe proprie
tor,l3 now prepared to otter Itrstreblss serommoda.
Gans to the pntote, o n the most reasonable terms.
• Towanda. PI., Max .1, IB7IF.- . . ' -•-.
6 . week la yourewn, town. $5 (nun free.
$6 No riek. Reader, it i you want a biaslneast
• at which Periona of either sea 'eau mate
gnat pay alt the time they work. write ter parlte.
EL' B A (.1)„ pa:tithe; Wattle,
PO.WELL.,:& - CO-.
. . •
lA/jel - tor COMPLETENESS and VARIETY OF STYLES has never
-- • been excelled, it equalled. •
• \
We would call particular attention to our stock of New Dress Goods and
Dress _Trittimings,"which 'comprise everything new in the market: ~s;
tina 11 widths and prices, best
Black Cashmeres. assortment ever shown by us,
aA new and fresh
Colored _Cashmere -,
• y i ar c ie s. ty, - all colors,
Flannel Suitings- !,n,idtgreasantd
•, , ,
Orient Cashmeres Entirely new, 'all colors, to
. gether with. 'complete fine
7 . f
o ' - .
. ,
. ~. .
. ' •
• . .
~ .
. • --
sued out or tlo•orphaos•
the undersigned, Gnat-
Cornelius V., James-ll
!ecelia mil _Theresa Dris-
Innis Driscoll late of the
aced, will expose to pub.
fleet., on SATURDAY.
O. at .1.• o'clock P. M., the
del of land situate In Itie
rty Bradford,,,txmnd
, viz; .
- of N. "ti reen and Airs.
s - of Messrs. dignln and
ands of Ira' Elsbree and
jby landi of \Y. Murray
ne httildred and twenty.
Ore or less; Being the
fOrmerly known as the
i te read runnlnft through
undred and ten acres Du
elling house, a wood shed
trees thereon. gnbfeet,
n by Ira Elsbree of ;he
Nhitc Vine lumber from
• • 7
le purchaser toVny
rticit. down; Von upon
pad the balance In three
0n confirmation of sale,
K BIRD, Guardian
1880-Sept. ;10, ca.
1880 1880
1880 11880
rgx__, - ppops,
In entirely new styles, also just reeeived.
1. ,
/- r- re ' 7 flr-fit V 1
obAivi t 6ibit - vah
Which we show in all widths ; also a full line of, colors in ,Silk Velvets,'
at lower pr ies than ever bofore offered. • .
BROCADE SILKS, mAlud?.3,lr
Black and• Colored Satins,
Bltick and Colored Sifics,
- • With a full line of NOVELTiF.S r in i evely shade.
Is also full of attractions..., DRESS . BUTTONS, in an the New Styles ;
Silk Handkerchiefs, Fichus, Ruchings, &c. A splendid variety
- of New Scarf Pins, Sleeve Buttons, &c., just adsled.
Cloth, Otu i Cloth,
mentl will each be found
and prices very 19w,
4ock in our Boot and Shoe
I Tovianda; Se.ptembir3o; 1,?89.
A full line or the celebrated !,„
Just opened.
Domestic and Calico , Depart-
/ '
In' different colors and
widths, in every known
shade. , , .
Splendid• assortment
full ' and newly
with - new
and Grocery