Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 21, 1880, Image 3

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ilvadford Xtepottet.
Towanda, Pa., Oct. 21, 1880.
T4e eipiration of subseription,is
1 0 I :be colored labet..- By noticing the
erery subscriber can tell when his
I ,7per trill he stopped unless the
• :ion is renewed. j
• • • :‘,2!) did U.
Tar. eagle serea7tts.
Tit]: weather is delightful.
^TiIF.RE is a fine of $25 for ,hunting on
• 4 unday.
T::t: Deniocracy are on the run. Keep
THE Deniocrats .wanted "a change.'
They got it in Indiana.
. You will happy under President
; AIiFIELD'S. administration. ‘; •
is that HANCOCK boom. Ohio
tud Indiana answer—busted.
E. M. PITCHER'S new store building at
Lellaysville, is nearly completed.
THERE are a number of very sick and
(le,poodent Democrats in this village. '
Yt . ll . may shoot quail and ral.liits.,.mCw
--proyided you can find them to shoot.
_VAI.T. overcoats are in general use these
- - and very comfortable they are,
TfiE Republicans of • Sayre-raised a
MintlsTne pole at , that place on 'Friday
VOTE the %thole Republican ticket., No
(:,inplitneneary voting this fall and no
Dg.mocaivric poultry seems to be con
spienous by its absence in a number o
oar e.lebanges.
1:11.0 and a half ',tons of buckwheat flour
were shipped froni Canton to Kansas on
Thur:Thy of last Nyeek.
J r!'
- Al - (u - s - rus PIT El4'B, of ; East, Smitli6ld;
has commenced the erection of a hand
s“ine new dwelling house in that village.
Om: week from' next Tuesday J A . iES
will be.elected President of United States. And . ..don't ydu fop.
Do not delay your fall advertising, but
come :o the.front and state to the people
whi bargains you are prepared I to ( offer
atla. .
_ BrslNEss men all over the country are
w.tking up to a sense of their duty
persoual interests inttlitpresent4Olitical
St ruggle
Tut: next Legislature will choose a
United States Senator and apportion the
state. Give H CLIS, TAYLOR
Mxusit rousing majorities:-'"
yin and Mon9AN BnowN, of Wyalti
sin , ,4, killed a fine deer last week am,
wonioledanother which they'rdid not get
Pre6y good for-a one day's hunt. :1
1. - .lr.its 'in this neighborhood are
much I,lolsed with the "xesul i ts of amber
cane and' another season
will sec much
_intim ;.laut.ed and &irefully.
attended to
:• 5
1t ,throughout the' co nty
shoultlihe unceasing in their effor to
perfect - their organizations. Thr
ha:(1 work only can stircess he attained
at tlq, approaching' election.
• CHU nrlr OF THE *l!iiESSlAti.—On • vcount
ihe Ahseneeof jßev. Dr. TAY . Lowat the
Convntion of the United States
at thison, N. X., there will be no 56.-
i& !: at the Church 'of the 31esSiati on
SAnav next. '
rouctit.tkitur processions; banner, flag
a:1,1 pole raisings and such Cietuonstra n i
,tions all \yell enough as showing the.
strength of the parties, bid going' the
polls on election day'is What counts. 11C-;
pnblicams, remember this!
elitrly, of the L. S. C. has been
1.. 11M: at East Sinitlitield, with Prof. I.
Presiilent, C. Z. :WooD
I•ice-I'iesident, and Ntiss Amt;Li.k•l)EnEt•r •
Seeretary, TIM membership at ptesght:
humbeis•about. tiventy-tive.
; Emit v. 4.4 ok.nsmrru K a resident 0f, , E1-
conunitted suicide in that
Tbursday last, by taking arsenic. A short
* t inny ag.i on of his arm: WaS, paralyzed;
sir___,.ce which time his •relatives say he haS
actletLas if_ his . mind 'as impaired. He
v. as a 'tarried btan.
WE have rec - qvcd the= first two tiumhas
o f the Wvalusin , * .‘4l(i--- -a neat :26 colunin
paper, the imblicatiou of which was tio
gun al Wyalusing ; this county, last week,
by S. C. CliznE, late of the late Daily
,this place. 'We wish the •Puh-
Lsher success in' his . new venture..
Iteintblican friends must see that
it i, - impossible fot us to have a yeporter
at ev'itry club meeting, and wheti any-.
Ilt,1%; of" special- interest takes place, if
h I ; 4t sei•Ntarles tieill make a note of it
;inil m.nd it to tins °dice, we will cheer
give it space in our columns accord
LI - to it deserts
:•11 - :ik-.0. convention will be held., by
I;. (.;.•.izutoN, Of Burlington, at. the Pail
. North Towanda, Commencing
)..• , 011:27th, at ten o'clock A. M.,- and
ing four days, closing with a.con
.; t
: Sat arday evening October 30,- 18.80,
.1)0c to all singers who will attend. Ad-
to concert, „45 1 cents.' Gospel
mils combined will'be used.:
'f r, Democrats of this who
been li4 all. sinniner in dec•ding
••, lea' 4‘flicial position they would con
...fill :under llANcocK's.administri
: come to the conclusion that
tlit'ir private businegs will require their
attention for the next four
Strange_ wh:it an effect that elec.-
iu Indiana last week does have ou
franc per:ions' calcalations for the future.
• • A -Y ,, 1•N0 Democratic orator was giv
i:,.: liIN views in a. down-town store the
0:11er tening.' lie had some very decid
• v , l opinions. One was that GAitiIELD'S
I. o :llCh . etion . With 'tl'e "Credit Mobilier"
WIN a serious thing. lie held his . .own
s ,, lne One said : "Say, What.was the
(' Mobilier,' any.way'?"' ; The young
in didn't answer the question, and it
:Ka, noticed he didn't take a , prominent
I,:trt in the ensiiing*consversation.
4 !, ;-: of the largest and most euthusias
ti: meetings ever held in Asylum,.
-meetiug held! at
tho Grange Hall on Tuesday evoning."
The large hall was filled to its utmost
capacity. Previous to the meeting the
GARFIELD Club bad a torchlight process
ion, headed by the Wysox band, and pre
sented a very handsome appearance. The
meeting was addressed by J. Hoteomn,
Esq., and C. H. ALLEN, and adjou rn ed t
a late hour with three rousing cbeera• . r
the whole ticket. For the excellent mu is
furnished, the Wysox band received, as it
merited, many encenients and hearty .
cheers. Asylum is : ihoroitbhly aroused
and has one of the best clubs ever organ
, ized in this county. Look out 'for a -Re
publican majority in that town in Nevem
her. , • -
TUE two-year-old son of GE9noits SET,
WAY,- of Elmira, was bitten in the face
three weeks ago by a liound. Monday .
morning of last week . the child died of
hydrophobia] It had a spasm two hours
preceding de%th, frotheeat the month
continuously, and at times snapped its
teeth and barked like a dog. When giv
en water, which it seemed to crave, the
child would violently reject it. The dog
was killed, but it is thought that[Other
persons have been biiten r .
A SAD:accident °Centred at Sugar Run
on Thursday, by which an estimable lady,
Mrs. WALLACE DODGE, came ecarlosing
her life. She was boiling cider in her
back yard when her clOthes took fire. and
having no water at hand she had the pres
cum or mind to jump into a swill barrel,
whiclitimelir effort doubtless saved her
life. As it as she received severe burns
in • several places on her body;. but we
hope they may not - prove fatal. ' Dr.
Quick - was called and skillfully dressed
the wounds.—Reci
OF 'the play to !e given. at Mereqr
'all next Friday evening; the New York
Exp,resB says : . •
4-Gur Candidate" a- wild 'absurdity,
into; whidh is crowded .two hours of unal
loyed fun, was presentedfor ithe first
time in this city, by the Richmond'& Von
Boyle Combination t•the Statidard:The,,.,
atre last evening. 'would be vain to at-'
tempt an especial de ription of it, foi it
was evidently writte for the_ purpose of
causing laughter . aid accomplishes - its
mission. Anything more uproariously
funny could not be co ceived, :aid it pos- -
sesses, moreover, the • dditional merit .of
not being vulgar. Mr . Harry G. Rich
moms, who appears as rimwig, the can
didate, is very funny, anti 2 -tho same may
be Said of -Mr. Von. Boyle - Shang
c. •
• the• new boundaries of' the M. E.
ference, a. portion of th Troy I)is- 1
t has been transferred to ;antral New
41:0, and the following pari. lies are now
flan the Elmira' District.% The ap
pointments for them at the session of the
Conference inlAyracuse which closed on
WedneEday, are as follows :
Towanda—C. II: Wright.,
Troy—C. L.. Connell.
Burlington—P. Smith. ,
Canton—l). W. Smith.
East Cantou 7 -M. S. Rymer
Modroetou—l.- VanKiik
Sinithileld—.T. L. King
Leona—W. Latham
Albany and Overton—To be, supplied
Ulster—J. C. B. Moyer. 1 ' •
Liberty Corners and Asylitin—S. A.
East. Troy and ColuinbiaTo lse sup
plied by X. M. Jerolemae.
• Big Pond—To be supplied- by A. King.
, .
. .
Os Thursday last the Republicans of
No* Albany raised one of the handsom
estpoles in the State. It is ot.sprucci and
frera the ground to.the ball -at , its : top is
one undred and twenty .feet. ,A. large
concourse of people were present. from
th6surrouuding towns: - After the pole,
raising the assemblage was called to . or
de* by JANIES TEILII; who 'nominated
Dr. PLANK as chairman, who was unani
mously blected. On - taking- the chair the
Doctor made soma very pertinent and pa
remark ii after which he introduc
ed lion.W. T - DAviks,* whe addressed
the large assembly for over an hour. in a
very ale and convincing manner. He.
was followed by Hon. E. OVPLTON, in an
• ,
eloquent, logical address which was re
with evident pleasure mid - apprOf
bation.n The Monroeton and „Liberty
Corners Bands furnished the mus" ; which
was excellent. A special train'. om this
place conveyed a large delegation f orri here
and Monroeton to the meeting.: t" was a
grand rally, and will have a good effect
on the 2d of November. .
Is the return military rifle match he,:
tween Company A,' Njuth Reginient,' of
this place, and Company D., Twelfth Re
giment of Canton,' . on Saturday , laSt,. the
team of our
_home company was again
victorious by :166 points. The shouting .
by the men of docripany •A was lietter
than in the previous match, while the
Company D team was not made up of the
same men, and was weaker: The )fifty
Calibre Springfield Government Rifle was
used. The following is the score :
. 1-
! c
21mi yards: Total
3. M. Esistsn 4 4 4 t; - 3 4 4 4 5 4-41
Walls Culr Is 3 3 . 4 4 4 4 3 t 4 4—.16
ly3lteli Ayres '
_11•4 3.11 . 1 4 1 3 3--;13
.t. lyll4 ' a 4204 2 2 2 -3 3-35
Mtrrly 4 2 3 3 0 3 2 '4 2 1-27
Porter Stratton 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 a 4.5-36
Tothl,.. \
J. M. F.0.. , 0n
ills Cole
IVrther Ayres_ ;
J. .\ . Wll' ..
M. 'Aloofly
PolLer Su atton.
, Tatal In all (earn 111311 . S ,eore)r-J. M. Edson, :7;
W nits Col,. 77; Walter Ayres, 5s ; .1. A. Wilt, 54 ;
3100,1 y; 55; Porter Stratton, j.:,-364.
S. NV ltaey.. ...... .
IT. V:ine•it
T. M. Watt.
W WADI .1 oh ut•on
c. - O. IV - •
Daniel Segar
Pt. 'Wlthey
.1. 11. Vanest
T. M. Watts.
Johns •n
0 Wilsey
Daniel Sygar
,Total lu all p•ach man's score)—S. ;
f. H. Canes:. 32 ;T. 31. Watt.. 32; William ,John=
null. 32 : C. 0 'Wilsey, 2i; Daniel Segar, 21-199.
Score for COmpany A over Company D, 161;.•
'Fifa leading article in the Nora Amer
frqn Brrietr for Noveinber is by' the Hon.
11"Aut1.h:NtBEAct.t LAWRENCE, and is de
voted to an exposition of the monarchical
principle in the United States Constitu
tion: It is hi3Wll that under our Consti
tution the ExeCutive is ves'tied with pow
cis far greater than those possessed by
the king in *a limited monarchy. : The
amplitude of the President's constitution
al-Powers is best seen from the histoiy of
,the war of secession, as when Mr. Lui- s
CoLN, without waiting fOr the assembling
of Congress ; dechired the.. blockade of
the,,E!outhern ports, and called into ser.,
vie? for three years a volunteer army of
upward of 42,000 \ men. The author fore-
Seei danger to th#,pertnanence of our re,
Publican institution's; resulting both from
the*vastneas of these powers and from the
existing methods of choosing Presidents,
'and thinki that a radical change in the
Constituton :. is imperatively demanded.
In Abe same number of the Review Bishop
- W. C. DOANE i}Offitfi oat the advantages
of free religious discussion ; even "the
blasphemy of irreligious discussion,' :he
thinks, works the glory. of - God. The
Hon. MONTGOMERY BLAtti writes of
"The Republican Party as it lima and is."
,• • 560 yar4A.
2 3 5 4 $ 1 4 4 3•-••39
4.4.5 4 3 4 4 5 4 441,
. 4 4 . 2 3 3 2 2 0-3 2-25
4 13 3.2 4 2 0 4 3-29
. 2 5 4 3 2 0 3 2 2 3,-29
2 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 i)=—
2nn yards. Total
2 . 4 4 2 4 4 4 3 3 4-34' ,
.3 2 3'4 3 4 3 4 3 3-32
0 2 2 4 0 3 3 2 . 2-18
0 0 0 3 3 0 3 3 5 0--17:
0.1 4 0 0.8 3 0 0 3-1.1
3.0 1, o'2 3 4 3 3 0-1.8
500 yards.: • Total
0 0 5 3 3 5 0 4-22
0 0 0 0 0•0 0 0 0-011
U 0 0 •0 3 2 2 4.11—.1
2 3 0 0 3 0 2 0 2 3-15
2 000300400-9
0 0 0 0 0 3 0 U 00-3
M. "ThlEBlllB COntribuMs; the
third of his vainible illustrated pailem on
"The Ruins of. Ventral America." the
Other articles in this number of the Re
view are "The'Nicaragua• Route to the
Pacific," by. Rear-Admiral DANIXI4 i AM
MEN ; "The Coming Revision of :the Bi
b*" by the Rev.:Dr./ Rowans) PROBBY ;
Recent EurOpeau Publications," by
Professor T. R. Glom and finally a pa
per entitled, "The Political dituation
from aYinancial Standpoint," designed
to show how the business interests of the
country would be compromised by
change from W r itepublican to a Democrat
icndminis6ation of the general govern
ment. This doeument is signed by over.
tWenty of the heavieit capitalists of New
York. -
, 1
' „
The Troy .G azettecif last *TOL gives the
• _
following .partieulara of -an affray that
took place at ; Austinville on the - \.sth inst ; ‘,
and in which' EDWARD lit WI4IGHT, Of
Wells township, received injutiies • froin
which be died on the following 'Friday :1
"On Tuesday, the sth of Ootober,.Ed:.
*aid M. Wright, of Wells -township, - re-
Siding about,three miles from Austinville,
and Hugh Longwell, were at Troy to have
some work done at a machine shop.' On
going home they stopped at the Austin
vale house, kept. by Warren Smith, and
there drink some liquor.. After awhile
Wright got into a sort of scuffle with Clar
ence Smith, son of the !landlord, 1;010 re
sides on a farm near Austinville and who
happened to be present. It was about 1
P. A. when they stopped at the house, and
the scuffling continued some time; appar
ently in .a playful manner.. The .
were apparently friendly, but in the scuf
fle Wright was thrown, falling with the
back Of his neck against the shatir edge
Of the bar. with . Smith's Weight against
him., Either just. after or. justj before
Wright bit Smith severely on •he left
shoulder, and Smith, angry with pain, de
niandeff to' know if he Meant fight; Nir r ight
said -yes, he could whip him pr play him
either. ' Smith was about to Amp On him
,harkeeper, Seth Wood, told him
..not to, and after some continuance of the
scuille,which had become a fight,in - which
Smith struck Wright several times in the
facnand Wright bit Smith again
,in the
arm, they separated and Wright washed
up; and at 2 o'clock started in.the wagon
with Longwell! for his home, about three
'milesdistant. Eck. Kennedy, of Leona,.
who' - was present, -noticed that Wright
was somtgvhat stiff when he got into the
.wagon. On reaching home he gilt out of
the *agtin, but was so-stiff that he had to
-be helped into the house, .though he sat
and:played with his little', girl :for some
time and then went into the. house, - going
to bed soon afterwards. He was living
with hii. father-in-law, John Dustin. From .
this..time paralysis set in, until when'Dr.
V. a ~ Carpenter, of Austinville, was - called
"fifty-seven' hours after the injury, he found
almost complete paralys'isof.the body and
inability to perform any organic functions.
Ho could,ihowever, 'converse, and told the
Doctor he did.not know just how ithap
pened, had no recollectiou of just how it
occurred.. He gradually grew worse,• and
at about 6 o'clock on Friday evening he
.„ died. Dr:.Carpenter, who front the com
plaints of pain in the back of the neck and
other symptoms arguedja fracture Of the I
vertebrae, advised a post mortem exami-
nation: G. W. Noble, justice of !peace;
summoned a coroner's jury, and 'in the
absence of the corner an investigation
was. had. In accordance with the above
facts the coroner's jury rendered, a verdict
which was sealed for trausmisslo . to the
grand jury::: It reads . that 'the s id Ed
ward M. Wright, met with his cleat i from
• -injuries received,. in an- altercation With
Clarence Smith - .in the bar-room Of I the
hotel at . Austinville.' It remains' to be.
seen whether the grand jury will . take
ftirther epguisance of the affair:7
. THE annual 'parade of the I Fire Depart-
mentcatue off on Friday last, and was
witnessed by a largeconcourSe. of people
along its.line of march. While the number
of men in line was not es large as in many'
previous .parades, yet, the Department as
a whole, never made' a better appeatance.
The Franklin's appeared in, their -hand
some and attractive new parade . 'shirts,
and their steamer, ' Whicheamer, was , drawn by
font.' horses, shown. like
,a new dollar,
every part: of it being cleaned and, polish
ed to 'perfection, and showing that under
the clre of Engineer" LANG the machine
is iu perfect-order and as good for ser
vice as on the day it was brought to our
yillage... The 'Franklin , boys • marched
;ahead of their steamer, drawing
. theiy
hose carriage which was handSomely dec
orated. Following the Franklimsteamer.
came the Naiads, headed by the drum
corps, drawing- their handsome, parade
carriage, wilieh'was handsomely decorat
ed. On the top of the carriage, .under a
canopy of tla,gs, rode the three.year:Old_
son of E.:B. PiEricE, dressed iu the com
plete uniform of the Naiads; andcarryitik -,
in his hand a miniature trumpet. j The
little fellow was master of the bituatido,
and doffed his tire clip as he was cheered
along the route, with the. ease and grace
of ' one who had seen many more years,
This was a marked feature in the proces
sion and complimented by ad.' koll'oWing
the Naiads came their handsorrie engine
drawn by a beautiful iiair of hoises, and
following that the Mantua boys,' lookipg
splendidly, followed by their hook and lad
der truck,.drawn by - a splendid. big team
of nay horses driven by D. ‘si r nou.N.
.11eaded by the German a • nil 'the col
umn 2 moved from in front )f ate Park at
about 2:30 r. M., and march ed Over . the
following route': 1.71, Mai to York ave
nue, up York avenue to' cast, out (
cust to Main; down Main to Lombard, up
Lombard to Second, down. Second to
Grant,' down Grant to Main,. up Main to
Park, where they .were reviewed by the ,
Council, and briefly addressed.byJ.
coin, Esq. As we have on several•oeca
sious remarked heretofore, notown in the
country of the size of Towanda has a Fire.
Department that will compare with ours
in any respect, and, the parade - Of Friday
only strengthened our luiliefin our previ
ously expressed opinion. •
A grand demonstration was made by
the Re - publicans of this.pthee and vicinity
last Thursday .evening*.. The Gatimi i .p
and-ARTHUR Clubs were out and paraded
the streets; making a splendid appear:into
with touches and firewdrks, while the can.
non,near the• Court House .shook the
earth and caused the re-echo as discharge
followed discharge in rapid sneee;Sinn:
Ban-fires and illuminations served to light
up the streets, as thousands . gathered to
witness HI'S imposing spectacle. Ulster
contributed many stalwart. Republicans,
and when Monroe joined . the procession
the • line of torches was increased from
three hundred anirfifty to four:hundred.
• ,
The transparencies were gotten up in tine
style, ' and bore inscriptions and illnstra •
• Con's second only to some of THOMAS
NAST'S efforts in amusing cuts. The line
of march was up" Main to, Chinch ; east
on Church to Williaria ; northon William
to Chestnut west on Chestnut to York
.Avenue to Huston street ; west on Hos
ton.street Ito iThird ; south on Third to'l
Chestnut ; east on Chestnut to York Av
. enue, and south on York . Avenue' and
Matn i to
,Lombard ; west on Lombard to.
I ..eciortd,; south on Second to Grant, east
on rant to Main, up Main toiPark. All
along the line of march there were: bril
-1 liantnilluminations of resitiences—tixi nu
milirons to mention-rwhich Were cheered
b 34 the columnlivit filed past, At the
,conclusion of the parade, a meeting was
organiied in the Park, - With Colonel E.
Owitrozi cis Chairman. . The meeting
'was the largest that has l:beei held here
during thap • - , t campaign, th' crowd
nearly fillinghe entire rPark.ishil , Main
greet ilt411) t of the Park and Park
street on the orth Were fi lled with pee
pie. Colone l OvEntasr, on taking the
chair maAe 'Lolled stirring speech, and
introdireed Warm O'bororEtt., the elo
qUent yoang Irishman of Elmira. 'Of Mr . .
O'CoNNELL's weed; it is on l y. necessary
, •
to say that notwithstanding it Was a long
one, yet tkat immense concourse , r:)lpet•
ple listened to it _with the closest atten
tion from,ommencement to ending—ex
cept when cheep rent the air at frequent
intervals at the telling Peirita made by
,the able and eloquent speaker.. ,It , was
.`one of thelanttspeeches 'of the cam paign
and was a fitting conclusion to one of the
grandest poligcal denionstrations ever
• witnessed in this place. -The Germania
and Monroetod Bands and several drum.
corps furnislied e the mingle which was ex
pellent, _boch-' , ort. the match and at • the
meeting.- - ..-4-: , lti',"
„. . .
• ''',.,fp.i?BfT.RY.
Friday nightilast* Gonnon 311y,z,tiv,
son of Anntati MAii.Ev, of Alba, - was
returning froni Fall, l'rooli; after visiting
t. l 'c mines wit'4la.loaa oft produce which
he had. Sold heivas quietly descending the
Armenia tnouiklain. Isuddeuly two . ;pen
darted out froMthe'itark wood, one of.
whom *cited his horses by- the bits and
the other grabbed hiM and deinanded his
money. Gonnoil struggled to get away . ,
but the man .got sl. q'out of his pockets.
The man then demanded the rest of his
Money Nit Go*DoN denied having' any
More, when,the man cried out: that be .
had:and with an oath deinande:d it forth;
.viith, or he would kill him. GounoN told
the-man he could not got it-out while. the
man held him, and demanded to be releas
cdso he could get the money from anoth-,
er place. Partially 'released 'he suddenly
drew a revolver and told the man. -to let
go or he would shoot. -This the fellow
deClined to do and he blazed away as well
as ho could See :in the darkness. 11WW team
frightened, plunged forward dowii the
steep bill side and.he Clung to th6n, los
ing sight of tbe villains at : once, and hav
ing all he could do to l`prevent his tam
pitching him mitt over the steep descent.
—Troy Giurtto:: ,
On Thur'day, October ith,' says the
Troy Gaieta, its our popular undiiitaker,.
B. P. was attending the funeral.
Of a Mrs. 13.tKER, at .a locality, called
" Baptist he met .with it strange
accident 'which 'resulted in serious injury
to' him. At, thc,coneldsion of the ecreme
ny he stepped for Ward and was unscrew
ing the silver plate from the casket when
one of the Sticks that lay across the grave
loroke, precipitating tin} with the
into the rave. bead struck the side
of the grave making a severe .contusion,
and .his right `knee was badly injur , ed.
Mr..KNArr finds, it bandy ti 3 use a cane
iu walking - s even now
—C. 11. Moos, of East Smithfield, is
visiting; friends Lancaster, Pa. ,
EtAvE.t.r.,, of Bloomsburg,
hastbeen in town for a' few days past.
iss OSIE_ 11,f,NNED1, of Austinville,
i' J -
is iu Hartford, Cond.
of Austiniiille,
is spending a - few weeks .with, friends in
froy.: .
. .
—Miss liAlty MoNlociF., of
the guest of Aliss SustE ItAum, of this
rlace. '
—Mr. TitOtas GAnTstnE, of . Leßays
vine, is . visitiog.frinds at ,florpellswille,
-N. Y. -
JAMES iiter/MONP, (4' Leßays ,
%rifle, is viE4ting rethtives in To,. plorville,
—W. F. -11,Onnitis. of Leßaysville, who
lag been) a sufferer froin cancer Air a long
nue, is now confined to his bed.,
and 4 Mrs. •Capt. Man. irri,LE are
eceiving the .hearty congratulations of
their numerous friends. ft's l a boy: .•
T r rrus, and wife, and Mrs..Jas.'
MAcEtssoN,•, returned en Saturday from
4.visit to friends • -in Canton, • Minnequa,
and Troy. ,
—Mrs. LAYTON, - mother o
A. .1. ..I.ArroN, is in • New. :York* City,
spending some tithe with 4 - er son, S. 31.'
LAYIVN. • . , •
—Rev. G. C. JONES occupied the pulpit.;
of the M-. E. Church, Sunday, both morn;•
itig and evening, and the house was filled,
to overflowing to hear both:sermons.,
—GED. W. COON, formerly a resident
of this place, plead guilty to forgery in
the. second degree, at Elmira, 'on Tues
day; and was Sentenced to Auburn prise_.
for one:year. • •
—Thebttle daughter' f Rev. GEO. C.
JONES, who has beenl ill of diptheria at
the residence of B. M. PEC . K, Esq.; for
several days 'past, died . on. Tuesday morn
ing: The - funeral takes :place this, Wed
nestlay, p. in.•
—Mr. C. 11. LEON . ARD, of Providence,
t. 1., who was at one time engagediiret
tY extensively in the drY goods' .business
in the above plade, is', now visiting his
.Mr. itENRY ALLYN, in
Warren Center, for a few daYs.—Leßar
vale Advert(ser;
urxs M 6
T cnr.t.J, has made
an engagement as pastor of the Baptist.
Chur hin :;Canton for" coming year.
Ile will make' his home at .Troy where his
children remain, but will have rooms at
Canton. We congratulate the 'Canton
church on securing his services.—Troy
Gazelle. • •
—C. C. Jiktivirtas, oilionesdale, the -Re
publican nominee fin' Congress, in this
District, Was in town the first part . of the
week. -He. is a gentleman who makes a
friend of every one withi whom he comes,
in contact. His majority in the District
will be a rouser.
—Says se, Monroeton „correspondent.
Our genial young townsman. AnntsoN A.
ARMSTRON . G,. has been • dully 'registered
and matriculated- at the 'University of
Michigan, at..,Ania Arbor,' and expects to
spend the t . next nine -Months study,
with a view to making medicine a profes,
sion. We are - - sorry to loin his maiden
Republican vote, but then it Couldtet
be helped. • •
EIENRY Stzvmoun - and family, of,
ouri boron. 1); are packing. their; goods, •
and getting ready, to move to Cedar Falls,
lowa, their tormer twine. ' We Wish them
success, a r pleasant trip;: and an.abitudaiii_
harvest from their farm • next year.. Le-'
Raysville loser,- what lowa gains, a good
enterprising family, which, is a credit ;to
any town.-I.e.llays . rille Advertiser.-
,--Tho Athens correspondent of the El
mica Advertiser,in speaking of the RC , -
publican meeting at that place on thF
says : ; «Tho GASFIELD and -
Club or this plaCe were addressed
last evening by • Hon. E.. OVERTO;se, Jr.,
and B.- M. PEcx, Esei., of. Towanda. The
hail was - tilled to overflowing, and. all
were pleased with, the speeches.- The
speech of Colonel ;;T,Fat•rox was the most
forcible and telling of the campaign.' It
was a clincher." •
Local. Correspondence. ,
MR. EDITOR :—As this place :inis . not
been heard from since our friend . "'"
op's " last communication, which is some
time ago, we take the. liberty to cbipdn
just for a change, as 'our Democmtip
friends say. ,
.On Thursday, the 14th, the Republi
cans of this township bad a grand demon
stration• in favor of our PreSidentiai nom
limes. We raised a very fine Pole with a
handsome streamer attacbcd. The stream ;
er being the handiwork, of friend GUY
HERMAN, one of our most enthusiastic
yopng Republicans, an 3 it reflects credit
.both to his taste and skill.
Our meeting was organized by tho noni:
ination of V. G. VINCENT as President ;
H. G . :' W. Muin, - Louisa=
As arid Pirrin J. Daaa as. Vice Pratt
idea*, arid TaToN .as ; Eieetetary.
The Leona Ilatuffuredshed the music for
the mission, snit did it , well. 4,ous P.
Satennnson area the Ilrep to address ..the
welting. Although brief in 'his remarks,
they were both vigorous and pointed. A.
C. Pstereeno, of Troy, came next. 12lia
'etildressein the principles and the
dates of the two great political parties
was thorough and convincing, and as a
c.sudidate' for District Attorney, he made
a'very p l od impression, and last, but by
no Means' least, came L. HALL. : I
have not words 'at my command to do
him jastice. One old veteran of the re:
hellion, who was an attentive listener to
the remarks of all the speakers, was over
hearil to nay, "Them other fellera throw
cannister shot good, but that 'ere list,S.
is a regt4ar swamp anat.—enough for
to say that ho held all within the reach of
his,voice spell bound. They, forgetful of
Li else, save his natural eloquence, his
convincing logic, his eel:Meal and sarcastic
criticisms on. the i pemocratio argument
Of "set tea hare a' ehrge." That 'they
would gladly have heard aid seen more
of him, 'we `.hope to
,lnuir ' and .see him
again. Themeeting adjourned with - three
cheers for GAIW4cLD' and Awruuie, and
.also three cheers for Indiana. Everybody
was pleased,'aud you can count on a full
vote, a fair quint, and a good majority
for the patty in November froin Ridg
bury. . " a . ,
it The Universalist Society will, hold a
two days' meeting here, on the 10th and
11th. Also Teachers' Institute _will r ho
held in the Baptist Church, at this place,
on the 12th and 13th of November.
Ou friends, ,the S*Awrwoon boyi3, of
Ashland, N.Y., are going •to move on
their - farm during the conling winter, and
become our ueighb(irs. Messrs. ELLIOTT
and ITATFIELD have been working their
farm Una p:ist season, axi judging from
their success and the high pricn of pro
duce, it has been both pleasant and pro
'Rabic 1.0 them. Yours,
•October 18, 1880. • Bisuor-Rlcs.
PIERCE and wife, are' visiting
. -
friendsat Pittston, Pa. • ,
. Rev. JAMES RICHMOND, of, is
visiting his parents at Tapleyville, Mass.
.WILLIAIkt SIGSTON; from Botaon, is
spqnding a couple of weeks with,the 'boys
of this place.
- Ex-Commissioner JOHN BaLowtx, of
this place, arrived honie. on- Saturday
evening last, after au extended tour in
the West. - . • Wm. LA fi
Oct. 18th, 1880.
• • 1!
The iptestion has again come
de'cideci by ballot, Shall"we 7ho keep use:
ful dogs be compelled to i help 'pay fin•
damageS dime by !worthless curs? It is
an , injustice to us as tax that is a nui
sance, Many who parade ;their 'virtues
s(ineal on dog-tax and own none when the
atsessor i's around, though they fend'.One.
the year around. We want every linanio
take care of hiq.own dogs and not compel,
his neighbors to pay his losses or act as a
pilice to see that dishonest persons are
compelled t 4,
property to the
assessor forLe pnrpose of paying for
sheep killed,'y dogs: , i It is demoralizing,
to 'say the;! east : it snakes-some Men'
swear becan i ,'• ' Their neighbOrs slip ilifo',.
and it make . those who,slip tbrough mad
becaase their are deceivers and catiglit at,
it. Abolislite P tak and return to the. old
way add men will not set their dogs on to
. a lot of ; old' sh'eep if they wisy to get rid
of them. __Nikj:§lieep-killing dogs ate got
rid of titide,t7k.', SO vote against it
SETTS, LIQUOR SETTS.—at 99-Ceut Store.
~ ,
.. b:•,r ii`IDVALic C*.MENT.—JustiecePt
'o+-4pothercar load of 7.5... ti Star Cement..`' ll
selit7. . - ' : • • R. M. IV ELL i:S.
..• • '
00 30.- 1 , DECKER & VOCGII VS.'
-Or The 0-CEN'T 'STORE is Head
quarters foreve'rythlng In the Une of LAWS am
LAMP tiOODS. z Sept. 240..
Car WANTED HAD Agent for the
Pittston Steam Dye Works, to 'anvatis Tosciutia
Athens, Wairerly and the surreuntltrig country. A
live, wide-alakqnvin'ean Ile well at 4. :For terms,
address with reeereeee, J.W. cOMPTON, Flttsfro,
Pa. •. , • 2w •
Car et?USER has the best wearing Shoes
for. Men, Boys and Youths' wear ever offered in
Towanda, and at prices within the reach of all.
.q„ Our goods are NEW and - ot,the
BEST QUALITY. I)licitEß 179uG.Irr.
. .
0.z.k...„.5qw.r50 3IACIIIE NEEDLES
Otis anit at 14clitneitts at the 99-Cent, Store. . • I
Vir There are many forms of nervous
debility do men that yMid:to the use of 'Carter's
iron Pills.' IhOsewlio are troubled with nervous
weakness, tilklit sweats, ac., should' try them:
. have used several Mottles o
simxoNs , LIVER REpiiLATi)u, and you ma
record the tact, that my feelings are so far cliangm
that I can eat hearty, and am more like.awell imti
than I have Ikea !Or years past. I have - suffere
four years and atu grateful for relief. „
. .
• •• 1 RAFT-ERTY.
Pertiy.llcali6torp, 1806 Market-st.,
17-or a Bond, durable and neat-fitting
SITOU, ,, e - p11; at F.d. BLUM'S, opposite Seeley's
LEG{. ailrulti both sexes.. Endowment half' a
rulliit . Tuition free. - Coarscso't stusly, Flafsi
cal, i4cleatlfic.nn4 Agricultural. t A thorough l'r..
paratory lirepartment. F.:pi..lmes fa to ti per week.
Fur catalogue„agilress icise.Cti Sticikrit btik, A.
31., free., 3tnteeollege,ra. Aug. 12-wlO. •
C"4' Provisions - of all kinds, of tholres
quality, at , I DECKER EtVOUGIIT'S..
- ,
Try our New J TEA. Best ti
timo: pier( BIL & Viill:64T:'
rair Choice TEAS- and COFFEE a
ispectaaz at DECK tit & VOTGIIT'S.
agents on thellroot•Geoeral JAatEs A, GAnit
by "Carleton:" the popular, brilliant aosl fascinat.
In nwriter. The finest biographical publication
which will be •ottered to ,canvassers tinting the
campaign. LIBERAL TERMS. • Vor3 teirttory,
tc . , 'applfit once to JOTS'S t. MOLL A L ND.dt Co,
- 610 Arch greet, Philadelpbia;- Aug. 19,
.':"Str: ,
A full assortment, of WHIPS • and
SIBR.EI J LAS at the'99-Celit
Vine and Coarse Boots at BLUM'S, opposite See
ley's If °tel.' - . Nov. 27-tr.
Mr The. Largest, Best and Cheapest a
nun or Slioevfor Ladies; Mlsaes! and Chlldrens`
wear lsfound at it.lOaaltit II new Store, corner Math
and Pine-stir., Tracy &Noble's Block. apirls
M . L. B. RODGEBS challeinges 'compe
tition for qualliy,of goods and low prices on Sash.
Doors, Blinds and Moldirn.a, and al building ma. ,
Wird. - , 'Calig3sti).
It is impossible for a woman after
a faitbffil course .of treatment with LTDTA E.
continue to suffer with a weakness of 'the - uterus.
Enclose a stamp to Mrs. LYDIA E. Pyfritii;tt,.=
Western Avenue, Lynn., Mass., for pansOblets..
Sold by Dr. It. C. PORTER., Druggist, Towanda;
Jutyl:yrti •
• "
• , VD' rICION C 114.11 Atil..L.This • is -tin
excellent Portable Mill—one that commends Itself
at sight: Farmers having apples going to waste,
will do welt to glye the Cider Mistral: It grinds
easily and ripldly--ernshingthe fruit Instead or
grating. Capacity,tive barrels per, day. For seer
It. 31.
Towanda; ra., Sept.
nalunci, row W _
O* . vg ,
three good teittok awl would poll one of Wm.
Wisiltudzig, ra.. Oct. n, 140.411;•
t MUSICAL. CONY*, 11101 i. There
will be iti Musical Contentilit bell at the Hall lu
Litchfield Centre, counnedefug fitonday
Octpher 1811*. &tot couttnnitig fourkliya. cloning
with it concert Triday tivin wt. wide!. the direcileri
of o. D. Trtt 4 a and 0. IP.*auttztt. Books fur•
Wished for:the occasion. lam Inv
e ited. 'retina
retteonabie.'• 11y Order of Dirietore. l _Oat 7;i11.*.
. .
•A GitikliD REITITATION4—»•W =tea
and. Liver Cure ')tairestetted a leputa
tion thatis not limited by the,conlines,of section
or country. There are.Sfo infarions subst=nor
false and temporary stimulants in the pre ion.
11 is purely vegetable and *impounded under,
formula that has, passed seVt2re tests an&won
dorsements• from some of ?,-,the highest ' , medical
talent in the country.-= - New Xorlt World.
Vir Bit weather pOd, ueer. inaction of
the llver. Inaction of the liver causes diseased
kiddeys. and :diseased kidnas, add diseased kid
neys undermine the quicker than consumption.
Alt these troubles heaVidded 4)y* using Mar:.
lees Safe Kidney inn Live's: pure; the puivst and
best remedy ever, dis vereC4
. . • 'IIMARRItD.I' : . '
WHITE=-tuatrir.+ln .r .. yey, rpn She lath th at,
by Elder . J. If. Ph nix. ,George W. White, of
flra n yille, andlllsaperth# Ballq,tr Troy.
CORNELL-11 KN'IIAM.-;;At the residence of
the brlde's p nut 6n ate 6th ;Inst.. 1 7 Bev- P.
$ . Everett, U. 'IV: rn
V, qoelkand [Misis, A. Burn
' ham, all of RI , gbury. • • i
110GERS—MA ' -AFEEer-it: At‘rens, *tithe 16th
Inst., by Rev. 'W. E. Witter, of Labrange, N.Y.,•
Irvin H. Rogers, of Pratt/4,nm I,', N. Y. toqsla
E. MacAfee, daughter orsloel Mac/tree, Esq.
CAA NMER = KINNEY.-4 - At the Unlversallit .
Church lu Shesheqdla, omlbe lath Inst., by Rev.
Win. Taylor, M. If.„ aftiretis A. Cramer, of
Mouroeton, ~ and - Miss Ju4a E. Kinney. of she
shequin. ~ , . - i .'••• . -
LIND ER.4_ At fbe Presltyterlan
Parsonage, Iftnirookon. onZtbe 17th Inst., by Rev.
Hallook .Annstroni, 3.lrg-bilvester Lindley, or
West Frankly', an 4 3110 Nora A. Cramer,' of
Monroeton. i
• , , DIED. ' •
Wells. on thALb Inst., of fatalysls,
Mrs. Levi Batter, aged 83ears. - . .- , •
WitIGIIT.—In Columbia,.9l the lith lost
_, of frac
ture of the spine, Edwarli M.irWright, aged 25
- years. i t," ?.
- . ; ' • ,
FGEHEST.—In Clneinnatq,Ohlo. on the Sthinst.,.
at the residence of Ids - sort. Ellsha Forrest. Esq.,
of Allentown, ra.,,formetly Of East Smithfield,
;Bradford county.: :,._.:_-___4____
TG,HPKINS.-43uddenly, air his home in Sheshe
quirt township, on the 11th Inst.,. Hiram Tamp.
_ king, aged oe years. i - :c - :-..
ire , Wes a man la'ell, lttiown tel all bit neighbor
hood, as one Who could' be tilled pon on pH oeca.
alone; .true ta Itims4lf, hi; !Vends nd to h G
is od.
- • ii ,
JOHNSON.—At her home , n
'6. ell, on the 7th
i \
inst., "Attie Hattie JoilusoM ged !3 years.
; 1
' Months of- Intense isu ff erin; .patlently - borne. to
gaiter with a fall faith. in .4' i f,lte" release from the
bondage of corrupticin . thei \ Motions liberty of
the children of d 04, ,,
.nitt4e, tier advent to the
bigber life a thlug hoped fOr anti Waited for with
Christian tvadeatid:iestgnitton. She 'parsed Ofil
beloved by all laho - ,kitew her
....- t, .
Gonerafdealerx:in Grbcerles ‘4ti ProduCe;corntir
Main and PlutiSteeets. .
• '• •
gloat per libl`
notir pet saelt • .‘;•
Corn' Meal per 10... r
Chnp Feed.
Wheat, per hush.
......__ . _ ,_
Buckwheat ' 4 4.. VI (al Ai ; • (di 50
BuckWilFat F lOU r.... 1 $0 "4:i (di 225
Clover seed I . ' . 15 50 (8) 6 00'
Timothy, western ,. . - k (di 12 75
80mm.62 ILK 6l CO ça - I 25 - 61'20 (di 1:50
Port. moss I
• • i od MA., $lB 00 0$ 20 00
Hams 1 s t • iii 0 - 14
' , ard' i - 0 . 1,0 (di 'l2
Butter, tubi
Eggs, fresh...
l'ot,l.toe: per busb
ti . • .05 (4
1, cal eking
• . 4065
Al 00® "2'50
Re on Skins .
S 1 ell Pelts...
Veal Skins...
• Detion Sklns4..
Sheep Pelts.:::!!..
Ann Abvertise
F •
ill3l - FOR S LE...—The itaiscri
ber ofr.',ll far rate ds,tarra or k arres. located
Orwell -to lis
in lilp : ntproved, wttpi toixV hotise
and barn and orchard tie* ' T'-'-,glven to snit
purchaser! Al,n. v. id m I .tin 2!4,-na Iles
non froiest of I.enap.vill . . }''or forther
particularsk call on .1' 2d I ' • L •
' ' • 4 BLACK. -, A.
• :ysville, Pa.
—A Ilrst.class-regi
p:otty desires to ,tuiploy , r
italte tithe to their Intl
whnni Met al cottipensatt
of good clthrarterawl pc:
past .-experlt
oeerst‘oxy. Adttren st:
int] solar) , rerelVetl and
(Oct. 1.1.5:29
33 Astor house'
cutting Timber' n the lands of the late Edi ,
want !depot - ern, in Overton Township; ulthoet
the written consent of theitudersigned,
penalty et the law.
. .
JOHN 34,0 Exectlier.
Overton,,May.ati, ISSO•Tyt. ' •
Ledt . ers of administration havittgliedngrrW.l
ed to the undersigned, upon the estate oflChas. B. !
Dexter, late of Tuscarora tosvnship, deceased,
notice is hereity given that all persons indebted to
the :said estate arts requested to nihke immediate
payment, and all parsons basing elatnis against
Said estate the same daltaidirc 'nti
cated to the Undersigned for settlement.
.ALMON C. DENT I-: it, "Administrator.
Tusratora, l'a., Oct• 21,
the estate of Charlei S. Fox, deceased.
The under:4oo, an Auditor appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Bradford Comity to di...tribute
the balance of funds of sald'estat.e in'the hands of
the administrator of said estate, will attend to the
duties of ' his appointment at his office In the Bor
ough of Towanda, on SATI.IIIIIAY. theilitrit day
of NOVEMBER, 180, at 10 o'cibeic, - A:-Al...whe.n
and where ail persons having claims .on said fund
musti 4nesent them or Irit forevitr- debarred froth
coining In upon the saint. .•
1.:P. - EEE\ •Auditor.
Towanda, October 2t,ABso-vn. -.
inatter. of the assignment of M. F. Itinsonr
for the benefit of his erediters. In the' Coat of.
otootoon PleaA of Brsolford County, 704, May
Terp, 0477;
The final account of L.ll. VanDyke;.Assighee In
the alKire case, filed September 2:2 1880; and said ;
account. will l si presented to sald'eourtfor tinhf
colifirmation and allowance on Thinuilajr,'Deceni=.
.ber 9. 1880, unlei.o canoe 00 shown why said account
should not be finally coniirmeil and allowed by the
Court. Bt. Klid AN. _
. 'Towanda, 0ct...1t, 1880-w4:• . rrotbonotrity.
• •
TupporN use vs. E. O. and D. Taylor. , In
the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County,
.So. 1160. :145' . Tertii, 187 q.
'rho muleritigned, an Auditor appointed .by the
Court to distribute the fund arishig froWthe Sher,
ars, salt, of ;defendants perional -prorty,' will
attend to the cit
duties of-It's appufraint at his °Mee
in Towanda.; on MONDAY, NoVEMBER
1880, at 10 o'clock, A. M. when all personstaying
c•alurnpon said fund Must pretent or- be
forever debarred from coming in upon the swim,
_ THOS. E. 3IYEB, Audttor.
Towanda, Oct, '2l, 1880-w4.
Nov. 27-t t
Virtue of an order issued.ont uf- the Orphans'
Court of Iradford Cdunty, the undiFrsigned, Guar- "
diatt of _Mary, John D.. Cornelius V., James R..
Anibrose; Margaret A.. Cecejla end Theresa Das-.
eon, Minor ehlidren of Dennis. Driscoll, late of the
Townehipiif Athentf., -- deceased, will expose to pub:
Ile .sale upon the premises,'on SATURDAY.
OCTOBER 30th, A. D. 1880. at 2 o'clock P. M., the
foltrwileg lot. piece or parcel of kand situate in the
Tdwnship of Athens. County of Brad ford,"hound
ed and describ,fl as follows, viz:
On the north - by lands , of mon and Mrs.•
Pahl. on [Ail . .east by lands of Mesita. Grilltliz'and
Lonna:coif the south by landa of Ira Elsbree and
a road, a - ad_ ?la the most Lc lands• of F. Murray
tariff': containing aland.sne hundred and twenty
fiveltcreff tmi4 the same • more or .less. Bezing the
north part Of- wlint was formerly known as the
Rogers' WM, neyth of the mad, running through
said farm. About' one hnufired.and ten .acres Im-,,
proved, with a framed dwelling Rouse, a Wood shed
as P:m orchard of applb trees thereon. Subject.
however, to the reservatloll by Ira Elsbree of the
right to take off all the -white pine lumber from
said premises.
.."- •
TERMS OF SALE.--rThe purchaser to fiay-e204,
upon the rfroperty being strgek down; 131,1) upon'
confirmation of the bale. and' the balance in three
equal anntial paymentstron contlpiation of date,
with Interest. ' _
LARK BIRD, Guardia■
Eas-t Smithfield, Sept. 21, IBBo:Sept..3o, w 3., •
Vie estate of Francis Tyler, deceaSed.
The undersigned. an Auditor appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Bradford County' to distribute
funds belonging to said estate In the hones of If.
'L. Scott, administrator pi - ode:We life, will - attelfl
to the duties of his appointment at bilioffice In the'
Borough of Towanda, on SAT GB DAX, OC TO etER
D. 188:1, .at lb . teciot'klA. M., when and
where all persona having &limier' said (mid - must
present them Or he forever debarred from coining
in upon the same.
JOGN W. CODUING, Audittlr.
• Towanda, September 36. 1880-w4 : • •
XOTICE is hereby:g t ven that-an
application will be made to Don. Paul.D.
Morrow.-President Judge of the County of Brad
turd. for a charter , to- "The OddVellows Dal As
sociation of !Wells." the object and •pnrposs-of
Is the erection and maintenance nif a Italy
at Mosierville. to said County, for a place of meet ,
.log for Odd Fellotrs and otlier societies and.orgini--
izatious, • A. JUDSON,'
- • 4 ' C. S, OWEN,: '
' J: It. WRIGHT.
SeCarilocbsti solicitors tor petitiotieri.
Sept. 30th, 1.964w3.
$5 50 (6) 750
.1 4 - 1 , 0. 183
G3':,l 40
$l.OO efil 1 (5 4 1 10
• Ti4l 65
1.5 'e4 71.1 , (' •15
3:1 fa .. 3G (4
20 - 4o 25
20 Os 24
20 g' 21
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20l 24
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13 0 pl 6
20 6.1 *22
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.. _ ,
,/ -Amoiig' which will be found some ele
FACT ITA E:,'itvhich we have just_received
from the Importers; tog'
and ' complete e.,ssortrnt
and :DOLMANS direct
I turers. .
. "' •
~ ,„ -
October 4 l . 1‘.1140 "
... , ~....•
- - 0544; MS
75-0 /1 25
: - .106*.
11 00 2 25
iS %MEN.
iurafice eotit
ideinto thfir
nsylvania, 41;_o.
- 3111,4.. he
ergo and
btblne - ss not
th references.
Port C , tty
4 ' =
_Coltunbia township. -.Speak
W T. Davies and L. M.
Hall, Esq. Evening. . l'
Sylvania.T Speakers---Hian. - W; T. Davies
and L. 'M. Hail, Esq. Evepicik. '
OCTOISgIi 22i. •
Troy,: Speakers Hon. W. T . ,
and Mf.ll Hall, Esq, Evenin g .
sfertntoav„ ocrow.n.
Canton. Speaker! flot .'WI i. T. Davies ;
• and L. M. Hall, Esq. Everting:l "
Vti."; /tiTertiseute,
Call attention to au
'-A\ D-
. .
Slate of Penusylvarda, County of Bradford,
'ss.: To Sarah Ann - Lawyenee, Joseph F. Wheaton,
Cyrus G. Wheaten, Eally I.' . - Shiley. Charlotte M.
Rogers, - - Henry W. N heaton, - 31ellisa - Ann M.
•Rogers—please taker:4[loe: -
Whereas, at an Orphans' Court; he'd at, Towanda : -
in and for said County of Bradford. on -:the •17th ' •
lay of April; A. 1). 1890. before the II . P.. 1). I
isr k i t%
',Morrow. President Judge of- said Court , i tie
matter,pf -the - estate of John Wheaton; dee,,
`the petition of Melissa Ann M. Rogers,- Wife or
Alanies Regersand danghter of John Wheaton; late
f the township of- Warren, In said 'County, de- .
ileaSed. was presented. -sating forth that the said
diohn Wheaton died,: March 2d. 1939. intestate, -
s,niZt'd hi hisMetnesne 1:8 of fee of and in a certain
' ..spessuage and tract of Land situate In said township .
ti f• Warren, bounded north by lands' of George
Rendieton and Benedict Arnold, east by lauds'oi
'llertjatnin liallirgton, and south and west by lauds
if Samuel Wheaton ; containing allout•liii arm, •
;bud leaving to survive biro a widow. Sala W_llea- ,
ton,- and eight children, .Sarah Ann Lawrenee,
Joseph F. Wheaton, Cyrus.G; Wheaton, Frederick
It. Whe4ton (since) deceased); Emily F. Sibley,
Charlotte M. Rogers, llenry W. Wheaton and Me-
litres Ann M. Roger:;: that the widow, Sally Whoa
din, died March 12lli. 1809'; that the said Frederik
F Wheaton died September 12th..1853, leaving to g
survive Min a widow, Susan Wheaton 011ie° mar;
fled 'to' Major hailing), and .one SoMi - Seymour
Wtheajon : that Ito ,guardians were appointed for
any ofil„thit minor chlidren of BMW John Wheaton,
dereaseil; That under and by virtue of the Intestate
la Ws of thls•Conimonweallibit belongs-to the said
3181h:so A titi.M. lOgers lo have an equal one-elghth
part of said real estate!, No partition of , said real
estate having been half, the 'petitioner prays the
Courtfirawariban I nqeest to ma k e par Pio of the
.ald feat estate' to anil.among the aforesaid parties. ',
atcroilling to thetirespctive rights, and she will
every prby.Ate. Whereupon the said Cotargrant
al rule eu the heirs , and legal repre.entatives of '
said decedent to shovel cause why partition of the ,
above described real estate shall not be made. And'
now to wit, May tith..l9Bo, the Court continue This
rule until September Term' next. - .
AIM nnfw to wit. S-pterober 22t1, ISIS, rule made
absolute. and the sold Court, op. due proof and gin
siderat en of the premises, awarded an Inquest' to
rtition as_iprayeil for. , We therefore emu- ,
mend. "VII that. taking with pet seven good and
lawfill': ien'iif your baldly Mir, you go to and upon
the p Ilse:: aforesaid, anti there, In the preience
of all '
1'"" ties,aforesald by yon,to be warned (if up-.
en ht. " warned they will be present), and having
respe - t :hp true valuation !firmer, and upon the
oaths adirmations of the; said is,veri good and
lava '..m en, - yeti; intake partition to and among the
heirs tii legal pepricsentative's of the s.alliniestate
In .sti) A •atli
lannernn'sucti proportions as by the
IaWS .;;. 'ls Commonwealth is d irected If the Some'
Carr ..0.-- . , itartetYand rlictilett without prejidlice to
orb - • the whole ; and if sueh . pariltieu cannot
Ile l i
i - ••• 'thereof Without prejudice toot spoiling
tlie,•'i _
Apt . that then you ealue.Mlb . said inquest:to
litqMo,-,.t id aseettain. Whether the same will eon
,7lletile y, aerie)) modate more than one of the saw
hefi, legat rend:sad:dives of 'the said Intestate
•wit:til Prejudice to or spoiling the whole: and ff
so,ll if, ,- many, it will • as aforesaid accommodate;
. g each part by metes and bounds, and re
,ailljt ;a u ln . v y n y lu o l t t i tla( e , f su t u h t e ni s o a n t e ns... as ti,
a u% ) l r f es t a h i l
h uol
to lili ' dal; said partltlou or vaination shall be of
opini that' the prebilses aforesaid, with the sips
wird.' tcei-i tan not be:-so panel) and divided
as to ctnitnoctate more than One of-the said heirs
and 1 . r representatives - of the Said hitestote, that
then ' "Li cause the inquest to value the whole of
the .' ) real estate . ; with the appartenanests, hav = -
ing retreibte the trii i ejahratien th, riot agreeably
totals) and that this ninon or valuation s..ti narale
you ti unruly and Openly have before :our said
Jutigi.Vat Towanda; at an Orphans' Court there to
be hell/ on We . regular (lay of sessions thereof, after
4 ,
iquest shall be made under your hand 'anti
seal,• td under the •liands and seals of those by
whose, baths 'or affirmations you shall make such
',amidn or valuation:aril have you then and there
th wis t. I I , ,
t i
Wit east' L i ll,. Morin - Cr. President Judge of our
said (.au'rt at.ToicAutia aforesaid, the itil day of
- Apt - IleAi. I). 1980. ,- A. C. F.RIBIE.
• • ','-. Orph ans'
. court.
, • ---„,
'ln ionfortnity with 'the 'ay/we order, I hereby
give notice to the alsive,named heirs and all ether
perra)hdi Interested, alai= inque4 wilt he herd on
the Maisie estate, tat the prenalses;, on FRIDAY.
the '24;rit day of 'NOVEMBER, A. D. 1810. at 2
0 - clear, P. 31. - • _
PETER .1. DEAN, Sheriff.
TeWlinda, Giddier 14, Mo.
L . Tetall whom it may concern The undersigned
citizens of North Glient,Brattford County.Pennsyl.
:Tanta, hereby give notice that they Intend to apply.
to - a Law Judge of-Bradford County for a charter
and' to be incorporated into-a body pblitic
with perpetual succession, under the name, style
and title of The North-Ghent"Skthodist Episco.
pal ChtfrVlL;' , to be - located at..NorWb hent,Sheshe-
Auto township. County aforesaid. for the
maintenance of the public worship of God In ac
accordance With, the, rules and discipline of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. '
. . pA , Rwix T. GILLETT.
,North Ghent,
, O i rtob er T, 18S0 o -w3.
LAIRSV,Hr (P.A.) LADIES' Bsi:iINART.— leautltut grounds, cin MO •
tius bid Clings, new'
11 superior planos,for prac
tice, andTimtorrdESTRUCTION. Ten instruc
tors. TeriCs Incitete. - Thirtieth year begins
tteptemiter S. ISM % 'or tintalor„nes, apply to REV,
T. R.•EWING:. Frit tips). .. July 119-In2.
j,_ SALE.
', ;• - the undersigned has 'SIX LEES - BERKSIIIRK
PIGS tursale, and vtryrilue. at three dollars each;
when five weeks old ;
° come ready tow.
~,,o . • • , • F. It. HAGERMAN. •
j Rummerfteld, Pa.„S ~ 1 . 70. 1850.3w0.
" •
•WANTED: == The undersigned
• •Rlshea , t iniicha r ia a good. second-hand
steam engine and better, not less than. 40.. borne
power, or a steam saw millomplete.,
• • Addret...Bl EZItA. RINED3LD.
October 7, 18130-w3. , , _Overlon. Pa.
- 3(.917R, •
B •P 42;1 N T / a a
' 711 Ye
PowE L &co.
Which. fo?!aCOMPLETE,NESS and VA.11.16Y OF . STYLES has never
been excelled, if 3,tqualled.
We would eall_pirtieular attention to our stook of New Dress goods and
Dress Trimmings,.which comprise everything new in the market:..2ii
In i 'Widths and prices,-:best
Black Cashmeres, . assortment, ever shown by us,
, I all new and fresh.
. .
i•ed Cashmeres • In different ' colors and
widths, in every known
7 • =shade.
flannel Suiting's,
Orient Cashm,res,
.- . •
Which We:show in all widths; ajk. a hill lined colors in. Silk Velvets,
at 10.wer prices than ever'bofore offered, .
, . :, . • i , • . • . I ,
'-H- --- -: - r - ~, :- -. : . '' -
I$5QP:l'.. - •.- :: - .4580 : i
- ;;:.1880 .1 :. : .: ~..,..:.,,
F.A. - .4,.gf0 - ps;.,
• -7,
A full- li
In entirely new st
• •
• •
r -- „ •: 7 ,
IL A - o),K gil l 1(
.I , _ - ic - r --. STRIP .
- ,
. ,
• .
Black and Colored' , - -
Splendid assortment
Black and ,COloied
.• .-,.,,,._.. , = - - • - -, -
&also' full of attractions. DRESS BUTTONS, in all the. New. Styles
Silk Handkerchiefs, Fichtis, Ruching., &c. ,A splendid variety
• . of/New Scarf Pins, Sleeve Buttons, &c just added.
Our Cloth, Doniestic and Calico Depart-
ments will each be found full and •• newly
and . price's, very low,
stoil: in our Boot and
Depprtine - nts.
. ,
ToVvanda, September 30, Inc?,
In great variety, , all
widths and prices..
e :of the
es .
i . ,
also just .received.
) fsl
VOL , V 01111 , , 10 c .
With a full line of NOVELTIF I S in every shade.
Just. opened.
Entirely new, all colors, to
gether with a complete, line
of •
%am. Colors
; And Prices.
with new