Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 21, 1880, Image 1
VIIIIIIit OP P ILICIAT/01. . . The BRADFORD BIIVO Tan a published every Thursday morning by MICR it Hyrcaoocz, One Dollar per *nun ,In advance. - f RipA•lvertistug in al oases exclattive Of sub scriraion to the paper. i 1 SPECIAL NOTICES inserted at Tale OMNI'S per tine for first insertion, and FIVE 0 WW2% perltue for each subsequent Insertion, but no notice itilleated rot loss than tiny cents. .. YEARLY' AD VERT ISESIEBTS will be insert .,..ll at reasonable rates. • Administrator's and Execator'S Bottees s A {2; ...auditors Notlces,{ ; BustnessCards,llvellues, (per year) {3, additional lines{t each. 1 Yearly .advertisers' are entitled to quarterly eh tiles. Transient advertisements must be paid • for in advance. All resolutions of associations; communications of limited or Individual interest, and noticei of insrriagee or deaths,exceeding five 'tuatara charg ed FIVE' Calera per line, but simple notices of inv. rlacos and de gabs will be published withentt :charge. The REPORTER barittg a larger circulationthan any other p'aper In the ounty, makes it the - best advertising medium In '.. - orthern Pennsylvanle. Jo 13 PRIMTING of every kind, in plain and' ,fancy colors. done with neatness sold dispatch; II ateibills, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, flatheads, Statements, he . ., of every variety and style, printed at the shortest notice. . The REPORTER office Is well s-upplled with power pressei, a good assort. tner.t of new type, and everything in the printing line can be executed in the most artistic manner' 'and at the lowest rates. TERMS INVARIABLY CASH. - - . , . Vttsineos §arbs. 14ADILL & KINNEY, ATTOP.NIM-AT-LAW. . . Oilice=-Rooms forMerly Occupied by Y. M. O. A, Rea , 'Rug Room. It. J. MADILL. 3000 AIRS. E. PERRIGO, TEACHER OP P1A.70 AND ORGAN Lessens given in 1 Thorough Bass and Harmony cultivation of the voice a epecialty. Located at tinews Min St. Reference : Holmes & Passage Towanda, Pa., 'March 4, 030. JOHN W. VODDING, • ATTORNEY4t•LAW, TOWANDA, PA ovtir. ktrbrs Drug Store. T3OMAS E. MYER ATTORNEI , A . i-LAW, TOWANDA, fftee with Patrick and-Foyle DECK & OVERTON : • • ATTOWNEYS-AT I.IW, * TOWANI)A,''' A. OvjOrroN, • - BENJ. M. Mr.CK ix V) , I ODNEI'' A. mPltekTß, .. eiTTORN EY AT -I, AW, * , . . • ;. TOWANDA, PA., - . tt;ollcitotor Patents. Particular attention paid;' to lot-Bless in the Orphans Court and to tha settle; tneht of estates. • . Office in Moutanyes Block . May 1, '79. VERTON. & SANDERSON, O_ . . . • ATTORNF.Y-AT-LAW, ~ • TOWANDA, PA. . • .:_. 'E. OVERTON. J it. JOHN F. SAN,HERSON .—___:,_l- ______ 7 11. JESSIT.P . . • .. • • ATTORNEY .0:1) COUNSELLOR-AT-LA-W, - .I4iNTI OSE, PA. _ Judge .Tesitup Inwlng r6sutned the practice of the taw in Northern Pennsylvania. will attend to any business tntrustvd io II toi to licailtord county. Persons wishing to consult - him; calf call on 'II. St c.icicr, Esq., Towanda,Ta., when anappoittilnent can I,e inade. -.-.. , HENRY STREETER, . . ...- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA. -- Feb _7,'79' • . . - . L 11ILL1S, F, .' :. . TTORN EY-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA. • EF. GUFF,,, 4 E. ATTOUN Y A L V SI , N C, zoixeS• for the sale and purchase of alk lands of • S.•euritles and for makfug loans on IM'al-Estate. All , msluess w , ret..4ve careful aud prompi attrotion.'r. s title 4..1879. • • - w . TIRYAIPSON, ATTORNEY TrY I • kT LAW, WYALUSING, l'A. :WM attend to ail Thosineis entrusted to his cart, to Bradford, and W;youling CoatiOrs. OlticT with Esq. Polter. - 1 ,7 TTIRAAI E. BULL, SURVEYOU. r SUitVEXING ANDHAFTING. ii;!lne• with G. F. 31a,0n. over Patch & Tra;cy. 31aii) street, Tuwatida. 4.15.b0t G F. 9 - W. KI.3IBf,IILEY-; A Ttot; EY-AT ' 4. AW, U WASDA, I'% irff~_c—S2cnii I'or south of :First National Thtuk. August 12. 1,80. TI A LSBRE . E & SON, ATToItNEYS-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA, N. C. ELstinr.v. MePHERSON, 111 ATTOR N AS'-AT-LAN, 'Ti , WAN DA, PA. Atry Brwi. Fl RE INSURANCE If riving nneepte,l the azenny of 111. - LANCASIIIItt: INSURAN('Ei C4):Nf (Assetts over S13,000:000 - 00.) • I ant prepared to . Nyrite policies at current rates M. I)..'SW.AnTS, Agent;. 4 )(bre Wit It s. s Vineenl. Towanda. Pa. lyr TORN W. MIX., ATIOILNEY:AT-LAW AND C. ComtissioNEn, TWA'A N PA. • .. , W.ce,—Nonh Ski., Public square S.Ol IV. 1117C.K, A.TTOILVE Y-A T-L AW, To IVA .VD-I,'PE.V.‘"A 9ffiee—Sonth side Ibjdar street, Opposite Ward • . [Nov:l3, 15.79. AVIES CIENOCIIAN, ATToltti EYE -AT-LAW, ' SOI;Vi F: (ir WAED HOUSE Dec J. . A TTOR N EY-A A W t I:tee—Means' Itleek, NI attest., Over .1, 1.. Kent's et n - e, Towanda, 'May Lo eVIISUIted In German. r. April 12, 'lll.ll_ T. J. YOUNG, • ATToll!: 6Y-AT-LAW, *WAXI/A. PA. • • of the Plist Nat!oni4 113:11: Main Se.. liTi s.lOl-s.; • • - - \\TM MA X:Syyj.L, ATTwiNEY-AT-LAW. , 1 TOWANDA, rA. • 17 , orrit.e, over Dayton's Store. •' . Apilll2, 1576. g P i o!lat. — a . nd - 1 . 11r I g l e r o? - 1. ° 0 - frI B ee at r N eb l ld P en h cs.. 3 :ll - 1 East of Main. • • • .r.,nl;i4a, May 1, ion 1y • VT -B. KELLY, DENTIST.—Office • over-M. E. 110.-ienfield's; Towanda, Pa. • Teeth Inserted on Gold. Sllvet, Itubliei, and- Al - base. Teeth extracted Without, z.aln. (),. I. 3i-n. . 1 -1 D, PA'.l. - NE, M.' D.,' .- 4. .. .A• - PIiYgICIAN - AND SURGEON.- 1111.1C,.orliontanyes' Store. Office hpurs from 10 i• to 12 A. wi.. and front 2to 9 1.. m. Special attention given to • . . . 1)1• 4 EASES _ _____rISEASES ,O. c and ' " or 'T Ii F. E YE. THE EAR • ' .... - LI W. RYAN, COUNTS' SL;PERINTEMDR. .lar last Saturday of etteb mend h, over TurnOr .i.Gor,lotk's Drug Store, Towanda, Pa. T .111 n, 20, 1.5.78.- ' 1 CI S. RUSSELL'S GENERAL' INSURANCE AGENCY TOWANDA, PA. M 3% :,s -70.f FI RST - NATIONAL .BANK, TOWANDA, PA. 7.7• r P.6DIN Sl'l:l9.l.'S FUND.- This Batik offers unusual facilities for tbatrans !clion of 3 general banking business. .IoS. POWELL, P.reilder4. Arll 1, 187.9 MEM Tr, •CliEl OF PIANO Mvsz.c.f T EIIMS:—/10 per terin. Itesiden,e Third street, Ist ward.) l'utvatpla. 13.•79-iy. GET YOUR JOB 'PRINTING at teREP9IITER OFFICE, oppoetta the Coartlllotie, Towanda. Colored work a gpeiterf VOLUME XLI. Evans &liiieth El= iOlw /coots PAU; Su PP Y, WHICH FOR MAGNITUD44TYLE, QUALLTY AND CAESPNEO,. 7 - . • • - • Surpasses any of their former offerings, and .will st all times keep their stack supplied With the 5ep.25,'79 - (-1 24; d re* tos 8 • t . !c o • S. -` 1 Black Cashmeres, - • Henrietta Cloths., Black tatitise Black Nun's Cloth, Black Crepe Cloth, Blaek Moinie Cloth,- Enovil -75 COLOREI) CASHMERES, L.ELSRUKE [tobl•i6 .tan. 1,1875 ==2l ..0125.d00 66,000 N. N. BETTS, CaOter GOODRICH & HITCHCOCK. Publishers. '_ .' I O7.7ANDA ! - PA., if: Take pleasure In offering to bu}e'raor THEIUTENBI ANNUAL Latest Styles As they: appear is market. They Invite Attent To their New Black Silks, 'Colored India Cashmeres, q(l'lmed Flannel Suitings, Colored Novelty Suitings, Jamestoz n . .S.Crgts, .Tamcstown Alpacas, Trimming, Silks,. Trimming Satins, , -,V\ D vEz V'FJ'TS, In Black and Cplora „Cloaks and ANhaielsi . eassimeres for Men's & Youths'-wear, ' :. Flannels and Blankets, ! Prints and:Ginghams, • Shcctings and Shjrtings, ~. . . • ri• • • _ . Ladies' and Gentlemen's t nderwear, Hosiery and Gloves, . • Laces and Embroideries, • , . -&c., .&c., ~,! • &c. Also, a complete fine*.of Carpets, Oil Cleths, - • Mats and gating., Thankful for the very liberal patronage bestowed on us for the past'ten cram, and; hoping by evict attention to our costumers wanta and truthfully Apresentlng goods, to merit a continuance of the same, =I Evans iillildreth BEsTv o .c . ,„ ( e .a ss u n i o n t a c kt be; ft o o re p : y he tas pu te b r lle t work for us than at anything else. Capital not required. We . ..w111 start you. et 2 a day and upwards' made. atlhotne by the Industrious Men, woinen,.boys and Otis wanted eeerywb. re to e.ork for us. :Now is the time. You can devote your whole tibie to the :work.% or only your spare moments. No other lon.lneste will pay you nearly 3% well. No one willing -to work ran fall to make enormous pay by engaging- at once. Costly outfit and terms free. A great opportunity for making looney easily and honorably. Address TILLIE& (5. , gns ta. Value,- Jutyrso. - WETA.AES' 31 an u turerT; of FLOUR, PEED ANDIdEAL, WYALUSI:qO, PA.. Raid for grain t .— h, oTldhes3t bury i:desikned having 3111!„ . wotild solicit the patronage of the community. Custom Work done Immediately and In good order. All leaks In the:lllM have been repaired and hereafter - It alll be, kept' In good order. Feed, Flour, Meal and Bran constantly on hand. Cksh paid for grain at Masontown. •HENRY W..WELLS. Monroeton, June 17, MO. IMPORTANT TO. AGENTS != 1_ • - THE LIFE OF CEN. JAMES A. CARFIELD, By.his personal, friend, MAJOR 81:NHY. Editor N. Y. Mai/. I the. Only edition to which Gen. Garfield has given personal attention or farts., Bealitifully Illustrated, printed and-bound. "The best:"—S. F. Commercial. Adrerttser. neatest."—X. Y. Herald. "The most useful, sen sible-and satisfaetory.''—.N. F. TrOunr. Felt length steel portrait by Hail, from a picture taken expressly tor-, this work. Active Agents 1 111 anted. , ' Liberal terms. -Send 81.00 at once for complete outfit. A. S. BARNES arcG„ 111 Sc 113 William St , New York. . Sept. a.vvfi. DEEKSKILL (N.Y.) MILITARY. ACADEMY—For circulars, address Col. C. J. Wrlgtit. A. M. 4 Piluclpul. July DI, wi Ssofefs. EAGLE HOTEL, ,(SOUTI2 SIDS mimic SQUARE.) This Welt-known e house has been thorougbly ren norated*d repaired throughout, - and the, proprie tor Is now piepared to offer first-class aceolumoda, tlons to the publle, on the most reasonable terms. E. A. JENNINGS. Towanda, Pa., 314.2.0878. • HENRY HOUSE, CORNER MAIN & WASHINGTON STREETS FIRS? W►RD, TOWANDA, P► Meals at all hours. Terms to suit the tiMpll. Large stable attached. - WM.HENUT,Psorattssoa. , Teranda, July 3,:m-tr. 1 • • • • A mist of violets white and blue, A fringe of fern4eaves, washed with dew;' . And dried by April's breeze ; - A belt of blue-bell ail a•rovr, • And on the tereiergrass a snow The wind-inird,yed branches rile and fall, - . t - The little wood is musical., With dulcet tones and clear. The hulls 1,4 bee, the, song of bird; And In the carol's pause to heard - The atreamlet ihnuing.;near. Beneath the spreading woodland trees, Among the White anemones, • Two children are at play: The blossoms opening one by one, Their starlike faces to the sun, Are not more . pure than they. They laugh away the merry limn, They crown themselves with Woodland dowers, They mimic bird mid bee ; Till one, the graver of the twain, r. Holds up, tfo r telt of coming rain, r 7 . A closed anemone. Ah, sister mine through all the years, Through Mists of shed and unshed tears, Mine eyes can yet behold - A picture of that sunlit wood, , . The s-ow-white carpet where we steed • ' And watched the flowers unfold. El I 1 Ah, stater dear !'tis meet for thee To wear:the wo9cl anemone Upon thy gentle breast Thou host not left life's quiet ways To follow after gain and'pralse With spirit of unrest. I had no mind for woodland boWers, I scorned the slmpla woodland flowers 'We pulled together then; But waver of tender memory roll Full often over my sick soul In busy haunts of men. ' • On AndtnyitLue nature, finding voice, Itiminds : nte or thy better choice, Thy calm, contented.part : My fuse of life hath thorns—thy flower Is fresh and Mare as in the hour It blossomed from thine heart. - Ah, my sweet E. lqter, words aril vain, Yet could I stand wltti thee again •Boneath youth's budding trees, I think my heart would freely Choose From out all blossoms of all hues • 1 . • Life's wood anemones. The story of I,Aeutenant Schwatka'S A:rcfic exploration's, aagiven by the New York herald's • correspondent, is 'painfully fascinating. The party reac-ied their permanent camp on Simpson Strait,hear Caa.dinaW \ l'ciint, September 19, 1879; at the foot of a high hill, which Toolooah remarked would make a good lookout tower for deer hunting. AU along ,this part of the coast; ware Simpson Strait is narrowest, was expected soon to swarm with reindeer waiting for the salt water to. freeze so they can con tinue their Migration southward. It was. •for this reason that the party chose it, and also la await the freez ing of . the strait, so that they , could cross with their heavy sleds. On the 23d they ran iipon , ?a herd of. about fifty, and Toolooah killed seyen be fore they could' get away, following them up, rtinnina.nnd drOpping • on his knee to fire. So rapid and effee-i tire was his 'delivery with his Win- . chestcr repeating carbine that this unequalled achievement was accom plished in less than ten minutes; and well knowing that it was to his splen did weapon that the - credit largely belonged, this undemohstrative sav age -held up' - - his ride and kissed it.. On the 30th Toolooah killed twelve reindeer, Joe eight and Equeesik and the writer each three,making a grand. total Uf twenty-six by the party alone in one day. - Reindeer tallow is a large part' of the food of the explor ers, as of the natives, when they,pan act it. • Breakfast is eaten raw and 'Frozen, but we generally have:a warm meal in the evening. Fuel is .hard to obtain, and conshitsenOrely,of a vine-like moss called Ili-shoot-ill. Reindeer' tallow ,is also used for a A-small flat stone serves for a _candlestick, on Which a lump of talk - CY:is placed, close to a piece . .of fibrous' moss called mun-ne, which is used for a wick. : The tallow melting runs down ,upon the stone, midis im-' mediately absorbed by the moss. This makes.a very cheerful ant-plena ant, light, but is , most exasperating to a' hungry. man, as it smells exactly like frying meat.. 'On the afternoon of the. 27th of September a heavy snowstorm set in, and the next morning the snow was knee deep on the .level .ice. The storm . continued , - until during the night of the 29th. The snow was. very deep,,btit the winter wihils soon blew it around anti packed it down so as to be 'almost solid. By the 14th of October the sledging was. suttl eiently•goodifOr Toolooah "to :go 'to Cape Herschel . : and.; Terror Bay for the sled and Other' articles thatwere : left there during the sumpiet for the want of transportation. As his little ,boy would suffet with the cord Too loosh exchanged wives with. Joe for the trip, a very usual and convenient custom among the Esquimaux. Too-' looahgotliabk on the 2,3 d. He killed three he reached Ter ror Bay. TAB of them got into the water, and : he had to : go to the edge of the new ieq,.using -a - pole to stand upon while them out. He killed one reindeer at Cape Herschel, which was all lie saw 'while away. - The party started :November 1, but ulid not suoceee in getting further than the, shore of the straits, about three miles from camp, owing to the 'heavy sleds and the dogs being so ,fat that they werelar.y. .They had fondly hived' to be., at the Pangetous Rapids 17 the 10th or 15th of November, but only reach-1 ed the native - taint) near the mouth of Kig-hiuk-too (Sherman Inlet). on the 12th, owing to the heavily loaded, sled and the much bad weather, togs and wind that would blow the -snow around so -that they could-not see their course. There was quite a large camp of Netchillik and Obkwolik Esquimaux on' .a big lake near the mouth of Sherman inlet, the. largest camp they had yet seen. They `. found but - few interesting relics among them. Only a piece of the boat found in Wilmot Bay after the big ship sunk, and, part of the block branded eithef ."10" or "0 B." with part of the It obliterated. If the ship's blocks were branded • with tare name of the vessel to which they were attached, this Would be import ant as establishing the identity of the ship that drifted down as the Terror. One Innuit,• with ..the remarkable MOH MI G. IL WELLES ' WOOD N 017.3. Of wood anemones. the Year Round The Lanii of Twilight. MI WI k TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY;.I TZEIRSDAY MO TG, OCTOBER 21 1880. ' • name of Ogzenekjenwock, 'describes the finding of a boat-and skeletons, Outside the boat lie saw a number of skull - 3.y 'forgoi - :Many; but said*there,was more 'than four. Ile also - say►' bones from leis and arms that aiipeared to havibein sawed off'. Inside the boat waa a, - box filled with bones. said the aprisearance".of the bones led the Innuitslo the OAlnion that: the white men had been eating each other. What little flesh was still ,on the bones was very freSh ; one body bad all the - flesh on. The hair. was light ; .it looked like a long body. He saw a number snow goggles, and alongsi Viidy, with the flesh , on it was of- gold spectacles.. (lie pick d lout the kind of metal 11'4)&1 seve !:1 that were shown hint.) He saw mo a titan one or tvio pairs of - - such- spe , :tac4s, but forgot how many. When isked how: long the bodies appeared o have been deid when he saw them he-said . . they had probably died luring the winter previous to the ummer he sa*ltheni. 'ln the boat e saw can vas and foui'stielis . (a t nt or sail), saw a number of watches, pen -faced; a 'few were gold, but most were silver. They are all lost', now. They were given to the children to play with and have been broken up and:lost. One body—the one with fleslkon— had a gold chain on, fastened to gold earrings, and - - a gold hunting-caie watch with engine-turned engraving attached •to the chain, and'hanging• down,ithout 'the waist. ne said when he pulled the chain it, pulled the head 'up by the ears. •This • lucidy also. had a gold ring on the ring finger of the right hand. • It was taken off and has since been lost by the children -in the - gate -way. that the other things • were lost. His treason (Or thinking that they•bad been eating each other was because the hones were cut with a'knife or saw. • They found one big ,saw and one small one in Ale boat ; also a large red tin case of smoking. tdbacco and pipes. The bones : are now covered nii with said and sea weed, as they were lying just, at high' : •water mark. Some of the books were taken home for the clitiareteto play: with, and finally torn and lost,' and others lay around among the . rocks until carried away by,the : wind and lost or buried beneath the sand.. . - :Fear this spot twotOf Lieutenant Schwatka's men found ; the :camp made by Captain Crozier, with his entire command from: the two ships of Sir John Franklin, after abaridon-' ing the .vessels. There were several cooking 'stoves, with their accompa- I nying kettles, beside clothing,blank-1 etsjcanVas, iron and brass iinple meats ~ atid an opened grave, where' was fourk n-quantity of blue cloth; part of rich seemed to have been 'a heaVy, •ercoat,anil a part. probaf bly wrapped around the. body. There , was also a large quantity of 'canvas in and around the grave, with:coarse stitching through it and the cloth, as if the body had been encased for burial, at sea. -Several • gilt buttons were found among the rotting cloth and mould in the bottom of the grave, find a lens, apparently the object, glass of •a marine telescope: Upon one'Of the stones at the foot of - the grave Henry found a medal which was thickly covered with grime, and . was so much kliecolor of the clay stone on which it rested as to nearly escape detection.„ It proved to be a • silver!medal, two-and-alaalf_inclies in diameter, which identified the grave as. that of . Liettenant John Irving, third officer of the Terror: - Under the head was found . a figured silk pocket; handkerchief, neatly : folded, the colors and pattern in.a remarks- Me state of . preservation. The skull and a few other bones ,only were found in and' near by grave. -They were Carefully gathered tb gether, with a few pieces of the cloth and the other articles, to be brought away for interment where ,they may hereafter' rest undisturbed. Some tiine . after a paper, in' a weather ..beaten and nearly illegible conditiOn i was found in a pile of stones where ' had stood the cairn seeu :by Lieuten ant Hobson and ToOloottles wife. It proved•to be a copy of -A record left here by .Captain - Crozier when re treating with the crews of the Erebus and Terror to the Great Fish .Rivcr was dated May? 7 18.51,,and signed by Captain - Some Of the details of the sledge jouruey made by Lieutenant Schwitt-. men and the _means. resorted-to for sustaining life are of intense in-. terest.. A few are here reproduced : " Itls.a difficult matter to keep guns in working order in the intensely cold' weather we were experiencing. At sixty and seventy below zero every thing freezes. Even the iron and wood are affected, Strong oak and hickory !vill breall\almost like icicles, and when. guns were broUght into the. warmer temperature of an igloo to clean:they would gather moisture, whieh had to be removed from every portion of the lock and working parts before again meeting the cold, i' or' they would be worthless as weapons. They must also be kept tree from, oil or any kind of grease, as all lubri cants of that sort will harden and prevent the working of the lock. " It -is a matter of great difficulty to get near: enough to such wary game . as the :reindeer in winter, when the sound of the hunter's. footstebs, the soles of his shoes dre covered with fur, is carried on the, wind ;andr on be distinctly heard mere than a mile away. I have frequefitly beard the crunching, of the sled r)inners on the brittle - snow, a. ringing sound, like striking bars of steel,. . a distance of over two miles. * * * .The country is filled with reindeer, and' on every, hillside their can be seen rising like clouds of iteam.` A herd that was frightened by.the dogs which were. following tho' musk ox tracks scampered off in eery direc tion, and it looked as if .a lot of loco motives had been let loose over the countryi the smoke comingtrom their lungs in great putts es thejrjran, and streaming along behind them. When the sledges are moving during a clear, cold day the position - of any one of them is known to the team, though they may be widely separated. §ome times, :or the advantage in bunting to be obtained that way, our igloo's elli MEE RISAADLEBB-OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER.' wire the pair „1 4 :L - -$ , .: - .;Lt , ,:::. , *: i-t Li have been separated by a day's march of about ten miles, and at that dia. tance the, condensed breath of the dogs and people could be- diStinotty seen and the position of the igloos located. " The country began to swarm with wolves now as well as with rein• deer,.and we would meet them daily. Often they would] come close to the igloos.; and one _night Toolooah shot one of three that were eating with our dogs the meat he had throWn ont, for food. They killed lin& ate four of%Equeesik's!dogs and attacked him when he went out of the igloo 'Le drive them off. He killed:two of Lie assailants w ith: ills rifle and two oth ers by_the most infernal traps ever devised. He set two keenly-sharpened knife - blades in the ice and covered them with blood, Which the wolves licked, at the same _time slicing their tongues, the cold keeping them from feeling the wounds 'at the time and their own warm blood tempting theta to continue until their tongues were so scarified that death *as inevitable. He also Prepared some Pills by roll ing up long 'strips of - whalebone bounlk,with sinew and hidden in meat, which freezing would hold to gether until . it., had I passed into the animals intestines,-when the meat having-thawed and the sinew digest ed the' whalebone Would open out and produce an agonting death. If anytidng-were bad enough treatment for wolves these.devices of Equeesik's might be so classed. Toolooah was out hunting on the 21d of February, when a pa...-k of abouttwenty wolves 4tacked him. He jumped upon a _big rock, which Was soon surrounded, and there he fought the savage beasts off,' with the butt of fifii gun until he got a sure shot, when l killed one, andrwhile,the others !blight over and devoured the ,carease he made the best of the. opportunity to ffet.back into was apoSt fortunate escape, as he , fully realized. " About five miles inland from, Starvation •Cove the natives, had Sound during the :summer- the skele ton, of a white man, which no one had ever seen before. On the way down Henry visited the place and , erected i monument over the remains. The pieces of clothing found indicate that ,debeased was a sailor, not an officer. * *" * * I Narleyow led them to a place In the branch Of the river flow ing to the westward of this island, where he,Said a rocky ridge froze to the bottom, waking a poeket which held fish. They dug four holes with in an area of ten feet, and'in one day caught fifty-seven of the immense Almon for which this river is famous. Ike cooked one for us, _which !ma's' the largest I ever saw. Joe' measured the cross section of.orie he saw in the natives igloos before our camp that measured over one foot I asked him hOw much over, but he couldn't tell, he said, as his pocket measure was ' Only a. root long.' The large‘t number offish that are caught here are what the natives call ‘tow7e-sil7 . . liki' and are Kcal* to•_these Waters. They are something like very large herring, „anti the. flesh \ much coarser thbril.Salmon or trout. - All the fish here are quite fat, the salmon espe cially. We. bought .several bags of salmon oil from the• :natives,. which we : used,tio long as it lasted, -Ifs a substitute for reindeer tallow, which is all gone now. The weather is hi tensely celd- 7 132 'degrees Fahrenheit on - the .10th,.the day the remainder of our party rejoined tie at thia,camp. "The rapids On -Back's River are all -marked by open - water; and are recognizable at .a long distance by the column of black '.smoke arising from. them like steam froin a boiling caldron. in the .Vicinity is dangerous to travel upon,there Often being thin places, - where the moving dater - has nearly but not quite -tut through, and ; not distil guishable from the §hrroundbr ice ; which may be four-or five ,feet ° thick. ' The na tives test it before going upon it with .a knife or stick, and know from the sound . whether - or not. -it is safe to . travel upon.. In some of the• many open•water.placeslhat we -found In our 4OUrney. iip the river we could. walk - boldly- up to: thd. Very edge.and lie down and quench 'our thirst ?rem' the rushing torrent, `while, in other places : it was not:safe to go within ; several hundred yardi of the edge. - "-Wwas almost our daily experi ence now to loseone'or. more dogs. They gA plenty, of reindeer meat, but it was usually fed frozen- and has 'but little nourishment in in that state for "told -weather, when fat and warming food is required.. 'A seal skin full of blubber each week - ld C ...... have saved many our ::dog, - hut we' had none'to spare for them as we were reduced' to the point' wh'n we had .to save it exclusively for lighting the igloos at night. We . could', not use - it to, warm our igloos or to cook with. • 'Our meals had to eaten cold—that is ; frozen so solid that it had' to; be sawed and then broken in to' convenient .sized :lumps, 'which when first-put into.the mouth were' ,like - stones,: or - cooked. with Moss, gathered from' the hillsides and :the snow beaten off with a- stick._Meat will freeze in a temperature it little below the freezing; point, 'but it is then in a very different condition froin the freezing it gets at from, 50 to 70 degrees.below zero.-;„ Then.eve-, ry piece of meat 'you put in your: mouth "has first to he breathed upon, to thaw the surface or it will stick to your. tongue. and' the Sides of your mouth and lipi . like frosty iron, and with the same disagreeable results. The.•luxury of a cooked.meal could only be indulged in on the days.when we were lying over in camp, -,as to , gather the moss and cook the meal '.would take from three'to four hours. I ' fr‘ We found open .• water. at the L. rapids- where Connery River empties into its, estuary, and the ice four feet above the-water line... It was with considerable diffleultY that :a; safe - passage was -foun4.for 'Vie sledges, but once .On the , -:salt r water ice we moved along rapidly.• :The prospect I of reaching home (DepOt-Island) the next day was very exhilarating, and the dogs seemed to -catch the infer- Mon' from their Masters. The- poor, , jaded Beasts "- coiled ' _their tails over their backs' and ran 'along barking .until We halted for the night, within =MEE BEE ESE about twenty milea:of our , des ina tion. We still knew nothing on cerning Hodson's, Bay Since we left a'. year _before,. Tsedluk having seen no one since he came to the camp .where we found him. , * * Wd soon arrived in sight of Depot Island at. 4 looked anxious).* for sledge tracks which we felt sure would be abundant here if the ships were near by. We . saw no tracks for so, long a time that we soon began, to . doubt that there were even any natives there. About' noon , we-were within fonr or five miles of the island, and saw some natives on the ice in the dim distance. Than all was excite ment in our party, and it - increased as the distance diminished.: I, never expected to ' feel so agitated myself as I did when I found myself running and shouting with the natives. Too looah fireda signal gun, then jumped on the sled and waved 'a deerskin, which had been agreed between him and Armow as 'announcing 'our iden tity on:our return. At last the sleds drew near enough to recognize Ar-, mow, Who was hastening up to us ahead.'of the others. When they baited he 'grasped Lieutenant Schw at,ka, by the hand ana shook it long and heartily, saying, : ‘Ma-mulc , poo (' am-a-suet suk-o' plenty good to see'), and then be came to me t and 1 noticed; as he held my hand, the tears, warm from his dear old heart, were coursing down his , cheeks. I was moved, as I scarcely anticipated the tenderness and. earnest warmth of our reception." He Was Lying. There was a row 'IW, night in a saloon on the St rand,' . and 'a middle . - aged man was forcibly ejected. It news reporter was detailed ;to find out the facts, which furnished an amdsing incident of, the .ampaig.n. There was 'a, .quiet crewd in the saloon, talking politics. The .I.hab , blest swan pushed his way in and seemed tc take an absorbing interest i k d the didiscissionscion.One gentlernc. s : 1 ' ' *Hancock will get nine-tenths- of the Federal. soldiers." - ' "You are right," said the seedy man; in a laud, sonorous voice, clap ping the speaker, on the shoulder. ‘.‘ Yok, just bet he' will scoOp 'em.. I am an .ex-Federal; soldier 'n I'll vote tor old Hancock.".... The attention of the• „crowd 'Wds difected to the patriotic soldier. •J' " Were in Hancock'-s- corp'4 1 1 " •`,.Gentlecrien;" said the seedy Man, running_ his 'arm through a hule in his hat,; 1 have voted the..Republi cap ticker, 411 my life, but; next No vember my d vote goes ra fTitry old' . - eorriander.i . I may not lik poli tics; and itliey may say he puts On style; but when a General of ithe United. : Stitch army gets off•hig b4rse to help me when lam lying helPleSs on. the .blothl-stainect field•of battle, slippery with human gore,. gOing .to vote forlim anyhow." - • . ".Hurrah for Hancock'." Stroked the crowd. • • 4 Will you join us'.?" asked' sqveral - enthusiasts of the grateful soldier, as they advanced in solid.column on the' bar.. Thy: healths of . Hancock ._and English were drank with tnthusiasm several times. , c" Hand out `some . those high ,Arined cigars," : !said another enthusi aSt i .to the barkeelier.VThe ex-Fed era took half a dozen. : "I've a great notion," said another enthusiast, holding. the p - ancokk man off - 'at arm's 'length and surveying him from ;top to -bottom: " I've a great notion of inahing you a.present of, a new suit of 'clothes." " Were•Youbidly wounded ?". ask ed another. sympathetic enthusiast: "I was lying_ on the lb:Kid-stained .field o£battle, slippery with htlinan gore, weak and faint from the loss of blood• With My leg,- shatteredibga reb, - ---I mean a hostile cannon ball. I had fallen early in the fight." The earnest 'croitd gathered close around' the patriot to . . catch every mord.: • `'Hen. Meade had., given orders' to advance and drive the reb—lmetht the hostile foe—from his position. Just as I was eipectin,g-to tie trampl ed under foo4uprode Glen. Hancock and F.ngliSh." . ' • • .-"Eriglishr bawled .the crowd: '. "Yea, Generals Hancock and En glish, riding side by side, just as you see their pictures, only they had their swords drawn. I was lying weak and helpless on—" • And so it was, but . this tintelt : was not oirtlie blood-stained - field of bat tle, slippery with . hilman gore, but on the. hard pavenient slippery with to ham() juice. • He got, pp and "shuffled cloWp . the street inutterine . : ,-'" It seeflia to me English don ' t bring as much strength to. the ticket as thought he . would." —Galvedon News. . =l=C:l HE COULDN'T HELP fair young ' mother with a cryifig baby n her arms sat in a Silver City .coach, says a Xeyada paper. On the opposite seat.was a well-known: poli tician of engagipg !Banners. By-and by be said . : "Let me hold your bat)y; perhaps I can soothe him." "Oh, no; I'm much obliged ; you couldn't help me any," was the answer. " But,"le persisted," you.bad better let me try." "You are!svery kind," said the lady at last, " I know you couldn't help me, for eis hun gry.", A light seemed to dawn on the politician's mind, and be abrupt ly broke otr the conversation. FORMS OF FEEDING.—In••Vienna I was used to s'eeing elbows on, the ta ble, knife and fork alternatelY insert ed half way - down the throat, but here in Bohemia the elbows are , ex tendellat an angle of forty-live, de grees; and both knife and fork raised to the mouth at once. Ladies as well as. gentlemen perform these gymnas-- tics, their chairs tipped forward, their, noses down to Weir; plates. I once told an Austrian countess that the, only improvement I could suggest._ for her Oilier table was "to place a trough around it." Here in . Bohemia I would do away. mith a tableand re tain the . trough alone.. ENE MEE i . 7 f;l'-.1-:1 .s I , MEE 1M OCTOBER. - illotome Winds Ore blowing, 'Blossoms slow y Leaves are dying, showing • • . O l tedlence to the • -Of Inter, mighty monarch, Crowned kin of all. Signs will Oome be snow-Hake; • goon libel crystal bells • Daiigle where the violet :Now Its ;beauty telly;' - , Boon the fee-boolid brooklet, With glassy, fosty sheen, , - - Predation 0,811 wlio listen; • Wbster !edam enprente. , 1111NNIS C. BALLARD HOw to. Vote. THE . IIAWICEYt TALKS TO THE YOUNG ' .I%IEN. • • Young man, have you heard 'there is going to be .inn,. election in this country prettY soon. It may be that you have never before voted kir Presi4ni. In that case it is time to be making up your Mind ho* Fyou will vote this fall, and with which party you will work in the meantime Which is it, Garfield or Hancock? Will you beradical or conservative? 'Rad calieim is progress, conservatism is standing still, and,standing still in this hge is going backward. Radii calism moves on the highway, abreast of the times, keeps pace with the railroad, the telegraph, the tele phone, the steamship. •Conservatism sits lathe graveyard, dwelling among the, tombs and mourning over the 'good old times. Choolie yo)1 between the two. And if you choose to4o with the Democracy and vote for - cock, let. us see what kind •of compa ny you have on .your way. to the polls. - _ The man who! murdered General h )leCook will 'vote for Hancock 'very man who rejoiced at the as saslination- of Lincoln will vote Rot. liar •ock. Ev.ry man that put on a Ku-Klux. mask d assisted in . dragging an old negro - out .of his bed at midnight and hanging him,' will vote . forHanL cock. - • . . . The brigands who rode atter Quan, trell into • Lawrence, 'Kansas,- am* sacked the town and iftuodered the inhabitants, will vote for Hancock.l Alexander IL Stephens, late Vice-I Ptesident of the so-called; Southerni Confederacy; says he Was Lhe " or ig nal Hancock man," and kvill:vOte for] him. i Har who in 1868, • ade .w.pton, .ko ~pub-1 cly and repeatedly urged the so3ial ostracism of Republicans, and advis ed from the, platforM that no Demo c should rgii-e ;a Republican l playment or trade at' a store kept by, a Republican, has taken the field for Hancock. I ; • I General Butler ; of South Carolina; the Hamburg, butcher, will vote fOr Haficc;4tk. Williana.H. Parnum, ofi COnnecti cut; the well-known "Imute ;dealer," will votefor Hancock - , The • sentinels who i - stood ' guard Over the Union Kisciners at Ander sonville, and slio(dead the starving s'oldier, of the UniOn,.your, neighbor, your friend, your brother, as he stag gered.across the - dead' line,' will vote , for Hancock. _ • The Man who :;shot (ienetal, Pherson Will vote , for Hancock.' , • '• Harksdale' tho I'azoo,Countymur derer, who 1:il1ed 'Dijon because he. .wanted to run;. for the same office, has declared f6r Hancock. • Currie, the Texas . assassin,,who, shot an unarin,ed ac,tor •just becaus it . was his daylb kill; somebody, has been acquitted by a Texas jury, and will vote for lianeock. • ' Jeff. Mavis says ii he bad a. l vote lie.would'east it for HaneOck: • e .Ol, 1 Beauregard, who fir d the first gun at t the flag of his coonin\v at Fort Sumpter, and now, writes t . a , New .o,Freans paper, that he " doe not re p Ont itliecause - his conscience . does not repiOach him for it," . will vote fOr Hancock.' • . Samuel J. Tilden, ,a politician_ . so infamously and •hotoriously corrupt arid unappreciated that even his own part;' dared riot, could not and would not ye-nominate' him, will vote for Ilan • • ' there they are, yoiing jlist a few of their. - If you like the crowd go into it. If ,you Want the frlends who now -respect you and the Oople whose respect you wish to re tame; if you want your old father who i 4 prorid of you. and looks to 'yip to Wrpetriate the; family name and bon cir ; if. you want yours mother Who sees in,. you the best and dearest and manliest. of sons; if you want . your sweetheart-and wife, who has made you -. her ideal - of all' that is noble and true, the very soul of honor, the perfection, of honest manhood and spotless integrity ; if _you wane ill . these friends echo think . and believe 'you to be pure and eXalted in life and sentiment if you want them to see you marching up' to the 'polls with that mob ; thinking as, this mot-r ley array of Union haters and negr shootets think, voting as they, v,ote applauding what they' endorse making, your own sentiments,,' your aspirations, your hopes and . wishes, your plans and your anibitiOns, yout, motives and your actions identical, with theirs, why; it's a free country . ,. go up with _them and then come back and bate yourself to,death.. • • Go with that crowd if you will, but take a 4 bath before yoiji• come back to your family. Fumigate yourself before you come into the house. For decency's sake, in the' mime 'of manly Rarity, have the vir tue to be ashamed of yourself. But. if you don't like the crowd, and we earnestly lope and believe you don't, keep out of it and , keep away from it: Be stalwart.• Be radical in , .every thing. March up to the polls under the fluttering battle-flag your fathers and brothers carried for the Union.' when these other fellows .were shoot int,c, at thent..l • Go' o the polls in company with the . son of Abraham Lincoln, rather thn arm in arm ' with Barksdale of .Yazoo.. - Walk beside the son of Ste phen'©. Douglas's,' rather than Cur rie of Texas. . • Go to the polls, with Grant, - rather than Pemberton, both for the honor Of the thing and Alm certainty of vic tory. Walk beside such imen as John Whittier, rather - than the..masked MOM =I Mil 81.00 per Arnim in Advance. :NUMBER MI 12 night rides\ who helps to. hang and shoot Republicanism-out. of Missis sippi. (lo to the polls with decent, hon est men. It is for you to make your .own choice. And let us implore you to so choose that you will never have reason to be ashamed of the compa ny with ihith you cast your first vote. What I Think About 'Tattlers. To define the word Tattler would fender it' netessary to .find a word that means the same or nearly the same that one ' , Word or compilation of words could comprehend the inertness of the word Tattler would be,a Startling . revelation to any one who• is acquainted with one. Rob all the languages 'in existence of every wOrd.Of vituperation they .contain, Submit them to a process' of conden-' sation until you have crowded the meaning of- them all into one word and that word is Tattler. Raifsack history ancient, Medeval and modern, make careful note of all the deprav- ed,, debased, malim e' nant attributes that man or wpmanhas,is, or can be possessed of,collect them - all together; givel,hon personal existence and you have only a Tattler. Judas Iscariot was simply a Tattler and - it was his first offense that has made his name a synonym of treachery for 1800 years. ,Benedict Arnold was a Tattler, but of so exceptional good character fork 'a' Tattler that he, has• dorie more to elevate his profession than any mem ber of it before or Since. Go into the dismal swamp of Florida, empty every .stagnant pool it contains, of all their wriggling, crawling, slithy, loathsome contents, cloned them ad , intolone heap and the disgust that we would feel in the contemplation, it would sink iinto• insignificance in, the presence of one of those prying, insinuating, meddlesome, covetous, jealous,' despicehle creatures called Tattler' • Eden • changes into . Bedlath with their presence,: Perdition into Para dise with their absence. No placels exempt from, no -society, church or -community can ever hope tor any -thing, like happiness or .prosperity while one of those ..perfidous hypo- Critical. traitorous wolves tii.e in -their midst; and yet, very few of these in- S',;itutions was, or ever will be organ ized without one. or. snore. , • \ t They force their way' into houses of divine worshipl the' form_ of 'a troop of .gi,ggling, s . pering, ignor arkt, mischtef.making ~iris; all the way from country servant girls doWn to . conntq - schoOl ' mistresses and shoddy aristocracy, always, if possi ble,'taking the front seat to show. sheinselvea as! Well as to criticise or . "throw. mud" at the choir or_PreaCh erj or anything else that their stupid spite happens to suggest, juit so:Tax as l their ompty heads; blank idocy and grinning imbeeility,:*4l permit, their-to.• They crowd their way:into the sick room,, with' their different degrees to eta harm, all the may-from those knowing self-conceited middle aged matrons who have families, down to-skiiiny, cadaverous old maids. carrying their pestifefous uninvited unwelcome . selves to the very bedside of Vie patient, doing in one hour (if permitted) more. harm with , their miserable 'bald faced lies,' than airtlie Doctors ,in ehristendom can do good in a week.- They - never, See any good in anybody or anything- They invariably turn a deaf ear to all sweat 'melodious and happyfyind ion'nds,and only hear ugly,discord . - afit and ' sotil petrifying, sounds. Listening to the ' voices of nature they never hear the song or birds or -the glad hum'of the busy, bee nor the laughing ripple of the brooklets,• but only hear the threatening hiss of the angry 'serpent, the' deep, hoarse bellowing Of the infuriated bull,•and the hypoctitical laugh Of the hyena. They never know what it is to have 'one. good generods heart-beat i but as if their, vegetative syStem had ac quired the y : natural meanness 'of their souls, and the heart beats .out the blood to the arteries in mean stingy doseS produCing a searqely.percepti ble pulse,- but - yet,' `a wiry stubborn incompressible one.' :They live fOr ever. but never enjoy 'health. ' They always in company but never have' a friend they. are true to. Dyspepsia is: their only companion, death their only friend.,- They crawl through their lives, like the snail leaving a disgusting . trail of ' slime, hypooricy and broken trusts 'that marks a "distinct .pa h from -early, childhood to the - grave In their whole his ory they take part, in but one, assembly in which it is not necessary for every 'discreet person to weigh' carefully every syllable hp utters .because of :their presence, and - that assembly, is their funeral. They congregate at. bar rooms and stores to ,expeCtOrate to. bacco juice and: contaminate the tit-,. mosphere with :their 'irilottlehoholic breaths; and also to slander every person that. , they. are acquainted with that don't 'attend their inquisition of human' character. '' - . • . Andiat those_ vile orgies ' no one's wife is' i sacredenough to - escape their blasphemous 'accusations; no one's. -sister, is pure en'ough to be spared. the coarsest - ribald '-. that human mind ever cogitated or human tongue ever uttered no - one's ; mother •is 'saintly enough to escape - criticisma so vile_that a banditti would bluSh to bear it. . Knowing "-nothing on any .subject is their - raotto f ',but give their opinions: on , every ,subject is ' their practice.--,Dr. S. a (l6-r, 'in the Rillerlown.(Tioga : Connty, Pa.) -"Ad rotate. • _., • • ' : • , • .- - • Is regard to the' lawlessness or certain pursuits, pleasures and amusements, it is impossible to lay dotVn any flied and gen eral rule; but- we may confidently say that whatever is found to unfit you for religious duties, or to interfere with the performance of them, whatever dissipates your mind or cools the-fervor of your de votions, whatever indisposes you to read your liible or to engageln . prayei, these are not for you. f . • -"' A.; itinocent young rady.writes to know -if it is really true that husbands 'some times tell lies to.their wives. Yes, there are a few wicked husbands who are guil ty. -Adam is their anceistoi and the sue cession has never been broken. Fun, Fact. and .Facetise. - nurse, see !" exclaimed a. de- . lighted papa, as something like a smile . , irradiated the faoe of his infant, "an an gel. is whispering to it!" "No r sir !" re plied the matter-of-fact nurse, it is only the wind in its stomach." T gar have :meted a man in Pimisyl vania for libelling 'a candidate for Con gress. Don't people have: any rights in that unfortunate State ?--Bata _ Chillicothe, September 12th, flerbel L. Rollingstone and Emma J. Moss. Thu* does one familiar proverb receive a'death blow.—Bete Ilapen Regis. MRI Ix Colorado it is the custom for every man who receives a vote in the conven tion to 'treat the whole body of delegates, and no convention in that State adjourns until every man in the. district, who cau pay for or get trubted for the drinks has been yawl. for.—Boston Post, - A CONCEITED young , man. with - a dis cordant voice asked permission to sing at a party the other night, and the pained looks on the faces of those about him showed the disfavor with Which the pro position was received until a young lady suggested that they, had better let him try a yetse or two, as it might drive mote, quitoes out of the room.—Nework Cali. ,'Au, good evening, Miss Brosik" gan g the pastor ; " I didn't see you at chtqch this morning." "Na,Mr. Smith," ' was the, reply, " I was somewhat indis- - posed. - Soli remained at , home and read a few- chapters of Mark - instead." " A tine, thoughtful •young lady," thought - the _parson. Miss Brown supposed, of course,- that be understoodher to refer to Mark Twain.—Baton Transcript. . - NOvEt.,, Anticipations--" Flogging tie First 116r11, , '"- by the author of Beating the Air The Home of Truth," by the author of q ; The HOW, of Lys ; " "The Hill Replaced," sequel -to Th ireirlie i,(iived-; 4` Blacklegs,"- by die' author of `i White Wings;" • " Low -Water," io be akeu with 4 A High Spirits ;" .."Lorenzo," sequel -to " The Mate -of the' Jessica ;" A Traistingi Hind," by the author of " A D3ubting Heart ;" "My Father's Daughter," by the author' of • " That Son of Mars.";—London P 1.4704. • Childreri's Fancies and _Sayings: " 31our. than Seven "—Mabel—" Give us'a cake, auntie. I know, you've got one in your basket." Auntie (an early iiser)—" No, dear; they are roses I've been gathering, and they wouldn't like being given to .a little girl who gets up so late in the morning." Mabel— 'Go on auntie ; they wouldn't mind. - They lays in their bed all day wheh they gets chance and nobody don't pick them." London Fun. Isuuvrrvx. Ratiocination Mamma— " When grandpapa was your age, Etlie, tea was ten ibillingS a pound, - and bread a shilling a loaf." Ellie—"'And is that why poor grandpapa is so thin ?"—Lon don Punch. IT is wonderful what Idols boys are. A charming Widow of StiUwaterowus a nice boy and a man from St. Paul wants to be appointed deputy father to — the lad. While -the St. Paul man was strolling crown the street with the, boy he asked : "Pub, does your mother bang her hair ?" thatlool hey ansivered : " Oh, no, buNyou ought to see her bang. dad's head: Guess the prinister .didn't know everything when he told pap to prepare t(') die. Prepare ! Why he Wail aching to die !" - _ . REPARTEE in an adult is' sauciness in the 'wit of tender. years. The Galveston Noilx tells of_a domesticscene-as followS : ".‘ teach ‘ you fo lie, and steal, and smoke and use profane language," said an. irate Galveston' parent, to his eldest offspring, at the same _Unit) swinging'a . good-sized sapling. " I'll teach you, you 'young scamp." "Never mind; father, I know all them branches already." " MAMMA ' " said a little girl," is Chri.,,t mas 'mosthero?"Why,' no,- my dear why do you ask ?" '"Cause papa said he expected his Santa Cruz to-morrow. I s'pose Santa Cruz and Santa. Claus are - the - same, ain't they, mamma ?" Oh, these, children '.—Boston Transerißt. A LITTLE noticing the glittering gold filling in her aunt'a front teeth, ex claimed : •‘` Aunt Mary, I wiehl had cop- per-toed teeth like yours." '1 . . ' - • A NEW. Bedford teacher asks his class 1 to explain the difference between "dear" anti "deer." Ono bright little fellow ex eainied, " One is a biped and !the other is a quadruped.". JUST before . visiting the_ menagerie, Johnnie bad a passage_at arms with the_. young aunt who assisted at his toilet, and with_.whom he flew into a rage. Arrived' at the menagerie, Johnnie yri.i ately interested by a strange foreign ani mal with lung, lithe body. " That ani mal is that, mamma;" he aaed:. '? It is called ant-eater, my son." After a- long silence--" Mamma, can't we bring Aunt • Mary here, some day ?" - "P_+," said a six-year-old - cherub to his parental ancestor, " when is a locoinotive' like a rOcket "Give it -up, sonny." " When it istlred up," riplied- the che rub. THE feelings of a small boy can be bet- ter imagined than described after the Faid small boy has spent half an hour crawling under a - gospel tent to find thie it is not a circus.. • • Thoughtful Thoughts. NEVER go where yOti cannot ask God. to go with you ; never be found where you would not_ like death to find you nover indulge - in any pleasure whichwill not bear the Morning's reflection.? Keep yourself unspotted from the world—not frAm its spots only,: but even from its sus picion. kr is better tb let trouble come all the way to you than to meet it half way. Let the bright side of life be your study ; when clouds_ gather over you, peer through them for the sun rays ; itthorns obstruct your pathway, brush them aside and beneath them look for the hidden flowers that in their modest seclusion await your-seeking.. Do young persoes ever think how little it takes to stain their characters ? A drop' of ink is a very _small thin, yet,_ dropped into a tumbler of clear water, it blackens the whole, And so the first oath, the first lie, the first wrong act or thought of.evil may seem trhiel, but it leaves a stain upon the character. Look out for the first stain. • Hors ! Sweet hope ! Man's greatest so lace and his' greatest trust ! The darkness of the, night, which bows the soul in deep, est misery 'neath cankering_carg and woe, and, unfolds fears of, coming evil, may bring a bright day of promise, of love as suaged, if hope's echoing prisoners wake the heart and faith usurp the place of gnawing pain,' when fell despair has rob bed us of joy and peace. To ei . ery'rnan there are many, __znany dark hours when he feels inclined to abandon, his e \ a best interest—hours when his heart's d reit'hopes appear delusive; -hours when ho feels unequal to the bur den, when all of ;his aspirations seem worthless. Let no one think that he alone has dark liours. They are the common lot of humanity., They 'are the tench stone to,tty whether we are current coin or not. IIE got off at the dejx:rt, „and a hack-driver put the usual question to him : Have a hack, sir?" Re looked 4 the turri-out carefully. " Have a hack, sir?" . ' "Not if I've_ ,got to take. the hOrses, too," • he drawle d out.' A wow will talc — e the smallest d,rawer in, a bureau for her - own-pri-_ vate use, and will store in it dainty fragments of ribbon, and 'scraps of lace, roan:l,y ruffles,, velvet Minas for' the, neck, bundles of old- love letters, pieces of-jewelry, handkerchiefs, fans, things • that no min knows the name oP, all sorts of frish-looking, bright - little articles that -you couldn't eats loaue in a column; and at any time she can go to that drawer - and pick rip : any one of them She wants with out disturbing anything else. Where ai a man having the biggest, deepest and widest drawer assigned to him,' will put :into it a couple of socks, a. Collar box, an old necktie, two hand kerchiefs,a pipe and a pair of braces, and to save his life he can't shut the rawcT_without leaving more ends of Clings sticking out than there' are piect-s in. it, == EMI