Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 14, 1880, Image 3
I=lll grittlfora epotttt CHAS. U. ALLEN, LOCAL EDITOR. Towanda, Pa., Oct. 14„1880. VS . TRUED IN TIIETCLSTOEFICE AT TOWANDA Al: )lAII, MATTER OF 3",11E SECOND CLAM: LOCAL AND GENERAL. The expiration of subscription is print ea' on the colored kibel,' . noticing the date every subscriber ean tell tthen his 'paper trill bestiipped unless the subsorip tion is - renetveci : \_ OH • INMAU. A rLsicrs.lo milt is soon to be built at Grover. Count convenes at `Troy, one . week from next.Mon:lla. • • , • ..TnE 31. E. Church building at Monroe ton is:being enlarged. EyEILVI, dwelling hOffses are in course of construction at GrOver. • ' • ANNUAL Parade of the Fire Depart ment to-morrow, Friday, afternoon. - THE wise merchant advertises his fall goOds and tells the people where to buy the c vest. UNG man named Corcu fell from at Milan ono day last week and FM a swin Broke 1 ZE CIIIMM:13 Tut Republicans of • Canton Borough, will, this week, !ling to the breeze a hand some banner, Jon CRANot.n, of Grover, had his .col . bone.broken one day recently, by a fal - .from an apple tree. • _ '. Two wees from nest Tuesday JAMES, A. Will be elected President of these United Statei: • 3111 - S. bad her arm broken bytbeing tbrosin i from a wagon near Gro wl., one day recently. " • SEE LEY, of V.e• European House, has laid a substantial stone walk on the north side' of that pleasant hostelerie. Tama: was no preaching at the Metho: tlist - ChUrch last Sunday, .in consequence of the pastor being absent attending Con ference. THE Greeubackers have nominated JOSHUA Bunnounns, of Stevensville, for Congress:, and LElloy Gl4:Aso;i, ,of -Can ton, for enatoy. , • • Tun re urn rifle mateh-bctWeen the To wanda an ( d Canton military companies, has been tiiet,l for Saturday next,ithe 16th instant,,at CZ2EMI Tr 4 : Gazette says that Einiti 1.4 ft)m is; of \East Tipy, raised amber cane n nigh on lt; rods Of ground this year to Make 37 gall ms of* syrup.• •s of the Church of the 3.les sah will hod a sociable .in the basement 01 the Church, next Tuesday evening, Oc tober 19th. 1 Rcf i eshnlents will be served. All are invited. - ‘. • )b.) Etr; A N WATERS has recently., made some improvementS to lii* l ,premiies on Poplar street, among theni being the lay ing, of a`substa:ntial stone pavement in frOut of his dwelling house, :',l( . lxT a' ILE - Bros. of this-7place, had ati z exhih;t rixteen - St oves at the late Sidi van County-Fair. They sold fonrteen of the stoves on -the fair grounds. A4 - A I)outti.Asei-10=eharge of the exhibit: - rm.: first regular fileetini::. of the To- uamia Musical Society will be held at the lesiclence of 3lr. W. G. • Goittx).l,7, Tburs play morning, October 14th. All members oftbe tirst division'are expected to play.. TILE iIi.:IOIITER displays characteristic enterprise in furnishing its readers with an.exelletit.. report . of the Fait, together )vith the li.t of premiums awarded,. in its yester(lay.—Reriezt, Friday last. AO - onpric, to flue of our -exchanges, a late i , sue the'Lotidon 3.ette says that Br a d ,r:d• count y, Pe pusylvania, butter is tl.c. wily butter used in the Queen'S :- :ALI that .1‘ dollars per po4tid is foi it Ckirciutt of ilie Messiah (I:clivell:tilist 3 , ..t0r. At I,od k. ME subj Win l'artizam; of- all kiu,lcarneslinvitcql. Tit s - . «'y >o: o: Let Band will pres eat all 3 furhish pots . the Reli . ublican ne.eti , tg ill Home, tiLmorrow, Pfidtty, cleaing.• This is one of-the best young I)ittAs in Northern Pennsylyania, light all who listen to their sweet'strains. house of OnAntitt CronE, Sheshegnin township, togi!therwith its eontcovs k was-totally destroyed by tire on T ! it;s•lay afternoon. A granary and corn house, situated near the dwelli4, were also destroyed . : The boss is r _estitnated at insur'anc'e. IS givlng the !pines of the Officers of the t;.IIIFIELD and Slallun Battalion of, in the REr(miEtt of'Thst week, we inadvertently named Jots J. SPAL -1): NG as Mla,jor.• Th 4 was a mistake. Cii.vvry:s tirff - r is the gotid looking and etliient MajOr of the Battalion, larize, tine. 'dwelling house of .tr:icANt Dr•mt-ANt; at East Windhatn, was ilestroyed by tire on.'ThurSday morning 1.i.t.1 The flames (3:flight fioni the chins re..l if he household, goo 4 were nearly cii saved. The loss is.eStlitiated at about on Which there is an insurance of • A 61:STLENIAN, AIiOLPIf IIACIIKI., en in ornamenting the interior of the 1 3 1e4iyterian Churph, fell 41)04 . twenty f,vt liy the:seaffuld•giving.i way, and in edhimself severely. It happened on "Fut NAay; and at the preterit writing, Willnesday,.the extent U. f his injuries . C: 003, 4 be asSeatainell.—Athens Gazette. S. Pit.- 1-r, whilst returning pr•des'sional visit in the country, last week, was rather unceremo -•. " of his . carriage by -I.- ii , becoming frightened and upset Ihk. vehicle: Exeepting \ a few slight the doctor was not ; injured, and ,14 nei:ial damage was done to the wa- OE 1)1, - v:11u:dile three-Year;:old colt : of. E. ';• tilieShequin, that received iii - st,premiffria at the I.ite , fair, was by the cars on Friday evening. As 1:• , \I- It wasbeing Teti home from the fair 1 J- I )(: , .inic frightened by a passing train, 1 % , 11 th e railroad bridgii just north of tovt La and was struck by the • engine' of she train and 'tailed. ROLOP Hozzon...t-The following pnpibl of Sugar Ran SchoOl were perfect In at tendance, deportment; and lessons for the month ending September 23, 1880: Eve. QUICK, "BERTHA QUICK, CORA QUICK,' LIzzIE diIOORY, _Emu Asacnirr, ga r TELLE WANDAL MARY PERRY, EDDIE AtoIICRAFT, FREDDIE ,ABHCRT, WILLIE ' ERIGGN "MORIIIS.DODGIL • - A tan about twelve years of age, nam " ed PATRICK:YOU/MT; whose parents: re side near On Nail Works,. attempted to get on a moving coal train' on the Bar clay Roao,, on Monday afternoon last, and fell beneath the cars. One of his legs was so badly crushed that it . had to be amputated just below the knee. The op erationtwas performed by :Drs. Jousion and PRATT. JEROME WHITE, a carpenter, engaged in shingling a him for' Rev. Mr. WAT ROES, on ElMira !treat, writes an Athens correspondent, fell a distance of twenty feet, oneTOesday of last Week, Mistaining very severe internal injuries.. We under stand that his physician is fearful that his spine, is inidred. Mr. WHITE is one of our best citizens, and we hope yet to learn that his injuries are not as severe as reported at this time. .A.EuttEKA (Direct Draft) . Mower, man ufactured in Towanda, was exhibited at our County Fair by Mr. F: C. BzwEN, 'the agent for the company. It was 'ad mired by hundreds of farmers, Ardis the t•iniSt common , sense lopiting machine we lhave seen for many a day. It is expected that they will •be more . generally intni duced in this county another season when we - I may have more to say•aboLt THE malarial fever is very prevalent:4n Wyoming Valley from Pittston to Nanti- . ,coke. In the latter place, especially, so many are suffering from its, effects that •it greatly interferes with. the work in the mines. It is a singular circumstance that the Susquehanna Coal COmpany at that , place, while they are net members of the Combination, and have not . from that cause stopped a; day, have in consequence of the prevalent sickness only been able to mine about half their maul' amount of coal. nstitates Christian T.; "The American - non for the times. E==l COMPANY F, 9th Regiment; of Wilkes- Barre, will hold a military fair.on Thurs day, Octotier 21st, for the" purpose of rais ing funds to furnish their CoMpany l locim in the Armory. 'A contest w)11 take place between two of the first officers of the regiment fora- set of horse eciiipments; and between two of, the line officers for an officer's dress suiC A silk hat is to be awarded to the homeliest man and. a pair of kid gloves to the handsomest lady. 'Capt. .1. A. WILT, of ComPany A, has been requesied to be one of the Fontest ants for the: olliCer'sAresg suit. ; ON Monday . of last week, says the Troy Gin.OM, •Mrs. MARGARET CARNOCHAN went to Atheris to attend the funeral of a daughter of SYDNEY HAYDEN, who died in Kansas of malarial fever. While she war gorie the care of the house was left with her son WILLIE 7 While goirig out for wood with an axe in his hand his'foot slipped-and he fell suddenly, breaking both bones below the . elbow. .11 is almost impossible to . understand hoW this was done by so slight a fall, and it is hoped that WrLLIE who,is a universal. favorite will soon be able to be aboUt and all right once more.: . -W£ received a few aays ago, the "Re publican Campaign .Text Book for 1880," issued by...the Republican Congressional r Committee. "It is a-volume •of some .. 20 pages in tine type, and -is a collatio of facts and statistics, abbreviated to. the. minimum of iipace, covering every impor tant issue of the. times, =under' appropri: ate heafliugi., 'by the aid of which the reader can - at once turn to any special . topic be may Fish information upon. It is a work of great . interest to Pnblie speakers and editors, .and if g,nerallY'eir- . eulated it twill undoubtedly ,produce . a generous crop of converts from the here sies of the opposition. • `. - WE have been make the following extract fron3,a letter writteu by a well-known lady formerly-a resident of this county, now living in Missouri, The . letter is a private one, not written with Any idea of Publication, but is intended to shoW relatives the state of feeling amongst the reconstructed in the neighborhood where the writer °resides : . , * *,• * " Oh, cousin, I sometimes get so homesick for the sight of some dear, familiar face. It is lonely here ; the .peo 'ple are not congenial, and they are nearly all reticle. •- This whole place ar rebel plantation, and We just hate it. If the rebels elect the President I don't think it Will be safe for *us. to stay Vero, and . I behove there wilA be anothen' : war in a short lime if they 'do." •,.lr there is a play'lliat never seems to • wear out in :popularity, it is "Uncle Tom's. Cabin." We need not enter into the why and wherefor, but the fact as serts itself that " Uncie Toni"' always draws and always interests th6ife .drawn: The play was produced last evening at St. James Hall by the Boston Ideal J'Un de Toni!' Company,. and at their hands had a very satisfactorr representation. The hall Contained ri large audience, who manifestly derived: much enjoytiietit" from the performance, as Was attested: , by the frequent and hearty .applause, 7 4 -Btiffrao Erprent. This party will appear in Mercur- IlaU, Friday_ night. Admission 25 cents ; Re served seats 35. cents. Spats, can be. se cured at K►FisY's Drug Stbre. Tik return match between the Waver ly and Eastern Bradford Ride Teems took place 4t WaVerly, N. Y. on Saturday, Oct .er ttt The Wavcrli- team werd, \:;. in victorious by -eleven i points. - 1 owing is' the*core : Waverly Team. 200 yards. .-• 44,5 4 4 1 4 4-5-43 4 4 , 5 3 5 4 4 4 4 .5- . -42 4 3 4 .3 4 0 3'4 '4 5-34 . 4 5 4 5 5 3 , 4 4 4 3-41 4 4 4 4 5 4 3-33 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 3-45 Total ' • ' ' 241 "Bradford Team. ; 200irds. Walker - 43 5 4 4 ; 1 3 4 5-40 Smith 44 5 3 4.1 3 4 3-40 Kthney 5 5 5 4.5 5 4 . 1 4 4L-45 Shawn = 3.o 4 04-4 , 4 4 4 4-35 . . done*. s. Pendleth. Fish Hildebrand. Nicol Ellsworth T0ta1;........ Tu j and ARTHUR Club of Towaiida towraihip had a rousilg meeting at the Nail Works School. House on Mon day evening'. A large delegation from the Asylum club were present in unifoim; as were about eighty members of the GARFIELD Batallion of this iplace. The school house being entirely t6o small to accoinmodate the crowd present,( the meeting Was, held in the open air ? Jolts F. SANDERSON, Esq.,'and R. A. MER4vR, were the principal.speakers, and were lis tened to with close attention. L. M. HALL, Esq.,,Major E. W. HALE, Colonel AVERS, Captain COLE ,and BEN HALE were also , called - out and made brief addresses.° The meeting adjourned at about ten; o'clock with three rousing cheers for GsttytELD and Attruvu. The next meeting !of the club is to be held at Scott's Schoollloinie, on Monday evening IlimootrAnizsli or mil Osairizvo 'AM) Manua BATTALIOX. General Order No. 1: - I. Tins Command will parade on Thursday evening, October 14th, instant, in Towanda borough. 11. The several comPanlis will assem ble at their respective headquarters at 6:45 P. M. The line will be formed on Main street opposite the Court House Square_ at 7:15 rt. A M. After the parade the Command Will attend Meteor Hall in a body, where speeches will .be delivered by Doom O'Coetrim.L. of Elmira, and.others. By order of H. . Colonel Commending. • JORI F. 13ANDEMON, Adjutant. , Timm who attended the presentation of the Play cif "Our . Candidate," at Mer cur Rail, some months since, will be pleased *Anew that HARRY Rictruciso will again appear here in his celebrated' im'personation of the leading 'character In this now famous comedy, supported by a strong company. The date fixed tor s the appearance of the company here is -Satur day evening •next, October 18th. : 7.?11 who have never seen 31.1A IN _Rtcn - ato as _ "Our Candidate," we.say do not neglect to embrace the present opportunity You will be afforded an isveatite, of rare enjoy= meet, and witness some of the finest act ing ever presented to an audience. Tick ets 35 cents. Reserved seats 50' cents. For sale at Riunv's. Os Friday morning,' 6.ys the Gillett's correspondent of the Elmira Gazette, writing under date of Oto l ber Cal-, Mr. M. 'AL CARS started for his farm in. Wells, and when about half way.there his horse took fright and backed him off a bank about ten feet high, horse, wagon, and all going going off tbgetlier. MrC C. Lownv and son, at work near by; seeing the acci ' dent,- hurried to the rescue,. and when they arrived found Mr. CARR in an insen; Bible 'condition, bent nearly doulple with the wagon resting on his back The horse being quite docile at first, they managed lo extricate Mr. CARE, when they turn their attentn to the horse, who be came restive. ith the aid of others they managed to get wagon and horse into the road, and Mr. VERNIER , brought them home. Mr. LOWRY with his own conveyance brought Mr. ,Cann borne, *here he is now lying in a, very critical condition, although there are no bonds broken. THE Baptist Churelfat West Granville was re-opened for-public worship on Sun day last, after having been closed for re pairs for nearly thrCe months. The Troy Gazette thus speaks of•the improvements that have b en made in and to the build ing : "The old building has been thor oughly renovated and remodeled :until it now ranks as one of the prettiest church es in thiii vicinity. The walls have been ieplastered and frescoed in light purple :colors, and all the wood work of the r ifite rior regained in dark walnut, a largo sem icircular alcove has been added to the building. for the'convenience o a f the choir and minister. c•ltich carpets . and chandi- Tiers have replaced the old ones, and alto gether the interior presents an Unusually bright and - beautiful appearance. .Nearly all the money reqpiied for the alteration was - subscribe throu g h the efforts of the . r ., Ladies' Am zooiety befOre the improve- ment was commenced. Under the t Der getic supervision of VOISEY LAsooN, Esq., into whose hands the whole matter of recougtructiOn was plaCed a very ere& itable beautiful result has been olitairied,". ,IN'our account of the Fair last week, we explicitly stated that we cotild" not mime all of the different artidles on 'exhi bition, and we did not attempt to do so. „I_ nau the iSEPORTEIi i een , four or five times as large as it is we Might have been able *to do so, and•shoUld have made : the attempt. That we should have printed wrong names in the list of exhibitors, is not, in our mind, 8Q much of a wonder, as that We should have made so few,in get ting proper names. The Secretaryl, of Osealuwa Grange, sends us the following, which we cheerfully publish, in regarti to Some mistakes in, names iu Oscaluwa's exhibit, as hkeivirise mention of a few ad . • ditional exhibits which we - did not give but were worthy of special mention : , , - Mrs. H. b. Scott, • . Mrs, ii. A. Scott, Mrs. Orris Smith, , • Mies Oraco Smith. , Miss Emma Horton, ' Mrs. Habitat' Ilortor, I Miss .1. , 311. Ayers, Mrs..l. M. Ayers, Mrs. Silas Smith, ' : Mrs. Silas Mills. . ! Miss Luella Horton, : Miss Litelli Horan, . Mrs. W. H. Swartz, Mrs. C. B. 3I Wee and 3trs. Ass Smith ar parsons unknown to this Grange, having , never heard of them before; and the names of John Taylor, a contributor of arzeautiful layer recelier ; E. Badger. of a splendid re . g carper and counter Paine over 100 years old ; Mrs. Helen Lind ley, a lovely of omen cover; Mrs..l. W. Lane, linen over co years old ; Mrs. Carlini?, a cigar receiver, a otton plant, etc., and Miss Annie Foster, a lovely hair switch. were not mentioned at all—and lots of artlelesloo numerous to speak of herth . as I am not yak4ig the list myself. . SECRETARY OF O.SCALCWA. . . HE largest and- most -enthusiastic meeting of the campaign.was that at the 'outt House on (Thursday evening last, ddressed by General ADAM E. KING, of Baltimore. Long ere the hour for the meeting to begin, and notwithstanding the: GARFIELD pnd ARTHUR Battalion Were giving a splendid 'parade through' our streets, the l arge building was to ita utmost capacity and hundreds were compelled to go a lx ible to get even standing iilding. Jcinx F. SalinEi, cetiug to order and in a xluced 'the speaker. T 1 enlist ed the attention , and ere he had conch ly evi dent that he had - `succeeded in enlisting the sympathy of a great many who were 'not," with him" at the commencement • :of his eloquent and pathetic. address. It was a masterly effort from the beginmng, and his telling tl3tusts struck with effect at every junctute.. All. who beard it, Democrats as'well as Republicans, , pro nounced it among the ablest and ruostel oquent of any of the ,political, speeches ever 'delivered here. That it has helped the Republican :its here Republicans are sure, and the Democrats are forced to concede. . . - LAST Thursday eVepi g the GARFIELD lm! and ARTHUR CIU 0 _ /thous, headed by. .P Post Band, crO ged the Chemung an marened s ‘to the .residence 'of Mrs. Mtataav, a few yards bet w . the bridge, which they,found very nicely illuminated land a fine pole seventy - two feet in lengt h . prepared by Mr.. ELY AIUItItAY, waiting ti) be raised. - After tr arrival a de tachment tinder *mum it of &HUY Smits, was detailed to place the pole in position. In a short time, by the . assistance of other Citizens, the pole was raised and, a itine streamer with the names of Q,.+RFILD and ARTHUR , upon its folds,: floated' to the evening breeze. After music; by the band, Professor l3arinmet called the meeting to order,' and intrOdueed Mr. A, H. SeAnnio, Who briefly addressed them complimenting them and alluding to ques tions of interest, thanked Mr._ Mtransv fOr the service he p was rendering his party and the country by makingp,rominent his position regarding the great issue. T. N. Evszat then macre some , pertinent re marks, and urged the necessity of contin uing to suppdri the paitythat had accom plished so much in the Past, and still bad work. of great importance to do.. The question of tariff was brought forcibly to .. 1 4 4 0 -3 1 4 4 5 4-35 4 4 4 4'3.4 4 5 4 3-30 Al they did read. :1 As they eltioultt read the notice of men working in Man uraotn ries, etc.? At the close , of his remarks cheers were given by the assembly''for the speaker's cause,And a tiger' for Mr. Mutomx. The line-was again formed, and Paraded in - front 'of the premises whenithey took Op the line-tor march for : 'Home; ;making •st very fine appearance. Captain D: C. ,Lieuttifiant:l. F. ANsoft comtnineied i the first company with.the active 'excellent . orderly E. SPAIILDES64 ,'the other company. is coMposed of yoa l ~ Ehs, of .which Vann PAVANS' is Capta4t, WILL EIEAVE2IEft 4 Lieutenant, and LEM ; I BY11; Orderly-. About one hundred of the two...companies were out with one hundred or m citi tens. A few stayed to enjoya ropeintkour ; among tliem - Gxonox JORDAN, of ;the Ex change, T. B. Smot.f.,,of the Athens Tan eery,! and •FRANCIII Bunn, of Philadel phia,' all heretofore 'strong , Demoerata, but at • the date of our correspondent's leaving, liable 10 COMM) over. Miss BELLE NOBLE, by request, played And sang . a very pleasing_Oece. )he presides grace fully at the piano. All wore well pleased and handsomely entertained. ' v THE GARriELD and AnTnun Ilattalion. of this place,_ bad th it fist parade on TbUrsday evening I t. It Wait the fi nest as t \k, parade ever given in this p ce by aiinme oiganizatioh. Although' the capesand caps did not arrive until Thursday morn ing, and bills were not circulated an flouncing that :the parade would take place until the afternoon of that day, yet' at the'houi . anneunced for the column to move, 266 voters were in , line 'and ready to march. The Gerfpania Band headed 1. the column and furnished some excellent• music as th4y always do. The drum corps led COnipanY C, of the Thl t rd_Ward. The route was from Park tiireetiiii Main to York avenue . ; north_ on York avenue_ to Locust ; east on Locinitto Main street ; dOwn Main to Lombard ; west on Lom a bard to Second ; south on Second to Franklin ; east on Franklin to Main, , and North on Main to Park, whdie the col-: umn was dismissed. Along the route many dwellings were handsomely illumi- , nated and decorated, all of which were loudly cheered by the moving ihroeg. All ., along the I:no of march hundreds of pee.: ple were assembled on thirsidewalks and in the giounds of the re!iidences, to wit ness the parade- and cheer it„ , and tile can didates in' whose honor if was given. Even;Pemocrats concede it to have been • the finest-demonstration ever made by a political organization of this place. Maul of those who marched in the column are among the leading buiiinesi men and. best -known citizens of our village, ; who have not heretofore taken-an active part in tol itics. There is “thunder 101 l around th skies," and To*anda will, do, her ihol duty in November. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE A- number of thefi lends of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Sqpill.Es repaired to his louse fora surprise to his excellefit wife, who was forty-seven' years- old on that day. The whole affair, was a success, both as a surprise and in enjoyable .oecasion. The surpiise was so much a Success that Mrs. SqulßEs . was'almost 'non: pldscd for the time being. The success Of the ,Was largely due to Mr. SQUIRES' Ciro dabgli ters,-4ENNIF. and KATIE. • ~ ,;R • - . At two P. • the .„compatky. gailhered around tfie, long table in the , dining ;room • t f 1 Where they fciund a delicious epas :w neb . bespoke'volutnes in praise for the c+ ill of those who — fifikided !Rich - delicacies for the occasion.- ,The hostess received many ex cellem Pieseits. Social intercourse enliv ened the Scene frohi first tolast. - • :We am . aware That noi, description of ours-could convey the pleasure thateciost be left to thcisewne have been the ents of so many kind tokens of esteem • and • friendship. • We' call this. 'gathering one of the pleasantest birthday -iparties'of .the season. • ' E. C. Q.' CamptoWn, Septeni‘)er;27, 1880.. HAPPY ,RE -UNION . . The annual family gathering of the An- . NOLD family, was held at the residence of Air: C. T. ARNOLD, in Windham;. Selitnen , 'erdOth. • About sixty - kuestsrwere pt es ent.. Nearly aßthe familieS wore well repro sented. Owing to the infirmity •of ago, the mother was not present. Six :broth ers and one• sister and their families-: three generations—were present. Among tho - se . from . abrOad.were Rev. C. V. NoLi), , of i the Wyoming Conference, Rev. 14ctis . ox ARNOLD, of Binghamton, and SYCAMORE, eldest son ofiC. V. ARNOLD, cit Elmira, and their families. • Some friends outside - of the famBY cir cler were there by special invitation. The pastor, Rev. J: R. ALLEN and family,. also the.parents and brother and 'sister of Mrs. C. T. AnsoLn. . • . , Mter spending, a few hours lin pleasant social conversation, the guckits at (limn to f.bountiful repast, at-. :the close 'of which the well-known and thite-hOnorc . d words wtire. sung "Pralee Gal fioral,i,vllotir all ble!islisgs The cornpa . ny were entertained by inn sic and singing. ReUuirks wertilmade by the pastor and: Itev 7 lAcus An!can,: And 'prayer was olref&1-by Hey. F. The guests &parted, feeling . that the day had been pleasantly- spent. May they all live to meet gain. . . • . . ~ . . • PERSO \ C. • A [ . —IIon.,P. D.: Mount Iv, holds Court at WilliamiiPort this wee .. .- . • ••• —Mrs. W. H. En* tins, of ,TitusvillN : is visiting friends in t Isplpe. : " if C. C. Ja l iiWtN, .o HOncsdale, gave - tti a pleasant call on Fr' lay last " • . —Miss Lizztn MEI 117, of !t7anton, has gone to:P,hiladelphi :to; attend Medical -lectures, • • —Rev. E. IL Cu.. - stmt, of Motiroetoii, who hid been-ill fur some time, died on Thursday last. - • I.- . - 9 , "4 • — . 110....L. F. Po 1 ITER occupied the ptil pit-of the Churcl of the Messiah :ore: Sun day evening last. , ' . ----•-: —Miss WIN tg Stone, is attendin tote, in this place, —Mr. CHARLES W ilkes -Ban e; hay, days with friends I Join ury Department, viaiting friends in ,—The late OEO Julianne on big lif Masonic Relief A: —Mrs., Dr.. Itio 'TAN YE ; 4.1}1,9 re turned fronr a - sojourn in he Adirondacks of sev eral months' durst on, Much imp oved in - , • -;Mrs. Dr. Woi DUTIES and chi wholiave been on • visit to relatives !n1 friends in New Je , - , y, retarned home' , Friday. • ;Mrs. S. C. NAGLE of jlotiraeton4 has gone on a visit to,-. rieials in. Sa,ginaw, Michigan, and *ill absent for several months. . • • —We learn that C: . Kninr, our pop ular Druggist. is soon to occupy as a resi dence, the \ 1 agsion, in Towanda (township. • - : : —Miss - 11ELEN N vt.',N4 . , has • rettirned borne from Schuyler Ci tmt , where she has been for several . hs past; vis iting friends. - ; ;•. —The venerable Josnua• SnonEs, •of Wysox township, who celebrated the ben ttnnial anniversary of his birth in August, : died on Friday last 'and was buried pu - Sunday: ' —Mr. and Nri:X. E. Dnazoc will Mike a trip 'to the West' thli month.. Mrs. visit her fathernt Burlingame, Kansas, and Mr. Dostisn gol as far --, Wiist-as Denver, ColoradO.Cantqn seis- 13213 —Mrs.,Ssitan Moo INS died °reopen p 4 tion, at astir' Friday Oct. 8:1i. band ind .; children, One an infant of: al:Knit-two or Abree Months old, ate left moarn - their lose.' • . —Our-former tawnstnan, M. M. Settle• Dtho, has been visiting friends in this place for several days. He ,lias disposed of his business in Plainsville, and formed a co•partnership with HALM TOZEI4 in Bethlehem. -Mr. JA*V.S SHAUT, Of Hornellsville, N. T., visited 'friends here several days last week. He informed 'Us that the•Re pliblicanis would carry lloruellsville'at the November election. is u, ally. demo. cratic by about 400. • `s, • —Mr. SatriT; of East" Strouds burg, son of J: K. SMITH, 'a former resi dent of Lida county, ies. visiting friends and relativO hi Towanda and Wyalusiniz, and tailee.tfi:tO spend Vio or three'weeks here: • . —We leatn from the Pedalo; that lit -IAM an old andosteeined.cit , zen of Shoghequiii,'. fell down dead while ngaged in Ormyersiitton on the street in that plaeeun Wednesday last. heart disease is supposed to have been the cause. Ho was about 70 yeati old. • . —Captain llETsitv AvEtis,l the veteran l Erie coriductar, died in Owego on Tues day of last - week. Mr. AxKus. was tiorn in Now Yorks; September 11, 1800.. His first railroading was done on the Harlem rOad,. about the year ;1838 or 1830. He commenced with 'the • Erie . :people ' abOut 1841 or 1542. Ho was ,employed inl its, construction, itilniying supplies., ete., pn t road was opened td w h en : as conductor he ran the first regular train that was run to that Village, and follow iag up as fast as the read was opened from place to place, the second opening tn ' illiddlefown the third to Port Jervis, the fourth to Binghamton, the fifth to Owego, awlthe.sixth to,Elmila in • A 49. He was a drummer tioy in the:War of 1812 and was at the battle •of Lundy's Lane; near Niagara Falls. ile - was also. a sot; (Her in the Florida war, ,from which he dreW a small pension, but never from itie war of 1812, as he never nia.deran'appliea.: . • —Tuesday evening last, writes a coire spoondent, 'Mr. 'afid Mrs. F. A. GILLETTE, of Athens, celebrated:the tenth . anniver sary Of their .marriage.. About severity tive , assembled _to congratulate them and express their kind' ,regards.. in "tin.". Under the skillful hands and ex qiiisite taste bf 3lrs. E. C. GILLETTE, of 'Watkins, the house was transformed into a bower of beauty. The happy couple received their congratulations standing under the mystic horse shoe, Mrs.!. Gtr.- J.ETTE wearing her white bridal , dress. of en years Ago, with the addition; of a tin necklace and cross, tin bracelets, -tin belt and bouquet . holder, - ,prestacted for ; the occasion. A profusion Of gifts; compris ing every useful and ornamental and com-' ical thing in the—tin Mae would enable tbein to ,open . a young .hardware' store . if they wished. The refreshments were el, .egant, and the whole occasion was a very ; delightful and pleasant one: JA3tEs Wit:t.t.kats and family, of Cen tral Missouri, formerly of this place, are visiting friends in this [locality... 'ti very few of the_ nine 'Democrats of the . place, attended the pole raising at Snyth•r's, Susquehituna,County,on'Satitr day- last. . •.• mi. LAKE. _ ; October 11, 1 . t4;40. 1. . TEV . F:ik:", of Standing the' Collegiatt r his fall. /iURRAV. and wife, of ,:.been spending .19'ew n Athens., • . , VicitizEtt, of thel:ri ns'-' Vashington, ,1).• C., is lbany, this county, ‘ t oE F. ox bad an i n • in the 4 1 outtiern tier ii • :•.: gelation of $3,000.- Local. Correvondence. LERAYSVILLE Most of our merchants' have received their.. fall stock of new°o`bds, - A. S. BALI - mils; has his new stare . en• closed, and, will iet‘'o it completed. iMOUR and family will leate for lowa this,week. Mr. SEAMOUIi intends u make lowa his home. -2- :rßo)r. • Enrron REPORTER :,A biisy week has closed, andond fraught with interest to .00 annual fair has been a: matter:of increasing interest•for the past six weeks, and the subject has received most careThl• attention - from the 'l'resideilt, •A. 11. TimmAs, *Alm Secret:lrY, 11r. - (:out iE ('ARD, and all the offi.Lers and directors.. In every particular, those_who have man aged the affairs of, the Troy FarmerS' Club for the past six )earS,'are deserving high praise. :It seems this year. that the fates were in harmony with the fair, and had most delightful weather, and in con- , sequence a very - large' attendance. The . ekhibitslof stock were of a very 'superior character. .The linrse; show- was highly creditable, while iti the ~ departments of sheep, swine, and poultry, coinpetithifilas _been 'completely. Set at defiance. 4 These exhibits would have been a Credit to any fair, and are generally prenonuced 'to be unrivalled in . lis'yiciuity: *. Mr.. A. it;, , ' llooKEn airang, da tent fora display itif fruits and flowers Which was' one of tire most credit:o3M departMents of the . fair. This arrabgement was made. for the first time this year, and, was a complete suc cess. Dr. IL C. KENpAtt. had charge of the department of relict. ,and curiosities, and to Inti own I,leryl valuable collection I many additions were made by others; tin: tit .the museum presented features of even greater' interest than in former years. ,- The ladies pavilion Was very,handsoMelY managed by Mrs." G. N: ,NEWBEET , and Mrs. W. B. GER:4I4r:: It contained..a large collection of fancy work, and was prominent botit fol . - duality of material and manufa•nure.. S erchandis'e was) Well represented. Itkomvrox, LEONARD .t.' poi displayed-a line cta'ss-of goolls,i;:eou sisting of black cashmeres, .catiets,/ ;bats . and caps, bOots and shoes,: and a large va riety of other .staple -articles. • NEW”EitY, PEcK,& c.o:114. a beitu:ifully areariged department, : in Which !Were 4isplayediam brequins, lurnishing4.4(oods,' cloths and generalmerchandise. .1 (ham.= ...5.7- BAL LAnn exhibited a tine line Of lamps, bats, saps, pictures, •fi•aines. l dry goods, ghives •:oal mittens. B. B. MiTcuELI: exhibited. drugs, books, fancy goods; and' a large variety of other articles in his ling, mak ing a -very -line coleection.. ' IfonAwr & PORTER'S exhibit consisted of tine .har ness, robes, gloves, Mittens, beets, and shoes, blatikcti;, „etc., The dispiay •or stoves, hardware,.cutlery, fanning imple ments, and. pnmps,*bi DOpurNs \ A: Jottti soN, was one - of mach Credit to .the firm. P.E.anosi.EV .4: STALtivio also exhibited' a tine line oC'stoves,. ilingeS. heavy: 'and shelf hardware, together : Witkrnany other articles ll'om their tine Meek- in.this line. ..Comr . Tos . k t Ltu,EV.had tin elegant dis play of i carriages, buggies, an utters, *Mc: , were, Of the'best qUality - . - 71 - ind — Very attractive. IWoosi•En S; BooirtE bad- a line , display :Of crockery, glassware, lamps and fixturei,Yery handsoinely arranged, and of superior s 'quality. 'MITCHELL tt GREENE exhibited some excellent `work; from' their fomidry and Machine .shop 4 The Enterprise Manufacturing f,..7 onipauyi bad a large. exhibit of powers,. plewsj fanning implements,] and. castings, dis.l .playing a tine lihe. of goods of .superioN qt • My. , A large. amount pf machiberY w: s exhibited bY:'Various parties,; • among la which we notice'llie pireka Mower; ;the Champion Mower, reapers t harrows, etc. In Sewing machines, Messrs.. LAMENT ` and VANI.II.EET represepted the -'Sing er," and 0. A. BEACii the ~ "IDaVis.' Many'other articles were_ xhibited, which: cannot , be particularly mentioned .lor want of space.. '• -'i • . - _ _;_ • • . . . ' The 'attendance at', thud* it was unusu ally large, and a long . pert of proSperity is foreshakio'ved • {or tie, " Farinrs Club." , . 1 41-, . * ()dot= 9,-1880. SMITHFIELD Smithfield, like 'all other places, ill hav ing its political fight. Two streamers,' representing the two rarties, may seep suspended front the summits of two poles of aboutequal height. The oue, a smooth, straight pine pole nicely! dressed, the other, a rough, ctctolteci tOkory; the top f which points not ,upWaid• but noitli sard.: It is not necessary for: to tell Thicti parties the different 'Wes be fepublicans are to have atmeeting iesday, •evOing 0f,,, this week. it is to -be addressturby Mr. \ 'owanda. _ attended the concert on given by Prof. SUFFREN Waverly class were rich nusic was first-ciass.. in t.t) Lt. t • The\ on: 'Wu We thin, IlAr.i.; Aft - Those -wt. Tuesday night and some of hit ly paid, is the. every particular. \; . . • A nevi , society has beep formed 'in our ;lace,'which goes 'lify , the name' of the Ei Smithfield Local circle f the C; I. .C. I. S. elt-SWI - PORD, preside t; E. Z. WOOD, vice-president; Aucias . tillEnT, secre tory.-\.-• • - : . . There is to be: a churl% sociable at the home Of Mr. GPIi9E Coma, Frklay, night; for the bene fi t or the • Baptist church. -"All are invited to' attend. Smithfield . , can boast of a cider mill, and not only that, but 'it can boast of some parties who have furnished the pro- Aucts of the same ta the young Men and boys of the town to.such an extent that some streets of our once quiet village are absolutely unsafe for ladies to pass alone. Teams have even been stopped, • and in ',tine case the driver was forcibly ' thrown 'from the Carriage by those trho had be come drunk on harmless (?) cider. Just how long or to what extent our people will suffer this nefarious work—which makes: our streets dangerous itt night, which renders property unsafe, *Welk makes drunkards of, boys, and which is in itself a'disgrace to•our town—toOen, remains to be seen. ' SAMANIIIA. Smithfield, Pa., October 10th, 1880. BUSINESS. LOCAL. inr TETE-A-TETE SETTS, \WINE SETTS, LIQUOR SETTS—at irl.cent Stare. arDRAULIO.OptENT.—JUit ready .ed—another car load of XI Star Cement. dept? For Coughs; Colds, Bronchitis and all aCreetious of the Lungs, take ATEWS Cherry Pectoral. sep23-Iw. 107" CASH PAID FOR PRODUCE DECKER & VOUGOVIL Qct.3o eir The 99-OENT STORE Reid quarters ftir evorythlog to the lino of I..AMPS and LAMP 4001:113. Sept:2*2. Mr.WANTED L-An ' Agent for.: the Pittston Steath Dye Works, to cauvw,i3 Towanda :s , thens, Wavehy andtheaurrounding country. A lice, wlde.awake man catido well at 1t: Forterms, address with reference, J.W. CoairsoN, Plastin, Pa. • DIEFICORSER kali the best wearing oes for ideT add 'liana's' wear' ever In Towanda, and114 , 2 ,.. )r1. es wlthln I.4.:Fwach Or all: Our goods are NEW an of the ISEST . ,QUALITY. . ifte*En: &Vo Mr Palpitation of the heart, vous,: nes:. tremblings; nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain In tine ,back: and ntlier 'forms of . weakness:are relieved by CARTER'S Iron Pills, made specially for the blood, nerves and complex- SEW ING MACHINE NEEDLES' 011 s and attabliments at the 99-Cat store. "There, are many forms•or nervous debility in. men that - yield to thh. f use of Carter'a Iron Pills. - ' Thetas who are . troubled with nervous 'weaknons, nieit, sweats, ale;, should try them. " I bilve - used several bottles , of 31310153' LlyE!t EG ULATOIf„ end you 'nay record The fac4!that my feelings are eo far changed that I can eat hearty. a n d am more like a well mart - thin I have been for years pant. I 'have antlered four years and am grateful for relief. ' • "j.:RAFF,FRTX, Perloifical Store, 1800 Markel.-st.,.Phila Fora good, durable and neat-fitting .HOE, call at N. a:. 131,1:31*5, iippailte' Seeley's. _ Tote] _ - PEN NSY AN lA. .STATE COT A - LroE adralts ; Uoth sexes. Endowment halt pi - "llttoti-free. Counte.s ut studY, Ci4sit• t Scientific, and Agrleultutal. A thOrotigh I'q- Oratory IVepartment. Expenses CI to Ci peryteel!. Fpr catalogue, address Jos - laqi 41tOwit1npz,.A. Pres,.State . College. Pa: . Aug. 127,00. • Or ' PrOVihiblig of all kind, of the bOSt q4ltty, at = DECkER & li'oconvs. tM" Try our New JAP. TEA. Best in nErsie VOUGUT. ECM ."Choice- TEAS and . COFFEE - a specialty at o DECKEIt VOUGIIT'S. tilir WANTED biIdEDIATELY.'--- :LOCO 'agent ' s on tbelifeiof General JA?ie ' s A. tiattri til."6. by ." Carleton," the popular, brilliant;and fascinat ing writer. The finest blographlci publication which will be offered to . canvassers 'durdng the campaign. LI BEE AL TERMS. ' '4.'o territory, \ - • .' etc.., apply at once to Jong .31.. Doi:LAND 41034 610 Arch street, Philadelphia. '. ' Aug. 19.! tV" A fdli assortment of WHIPS ,and UMBREI.LASWthe 99-Cent Store.' '," 410 7 F" PRICE - 5 WAY -DOWN : on Gent.4' Fine and- coarse "{leis at BLUM 2, Opposite see ley 's dotel. • Nov. 3 The ilargest,z . Best and .CheapeSt line of Shoes for Ladles', Messes' indchildreni• wear Is found at COltiER'S new store, corner 31.191 amt I'lne-sts.,7rucy &Noble's Block. '. iipril4Bl . . .. . . . nr, L. a. I IDGERSchalltnOs compo . - I A tition for gnafrt ' y goods and low .ti*es on Snhti, I)oY,rt.,llllods a oldlnt,s,nnd ai- liiullfllng ton. Lorin'. - - • ' • ' j"..(!hug3-q3, Vir It is impossible for a woman after a .kilthrill !Course of treatment, Wltti'Lynta E. PlikiKttam's' VEGETABLE dipiPOillill to .. continue to infer with a weakness 0. the uterus. Enclose a stamp to' Mrs. ' LYDIA E. t'4NI:IIAM, 723 West,ern Avenue, - Lynn., Mass., 'dr pamphlets. Sob' by Ily. ; li. C. - PourEn, Druggist,. Towanda, Pa„ . I Julyl-yr. - . . nrSITUATIONS FOR YOUNG ME".4 . .-If • there young mail 'Trills or adjoluinF: counties ho desires a good situation, or scants a good Bust.' mess EdneatiOu. a(Elrets the Elmira Bindhels Cot hge. Elmira, N. V. • : • • M : ' - j"' Cfp NILL.This, excelient Portriltle Mill-one that , cotnni t ends *lf -ut stgli. Farmers Inivintta.pples koingd to waste, will do well to give.the 'Older Mill a trial. ,rarity and rUpldly—erin•lilng the fruit instead . of I gratitlg. „Capacity, fqo Intrrels per day. loui7Aale - Towandh, Pa., SIPt• 7 . • MITSICAL ;CONVENTION; There. will he:a Musical Cialventiori E n id st tile lu Litchfield Centre; cflnine:ncing. , Monday evening, 9cteha.r tifth. and cqutinuing 'four.days, closing with :ecence'rt Friday evening, under the direction of (l.'l3;Tyrus. and G. F.iCettNett. lleolis for- blied for [lie occasion'. All are Invßod: 'Terms reaaonalle.. By order of I)lrectors. Oct. 74'2! „ , , nr: A GRANT) tviTTATioN.-,rWartier's Safe Kidney and Liver I:tire has realted a refturri tint that Is not limited by the confines of seetion or.eotitry.: There aro tiolitjurlonssuleartnee's nor false - and temporary itlituilants in the!preparation It is purely vegetable and compounded titn tr. formula that has passed 'severe ' tesis'anil won en• dorseinehhr front some of the highest medical talent lo the ottunery.—fete Pirk Tror/(1. r/r Hot weather: produces inaction of the; liver. Inaction of the liver causes .ills - eased kidneys. and diseased;kldneys,, and diseased kid neys undermine the ur4 quicker than eonsuinlitloiy. All these theibles ran be avoided by using War bees = 4 ,3lFi Kltlstry , nnd. Liver Cure,. tho purest and best remedy s ever discovered, • -MARRIED. - • ?I. I iTT—CRAYTON.—In Granville. September :9th. 1890. by Rev. S. T. Hurler. Lyman M. ?tett and Ida M. Craytoa;_both or Franklin. • cA lIR—KITeII E I.7lst_er,-3eptemlier2Biih , 1880, by Rev. C.. tE. Ferguson, W. Carr, o Este Kitchen. of 4.118t0f. • N N—W ARNY.II.+A.t thO M. E. :Parsonage „Rome. Septentbe'r 30th, 1880. by 'Rev. It. lice nen Mr. Edgar Iluttu -and Miss Ada 3i. Warner, 'both of Litchfield. - • ApA.3IS-L.'4COCTiN.—Af: the M. E. Pirsonage. In - Ceftaysville. October oth,"18911, br Her. Luther rect.; Mr. Frank L L Adams and Miss Emmati ctfuttn, both of Wi mot. • MA"..4•LEIC—STONE., At the reaidenee - of A. C. . Smith; in North 'fowanda, September 50th. by ' trey . . C. H. Wright„Mr. C. H. Manley of Trey,, and-1 iss Ella L. Stone, of Philadelphia. , moit—cox.„—iAt the IPresbyterian 1 Presbyterian Parsonagii, Mortroeton, October ti 1,. 1680, by Itcy.liallock Aranatrong, Mt. Stale.; us Mortimer Moe and 31Iss A.llO Gertrude Cox, both of 31onrueton. SAMSIO3I:4—CARL. it the Presbyterian sonage. Moorheton, Octobr 10th, 1850, by Her.' Matlock 3L Ahnstrong, Mr. George B. Sammons, of Iltirllngton; and Miss Helen Carl, of Towanda. M kTITENO3--.4ICHAROB.—At tb& Presbyterian Parsonage., alimiroeton, October Sttl', ISSO, by Rev.' If aHoek. ?,rnistrong, Mr. - Lewis ,31athews. of O A. F" an : Miss ,Haggle I ltieba l rds, of ..147,7 . . . . 0 ` DIED: 11 A MIT TON =lit Rochester, N. Y.. October 4th, Itiso, Sarah Henrietta, wife of Arthur S. Hamil ton huittlaughter of Dr. e. s, formerly of I t e 4 ° Y. - , OATIKT.TFF.—In North Towanda. October Bth, 1880; of diphtheria. Frank Leßoy, f.aged 6 years. .10 months and 17 days; October 10th, of diplathe • ria...ollce Loretta, aged It years, II months. and 22 'days—thlidren of J. F. and Lary A. Car • knit - • ' ' STROH - 6.—Entered Into rest, In Towanda,. on Sunday afternoon, October 10th. 1 SO; Ellsabeth Ev. , reen., eldest daughter of lier. eco j ge If. and NI, Annie Stroud, aged 13 yOni, 11 ntl's and 9 1- • . • . WOODBUFF.—At the residelice of .0. Kellum. in tu Hattie Creek: Michigan. Septebei 29th; 1880, J'eFse Woodruff, In the 90th year :of his age. Jettag WoUnnurr was-born in ;Bridgton, Cam .. berLand" comity, New Jersey, :On t he 26th day of NuFember, INO. Ho wad the youngest of ten chil dren.: lila fiktifer . 7.ll64 Woonnurrolled.wheli he was but sfyen years oid.. lie remained at home iwith his widpred l uottier until he ryas Ocean S'ears old, when _ha wentto Philadelphia an made an ' • i• ' - engagement with Sidan by the name of BATI,Ost to learn the tailors' trade, and Ida mother content.' fug,- be was apprirticed 131 Welton until be be. ; cute .of , age. - After' attaining his majority be went f ront Phil/141phi" to. Wllites-Dura,• where he worked at tibiltilide for a time and then came to Towanda, arrivOig here eel* tiltb day of .No-• ietTe6erf 1813, and *ion aftetOpetied a thoplere In -a 14. building put up by HAnnTOPALDISOon the - ncest - Wale EDWARD OYsitrOis home t4 w la, on Main stivet. •He leased this building 'tor three months, and at the end of the term hit purchased the lot, '!logs and-all," as he used to sop for $175. In the autumn of 1813 he irmintar ried to . MART Dintaisfil, and went to keeping house in the log bons* sPek‘Aof. His was the arst tailor she pfa Towanda.- After a few years be: quit the, tailoring business and Wilt a talent called ' the ' 6 -Tiger," located 'where WY. A. Ciiastwan- LIN*B jewelry stole howatadds. I ow stadds. i .ater,. be ' solo. this property to Mr. Danitit. BAST (t arr. father / of .D. DanilarrT, and thep bhilt th "Bradford House , ' on the ground where the BILOTOIIIS SE -SORTER building now stands, And 400 : this house until about the year 1840, whet‘ be sold it and lived for a year or two in a house .ton the corner of Park and River strepts,so Die ground nowt ecctipled by the S. L. k 13.11. It: Co. for a depot; stud then moved- on a firm in North Towanda4zemainlng there:until December, IM3, when his wife died and hewent to live with his soivin•law, I. S. KEG tam, at Dittle Creek, Michigan, with whom he continued to •eitide 'until his death. Soon after leaving the 11:rsdiord House he experienced relig ion and united with the Presbyterian Church, of which he. remained a devoted member for.the re- Mainder of his life. - , • • - . When he first settled:At Towanda there were but threeframed hOusee—one now loccUpled by Mr. WILLIAM Mix, Esq., the old Ited Ts(vern, keptby Mr. MEANS. and one on.the.cornerot Vain and Pine streets owned, by ADAMONL.II.Y. There were three houseaano accented by Aniaitti- Nolainni7r, on what it now the Southwest corner of the Public Square ; a double log house on the bank of the titer near where Mrs. FonD's bonze now standr, in which Enax6ZEtt GIIEGOitY kept. tavern, and the one occupied or built ',by WARM' SPALDINO, before mentioned, comprised all the dwellings ,in Towanda. Until MI, Woole:thyr removed to. Michigan he was well and favorably knownfiy a large circle of fitends,:and to many of the older citizens of Towanda, and in fact the en tire. county, the news of his deatli Will bring up memories of the struggles of the early settlers' of the county, and all' who kite* him will cherish his memory with kindness. His last days were passed in peace and in patiently waltingithe call,of the Mastir whom be loved. , i 1 11. at. Wotaw REPORT OF.THE . OO3);DITIaN of the First NOttonal Banki' at Towanda, in the State of . Petinsylvania,. at tte close of bust. noes Oc r tobcr ISt, 11380 : . , I • • 111:§01: It ES. :, 1495.25 1. 00 3,01 80 Loanti and discounts Overdrafts U.S. Bonds to secure ,elfctilatip . n 55.000 CO IT. S. Bonds on hand ' '4OO GO Other stooks. bonds. and mortgagell , 1G,611 00 Due from approved rekerse 'agents '• 6..632 70 Due from other National Banks 7.4)63 OS Due from State Banks and hankers.— 4/.14 27 Beal estate, furniture. and flaturea.... 42,700110 Current expenises'and taxes, .. 4,757 77 Checks and otheVcash Heil] s. 2... • 9.495.59 other Banks.— 1,857 00 ___ _ .._._....-. . . I , Fractional.curreticy (including nickels) I 16 35 Specie' - .=. 16.396 68 Legal-tender flaw( .- - - • 1,0.1421 101); ttedpt fund withli ti Tr. (5 pc et. or dr.) 12.475• 00 - Total Capttsl sloes pool In. Surplus fund - ' Undivided profits— National Bank notes outstanding Indivuals deposits subfect to check • , C132,,,256 .22 Time certifltates of dep05it...125.33'J; 82- Nov. 27-11. i Die to other National Banks 11718,1391 61 State of Pennsylvania. County 0, Bradrofd, ss: I. N. N..RETTS. Cashier of the above named' bank, do solemnly .swear that the above statement Is true to [tai best of my knowledge and belief. N. N. ISETTS,,Cashie'r. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of October, ISM W. 11. 'DODGE, Notary Public. BM COltitEC —Atte-it ; JOSEPH PCWEI:I., • GEORGE STEVENS, ) Dtref tors CHAS. L..TICACY, )• •'- . Toway a, Oetobtr 1, 183O•w1... Malarial Prison. , . The principal case of nearly all sickness at this time of the year has Its origin In a disordered Liver, whieli.-11 not fegulated in time, great anger ing, {fret ehe dzies's and death wllircnaue. A gentle man writing film' South America says il• have used your SI minutia' Elver Regulator with good . effect, both a prevention and cure. for Malaita] Fevers on the Fsthmus of Panama." • -TAKE- IlikNONg t LIVER REGULATOR, I f you feel !drowsy. .debilitated, haye frequent headaches, mouth tastes badly; ,poor appetite. and tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid liver or ..bilhousness, • and nothing will 'cure .you so speedily and permanently as to take . ' • It Is given with safety, and the happiest results io the must delicate infant. It takes the place of. cininine and bitters of every kind. It is the cheap, est, purest and best' family medicine in the world. - . H• ZEILIN & CO:, PHILADELPHIA. OTICE IN PARTITION - . - N State of Pennsylvania, County of Bradfortik. es: To Sarah Ann Lawretqs:, Joseph F. Wheaton, Cyrus G. Wheaton. Emily F. Chailotte Rogers, Henry W.. Wheaton, MVssa Ann Sl.'; Rogers—please take notice.: Wherein. at an Orphans' Court,lieliVat Towand in and for said County of.....BradfrlvE, .on the .17th 'day of . APO], A. D. 18Se, Before Hon. P. 1). MorrOw, President -Judge or said ("pun. in 1$ e matter of the estate of John .Wleatitn, deceased, the' petition of Melissa Ann 31..'.*Rogers,. wife' of James, Rogers awl daughter of .14n Wheaton, late of the towushtti of Warren, itos,alt;County, des cemod. was presented, setting AlrthAhat the said John Wheaton tiled MarchT.4l, 1639. Intestate, sslzott in his domestic as of feeof aml In a certain . messuage and tract of land situate in.sald township of - Warren. hounded north 44.• lands George Pendleton and Benedict Arnold, east by lands of Benjamin Buffington, anti south and- siest by lands of ISapitiel W beaunr containing about 106 acres,— IL M., WELT...Es and leaving to survive - him a...widow, Sally. Whea ton, and eight children, Sarah Ann Lawrence, - Joseph E. Wheaton; Cyrus GAVlleaton, Frederieft" T. Wheaton (since deceased), Emily F. Sibley, Charlotte M. Rogers, Henry W. Wheaton and Me-, Atin•NlAtogerS; that the widow, Sally Whes ton, died March 12th, 1380 ; that the said Frrderlek ' ' P. Wheaton died September 17th. 1 / 1 53, leaving to survive hini a widow. SUSIII Wheaton (since mar-. tied to Major Darling)... and one . soli, Seymour, Wheaton ; that no guardians were sippointed for any of the minor children of said ,JOhu Wheaton, deceased : that. under and by virtue of the intestate laws of this.etitninonwealth, It belongs to the said • Stelissa•Ann M. livers to hate anemia] one-eighth part of said real estate. No partition of said real estate having been had,. the petitioner prays ; th2' Court to award an inquest t make paritio • of the . A sa real estate to and amo the aforesaid parties according to their respect) rights, and she! will • every pray, etc. • Whereupo the said Cogrt grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of said decedent to shoWeause why partition of t the. • abOve described real estate shall not be made. ;And now to wit, May:Atli, 1880, the Court continue) this • rule until - SeptembeeTerm next. .• ' . ..1 Znd [toile td wit, Septet ber 220, 1580, rule made • ob. ante; and the said Court, on doe proof and con- alVratlon of the premisea, dwarded an inquest to make partition as prayed for. We therefore' cow- ‘ Maud you • that, taking with yki seven,good and Itivif.d Men of your bailiwick. you go Wand upon the premises aforesaid, and there, in the presence' Of all pat ties aforesaid by you to be Warned (if up • on being warned they will be ,resent); sad having t pa ren t .4 9 2 t ri t: a t te n t n ni m e lo v n a s i ua o f tl ° t i l l: t a e riedoLvaennd good and t la ful 'men, you make partition to and among the hel and legal representatives of the said intestate In such manner awl in such proportions as by , the la sof this Comrnouwealth is directed if the same ca .be so parted and divided without prejudice to or pollingthe Whole and If suth.pariltion cannot betide thereof without prejedice to or-spoiling th whole, that then you cause the paid Inquest to Ili r d s re and asceltaln whether the Maxie will con. ie tently accommodate more than one of the said hel and legal representatives of the said intestate - wi bout prejudice to or spoiling the whole ; 'audit Jon .how Many it will as aforesaid accommodate, .le. milling each part by metes and boripds, told re, turnings Just valuation of the same. But if the -11 inquest by you to be summoned as aforesaid' to: uake the said partition or valuation shall be of opiniou that the premises aforesaid', with the ap- ,purtenanejss, can not be so parted • and 'divided as to accommodate more than one of the said heirs. snillegal representativesof thevald Intimate. that thihi you 'cause the inquest to value the whole of the said real estate, with - the appurtenanees.'hav log resp , Ct to the true valuation thereof agreeably to law ; and that the partition or valuation so made yo 4 distinctly and openly' have before our said Judge at ,Towanda. at an Orphans' Court there to be held Wale regular day of sessions thereof, after: ankh Inquest shall be trade under your hand and seal, and „under the hands and seals of those by whose oaths, or affirmations you shall make' such 'partition orialositieu, and have you then and there this writ.• .. •• . Witness: P. D. Morro*, President Judge of.onr said Court at Towanda aforesaid, the 7th• day. of April,. A. 0.1880. ' A. C. FRISBIE, Clerk of Orphans' Court. . ' In enifotimity with- the above order, • I hereby Om notice to the above named heirs and ' all ether persons Interested, that an. inquest will be held on the above estate, on the premises, on FRIDAY. the 287 n day. of ?iOVEMDEII, A. D. 1880, at 2 o'clock. P. lc '?hero Abvertiseme#6. LIAUILITIES A Purely 'Vegetable Medicine. An Effectual Specific' for 31AL AitIOUS FEVERS, BOWEL CUM PLAINTS. JAUNDICE. COLIC. • RESTLESSNESS, MENTAL DEktir;SSION, bICK HEADACHE, . . , CONSTIPATION,. ' BILLIOUS:NESS, • DTSPEPSIA, ..• NAUSEA, Ac SIMMONS' LIVER, REGULATOR SOLD DT ALL DRUGGISTS ' PETER 3, DEAN', nherlll Towanda, October 14, MO. • CO. • • . - . 1 -- • , • J.l • • . 1 1 . • I - • • -, ~4e WE . HAVE,.RECEIVED AND HAVE NOW ON EXHI c. - N ,f) OUR NEW STOCK'-OF FALL G OODS, ' - 11' . I . • . 4 Whichich for tOMPLITENESS and VARIETYI I OF SL 1 ., LES has never . 1 1 been excelled, if equalled. We would call particular attention to our stock of New Dress Goods and . Dress Trimmings, which comprise everything new in the market: Black Cashmeres': In all widths and priees, .best assortment ever shown by us; 7 all new and fresh. -;* . . , . , shmeres In different colors, and Colored Ca ..-'' widths, in 'every - known ' 7 - shade. : .471 Anifil Flannel i suit . ngs In great variety, all- colori, widths and Prices. :,..12,5,0001X) J. .500000 , . • 11,091175 49,300 oo 467.396 04 703 82 . . , . ~. , . • Entire'Y new, all colors, to- Orient Cashmeres, - ,gether with a , . complete line of ' CHEAPER DRESS GOODS, N CASHMERES, \ N _CASHMERES, j ),. j. ESTOWW - - ••- , - \• . en,tirely new styles, ttlso just received. . , . . . . ~ . . - , . .: -. . ~-; , . ~ , . : 1 ":,, ;• . • , -. . . , ..' . .. , - , ri...7 , veL ~, / , iil ..rf,,---k) BLACK .•,4 , , , „ , , SILK ,_/ , . . : .... ... , • - • - - - - Which. A'et shpw • • BROCADE SILK S , rs An :Colo Ana -Prices. - STRIPES, .;_Black and- Colored. Satires - J , / ,Splcndid assortMent. Ilhie,k and .Colored - Silks, Witli a full line of NOVELTIES in every e.: • OUR NOTION DEP-ARTME Is also full of .attractions. DRESS BUTTONS, in all the New . Styles 'Silk 1-Iniikcirchiefs, Fichus, kuchings, &c: A splendid variety of Nev Scarf Pins, Sl&eve Buttons, &c.; just added. IEI Nfr.,.:CLOAKS..:AND A FULL LINK OF ROOK KAMM. Our Cloth, Domestic and Calicb Depart- nients will each lie found full and newly stocked, / and prices very low,4with new stock, in, our BoOt and Shoe and "Grocery DeiCitrtinentg. LeTOWatlaa, ptember 30, 1880. i850..., - - . :: ...:!,.180 . ' .0. - ;ALL*. :: - • : ' li4so:-..-i:•:.'-'..-:.---.'it4AO I= SATIN ES., .' -. SATINES ) A full line of the celebrated ) ' • GREAT 'BARGAINS ,OFFERED IN -all \viCiths'• ' also a full line of. colors - in :Silk Velvets,: . • . lower prices than everbofore offered. EMI Just 'opened. DAMASSES, MOMIE \ CLOTIIS, IMMASSES, MOMIE CLOTHS' • NATELASSES, &C. MATELASSES, &C. ALPACAS L= MI fr ' ik /.1 SHAWLS,