Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 23, 1880, Image 3

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    Vadford g9tottq
Towanda, Pa., z6BO.
The expiration 'of subset 1 1 -, ion is print
ed on the colored Wei. By noticing the
date every' subscriber can tell when his
paper will be stopped uniess the subscrip
tioniis ?messes:l.
BE,SIEMBER the Excursion.
(Ctrums - t-rs are in marief.
ilayir. you-paid pm' taxes
'.i's have heard from 'Maine.
GRAPES * are plenty and cheap
Cons - buskide will soon b? inordor.
• Now is the time to set out strawberry
Go on the excursion to SheMenke next
Saturday, s.
IF you wish to save your vote, pay
year taxes
COUNTS Fair next, : Wednesday, Thurs
day and Friday..
THE Franklin. Fire Company aro goon
to have new bats.'
liixxv'of the farmers have almost fin
ished fall plowing. 7,
'To -DAY, Wednesday, the day and night
are of eqtial length.
AI3OLTT this time• of year look oat for
thaEquinoctial storm.
TaERE is very. little building going on
in this place at present. •
, .
DoN'T take a piece of coin with a hole
in it, it is not, legal tender.
IT is said that - .potato bugs are as good
as cochineal_ for coloring.
As goes Maine so goes the trnion:—El
int:rcr Free PreAs. Correct.
WILL the Democrats ever learn to wait
until the votes are counted ?
FALL . tree planting kiliould be done
about the middle of Octobe
AN immense crop of corn:,
cred throughout this section,
I '
T badge on the small boy's coat in
dicates how the old man votes.
Titp buckwheat crop this year, in this
county, is said to be immense.
Tun, Congressional Conference meets
in Montrose to-day, Wednesday.
MAST strangers in town, and our hotels
seem to be doing a good business.
Tilt pole raising mania is on the in
crease with both politieal.parties.
TUE Setiatorial Conference meets at
Skinner's Eddy to4lay, Thursday.
ST lIIIORS stovepipes will odlasion - ewia.
words In many households ere long.
TIIF: season for spoiling books and
pressing itutumn leaves is now here.
• MAKE arrangetneuts to go on the excur
eioulto Sile'drake, on Saturday next.
Tug' 4ideN , ralks in several portions of
our town Aro badly in nevi of repairs.
TIER. Germania Band vri7l give an open
Air concert in the Park, on Friday oven-
TO-DAVi Wednesday, is the-14th anni
versary of the Emancipation Proclama
F. L. lIALIAITD, of Troy, is erecting a
One- residence op Exchange street, in.that
. .
TtorSING Republican meetings are be
ing held, nightly, in different,parts of the
county: , •
Tits Republicans of Altoona will, in a
few 'days, raise a white. cedar pole '273
feet long.
• T
.=" THE Democracy of Sirriganeld expect
erect'a polo iu.honor of kiacir chief' at
dibtam day. 14ef
, . •
Jrrt•rnn is now ninety millions of miles
nearer the Barth than it 'will be again for.
twelve years.
TIMM: are two hundred and seventy
live pupils _in attendancf4t. thjicanton
Graded Seliocili
G/OIFIELD and C jab, of
Athens, are to have a '.tiarchlight. , parade
Friday evening. ,• .
Tar t Democrats li l dtre postponed that
jubilee meeting,- • over the victory in
Maine, indefinitely.
MosT every body in the country seems
to be engaged in either %cutting corn or
cradling buckwheat.
1 •
TILE Fall Term of Me - Wyoming Semin
ary, at Kingston, has'eornmeneetl, with a
largo i r uinber of papibt.
TILE banville Inteltigenar, (Democrat
ic) .calls General WEAvEit a "political
frainp." Why those epithet :1
acknowleqie the receipt of p,tom
plimentary ticket ..:to the? forthcoming
Fair of the Troy Farmers' plub. 1 , • :
TIIF, management of the Fair have
great expectations.' The attendance 'of
visitors will doubtless be immense.
- RESERVED Seats for VALE'S Comedy
Company, -50 cents each, on and after
Monday next at KIRBY'S Drug Store.
THERE may be nothing "ifo . rare asir
(lay in June.", but it is pretty.ard to find
pleasanter days than the past or three.
THE Presbyterian Sunday . , Sehool, of
Troy, had a very enjoyabfe pie-nie at
iniam's kirove, near that `place, on Bat
}",ur(i,v last.
Tics news in the Elmira Gazette. of
,)Ve.luesday of last week, postponed, in
delittitely, a Democratte jubilee meeting
at phis place.
FTus Excursion to • Cayuga ;Lake,. etc : ,
on Saturday next, promises titi be one of
the best of the season. Of *hoarse you
expect to go. g i 4 .
Tpe. names of ne , s4iitbseribers to the
11}.PoicrEn Continue to came in in inereas
itig.:burnbers. The k-people are reading in
`.this campaign. !I -
/ Mir, planet Jupiter is ai brilliant sight
nrlo,op- , a clear evening- after sunset.
Witt} ap ordinary field-glass Its four
roncls"a distinctly visible.
Tar. Climbers of the If. E. Church at
Lime Hill, residing at_Vaughn KID, have
organized a Iklite Society wits the inten
ton of buying bytten boob for the
IT la said . that Maui, Catutoi . raised
this year, • on twonty.twO aerie of the
Wells' Flats, in Tovetubk #rwnship, 8013 1
bushela.of Diehl Wheat. • '
A ',AMBLE TEAM'OI hOrSeE belonging
to THOMAS tiNtritie §ons i Athens ran
away one day last ' we 'and' one of the
anhnaht, was verrbadly injured.
Twci,‘ , pweeder r from Mclntyre, were ar
rested Canton•one day'last week, for
entering a house in that !Mk° and using
inindting lineage to the lady inmate&
kr is rumored that there is such a'de
mind rOil l poultry—eipecially turkeys—at
tnion'Otners, that, a. large , number of
the foiy"lillove ' changed hands in the
Might recenay. •
* Wednesday of last 'week, the stage
4tween Laceyville and Leßayirville began
making daily tripe; the Postmaster Gen
eral having ordered. Mail Service on the
Mate each way, daily. -'
TUE rEUX4'WFUi " full " 'last Saturday
night_And so were the Dpmocrats. here
abouts. The moon was bright and fair to
look upon. The Democrats looked dark
and despondent. Maine.
PEnsoNs desiring to purchase tickets
for the' excursion to . Cayuga Like, on
Saturday next, can do so by calling on
Mr. LEWIS, at the Commissioners' office.
Fair for 'round trip $2.00. •
Art Irish Republican partleld aid . Ar
thur Club has been organized at 'fling
hamton, with a roll of seventy members.
Another has been organized at *Elmira,
with a' memliership of eighty.
THE train on the State Line and Sulli
van road was delayed for some little time,
on Friday afternoon last; at Fleverly's
Siding, in Albany, by- several coal cars
jumping the track. Nobody hurt.
Joux 11CConuica has purchased the
interest of his partner, Mr. YOCNO, in the
Owego Blade, and will hereafter conduct
the paper as sole editor and proprietor.
We wish MACK all manner of success.
WE acknowledge the receipt of a com
plimentary ticket from the Carroll Coun
ty, Maryland; Agricultural society, Which
,holds its Fair at Westminster, September
28th and October Ist, inclusive. Thanks.
Cnuncn of the Messiah (Universalist),
Rev, WILLIAM TAYCOR,. Pastor. At 10i
.t. sr., subject, " The Horses and Chariots
of Heaven.' At at, "Profit and
Loss, or, Losing a Soul." All welcome.
M r E were in error last week in stating
th the , Germania Band would furnish
thOmusic at the- County Fair next week.
The boys inform us 'bat
,their services
have: not been engaged. Which we re
will be gath-
W t :', H. SNVDER, an employee at 'UM
freight depot of the Pa. it, N. Y. R. R. in
this place, was quite se%erely injured one
day recently, by a large box of goods,
which he was assisting to load on a dray,
falling 'on him.
Voters, remember that since the adop
tion of the - new constitution, persons re
moving, from one election precinct to an--
other, within sixty days, immediately
prtceeding the. election, cannot legally
vote in their precinct.
IT it requ redby law that the supervisors
in each township put up finger-boards at
every cross roads.'• Failing to do this they
are liable to a fine of. $lO for each and
everyact of negligence. Measures should
be taken to enforce 1,1:m law throughout
tho county.
AT 1,110 Trustoe's'sle•of the estate of
G. F. MASON, bankrupt, on Tuesday,.the
brick booe, with thine or four acres of
land, just below town, was struck off to
t T, • KIRDY for $4,450, and the' steam
mill property to B. Ituramoikm., at $3,-
500. •
• t
TirE Camptown correspondent of the
Tunkbanuock Republican says.that G. L.
Lewis, of that place, raised sixty - bush
els of onions on eleven rods of ground, or
Over qui bushels per acre. 'lf there is
any one that can beat that we would like .
to hear front him. •
THE,korse attached to Dirrnicn's de
livery wagon took it into its heal to go to
the barn whilst the driver was absent.
The g6ods that were in the wagon; for de
livery, were more or less "Mussed
when the vehicle overturned, but no
serious damage resulted.
THE' Rev. G. D. S•rilotrn having acnept
A the charge 'of St. Peter's Free Church,
ifunkhannock, will preainh his farewell
ermon at the Nail Wchicii t tichool House,
on Sunday evening next, at 7 o'clock. He
*ill also preach at Granger's School
House, North Towanda, Son Saturday ev
eping, at the same hour. -
le you have something worth the inspec
tion alb° people, bring it to the County
Fair. 'Every one shoUld take an interest
in this matter, and
. do what . they*in to
make this exhibition a grand success.
Every accommodation for visitors arid ex
hibits has been or is being made, and all
will receive due attention.
WE "arise to explain" that the GAB
rtkpand Manna club of Montrose and
B;l4gewater 'have ordered two hundred
campaign iorche,s, in, addition to the three
hundred which'it now has.—lndtpendfnt
Ilepicblicap. GoOd. . Hope you will order
a thousand more!; an then—we may pos
sibly desire to thirtan: them.
A ftErunt.tcAN meeting will be hold at
the tnion School House, Sheshequiu
township, this, Thursday evening, at
which a GAIfFIELD and Auturn Club
will be organized. Capt. C. M. MAN
VILLE, and others, will address the meet
ing, and the
,Wysoz Cornet Pan: will
discourse some,excellent music.
A Hebrew jewelry pedler, by the name
of Nue Pk
--IfI'ERPOIIT, arreEted in
this place en Monday lAt, on the com
plaint of a young woman a resident of
Tioga county, by ti-e name of HVLSELAN-
Ditli, on a charge of breach of promise
and seduction. Fe gave bail in the sum
of $l5OO on , Tuesday for an appearance.
SAYS -the Bloomsburg (Columbia
county) Reitibltean of- last week c " We
r been informed that at the close of a
Democratic meeting held at Bendertown .
this county, three cheers were offered
tint for the speaker, second fox the Demo.
cratio party and third, i for the Southern.
Confederdeg. What do the loyal s .ple
think of this?"
—..44 .1 •
Tait *publicans. of N r uril4Towanda
will raiso a pole and boblA l meeting
next Saturday atternoon,ficein 'Cueing at
two o'clock. 11. N. 1 0 . 1ixic.318.;',,8.•
PECK, and L. M. 1 2 .41 z, Esgs ftl are speak
ers for the occasion. The GeOania Band'
will furniish music. Delegations will be
present/Toni all the surrounding towns; and thggathering will doubtless be the
largestotet held in ibis iiction.
Mn. 8: W. secs, of Laßayrille, a
prominent Democrat of 'Bradford' ocootity,
was in Or office yesterday. He teiht firs
that Haiicoca will gain 400 Or 5001 e- '
- Publican ecltele-in .
haRSOCk DalOara t There likktionOn.
_Who are 'Withal enough to:
Insitt‘that• S*3l- IN Pottlink 114140 to,
more;, B O thie-ye . ae then
praviansly. :Now, the:truth* that flaw
re, l 4 be, bethellei IntliebY •to' produce
even, four, pr. five Republioaniwho =will
kupptat Ihrtcom in this onus* notwith
standing be Obtims there, va - lour or live
Tan Camptown iicuneepnrdetit the
Tunklurrunick Repubiieuri, tinder the date
of Seprember 15th, saYs that " Altera-
BALD SUMNER and "Lem OwEns, of
Spring Hill, inetirith• quite an accident
in driving up to It. J. Pumas's store.
The horse ran against .the 'hitching' post
with such force as to knock blur down,
injuring Mr. °warm quitct seriously about
the knees." - - • _
A STnAw.4—There was a large gather
trig at 'C. R. Scotrrszes," at Mountain -
Lake, on the nth. instant, to cedebrate
the twenty-sixth amiiversary of his 'wed
ding. 'A. vote taken, of the actual voters
present, for President, resulted as fol
lows : GARFIELD, S 2 ;11Ancoex, 8. -And
that v.ili be about the avemgethroughout
Bradford County on the Second of Na
vember. •
POSSIBLY after several days consider*:
tion_ of the following -from the Athens
dautte, of last week, we may be able 'to
believe it : "JAmEs WITsoN has turned
out to be the eicolsior fisherman in these
parts. 4 Within a week he bas caught
twenty-three black basi, some of them
weighing as high as 31 lbs., and not:one
under 2 lbs. 'Taking everything into con
eidemtion, we think this the best fishing
done this season"
THERE was a GARFIELD and Anprun
pole raising at Centerville, Ridgbury
township, Saturday, nearly one -hundred
feet long,_ Hon. E. OvEnTox was pres
ent, and addressed the people.: There
was a large attendance. The brass band
trom Wellsburg was prevent and enliven
ed the occasion with their good selections.
Th to'n of Ridgbury is doing and will
do its share of the work for the support
and election of GARFIELD and ARTEIVR
on the second day of November. '
• •
THE Greenbackers have pnbin the field
the following county ticket : .
Congress.-31ABON STARE, of Wyoming
,State Senator.—LEßof GLEASON, of
Reprosentatites.—W. H. CAIIMER; Litch
fielo ; dosnua Bunnows, Fikn; R. F.
DELatoT, Canton.
Judge.—B: 8. BENTLEY,. of 14 coming
RESEAVED seats: for 'J. S. VALE'S Ly
comn.Comedy Company can be secured
at Kirby's, on and after Monday next.
The Company will play on Wednesday
night. "Our Boys," and• on Thursday
night, "The Ticket of Leave Man." In
addition to these popular comedy's a farce
will be played each evening, and Mr.
BENTLEY,' the vocalist, will. amuse the
audience with his comic singing. Re
served seats 50 cents. This is said to be
One of the finest truu,es traveling, and we
have no donut they will be greeted with
crowded houses.
MIL T. B. ;S.3trrn, of Orwell, is not
only solid . for GARFIELD and ARTHUR,
but is always straight lined. To prove
this fact,, twe assert on - good authority
that dwelling stands on the line di
viding the townships of Orwell and Pike.
His edible's tire .cooked in Pike, and ho
and his family eat them in Orwell. At
night he and his wife retire in Pike, while
the balance of the,family sleep in9rwell.
If he were not a sound Republican, we
might expect him to cast two votes this
fall.for President—one in each township;
as he lives in both.—Leßaysrale Adver
R. 6. HAIGHT, of Mountain Lake, pre
sented us with three Peaches,, on Monday
last, that were picked from a tree on his
premises, which are the largest fruit of
the kind wo have ever seen that was
grown in,•this county. They are all
nearly of the same size, and of delicious
flavor. The largest one measured 9: 4 ‘
inches in circumference. Any one who
thinks be has', Peaches that are larger or
better ilaiored th n the ones snentioned
above, can secure'our services as a judge
of their merits by leaving samples at this
4 VERY large audience greeted, Miss
GERTRUDE KEntoco,.at Mercur Hall, on
Friday evening, and a more delighted au
dience never left the Ilan at the close.of
any entertainment. Miss KELII o 0 has
ever been a favorites wikla'Towanda andi-
ences, and her appekrance on the evening
named simply added to the• high regard
already held by our psape for her as a
lady, and strengthened tlidlpiniorialready .
formed by all, that in
. her Chogen profes
.sion, she is the queen. ho will always
be greeted by laigo audiences hOre, as
she ought to be overywhere.
AiIIOMELESS lad, about sixteen`Years of
age, named Toni Mrans, die&S‘titday at
Mr. Simtizt. OVENSIIIER'S, of hemorrhage
of the lungs. He belonged in'Towanda
township; but had been' doing chores for
Mr. 0. a conple of weeks- During his
last sickness be received 'every comfort,
and kind care, but physicians could not
help him. Though. a charge upon the
public' at home, be wag prond.spirited
and faithful, and realizing his coming
dtiom, met death fearlessly. His disease
kept bim from laboring to support him
self, but he has taken to the grave more
than many can do—tile respect of those
who knew him.—Athens Gazette.
BETWEEN twelve and one o'elockr :on
Wednesday night of .last week, the engine
}own of 'FROST'S Sons' Furniture Factory,
was dite2wered to be on fire. An alarm
was- :at once given, and the firemen
promptly responded, but not until the
flames had gained such headway as to de
stroy the engine house, and
.damage ccat
siderably the drying house attached. The
toss is estimated at about- $1,500, on.
'which we !cam there is no insuilance.
Too much credit 'Cannot be awarded the
firemen for their promptness and efficient
work on this occasion, as but for them
the main building of the factory must
have' been destroyed, together with a
large amount of adjoining propeßy. The
necessary repairs Are being made, `and the
factory will be in running order in a few
days again...".
?dn. THOMAS A., Ernsos contributes an
article to the October' .number cif. the
North American Review, •in whici he,
States that he has succeeded in mnicing
the eleetrle light entirely practicable for all
muminating purposes. He shows the ad
vantages of electricity over gas, and 4-
plains how his system is to be intrci i .
He comments upon the unfavorable opin:
ions that have been passed upon his
work, and 'inys that similar judgmenti
were pronounced upon telegraphy, steam
navigation, and other great discoveries.
Other articlei in the. October number of
the Review rue : "The . 'Democratic Party
agedpain LI
erozai;"Thoßuhus of eftinil Amid;
eV' ihnunit
he Ob.
Linittittn- BA6o3r_; The 'eankiishifi •or
1862 •" , by Judge D TOM WMOWP
"1130-Taxation or ChurdiTropni4!” by
Be.V.Pr. A- W. "R kent
Pttiress in Affi r,
ronote" to , Protepsor
S. Hdrnßar.
, _
Maim? Maim% PAT'almt
sin Jr., oeUliter, Instituted a Lodge of
Good.Templars at Mibm, on: Friday ev
ening last., with twenty-one cbarteil mem !
bars. The foliowing named bidies and
gentlemen were; elooted_imernoers for the
current quarter •
Wi C. T.—D.ll. Mistre. •
R. H. B.—Mrs. J. F. D.ViscErer.
. L. 11. B.—Mrs: B.M. ANTHONY.
IF: V. T.-45 VINOST.
W. B. Misis PEsitt..Coolt - ,
IV. P. 8. --Thasurs . Futisswouni:
Treasurer-D. B. itiscssv.
W. N.'=DEWrrr ?Stang. ,
I. o.—JosErn DETUA. ' •
Lodge Deputy—DEWirr .i*yrats.
The X4odge'srill meet on. Tuesday even=
lugs, and will be known as Queen Esther
Lodge, N 0.1107.
MARE GOOD rystEs.—lf you are a.raer
chant, and wish to - purchase a carriage,
patronize Sur home mechanics. If you
are a farniki, patronize your. hem° - •
chant. •
If you are a mechanic, do your buainesa
with the people from whom you obtain
your employment-,
If you are a laborer, spend your money
with home tradesmen, and thereby assist
in making yotir town prosperous , .
If the business man, the mechanic and
'tradesmen are prosperous, the laborer,
the farmer and all others in a community
will be betiefitted.
Do your business in it spirit of recipro
city. Let each vocation try to assist the
oth. r, and in this Way a friendly and mu.'
tual relation 'exists, which will prove
beneficial. .
Do not purchase articles from abroad
which are manufactured at home, if- you
possibly can help 'it.-
The Republica & of East Troy and vi
cinity are wide awake. On Saturday, the,
18th instant, they raised a beautiful polti4
from the top of which streams the names
of GAIWIELD and Airnrit.
The polo having been firmly secured
position, the National Banner was run
up, and as its graceful folds caught the
breeze, the whole vast assemblage of Re.
publicans, moved by the same impulse,
animated by the spirit of '76 and '6l; rent
tfie air with peal after peal of "burraha"
for the dear old flag,—for Osiu JRI.D and
AUTIIVR, and for the success of Republi
can principles, which both the streamer
and the flag represent.
The enthusiasm having subsi ed, Rev.,
D. enow„ who happened to in the
place on a visit was called out, and re
sponded in his usual - terse and energetic
style, stating facts with such force and
power as to carry conviction, as nothiu,
but the truth can. Rev. J. W. BARNETTE
followed with 'a few.earnest remarks
which were well received, and the crowd
dispersed to meet again in the •
As the shades of night began to gather
around, the people came pouring in from
all directions, until onr little town pre
sented an animated Beene: The meeting
was orgatdied iu front of the residence of
D. N. ALE , F..sq., by calling U. N.
VERBECK to .the chair. After 'a short
speech by Prdf. J. T. MeCoLi.oAlwhick .
was good, the speaker of the evening, A.
C. FANNING, Esq., was iutrodncel, and
for an hour entertained the audience with
a calm, clear, forcible and convincing
speech, in which tie realm; for suPport
ing the Republican nomintes—and for
not supporting ,he / Democratic—were
made so plain that the viayfariog Demo
crat, though wm 7 lc in the upper story,
need not err. Aong the audience were
a few honest min ted Democrats, , who by
their attentive earnestness were evidently
in search of the truth. The East Troy
Band furnished Music. . .
A number o \ finctive Republicans are
wortlrio'special mention for their com
menanblr al in procuring and erecting
the p'siliL; Bat they , are so modest that I
f\ z
do not feel justitica in mentioning their
Emit Troy, Sep. 21th. ANON.
• Com. vs. Ira Lent—Perjury. :Sentenc
ed to pay a fine of $lOO, and undergo an
imprisonment of one year and eight
. months in the Eastern Penitentiary.'
Com. vs. Anthony. O'Boyle—Larceny.
Sentenced to pay a fine of $lO, and under
go an imprisb'nment or seven . months ,in
the county jail.
Com. vs. William F. Dettz—Larceni.
Sentenced to the House of Refuge.
Corn. vs. Charles Heavener—False pre
tences. :Nolte prosequi entered.
,Corn. vs. R. B. Swisher\--Fornication
and bastardy. Jury find defendant guil
ty of fornication . .
W. W. Keeler vs. B. B. Keelei'-',As
snmpsit. Plaintiff takes.a non suit.
F. G. Hall's use vs. George Fivie, et
—lssue. Rodney A. Merc,ur and . ;D'A.
Overton, Esqs., for. plaintiff ; Elsbree
Son for defendants. Verdict for plaintiff
of $607. •
0..1. Chubbuck vs. W. R. Morgan's,
Administmtor—Assurnpsit. IN. Califf,
Esq., for Plaintiff; Davies & Csrnochan
for defendant. Veidict for plaintiff of
W. R. Storrs, Assignee of John F.
Means, vs. Thomas R. ;ordan—Assump
sit. D'A. vertort and Rodney A. Mer
cur, Esqs., for plaintiff f Davies & Carno
chit) for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff
of $381.50. „ ;
Jackson Lewis vs. William Whitney—
Trespass. Davies & Cartchan for plain
tiff ;11. J. Madill and J.' . Esqa.
for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff of
Hannah HOlcomb vs. Hollis Macomb--
Subloceni in divorce directed to be issued.
r Estella J. Chamberlain vs. Hezekinh
Chamberlairs.--Proclamation 'directed to
be rnadc.
yiela E. Buxton vir.l'ay. D. Biliton.-
3. W. Bishop, Esq., appointed : Commis
sioner. -
Martin,Hickok vs. Samuel S. Hick°lc.—
Divorce granted. •
First National Bank of Athens' use vs.
Marshallßul'wk.—Rule to Set aside
Sheriff's sale,.
The billowing Sheriff's Deeds were se
knowledsed •
To H. L. ticott, trustee, for lot of hod
tin Towanda township, sold Soptembf.r 10,
1880, as the , property of Catherine Gillis.
To IL L. &Ott, trustee, for 2 lots of
laud in Towandi township, sold Septent
her 10, 1810. as the property of IL J.
Madill. *55. • -
To. William 11, Obriitlaii, for 52 ammo
of lead in Tammroro' tmeeehlp, _sold Sept
timber 10, 1580; 144,IMP`mleetp Leubei,
, of land
rasa sores , to,
Moses 0,;,.4;
•:1 880,
non. 445.1*
COO, for 4 acre:tot land in
13hesheqain toVuship, sokl. April 29,1880,
wfthwpropertY of Bally DaildWin, admit.
of boliglau pavidson. $l5. •
To J. F. Belay, for 75 acres of land . in
Granville townsbii, told Bepteniher 3
1880, , as ihe property of B.:1 0 .. Lirepll3.
ta oo . •
To & Ackley,: for 34 PC4O4 of
land in Wyalasing toWicihipi sold Sop.
telpher 2, 1880, as the property of .W. B.
Lathrop.. $3OO. i.l!
To Judson Stephens, tot: acres land;
in Tuscarora township, 'Old Beptinctier
10, 1880, as the property of Ed*. Als soy.
Ta G. D.,,Kinney, for 2 lots of land in
Rome" township, sold September dj 1880,
as the property of yilliaro Wolff $182..
Tolobn - Holtees; for house and lot in .
tjwarida borough, sold", September 'lO,
1880, is ,tbe property of 'cleorgeAtid
Amelbt Walborn. -41310. '
moADA7,4spraisin. 20ru. '
Martha J. Long vs. Mary T. Long et al
—Rule to strike off satisfaction of judg
ment and subrogate M. F. Long to the
iighta ) of the plaintiff as to one half of the
judgment. '
J. B. Broadley vs.. Alonzo 11ill et al—
Caso discontinued.
Luther K. Conistock ve. Mary. E. Com
stock—John W. Mix eppointed Commis
. N. N. Betts vs. Towanda Gas and
Water Company et al, ganlisheei of C. S.
.Russell—Rule to strike off judgment and
set aside e x ecution.
In the Matter of Sarah Britton—Jury
find her a lunatic. Redmond Caton ap
pointed commissioner. -
John Carroll va. The Liverpool, London
and Globe Insurince Company—llule
made absolute and case removed to
United States Circuit Court: •
The engineer; engaged in snrvoing
the route for the• New York, Lackawan
na and Western Railway, have already
passed Waverly and are now on their
way to Elmira. It is asserted that the
proposed route via Candor has been
With a completion -of this • line from
Binghamton to Nichols, in• this county,
the project of the Bradford Iteilroad from
the State Line near that point to Rome,
Towanda, and Canton, Pa., . a distance of
but forty-eight , miles, will doubtless be
revived. It may be remembered that
JOHN S. MADDEN, the President of that
road, has a chaiter from the Pennspivnia
Legislature, and some time ago commenc
ed its construction in accordance with the
provisions of such charter: lie hab also
the right of way for nine-tenths of the
distance from the State Line to Canton.
Upon, the construction' of this road m old route from Boston to Pittsburgh
be aimost an air line. Prom Cant to
Pittsburgh connecting roads are already
wilt 4,3 Driftwood and Caledonia,
in Allegheny river above Kittatinniiig.
surrys and papers of the. MADDEN
r to eye tiOW in Philadelphia, whero ef
fo are making to have the road built..
In • .ning the line for the N. Y. and L.
47, W.R. the engineers proceed regard
less of everything exOpt shortening the
distances as compared with those of the
Erie ! road. In some places 'they follow_
the pld canal and in 'others they cut
throi gh the door yards of farm houses. .
Thil-engineers claim that the line 'from
' Binghamton to Elmira will be considers
bly shorter than that of the Erie. To
coris ect with the Ithaca branch, p bridge
will doubtless be built across the Susque
hanna, east of Owego. If in connection a
svith this tlie MADDEN told should be
built Owego will be brought in direct
communication 7Rith: , various points iu
this State an&Pepnsylvania, a large poll
Lion of the trade of which has been , dii
verted elsewhereeteego Gazette.
The following,o ‘ rdinatiee relating to the
- ..runuiud;of hacks; baggage wagons, &c.,
has bee ni dopteit,by the BOrough Coun
cil : 1 'I.
Be it 'ordained by the Burgess and
Council of the borough "of Towanda, and,
it 18 hereby ordained by the authority of
the same
Sac. 1. That from and after the 20th
day of September, A. D,,..i55,0, each and
,every person who. shall engage or be en
gaged in carying passengers for hire with
in the limits of said borough of Towanda,
shalt be required to pay , into the treasury
of said borough, an annual license often
dollars, for each. and every hackney
coach, cab, or vehicle by them so employ
ed,.eaid license to be first obtained and
paid for before entering upon said busi-'
SEc. 2. Each and every person who
shill engage or be engaged in the carrying
of baggage for hire within said borough,
shall be required .to pay into the treasury
thereof an 'annual license of ten dollars,
to be obtained .and paid for as aforesaid.
SEC. 11. The price or tate!, of fare to be
takeh or paid to own ers or drivers of
vehicles employed in - carrying passengers
as aforesaid shall be as follows, to wit :
For carrying one passenger from one
place in thaborough . to another, or to or
from either of the railroad depots of this
place, not exceeding .25 cents. -
For children not under six or over
twelve years of age, so carried aforesaid,
not exceeding 12 cent&
If under that age and accompanied by
an adult, no charge.
For driving by the hour, for &carriage
load or less in number, not •exceeding
$ l .O O .
For attending - funerals, including gang
- the - residence to the cemetery or
place f burial and not exceeding
$3.00. - , •
For carrying to or fr om the fair grounds
of the Bradford Count%' Agricietural So
ciety, or to or Rutty's l'arls, not ex
coedit* 25 cents:
For • carrying to and frorsk evening
parties, pnblir, balls, and family parties,
for carrying every two persons, not es
ceeding $l.OO. • 1.
_ ,
For early morning_ calls, for eaglage
load or less, from 12 o'clock' at "night
until sunrise, not exceeding $l.OO.
Baggage shall be carried' by each and
every person holding - a libonse for carry
ing the same at the following rates, to
wit: . . •
For each and every trunk, or other
parcel weighing more than thirty pounds
boor from one place in said borough' to
another, or to or front. either of the rail
-road depots, not exceeding 25cents.
SEC. 4. Pio owner or driver of any vehi
cle used for the purpose aforesaid in
the borough of ' Towanda, stall ask,
demand, or receive any larger snip than
be Or they 'Play„be entitle'. to receive : Mt
aforesaid, nnder the pe naltj of Film Dot.,
LAUB for every such 'ranee, .to be sued
for and : recovered from the_owner or.
owners,l3r the driver-of any ech vehicle:
And no,such owner or driver shall de-,
mand or receive from any such pa s senger
any extra compensation, or' any sum
whatever for carrying and transporting
withsnch name's or palsenger, in or upon
said vehicle, iany • Ordinary baggage : 43r
luggage, belonging thereto, 4,0, or from
any place in said is:moues, or to or from
any place mentioned is the table of rates
aforesaid, under a penalty of Two Dos..
No owner or :iiriver.. of anyykftiPtge
wagon or baggage sapless, shall demand
1 or rimers a larger awe for thottatospotti
tiOn ,of !maize "than t llio ; tato pssaaribed
le the ireielielee Ott* *P . " Mak
of Two DoWrsa::.
aze: 5. The noinhei licenia.of
every hackney- embr ' , cab; carriaga:
attic* shall be. Printed in legible char.
*era on the (Intel& ".theredf, or on the
todePep and &dim; ot this IDedb.
name, with the name ot-tb,a cnvnet of slid
week cib orrx#riae'or rehic shall be
framed snit hung Jcp ; ire 'y in roils
conspicuous place in. the 1 thereof;
under a penalty kw! litpunc Donau for
each offence of violating the provisions of
Vieseiections. ,
Sae. %Every. person . carrying pin e *.
gets in violation -this ordiean: in re
spect to lioensp, shall Upon conviction, be
liable te a penalty.-of Tea DoLutus, tO
be sued for in the name of the borough,
and collected as other. debts of like
amount are lied for and collected, and
the Menge so gmtea shall be deglized
forfeited and revaked. "4'
Sac. 7. Prescribes the form of license
to be issued. , - -
. '. - PERSON AL..
, v ,
—Miss MaT gan.has Ow on s .14sit
to friends in, lirc r 7 N. Y.
-.,-p. W. parrs spurn has taken a pci
&Sion in Km s Drug Store. , „ .
—Mr. end Mrs. L. MIIIiDY et ,Itlutes,
are visiting relatives in this place.
- • 1 -G. A. Gunnsav has sold his residence.
on Ruston street, to Gso. W. Boon.
—Dr. E. D. PA and family, am vis
iting friends it Annapolis,' Maryland.
E. 0. WAnehas taken a position in
the S.L. de 8. Railrowl office at this place.
Mirtir. DOANE, of Philadel
phia, •is visiting her , many friends in
Smithfield. •
—Rev. G. P. SiwaLL and wife, of .
Troy, have returned borne from' their .
Eastern trip. •
—Miss MATTIS CowLss,. of Elmira, is
visiting her friend, Miss BELLE thusw,- in
this place. .
—Miss S. L. JOHNSON, of Groton, IL
Y., is the guest of her brother, C.= H.
JOHNSON, this plaoe.. -
—Rev. B. S. Diits and family, of.Ohia,
returned borne from a visit to Smithfield,
on Monday, Sept. 20.
place, contemplates spending the winter
with friends at Akron, Ohio.
—Miss EDITH GRIFFITHS, of Louisville,
Kentucky, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
J. J. Gnirwrrris, Main street. .
—Mr. and Mrs. JAMES Mammas, of
Owego, N. Y., are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
H. W. PArtrici f in-this place.
—Mrs. W. 1.1. MORGAN, of this place,
had the misfortune to lose •a ten dollar
bill on Main street one day last week.
—Mr.. and Mrs. S. W. Po moor, of
Troy, have returned borne from an ex
tended trip through the Western Stites.
—Messrs. NEWMAN and COREY with
their ladies, returned. to Smithfield, Sat
urday last after xi ending a week in New
—Min &LUAU Lemcinurx, of Lodi,.Ben.
eca County, N. Y., visited her cousin, H.
L. LtvonEux, Esq., in this plane, last
--Mr. EVANS, of the firm of Ewrs &
liii.nnrrn, is in New York this week,
purchasing a stook of goods for the' fall
-Itev. E. P. littowx, Rector of St.
Paul's Episcopal Church, Troy. and wife,
have gone on a visit to Cornwall; Leba
non County.
—The Democrats of Bradford County
have nominated ARTHUR HEAD, Esq., of
Athens, for District Attorney. ARTHUR
is out of his element.— Waverly Advocate.
—FRED L. WILCOX, of the Argus office,
who has spent the summer at Cape May,.
returned to this place (710 Monday, and
has resumed his duties •in the Argus es- -
—Mrs: Joux ROILAT andlliss JENNIE
DOUGGANS, who have been °tie pleasant
visit to friends in Columbia county, for
several Weeks past, returned home on
Monday last.
—Rev. IfmaY„ 3 : WELLS, of Wyoming,
preached in ' the,‘pheirch at Merryall, on
Sunday, the 12th Einstant. Thirty years
ago that day he oabbed his thrst sermon
in the same church at Merryall.
—JESSE WootatcFr.„ a former well
"mown resident of this place, is lying dan
geroualy ill at the residence of his son-in
law, IS A AC KELEUII at Detroit. There
is but slight hopes o f f his recoveiY. Burr's, of North Towanda,
who has been afflicted with partial bilnd
riess for some months' past, rejoices that
under the skillful treatment of a Wilkes-
Haat: occulist, his sight his been mach
improved. - '• •
—HELEN, an idolized little daughter of
Mr. and Mis. 'JAME* LEWIK, - aieci on Mon
day morning last of scarlet fever. The
afflicted parents have the sympathy of
our entire conimunity in their sad be
reavement. .
• —W. H. 31Farceu and C. L. CODDPO,
of this place, will attend lectures in - tbiti -
Department of 3fedicine University of
Pennsylvania, at • Philadelphia, this fall
and winter. They left for Philadelphia
on Thursday evening last--;
—3lrs. H. V. BS:I3MM, of Emporia,
Kansas, accompamed by, her son, Master
Dreg, arrived in town,lait evening., Mrs.
B. formerly resided here, but went • West
when - a young girl: She returns now
to visit her mother, Mrs. Joint B. SMITH,
and other friends in the county, and will
meet with a hearty reception,—Review,
—The- Owego' Record '
says: "The
youngest compositor within oar knowl
edge is Master WALTER Iticeowpcx, son
of the editor of the made. He is only
-about thirteen years old, and puts np
from 3,000 to 4,000 type per day ire very
'correct shape,be4des 'making himself
useful in Various o er ways.
GvEntispt, Cashier of the Cii
izens' National Bank, his disposed of his
interest in the hank to GEORGE W. arc%
and others.,and will retire from that in-
stitution about the first of October ` and
engage in the banking business at Can
ton ; having bought the banking business
there of DOANE & Son.
—Rev. Dr. TAYLOR, of Towanda ' is
holding special pervices in the interest of
the Universalist Sociaty of this place, at
the house on the corner of Church and
Seminary 64eet„. This has been recent ly fitted up for this purpose by Dr. A. J,
COLE, and will hereafter be lased by this
denomination.—Mangyetd Advertiser.
-1111tAlf A. Baini., for the past thir
ty-the years editor of the Owego Gazette,
has sold his interest in the office 'to his
late partner, Leßoy W. KINGMAN and
retired from-, the = business: The good
wishes of all who have known Mr. BEE-
R; either individually or editorially, will
go with him in 'his retirement from the
business pursuits of life.
—The Harrisburg Patriot, of a recent
•date, Contains the following in regard to
a former resident of this County : A.
Wnivrav, Esq., civil engineer, 1( and
family,) for many years in .the service of
the Pennsylvania.Canid Company, le(i,
Tyrone-on Thuredity ~i to take , np Often.'
residence, for the rut*, in that.thriving
railroad center.- The= Rood-wishes :of a
large circle of friends of this city follow
Mr, Sit urrast and family to their new
bOrire." •
ALL the world knows, that when a wo
man liar once expresled 'a decided °pip...,
ion upon any subjeet, the matter may be
regarded as settled, and the "status of the
article under consideration is defined be
yond possibility of ;dispute. Nor ere
these opinions Often --wrong. That mar
velous short-handed logic, which enables
the female intellect to riudi to a conclu
sion, as if by_ instinct,: while the slower
masculine mind is still struggling 114 the
proi and cons,"is genendly to be depend
ed on: and when_alroOmn sepia thing hi
good, the chances area thousind to one
that it deserves her encomium.
,j An apt illustration of this truth is Eu,
, .
the Fall number is before us. :'Ft at over ,
sixty thousand ladies, throughout the'
United, States ' ehoidd 'accept thIS
:Ape as thsir guide to Fashion and Shop
ifig, hi snflielent evidence "Of- the Cigna:.
tion io which it is bold by tlio fairer por 7
trout` of the community: ' Tka 100 lc
at the melpizine, - discern :tic character at
11 ,0=4 and to sidscrdi 3 .. . : wh ile -
them* readefelaranteS isges mt.
isidth se ats the *O_ We
ak .3F3(kreful•
tb o dewriPtkoketeillealiFiteteledee the
tataitli verdict to besound.. - " "
f The Fait number open 'with 4 choice
eehx*ti efiltetery articles; In • which eh
titstaniOlit blinded.-with instruction
*isms - domarnaking; .
ind'akeallutk Thai toilette a
general review - of rsolldene . fer the Fell
season, and then come the reviews of the
different departnumts of -horiaeltold awn
omt:commerming with.thatb;ot Fen 'cos.
tunaie.' In every department, a clear des
cription of the chimgee of fashion isgiven:
new articialare desbribed at length, and
114trated in a . ieelly artistic manner : and
coMPlete price bait are' given,to enable
the reader to oompare the cost of different
styles. A magnificent lithographed Fa
shion Plate accoinpanies the book; repre
senting actual costumes, at moderate
prices.. The magazine; as a whole, forms
a perfect shopping guide, and should en
able Its readers to mike their purchases
from any store, in the:country, without
fear of being over chirOJ, br induced to,
buy unfashionable goods.-
Published by Enureu Brms., 287 to
295 Eight Ave., NeW ,Tork, at 50 cents a
year, or 15 cents a single copy.' •
. lAA of Jadges chOsen 4 ta'act at the Mb
Annual Fair of the Biadford County Ag
ricultural Society, to be held at East To
wanda, MI September 29th and 30th and
October 1841880 :
CLAM I—uouBzB.
(Divisions 1 to 4 inclusive.)
S. M. Dickerman, Burlington Borough;
E, G. Goocling, ShesLequin ; P. W. Mo•
rey, Asylum. •
(Divisions 5 to ' 3 inclusive.)
Dernmou Ackley, Tuacarom ; Charles
L. Tracy, Towanda ; R. W.. Darling,
B. L. Smith, Borne ; Daniel Bradford,
Columbia ; John Baldwin, Pike. .
(Divisions 15 to 17 ineluiive.) •
Main Sweet, Monroe ; Joel Adams,
Spriogtli3ld ; W. W. Biker, Warren.
Andrew Webb, Sheshequin ; E. O. Wil
ey, Pranklin ; John Erskine, Herrick.
A. H. Campbell, Burlington ; John J.
Stevens, Standing
( Stone ; James Irvine,
Monroe township.
Henry Kingsbury, Towanda; S. P.
Warner, Herrick ; Charles Daugherty,
Rome. -
George Smith, Wysoa ; George Stevens,
Towanda ; Squire Northrup, Athens.
Samuel Oveushire, AthOns ; S.
con, Asylum ;.lieorge 84 - tholomew, ills- .
Eastburn Werkbeiser, Orwell ; E. G
Owon ; D. 0. Hellen, North•Towanda.
W: A. Park, Monroe ; George L.
Forbes, Home ; John Piollet, Wysox.
Ezra Loomis, Troy ; S. H. 114, Bur
ogton ;•Hart H. Smith, Herrick
Mrs. H. H. Morgan, Wysox ; Mrs. D.
C. DeWitt, Towanda ; Dr. J. K. Newell,
Wyalnsing. •
Mrs. DeLong, North Towant ; Mrs.
S. C. Nagle,e, Monroetoir Mrs r e)
Greett, Wysox. - -
Mira. A. A. Taylor, Rome ; Mrs. Chas.
Prince, Windham ; Mrs. E. R. Vaughan,
Hon. P. D. Mon ow, Towanda ; Ira.
Finch, Windham ; Rev. D. Craft, Wye
fusinit: . .
M. L. Rockwell, .Weit. Burlingtmi;
Etrati DUO, Leßoy: ;"' Benison Black,
Hanipten Champlin, Orwell ; C. M.
.Vanwinitle, Rata° ; J. C. Elenaley, Wy
Judges are , desired to report and have
ibeir names entered at the business office
as soon as they arrive, and must report
to the Superintendent of the department
in which,they are to act. Judges are de
sired to examine the Premium List with
particular care:,
On Thursday afternoon last.afire broke
oat in tho tannery of A. CORBIN &
which WM entirely burned, with'contents,
and a portion of the •bark in the yard.
The. barn'of L. L. LEROY, was also burn
ed. - • The_Catholic Church and L. L. LE
ROY'S'sicre caught tire, and many other
building sin the vicinity, but they were
wrested from the devouring element be
fore much damage was done.
When the fire was first discovered it
was over the furnace. There were about
one hundred and fifty cords of bark burn
ed. •About eight hundred or one tlious
and sides of leather were saved. The
insurance on the building and furniture
was about sB,ooo.—lndependent Republi
lion. J. B. G. B.uscoes, a prominent
citizen acid business man of Owego, com
mitted suicide at hi!porne in that place,
on Tuesday, by cutting his throat. It is
thought that financial embarrassment
was the cause whith led him to ielf-de
struction. The depeased was well knew!'
in this comity, bitving been , in
years a resident of Windham township.
He represented-this county - in the Legis
latUre in the years 'lB5B . and 1857. lie
moved. tpOwego about twenty. years ago,
Aerelie 'engaged heavily iii the wool bus
iness, and in which business be had con
tinnedtip to the, time Of his death. He
was abOnt sixty-fivi3 years of age..
printer named GEenos, F. Bisnor,
supposed to be from Honesdale, Ba., and
a !uember of the Knights of Honor, was
hiund dead in his bed about ten gclock•
yesterday morning, at the Cottage:Hotel,
Binghamton. He had been in townieever
al.days, and was drinking quite,: hard.
Shortly before be was found dead, he bad
called to have some, piper brought to his
room, and it- was furnished. He was a
than about twenty-eight years of age.—
daietti, Friday.: • , •
..;.. : 1 46 # l b * - fh i il e re if 444,. 1 ,.„ i': atilail
ing , eltnpleiliors, the brickwork bo th'or
?ea t
wi ,being done, and the roof boards on
for Ms' slating: 'Tile main , front
Las; ' heditki three stories, and is to be
surniountedly a tower. Thieved of the
truiiding seems to bare rl9olV,4oltbsitteh
iteet's.special'atteation,-and'he bile be
°°°iLf"4. 6o 4,°R 4 1 e 40.Y. , Muitt of 1
froitbiat Wii, Ole, neaS.sublitantlid and
connianding. tiiy hail? *lmp igcriod
(Divisio :is 9 to 14 inclusive.)
Divisions 33, 34 and 35.
Maslow 36, 37 and 38
Local Correspondence.
R.Widers4 the Beeektei: - • -
It is Well known that brit . weathei 7 brings sickness and - thirt_thOil ;, •
greatest Is necessary - to prevent`disorders even on the part of
those most healthy. What _there is,in the= hest that should alaure
di ease cannot certainly be knoWn, - birt cholera,_dysimtery.tebility,
lassitude, vertigo and- niani.other -suriderisnd - .dangerous maladies
come every season and cam great lingering and thrsusurds of
derides. , F or people gstirrough the, summer withoue„uppleasant
symptoms. • Tha month beoetnes,dry and parched; the buena'
red with white, the pulse irregular, the head feierish, the boidjr - :
crimped and the limbs swollen "and flied. Isdies especially, with
6 ' natural delicacy and tendency to female troubles; fin d the hot
'weathessimost t unbearable ; while little Children. are dying every
day from extuurstion and bees-Asa Patents neglect precaution and
care. A prominent and well known physician of New York asserts--
boiler that' than
as his posi tive more `three-fourths of all so-called
Summer complldriti arise from dbuirderedlseeretions,- and that these
secretionary orgruts; which, by being out: of order cause so myrrh
trouble are the kteys and.livii. • The brain controls the life, but,
w - of,. --
the lo bolt ilea the health.
lowerpirt the
There is One, arid onli one known
,vegetable that svikl abriointely-- -
regulate and control the Kidneys ruid Liver at all times and 'thus
prevent the madfidangers of the Summer. That yegetableo Weit •
Willa leaf,) is rifid as the basis of -Warner's Safe Kidney and 'Liver
_Oise. It is per, pleasaat to taste and absolutely certain in its
resUlts. It keeps those who intelligently use .it in perfect- health,
and cures those whose secretion* are deranged. For all urinary
complaints of either *ex it is infallible. Foiall billions troubles it,.
is certain. For the hot seatu'init is invaluable and every person of - -
care and, intelligence sliould not fail to keep.Warriei'e Safe Kidney
.abd Liver Cure near-at Wind, and use-it upon the aPproach of the
slightest symptoms. It may save , your life erri,that of somT other
friend ;it will certainly prevent map suffering; It is for _sale- by
druggists in-all parts (If the world ; tic careful and take- no' other.
"A word to the wise is sufficient:"
for another building, set apart as .a de
partment for, the insane.
addressed en the evening of the Bth ult.,
at Lono's Hall, by the Republican candi
date for District Attorney, • Mr. A. C.
FANNING, of Troy. His speech was easy,
logical, truthful, sparkling, daring and
convincing. He showed himself . above
being disturbed, either by the menaces
and blats of an old "died iq •the wool,"
who Tor the occasion had managed to get
himself outside an unknown' quantity of
bad whiskey,' or the peeps of 'another
poor unfortunate. Mr. FANNING wis ac
companied by the Troy Glee Club, which
favored the meeting with some eicelleng
and tenth!! son7s. • •
The Democracy received a MOO', brief
comfort from fi rst reports from Maine ;
but they soon came to grief again, and
the other party.otl Saturday night jellifi
ed over the Nictory by firing ,thirty
eight booming guns—the tallyman being
ordered to put down none but maters for
the Republicans, while the fizzles were to
be accredited to the ItyscocK boom.
MonntaiU Lake hair really' become a
likely place of resort for pic-nics and
pleasure excursionists. Mr. LESOX his
made things convenient. The .grove
nicely prepared with roads, walks;
swings, seats, tables, and a large and pe'r4
manent pavillion for shelter or' daUcing;
and the lake is furnished with boats and
a good plank lauding- t in short the
ties for pleasure see)sers 'axe abundant,
and they have kept the "placil warm dur
ing the past season.
The West Burlington Cornet;Eand has
been called on many occasions to furnish
the music; and they do not take a back seat
for any that blow horns 'or beati:drums.
E. 'Pit:emus nint;
September 20, 1880.
WOUTLILESS - STerr I .—Not so fast my
friend ; if you could see the strong, heal
thy; blooming men, women and children
that have been raised - from beds of sick
ness, suffering and almost death, by- the
use of Hop Bitters, you - would my "Glo
rious and invaluable remedy." See an
other column.
SETTS, LIQUOR SETT-at 99•Ceut Store.
CB3IgNT.-4tlSt receiv
ed—another rar toed of 19; ; Star Cement.
, • R. M. WE.L . L. ES.
tar For. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitii and
all affeetiOlail of the •Lung.c• take AvErt•s :Cherry
Pectoral. • • sep23-Iw.
0ct.30. ' ; DECKER lk. VOUGHT•S.
The -99-CENT STORE is Ifead
quarters for everything In the line of LAMPS and
LAMP - GOODS. • „ Sept. 2.1r2.
Vr WANTED !--AD . . Agent' for
. the
Pittston Steam llye Works, to canvass Towanda
Athens, Waverly lad the surrounding country. A
live, wide-awake man can do well at it.
,yor terms,
address with reference, J. W.. COstrilel, Pittst. n,
- ear COMER has the best wearing Shoes
for Men, 'Review! Youths wear ever offered. In
Towanda, and at prhies within the reach of all,
.Our goals. are NEW and of the
rilir Try CALTEn's Little Nerve Pills
for any ease of nerrouaaess, .slciplessuesi, weak
stomach, lotilgestion, - .dyspepsia, etc.,i ie!let is
sure. The only aerie mediate for epe price In
market. In Yip' at 25 cents. • Sept2.3.'
ger; UNIONCIDER MILL.--This is: an
excellent Portable Mill—one - that commends iiself,
at sight. Farmers hivingapples going to waste,
will de give the Cider 211111 atrial. It grinds
emits' and rapidly-crashing the fruit instead of
grating. • Capacii:7 , five barrels per day. 'For sale
cheap. - ' 1" . R. it. wzu.ii.
Towanda; Pa., Sept. 7. •
(illsMul attachments at the 99-Ceet Store. ,„ ,
• —a 7,
:Si' There are many
.for (If rveas
debility In men that y ICU to t$ Of iparter:s
Iron Pills. Those who are troableti Oarsmen&
weaknesi o iagit stream, de., sbottlictrs them. -
7:Vir " I have
,used several bottles of
record the that My feelings are so far changed
that I can oatlearty, and am more lit a well man
than 1 have been for years psi*. I Alai° suffered
four years and am grateful for sltef. • ,
Viriodlcal Store; 1806 Marketlst., Phila.
or Fora good, - dnrable and neat-fitting
511014,. call at P. J.III.U3VS, opposite Seeley's
HOWL Nov. 27-tf.
LEEN" admits both sexes. 'Endowment halt a
Mallon. Tuition free. Courses or study, Claasl
cal, Scientific, and Agricultural. A Thorough Pre
paratory Department. Expensek $3 to ti per week.
Foi catalogue, address, JOSICPU SuourLthot. A.
M., Pres. State College: Pa. Aug. 12-wl.o.
Provisions of MI kinds, of the best
4 161 1 th at Dsoutk k venous's,
ar Try our New JAP. TEA. Best in
teKe. • DiCK7.II, & VOCUIIT.
Clioice . TEAS and COFFEE a
Ipeelalty - Deaner' Votra trrs.
sews on the Ilteot Delimit James A. °Aerial"
by *Carleton.* the popular. bFilllant anQ faseleet...
teg writer.. i The Ileest biographical publication
which trlt be 'lettered to eenraseers during the
eittepaign., LiDiaiAL TEEMS. For territory.
ete:.appti at one" to - Jots* t. Not.r.AtiD *Co.;
elttArch Knee, Phlladelphhi.. Aug. le. •
Ur A full aniortmenp of WHIPO and
crunnELLAs st ther . 9B-Cent Bum.
tor PRICES WAY DOWN on Gents'
Pixie awl Coarse Boots at 111.VIVS. opposite Sea
ler* Hotel. Nor. 27-tt.
. Cr Dayton & R9cisvoll liavitiktto*-
entity ovinihalait ilia *plight, .feet cbtificleni
:that with improved facilities, they cannot fait to
Oro mains saUttoolltot to. idtelotittos ti - kl-otaos
pictooo. . • - t : too , , -
n' The Inrgat, But and • Cheapest
!100 of Shoes for Ladlesyliflssest and Children.
woar Is found at Cons ctra new iota, corner Main
'and Plne.sU., Tracy !Noble's Block. 4. aprils
L. RODOEftB challenges corape T
titlon for quality of goods and low priceaon Bash,
Doors, Blinds and Moldlni,s, and al building ma.
eerie -
, •Asagi•tti.
. It is impossible fora Woman alter
a faithful course of treatment with LYDIA. E.
coutinueto setter with a weakness of the uterus.
Enclose a stamp to 'Mrs:LYDIA E. PINICIII - 31.
'Western Avenue, Lynn., 3fasii., for pamphlets.
kt old by Dr.l4. C. Foams, Druggist, Towanda,
ra. , • - - .
..i'Teachers' Examinat ens as ollpws:
September 4th, Overton; IStb. , Wllinot P. o
9 ;115th, West Warren. oett.hei9th, Glflets; 11th.
Burlington; 12th, Leona; 13th, Sylvania: - 14th;
Alba: 13thiGrantillo Centre; 16th, tarelfiy; 181 h,
Rumtnerfield ;191h,Wraltudng; 20th, Black School
yusearoi a ; Met, Leltaysvllle ; 22nd, Ife,rrlckyllle;
23rd.' Rome; 25th, Orwell Independent-; 26th,
Llebfield Centre: . 27th, South Warertyf
Milan; Zth,ltentli Creek; 110th; Smithfield.
November Ist, Sheshequlb ; hod, Asilutit centre
ad, New Albany; 4th, Pranklludale sth Leßoy,
Gth, Canton ; 11th, Athens; 20th,,Troy;- 27th, To.
wands. .•
Orr Kidney and Liver Cure has readied a reputa
tion-that Is not limited by 'the confines of. Section
or I . l.ltiiary. There are no,lnjutions Substances nor
14!;e and tempoeary stimulants in the prefaration.
It is Ninety , vegetable and compounded under a
formula that has passed severe tests and won en
4ml-serpents from some
the highest Medical_
talent In the country,,—New yorkirrortii.
rir Hot weather .produces itiactiiiu of
the liver. inaction ót• the {tsar causes diseased.:
kidneys, and diseased'itidneys. and diseased kid
nes s undermine the lite quicker than consumption.
Ali these troubles can be avoided by using win.
sera barelidneY and Liver Cure , the purest and
bast remed ever discovered.
-1 MARRIED - 4
flitt.NE—yALlS.—At the M.E. par to:tateSep
fember 16th, 1580. by Rev. S. B. Heeatty. Mr.
Lewis Drink orWysox, Pa., to Mlsa Eva Vans
of Orwell, Pa.
LEIVIS-bOBINSON.—At the . Presbyterian Ina
sodage, Monroetom September 19t1t; trAO, by Rex.
Mallon" Armstrong. Mr. Cater Lowisand Miss
Saran Robinson, both of Towanda. ' •
3 41 - WO , OD.—In Woodhull, N. Y. ' _September 4114
T6lBO. of typhoid fever, 0 race .M . Atwood, ,aged
~.'l4 yei. 5 aud . l4 day s . ' .
Tit r i.EY.—ln Towanda. ldth lost„ Edwin, second
' _rpnlol Walter G..and llarrlet A. Tracy, aged 3
•': yrealks 10mouths and 7 days.
Pi .ItcE.—ln East/ Smithfield, Pa.; Septeinher 14,
after a long and ya7fiful Illness, Mr. Wm. llenry
Pierce, aged ill years. •- 1 . - . •
- ,
- i
- •
Geniralde . nlers In Grocer;es amtProdHam corner
Malnand Plne Streets. '
. - ` rairiso, sat.t.usti ..
Flour per - bbl 36 00 Or 7'50
Flour per wiek . .• - 4100 ki 1 till
Corn Meal per 100... . t alt: 40 ,
Chop Feed,' (d ~ 140 .
Wheat, per, bash: . ... 41a ) a' 1 19 41 20 k 3-1 25 •'i,
- Rye . 56.0
Oat,' - , '. -30 lit .- 92, a 37
Buckwheat ' 46 (5 . 41, ~ 00 43 ' • 5
:(corer Seed ' - I - 43. 5 0 al , 6 .0
Timothy, western. . , Or 73 -
Imam, 621bs, 7 1 ; 41 (0 (a I - 25' 4120 tkli 1.50
'4 , orit.
mess , 3) bbl. 418 00 36 20 00 -
Hams 13 Ail 14
.Lard ' • a 10 4 12
Butter. tabs 20 (d, Vi 22 RI ' - "b 1
Rolls - 20 01 24 24 fh ZS
Egg-s,,tresh 44 1 0 'lgl 18
C!.eese : ~113 35 16 _
PolatoeS. per bash— 25 34, -30 . 53, 95
tided apples • u 5 a 06 - V . 1111 •OS
Beeswax 20;€5 22 -I 45 24
Veal skins.
lleacon , Sklns
S eep Pelts..
Veal Skins
Uwcon Sklns.-'.
Sheep Peys....
The undersigned has EIS£EEK.BERKSHIRE
PIGS lOr sale. and very flue.ut three dollars each,
when flve.weets old ; seine ready 'saw.
V. IL uwozairAisr.
nummemeid. " 1 2 0 . IS 11 04w . • •
tireeters are cordially invited to be prevent
G. W. uvax,
on'@ MX
.50430111 90
.t 1 '2490 1 1 5
00421 2 50
'O3 4 - 4 oaN .
@la 25
40 05
,11000 215
Veto Abre. V.: :mei:
NOTlCE..—Wilerulasi, information
has been given that • there hate been placed
in the Susquehanna river,
at svisrlotorplacas within
the County of Bradford. certain unlawful contilv.
ances for. the catching ot, flab, commonly known as
fish.haskets, eft,— which are wasteful and
exthsviogrant modes of fishing, and contrary to the
laws of he Commonwealth now 1, Peter J. Dean, ' ,
lllzh Sh.rlff of the County of Bradford, by virtue
Of said law, and as required thereby, do declare all
melt contrivances to be common nuisances, and
order them, when within the County of Bradford.
to be, destroyed or dismantled by the Owners or
managers thereof, on or before the 7th day of
October. prt.rxiMoOr 1 shall proceedAo destroy tba
same In' accordance with said law.
DEAN: SherßlL
Sheriff's Omee, Towanda. Seld, V., L
• Having accepted the agency of the
(Amite orer $13,000,000 00.)
I am prepared to , Writemoilcies at current niter.
• '.41.1). SWAnTs, Agent.
Office with Wm. S. :Viiiewit, 'Towanda, lyr.
• .
sTITRTstFaII Term of 'the 27th year will be
gin MONDAY, AUGUST 23t0, HMO.. Expenses for
hoard, tuition and furnished room, from .17% to ,
11180 per year. For estskirne or further particu
lars solldrsu the Principal,
- ' Cowls L.
Towar.daasii.. Isosso. t. ; I •
325 'East Water St., Elmlra N.Y.
:Tisi Floor DRY ROODS
Dl Floor lIILLINSRY -.0
„id Floor CARPETS
Sib-F100r..-4.OLOAKS k SHAWLS, -
Ppper floors aceessible by elevator.
itir*,isit of inspection isrespeottally solicited
1J to j I Ls hereby elven that 'all persons Indebted to
the - estate of A. E. Bowman, Mate of 'ANAT.- de
ceased; most make tonnedlate istyment: and alt
perso s v e k baring claims against said estatolnun
sent m duly arthentleated for Settlement;
JOSEPH 1 11071ontA.X.
. Sept= Ow.s. • ." - Executors.••
CHARTER -NOTICE.—,-Noiice 'is
hereby alien that an appilmatloaldli be made,
ander the Act or Assembly of the Commonwealth
ot Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act torwride for
the locop o ration and regalation o t cersidrreor t o.
Tattons.v.pprored 29th, sever :t
- suppiataUbi thereto. for the marftror *elute 14.41
corporation; to 110 called the..- hartleulti'fill
A m orist lon.° thr cbaraCter and.objeet of whtch
to encoura g e nerlculture nod_ horUartltute an; the
P Mutes's:boo ur a drririn g parr. and for th ese tort •
poses to have. posses* atia trajOy all theri g hts. DOD.
eflis-and privileged eenteried by imM. Act at"
monthly suar : lte lapplenurator,• - -
• • J. r, STONE, Soltelt •
Canon,ita.,, Sept. a, mama;
- -