1 • THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND kNOTHER CHAPTER IN nip LIFE OF W. II ENGLISII-TIIE VALUE PLACED , UPON . TEE DEAD'etliLO OF A, POOR [Special Dispatch to the Cincinnati. Commerc al. I INDIANAtOLIS., August 16th.--I. uut.er took to wipe the record of the Hon. Liam H. English; and the first chapter has' already been furnished 'to the readers of the Commercial. All his record, as it has been and will be published, is but that of the courts in a city where he has lived for' twenty years; and where he has aceumu lated a fortime of millions. I began back ten yea ago, when a suit ,was brought., by John Smith against the Citizens' Street llailw•ay Company, of which William 11. English' was president and the controlling - i.ivcribr. • "John Smith, .drayman, tfi Fayette Street; leposeth and saith that he came to Indianapolis nearly tifteen years ago an-employee of the street railroad corn- . pany : that lie was engaged - as. car-starter at the stables of the company, and was a iaithfdl and ellicionthand,- had charge of the stables at night and in the early_ 'morning: that William English, the . president of the annpany, did bring from Scott County, Indiana, his former home, a large number of inexperienced men and boys, who were employed. as drivers at • low wages, and that one of these driers, while running his team along Illinois street, at the cornerof Georgia, ran over 1 an7l killed - my little girl Ellen, aged elev en years, she living but foui Minutes. AP-. tin the funeral, said Willit;mll. • qiune to - ine and wanted •0 know what 1 -Iva,- g o ing to on about the matter, saying supposed the company would have to i.ay . something, • and proposed that the tenn'should be left to Father Bes.Dtnesr CathiJic priest of this city. iflo this I agreed, and after investigating all the circumstances, the Father gave as vision one thousand- dollars and funefal —expcnscs. This suiii Mr. English then n•fased to pay, and then proposed to leave the award to arbitrators. To this the same sum- was agreed up...n, and this, too, he refused to pay.- A , it undVr :tdvietr. as I am not educat ed, 6 . the case'to the law firm of Por ter. Harrison & Fishback, telling them I had no mealy mtMey, but they might have half for their fee. 'The Ose came to trial lie t kire thei trial,. the same EnlZlish,:took a change tivenue. :'The case was set l'or Danville, :No vember 1, hi".'6. when Mr. Porter was pr . and 1 had rby witnesses, Whom I Lei to pay their wages and expensJ, day by day. _ Mr. English was - there and arriciavit, getting a post ponement on aec'o , int of the absence .ziii; of hi , wit ne,m.. My lawyers use that the game was to wear me out, as I wa, a poor luau, hat tug left the compa ny,and._ bought a horse and aid th.it, iu order ti:J ; prevent auy trieg, I had hotter ar lawyer to watch the case. I Lot. the poll. L. M. •1., , --ampbell. Lei: ithe - ease:canie up again,. 1. was ti ,i• twithr°l4 witnesses. arni t ing theni 1 , . Poise'', the polieetaaw who s..v. aeplent, -and, by swearing. to got it, t staved till DEM c a me tip •tlm third time I iuy dray.. atl , ctlie owner of 11:1 , ylvaniii and Wasbini4ton streets, by •:lief when Mr. came almi.4 unit said : ' Irere, Simtli, \se ought to stlitlethis ( matter and rt be laNying 1111 at/ Ord •,• 1 told bun lie had never dune as :,:reed to, and the coin t would Lave lit then said : Nettli , with y it pm c,int. Ibm lien I :tgl -.11(1 w , m141 'tend tai the It ,;,flat he be,!:iiiie , L uLte e cited, anq : I fattin 111,0 11 - 14 k ! This 0-01inry v,ou . hA lull been better oil without them,' and a . 4141,:d :•-` Look indt,nire more :1 Nt ttie you, buttot for a thousand till) high a price on.youi (1.4n-ta..l;3oung - one; and 1 can bring - n,,ses to prove in any i•otirt thatsh7nev 7 inailc.yon (1..11w% . • " I tol,l lii that if I wan a isior mai my child was,asgos.l as his, anti jumper ~ir my tifar t fo kit hint, and tlie, crowd iu teifei rd '• F.tiglislv then went to my Wife.' when - I was awa.y at work, and said, my lawyers'had advised a e , unpriimise, and that he had concluded to pay 4,000:, pro vided she would take it - 250 in `street-car ti4ets, Old that he would pay the cos of Ihe snit. .She agreed to `.that,. .alul signed a release, • hut I never isigned it, bwause I was nit satisfied . with such a settleMent, and of the wily - I had been treated., The whole expense to nie was over $l.OOO, — caused by the postpone ments, an'l I had to sell a little house to pay witnesses and expenses, aside from 71 attorneys' fees. I used to work on the Iludsou River Railroad: and lived in jWestehester County. G. Wheeler was roadmaster, and 'Daniel 'Carpenttir malking bogs. I own my property in drays, and have Fayette street. have tsv( all. the Work I can do. " Attest : W. 1). S A il The record shows tha the snit Ira : 4:Alled May s, attd.on Order Book, Qti, of the Marion Civil Circuit Court-0, the de cree giving change of -venue ow • petitioW of defemiant am! payment of costs.: In Fee Iloik No. 21, it appears that William (2.'Smoak, County Clerk, received from defendant s2oo,.leavingia balance of 50 cents, and that the balance of the costs; amounting to '412.65, is 'Yet unpaid. • in the office of Porter, who is now as sociated with his son, I found the old re- cord regarding the final settlement of the ea.sei 'lt is,in the handwriting of Gener 'al Ben. llarrison, the.'" mark" 'a John Smith is witnessed by Russsil B. Harri r.son, the well-known appointee of the States Mint, and thesequel of the tight of the poor maxi's friend as against an uneducated Irishman is thus tersely • told: " Thiecase is ci4mpromised. as follows $6OO cash, $230 in car tickets, and note of the company, indorsed by William H. English, for 4150 4 forisik, months. We have retained s2oon car tickets for our fee Lfzio to pay Campbell's fee, and have paid 10 John Smith $350 cash ; the note for $l5O and $Z")0 in car tickets are left by !John in our safe. his _r JOH SMITH. •• mark. i. - ; . \tapas "R. 8., HARRISON." , It mayLbe added that the:note waa duly collected for .Smith's benefit, the full • meinOunt and 450 in car tickets being tuna ed over to him. In company with Mr. a C. Rowlett, the grain dealer, I called at Father Bese.nies' residence, on Marylapd avenue, and,-,.he indorsed Mr. Smith's character irobighterms as a man of truth. Mesabi he easamemberof the temperance -vociety, indiwhathe said could be relied upon, though so far as he was individual ly concerned be did not wish-likinake any writtenistatements that Might - be drag ged into 'Father Besso4ies, how ever, remembered perfectly , the death of the little Oil, and the manner in which a change of yeuue Was taken, together with atteudaqt circumstances. rerucrty I the rPSTIIt of much smentific :In.! many , .; E ......., ...c. .... 4 'u cr - 1, .IL 11. im • liquid-4 valuable combination composed of. several of the most powerful and -penetrating liquids known in chemistry. and was Macovered by a celebrated Engliik chemist. and was introduced Into the United States in the year ISA tad since that time, by its marvelous cura tive powers. has won for itself a world-wide repu tation for its many cures of Rheumatism. Pains and Swellings. Burns and Scalds. Sprains and Bruise*. Cuts and Old gores. Contraction of the Illuecles. Tender and Frosted Feet. Chilblains. Neuralgic Pain in the tilde. Chest and Back. and im a Specific for Horses as well as for Kan, and now stands at the head of all Liniments unrivaled. and scarcely a stable or house can be found with out • bottle where it is known. We dualism competition : $l,OOO will be mid for any we of the above-named ins that Q. L 11. not cure if the directions are closely" ob served. O.IL only stands the test because it him proved this best. It is safe and wise to al ways keep bottle on hand.thersby in frequent to. avoiding the necesidty of calling $ doctor. There is a balm for . most all Ills; Tin neither camne drops nor bartaborn pills— When fairly triad. It then will stow That Carers @.2. L IL is more than blow. Try • bottle and it It does not give satisfactbm return it to your Druggist half full and he will refund you your money. Did awe permit we could give you a hundred tastimonials from men andlamilles in this county that could not be doubted. can upo n your nearest Druggist or fitora•Eeep er sad ask for Carers all LS., and not be put off by some other worthless trash. U be bu sot got it on hand. - Mk btm to send for it for you. D. Q. CAREL Bore Pacsitraros. • hibbiletosiu: Orange Co.. N. T. !or sale In Towanda, Pa.. by C. T. EIRBY and H. C. PORTER. G" YOUR HAIR CUT •~~ _ - ,- • SHAVING PARLOR. irwo May to plasm D. Y. BTEDfiltritrorr Towsails. Pa.. July IS. 11179. EAGLE HOTEL, . ?Ids woll4nows boon boo Inn tbnongtd, wand ant repoind throning; oamt the pronto. Own wow propond to offer tart-dan nooonoodo. Inn to tbintblie, on the non nomotable tuna. IL A. JILNIOINGS. Tolman, Ps, keys. Ins. HBNItY HOUSE, GOINZI *uw • WASHINGTON STUNTS 7,7 Tian WARD, TOWANDA. rt. ilkels MALI Man. Toms to NIG no thaw Liege stab atunlnd. 11111111 Y, ?mono:ma. ?nisi's, Any $. Wateek your on town at son ttn. - •n li it. ntan It pm van sandals a and' mew it enter as a.. mai pest Matto tins Oa entonn tat= nen Ss 11.,11•1111611191 CO, retalsle. Wean lolling Of au kinds as It not CHEAPER Than the 1 (OVII BrILCIALTY). Call see for yourself • N. P. HICKS.: Wisiefieneous. CHAS. JOHNSON & CO.'S TOWANDA, PENN'A We claim to make the In the market ENCINES 'AND BOILERS manufacturers of and dealers In The•beet In the world. Agents wanted CHAS. JOHNSON & CO TATlia,t 115 AND SHAVING, AT TEI Jiotths. (SOVIII SIDS PVSLZC 111417122.) Illisceefautoss. ,kgricultural Machinery T • • I 4,1?. R. M. Welles, Towanda, Pa., Wholesale and Retail dealer In IMPROVED FARMING IMPLE MENTS AND MICIIINERY. WIRAD TRUE CHILLED:PLOWS. Gale Chilled Plows, Beat Reversible Plows, Adgate and Enterprise Churn Powers, Corn Shelters, Farm Wagons, Platform Wagons, Iluggii.s, Feed Cutters, Grain Drills, ACNE PI7L,VERIZING HARROW AND CLOD CRUSHER, , Bullard's Hay Tedders, Lea'der and l ale Wheel Rakes, Tompkins Cooky Improved • Cultivators, Mowing Machines, Reapers, Plow Sulky; Sprout's Hay Elevators and Harpoon Forks. Liquid Paints. mixed ready for the brush. of best brands. IN STA lyt 1 - 1/ItA 171.1 C CEMENT. &c. ('all and: see nvy - *stock or send for circulars and prices. °thee In C. 99-Cent store. Warehouse directly In rear of bailie In the alley. It. 31. WELLES. , Vwanda, March M, 1880 Be Not Deceived J. K. BUSH, THE BRIDGE-ST. CLOTHIER Is .bound to toll CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER CLOTHI.NO 11O1R-E IN TOWANDA Before the late atlKance in juices w wi r E ct l i , as; l 4l . a i T; r E re s s Tn! • Eync UA I, SELL' AT OLD IhZICES ! Our stock romprkus a full line ur— MEN'S, YOUTH'S, AND CIIILDREVS CLOTHING! $ , For the Spring trade The laraed ;:tork fr/ . HATS i n bile, :superb uf (bids' *FURNISHING GOODS Trunks and Travelirg Bags At manufacturers' prices .1. K. BUS. No. 2 Bridge Stteet. Towanda, Mai di is. is .0.3-1 CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK. Thr (ire . itt TRADE MARK. _ ---- IF. Ngi 1.1 511 1 --"" Remedy, Wlll iircitipti) & , allyradic - c it r,,, e • an ..-. any & everica.,4l - or Nvrytm, i .it eld,l- , lay Weak ss ilc, i result Or 11141 , - . 4 crotilM.exce.sor ..,_:. overwork iIT the A ~... making. Before Taking brain Si nefirs .041AFX a 'Otero ; is perfeetly barndeqk arts Hke tuagic,:ittil has been extensively it.cd fi r over thirty year with great success. ire T mil particulars lo our pamphlet, which we ilesfru to semi ftre by snail to everyone. **.The Sperfi lie Medlelite ts, sold by all druggists at fl, per packagA , or sly packages for 1 5, or will be sent free by lain on receipt of the money by subircaslng . - TEIE GRAY MEDICINE CD.. No. 3 Meehaules' laoelJ, jitrrn.wr, lii *IL Sold In Te•wanda 11111 Y. aloi t, Aruggfaht everywhere. Johnston, 11,,1h0t ('o.. wholesale agents, Phlla. [Aril 10, ih79.yl._ Geo. L. Ross, Of the Third Want Store, hai opened a large at convenient Store In the brirk b ooh , ring war o s ub:a i V ac e St Wi T th rary's hoot al A LARGE. STOCK OF CHOICE GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS Which he has purchased in New York for cash, and solicits the confidence and patronage of the public, and respectfully announces that be WILL NOT BE UNDEWLO • , By anybody. Ills Third Ward Store .alll also' be kept stocked with first-class goods, andiwill be sold as low as the lowest. Towanda, January 8; 1560 MIAT 11.'DAVIDOW & BRO., No. 4, Beldlecian Block, Bridge-st., Towanda, Pa CASH PAID FOR FURS, HIDES, • PELTS, WOOL AND BEESWAX. "wands, Oct. 30, 1479.tyr. LMOR%& CO., /Established teal.). ,FENSI•WS, INCREASE OF PENSIONS, Ind all other classes of claims for Soldiers and Soldiers' Heirs, prosecuted. . Address with stamp: GILMORE k CO., Washington, D. C. LIST OF LEGAL BLANKS Printed and kept on sale at the itszoarsa 07/101 at wholreale or retell. Deed. • Mortgage. Bond. Treasurer*. Bond. • Collectors Bond: Lease. Complaint. ' ' • Commitment.. Warrant. Constable". Return. • Articles of Agreement, 2 form., Bond on Attachment. Constable's Bales. Collectors Bales.. Bxecntion. Bubrena. Petition for Llama.. ,Nood for LIOSIUM. So Jgeminkt. I to ota J udadignootilold. MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. • For*all Female Complaints. This preparation, 111r.tr, i.r10,14 fa, c o r Yegstablc -I I to 11,, most. del- Scat° Inralnl. 111 lIL. no rds tlili Con. pound win. be 1... r. fls snow:11ot" and . when hit use In e0ntn . . , ...1. e r.,:, • 1y 4:3,1. , 4 In a bun, dreA, perninlievt f . t r.:11 tor City. lin ..1 . 4,11111 it: it. pr ru. ril., It It L. lily re commended and prw hi 11 , 1 but I I . .y.toitne In She country. It trill cure 1:•• r..: t ~f f F ,fitrg of the uteri‘, 1,. • ;.1-1 jahlrld Nenom,,if on, ~1] taut Ine.mti on . 3.1 f •_. h r.' and the INA/. want rpuml or 11 • the Ch.nge of 1.d., It - !•. 41,A calx-1 • tutor,. from the uterl.l2. an !Y •• I. V/ .;irnL 4T,. tendeney 1.1 rin.,4oa..l.q.cluri In. rIJ iivekr sery speedily by 11, uv-. ha fart it 11. ( eft and Inert tr • s • r aid. It pen at... v. •-) aOf II.• I giv.r new Wean.' ••• . 1 , 1 yds- MmynallrraVr::6 .s , weak.crsa air the taritia.-1, • It eart.o ~ e Gonera: • ; VIEW:, flat f• , I .of . ..,• •! 11, r .r/ rur,! vre-Ight nr.d t• . -; :013 it 1,11:11 ' •:.:• r'i .1 OOP. B.'t 21•' rn. • I- ti:el ftMl.l , .. :ri. K.Pln.-y , ozz.;Ll . , t 1... c•.rnp,t:r.o.l la unsurp.,-. 1. Lydia E. Pin;thai 's Compound b prep, I P 1 . 1 ,1• 810).- • • .-• • t.l tt, form „ ( on+. < r • ,• 1!.I of • SI T. r • • • !N•i. ',SAM ri . , •• all ., •• • It phl..c. , • • f.n::y sad ~t 1•11 , 1.. j• ••1 ••••1 Nt , •Ns lr 1.1 N 1 1: 1: / 1 . 1 . f. - •••11, ,1,1/ pr• t•• • 41, • 1., Il • .• ;'• 7,•: :L i 1•111.• !..•. •. 1 . ,r!•••t ,• •, •••., - 1 .• •,•—• ;• t 1.`" , ;• .11,1 i 11..r1 • Iltti mf,l •!. •Tli.• ! ,i• l• • l• •I•Fts.,••l I••r ii; • .. 0,i7 • n , •:1•••1 ••••:- ; k le• lIst•If A' 11 , I•ll.ll'.ant,). 111 Perfectly Harmless. I Cq 6 :ll, )re I,e Ifni , . « IttliPlli liar : . 1.• fle•/;c - \e• tb• 1111 \ 1.4. l” • ;••• ri• 4 . 1••{1t f 1. 1 ,11 , . ii:r4l I ce I 1 f , ' I If , EDNA 3r!,. •,!, • 1ir•1..1 • ,••• NI.. \ I. \ I I: 1:1 ..1 11 , 1: g'.l 1: , .••1,1 , 1t11. f ("a dl.ll. II • • 1 , 1, Et. V. rt , • 111•,. 11 11111, ..11•t1'.1.dm .4 iI, otolcr. .1•-•1 I'. \I.. 1'13;:.. m.‘”2. 4.f h.-r, 1,10 !t 1:3‘.• ztt•r • t4 , 1,1;.•10 up.,11 ,11. , 11- 11. , .1' .1 11 , 01 I t :12.. /'1 ~~ 1•r r f /~. lV r 'l , ,r, r•r. rr. rr. J. H.-ZEILIN & CO., Philadelphia Price. 814)0. ••• , •! d IPs - A--SURE CURE! - For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera, And : all those Numerous Troubles. of the Stomach and Bowels SO PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, No Itionetly known to the Medical Pro ,' ft,. • haii been InAise to, long and with 1 a ach uniformly sat..afactory remand as .... ... .' d • . . .. - I . - , A -'L - - - .,;77 , 1 -. Ifitat; been used with Fuel' wonderful success in all parts of the. world in the treatment of these difficulties, that has come to he considered AN UNFAILINC CURE' 'for An Summer. Complaints, and such it really is when taken in time and according to the very plata dire tions inclosing each bottle. In such diseases, the attacks nsually sudden. and frequently very acute; but with a safe remedy at hand f4 r innate- Mate use, there is seldomdaugrrnf the fatal result which so often follow few days' neglect. The inclination to wait and see'll the morrow does not bring a better feeling:. not Infrequently occasions a vast atitount. of needless suffering, and sotaetinues costs a life. A timely dose of Pain Killer witlmost invariably sale both, and with to this attendant doctor's fee. It has st I the test of forty years' con stunt use in all countries and climates. and Is perfectly safe in any . person's hands. It Is recommended by 7itysicians, Nurses tin Hospitals. and pertains of all classes and professions who have had opportunity for obServing the wonderful results which have always folloWed Its use. I hal, prrarrilled Perry Davis' Pain Filler witsm. sively in P. nvol I,;ntiplaint (particularly for children), and it is, in my opinion, anper.nr to any preparation I have ever fur the relief of that aimosae. No family can afford to lie without it. and ILA price brinizs It within the reach of all. The use of one Nvill eu further to convince you of - its merits- tilan cohnuns of newspaper advertising. . Try it, and you will noses do without it. Priee 25e. Mk.. and fR tr bottle. _ Ton can obtain it at any drug. store, or from PERRY DAVIS 4 SON, Proprietor*, - Providence, R. I. ..y" isttppenr. - PRYSIDENf HAY ES and party ar rived at Cheyenne on Saturday *eve ning, and the 'national salute of thirty ;eight guns was fired- as the special train reached the depott In response to the welcome of Mayor Adams, the `President made a brief speeell, and followed by Secretary of War Ramsey and General Sherman. Mrs. illayesi was called for and bowed her. 'acknowledgments.. Miss Rachel Sher tnan,..daughter of - General Sherrettn, ;was alio introduced. The party then -Wove to Fort RuSSell, where 'a recep tion was had at, the residence- o Major Wham. - The various stations )iicin g ; the Presidential route are.pro fusely decorated, At Salt Lake City, lespite the feeling between the Mor mons-and Gentiles ; there was a large °athering bad an enthusiastic recep tion. Several speeches were made, ;but thWliospitality of the city was not tendered. The . party will .visit 'Camp Douglas and bold a brief pub lic reception before passing on for !the west.. Dr. J. C. AYER A CO. Lowell; Mass Practical and Analytical Chantal* Sold by all thugglstiand Dealers In Medlelnd, Webicar. The Pel.itiv . f. ('nrr MK= .. f..~ ~~..0 IMINEINMEII BEIM I= FrEsTlmoxi ~... , i.. . ~. , , =EI =EI =NI VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER A. IIIiNTLNI:3," I= jann and Nolisetold. HARVEST MOON. The harvest moon, a golden roucil, Comes slowly up without a sound ; More still than surnMer days are horn, Or silent night and tranquil morn. 7 4 " 0 round and yellow earvcat - moon. • Thou risest o'er the hills too soon. So short-the suithner days have been, - So brief the woods' tumtiltuous green. fly tickle dull and rusted lies; i 'So glittering Ilelds before ine• i rlse; I sowed with milt of lavish tears; My harvest 'noels the Ilhgering yeare. When shall I bind the heavy wheat, IteWild the reaper's fte,tsteps fleet? When shall my lips lictlllied with ;tong U harvest TIHK111: 11 ,, W ' 1 01.1 g. 11.1)W long'? Hints for the Month Sou•itg Fall Graisrs.—The leading farm work for this month in many localities is the sowing' of the fall craps: One etvn'not expect that the bent harvest; will follow a careless preparation of the soil, and an imper fect sowing of the seed. The young plants should get well rooted before winter.set , 4 in, and in order to insure this, the , soil • should he deep and mellow. Wheat requires a soil well pulverized, but 'oompaet, with- fine tilth of the surface, for a seed-bed. The're may lee lumps on the surface of the soil, but the seed should not in ,urrotlillteli by - them, otherwi=c• the plants will'be uneven, and many `grains will not start at all. If the s , ,il is lumpy, a, it:is in many .cast-. /..,:. ii R 01 1 ,.- iintneiliatelv alttir tile plow-, or alter the fiarrow .11:1.. k.tin ume , l once. Tliii. k Ihe . only proper u...se - of tice roller on fall 'own r 1 4 . 1 ,1, To roll the griiintil afttr the i..;raiiii -.own i- a nii-takti. ; it elves to 'the -ttrface a -....inotitli %tot pltekiniz :1'.:1,- Itearalive. hut, it i- nitiell more illel4l - tit crui4, .over ; iw,1,1.1,'S thi :' , t/,' pnhictilig moat Or , I1()W j-. flit hi id In winter it , it. ‘tlitild In , if ltt • —ir f:ice w:in )4:I'L l '''.l)l P-0 1 '' 8 0- id' ', 1 . 3% i 1 1,2 I.li. - ~i li ill :I - pr , ....per In; • ch;.lticul e.lll - C,liitt'Lfli ti.oiiiii i ii- In... Tit 6ii,•l iii.oxe, it tiiii-t. .I,e -pro% it1,.1 with a troo.i stint:!)" . d' . i'bi :' r , •::* ". 1 . 1t , yoin. ,• Ida ' , l- ( i. , Ipilitti 1. • NV ' ; ii 1, •, 1;; : 11:::t i-. hat ,"t t.l. my II: • 1, 1 1111 '.... it Mill! It. Slit . : 1,.. 3 . q . / :- Iiil.:( 01 1 , . toi.,• ri a , iiit - talii'dt up at ,1i . ...,..t.•,1. Si o 1, f.,‘,..1 i- tuilikllt 11 1, 4 ' tlii.iou-lii‘ ‘I, eliinpi,-. tl I,:trii-varll ! a : ; 0 1. 1 . t -,• : 1.-it %Nip-, it,- not to 14e lia , i in ,iiitit 1; lit Iltiiinti•i%,, p oint , 12.tet:i nil i !lei.' l sfel7l -- ..• , t r -:.- a .- - -ilperi.ll-,- - iiiiiiti , til.,e l.e i;-e,l ‘‘:-.11 ppd . ! . .4....,_, ,. . ~., ; ...,/ It - 1,, ..•._sr& fife In ,•‘‘•11 11 . 1:14,1- titan thatll,i• - IT. tlit• th:it heon 0.11 1 , 11 Varlt•t\ - -thi :It, -,IIL thl i k• '; ;; 1-• 1112, u it-14 I.;;!no.p,:ii+,l,t, I.lw \t-:,eat olg 1.,..4;401 Tio II --- , to Fio is `du: nni-t. ?Ton Clio „icy-it wlwat —that alt,-r • io• 1,4 or this Dion: 11 i not i , roitoritliy it.inaktis NV110,1•1* , t. 1 ,4 in. :Iflti f:11* :t- thin ,11.-iiii , ;.ant a t l , to -ow laic. sr, l tin on ?bid! land. A fartntii . our in tin stai,, of Ni s w for many vcars soss,•,l IN heat tiii• k in, (,),•tolaiti. and Ids ns - Lraitc nas 1 , Ct . 11 (1% •I'.Ltt,hi 1, Icr arn.i. was tiist 10 . 1 to practie.,• !att• tr, avoid tin raN af - tfis of tin. Fly. but thii 10 . 0v,..1 silti , - thutiiry that it was. ciontinnyit the Ilv hind disarp. 11 i rs was in' Iti:2:11 rtlidithin, Ind a all,- tint!. 111:1:1lir,, , Wlt plant- t,.g00,1 It ln:IV i i lifittor to latti • Li..11011:2,tt I , lcp:uatitqi I.lto the Lind i•• I . lw, 1%1 II .11 . 311(vd. .:til 1.•1:-‘• I. , 1(,:lt• iii thr 1 .51„•;,L itll4• ( t i111:()W, V. it 11_ thl' CLOW: 6)i r:wt.! %rater IletIVV 'I ;, hi:••••• 111:1V 11 • •-+ h:1 1 . 4 W q•Ct , rt• orzlln2. flUittv ti iiy ill 11-1 ly rk•t:1141 titi‘ gruW , ltif (t t h,i it' sown a,. 0,;11%- as,l 4 l(l ie wh ea l, en p. and clo‘yr >ce i be ,t the :MT or vit-h 14tc. ,now. 5.11(luld rree . W!'t•tl,4 and the soil locle and ant Proper thiniiiir2, is important; a -in !rle root nerds from 9ro incht—i the tow tr) grow ti, itsl , e,t; (In bell !antis white turnip- may still he so , wn aim- a owl t I op- expecti.(l. early, intiv IltOliarvesttil this month: left inr the grotuel they lierow e hu)low and dry. 'lllicit'. im11(.41 put loritt , heaps, with the tops 11 1 ,thaw laid over - them; to be .uft(r waois 10 ‘ e4 :?, t 1 '.O II earth, to protect them for the Ivintcr,'taken to the rout cellar. Care shoulil he taken that the loots. tlo hot heat atand either in the pit orcellar., /:,,, 4 this tender crop should be cut before the first frost injures it. The grain shell's badly if the plants are dry, therefore -cut it in Ahe'inornitT• when the dew is on The cut crop after standing a few dayis will be dry and ready to thresh, which" had best he done at once. a Machine is used, remove the con cave, Or the cylinder teeth will other wise break the kernels. The grain should be clea'ned at once and spread out thinly-as possible, as it is very apt t heat, - and become almost worthless, nett in large heaps. Beans are injured by heavy rains: when ready pull them and stack around pOles diiven in the ground; cover the stacks with straw. In pul ling, leave them in rows for a time *cure, and if rain threaten's they can be gathered quickly in stacks. corriii will be ready to cut this month. As sd¢n as • the grain is glazed - it is read'' to be har vested, and the stalks twill be much more - valuable than if Left to be kill ed by frosts. The seed• for• nest year should be selected heft:ire the cutting has begun. The tops of the selected stalks may be broken down as a mark and left standing when the others are cut and shocked.• Shockiii9 is an, important , matter and should be done with set the stalks •are not well set Up and : properly tied, the shocks fall in all directions And the fodder is damaged' and the hirsking made more !difficult.. - Bands ofne straw, or even Willow,. may be ued with:advantage. Early- ones sjr - otil4 be :dug at - -.ohee; rains will 'Other*ise start them into growth and dO much injury. The last brood of "Jams )1 should be distroyed,i as - it •is these that furnish the earlybrood next .season. •Itis ;a good plan ,'to sort the potatoes. as they are gathcred,. thus saving 114(ch laboV in handling them afterwarer-3..t. • Sheep.—After the roots have.teen romored from - the. field, the Bhcep . rbould be turned in that theyliniv pick .up the small, imperfect root] and the scattered leaves, 'nth will accustom them to Pc. change of food that must soon cue. If early - lainbs are not desired, the rams must he kept froth the ewes,' or otherwise be. pron ed. or "bratted.7 It is an i rn portant matter- that the.. ewes that are to ,hear lambs' should be well fed; and begin the whiter in good condi tion, 'A little grain fed to the . ewes now.will d