Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 09, 1880, Image 3

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    tittlfori *porta
(.11104 11. ALLEN, 'LOCAL
Towanda', Pa., - Sept. g, tBCo.
:MAIL MAT - 1 . 1 - at OF Tay: SECOND CL.,O3!±.
The l 'exPir.ition of subscription is print
ed on the coTored' .noticing - the
date, ever:l, subscriber can tell who! : his
p. ll 3cr.triZt ;be ; „stopped unless the
is renewed.'
Now is the lime to gather ferns
Tills is the month for Coat) . Fairs. ri
Tut , . swalioNts are emiglathig south
onecdthe Ini dies
110 w,, - • . • •
C 40 6 "
-TIT A T spOnlid shower o❑ 111 on
last, -5
• -
MAL.I.our i a, liought:tl-6".ol.z.AccE
co :1 Ward
EN the s-rnall bnys-have eontinctet
the politiol fever
SoNtpf 'par t co raisers are already
lionsinetheir ero .i. r
WAN•itit).—A load of . I.iniping
Ap,,lY oftlec.
;;. •
IT is Said that many portions' - nib
county potatoes are rotting badly.
Tnr: Canton Pair Ground; Lei i t r : ;
prel , ared'fo9tli approacbingOair.
THE streets of our village were thrnget:
"a it ;I poll& on r.atilillay evening last:
ri.NNSVI.VANIA )ia , 607 batilz:4-23:7Na
t iot,al attd. the 'r. iitalar Suite irstit
-0. 4.... \
61:..,1: , Es are, Ple,trtiful, but still too higl
in price to tickle the pal,ite of a poor man
as y t.
ThwANDA has no malarial or other fe
er, or atty.tit,d 'of dan t getollS Sicl;uez , s at
pre.t. vt
• .4. 40._
Cat' miltscript;.ott - list Colttitaxes t's
sttadlly iticreahe. Beep the good work
( , ounT e,nvened on Monfla2;•,. non. P.
I). 3fvtutv~s preSitling. The attendance
I , 1 LL_',(
hail:. in its new coat
i•Aint. lo , 'rts as hri .1t as a new ten dol
lar t_7;l.ll..icce.,
Smrhi enlargittg and repairing
his residetrei• on the corner of River anti
cllcstntit streets.
, EN'Enr-Iii: ? 1,11 - nan slnm,latread the ar:l.
tie n tthe t tourthi Page; beaded .
V. 1.10 . 4.12.1 . ., editofatstt . 'i l rt.tpriei;Or o
the Mi 7 t ,, ;.qii, oiro, that joi s irwAl for sale
Pa. -4-
:','!'4l.•i• all the exercise some of, ou
p•i,ttg tven get their hats cyhe ,
1-:;n1; , ..i.1 at by the
of Athcns, has sob
Bay 11,Py." to G. 1S
Ncw luck
tt a markets are well Ninekett NNW ,
et' tatry ppaittee. Vegetable's and fruits.
Of ail kind, lite most almmiaiii.
6.00,1 Templar ('4,iiven
tio:: out this seek. -Will appeur
iti tit. It-tTotzi ER of r.:-xt ucck
`V . AI,I' • ••• Lyceum Com,Aly ('ompany an
1 ,, Merettr Ball, 011 tlic even
ici .pf :•.4.l)l.eipbet 4,?:1111 and :30tb.,
I r(;iipitedthat been dis
fan„ of Mr. C. M. 1:1-ING
, unetwik,-triogl County
1 Ili: water tltrouplt ottr street: ,
bee% -tie:illy ail I vett had, ami the by-
,ilai.tepAure t"W being put iu place
is the general exiire:,sion 4•f per . sons
vii.,;;;;4 1 2:l our vill:4ge, that it )s one of tIA
towns In L'ennsylvania.
l. A. )1 kN% IL! r., u,u iJ ile:tler, will oc
,too ,on :\rain about -tbe st of
to o:
I: i tZli t Athens 11.•1•6ttall
a poll Ili. %11inge on WctineS
w o: 'Cart, ‘‘eck. o'ier - 7,1111 . 1it11 ft!..i.l
(),' het
TnE mad o. 11;10.,11 atilt pil.lar tp,:vg arc•
ra , t." 'Malty of them
in: \:I! kat c,
of 111111111 W
(; \ w11:1.1) in Gilman inoalis plenty.
And he will hare nn) l re than 1.1...nty•N)1
%ON'S to 111.00.` ifiin President on the 2il
N cr. ember u,•xt
_ -
.1. 11. VANDs-Alm ktm., Ht . towt,
1111,1:all aim bsilheti I v fallinir.
the 'liver bank,:it. the I.,:tee)%il'os Ferry,
reCelitl) girl, iigt•il aboilt
of JoiiN tiCiti.
(i 1)tolw 11,r a Lill. (n
.1,:. ,1 , 011.11ig last
Tdr: ladies 4 thy• Clint di if the Mes
;-ial, •,are a very enjoyable Sociable at the
deMe4 lk,uston
‘.ll -1.1.1t:.114‘v
Dena , crats of, Athens are building,.
w Itt:t in dimensions. A
b.!! fut:'eral will be. held in it ou or IP lcat n that several democratic
it the ;1;lot . November next. roughs attempted to create a disturbance .
at the ltepathcan meeting at Athens on
!. 1. - 11-I.D and Al:Turn Clubs are Saturday evening. - They were • promptly'' ,
4111..,4 everywhere, and the I conietted to the lock-up. and are no doubt'
, 11' for a gland Republican victory is j by this ettlM.' pertectlycouvinced that'the
iro•st enconraging . character. democratic tact ids. as practiced in Vaz,,o,
i cannot be succe,Astnily carried cut iu
Yr: Ilford county.'l
ttl.e.of Infant Baptism WAS
a a t th r presbyterian (lintel), this
••.. .11 Sinlday 1.1 , A. The altar Was tantitEseteste.:NT writing front Spring
iasie.y decorated with thiweis. Hill to the I ,eitaysvgle Adr,rtiAtr says:
- "Mr. Levi Wells hail a little a..sage,iit
walk.;tive fe tit wide, is being arms with a hull a short tin ice, whip'
to thi i*-e : to the new depot came iii it lessening the sw;mber of legis
lativc a-pi rants by one. lie was tossed
u some sixteen feot or more, and by the aid
pii t p Cie de pot building,
of a )iiting man got through agate just
in the nick of time. Eat unlatch) he was
not rninjh hurt." ,
, ites pis
the Episcopal Church,
:t Fair in E...ASTAItP,DitK ' S Tiq:slwelling ho t iscbof SA:M - 11, KINGS
-1;:t 'Ol ct pc:i . C.P, Wednesday and -DIN, near the corner of Second and Eliza
iy this ‘lci-k, aftermion and ev beth streets, 'was slightly damaged by fire
d _ on Thursday- 'last. The fire originated
, ss; Lynni•zea from a defect jn.the chimney. The flames
" - sterc extingni,sl4ll without the assistance
11 ' e tan " the Fire Delgartment, although, the
ut-to put upon its rolls. 11.
companiel were all promptly on the
of this pla4e, was the
ground in a few minutes the alarm
•1 , .
was given. , .
;i'..,yi the Demecrats hercay.ays lorlt.: . , . .... -
:CAT liAN11:1; B. 4 I 0 E EN, (41 , ! of most
1 :.1.4 y i:a I.l.evu .',. 0 for and coliltin't.
0 1: :01 ;14 ,„unt I b zo. the ita , t , o „ ); , ' ingenious mechanics, ii:qs the Troy I Cra.,
U . I bi , , , Thing . ow way it omr , i,t ze , le, has beta experimenting with some
novel results- bit casting -in white .met :I
ligures of
. fiivs, toads, leaves, sittikes,
lizards, etc., which are surprising copies
-of the originals and remarkable examples
of castings. The att of eastiO such
delicate objects i ts one requiril, great
skill and reflects credit on thii young man.
that Owttt two milltim
• :VW!! ' Vl r ‘ ea t .'.. their first I"resideur
oiel it is a settled fact
them Will vote for.G.tit-
L . ) :10
IT is not necessary for our citizens to
go to a fashionable watering place to get
the hay fevei. Their greatest trouble
seems to be to find 4 placet where they
can get rid of it..
THE Tinga County (N. Y.) Agricultur
al Society offer premiums for •the . hand
someist babies. If the competition were
ppened to this county, Towanda would
get every one of those prizes.
'JUDGE PEAIt§ON, of. Dauphin County,
Says that election officals must not "dit
to " the votes on' the tally sheets,_ that it
is not legal and iOrnehudy will suffer from
it some day. Election °Ricers, beware.
Tne Second quarterly Meeting of tlfe
Leitaysville charge will be held at the
WC;it Warren M. E.Church, on Saturday
and Sunday, the 11th ati4 12th instant.
A large attendance is.cartiistly desired. '
IT is said there is a woad° ful comet
looked for this fall and that it will eclipse
the moon in b i rili t iancy. In the years 1196
and 1572 it made its appearance, and in
the former brilliancy eclipsed thesun.
Di) not' he astonished when you hear
that some boy - was killed while boarding
a train at the Court House . switch.
Seareely a train passes that point that
one or nuire boys do not get oft' or on it.
enchcat of the Messiah (:Universalist)
Rev: WILLIAM Tavt.on, Pastor. At 1t)
m., statjt ct, "SAm•so.!.i's Theft
logic Illy Considered." At, P. Itq.
• • t`.I,M!..ON'S Riddle iitidiVitiU:di.• ."1
C UESTEIt A MITHUltis (4 7- Irish descent
and does not - deny it. Perhaps that• is a
sufficient anstt;er to UM frequent question
of the democratic leadm;fiereabouts, of
what'. the the matter with the Irish this
Fr is rurnored; r that , there is trouble in
the Democratic '93np Mouroeton.
aral.of the intinyntial.Democrats there de
claring, that 'thy propose to Cote for GAR-
P - Er:l.4 and..Ail•ritun. More lIARCoctS
boom. •
Ttis E - 4'
residcudi of W; IL VAN Dr
7.Ert, coiner Chemung: and Clark
stn*s, Warmly, was bui•g,hirized of sil
verwate ainountin* in value-to conEidera
bic One Hundred' doliar, on Thurs
day evening.
1 ' THE two democratic factions of thi.;
Borough had a lively tigltt at their dele
' gatefelection on Saturdal'evening. The
faction who - were beaten claim that they
Were " uintii4l nut." Mole harmony,
and more •lboum.•'
Tut: 444 - idiblielzers had a pole raising
and nias'si meeting at Mt. Pleasant, . Bur
lingten t %cnship, on Saturday last. 'CI"
m,, w E n an d I•'. .1611xsoi were the
speakeys:. ; Quite a huge nuiriber of pec.).
Nor Ens remember that since the adop
tion of the new constitution, persons re
moving (tom one election precinct into
Another, within sixty days, immedivitely
preceding the ~election, cantiot legally
!vote in their precinct;.;
, -
THE Belmblican ConvOtiot of Sullivan
County is to lie held at Forksville,
Saturday, September `2514r. at one o'idoLfli
Th'e delegate elections will `take
!plitC-.. on Thursday, the 2:ld, betweqn the
hours of live and eight r..m.
; VLN Nt /It promised a "Lot wave . ' about
'this tin c.4t's'here. Been here for n
week. lt.,h for VENN on. Will the
plognosticator turn on a little coolness,
please. ,l'. S.—The cooln ess has art ivcd.
Thanks. Nothing like advertising.
Tn I 1)14'1A:11 , 1, of Canton
'ugh I:tive 111:1 , le a clian:c in ttcu Of the
feat-boolis,ii.ed in the GiatledSel.ool 4)1
gianiniar will be
u id tuzjiteatlot
go•gvapliies in place of filovrtrries.
A CHAT - TAu.y.‘ Literiiry scientific (jr;
el' has been orgranized in this place. witl
the p)ll , +wing (dicers :
PreNiereht—iiev. ( 4 ... 1E Wymir.
Vire Pry 4 , 14-2(14-0. L.
• Trl .I, , oecr—Mrs: Ici4T.
WE learn, sips the Athens o f.
last week. that ;Ali , . ?t LEY lie
it L; at (:arm's Landin_ wls robbed one
night this week. of:‘ , :•:;1 which NC a.FS in a
pocket-book in the house. A tnan who
had been sta)in4 with them was mitlling
I n the rnorning, and is mtppo rd to bq,the
learn &mil the• feerirT of
St. that as .1. A. Buts - rut. and wife were
t nin , from this place to their home in
ithen,, their h( was flightene.d by the;
c t iter-Alwloiver narrfoxs, and-Uccom
mmi - Unagval,l.. threw Until tx!e%ipant:
the carriage. Mrs. Bitlr•mi. sus
%tined painful injtirie:.‘
.E . E.vt• days a , ,1;) Mr. FRANK of
“Vtlett N w;u4 sot ionsly injure-d47hilii rid.
ing 0110 horse and leading another. lit
I was kicked in the. f.ict., fracturing the up
I jaw I. , 4kie and ktA,cliing out ten Ice; IL
c,uttiug atAl brit:sing-his face be.ities. Ilr
c.dled and removed i.ecer
al picces of the j,l tv
1 1.,:c 'SAN' Ely ‘101.; confined in j.Ol of
1 a vi , ,:tr4o of "Ekrectiy. mule his es( fruit
11 at a!) Mitr , das eveL;ilz
throilL:ll the window 4 , his
is the third prisoner who has
escape in,the same manncr.
t., to Ness the tvlivte
abouts o f S nut, has itot het] iliscov
Sere the Onshore ReuCew aka week :
f' In almost every family in this. vicinity
where there are children, the whooping
cough is raging. One peculiarity of the
disease is a tendency on the part of the
little choke so as tube nimble to
breathe fort timer atter 'each spell of
coughing or crying." - •
Ova exchanges just now, are engaged
in their yearly work of giving advic-e to
farmers about taking proper care of their
reapers, threshers and other farm imple
ments, instead of leaving them out in the
fields until next harvest, to•rust in rain,
-,to fiat° decay, which takes the profits
!all away. The advice is good, and farm
era shouldlake advantage thereof. •
Sass the Waverly Adrocate of last week
"Tlm Bradford tcnunty Republican Con
vention named poi,. EDWAI-OVERTON
for Cimgress. TTlie District is composed
of Bradford, 1 1 !).-otnitig, Susquehanna and
WaYne`CountieS. There is likely to be a
sharp contest at the Conference, but we
think it a bad time to swap horses. There
is too much at stake to have any fooling
about rotation in office."
• Dunixn.the heavy thunder storm last
Saturday evening,, says the Canton Senti
nel of last week, the lightning struck an
oat stack standing about eight rods froth
the ba'u of Mr. FuEntEnteK Wy.wars,
betweep Canton anti Alba. • Mr. WIL
LI...NIS and his son, .Itwits, is . er in 'the
barn rating at the time, anti were some
what st; tared by the shock; but recover
ed in time to extinguish the dairies kin
dled by the lightning in the straw.
A GRAND Reunion and Pic Nie of the
:ith Pa. Cavalry, 'to which everybody is
invited, will be held on the Fair Grounds
fn Troy, Thursday, Sept. 231 All old
soldiers and especially tlsose of the regi
ment are invited. Addresses 'will be tie-
livered by limr. .J._ B. FRENCH And
3111,T0N HAMBLIN, both old soldiers and
short speeches, reminiscences of battle,
etc., will be given by
AN eXelliiiiol3 to We!ACID'S ttnd ,teturn
gill be made on Friday—to-morrow=uh
der time auspices of Christ Church. Not
only the congregiit ion and Sunday Schoul,
but their frit leis ame invited to go, carry-
ingbaskets for a pic-nic at the island.
The tickets for the adults are but 35
cents, Children 15 cents, Christ Church
Sunday School frce. Tickets can <be ob
tained of the teachers or seholais, or at
the train on Fada.y morning. Train
statts from the COurt !louse at A. M.,
returning, at 4.; r. Std The church bell ',sill
be riing at U t M as a signal. If Friday
shimid be unpleasant the
;. exeursion will
be post polled to SAturday:
A GAlcrtm,t) aud A liTuru Club was
ut•rauize4l at. Tertyt(mu-fThttrealay, 411 gs
19th, awl the Gdige'tug otliceis elected :
l'resi(rtnt—w. uoitToN.
Viec Pre,ridc ;4.* ` sn•srna, Bow mAN,
Recording ..*:eeret<,zry—J. oot:i.D.
Oprrorphtling AYeeretierg-0. M. Mil,-
MAN. ,
Troto.irer—lVll lAA M
This club tiumbeis forty-two members,
and gill be largely cnere:u:ed below dee
ion. A GARrIELD aud. ARTHUR (....lUb'
exists at New Era, iu the'same township,-
and if earliest work is to be ( fit etive; a
o.od alma may be expected fn m Terry
this year.
flub was organized at Wyalos
iiig. lilonday evening, Septembei
with ninety-one members—not ."about a
n lAA ed .• ' The meeting was addressed
by 1:4 4 L., Eut, and IL N. Wit,
, ahose remarks • met with
'4freque'rit mil hearty aprlanse.
't he Club organized by electing the fol
lowing ofikeis : President, A. 11. Port- Vice Presidents, 'W. 11. KINTNER
and .T.tmEs R. TAYi.ot: Recording Secre
tary..TT W. l'irpillf:llLAlN ; Correspond
ing Secretary, E. I:. (iot ; Treasurer, A.
.T. W. (11.01111MLAIN,
Wyalusing, Sept. t, 1. 4 30. Secretary.,
MISS G ERTI:I'DE K1:1.+.0641 will give an
evening of Dramatic and Humorous Pei
s orations and Headings, at 31ercurt llall x
401 Fri(l,ty evening of next week, Septem
ber 17th. Miss KEtrouG' is a favorite
with thin people of this place, anewill Lu
greeted with, a laFge audience. Those
who had nut the pleasure of listening to
the gifted and aceomplished lady on her
previous a ppearancesin our village should
not fail to bear her on this occasion, as
she is beyond a question the finest lady
elocutionist in the country. The sale of
tickets will commence at Ktnnv's Drug
Store, on 'Tuesday next. The price of
admission is thirty-tive and fifty cents.
No extr.icharge lot reserved seats if se
cured in advance.
There is abso utely nothing !Mire essential
to pubbe health at this seasoir'of the year
than thorough cleanliness. More especial-
ly is this true in cities ana towns 'wliere
the ,accumulation of filth is aieasily ac
c.amplished and which, if not promptly
removed, is always sure to prove a ptolitie
hest for the hatching of, fevers and other
diseases. Good drainage is also necessary,
for no matter how much labor may he
expended in the way of removing. tilth,
deca3ed matter, etc., from one's premise/1,
if the drainage is such as to allow water
to. stand in pools, and become stagnant,
a vet y impiirtant precaution against dis
ease has been overlooked. At this season
of tie year when exposure to the intense
rays of the sun of the accumulations of
yards is sure to produce active ferment:L. I
Lion and poisoning of the air, it would be
wise fur property owners to make'frequeni
inspections of their PieMii , es, and with
the ;Lid of proper disinfectants assist in
maintaining the present high standard of
the public health of our town. ; 1 ;-
multi see a t 1.291 /et* g1,1.>1.1,11i nla Wm- ,
head, which must; have struck against
the rock in that fatal leap. A Trnt
meat more and: she feared her
trength would. fait -4 moment more
and the river would hold two victims
instead of one A moment—
." 0, that]; God! thank God I" A
shout in her ear—a strong clasp—a
helping hand which seized the
and lifeless weig42, in her imbed
and straining grasp.• A moment and'
she was drawn back on the bridge N
with a face as white as death, and
with limbs that trembled like a wind•,
tossed leaf.. •
'Tis Miss V . erta froM the cottage.]
as I live," said a voice. "Bless isr
and save us, what a thing forfa.oungl
w'ea:i thing like her to go_ and do.)
It's a mercy the two on 'em weren't
drowned like kittens together
Wasn't it plucky- thotigh, Bill?"
. Thel girl opened her Icyes, and;
nerved itersulf against the deadly'
sickness and Taintneiis creeping
• •
" Thank Ypu fpr pant bravery,',
she said. " How fortunate that you
Erarou Itr.ponrun :—b' tire Daily Re
riot.. a Republican or Democratic paper?
Well, days we re:JCR
and fall it is: 'Vie t n on tithe* dayti we
read it and think doubt its
edit ~r wis/1,1 he able tit: answer
Hearing that the GARFIELD Club of the
above naraellidace" . bad
,isiepaie44 fine
pain nearly' tie bundied feet long;tiiti in
vited spettkeol4 address tliep on the day
of lie raising;ive tvit k luch oa,
repaired thither 9,.ijiditirdgiSf- i
We had a
,deliglilttilli''ride out in tile
Troy, Maikti and 'Smlttifield stage line,
Owned and operaatisi bjt ,P .444 -twang.
•One of Smithfield's risit - YoUnedaughters
was returning frotha visit, auditreanifest-•
edta commendable interest - lii - bomb by
I -
frequent questions. We promiied her
that We would give a list of all thi behit-•
ties whom we should see at the gathering,
but heart failed us and may She forgive
the "local ;"• the list was too lengthy.
Arriving at 12 u., we soon . found that
the constable bad charge of our person,
but as ho supplied the inner man - liberal
ly; we. forgive tom, hoping never to fall
iu wf , rtu hands.- , .
At tv o o'clock -the pole was raised on
the public klquare,• and a tine streamer
ii:drin; the honored names, GARFIELD
and A aTilUit, unfurled to the breeze that
sprung up just in time to wave it grace
fody. Although the day was exceeding
ly - :i. in, upwards.of five hundred ft °pie
had gathered to enjoy the occaaion. 'Those
who placed the' pole in position did: . not
have a holiday time of it altogether, for
some hard lifting bad .to be done.: By
some means a rope attached to the pi' e
some sixty or seventy feet from the
ground, refused to IA go when it should,
.. i .
. climb to that dizzy height to loosen it.
lie accomplished the. 'feat successfully,
and the flag was run •up amid the ap
-1 plause of fair ones, arid ',be manic of the
\Vest Burlington Corne:Band. The Glee
i l
Club, under the leadership of Professor
I. s...CnAwronn, occupied the balcony of
the Aiiieriean House, and sang appropri
ate pieces. A few mnintes after three
o'clock Hon. JAMES . IL LWErm; introduc
ed B. M. PEcs, lisq , who proceeded to
(4seuss the principles invplved 'in 'the
present canvass. We attempt no synop
sis of the speelili, but,for nearly an 'hour
he vas listened to attentively.
Ihnt. EDWARD 'OISEICTON followed with 1
a clear and. cpncise statement •of facts i
concerning pressed legislation by which
the Southeinidement hope to regain eon-
tiM of tbe government, and practically
nelitralizcithe results of th , past struggle :
i!,,!ortiplcte liberty.
-,llipi statprients can all be proved by re
ference tiot the records of Congress, andl
the attctnpts to cut oil Union ,pension.l
unless r4lll soldiers receive the !same, is
not a fancy hat-a fact. His lei4ons for
not clecing, Ilaticoth were good and log
ical. Evecially so the arguments( ielat
ing to commerce and finances. Several
gelitlethen who had businei.s near, came
to listen.,; but. one of their number was.
drafted and.rnade a telling speech tilled
w(th good :irguwent and mirth. Hee. .1.
iI.FRENcii. was the man, and proved that
he can siK‘ali upon ispolitical issues with
f(iref;; and; intidligence.
After the Speaking the Glee Club sang
"America," and the patriotic swains of
music echoed and re-echoed over the stir
rounding hills and vales as the '-coniHany
began; to,disperse. ,
. -
Smithfield is a charminglatice ;to visit,
and its people intelligent, and r ,happy.
They have added an ornament to tlit;ir vii
tare in the ttagstafferseted, as V; ev
idence oc their advanced ideas regarding
human progress: They will poll a full
vote in favor of the sound doctrines of
ifitedom, currency and advarieement.
Remaining over Sabbath we attended a
"grove meeting ".in the eastern part of
the town. Rev. Mr. McMAsTEit, of Ath-
cns,•pte.:ched in the rmaning to' an at
tentive audience, composed of putiple
froui the surrounding country and towns.
From appearances we should judge the
meeting a success, nut know nothing as
regards the Untidier of conversions. Rev.
Mr. noon, of Athens, Was present Satyr
day, and a part'of the Pisgah Band on
Sunday. These meetings art) not strictly
necessary in this age• of ctimelies, but
when coMlncied properly, pethaps they
inspire fresh thoughts of reverence for
the author of the' beautiful gr . :Oyes anti
surroundings. A.. E.
I3usiness Men's and Tourists Excur
sion to New York- city and return, over
the Lehigh Valley IL It:. under control (if'
the Preshyterian Chnrch of Tunkhan
rock, 18 to tart flow Sayre, September
14th.„ by .06 regul k ar. train which leaves
that place. at 4:15 o'clock A. n. At Tunk
'hamnock the excursion . will be combined
awl leave that plwo bnspecial train at
7:30 A. M. The tickets 'am good for re
turn by any - traiu within one week. The
rates to New Yolk and return are very
low : From Sayre, Athens,' 4.85:
Ulster, ; Tow.tNDA, $.1.15 ; Wysank
isag, $4.95 i Standing - Stone, $4.75; Rtim
mei tiold, 611; Tutikliamnick,
Tic%ets will be in sale at all the
stations. Lieket4 maybe secured at the
stores of D. W. Scovr, & Co., and J. F.
ConsEtt. in this plAce.
This will furnish a rare opportunity f o r
business mot along the line of the road
to visit the city for their fall- purehasel of
stock, and will enable tourists to see all
the sights and spend a Sunday among the
eh-lire:les of New York and 'Brooklyn.
This is positively the last excursion at
such low rates over this road this season'
Excursion tickets at the lowest rates to
Coney Island, Brighton Beach, Long
Branch and West Point .can be obtained
- at the hotels and piers in New York.:
Rooms are secured at good hotefs for:
all who desire. Two occupying the Barre
room, cents each per day ; one in - a
room, 17i ceMs. Rooms With board, at
the Grand Central Hotel, *2.50 per day.
All necessary information will be giveu
tin. the train.
,Those who desire to go to Philairelphia
can purchase tickets at Betiileheni to that
city and return for 1 , 2.90. Those who de
sire to 0.0 - both to New York and Nina
dehdva can purelia - se tickets at New
York to Philadelphia and return Tor
• ETC.,
The editor :of t 1 Dushore Berl', re
"took in the Democratic miss meeting
here on Friday evening of week before
last, and rayS in his last week's raper
that . , =
•• Tt o • wlFaraso eapahle or scaling two tfor. • sand
177 - 77 oa•rrflowing. and annth•r meet
nit:g ‘, 0:7107,127,71 In the publie square, wltletewja7i
a.t,t:drd i.f ~at least twq thousand people. tints
7 making at fern[ (oar thousand •• nuteinfl,d—
pi,,vra on t 1,157 ovea7:1011."
Our neighbor of the Argum, in an act'
count of the meeting, says
"PA (the wigwam's) seating sett standing rapa
iity l ton less than for eight hunartil people : and
the crowd overtlqwed ,udsldr the building and ill
the :viJ.Ment ttrertA. Not le.. than a thousand
were to and around the wigwam ;and an unexpect
ed overth,w meeting had to be extemporized a. the
band Stand In the public Naare. At Chia meeting
thcre way about the ian,e uutt,b,,r to a*tolance as
at the wigwam."
Tither one or the other of our :neigh
b4Vs should:or:UO.l his figures. In 'our
judginent the I:trim should make the
correction. Ilutby.all meanik,
another meetlng like the one you so radi
.eally .differ r.boit't • the attendance at.
Meetings of that lied wake votes for the
- EFerroa
evening the Republicans of Athena . Mt
cd the Wesideptial campaign with vige
grld ffi gtgl i gleMt
of the people, the poor man's organic
friend. NO peat inefenialititni 'were madd
for the occasion, nevertheless a large psi
sembligii 'Of citizens gtit6ared iti*tlier to
listen to three able Speenhes,dclivered b(
the lion. G.L.
L. M. 11.thi., Esq., of Towanda, and A.
Gi 'of, ;Waverly,,
Melee gentlemettfliscussed tesuele .43(
the day with arguments of great fen'ee
instrated with telling anecdotes mid gen t
erous comparison, original and expres
sive, rangingirithhe the understanding of
the people who are watching or the signs'
of thee:drift of the ;Caleitalzefen,- 1 11 4
restate of fhe Cineefin, are lthlead ap
cut that the lessons- ere taught were re;
ceivcd with an assurance tliA there is no
defection in the ranks of the tiarty s , and
the effect thoepecelies produced upon the
vast audience is indicative of the solid
.trout the eitizens'Aer amok' Wilmot
trict wilt present in opposition- to "those
principles fur, which LEE-and d..(+ nsos
fought. ftir," and for which the whole Dem:
ocratic party are stiuggling in this caw
p3ign. Everything Pointed to the great
deeds of the noble men, statesmen and
seildiets lef the 'grand old Union party who
battledtu the forum and field for the
Prestervd,tiosic iiittrgiftii4etridizWfi(l . 4le
whole I. , iation ;AIM boon. of liberty and
freedont s Which our fox crathee bequeath
ed, and Which depends upon the
geuce of this generation in giving its yen s
dict on theiiublic questions, the greatest
of which-is whetht r the men who fought
to destroy the Union. or, the men who
fought to maintain it shall govern its des
tiny for the next four years at least: This
eanii.a4i A opens her e with feeling and
stiting 'indication's (.4 being one -of ibE
liveliest etince,the war. The" putt..? ap
pear to be all awake . nil! far in advance
of those meri:wha nasally act as le:tilers.
Their cainestuess means busineesprosper
ity continued without':' " cka " 91* ad
ministration of party. se 'large 'meet
ings demonstrate a warmth and determi
nation to leave an "(energetic 'canvass
ganiztd with aggressive: tt l pull as
large a vote as possible to preserve the
constitution as it is, to win the -Nath sal
widest by electing the RePubliCan candi
dates everywhere, that tile. principles of
the party may continue to direct; the leg,
islation of the Nation.
Athens is indebted to her ever.frientll)
neighbor just across the border, Waverly.
for the delegation, of her pitiThs %Ott
chartered a train of cars midi came vlowi
to assist in making the meeOrig a success.
.Waverly will please accept - tile - thank:
of Athens for the courtesy, and the assur
nice that. Athens•will retain measure foi
measure whengrer ab cuy:4~iuu :caters.
Tite toreh-Itghtprocession d:d uQt cormi
tal for the reason' t hitt :t he mittufitet evert.
failed 1(11111 the eiders of the res'pectirt
clubs.• . • ."Etco."
September tt,
The Tioga Ayibeor of week before I,
contained the foliowing :
• Last Thursday two rang( rs:ple
cal upon :11r. Shirk, of Ldsot.)
township, to sign what they.e.illetia yer
mit to put tip a patent. hay-fork
Sbiek's) barn and also to sign
_a state
iment the value of hie real estate. Af
ter the.two plausible gentlemen had not
and Mr. Shick, bad 1 - awed a while, hi
eeireleded he had beep led t”,.ign a PA(
for sumo; unknown allulßllt, instead
permit. lle them pructiri,l- a
Wal Met, front .111Stie. of the re:see ICer
alia'soll after the hay-Snrkrt•s.
aml Werline traceti the
g.tutleTen as tarns Tioga and then 1
'track of them. 731 r. Slick is one of
1 1,..5t upright - and substantial farmers
!si , tilw:iship. The Mt) stiangers Indu
him to believe that he was to be made a
3:ient for Pie bay-bol; on the most iiber,
dodge, as 3lr: Shiek finailyeoncluded."
The West Leroy correspondent of the
Canton ,~Fntihei sends the folloe ing to
that piper last week. Farmers cannot he
too careful about !Jiving wipers of any
kind for strangers, The Sentinel's cm -
"The parties previously. mentioned in
the coluu us of the 7, as rceeiviug,
the skinature 'Wm. Slick, of Liberty.
made D. IL Ifnaizland a call and 'secured
Ilk name to a similar paper, and have
since been ioffermg eis mite of $3.30 for
sale. - Mr. lloagl uul writ to Tioy to site
B. Baryons, Esq., of that place. in
g.trilf to the matter, when Mr. Parsons
told " he w,is "tie. of five whom he
knew of who /had be 'lt riwindlvd. The
whole. amount was i'l4.on. The .pi - ttties
are talking, of -cumin!' no. and fighting the
matter, a theme bar, been IF) value re
31. L. 8., the ' . fowancht..correspondent
of the Elmira eldecrilser, furnishes that
paper with the folloirring in referenze to
three valuable paintings,: We-property of
an estimable lady of 9nr :
"A euisin of Mrs. S. P. Whitcomb—
who had traveled-extensively in Europe
and had tine artistic tastes—died :mil lett
to her three varliahle paintings, which he
had bought in Paris. First and foremost. -
is.. a "Madonna and child," by C,itio
lci, who thonishr d in Florence' two
centuries ago, and ahese paintings have
always bcca gwatly ailtr.ired. The face
of the virgin mother is wondrously
6111. as she heeds half-adoringly above
:th'e ettloNte 'figure of the divine
The coloring iii rich, yet delicate. The
- desti tints have vea softness and life-likeness
'that is wonderful.
The tit her two paintings are copies 01
" Night ". and "3lorning," made by an
Itaban artist in IZOine, during the early
part of the present century. Guide Reni's
pictures belong to a still older epoch of
Florentine art than Dolei's. Mrs. Whit,
comb is to be congratulated nron the pot , :
scsAmi of such art treasures, which are
priceless 'in their intrinsic villa; and be
cause they were the gift of 4t- loved rein-
Says the Elmira Mee/Wier. of satitrilay
lag : "There is no railroad in the United
States with a -higher
.reputatiOn for the
excellence of its rolling stock than the
Lehigh yalley..l.epecially is this the case
with its locomotives. Thursd*ev4
ning the Northern Express train was
drawn into Elniira uy the new loc(;In(40ye
"John .11'.. Can:slAc," atillit.ruit
pany's shops lit .liazlomu, Pa. The trip
hither was to t'est the speed and steuMing .
lip,Aititis of the machine, witti the new
style of fire box; ' commonly called
: the
"I)irt Burners." The run was made
from Elmira to.Viliverly, eighteen miles,
in eaiheterifi.mirortee, inelialeng one Atop.
If speed it: what the company desire,ivive
think they 'have it :in 'the ".kihu Fat
shawe." A mile a 'lniunto i% fast enough
for any ordinary riding, :rhe lecbtnotlye
remained h3re until lag evening, when
she took out the Night Express a little
after nine o'clock."
. .
4 Li
The ElMira Weekly .(;rizette eau be uad
from now to,Tanuary 1, ISSI, fiip twenty
live cents. The (I gtet;e Coupany also
trice to each new subsMiber a life-size
portrait of 61:neral ll.c•scoen. The Ind to
is the largest" newspaper printed in tie
city of Elmira, and the wonder islow jts
publishers can
. give so flinch for*little'
Money.- It is worth a trial—if _you are
denfocratically iuclit ed. .•
Ocea —M n " Gr . roYisk " 7 " - ilt. ` lll4l*.- c' 111 ' 3.4 : A/1 / 4 1f o n
..-.—Jottss - .0. \Vomits* been gotta i o r
*ts,r_AlflAyf t
, o ,
PIPTIP teI(I4 .X . I7 Tire * C I• A •
P.. ityicsitiss4-prjoyinci s
Post, of *this giacer:,iti quite ill'
iVoki th(,ofrectsof
•L- . : , 511F.02<0trE, daughtpr of:J.
j ..13i•loutx, fa visiting friquds Stoveits
iIEtEN. , of Biagoid
City, Pa, is visiting relatives and friends
in, this place:
—;tills. tim 'Datum, of St, Louis, is
vlsitipgber uncle in this place, Ron. C.
S. L. Coxpe, of Tunkbantiock;
sin town on Tuesday, acd gato us a
plciaint.calL- :
—F. W. PEnuv, of SUzir Ruo,, has ac
coptOd a : position in tho Hear of Hope
:corner, rilliatumport.,
. 4 . 3lxtrioN anA
'romper; of Providence; It. 1., aro visiting
fiiewls,in Sniithilettl.
CI. C.xnnv, L an noployee of the
Prot Prlot:4-. gam us a pleasant
call on Thursday. last..
Stv , tu Ittocis tins returned to her
wipe in Smithfield from. a' v l sit.anlobg
riends east of tire river. • • ,
—Mr. Diffirrofki l' I:as been enter
rtinin,,, an old fianas friend at his hom e
in Sinitlifieldfor a few
—.'itv'ati E. rtLottir.atts has taken a:
position.iu the Freight. office of the Ps.-&.
N. Y. Raitronst-at this place. • '
—.W. B. tinAw, nf Washington, 1.).(! ,
--iteComplinied by his family-41s the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. eu,ilunatt.iN.. ,
ButoiLvr, of Tow - ands, Pa.,• i
visiting his father, Squire .11. - 31.
, BintsprT.—Jelitirsonian,. Stroudsburg.
—hiss WINMI Mrtge, daughter of
Hon: )1% T. entors the junior,.
elas cif, the Eeniale at. Elmira,
this week.
1 N VL.II'NET 4nd wife, of Troy,
have gone on a visit to friends in 'lllinois
and 3ltehi,4an f iand esl aet,-t - ) be absent
several weeks.'
T. ; DEcitett, who has spent
':u• ple.-t;nt' summer with her
E..sq., ill "this place, returned
to h, r home in; :New York cityon'Tlows
--Mr. Fowia.ii-111:LbocK s of Big Pond,
Spriugticki township, • was buried last
Ifp was a tokpected citizen
mid will be much in the commu
—IL S. ifotriN“, of our village, is DOW
employed in pbirit:ng to at tbs Monp.e.
too, 'a., Toy Factory. "Terp" 4. tip
top at that kinag of Wart tly
—The .Dem oet s * Su:.:quehanna
County,, a t th e i r cone( ut hot I.lht. week,
A. 11. Mi Cc then
Itpiee f} , r a Cougi eesional candidate in
.Ititi dish icf.
NI. 'E. Host:m . lEu,, the Clothier, is.
a few .1/tIslIVIP;il
, caring; the hay fever,. or whiult dis
be has aniinally hcittofove been a
---JANks .11.‘14lits and wife, who
q.'en ing - a. visit to their daughter to
rrv..ell, for several weeks past, here re
tuned to their home in this iilaU., mut h
, roved in health.
—poetor tam' CoatYrt.t.. for nian,y
years a resident and pi actitionce in Bur
lington:died of apoplexy, in Ithaca Allure
i.e hall resided for the past fifteen ,y(:ars,
on Tuesday of 41st neck,
_-ftt e tor tits....,tvr, pastta of the i'ri's
hyterian Ulturgb, will take a 1 . 711:30 , .n
several , at celts. 4 l.or mach needed rest tittil
aucrihe church Fill be closet
until the tirst Sunday in October.
—The Telegraph Operatotii of no. Pa.
N. Y. I:: 8., pie.sented t 111"i`. vtini
Mr.;. C. 1 11. eleout Silver Cake
Ita.t.,ki4 nn th.e. c.l..asiva ;of their marrialze,
as a token of the esteem in 'which
they hold their brother operator. —Athens
Gazette. •
—Mt's: 1). 1 boulti_xt., ire of the
formet-beln - ruditetitortif ehrkt Church,
k spending a few dabs in town rkitin t t
her Inftny friends, who are by no
t .11'Wtt.`11 to her husband's former Ftrish
eine:, She is guest of Mcs: E. T.
Fox, on York Avenue. —l?eriett. :f .
—The annual election ft Direct( Tirtl and
111 , 1teettO s ii' Eleetitto of the S. C. It. It.,
;Kieurred in. Auburn Wednesday of la , t
ireelki.: Tito : following were elected Pi
reetorst-TtirorAs.o. l'hiAtrr,-WILLIAIT C.
W.. DIV t,.trr, tittAntrsi (710 V, Ito tt EtzT
PACKK It, _JOH ii.N.1.11 4 , littJTAlt W.
Cr.ryv rum:Ls:it Ttoik, T4xTutt
MAlOtti, tIA7tI..S lit. KNAPP, E. 14:I,1 - AN
Woottiturr, E. I). Ct..% vv. Inspectors of
IttN'S; L. - C. The - 13enrrt organized
by the re-election of the titlieer6 of the
Tut year, as ft flows President. TuoA.
t PLATT : Secretary. .1 Amus 0. KNA rr ;
freasprer. tittAt - NcIA - L. Iticti : Superin
tendent, .linlN ti. KNApr.
3ros tiV Ev EN I Ni, Sept. 6
Members present: : tioltvrnb, dKlngs
try, Keeler, 31ntanye, McCabe and
alim. Assistant - Burgess Kingsbor
iok the Oak, when on motion the veld
of the 'minutes of the last meeting was
titspenstd with. and apmov*?cl as publish.
ed by the r;eenttary. 'file Chair said
e r.mmunieations and statements from cit-
a its WaS the tint business in order under
fne - t4iles. . At this i t oint Chief llareess
Joiitijt arrived and tool: the chair.
Mr. Williamliill iimnired if any con
clusion had been arrived at in regard to
the Wrectiorr of a bridge on Third street.
C. M. Manville reltlresciAl 110 counei
n opposition to a change of the ilresen
rade of Third :street in front ..f the Cath
ii. ,cha,l ~ioI el•ty
that Ivy pr,optriy owner on that street de
t..;.CiAl a Change of grade. and if a change
be ordered, the new stone side
walk. in 'front of would have
_ t ,
to bo removed.
Mr. Thurber and olliars complained of
The bad' condition of certain sidewalk:.
The complainants were inforyled tics!, all
that was necessary for a cit7kn to do was
to hand ; in the names of pity property
owners nlioQe sidewalks vr'ere defective
to the Secretary, and the lawful notice
he fimincliately served On such par-,
ties to remedy the evil.
3lr.•.Fisher. iiSketklat grade for sidewalk
in-front of bia property on Fourth street.
31r.11u1l asked if any action had been
taken .m;Lis relltieW for on appropriation
for the piirchase of hats for the Franklin
Company. .Messrs. Walker and Bogart
spoke in lavor of granting au appropria
- James 11. CorWing said that a-petition
would be presented before the Conned
Aljontned, from the hackmen'and others,
asking that,4Bo4llouKe be adopted tax.-
t‘eff Iti*NbsiViiitVillit.dterStrougly in
favoi their
A petitiak - was-iires.emed - for an oak
croFsing from the Elwell !louse :t• - ) the
Park., On motion the Street Committee
of the S'coud Ward was .authorized to
put such crossing down: also to put down
an oak 'crossing on Main street from Mrs.
- Carter's to Maple street.
The Gas Committee- made a verbal re
port in favor of the: eOtioti of a larrip
-post on the west side of q'hird street, op
posite %alibi Street. .report was
adopted,-and on motien it was ordered
that a post isi,crpeted'at.thtit point: •
Cottneilinab Holcomb olieied the fol
lowing retselutiort .
EegeJnd. That thelturre.s and Secretary of the
Coon , / I Or the - o,oroimh of - Towandaltre berebyau
thotl:tA to receive n. aced propo,o, p to -, claret„-
her '2O h for con‘tnrlio;l a (queers, fleet the- :nine
on d street. Fir'.4:Wartl;near3tra. La sltll9'a
tesldeto.e, of the diniett•lons and ~,itetrte
.it Two oil :4) feet in length, esti - '3
6 le, t the bnttotn to tie set.",
ia - r
rod.w.rth stono tid eit edge. I figot
a di -tatwe eel 6= fret. ecterplug 6 feet a , ,ore and
and under the thie,IVIIUI, tLr spa^e between
the side wails to lau 1 feet in width. waking the
culvert a be 0 feet. to tie Cl) -erred the. dbitaucirof 50
feet with 11:4;g1tig stone dot legs th..n inches to
thlelrnegg. Sloping; yraltA ohsub•datithil stone to he
built on etch end the width id the travlitu tel the
height of 1:: feet front the isage. and the roadway
to he not les+ than 41: feet it the top. to be filled
tenth earth •Ner tlegyteg,. between the tide trails,
theSs filth tit t e street; allterir•staty tagging ie.
eltol. The Connell revert tell the right to reject;
sac and all but, if net satisfaeletv.
t • ,
Ain`eilman Kin ,, sbury - butnaitted the
• . 7' •
Re'pW Thet propo:alsl,e,recetred thithe 13th
I te.t. for grading . : torwalk aud 'Making heeossary
ditches lu front at ;the Convent properly and the
I lot of C. 11...,115urt Ile.; the eat lit -the - Wort nut h 6
eree.!il tiftr . ..tollarsoittid to be under the supervl. ,
letot; the, -4tieet Committee of tue Seri.inet Ward
and the porolii44 .
... - „The complaint of Mr. 'Bogart of damag
es to his property on Washin4toa_street,
-was referred to the'reirief`COmmittee of;
the First Ward, to examine and
.report to;
the Counselut the mext.-mectirtg.'
Councilman McCabe moved that an ap
-1/2riiteli?r' itifo4 ,o pt t ulirto the
,r tk • Conlpaly pntelmse hats, and
1 ere 'be a - r:-Organization of th -
Fire Department after the ,eompletiou ofcj
the Water 'Works, any member 4f, that
Company who may La retained in the de
ikittment rierviee, shall be.einitleto to re
tain the while he IVIII4IIB in the se% ,
;ofeew. ; ;
• Adopted.
c4R11)C1111131:1 Kingsbury moved that an
appropriation of
.$4O bo made ti) the' Hook
and'Ladder Company.
The motion was . aihpted Secre
tary direeted to draw au order fur the
On • motion the Bu.— appointed a
committee of three to-draw up at, oi di-•
mince taxing lineltu_al and tixitig rates of
-fare. Cuuueilinen - Holcomb, Montanye.
}mid were appointed said commit
tee withdirectioils to report at a special
meetinOo by belt' on Monday evening,
the 13thinstant.
• -By Couuoilman Holcomb :
Vl . lIE W.t Complaints are eon tinnally pret.ent
ed to the eottnett of violations of the ottllitance of
the sth day of Jaw, 11,43, -relating to filikalireS
from depositing 0 garbage and other filth In the,
etreett, and alie,ra of the Borough.. therefore—
. .
,8(40/e.,t, . That the Secretary he aathutized and
itoptired t republish the .aid ordinance, a a warn-
In; t) Sielatoreof too same that the said ordinance
will ba hereafter rigidly enforced. Atid also Ite
noised. That the Chief of reline he mettlreg to
, not 1 ry all retidents to keep and maintain a garbage.
!duel, box •I,r other depository in Which they shall
deposit alt eaxbage.nte,, and hare the name carted
,outside -the Lturohgli litultd• at least once In each
Adopted. '
The following is Ow ordinanefi'referked
to in the above resolution :
.1-.-Psearring ~,alter not to he thrown
into The street.—lte It further orclatueti by the
at.tto,rosaid, That If any person shall put.
kAact or throw,Un any of Ur: avt.nues, strtelb, Jane,
or Wier, or public LahllN, any coal tb.rayett
vt getahle matter, or any Unhealthy or offensive
stthstattreb, or filthy thatut tat, or oily tuAt tt
or thing having a tetoleory to deprive, the ettliens
of the tate. free and full ellJoyment of the avenues,
btteet,. lattci. annytra.Slll pulit lands, :melt pers.ou
o vonvl.7tlon thereof ,ha❑ (oriel• and pay a penal
ty not exceeding flee dollarLs, with costs ut butt, tul
tilt use n( the 114 rough. '
I I Jl~ CuttdCannttn ITuluttub :
1 / 1 . • •t re I Column tea "t.
'First Ivird be auttotized and direeted ti r .'reecive
proposals for gkwitt. , ‘ f"r a ,blewa , k on the %%est
side,of hifurt. Illy Isoutli litre rat Fite
Dar tlett property, or thereabout.; to the swab tin..
er A.. 1. Flstier':t iot„ssati grade to he liked by Ow
Borough h:refliteer.secordtrof to the of Il7a.
su(l rep,nt the sabre it, the Council al the te.,). , t
regular meet lug, :off If bemA by the said survey
that the grade - ..I'l necessarily run a pat t of. the
MSS Si. frostt of the itzst - thAL iiroperty,Alivlt the ptir
p‘lsa4, to rover Uw 11131abee b.utot iteeeshary by the
itetke a proper grade.
"Elie secretary was authorized to tiraw
arliers for the payment of bii,s amounting
to' .11;1.62:
Nit report received from the Pul:ce de
ailment. •
A tlj9tirtie.(l. •
Jos EP K[Nostrt;ttw, Secrtary
:s1()N1+:. 1.1 , .1•1'E)1)1Elt f;'l' 'lN'‘i)
Ile following waned persons were
sw , all in as Grand jurors :
(.;k:orge IL Little. Leltaysville, Fore
man. E. 11. .tngle. Towanda Bor.);
Panver, , e Loulnei %Vest. But lington ;
Ilklord Bixby, Windham-; Edgar Br.lwri,
Monroe To voiship ; •Lystiati Burke, South
Ce\h.k ; Hembim Hiram), Ulster ; Michael
llteslante. 'foe. amla Titwitsitip : John S.
ink. nvin.e Township .101 to Hoffman,
'I erty : G.. 1. .lolitisou, Tuscarora Gil in
Jortfon, Athens Bort) ; James •H. Lamb,
Troy Bin : 31eCr - aney, Ltilitty
Thomas Pieklrv, Wvsox Anson 1f.,,,, n -
CEMICt•, iim auda , P, , ,m14w (;,!orge Rath
bone; 'Troy :Township ; linen trg,
Emanuel Robitiseit, Albany
Towf)!liiit Gillturt States,
E. 'Nilson, South Creek Nelson
VI -
The Grai,iti .fury disitostAi of the .follow-
Mg cases, Yi4 - -
0.111. c Frederick Maker—Robbery.
Cunt. Georgo. nonerts—Burning a
barn. '
Cenn. vs.' C. H. Saverenol—larceny.
rom. vs. Frank Brink—Lkrccuy.
Con. vs. IL IL - Swisher—Folfficati , in
ant bagtardy.
,Oom. - vs. A. It. Stephens—Assault and
Coin. As. Cut TlLtrups;nt—LAssattit
and 41. tery.
c. i itt. vs. .lames Yurray—Assault and
Corn. vs:4;eorr:e. IVA Ni(.1:(..0.s and Silas
Campbell--Laseeny. :. . ..
Coven. vs. I.ld)race Taylor—Lasee»y.
Coin,. vs. Fred. Coltley—_ gjault. and
llatte6 - . ProFueutoT; rredeliq: Bachle,
Cur O , )StS. .
Coni. vs. :ferny Cunningham—Selling
liquor without license. Corn. vs. Joseph
tame —A gr avated assault and battery - .
eotn: its. Frank Vace--Fornication and
hastartly. Cont. vs. g.aintiel Kellum--As
.ault and battery. Coin. vs. Clarence
L anent —Falne pretences._ No!le progopti
critered iu each case upon the payment of
Cont. vs. George Roberts—Burning a
barn Dist t iet Attorney McPherson and
Albert Morgan,. Esq., for Cont., D..t.
Overton and 0. D. Kinney, Esqs., for de
fendant. Jury find defendant not :guilty;
hut.that he ply the costs. Sentenced to
pay the co.ts of prosecution or give
security for the same w t ithin ten days.
Coat. \S. Freddie': Baker—Robbery.
"District Attorney Mcflicrsortand Albert
5li'll•Tall, Esq., for Com., \V Young;
and Edward, Mills, Esq.., foi; defendant.
Jury find dcfeuilant'nor
Com. vs. W. F. Den":—Earceny. Dis
triet Attorney MePh'erson for 'Common
:46lth t L. M. Hall and G. 11'.
"Eir4., for defendant. Jury find defend
Corn. vs. Etty May Geer—Robbery.
. Distriet Attorney McPherson and William
Little, Esq., for Counnonwealtb ; 11. F.
Maynard and John'Sandersou, Esqs., for
defendant: Jury find defendant not
guilty. •
Corn. vs. A. R. Stephens—Assault and
battery. District' Attorney McPherson
and E. - C. Gridley, ;Esq., for Common
wealth ; D. C. DeWitt, Esq., for defend
)Ir. Ilaiiviile t‘a
-Estella G. Poole vs. John A. Poole ;
L. B. Forrest vs. Polly 3L Forrest ; Lydia
A. Brown. vs. X. P. BrJwir; Soi:lti.t . L.
Mcrarrick vs A. 31. Mcearrick ; Harriet
L. Malan vs. Antlemy .Tames
Farr vs. Elizlbeth Farr ; Georgitit. May
nard vs.. Abley M. Maynard, Subtanna in
divorce direeted to be issued in each case.
Florence E...Furinan vs. E. M. Furman.
Sheritl . dilected to make pro , :larnatiOn. .
Wffin Doty vs., • Edwaid Doty. AliaS
stibrti!Ala directed to be issued.
Clara .1. - Morris; v,;;. Ira Morris. Ed
ward Mills, Jr., Esq., 'appointed Commis-
• Charles Rector vs. Emma Rector. John
W. Mix,. Esq.. appointed Commissioner.'
Emma . Case vs. L. RaymoutiCase. W. I
J. Young.. .Esq., appointed Commissioner.
Banks Slater vs. Clint Slater. Edward
Esq.„ appointed Commissioner.
`Emanuel Robinson vs. Elizabeth L.
Robinson ; Emma Starms vs. Josiah W.
Starrini ; A. 4. Chaffcie vs. Clara E. Chaf
fee ; Lydia MeCannon vs. James McCan
non. Divorce decreed m each case. -
Abner 13. dill vs. Anna M. Hill. Court
direct issue to be framed and omit rule
on plaintiff to 1 ay respondent $:300 for
her :support-during - the pendency of suit.
.T. I.inderman vs. The Watertown
Fire Insurance ComPauy. - A. Record
vs: S. C. Means, et al. Rules discharged
Theodore Larrison vs. It. Lockwood.
Plaintiff direeted to remit all in eXcess of
$BOO and new trial refused, if not new
trial-grapted., •
In the Matter oithe application of Mrs.
Cat liayiue I'. Grant forthe Ixatetit of her
separate earnings.. Prayer of petitioner
granted. .
In the matter of the lunacy of Michael
llanuM. NV. J. Young, Esq., appointed
Comnissioncr. •
coMownwealth of , Pennsylvania vs.
• Cylrepu 4 Forrest.. Reasons for a Ina-
C. C. McClelland vs. E. Pomeroy. Rt\le
made absolute anti attachment issued' for_
C. C. McClelland.'
. Eva A. Sitorci vs. L. IL Miner. Rule
ti3l6 gbfiolittf4 and - record chinged.
Carroll Vs. --4- The Liverpool and
LondOp and Olobe - --lostu ance Company.
Rule for the . removal_of this suit - to the
- Cireitit Court of the tinted States for the
Western District of 'Pennsylvania.
M. llarduer vs. Crandall ..E Jones.
Role discharged by plaintiffs remitting
:;r3R! •• .
'nowanda Bridge. Coinnany vs. Bradford
Comity. no motion Court direct the
venue:l6 iiii.charigA and that the issue.
tn. tvivd in - the County of Tioga and that
thPriatlionotary certify the record to
►aid County within twenty days.
.couRT pnocrElizNcis.
The following is . a. condensed soPort of
the .meeting o f Bradford aq Sulliv an
County Pomona Grange, No. 23 P. of IL;
hetet in Columbia Grango. Hall, August
10th and 00th, 1880 :
- Change called to order at one o'clOck
P. x.c,Worthy Master A. D. *inn in the
chair. Address of wet - Coma bY. Brother
D. Lilley—rfsponded to by Brother E. J.
-___- :,---
Tilie• folloring visiting coni mitten re,
port the Oranges and the order ,in the
counties in allourishing condition : A.. T..
1 Lilley, Open Hand ; C; Ross, :Pest Oran
-vine ;M. Kingsley, Standingl§totie. ''-
. The committee on agricultural cliemis-
L'iry report that they, are in fa=vor of its be
t ing taught in our common schools, and
reemamiend the chair to appOint- a com
mittee of Ave to prepare a text book on
agricultural chemistry : A-;•.!'r." Lilley, E.
E. Quinlan, B. Laporte,. V..E. Viollet, G.
W. 11?.. an.
. Remarks for the gOOO tneproer were
made by R. B. Lindy, of Columbia, / .Wil
ham Patterson, of Frysauking, P. Cor
nell, E. Loomis and A. 3. Calkins, cif Co
lumbia, A. T. Liliey, of Open Hand, Joel
',steWns an E. X. Ayers, of Asylum, - E.
T. Come Killgoie, of Coloth.
bia, C. 1). loss, of Webt (iranvillr, and
.1). Columbia.
,Nlevt l ing called to order in open session
with singing -by the choir.
Speeches andllithlinses by E. Ayres,
C. IV Ross, T. Lilley, E. Tracy. A.
Mutt, I). Llley, E. B. Lille", D.S. Shen
nary William Cornell, W. D. Baxter.
William Patterson, Stephen -Bullock, E.
Loomis, Fred Corse)), E. 3. Ayrett.
Singing , by .the choir. Then a qnar
.tette by C. E.. tiladdimr. D. S. i. , lennab,
D. It. Sherman, C. E. Peckham :-
The Farmer's Home is the Home for
Me." "Grandmother's Chair" was snag.
by D. S. Sherman.
Dsclamationslry I. W. Merritc:Mis;
I:mina Beewr;r--‘• How We savul
St. 31ioliael, - " when rho meeting aitj,airn
ed' by the choir, to ascrottl-:
at nine o'i2rockin tilt, morning. •
Ns , ),t,ZlNc; sr.,szt's
Opened with singing by the choir.
lieniltrks for the good of the order were
made by,C. Ross, A. T. ley,. A. 31, --
COrne4l;' Bullock,ley, -r
Batertiati, Merritt, and others.'
Song hr -Peckham .: Yott Will
Never 3iisS; the. Water 'Till the -Well
Runs D 4-."
Recitations . by Miss Mary E. -Pollock
"Speak no Evil," Miss Enuna
"Our Minister's Sermon," -;Also
I ant so glad I was here - to-n4thi'."
The condnittie on NesolutiMi repor;,
as follows, ail of which were - adopted af
ter some discussion :
-11 r edect1, That we will not support for
Assdnddynnin, Senator, or Congressman.
or any of our law-malting owers, who
will II be pledged to, support the f
in , res:ilutions :
• Ist. I:cmolrefl, Th4t all lines of- t:!ninmit
mill transport:l64T : s hoot
hrmight under such legislative - . control as.
stall secine moderate fare and Uniform
rdtes for passive and freiglit.trailic.'
2nd. flew/fed, That we protest
any as,emblyman, Senator,-or•any of our
law-making powei s taking free passes flom
1 any of tile railroad companies to and faun
their 'dote of Executive deportment, ar,
its ttincency is to bring 'them under
special .ibligarh.n; to said corporations
wore than to the people •whotn . they
are to serve,
' , dr, 4, That all ty should
bear it just li)portiou of taxation.
if 68. - ./r,(l, That: we re-affirm thp
prim:lip:es of our o: der, which assert the
,nice should seek the man, awl not the,
luau the otlice.
sth, nesired, That the exhaustion or
the soil of iii;olyof our farms is due to
either o‘er-cropping, or an improper ro
at of crops.
itth. Pe‘olred, That barn }lull ruanur,
is the Is st fertilizer we have for g,enerai
; 1 1'p 1 cAlloth and shoal I be used in prefer
ence to patent fell Hizets: •
That our agricultural
fairs ate dohaz a -.yolk that is
ons to all elasse:4 who take an active path
in them, and they should receive the cot-,
dial support of all citizens . of the count'.
That we believe it wonl.i
be to the interest of on r patrons in.
county to establish a Dairyinan'2i' Doe'd
di Trade for the sale of their products.
9th. /"-.stud, The we:heartily - approve
the course-of G. W. I:yen in performing
Lthe labors of County Superintendent of
our county, and we believe his coutinu
anee in the position is to the Lest interest
A. T. r.,11.1.F.V,
It. P. 13(3WNINN.
of ‘mr ,e1:vols
11e,4,1,-ed, Ey the whole t4rauge, That
We return on r cordial thanks to the broth
ers and sisters of ColuMbia Grange for
the me of their comfortable hall, And for
their ,liPspitality. during •oor stay with
theml—also our thanksQ to. Miss Emma
Brewer Air her recitations.
There being no further business, the
Grange adjourned at 12 !st, to ineetat the.
Court Houe, in Towanda, on Thursday.
the IF-th day of November._ .'NBO . , - at one
o'clock r. . .
After pat taking of a sumptuous dinner
at the, hall, which the sistets of Columbia
know how to prepare, we took our de
parture for Our val ions homes well pleas
ed with our meeting and entertainment.
'DWI“IfT KELLUM, Secretary.
Towanda, September tj, 1!,4,ze,
Local Corresp—idence
bott,r.'hottp , : :
—at our. villa'ge at prevent; making . every
one i.ock a quiet reiose in the cool shad-
OWS of the many groves surrounding ug.
Prof. ,l, B. Ev . Env started fur Mcreilon,
Wise :sins Thursday afternoon . last.
where he has In.!en ennged as principal
o': the graded sclionl. MisA K ATM, SNELL
and Miss Ltz.zis: C.utits.x . rEn, of Athens,
aecenq any him, as they are to be assis
tant t,f.icters in the s;un4 schonl.
Miss MINNIE SitAW returned to school
at Ilmnellsville, N. Y., aturday.
P. Mt.'s I.V.NEY, Jr., Miss ANNIE 111-ren
tNso.s: and Mrs. L l / 4 11F-i i!iiCKAY" attended
the District Conventin I. G. G. T., at
East Cantor, last 'rues lay hnd Woluirs- ,
clay, lacy ti=lled Mil - m. l (pm whil e absent
and report ani l 1 1
etl,,oya_he,;,itk% - .4.'
Cutts. 14. iI(H:WEbt. • was confined to
the house a-few days last
.week: ‘Ve were
pleased-to see hint out again Satin-day.
The tobacco cj±Virlsi44-I . ig- 7 1-tatvested
rapidly, ansi is — renfftcd . as.beiriz, ilf very
tine quality as vv e ell as fair growth: - -
S. C. llovEv s,!.ys lie - tiVed fur the first
time in 1524, awl has beefed
-1 Gott since that time. lie also, says if per
, mitted to live itli 4'ok -ember 2d lte will
vote for GA111.'1111,1) 4ftii A1:1111: It : .
I ClSt. , :t*, &J p ;.. / RA:u.. .
E-- Fs
. .
The. stimol commenced e
3towiny, Augmt 30th, with some rift
sehOlaxs. - •
A little son of A I`..N tat
rifle While wrestling with a neilz,libor's
boy-ittOrweek, fell, breaking . his right leg
below the knee.
Mr. and Mrs. AnnoTT, of Pittston,.are
stopping a few days at WlLLisEnces,
this plat;.
The. Democrats of Lellaysville held
their caucus in their stronghold-on Satur
day evening last': result unknown. Tho
little band, consisting of nine men, march,.
ed to their respective homes in a stately
manner with a wise look on their coun
tenances. y WILL .
Lcßaysville,:Sept. C, '
. .
Aiiording let pre% ions announcement,
a G.Aiirt Eta) ap4 Atcruun pole VMS erect
ed on min, gree?i on Saturday. September
4th. The_ pole - is about one hundred and
twenty feet above_ the ground. From the
highest point is sAspended a long strewe
d' bearing the, names of the Men whom
se expect to see placed in the highest
and most responsible position in Which an
American can be , placed. And as we gaze
with admiration at the beautiful pole,
whose summit ) reaches far above our
heads, we look with far greater admira
tion .and respect on
. the names of our
leaders, and we know that they are wor
thy of our conlidence, out estee,m'and our
Notes. The pole was raised Without acci
dent or ditficulty., As soon a'sjit was se
cured, the.stars and stripes were runup,
add at the saute tithe the Glee Club, front
the balcony of the 'hotel; Sang that good
old some, " The. Star-Spangled Banner."
The strain was immediately caught up by
the 'West Burlington Cornet Bend, which
was in attendance,•and Al were made to
, realize that the Stlirs and are still
Loativg. over the land of the free and the
home of the brave.. L ,, after this'.the lar g e -
concourse of people was addressed liy
Messrs. PECK and Ovtirrosof Towanda, .
and Rev. Mr. FutNen, of Troy. The
speeches were good, and full of cowl - n . 61)
sense, instead of useleas' mud-dinging in
.which too many of the speakers of both ,
parties too frequently indulge. They
gave their;reasons why, the'people of this ,: -
country should not; by then' votes,- put
themselves in• the control of the Solid.
South.. , Theythought the main question _
at stake now is, Shall the North or shall '
the' South have control of .our Ship:of
State?" The Republicans . of Smithfield"
were nevermore fully aroused, and they -
are only waiting . until they can show -
where they stand, not by mere talk, but
by the ballot. .- ,
The members of the Wee Club eaves .
themselves as being disnppointc:d at- not .
seeihg the Club-from Athens. according
to •their . announcement, and „hope they
will hate the pleasure of singing with
them at do distant day. - . JOS All. --
Smithiteld, September 6.
ACTS '' , - . •
Is the title Of II a. A. R. Seat;rotio's
work upon the is tistics and improve
ments of this uatio . Messrs. 11.. .t-
N Elt A: CO., -propri tors of the renowned ...
Safe _Kidney and' Ivor Cure, have isAued ,
the work in a neat form: a copy 'of vtlich-.
we acknowledge: 'he book is a valuable: .
one, and useful fo the . sanctum of • -soy
writer. Messrs. VA itNEIt a; Co. have
shOwn their goOd . ' ie.e in securiii,Zr and
distributing; this ivoi-lr, whieli.:, reflects -.
credit upon the compiler as well as upen
• -
them.- -
IS Jr P055111142,--:That a remedy =62.
~r ou c h ciimmon, 61111pleVants a -
Lltmhu, liandrake, , Dandelion, etc., make
mAny and such MarVelous and wonder;
ful cute:4,as Unp-I3ltters do? It must be ;
for when old and young, rich - and poor;
l' and Doctor, Lawyer and Editor-,
Mli testify to having been ,cured - by then,
we must lielieve'and doubt no longer. See
'TT,, LIQUOR SETTS-at 93•Crut
II V ORA 11.11 C ENT.—Just
1,,31 NN
thk,..(.39 CENT STOitE is Head
lar.ters for everythi,T, i t , 11,2 liz Of LAM and
011' tiOiipS,.
5 4 44 2•TV-2.
M" . hati tilt; bei wearinli Slioe4
:or mut lottath' Wear err otrtthal lu
Tow :Indu s And at tal.a,a ,6111 a, tta- 414ta11.
One goods arc NEW and of the
qliAl.,r4"l". , Ai . VI it
t - No - i)N CinEit-3111.,..-L-This is as
I Po'ftal,le ,11111—oLe that C4nll::entis
it ,ight. Fanners having appica geliti; 14 w.a.4;, , ,,
till 44 well te, give. the eidt Mill atrial. It
fr4it 1ie4v4.1
„ratiLg. Cavaelly. (Cie barrel,. her ',lay: For Salo
It. M.
T 4 .VV,A.!i./14,
t7s4 - .; M AC N EEI)L1:;:i
and aita,cluntrcir%ast 99-Ctlic •Trore.
Mr - - Victims of 'Ai astcid energies find
are teller In AYER'..4 i 4 111511P.%1t11.1.A. Jr i 4
he ino,t p.teu2 !furl ti.rr ind f[.unr Ain of Leaiih
:":4 —. There are !navy fcirmsof ttel-vrmi,
1,611t1v In tOott - ttlut yield to ttle
ron 1,11-10.112,i
; , •akurs, night 5m.:,11 a 4 . .. nboula try th,ir.
;IV" "I IlaN 4 liisciA F•everal . "
5,5.m4 N?' 1.1 V' Ell 1: Et, 1: it ; ar.4 Yo'.%
record the t: t. that tt,y tar,
at I can vat !warty,. 11:A . A111 1:1 , 11% , el! .nipt:
;el I Lace - lio•n ::4•ar4 pa,l. I 11:11...
ur yyars and alp ;;ra•vf:l!
1. AFFf V. .
4. veriodiral •Wre, l‘Ce;
fond. duralile and prat-fittin g
110 E, F. J. .I.II..ENL't , , opi.o;fie Seeley',
• Nov, 27-1
P A. S FATE (1 /L-
I. E admits both telest Endowment half a
'l'illthrn frre. ColtrEw,
gal, 9cle 11. ,and AgrieUltliral. A thOFVUgli
paratnry DerartMeht. 1 X i f,Cl2,eS e.; 5 pvt
For eatalogne. whirrs; 40: , ...Erit Sithirrt.tng.e. A
M., ' Pres..State College, I'd
r - Provisions of 'all kinds, of the best
talttk. at I itElt
a." Try our New JAI'. TEA.- Rest in
vn. S: VOL GIIT.
Choice TEAS
peclalty at P.
WA' . .ST 'BM
,agents on the life of Genera
Carleton, — the plyular
log 'The • finest , Li
,:lt!elt• will I , e offered to
eapalgn. LI.ItERAI
ete., apply atDace to.. WI..
00 Anti ttreet, Fbltadelphi
A full assortment Of. WHIPS a:. ti
NUIRELLAS at tit, 99 .7 Cetit Store. •
Flue and. Coarse pokiis at BLITIVS, 4.1. p -ire See-
Vir The Largest, - Best anii. Cl:crispest
tine oi Shoes for Ladles'. Stisses`Find et.ltdren..•
wear Is found at ConSica's new store, coiner Mal
and rine-sts., TraCy Si Nuble'* Block
t L. B. Rook:klits clxilit cr;:tipi.-
4,i1,1"0r quality of good, and :tow r ite::l„kit
)ie f .rs, Minds and y.01.1[14,., and a , IMI King
Ste' It is impossible for 3,woMml After
3 - faithful ...en,. of treatment ni:b 1.1 bt A E.
eouttnne to sulfBr with a weakness of the nti•ne'.
Enclose a ht 3131) to . trs. LTD/ A. E. l',
We,tern Avimue, Ly - nu.„ Mass., for palopltl4 ,, .
Sold by lilt U. C. l'onnm, I)ruggt'.t, Towanda,
Jnlyl-yrt. •
4 . 1 / 4 34 rtillaile; , ol.ia.n.n.l.r
4, 1',79. tiertifirti to ftw nvmdrrtnt.rflieacy in War-
Sat.! Pills ait4 Safe ?route in "'el/no/fug a liver
.aeconivatLlttl by clabille cou.stipation at 4
ve!low skin.
o:d.ntau restoToti to tioalth
It . 1 / 4 T V., Sept. t , 71,tf,": , .A.—.1{. ti. Waotner
Roehe.der, x. For 4.1
I hare suffered with Diabetes. being obliged
to void mine as often - as once In thirty minute:F t ,
ant have been a great sufferer from inilidta,
:ion of the heart. 1 at:III4AV using. your Diabetes
4 tire. -and .can truly ac. at 'spverttyy..ars of age,
.hat It makes me feel !lie a litAy
Sept. 2..u2. riT 1.,110W1i.11.M
General dealcris In Groceries and Proilucc, corner
Slain anti Pine Streets- -
Floor per bid
Flour per sack
'Om Meat per 100
Chop teeed
117.1) , ..5t, per bush...; I . 00
nue'Y wheat
I 'lover seed '
1 4 1tnoth,y,„ western,
!leans. S 7. n
Pork: rness
Pants -
flutter, tubs,
EggS, fresh
Potatoes. per bush
Dried apples
1T,1kb.,5 t •
' , , , - •O. a opti .4
Val mkine • - .'
' SYI Ri it :tit ,
ple:w.oil ..iictitii 40!41 65
11..,-ep Puns. - 11 00 @ 2 stt : .
I' CAllitteTED ISY 11. DAVlllplir i 1111 , i. - -
oat ori'i
75 641, V 25
%.eal Sklua
ilea6n Skins
Sheets', Pelts..
Meru Abvertisetttents.
4cAPEMII—For elmufarsi iplairesst Col. C.
IVrlght, A. 51..1'4w:1141, - ' July la,
V IL; DOR:311tIIL, •.
• t
325 East Water St.,! Elnalpa N.Y. 1 1
. ist ploolri . —.nig - . (loops
- !
--; ?2,1 Fluor - 111.1.1 N WRY
:31 Flour • -,- -4..:CAItrETB .
. ' 4th Floor. - CLOAKS.a SILAWLS - . !
11Per noort acreastble by eaator.
;A:vtatt of taiircUoti ti.is3,pt:cquill.solicktxtl
Via„. I'2 '-‘ 1
'aud COFFEE-
t - •
brilliant suil fa-iiinat;
anvissi.rii (luting tie
1:31 . 5 . . For ton . iti•ry,
Al. It ma-4:ND ,
Aug 19
',.,, or. 27-tf
41 ,50(a._1
(4. ; 4 0' •
. L 4.)
(4 1 10 ,1 200 1 25.
04 • 56 46 65 •
!ill 35
45 (a) 50 00 .5 v
4.1 50 (d$ 6 - 410
(<5 42 :5
0 1 25 .- Gt. ou3
.1 50 _
(40 bbl. 416'00 '2O 00
14 0 14
• 10(14
. 12
= 21
.13 (0),. 16
5 0 ..0 35
0 5 (a 06
20 0 22 0
. 24
Geo. A. tiATION
64 23
•ID at, air
011 0. 2 25