Oadfort*pottm; RE ALLEN. tocXl, SZDITOIi Towanda. Pad Sept. 2, 1880. ENTER ED IN TILE POSTOFFICE AT TO)VANDA MAIL MATTER OF THE SECOND CLASS - -_ • LOCAL AND GENERAL. 77 ;e e: pi r gt;o4 of suZscriptio 6, print -1 tLe erilorel 7'bel. By noticing the d,1:6 erery su!)scribel—: eon tele when lag 0111 be stopped oaess the subserip 'rent wed. ffIZEM ERE CAMPAIGN REPbRTER. Orily 25 Cents for Thtee Months We 'will send the from Septeqnber Ist to December Ist, ISB2, in clubs of ten, or more, all address“ to one ;,err-on,. at 25 emits per eiipf. Scud in the ME • Now eau all you can: . . --.4.--- .. , Tuy, buckwheat tlehls are white:,__lyitli 1;1, s•can, 1 and afford refresh- T !I E nights are ca 'liz q - is the Lh can I‘,gister. IMIEI=2II charge of the depot ac re s the river PLAciiEs, Flenly in our ma Bums, and melons [-et. rims arc pleut'i bold rip higli-tuned ul, but continuo to have a laige furaitur van county, is ttl. • Thi4rees are puttiilg on the *:ere and Tellow. • f 4 We all fade as the leaf." • C. N [NG, of TiOgaCentre, N. Y., .21.-; set hp a tirugcstore,-at Git*rmay for the County Fair. The time aPwhielt it is to bc l holden:is rapidl3,- , appr 'aching. Greenbackers a picnic 'at Corners, Grapyillc.township, on tia - ttivltay last 1/4 GAII.F i IEIA) and MtTlll.7ll Club have leased.":gercur,pall fUr a club room dur- lug the c: mpaign insurance ;rents of Lantun, have issued nver a thousand p dic'a•s during: the past year. E F.lt %publican 61mld take the 11c r:,mTEIZ. ( )14 IV4•11t y-tiVe cents from rit.w tlw first of December. Tn,E-sketeb of Towanda by Mr. Fus jl.4-ra.t. i, nearly completed, and is a very torl ect; picture of our beautiful CCM seivicesr be resumed in Ile Church of the lle.siah (Rev. Dr. •svi.oa . :.,) on Sunday evening next, at 7 BIM Atben taco Club expect to tai:e lehl ou Tnesday evening.of sing. midi .the -Smithfield t; ip t:, eLk, t ME ME the First Sect A vote tnla! tho train 11rd yt) vs: 9 ‘111 , 11::,D, 10“: 11A.S- snilkal as : r \X EIZ, 1.3 Tut - . holies of tl Clint-eh of the Meg•Aali e - il l uultl a sociable at the residence of M. T. L,1;.4; on Tnemlay eveninz, :September _lll are Cordially invited to attend. canton /1,6% of 4.'t week, says that o. fottryva!: tad sort of S. LroN;. l of 1)O1 ;•locr, =er bitten i off wiHe fll. , lh:_: Ilidse etirlistalks, ono day last r ..- T u K -c u i nur pr.zi,, n , is shciul Isee that- flit. in.-t, •,f ~vorins, ,eau so !Daily of the trees ii': tr....,',L'arli are at onee - dest rj i ,yed. By so i (1. , a1g they w ill save the treesVthl agate a =I interitir of the Ilaf.tiNt Church. at n:thas been .m10171)01 by the I•ntting iip•of hautls,ime chandeliers. The St ;Intl "a nets carpet and other throt , vemeurs arc. contemplated.... )1 .1;. 1 . 14er ... , i;:mspandent gives 3 de sekil.t.;,.li of th.2l,Mvi-al-servic6s and buri al of a. a ; . .Aecnbet• of Com pany A, Njwil !Zot:..-iment, which took Owe in_thalyilla,ge on Sunday last. Qr. - 1 rt: n goodly tmmltct !•clirdat., tetiebyrs ~ f the Sabbath School of the t hutch of Ow nicked in 5T'41.7, , , 1.1.7\ grove tea Friday last, alid had an e!j-> able t une. eXellallLtt says that tu . ,:whing wea!t en si ht. SOlhe :-igliteti by ttie.•time. the sem ,, ii is ~v 9.1 014 they canni)t t c the contrilinti,m - 1171.til it is tour:pejo put iihythitig it it. 'Cirri:en of the 31essialt (rniver.;alist), )tcv.. WR.l.l.km TAvt.oic, ra , tor. '`At, ltt 1. •1., i-ttNeet, " :Ntilktones, - -See Ihat 1,1 onoa:::, ('lsalpterXXlC, fill verse. Al " The ()eetipatiott of the Angels. 1 . . " , (;enminja Band presented olir eiti with a delightful open air niusival 5 , ;;;.•; t, t in m e l q CRAN DA LL, a carpentei, in charge of buildi t ug, Gr.o. Itoofi--; house on High street, , .Troy, waslscrionsly injured on- Tuesday morning of last week. at work :shingling, the roof, which is a steep one, tin: staging gave way and he fell to -the ground, a distance of feet, breaking the bones of beta .firms, cutting hi. head and giving liven -serious internal injurks. Fl - 0.1%E1:1 S. WANREN, who was triefl in the 1 - ,;usquelianna County Courts last week for the murder of MAsoN B. Wm.- :toN, mid found guilty of murder in the second degree, was .sentenced by the Court to undergrp au imprisonment by separate and solitary confinement in the Eastern Peniteniiary for the period of nine years, anthpay the costs of prosecu tion. THE Twentieth Anniversary of the Rev. ( . I{AFT . :: pastorial work at Wya- Ill,thlg, is to he held at the Presbyterian Church. at that place, on Ili' evening of Septmher nth .t Exercises to commence in 'an ptry at 7::;0 o'clock. Rev. 10E.t.t2Es-. of Kingston, will live an histo ricfat addreland further reth'arks will be made by other speakers in;itttendance. A grvneral invitatior4 i is cxteAde(,l to all, and a large gathering of Mr. t'itA4..T's umner ouN'friends is anticipated. on of THE bills are out for a grand excnrsbM to New York Clity, tuidet. the auspices of the Piesbyterian Church . of Tutikhan nock, September 11th. :It is to start from Sayre toy the regular train which leaves at -I o'clock . M., iipl that date, he made up into s ;'pecial excursion train at Tunklianhoek, which place it will leave at - ,"::;0 A. At. The tickets will be good to return by any; train within one week. The rates to. New York and return run as fiXlows : Wont Sayre, ; $l.OO Athens, ; ; .!11: Ulster, -I.su Towanda, $4.65 : tVysa lug, : Standing St one, ; .Wyalosin v , TunkhamMck, Tickets canto had at all railroad stations. TUE annual County Fair will be iteld on the grounds of the BroilOrd County Agricultural Society, at East Towanda, on the'29thand :Inth days of Sept.Cmber, and the lst day of October. This is the fifth year on these groimds, aml while the tit st • tabs meetings were cr t n.leicd experiments, tiine has shown that the success and permanence of the society only depends utt careful business dike management. It is believed from prffi , nt indications iha't this fall meeting \sd] largely exceed, both iu exhibits alld attendance, any fair ever held in this sec tion. Applications have been received invni breeders of thorough-bred stock in the states of ,New }Cork and New Jersey,' for acciitop , iitiations, Whii it is sat isfactory to knolw that it is because the Llradfuel county faii4 are getting a more than reputaiiO4—f4r large and hated , li.,2,fa;t throngs 41-careful manSgement. I • LuertNru•rr '"('o., of ph iladd_ phi:l:. have just published a .w4)rk of real vaj to s to every nne illtert'Str'd iu literatme. We defcr to " Th, Reader's handbook,'• by pr. F.. ('. 111:E - ER, the author of sev eral similar books. In reviewing. the Vol ume the Philadelphia E , •en:ng Bulletin IBM " This FIIIIaSACS all that ,we have seen in a book of reference fol. readers and .ntitt,lrs, as it combines the best qualities oC rhb Itl•neyclopzudios biographical diction4ies, and. quotatitin books. Ap poi.ded t'o it is a list of atOtors Unthdates vf dramas and operas, umbering and a second appendix gives the dates or' F oe tu s, novels, referred' to in the hook, whirl} is *quite as thorough and complete. Alto;tether - The Reader's Handbook' would be cheap at any price, and it will take a place in every well-or doled library, small or large, that belongs to a person fond of reading or occupied in . • writing as a profession." ()cu democratic friends had quite a turn out on Friday evening last. For ten days previously they had adveitised by large posters, awl runners into the sur rounding towns, that the Wigwam in this place, would be dedicated on that evening, and 010_52" faithful" from i everywhere, *ere invited, to pirticip4e.. A special train was run from l)ushoro at a low rate of fare„,:and three bands were engaged to furnishAhe musical part of the programme. Sleakt4s fr4m Elmira were flitaged to di thOpolitical questions of the dm from the I.Kirtiocratic standpoint. 4 A tram her,-of 'the ladies of our village 1)14 . assistance in decorating the interior of the Wigwam . -which the old soldierS hereabouts have christtned Libby Pri son " , --and st; it proented a:decidedly neat and'pret ty appearance. A. the sham bat tle at thirj soldiers' Encampment took place on the afterno(ln of Friday, not a !.few of those Y►ho Came to wittiosp it, ro• 11)01 1 d`4 to rthris,rva thp (Wings l$ tho i lYtipr Ram 14o''inintnno, nbnuc @ nrOnnk a delegation from Wyatt.; headed by the band of that place, marched into town, by the way of Bridge streeti and into the Wigliam. Short], after their arrival the Dashote special train .arrived with the Dulthere baud and about 40 voters. The party felt the cars at . the Court Mouse, and marched down Main street' to the Wigwam.. At. this time Um Wigwam was filled,—it will hold about 600 persons—' and it was decided to have an "overflow" meetingu the Park, and the Germania Band wad sent them to furnish music. At about Stlri the speakirig began at both Meetings and was kept up at both pla;ces until about 10. :Wesdid not hear the Speeches at the Wigwam, but these who did, pronounced them very weak and tire some, which„ was tio • doubt the fact; us there were many empty seats in the Wig • wam at- their coneluSion. The speakers were the Lion. R. IL STErnms and S. S. TAYLOR, of Elmira. The meeting in the Park was addressed by a Mr. rORSIIF.I tr.u, of Tunkhannock, and D. i:l C. DE WITT, and Col. &VIVI, of this place. They were all common-place affairslas speeches, none of. them containing a pit.- tiele of argument or eloquence. There was not a speaker at either meeting who is the equal of our townsman, E. C. GRIDLEY, Esq., and we thilik our demo erotic friends made a.seriotis mistake In not putting him on the bills.' The meet ings closed at about 10 o'cloclr. The Peo ple present would ,perhaps M.) numbe r be tween 10 and 2,000, of whom. ore than half were Republicans. If our Democratic friiieds are satisfied wit the demonstra-' tion, we -can assure them , that, the Repub- Beane are doubly so. I 3 ENNSYLVANIA STATE SABBATH- SCHOOL CONVENTION The sixteenth arinual 'convention of the PennsylVania State Sabbath:SC . ll°ol Ass°. ciation will be held in Lanatster, Pa., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. I . 2th, .13th and 14th. The Coiventidu w•ilI be preceded by a .grand union children's meeting on Tuesday, afternoon at three o'clock, and will close Mr ThUrs day night at ten o'chiek: The programme will embrace-represen tative-ministers and layintn from the VatiCAL': evangelical denominations ; nota bly sneli as Rev. Jour HALL, D. D., New York ; Rev. I'. S. llmisoN, D. D., Rev. IL T. -VINCENT, and JOHN WANAMAREII, Philadelphia ; Rev. Janes 11. Dunes, D. D. Lancaster ; JAMES MCCORMICH, Har risburg ; Rev. JuSE 1.1; Yorso, Altoona, and (tilers equally gifted. The music will be under the direction of Professor WILLIAM G. FISCHER, of Philadelphia, whose reputation as a sweet singer itrseenntl.to none Excursion tic cots will be sold from all leading points in the State to Lancaster and return, for information of which re port your name to I/ENIIT C. 3100M , 1 7 Esq:, Chairman of Committee ott Trans portation, '221 North Prince Street, Lan caster, Pa. :MS:inlay-Schools and Sunday-School orgathations i. throughout the State are entitled to representation. 'County and ist kietStiuday-Seliookassociations should sentr(by election hyseero - and presulentrat least two (2) dele ates. Sunday-Schools should lie represented by one (1) deleziac. In The aertion or appointment of delevates it is loped that eminent fitness for prartirat work ?rill gov ern the se?ection7. For all duly accredited delegates entertainment will be provided if their names are reported to Mr. I). C. 11.‘VERSTIrE, Chairman Committee on En tertainment, Lan.'ast cr, on or before Oc tober Dill. Several of the principal hotels in Lancaster will grant reillteed rates to those who wish to provide for themselses: Stevens Ilouse, ; The Grape, $2..013; and Cooper House, 41.50 per day. Pastors and Superintendents through out the State will please read this, call to their respective schools and congrega tions, and it is hoped that all who love and appreciate Sunday-School work will unite with us in sharing the effort and re sponsibility for the success of this conien t For copy of progratuum and any fur ther or special information, address, Enw&YD S.)Vm:osEit, • Acting Suite Secretary, Meclianiesburg, Pa. SOLDIERS' ENCAMPMENT AND REUNION 4 pie Soldiers' Encampment and He -1.7,/ion began at the Fair O rounds, in East wanda, on Wednesday of last week, and 'sed at 5 P. M., Friday. The attendance ollPosts of the Grand Army and Old Sol diers is said to have been larger than on any previous occasion of the kind, and the lie-Union the most successful financially. The first day of the Encampment, was de vbted almost exclusively to "getting things into shape," by the ditnrent Posts and rwtganizations as they arrived On the 7,rounils. The evening of the first dlty was spent by the "boys . " around the camp tires, in relating incidents connect ed with the late "unpleasantness," iu singing songs, and in having a good time gen , ..rally.' Quite a number of the ollicenic and men had their wives and families with them, 'enlOying camp life by living for a few days in tents, The following moiled officers were ' , resent and in charge (it - the Encampment: W. T. jTorton, Commander. Frank Ammerman,. Senior Vice-Com mander. Allen Wooden,Junifir Vice Commander M. E. Warner, Officer of the Day: B. G. Wilmot; Officer of the Guard. Geo. D. Stroud, Chaplain. Chat les Stewart, Quartermaster. C. E. Andrus, Adjutant. -C. 11. Warner, Surgeon. 1.. D. Smith, -.lsistant Surgeon. - 0. D. Lyon, Seargeant Major. Tim programme of exerciiseS, as pub lished in a previous number of the ftn ronrEit, %vas fully earried_uut, -each day, to the evident .satisfactiei of the large number of spec:tutors , present. At noon on Thurstla r the' following named Posts of the GratstArmy had reported at Head quarters auil i beeu assigned to quarters in the Etic.unpnient Saxttin. Post, uriotille. Perkins Post, Athens. Swartz Post, Albany. Thirst Post, licrrick.- i, i Jackson Post, Wyalitsng. t . Spalding Post, Leltaysville..: Ingham Post, Canton. 4 Wat. Post, Towanda. - Gilni re Ppst, Lister ci , Steven - s.Pcfs - ,:t, Aczna r : Liliey Post; It 1t0y..-• And there Were also in. Camp a Com pany of boys from the Ilarford Orphan School. They were under tlici command of Lieutenant Theron S. Be4iett, of Lo. Baysville, aged 12 years. They partici pated in the sham battle on Friday. and acquitted themselves splendidly, The following is the names of those on the muster roll of the Cokpany, with their ages • James Keeney, aged it, Stevensville. Nathan C. Keene,y,agell 1.13, Stevensville, . Wtu ti, tlititsri 080114 InToytltionliAl 'W;11 1 Topirr, spit Igy attivensvO!lt ' Seymour 3. Humphrey, aged 1, Lo- Rayaville. James Carr, aged 18, Herrickillte. 'John 'Carr,- aged 12, Elfrrickville.l. Sheldon Wooster, aged 15, Lellayaville. '• Geo. Badge, aged Berriekville. Wm. Strong,'aged 11, Tarrytown: Burton - Ellsworth, aged 14, Leßaysville. Willie Ellsworth, aged 11, Loßaysville, Harry Atkins, aged, 16; 'Sylvania. Frank Bailey, agell 13, Tarrytown. Omit Bailey, aged Ip, Tarrytown._ The Franklin Guai:ds,:'of Athens, 85 strong, uniformed after the 13tyle.ef the old Continental Soldiers, went into Crimp on Thursday afternoon, headed by the Athens Cornet Bang, and attracted no small drgraNf attention. CoruPany A, 9th Regimen took part in the exercises on the last day. ! Thursday afternoon religious . services were conducted by the Chaplain, Rev. Geo..D. Stroud, and - abort speeches wore made by Rev. E. R. DaWS0111; Ex-Depart ment Commander Hull,t General Vander snap, and the venerable an Kilmer. On Friday morning, an election for offi cers of' the Encampment for the : ensuing year, resulted as follows : J. F. Atnmerman, Cetnmander.- B. G. Wilmot; Sen. - Vice Commander. - A. Wooden,' Junior Vice Commander. James Terry, Officer of the Day. - F. J. Bailey, Officer of the Guard. C. L. Stewart, Quartermaster. C. H. Warner; Surgeon. L. IL Smith, Aasistant Surgeon. J.-Barton French, Chaplain. ' At 2:30 Friday afternoon -the. forces were gotten into ~position for the',"Sham Battle," and it wi s estimated that five thousand people were present to witness it. , The "fight" lasted for-two hours and as hotly contested by the opposing t6rces, to the delight of the spectators. The "robs" were victorious, in the t end, and that did not please the onlookers. "General' '-I t E. Warner commanded on -the Union :sky, and Frank Ammerman 'was his prinelpal aid, with Captain G. V. ,Myer as ebiefi of artillery. . 'The rebels were commanded by ''Gen eral" Ely Wright and Allen Wooden. At the conclusion of the "battle," a dress parade was given, when the com panies broke Camp and wended their warhotheward; all well pleased with the pleasures that had been afforded by the, Encampment, and looking forward with pleasant antitipations to the lte-tnien, next year. And that they may all be there to enjoy it, is the heartfelt wish of GERMANIA'S EXCURSION. A „Big. Crowd Beautiful Weather_ A Good' Time, and Everybody . Satisfied. As ae predicted in the last ll.ErourE.rt that it woulti be, the Excursion to Itha ci, Taughanbock Falls," and Sheldrake, on Sitturd4 last, under the auspices' of the Germania Band, of this was the largest in point of numbers thiii has gone from this section this season. Learning oil Friday evening that the train corryeking the excursionists would be divided into two sections, and-realizing the importance of having a representa tive of the ItEPORTER on each of the sec tions, the following telegram was contem plated, to be sent to our able correspond ent: at Athens : (The wording. of the tell , - gram will be its own explanation, Land will also; explain many other thing cob c;nmected with the excursion, and this article): 1 THE itlt•DrOltti ItErottTi;lt,'7 4 .-' 1 Viotti:, Jill. anli New,p.iper ENtatillAttnellt, ! l'ark Street, Opposite Cart iiittpze, r To.manclA, Pa., August 21, 1,1) ; t-11.1 En • 1.:(.: 0, A th'ps : Exeursi,u, tofday, biggest of the season. Alt or the rare ou thetra. .Y. nalltikol will be called i n t o requudti o n, and two mighty:, used haul them. Train in two sections. Board gerund Sectipty at your depot, a ft spare no expense In getting every ffring of Interest connected with the Ital.—you will also get your dinner of some good natured excur sionist. There will be no less that I floe suet,, on the train. The Local Editor will look after the In cidents incidental to the first section, as 'likewise a dinner from some one of the numb e rl ess we n, t io. ed tna,kets on hoard. We Send this at your ex pens, s h ould you deem it necessary to reply, please prepay charges. You will purchase your own ticket, and charge that as Well as all other ex penditures of the oily to—prolit and loss. The profit; that you will have a clay of rare pleasure the Loss, that siodielays are so rare. The REtnott: TEA has been ivaiteol to 11 rents tocampalgii 'sub scribers, to clu,bsr ten or Perhaps you can get up a cinh. e Truly Yours, 'Pitt Iti.ooHTEn. Saturday morning; we arose early. We donned our best clothes. ,We were going en the best excursion of the season, and we Would be acetunpaniedby many of the other best citizens of out. nwn and neigh boring villages., We went* forth into the morUing's cool invigorating air, and froM the corner of Second and Poplar streets, watched the Orb of Day wheel itself up from behind the Wysox moun tain zenithward. It was the finest srm rise we have witnessed in two years—and we might alsO add, the only one. We gazed ling and entrancingly on the beau tiful scene; and wasabout gathering our thoughts into a beautiful poem, when our reverie was broken up by a voice usually sweet and musical, bin then harsh and unnatural, informing us, in language plain and umni;Cakable, that we Were the zest man in the country. And that if we expt.eted anything to eat - -at Sheldrake, we had better carry that; lunch basket down to the train. And we left that, beau- I Hid sonnet to sunrise at the middle of the first verse, and carried that heavy _basket tarward. The. world evidently lost a beautiful composition. but we gained an excellent lunch; and we have no hesitan cy in announcing that we are• perfectly to have the world suffer losses of the Same sort quite often, provided we make the same gain. Whether the sun rise or the lunch basket, or both comhin (3, distracted our mind from Other mat ters, and the telegram in particular, we dq not know, and perhaps never ,shall. 14 realized the fact, just the - same hen - ever, as the First Section of the train moved smoothly northward, and , we gaz ed over the multitude of smiling and haP py fades, that any telegrams we might have had in contemplation, would forever remain at that peitit. But, some men ECM ta be guided by intuition. ALIT!: Eno is one of them.. He was seized with a large intuition: on the evening previous to'the excursion, that he should take it in. And he did. He was fully convinced, as the First Section passed Athens at .a fif teen mile rater speed, that he should go on the Second Section. Wonderful how quickly and yet correctly conclusions are often arrived at. Ile went on the Second Section. It would, be utterly, impossible for him to go on such a trip without tA , ' ing notes of the.:joitrney and writing an entertaining. article for the REEottiErt therefrom. Hence the excellent deserip.' Lion of What the excursionists on the sec ond Tart of the train saw and.did, under the. head of the "Second Section." The First Section, composed of ten pas senger coaches and a baggage car, seven of which were filled, left the Court House switch_at about 8 o!clock, and making short stopS at the upper depot and Ulster, arrived at Sit about 9 )t. M. Here thice:of the ears were detached from the tali' and it proceeded onward to Ithaca wherejt arrived at about 11 o'clock l .. t tThe Acie'cinists quickly disembarked from the cars and got aboard of tiro steamer Pt • MAT?, that lay tqfkAtit M anchuremi tied to a post - Prig Ole *OS iflttt OW* up. •In a few minutes the gong sotimiedi the ponderous wheels we should judge they were about sixteen feet in diameter , --began to' turn, the. boat forged. ahead and—nin aground on the "lee shore," —so the captain informed use But sae would be willing to bet at odda that it leas titithingbut a mud bank.. Here we lay fOr Several minutes until'a small man succeeded in hauling a large rope across the stream and attaching itto a post on the bank; ably assisted by four big fel lows on the boat who rare numberless .unintelligible . orders to the small man Who was doing ail the work. When the rope had been properly attached to the post, the four big fellows - commenced to mind the end which was on the boat on ton `small windlass, and soon the boat ws . - drawdto " windward " and into deep wa ter. Again the ponderous wheels rot-pitt ed, and the "Wilcox," like a thing of life, moved forward. Our course at first Was "west by tier! west," with.a sharp tutu to direct north, which brought us in plain sight of 'the, "oiling," the light,. house, = a magnificent wooden strue • - tuie, about tibial, feet high, furnish ed with a calcium light composed, We should judge, of four keresene lamps— ,and the, blue waves 5 - ii* "beautiful Cayu ga." The run fromlthe' bend in the in let to the lake was .quickly and .safely . :made, and at 11:40 we passed the light house about two points on the "star board " bow and were sailing on the "fath omless depths " of one of the' most beau tiful sheets of water ire the world—so a deck hand informed us. The . ride down the lake Sheldmke was magnificent, and the scenery gran& There 'were many incidents connected with this part of the trip, that were worth the telling, but space, and the fact that we concluded tp enjoy our lunch on the boat, instead of at Sheldrade, forbid. As we set on the ‘thur ricane deck," fanned by the 'cool breeze that just rippled and tossed into tiny "white caps," the beautiful waters,;and helped ourself to the plain, fare in our own basket, and the delicious viands in numberless baskets of other excursion ists, with a-reckless: abandon born of the pleasure. , we..:were enjoying, suddenly there ca noe to our ears the cry of "boat. ahoy,", And the interrogatory "where away ?" quickly answered by "two itoints - on(the weather bow." Soon v. 4 passed a bimutiful little craft containing a gentleman and two beautiful young la dies, who saluted us with waving hand kerchiefs. A...courtesy on. -their part that . was acknowledged by 'the senior editor of the it ;:grts with a profound salaam that, had it been witnessed:by a courtier of the sixteenth century, would have made him turn green with envy. Whether the sub lime salaam or beauty of the young la dies atfect:td, us so strangely, we are una ble to say, but we know. that just as this point we inadvertently drank a glass of raspbedy 'vinegar belonging to a lady Who sat to the.righb of us, and then, met her gaze of wonderment 'as we sat down the empty glass, by, directing 'our own in the direction oe auburn. loveliest viling&of the plain, though tilled with foulest sin," and wondering in Our own mind what Mrs. L. would not give for the renipe froM which that, vinegar. , was made, and forgetting eutiNly to apologize fo?otir inadvertence. So 'doubt that good wo man will believe to het dying day that she was once in close proximity to either a subscriber to the Adam Monument, at Elmira, a Itepublicin Who 7 would vote for ILtscoMi, or a citizen of Waverly. We r arrived at Sheldrake at about 1:20 r. P Landed and remain ed about 20 minutes. The time here was largely devoted to "gatheringshells by the sea shore," and listening to some-exquis ite music by the Germania Baud, front the balcony of the splendid 'hotel at this point. Embarking again at the sound of the whistle, we were soon on the return. trip tozfanghaunock, ten miles distant, and were treated to . a "storm at sea," as a thunder shower - canie on as we got, about five tidies out from Sheldrake. Ar rived at Tanghannock at :1 r. at., and met at the wharf - the "parties of the second part," who. 110' come to that point by tail, Diseinbarking the First Section people word soon winding their way up the hill toward the Glen; whilst those of the Second Section lost no tine in em barking on the boat for the trip to Sind drake and return to Ithaca. 1: As Armat .E(a) gives a full description of the beauties and wonders!of the Glen, we shall aneroid nothing liff the kind. Let it suffice that all viewed and admired them. On oar :ivay up to the Glen from the lake, we encountered a sturdy yeoman engaged in picking luscious peaches from trees in an orchard of that fruit: In con versation with him we learned that he was a native of Bradford county, and that in early youth ho had perused the colunitis of the ItErowren. Ile was glad tit meet us-and we were glad'to meet' him, lie tendered us numberless peachvy and in memory of the days when he. Was reaping the benefits of the ItEroUTEtt , 's; teaching, we could not refuse them—inasrimeb as he refused the lucre we tendered him in payinent. AS others camoyiferward to purchase fruit we. wandered onward, forgetting to ,ask' 'him the cognoman he wore in the world's great family. The peaches were excellent. Passing through the Glen our party wended their way to the depot, about a half mile- distant. where we boarded the cars and shortly after started on ,our homeward journey. Stopping at Ithaca for an hour and a half, the time was improved by nearly all of the party in walking about the beauti ful, shady streets. At a little after seven the cars were . again in motion, and at- about 9 o'clock we reached -Sayre,. where we waited until the Second Section arrived. There the. two sections were made into one tra4 and from that point home wereLdrawn by ono engine. The train arrived at this place at about 1001, and the happy excurSionists wended their v.•ay to seVerAhomeg, all uniting in pronouncing it the, best arranged and best conducted, as well; as most enjoyable ex cursion, they had, ever participated in. The parties who joined the excursion from Bernice and Barclay 'Were conVeyed those points by special train after the ar rival of the excursion here. To mention all who are entitled to credit for the suc cess of the affair, would be the naming Of all Who were in any wise connected with its management. .To name any single 'MJ dividual, ttould be doing injustice to all of the others. It was a grand success ;itr every particular; and one *Bich the per manta Band boys may well be proud Of. liming Written this much as. a . sort of prologue to the real descriptioti4if the trin,' our readers will no.doubt.gladly peruse ALT= Edo's account of ,the do-, ings Of the sEcosr .COND SECTION. Early Satarddy morning those intend= ing to join the Germania Band excursion were astir, and at 8:30 a crowd had gath ered at the_ Athens depot with baskets and boxes. It was after nine before See tion go. 2, of the train arrived and took aboard the excursion pleasure seekers. As tia,yra the last of tti rampant Was r 4-• Aland Wat tanking virou 1 4 (41 7 CQ,P I P 4 t.li rt9nr-t11Mt149114 Elill . . Green's InLuling, Miter, Towanda, etc., Mr. Az.voun s of „the . Revieie, and a Han cock sufferer—Mr.. Ron—of Smithfield, began a canvas of the'train, and with the assistance of Mr. *WILL Wane completed it, with . this result : GARFIELD, 144 ; Hsseocs, 79 ; WEAVEn, 3 ; Doty, 1. Tbe4muntry.,between Sayremid Ithaca hati , few points differing 'from scenery along Bradford county -streams of similar size as Shepards creek, or the uplands of some eastern portions.. From Spencer to Ithaca we , pasied More peculiar lands; being very uneven. The hills seem.like large cones of different dimension's set down and crowded together. • They are quite free from stones, and fairly produc tive. The'country seethed to be suffering from drouth, all along the route.: Arriving at IthaCa we had a very - good 'view of the portions of the place situated upon the slope, and a distant view of C.:or nell'University. Only'a short stop was made, aml , we were dratrn up the grade toulards . Taug hannock, having a fine view of -Cakuga Lake and Country beyond; At a s'point near the summit of the grade , we think the finest landscape view was presented to us that occurred on the rente, Look ing to the nortikOatit the lake and its boundaries formed m seeming mirror, with frame of great depth and peculiar arrangement, While to the east and south were fields, forests, and the city we had se recently passed, There is much more wood-land through this section than we had supposed, but in looking over a sec of rolling 'or nearly level, country a small grove will obscure the view of much cleared hind. Arriving at the station c riled TaughatimicksEalls, we found ours selves about 400 feet 'above the lake, and otusiinile from It, on the west side. ,There : . is no vill a ge , and you seem to have alighted in the midst of farris s eN except your company. As 'we, tiled ou'V of the cars and up the , walk we took a lobitat the flagstone quarrics,;which are - worked by W. B. Disstossr, and the line products are shipped to various, places, near and. far. I'should have stated that our train crossed the gorge, and landed us ou the north side. The gorge is not very Wide but deep, and at a little distance from it on either side one would not notice its presence. About , 80 rods from the rail road we came to the "Annek," a betel at the entrance to ,tire glen proper, kept by W. FRANK HOsTER, who iecirlS to provide liberally for his guestS, and - answered questions cheerfully. Our coMpany brotie ranks here, Old while part of them went through the glen to the pienie grounds to eat their Innehts, others availed them selves of the table& .and shade 'near the Annex. After lunch we started down the glen, in pursuit of the "Eagle Chit'," "Lovers Grotto," etc., which names we had noticed upoiia bulletin board. Jon's; T1101110.14 t first sthened and improved this glen—about one year ago:-Land though much might yet be done to add to its,attractions, we pore disappointed at .finding it so worthy of a visit by the lovet of the grand and curious in nature. Steps and walks have been constructed leading from the "Annex" down to the Falls ; but the ascent of the bank on the south side to the picnic grounds is quite difficult, as steps have nor' yet been provided. The first object we mehof importance was the "Stone man," saute to -bast been found embedded in the earth near where he now reposes, in a rough box covered with a wire screen. lie ista square shouldered, musculatsappeariuw specimen of a genus, having round head, _short ears, long arms and feet mismatched,- one being shapen like an elephants anti, the other long and fiat. We haven't the; :least idea that any spirit hovers over that form, or grieves to see it lying nude and Sold. It may have been an idol,. but as itkis not in the image of anything in the lieqenaifbove or earth beneath, no harm would Conte to its wor- . shiners. New York is the Only state hav ing a soil adapted' tothese pioductions. • Lovers' Grotto, Honeymoon Pavilion, and Rock Avenue, were points provided with seats for rest x the latterrossing the stream just above the falls. Stepstead from this bridge down to the water, wrie l re a minature lake has been frirmed andla boat provided ; it is about 'MO feet below the top of the bank. Above this, high up near the top of the bank is Eagle Clitl; which overlooks all below' and the lake in the distance. Below Rock Avenue.a few steps is a lookout, just below ancl;akttle, higher than the' falls, from which! ou Raze Upward to the opposite bank, toycer lug 150 feet. Above you and to RIO bed of the stream below the falls 215 feet.. Making a perpendicular wall upwards of :;50 feet high.'. Only a small stream flows over the rocks and it becomes spray.he tore reaching the pool below. Tile glen is not wide at any pOint ; this small wind ing stream having cut audworn the rocks until the present appearance is presented. From Rock Avenue a path leads up the south bank to the picnic grounds and Cataract node. We were too much wilted, upon - reaching the summit to ask anymitestions or look-about the hotel, so cannot speak of it. We suggest the name "Bard 'Scrabble" for this path. Any one witnessing the climbing of it by assisted by gentlemen, with the thermom eter at ninety, would Tilt wander at the wilted laces and linen. Tle House" is a rustic bower for rest and a view of the charming scenery presented. Similar "bowers are upon the north side. A large hemlock, ree had a lookout station at tached td its tiunk; about 'half way up, which wah reachitt by stn*. liaqs were in aburalance to carry people to the steamboaf l landing, a half mile or more distant. 'A storm was ragin g over a pot , Goa of the, lake, and sharp Clashes of electricity, followed by loud reports, con spired to make the scene one of magnifi cence and grandenr.A After waiting a short time at the landing the boat bearing Section, No. 1 arrived; and as soon .as they unloaded went aboard and sailed for Sheldrake. This part - of the tripiwas very pleasant to nearly every one. Music and a fine view of the shores, dotted with resorts, farm houses, orchards and groves, gave a charm to the ride. At Sheldrake is a large hotel for sunnier boarders and visitors. A hard shower occurred during the trip, so gratided the party bY having a "storm at sea." From Sheldrake the ride to Ithaca was delightful, but any Were too tired to enjoy it. At Ithltea the train was ready for us, and about six o'clock we were aboard,' and in a short time homeward bound. At. Sayre sections 1 and 2 .weie coupled together, 'making a train of sixteeni bars, and soon aftt:r we dropped off at our staking point, satisfied with the day's adventures and pleasures. We heard many compliments for the officials has'iligchadepfthe trains, boats, etc., and,for tho Gert4nili boys, in'hav ing made the trip plei4ant fOr all. ALizu Lao. Athens, August M. i ‘, PERVNAA. —Miss ELLA Sint atoens a sated school at Green's landing - next Monda y s —MizO Al,2Gts Ontrytx i oflCatttsni, le 4 , 1 11 -itie Mod§ 03 , now, ; 13, 1 411i , a; tormorfl n Vau, ton, in the Republican candidate for City. Recorder of Nilliamcport, , • —T. W. STEvu_ivs, and wife, of Canton, are visiting friends at Utica, N. Y. LOTTIE TOOMAM, Of Topeka, Kansas,' is visiting at 5.,11. LINDLEF ' s in Canton. —Mrs. F. C.' Dsirrox, of Ulster, is so jonrning witli relatives and Mends in . Connecticut. —Miss FLORA ,BEIDLEMAN returned the first of the week from a visit among friends in &thous: 1.. t —Hownn ALLEN, youngest son of Dr. E. P. ALLEI!:; of Athens,ams just entered upon a . course of study - Itt Lehigh versity. —L. W. Etoiimvanitson, BEITT,.of Troy, were in Athens repentlyoil a ththing, ex cursion. They succeeded inicapturing lot of black bass. —Miss FANIS'III POWELL, idanglitOr Of Hon. Joi,Fru.rownu., of Towanda, Pa., is visiting at the residence of her uncle, Hon. H. A. 13t..0 . :: 3-fain street —Otsego Sla i n Blade. —Fntn iia:ssati from Towanda, And his sister, Mrs. Jo - SEnt Hamm, from St. Louis, Mi+uri, are visiting friends and relatives in our borough.—Leßayarille Advertiser.! • —Mass M. PRASE PrX31311:11 returned to her duties. at the Western Penn. Scien tific and Clerocal Institute, located at Mt. Pleasant„ on Tuesday. She spent vacation wits her parents at Green's Landing. P.ti A. Burnc, formerly-a resi dent of the cistern part of this county, but for the past five years a resident of llindostan, where she has practiced medi cine, is visiting at S. C. eirtettExs% in this place, and we understand will deliver a lecture here on the manners, customs, etc., of the Ilindostans, some evening next week. Local Correspondence. ATHENS ITEMS. Nature will soon be :tinged with au tumn tuts, or really is assun.ing" them slowly,-white the rich harvests of fruit, nuts, etc., are nearly ready for that grand change caascd by severe frosts. t Apples, plums, grapes, and same Other fruits are plenty and low priced: • The tobacc6 crop ilQ ‘ being gathered. and is generally good in:quality and quan tity.' A Union Sunday School pie-nic by the schools of LIM; place came off to-day, TtimisroN's Grove, just across the Che mug and was :i very pleasant. affair. The tower and spire are nearly 'com pleted on the new church, and add ' very much to the already flue appearance of it. Our.Presbyteriau friends. have done well, and should receive the thanks and assist ance of the community for honoring the town with such- am attractive place for worship. We will try tOlgive a desetip tion of the building wheif completed. ,The Novelty Works have their new building ready for use, and are Moving in. FnosTs have Moved into theirs, and JfiNsai will soon follow suit, while MAY 'NAM) has a line brick ready for some one. CAnnow, has a fine residence weli under way—so the ball keeps rolling. An accident happehed last week at the west: end of the Chemung bridge which calls for notice. The embankment is high and the grade so steep that horses coining up it cannot see objects z upon the bridge until they come suhenly upon them, and then as there is no railing per sons are in great danger of being backed or tipped off upini a pile of rocks. Such a thing happened to I10111:11T WATKINS and his mother there tile other day. They both received severe bruises, and the wa gon was. wrecked. It is a - wonder they were not killed. Put up some sort of a railing and avoid the danger. Rev. JOHN Mc3lAsTEli is again at home after a two weeks' visit at his old home. Rev.. Mr. WATtious and family am visit ing in Tioga County. Miss FLOItENCE 31INIER, one 'of our young and excellent teachers, is visiting friends and attending tilm s .Teachers' Insti tute, at Ilorseheads, N. T. ' During a few. minutes' stay iu Waverly' the other day, we heard a dignified rep resentative of the colored race, and a prominenVmember of the "dyed in the wool faith" calmly discussing, the politi cal issues: One thought it was a great outrage to steal his forefathers from the comfortable, shores of - Africa, and bring them herMito labor withAtt pay for those who were too lazy to work : while the lighter colored one denied that any ever had been forced frdin Africa—that was one of the Republican lies, etc. We were pleased to -see so .much 'coneesAlou and so little dauget of any bloodshed by this harmless and dignified interview. We also heard some sound arguments' in a certain blacksmith shop for continuing a Republican administration. The mechan ic said he wanted no betteu : times for he conics do better than in war times. Eve rybody is now busy, and pay promptly in money that isworth one hundred cents to the - dollar, 'and he desire:ln° changes. Many people along the line - joined the excursion last Saturday. 4, 1 ,4.TEIt EGO. Since my last correspondence the reap-, er death has again appeared in our corn., imibity, and callel from out our neigh borhood our neighbor and friend, JOHN ELLIOTT: • A good citizen, an industrious man, yet in the prime of his life, he was called away home, being sick a few days over two weeks. He -was highly re spected by all who knew him. Ile leaves, a wife and five children to mourn his un timely death. Bev. Mr. Coox,-of Merry all, officiated. Mr. ELLIOTT was thirty-f nine years of age. WILLIAM Fox is - erecting a Vne dwel, ling house. N. .f. NNEY frcht French town is the builder. JOHN A. BIENER and wife li:ive been visiting their friend. and sistbr, Mfrs. LOUISA C. JACOBY, itt . ,-Laporte, Sullivan County. Soine forty Went from Trytown on the excursum to Taughannocc Falls; on the 20th, and some reporhaving the ,jovialest time they ever bad. CHARLES VIALL. Jr., is engigiid in the fruit tree business for CHASE & Brother, Rochester, N. Y. Minix Kiiisa: is the travellingvngent for the life•and works of General :JAMES A. 43AtrIELD, including that of CHEATER A. Atimun. Josurn WELL-I - has erected him a dine dwelling house. t. &Mx AlAnTtx, fro s 'm Dushore, wask - is- Ring at Mr. Astmint JAcssoN•s., on Sim day, the Vith, instant. - There was held a general conference meeting in the German -Eirangelic.tl Lu theran Church, in Wilmot townshiii2 the only church- of that donnminatio in Bradford County, on Sunday, the 2.11 in stant. The President of the SynOd was announced, but failed to come, and an other minister in this place presided. . On Thursday evening the 19th instant, there was organized a GARFIELD and An-- 31115 n Club in Terrytown, and the follow ing otticers - were elected . : President; WIL LI.t)t T. Holm!: ; Vice Presidents,oAs. Viat.l., Sr., and SIICUEL BOWMAN ' Sec retaries, .1. V; Gort:o and G. W. II tli•V MAN. - After the organization the assem blage was addressed by .ionx F. S.tsnEn soN, ant, IsAt.tu MullnEnsoN, „Esqs:, from Towanda. Mr. SANDERSON gpolte about the prosperity - of our country—a very interesting speech, and 1 2110 W PM:IWO:4 about the political quistiOns, a very good address. , At the close if the meeting three rousing cheers- were given ; for JAMES-A. GARFIELD, our next Presi dent., that-made the Academy ring. We expect to roll up-our GARFIELD and An. 'rum :club list to about fifty or sixty members at our next meeting. Our prin ciple is not that of a WADE lialtrroN for what LEE and ,TAilsoN fought, but " The Union now andlbt ever ;i,one and insepzi. rable." PRINCE BISMARCK. • August 27, 16'SO. The farmers 0f this vicinity are busily engaged .1-n plowing their wheat ground. .lack Frost made his appearance last Monday night, ,but was not heavy enough to do any damage. yYe have had slight frosts in this vicinity every month 'in the year so far. - • • . O. T. Ist:llAm has returned from Western Colorado, Where he has •lis f n ,spending te, few months for his health. ' , „-SrsrlttS DODD - recently caught at one time ninety black bass, none of them weighinkless than one pound. .Our Sabbath School is prospering finely , with T, B. Yousn Superintendent.. (41sirt.s Bros. have commenced makitjg eith*., They have alreadY made about barre& • • A, It, W`ttAilitti tutA A tiuA tl%vulitil awstrl7 comples4A. . MI TERRYTOWN:. SUGAR RUN A. good, location for a barber' in thin D. HOLLAND is butchering and ship ping to Wilkes-Bane. • 1. V. VA:vim:mum is attending school . at Wyalusing: - Our village is small,. we know; but in November. next we will 'help bury? . coca ltr,BsraLlsu deep in the soil of De spondendy. TIMOTHY TRUST. ,Sugar, Run, August 23. . LERAYSVILLE. • The Lettaysville Band tarnished innate at the ReiMblican meeting held at Laney ville August 27th. By ',invitation of W, B. PAYSON ' ' some fifty guests assembled at the Leßayeville House'on Wednesday night of last week, in honor of Miss CLARA BLACKWELL, of West Burlington. The Flag-raising and Republican meet ing held in this place on'August 28th was a complete success. A 'large number of people assembled and listened attentively to the able remarks of the speakers—Ron. GEo. LANDON, of Herrick. and L,. HALL, of Towanda. WILLI. LA4E. , Leßaysville, August 30. SAYRE Mr. Lotim Loso, who has been spend ing the vacation with his mother in Sayre, returns to Princeton College, Wednesday next. The foundation of Packer block, corner of Main and Lehigh streets, is nearly com pleted. , The block is L shaped, with 100 feet front on each street and CA feet in depth, and will be three stories in height. The engine and fly-wheel fOr the car shops came,Oast week. The 11y-wheel' measures 12 feet in diaMeter, and the en gine cylinddr le :36 inches. • They. were made at': the Nailer Works, Philadelphia. 11.1.7stminEv Rot: • Nns,ta brakeman on the G., I. & Railroad, .crushed hand so badly making a coupling one dy last week, that Dr. ANDERSON foundtit necessary to amputatdsome of the fingers. The singing class conducted by. Miss IDA Dr.L.n.NEy,. of Waverly, closed ,with concert on Tuesday evening, August 24th.' The pupils, though young, did much en:ditto. themselves and to their teacher. We believe the concert is to be repeated some evening this week. Sayre, August :PI • .. SMITHFIELD Next ri.laturday, (September 1(h), Is lobe a , gala. day with the Itepoolicans of Smithfield, and our rounding .virinity. Al two otetuck of that day-.a pole.hue hundred and fifty feet long Is to heralseti in this i;illage, upon Which will be placed stream er forty feet long : on which the words t-Gartield and Arthor,•• may he read even at that heighth above us. At.threentetbek speeches will b e ma d, 1,, the lion: u iNrge. Laudon, Colonel Edward 6verton and fiett,jandli 3f. Perk. Est! . We expect a large gathering, and the invitation Is extended loall the surrounding towns. even as far as To. wAntin, Gkm ra rio, come nll, Hcrhan•lferital , . Mr. 1.. T. Adams has just eon:p:eted art-addition to hi., shop fly exn titling It, length twelve Nal want the road. This tn - owd,t the shiewala clos,ty Ind makes lila building look far better on Its- out side. and without doubt far more convenient fur hl at 011 the inside. We learn that hat.Jntentis to fit it up whit Maltese and harne3s material, that he might be :ode $w supply all his customers to 'ally -thing wanted in his line. A. A. Doll.att , n has lotl It a beautiful fence front his new shop out toward Main street. W. E. Voorhis has purchased of Jame, If. Webb the old Ja.ksoi Pierce tut un 31alu street, and is newldwelllng thereon. The iltst-sturi• of the ttutidiw. belonging to Mrs. - tinsvlds, and formerly occupleeby Bev h• tuts as a :der e. is now ills bled Into two piewant nstms, on drug Is occupi e d by S. m a n n i ng . of'Toga (fluter, N. Y.. as a rhg store, While to day C. M l .:haw is moving into the other room' where 1w keep : a full supply of tin and hard ware. stows and littures, and all things needed In title to supply Ills numerous customers. Give him a call heron: purchasing elsewhere. • . . int Tuesday evening last. Elder James G. En sml gave au ente r rainment . ln the I ilsciplo Church, winch cont:tsted of magic lantern Views, and a lec ture eunneetell.Vith them, tog,Ther with some fine inat t ni u , in t a i Static of his pictures were lanseape views, sketched arid Palmed by himself. which were very dote, and certainly reflect' upon him great merit. The house was sell Gll2d and all ,eetnett.:ll be much interested and well jtleasd. We learn that the proceeds were for the henefit of She StindaY School. The Disciples of Smithfield have been Sady fortunate in securing as g 60.1 and ritergetic a titan as Mr. Ensell. The Methodkts held a grove meeting Saturday, and Sunday last, near the red , rhool house it the southeast part of the tun it. As the weather was so unfavorable, the at fendanre was- not as large as Was expected. i , ur eiletsv factory: nmlL , r Ihr. manageuumt- nt I;oo6iard, sonie very tore cheese. ,u filch being: a first cla,s pike iu market. Ati : gtj , st.39, tssll. 311.711.N11:1:. ULSTER The, rain that Lai been anxiously oOked for and rery Irma Herded has at last visited us, and vege tation ts.putittig ou a brighter hue than was.appar ent About fforty took the exeursden train last Sittui day. fur Taughannoek Fallk H . ,orn this statidn, 3rill - they are all well phased with qie trip, speaking it; highest praise of the aide man gement and courte ous treatment of tile'liernmata Band ntlielaht„ It has seemed held by the hand of death and the will 'of Providence to again visit us and remove from our — Midst our esteemed friend and genial young townsman, 3lt Henry Heath, son ofliorare Heath, alio died diaturdav morning last. The frineral }vas held at . theft. F.. Church Sunday afternoon. The Natiotihl.fluards, Company A; of Weil he was a ment4er, Has present lu uniform anti participated In the sad rites of consigning' to the tomb one of their number who has been caned Iron. the .cones of earth in his early Manhood. , Mr. I. 11. Northrup received last evening two very tine Lincolnshire lambs front the farm ‘ . .f Mr. Angle. They are certainly beauties, and may.belills4;,* proud of them. The T. believe to goad, thorotigh work,. :and have therefore, secured Rev. V. gait, Gr t'. T. of the St*l of l'ennnvlvania, to give us an addre , , at the 4toth , Allot Church on Saturday. ‘vetting u.st. A ctirdtal invitation is extended to hurrotincll . lll4 loriges, and our citizens cspecialiv, to he pri , hent and hear'of the cause as Mr. 11. atone can present ft. The Paint boys met last evening. TL•ey. expect t0 . g,,,t their new Im.truments to-ttar, and It they are satisfactory atter a thorough trial, they Intend to purchase game, and •theu we expect to have nut sic for some iroo to come, It such be the case. Ulstery.tugust :it. • KAHL. Is Ir Possinr.E—That a- remedy' made of such common, simple plants as Hops, Buelu, Mandrake, Dandelion, etc., make so many and such ruaqcthus and wonder ful cures as Hop Bitters dof.' It must-be; for when old awl young, rich„ and poor, Pastor and Doctlir, Lawyer aqd Editor, all testify to having been cured by them, we must bilieye and doubt nolonger. Sec other column. BUSINESS LOCAL. tar TETE-A-TETE F•ETTS, WINE sETTs, Li(xon SETTS—at 99-Gout tore. • s'Ar CASH PAID FOR PRODUCE, a Oct. 30. . DECK Ell Sc EV" The :!9:CENT STORE is Relict quartera fnr everything In line or 1..1.31.t.S anti LAMP r:0 fps;', Sept. ItAr.l. rAr (7oitsEit has the bust - wearing Shoes 1 , 4 flop apd Youths' near ever offered in Towanda. and arrives within the IT 11:h of all. Our moods are NEW anti of the 11F.ST QUALITY;' DECKER & VOCGILIT. 11511,.. SEIVINQ MACIIINE NEEI)LES (ills and attaehnients at the PO-Cent 'Store. rgr Victims of wasted energies tin( sure relief In AYER'S ...insArAnit.i..A. the' tuo , it potent purifier and a fountain of healtl and strength. IV . • Mr There are many forms Of - nervons debility In men that yield to the use of Carters Iron rills. Those, who are troubled with nerions weakness, bight sweats, &c., should try them.- tar "I -have used several bottles of SIMMONS' LIVER. REGULATOR, and you may, record the fact,,that my feelings are sU far changed that I can eat hearty, and ant to re like :swell man than I hayepmeu for ream past: I have suffered four years and am grateful for frlle f. . "J. Ft ERTY, w 4. Perfo t Qlcal Store, ISCC. Mark et-st.„ Phu Or For a good, 'durable and neat-fitting SIIOE, call at F. J. BLUM'S, oßposito Sceloy's Hotel. Nov. 21•=tf. PENNSYLYANIA. STATE COL LEGE admits both sexes. Endowment half a million. Tuition free. Courses of study, Classl cal,.ticlentille, and Agricultural. A thorough Pre paratory Departitient.:Expenses *3 to Fi per week.. For catalogue, address JOSEPH Sllol:Ttat3llE, A. 31., Pres. State College, Pa. Aug. 12-wlO. ?,- J. A. 31ANvii.Lf:, No: 3 Bridge-se., Towanda, Pa., has on hanat and for sale Cabinet anti Parlor Organs from Bartle tte,Stirting, '§utith, Ameriian, Ithaca, New Era, and others. Pianos from Schontacker, flarstrnan, Christie & Co., Bil lings, McCammon, indirthers. Any of the above will ho sedd at wholesale prices for the next thirty days. All Instruments tally warranted and faction gua+tced. ter Proirisions of all kinds, of tho best quality, at DECKER & V01:011T'S. • Or Try our Nett• SAP.' TEA. Best in town. 1 DECKER vit VOUGIIT. t Choice TEAS and CQEPEE a speelalty at DECKER It - 4'OCOUVR 7 Cam", WANTED hISIEDIATELT. Local agents on the life of Oeeeral JAMES A. qARFIELD, Carleton." the popular, brilliant and faseinat !lig writer. The fined" biographical putilliaition which will be offered to canvassers during the entnpalifr. f.lfisnAL CEftltß, Por territory, eft,' Olfilat 1 1 000 to &DIM al, 0.1.1 1 110 Argil 41. .Ur A full osortrnent or, WHIPS and nIIELLAS at the 09-Cont Store. tar PRICES WAY DOWN on Genta' Fine and Connie Spot') at BLUM'S, oppoblto See ley's Nor, V-tl. • The Larges 4" Best and Cheapest line of Shoes .for Ladles\ Misses' and . enftdrenat wear is fOund at Conara'a new store, coiner Main and Pine-sta., Tracy it Noble'l Stock.: - sprvra t L. B. ROIXIEI2I3 challenges camps. tt tion fix quality Of goods and low prices on 9aahi Doore, Blinds and Molding and .. a; bul)ding ma. terlal. rauga-tfl. • • rgr'.lt is imixi'ssib . .lo for a womb after a. faithful course of treatment with tapte PINXIIA V ETA B E. COMPOUND r'to continue to mild with a weaknesu et the uterus. .Enclose a stamp to 4r3, LYDIA E. PIN/GrI t ASE, 33 Weiiern Avenue, Lynn., Mass., _tor pamphlete. Soh] by Dr. If. C. PORTER, Druggist, "Towanda, ra. " Julyl-yrt. • rir FROM TIFF. QUAREIt CITY.E. •J. CANI Of Phlladelptils. under tl4to of lctober 4, IE:9. certified toJ the wonderful efficacy of wsr lier's Safe and Safe Tonic in removing a liver Wyman accompanied by chronic . conatipatlon and yellow, skin. • Au olil m‘ restored to health : BAr.tri A. N. Y., Sept'. la. 18:9.*II. If. Warner St Co.'; Itochesler, Y.—TAW/emen For In years I hare sintered with Diabetes,' being oldiged ter void urine as often as once in thirty ninutes, and have also been a great stifferer frcnit palpita tion of the:heart. lam now using your Halpetes, Cure, and can truly say, at seventy year. of age, that It makes me feel.liko a now man." Sept. 2-142. BROW k MARRIED. • SLUYTEIt—MCQUEE.S.— In West Bli =MMEM Wlnflvld niuyter, of North Towanda, •]lacy J. 31c(Ineeri s of Ulster. DONOWAN—MCCI.ENTIIEN.-On the 2oth nit.. at the rrldenee of Mr. Harrison I'. June, by the Ites.„,Johti S. Beers, fleetor cif Chrlst Church, "MrF3llelmel Donovan to 3118;i3larion E. 31eClen lTtli of Baldwinsville, N. 0 rtiONNELL—CARPENTER. —A t the M. "F. rars u nav, Main Street. Munrueton„ August 2.3, Pew, by Iter . , Join Van Kirk, Nir. tfylresterfT O'Donnell and Ntlci I.oulsa Carpenter, both or? . IVA NC H . —FANVCETT.—At the Panotage, ',lain Street, Monroetnn. A tig,ust..::, isSO, by Rev. .f,hu Van Kirk, Mr. Charley Wanck and Mhs Libbfe Fat cltt, both of 'Pans, Pa. Di E P. Sif 1:1.T7..—1n Monroe, August 23!. of brain fever, Miss etir istialia ditighter of Frederick istdtr, aged Y 1 sears, s months and it days. FISH —ln Sheihequlo, August 27th„ E. Chapin . 'tsh. youngest son of Loyd and Lucy A. Fish; agorl,3 years and 4 iuoi:th.r. A flower too fair and frail for earth gone to beautify TOWANDA .MARKET. ' -REPORTED ITT STEVENS & LON I G, .General dealers' In Grocerlt:sr:and Produc,j, corner Malt:and Pint.Stretqs. WEDNESDAY EVENING, 5EP,1,11980, /MEE Phis per bl , l Floneper Corn Meal per 1.04A,a Chop peed_{'heat; pe bush. Corp