DRIFTWOOD. „vAcrs. .The word "pamphlet" is derived from the name of a Greek authoress, Pamphy lia. who compiled a history of the world into thirty-fiv,e little books:. "Punch and Judy " is a contraction from Pontius and Judas. It lira relic of an old "miracle play," in which the actors were Pontius Pilate and Aides Iscariot. "Bigot" is from - Visigoths, in which the fie* and. lutolerint Arianism of the Visigeth con queror of Spain hail been banded down to infamy. " . Humbug is frt:m HiMburg ; "a piece of Hamburg 'news" was in Ger "many a proverbial expression for fabse'po-. litical rumors. "Gauze" derlves its nime from Gaza, where it was first made. "Tabby cat" is all unconscious that her name is: derived from Atab, a famous street in Bagdad inhabited by the manu facturers of Baer' stuffs called atabi; or taffety, the wavy markings - of the water ed silks resembling pussy's coat. - " Old ' Scratch" is - the demon Skratti, who still snrvives in the superstitions of Northern Europe. "Old Nick " . is none other than the dangerous water demon of Scandinavian legend. The lemon takci its uame from the city of Lima. A cLEBGT? lAN in a little town vp n r R . Rochester has recently had an experience R. that reminded him of John Gilpin. He lta retired from active pulpit duty on ac count of advanced age, but was invited to s ir conduct a fnneral. He asked the live' - man for a quiet horse, and was given ne _:comparatively as venerable as him ', a sober-looking beast that would i 'em . 'hardly capable of doing anythiuf; like - liveliness, 'and well adapted in appearance to carry a ridei in a funeral procession. The services were held at the house, then the processiotikstarted for the grave yard; the parson was to ride at the head,. but started at the rear, and in order to*hurry up and get to his prOper position, 'pulled the reins .tight. • He didn't know that this , horse had been trained 'to run. like a streak of lightning when the reins new, pulled tight. The venerable animal shot Past the carriage and hearse like -a railroad train passing a canal Boat. The parson pulled harder, this time to check him, but the hoise went faster, and was soon out of sight in a cloud of dust. Ev-• eiybody felt awfully mad and 'cut rui . • about it except the corpse. A 000n,t pious old citizen of Bedford was peaceably - walking along to church last Sunday morning, when he ca e upon a small boy engaged in the wick d and -unsubattical occupation Of tying a tin can to a dog's tail. - "My son;" cal ly and gently remarked the old &Mein n, "do r. you know where - little boys go!- o who - desecrate the Sabbath ?" The s all boy inquired - : ' To jail?" "No, my son; to p. worse place"than There was no longer a look of inquiry in that hoy's face, •• but he answered with the assitrance of One who knew whereof he spoke : " Tel 14untlay, • The •old gentleman on disgusted.. If' he had been a 'Ph Eldelithian, lip would hav, been- re ' niimled of the reply a• preacher . got when be asked a. rnall boy whom he met car rying a fish' pole and line doWn Cray's Airy road on- Sunday : MY friend, • .elwre dd the bad little boys go. who go 17 iisi•ing on Sunday':" The -Thirtieth NVard gaMin meekly responded i "Back of the Arsenal, sir." NEW V oils hag got another beau Vin (xitclipenny. i Ile is a, French surgeon, a giaduate of the School of Medicine, Par- Ile inaltedimpleig on ladies' faces, fully equal to, the natural article. ' , "A nataral dimPle," says he, "is simply a, slight hollow between two -muscles, or o :er a mnscle,:and the skin is more firm ly attaeltd to the subjacent tissues at this point than at other points. Bence, when the muscles contract, as in the act of smiling, the skin is drawn fik, tbe,hol low,jortning a 4.l;:rople. I make a punc ture in the skin at the point where tile dimple is required, a puncture that ,can not lie noticed when it his healed,• and with a very deliate- instrument I rem4e a small portion,ofitho muscle,: then I ex cite a slight inflammation, which attach es the skin. to theSubcutanecnis hollow I have formed. , In a few days the wound .—if wound it May be called—has healed, antra. charming dimple is the result." • ' Dow:: at Atlantic City the other dny a passenger in an Atlantic avenue horse , icar saw a trade dollar lying in the dust of the street. He got off and ran back .to pkck it up, thinking that he could easily ofer, take thedar. His hat blew off, a carriage Tan - over and mashed it, another carriage came near running over him, and befell, tearing his ‘pantaltioni; and loosing a gold sleete-button in. thel sand. He figured up the transaction as follows when ho got Tack to his hotel : One straw hat crushed, $2 one pair of pants ruined, $6; one - sleeve button 105i.,..521; car faro, forfeited ,! , 'by. getting off — car, ten cents; bru;hing ,clothesby waiter at lxotel, ten cents; to tal, $10,•..20. Gains, $l.OO pickettup. Td ta a.moi‘int out, V. - 20 y expen. :. sire dollar, that. TllERiare utimerous turtles in the mill ponds and lakes of Eastern Virginia, our recently an independent sort of a votary 'Ay, while out; rowing alone, ran lfer boat.on the back ef ajng turtle, tilting it -over so that the tail stuck out. She drop ped her oars and reached for th'it, tail. The turtle struggled _desperately, to es cape, and came very near pulling her oVerboai.d, as she couldn't lift the'k.heavy snapper into the hoe-. She held on with no immediate prospect of relief, till fort unately a man came along the road near the pond, and she summoned him to her assistance. The turtle was over two feet lIM SOME men lov6 their wites betterithan their dogs. A tinner in, England who goes to work early in the I morning, and had hie breakfast brought to him at the usual hour by his wife,,recently bad the breakfast stolen by the clog. His wife threatened to beat the dog, and then he threatened to beat her. She kicked the brute, and her husband accordingly struck }lei. When she had him arrested he said ho would not have his dog kicked by any woman. He was not even as kind as the husband in Lockey Hall, of whom it was said by fiennyson, that ho would hold his wife "'something better than his dog, a little de,ire:r.than his horse." I, EMI Of theistonishing speed o' the - animal called the jack rabbit, a writer in a Colo rad,O paper &lye : "I never saw anything that ean run as fast as a jack rabbit. -A long-legged grey - hound undertook to catch . one, and-n i fter — playing along for a short i t time Andencouraging the dog, the rabbit . suddenly started off end distanced his en emy in abort three seconds. The dog gave,up the chase at once and returned to the - wagon the most crest-fallen and disappointed and meanest looking dog I ever sew.' 1: C'Envq..thtladelphia people maintain, , at. large "expense, au' asylum for cats.. When a man can't find any bet.= use than than fdr his money, he needs an asy lnin a heap More . than u eat does...-Bos . ton Post. . • : - latbicitt. ; and Urinary Orglula, and ether Ali er a esuaed by. these. THE ONLY STIRE-REMEDY for BRIGHT'S DISEASE • AND DIABETES. Takes away the Appetite for Strong Drink. T - tvo crenpounds, and if the remedy for Diaietea IA wanted. entl for sate Diabetes Curel If tbo remed' f"r Bridbr a and other disews, tail for uSc Liduey :tnd Liver Cure. Price. V.% a noWet• A $l,OOO GUARAIVME. Warner's safe Shiner sad Liver Cara pm.aiyety care Bright el Disease and Dia* and we will guarantee that it will also rare he jar cent. of all other Kidney Diseases; jar cent. of all JArer Diseases, and will help rvery tam., laittlaut injury to the 'system. *hen taken according to dlreetiona. and we will my to any poison who can prove that it has to du this, the su m of $1.000 L: . H. WALgra& CO. TESTIMONIALS TIM r.ec..f. E. ItSSEIN.D.I)., of Washington, 7 , . r., eurtbins that he hasknown of several 1 crittanelMeures of diseases of the kidneys and ertintr• 'organs," by the uoe of the Safe kidnef : :al Lfver Cure. and adds: r .I. do not donbtthat it has great virtue.".. .. D. W. flAtirtizr.,ll.D.,ll').l l ., of Vast °rams. "f.. 1., certifies that when he was greatly buyer :e.l r..nd buffering from Bright's Disease. he was eiiri d in about two weeks by the Safe Kidney -.Lid liver Cure. Prof. GUEi N. a dlitingulahmi, allopathic phys ician of the south, wrote to the Medical Journal 1,, the effect t hat :literal' othermeans had failed, h.! rent for the Kidney Cure (Sao Kidney and Liver Cure), and to Ina astonishment cured a f iirinußrAlse of Bright' a Disease by tut ministering it. and afterwards found ft equally beneficial in e ther sows. lie advpoil his I rother physicians to um it. fn preference to unything else. 'or lidpey Msorders. P -v. C. A. 11,inctiv. D. P.. Ilnancla, and 1 yi,iiimiionr.l ,Fccretary of lii,wiad University . I. rtz.iiis that be has been laswainted with the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure fur two years, and I " iii some cars,s of height's Ditwase, which ti.-Pmeil to be in the last stages. and which had been given up by prartitioners of both schools,. the speedy change wrought by this remedy seemed Let little less than miraculous." IL W. XrrF, 102 Bagg Street, Detroit,. Mich., et lines that he was completely cured of a threntc liver complaint after numerous other tetnedies hail failed, by taking-the Safe Kidney arid !Over Cure. IL CArbik ..,::: M. D. of Rochester. S. V., Nvtitles thaterith liesteation" he administered the safe Kidney and Liver Cure to a patient whoisi ilitnevs and liver were badly.affected, and that the-result was satisfactory in the ex-' t reme." 110 nails: " Without hesitation I wi -ilia row prem.:raw they:a remedy tv sal sau- Pariy antleted." Cro3:ll.Es S. PRT.s — rt(4, Esq.. of Toledo, 0.. Oertitie, in a leuLotliti etataninitaition that ho emapeil death (rum 'fright' a I)lwase by the use of N% arnert. Sate li idnell and lover Cure, after having teen treated in n for the disease by •everni of the most f4ki ' l fill physicians of this ~ i euntry and Franco cud Ii• ngituid. l'rTra finowr.ltmaN. I Ilatavia.N.Y., Mitt r• ~ t :at et Ihe age of id. 1,,: after a painful kidney ..ea. , iif4o 3, see, the if, Kidney and Liver Cut, Lao fr.adi ! :in li el Ilke a new man. hesc ::re samp'.f testimimials condensed. . i „77'Warner's Safe ri::F. Warneee Safe Neri - lne met Wirtneets Safe Bitters are i,iio eu:ierior remedies, tett. Cue best of its D. I. C. Ls an absolute and Irresistible can for DRUNK- . _ enness,lntomperanee and the toe of OPttnn. • Immo, Narcotics and Stimulants, removing taste, desire and habit of using arty of them, daring the taste or desire tor any of them perlexil7 odious and divesting. Giving everyone perfec d irresistible control Of the isOnly of them ,• and their friends. ets vent that absolute lapdog sad moral ration that follows the sudden brealdeg car m using stimulants ormwoutica Paekage, prepaid. Loewe 1 to 5, persons, a, or Ist • • druggists, $ll5 per bottle. Tem societies sboold recommod IL I Ls ectly berzuleas acid nneer-falibui. ' Hop Bitters Mfg. Co., Rochester. N.Y. Sole Agents destre” en oath, looms the Wthe merges, prodneot rest, nut nerer Alms The Nap Pad for Munich. Liver and Si • . hi superior to all °thew as by abeorptioa perteet—edr.i~to. • The Hop U t of &chafer, N.T. weep • pia thea remal, also the Hop . Blueri, ahkh an In if • awe a barrage ortstozkaot,bat the Ports . t sad Batt Med rise ova made, making mar anar tam ell other remocflo. FOR SALE BY ALLORUOCISTS. . SCOVILL'S BLOOD LIVER SYIII3, a peerless remedy for. Scrofula, White Swellings, Cancer, Erysipelas, Gout, \Chronic Sores, yphilis, Tumors, Carbuncles, Salt Rheum, -Malaria, Bilious Complaint and all diseases indicating an Imtrnre Condition of the. ; Blood. This Grand Remedy is a compound of vegetable extracts the chief of which are SARSAPARILLA and STILLINGIA. The cures cirected by SCOVILL'S BLOOD *NW - LIVER SYRUP , are • absolute, and their record Is undisfigured • by failure. For sale by all Druggists. IVIOTT'S LIVER PitLS, Taa Great Citharticitile Iteplator. Dug rectify torpidity of the jiver. They give tone to the Stomach. They prerent griping of the Vowels. They retnoCe bito from the /good. They pu rify and invigorate the Body. They cure ail bilious complaints. P_IMMT VEGETABLEMBI mg? • Instantly destiliyaWOßMS and Is recomnulnded by fax!, Mtuw as tta: Lett WOlt3l. MED icp.;n. PAKEIt'S I'AVWFA for .11.4. N and BE.4ST. 'For„External and Internal Use. The Greatebt Pain I:6i,Acr of the Age DINTOIS BALSAM CUBES COLDS,. COUGHS, .7.72 C Wan be tt,ed i a Mt.:4er. re" -lj ron, SALE 14 ALL II Rri; GISTS JOHN P. HENRY'. CIIITE,II2 - 1 c CO. sol:r: r/toi . C.llrk 24 Collego Place, 4 • _ ' OICKAMACHt -j POSITIVELY CURED BY C ti. RTEKS lif WE E R 1 * PILLS. We Mean Ci A red, Not MereVelleyed ..4 nd Can Prone What gee int. we- There are ale fader,. aad ao dila& l K !ITItTr =al3==:l = already. *e shall be theft, of tottioaoullolo to CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS it,socoreall forms of Rißousness„ pre nt Coined. is - 4 on and Dyspepsia. promote Digestion, retain distress from too heart), eatine. correct Disorder' Of thl Stomach, Stlmulatethe Liver, and Regulate the Bowels. Tile) , do all this bytattng Just one little pill at a dose. They are parelyregetnt le.do not gripe or purge, and aro as nearly perfect as It la possible fur a gal to be. Pries f cents, E. tort), ,1 1 04(1 t y drupDsts everywhere or as .t by mall,l CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. TM MII b Tamil/ b 7 c e r l xis, ME FR,OST'S . B9IB' YtaXITURFAI We are now prepared for theBl RINQ TRADE toli nos of . NEW AND DESIRABLE (loops • or me LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST 4 PRICES •s 9 Mel we Invite the ;to tap and examine. 131 PARLOIt SUITS IN RAW SILK; TEItRIS, PLUSH AND • HA IRCLOTH, e very large, and our prices as low as the lowest. 1 We*him a full ling of CHALNIRER SUITS IN • ASII, WALNUT AND SOFT WOOD, which we are selling at a very low prlee.i A tell 5 line of g SPRING REDS, MATTRASSES UNDERTAKING , • In this department we always ; have the beet winds In the market, and are continually adding 4 , ( 'l I=f _YEW; STYLES LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, wblle our pieta are the lowest. • JAL - FROST'S SONS'. Towanda, April ; • - GREAT SALES GOING ON ;RE AT SALES GOING ON GREAT SALES GOING ON CLOTHING! T ile flair Rome(lips i•ohi by l)ntitnists 111(Alei1113 very. here. ~17 kL ' : es' r 71),h- TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED H. WARNER & CO. RochesAT l N.Y. khe consequence of Ibis great sale of lay stock Is that I am compelled to enlarge my present store to make room for my Increasing busi ness. and Instead of moving my stock while build ing WILL SELL FOR COSVIor the next 40 days. The opportunity to purchase a CHEAP SUIT l a rare one. and should be embraced by all. Call early at )1. E. ROSENFIELD'S and enjoy the advantages now offered by hlm. Towanda, March 4, 1880 Izio 4 44 Dilitia 1W Z Lei HAVE REMOVED CORNER OF MAIN PINE-Sts They invite attention to their complete assortment and very large stock of Choice New Hoods, ' which they have always on hand. ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE L. ROSE,NBAUM & SONS. Now Yo• mtilLirmuy P- . - 11 -, 1 *n] PS'---''N afitsiMne. WROLEALICIirD =TAIL Oar asioilmooo t of AND PILLOWS. with all the Viscef f tantous Ready-made Clothing at a Sacrifice Ready-made Clothing at a Sacrifice Irr i ady-made Clothing at a Sacrifice Heady-made Clotting at-a Sacrifice Ready-made Ci*thing at a Sacrifice Ready-made Clothing at a Sacrifice For the Next Forty Days For the Next Forty Days For the Next: Forty Days By buying of By buying of M. E. ROSZNFIELD IL E. ROSENFIELD No such chance for years to come No such chance for years to come No such chance fOr years to come Fall stock going very fast Fall stock going very fast Fall stock going very fast ' General Dealers in 41--t GROCERIES:, PROVISIONS, And [COUNTRY PRORUCE, TO THEIR. NEW STORE,' (The ollt.stand of' Fti t l, Stevens a Mercur.) PRODUCE TRADE, And 'Cash paid for desirable kinds. M. J. LONG. Towanda, Aprl I Arco GEQ.STEVENB SPRING AND SUMMER 1880 201 EAST WATER STREET, Dealers in DRY AND FANCY GOODS, nriza JOBBERS OF MILLINERS LARD ST, BEST AND CHEAPEST Aisortmett :()f In the Southern tier. , • Spectil f rduceruenti and Prices to Idilliaers. A call is respectfully solicited. L. ROSENBAUM & SONS, • • SOCZAST WATZirlU ts n k, 101111 1. IMI4St LEHIGH VALLEY _ fr NEW YORK RAM ROADS. Arrangement of Passenger Trains to tate effect JUNE 20, Pax 2.46TWAED. I " " lIMSTWA.I3I/.. 15 9( 7 3 STATIOIIII. 813 2 6 --- —, --- roc A 11 A.Y. P.Y. P.x.T.X. A X A.X 720 .... 71 Nlarralrans . 103 .... 1 OS 9 40 250 82; .... 920 —.Buffalo., 11 40 .... 1205 800 440 7 30 .... —.. . Rochester. 950 . 7 1000 .... I. 45 8 50 .... .... ... Lyons... 840 6 n i g 02 •••••• 154 9 56 —i. _ , ...Geneva •. 741 3038 14 ....- i 35 1144 .... ._. ...Ithaca... 605 ,2 15;6 40.... 25 8 05 .... .... Auburn.. 825 ....,9 45 .... 00 1050 .... .. ...Otiego... 530 - •••••6 25 ... 10 1 35 840 3 . 45 ...Elmira .. 5251235 6 15 1250 45 200 915 415 ..Waireely . 1 4 45111 50 53 5 11511 I 10 10 211 935 4XO sayer—. 44 , 1 111 40 525 1148 1015 BO9 940 4 34t ...Athen B ... 430 1131.3 10 1138 __ _ _ 11 49 ,„.... ....Milan.. ... -1122 ~.. 1 124 1 . „... 858 -. _ —Ulster... . ...illl5 4 15 1115 20 . 4: 2 Cr 10 .0 . 107 ..TintLVIIA. 4 . 00111 00 4 42 1107 ..., .... ma. 513 Wysauklng :....1. 1045.... 1053 .... .... 10351 .... •Sta , g Stone. .... 1034 ... r . Ha _ , .... 1042 5.8 ItunVereeld ~, 1027 .... 1033 —.. .... '.052 .... V rtnichtois It ... 1017 ....1124 .... 823 11 05, sso .Wyaluelnit 1005 405 14,12 11 40 3 41 11 25 1 1"10 .I.aceyville. .3 03 045 3 49 552 ..,„. ... 11 an 613 Sk10•15 Eddy .... 940 .... 944 „„.. .4 01 22 47 a2l Meahoppen, .... 926 3309 32 ..•:: ..• • 11 54 636 Mehonpany. 1 .... 920 .... 924 1225 4 28 1240 7 15 Tunkhan'clt 2 18 , 855 3 03 9 02 . .... 12 50 721 .LaGrange. ... 844 .... 850 .... .... 107 738 ....Fa118..,. ... Is 28 .... 837 .1 05 5 05 140 805 LAB •Itinc'n 185 4052 25 A 15 1 2,5 5 2„I. 220 83.5 Wilk-Barre 108 7 .141 2 03 7 50 -345 7 30 4 50 11 00 Well C hunt, 1105 ~.. 110.2 035 4414 24 55312 02 Allentown . 10 0 2 .... 1054 420 505 8X.5 605 12 10 ;Bethlehem. 0 50, ..:. 1045 420 5 30 900 030 0. 54 ...F.al , ten.., 9 20 1 , .... 1015 352 652 1025 816 210 Phlladlphla BO O. ... 9002 15 805 Gr. 925 335 .New York. 'O3O l 7 4011 00 A.Y. 9.14 P.Y. 9. M. " i P.M. A.Y. A 54 P. SI No. 32 leaves Wyaluslug at 6: town 6:14, Mumnserfleld 6:23, St Wysaultlng 6:40, Towanda 6:33. 7:16, Athens 7:25, ettyre 7:40, Wa In Elmira at 8:30 A. M. _ - No. XI leaves Elmira at 5:110 P.3f., 'Waverly 6:16, Sayre 6:30, Athens 6214, 5111au 6:44. Ulster 6:53, Towanda 7:10. Wysauking 7:20. Standing' Stone Iturmerfleld 7217. Tretichtuum 7:47, 'arriving at Wyaltising 8:00 14 M Trains 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping ears on trains S and 15 between Nagara Palls and Philadelphia and between Lyons and New York without changes bleeping cars on 3 and 6 between Buffalo and Wilkes-Barre.- Parlor cars on Trains 3 and ilibe twecu Niagara Fails and Philadelphia without change, and through coach to and from W/chesMr via Lyons: • R. A. PACKER. • Supt. P. iN.Y. R. R Sayre, Pa., June V., iaso.• EDWARD WILLIAMS ! PRACTICAL PLV.VBER & GAS FITTER. Place of business, a few doors north of Post-Ofllce. Plumbing, Gas rlirfog, Repairing rumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing promptly attended to: Alt wanting work in his line should give•blin a call. J Dec. 4.1879. NAT HA TIDD, • M Dealer . PITTSTON, WILKES-BARRE AND LOYAL SOCK COAL. Lowest prices for cash. 0111 cc and yard foot of Pine-street, Towanda. July la, lfiso. LN SOR ANCE C. S. RUSSELL, Agent, TOWANDA, PA. , FIRE, I,IFE, AND .40CIDENT POLICIES' Issued on the 11105t:reaSOMatiL terms. None but reliable companies representtirl Losses adjusted and paid here ITENRY AIERCR, DEALE4 Towanda, Nov. 13, 1879 ANTITRACITE AND CORNXII PARK AND ItIVILIt STRXETS, TOWANDA Coal screened, and deltvered to any parrot the Borough. ALL OILD&ILS 311.75 T 111. ACCOMPANIF.I) UT TILL CAsII. I.I..MERC CB. Towanda, Dee. I, 187:1 F7N'T7M'MWYU'R CORNER MAIN & BRIDGE-STS Headquarters FOR CHOICE GROCERIES. CASH PAID FOIL GOODS SOLD AT THE LOWEST LIVING RATES Towanda, Aptly 211, ISBOII THE OLD MARBLE YARD STILL IN OPERATION. The undersigned having purchased the idAti- BLE YARD of the late GEORGE 3IgCABE, de sires to Inform the piddle that:having employed experienced men, he is ptepared to do all kinds of work in the line of SiONUMENTS, 18 the very best manner and at lowest rates Pegs ms desiring anything In the Marble line are Invited , to call and examine work, and save. agents' commission. JAME§ MCCABE. - Towanda, Pa., V0V.19. 1878. ' 211 r NEAT MARKET. E. D. RUNDELL , Would respectfully ar flounce that he is continuing the Market business at the old stand of Mullock 3 / 4 Runde'', and will at all tunes keeps full stipply of FRESH'. 41111.16111 1r 4 ift, OV- ° ‘ • OYSTERS Constantly on hand. Country dealers supplied at ,city rate+ • FRESH & SALT MEATS, • GARDEN VEGETABLES, FRUITS, &c. a- AU Goods delivered Free of ,Charge. E. D. MUNDELL. Towanda, Pa. Nov: ST, tS'7O. ELMIRA, N. Y MEAT MARKET! BS.IDLEMAI.I"3 BLOCK, BRIDGE STREET, FRESh AND SALT 'MEATS, DRIED BEEF, FISH, POULTRY, GARDEN VEGETAItit.ES AND BERRIES IN air All goOds dollvorod frog of charge, Ter** no VIM Saftmbc - •00 A. AL. French tootling Stone 11:211. Ulster 7:06, 31 Han veiny 7:15, arriving vusiness garbs. SULLIVAN ANTHRACITE COAT Has removed to making It Ills BUTTER, EGGS,' 'JAMES McCABE. HEAD STONES, MANTLES and SHELVES MYER & DEVOE toca6d In Keep On band, TIIVIR SEASON, &c krat 6 Davos 'ahwatioirc BRIDGE STREET FURNIT'CRE STOIIE. TWO STORES IN ONE! Raving doubled our facilities this year by oecn. toying two stores, we are prepared to oiler yews brger, stock than ever before, and at - reduced prices: We are selling. FURNITURE Of MI Muds as CHEAP It not CHEAPER CHEAPEST. At the same,ttme we keepup the standard of our goods. . . UNDER TAKING, (OCT, SPXcIAILTT), I We guarantee satistaetton. Wo are'prepared to do anything In that Hue on short notice, awl are do. termined topleaso. Call andi see for yourself N. P. HICKS. F Towanda, May lat, 1870 Mioceffaneous. A. ,BEVERLI7' SMITH, BOOKBINDER AND DEALER IN SCROLL SAW. GOODS. 3t AGA Zt N'ES bound neatly and promptly.' LANK bound to order and waripntid AMATEURS' SUPPLIES ~ Thls dcpartpufnt of my busting* ts vericoist, pieta. A full line of WOODS, SAW. BLOCKS, . CLOCK MOVEMENTS, Constantly on hand, and for sale at lower prlcs than elsewhere. 4 sir $1.33 W )11111 OF DESIGNS-FREE POI 01.00. Send for price lists.. REPORTER BUILDING. , .11.29.50. TOwANDA. PA., P. 0. Box CHAS. JOHNSON & CO.'S Foundry & Machine Shops TONirANIA, PENN'A We claim to make the BEST CIRCULAR SAW MILLS • In the market. KILSGLE MILLS—LATH .MILLS Parnell's Improved Feed Cutter, Stroud's Keyhtone Fire Slainlter, Griswold's Boss Water Wheels, Ward's Patent Buckwheat Cleaner, PLC., , &C. ENGINES AND BOILERS Made .to order. Repairing of all kinds done On short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Alb& manufacturers of and dealers in JOHNSON'S PATENT Poliihing and Fluting Irois The hest In the world. Agents wanted cniaski.piirssoN sz. co Towandsi, April 151 1 680 "Ef-SiT34A not -x2 - 6 4.1 G. r.. S. S. is a liquid-s ti 1 abto combination ontpose.l of several of the most powerful and ',co; rat irfr, liquids known in chemistry, and was lis.•overt,l by a. celebrated English chemist, and w:11 intr ',lured into the United States in theyear is:sl, and rinre that time:by its marvelous cura- tive powers. has won for itself a world-wide rep* , tat ion for its many cures of lthenmatism. Pains and Swellings. Burly' and Scalds, Sprains and itruiros. Cuts and Old Sores, Contraction of the Modes. Tender and Frosted Feet. Chtlblidma, Neuralgia. Pain in the Side. Cheat and Back. and is a specific for florses as well as for Man. anti now stands at the head of all Liniments unrivaled, and scarcely a stablo or house can be found with out a bottlo where it is known. We challenge competition: $l,OOO will be paid for an y CHNO of the above-namecl ills that !}, E. S. 8, will not cure if the directions aro closely ob served. 0. E. 8.8. only stands the test because it has proved the best. It is safe and wise to al ways keep a bottle on hand. thereby infrequent in stances avoiding the necessity of calling a doctor There P.{ a balm for moat all ills: 'To neither cayenne drops nor hartshorn Viten fairly tried, it then will show That Carey's 0, B. a 8. is more than blow. Tt . T. as bottleand if it does not give satisfaction return it to your Druggist and ho will refund you your money. Did 'Tiro permit wo could glio on n hundred testimonials from men and families in. this county that could not bo doubted:.; Call upon your nearest Druggist or Store.neep and ask for Carey's D. E. S. S. , end not be pu• nff be Puha other worthless trash. If ho ha. not got it on hand. ask him to rend for it fur you D. G. CARE] - . SOLE Priori:rm..% Middletown. Oranco Co., N. T. For rate In Towanda, Pa., by C. T. KIRBY and 11. C. PORTER. ET YOUR HAIR CUT . G • AND SHAVING, AT VIE likTet,rc2. House ' SHAVING PARLOR. 4 4 ffe study to please. D. V. STEDGIE, Prop*, Towanda. Pa.,*July 15, 1879. e Goters. EAGLE HOTEL, • (SoOTrt 3IDI PuBLIC EQUAIta.) This well-known house has been thoroughly ten notated and repaired throughout, and the pgoprle• . for le now preparetlto offer Srst-elaaa accommoder tlona to the public, on the mostreasonable tame. - E. A. JENNINGS. ' Towanda, Pa.; May 2, lea. • lIENRY HOUSE, CORNER MAIN A WASIIINOTON STREETS FIRST WARD, TOWANDA, FA. Meals it all hours: Terms to suit the times. Large stable attached. WM. HENRY. PsoralsTos. Tewtada, July 1y794f. • SW= I . n i T te c rie o n, f l you "in.." t m atat tre on e a; at which persons of eittist sas taxi maks groat par on Us tins they watt. wits tar= Wars to IL NASTLIIT I CO., PottlooO, Aptultsmd ifthinezy i. L M. Wolles, Towanda, 'Pa., IMPROVED FARMING IMPLE• MENTS AND.MICRINERT.. WIRAD TRUE CHILLED PLOWS, • Gale Chilled Plows, Best-Reversible Plows, Adgate and Enterprise Churn Powers, Corn Sheßets, Farm Wagons, Platform Wagons, Buggies, Feed Cutters, .Grain Drills, ; Than the .ONE PULVERIZING NARROW AND CLOD ClitrCEEl2, Dullard's 11ay Tedders, Leader and Gale Wheel Rakes, 'Tompkins Count, Improved Cultivators, Mowing Machines; Reapers, Plow Saito, IMMO Sprout's May Elevators and Harpoon Liquid Paints, mixed ready for the brush, of best brands. XX STAR HYDRAULIC CEMENT, Ac., die. Cali and see my stock or send for circulate and prices. °Mee In C.;!'. Welles' 19• Cent store., Warehouse directly in rear of same In the alley. lt. Mr WELLES. - Towsuida,Hareh It, 18010.- Be Not Deceived nig BRIDGE-ST., CLOTHIER CHEAPER THAN ANY Before the Into advance in prices we purchased the LARGEST STOCK EVER CAR RIED BY ILTS,,.itud. therefore elm, Our Mock comprises a full line of— CLOTHING! The largest stock of HATS in town •A full and superb line of Gents' FURNISHING GOODS. Trunks and Travelirg Bags TRADE NARK. The f;rest TRADE Mi H .--- ENGLINII Remedy, .. 1 Will e r,riiii i rti's & ' , , . radically cure' ... atiy& every ease a of Nertenis Debit ' Vs 4 _ 113 , & Weakness., • k .'• . result of Ind's. ' tretion.excessor . Before Takin o`olo,lll . lark of the Afte i t aking 0 brain & nervous system ; Is perfectly harmless. arts II ke- magic, and has been extensively 11..11 for over thirty years with great success. Are Full particular?' In our pamphlet, which we desirt 10 send free by mall to everyone. Qa.., The Specific Medicine Is sold by all,druggists at-al per package. or six packages for 05,-,- or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the money by addressing , ' TINE- GRAY MEDICINE CO., No. 1 Mecliables• Block. linvilort, MICH. elt.Sold In Tess anda by C. T. KIItIIY. and by ' ' ruggists oveuwltpre. wlvilesale agents, Phlla Of the Third Ward Store, has, openell a large an( convenient Store Pi the brick block", First Ward opposite Humphrey Brothers ac Tracy's Boot am Shoe Factory, and has ailed It With WWII be has purchased to New Turk for Cash, and solicits the confidence and patronage of the respettluily anhohnces that he 1011.cittifi. Wholesale ■nd Retail dealer In Forks. 1111 J. K. BUSH, kli bound to sell OTHER CLOTHING HOUSE IN TOWANDA ! SELL AT OLD PRICES ;►TEN'S, I'M:7ll.lSi AND CHILDREN'S For the Spring trade At manufacturers' prices • J. K. BUSH, No. 2 Bridge Street Towanda, Mal eh Is, I ssol CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Johnston, Holloway & Co [April 10, 1 snit. - Geo. L. Ross, A LARGE - STOCK OF CHOICE GROCERIES OF ALL! ANDS, WILL SOT BE UNDERSOLD fly an}body. Ills Third Ward Store will also be kept stocked with first-class goods, and will be sold as low as the luwest. Towanda, January 8, 1880. FIRM N H. DAV DOW & BRO., No. 4, Boldlemon B q • k, Bridge-at., Towanda, Pa. CASH PAID OR FURS, RIDES, TELTS, WOOL AND BEESWAX El! Towanda, Oct. 30, I GILM"ORE-& CO., (Established 1865.) PENSIONS, INCREASE OF PENSIONS, and all other classes of claims for Soldiers and ppoldiers' Heirs, prosecuted. Address with stamp. - GILMORE i CO., Washington, D. C. LIST OF LEGAL BLANKS Printed and kept on , sale at the REPOirliat Orme, at wholesale or retail ,i need:;' Mortgage Bond. • Treasurers Bond: Collector's Bond. • Lease. Complaint. • Commitments. . Warrant. Constable.sitetarn. At ticks ot Agreenient., tie:Mos. Bond on Attachment. Constable's Sales. Collector's Bales.. gaimotion. Subteen*. Petitibis foe License. liana for Llcenes. sot Judeetallit, Note Judgment:lW. VEGETABLE COXPOtIND., For all Female Complaints. thlaperperatten, as I i name signifies, consists of 'Vegetable Properties that are hariulers to the most del. kale Invalid; 'Upon one trial the merits of this tom. - pound will boreconlied, r.d!efi is immediate, and when Its melt continued, to ni netyml no caseate shun. dred, ape:moment cumi eCected,asthouszendi will tot thy, On account of it; proven merits, itl4 twiny A!.: commended and Preswilyed by the be L st the conntrY. 17 It will cure entirely tho rent form of falling.' of the .uterus, Lencorrhoa, Irregular end painful Xerurtrnatlen,all eiarlanTronbles, lzdtammattonland, ThraMonaloodings, all Displacements and the con asquant opined mmanieto, and LA .crpettally adapted to thaChatuee oflifer, it will dbeolvo and expel - tumors tram the nterestn an early stage of development. The tendency to cancerous hstMers there, is Checked very speedily by lit use. 111 .fact It bm proved to 'b the met ed and beet remedy thnt h.a ever Aron 'discover ed. It permeates every t.rtinti of to system, and gives Inete Mend v!gor. It r...norei Ta!!itnr...flatuleney, de. ntroTe all craving Tor vgraulante, at Heves erenkneee orthestotneeh It cures headaches, Nertons Trostristipn, General Debility, Depnwion and itictl ration. That feellutt of beariTig down, manna pain. .sreight and backache. Is always permanently cured by Its We. It Will at sf l times, and malt:chit circumstan ces, act in ..hartnony With thu law that governs the temalesystent For EldneiComplaf nt.l of eltht.r sex thia compound hunsurpassed. • , • Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound pripared id= an 1.1 7 weeternAvenue, Lynn. Ifaxe. WU:x . IVA°. Stx INAtire for •Ilt by nail in the form of plllx, also In V.e fern) of I.oxenexa, on receipt of prlce, $l.OO, per lox, for en her. • .31rx. frezly awnwerealllett r sof ilepdrY.. Send or 'pap. phiet. Addreles 11•;01'1 . 3 h./A/ this paper. Igo family should In, sylkejtl.l7l)l.l. E. I'INKHAW LIVER ral.S. They re r.s. — tlw - nreelen, Tillousem.4 sad Torpidity of the ei,; ej.r.t, per Lox. e,fore' the pat,— o a perfectly bealtby condition of b Uy and mind. the rapidly lucre:ls. lug demand for this ine.lieltio and our large sales ,In Consequence, is itificed sufficient evidence In 'itself of •its great popularity. I ft AS Perfectly NO T }:t4IAL Harmless. It can be Used any time witteint fear by the most delicate persons. No matter what the ailing, and may beTiven to children with perfect safety, as no bad results follow'its use. dolug no - possible injury. As a mild Tonle, gentle Laxative and harmless Invlgorant it is infinitely superior to any known remedy for 3falarions Fero's. Bowel ComplaintA, Jattridice, Odic, liwEll•Ranesa, Mental DeprissicA, Sick Hi.adfiche. . u Itead - Ihe following names of persons . well and widely known. who testify to the vrinable properi ties of SIMMONS LIVER. I.IF:I,:t , LATOR OIL IMEDIVINE : lion. Alex. 11: Stephens; John W . Beckwith, Bishop of Georgia i'lten, John It. Gor don, U. S. Sena:or ; 11,n. John 0111 Shorter, Bt. Bev. Bishop. Pierce, .1. }Ago' Thompson, lion. B. 11111, Hon... John C. lireealoridge; prof. David Wills, 1). D.; 111 ram Warner, Chief Justice of Georgia: Leiria Wunder. Ass't P. M., Phila., and many others front whom we have letters comment ing upon this medicluo as a most valuable house hold remedy, , . • The Cllrapeet.' Purtet and 17eet Family Medi sine 1:14 the Wor/d. ,origin a/ (Ind Genuine. J. H. ZEli. IN & CO.. Philadelphia. Price, 81.00. Sold by all Druggists. A SURE CURE! For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera, And all those Numerous Troubles of the •, Stomach and Bowels . SO PREVALENT. AT THIS SEASON, No Remedy knarm to the Medical rro. fesslon has been in use so long and with such uniformly satisfactory results as ell RIC. PERRY DAVIS' It has been used with such wonderful ,•• ii4ccenti in all parts of the world in the d; treatment of these difficulties, that it , has come to be considered , ', AN UNFAILING CURE For,All •Simmer Complaints, anii such it really is when taken In time land according to the very plain direc tions inclosing each bottle. In such diseases, the attack is usually sudden and frequently very acute; but with 'a safe remedy at hand for imme diate use, there is seldom danger of the fatal result which so often follows a few • 'days' neglect. The n aclinntion to wait and see If the morro doeswot bring a better feeling, upt I quently occasions avast amount o nee . dletts suirciing. and sometimes costs oot4lle. • c. A ;Lit dose o f Pain Killer will invariably save both, and with them the attendant doctors fee. - It has stood the test of fortyyears• con stunt use in all countries and climates, and is perfectly .safe In any parson's hands. It is recommended by Physicians, Ntirses In Hospitals, and persons of all classes and profession who have had opportunity for °harrying the wonderful results which hast„idways followed its use. t. bare "bed Perry Davis' Pain Rifler exten sively in Bowel Complaint (particularly forchildren), and it in. in my opinion, aupenor to any pmparation I have over usal for the relief of that A, TWISTING, M. D. ;Co family- can a t ord to be withcmt it, and its The brings lo n ethin the reach or all. The use of ottle sill go farther to convince you of its merits than columns of newspaper advertising. Try it,anda c i will never do - without it. Price 28c. and 81 per Wile. You can o it at any drag store, or from PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors. Providence, R. 1: i Ayer's Sarsaparilla, This compound of the vegetable alteratives, lanaparille, Block, Rt. Ingle, and Mandrake dill Ole lodidles of 'otasii and Iron, makes most effectual cure of , series of complaints 'which are very preva , lent And afflicting.. It purifies the blood, purges out theinrkirrg humors In the system, that _undermine health and -settle into troublesome disorders. Eruptions of the skin are the appearance on the surface of humors that should he expelled from the' blo.d. Internal' de , rangeinents are the determination of these same humors to some internal grgen, or organs, whose action they derange, and [ whose substance they disease and destroy. o AYER'S SARSAPARILLA expels these humors from the blood.. When they are gone, the disorders they produce disappear, such as Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, Kid neys, Lungs, Eruptions and Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, St, Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Bolls, Tumors, Fetter and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Ulcers and Sores, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, 'Pain In 'the Runes, Side and'Head,Fernale Weakneis,Sterility, Leucorrhcea arising frvim internal ulceration and uterine diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emaciation and General Debility. With their departure. I I health returns, . 2 Or. J. C. AYIR £ CO. Lowell, *ass Practical afta 4malptical.C9fonftlet Bold by all Druglsts all Paden to Medletzts. ~~biut r 23 The PosHive Cure FrESTIMONI ale are recel4d very day by the pi l r letors of - SI MONS iVER REG W.A.- OR, from persons of location and proud, mce from all parts of to country attesting the wonderful curs• ;e. properties of this peat medicine. No her preparation but been discovered that 'psis and its kindred DTSPPPSItIi, do = VECETABLE PAIN KILLER For Purifying the Blood.. =1 jam and Stunghoid. Management of lioms. - . The hone is, and' will remain in this country, the main source of pow er on the: farm. In one parts of Enropenteam power Mused on . a few large estates, but the horse, after all, is the main dependence, there as welt as here, :i This noble animal has been the servant and the friend of man from a period : beyond the records of • history. In peace and in war he has alike been; serviceable and, indeed, indiapensable to the human race. His intelligence's s greater, and. his nature higher than any other species of the brute .creation.: Under vary ingi, conditions of treatment and care,' he is found in various .. .types and forms, adapted to every rise in which his services are required; from the fleet Arabian, and the English -thor oughbred, to the immense rercheton and Clydesdale. These diverse types and forms are the result of bleeding and management, and demonstrates what may •be done by systematic, careful breeding and management. The mass of farmers in this coun try have hitherto pursuca,- at best, a wretched perlicy in horse, stock ; or perhaps, it would be nearer the truth to say that they have followed no policy at all, but adopted a haphaz ard, hit or miss, course in breeding with results which might have been foreseen. A want of judgment and discretion in coupling sire and: darn has left a stock of nondescripts of 'althost kvery form and disposition. It is bdi proper to spy, however, thrq a marked improveinent herein has been goimon within a :few years in the West,'(and it is this portion df the county. yto which these remarks specially irp ly). In the early days i p in this - region the pioneers could use only such sires of horse stock as were within their reach, and the sons of these men followed in their foot steps until within a cornparatively receut period. ' With such limited opportunities, of course, there could only result a mongrel class oChorses, w ith now and then a fair animal in eventkolitera baring julildlctlonOf porta Ilkely — ti be Infected by yellow revbi or cbolera a formal In xttatlon toattend an International :sanitary confer{ NIL ebre at ashlngton, January 1, Nil. ''—Tho body of a boy agodlo was foun ha Flushing Bay, of College Point. L. I.' It ha evidently been lu the water about three-day There. were no tnarks on the body, which was dreg ed In a gray waist, black knee pants, striped stoc lugs and new shoes. .-.TplltiVerettraretzthraity—ires - livret , s; sarily attracted more attention. The inquiry for horse stock in towns and cities is rapidly increasing. Driving horses, for carriages and buggies, fleet roadsters and fine steppers are in demand, as are also heavy horses of great strength izul good action. And this demand must alwavg exist. The services of . this useful animal are ever in demand and ever will be, and its magnitude gives this branch of:s.tock raising a significance, which, in its way, is as important as any other. We must have horses—horses for a. variety of uses, requiringdiffer entAypAs and styles. We must raise thoroughbreds—the blood horse Vro ,per; as distinguished froin other breeds—and the horse for general purposes; we must have light har ness horses - and roadsters, and heav ier. siy•lish horses for carriages; we ought . toraise and use More sad( : lle horses; an i last, but not least„ hefiiy draft horses, whose weight., size, and muscular power adapt, them special•. ly.fortbeavy work. All these i,:lasses of horses can be ptoduced of lexcel lent fOrin and style asasily 4,s the monaAls that are 'now raised by. thousands. We need not rely so much upon foreign !countries, because al. reildy men of foresight; enterprise and means have imported and reared horses to breed 'from in laite num bers. To these horses and 41eir pro -geny we may look for .a *TM im provement of the horse';Uiekpf the country, and especially of the West. But in this, as in every otherbrauch of live stbek hnsbandry, it is of prime importanpe fro breed only from lull blood si r resj and to select dams well suiterfor breeding the style of animal desired. A few good sup. crosses will giVe, if j'udieionsly than aged, a - horse posse . lsing the form and character of full; ood and thus in time—and not .a Very long time either—the poor, abused .inferior horses whiA are . to he seen everywhere' among Western farmers may be supplemented by a class of horses. of the various desirable breeds, which will l add Very material ly to the wealth of ; tfie individual breeders, as well. as to lbe . ..agaregate wealth of the country—Aiiierioan Stockman. Poultry. Ground bone or bonemeal fs an in &,rredkent whose value as a mixture in poultry feed has no equal for its cost. The. ditli;rent moiles in whi. h this article is put t p nowadays, for ordinary sales, each have their poilAS of commedation. And when the ar ticle is, unadulterated it\ is intrinsi cally more valuable for chickens or fowls than any other substance offer ed ikt our markets fdr Ground bone is sold at a; p4c4e. thtil renders- it a, cheap commbdity, and fowls are very fond of it.: • Bonemeal -is finer grqund, and it may be mixed with corn or wheatmeal. steamed or scalded, to great, adv.antage fo . r young.chickens. For laying hens it, its, an admirable stimulant, and those who have not used it will very quick ly discover the-difference -in the pro duction of eggs by giving it a trial. It is - surprising with what avidity fowls will' devour this substance. • At this season of the year the poultry house should be thoroughly cleaned. Whiteliash. the walls, rub the roost .with kerosene, and, if your flock hasNitTered with lice, smoke it thoroughly with a pan of charcoal, upon whitp. you can throw one• or two pounds of flour sulphur, and fumigate the whole place for two or three houf shutting it up closely. Of coarse you will take .care not to let the pry into the..bouse until all the. sulphurious , fumes are dissi4 pated. After such a rennvatini prol, cess the houie will not be - likely tQ harbor any, vermin. And if you `provide plenty of good food, a ,b4:4 :tif charcoal, another' of bone dust and 'a box - of asllo,`yotrtwill have no rea '.son to comlilam of the produce of fyour hennery, but will doubtless have plenty of eggs for your own use, and, if you keep a good-sized flock, will MO have plenty to sell.— American Pi-Wiry. a:: Raising Pigs. The'most important thing for the swine breeder at this season of the year get the greatest 1 ossible growth from the spring pigs. There is no perfbd in the life of the hog when so great a return for the food consumed is, possible as during the first six mo . nth4, and it is here that the advantages of skillful feeding are apparent. Unless great ears, be talc. ,- -- ei4the.growth of the pig will be Bei. lously.,etteeked *hen it is from three to five weeks Old.- The, milk of the 41'.m, whielrwas.amPle to promote a rapid growth' in the litter of pigs during the first two or -three weeks, is not settleient to answer the de- - mantis of the same litter as they grow older, hence.the pigs ishould early be taught to look 'elsewhere, for a part' of their sustenance.. 'fhb, is an ea s y Matter. A. little_ milk oe nutritious fwd• of any kind,: in- liquid forat, placed eonveniently by; where-pigs can have access to, t a all times,- but beyond the . reach 'of the sow, will • soon do the Work,_ and it shonul be -. replenishes —frequently through the • day. If this is attended to•tere will be no "stunting" of ' the pigs at. WS critical period, and their growth will .be uniform and rapid - , A good do-. Ver pasture is a - valuable adjunct anti helps wonderfully'.:-The true secret of successful pork making is to push the pig from the date of - birth until it is big enough for the market;' and ; the earlier the age at whielithia point 'can be reaehed, the greater is the re. 'tuiAtJor the food consumed. A slop. made; of corn and oats, ground - in about equal parts, with- a - little. Oil. • meal added, makes 'the best-food for the sw - ,while' suckling, to increase - l the fl )w of Milk; and this, with clo. yer il asture and plenty •of soaked , corn uring the au.mmerwill promote a rap &and healthy growth Of the pigs.—Na i iOl2 al - Lice Slciek,.lolr h id. Household Recipes ISTUCK sour. r —Save all the bones front roast 'beef, mutton, chicken, V.:rkey ; put these bones in a pot, 'with three qualrts of cold water, ' some salt; ,ItEtlit boil for five hours, their strains cut some vegetables,. cariptS, tumipS, cabbage, leeks, and' ptitth.ein-in the strained stock; boil slowly for throb hours more; just be fore serving, take a sr' '-‘ . !e - of - white sugar, put it on. it)0011, on,the stove until rid is converted into caramei, un into - the scup., POIMES AU 13Etutai.Peel and core. a number of apples;. lay them in a baking4in plentifully buttered, till the core of each apple with'brown sugar and a small piece of butter, and: put the tin in. a slow oven till the apples are a good color and quite done. They .91100 i be occasionally basted with the butter (hiring tbe process of - ;cooking,'. and the ;core slipuld be tilled a second time whit sugar, and they may have a slight sprinkling df powd,cred cloves or Cin namon. according to taste. •How TO PRESEAE A BOUQUET, When you receive a' bouquet sprinkle with fresh water, t'leia put it into a - veAsel containing 4 -tSOtll/SIVIS, - which nourish and keepthe 'lowers as good as new. Take the bouquet out of the suds every morning, and put, it in fresh water ; " keep it, there a min ute or two, then 'take it out 411 , 1 sprinkle the !lowers lightly by 'the hand with pure water. IlePlace the bouquet in soapsuds, and the 'lowers will bloom as fresh as when gathered. The soapstnis needs to be changed iwery third day:. BREAN-I flaw read _-the receipts in' the household of yOur valuable pa per for a number of years, but do not remember of reading a receipt for lgood bread ; I' mean the genuine .staff of life. If it will be acceptable, 'will you give mine, but I must begin with the yeast, for . you might wedtry to make-wheatibrcat - iof rye flour as to make good bread with inferior yeast. The Yeast—Take four pounds of potatoes. wash - and taint nicely ; (10 not pee I them, as - it is the starch we want, :Aid that Vies.'next the skin: put them in four quhrts of water, but or eold ; at the same time Imve l oil ing a rarge handfill,',44 hops in two quarts of' water; when the potatoes are very soft, mash 'and, strain e through a siev or' colander strain the kop-water into this,, dad, -when, I partially cold, put, in (Me teacupful of salt, two of brown stigar; stir it well" until it is all dissaArved ; when lukewarm, add one pint of g.:a - 1 sweet yeast, cover close and let stand in a 'Warm place until fermentation begins, which can lie knOmn-by bulibles appearing :''then sot it hack, but not in too cool a place; in eight to ten hours it will be"ready to put in your jur-, which, must be- corked tight and set in a cool place. I haVe kept this tai months in hot weather, and the last i 5 as good as the first,-if properly handled., The Bread—For tivei;bread-caters, take three pounds of footatoes.to three quarts of water; prepare them the Same as for yeast., -only - it' the water is much colored I skini out the potatoes . and t4,lCe clear water; till, up with water until you have three quarts , of the 1,-er: Get your pint of yeast by first ta!!ing the cork from the jug, and then shakThg it (otherwise you may have a spat tered face), turn out what is-necded. stir the yeast in the liquor and cover close, and let, it .stand in a moderate. ly warm plave -until morning. Then let it stand on the stove, stirring; to keep it from heating too much at the bottom ; have the 'flour :warm, 'make a hollow in it. pour in.the beeri' and Stir until quite. smooth, t then cover the' top with flour, and bread-Pan with the kneading hoard (this is for cold weather, for summer there, is nu warming to he done); it wil be ready by the timelireakfast is over. Let it stand until it falls soine, - then only knead enouttli to make the, lohres; it will,Soon. be ready'for the oven. 04,RPETS.—T-A table-1)0011M of am-, monia in one gallon of warn, water! will often restore the colors of car pets, even if injured by acid or alkali. If a ceiling has been Whitewashed with the carpets down, and a ..few drops should WI, this will remove it. Or, after the carpet is well Veaten and brnshed, scour. with ox-gall, which will not' only extract grease, but freshen tile colors. Otie pint of gall in,three gallons o r warm water will do for a: . large Carpet: Table and fl oor oil-cloths may be thus washed. The suds left from a wash, when ammonia is used, even if almost cold, cleanses floor-cloths well. .-11301 LED COI? FISII AND OYSTER . SAUCE.—Wash two pounds of' fresh codfish in cold Water, then boil it for tw!nty minutes with a little salt and vinegar, and a bit of onion addtld to the water. Lay a folded napkin on a hot. platter, and on this servt , the slice of cod, accompanied'. by oyster sauce.. Put two dozen oysters, - with their "liquor, • into a saucepan and 'place it on the lire. Bring - it to a boil, remove immediately and drain .Off the liquor. • .Put an ounce of but ter in'O a saucepan and, when it melts, stir in half an oune of Hour; when smooth add by degrees the oy ster liqner, and stir until" the i mix turd s thick and •sniooth, then put in twotablespoonfuls of spec, cream and. season to taste with pepper and . Balt.. • . • stir it