Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 26, 1880, Image 2

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    Wei *loft
Z. 0. 000 DEICE,
Towanda - , Pa., August 26. :1390.
Republican National Tlatket.
Goma 341112 41. G&BPIELD,
or OHIO.
Republican State. Ticket.
Hon. HENRY GREEN; Ncrrthomptcm.
Eon. JOHN A. LEMON, Blair County..
(Subject to decision of Conference.)
(Subjcpt to decision of Conference.)
• , ,
Alabamaroeracy has been try
ing t o o carry out ncoctt's desire for a
L ,
"full vote."
HANCOCK was a jzikad 'soldier, but is
that any reason why 'rebel Poldiers should
be pensioned, or rebel 4 claims paid?•
WHAT is the good of sending orators or
money to the Southern States? • No mat
ter how many itepublicair i votes may be
polled, they would not beleounted.
Hawcocx evidently is fond of a joke.
There is an immense, amount pf humor in
his "full vote, free ballot, and a fair
count," coming from a Democratic can
didate, whose success depends upon the
bull-dozing, ballot-box stuffing, and
counting methods of a Solid South.
HANCOCK'S failure to repudiate the
free-trade theories of hiS party; and the
efforts of WALLACE, and RANDALL tO de
lade the manufacturers, remind Ili of a
slag we Saw flying once, inscribed "Pots,
Data . .As and the Tariff of '42." Bat the
people are not so easily humbugged now
a-days. •
LTN BARTHOLOMEW, of Pottsville, '
aied. suddenly at Atlantic City, on Sun
laay afternoon; from • heart disease. He
was an able lawyer. an eloquent speaker,
and an active Republican.. Impulsive, and
generous, his sudden death will', be
mourned by a large icircle of attached
DEmocakric managers appeal to work- ,
in; to support a . candidate that has
an aristocratic soldier at ono 'end of it
and a shylock at the other. This is al
most as eon latent as asking patriotic 801-
diers and loyal citizens t& support a par
ty imhedded in whichare'principles that
LEE and .I.scmioN fought under.
THE Lehigh annual Republican county
meeting was held at Slatiniton on Satur
day last, and was - attended by a large and
uthtisiastic crowd. Hon. GEOAGE LEA
knd Other distinguished ',speakers made
able iddresses. Among the resolutions
adopted, Was_ one recommending • Mr.
Gnot.. as the successor' of Wtra.Letst A.
WALLACEI as United States Senator.
SE Itici.4l.l SHERMAN truthfully say :
-"When this country was in danger, and
rebels sought to break up this Union of
ours,. the Republican party to a man ral-
Led around: the Hag: There were no Re
publicans in the r,ebel army—no, not one.
How marked is the contrast ! There was
not .a Democrat in the South who did not
_go into the rebel army, • and- the Demo
crats or the _North sympathized with
THE teMperance and
~-religious services
'at Chautauqua, N. Y„ have been unusu
ally successful. thetnited States Chris
tian Commission, has been revived, with
GEOltilE H. STTART as President, and
full list Of oftieprs. A meeting is to be
held a year hence, to which all members
of the old Christian and sanitary meas
ures,, and all the chaplains in the .Federal
and Confederate _armies are invited for a
Christian and patriotic reunion.
Tut: commission appointed by the trus
tees of. Princeton College to report on the
sanitary. condition, of the institution, has
concluded its examination of college pros
rerty, university hotel and the town
boarding places of students,- and assure
the alUmniand friends of the college that
the causes of. the fever have been removed
and that those desirous of sending their
suns to Princeton College can do so With
entire confidence in the sanitary condition.
intr. Necrelogy of Ithe past week in
ctudes OLE 1313.1., the Norwegian
ist, who died in his native land; ADEL
AIDE NEILSON, the actress, 'who died
suddenly in Paris . ; the celebrated actress,
Mrs. CHARLES FEAT—better known as
Miss-ELLEN TREE ; Judge SroFFouv, of
Louisiana, the contestant for KEiloou's
seat in the United States Senate ; and Ex-
Governor IlErtscum V.: JOHNSON, of
Georgia,. once a member of President
u.ktones Cabinet.
TnE Conferees of Lackawanna and Lu
zerne Counties appointed to choose a can
didate for Congress from the Twelfth dis.
trict, met at Pittston on the rith, and
unanimously agreed - upon J. A. &MAN
- TON, editor .of the Scranton Republican,
as the candidate. This gratifying result
*as brought about by the desire of the
Luzerne Conferees for harmony; and a
feeling that Mr. SCRANTON'S nomination
would ensure success at the polls. There
is now a cordial fe l elineand entire unani
• • mity, and the nominee will So to work to
win. Ile will achieve Success if it is pos
• • THE apportionment of members of the
Fulcra.Mouse of Itepnwentatitei under
the eensws of 1870 was made by the - act
of February 2, ;1872, and, provided that
body should be composed of 291
t . tiernbers. The reapportionment' was
made to apisly. first to the Forty-third
'Congreis, which_ began March 4, ,1873.
The same act provided that members of
The. Forty-fifth and of streeeeding Con
gresses should be voted for on the Tues
day following the first Monday of Novein
ber in every alternate year, commencing
. with Ilti. It is probable that the new
apportionment of Representatives for be
ode under the census or 1880 will first
kpply to the Forty-eighth Congress,
which will Commence its term March 4,
1883. The 'number-of'.members is riot
likely to be eiteaded much, if -my, be
yond 800. The Easters! and - &mthern
States, it is thought, will ioge relstigidy;
while, the. West will gain. Encmgh
however, are not at hand to supply a
basis foreleg° ealenlation \ in this respect.
The-basis of repiemmtatkuLlachanged as
thii growth of population from t time to
time requires. In 1789 it wiur 80,000.
ITnier the last allotment it was 131,423.
The basis will probably be raised to some
thinglike 175,000 under the present cell.
fuL ,
Tim President bas finally decided on
making his western trip, -, to:leave Wash
ou the 25th for Pr4itnont, Ohio,
thenee to Canton, Ohio, 191 attend the
meeting Of the members of ,the. old regi
ment., General Suzamsa and Alde, Gen.
McCoos, will leave on iha folloidng
Tuesday, and join the President at Can
ton, when the party will start for San
Francisco, by the way of St. Louis. From
San Francisco they will visit Oregon,
Kentucky, and then Tuscan, thence to
Santa Fe, returning ea 4 by way of
rado. The absence of the President from
Washington will be two months.
EVEN in Michigan, formerly one of the
Western hot=beds of 'financial heresy,
Greenbackism seems to be lost in the wil
derness.- The " party " exists only in
name, and will scarcely .be heard of in the
pending contest. It is about the same
throughout the West. There are still in
fected spots from Which such political
nondescripts as WEAVER. and Da LA 'MA..
TYR conie,butlhe people are rapidly re
alizing that nothing is to be hoped for
from an allian(•e at this time with such a
political weakness as the so-called Green
back party. In Maine, also, it has prac
tically ceased to exist, having been swal
lowed Up by the Democracy.
. IN times past there wail an accepted
saying "as goes Maine so goes the
Union." But that was before there was
a Solid Sontfi, and the significance of the
result, in the Pine Tree State is somewhat
diminished. particularly since the devel
opinent of such a strong. Greenback ele
ment.: The charm of the rule was brok
en in 1856 when Maine gave HANNIBAL
HAMLIN 20,009 majority, and yet By
cus.nen was 'elected President. The
election this yeaf takes place on the 12th
of September. : The battle is warm ; the
lines closely drawn. The Republicans are
making an animated fight against the Fu
sionists, with every prospect of success.
The Greenback-Democrat coalition can
not poll all the votes of both factious, and
we look confide ntly for a licpublican vic
tory. ,
A,ifirrEtt to the Des Moines Slate Re
glider from a responsible citt;.en, S. A.
JAMES, of Sigourney, gives the- informa;
tion on the authority of an eye-witness,
also a responsible man, that the notorious
Bv.Nomi family, four in number, were
captured soon after themiurder of Colonel
YomtEs. The eye -witness says that the
four were stood up in a row, facing nine
riflemen, and were told their fate ; that
KATE was plucky to the last,„ and called
their captors to "shoot and be d—d,"
and that the four bodies were bitried 'at,
the four,cOrners of - Labette, Wilson, Neo
sho and Montgomery.
The Republican County Conven
tion which assembled at the Court
House, in -this place, on Tuesday
afternoon last, was one of the largest
ever convened in this county, the
large Court' room being filled to its
utmost , capacity by delegates and
spectators. While there was a spir
ited rivalry fOrc sevcral f places on the
ticket, the proceedings of the Con
vention were harmonious throughout.
The ticket nominated is a very strong
one, and will receive the active and
united support-of the Republicans of
the whole county. The re-nomination
of Hon. P. D. MQRROW for Presiden
Judge, 'Hon. E. OVERTON for Con
gress, and Hon. W. T. DAvues, for
the State Senate, by acclamation,
was a compliment to each of the
gentlemen, but no more flattering than
they deserved at the hands of the
Convention, and . one that will be
ratified by the people at the polls in
November. The full proceedings of
the Convention, will be found in
another column. Owing to the
crowded state ofeour columns we are
unable to speak of the ticket at that
length which we desire to, and which
it deserves, but will do so in a sub.
sequent issue.
The resolution of the County Con
vention recommending Mr. GROW'aS
United States Senator to succeed Mr.
WALLAC; passed unanimously, re-.
fleets the sentiments of the Republi
cans of Bpdford. It is not meant
as an emiity compliment, but is the
earnest and hearty voice of our peo
ple. It means what it says, that he
is the choicei of the voters of this
county, who believe the time has
come when- he should be chosen to
represent the State in the United
States Senate. And the Republicans.
of Bradford are not alone in this
feeling. In all quarters of the State
there has been a spontaneodi and
decided expression favoring Mr.
snow's election. He is recognized
as a Republican who has done faith
ful and efficient service for the,party.
He has, in,the campaigns of the past,
struck the key-note which led the
party forward in the support of cor
rect principles to victory at the polls,
His ability is unquestioned, and. his
persOnal and political reputation
without spot br blemish. Endorsed
already, both in Conventions s an&at
the lAllot-box, by a large number of
the stalwart Republican counties of
the State, nothing but a treacher
ous disregard of the expressed will
of the people can prevent his election.
The popUlardepand for his elevation
is already too strong to be disregard
ed, and by the time the Legislature
Shall assemble it will become so man
ifest that he is the choice of so large
fi majority of the Republicans or the
State, that , other aspirants will grace
fully acquiesce An his unanimous
Large, and Harmonious Gatherarg
f.kl .. s#t l /4 13 MONET NOMINATED:
I st the PriseeeThiga,
the 14 - pnblioan County' Mavent
tion convened. at the Court Homo
on Tuesday afternoon last, and was
tidied to order bv,..8. Pacii, Esq.,.
Chairman of the' 7 County, Committee.
at I:30 `o'elOCk: , 7-
Wm. S. VINCENT nominatedr r as
Chairman of theL,Convention, L Mc-
PitattsoN, who was unanimously
McPnzasoa, on: taking the
chair, made a short speech in which be
counseled harmony, and thanked the
Convention for the honor conferred
upon him in being selected to pie=
side over the deliberations - of the
Convention. The speech was greet
ed by hearty applause. •
At the conclusion 'of Ittr. McPuaa-
SONS'S remarks P. C. VAsGar..net6f
Leßaysville, and 'JOSEPH M. ELY, of
Troy, were nominated and elected
A roll of delegates having been
prepared previous to the assembling
of the Convention, the chairman
read the list, and the following nam
ed gentlemen, with the exception of
D. L. P. CLanx, of South Waverly,
answered to their: names, and took
seats in the Convention :
Alba—Oirin Nontgotnery, Geo. A. Webb.
Albany Born—B. W. Wilrox..Leney Haverty.
Albany Twp—Emanuel Robinson ledwitill Estell.
Armenia—D. 0 . Alexander, Henry Potter.
Asylum—Benjamin Kerrick, A. L. Thqmae.
Athens Born—A. C. Elsbree, ;. M. Ely(
Athens Twp., let Dis.—Wm. Llnderwo&fi, 0. D.
Miller. '
Ei " Axel Knapp, James Mu*
"L 31 " U. F. Goodman, IL W.
Barelay-lohiflDitchburn. John Reed.
Burlington Bern—F. C. Proctor, L. 11. Wright.
Burlington Tern—Edw. &Beek, Jerome Travis.
Burlington West r
:—Thomas Blackwell, And
Canton Boro—Geo. W. Griffin, E. 11. Thomas.
Canton Twp—U. G. Brown. S. IL Lindley.
Columbia—Henry linnet, George L. Gates.
Franklin—H. B. Kilburn. Horace Barnes.
Granville—Adam Innis, Henry Jennings.
Herrick—P. S. Squires. J. J. Anderson.
Leltsysville-0. G. Canfield. P. C. Vaudelder.
Leßoy—RObert McKee: Weston Wilcox.
Litchfield—Andrew McGovern, William 11. Mal
Monroe Borv—L. L. Lyon, John H. Summers.
Monroe Twis—Jamea W. Irvine. B. K. Benedict.
Orwell—George C. Corbin, E. M. Farrar.
Overton—Joseph Heverly, Chas. (Drewry.
Pike—D. L. Pratt. W. J. Davis.,
Weightier —E. A. Cooper, Harvey Fay.
Rome Boro—M. L. Maynard, C. 11. Stone.
Bowe Twp—lsaac Adams. John Gillett'.
aheshequin—E. R. Hall. H. B. Lent.
Smithfield-14ton Phelps, Walter Philips.
South Creet—Danlei Chase. Andrew Brink.
South Waverly Boro—D. L. F. Clark, John
Springfield—lrvine Burgess, Ira S. Fanning.
Standing Stune—W. S. Vaughn, George Vannes'.
Sylvania Itorn—Leander Gregory. Joseph Card.
Terry—M. Hoffman. John Friable.
Towanda Twp—llont. T. Hale. S. P. Shiner.
Towanda 11gro., let Ward-4. McPherson, IL T.
" " 2.41 " D. W. Scott; I. Mid
" 3d " Wm. S. Vincent, W.
11. Dodge.
Towanda North—Gco. Mills, W. MeNorran,
Tiva Boro—Liston BIDS, L. F. Crane.
Troy Twp—Milton Loomis, H. N. Fish.
Tuscarora—S. Y. Ackley, Guy Lumereanx.
Ulster—ll. E. Pitcher, R. K. Etinainston.
Warren—C. T. Abell, S. L. Rowe.
Wells—Wm. Belyes., Wm. Johnson:l,
Wilmot—Hiram Meeks. Leander Gamble.
Windham—Abel Boardman. Wright Dunham.
Wyaluwing—Dr. V. Unmet, J. H. Swart:.
Wysoi—U. C. Shores. Welengtop Wl:Mater.
At the conclusion of the calling of
the:roll, Dr. V. ROMFT, delegate from
Wyalusing, asked of the chair an
explanation of the fact that Athens
township had six delegates in the
6onvention white other townships
were accorded but:two.
The Chairman explained that each
'election district was entitled to two
,in the Conventi'on, and as
therewere three election districti in
Athens township, it necessarily fol
lowed -that that township; was enti
tled to six delegates.
W. S. VINCENT offered a motion,
which was adopted, that the Chair
man appoint a committee of five to
prepare resolutions, and after the num
ber had been increased to seven, the
following named gentlemen were ap
pointed such committee : W3l. S. Via-
CENT, Tkavanda; A. G. PITCHER, Ul
ster; Dr. V. HOMEY , Wyelusing ; C.
H. STONE, of Rome Borough; Jona
H. SUMMERS, Of Monroe Borough ;
GEORGE C. CORMS, of Orwell, and
GEORGE W.lGnirry.v, -of Canton Bor
The Chair annlunced that nomi
nations for President Judge were in
4. C. ELSBREE, of Athens Borough,
moved that ikon; PAUL D. MORROW
be nominated by acelamatiot4 which
motion was unanimously adopted.
Nominations for Congress being
n order
W. H . . DODGE nominated Col. ED-
WARD OVERTON, of Towanda.
itENiX STEVENS moved that •the
nomination be made by acclamation.
,Motion unanimously adopted.
On motion of W. 11.. DODGE
, the
following named i gentlemen were se
lected as Congressional Conferees
with power of iubstitution : JAMES -H.
WEBB, Gao. B.'DAvinsos, JAMES W.
litTasx, J. C. ROBINSON, J. M. SMITH,
WM. T. HORTON. On motion, the
Convention proceeded to the noini
nation of
D. W. SCOTT, presented the name
of Hon. W. T. DAVIES, of Towanda,
and on motion, the nomination was
made by acclamation.
D. W. Scorn offered . the following
esolution which was adopted :
Rooked, That W. H. Carnochan, Mor
ris Sheppard, J. M. Eley, J. K. Newell,
N. C. Elsbree, are appointed conferees,
with power to substitute if unable to at
tend,. to meet with two conferees froth
Wyoraing county for the purpose of
nominating a candidate for Senator, and
that the conferees shail meet at the time
and place agreed i iipon at last Senatorial
W. H. DODGE moved that the Con
vention proceed to noMinate candi
dates for Representatiire, Commenc
ing with the candidate for the West
ern part of the county. Motion
adopted -
Whereupon the names of L. R.,
Tay Lou,Gran ville ; THOS.B.MAVLt ~
of Canton, and TIMOTEIr GUSTIN, of
Columbia, were presented to he
Convention, and on motion of R. 1 1 ..
Proonmsal, the Convention proceeded
,to ballot, • with the following result:
L. D. TArLon,_ baying .rcloolied
majoritY of all tlnf-voWe'lmat on the
third bellot, win . declared duly nom
ted4' The announcement was re-
celved with ' -
:A motioa rial
was to prooeid to
nominate a candidate . from the East.
Dimon *yid' te r znmend by
inserting in the .motion , Centre in
stead or.gty . t4 Amendment prevailed,
and mOtiorini amended adopted:-
The names of A. IL SPALDING, of
Athens; E. L. Mum, of Towanda;
Wm. IL SWIM, of . North Towandai
Gen. H.J. MADILL, of Towards, and
E 4 J. ATM, of- Asylum, were pre. .
sented to. the Convention. Five ball
lots were had before a nomination
was made. The ballots were as fol
Ist. • 2d. ild. 4th. sth.
Spalding 25 23 28 it 37
111111 a • 28 35 26 44 . 54 1 }
Smit h..'''' , . ...... 'l2 15 • 11 withdrawn
Madill __ 12' 12 11 11 withd.
20 20 19 19 14
• E. - .L. Hums .baving received . a
majority of all the votes cast on, the
sth. ballot w as declared nominated.
The names of the following named
gentlemen were then presented ,to
the Convention for nomination as
the Eastern candidate: Joszru IL
MARSII, of Pike ; FULLER, of
Shesheqnin; Lay: Wati.s, Cif Tusca
rora, and Hon. Ozo.
,LANnos, 424
Herrick. The Convention theu pro
ceeded do ballot with 'the following
result: ;
Jos. H. Mew, imving received' a
majority of all_ the Notes cast on the
3d ballsit, was declared nominated,
and on ;motion the : nominations of all
three candidates for Representative
Were made unanimous.
At the conclusion of the balloting
for Representatiyes, W. S. Vimum;
chairman of the. Committee on Reso
lutions; read the following, which
were unanimously. adopted :
We, the Republicans of the county of
Bradford, in Convention assembled do
1. That we reiterate our belief in
and adherence to the fundamental prin
ciples of free government, to protect
'which the Republican party was organized
and the maintainance of which renders its
continued existence a, public necessity.
The United States is a nation and not a
league of independent republics. It is
the duty of that nation to see that every
citizen shall be allowed to vote once, and
only onne l in every national election, and
that thatvote is counted as cast, without .
intimidation or fraud. We,therefore cor
dially approve of the platform adopted at
Chicago by the last National Convention,
and recognize in General Jatries A. Gar
field, for President, and General Chester
A. Arthur, for Vice President, eandidates
eminently qualified. to carry I out those
principles ; we hereby -pledge Ahem our
united support.
2. We anwposed to all the distinctive
doctrines of .the Democratic party. As
declared and practiced during the past
forty years they are the embodiment of
what we hold to be politically vicious and
fundamentally wrong. (lie free trade
principle is equally distructive of the in
dustrial interests of the country and of
Pennsylvania especially, whether advocat
ed by John C, Calhoun in_ Fernando
Whether "illustrated by the teaching"
of Polk and Pierce and Buchanan, or by
the "example" of Davis and Lee' and
Jackson, "the constitutional doctrines
and traditions of a long line of democratic
statesmen" are subversive of free govern
ment and no less dangerous to civil liber
ty, whether expounded and enforced by
Robert E. Lee or Winfield S. Hancock.
3. That the agricultural, oil prOducing,
mining; lumbering and mannfacturing
- interests of this state require protection
from the efforts of dangerous combina
tions, and that such laws should be enact
ed by the General Arsembly of the Com
monwealth as will promote said interests,
both in their dovelopement and the trans
portation of their products to market.
4. The nomination of Hon. Henry
Green, of Northampton, for Judge of the
Supreme Court, and Hon. John A.
Lemon, of Blair, for Auditor General,
-commend themselves to the judgment of
all good citizens. We pledge a full vote
and fair count of all the Republican votes
of Bradford county teward4 their election
in November.
5. The Hon. Galusha A. Grow,- of Sus
quehanna, by his eminent abilities and
long and faithful' public svrvices,"his able
advocacy of sound doctrines, his uniform
and constant support of the equal rights
of all aen, rind his blameless personal and
political life, is a lit representative of the
people of this commonwealth, and would
render him a worthy and acceptable col
league of the pre(tent Republican United
States Senator. Believing that his elec
tion is desired by a large majority of the
Republicans of this county and state, we
hereby instruct our state senator and rep
resentatives to use all honorable means to
secure his nomination and electien to the
United States Senate as a successor of
Hon. William A. Wallace.
6. That the course of Hon. E. Oirerton
as Our representative in Congress, meets
our hearty approval, and we cordially 're
commend him to the district conference
for renomination.
7. We - approve the , conduct of our pres
ent State i Senator and
during.their terms of office ; and especial:.
ly commend their opposition to the Pitts
burg Riot Bill. We are opposed to the
assuming of any liability hicurred by coun
ties or corporations under existing laws,
and therefore instruct, the candidates for
the General Assembly this day nominat
ed, to oppose the passage of any law look
ing to the payment-6f such dahlia by the
State, or ,reimbursink any sums, already
paid for such
8. We cordially :indorse the adminis
tration of PreSident Hayses, believing
that the present unity of action and high
purpose of the Republican party has been
largely promUled by the efforts of himself
and his wise and discreet counsellors.
The reading of the Committee's
report was frequently interrupted by
hearty cheers and applause
At the conclusion , of the reading
of they resolutions, the Convention,
on motion, proceeded to th 9 pqmina
tion of a candidate for .. t ,
and the names of the following gen
tiemen'were presented : A. C. FAN-
Niip, of Troy Boroggh, and J. A.
Virmt and E. C. ANGLE, ;of Towanda
Borough. N= `• -
'The balloting resulted as follows:
10. 2d. 3d. 4;h. sth. 6th. 7th.
Fanning 135 39 37 4T 41 12 33
Wilt 32 29 26. 20 26 27
Angle.... ) 48 37 as2l 3) as 62
A. C. Fesiuso, on the 7th ballot,
having received a mgjority of ail the
votes met, was declad the nominee,
and on motion the nomination was
made unanimous.
Fir County Surveyor the names
of T. A. Szicsabi of Smithfield, iho.
V. liran, of Towanda, and Jos. E.
SPALDING, of Franklin, were present
ed. T. A. StWARD was nominated
on the first ballot. The vote was :
SEWARD 43, MYER 36, Svatinto-6,
Ist. 2d. • 3d.
411 49 $7
29 17
29 31
I 4t „ 42 G 2
21 • 25 . 14
23 15 wltbd
17 23
Mad the , nomination, on motion, was
ins Oft ti,animouls;?, -
I Therttnnvention then, on Inetioni
ad.lourne42 81 ,e
It was one iif. - the j a ig f it Oliva;
tiona ever bit this -,onnitY4
and-ite 'deliberations Were co nducted
in, a spirit of harmony and
good *el.;
ing seldom witnessed in so large a
gathering especially a political
glithering. The ticket nominated is ri
strong one, and will receive the un
divided support of the Republicans
of the County. ti
13zo. Wm. CLs, In Harpeei Weekly,
i t
says—' Whene a Republica n speaks of
"the South," e pt to pity or praise it,
bear denounced as an apostle of hate. If
he asks why "the South" should be in-
trusted With,the government, ha is reviled
for shaking ' the bloody shirt. If he ap
peals to*.hietery to show what "the South"
means, and what . the dominance 'of "the
South" portends. ho it, stigmatized as
wickedly sectional. But "the South"
can be no more left out of this campaign
than slavery out -of that of 1860, or the
war from that of 1864, or reconstruction
from that of 1868. The prirruu7 Dared
cmtic allegation is 'that "the South': is
solid for the Democratic candidates, and
WADE HAMPTON pledges its 138 electoral
votes fotkem.., This -is generally con
ceded. -The electoral vote of "the South"
will be cast for them, because the popular
vote will not be cast freely nor counted
fairly. The only way in which the Dem
ocratic party can Succeed ie by obtaining
the 188 votes of "the South" i the usual
southern way, and by picking l ip 47 votes
in "the North." Democratic snixess,
therefore, is the samosa of "tbe South,"
and that fact is the most important in the
canvass. There. is no use in calling each
a - result Democratic, not only . tecause It
has notNng to' do with. Democracy, but
because it is best to call things by their,
right names. - The election of Ilarreocx
would be the control of the government
by "the South." Is it desirable that "the
-Sontl , "' should control the government?
Tug Democratic papers have been pay.,
lag more attention th the prominent men
of the Republican partyjthan to ,their
Will candidates. They have been terribly
distressed as to. CAMERON'S health, 'and
apprehensive that CoNn.t.No was "sulk
ing;" and fearful that Bustutezt was not
feeling well about the Chicago noinina-
tions. They have worried unnecessarily
however, and will had all the old-time
leaders of the Republican armies in the
thickest of the fray. Secretary SHERMAN
has put an 'end to tho. ,talk that be was
dissatisfied by making a speech in Wash
ington so positive in utterance that the
Democratic papers compliin of its direct
ness. It will soon be thus with all the
Republican leaders who have been so
conveniently shelved by Democratic jour
nals. In place of being lukewarm, they
will be found entirely too positive in sup
port of GARFIELD and ARTHUR, when
the time for active work comes. The fact
that they have waited till the heat of
summer should toe over does not prove in
difference. They are all right.
Tun Republican State Convention of
New Jersey anwrnbled at Trenton, on
Wednesday hot, and placed in nomina
tion FREDERICK A. Porrs for Governor,
by a unanimous' vote. He WBB born in
Pottsville, this State, t and removed to
New Jersey in 1836. In 1873 he served
in the State Senate, from - Monmouth
County, and was the first Republican who
carried that district since 1832. Resolu
tions were adopted by the Convention en
dorsing the Chicago platform; the nomi
nations of GAIWIELD and AirrnuA; in fa
.vor of biennial sessions of the Le,gislature
and the reduction of State expenses.
rIIII,ApILPIIIA,Igiii2 23, 1330
Dr. John Buchanan, for the; past two
months has been very prominently before
the public in connection with issuing bo
gus medical diplomas to ignorant and in
competent persons. Ile was. under - bail
to appear in Court Tuesday morning, but
failed to appear. The reason given was
that the Doctor had found , relief, in the
waters of the Delaware. The ferry boat
Philadelphia, atone o'clock lin the morn
ing had for a passenger
,the Doctor.
When the boat reached the channel sepa
rating Windmill Island from Ridgway
Park, midway between Philadelphia and
Camden, Buchanan deliberately took off
his coat, and handing it s , to a friend nam es
ed Van Duser accompanying hini, step
ped on the upper rung ora freight truck
and sprang into the water. The tido was
running a string ebb, and although it
was bright moonlight when the boat was
backed, after some little delay, nothing
was to be seen of the Doctor. There is
tome doubt as to the identity of the Doc
tor, or even if ho took the plunge wheth
er it was not a plan to deceive and ena
ble the bogus doctor to find a more, con
genild clime. Van Duser is wanted to
prove that the Doctor really cornmitted
suicide but cannot be found, and parties
in Pittsburg allege that be is concealed in
that city.
_His wife offers a reward of
of $l5O for the recovery of his body, but
the. atera refuse to give him up.
On Wednesday last, Jack Adams, alias
George Williams, alias Brockie George,
died in the Eastern Penitentiary from
dropsy, making the fourth death that has
occurred there during the present month.
The deceased was forty years old, and for
twenty years has been known to the po
lice as a desperate character. Adams tad
several times had) desperate struggles
with his keeperwiat i attempting to escape.
He was sentenced the time - in De
cember, 1872, to thirteen ; years' imprison:
'went for assault with intent to kill, which
'sentence he was Serving out at the time
of his death: His relatives, who are re
spectably connected, will take charge of
his remains; j•
The anthracite - coal tonnage of the vari -
one carrying:o ; nd prodUcing companies for
the seven months ending July 31st, is of
%cially reported as follows : Philadelphia
and Reading, 3,024,659 tons ; Lehigh Val
ley, 2,2.50,617 tons; Central Railroad of
New Jersey, 1;743,024 tons ; Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western, 1,838,481 tons;
Delaware and . Hudson, 1,425,259 tons;
Pennsylvania Railroad, 859,086 toris ;
Pennsylvania Coal Company, 549,514'
tons; New York, Lake Erie and Western .
Railroad, 222,246 tons; total, 11,918,916
tone--a dectrase of 2,342,967 tons .
!be encampment of the Grand. Army
of the Republic of New Jersey, at Bona
parte's Park, Borderustown, closed Friday
with a sham battle. There was an
mensc concourse of visitors. 7'
Commissioner of Agriculture Le Duo
has issued a circular, which has been sent .
to thaw engaged in sheep•breeding, wool-
growing and wool-manufacturing;
Bouncing the , fact that, a convention of
persons interested in .thole branches . of
industiy will meet it the. Main Building
on Wednesday, Bepternber 22d, during
tWO_ international exhibition of ' sheirwi
maxi taid‘rool product& - _Sp yintrirtit
ing subjectli are to be corriailid;
lion Athikqe eftiAlretildellike*Ottinifi
*I! s ,e p a ti tp i' 4WD.*lhril ;
*OW1 0 1 1 ;:'-'/I s ie ,frfgh ten
tvoly, bid, Ming tWdo sch pat 0 a - fitti
head of steam,. striking tie co* so foci
bly as to throri it off the CreeVittiii ears
kept the track, and most of the 'pawn
' Trot knOW 'of the . 'hriide' id' until ,
they reached Camden and saw the cow
catcher spotted with blood. -
'The report of George HAWkell t Grand
Keeper. of .the, Seals of tbe Order of
Knights of Pyildas,, foi the nix - minas
term ending June 30, 1880, gives the sta
tistics as ehowing the condition of the or
der in this State : Initilitlions, 1,819 ;,
instatement& 277 ; admitted by card, 193;
withdrawn, 132 ; suspensions, 1,288 ; de-
• ~:148. The inelbership of the Or.
der stands; ~,c13,377, of which 5,101 are
Past Chancellors,
..28,086 are Knight* ;
107 are FAritiires and, B.3 . are Pageti. Dar
ing the tern; the receipts were $140,275.
60 ;•paid for relief, ;$60,163.60 ; widows
,and orphans' land, $5,172.40 . ;. amount cm
hand and Invested,
_550,293.60. • • ,
The steam yacht Anthracite arrived . at
Cramp', ship yard. Philadelphia, a few
days ago,.where she is to -be . trinSferred
to the railway slip for the purpose of be
im/ repaired. She is eighty-four feet in
length, is owned in England, and. Is\ the
smallest steam propeller that ever. made
the ocean trip. There are peculiarities
in reference to her construction and mo
tiire power that excite general interest,
and it ni Wholly owing to her high pres
sure engines, constructed on the Perkins
Engine Company's plan on which, it is
claimed, : there is a saving of fuel, bar run
being estimated at about two ,cents. per
mile during her passage, a cost Unpreco:
denied in steamship travel.. As an expe
riment the excites great attention, and as
being a success it is contended that she ie
the pioneer of a new and more economi
cal line of vessels.
Agnes Criddle, aged fourteen, . a ser
vant in the employ of John C. Macy, a
provision dealer, was attested Wednes
day night, upon the charge of poisoning
MrS. Macy, and two male boarders by
placing oxalic acid in their coffee. Phy
sicians succeeded in counteracting the ef-
fects of the acid, but Mrs. Macy suffered
intensely. The girl denies the crime but
admits having but admits having bought
oxalic acid at a neighboring drug store.
WASIIINGTON, D. C., August 20, 1880.
From the great amount of tell praise
that is now being indulged h by the
Democratic press, one would be inclined
to believe that the Constitution and the
Government were the sole property of the
Democratic party ; that the Democrats
never +committed any election frauds;
that the same party pays the pensions of
Union soldieri; that there never was such
a thing as Southern claims ; thlt there is
not a Confederate Brigadier in Congress;
that the Democrats closed the war and
paid all expenses ; that the Democrats es
tablished our National credit;.that the
Democrats can conduct the Government
on half the money spent by' the Republi
cans ; that the Republican party are bull
dozers ; that the revenue conies from the
Democrats ; that the Democrats passed
the bounty bill ; that the Democrats are
paying the public debt ; that Democrats
made our paper money as good as any
gold money in the- world ; and finally,
that God, the Constitution and the 'DOM
,ocratic party are one and the same thing.
It will, hciwever, 'take a little some
thing more than mere assertions to con
vince the public of all this, and that the
present prosperous condition of the coun
try is due to the Democratic party. The
immense priblic debt with which the
country is burdened, and which is not in
cluded in their catalogue of achievements
is; of course, of itself, a - sufficient answer
as to which party has had the welfare
and the intercsta of the country at heart.
Since the close of the rebellion there his
been paid under the administration of the
Republican party, as abowd t by the books
of the Treasury, something over $195,-
000,000 of the debt created by those who
attempted the destruction of the Govern
Close by the Treasury Department the
Democrats have opened thei r . headquar
ters—have laid out their paste brushes
and pots and spread to the breeze their
grand banner emblazoned with the pic
tures of theii. candidates. While it slow
ly sways in tho, passing breeze to the ad
miration of the ever faithful it has been
suggested that, to make it complete, the
badge of each of their candidates should
have been put upon the canvass. That
of Hancock we believe is knoWn as a clov
er leaf while that of;itfiglish is said to be
the three balls, well known the world
over as the sign of all cent per cent gen
If, as generally supposed, the object of
the Democracy in fixing their
ters in the nearest building that they
could secure to the Treasury Dapittment
is the result , of their eagerness of antici
pation of handling the public funds - after
the fourth of March next, then, it has-been
suggested, the following might also be
appmpriately inscribed as a nihtto on
their banner : "So near and yet so far."
But, neither banner nor sign is requir
ed to indicate to the public the locality of
the beaquarters of the Democracy. The
pools o. tobacco spitting, old "pagers"
and stumps of half burned cigars that lie
scattered in profusion about the premises,
are sufficient and quite as appropriate.
On Saturday last, after the lapse of a
quarter of a century, work was again re
sumed on the Washington Monument.
In the presence of the President, several
Generals, Commockires, - and others less
distinguished, the first stone • was hoisted
to the top of the shaft. The President
and several others present had ready for
the occasion coins stamped with their ini
tials, the day, the month and the year
which were placed by them in the cement.
This done, the stone was fitted into its
place, and the deremony of beginning the
work was as quietly as it was quickly
The work, it is expected; will proceed
slowly, four yearn being the estimated
'Um?, for its completion. When finished
and at the height designated-600 feet—•
it is tontended that it will be the highest ,
structure -with the exceptiOn of the an
cient tower of Babel—ever known in the
history of the World.
The el design is to be strictly fol
lowed in i c ompletion ; although, since
Congress taken the matter in band, :a
great many designs by_ ambitious artists
have been submitted, none of whiekihoir-
ever; : were accepted. The site _of the,
monument, o&the Eastern tanks of the
Potomac—is said to have been selected
by Nash infrton_; and when its proper
height, it will be plainly visible from the
Mount Vernon estate distant to the
South about twenty miles. •
The new National Museum, atth j e Smith
sonian gpmnds,' is now fully comidete, so
iii..lM its exteriii mam' rolf, - old oat.
'Ado ire Maseerned ; and .111.1„(xx
one or the meet inseam ti***itikaii.l
citi,- Ifs'alliall I.U,.tbS respect 8: 1 4 . •
ionhtiz Instititto' Itself : Pk. ilitai*::ili,
oixolgeter eigiES.allf:***,..o o 9rfs . VS.':
lights,; eases . _swl leirniture . < 4 !CAM
Make it is. eXPOOlSAritathejtittletiltiat
Witiiibe4iiiiikary box*
Will tredmte, _ t
lbundles, and: , came which, were seat-to
the Gormurimt from the
,World's Fair
Exhibition, ' and. now stored about the
city, Wit beiiiiiisied,:ii 'pined. aid dish;
contents placed hit shape.fOr ealdirition.
Among the many attrantinns and oh.
Jahr of interest which noir - Intoned the
Capitol, .this wilt 'doubtless take rank
'oblong the foremost. • The strnctrue, al
*Pugh oOrPring ground o,4.oXiieut of
them and a half acres, has not been iinite
two years in -building. 'Containing, as it
'win, sucha great
.4arlety, of . the works
Mad curiosities of art and nature, it will
necessarily attract i great desl of atten
tion; and, as the Museum of the Nation,
R o b destined to. occupy a 'petition of
prominrce hi its future history.- •
Miring the past week the State of Ver
mont placed in Mernoriid Hall—in the
Capitol—a statue ofo0 ' 0
of its most emi
neut.:ions, Jacob , Collanrer, long known
is a distinguished jurist and , statesman.
The statue; which is of Italian marble, is
the work of the well known sculptor, Hi
rat/ Powera, and is pronounced by . • com
petent judges, to be a wrk of great ap . -
Vcurioaticurio.This, with timt of Ethan
elAllen, foriderly furnish completes the
quota. which the State was. invited by
'Congress to furnish, One representinethe
Revolutionary period, and the other the
period when Constitritional rgovernment
wai on trial for its preservation.
The triennial meeting and. Grand En
campment of the Knights Templar of the
United States at Chicago this week, has
taken a very large body of the Masonic
frateinity from the city, On Saturday
List, the several Commanderies belong
ing here, headed by bands of music,
marched in a-body, in full uniform, to the
Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, where they
took the Westerfi bound train. A great
many citizens turned out to witness the
parade ; and at the Depot, large throngs
of people bad assembled to witness their
The preparations that have been making
for some time toward a grand ratification
of the nominations of Garfield and, Ar-
'tiler, as the Republican candidates for
the Presidency and Vice Presidency, cul
minated-last night in the" most brilliant
torch -light procession and grandest polit
tical mass meeting that, the District of
Columbia has ever witnessed. At the
Lincoln Monument and in front .0 the
City Hall, i where the speakers staride
were erected, it is estimated that there
were fully. twenty thousand 'people assem
bled. Amid- the confusion and excite
ment which prevailed, the rattlef drums
and firing of cannon, "Old Joh rown,"
and "Marching Through Geo 'a," was
ri t
taken up and sung by the multitude, cre
ating the wildest scenes of enthusiaim.
They were addressed by speakers at vari
ous points, principal among *hid; was
Secretary Sherman- and Hon. A. M.
Clapp, both delivering eloquent and tell
ing speeches. The enthusiasm was un
bounded. Those whiihave been residents
of the city for the past twenty years pro
nounce this demonstration much the larg
est of a political character that has oc
curred here during that time. The Capi
1 tolof the Nation has done honor to -itself
in this immense outpouring in behalf of
the Republican cause.
—John Manson, a miner, was killed at
Wilke:liar/a while blasting..
—Jacob Ernst, of Albany township,
Barks count', cords or wood to five months.
is pr od. to stock Lewis and
Ilunters taker, in sun= 0000 ts, mai food Ash.
—lt is estimated that the tobacco crop
of Ttoita county MIR year will amount to 1.500,000
—Mrs. Elizabeth .Tennings,, :of WillihMB
- is willing to matt:rosin to.tbs fact that she is
110 yeas of age. ,
—Patrick Doagher, a laborer, was kill
ed 113 Elk Hill Colliery, near Seranton, on Monday
by a fall of top Natl.
—Mr. Jonathan 'Riblet, one or the old
est citizens of Erie county, dted near Erie on Mon
day, in his ;Mb }e•r.
—The Pluunix Iron, Comp toy has dis
continued the 'use of anthracite coat, and will
hereafter use littutatuous.
of the largest glass factbries in
the Unttell'States started up uu Monday at
Ilpsburit, Beaver county.
—John Heron, a 6-year-old iMly, while
playing on a train of care at Pittsburg on Wednes
day, was thrown off and killed.
—Judge Roan, of Montgomery county,
isreported to be quite 11l at 31ilirord, Pike county,
where he le spending the summer. *.
—James- !letterman, a fanner, living
at craie Meadows. near 'Milford. Pike county, fell
Om a hay stack and broke his neck. ---
—Jacob Ilartman was so severly burn
ed at the Vesuvius inn works. In Pittsburg, on
Tuesday, that his life it despaired '
—Jamei E. Crowell,, a wealthy farmer
of Crawford township Erie' counts. mat run over
by can on Thursday minting and tilled.
—John Stinson,; ; a6d 9 years, of Brad
ford, was struck by 's train on Tuesday and recelv
ed lujurlea whleh resulted In his death.
—Mr. John D. Allen, of Lancaster, has
come Into possession of a elect that the Lancaster
Examiner says Is known to be 166 years oil.
—Mr. Satnuel.Seyfert, of Reading will
put a new rolling mill In operation in Robeson town-
ship, Berta county, during thr coming week.
—Nicholas Andre. living in Amy/roll
township. Washington county. was caught in a
threshing machine on Mondarand instantly killed.
—The 4-year-old child of Elisha Lomax,
a colored man, living near - Locust Grove. Chester
county. Was killed by lightning on 21 hurSday last.
—4 ,boy naino d Richard Price, of Pine
Brook, Lackawanna county. was accidentally
drowned while bathing near that place on Tuesday
. fternoO .
—Pa . frick Padden, aged 16. was run
over by train on the Delaware and Hudson Hall.
road at HUI Creek, Lucerne county, his Lady was
- cut In two.
—lt is stated that the nominations made
by the tareenbacters and Democrats In Hunting
don. county are such as to Indicate a fusion between
those two parties.
—The Bradford Star states that Hon.
B. D. Hamlin has declined thp nomination for As•
iambi) tendered him by the Democratic Conven
tion of McKean county.
—Four glass- factories in different parts
of the State that hare been Idle for some weeks
have already or will very anon immolate* work,
with pleat, of orders on' hand.
—The . people of Hanover, York county,
are warding for 1130.021. which It is stated. one of
Klipatrlck's Cavalrymen _burled near there at the
time of Lee's Invasion of the date.
—Work will shortly begin in Boston
goo colliery, near Mahoney Clay, after an idleness
of over a year. When working full the colliery
will employ afloat 700 men and boys.
—Mrs. Maly Pleasant; of Casa town
ship. Huntingdon county, arose from bed at
o'clock, on last Monday morning and hung herself.
causets assigned for the rub act.
—The'dwelling of a farmer named Kuh
l:ley, residing In Munster township. Cambria coun
ty, was destroyed by fire on Saturday laSt and his
12-year-old MsuOter perished Letts tames.
••• • •
—Mrs. Jeri* Mackey; of , Tarport, Mc-
Kean county. hail come,into the possession of 11130,.
000 by the death of an uncle In Atistralla. She was
widow and was In indigent circumstances.
—Willie Armstrong, aged 12 yeare, and
!thug an the Gibson term Tatar retrolla, accident
ally hung himself with a towed a few days ago, and
came so near death that it Melt several boars to
revive him.
—Mary Mocire, 19 years of age,- whose
parents live at Loganport, Armstrong county, has
not tasted food or drink for fonersreeks, and her
appearance b that of a tiring skeleton, She miens'
no mask for the fast, only. th at .she does not care
to eat,
—The Erie-Railway station at Custer
City. BeKean county. on the Bradford tmtneb,
was entered by thieves, and the safe of the united
States Express Compaey was rolled oat of the
station, loaded on a band car and carried half a
mite up the tract, where it was forced open with
crowbars. A. small sum of money and 200 railroad
tickets were 'Wen.
—The two sons of. Felix Campbell, of
Allegheny City, who were taken' prisoners ru the
Chilton war last spring and were reported =sinter
ing great privations, are still captives in Peru.
fir. Campbell has made application 'to Secretary
Snits, asking his interference in their behalf as
subjects of the Ur.ltrd States. '
—William Orr, who is in* the Pottsville
jail awaiting trial for the murder of James Wood.
near Tsmamsa. milks Thi of July, has made a con
fession. lie maw, that he found Wood and his
wife together, and blinded by jealousy struck tho
awe via itiorean bat. %MAI esseskitti.
It woo ler' axe enema wood's OM boa
Nemo was detested - stealing
Siva to the GM of swans taunter" NW /Ana&
.so Tuesday alift. Hs spptsbebsd tar
Andrew IdUiss sod Abrams Itaufman. Us nada
adl wrest sod pissed a bog-Idaled knits foto
Misr% body obq imams asocksd bias 1411110.
a stops
co . od T d bs e w d d a a n nge ds ross
of se .
lover Meyers
bat idtb
sze ll
Laster, John Mirth, Joseph
- Ana, Hobert Gould. Henry Malachi,. Thomas
sad John Ifferrlawn were arrested at Pittsbnig
ehareed with the murder of the unknown wen who
was Wien Into the river- and stoned to death for
stewing a bench of grapes fawn the and of Mrs.
Khan. near Agnew Wallop. oo Tuesday aftenwon.
The arrested men amen that the onlystonet thrown
were by Mrs. Byers. -
—The Pit* Awn Chrottiefisays' : "Pro.
fewer Jahn iflms, a wellAnown protessa of music
at Beaver Valle, sad hladaughter, Mrs. James W.
Soak, have recently found each other , after $ sopa.
ration of twenty4hresyears. The mother and
daughter were supposed by the father to hive been
drowned twenty-three Jean ago. white the father
was repented to them se dead. Tie mother In the
meanwhile was married i second time, but Is now
a wldow.,,
—The United States Consul at Man
ehestir, Eng., thinks s large demand for Amerlein
cereals will be made again thla fall from that dia.
`—C.. Walker, on of Dr. 'Walker, of
Indianapolis. shot and killed.BUl Rodlfer, s nolo.
dons burglar, whom he encountered in his father's
—The export offish from Newfoundland
Mont January toinly 31 amounted to 349,771 quin
tals against 333,109 quintals during the correspond
ing_period last year.
—The call for a National .Republican
Club Conveotion bas been Matted by the Young'
Mea•s Republican Club of Indiana, to be beld Sep
tember 11, at Indianapolis.
—At BriOgetown, Annapolis county, N.
L. on Monday. William MeLeon was fatally stab
bed In the abdomed by a half-drunken negro nam
ed John Miami'. The latter escaped.
—At Pueblo, Col.. on Thursday,- Hen-,
ry Orr, a railroad employe, engaged In drivini
.110 F, fell against the point .of a crowbar, whic
• through his boey,anneg him Instantly.
—Among the death at the °fade
of the Boston City Register Tuesday was that of
Michael Barrett, of South Boston, a native of Ire
land, whose age is given at 107 years and 4 mouths.
body picket' up in the Narrows
by the New York street cleaning department's tug
was Identified as that of Bernard Morgan—suppos
ed to be the murdered Staten Island truck drivet.
—The body of a man 30 years of age,
apparently having been In the water ten days, and
supposed to be that of Patrick Miller, an intemper.•
ate man, was found In the river at Cartilage, N. Y.
—Jules Richards,. formerly a drummer
In the Thirteenth Infantry shot and dangerously
wounded Marie Condeau, at New Orleans, because
she refused to marry him, and then cut his own
throat. t -
Martin NolarOolut Crowley and Alex.
Giles, alias "French y," are' under arrest at New
Orleans for the murder of Michael Meade, a liquor
dealer, at Algiers on the 15th Inst. Pierre Berlin,
another of the gang, is still at large.
-184eretary Evarts has ? issued to the
several Powers baying Juisdiction of portslikely to
be Infected by Yeilira feter or cholera s formal In
vitation to attend at International sanitary confer
ence at Washington, January 1, 1831. •
—The body of a boy aged 10 was foind
in Flushing Bay, Of College Point. L. 1. It Lad
evidently been in the water about three days.
There were no marks on the body. which was dress
ed in a gray waist; black knee pants, .striped stock
luge new shoes.
—Later details of the fire at Eureka,
Nev . .. show that about 300 buildings were burned,
including many butinesa establishments. A apace
equal to flftracrau in the heart of the town was
swept over, leaving only half a dozen building..
The loan Is estimated at 3703,000, with 1110 0 , 0 0 0 in
surance. .
—The San Domingo Congress is extra
ordinny session, on the 2341 of July, proclaimed
Merino the Constitutional President of the Repub
lic. amidst enthuslaim, the mar of cannon. ringing
.of bells end music. There was also a military pa
rade In his hotibr. Merino obtained 17,393 rotes
out of 19,011 Totes.
—M. A. Boynton, a liwyer •of Grand
Raven, loch., charged with having in his pogo&
slon bonds of the State of South Carolina belonging
to Charles Xerrlson, of New York, alleged to have
been stolen during the march of Sherman's
army to the sea, was honovably discharged. there
twin f no evidence to sustain the criminal com.
—The Grand Lodge of Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows or the State of New Tort. met
at Osivego Tuesday. The followleg Grand officers
were elected for the ensuing year :
Q: Cornwell; O. G. M., Augustus W. Bing.
hatis ;G. S., Chas. V. Clark ;O. James OotKl•
wiii; Grand 'Representative, George W. Dilks;
Grand Wardem•Charle;Schlarh.
Sing a song of shotguns,
• Pockets full of knives ;
Four-ind-twenty black men
— Running for their lives,
When tbevolls are open,
,Sliittrbo nigger's mouth
Istetitte-a bully way
To make a Solid South ?.;
Northern sympathizers
Making speeches chalyy:
Mayor-9eneral It
Eating Rebel taffy ;
English In a quanery
How to save his dollars
Along comes a Solid - South,
And Ms them all with collars
THURSDAY evening Robert Don
aldson, a young Seotohman, safely
leaped froth the High Bridge into
Harlem river, a distance of 116 feet::
When' he jumpedi he was dressed in
tights. He wore heavy shoes, both
feet held' tightly together and his
figure erect. His handiltand arms
were flapped. When within fifteen
feet of the water he drew' r his arms to
his side and threw his head forward.
He struck the water on the middle
of his back. In less than a minute
he swam to the nearest craft and was
soon_all right.
AT the Vesuvius Iron works' in
Pittsburg a workman named Jacob
Hartman met with fearful death. He
was working at a set of rolls,wben
they became unmanageable and a
long, rod of red-hot iron which was
being -rolled passed between'' Hart
man's legs and wound around him . a
high as his heart, inclosing him in a
coil of red-hot iron, which burnt him
frightfully. He died shortly after
ward in great agony.
THE largest rattlesnake piobably
that has ever been seen in this city
arrived at the Smithsonian Institute
on Saturday, from Floricla-,-formard
ed by Mr. James Bell, who isAin that
State on special duty from the Inter
ior Department, The snake belongs
to the crotaius adainantues, 'or dia
mond rattle family. leis about eight
feet long, will measure twelve, inches
around the body and has twelie rat-
tles and a birton on the end of its
tail.. It came in a close woven can
vas bag and was at once dropped in
to a larue wooden box, with firework
sides and sliding cover, prepared for
the reception of -the venomous rep
tiles. Not having been fed for some
time, it is particularly ferocious,and
its rattle constantly—on the hake
whenever any one approaches or there
is any noise in the room wher .t it is
kept. This monster snake is to be
killed in a day or two for the purpose
of taking a plaster cast of it, which
will be done by A. Zeno Shindler,
artist. The manner •of _killing for
this purpose is - ley putting the ser
pent in a close vessel and admitting
a sponge saturated with chloroform.
This preserves the form so that a
life-like cast can be taken.— Wash
inglon Star, 171 h.
Seine Bygones.
Who now boasts that he voted for
Breckenridge in 1860 ?
Who ziow,boasts that he voted for
Vallandithim in 1863?
Who now boasts that he voted
*against Abraham. Lincoln in I 864?
Who now boasts that he never vot t
ed a Union ticket 'during the war?
Who now boasts that he never vot;
ed a dollar or a man to sustain the
Government during the , war ?
Who now boasts that he never was
a Union Soldier?
Who now boaits that he
gave no aid to the Government in
subduing the. South ?
Who now boaAs that be• was a
prisoner in . " Lincoln's bastiles ?"
Who now boasts that he oyposed
emancipation? -
Who now boasts that he opposed
all the constitutional amendments!?
Who now lx,asta that he sustained
Andrew Johnson's policy?
Yet Detsocrsta could bosst of these
things If thsy,tisrett.--Loc*prt Jour
lid "(Rep).
. ,
. ,
UPwarai of fifteen hundred men
are at work'almost day and night fol i
make the town of Milton, recently I
destroyed' by fire, i t more • beautiful
than ever. „The ear shops, where the .
fire originated, are nearly completed 4
laid are better constructed than ever
before. Tar and shingle roofs are .
being discarded; and slate ,and tin '
substituted. The Broadway. House
is nearly completed, as are also many ;
fine blocksipn Front or River street. I
Piles - of brick and lumber dot the '.
whole 'hurt district. Churches are. '
being cOmmencedoei tiol bonzes are
under way, and eve one appears to
work - with. an wit gy that would
s • ~ to dety a repetition of the great
tale ~*ty. The fund (about $85,000),
whie , 'was subscribed and paid by
generous citizens of this 'and other
Stutes, has not yet -been -distributed
among the sufferers,- but will be in
the near future, and then the, poorer
portion of the community will beagle
to comfortably provide shelter and%
other gombrts for the winter. Mil:
ton can congratulate herself that hiq•
people .nearly all have grownup near
her and that they belong , thav and.
,riowhere, else, and each one,,from his
spirit, o unit y,Y is Willing to lend his
aid, time and money to rebuild thd'
Walls. . - -, -
'ANOTHER gold mine of fabulous •
wealth has been discovered in the
untravelled wilds of Newi....„Vexico.
According to thg dispatches, • theLlil- .
lage of ,Los Placidas, in that teiri- •
tory is built, upon a rock Which is
worth by actual assay three . dollars::
a pound,. While...there is probably
some exaggeratiOn'iathis statement,
there is little doubt . that the mineral '
wealth of New Mexico is very great.
The geological strata of that terri
tory have only -:been partially and • -
superficially explored,' but
: such dis"-
.coveries as have been made Warrant
'the l belief that- it contains .gold .and
silver in abundance:. There is no --
great-improbability in the story from
Los - Placidas.., •
ON Monday, while Co'Jp's .circus
was parading -in • Winchester;, l'a.,
the keeper of the .cage of hyenas was
•pounced upon4d torn to pieces by the
'infuriated and -treacherous animals.
The keeper, who . was . in the cage at
the titne, had his back slightly turn
ed. towards the' hyenas, and was look
ing at the cheering multitude. The
spectators fell back aghast when they
saw, the whole den of hyenas, stiden
ly pounce upon :the man
,and, throw
ing him to the floor of the cage, I)egin
to mangle him with timir teeth nd
claws. The keeper, whose name as
Drayton,made .a. desperate atte it
to save his life, and, despite his i
cal position, assumed his usual ic(fol
tone of command, but the be: , lsts
maddened- by the' taste of blood i dW
not heed-him'. The people w ho wit
nessed his brave struggle for life were
powerless to help him,- as they feared
that by opening the door of the cage
the hyenas, would pounce upon them.
At length some og, the showmen suc
ceeded in rescuing Drayton, -but -he
was so badly wounded thW, his life
is despaired of. i .
. -
' WASHINGTON', August 1.7.--t Tit:..
A-mericans inake'greater use of the
mails than any other nation his long
been believed, but; until tberecent
count of mail matter mac 'in tlis
country there'll - aye been no statistics
to form a baSis- for comparisons. It
will be remembered that a count was
made at all the. Post, Offices in the
country for a.week, which indicated
that there passed through the mails
during the,year 2,215;168,21-I sepa
rate packages "of mail matter, which
would make an average of oy . fa.
pieces to each of. the. 49,4.,00,0q0 in
habitants which the consul shows re
Dumber. The United States.originat
'ed 86(1,:,193,Y72. letters, while Ger
many, Witl4population of
rpillionsi les4'originated buti504,0117,*-
781 ; France; With 37,000,000; oniy
424,775,1100;! Austria, with half our
populat4bn, but • 170,00:3,500; and
Russiatith 934)00,000, only_ 94,291;,-
OS, or only about one le - _ter a year
to every person. In" postal cards the
disparity iS'equally great. The 'Cult
ed .States . originated 271046,714' , ;
Germany but 104,224,002; Prance,
:29,565,000, and Russia only 2.621,.-
.130. The-superiority of Americans
as newspaper-readers is even more
marked., There are sent through the
malbs in this. country
,during 'a year,
748,f34=.,900 newspapers and maga
zine4.4,,AagainstT-only 401.729.3'30 in
Germ , i 2 1 ,9,675,0 1 ,0 in France,
and - 17,4:; 9,6.4 in Russia.
: Ail - Ail : Ls in Ireland are jiist - no*
turbulent. In a riot at Dungannon,
a parliamentary and municipal hor-
Oucli in Ulstc: county, on Sundry
last, the Police were tired upon atld
in return assumed the offensive, num
berOfeing injured: At Downpatrick:
in the same count}'. there was alight,
between,the Catholics and Protest
•qnts. andScv,eral peTsons were Wound
ed.- The government are about send
ing one thousand- marines to Mayo.
Conn:mill, and. theTe are all sorts or
Tumors Of a general- uprising,' which.
it is preshmed; has, no foundation in
REVISE AND ILvertv.:—lf you will stop
all your extravaxatit and wrong notions
in, doctoring • yourselfl ant families with
expensive doctors 430 humbug cure-a 11,4.
.that do harm always,; and use only 'Da
ture'S simple remedies for all your ail
ments—you will be Wise, well andlrappy.
and save great, expense. The greatest
remedy for this, the great; wise and good
Willi tell you. is Hop Bitters—rely on it..
See another column. ,
eeneral dealeia in Groceries and lirtaDme, c'erner
Main and Pine Streets. ,
PI onr-per bbl e ,
d. ® a ; I „ t)
Flour per esek, ' ' , et 'so A i .1"
Corn Meat pee 100..: ', (di : : -;u r
Cbop Feed . et. t ;o
Wheat, per bOsh.... el 00,0 1 10 It n 6t. t ',5
0 0
Rye' To s 6 t. 5
• 0 0 • s.
Oats,• • . 28 4;.% • .12 St: 6t, - 0
Buckwheat 45 04 50 igi ~
Clover seed • ' .45 00 ak 7. - - ,0
- i
Timothy, western,..; Os 1:1 N. ,
Beans,l32 Ms, ....!... 0,4' 0 (di I 25 ,8t 20 a 1 F.O
Pork, mess
- • (4 bbl. 148 00 @2O (0
._... _.. ..
1 a 7.2 - -20 (41.
-0 12
13 (ii+ 1
_ 15
Butter, tubs
Eggs,, tresta
. .
Potatoes. per bush.. 2544 24 0 ; '3.l
Pried apples . trs Q t 4 ' 0 ' o 4
Beeswax. 20 0 ....2 0 21
metei - ... Os (4 Cf ' -
Veal skins 50 St el :In
Deacon Skins 40 g 0
Sheep Pelts t! 00 Ott tt, 50
Veal Skins...
Deacon Skins
Sheep Pelts..
. .
STITUTE.—FaII Term of the 27th year will he
atu MONDAY, AUGUST 1130. I**o. Expanses for
board, tuition and famished roomy. from =I:: to
IPSO per year: For catalogue•er- further part lc it
lar* address the Prtuelpal..
Towar,da;Jszt. IS; 1880. lit ,
13 0) 14
10 all 1
40 by