Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 29, 1880, Image 4
LETTER FROM TOWANDA JAIL. BRADFORD t OUNTY JAIL, July 5, laeo.. EDITOR ADVERTISER :—Your sprightly .paper, which has frequently helped us to pass away the tddioishess of confinement, unitised me hit week by the remarkable communication in contained from an in diiidual named W. H. Coykendall, of • Wysox, in which as you say, "laid out Sheriff Dean." Aa a. conglomeration of bad spelliigiyaili fence construction of sentences, bad grammar and general in= coherence, it merits a premium. It un doubtedly excited your risibilities, unless . yon bad to mourn the untimely death of the composites wh — o put it in type. No answer is ne4sssary to such an effusion; but as it furnrbes en opportunity to say a few wordif about the Sheriff and the Bradford CotetL.Jail, I will trespass on your kindnesa.a The jail alder the management of Pe ter J. Dean has been placed in the first rank of similar institutions in this and neighboring States. The Commissioners of Lebanon County recently visited it on • the recommendation.of the Edson Inspec torOsho pronounced it_ one cf the best nutAag,fd in the State. It is a m_o_djl of neatness and order as its numerous visi- lors w 912 testify. There is no turliulence, tai shouting out of the windows, 'and it any 'Voice is heard outside, it is almost in variably 'that of a:prisoner laughing or singing some revival melody or hymn. .''Religious services, under the encourage :ment of the Sheriff, ; time held on -Sundays, and the pH - goners : have at times formed a respedtable choir. • Filthy songs - and-obscene language, so common'in county - jai* are the here. The prisoners hate been encourag tid to fix up their Cells, to keep clean, to amuse themselves rationally and to occu-. py (heir tittle in what work is pOsSible within ',risen walls. It is not the fault of Sheriff, , Dian that'. prisoners are con demnedto idleness, but the radical vi ciousness of the system at present result ing from foolish laws. The disposition of the 'Sheriff enables him to rule - with ;,kindness - as well as strictness, and the results of that ruling in this prison not only • do credit to the head and heart of Sheriff Dean, but are highly beneficial' to the people of the county., ,It be remembered that the object of imprisonment is two-fold, pun ishment and reformation. How well the Sheriff has promoted, sustained and car ried to success that two-fold object is Vis-. ibie every day to us who are in prison. • I have myself seen men of 'raging temper, • 'of almost ungoverned passions, who have been made reckless by severe treat ent in other j.tils or even in this, in fu tiler terms, subdued, changed, a merry 941:1- stead of a Melrose dispositioniciilthated and hope and desire for reformatio so • encouraged and developed in them, that they bid fair, Vow that they are disc arg ; erk to become useful members of Society; disposed to work - instead of tramp or steal. This is no fancy. picture; the tatme could given if necessary. Think m a prisoner-forgets it When Mr. Dean e MX'S to his cell . when he is sick, as.- he often (hies? The little, it Flay be. almost .ikextinguished spirit of manhood has to my knowledge been brightened up by his kindly presence. In, tuth the fear of be considered too partial 'checks my .ex ,i-ressions of admiration,fer the character :aid management of the Sheriff. The no bleness of heart, the- unvarying kindness 'where kindness is deserved, the pot only I•xpfessed but acted sympathy of the offi cer with and for those' . upon whom priOpment weighs heaviest, not the Rt-is . e> ;.4, but theif relatives and Mends, the intiftirm, moderate, consistent mainte nance of order, the helping hand to lift up one wlio is downiand yet % in all and :!hove all the just regard for what is right, :all which characterize Sheriff Dean, do honor to thost'who elected him; while 'l4Ot must have the encomiums of his own • conscience.. 1 • llis administration of his office is note to be measured by the dabbling idiotic malice which uses -the jail as an instru nic.nt to carrry offt'its selfish ends ; it is not to be a half drunken fel low who c , imes in too See whether his ene-' ifiyis most particulatly i and especially tor-, mented and degraded to the-gratification of his revenge or 'ignorant ,folly. No.i t -but by the results attained, a clean, qui et, well conducted prison, to. which any. citizen or Bradford County may point with pride ; to a careful preservation of county property, — Which the tax-payers ntrpraise; to.broken-hearted mothers, sisters an& children, whose bitter sorrow and shame have been soatffed by one, • who, in the full vigor of his manhood, cherishes in his heart , of hearts a loving, abiding, purifying; ennobling Xffection for •.' his old mother, who has seen him her son, Peter J. Dean elected by the dila:ens of a great county to the dignified, honorable, . but trying position of Sheriff, and still finds him practicin g ; in active life the vir- I ucs she taught him, keeping up to the standard she fashioned iu her modest - Lome, and allowing to flow through him those currents of tender kindness which lirilig men back to the woman and *moth whenthe,y rise up to - call her blessed.; and the men who go out from Towanda j tii_diseharged priSoners, - will bear me out in what I, in my cell write to•-night— ti oil bless Sheriff Dean, who is ono and the same to rich, and popr, who has the music .of the poet Burns to-cheer up the prisoner in his dai-k hours as by acts and words he sounds in that prisoner's heart, "A man's a man for a' that:" _I have - Written thus freely,, air. Editor, unsnlicited, and I somewhat 'fear to the dislike of the Sheriff, -but if you or your readers will pay us a visit they will. see not, only. the results .6f Sheriff Dean's management, Shut alSo the carefulness of the Commissioners whuhave recently had the jail whitewashed and painted-through out. We would like to see the editor of. the Aclrertiser and determine how nearly we have guessed. as to his ideality and person by frequent reading of his pleas ant and entertaining paper. A PRTINER. = From the_Lellayscille Adrertiter, Jul!,. Tine are persons whom you can al ways believe, ' because you know they Laic the habit of telling the truth. They do nut "color' a story or ensarge a bit' of news in order to snake it sound line or . iemarkable. There are others whom you hardly know whether •to believe or not because they "stretch" things so. A • trilling incident grows - in size, but not r in • quality, by Passing, through their mouth. They take a spiall factor slender bit of news and pacLit'with high-colored adjec tives, until ibis largely unreal and gives a false impression. And one does not like • to listen to folks when so much must be • allowed for is,hrinkhge." • THE hypocrite in religion receives no mercy ;he is matte the butt of countless attacks, and his pletentions are ruthless ly exposed. But it is well to understand - that hypocrisy is ne t t confined to religion; a man can be a hypocrite in business, and yet receive no condemnation. He is call ed smart and energetic, even if his enter • prises consist in the manufacture bf lies • by the wholesale. Let hypocrisy in the counting-house and on the street be con -donned as' utitiparingly , as hypocrisy at worship.—Judah -ItesOnger. Plebitat. 'ls Traetable preparation. whiehAti . the remedy for all disci-sal of the Kidney. Liver and V !leery tirgtow. and other disorders canned by these. THE ONLY SURE REME.DY - fcir BRIGHT'S DISEASE AND DIABETES. Tikes away the Appetite for Strong Drink. 'l4O emnpwinds, and If the remedy for Diabetes is wanted, toll for Safe Diabetes Care; If the remtiwil for firiabCs and other diseases, tall for sans Lidney nod Liver Clara. PrtCes Wills. A V. 11,000 GUARANTEE. Wareerie.Safenidaey sad Liver Cure will poentireir cure Bright s Disease and Dia bete, and we will guaranteethat - it=wll cure per cent. br all other Kidney Diseases: U per cent. of all Liver Diseases, and will help whenln every cape, without directions, the sYlitete• taken accenting to c and-we will Try to any pont,. who ark prove that. It has 141,1cd to t'.3 thu.. the sum of El.OOO. U. U. %VAUNEIL & CO. isil) Or'ISL6. R - This Itor..T. E. .txtzts, n. n.: of Wash! r). C., eel:tries that he has known of s= i iis "Petnianent cures of diseases of the kidneys and urinary orintns,'t by the use of the Safe kidney and Liver Cute, and adds: "/ do not doubt that it has Ureat virtue." f). W. ItAirrtxr..M.D..D.D.. of ran Orange. N. 3.. ermines that s, hen to was greatly traPer -1:, and t.tiffering from Bright's - Disavow., he was iured 'in an-at two week's by the Safe Kidney i.t.dLiver Cure. Prct. CuXEN. a distinallished allopathic phys . he South, wrote to the Medical Journal cLee ten - ter another meat-hailfailed he sent for the Kidney Cure -- eWe Kidney and I.ivcr (`ure), and to his neonishment cured a • sa?rious case of Bright's DI sea..n by administering' .it, and afterwards found- it equally beneficial in other macs. He advised brother phvnicians to roe it, in tweferente t..f.yttunig else, kidney al/sunk:a. l Acv. C. Dascar. D. _ rinancia and_ Eooesi ioeal Flcretaryli. -ward tinivenntr. critter-a tlu.t be has been acqt..-tinted with the Sa'Ye Kidney and I..iver Cure for two years, and "in f'llllo cases td Bright's Discesse. which seemed to be in the last stages. and which had been riven up by praititionera of both schools. spew,tie ty chance vivourlit by this remedy s...emed bet little less than miraculous.?' E. W.Nrrrlid Dagg Street. Detroit:Bich:, terrifies that . he was completely cured of a chronic Byer complaint after numerous other n un.dieshad fatled. by term:: the -Safe K.idney and Laver ft. Carixiss, N. 1).- of Ithcheifer, certrl6 that "with hedtationy he administered the Safe Kidney and Liver pure to a patient whose kidneys and Leer were badly affeeted,and , that "the result was satisfactory in the ex treme." Ile reidg : "Without hesitation 1 wool.) now prescribe the same remedy be all aim- Burly acilleted.' Cnatitr.o IMENTICr. Esq., of Toledo. 0., certil in a lengthy communisation that be c. - mes death from !fright's Disease by the use ••• of a er's Sate Kidney and Liver Cure, after havlntilbeen treated in vain for the disease by severali of Ale most sktltfol ryhiliteilLtui of this • coumsr cad lonince and lhagia.ML PETER. SHOW-Enid AN. laf Ilatasia,N.V., cert.!. I lies tre of 70, after a painful kidney I disease of ears, the Safe Kidney and Liver Core hm feel like a new man. ri" - ThMte are r=ple testimonials condensed. t7Narner` Earn rms. Ws*nor's Safe Nersine Woriaceb Fate Bitters are " eisó superior remedies, -h the best of its =M 01;01' FROVEILBS. PROVERBS. "For idnidair po.q.dAss td, a sad low rp.rda. Taal on Bitters." ' "Road of, r_roeure and • Lo t f i tro, relLsu cuu tizp7pc "Ladles, do you wont t be strong, I,,,ittiyanil beautiful! /Lida L. 3.1 Ii batters. Me mated appe. th,m, stomach, blood slat liver rctpdator -I,lcp .N....lernmen, Lair. Bank. cis and ladies Deed ILTl{dtersaiii4in raters bas re store d s.briety and Laith,porfact wrecks wtezuperance." "Con? damsel, side abd, I:Mersa:mu ' with o.lOa dowse Send !Of "1. SCOVILL'S iijill A=LIVE SYEIP a peerless remedy for Scrofula; White Swellings, Cancer, Erysipelas, Gout, Chronic Sores,' Syphilis, Tumors, Carbuncles, tait , Rbehm, Malaria, Bilious Comp ts, and all diseases indicating an mpnre Condition of the Blood. This Grand Remedy Is a compound of vegetable extracts the chief. 'ef which are SARSAPARILLA add STELLINGIA. The cures effected by SCOYILL'S BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP are absolute, and their record is undistigured by failure. For sale kbt all Druggists: MOTT'S' LIVER NILS, The beat Cathartic %Italic Rigalab They rectify torpidity o'de:idiocy. .They give tone to the Stomach. - They prevent griping of the powele. They remove bile from the Ti 1404. They purify and invigorate the Body They euroaLl bilious complaints. B 1 VEGETABLEMBI instantly destsoyaWOßMS and in 48Dmmended by phy,icituas as the best WORM MEDICINE. BAKER'S PAIN+ PANACEA for ILIJV a Ld BEAST. For External and Internal Uee. The, Greatest , Pain , Reliever; of the Age DENTON'S BALSAM CUBES COLDS, COUGHS, ETC. Can 1,13 usial as a Plaster. ET - FOR SALE BY ALL DRtigGISTS .TOHN F. HENRY, CITIRIL9I.: & CO., FOLE rrtOIIIIETMIN - .24 College Place, . New York. UtcKiiEAOAcu pallatairata.'_ If you are treabiad ric. 1 MGM::3M3 / - c l =. - :7w7r!rlT•crr-Tr7.—••:-r - h"=~! CARTER'S UTILE LIVER PILLS ?use ewe all form; of Bllloomeie, - PrWeal, patlon and Dyspepsia, promote iliaestbre. relieve, distress from too .hearty estinw. mime& Disorder( of the Stomach. Stimulate the Llver.and Regulate the Bowels. Thei do all this b 7 taklna lust Dee Uttle pill at a dom. They are purely me gripe or purge. end are as nearly perfect es it Is possible for a tdll i 4) be. Price 25 oents. 5 , for St &Ad br dm:Ms everywhere or sent by man. CARTER MEDICVE CO.. NEW YORK. For sale in ?anode by C. T. X I tiROBT I I3 80148' Imozwas Amu geTan., FU RN IT IT ItE! Zesg . o p7i tie th &PIM Il&DI iaact NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS Or TIM LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PEIOES irblch we invite the public to call sod izatislae.. PARLOR SUITS IN RAW SILK, TERMS, PLUSH AND HAI ROLOTH,. lamp tarp, awl our prleei as low as the lowest. CHAMBER SUITS IN ASH, WALNUT AND SOFT WOOD, whieb we are selling at a Tory low price. • fall line of • SPRING BEDS, MATtRASSES UNDERTAKING Sittble department 4e always bare tbe beetitooda n the market, and are continua/44400g NEW- gTYLES. _ - . \ ____ aith-all the p ie"' --TIi4."VEST7IMPROVEhtENTS, while oniiiiiherarettnrlOWest..„ . ---____ J. Ci. FROST'S SONS' Towanda, April 9, WO.' ,_, '-'-- GREAT SALES GOING ON GREAT SALES 'GOING ON GREAT SALES GOING ON CLOTHING! e Paco Remidies ..ole by I)7j . t . = Sealers In rywbere. re -Send for parripb :Address TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED WARM & CO4 chewier, N.Y. 11 .r.OO WTI be paid for t t I. BO MIEB=3 "1:v? Ilftters bads n”, and c^rci n.. 'Li In nal ly first ow." !,..E.d.n and Oro of r.II ki: nT.,• Juntaby liop &Men," Tlor Corait Curz Is r • cll. _ta.cst Ack 'rho UoP PAD for Nmar UV. r sayl ~ is superior : to ail etberAi Cures sorpttuo: 1-61 r. • Druir,,,•,..4e. D. L C. is =absolute an 4 I rre,*irtitio cure drutlenness, uw • ct fhe consequence of this great sale of toy stock is that I am compelled to enlarge my present store to make room for my Increasing Imsl, nes& and Instead of moving my stock while build- IneWILL SELL FOR COST for the hest 40 days. All &bar° sold by er , : - gitts. Hop Ilattept lihnufartibing, Co. i,:oelloffier, N. Y. ~~ The opportunity to purchase a CHEAP surtis a rare one, and should be embraced by ill. Call early at M. E. and enjoy the advantages now offered by him. 4a if:l Ps)(cl 0 : CV' :11 01 Di 6 01'i A 11 Li =I cimni Our asoortzooot of We have a fall line of AND PILLOWS. Xiscetrantous Ready-m•do Clothing at a Sacrifice. Ready-ma le ("whine at a Sacrifice. Iteads-madt:Clothlng at a factitlee. Ready-madelCiothing at a Sacrifite. Ready-made Clothing at a Sacrifice. Ready-made Clothing at a Sacrifice. For the Next Forty 'Days For the Next• Forty Days • For the Next Forty Days By buying or By buYingfor M. E. ROSENFIELD M. E. ROSENFIELD No such chance for years to come. No such chance for years to come. . 'No such chance for years to come. Fall stock going very fast. Fall stock going yeryfast. Fall sto c k going very fast. Towanda, March 4, 1880 General Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, •;, • 4 And .COUNTRY PRODUCE, TO . THEIR NEW STORE, CORNER OF MAIN A: PINE-Sts (The old stand of Fox, Steverui $ Nereus They Invite attention to their complete assortment and very large stock of Choice New Goods, which they have always on band. - ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE PRODUCE TRADE, And Cant pad for desirable rind.. N. J. LONG. OZO. STEVENS. Towanda, Aprt 1 18Th. SPRING AND SUMMER 1880. L ROSENBAUM & SON& 201 EAST WATER STREET, • ELMIRA, N. T Dealers In DRY AND FANCY GOODS, ALSO 1 JOBBERS OF MILLINERY 11 The LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST AwxUnt Of MILLINERY In the Southern Tier. ivirspeetanudneements and Prices to II Muds. A respectfully solicited. L. ROSENBAUM & SONS sot EAST WATER STREET. Rathbun' Houle Block . March 1. Is7l-71. BRIDGE STREET 1 411 J WI V iii 14 Szi TWO. STORES IN ONE! Itathir doubled our facilities this par by wow wytag two stove% we are prelim:ad to otter you a linger suet than ever before. sad at sedetsd prices. awe We are-seMag FURNITURE Of all kinds as CHEAP if not CHEAPER , g l • Tban the CHEAPEST: At the WOO time we kiepup the stamiani of our goods. UNDER TAKING, (OUR srsciLtrvi, We guarantee satisfaction. We are prepared todo anything In that nine on 'hurt notice, and are do. *ermined toptiase. i Call, and see for yourself N. P. HICKS. Towanda. May Ist, 1117IP. Wiscetraitous. A. BEVERLY SMITH, BOOKBINDER AND DEALER IN SCROLL SAW GOODS. ) MAGAZINES bound neatly andpromptly. BLANK BOOKS bound to order and warranted AMATEURS' SUPPLIES Tide apartment of my Writhes" la eery com plete. A toll tine of WOODS, SAW BLOCKS; CLOCK MOVEMENTS, &v, Constantly _on hand, and for sale at lower prices - than elsewhere. Q' SLIM WIRTH OF DESIGN'S FREE FOR $l.OO. Send for price lists. BEPOBTER BUILDING, 4.29:80. ToWAsoA, PA., P. 0. Box 1512. CHAS. JOHNSON & CO.'S- Foundiy & Mac 'Hine TOWANDA, PENN'A. We elaiin to make the BEST CIRCULAR SAW MILLS In the market. SHINGLE MILLS-LATH MILLS Parnell's Improved Feed Cutier, Stroud's Keystone Fire Shrinker, Griswold's Boss Water Wheels, Ward's Patent Buckiiheat Cleaner, iktc., • &c., ENGINES AND BOILERS Made to order. Repairing of all kinds done on short, notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Alw, manufacturers of and dealers in JOHNSON'S PATENT Polishing and Fluting Irons Tie best In the world. Arians wanted CHAS. JOHNSON & CO. Towanda. A prll 114 IPSO 7171713.4 at cez, -0 °- P•=l .-. i l l (; )' 44 ri l.s c s ''.(N - —I ? ..N C.. 2 0. Z. R. S. is a liquid—a valuable combination composed of several of the most powerful and penetrating liquids known in chemistry; and was discovered by • celebrated English chemist. and was introduced into the United States in the year MI, and since that, time, by its marvelous curs-, tiro powers. has won for itself a worldwide rope" tatioa for its many cures of Rheumatism. Pains and Swellings. Burns - and Scalds. Sprains and Bruises. Cuts and Old Sores, Contraction of the Muscles. Tender and Frosted Feet, Chilblains.. Neuragia. Pain in the Side. Chest and Back, and is • Specific for Horses as well's for Man, and now stands at the bead of all Liniments unrivaled. and scarcely a stable °rheum, can be found with out • bottle where it is known. We challenge competition: moo will b$ paid for any caw of the above-named ills that G. E. & S. will not cure if the directions aro closely ob. has prov ed served. 0. the bes t . oy It is stan safe and wise to al.ds tho test because ii ways keep a bottlo on hand. thereby in frequent in stances avoiding the nocesaity of calling a doctor. Thera is a balm for most all • Tie neither esrenne drape nor hartshorn pills— When fairly tried It then will show That Carers G. $. s. 8. is more than blow. Try a bottle andlif it does not give satisfaction return It to your Druggist haltfull and ho will refund you your money. Did space permit we could give you a hundred tutimoniala from Men and families in this county that could not be doutded. Call upon your noised Druggist or fitore.HUT. er and ask for Carey% 0. E. 8.6, and not be put off by some other worthless trash. - If he has not got it on hand, ask him to send for it for you. D. C. CABBY. Sour Paorworrna. Middletown. Orange Co.. 21. T. For wale In' owanda, Pa., by :C. T. KIRBY and H. C. PORTER. GET YOUR HAIR OUT , AND SHAVING, AT win Weasel HOWIE) SHAVING PARLOR. - sr we study to please. D. V. STEDPE,Zroyer Towanda. Pa., July 35, 1979. infers. EAGLE HOTEL, . , (6013111 sun.runLic 6QUAllti.) This wel;•known house has been thommitly ren emitted and repaired throughout, and the proprie tor is now prepared to offer lirstpelass accommoda tions to the *Public, on the moat reasonable terms.. K. A. JZNN/NGS • 1 . Towanda, Pa., May 2, 1878. , HENRY HOUSE; COENZR XAIN di WASHINGTON STREZTS !last WARD, TOWASDA, PA. Heals at all hours. Timis to salt the Oakes. Lary stable attached. . - WM. HENRY, Pi:mamma. Towanda, July a, 7Y-tt. $66 . week in your own town. outfit tree. No risk. Reader. it you want a has la which persons of either sex can make great pity sit the time tiwy,work. write for partte ulirs to H. BARTLETT 11.E0. Po rt/and, Maine ,__ ' -''..-= = ' ''.l -I'-''F'''' '''''' . '"1 ? al ..:9 '!" i'l ti '• fil.t:•.• 110' :.`i: ) ,M . ': . 'l':.i i''"! ,'''%7 , + ~,.:., L . - 0 - trs::i • m ib lN. ~,-....: ...... - 7E :7::: B. : a .i.,FI . Ro l J, , . ,• . - - rj 6a i ;r 16.11:11,04914,",'111814 •• • '' '" ' A if; . 'T •• A'. 1•'" YY S.. lIM Stoves, Tiny -IrOn 'Nails• . 1 2 • • I Paints; Oils . 'Glass, Putty, GuopoyNder, Shot, Cartriidge. Carpenters' [aid Joiners'.Tools, Wagi* Makers' Supplies, Farming and 'Dairy ImOpments, Table Cutl Clothes W pry, Ropoil-0410i :Cliaitiii; El 111 1 RANSORE-:00TIME:-RANGt, With the Expansion Broiling Chaniber, SMYTH'S PATENT DUPLEX GRATE. With' or without Low Closet, Reservoir/ or Ornamental Elevated Shelf. The Gieatest Combination ofilialnable,lmprOvements Ever Presented Atter the Battering experience of the past year, having had . very large and extended sale , we find that the Tat RANSON Cox - racer. enlversally conceded to 'be the most desirable Range of its class in the market. Its general features are the same as In the eebebrsted Ransom Range. which has for years been considered the finest Range made.. It contains the Patent Expansion Broiling Chamber, which rs universally acknowiedged tn be the only successful and practical broiling attach ment in use. It la. also furnished with timyth'e, Patent Duplex Grate. Tbts celebrated Orate is estremely simple in Its construction; it hair now been in active use far more than five years, and In vie* of the universally successful experience of Its operation and durability doting that time, as well as the highly satisfactory results obtained by us in our own thorough triafof Its qualities, we have no hesitation in pronouncing it the : only complete and successful arrangement for removing Minters and refine from the fire-box instantaneously, theronghly and cleanly, while the degree of combustion obtained has heves in our opinien, been :pealed with any other style aigrette. . Tax RANSOM COTTAGZ is a thoroughth jir4l-class Range in all Its portions and apiotntments, while the price i extremely low. It is so constructed that it can be changed from le Low Closet to a Single Oval flange, by merely lifting the upper part of the .Range (Toni the Low Closet and placing it upon a set of ornamented legs All sizes can also' be furnished with the Ornamental Elevated Shelf. The Imre Baled Ash Pan is taken out at the end of the Range instead of the front—a math more con venient and cleanly arrangementand the capacious •Wamning Closet extends underneath the whole Range. The Hut Water Reservoir is heated entirely from the bottom, andts of a larger carieclty th an will be found on any other Range of this class. All the minor details in the construction of this Range hatherecelved the closest attention. It has highly burnished ends, nlckle.plated knobs of a new and beautiful patterp,,ielekleplated panels, nickla-plated Towel Racks, and the mounting and fittings Is in the best style. . • I . MCINTYRE . BROTIELAREL Towanda, Pa., October 300879 Wiscettaneous. CRAY'S SPECIFIC lIIIEDIMNS. TRADE MARE. The Great TRADE 0 RE. • ~,- •ENGLI , - ' ” Rem , • ' Will pro cur til e • • rad ~, t 4. ..- any ilt e y case I t ts ' ofliervou Mehl]. 1 Ry A Weakne*. . result of. India. ~.... 0 k " -.,.. '..' , • eretlotnexcessor. B e f ore Takingoverworle- of the After Taking ; Wain & tnervoos system ; is perfectly harmless. acts like magic, and has been extensively uped for over' thirty years with great success. /Br Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we de re to send tree by mall to every one. vg.The Spgefflc Medicine Is sold by all druggists at 31 per package, or six packages for 15, or will be sent free by mall on.recelpt of the money by Reid rPsnlng , • TUE GRAY MEDICINE CO., NO. 3 Mechanics' Block, Dkritocr„3ltett. Ri. Sold in !remands by C. T. KIRBY. and by druggists everywhere. Johnston. Holloway A Co., wholesale agents, Phila. - (April 10, 137011.: Geo. L. Ross, • • , Of the Third Ward Store, has rd 'tarp and convenient Store in thz a ir tub, Sint tVard, opposite 'Humphrey Brot "Jr flicy's Boot and Shoe Factory, and has t with ,• A LARGE STOCK OF • CHOICE GROCERIES: • • OF ALL KINDS, • • Which be has purchased in New York for day and solicits the confidence and patronage of the public, and respectfully announces that he • • WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD . • • By anybody, His Third Ward Store wilt also be kept stocked with drst-claas goods, and will be sold as low as the lowest. Towanda, January 8,1880. GILMORE &'CQ. (Established 11165.3 . • • • PENSWNS,INCREASE OP PENSIONS, and all other classes of claims for Soldiers and Soldiers , Helm, prooeented.' Address with stamp. GILMORE k CO.. Washington. D. C. LIST OF LEGAL BLANKS Printed and kept on ash: at the Baroness Orates at wholesale or retail. Deed. • Mortgage. Bond. Teemtortes Bond._ Collector's Bond. Lease. ' Cbtnptalnt. Conindtmeata. • Warrant. Constable's Detain. Articles of Agreement...norms. Bond on Ausebinent. Constable's Bales. Collectors Sales. !attention. illubfcena. Petition for. License. Bond for License. Note Judgement. - Note Judgement Seal • . - 4/100111410414.04114- 1111151 rewr;ww , -' MN 1• . J 1.1 , ALSO- AGENTS FOE THE -SAND-.~ m i ne Binge. Be Not Deceived THE BRIDGE-ST. CLOTHIER, CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER CLOTHING HOUSE IN TOWANDA!! Before the lateindwintxt in juices we pnrclased the LARGEST STOCK EVER CAR RIED BY US, and therefore can Our stock coroprtses 4 tun line of— 1. ,CLOTHING! For the Spring trade The largest stock of HATS in town. fultand superb line of I Gents' FURNISHING GOCWS. Trunks and Traveling Bags, Trinada, Mai eh 15,158011. PATENTS and how to obtain thein. Pamphlet free; upon receipt of Stamp for post age., Addrosa— . • _ GILMOTIE, SMITH is co. • . _ • Solkiturs of Paints, Neu: /Wm* Ojice. inuAißgt4T, A C. MEI IRE ME HARDWARE, ringers; &e., &c. 6 9 0 'Z via ra ; CA 0 °'. _~ Vent Abvedisentents. J.. K. BUSH, Is bound to sell SELL AT!OLD `PRICES MEN'S, YOUTH'S, AND CHI•LDREN'S k' At manufacturers' prices. J. K. BUSH, .No. 3 . Bridge Street. • wy. awdwinnb• MI ' ti Ea =WARM COMPOUND. Poiltive Cams . For all Tamale Complaints., t gal pteparathm. as Its name slgnides, eon iees Tegetelde Properties that aru harmless to the roast del les" invalid. Upon ono trial the merits of Ods Cow mind wilt hi neogalwd, &either Is immediate t met when its Innis continued. In ninery•nlito cases in a tam druid; apermarwatcurnlsetcctedpathousada will tee. Idly. On account of its perren merits, It is today re ecommeaded Lad prescribed by the best &MOW= in the ocastry. It will mire entirely the 'rani form •of OMNI of the uterus, Lencerrhan, irregular qual painted Ximstreation;all Ocarina Troubles, IMlAninuedion add tilowelloa, noodle:Ms, all Displacements and the COII. MMUS eplaal weakness, and is especially' adapted to thefts:lgo of We, It will dissolve and cape! 1710:10/11 = nternsin an early stage of development. The to cazwerous hums then Is checked rat., speedily by Its nsa la fact It Ms proved to be the wrest. est sad bast remedy that loos ever been discover- ed. 11 palmate, every portion of the system, and eves saw Ilfeaad vigor. It removes fain Olson ell crorlear for idloodasts, and rams widows 01 the sionmelli beams Skating', ricadaches, Ferrous Pro /stk., Gensral DebUlty, Eleepleamesa, Depreseko sad Wl giants. That feeling of b.aringAcnril, nallaint weight sad backache, la pinny, permanently eared by toots. it will at all times, and under all dreamitaa- elm set fa barman with the kW that solar= the .Gsbqitem• Tor ILldneyecciplabits of either sex this compound is imeorpusod. , •. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , ' Lopreporal at ED and sNre.rtf•rn Avenue, Lylpt. lam Prfo's f 4.!: bottles for s'o"Xia. tent by moll la tDo tom at pills, & T oo la the form of Lozenges, 434 ; receipt of Oka. SIM.. per bar, for either. 3tra. 112iXELUi ttodysorwerooltlrtters os inquiry. Bend for pion Wei A4deris so abovo 2 .1/ration this paper. ' No tau t ly should be without LYDIA E. PEOKIILN. LEYMP/LLS. They cure Conellpstion, Billausiem aadtcalddltrof tLe Liver. :LI mutsper boa. • TEST IMO.N ale are received !very day by the pro! wietors of SI MONS AMER. REGUL /1- 'OR, from persons of lucation and promi tence from all parte of Ye. country attestfng the wonderful curs ive properties of this .real medicine. No trier preparation but er been discovered that Dyspepsia and its kindred ....“escare the patient to a perfectly healtby condition of b dy and mind. The rapidly Innen, lug demand for this medicine and our large sales In c.asequence. Is indeed suSlcient evidence In itself of ns great popularity. . . . • . PerlectlylT .11A.8 NO EQUAL Harmless. . It can be used ftnylime without tear by the most delicate persons. No matterk - what the ailing. and may be given to children with perfect safety, as no bad reiuits follow its use. doing no possible injury. As a mild Wilk gentle Laxative and harmless Invigorant it is Inlinltely siyerior to any known remedy fur Malarious Fevers. Jaundice. Colic, , Eestl-senese, Mental Depreation, Sick Headache, Constipation, Nausea, Bi/iiousneet, ' . DISPEPSI A, &c.. Read the following names of persons well and widely known, who textlfy to the valuable, propOr ties of SIMMONS LITER ItF.GULATOR. 013 31F.DielNE : Hun. Alex. H. Stephens; John W. Beckwith, Bishop of. 44eorgla ; Gen. John B. Gor don, U. S. Sena or ; Gill Shorter, Rt. Rev. RJebop Pierce, I.' Thompson, Hon. B. 11111. Hon. John C. 'Deck inrldge ; Prof. David Wills, D. D.; Hiram Warner. Chief Justice of Georgia; Lewis Wander, Abet P. 51.. Phila., and many others from whom We have letters comment ing upon this medicine as a most valuable house. hold remedy. • - The Cheapest. Purest and Best Family Medi cine in the 3i ortd. Original andlGenufne. 111A4CFALITRYD C , NLY DY J. N. ZEILIN & CO., Pelee, $l.OO. Sold by all Druggists PE 111 A PIIRILY TZGETABLI BEMZDT For nyrxearn and lECTERKAL User P/kIN KllM i ltoHrVil, 44. 11,7e1 Sim lnelneln g e,and ups., printed scrife soc a is du aunt insxpertenced Anode. PAIN cent i, Colat d atali I. ..larliteso ery, Cramp*, and all Bowelplekia. in 112910wn for Kea rat" e ea ce• n Ila he lack or tat Imagist in. an V ii kiN KILLER 'IAMB?. IV imtl_Deel; speedy and_perinonent relit, all ewes of Bruises. C l a iik rolns, Sever e larva. etc. /AIN fl le the well -tried and trusted friend of th e Dleelowle. rimer, haßter.fiollor. and irt fact all classes Wantanst e iszpietne always at hand , and so f * so ...Int or externally i i itii eortodorY of relle rirr No family can afford to to without this tn. valuable remedy In the home. Its Of° brings It withla the reach of all, and it will intittusdly am many thse o Its coat In doctors' bills. Snl4 by an druggists at 1144 a. CoOla and Al tatietass. PERRY DAVIS & SON. Provldones. Itals Proprietors. gr-,1 Ayei's Hair rigor, For Restoring Gray Hair to its Natural Vitality and Oolor. _ lien renewithe growth; and always surely restores its color, when faded or gray. It slytniates the nutritive otgans to livilthy activity, and preserves both the hair and its beau ty., Thus brushy, weak orlsickly hair becomes glossy, pliable and strengthened; lost hair regrows with lively expression; falling hair is checked and stabUshed ; thin hair thickens ; and faded or'gray hairs resume their original cblor. 'lts operation is sure and harmless.' It cures dandruff, heals all humors, and kieps the scalp cool, clean and-soft— under which conditiOns,' disesses of the scalp are ImpOutble. As * dressing for ladles' hair, the VIGOR. ts praised for Its'grateful sad agreeable perfume, and valued for the soft lusty? aildrlehuess of tone 1t Imparts. . . PII6rACIRD Cr J' C. AYER & Co. Lowell, Mass /Yu cl iCcti nad dnalyticot Cheittits Sold by all Druggists and Dealers In Medicine 4'41, - '::.-*,-'lli.iold. Black_ or fiesh-colored pigs are' freest from skin disease in hot ch anges: :Thicholde is practically be tween the Essex mid - Berkstirea for males with which to improve the na tive stock of hardy grubbers of the rooteor•die variety. Those who have tried the former have been delighted at first, but after few years began to recall with longing the lean hams and slim but • solid flavorous baton of the 'old race-horse breed. The trouble_With the Essex pigs for the south is that they are ,eat•and- a leep to sleep-and-awake-to-eat kind ;and their grades are, of course like them. The side fat is superb, and so is the leaf lard, and so far as the breed is all that could be desired ; but the ham and shoulders are too fat for profit, and the ham is not marbled With fat like the Berkshires. These Ithe Berks) are much more wide awake, less easily controlled, but good foragers. Their grades are a wonderful improvement, upon the original stock, may bioade very fat, and yet the proportion between the fat and lean hams, shoulders and side pork or bacon is such as to de velop and preserve the excellencies of the meat. The hams are large and rich and juicy, with diffused fat. Berkshires are not quite so easily - fattened when penned and systemat ically fed as the 'Essex grade, 'but they will take much better care of thems,lves in, fide woods, and when penned or fastened for fattening, may be finished off with half the feed the orignal "land piles" would require. With many northern and western breeders the Essex is a more profita ble pig than the Beykshire, because his nature leads him to take little ex ercise, so that all he eats goes to flesh and lat. Respiration, which, if rapid, yeduces fatgently, is with him never accelerated by moving about, and with plenty of feed, the sole bur den of life 4 is to digest it. This breed is pre-emin,ent among he Olack , l3reeds and excellC4 by none., , as fat produ :cers.—Am rican Agriculturist. I 'A correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial. says that he has found the corn fields excellent .'places for sheep. After the corn is laid by the sheep may have a week's run'there ith great. advantage. There is fresh grass along the fence rows, and per haps weeds that will give variety. We have never had lambs better than in 116 Corn fields in the fall. We bring them out every night. In this way theyjdo not break down the corn. The day is busily spent, and the field as well as the flock looks the better for the run there. Afte.r.the-corn has eared we have turned the, whole flock into the fields arid been rvell•pleased with the prac tice.. The - sheep eat millions of weed seeds and very little or no corn. Should an ear be pulled off, which is very rare, every grain on that ear will be picked; off and. eaten by the sheep, and find no trouble in the practice of turning them into the corn fields after i oasting • ears have well formed. At that time pastures are generally the poorest and need rest. Changirig the sheep to the corn fields will give the needed rest. Then the sheep can take the grains of the pasture before the severe frosts injure the grass.. After theSe frosts the-sheep may find a fresh the corn fields: Sheep need frequent changes of range, and we who have no woods or waste hinds on our farms can make a profitable change to the corn fields. R6teet Coin plaints; During the hard work of seed time, farm horses are, in some seasons more than others—in wet and warm seasons—subject to galled shoulders and backs, which, when not attended to, are'apt to produce troublesome sores: The skin is not only abraded by the collar and saddle, but irritat ed and inflamed ; and if the irritation is kept. up, an ichorous discharge takeS place, which is difficult to heal without giving the horse rest. When a saddle-gall is observed, the harnes4 should be looked to, and the preSs ing points which have caused the sore should be relieved. A lotion: should then be used ,to anoint 'the bruised parts every night after they have been washed with warm soap._ suds, and dried with a soft cloth: the following is a useful application: Take hot lime shells of the bulk of two quarts, and pour upon them two quarts'of cold water; andotfter they •have intimately combined, pour off the liquid into a dish. Add to this liquid five wine-glasSfulls of linseed oil and two ounces of fine powdered sugar of lead, dissolved 'in a little water. ,Stir them together, and then : bottle and cork up for use. After the bruises have been washed in the evening, anoint them with this liquid with ,a eather until the wounds heal. LER Any of the roots—as potatoes, rut abagas, turnips, carrots, etc., when boiled and mixed with corn and rye meal—make 'an excellent and eco nomical daily, food for poultry. In this form fowls are fond of the diet, and it works ,very kindly with them, Most inexperienced breeders think it necessary to dole out dry grain only - to chickens—generally whole corn—from years end to-year's end. And where lSrge numbers of fowls are kept it is often considered too troublesome to supply cooked veget ables for the fowl stock, the dry-feed the handiest, of course. But there is nothing , that is so great a help to the poulterer, first and last, either in the cost or through the benefits to be derived to the stock, as a regular feed every day of cooked vegetables. We have tried this particularly or !years, and we 'bare found it 'fifghly advantageous, Us compared - waif any; other method of feeding - There are other kinds of vegeta bles also which are quite - as'valuable as are the roots „mentioned, for use among poultry, in their season. The leaVes of turnips or carrots, raw cab bages at any time of the year, green corn in the ear. etc., may be given to poultry freely, and these will all be relished 13nt if at least one-half of all the food given -them be of some sort of vegetable and green, fowls will constantly be found in better `thrift and in finer condition than when feC -in any other way.--Poultry Wor/d. Advancing years, sickness,' care; (Map pointment, and hered itary predisposition, all turn' the hair gray, and either of them iii cline It to shed prema- .turely. ' AY en's tiAttt Via- . OR, by long isnd exten also use, his proven t that It stops the falling 'LEMON JUMBLES.—One pound of flour, one pound of sugar, five•eighths of a pound of butter, four eggs; the juice and grated rind of a lemon, and as little flour as will enable you to Make the whole into small Cakes with your hands. Bake quick. . Sheep in the Corn Field. Galled Shoulders and Backs Vegetable Food. Save the Choice Fowls. It Is too commonly the practice among our fanciers who are so fortu nate, year after Year, as to - boable to produce finer specimens of foirlof one kitid or another—to dispose pf their better kinds to the first comer who will pay the fancy, price demand.' ed for these best samples. The temptation 'of Awenty, thirty or fifty dollars for a choice pair or often for a single specimen that'iss-A. ' I in quality, is very great, it musi,i be admitted. But it is rarely that such successful raiser of these beau tiful fowls reflects upon the import ance of retaining in his own posses!. , sion these extra cocks and hens= with which he may be able to pro duce, in a little while, dozens or scores of their ,like—should he keep and breed,tbem himself. We suggest the - propriety anead vantage to the original breeder of such ' exceptional fowls of ,saving . these choice samples for hiniself in many cases No one can breed these, birds .as well as he can. No pnrchss er can take such extra fine fowls away and breed , from them so suc cessfully as cad-, the man Ivim knows how they are produced' and what they should be mated with, to yield the average future good results. - At the leait, we conceive - it most' advisable to retain some of our choic'-' eat breeders for use in succession. We went into the yards .of an Asia tic fancier recently,' who has bred . some rare birds in the past. three r years, and were astonished when we asked to see the splendid fowls we knew had taken so many prizes lat terly, to be informed that be had sold them a//—at very good figures, too l" He relies upon his young 'stock, now coming up, for future operations. But we Could not avoid the impres sion that he had made a mistake in thus cleaning out his pens of the fiee old birds. Save some of the best ones annual ly. You may make a few dollars by your sales, but your patrons are the men who make the best of this bar gain with you in_ the end:—Pouilry World. Poultry Notes. Take care of the young chicks ; protect them well at night _train rats, cats, and "varmints," keep their coop out in a clean grass plot, and keep; the hen-house well cleaned and whitewashed. Don't pen up chick ens, if you wish them to be healthy; let them run and catch the insects. The value of milk .as drink for chicks, or as a fluid, When scalded, with,which corn meal and bran may be mixed for -their early diet, can scarcely be overestimated. Feed often. 'AIP' the youuglings can4at-up. clean, it time' should - only be furnished. Pouring into the coop a mass of meal posh, uncooked and watery—to "save time "—is-Jiot -- feeding chickens Well. If hungry,• they will devour a portion of this mess, but-it does them little good comparatively.. The balance sOtirs, they peck-it for lack of something better, and ''shortly we 'find Ahern sinning. getting ill. weakening inthe . legs. and dying off-by degrees. Good, sweet, sound food is indispensable:. - Some' formers make a practice to keep their poultry in their wt:bards from early-spring until cold weather sets in, and they find that it pays. A picket fence- should *be built around the orchard, high enough to prevent their flying ove:r, with suitable build ings in one corner of the yard .to shelter the mat night. Thus 's4tuat ed the poultry - will thrive and ,pros, per, keeping themselves in good con dition and the-in..!rease of eggs will be greatly augmented and their Use ruluess enhanced to their owners at least, on account of the myriads of insects and worms they destroy, and which will more than repay the cost and labor of building the fence. By keeping them inclosed in this man ner, a large number of fowls may be retained in the orchard, and the con tinual scratching which is done by them will prove • advantageous both . to the soil and trees themselves.— Western Agrkillturist. Why Bees Work in -Aher Dark. Every onelnows whatvfiesh hon ey is tike—a clear yellow syrup, without.any trace of solid .sugfar in it. After strainincr i it gradually as sumes a et-) seal appearance—lt can dles, as the saying is,. and tiltithatefy, b , comes a solid- mass of . sugar. It liasiireen suspected that this change is due to photographic .acticin—the same agent whiCh alters the molecu lar arrangement of the- iodine ofsil ver on the excited ,eollodion plat a and determines the formation of Camphor and iodine cOstals in a bottle, causes honey to assume a cr3 s- - Janine form. Mr.' "Scheiber.inclosed . l'honoy in well corked flasks, some of which he -kept in perfect darkness; while the others . were exposed to the light. ,The result has'been that that portion eyposed 'to the light soon crystallizes, while that .kept in the dark:remains . unchanged. hence we see why the _bees are so careful to work in the dark, -and why they are so careful to obscure the dows which are somet inies -- plabeit in their hives. The existence of, the young depends on liquidity of the saccharine food presented to thew, and if light were ' allowed access to this, in all probability it would prove fatal to the inmates of the hive.— WeSiern Farm Journal. Poultry Poultry needs far more care dur ing 'damp, rainy, or wet weather than during the dry, warn:, weather or the clear cold of winter, for damp. ness endangers numerous disorders, many of which are difficult to cire, therefore it is . always• better to ap ply the preventive administer the suppoSed cure. • FEATHER. OAR.E.—One egg, one cup of sugar, one tablespoonful of butter, half a cup - of milk, one and one-half cups flour," one tablespoon ful of cream of tartar, half a teaspoon ful soda. This combination makes a nice eake., Eat fresh. . , 'FRU . IT - PUDDI:!iff.-,-One cup of mo lasses, one 'cup sweet m ilk,, one (if suet chopped tine, or half cup of but ter, one of raisins, half cup' currants, two and a half cups of flower, half teaspoon•soda; mix well and spice to taste, and steam two hours. • SPICED CORN BEM—To 'ken pounds beef take two . cups salt.; two cups of molasses, two tablespoons of pulver ized' saltpetre; one table4poon ground pepper, one of cloves-; rub well into the beef; turn every day ; .be ready for use in ten days. CLEANING Wigll RiNoiars.—Try . a few drops of ammonia on a damp cloth, and see . how ~ nicely it cleans the' rubber rollers of your wash wringer. 11