THE EiIiGRA COLLEGE EXCUR- SIGN On the Aoming of the twenty-first of June, just as the early gray At morning bad vanished, a party of excursionists gathered at the Elmira , depot, and al though it was s&early, every one seemed • fully awake. At sir oVock we were all comfortably eeated in ao cars which had been chartered for the occasion,an?. in a /few minutes we left Elmira. Them was much laughing and talking till we reach pd Canandaigua, where a wholesoine breakfait awaited us. In twenty minutes ;we re-entered the cars. . On either side of ,the Northern Central, "which has miles and miles of ; perfectly straight road, were ripening fields of 'wheat, and many fine pieces of clover were to be Seen. But the fields of pota- Oes and coin were not so fine as those of j'ennsyivania. And where these were not growing, there were, instead, flour ishing vineyards or acres of hop-vines. All nature,,too, was glad, and we rejoiced with her. .• And now We reached Buffalo, where we went on board the. steamer Pacific, which afforded:a pleasant home for us during our trip of two weeks. The steam er le 't her pier at half-past two o'clock, and at seven o'clock the next morning we arrived at Cleveland,- where we spent the day iti viewing the important parts of the city; one of the chief attractions being the renowned Euclid Avenue. About the • harbor were many liat-hottomed boats which the little wharf urchins:were sculling. Occasionally a tug, wish ing to pass the draw-bridge would whis tle, and Immediately go by puffing and panting under its heavy load. At ten o'clOck we departed under the light of a full_rmoon and the glittering of the many lamps which lit up the lOng draw-bridge just opposite. • , Eight o'clbck the neat morning found ns at Detroit where we spent a few hours in which we repeated, for the most part, the programing of the preceding day, but tliosc. of us - w -ho were more fortunate call ed on our friends. Wei left at halt-past three, and sailed all that night and the following day.— The weather was propi tious and the sail delightful, and as we were passitig thunder Bay, a thunder storm greeted us and drove us into the cabin. Zit evening We stopPed at De torei z went-to the Chief of the , . Chippe was' camp, purchased a few trinkets, and .carried back to the steamer some 'birch bark which the chietgave us. The next ilhy we Sault St. Marie for a few hotirs, and Moll. a look at the new lock which is bcin , ..; : built, and which ex.. hibits line masonry.. In the afternoon weilloched Linder Lake,: whose waters are of a reddish line; caused by the wash y.-.l.ltir from the ciNpper works,! and 'went into port at Hancock. Heim, we spent the Sabbath. It was au ex - cefrlingly warm but we inanit;,•ed to keep cool on the ripper deck.- Munday.,lW l e took the cats visited the Calumet Copper 11crlis. Calumet is about :twelve miles from dianccelc, and is tirielat , Populated. It pfssesses - . 9110 of the largVst school Lits:;t: hi Mielkan A feW of the party vent into die tniue;i„but the rest of us were examiniiig, the machine rr which almost noiseles:4 performs the entire work in and about the mines: We succeeded iii obtaining, line specimens of the ore. The folloesingmorning we Lidd ed at 3,larquette. Here we remained t eyelid boars. We walked about the town and after buying sittretiirs, and taking vow on the lake,- we again re ,'turned to the 'steamer which sailed at one u'elock. This was fitment] of our join-- Ley, acid we reluctantly turned our faces homeward, On -our return we lauded Again at the. ports already mentioned t( unload. freight, and arrived at BulP,►lo i , time to take the ftvc oclock - train for E . mita. • . We had been l4ding but a few minutes when some gentlemen brow ht in a hun dred boxes of. delicious red raspberries and a basket of crackers for our lunche on. We took breakfast at. Rochester and then returned to the train. And after -a few hours ride we reached Elmira. I have poker Of the sight-seeino• but this was only pint of our pleasure. The evenings wena 'spetit -in singing. college - • songs, in liscning to impromptu concerts, and reading and writing to friends• at borne. And when sailing out in the lakes the time was mostly spent in reading, or having pleasant' talks together. • • Beformlosing, let me say that the suc cess of ' the trip and the uninterrupted Jtappiness of all is due to the etTiciency`of Captain Cummi: : ;(ls, the watchfulness of • ,Dr. Fouts, and the kindness of the gen tlemen. .Withlhe wish that at some future . day 'I may send you an account of some other trip,- I remain, - PENNSYLVANIAN. GHENT ITEMS, REPORTER :—lf a news from Ghent would be admissible tei the cAttruns of your paper hen it goes The dry weather which has been the gonetal topie,,,of conversation . with the f.•rniers, is aniong the by-Bones, and, the weather now, is wet enough to every.: f • body, Crops are doing finely,. Gras:stwill be far better than exi)ected. The farmers through this tection are raking quit ashange by way of imprt4ve rneLt or, their buildings. During the past el. - ben - m - 11'0"s two dwelling. houses have re beelkereete 2, while some more have undergone'lSpirs. Two barns have been erected, and seven.others raised 6om the ground,.and basements 'put under them. We are all joyous and happy over the • nomination of GAnFtEr.n, and mean to work for hiS election. Last Friday, while Professor Ilonyox was on his Way to 'Towanda with berries: and cherriei for the market, as he neared . the bridge passing through the narrows, accompanied by his little boy, Dr. RAN vim and 11. J. V.l', his horses were frightened by the _ cars and became nn inanageable, and wagon, berries, and all .weie turned topsie-turVie ,:lown the ern - bard:Mein. The Professoi lighted IR a small tree, the Dwtor on the i fence, the boy over the fence, while VAN was under . the wagon. • Portnitately no one was very much hurt, and the horses were captured Dy some inentr'orking near by. Never theless the berries were all spilled: The glerious oid Fourth .wasselebmted in Ihig place . .on the third, in' the g rove near the church. A nice grove, a pleasant day and a good time. After the I= reading of the Declaration of Indepen dence by Professor Ilottpolv, speeches were made by iv I :t essra. Ws-vrtAxs, RIGHT and 'lowan. . The Wysaukidg band furnished us with music, while the Rev.llr. WErITLAXE did some excellent singing, after which dinner was served to I all that - desired for the sum of twenty : five cents. Net proceeds some where be , twe,en eighty and ninety dollars. Pro ceeds for the benefit of the church. The festival - "in the evening at Horn brook vas largely attended. Do not know the receipts of the evening, 'bet should judge that the net receipts through the day and evening would exceed 'tOO. At present courting is brisk among the' „yotmgsters. In oar next look' out for. In'arrifs. • . -,- July 5, 1031. El :TILLS remettyft the resedtak mach scientific 1 few!) , an 1 many citrefut experiments. snit STANDS FIESTA:EON° EIEDICINAL PREPARATIONS OP UPSILIND. It plelsan t a the taste, and =Wan the tawny cheap and doczyrtivo thirster itie'dai. has STAY.. nra Qua uTzt:4 snucri ortENtosa IT POWERFUL DOTII TOMMY. AND Ta PREVENT DISEASE, nit ALSO TO BUILD UP A WASTED AND ENFEE. ZILED Zapf. ' ' • to iv she nr.s'r BLOOD PUB.IFIBB, rat !.t:ninlates evvri fOuction to raw.° toUthtul a , tlt,:l. And It thus ANTAGOINISTIC TO ALL Drs-rasEik Ith che.natine the tratrerities of the blood, the rttn:7,lt , u7 norogxery r6raltits tho CURE 42Plf SCICOIMLOUS AND: OTIIED. SKIN UPTIOIIIS AND DISEASES, including cliceers, rlcersarol other Sores. I) 7.: ‘ , PcPsta. Wentness of the Stomach. Coma. potion, Dirldr.cas. General Debility, etc.. are etfi‘O'cl by the • SAFE BITTERS tind It Is rIVEQr.ALED: 418 APPS. TIZEIt. • It La Selendaeall'y Compounded 1 rnm Ter etable or acts of highly Tardleinnl 'propert tr%. nrid VENEVITS FSIE/LY 170 N OF TILE SYSTEM. It corrects the evils of Improper drinks, nn vrlinlosome toed and over-rating, ntrf Is TIIE BEST TRIEFERAIiCE• SCOSTITCTE FOR ALCOUOLIC ORINRE. It Is needed to give tone to the system during the spring and early rummer, and whenever the body has been weakened by disease or other cause% 1. nniforre do Its pratre. and It PIVST fBE PEEPL'E.EED TO..OTriER MIMES wherever itelmerits are known. It Is a inelleine which Mould be in every-fam ily, and which, Wherever used, will rave the o:yrimut of many' Liver Cure, Warner's Safe E. MIN and 'Warner's Safe Ner. tine are other superior remedies, each ;012 list-of its crass. . .,;;" "." The Safe Reme t,'-`lt.,' , ; 47, 4 ... rip 40 dies are sold by , f r4g0.1 : , # • Druggists and deal .s ig, : .: I era in Medicines ~. 4 .4.t.t . ... vi everywhere. 1 .4 ~. gilt .. ~,,,A , , il , , ' .-- e',.,„.... 0 , 7:-P-57.:1,,t ror Pumpttlet ...., . 1 1., '. is..>k- ..11.1 .1 t-t tiu,put.tib. A 111,10.,y qii -4 klift - k . EILWARIIER &CO., k 1 -thS)fil i ~`- s rt. LI .--.....................‘ 1 —.1.1" - -' Povnrktr-. ~... _ _ tSCIJIIILL'S NB ?.: LIM ME, peerless remedy for Scrofula, White Cancer, Erysipelas ' , Gout, Chronic Sores, Syphilis, Tumors, Carbuncles, Salt Rheum, Malaria, Bilious ComplabiLs, and all diseases indicating an Impure Condition of the Blood. This Grand Remedy Is a compound of vegetable extracts the chief of which are SARSAPARILLA and STILLLNC/Lt. The cures effected byy SCOVILL'S BLOOD AND LIVER S\IWP are absolute, and . their record is andisfigured by failure. For sale by all Druggists. . MOTT'S LIVER PILLS, Tr Int Cathartic Voidable kilt°. They rectify torpidity of the Liver. They give tone to the Stoniach. They preren twriping of the Detect*. Th^y remora bite from, the Mood. 27/ ey purify and inritiorato the Body. They cure all bilious complaints. F. lON Inßtant!y de.troyeWOßMS and 1N recommended by phy,iciarts a$ the best WORM MEDICINE. MER'S PAIN PANACEA for 3L4N apcl BEAST. For External and Internal Uao. The Greatest Pain Believer of the Age MINTON'S IALSIM JOHN F. HENRY. CURBAN dt CO., rilorizte'rolu4 t 24 College "Place, New York. Cure Palpitation of the Heart, Nervousness, Trcabllngs, Nerrous ileadacht, Laucorrtna, cold Ennis and Feet, Pain In the Back, and other towns of Faarje lAN:alines'. They enrich cud improve the quality of the Blood, purify end brighten the Complcsrkm, alley Nervous Irritation, and secure Ileheshing Sleep, Just to remedy needed by wawa whose psk, color. less faces show the absence of Iron in the Blood. Remember that groula onofof the constituents of the Tlood, and is the great torte. The Iron Pills are also valuable for men who are troubled With NervousWeeetteln,Night Sweats, ate. Price, SO cat:swab= Seat bymalL Ad tlre,=, CARTER MEDICINE CO., - 22 Park iskice;New Tat*. gad by Draggatierterywheta, - 4 Sill lIKE Plod: The testimony of those wile . /ivo used Warner's Safe Bitters IV ANY PERSON CAN Pi/STE TIIEIIII 'IS A lIETVF.D. fIE:fIEDI7 OF, ITS KIND THAN IVAIgNEWS SAFE nivriens„w; wifor. RE PAID To I,COO BT U. WARNER & CO. .f tyro sires; prices, CA ctn. said 0..00 1 - 47arner7pi Safe Kidney and PROV*RII9.I " • ) 4500 will be_pild tor a case that nap Dm ten will not cure or hel PRO*ZEDS. Tor slaking rpellt. 111*, dlizinees, polpda. tion and low 'WV. rely an Bop =era. .04 Maio builds up, strengthens and alms continually ttouitlkedritdosa. .Iteimi at, p_roettre end DBO Hop I.CLess, iind you willbe arena Uglily' sad bairpy, orSkiney and 'VA. car" compleiots or gal kind Cured by =/n:ll'll'Utt,ms.itli' "Ladles, do 70U want to be Aron& Th en B op e Batters. l i=a ta nd over reratot—• .ELop Miters: Roe COV cons s. *We s tea eetee 6tiniv ateet A& Tho ECOr PAZ for Stomach Ltver and lEldnoja , to merle& to alt others Cares by ,aboontion. Oat Druggiota. yere,"Clefflol Lair. t era and In&a, need Bop attain dagy." la C. has akaolata and breakable earn tor dircu lang, anUSdIS Or OPIUM, t w o raucotica ' , IO? t !Ifte o nM o l t4 s. health, prortect imx.ka t,m3aln.tmpwm:im,." "Sour rUmach, eta headach p e and dial woe Elo Altters ewes Ada fry doom" Send t , A3l abate odd by dragefirta, Hopliners Itect=n itut • CA. Prealar. VEGETABLEVE SYllil CUBES COLD, COUGHS, ETC. " Can be used as a PlAsier. m- FOIL SALE BY ALL DEUGGISTS. gONPILLS ,FoR,T HE BLOOD NEFtVES 4 4: 0 COMPLEXION ' s*Pa Towindatoy E - =I 7 , anti FRos:ts sOlB' WIIOLUALI ♦ND SWUM FURNITURE! We are 'tow prepared for the BPRIN TRA.Di with • fun due of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS I•) 3 LATEST STY LES AND LOWEST PRICES welch we Invite the public to cad zed gazettes Our stoortmer t of - ' PARLOR SUITS IN RAW SILK., TERRIS.; PLUSH AND HAIRCLOTH, • i Teti large, and our• prlces'as low' as the lowest. we have s fall line of CHAMBER SUITS IN ASH, WALNUT AND SOFTWOOD, which we are selling at a very low price. A full line of SPRING BEDS, MATTRASSES AND PILLOWS. UNDERTAKING. In this department we always havelbe best goods n the market, and are continually adding NETYLES with •U the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, while our prices are the lowest. . J. 0. FROST'S SONS! Towanda, April 9, 1879. glioceitaneous GREAT SALES GOING ON ! GREAT, SALES GOING- ON ! GREAT SALES GOING ON! Read .made Clothing at a Sacrifice. Ready-made Clothing at a Sacrifice. Ready-made:Clothing at a Sacrifice. CLOTHING! Ready-TaafirVothing at a Sacrifice Ready-made Clothing at a Sacrifice Ready-made Clothiug at a Sacrifice TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED For the Next Forty Days For the Next Forty Days For the Next' Forty Days By buying of By buylngfpf X. E. ROSENFIELD. X. E. ROSENFIELD. The conmequenco of this great sale of my stock am compelled to oulargemy present store to make room for my increasing busi ness. and Instead of moving my stock while build ing WILL, SELL, FOR (JUST for the nextile days. No such chance for years to come. No such chance for years to come. No such cSnce for years to come. Fall stock going very fast Fall stock going very fast Fail stock going very fast The opportunity to purchase a CHEAP SUIT le a rare one, and should be embraced by all. Call early at M. E. - 110SENSIELD'S and enjoy the advantages now uttered by him. Towanda, March 4, ISSD STEVENS & LONG General Dealers in GROCERIES, TROVISIONS, _ And COUNTRY PRODUCE, HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW STORE. CORNER OF MAIN & PINESts (The old Stand of Fox, Stotens & They Invite attention to their complete aesortmen and •ery large stock of Choice New Goods, which they have always on hand. P ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE PRODUCE TRADE, Arid Cash paid for destrWo 31. J. LONG. GEO. STEVENS. Towanda, Aprt 1 - 1879. . SPRING AND SUMMER 1880. L. ROSENBAUM & SONS. 201 EAST WATER STREET, Dealers In * DRY AND FANCY GOOrDS, • ' I ALSO JOBBERS OF MILLINERY. The , , i LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST - Assortment Of MILLINERY In tbelSouttiern Tler. T air BpWa. lTndneementsanC Prices to Xllttaers. 4 respectfully molletted. L. ROSENBAUM & SONS., 10111CAMMA.TZX STUMM IWO i, m. • 7181141.6 WONSfacte P. . ..~ :~ .~ ~~ ~ : ~~ «, «» sew ~ ~ 9~ ~ >~ \~ ~ : _~:m.~~~ wz~z7~~~~f ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ k~~ ~ BRIDGE STREET FIIRNITITRE -STORE. TWO STORES IN ONE! • . llselioedonbled out- facilities thta year by oee eying two- stores.'we are prepared, to offer pm a Lemur stock glum ever before, and at reduced prices. . FURNITURE CHEAP CHEAPEST. At the same time we keep up the standard °tour goods. UNDER TAKING, We guarantee satisfaction.. We are prepared to do anything in that line on abort notlee; and ate de termined topteaae. Call and see for'youraelf • N. P. HICKS. Towanda, May Ist, 1879. , Atisceitaneon - : 1 A. BEVERLY SMITH, BOOKBINDER AND DEALER IN SCROLL SAW GOODS. MAGAZINES bound neatly and promptly. BLANK BOOKS bound to order and warranted AIIATELIBS' SUPPLIES • TU. dtpartmmt ol my boldness la •dry mu , •plete: A full lino of WOODS, SAW BLOCKS, CLOCK MOVEMENTS, &c., Constantly on hand, and or sale at lower prices than elsewhere. sir Sl= W OF DESIGNS FREE FOR $l.OO. Send for price lists. REPORTER BIIILDING, TowANDA, PA., P.O. Box 1512. CHAS. JOHNSON & CO.'S Foundry & Machine Shops, , We claim to make the BEST CIRCULAR ' SAW MILLS SHINGLE MILLS-LATH MILLS Parnell's Improved Feed Cutter, Stroud's Keystone Fire Shrinker, Griswold's Boas Water Wheels, , Ward's Patent Buckwheat Cleaner, &c., &c., &c.) dx. ENGINES AND BOILERS Made to order. Repairing or all kinds done -on abort notice. Satisfacilon guaranteed. AI/o, manntacturer of and dealers In JOHNSON'S PATENT Polishing arid' Fluting Irons The best ih the world. Agents wanted Towanda, April 15, 1880 l'7S7.lappt is; • }-1 , i t c2 c 7,,,, .c>: . s i: r. . I ._ , . . . • • (73 ?", 47 1 L 7 ; l x -c-z G. E. 8.8. ' a liqnid—s valuable combination censPoscl cf several of the remit pewerial and ysmetrating liquids known in chemistry. and was thmoVered by a celebrated Liglish chemist, and ‘rz.; introduced into the United States in the year and rifles that time, by its marvelous cura tive pones , has won for itself a world-Wide repu tation for its many cures of Rheumatism. Pains strt ttwellings. Burns and Scalds, Sprains and Cuts and 'Old Soma, Contraction of the litislee. Tender and 'Frosted Peet, Chilblains, Nelrahzia. Pain in the Side. Cliesf and Back, and is a tire...eine for 110*19 as well as for Man. and now stands at the bead of all Liniments unrivaled, and scarcely a etabltTor house can be,found with out &bottle wheys it is known. Wo challenge competition $l,OOO Will be paid for any case of the above-narned ills that G. E. 8. 8. will not cure ft the directions ere closely ote served. 0. E, 8 . 8, only stands tho test becanso it has proved the best. It is safe and wise to al trays keep a bottle on band.therebyin frequent in rteneeaavoiding the necessity of calling a dOPtOr. There is a balm for most all 1114; ' 'Ds neither cayenne drops nor bartahorn pills— When fairly tried. it then will show That Carers a E. 8. 8. is more than blow. Try a bottle and if it does not givo satisfaction, return it to your Druggist half-full and ho will refund you your money. Did space permit wo could glen you a hundred testimonials from men and Lim Wes in this - county that could not bo doubted. Call upon your nearest Druggist or Ft ore-fieen• er and ask for Carey's G. It 8. 0, and not bo put off by some other worthless trash. If ho ha. not Cot It on hand. ask him to send for it for 'Mu CAMEL Pnomorron. Middletown, Oratigo Co,, N. Y. For sale lu Towanda, Fa., by Einar and If. C. POUTER. ELMIRA, N. Y. GET YOUR HAIR CUT AND SHAVING, AT THE Vii arch. Souse SHAVING PARLOR. , lirWe study to please. b. V. STZDPE, Prop/, Towanda, Ps., July 15, 1679. EAGLE HOTEL, -• • (8017171 SIDZ macro SWABS.) • This well.known house has been thoroughly ren aerated and repaired throughout, and the proprie tor is now prepared to offer tirst.elass iseeommods. thins to the publie, on the most reasonable terms. , A. JENNINGS. ..Towanda, Pa., May 2,4878. HENRY HOUSE, . , CORNET, PAIN a WASH DIOTON STREETS • "Uri WAtD, TOWiln2o., P. • Meals at etl ban. Terms to inn tie times. Large stable stitched. REISSiT.PainrnISIOS. Towanda, Jots S. *MU. 611. It weet in your own town. St outfit tint. , o tisk. Under, It you want wilwaseit $6 taltidelkpotwonstit ottltorAWlLlWn wake tot 1 1. 11 M, .li Oat PO id tin: unto tliwy worls,wsi_to _pottln. staarnasT-a9o4rEguswxvibs• - - - :TS • .!` ° ' : - • •-• . . • ' - ".• ' MEM Xsosniat. we are !Cling Of all iliads aa It not CHEAPER i. Than the • (OUR 6PECIALTY4 TOWANDA, PENN'A. In the market. . CHAS. JOHYSON 4; CO. glottis. MS -Mcil'lT.yli - i;:...''''' BROTH EIS, alicvvcreiaatUM; General Hardware, HEAVY AND Stoves,, Tin, Iron, Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Gunpowder, Shot, Vartridgt.,.s. Carpenters' and Joiners' Tools, Farming and Dairy, Implements, Table Cutlery, Clothes Wringers, Rope, Bolts, 4- E 0 t: ,;11:01 r ' With the Expansion Broiling Chamber, SMYTH'S PATENT DUPLEX GRATE. With or without Low Closet, Reservoir, or Ornamental Elevated Shelf. The Greatest Combination of Valuatrie Improvements Ever Presented In one fc anti e. After the flattering experience of the 'past year, having had a very large and extended sale, we find that-the Tux ItANsost Corr.&Ga Is nniversany conceded to he the most distrable Raiige of Its class in the market. its general features are the same as in the celebrated Ransom Range, which has for years been COnsidered the finest Range made. It contains the Patent Expansion Broiling Chamber, which Is entrees:o/y achnowledgoil to be the only , mccessfal and practical told/Mg attach ment In use. It is also tarnished with Sznyth's Patent Duplex Grate. This celebrated Orate is tiztartnely simple In its con-truction. ft has now been in active use for morelicin live years. and In view of the universally successful experience cf Its operation and durability during that time, A well as the highly satisfactory results obtained by win our own thorough trhitof Rs quantle-, we have no hesitation in pronouncing It the male complete and sticcessful arrangement for removing clinkers and refuse from the tire-box instantancoUsly, thoroughly and cleanly, while the degree of combos - 110n obtained has never, in our opinion. been equaled with any other style of grate. Tim Ransom eterTArix Is a thoroughly fleet-elaree ItOrayo? In all its portions and appointments, while the price is rxtremelplow, It , is SO constructed that - it can be-changed front a Low Closet tO a `Single Oval Range, by ;immix lifting' the tipper tart of the Range front the Low Closet and placi n g it Upon a set of ditimmented legs. All sizes call also be furnished with the Ornamental }:krated The dirge Baled Ash Pan Is taken out at the end of the Range Instead of the front—a much more con venient and cltdanly arrangement andthe espaciett4 Warming Closet extends underneath the whole flange. The fiat Water Reservoir in heated entirely from the Mullein; and Is Of a larger capacity than Will befound on any other Range of this class. All that minor details In the, construction of this 'Range have received the closest attention. It has hlghtLialrfth , hed ends, hick/E.-plated knobs of a new and beautiful pattern, nickle-platedpilicis, nickle•plated Towel Racks, and the mounting and fittings is iu the best style.' • Towanda, Pa., Ot4ober 30, 1879 'HE' STANDARD of em•ileixe thro.stliout eke in -Rolm,' World. IATCALESIO for Grain-Sa 'cult, Tinatt.liaring, par. 'leaning, Hewn, rsortTharough Work: IpcompAßAnt in Q.ably of Material. Pliretime acv of arts, Thec e ouli. Ifoorkutanrinp, Eltglat ninth, and Mal!. _ iootvgLous for ~...a,, "perior work in all kh.ta dram and unfree oily known &Lam only aucerwtrul altresher In Flax. Timothy Clover, and, all other Seel.. tr./Idly simple. using leas than hal} the usual gears and bolts. . ittA4T711..._,, find STRAWaItURNINC STEANI•EIICINES. with special fealtir - e — ; id - FoWer: Durability, Safety, reouomr. and 'Beauty entirely unknown in sir makes. Ntientrie Power Oottipo nail Piteous-Power Separators a specialty. Pots Wes of Separators, from six to twelve horse power; also two styles 'lmproved lloonted Horse Powers. Thirty-Two Years of Prosporoup anti COntilitiOUS BllSinttill 17 tha boaar.tritinftle 61=0 of name, location, or Marterreutent, arms en astrong tritsrantee, for superior goods] and honorable dealing. ~ . ' _.......--- -- "wi f .e.. CAUTION 1,-I,7lt,.taimzczarhiurViavnfi,.-aa s - r --p'' machines to the alt; hence various makers arc now attempt. '' : . I .. log Co t olld sod palm off Inferior Lod mongrel Imitations of 0- , -". '." - ... --.... , • ',. , - . Our eSOOPU , goods. a -., ...--_-_ ..... .4 A 1 :• 1 4 ) BE NOT DECEIVED .1 l a w i -.. ..:_. ~....„..., ....,;7 .i . 657 such cencrirrwatil and worthies* machinery. If you hay —• T -"............. 7 ' .---- . " "t - ill Il ___ sz..a. set th.“Orlielnol" and tfper Genuine* from u,.. .........N....e-‘ - -___ ~.. ~, - ...x. C - 71ror fold particulars ..0 ...; our dealrra of • ri te . ~z, , '-- 1 t if: .-f to U. for Illustrated Circulars, whirl we mall free. Address • . ' Vi .. .., `V * ' 4.V NICROLS, SHEPARD & CO., Battle Creek, Mich. iejr-' y • • ;S•'. - 7:4' 7 ';,- , es• - •.,.::' .....;-_-• '.: EMU CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE lAARK. The Great TRADE M RK. ENGLISH' Remedy, Will promptly is' radlcally cu r 0 - aux & every cal.° , V. of Nervous Debit. 4 Ity & Weakness, result ',of Indly.,„„, erctlon.excessor Before Takingovenvork of the Main a nervous After Taking system ; is perfectly harmless. acts like magic, Mid has been extensively o , ell. for over thirty years with 'great success. Sl' Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire -to send free by mall, to every one, in,. The Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at er per package, or six packages for 65, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the 'money by srldrrisAlljg THE GRAY MEDICINE Co., ' No. 3 Meehanici , Bleck. 1)E21:0IT, Mien. 13,501 d In TeiVapd3 by C.'T. KIRBY. and by druggists everywheni. Johnston. Holloway Co., Wholes:tin agents, Phila. .tApril 10, 187941.= Geo. L. Ross, Of the Third Ward Store, has ouctK4l a largo and convenient Store in the brick aToek, First WAAL opposite Humphrey Brettt tetracy's Boot and Shoe Factory, and has with • A LARGE STOCK OF • CHOICE GROCERIES • • • OF ALL . KINDS, • • • . Which be has purchased in New York for cash, and solicits the confidence and patronage of the public, and respectfully announces that ho • WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD , Ily anybody. His Third Ward Store will also be kept stocked with first-class goods, and will be sold as low as the lowest. Towanda, January 8, 1880. GILMORE & CO., rEstiblislied 188.5.3 PENSIONS, INCREASE Of PENSIONS, and alt other classes of claims for Soldiers and Soldiers• Heirs, prosecuted.. Address with stamp. - fiILHORE ts Washing - ton, D. C. LIST OF LEGAL BLANKS Printed and kept on sale at tee Rzeonrita Critics . at wholesale or retell. Deed. : Mo Bond. Treasurer's Road. • Collectors Bowl. Leaee. Complaint.) Commttnients. • Warrant. Constanlrsitetorn. Artifin Agreement,2 torsos. Bond on Attachment. Constable's Sides. . Collectors gain. Mlttoi tor !Mewls. Blood for Lleesas. - ' _ - afbahlagt eitleats ttC• DEAMERt3 IN CONWLSTENG OF SHELF Wagon Makers' Supplies, Chains,- &e., &e. ALSO AGENTS FOR.THE COTTAGE RANGE, --A~ D-- McINTYRE BROTHERS. lIM 1111401t5. Be Not Deceived THE BRINE-ST. CLOTHIER, CHEAPER THAN ANY • 'OTHER CLOTHING HOUSE IN TOWANDA! Before the tato advance in prices we' purchased the LARGEST STOCK EWER FAR MED BY US, and therefore cau Our stock comprises a full lino of. CLOTHING! The largest stock of HATS in town A full and superb line of Gents' FURNISHING GOODS. Trunks and Traveling' Bags, Townioda, Match 18, 188011 PATENTS mist how to bbtaln them. Pamphlet free, upon-receipt of•Starap pelmet :7 ,Adr 9 0 8 8 — - BM EUII HARDWARE, O 0 4 0 * :21 - = 'l l l la. reb al E. - 'Nan Abuirtiseittento. J. K. BUSH, Is bound to sell SELL AT OLD PRICES 1 MEN'S, YOUTH'S, AND CHILDREN'S For tho Spring trade. At manufacturers' prices. J. K. BUSH, No. 2 Bridge Street. ME Veal /*atlases's.- Dt!WM=S OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'B ' MEV= COMPOUND. 0, 4 s The PoeithreCure Portal Female .Complaints. 9' Ws preparation, as its name signifies, etiwiste of iyarepado properties that areharnilms to the most dal. feats Invidid. Upon one trial the merits of this Cola; pound efll be recognised, as relief is Immediate g ang Br=its mesh' confirmed, In nniefirtano eametin stunt. and, alermancatcerelseffected,asthoumnds will tee . . My. On accowat albs proven n3erite, It Is today es aimmended and mac:then by the beat physicians in the conntry. • it will care entirely the worst form of fining of tit& Merest Letioarthrea, Irregular and • painful Ilfenstruition,all Ovarian Troubles, lnliammatiow and Illearstion, floodings, all Displacements and the eow• seqwwit spinal weal:ries!, andis especially adapted to the Change °ELM. it will &moire and expel Rimers from the otertisfn an early stage of development, Th e • tendency to once:ono hUMOril the-re Is chocked Very speedily by its me. . fact It =has • proved to be the great. eat and best remedy that has ever been discover. td. It permeated every portion of the system, =defies. new We and Tlitor. It removes faintness,flatulency, strays all craving for stimniints, and relieves westmem of the stomach It area Bloating. neaaache., Ferrous Proatration, General Debilftyageeplesencst, Depression and Ina geathw i That feeling or beating down, eauslng pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by Its use. ltwillatalltimes,andanderall circumatiusi ow, act In harmony" with the law that governs the tesnalospitem. For /Olney Cemplainta of either !ex this compound b vuuttrpaned. Lydia E. Pinkham's VegOable Compound preparod at =and M 5. Warden; Avenue, Lin Mau 'Price 10.00. Six bottles for 115.00. Meet by mail In the tone Opine, also In the form of Larcuger, on melt:4 of rice, WO, peebot, for either. Mrs. PLKYLIAM freebrettairere W 1 lettere of Ingetry. Send for ;ear piaci Address as above Mention this paper. Fo trimilY shot:Ube Without LYDIA E. TINKEUIX' LIVEUTTLLS. They cure Colistipetioa, DlLongue* liogriorPidttl of the 14ter. oeaboper box. FM • , (0 a perfectlyhealt4 condition of I, ty and mind. The rapidly Incrinis- Ing ~ 1 01[111111, i fqt (Mg 111.11 Cine and oar large sales In eiJny.equence, Is Indeedliffit.lent evidence In It4elf ;of its gre.d. Perfectly ,172,J1L Harmless, II can be need any time, without tear by the most delicate person,. So teat? er what the ailing. and . may bt. t.) ellitdrett With perfect safety, as no bad-results follow Its izQe, Gotug no IrOSNibiC Injury. As a MIL) 1 . 9131 e: gszale Laxative and harmless Invigorsnt It is Intittitely superior to any known remedy for 31171flrit,Iti Ferfr,u. *faun(' irr. e•pf is . , ...11ent , 1 sick Head.- Coast apt( ion, D4 - SPEPSI3,.tc Read the folloWlng names of persons Well and widely known. who te,t Ity to the va*.ttable proper ties of 51113U1% 1 .i L.l 14 . 1.:(4 CI. A. - TOR Git 31 EDWIN Hon. Alex. If. Stephen.; John Berkwitli, 131.h0p of 111` , 11T1a Gen. John 11. Gor don. S. ISetta.or: llop. .irltn Gilt Shorter, Rt. Rev. lilshop Pierce. J . Faiß Jr thouipson. Hon. B. 11114 Hon. John C, 11,e kinridge Prof. Dirtni Wills. D. Hiram 'Wu: her. (ilia Justice of Georgia: P. 31.,-1•hIla„. and Many others from Whom we have letters comment ing upon lids me.dlclne a , a most valuable bouse hold semedy. V.> Cht ,, Pur,ei Zit at Fn/I"t' Me Li i. eine , in th. 11 f.rbi. . I..LNCrAcyI - 11E1 ONLY BY H. ZEILIN & CO.,Phlladelphia Prior°, 81.00. ri,od by all Druggists. NA V 14 o,(t it , ~.ta. _:. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER IS A PER ELY VECiETABLII ng3tED7if For INTERNAL ani 220111:CIAL Use. PAIN KILLER tr.„",741,it," . 3d..rz.!r.P r e 4 rfe titm• i.:1 , 10 , 1 , 14•caCh t*Atio,an , .l Is peg eray'sq, - ; in Wl* trout in,perienewi ha....,1*. • • t FAI! KILLER n, fo C r „ inrrira. truialn4ol;buicra t nod all tc,mplaints. PAIN KILLER 11T-IrZr i rer:tgttn„i:N d rZ SO* lier".actie, Pain In Olio Isac,ll, or aide, , 12tionnat tmrolgin. PAIN RiLLER " "ir "*";Ibly Mt. HEST tiff It Ppe..ty Irn3perm, 1,1:11" ti1re.1...e3 of Urn kr,3, Clips Spri/Ll,, P.Y,Vere IMAMS* ett- PAiN KILLER . too IvOi.trioa /Mot tot friend of tlu Neehmilc., 'Fanner, Pinntcr,Satinr,;lnttlll Inet all eits , C,l w3,:ainkr a niedlcine nty,..•11 , 1. and oaf a to ternully.or exz many with certainty fhlmr`r Pei r !Int'' , to tis svithnnt this itt. r,: in v !vin 1101.1,, It, I rieo brtug3 it n 4:4aually eah ~al- 1 3'[ ' 1 1 n !,!..! " ; ' , ' .... 3 r .;: 1 I e.2:1i1l • Dobbs DAVIS & Provldence, R. 16 Prouzi.--tcrs. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR DISEASES - OF TUE Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asth ma , and Consumption. red so wide a re pULIM )0, or maintained it so tg, as AYER'S tfliEß ,,..m known to the public about forty years, by a long series of marvelous Cures, that have. wen for - If a confidence In He vir. tees, never equaled by any other medicine. It still makes the 'nest effectual , cures of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, that ran be made by Medical skill. Indeed, the OIIEURY PECTORAL has really robbed these dangerous diseases of their terrors to a great extent; and gives a feeling of Immunity, from their parent effects, that Is welt founded, If the remedy be taken in season. Every family should have ft In their closet for the ready and prompt relief of Its members. Sicknek suffer ing, -and even life is saved by thle timely protect. Lion; The prudent should not neglect It, and the wise will not. Keep it by you for - the protection it affords by Its early use In sudden attack& / =Erliri Or. J.O. AYER AL Co. Lowell. Mass Practical and Analytical Chemist'. ttold' try Ail Drratits and tresteri Modletne 1:1 TESTIMONI ats are received , very day by the prat moo ors of Si )lONS ItEOUL k.• Oft, from persons of location awl vocal .!nce from all parts of ter country attesting • the reonderfrd CM-a ro properties of this teat medicine.; No tiler prernration lot r !men discovered that •pepsla and its kindred • B v lre.l COM laff int*. prness . . . . . c. • 1 gg I 1 ~, , The few cempositioits 'itch have won the con temn of mankind and (nue household words °lig not only one hut ny nations, must have raordinary . virtues. 'taps 'no ono ever se E MEI dim and goissoad. Diet for the Sick,.. Ont.a most useful book with the above title, due. to 11. IL Kane, we derive a number of useful hints AS to.thidiet; of • the sick.-- . We have So . often .repeated in the Household columns - what important factors; are the ailmenti given to an invalid; 'and how; if in proper quantity and-of int.. proved quality, the kitchen helps the cure more than the apothecary's shop. Sotrie doctors are ; fortunate enough to combine with their pharmaceuti cal lore a 'certain amount of culinary . aCquainttince. ft were a great pity that they, many of them, did not , know more of the latter.. • A doctor ntaY say to the wife,. who is all an xiety in regard to the health of her .ailing husband, "give the sick man something . light . and .nourishing." Now, what (NO the ordinary wife know about such things T • She could sing rot her - husband's amusement, possibly dance for him, but' as to making him a nourishing broth, or a gruel even, as well ask her to balance her Self on a tight rope. .It is not be= neath the dignity of the most-learned Esculapius to unbend at times, and, the various - methods bow fobd shOuld be prepared for invalids. Relative values of food and their digestibilty a physician shoUld 'have by heart, aud it is his duty to impart his knowledge when -it is necessary. - Now, as to methods of preparing food .for invalids. Dr. -Kane says : ' "Fried. food of any kind ',should nev er be, admitted to the sick room The process renqrs the food very hard of digestion, - as it comes to us cased in i darkotitside of browned Material and tat." A leading author. ity, Dr. Baird, about' frying as fol--, lows : "This is a method of cook ing meat.which has no other recom mendaticin, than convenience'. It is a rude - method, adapted for coarse natures, and dleappears before civili zation." ; We wish we thought Dr. Baird was right as to its disappear - tinge. Frying,' like origimq sin, is, we are .afraid,, everlasting; and not to,, be stamped out. If meat hasi to be g iven to an invalid, it must be broil ed. Even precaution should be used ;as to materials with which the tire is made. Hot coals often smoke and flavor the meat disag/eeably. If pos sible, broil with -wood fire:"... An ex cellent Method is to take a bit of meat or chicken and' wrap in a but tered piece of paper, and thus place it on the gridiron. -Baking meat is not as good a - process, though often resorted to. The tendency of meat placed in an oven is to evaporate all those strength-giving juices found in the flesh. Boiling meat, if attended, to properly, is not a bail- method - , as the beef retains a large amount of nutriment, the fatty portions being dissolved by the heat. But the troll. hie about the boiling process is that, unless great intelligence is used, the meat is overcooked,. and the nutri tious elements are found more in the broth than in the meat. Then again, - as the appetite] has to be somewhat stimidated, boiled meats are a trifle insipid and tasteless. The process of boiling poultry being shorter than that'used in cooking beef, the boiled chicken can be, however„ most ad vatageously used in the "sick room. Stewing, when the broth is made rich in extractive matter, when the Selection - of the material has been ju dicious, is excellent food for invalids,' providing the fats have. been taken away. In " Diet for the sick," the remarks in regard to fats shOuld be, remembered, that as the carbons are heat producers, when the patient has inclinations to fevers, they are prone to give a reoccurance of them. Fats digest slowly, and in delicate:consti -tutions may .disorder the stomach. If a'portion - of the battle offer illness has been won by the proper selection and dressing of the food, if it .be slovenly or carelessly served, it:of ten does more harm than goo],, Nothing is more distasteful than to hand an ill. person a smeary dish or sloppy cup. The senses are so deli - cate that often an overcharge of, food, is revolting to the sight, and deadens' ' the appetite. It is better, then, to' make tw'o trips between the kitchen. and the sick-room than to disgust a patient with an overabundance. There is no precaution which should not be taken to make the meal inviting. Have always a tlean'nvkin ; change it every time food is partaken of. If the patient is too weak to use a spoon or fork himself be careful not to cram, and remember that the invalid is not a Strasburg goose penned up in a cage, and that your sole object' is to increase the size of his or her 'liver. It is Wise, ethinently wise, to humor a patient. Never talk tmuch about what you are going to admin . ister in the way of food, Just as the eyes, nose, and ear' .are stimulated disease t .sw. does 'the imagination of the patient, become :eccentric. Sometimes expectations are nisei' too high; at other periods simply to mention food is to pal the appetite. Oftentimes= it is better to produce .your neatly-covered tray without any • advice of its coming to the patient. We all of its must know of patients in (Air own experience who would rather starve than say that they were, hungry. This is to be forgiven, as it is nothing more than)an idiosyn crasy. Firtimesseis all ,ell enough, 'and / an intelligent invalid may be coaxed into eating;: b t to , bully about .food is a miatak , and often results most unfortunately. . If, with a lanouid movement of the hand, the poor sufferer should bid you "be gone " with hil your nicely prepared food, take it kindly, put try it again at some other time. The great thing is patience, • and always patience. This is what Miss Nightingale says: "Many a patient can eat it' you can only tempt his appetite. Your fault lies in the fact of you not having got him the thing that he fancies." But another patient -does not care for grapes and turnips; every thing is equally distasteful to him, Ile would try to eat anything which would do him good ; but everything makes him worse, The fault gener ally lieS with the cooking. It , 0 not, his appetite which requires tempting, it is his diges . tion which requires sparbig.. A good - cook fOr the sick' will save the digestion half its work. There may 'be four causes, any one of which will produce the same re sult, viz., the patient Slowly starving to death from the-want of nutrition 'I. Defect of cooking. 2. Defect in choice of .diet. 3. Defect in choice of hours for taking diet. 4. Defect of - appetite of patient, Yet - all theSe are .generally , comprehended in one sweeping assertion that the patient has "no appetite." Now what are the remedies? .For the first is to cook better ;' for the second to select the diet, for the third to watch care fully the patient, and for the fOurth -and last, to show him what he likes —and sometimes to work-In the most unexpected-way.. - =II In treating Of beet extracts, "Diet for::the Elicit"- quite upholds the views entertained. in the Household Column some months ago. 4 4 Beer extracts are, as , a rule _of- absolutely" no value in the siell-room. In tbe process, or preparation the greater part'of the nutriment is left behind, and most of the salts are preserved. While acting as occasional flavorers of soups and additions to regular diet, they are utterly unworthy of reliance as the chief article of food." In fact, they are slightly stimulating, as much se,• about, as tea, but don't hardly give any nutriment. - What you want is the beef, in finely-- - divided particles, cooked in heel' ex tract; then you get the stiinnlent. 'and the food.. This is an essence of beef and not a beef extract. It has been-exceedingly difficult to Stamp out this dietary heresy about beef extracts, as quite a numerour series of letters addressed to the Household: Column would , show. People, be. cause they have, 'leen badly taught, will pin their fail to .beef extract, and stick to 'it thiongh thick, and thin. In response to those who still advocate beef extracts we have to say that the only harm a constant. diet of beef extracts would- cause the uld he patient.hathweh would o w u a l d s f ed reri s o h n them f starva ti on. It is'not a poison at all, but it is simply nothing, and one cannot live on nothing—and that 'is all there is o about it. Sheep Raising. South Pickinson C 0.,. June---:Last June I . purchased - 66 Merino ewes • with their lambs, 61 in number, pay ing.s3 riot. head for the ewes 'and per bead for the lambi eight head of eweetiiising lambs after buying them. I crossed them. on the Nth , ' of September by turning in a Meri no ram 'and as natural _consequences the lambs commeheed coming by the middle of February. From ,7t3, head of ewes we raised , B9 head of lambs 17 of the number raised twins. Some yearling - ewes. bad lambs, 'taus- in creasing the number of breeding, ewes. Had a few larnba die and ex-,1 eluding their dams from the number having lambs. On the first of thiS month I sold their wool for 16 resits per pound: they averaging :seven pound to the !fleece. , As . twd-thirds! Of the' number of this years lambs are ewes, and half of' the number of last year's ewes,' with the_ eld.ewes, "by next fall we will have 15,0 head of breeding, ewes, which are and will be worth $3 per head. 1 am selling yearling wethers: for $3.5:i and spring lamb wethersjor $2.50 per head. I fattened 24 head of wail ers. paying $2.50 and $3. •per boo, and sold them on the Ist ofJurie (Or $1.20 per head after shearing. They averaging S . pounds 'of wool to the 'head, yiehitng49 cents per pound'. I feed than 100 bu. of corn, 10 acres of cut-up corn-fodder, 10 tons of pra irie hay; 5 tons of millet, MI acres of headed wheat„litraw. The .wetbers fat. about four bUshels of corn to. the • 441u1 besides the rongh feed. Any one wishing to figure up the i percentage of grain are welcome t o do so. lam satisfied by havinl7 the money. I think sheep can do about as well Without corn and shelter as a man can.dp.ivit bout iiteat and an overeat in winter. Rams fed well, and fat when turned in for service, arc more liable tti- produce: tAvins, and will come out poor enough. Particular attention .at lambing time save a treat deal of unnecessary trouble. Many .i‘ia% . lambs 'with their dams in a small ehelosure is not beneficial, as . the ./I‘.l sheep. lie upOrr. the lambs . : Cornstalk fields should be pastured in the fall. Corn fodder is excellent feed for sheep. My favprite sheep arc large cogn ition ewes graded by a Merino ram sheep Colorado graded by a Merino 'are careful mothers, - but their llecl - ce is light and inferior.-11 - .. IL ithode. , , in the Kawas l'A•hterl- Something a Farmer Should Know . As a general, thing - the farmerAs liable for ali the public injury his hired man may; cause while actually employed by hits. If he sends him into his lot to - burn brush, and be', for any purpose whatever leaves it and the tire run's into his neighbor's. destroying hiS fence and injuring his .crops the farmer _is liable fur the' damages'eaused by the wantom glect of the hired man. If he sends a hired-Man on the road with his team, and he,, by negligence, runs into another team and injuries it, the farmer is liable for the -datnaJr& but should the hired , man tetr4 - the road be was directed to go, and trav el another road for his own pleasure,. then' the farmer would not be liable for the damages should any accident occur. It' a hired man, in going to or from the lot with a scyt l he, and by the careless handling or carrying he injures a passer-by, the farmer islia ble for damage. 'lt' in cutting wood the hired man 'cuts down a tree in another lot, the owner is liable for trespass and . damages although he distinctly showed him the 'boundary,' and though the Man - may have cut. the trte"with maliciousness; run into a team, even if it - bloek bis way, y e t the farmer must pay ani:•damage, though done contrary to his positive order. in all - these cases the farmer can compel tllle hired .man to pay-hiM back if lie has anything to pay it, with ; but this is rarely the ease un less the farmer keeps Wick his wages and only settles-when his thue.ex- SANITARY EFFECT Ywl , Ilovstwouw. —Housework in moderation is bene ficial rather than otherwise to Women, who need - bodil3; exercise. clan for omen's diseases. found that in women who themselves performed all their there Was no trace of certain ebmplaints; that these complaints begi#to make their appearance in women with one servant, become more- pronounc ed' in women with two servants, wore still with those whahAve. three servants, and so. on. He., showed statistically that "the deaths froth child-Vali were, four times greater in the case of women with four ser vants than those with: none. So work has. itsadVantages.• DRIED APPLE CusT-Aftu.--One pint dried apples; -mashed and strained ; two - ,eggs beaten., with the apples; sweeten and spice to taste; .add a half tumbler of cream • or rick milk. paste, and ben done cover witiLa meringue. , • . . • To CRYSTALIZE GRASsEs.— One pound' best, alum, powdered ; half a gallon of soft water; boil until dig solved ;dip, the grass in the solution, and - allow it to remain six or seven hours; semove and dry in the sun.