Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 15, 1880, Image 2

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Towanda,: Pa.; July, 15, :880.
FtiipcblicaliNational Ticket.
Republican State Ticket.
Horn HENRY GREEN, Northampton.
&n. JOHN A. LEMON, Blair Oonnty.
Republican County Convention:
Pursuant •to a resolution passed by the
Republican County Convention, in session
Ji,me 26, 1880, tho, Convention of the Re
iluhlican party for 1880 will canyene at
the Court Muse, in Towanda:borough,
•• r •
on TUESDAY, . AUGUST 24.rn, 'lBBO, at
1 o'clock, R: M., to make the folloiring
nominations, to wit
One person for President Judge.
One person for 'Representative In the 47th don
One person for State Senator.
Three ilersona for liepresentatives..
Oneferson for District Attorney.
Arid for the transaction of any other basi
uess that may come before the.Cenven-
The Committees of Vigilance' of the
several election .districta will call a pri
teary or delegate election for their respec
liTe districts, for SATLRDAY, AUGUST
21sT, 1830, to elect by ballot two dele.
gates to represent each district in said
County Conventign.
The delegate elections in the Townships
will -be organized at 3 o'clock, and
kept open continuously to the close at 5
o'cli . :ock, P. M.; in the Boroughs the dele-
pto' elections will be organized at 6
o'clock, P. 3!., and kept opep continu
ously until_the' close at 8 o'clock, P. M.
The votes shall then be counted, and the.
result certified by the officeni to the Chair:
• man of the said Colthntion, and a copy
delivered at.once to the delegates. elect.
The Committees of VigilanOe are. par
titularly requested to observei , the above
suggestions carefully in conducting
BEN.T. M. PECK,, Chairman
Committees of Vigilance.
Om Borough—G. H. Foss, 0. F. Young, Orrin
Alhany Totrnshlp—lra 11. Richards, G. W.. En
glish, Porter Jones.
Armenia Township—D. D. Alexander, John S.
Youmans, 0..8. Sherman.
Asylum Township—O. A. Gilbert, F. N. Micro.
Myron Kellogg. -
Athens Borough—D. W. Tripp, Floyd Khmer
Fred M. Wells. .
Athens Townsnip, Ist District—L. 0. Snell, lie*
D. Miller, Frank Lincoln.
Athens. Township. 2d Distriht—F. W. Keyes,
• James 3lnstart, N. W Ilallock.
s Athens Township, 3d Oistrict—Tl. - W. ;Thomas,
11. di. Spaulding, B. F. Coolbaugh.
_ Barney Townshlp—C. Tldd, George Emory,-
Henry Duggan.4.
. • Burlington Borough—W. H. D. Green, C: H.
Morgan, M. S. Doughty,.
Burlington Township—T. S. Baker, H. L. Spem,
• cer. E. W. Wheeler.
'Burlington West—A. B. McKean, Sohn N. Dar
row, Leroy Stanton.
Canton Borough—Or. J. E. - Cleveland, M. „E.
Miley, F. A. Owen. .
Cinton Township—Daniel Andrus, Hiram . Lind
, ley, Lawrence Manley. I •
Columbia Township—C, E. Gladdlng, DeWitt
Wolfe, Frank Morgan.
Franklin, Township— Joseph Spaldlni,l Ahira
' Gay, Wm: IL Rockwell.
Granville ToWnshlp—Adam Innis, Johtf-Vroman,
2d: M. T. Shoemaker, 2,1.•
derrick Township—James Hurst, George,Bniwn,
Noble Levenworth.
Lonny Township—W. B. Willcox, A. T. Lesley,
I.eroy Unlearnt,.
. Leitaystrllle Borough—Leroy Coleman, Saltine]
}Tuber. 0. G. Canfield. ,
Litchfield Township--Stephen Evans, C. E. Mc-
Kinney. Dr. A. Judson
Monroe Borough--0. IT. Rockwell, D. J. Sweet
A. L. Rockwell.
Monroe Township—U. M. Pratt, ClariTtockfrell,
W. A. Kellen. i
New Albany Borough—D.
,Harsbberger, S;
D. Sterlgerg: G. H. Wilcox:
' Orwell ToWvishlti--Dr..l. M. Barrett, E. J. Ham
ilton, John Eastman.
Overton Township—.
Pike Township-B. D. Bolles, L. W. 'Upham,
' W. W. Doolittle.
Itldgbury Township--E. X. Cooper, G. R. Mead,
D. If. Larrison.•
Rome Borough—C. H. Stohe, E. F. Spalding, L.
W. Maynard.
}come Township--Richard McCabe, Geo. Forbes,
A. C Arnold.
Shasheoula IL H. Gore, T. L.
oungs. B. F. Watkins.
• _ Smlthfield Township--George T: Beech. Walter
Ulpi, C. G. Webb.
Beath Creek Township—G fit. Thompson, G. 0.
lark. Ira Crane.,
eolith Waverly:Borough—D. L. F. Clark, - John
M. Pest, Chas. D. Sanders. •
Springfield Township—O. Harkness, W. A.
Brown. Ira S. Fanning.
Standing State Township--L. M. Gordon, Chas.
Jannings,_llenry Stevens.
Sytysnla Itoraugh—Leander Gregory, W. L.
Seouton. Stephen Roses.
Terry Toanship—J. H. Schoonover, S. Bowman, •
Charles Terry.
- Towanda Township—A. W. Dinuicy, Leroy M.
Bowman, 11. M. Ui sidstn. '
• Towanda Borough. lot Ward—Ed. Stevens, John
J: Spalding, J. I'. Keeney.
Towanda Iterough. 2d Ward—lsaac Middaugh.
C 111 M. Tay E. Bennett.
Towanda Bonmgh, :Id Ward—D. T. Evans, •E.
D. Itutkiell, Frank Smith.
Towanda North—E.
,Rutty, W. J. Manger, A. R.
Thompson. • - . ,
Tent/ Borough—Lewis Crane, 13. IL Mitchell. IT,
Troy 'ToWnshlp —L. T. Loomis, Win. Lines,
Harrison Greene.-
Tuscarora Township—Dr. N. J. Cogswell, A. B.
-Christian S. F. - -Ackky. -
Ulster Township—James Mather, J. I(. Merger
tan. Geo. 11.-Rockwell.
Warren Township—J. A. Murphy, D. A. Sleeper.
'C. H. Rog- rs.
Wells. Township-. Wads IleardSlee, F. H. Stiays
re, .Wlll. .P. , lyea.
Wilmot Township—Thomas Quick, T. It:Young,
'ltlehard Arey.
Windham Township—N. I.oomis, Wright Dun
ham. E her White.
Wyalusrng Township Lyman "Lewis, Jacob
Mlles, Jr., Dr. A. K. Neivell. • •
Wysos Township—Win. H. Gonklin, Wm. Whit
aker, Daniel Lamphere.
WRY not and the Town Crier with his
bell in,search for 'the Missing 111.Siccoos:
A DISASTROUR fire occurred in TI one,,
Blair County, Wednesday, destroying the
business centre ofkhe tl:Nwn. It was the
'work of an incendiary; [Fortunately no
lives were lost; and the loss though great
is not. ruinous.
TILE North . Carolina Republicans are
prepaking for a iigoroug - and successful
campaign. They are fully alive to the
isipes of the day, and are confident they
can carry the State for GARFIELD. It
be a grand success ilthey do.
THE theory that inasmuch , as liaNcoca
was born in this State, and is, therefore ;
nominally a Pennsylvanian, he must re
ceive the electoral vote of this State is
absurd. Pennsylvania cares more princi
ples than men. It can never be induced
to free trade for the sake' of a native
Democrat. -
Tun Grind Army of. the Republic of
the State will go into• camp, runder =A
ran upon the battle-field of Gettysburg,
from Friday, July 19th, until Friday,
July 23d. •On Tuesday, July 20th, they
will make iii.excursion to the battle tield
of Antietam, by the way of Frederick and
llarperts Ferry, and return _by llagers-
ar"'" Yed• Or
Ftkilla to Ye lA ' txmin •
kW* 44ar "`" on,- atbe taximpc 0001
- , - - ;,%;., - . 4 ".,J_ ,,- ;< , : ,,
Tim "Churl' leaders," as they
caged, are thorough Republicans, and
will in 1880; as in be found in
the front line of efficient fighting men.
Those who predict their opposition do itot
fully understand' these men.
HANCOCK evinces his disrespect for his
superior officer, thel commander-li-chief
of the army, by .running As a candidate
for President on a platform which de
nounces him as a conspirator. What
would lisacoca say of an oilleer of hie
staff who appended hts name to a series
of regulations denouncing him as a sot, a
glutton and a blasphemer?
*IIEN the people of the North forget
who is responsible for the rebellion—who
rebelled—to what political party they be
longed—what it cost the nation to sup
press the rebellion, and that the country
is not free from danger with that party
in power, they may vote for General
MUSCOCS, but not until then. They have
not yet forgotten these things.
Tan Utica Herald is of the opinion that
with proper effort - and an honest count
the' Republicans 'will carry North and
South Carolina, Florida and West Vir
ginia. In Louisiana and illississippi it
has no expectation of a' fair y election, but
believes that reasonable - fairness may be
secured in the States above referred to if
the Republicans are aggressive.
Is you want to make a Democrat mad,
enquire of him as to the whereabouts of
the HANCocs
THE Norristown Herald, printed at the
birth place of General iLawcocK, alludink
to the report that "a%arge_ number of
Norristown Republicans would vote for
the Democratic nominee of the "Solid
South," says : "The number ,is now esti
mated at three, and one' of two more
Democratic proceisious will send them
back to theirlirst love."
Tau deaths in Neorl c last week
reached the frightful a negate of 1,297
—about one person in 950 of the popula
tion:, Heat and filth are responsible for
this ten ible rate of mortality. There ire,
few places on the continent where nature
has done more to insure• the long life of
residents than upon Manhattan Island,
and there are few places where man has
done more, to invite disease and death.
Tllis Republican canvass in New York
is to be of the most aggressive character.
The Republican Executive Committee is
strongly convinced that it can carry the
State, and is determined to put forth a
vigorous and concentrated effort to do it.
The Control of one-half of the police com
mission by Tammany has re-opened the
old war between the Democratic factions,
and the Ilepnblican chance fot success is
not lessened thci :thy.
ONE of t l lO richest featnres of the
platferm is the demand for a free
ballot. The u"fortunate colored voters
in the Sr.uth hare, been bull-dozed for
Years by Demecraqc traitors and tyrants,
and yet they have tbo audacity to come
out and mato almitil,a free ballot. Let
them chiviiio their courso*id show that
they really mcan what!. they say, and
three-fourths of the States in what is now
the Sol 1 Soittli will gi4. majunte-s fur
SENATOR DON Cammiotes health, Rapt
a Wa.4l:ington dispatch to the Cincinnati
Com nd f so much undermined as to
cause 1- k fiii leis serious apprehension,
and only an'ent ire abstinence from all ex
citement or mental strain, he is advised,
will assure his restoration: Ho is under
the care of a physician, and has dropped
everything but attention to his nervous
condition. He is taking • sulphur baths
l and.medicine regularly, and is utterly un
!ableAo do anything requiring the least
'strain upon hii• nervous system.
One of the Current rumors, of whicln
'Democratic 4#:gans are making a great
deal, represents that Senators BLAINE
and CAMERON,. who are at tho White Sul
phur Springs, are not on good terms, and
that the Maine Senator 'on one• occasion
snubbed the Pennsylvania one. The fact,
according to a private letter from the
Springs, - is that i Senator . BLAINE takes a
horseback ride with Senator CAMERON
and family every day, and that they ap
iear to be on the best of terms.
Tile Dcwocrstie papers are en
deavoring to -- explain the stultifies.
ton of ,the r party in nominating a
" Man on Horseback," as their can
didate for the Presidency, by claim
ing for him distinguished civiltier
vices while Military Commander of
the Southwest. Unfortunately I . the
record of General -llANcoca's course
in that 'instance furnishes the best
evidence why he is not I entitled ti)
the confidence-and support of thoSe
who believe that every .citizen .of the
United States is entitled to the same
:rights - Land privileges /.ani to the
equal rotection of the American
flag. rt.. shows that he 'Was but the
willing tool or President Arrnaz:4v
JoupoN in his efforts to substitute
what' he so arrogantly styled his
Policy, for the will of the Nation
properly and lawfully expressed
through the only power recognized
by the Constitution, the Congress of.
the United States.
.0n one hand was the legislation of
Congress,. full of tenderness and
mercy for the defeated rebels, but
designed to secure s to the country
the results of a war waged at the
most fearful cost of blood and treas
ure, and to proVide guarantees- that
no similar experience should be had
in the future. 'On • the other hand
was the President, o4ginally the rep
resentative of the poor whites of the
South, pandering to the aristoetatic
element'', for the double purpose of in
,gratiating himself , with the class
which'arrogantly assumes the name
'of the . rulers of the South, and of
securing. a renomination for the
residency, in, which he hoped to be
elected by southern rebefs and
.orthern Deri'ocrats. His "Policy"
as the outgrowth of his, position
and his ambition: It looked in an
ticipation to what was seen later to
he harvest of bull-dozipg, .
sintition, the seeds of ;
tbenalready being sown. '
if not its. deliberate Icitentioa t iakio
give bac4 . !i!) the cPluinenia . rebel's all
‘d4 it thiPcOthal'Power
v ,, 400100064. tortoottitip4
war; free from any restraint and .
fro the:operation of any guarantees
for the, future . that Congress !night
see fit to imptisci upon them.. Ammucw
arcutusow bad forgot -his declared
tention to make loyalty respectable
and treason odious—to mike traitors
and rebels take back seats.- To be
again President he was ready to be
humble servitor of the rebeli he had
so vigorously denounced, tci surren
der every principle for which the
North bad fought in the war, and to
imperil the , the contest in
.s desire to conciliate those who
had made it inevitable by their hatred
to the free , principles of ..the loyal,
liberty loving people.
General HANCOCK was the tool he
selected for his purpose. He .took
that soldier into his confidence be
fore he sent him to take the place of
the still more gallant and far more
patriotic SnEntDAN. He coached
HANCOCK in the part he was to play,
and there can be no more donbt that
the orders of the military commander
issued in New Orleans were prepar
ed fur him in 'Washington, than that,
as we all know, they were paraded
before Congress as models of wisdom,
the produCtion of a gallant soldier
whose services to the Union could
not be questioned; and who exactly
'filled the measure of • what "my
volley" required of a soldier states
It is for this subserviency to the
" overpowered though never confiner
ed " rebel spirit of the South, arid not
for his gallant services in the cause
of the Union, that General HANCOCK
is now made the nominee of the
Democracy for President. It is not
for what he, did at Gettysburg, but
for his geeking to undo the results of
that work by pandering to the rebels
at New Orleans, that the Brigadiers
of the South and the Copperheads of
the North now seek to reward him.
Having served them once in Attempts
to set at naught the legislation of
the Congressmen whose action had
saved the Union and was seeking to
cement it again, they see in him the
proper tool to give to the White
Leagues and the Rifle Clubs of the
South that supremacy in the Govern
ment Of the whole country which
their murders and assassinations
have declared to them in the South.
This is the issue the country is
called upon to face. It is not HAN
COCK the gallant soldier who is
sought to be elevated to the Presi-
dency for hi§ deeds upon the tented
fie l d; but HANcocK the foe of the ex
pressed will of the Northern, Union
loving people, propounded by acts of
Congress. It is not the man who
fought for the Union, but the man
who tried to surrender after the war
all that he and' his comrades had
maintained by their arms,l- whom the
Brigadiers and their allies are now
running for President. And the
people of the North will never be so
blinded as not - see all this, and to
meet the rebel craft as they met rebel
hostility, with a crushing defeat.
PIE quiet methods of organization em
ployed by the Republican party am begin
ning to show most excellent results.
While the Democracy have heft' indulg- . ,
ing in bluster Republicans haxe been qui
etly organizing, until - now they are more
generally and carefully preparnd for the
canvass thanis usually thp case so early.
It is also , noticeable that the first lull in
Democratic discord which followed the
nomination and which was paraded as ev
idence. that the nomination of HANcocx
and harmonized his party has given way
to fierce contests again, and the old fac
tional fights: are again in full progress.
These signskrf the times are full of en
couragement. It shows that the Repub
lican party is carefully, earnestly and.suc
cessfully preparing for the canvass that
that is before it. No parade or •bosting
is indulged, and it will not be needed.
The few little annoyances that have at
tended the harmonizing need !lot prove
of serious moment, and can be ended at
any time: Indeed, they.are but surface
differencesilhat will give way as the can
vass opens: .This done, and the Republi
can party, in this and other States, will
be found united, vigOrous and c harmoni
ous, and ready for the work before it.
We,are gratified that it evidently under
stands that this is to be a canlpaign of
work. And this is sure to succeed.
Since so soon I was done for,
I wonder what I was begun for!
THE Tribune speak& strikingly when it
says that there isn't much of a campaign
on either side and yet there is not likely
to be much systematic work done for
some time yet. The weather will have,
the field mostly to itself for the present.
But while there is little real canvassing
in progress the people are doing a good
deal of quiet thinking. The more they
reflect the stronger will the Republican
cause become. The election of GARFIELD
means the continuation of the present
successful policy and the continuation of
prosperity. The election of HANCOCK
means the adoptio r n of a totally unknown
policy, which.will didtated .by a party
which has steadily opposed the present
policy. In short, the country has never
voted to change the .politics of its rulers
in a time of greater prosperity, and it is
not going to make the mistake of doing
so this year.
The Commissionished their labors
Friday night by agreeing that the Dem;
ocratic City Committee. (McGowan) was
the regular committee, and that all nom- .
ihations of the Democratic party should;
Vibe made in accordance with the rules of
that committee. They say the existing
Campaign Committee of nine shall be in
creased to twenty-nine, and of this in
creased number the County Committee_
shall have eight men. ' The McGowan
faction were jubilant in getting all they
asked for, and they
.illuminated the
Americus Club h ouse . The County Com
mitte have protestid against the decision,
and some of its friends say the breach in.
the party will be wider than ever. It is
evident that the Peace Commission has
faile_Tto brim peace and concord to the
City, Democracy.: .There is nothing but
undisguiied disgust airdresentment mani
fested. - , , l. . 1 . 1
'the West Jersey fast express, fpr Cape
May, on which were several huridred pas
sengers, -n arrowly Irscaped a sericats apci
dent about half-pot five o'clockliaturdsry
aftersoon., The4rilling engine of ,the
Philadelphia an&Atlantic City J liallroad
was drilling'aborit,the.oompariy's yard at ,
the foot of Bulsorittreet, Val:Eden, when
it steamed Out on,the Furls track,
s having
several empty paisenger cars attached to
it,. and blocked up , the crossings of t: *
, -----------7---------- —•,-,—•- ' : West Jersey ...; At that -.moment -,the lat.
CoLossi. Wrwail_Trr:purrt Pirvirrit—.Urea etPreft.tanle thilli4Ong by 1,0 nit. the wicked tiephow Of tits ' : l3 ,io:ord ICoe1 Coe totinen-the ,
.144 the 641114 •T*
e4 Vl lar - 14 'Wella *ffi ii ! li *" . "- Ili , 401115 $ 91 4 11 0M 111 : t a M iell 7:o o 9l lo 4k 4
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Grarunsr. Gustri. has been distinguish..
ed for the shrewdness and pithiness of
his sentences, but he never made an ut
terance which contained more sense turd
truth than his statement when he says :
." You have probably seen that I denied
the canard started by the New York
Truth the very' day it was started. I
have nothing to say against General Haw
emir. His personal, official and military
record is good. The record of - the party
which pit, hire in nomination is bad."
This contains the 'whole issue in few
words. - General EANCXOPE aillonsUY
may be unezeeptiopable, tint 'Demo
cratic party is Judas bad today as it has
•verbeen, aid the election of DAneOCl
not honoring the: soldier; but putt
power the Confederates,'
f Twee is a wblaper of war is the latest
whims from:Eastern ,Europe.'Turkey
resents the propound 4"aiarat -of a large
slice of the old Gieelsb territory from her
jurisdiction to tlie inodern' Kingdom - of
Greece, and appeartittellned to carry - her
protest against
-the recommendation of
the Berlin Conferettee to the .extent of
armed retdstanee. - The Porte is already
making active prep rations, even going
so far as to mina) , malefactors from the
prisons of Constantinople for service in
Thessaly and Epirus. Turkish troops
are being concentrated within striking
distance of the disputed territory. Grillbe,.
on the other hand, is putting herself in a
defensive -position, and enlistments are
actively progr4ssing with a ,view - to the
impending struggle. Taking these two
nations by themselves there is an im
mense disparity in their relative strength
and resources. The war, however, if
there is one, will not be confined to the
immediate parties to the struggle. All
Europe will take a band in the fight when
it comes, 'and the result is likely ,itit be
very different from the issue of the fa
mous war of the Crimea.' It will not be
this time an alliance of. Franco and Great
Britain against Russia for the mainte
nance of Turkish autonomy.
THE HANCOCK boom attained• the same
age given by the boy asked . low old his
brother was : "He wan't no old-he died
TANNE:II, of Milwaukee, has been
&sting, for the hist fourteen days, and
proposes to -keep tit np for a period of
forty days. Ho is closelywatched, and it
is admitted that he has not for two weeks
taken any sustenance, and but a small
quantity of water, swallowed while
rinsing his month. His physical powers
have been - wonderfully retained, though
ho has lest flesh. It is the opinion of the
physicians that he will - hold out for some
days longer, but that death will come
long hefore the forty days expire.- What
good iexult can • come of this abstinence
even to science, it is difficult to see,
though the medical profession will watch
with some interest. In case the Dr. is
permitted to die, who will be responsible
for the suicide—or isn't it suicide?.And
where are the humanitarians whose busi
ness it should be to put a stop to the
TitEnv; is good reason to believe that
the National Republican Campaign Com
mittee will not (have a difficult time in se
curing liberas s ubscriptions of funds for
the conduct of the Preiidential canvass.
Already dozens of New York business
men have sent in their subscriptions. _ln
deed, tii 4 e nomination of General Anrnun
for Vice President has been most ;pleas
ing to the business- men of New York
with whom he has had dealings, and they
will come forward without being called
upon. The feign of prosperity which
succeeded thef resumption of specie' pay
ment has encouraged the Republicans,
and they are more ready to assist in a
material way the election of the Republi-`
• can candidates for President and Vice
President than they were four years ago.
ELSEWHERE in this issue we give the
full text of General GARrIELD's letter ac
cepting the Republican nomination for
the Presidency. In elcry sentence it is
characteristic - of:the man. It enibodieS
the whole-hearted rankness of its author,
the clear-headedness of - the , statesman,
the courage of the true &merican. There,
is no concealment of vielvs, no attempt to
mistify his own Ideas, no evasion of:a sin
gle point or issue-before the country. He
accepts the nomination as a great respon
sibility, not as a mere compliment to, or
recognition of, his 'own greatness. In
this General GARFIELD exemplifies the
sound, hard common sense that has made
him noted among much more pretentious
public Men. -We ask for the letter a4care
ful reading by all.
Mansham. :JEWELL, chairman of the
'Republican National Committee, left
Ngw Xerk Monday evening to visit Gen.
GAIIFILD at Mentor, Ohio. , The object
of the visit is to consult on matters con
nected with the approaching political
For the last few tlays a nuniber of sus
picious looking characters have beep
hanging about, the thalls of the Girard
116 use. There have been mysterious
gatherings and secret whisperings, and in
fact the very atmosphere ,seemed impreg
nated with something important. But it
turned out on , inquiry that there, was
nothing more or less in it, than the meet
ing of the Democratic Peace Commission-A
ers, and thcionsequent gathering of the
"active workers." Mr. A. H. Dill is the
chairman of the Grand Bandhedrim,
which weld the Democracy into one
loving (if not lovely) and homogeneous
mass. To aid in this grand work, comes
McMullen and Cassidy and Van; with
their grievances and -their propositions,
all of which are on the "heads I win, tails
you lose," plan. To bring order out of
chaos, to restrain the belligerent disposi
tion of the unterrified, who arc anxious
to fly at each others' throats, is a stupen
dous undertaking. and one which has not
as yet hien necessarily accomplished.
Senator Wallace was dilatory in making
his appearance, as nothing could be done
without him, action was delayed some
days awaiting his arrival. Whatever
scheme of pacification may be patched up
the same jealousies Nr4ll. remain,, and cor,
dial action between the factions is impos-
. • ,r.,.,
.• •••-' • - '_ '.~~C
ft&ide. • Thi tniin paned throtiati;bo/4-
big the track, Aid 00 One Wag :Wand'
The gactpe was thou to be Allele the
raplok'yste at which the =Viayillf,ta.
• - -; -
ikatordhrg to the anon id - r port of Ail
of Health for 1879 there leen 18t
birthiln'tbis city -during that years
while - Vole:who passed - to eternity only
numbered 15,473. The mile b b tha nuin-
bered 9,785, and the female 8,184. The
deaths were 7 adults, 8,777, and children,
8,4198, consumption and. infiamniatkni pQ
the lunge being the mum of fully one-
fifth of the total number. There were
2,000 marriages less in 1879 than in 1878,
and yet 10,448 persons were tied in the
matrimonial knot. October being the fa-.
vorite month, and July standing, at the
- other:extreme. Tho majority of those
married were under thirty years' of age,
although there were two men and one
woman all over eighty years old who en
tered the wedded state.
Upon the arrival of Bishop Sirripson in
California, en route to Japan and China,-
where was to preside over the Methodist
Conferences, Mrs. Simpson's health , had
become so greatly impaired that he was
obliged to relinquish the trip. Owing to
the shortness of time intervening before
the Eastern Conferences, no supply can
be arranged for, and they will have no
presiding Bishop. When the health of
his wife will allow it Bishop Simpson will
return home.
Mitwron, Ohio, July 12, 1880.
DEAR Sin :—On the evening of the
Bth of June last I had the honor to
receive from you, in presence of
the committee of which you were
chosen chairman, the official an
nouncement that the Republican Na.
tlonal Convention at Chicago, had
that day nominated me for their can
didate for President of the United
States. I accept the nomination with
gratitude for the confidence it im
plies and with a deep sense of the re
sponsibility it imposes.
I cordially endorse the principles
set forth in the platform adopted by
the Convention on nearly all the sub
jects of which it treats. My opinions
are on record among the \published
proceedings of Congress. I venture,
however, to make special mention of
some of the principal topics which
are likely to become subjects of ditk i
cussion. Without reviewing the con
, troversies which have been settled
during the last twenty years, and
with no purpose or wish to revive
the passions of the late war, it
should be said, that while the '
Republicans fully recognize and will
_strenuously defend. all the rights -re
tained by the people and all the rights
reserved to the States, they reject the
pernicious doctrine of State supre
macy, which so long crippled the
functions of the National. Govern
ment, and at one time brought the
Union very near to destruction. They
insisted that the United States is a
nation with ample power of self
preservation; that its constitution
and laws, made in pursuance thereof,
are the supreme laws of the land ;
that the right of the nation to deter
mine the method by which its own
legislature shall be created, cannot
be surrendered without abdicating
one of the fundamental powers of the
government; that the national laws,
relating to the election of Representa
tives in Congress shall neither be vio
lated nor evaded ; that every elector
shall ,be permitted freely, without in
timidation, to cast his • lawful ballot
at such election and have it honestly
counted; and that the potency of his
vote shall not be destroyed by the
fraudulent vote of any other person.
The best thoughts - and energies of
our people should be directed to those
great questions of tpational well
being in which all have a common
interest." Such efforts will soon
restore perfect peace to those lately
in arms .nainst each other, for jus
tice and good-will will outlast passion.
But it is certain that the wounds of
the war cnot be completely healed,
and the s Mrit of brotherhood 'cannot
fully pervade the whole country,
until every citizen, rich or poor,
white. Or black, is secure -in the .
free -and . unrestricted enjoyment
of every civil and political right
guaranteed by the constitution,
and laws. Wherever--the enjoyment
of this right' is not assiired, discon
tent will prevail, immigration will
cease, and social and industrial forces
will continue to be disturbed by the
migration of laborers, and the conse
quent diminution of prosperity. The
-national government shohld 'exercise
all its constitutional authority to put
an s end to these evils, for :ill the
people and all' the States are mem
bers of one dxxiy, •and lib member *
can suffer- without injury to all
,t The most harions evils which now
afflict the Sqlith, arise from the facts
that there hi not such freedom and
toleration icff ' political opinion-and
action, that the minority party can ex
ercise an effictive and. wholesome re
straint , upo4 the party in- power.
Without such restraint, party rule
becomes tyranical and-corrupt. The
prosperity. which ia• made possible in
the South by its great adVantages Of
soil and climate, will never be realiz
ed 'until every voter' can freely anal
safely support any party he pleases.
:Next in importance to treedein
1 and justice, is popular educatien,
without which neither justice nor
freedom can be permanently 'main
tnined. Its interests are entrusted to
the -States and in voluntary'action of
the people. Whatever 'hel ' the - na
tion can justly afford, shou cl .be &Il
erously given to aid
.the States in•
supporting common echo I s, but it.
_would be unjust to our p Vie and
dangerous to our instituti o . ato apply
any portion of the revenn of
tion or of:the States tot support
Of sectarian schools. The eparation
olithe church and the State in eVery
'thing relating to taxation, shciiild be
On,the subject of national financ-1
es, my views have been so frequent
lyand fully expressed; that little is
needed tin the way of additional
statement. • The public debt is - now
so: Well secured and the rate dt.
annual Interest has been, so reduced',
by refunding, that rigid economy
in the expenditures aid a faithful ap
plication of our surplus . revenue •t 6
the payment of the principal of the
debt; 'trill gradually ' . but certainly
free the people from its burdens,
and close with honor 'the financial
chapte4 of the war.
At the same time the. government
can provide for all its ordinary ex,
penditures and discharge its sacred
obligation' to the soldiers rot the
Union, and -to the widows and ,or
phans of-those who
_fell in •its-Ae
•, -
fense. . .. .
The resumption of specie;; paY
meats, which the Republican,. party
so courageously and,, sticcessfiilly ac.;
compliehed, has removed from 'the
field of controversy many questions
that long and seriously disturbed ,
the credit - of the government and the
business of the country.' Our.Vaper
currency is,now as national as the
flag, and resumption has not only made
it.everywhete Opal
,to coin,, but has
brought, into use our 'store of gold
and silver. The, circulating luiedium
Is more abundant than; over' : before,
and we aeW only, to 41islitiin" the
. p eqUali**Aill our dollars,
.to: insure
„mu ) hoese'et lef.r.-7,ati 'ii Ohba- ti. lafsjr end oipitst?,a - Ineestie of
114 cal ?' Illinismils Irei - 4111wedws kr *slue irom the ium . of - v eittlatt 'tie - .one:
1 4 Tanrow'
inielnidno, Two 'A U. Inn can
Up' - .-, .:;::
i rgA ts- ~. . 'Tr i fitt:--trifot
~, :. •h > 6'';' . t _ t f-2 : ' , ; „ -,- - .. -
: - ?,,,,,,..7v, ~..`_, ~, 1 .,y.:,541:.1-,,w;41*, - ..!:- 7 ,...7.,„,,..k. , _,., .?;:,,i,„„i,,,-- ..,.:_,-,.: t,,,,,.,
~),...„,4:g.........„m, ,±,,..1.4-41fsk7li....4Z'±rStifAq=43..T.W4,1:-t4"f ~..:`,=•.:-, : :. Z ? A ..7,`-•:R5,'"..7;--;,,,,..t.1,-1,,
Twenty-two thousand people assembled
at the Pernument - Exhibrtion building, on
Monday, to celebrate the 104th anniversa
ry of American Independonee; Tie en
tertainments were varied, as est forth in
the previously published programme, all
of which were duly clarried .out. 'The af-.
fair. was altogether a greai, success and
'the night illumination brilliant in the ex
treme. Those who remained to enjoy
Abe ball were obliged to face the prevail
ing rain storm, to seek conveyance home,
which was largely inadequate to the vast
throng assembled. The frantic ; efforts to
secure a lodgment upon the crowded oafs
by those whose only hope rested in them,
was characteitistic of Centennial days.
All, however, finally reached their desir
destination, and many with ''saturated
and sadly damaged drapery.
The Pennsylvania State Agricultural
Society has opened an office at Tenth and
Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, for the
transaction of business preparatory to the
. opening of the Exhibition. According to
present prospects the Fair will largely
exceed all 'iirevions efforts. ThOe has
been more applications received thus far
for space, than during the whole of last
summer,-and it is possible that the total
of entries will require, more room than
can be given in the Permanent Exhibition
Strangely enough, we have heard less
about the peach crop'this season than for
a number of years past. The reticence
in this respect has been very remarkable,
and the only cause.we can assign for it is
that tie promifie of an abundant crop
cannot be successfully disputed. Unless
all present indications are illusive, we
shall:have a great many more peaches
than last year, the coming crop being es
timated by good authorities at not less
than half a million baskets more than
that of 1879.
The itepressible Peter Herdic having
Triad° a - happy ending of all his financial
trouble; _has already come to the surface
-with another scheme worthy of the illus..
trious Peter.. It is called the Herdic Per
sonal Transportation Company, and is in
tended to convey passengers to any part
of this city for ten cents. Thli capital
stock is 52,000,000; of which ten per cent.
is already paid in.. It is the intention of
the company to run 1,000 coaches in this
city. They will , be made with seats along
the sides, and carry six or,eiglit persons.
Herdic li'as patented ~ some. inventio li by
whictrkthe coaches are run so easily, that
only one horse will br a reqeired for each:
The Company will begin Operations about
Septerhher Ist.
Philadelphia, though it has: two large
fivers:Aiming by its borders, is every year
threatnned. with a water famine. The
Chief Engineer's manifesto is as certain
to come early in the season, in .the notice
of the Chief of Police to the buys not to
fire Off the explosive cracker on the
FOurth4of July. But this year, Sala as
he dapper beEaine imminent, copious
rains cye, and now the trouble is not 1
scar - m i cityl' water, but an abundance of
mud. flThe Schu'lkill river looks like it
stream* liquid; earth, and the faucets
and hidrants„ when opened, give forth a
liquid Which can' barely be called . a liquid.
At - 800 of the street corners are the
punipl*hich in olden time furnished the
people with water, and now they are sur
round4lipa'crowd of personsobirge and
small, who come with Atli Sorts of uten
sils feria supply of water which is not
two-thirds mud: ::Of course -a few 'days
.will remedy -the evil, and it is crisping
considerable inconvenience.
• "Children. of a larger growth,' will
rein t ernber Dan' Gardner; the ciotkii,
..viim:_performannes in the ring were:the
delight of those who,
.twenty r five years
ago, hail t ed the advent of the yearly circini;
with unbounded pleasure. Poor Dan' is
now old, and, stricken - with disease at his
residence at Atlantic City. • •
The receivers of the Reading Railroad
have prepared an exhibit-. showing the
burdeeof debt under which - the Comia
ny is struggling. It sliewi - tnat the in- -
dobtedness of the, Railroad Company and
the Coal and iron Company aggregate
the enormous sum ' of two hundred 'mil
liens of dollirs 1 . The sChedule of proper
ty and assets his not yet Igen made. It
is safe to say, that eventually 'a hundred
millions of &liars or more, in the Shape
of stock and bonds; will be wiped out. of
existence by. foreclosure. The
is the most gigantiC case of mismanage
ment-the country has ever imOwn. -Mean
while the stock is klelied arpund the
stock botrd at stl, although everybody
knows'it isn't worth .a penny a share:
Mrs. Margaret Kale, an inmate of the
Baptist Home, died on Thursday, aged
.107 years. She was, born near Reading
and lived there for 'some years. • Her bus
-band died about forty' years agog and
since then she has supported herself as a
nurse. She was admitted to the Baptist
Hospital nine' years ago, and remained in
good health until within a year, when she
began to fail:. '
The arrangements for the international
Presbyterian Council, which - is to Open its
session in this city on September 23d, are
proceeding rapidly. The various cemmit
tees who have been assigned the task of
preparing the programme, *ranging for
' the reception and entertaimmint °film dele
gates, and Other details, are. making eon
siderable pm:glees with their -work. Ev
ery day brings letters announcing the ap
pointment of tiilditioral delegates from
foreign cceintricag and it, is now: certain
'that the convention will be the.mostbril-
Haat, Presbyterian assembly' which has
ever takin place In the worl4 ! 2 - ;
leinprroa, Ohio, July 12.--peneral
asavrELD has forwarded to Senator
HOAR the following letter of accept
ance of the nomination tendered him
by the Republican National-Conven
tion :
country It now enjdyingi should not
be 'endangered by any
_Tiolent cheek
es'or doubtful financial-;e per4o4 4 !
In referegco to our:::e11400 3111 ;'policy should be, puteßett whicltl
bring revenues,tto the treasury lind
will enable the labor_And capital em
ployed in our greatp- industri
compete fairlyin- our own nite
with the labor and cipititi of foreign
producers. We'legislate for the pea
ple of the United States, not for
the whole world ; and it is our glory
that the "American laherer Is more
intelligent and better paid than his
foreign competitor. Our country
cannot be independent unless its
people, with their abundant natural
resources, - possess the requisite skill
at any time' to clothe, arm and equip
themselves for liar, and in time of
peace to produce all the necessary
implements of labor. It was the
manifest intention of - the founders of
the government to proVide for the
common defense, not by standing ar
mies alone, but by raising among the
. ,_
people a greater army of artisans,
whose intelligence and skill should
powerfully contribute to the safety
and glory oUthe nation.
Fortunately for the interest of
commerce, there is no longer • any
formidable opposition to approprii
tioris for the improvement of our
harbors and great navigable rivers,
provided that the expenditures for
that purpose are strictly limited to
works of national importance. The
Mississippi river, 'with its great trib
utaries, is of 'such vital importance
to so many miilions of people
that the safety of its navigation re
quires exceptional consideration. In
order to secure to the nation the con
trol of all its waters, President Jef
ferson negotiated the
,purchase of a
vast territory, extending from the
Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean.
The, wisdom of Congress should be
invoked to devise some plan by
which that great river shall cease to
be a terror to those who dwell upon
its banks, and by which its shipping
may safely carry the industrial pro
ducts of twenty-five millions of pea;
ple. The interests of agriculture,
which is the basis of all our material
prosperity, and in whit:a seven
twelfths of our population are en
gaged, as well as the . interests of
manufactures and commerce, demand
that, the facilities for cheap transpor
tation shalllbe increased by the ese
of all our great water courses. -
. , The material interests of thiscoun
try, 'the traditions of its settlement,
and the sentiment of our. *pie,
have led the government to offer the
widest hospitality to emigrauts, who
seek our shores for new and Sappier
homes, willing to share the
burdens as well as the benefits of our
society, and intending that their pos
terity shall become an undistinguish
able part of our population. The re
cent movement of the Chinese to our
Pacific coast partakes but little of
the qualities of such an immigration,
either in its purposes or its result.
It is too much like an importation to
-be welcomed without restriction ;
too much like invasion to be look
-led upon without solicitude. We can
not consent to allow any form of ser
vile labor to be introduced among
us, under guise of immi g ration. Rec
iz the gravity of this subject,
the present Administration, support
ed by Congress; has sent to China a.
commission of distinguished citizens
for the purpose of securing such a
modification of the existing treaty as
will prevent the evilai likely to arise
from the present siteation. It, is'
confidently believed that these diplo
matic negotiations will be successful
without the bolas of commercial inter
course betoireenthe two great powers,
1 e
which promiges a great increase of re
ciprocal trade and the enlargement of
our markets. Should these efforts fail,
Fit will be the duty of , Congress ~to
[ mitigate the- evils already felt-}end,
prevent their increasd. by such. re
strictions al, without Violence oria
justiee, will place inlet a sure foun
dation the peace of "our communities
and the freedbm and Align iti 4 bf labor.
[ The appointment of citizens to the
various executive and judicial offices
of the government, is, perhaps, 'the
most difficult of , all detieh which
the ConstitutioW has imposed union
the Executive. The Convention iirise-c
ly demands dial Congresa%halE co
operate with 'the Executive de] art=
in placing the civil serviet on
a better basis. Experience haS.frov
ed, that with our frequent changes•of
administration; no, system of refqni
can be made effective and peramant
without the aid of legislate*.
Appointments to the militarly bpd
naval service are rt so regulated by law
and custom -as to have bat little
ground for complaint. It may not
be wise - to make similar regulhtions
by law for the civil service, but with
out invading ~ the authority or
necessary discretion of the Execu
. tive, Congress should, devise a
method that willl'determine the ten
tire of ofilie, - and greatlyreduce the
'uncertainty which makes that service
so uncertain and unsatis acbary;
Without depriiing any nigee of his
rights ha a ciflZen, the fgekr riiment
should i requiile ' d4Aarge. all
his • official ditties with. iat•elligence,
efficiency ant aithfuleesl, To select
f: '
wisely from o vast perm :ration those
who are best tted foeth:e many offi
ces to be filled requires an irequaint
ance' far beydnd - the ra:ngelof any
one man. .17le Executive 'should,
therefore, seek and receive the infor
mation and assistance of those whose
knowledge of the communlties 'in
which the duties are to be performed
best qualifies them to aid in making
the wisest choice. ' ,
The doctrines , announced by the
Chicago Convention, are not the tem
porary devices of a party to attract
voters and carry an election. They
are deliberate convictions, resulting
from a careful study of the spirit of
our institutions,
the events of our,
history, and the best impulses of ourl
people. In 'my judgment these prin-,
ciples should control the legislation
and adminiskration of the govern.;
ment. In any event, they will guide
my conduct until experience points
out a better way. 7
If elected, it will be my purpose to
enforce - strict obedience to the
Constitution and laws. and to pro
mote, as best I may, - -the interest and
honor of the whole country, relying
for support upon the wisdom of Cian--
gross, the intelligence and patriotism
of the people; and the favor of God.
With great respect, I -am very
truly yours,.
J. A. GAnrini).
To Hon. GEORGE F. Hoes, Chninnan
-oc the Committee. . •
7 -Eugene d: Higgins, a whOlesale, liqu
or dealer of Norfolk, Vs., died =Satan:lay from an
Overdose of laudanum administered by himself.
No rause ran be arelgued for the act except tem.
pommy uerroutproatratlan and excitement. ,- •
• .Thoutas Boothroyd,•a wealthy farmer
of Howard townshlp.,•Ontarto. was au SotordaY
tacked by a boar, which threw him down and bit
him in the able of the throat, _completely arrertmr
-110 3 1 11PlInf - Matt. dhnl in Attain Minutes. •
.-The imlauseattieeratora
* l li° • lismidteccomed
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..IPrancis xur , bag beffpnt - a tens Per:"
~oseomP+sgn ; lnWWWAMPW.
The that hi Wayne county ponds are
era bb. thounads and faun no apparent elms.
line of railroad is to be built be
t.7oolo swallow and Cherrytree,Casobrts county.
H. C. Peters,vf Petersburg. York
secity. win put tip 73,000 eau of fruit this season.
—Xrs. Ttosanna Levan, 'of XL Nebo,
Lostamitsr county, It tstarty,,attil pert at the age of
—The channel of the Susquehanna be
twoonlkosbarre and Plymouth millbe Improved
soon, - •
—William Downey, of Erie, was acci
dentally drowned on Monday by the capsizing of
Colombia 3a excited over the finding
of • deserted glet baby on a door step In that
—John Dailey, of Paintertoivn, West
moreland county, was gored to death last Sunday by
• bull.
_—;llottesdale has but one colored voter,.
and Shenandoah has not a colored person within its
—The Chambersbarg Itepository Earl
that the Y'ranktin county wheat crop this year will
be short.
—A. Garfield and Arthur club has been
organized at Du Bo* which is In Senator Wal
ace% county.
rag picker of Pittston called Hans
clalms to be 100 'ems old, and 'assorts that ho was
at Waterloo.
• —Stephen McDonough had a fight with
John Maillde In Heading and blt a mouthful out
of his cheek. 1.
—During the month of June three per•
acne were killed and twelve Injured In the mine*
of Southern Luzern. , -
—The roof of the trnangst bre mine
near Easton taxed to oh Friday, fatally injuring
Mtn . Poyck, aged la years.
=The Bradford Sunday News says that
it is always safe to knock 2.5 per cent. oIS the month
ly reports of oil production.
• —Mr. C. S. Weiss recently made the
trip from Allentown to Kotrtows,, s distance of 27
mile*, In four hours on a bicycle. • '
—Samuel S. Wingert, of Five Forks,
Franklin county. Is the owner of a calf that when
six weeks old weighed 217 pounds.
—Owing to,. the rapid ripening of the
grain many tartntrs in Lehigh county have been
compelled to do harvesting by night. '
Skelding, of Green Ridge, North
amberbuid cent, accidently fell Into Shamokin
Creek on Tuesd y and was drowned.
—Mi. Jacob Molor, of Locust Valley,
Lehigh county, who Is 89 years old. reentry kept
up with the young folks at harvesting.
—The silk mills tieing erected at Haw.
ley. Wayne comity, are rapidly approaching com
pletion. They will employ 1,000 bands.
—Hon. William 8. Shallenberger .was
renominated for 'Congress by' the Republicans of
the Twenty-fourth district on Saturday.
—Sarah Rosenbery, a well-known char
acter of Letteritenny township, Franklin county,
died on Thurnday morning in her 351,11 year.
—Austinloore, of Altoona, has en-
ered sult against tbat oily for 113,000 damages for
nfurles received bra defective board walk.
—A Pittsburg woman became excited
ove her child choking on a ettist of bread and gave
an alarm that c.lled out the fire department. -
—Hon. Wm. Ward,.; of , Delaware coun
ty, Is mentioned In the Delaware County Ameri
dam Ws a candidate for Uwte4 States Senator.
—Therfire-brick works of the Gardener
Brothers at Lockport, near Johnstown, were partly
destroyed by Bre on Wednesday. L053,4;500.
=-The Clearfield coal region is,now
!corking up to 65 per cent. of Its capacity. There
Is an abundance) of hupotted labor In tht legion.
—The Lehigh Valley car and blacksmith
.hops at Weatherby were destroyed by fire at an
early hour on Thursday maiming. The loss is about
—John Sampsel,, a well-known citizen of
Easton, accidentally fell 'front a bridge into Dumb
kill Creek, at that place, on Tuesday night and
—Ninrod S. Lomas, or West Nantmeal,
Chester county. encountered a snake In hla garden
that was colored In blocks—black, white, gretn
acd yellow. •
William Petrie was arrested on Thurs
day at Benton Mills, McKean county, (or the mur
der of David Ingraham, at Illoomtleld, .11o:, on the
16th of June.
Ora Doolittle, of Tarport, Mc-
Kean county, inmie an unsuccessful attempt at
suicide on Tuesday night. Domestic unhappiness'
wait the cause.
- —The new block house which has been
erected over the grave of General Anthony Wayne,
at Garrison Hill, near Erie, was dedicated ott
day cif Last. week.
. „
—Mi -i.
Sk Mary Ann Gillespie, an estima
ble Imly of Lancaster, Rag found dead In her bed
room on Wednesday morning. Death resulted
from heart disease.: ."
—The sand houses of the Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad, located at the latter place,
were destroyed by fire on Saturday: The loss is
several thofisand dollars.
- —George Stillericb,' Of ,Allegbeny, died
en WednesdaP wblle belngtakeu to the poor-home.',
fie became crazy over the death [of his wife, 10)6
preceded him to the grave but a few months. •
m •
. •
Fourteen iron 'furnaces along the
line of the Philadelphia and Reading ltsiroad and
its trihntaries have been closed within siziweeks
to makA repairs and wait for a steady males.'
::-Anies S. Futbey, the census erinrner
ator at Highland, Chester county, discovered a
centenarian In tbo person of a colored rentOan nam
ed Julia Willson, who was a slive in Philadelphia
in 1793.
. —The Norristown Herald says tht a
'man named Snyder returned Were on Monday last
.who'aiis sent out by his father twenty-eight-rears
ago'to get a pall of. water, and at that time lett to
seek his . fortune. . .
J. Wes t
—The Chester, Village Record says
that severai young ladies of that place have engag- 1
ed .thentsffves as welters at, fashionable watering
place's,ust to obtain the opportunity offered for
seeing be country.
-. 0 . Sk . andard Oil Company has pur-
T i i
chased the following refineries . ; 1). I). Reigliard's.,
011 Works, at Pittsburg; Monitor 011 Works.' at
- etTnrantown, near Franklin, and the German re
finery at Itradrs Reud. - '
;s:lton. Israel Painter,-a, Canal Commis-'
slower of this State thirty years ago, at one time in
the Legislature and,a large real estate °rifler, died
at West Newtown, Westmoreland county, on Sun
day last, In his 70th year. .
—During a storm at Steinsgrove on Fri
day afternoon the hatchway of a canal boat was
lifted off 11 the, wind; and striking Mr. Charles
Price. aged 50
. Years • on the head. knocked him
into the water, rhen ' fie was drowned.
—A,° meeting of 'the members ,of the
Second' Presbyterian Church. of Altoona, !was held
on Wednesday night, and , the pastor (itev. S. W.
Duffleld)'asked to resign. 'The pastor, who has a
large fellbwing in the church refuses to tie so. ,
— , l i the— , l i the Reading. Eagle says that a fish"
tiro inches long was - taken from the. ear of a boy .
named George Whitman, of that city,. on Thursday,
The fish entered his ear while he wes in bathing,
remalulag two weeks and causing him greit palm:
—The terrible accident which befell Mr.
and Mrs. Philip,. of Lancaster. on Friday
while crossing the . Penasylvanla' Railroad near
Salungw, Is said to have been due to theitegicct of
the engineer, to blow they whistle or ring the belr
until-nearly at'the crossing. .
—Col. Liewia F. Watson, - of' Warren
&fly. has received the Congressional notnirartien
in th Twenty-seventh district. Thirty-six hallots
wet:li taken before. the nomination Was effected..
licels J. It. Osmer, the present Representative front!
thatitiStrict, was nut a candidate for renomination.
1. -- ..-- ,
I—The army worn has appi - ared on the
h / p ranrhes near Sacramento.
—Gen. Samuel Ross was drowned in a
late near Peekskill, N. Y., at . 5 o'clock Sunday
Pinuniing. •
—Mrs. S'arah Regan, aged 65, was over
comi3 by the heat Stuofay afternoon at Jeraey City
.2.—Stz feet of -.water is reported in the
tfoosae tunnel, o;Arlng to the overflowof the wenn-
—C. W. Fieler has been nominated fOr
°tigress by the Democrats 6f the Fifteenth 1111-
e:-LOfficial announcement of the restore.
' Monier peace it Buenos Ayies bas been received by
Secretary Evans.
afalachi .Grady, who was shot at.
Clinton. Mass., on Tuesday, by Williamlia,
--John H. Lewes, has been nominated.
f6e , CongresS,by the Republicans of the Prorti
dilstrh6t of Drools. • , -
- ilomee B. , Straighi, -has ben nomina
fiedtoi Congr4ls by the Republicabant the Second
Minnesiots dihtrict,
—The -Ifreasury • Department has pur
cbaied asi,ooei ounces ot-• flue- Inver for coinage In
standard silver dollars. 1 .
unknown resident of New - York
city, has contkinnted #loo' to tho .Treasury cons*
once fund aC,Wastangton.
R. Lynch, colored, has been
nominated for Congress by the Republicans of the
Stith Mississippi dtstriet. . ;
—A little girl named Eugenia Meacham
was killed In a Globe factory, at Augusta, Ga., by
in elevator falling upon her.
a quarrel about a horse in Gothic
raty,soi, on Thursday last. James J. - Jennings
itioviand klubd Joseph Thompson.
4The Republicans of the Third Minne.•
sota4istriet have renominated W. D. Washburn
for gongreas by a nottalmous vote: ,
-4aok'Brown e Bro., dry goods incr.
emit:J . l'st Paris, Texas,. have made an assignment;
Ltardiltles,l7o,ooo ; :assets,
—Diphtheria 'has broken out among
the children In the Protestant orphanage at Hali
fax, and two•deatha have oceured.
.-:•4lbseph Obermcyer committed suicide
.ri T
by ibMiting In his at the Hartman Hotel,
Bowery, New York, d ring Friday night. .
--Ppecial agents of the Post Office De
partment, by-order of ' Postmaster Ouueral, are
hereafter to be kn as "Post oMim Inspectors."
, =The dead body of :Edwird Glenn, a'
travelling book peddler. was found hanging to a
tree In the Pine Brook woods, near Monist Pleas,
ant, N. J. - . -
—Hon. Hen W. Shackelford, Judge
of the Eighth Virginia Circuit Conn, died at 'Trod
lelisburg, Va.. on daiurday, to the eightieth year
ot Ole ago, -
--The --exatninailon: on Saturday,' at
*Unlink - eared Eta fis Kirk, who letbarged With
peal het lEtpmether and halt %vigor. retort
to hat Wel held fat 'Mat Tam
t wet; gm"
Fl.i.cttißtregki 44 ll,l9,Pfsili!
. .
':,!' .. 4‘:'i:-' . .,( 7 .1 - , 4 : - 7.• - •'i' , .-.+7.
• -E
...4,oinma.muned Kurtz° Chenekel i
m at
41, was-drowned oti.ffiday night wbfie Path.
AMMO Mom Holton.' wife slid twelve . •
Mldootk liefarit N. J.
Dr; S. L. Yciftee, a well-known
'tlltnister of ti.ellitettkodig Zvi/wow church. died
toditooly of heart &Wow tin Saturday slot at Ms •
residence 1R nolowaro,,ohto.
• .
• .AM Gunn,.cploredi was tonvictaa at
;wawa, fletarday, of the murder of
sin and Sasso Delos, white two yeare ego. wontb
goes to the pretteotlary for life. • •
-7 ! Elmerilaptaan was slightly wound-.
ed and Torn Steroid fatally so at Deriver,. COL. on -
.Wedneaday in a ' , hooting affray, resulting 4 .
from ariongdtanding family fowl. • .
—lt is said that Secretary Schutz, will,
during the latter part of this month, begirt his ac
tive campalgh efforts In behalf of the Republican
national ticket birepeaklng In Indiana.
—Rev - . Dr.. E. - W. - Hogan, formerly •
chaplain onlbe United - States training ship Miens--
iota, at nebetiye, xorreit, wassiegusal and else- ..
where, riled at Chigge_Thuraday, aged-61.;
—A colored man named Sylvester, iden
tified as the murderer of Officer Jerry Lyueh. at
Mobile, Ala., In May. Hoz, has been arrested at
Pensacola, Fla., and taken to Mobile Or
, • .
• —The Union Steam .31ills C o mpa n y, at
Bt.Lours, of which William If. Maurice' prem.
dent, bur failed. The liabilities are irate at from
Stmoo to $30,1100; the assets at .730,000 ;worth of
riots. • i .
—3lohr tt Mohr's whiskey, warehouse,,
at elnemnsti, was destroyed by) are on Saturday.
The loss orkstock Is esthusted at4;0.000 t rally 111.
mired. There were lateral- explodous aprlng the
fire, but no one was bort.
—Donnelly, who confessed to fiiing the
allot which killed John - .Mullen - at,Cialifeinlarnear
Cineinnati, nn Sunday, has been sent tei lan and
the other prisoners have been diiicharged. Don
nelly will plead self-defence.
I—General Grant. and his party:arrived
at Los Vegas on Wednesday morning and were
met at the depot by a very largo - andenstundastle
crowd. The General made a short speech, and at
night a banquet was-given him.
—During an early _hour_ of Tuesday
morning at Leadeille, C01...13 William Carter was
escorting Mrs. Million home from a ball, they were
met by the latter's .husband. A quarrel ensued,
and;Cszter shot and killed Millen.
-The stock of H. K. & F. B. Thurber,
wholesale grocers at 151) vitt3o 'Sheet, 'Slew York,_
was datuagtd by tire on Saturday morning to the
atbount or tlO,OOO, while the damage on. the bond
ing was 15,000. Both losses are insured.
- --fartners.are beginning to cut their
wheat In the vicinity of St. Catharines, Ont. Some
of them commenced cutting It during the last days
of June for the: first time - In the memory of the
oldest inhabltatit In i thOiNlogara district.
lie was for Grant, bat Strongly' Indor.
ses Garfield. and has no Doubt
or his Election. ;
I asked Simon 'Cameron, as he
arrived from the White. Sulphur
Springs. if it was trtie, as stated, that
Don Cameron refused the Chairman-
ship of the National Committee be.
cause; he did not like the ticket nom:
" Rio," said the old statesman, witW
emphasis; "that rumor is cruel in
justice to Donald. There are two
reasons that kept him from accepting -
the position ; one , was that his health
Was entirely broken down ___arid he _
could 'not possibly perform the duties
of the. place ; his health is in such a
bad, condition,- indeed, that it will of careftil rest to Testore
it. Another reason was that be cotild
not afford it,. on two accounts—he'
has not, the money to spend in the
campaign, and -his private interests
have been so long neglected that they
will not bear longer disregard. I
think .that had he entered into the
hard work of the campaign his health .
would have been permanently de- .
stroyed. Oh, no; Don is as'earnest
ly enlisted in behalf or the ticket as
any man in the country. To be sure,
his first choice was Grant, but after
Grant he could
.have no stronger lean
ing than toward Garfield: I. know
he thinks well of the ticket,A know
he regards it as strong-, and thinks
that there cannot be any doubt in
regard to its . triumphant erection,
and, as far as he is able, that is, as
far as his health will permit, you will
find him doing all he can for.the sue
cess of the party and in every way
he earl." - - • I . ,
" What do 'you think of the
nation ?" . •
"You • know I was -a Grant,ntan.
Well, I was aGrant man for the rea
son that I believed hr hini„ and I be
lieved him' to be the best man who
could be nominated, but ag he' failed
of they nomination I can truthfully
say that no :man could have bpen
nominated that I would regard 4 1 1,, a„
.strona,er man than Garfield, no
nomination -.could. have been ',•made
that could -please„ , me better: I have
known Garfield
,fir years, and f know
thiSimuch about him, and that is that
he is .hOnest, zealOus in behtlf Of! L his
party andlis •eotistiluents ; be is a
'believer in and - a,.doerof the right,
and.a.mari of the most enlarged views
and comprehensive intellect of any
inour 4:ottutry,"and is a tyoc# I:te-•
publican', and • the party
for •a standard-bearer a man who in
his'persOpal character remsetes the
party's -history better than'''doOsiGep.
Garfield." r 5:, 71' -
" And he.willzbe,elected
, .
Ivenot the. least 'doll* of it.
in :better eonditioxt.o-day,•
arßEa' re.-.iii.)r}:ing : _eloser together than
we did in liz76, ind %think victory
is a:Sured to us, although then-we C f
bad 'a lighting • ehance in the South
and Alois. we. have, not, but. then.we
vi ill up_ in the North, and -re
train \rauch- that *re. lost then."
-." Welt, that_ is a tunny gne:Aion.
She will be Republican by from
000 tb The nomination of
11aneock. be of' but little benefit
to theii in One State. The -number
of- Republicans it has•carried over •
on personal ground has been small
indeed r and. Hancock will in the end •
reeette ni!i• more the Key
stone State than any other man who
-.could have been nomjnateit" . .
-"N'hat, do yOu think of HaneoCk?l
I think . of him, I guesi,•about as - 1.
-everyone else does, and thit fair-"'"
-He • is ,only an ordinary 'map . ,
take him in Any position yon may,
unless it is on'dress" parade.. Theie
he is more tban'ordinary,;aja shine
- likenstat (tithe first magnitude, b
taken in gen:6l3l affairs . 'life,. aidl
accomplishments . have only been
such :as would have followed: any
man in the same position, - .The idea
that he has no record but a Military
one will . be greatly against him. - Our
peOple want a man with a record,-es-
pecially a civil record, he is. to
hold one of the chief - civil positions
inthe World. -This Garfield has ante.
Hancock has. not."
Why were you such an enthusias
tic' Grant man?"
"43ecause 1 believe that the.coun
try could be under .Grant betterlhan
under any one. else.. The S.onthern,
people had confidence in- hini,,•
with him .- as 'A" President
large number of them could ;havq
been brought around - la-we& under,
the Republican standard, land in thi4
way . the.• rCig!ir of terrorism,' would
subside, and - peace, prosperity, and
Unionism everywhere abound. Grant
had been tried, and we kneiresactly.
what t he .was, and" as 1 - get - older
feel more and more 'less inclined to
try new men and'new measurei..This
feeling inclined me strongly to Grant,
but lam satisfie& Garfield will do
me, and' he will do any good 'Repub..
• lican. All we want now is to go to
work and elect him, and that can be
easily done if- personal and :party
.jesdousies'can be-subordinated to the
common goOd."—Gorrespondeiwe of
the Dayton- (Ohio) JOrnal.
• "1 4, 1 - o Ilosrrrert_..Nntrilin.z--No paint ill
hospital needed for Hop Hitters i patients,
nor large salaried talented puireiS to .tell
what Hop Bitters will do or cure, as MI
'tell their own inIPAn br di* oerinlo
'';,~~ =sf ~~