Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 27, 1880, Image 3

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    lcovel a'cpors .
at., 4 cr
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Towanda, Pa., May 27, aiSo.f
- , -
.N•rric ERIN E-rosTori , icy. A T TOW.% .7.;
The eihiration of itubscrirtion is print
ri the enlored 7 thet.: . ly noticing the
tbrfe e4rje subscriber can Neil viten hii
paper wit! he stopped unte.ct the subserik 7
ii6h i.s repetted.
LET US have riiu
TILE Eureka is the best
NEXT Saturday is Decoration Day
EXT Tuesday you may fish for black
AW hats show which way the wind
1 Ns.
THE rut worm is at the corn in some
ftections. are becoming plentiful and trou-
f— -
Do • r buy a Muwef until you have seen
the Eureka.
A tirs for passencers now runs between
Athens and North Sayre:
THE cry of the fruit grower is "the
lingliili sparrow must go r'
I THE Graded School closes this week
fur the usual summer vacation.
(;La & Mo., have open
ed a elotbingt9re at \Vyaiusing.
N., ,eireuses, Set'lll to he coming this
Av.n and the youthful heart is sad!
\VILA T will th Ptvilation Of our town
t h wh. it the eelisus Minns arelaken?
& KE .are erecting; a large
1,z1...;.1nig at Canton, to Le used as a livery
was an unu;ually large attend
ar,, at the ...hurdles in this 1 , 1a.t0 1
iN.M”mlay (d' last week, tho house: of
NA , I.E. at Gilleti_t's, was slightly dam
l; tile.
AVE liear it tallied that a corrii..any is In
ol.:ailfzo4l here . for the )1111110tie of
aiol running a su , aroboat on the
n. .t f..rget to lu - ;r1.2; with you a
t.t it u, 1, uluct for a z•olaitr•s grave-*
.;ial Day. ' .
Two lUuuua boys were lined $3. St
11 lor I.atinz in, front ul a church
,1 tor Altoona
I (;erninnia jHand-will give a Straw-
Pilmrenatle Onleert, and
az . .Merepr 1111, early in June.
M.tut s ..l. of Athens., hare
rout a..t to bail I a bridge arross
be two
lon a S'. You - .,., an employe in the
Athens Bridge She); s, was ,luitt• ,!ously
t i-njurol while at work in th- ups
'lnt:sflay of last week.
A and barn belon:;,ng, to JACIIII
110.11 I I.IL Oil Alllll2llia, AVV re destroyed by
the on Tuesday of last slveek. The flames
caught from tire in the t.vooils.
Dr. Com:, of Gill( it's, and a little
rains-dan,liter were eons Merably bruised
by the net turning of a ‘vagon in %hich
they N% ere riding, ,me day last week.
aid in priparing flower.
awl wle.ill, fur ili.,iiatirt the iztai - tn; ot
car 111..1 - 00S, N% t(
tli -•:iceess the w(iik.. Think uC it ant'
‘v, the Waverly .-1(/..,,r,ite of last
NV, " Salwrii.tvilent 6. , . , 1 , ‘t AN
ie during' the we,k, a c ,, utra.'t for ..1),
brick, additi-tial, for
Tn festive potat., hug has made his
iii large tiun,Ler.•, and the
~f a jitiivk r,al lrichaela• among
t;.e tariliersigatheritigiiim in arc ylitat fa-
l•rit ttt tt of tile
I 1.111 111.01:, l'it.tor. At
1. at., ,111t . it . (•1—` • C. , 111 . 1...:, , i‘011 of Sin. — At
I. Dry I;“Lics Clahlied. — All
WE learn that it i: the intention of the
Ca.!, Company to ilethe a further redue:
t. the Ft ice of ! , :ts, an soon as the
number of eon,anwps will warrant them
iu m) (
i)t I: nri lib n'in 11:ers, of ..Nlontrose
iv.."00,e, to the eondng Fotir+ll
ofly in e-ralel The new t ill• -
-it li,t, he,•ii engaged to deliver
gir l (n.ation.
'FITE I;er ior says the School Fliqini have
ft,14, a rr s lnrnu ,rollihit treSviss
-1•11',m the -clio'd-leiii•e ground , . and will
that tho ; c Who ili , reizaid the
arc dcait with according to law.
, t•ri:f t•ntrrta , t:nu•nt a til 1 e given
ttt. t ltt• I l rrtrk elytt to-motD.W (Ft iday)
'lay t.!'tq It. - Prorrrattan,
to cntt
,t , , Iliali.guys, a panto
- ( owe one and all.
rt' is ,-(lexliilara
...s. Ihe cxperitmot• ~f the ainatew
ei ,f, w Len he steps- upon the hoe and
i..-pon-,!vehamill , immediately arises
•:pialit a fervent kiss between his
'1 • !!t::yowl
, `1 Inl s. - Al 4: .midi
1.'11:0' li ayi-r than nnes : if
Ss I.y d berries tvitys;
t tj way t4j: the but..ttim of the
4 $ \- tale it . as a si.eial Nem-, if
..1" this•r will notify us "f
. ilisal their friends from abroad.
pursolial mention column of a lapel
II emit:this the most interesting . Items
'me before its readers.
• •••••••- ----
- Ixhigh Valley Rai Irond..Corropnny
\ L-enorou , ly otll-09 - 1 o tranrort from
iohs along 111,1 r hue. fruo of
alj coral ihm i,ons. that may be do
t' c. , 1 for the relief of those made home
and tic-tititte 1 the late eon-
I.; tlitdl train, No. 9, struck a man
.ti \V t :%1 :'l: :It Lace yville a
killijer him almo,st. instant
l; .11 of his lees were severed from,
1 . t. and he was inatitzbed terribly.
•xas sitlent, of 'Doolittle 11111, a lit
ttlement near there.
t+, t: Novelty Furniture Wttrks at
\.;I ns•n,urlunlyescaped dest!uctiutr by
KJ , Wednesday of last week: 'The
wet e di.,“vitred before they had
mud! headway ; awl a few, pails of
-,atc•r sufficed to extinp:lfiAt thew. The
damage clone wmi hut tridhug.
Tor, Leltaysxille gays there
1,;(I0,((s) members of the )(et hodist
h.ueli in this county. - We did' not lie
the ntenibe r rship was so latize,t But
a , we suppose VAN has. made an
actual count before making the "state-
Nce shati not dispute the ti‘ , ures.
TUE managers o f the political papers
t,f are epiite generally prepar
in, their stomaglis fr , r the 4diet of crow
very many tif tlieto will'be
, ben , ' e int,ny w , eks have pass
, ! —:•r /I,t us.-;tir firrrtir. To INS sure.
I h•pw dies the AdrertiAelr no'M pro
t,, take his. lkikell or boiled?
111 , .
• a 114! enriespennlent : ".1
ntfl.nado passed through thi..l place
v., A•k 4toing. soirp• damage. iking
s•h(he dour froth. the rebifleuee of
NV :01 carrying it a dis
of v!‘ y rl 0(1S, :Aid then
I. lit/1% 11: through the bay wintitm
'`IL 111:1 - 11. 1.1. -' HOW
1. 0. OF G. T.—The regular annual
session of the Northern District Conven
tion, will ue held at North Towanda,
Juno 1 and 2, 1880. At this session will
take place the election of officers.
E. EVOENE Cnunnucw,
North Orwell, May 1, 1880. D. S
I. 0. 0. P.—The members of Bradfo 4
Lodge No. 167, and other members ofilie
order that may be in town, are requested
to meet at the lodge room at 1 o'clock r.
1g.,. on Saturday May -29th for the purpose
of taking part in the Decoration Cere
!Tim ladies of Towanda and vicinity
are respectfully invitpd to meet at the
Grand Jury Room, on Friday afternoon,
May t2Bth, at two o'clock; to assist in pre
paring wreaths for use ,on Decoration
Day. Those contributing flowers will
please brine them to the ul Jury
Room, on Saturday morning, as soon af
ter eight o'clock as possible.
Tnr. Owegii Times, the neatest paper
tyrographieally, and one of the AbleSt
edited papers in the State of_New'Vork,
entered upon its twenty-fifth year, under
the management of ifs present editor,
WM. SMITH, last week. May it continue
to grow.for the next quarter of a century,
as it has in the one past.
Os Saturday last SYINESTFAI and
were brought to this village from Wa
verly and lodged in jail to await the ac
tion of the granti,jary for stealing a horse
from JoirssoN ItotKit:a, of Litchfield ! Fa.,
on the night of May°Bth. They disposed
of the, horse in Waverly M hen they were
arresfed on Friday last.—Otreyo
I '
T'IlF Wellsboro (Tioga County Gazette
has recently been enlarged to thirty-six
columns. Thu GlL:efte is among the neat
est papeO, typographically, that we know
,)f, and its local page is such an one as any
editor might justly feel a pride ; in. The
u , ,zette is the ablest Democratic paper
rioga County ever had, and all the Dem
ocrats over there ought to take it.
Mn. ABRAM Ssta.t. recently sold a noble
animal in the shape of a steer, only two
years old, which ho raised on his farm in
AthenS township, weighing or pulling
down the scales at ten hundred and lifts'
pounds. Should this animal keep on
growing at this rate, he will soon be a
mammoth ox—a ciAnt among his fellows:
J. M. Ayres, of Towanda, was the pur
chaser. the us Gazette.
LYMAN PowrEn, of Springfield, ,z , t.ys the
Troy Guzrffr , lllllll , lt to our office, on
Mon , lay, s.nne tine specimens of it on ore,
%Oali from a li,e-foot stein ou his faun.
It NiTTIIS 111 be richer in irOlf thAll any Of
the :0 called lean ores that we have seen.
fLe veiti 1.v:11 probably be opened, as the
increasitnr demand for ores will call for
lower '2rade oyes titan it would pay to
work for sonic Yeats past.
N. C. llAmos, of Athens, who bought
up the ;:ssetts the lite CHARLES F.
when they were sold, has
hr,,m4ht a snit in the Court of Common
Pleas of this county, agailist the heirs of
the late ASA PACKER, to recover a sum
.umemtim , to nearly three quarters of a
dollars. It. is said the claimis.
l'ased on the sale of the old North Branch
Jut: nartisbur g Daily Mtri"t, under
the niatiagcn n of Major I)E\'rit•:, has
improved so notch that its_ beser friend
Would hardly reco , nize it. It li a new•
dress, is neatly printed, its leading mat
ter excelli•ntly arranged .; gives all the
news, and is Issued every day in•the year.
fypogialaiHoly it is a beauty. I'oliti
•.aly—it contains nothing that is pleasant
to a 114.,publiean.
.111Esse.s. RisiN'ti purchased
last week 14 A. I.). BA BcocK, of Wind-
Mon, Brad forll county, Pa_ a pair of cat
tle, the live ..iveßg.lit 'of -which -was 4,000
and the beef from which is of snpm, b
,Thality and as handsome, as any meat .
which has been offered to, the customers
of any (INN-ego market in many a day.
['hese cattle were nine year A-old, having
been I , llrch3-cd by Mr. B la'01:1.7 six
years aLto 'of a western drover.—Oireg”
POW ELL & Co. give nidice another
column of the arrival of another iuviiice
of dress goods, which have been
bought at a great , reduction from the
price. that have prevailed dining the
' t wist few nuintbs, 1 hit lady readers _will
doutot he interested in a perusal of the
.rivet tt i utent, and .more in on inspee
thin .I'lllo I.:thids Iliemselves—which in
,peetion ey will take it lupin themselves
to maize at the earliest pu , sible moment.
QIITE a Luce number of the members
Watkins Void, G. A. U. attended the
c'hurck of fhe 3less:all on Sunday ev
ming 'last, !caste!) to a serucal by the
pastor, Rev.IWILIIAM TAYIOI - :, on •' Re
!igiou and rat! lot 1,m." diseourse
was based on the famil'ar text : nen
therefole, unto i'.l...sAn the thins
and unto Got) the
thimzs that are tk The subject. was
Ilatidled in a masterly it-moiler, and the
lane and!, tie. listened 'xvi , h the closest
tit teution flotn the beginning. of the Rev
erend gentleman's remarks until their
Tin.: Supreme Conc.., of Pennsylvania
has recently rendered t.everal iinportant
decisions of get,etal ititerr,..t in the mat
ter of road taxes. The right or'fanners
to %%oil,: out their rom.l tox has been-gen
erally, if rot universally, conceded, su
pc] 'sot s itt a' feu t,,NN tiships insisting
that the tax must pald in Inum-y. A
test ease has been (decided in favor of the
tax payees, and their right to work out
tbeti tax distinetly and finally litlirmed.
In other cases collectors 'of load taxes
hate e l a i ro , 4 l a c. , olmission on the part
. 11 out, i, Well as that i.abl iirto the
(...nnty trea,ttry. The Supreme ('oust
ti, euies that all claims for sUclu'cottunis
slons should be rejected, the working out
ot-; he t:ix imposing tar labor on the col
lector or the treasurer, but on the super
visor. IAL., is fully paid for his st I% let s.
Snutor-t IN.Tritr.D.—Says the West
eoi respondent of the 1.. I: eeseille
Mr. Wii.l.l‘m F. Conials,
of 116 , place gutting his team from
.1. F. Coiim s .n's shed. near the stole On
flit' l 111 tilt., fl , lll vnue ni l.t. ours C ause,
fell he the horses which ran two or
thee. I'4 4is to the main road, upsetting
the v azon. and !mining against a horse
ihiek and hiteldng post— fleeing them
eices the wagon, and left 311.. r.
d.:r rite At :1: on. real folly, if not fatally
iiijo red. n ind friends were intim:Ai:it/Ay
a: hand, who did all t hey' could for him ;
caul lit the horses and repaired breaks,
hO I hat a bed was soon fixed in his wa g o n
to-Carry' him home. 1/r. 314inmex exam
ined and dressed the wounds, lint found
no hones lirokep. Ile was brought brdne
that day and ',diced upon his bed, and as
vet is help;ess, his Lack serniusly
injured. Ile suffers severely, yet his
ftienets are hoping he may recover...
~Tut officers-of the State Line and Sul
livan Railroad, with a number of our eit
izehs as invited guests, made an excur ;
smut to Bernice by special train on Thurs
day, The train left this place at about
eight o'clock A. M., and arrived- at Ber
nice at about eleven. We are informed
that the party had a highly enjoyable
tine•—not the least of which was the
sumptuous dinner given them by Mr. and
Mrs. LATtittoP—and that the officers of
the toad were highly pleased .with affairs
in and about the colliery : finding them
as they did, in perfect Working order.
The happy and well plehsed company re
: in tied to this place at. about ei!dit o'clock
in the evening, all satisfied that the day
had liven one of rare eujoyment. On Fri
day, the officers of the State Line Boad,
—who are also interested in the Long
Valley Company—accompanied by sever
al ladies and gentlemen of this. place, vis
ited Barclay and Long Valley, and had an
other very pleasant day of recreation. The
party were escorted t.m Long Valley' by E.
and (Litt MACFA I:LAN t;,-We learn that
the officers were much pleased with the
pi ogress of the work at tOt place.
( Our Tuscarora cOrrespoiident sends us
the .follosiOng : A little sou of Ehrtir.
KINNEY. N6s aceidentaly killed one day
last Nr - c-i-k. -The little felbiw was playin. ,
near an old wagon shed, when the
which was quite- high at the time, de
tached a board therefrom, and in its fall
.r it -truck the little boy on the'neek, kill
it i• 'supposed instantly. The
sorrowing parents-hare the sympathy of
-this entire community in their sad be
—Prof: J. S. Bunnrrr, of Canton, is
seriously ill of pneumonia.
—Mr.,und Mrs. 0. IT. ESTELL, of Can
ton, spent Sunday last in this place.,
—GvittoE P. CASE, of Philadelphia,
visited friends here several days of the
past week.
LIZZIE liieCATIE - has returned
home after quite-a lengthy visit to friends
in Philadelphia. . •
—E. M. BLAKESLEE, Esq., of -Mont
rose, will deliver the address at this place
on Decoration Day.
—MON'As .31aNt.'ET, of Canton, is a
candidate foi'tlie Republican nomination
for Rppmentative.
C. .PEURY has been appointed
Postmaster at Sugar Run,. vice P. 13,
SVowELL, resigned.
—The late Jost. t .mt P. IsIcksrA I NNE had a
live thousand dollar policy on his life—
payable to his widow.
—Mrs.- FAxxs - lE. BErisolc, Of ~Watsont
own, is visiting her brother, GEORGE
ESTELL, on Houston street.
—E. A. LIORT, formerly of Forksville,
has opened a drug store at Sayre, we
learn from the Owego Gazette.
-JOHN BL. CX, of Pike, has presented
Leltaysvillo Library with a set of DAG . -
lIEGNCS History of the Hefei mation.
E. MCLALLAN has resigned as
pastor of the Springfield Baptist church,
leaving the field open for a candidate.
—Miss Jr.-ssiE JoIUSSON had a pleasant
time visiting friends at Masontown and
Monroeton, on Saturday and Sunday last.
—The Lellaysville Adrertiger says that
DANIEL STEVENS, of that place, is "Con
fined to his bed by sickness, and is said
to be very low,"
—Misses Gr.onotA Mownv and At.t.w.
li - OON, of Wysox. are visiting Miss NEI.-
.IE OvuuriELD this week.—Tunkhan-
'Luck Republica 71.
-Hon. W. T. DArms, L. 7.4. Hatt.,
,Poierr.ii and Giro
lave gone on a fishing excursion to the
vihls of New York Stift%
—Assoc liEi DLEMAN, a well-known
and respected citizen of Athens township,
died at his residence at Oreutt, Creek, of
pneumonia, on Thursday last,.
—J. E. Ifyreneocs, one of !trio publish
ers of this paper, accompanied •by his
wife, - is visiting relatives and friends at
Pubaki, Oswego County, N. Y, this
—Miss MAliv Fi)sT,Eit, of Columbia X
toads, l'a., is visiting the family of
).•NiEl. FOSTER, and will - spend the sum
ner.with frhimis in and about Owego,—
hrego Record.
-FRANK MAYO iS said to have lost
F'27,001) by his New York venture last
season. Ile returns to Canton this week
anti will sail for Europe about the first of
September.—Einiira Telegram.
—The Columbia and Wells Baptist
church have settled Rev. Mr. ENTWIsTLE,
late of Dundee, N. Y., over them. They
have bought a parsonage at At4tinviile,
and are building,an addition to it. .
—lt is fur - timed that A. J. Nrnx..tiu. of
Sylvara. this oninty. has been lett a lelg-
acv of $1.10,060 by a wealthy friend who
recently-died in- England. We hope the
umor may prow to be well-founded.
—Mr. A.J. SILVARA, of Spring Hill,
fell from a barrel on which he was stand
ing, whilst engaged in white-wasoing the
coiling.of a room in his house, - on Monday
of last week, and broke one of his legs.
—Mrs. JosErn KlNosnunr, abcompa-
Med by her daughter, Mrs: Env:. K
AYN E, started on Monday last for New
Vienna, Ohio, to visit her son HARRY
KING,BuitY, who is a resident of that
—Dr. IlontinT, E. 74100.1 E, a prominent
and much esteemed citizen of .01;Kego,
died in that vill,tge the leith of
pneumonia. Ile was surgeon in chief in
one Of the departments of the Confedciate
States dining the tear.
—Wm. .1. P.vriticK, while cuttim; lum
iwr on the ininnitaim :Monday List, met
n•ith quite a Ferions accident Ii on a fal
tree. In addition to a severe scalp
iouud it is feared that lie received sonic
internal nrjory.—Caahth.
_lzev. WI (.I.IIM TAimon, L. F. Gantw
sr!' and wife. Col. G. F. MAsotc, H. T.
STLvENs; JoiiN and Nks.
I:l)NrAvou WALKEn, will attend the t,en
si.,,n of the Pennsylvania :State CbliVell-
I ion of Universalist,: tolbe held at Erie,
Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday, of
next week. Doctor l'Avi.on is the Mod
erator of the Conventher.
—To-day, :Wednesr lay, Mr. Joilx M.
SrEvi;xs, one of the leading farMerh and
citizen, of Macedonia, will lead
_to the
hynienal altar UnANIA. daughter of Ilan.
1.. P. :-;TAl.Foltir, -one of the fairest maid
ens of Wyalusin7,. The ceremony will
take place at the residence of the bride's
i.arents. : We tender• the hanpy Couple
.mr congratulations, and wish them a long
of vtedded prosperity
—Mr. TowNsF.Nri, who has filled the
position of Treasurer and General Man
ager of the state- Line Railioad for the
pa,4 :.ear„ will remove to Buffalo, wheie
he will act as General Sales Age3lt for the
Company. All who have bee,one ac-
Tiainted with Mr. TowNsEND during his
residence here, wil: 'egret his removal
from our community, and. will follow him
to Li. new home with their good wishes.
Ton;Luti loies an excelliTnt citizen and
Christian gentleman, :Ind Bunk? gains
time ago, and embraced the opportunity
to visit and inspect the Nail Works, 'ind
in that neatly printed, ably conducted pa
per, the Athere: Gazette, of last week, we
find the following excellently -written de
scripthai of the Works; which we trans
fer to our columns :
" Being in Towanda and having the
I.•isure, we visited the factory, situated in
the je of the village, devoted to
this industry, and gathered from the gen
th•manly ploprietors a few notes for your
eolionns. The present firm, R. A. Best
-I,•y A sinCe.llg here. great
ly improted the facilitres tor the nosiness,
and are still making additions, having re
cently addcd two new boilers, told were
buiklin- a brick stack. and sinking the
well deeper at the time of our visit.
The well iS a curiosity. being about fif
ty feet deep. and twelve feet in diameter,
and cut through rock malty all the way,
the supply of water • coining in 'through
li- , sures. They Were woikiug a :ix ineh
making a Inle of that diameter for
tkie purpose of "going through the rock
ally( iecreasing the supply of water of
which they use for steam, purposes five
thousand gallons per hour. •
A . small engine, twenty-seven feet be
ttor): the surfa::e, pumps the water from
the tit II into , a tank front which the boil
ers are slam, lied..
There arc four steam engines, the larg
tst flute hundred horse power, does the
rolling . ; one of forty operates the shears
—machines . for cutting iron, plates or
bars ; one of eighty, the factory machine
ry, and one of twenty, the fans—used fur
forcing currents of air upon the fires, etc.
They have three double, and two single
peddling furn;:ces, in which the iron pigs
are Melted, and from which the liquid
STATE LINE AND SULLIVAN ROAD: iron is drawn, and shaped into round
AT the Annual Meeting of the Stock- plastic Minis called blooms, which are
holders of the -State Line and Sullivan I immediately- placed between rollers, from
Itailioad, held at their office in this plus', which they issue •in forms called Muck
on Wednesday atternoon last, the follow ; bars.
ing named gentlemen were chosen as These are afterwards Cc-heated and re
rectors : E. DAVIS, THOMAS MOTT, i rolled until of a flesited width and thick-
W. N. WHELEN, Eirwmin Ermts,..l. 'l'. tress, and 'from eighteen to tinily feet in
A i - nr - NnIED, M. B. MILLI/li, h ngth. „Nail plates are about fifteen
delphia ; 11. IL Itorns;sTs.n, N. Y.; F. 11. inches wide, and frenf one-sixteenth to
ioneiNE, Boston; N. N. BETTs, Towanda. one-half inch in -thickness, according to
.1. IL Ci...odionN, of Philadelphia, was size of nail.
elected President, and HENRY C. DAVIS, • These long ',late s, are then cut cross
of Philadelphia, Treasurer ;0, A. BALD wise into strips, that vary front three
wiN, Secretary. I. 1). Boone was ap- fourths lo Rine Macs wide—being fifteen
pointed Sup( rintendent and General Man- inches long—when they are rt ady to be
tigers, and N. N. BETTS., Auditor. cut. into nails. Sizes from six penny ((d)
The majority ref the stock of' the Corn- (Jowl) are cut cold : larger sizes at a 'red
pang G a s herouh . ole Lien held by Easq•rn heat : a regular oven being used for the
capitalil4s, and the road and its interests i purpose Of heating the plates; they are
have becin managed by them. That the l their passedtfiorn each side of it to the
larger ortion of the stock_ has passed machines( fur . cutting, twenty-four in
into the hands of Philadelphians, who number arranged in rows. These ma,
have also large interests' in the Barclay i chines require skillful workmen to keep
and Long. Valley Companies, and who ate the Cu ting apparatus in order, and each
gentlemen commanding ,a large amormt nailer operates four machines with the
•of capital, can but inure to the benefit of, aid of four boys. The plates are turned
the State Line and Sullivan in trany re- I over for each nail cut; as in cutting cross
spocts. And we have no doubt that the j wise, if the bar were nut turned, the an
read will in the near future, become a gle would increase with each nail cut,
payieg investment to the gentlemen who I and constantly lengthen ; the nailso The
have invested their capital in it. At least, piece cut all' each time is pressed, and the
we hope it may. head formed almost instantly, then drop-
With the new officers in general, we ped and another cut in like time, and the'personal acquaintance, but learn process repeated until the fifteen- inch
they are all gentlemen fitted by education stn . )) has charmed to nails, then another
and experience to successfully manage strip is taken by the tongs and fed up.
the affairs of the trusts they have assure- Those that are cut cold are passed
ed. The new Presideet, Mr. Cl..mrie through a heated revidving cylinder to
is a resident of Philadelphia, as is also i blue and toughen them, and fine
Mr. Piro:, the new Treasilrer. Both ing nails are scoured by 'friction obtained
gentleman are men of wealth, and ftie by placing tthert in a revolving Arum.
sai(Oto be ripe iu business experiefice and All kinds of nails and spikes are made
possessing great financial ability.. • here, those termed clinch included. Com-
The unanimous choice of L Btartirri mop nails are: from three-fourtlifs' six
of this place, as the Superintendent , and- and one-half inches long, finishing from
—Mr. WM. WHITNEY, of Tuscarora
township. while at work on a hay loft in
his barn last February, fell. received
serums injury which confined him to his
r inn, where he was attended by two
'very skillful physician , : wit bout any per-
Illa t. relief. • His condition gradually
becoming worse until the 'List of Match.
1)r. WAnN,Eit was called, took the
case in charge, and by succesfully per
fortmn a very delicate and difticUlt sur
gical operation, succeeded in
the patient, who, has since been gtatitially
recincring, and is now, we are glad to
state, considered out. of danger.— 1,11;ii
rale . L ldrertixer.
—The funeral of the late Josnrit
MoNr.t NYE took plare front his late resi
dence till Main street. of ‘V , NII/eSday ev
ening of List week. All of the business
plants i•f the village were closed durin •
the youtinualve or the services. out of re
speet to the memory of the dead. The
follotting oamed t•entlemen acted as pill--
bearers I). Monnow, Bon. J0.5.11:-Ptt
.s. 1 1:-Ptt PO:VI: E LL, Col. J. r. MEANs, M. C.
Mr.itt utt, 1: T. Fox. .1. .1. CFRIFFITIN,
tii-J r nti.E. ;q . t:yr:Ns; I'.. JANtEs
Mi•C'Attr. Tlii arvangemt`tirt s fOr the .In
neral weie untleVthe ''superviStMt - esteemed friend of
tie deceast d and- his faintly. The Rev.
Dr. S'l . E . W.kra, of whie-e clutch '3lr. M.
was a member, was the officiating clergy-
Man: and his remarks were fi ex
pressed and appropriate. The remains
were followed to their last resting place
in Riverside Cemetery by a large con
coin he I if sorrowincz relatives and friends.
General Manager of the Company's Road ,
and mines, is a recognition of the past
services of a faithful and efficient officer
of the Company. . In our judgment no,'
better selection could have been made fur
the position, and we take this occasion to
congratulate Mr. B. on Lis deserved pro
motion, And the Stockliolders of the Com
pany oil their excellent selection of a man
for the position.
The - continuance of Mr. BALDW . IN as
Secretary, is also a deserved compliment
to a faithful and efficient officer.
It is but simple justice to the retiring
officers to say, that they have managed
a.m.:affairs of the Company in the past as
successfully as could have been expected,
_the expeiience through which
the road hut been compelled to pasS dur
ing the years of general tipsiness depres
sion, which, we trust, have now happily
gone, and thatthe affairs of the Company
are in asilood condition as' they are, is
due to their
untiring energy and excellent
business management.
The first section of the Act of 9th
April PA9, provides :
"Any person or person or persons who
shall intentionally set tire to said lands
shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding
five hundred dollars ; not less than fifty
dollars, or shall be confined in the county
prison for a term not exceeding one year,
nor less than thirty days, or both at the
discretion of the court, on conviction in
any of the courts of this commonwealth ;
one-half of said tine to be paid to the
person or persons who make the informa
tion, and the other half to be paid into
the county - treasury.
And the first section of the Act of
June 2'l, P3lll, still further provides :
" It shall be the duty of the commis
sioners of the several counties of thisi
commonwealth to appoint persons, under
oath whose duty it shall be to ferret out
and bring to punishment al pefsons who,
either wilfully or otherwise, cause the
burning of timber lands, and to take
measures to have such tires extinguished
wheri it can be't'one ; the expense there
for to be paid out of the county treasury,
the unseated land-tax to be the first ap
plied to such expemes,
No. 65., 0. A.
TowANI,A, PA., Nay 24, lISO.
Geticra? Orders—No
1. In pne.dranre of, orders from Department
headquarters, arid .Gonerill Orders No.l from their
headquarters, and in u. corilance with the ritual
cristrina of the A„. It., the following order of
Ceremonies will lei arranged and observed by Wat-
Ins Pied. No. eis, on 111 low lal Day—itiaturtlay—the
29th first
11. The following moved comrades—C. E. An
drus, G. D. Stroud, A. A. St John, Wm. Nut',
rieo, W. Kilmer, Ell W. Gale, .1. D. Vargason. R.
W ilsou and tiatlfey Cummings—are detailed to pro.
reed to Liberty Corners Cemetery, and decorate
toe soldiers' graves at that Mare, at 9 o'clock A.
91., in accordance with the imstuniary eetelnOttles
of the G. A. li.
111 The follow it.g named etintrailes -It C. pow
I. I wi•ker, 54414111411,11, 11. Larripliem - and
W. Noithrup—me detailed to proceed to the
cemetery at Wy ant iltworatri graves of
soldiers at that Mac , . •at 9 o'cieck. A. M.. In ac
vortlarice,Wltli Urn mrstionary cereini wire of the
G. A. It.
IV. The cittz•-tis at i•ai•W of tb•• above named
1 ,4 ,41 'es. are re.pie•bm to oddr all ireees.ary a9-range
me net.. the jib : melting day, by providing bomern,
e,..rgreen, 'ii ealle., ele.
V. swartz Post, No. 72. and Liberty Corners
Cornet Rand, are requested to Join the detall at
Lits•rty corners, and assist in the pereinotiles.
XI. All in% lied gu-st ganLi i , lbws and citizen.,
who all, 40 J,lll tiro preecedorr at title place. wilt
meet at the Court lionses lark, at or before 2
err lurk C. M., arid are respet•tftilly requested to
take the posit bars assigni9l tie•rn by the assistants
app' Intuit for that pure., amt iotic:Bed by the fol
lowing progranitne: Wllb the Vim- Commanders
the tonow leg Wooed I...mimics—War r 11. C a ries.
choir. IVilliani lee, 114, 1.1e,v11 ii lldpir ,
Andrus—ate heleby detailed to
form tlie column atel I ttttt .‘• promptly at 2:M r.
411.• (0110 a leg Mire of niareli to I:lvor...Me Cetne-
Ont Park street to Main. rip Main street
to Canal, iltiwn Canal to Willani mil set, up Will
iam of reel. t,i tim,cerrietery.
VII. The'colunot will ke formed according to the
f o n ow i eg pengramtne :
1. Get mania Irani of Towanda.
2. Burgess and Town Connell anti members of li
Ihr• Tres •
chie s. f
and Assistant Engineer of the File De
partment and Fire-Potiel , .
I. Frankl`ii Etre VinginiWtintpariv, No. 1.
5. Naiad 1.:1.RM.. Coltman:, No. 2..4.
6. din-rd Fire Engine company. No 3.' •
11,121:,13 ifook and 1.3 , 411 el relli14:111T, 'N4 , 4.
N. itr olford Lodge, No. 1117, and Encampment
1, F.
9. ( . 2 . y..tal Lodge. Co. 57. Knights or Honor.
le. T. , warrila ',sig.-, No. E. of P.
11, Liberty Corners UM 11 , 4 '1434.4.
1 12. Boys is 119gsr-one for each State.
13. Orat , :r aril Clergy.
ti. lionoraidy ger] Soldiers.
- 15. Swart-, Post. No. 72. li. A.
.li,. dacit•oli Pont. No. 74,11 A. IL ,‘
17. rattriwur Post, No 227, (~ A •
t.t. I )thi•r posts of 11..1. It.
19. Watkins Pest. ss, 6,. A. It.
Upon arriving at the 09 no wry the i.olumn will
hate, 0r..}1 ranks. and the rear 1.. tiro front.
5q1,1.14t. will !lun de formed at the place desig
nated. and for low et - minutes riMerAerl:
'I. Music by the riermarria Band of Towanda.
Aildre, by l'g 44.4 I Mninrinder.
I. Ilvtair by the Mile 9trartette—"CMer Them
With Beautiful Flowers."
4. Prayer by the Post Chaplain.
5. Dirge by the Liberty Corners Cornet Band.
1 11. Ceremonies at the Mound.
7. Original Poem try Le(; rand S. Itretvet—ii rur
Fallen lieromd"
Chant it Male 9riarterte.
9. Strewing .rowers and 'Raying wreaths on
sold lees' a fi1 . 114114.11l the 4,lllellley. lky 111111-
raden of the Pomt, during whirli time there will be
approm tate tousle hy the Binds.
Address i.v lion. E. 1.. Blakeslee.
11. solo and rho' us I.y Male Itrartette—ii.Mlss
Not a Single One."
12. Prayer awl iteiredietion.
The eidiono will to-:ore 31"1 march back to the
Court Douse Square, anti be dismissed.
, order of
G Et E V. MY El:, Commander.
°fib lab—Jr is EP II T I EttN EV. Adjutant.
The,llErowren's Athens corrnsponii
ent, W. A. P., visited Towanda a short
oneohalf to three and ono-hilt, and splices
from three to nine.
They . use POrt Henry, N. Y. ore, and
bring sand from Crescent, near Williams
port, to use in their wort. Ten • tuns of
iron are used in one day, fruit' whiob two
luindreil• kegs of nails sre turned out,
which are sold all over this region and in
Now York and Philadelphia.
About ninety men aro employed doing
work by the piece, thus givisg to each a
reward according to his skill. About ono
thousand dollars per week is paid for la
This Company has a similar faefory at
Milton, Northumberland county, where
they employ upwards of Oa hundred and
sixty men. Them are several gentlemen
in the firm, and .if those we met, Mr.
Bostloy and Mr. Randall, are fair repre
sentations which we do not doubt, it
mint be a pleasure to transact business
with them, for they are practical wory
men, and understand , every part Of the
business, besides being:genial . c.wmpany.;"
The Rev. Dr. A. Stereetary
of the American Bible Society, recently
remarked that in spate of the great num
ber of Bibles annually sold in the United
States, -there are not half enough Bibles
published. There are thoosonds of homes
in our broad land in which not a single
copy of the Sacred ScrOures . is to be
Appreciating this .greai need, Messrs.
PHILLIPS 45.7. HUNT, of /05 Broadway,
New York, have issued este of the most
;attractive and superb eillitionts of the
Bible ever published, and with the liber-.
:silty that has elan acterized all, their enter
prises have issued it in theinost elegant
styles of binding, and at prices which
bring it within the reach of every family.
Tothe text of the Bib l e is added a
series of remarkable and unusually at-.
tractive features which muter this edithou
invaluable to every Christ‘in household.
Foremost among these is Dr. SMITH . : ,
Dictionary or the Bible, which is admit
ted by all detlolllillath.llB to be the best
Bible Dictionary ever published. We
have next a series of 'succinct and care
fully prepared accounts of the various re
ligious denominations of the world, their
history and teachings. The Life of the
Saviour and the Lives of the Apostles
are brought forward prominently, and in
such a,manner as to be of great service to
every reader of the New Tat:nent. The
Wanderings in the IVildemese, and- the
Tabernacle and Tenlple are critically-IMO
admirably described. A soles of Scrip
ture illuitrations affords eumprehensive
explanations of the Mannersand Customs
of the Ancients, of Biblical Antiquities,
Sceuery, Natural History, tic. The City
of therusalem is also descriVd with great
minweness. Th e n follow alaroo number
of chronological and other valuable tables,
designed to promote and facilitate the'
study of the Sacred ScriPures. These'
tables ale so numerous that we have not
the space to name - them.
• The book is magnifleenly illustrated
with superb engravings by the'. great
attest. vs - rAvs: Dont., and with a large
number of exquisite sted engravings.
(If course in a faintly Bible nueh depends
upon the illustrations, and 'he publishers
of" -this volume have their
Bible with a taste and liberality that de
set V 43 the highest praise. The additional
matter contains over 2,51)(1 beautiful en
, graviugs, executed in the lighest tle of
the gs i art. These engraviu are g muiue
-wot ks of art, and were rtade at a cost of
over The great number and
high character of these tneraving:s make
this the most valuable :tit publication
the century.
The Family Ilecold cad Marriage Cer
tificate are beautiful specimens of litho
graphing, and at the close of the vol
ume is a handsome Photogiaph Album,
with room for sixteen portraits, a very
desirable ftatnre in a work of this kind.
Et cry intelligent per son knows that the
excellence of the bindme of a book de
-I.ends upon its neatness and dm ability.
A Bible may Le showily boiled, and yet
put together so flimsily that it will come
to pieces in a few years. Although cov
ered iiith showy stamps and apparently
well bound, the work net; bellow in such
a loose and unsubstantial manner that
with only ordinary hamilbg the Bible will
crack and finally fall ti pieces. This
Bible is made upon a very different plan.
Only the best materials are used in its
manufaCture, and all the nook is dime by
the best of workmen and .he most highly
improved machinery. E. - cry stage of the
' stork is carefully super.-sed.' it would
be impossible to devise a system by which
greater ea re ; epmld tie givei to the manu
facture of a book, or by cinch the inter
ests of subscribers could k. more careful
ly guarded. The publislers realize the
tact that a family Bible nay be subjected
to very hard usage, anti must be humid
substantiallyms well haidsomely. They
are !published in German also.
We cordially comme3d this magnificent
Bible to our readers. It is a shame that
any Christian househokl should be with
out a Firmly Bible, ani we commend this
one as the most compete and the cheap
est in the market. It is sold by sulps'n ip
tiUn only, and Mr. Maur Mix. who is
the mttleirized agent lor this section, i s
now canvassing for it.
MR. Mix, of this tlace; who is the
,for the work in tsis section, is 'well
klitivn, no doubt, to the most of our read
ers, and needs no commendation at our .
bands. as to reliability and trathfultess.
Ile will cheerfully to IN; house, or
business place, of all those who notify
him itersonally, or by nail, of their de
'sire to examine the bock, a copy for their
It ha. plea-4 , 111w SIII , IN•ttie IttVer to
fr 1.117 011 T 1 . 11,10 Binbet 1 . .t , t t: rand W.
I Ititivy.ll,rpro.r.• I, If—
. .
/:•• 14 3 I. l .rtgl` 1111's lIIV
form and" kindlv"votee of 1: , 11114 - 1. stte loon IN It h
hul.nti,ion to tilt• 111111i.larO.r M 111.141 1 433 toe :u'-
kuouh•rltr as the • '.lll al. - whose tlerr4,l{ are
and for the let. ktoovio: that , or
h 3. bl•au advau.,d hl^o r order titan - ran he
01.tailied on earth.
That while we Fmk.: to the immedi
ate i...atives of our ,lecea.,itflt.,ther out ll:aril . ..lL
-3 in path'," aid cnnitnii y - • 1 ninil , l we in•ii theu .
to pat their trust in One vlm •• doetti all nom:,
wow , and who has pi sustain the
in time , of trouble, and all Om put their
relrc , f. That the Lodg• draped in uunirn
Ine for thirty
/:,,e/r^ , /, That a. envyo theqe receletl9tH
furnished the 1211111)' of war 1,,,i50cl Brother.
A 1 Ell. coin
wnsNl c•vrt,
Tly the hand 01 an 311-Wlee arid over
ruling' Providence our Brotheyi,Mr. Simmer
Voiight. has been raketi from nes Order by an early
Wit nit Kan, In hls death LP !aged mother has
lust h !tiling and dutiful sou:;In:Id - uthers mid %Is.
tt•rn a kind and faithful tuutl:. nut! the utheers
and to, tier, of Hifi 1,47... N.. 1317, 0. of
6, T., a c•algental IdettlFr alit
That ‘‘t. the .nil ttoliers of
to IF w parrot and lb,.
Iteitilets and •niste, tif our it:et.a.eil ltriithi-r, our
tu:hrt fel t , ynipattiy to this the tour of their great
/:,,,irrd. That 21:1 a tokenof tespfet to our de
een.ell tiro' her., the charter.; the Lodge he appf.
1 , 1 talely draper) In mourifilof for a period of thirty
1:toto/rei, That these restauthots lie printed It
cash of the Towanda paper:.
Wm. V. 1101 To\. )
1•. W. coni
G. F. I: L.L(.I D,
Local Correspondcnie
The tire in' woods extended
over about two hundred Lel'eN of irery line
timber. The loss is lie,t‘y.
The prospect of Wyalusing b r aving a
band is very it atterhr. The instruments
have been procured, and we are informed
that Professor KENT, of Brooklyn, has
been engaged - as instructor. The " Cora
Van Tassel Dramatic Troupe " return
this week to give the boy,. a benetit—date
not yet named.
The G. A. R. programme for Decora'_
tion Day, is to decoratequietly the graves
in Wyalusing. at eighto'clock A. st., then
at Sugar'llun, and at terrytown " wind
up" with a basket pie.nie, and speeches
by Dr. G: P. Iltrtos,, Rev. DAVID
Cum , r, and others.
Mr. JonN Tal - I.oz, of this place, re
cently a graduate of the University of
New York, is at home, and occupied, the
pulpit. of Rey. D. CILM last Sunday.
GEouGE ti - raixt , iat, futmerly a res -
dent of Wyalusing, no agent at the de
pot in Laceyvillr, was married last Thurs
day, to Miss t!MITII of that place.. Our
congratulations GEonoE.
J. F. Ei.morr, of Derrick, who is with
Dr. WELLES, at Meshoppen, was seen in
Wyalusing Satutil4, 03 his way home to
spend the Sabbath. - VILKINS,
May $l, It*O.
.1 ANI I.ti KINN EY is slowly recovering
from the ilduries received by beinglm
away with by a team 'of horses some time:
Moult Cu,twvonn tejoices in the
birth of a sOn and heir.
Planting potatoes and sbeep-washing,
• .
It cuts down the expenae of gathering ' too.. .
aft ,, r cutting over one hundred acres each ; do so. Now I would rather pay a reason'ableprice
year. - We eotont, n 1 the Eureka Mower %tidiest- ' for the Eureka ' , Slower Char ti.e any side-cut ma
' the hay crop fully twenty-tive per cent. _ tatingly to farmers who desire :he best mowing I elque furnkhof we for nothing. , „
The farmers of liradfcrd county have THE. machine In use. V. E. St .1. E. Pt ot.I.LT. • ' . 'F.. C. SI.F.N4 Eh, AN iser, Pa..
, -
REST at their dOor. Hear what your helghlons We have used Mei W. A. `it ~,,,l, the Clipper. and ~
~Lave tised the Eureka Mower four years. mow
say : • Ottrerent makes of lim•k, yes. (we now have tw o leg •,, tmu acre, e ac hyear withvery little I-
• .
• thick...yea 111 gGial order). We have used- the
The Eureka Ittower is the very hest Ave ever saw t tole fur tc Ir , ,
Eureka this ..r.a.,rl on all kind, of ground affil'lts •'
and there is en side draft mower that will compare • :di kinds of grasses :mil do not hesitate to say it Is ' M.k:,:st
with it in any respect.
the hest machine manufactured at the prY•etit 1 , .Tiie Eureka to a Mower - awl Reaper In one ma- ,
time, and we shall continue IT it, It I t prers`,l,lle4: rl,l t,
~,.. ~l- I/ .. m
(ten saves auel, In the;drying, of the
The mower we have - had in use for three year. is to any other. . Pon anoY Biwa.. Troy, Pa. , pa! , with.,ac fur t her .0411:1lit.• out. :'as it clots to
'ah gqo , l in ae Its parts as when first Mutt, soul that, I 0pp,,,,,01 the Eureka as long as It Was 11,.ue,t to cut it with tills machine. It.•cirr E, Asylum.'
seems to be the order of th 6 day'bere
alit Mts.
(no Valley School commenced on Mon
day last with Jolts ClinisTmts as teacher.
• Fire is doing considerable damage to
standing timber in this neighborhood,
and man22fenees have been destroyed.
S. TENTIrin - tr lost about 200 rods of
the latter. ' No buildings have as yet
been destroyed, but -many have been in
Unless we get rain very soon, the crops
in this section will be seriously damaged.
May 20, It_t,o. B.
3: to WATER-On:tit Tit IN,S
During la,t wi , et and on Saintly the fort -4 lire:
.4111 raged. The woods of John I..t.v,dand usti ,
lon tied d - er and a large quantity of n e d tlitinvr
dtodroyed From his woods It attark.,.4 fallow
.4 Eugene Fr. n dostroylvg a plat:111y of tart
And \‘4.(01, 1141:,re to the canals of :••trutwu
11;51. Mrrr'll where touch damage na,
done lu timl,r and Lenin's. It I. still burning hl
lilt UIAI , -, Winds prv , ,,kil It I. nn.l..r
Ev,ryttilfig ealls for water. it Isuotfi,rthcotu
log. comet 411,g must. De 14 , 1011 g :It the it eathet
1.0,1)1e Bra0:111. 31r,. •• robo " Ir,geri .it
an• oil NS ,k
Eve Lent of WaVerly tla• Centre
'la,. the reputathm of bultig a
If..v. E. Vitriol:l.oo,, of flo.nolog. i y.. will
1.11,,,h fit 1111.,...w1y. will lis
t•liOn'il lit Iv 11, XI I,lll.lfltly at :1 Wt . lttek. I'. M.
Neighborhood Notes
—The Dushore Rc^ii w of last ,week
says : "A steam saw mill was brought
here by SEELEY & Co. last wkek, and set
:it running order 'On their tract at Colley,
recently purchased of the JAcKsoN :estate.
—A great many strange Taees are seen
about town, says the DUshore
Hundreds of new men are emplo3ed in
getting bark and lumber, and this prom
ises to be the busiest season ever known
in this region.
m Tuesday morning Drs. BENJAMIN
WADDEL amputated a linger for old
Mrs. ToltAsllEtt, that had upm it a can
cer as large as an egg. Although sixty
el,klit yearn of :4;e, the old lady stm,d the
operation quite well;—Thoio,re
—The Laporte tannery caught tire on
Monday last, and for a time was thre•at
ened with destruction. Prompt measults
were at owe: taken, and after :-oine h.trd
Lighting the-tire was cxtinguished.—M
ewre lier;elr, .
—Mn 4. Amb W. elSTEnt.rcri, of West,
Lenox, Sus4llW:ll:alma Cinuity, has ju.t
completed patch i work quilt of five
thou , and. four hundredi and otglLty-a!vi.o
pieces. What lover of . patch wink caw
beat this?
—A Normal Musical Institute, will ht.;
held in Montrose, commencing . July . l9th,
and continuing for weaks, nutter the di
rection of Professor L. - 0. F:mEitsoN, of
Boston, assisted by a coips of competent
teachers. - •
—Says the Tunkbannoch Democrat of
last week : "Through the 'courtesy of
Mr. P. W. ll,Eort Eli) we olive been shown
the report of Assistant Errineer Jmitts
I\'onum.l. of the sutvey of, the Susque
hanna river I'rtllll the Southefti boundary
of New 'York to Nanticoke dare. Mr. I
REoriEtit it will be remembered acted as
pilot in said undertaking, and his name
is spoken of in the report with praise as
to his ability. We have not space to pub
lish the whole document but we give the
concluding clause which is the recapitu
lation of the report :
I now recapitulate the facts of the re
port in answer to my instructions to make
a reconnoissance of the Ninth Branch id
the river Susquehanna Inuit Nalitieidc
dam to a point at or near the New Yolk
State line, with permission to make other_
suggestitins legitimately growing out of
the subject.
1. From Nanticoke dam to the State
line, lie distance is about 11 7 mileS,
which about one hundred miles are alrea
dy navigable, but are interrupted by rip
ples, the aggregate length of which some
what exceeds twelve, miles, which have
been estimated. These ripples, I believe,
can be corrected, and a doutimMus navi
gation of at least two feet, and perhaps
three feet, in minumun depth, can be'es
tablished for the gross sum of $,:',.'50,000.
2. An enlargement. of the locks of the
Erie Carla], front Buffalo to Montezuma,
so as to pass' boats of tons, and a
branch of the same from Montezuma
through Elmira, N. Y., and Northumber
land, Pa., to Havre de Grace, Maryland,
zap be built to accommodate the, same
tonnage for $2.5„,„000,000.,
piece% for fllr. 944'ent
, Our goods are NEW and i•f the
vEsTguALITY.? .kmumEn& votGIIT.
Oct. 30. Drcli 1:11 S Vout;
Consrat has the'besi wearing ShoeS
for Men. Boys and Youths• wear ever offered In
Towanda, and at prleem'within the react) of all.
Vir Gold Band. and Mor.4 lose TEA
.ETS at wj-cet,t Store.
Cr Try our New XAP. -TEN. "ikst in
t. Elegant new stock of GOBLETS
and TABLE I.; MSS W ARE . at 93-cent store. '
t Choice TEAS and COFFEE a
NpeCl4.ty at 4 I.W.chun st,you'r;nT . ..,
fgf" Fora good, durable and neat-fitting
suott, lean at F. J. BLISW: 4 , s,eley'A
Hotel: Nov. 27-ff.
uthe ;
valuable ' Standard Superphol , hates for
grattel. Trutt's, gra,xe,t and vogotar•les. Farmer. ,
and riardee'ers try theta, at lea,t 111 moral Ines. 3
• I:. M. W I.
Towattnt,t, Pa., May tn.), 11,;o.
Another new stock of Chilikens
CARPI AG Et , at 9J-Cont score. d Z)...:1% •
- .
FIT - Provisions of all kinds, of the lies
quality, at ittclit:a 1 Cori
Floe MO Coarse Boots at BLUM'S. opiselte See
lers Hotel. Nov. 27-t r.
Car The Largest, Best and Chr3l•est
tine of Shoes for Ladles', Mts , er• and I,l:ildren•
wear Is fonnd at Conti vet's new . fttore, corner Main
and Plne-en., Tracy & Noble•s Block. :''apr4'7a
wiTER COOLERS, Tea Ttays
and full lin t,f JAPANNED WA HE. at 99-err t
cal oy‘:s Fun sm.E.—Tbre . c Cows ;And
two ilei tars for rile. All new mtletoe, I.t.qpire of
A.ll. SNITLi, ClNter.
W" L. B. BonoERR nges compe
tittuti for quality of goods zilol 1os: ricos Hsu r•ae6;
Poors,•1111:ols 310 111olt1101,r, aoll :1 1 lioll<ling
let :al. f
I -
_ -
~~ ~Y~:
nv.i .~ ~.,.~ ..
It is not the iiiiantity eaten that
Ott, strength, life, blood and lie;d:11 ; It Is the
11101 , 1101 digestion of the food taken, let it ho
lunch or litto. '11o:it:ore, do not up
the stomach to (.111.1.0 food, but rather ft.,lst dtges
ttau after eating, try taking Simmons' Liver lt,go
latur. 4.29..1111.
De - rangemeut of the Liver, with
constipation, Ititvre the cronitlevlOn. Induce Pim
ples, sallow skit:. etc. Remove the t'alINC
I .L. is Liver PHL. Ittet
yae. , iv,tl a supply ,if • thrts..! ‘ahi:sl,l, LAWS
at low pi Ice, . _
T0w .. ..i3.41:i P 4., May
I .1 11.\N v LiAt l War.
1:‘,1:1; at, Brolgo l'Tveleol, P. 1.. f
, 1 -
Ow sal, of Or43ni, &tt i anel 4,1.0.n.tegl
a:canl at Nato Centennial). also 11, ei,l,l.ralt.)l
•.C/.ll,tie " the tna - 4 •• "
Ltans. iLr •`:•••teillrit;" and 1 - Inn .1 )rt• ut,,. I ::ill
ft:rt.l,lt Itt.oto‘ -otrt trvt.•:, or anty tatat.of.t. tole at
that tlttfy 1.11:pr
uud It grrtatl) to tltttir :v4sa:Oa:4e, -•toil tlotir to-
for Nltisle and u.. Circular.. and
waft44,-rs f , r Tunii,g; :114
Crpalriagpr ' otnptly atte , ...ted to. :Ind w.,rk woe-
rin - The regelareourseA (vett
at thi , . .•.
:!,r.-e Lt number: Agt Iciptar:;l, and t-el
ontiti-. Cant k a full (me supplena-11-:1 1. ..
lhm all are I.y practical Aar: mi the f';' , , , r,f
111 lin' garden. vitwyartl. and the :de
, pur,,,es eitta•r "1 thew Will TA:Pt.4:1...:
!I 4 JI city a well educated but a self-helpful
l'ttd inforillati"ll Call In, obtail, , i
th, M.mag,•r. Sta:e I ,O.:1
01E:01 .BAT.M.—It cures ca - arrir by ex'- i
tu-,harg.t. Lot I,r itg it up. Th.. am.ll
- .gt t!at eLy
I.y It l• Lt• t•f !IT
A Lew 1.1.-1 're.ath I: A ,
ronivdy of ro:ei m"rit, a:.l to what k n ..“n.-
111.1..tr0l of 11. (a... 1 0. p.or dnt_;!l•t for I: and
give. It 3 trial. toot I,
1:1:‘ \.
I h.:: !,•t zn.3 , r , .:vf. IT, frwt it ,
":rIY n lordY ga , •• ,o11,!,•it
fl,:nl .1,tr.•••1114 31,1 Ii:
Lt1”.11) rout:aft :y g::::1 af
f::••thg 'II, b.., I ;1,1 i‘t:ll n s chll.l,li
nn,11:3-• h, .d ••I
NV:•:l . 111,,i, a 111 I,
, Vry
Ncw York I
• ...II - NEI7I:.II,cIA (•1 - 1ZEI) by Dr.
Ct uic, nr.Cd:ia and !..;ck
oor• for Nettralqia.!‘loi: !!tad.)' he.
ityls I)v•pep:la, I'onhzip.4tion. Vondtlqa
of Pa`irlathdi Of
Fli-r.;;V. The, 1,7111... are a SpYi . l.ll
proiYll3:l4 ter the ow or . 4 ., ah d
are Is •dThy of a tria; I.y as,ntehgent
311 .- : ,y 1 ellen all
l,dtez front a il.dan:zed m rvol, at; plea-rht
k. F:.' IA it It . 11.-1).. Scranton. l'a.; rent ry hta.l
to le wipl 50 - f . . For
IQ, t t illa 1:.
" 1 1 r. 1 113\e ;4 1 1 r. 111 i.
.171 . 1 iil,lol,Whe • :1;14
A. K %N.. )1. 1/..
nnt,t 1 , 10, ! , M1•••:
y i•:ore f. I,,,ttt•r tban ;my in till, cminty.
iS at Red td, call afl.l f.•ry,tn,:h:•••
—ITENIUYTTA: 3loritop \. y„ Jan.
WA ILNIA . : ion:ton : .t
!nail ..f . M•
N. kn. , -; of Inv n,
tlollt I might I t•••,11.‘
of C:ttArrli 11,,111,
;tit,r f:,;;lt t g• a 't•n ttf "tat :In I
I;tt, t ., rare. I taa,:it•yt tall y ttiitest-ti. foi n
st cutetl. ' , 41 1 3 ltitot is xs.
Nt•i - tiN. Jan. let, 1 ,. .. , 11.
11. ‘‘,' & Ar ,irt I Ytltto 1.,
ty nf ty,t,t; tat•rt
fh,diug Ot.s; 111.•111 inpat!
i -n , s.tftil;y ft,,,,ffinmattl Iltttnt :s- , t
In t'.." l'n.vrtif It.
I. EWIS--,IIEID.—At tit.. 1,1,•1tt!.. rl Mr.
!,1 I 317ty Ii K. M. , :t.„
E-. 1 , Mr. Elt 'Mt, Mat b u t 14141, i,tltt.
ago. Nlsoutvtoti. May If:. in' Ifvv.
Mr. 'S.Ltrh of
1,1u01.c. of 311-I:view, tt,not‘.
73 • S 9 11
7,0 ...1; , 010va .. .41,
S II .'O7; 217 , 0 10
91,0 31 2;
9 10 t IL, :It , 3 i a .. 1. 1 • iO
9 4:41 4kl 90; 3to .. WaYerly 4:: 11 5 ,1 :9 ,
11 , toll 7.1! 912 to, 4 I II 4119 slu
II 19 • 92 - 1!-, ...A 43^ I1;1 ni 12
.. 0 47 II 13,6; 111.
1,::: 3: 1: j 1 - . 41 2:112:
I; 4:" .... I
10 27, 7, 07,'. ,, Vg , .... 1U .
1.2, 1038 7, 1.2 ItunCrillol , l II 3;1.... 1109
r, 20, [Wu
lI.NI yalo , iiig 101 „ 3 ;3 1015
11 42 3 .26 11 27, 9 54 3; .
01.'2 !I 50 :I 3; t 0.27,
-.... II 39 rib , Skill' , Eddy .., , 3 ;,0 1091
II 47. f 17 NiPslioprn !I
I I GI; ,; . 21
~... 9 ?.3 a i. 39 I:9
12'2.; 49' 7 to Tun': hatpi k S is 4 :;3.2 .17, 1 •:.2
12;0 720.111 - .3oge. e, .... 911
67 1 7 3e. s ;!: ;21 us
lln 1 40. Iry 1.&11ter . .11 INI 042 0. - , s
1:51,;1; 2 s3l %V IM ,Barl 4. Inr 73n 440 0 20
3 710 44, Ilt ru M',•l; i'1k0.1324 .... IjIII 4
4 1 4 . 0 21 5;0 , Al 2 0311.1110w11 .... 1012 4 'A
o e! 4 0 ! 04 1 . ,2 17,'.f1et111e.11,01. 9 - 50 10111
525 9 in r 1 .41,12 59' ...Eastoo. • . 9'20 i 34 1 ;,/,
652 1032; 101•2 iii,P11113,11111.3 sOO 07,
s 1) 335 . New lurk. 7, 00 1 ('0
A.}l. M.! . .01
7sta. :r2 Ittavel Towaatla at rt:Mt A. M.. Ulster 3" t c.,
Mi.tatt 7:15, A tlittit, ttayte itt, AVa%ktrly
arriving' ill Eluttra ,at 6:56.
No. al It•avyn P.M., Wavvrty f t t:to,
Sayr t , tit tit - ,n. ;Milan 7:66, I'l,tor 7:10.
art tilittt 111 TOW:1114ln at 7:•:.5.
it :111.1 11 tau laity. Stet.ltint: Cart. on ttatn:' , "
ti and t 4 tit...lA - vett Nit/War.% Fa!:, a.,d 1`111!ri , :011 , 11111
;111,1 tWl.!!en 144,n, and cw rttrk without ittattg . tts
`tltteitiltg cat.: on It and 6 lietWttett• IttitrAlo att4
‘1" ti kt,-Itarrt•. Parlor Car: On Troln' '1:414 6 Ltr
t, vitt, N ligata Falls at 41 i'ltitattdihla t 6 Itlittut
clittitittt. awl b it. 311 4 an it
via Lyon,. It. A. 1' ACliy,lt.
•6Y . ;
• .
• •
• - •
-; -
__ ~ ++~. -~t~ti
Hmt 1!”,
N yl.llli, .11111 e ..
" 5 " - -- - CP NI) ()PENI.,(i ! .47.22 -
\T. I
ft: N Lr:11 rn Pt
r it•
\I. ,
- gt aifroabs.
rrange Pa,senge r Trains to take egeet
MAY 16, I+,o
L'iNsatrraFall,' 1 us
Supt. P.
:May 17.
gt.r; r. , - -\ • - .:..t - 4. 7.. - .7t. -- 1
:7:; ----•',..- 41 , '.. ,- 1 ... --,
*.-t•-• ---, - N. , X00f.... - . . :-.-,./
• W ,. .'„," , .:',1" - .1.!•1.'•• ''..r., - .;..L 77 • ' 1 7:: '7 ..•:.e;:v.,- • :::74 ,
- , ,,,, , :,Z.,"-r4:- •?•!:".!.., - - "
...„ ", - ..- .. , :::::=:,-,'IT wt.', ,e., ; ,
-, , T . ..f.' ,' ''' :
~ 7 • , 11417' ; ,.;,, I:tf '4; f a 'i:t . ",; lee' i
- _( - .0l • - ier - , 4401 '''''.. 4 4
, „.......„--„..-..„-- ~,4_ , ~ ,, , , , . .„..,..., „ „, . .,; „ ,„...„,...,,,5,,„,„ • :,_-.- "..",......,„,.. , /„,,,.
?-‘,59-,,,, 40.„,,,y, ~,-,...„, ...,..„,•-...„, -,...„, •. .••, ~ , , f. , •
..?(5,-.• • 'I ''' ..
'I: ' . .' ,1. . i ' i ' -
_. • ,
Having availed themsves of thelow; prices
at whieh many irinds of goods were Sold at
the recent latge l auction sales in New York
City, are. now of the followng
5 ClNes
Lonsdale Bleached A: 9
t, it-
) _
Fast Colors,
Best Styk Prints,
Fiist Coh)rs - .Prints,
150 Pieces
Printed' Lawiis,
- Best Qualiy°4k
150 Pieces - -
Vrinted Lawns At 6 1-4 Cts.
Good Styles,
Ladies', 31 (i's, It
hisses' & (. 1 1tildreii's' -
' ••110 1 41Ell Y,
assorted stvlcs,
_1 large
I 1 , , el
250 pair's Ladies'
Ort 11 0
11orovo Slippers • * rib' •
S ;1111
A - N ,E •
1 '1 4:
PHOENIX of Hartford,
CONNECTICI ; T of Ilsrtford,'
,NORTH GERMAN of Ilambilr ! !,
BRITISH AMERICA of '•rnad:r,
. 1;:110311C)iv, • -
STAR of New York, - -
NIAGARA of New York,
None_ !nit first-class companies. Policies
issued for one, tin qe or five' years, or for
shorter . periods if d Lightning dam
ages covered, whether - to buildings or live
stock. Ali losses promptly adjusted and paid.
.7... .1.1.--, • ..-r.- -,,,;4-4,-......,.....,---...=i—=',"r, --,1,--:";-,
-`":--Qr,"_.--i.--=',..;;',N.--, r; ---_:.. ~-'7l.•:di--,;•: '-'' -
3 Cases
line of Ladies'
Wm, VI
k yr\
Repi•esents the following companies
~~!? s
• 1 , 7
•••••,•• •
i l / 4 ) k lb
-44 4-k
R. L. It k:A ItItS,LEE, Agent, "Warrenbam, Pa
I'll AS. COY K E hitchtlelll,l"a
1.. VAN Ilul:N
At 6
At 5
- Very Low
Styles - and
At 75 Cts.,
Asscts . $2,733,341 27
4365,718 00
i -
`• Overton Pa
" East Pa
•' East Troy, Pa
i 4-
I - '
4,826,305 00
1,483,480 02
2.235,150 46
1,343,908 54
- 85,641 - 94
785,510 40
637,505 00
1,851,776 às