Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 20, 1880, Image 1

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    mum or rvinacumos.
The BaacirOsa Itzroarga a published rimy
Thursday morning by •GoODlocit K HITCHCOCK,
One Dollar per annum, In advance. -
Sr• Advertising in all cases emanate of sub.
.aerlpton to the paper.
T ECIAL.NOTICEB Inserted at Mr cairn per
line for first insertion, and calms perline for
each subieguent insertion, bat no - notice Due
for less than fifty cents.
ed,at reasonable rates. •
Administrator's. and Exeentotoe Notices, ft.;
Auditor's Notices,tl.6o 1 Business Cards, dire ilitea,
(per year) $l, additional lines It each.
Yearly advertisers are entitled to (masterly
Changes. Transient advertisements must be paid
for to adea nes.
All resolutions of associations; communications
Of limited or Individual tautest, and notices of
marriages or deaths, exceeding five linesars charg
ad riVx CZNTS per line, but simple notices of mar
riages and de sths will be published witboutcharge.
The RIPOWIZIS having a larger circulation than
any other paper In the county, makes it the best
advertising medium in Northern Pennsylvania:
JOEL PRINTING of every kind, in plain and
fancy colors, done with neatness and dispatch.
Handbills, Blanks, Cards,, Pamphlets, RlMeads,
Statements, Om, of every variety and style, printed
et the shortest notice. TheREPORTiII
well supplied with power presses, a good assort
ment of neW type, and everything in the printing
line can be executed inthe most artistic manner
and at the lowest rates. TERMS INVARIABLY
ginsines §arbs.
I:like—Rooms formerly occupied by Y. M. C. A.
Reading Room.
11. J. MADILL. 3,18,80 0. D. KINNEY.
Lessons given to Thorough Bass and Barmen} ,
ultlvatlon of the Voice a specialty. Located at A
1 St. Reference : Rotrues & Passage
ovvanda, Pa., March 4, 1880,
Office over !Irt)y's Drug Store.
Office with Patrick and Foyle. 5ep.25,19
D'A. OvERToN, • 13r.x.1..3f. BECK
Arrom:74 ET AT -L AW,
Solicitor of Patents? , Particular attention paid
to business in the Orphans Court and to the settle
ment of estates.
omen in . Morttanyes-filock May 1, '79.
E. Ovr.wroz; ' . JOHN F. SANDERSCVR
1 1 1" •
Judge JCSSUp having resumed the praeticeof the
law in Northern Pennsylvania, will attend to any
legal business intrusted whim In Bradford county.
Persons wishing to consult him, can call on 11.
Streeter, Esq., Towanda, Pa., when an appointment
can be made.
iVe9.•Residenee and Office Just North of Dr, Cur
bin's, on Main Street, Athens, Pa. Jun:ll-6111.
T l 4 L. HILLIS,
17 . F. GOFF,
R 'A. .
Agency for the sale and purchase of all kinds o
Securities and for making loans on Real F.siate
All business will receive careful and prom',
attention. (June .1. 1579.
* 1T LAW, \VV.\ LVAING, PA. P.7lll3ttClltd.
to all business entrusted to his .rare in Bradford,
Sullivan and Wyoming Counties. Office with Et,q.
.Porter. . [am-19-74.
()Rice with G. F. Wastm. over l'atett & TraeV
Main street. Towa nda. 4 . 1 3.50,-
J. • •
came ou State Street, second floor of Pr. Pratt•s
Office. apr 3 79.
.• T ANDA,
Diet - Airy Brad. Cp
T O 11N W. MIX,
°nice—North Side Public Square
011iee—South side 'Poplar sireet. opp(*lle R% t ard
llouse. I N 13, 1879. ,
Dee 21-7.5.
1 W
J •
'if/Mee—Mean=' Mork, Maln-st.,ovei.l. L. Kent's
store, Towanda.. May be consulted In German.
[April 12, I'S.)
.11 •
Offico—seeonS donr south of the First Sat'mial
Bank Main St., up stairs.
Office over Dayton's Store.
April 12, 18711.
111111. S. M. WOODBURN,' Physi
-I_, clau.and Surgeon. Office at residence, on
Pine Street, East or Main.
Torian4a, May I, 1a72 1y
over 'M. E. Rosenfield's, Towanda, P.
Teeth inserted on, livid, Silver, Rubber, and Al
umni= base. Teeth eatraeted without pain.
Oct. 3442.
•1 • •
rircsiciks AND Sur.GrArg.
Ollce over..Moutanyes' Store. oMce hours from 10
VI 12 A. 11„ and from 2 to 1 F. M. .
Special attention glytti to
OF and OF
face day last Saturdayor each 'mouth. river Turner
& Gordon's Drug Store, Towanda, Pa.
Towanda, June 20, 1078.
May'2o-70t1. • TOWANDA, PA.
Thin Bank offers unusual facilities for the trans
action of a general bunking business.
JOS. POWELL, President
~ t , ,
TERNIS.-410pertertn. '
1-. (Residence Third street, Ist ward .1 .
Towanda, Jan. La,n9-15.
ri •
Done at thq Ur:POUTER OFFICE, oppWte the
Coat alfttle, Tottinda. Colaißt weft *-wiart
.328 East Water Et.; Elmira, N.Y.
sd Floor s CARPETS
Upper floors accesslble by elevator.
sir A visit of inspection is respectfully solicited
Place of business, a few doors north of PcedADMce
Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repairing Pumps of all
kinds, and :al kinds of Gearing promptly attended
to. All wanting work In his line should give him
a call. . Dee. ♦, GM,
None but reliable companies represented,
Feb 27, '79
r tob.l`7B
TO Fro .vb A, PF-Y2‘"A
... 66,000
N. N. BETTS, Cashipt
A rII 1, 187.9
- gsnsiness gtitbs.
C. S. RUSSELL, Agent,
Istned on the most reasonable terms
Losses adjusted and paid here
Towanda, Nov. 13, 1870
Coat screened. and dchvered 'to any parrot the
nY TIIB BAsll. 11. 51Eite
Towanda, Dec. 1, 1879
The underslxned having purchased the MAR
BLE YARD ~f the late GEORGE McCAIt.E, de
sires lltinform the public that having employed
experienced men'. be Is'prepared to flo all kinds of
work in the line of .
In the very best manner and at lowest rates
Persons desiring anything, in the Marble line are
invited to call and examine work, and save agents'
Tnwanda. Pa.. ink 24t1,
- E. D. RUNDELL, •
w,,uld respect!uilyarnonneethatlte Y 5 continuing
the Market lmetnoss at 1.4 e ti - id stand of Mulluck &
"Lundell, and wtll4o at! Ones keep a full supply of
Constantly on hand. Country dealers supplied at
city rates.
QT MI Clondß delivered Frei of Cbarge
Towanda, Pa. Nov. 27. 1879.
Located in
Keep on hand,
Sir All goods - dellvered free of charge.
Towands, ra.,,May 2R. Ifi74,
The undersigned baying purchased from My
McKean the COAL TA Itll
Invites the patronage of his old friends and the
public generally. I shall keep a full assortment
of all sires, . •
Towanda. Pa., Aug. 21. 1878. Ezyi
• teourn Bina rustic SQlEran." : )
This well-known house has been thoroughly ren
nocate4 and repaired, throughout, and the proprie
tor Is now prepared to offer first-class accommoda
tions tce,the pantie, on the most ressonshle terms.
Towanda, ra., May 7., 1878.
Meals at all hours. Terms to Cult the times. Large
stable attached.
Towanda, July 3, It-tt.
EUROPE-AN TIOUSE.—A few doors souther
the Meads House. Board by the; day or week on
reasonable terms. Warm meals served at all hours
Oysters at wholesale and retail.
Near the Dep4t,
Disl.lB,l-m JOine Ri WOLFE, ?torn.
• :is,
May, sweet May, again Is come,
May that frees the land from gloom;
Children, children, up and see
All her stores of Jollty !
On the laughing hedgerow's side •
She bath spread her treasures wide;
and dale are May's own treasures;
Youths relolee in sporting measures !
HP,lthen, children, we will go
Where the blooming roses grow;
Ina joyful company
We the bursting bowers will see;
"tip, your festal dress prepare!
Where gay hearts are meeting, therO
May hash pleasures most inviting,
Heart and sight and ear delighting ;
"Llsteit to the bird's screet song,
Hark bow soft it floats along;
Courtly' - dames ! our pleasures shire
Never sawl May so fair;
Therefore, dancing, wee rill go;
routhirejoice, the flowerets blow!'
Sing ye. join the chorus gay!
Hail this merry, merry May !
Special Correspondeaee °Ube Raroittr.a.
PERtER, Col., *ay 8.
DEAR, REPORTER: -As we are bound
for a health and prospecting tour
into the snow-capped "Rockies" and
through the mineral fieldi of Colora
do,; we write you, that our many
friends in Pennsylvania may know
our whereabouts and some of our
adventures. In about forty-eight
hours after leaving Towanda we were
rolling into Omaha. Tiretinnd dusty,
we sto,pP . 6d for the night. Omaha is
about 500 miles from Chicago, and
its elevation is 966 feet above the
sea-level. 'lt is a dusty, dirty, yet
busy, city. A large , portion is well
built with brick and stone, and con
tains many elegant and costly edi
fices. It has,-in addition to its retail
trade, wholesale houses ;representing
all branches of business,_and accord
ing to her Board of Trade report,'
does a. wholesale
,business of fifty
millions annually. It has single
firms who carry stocks of goods to
the amount of .$27,0„000, and which
claim to do a business of one and
a-half millions annually. The city
also has large manufactories of vari
ous kinds. The -Omaha . Smelting
Works have $175,000 invested in
grounds, buildings and machinery ;
they employ from 150 to 250 - men,
and their monthly pay roll amounts
to $lO,OOO. During the. year 1873-
this firm produced in fine silver and
sold froth the ores the value of $l,-
000,000,;besides producing 1'9,000,-
000 pounds of lead .
We had little time, 'h i owever, to
view the many points of • interest in
the city. The,, day following our ar
rival we boarded a Union Pacific
train of :fifteen or more passenger
. coaches, which were crowded and
' packed full, to; overflowing with hu- .
man beings Of every grade and sta
tion and nationality, all bound to
ward the setting sun. Already we
Were getting Within the exciting in
flitences of the great gold and silver
regions of the Rocky Mountains.
Here we encountered a party. bound
for the Black Bins—young men, en
thusiastic over the prospects of dig
ging gold in the golden Hills. A
little later we overheard a gentleman
conversing with a passenger . about
the silver mines of Colorado. The
party said he preferred the, San Juan
- country tO - Leadville, And to use his
wordtr, "There you. have a vein to
follow, while at Leadville you have
nothing but a flat deposit to be work
ed out."
But before getting right into the
heat and !excitement. of these great
Mining 6untries of the Black. Hills
and Colbrado, it would seem appro
priate to say something of the routes
, by which they can be reached. .East
ern people who live far away from
these, lines of travel are especially
interested in this subject, since they
have - to depend largely for their in-'
forination upon the representations
and adveitisettientsof the companies
interesti; and the experience of a
traveleroVe . r. the, route. may be of
value. iTO*people of Abe' far East
there are three practicable routes
from Chicago to the Black Hills or
Deadwood City : The northern route
via St. Paul and - the Northern Pacific
Railroad to Bismark, Dak.; thence
by stage 2-15 miles to Deadwood City.
This may be a good route in summer,
but is open to objection because not
open all the year During the past
winter there were weeks at a time in
which it , was .blocked with snow.
2d. The -Missouri' river route via
railroad to Sioux City or Yankton,
and thence by steamboat to Fort
Pierre; thence by stage 160 miles to
Rapid City, Black Mita; thence to
' Deadwood. This route presents the
same objekions as the former one,
since the Missouri rivr is closed to
navigation by ice'4uring winter; •it
is, arso, longer in point of time than
either of the others. 3d. The south
ern route via the Union Pacific Rail
way to Sidney,l.Neb;• ' thence by
stage 2f,7 miles. to Deadwood, or
about 21)0 miles to Custer City, Black
The fare is the Same from
Chicago to Deadwood by all of these
routes, viz : $49.25. The latter
. is
preferable to the others, being open
all the year, and being much .quicker
in point of time than the Missouri
river routes, and making somewhat
closer connections and better time
than the other.
To Denver and Leadville and the
mining camps of Colorado, there are '
also three routes: The Union Pacific,
Kansas Pacific, and Atchison, Tope
ka it Santa Fe railways. The latter,
however, enters Colorado at Pueblo
most too far south for those wishing
to visit Denver and desiring to make
that tiler starting or outfitting point
for, the mountains. The nearest route
to Lea ills and the Gunnison coun
try is via Denver to Buena Vista,
from which stages• leave for the vari
ous mining canips which will be de
scribed hereafter.
The Union Pacific and Kansas
Pacific are both excellently-managed
roads, and are about equal aszegards
time and accommodations. It, should
be remembered, however, that parties
connect with the Union Pacific at
Omaha and with the Kansas Pacific
at Kansas City. The Union Pacific
Company Offers exceptional induce
ments to excursionists during the
summer season, selling excursion
tickets for $3B for the round trip,
good until October 81st; going west
from Omaha via the- Union'Pacific
road and branches to Denver or Col
ratio Springs,,and'returning-east via
Kansas Pacific to Kansas City or
Leavenworth; or vice versa, starting
from Kansas City or. Leavenworth the routes named and returning
to Omaha. This offers a grand' op
portunity of seeing the country, giv
ing plenty of time in which to return,
and first-class -fare on a journey of
something 'over a thousand miles for
the moderate sum named. Tickets
are sold, also, to go by either of the
routes name d return by the same,
at the same-rates.
Our present journey was over the
Union POW:, which, with its many
branches:and connections, 'is under
most excellent management and is a
model • road in its treatment of pas
sengers. We were surprised at the
agreeable deportment of its conduc
tors all along our journey, for in
plate of the stern and gruff officials
so common in the Past, we found
everywhere courteous and - pleasant
officers. Our train, after passing
through a rolling country near Oma
ha, soon biought us into the great
Platte Valley, which presents to the
eye one of . the smoothest, most level
plains which the mind could imagine.
Here: is a valley from ten to twenty
miles wide, of great length and ex
tent, and frequently, in some direc
tions, as far as the eye can reach
there is not a tree or an object to
obstruct the sight. Fences are almost
unknown, though occasionally a
-barbed wire fence may be seen in the
vicinity of towns.. In the older por
tions of the country a few trees have
been planted, licit very few are to - be
seen anywhere. Timber being so
scarce anti lumber undoubtedly so
high, the hoes a are small, and barns
there are none—at least, they arc few
and far between. Small sheds; cov
ered with straw take their places, and
sod housesland " dug-outs " are the
substitutes; . for houses. Very fre
quently corn-cribs are seen filled with
corn, but without roofs or cover of
any sort. It is very dry here at
present, and we were told it had been
six months:or more since rain had
Farther west we, reached'ilie great
cattle ranges, *here we saw vast
herds of cattle and sheep grazing in
the distance. Water appeard to be
very scarce and of very poor quality;
cattle were seen drinking from hoes
inwhich the water was of inky black
riCss. The soil is a rich black loam,
like the soil of Illinois and lowa.
Wind-mills are always in sight, used
in pumping water for stock ; at one
point we saw a large one, evidently
used in grinding' grain. Hence it
seems that this ancient invention has
become new again, and is , Of very
practical utility in more senses than
one. -
. Soon the white "Prairie
et's" began to come into view, all
Sailing westward. 'We passed many
of ;these canvas-covered wagon
trains in•companies of three - or four,
ail pointed toward the setting sun.
Inwardly we exclaithed, " All the
world is going West!" All day long
over the same level plain, and all
night ,he . same, only lighted up by
frequent 'prairie tires, of ,which we
were never out of sight, sometimes
lighting up the heavens with a lurid
glare, presenting a grand and almost
frightful spectacle. Daylight found
us at Ogalalla, - 312 miles from Oma
ha. Here it was that the Union Pa
cific train was robbed a. couple of
years ago, by a daring and desperate
'hand of, h igh waymen, of considerable
treasure and express matter. A great
change bad come over the face of the,
,countiy. Instead Of the plowed
`fields and green meadows farther
'east, there. were very few evidences
of Civilization. The grass was parch- .
ed and dry, covered by shifting sands
and Alkalies. Still the herds of:
cattle in the distance bad grown larg-:
er. The, plain was everywhere marked
with cow-paths, crooked and winding.
- made by the cattle passing - to and
fro to . 'water ; occasionally the bleach-,
ed skeletons of cattle were seen, !
white and decayed. This is the sec
tion where the cattle are turned
loose in winter to shift for themselves
and seek their own subsistence; some
die, but it is said the majority come
out in' the spring all right. Look
where you might on either side there
were always sight in this
Isection. Frequently we saw antelope
galloping away from the track across
the plain.
About 8 o'clock m. we reached
Sidney, Neb., distant from Omaha
414 miles and its elevation being 4,-
073 feet.—we having raised in eleva
tion since leaving Omaha over 3,000
feet, so gradually as to be hardly
perceptible. Sidney bas a population
of about 1,000.' Fro'm here the Sid
ney and Black Hills stage line runs
daily stages to Deadwood, 267 miles
distant, making the trip in about 56
hours. Fare to Deadwood, s3o ; by
through ticket much less. We saw
this stage loading with baggage at
the stage depot, preparing for a start
to the Hills ; -although apparently
already over-loaded with boxes,
trunks, valises, and packages of every
kind, they were still tying on mail
sacks and luggage in every conceiva
ble place where it was possible to
fasten a bundle. The place has be
come of considerable importance as
a freighting and outfitting'point for
the Black Hills' gold fields, and has
large forwarding houses and freight
ing companies to supply the Black
Hills trade. But we press on, not
caring to stop at the Hills at present.
About noon we came in sight of the
grand old Rocky Mountains covered
with snow, and about this time pass
ed through one of the longest snow
sheds on the tTnion Pacific road.
Our train soon after pulled into
Cheyenne, 516 miles from Omaha ;
elevation, 6,041 feet; population,
about 4,500.
,It is well built, partly
of brick, and is a busy-bustling town.
But we must leave you now, dear
REPORTER, fearing we have tired you
already. More anon. . X.. .
HENRY tbo Eighth was an original lov
er. Ho neverlwooed, but just married a
girl; and axed,ner afterwards.
WREN a man does us a ki1:313039 wo
call him a brick, and when he does ns an
unkindoess md want to hit him with omp.
It Will'Never be Played.
"By Gum!"
Mr. and Mrs. Defoe sat before a
cheerful fire in their home the other
evening There had . been a long
period of silence when Mr. Defoe
Suddenly exclaimed as above.
"What is it, dear ?" she respond
(d. -
"Say, we've got tired of playing
games; and what do . you say to pri
vate theatricals ?"
" How P"
-" Why, we'll get three or four of
the neighbors to join, in and we'll
meet at each other's houses and have
regular plays."
" That , will be splendid I" she
Hanged if •it won't! Wonder
we never thought of it before.
Twenty dollars will get tur 'all the
scenery we want, and each one can•
furnish his own wardrobe. By gum!
we've got the idea now !"
" What sort of a play could we
play ?" she asked, as he marched up
and down with tragic step. •
" I have it—aba he exclaimed,
as he stopped short. " Rout you
remember I started to write a play
aboht five years ago? I'll finish it
and we'll bring it out. Now let's see
how the characters run. There is
the Count Dumdoff, who is in love
'with Geraldine the Fair. .I'll be the
Count, of course, as he is the hero .
He kills four men, rescues Geraldine
from several dangers, and there is a
good deal of kissing and love-making
and a happy marriag e.?'
" AAA 19l be Geraldine."
" You! Oh, you couldn't play
that part. She must he youn„,(7 and
vivacious. Let's see ! I- think I'll
cast you for Hannah, sebo keeps a
bakery near a paik in Paris."
" I'd like to see myself playing
Hannah in a bakery, I would !" she
definantly answered. -" If you can
play Duration I
. know I can play
Geraldine."' -
, "Gh, no you can't, ni.i? love. You
are a little stiff in the knees, and how
you'd look throwing yourself In my
arms as the villians pursue. shall
cast that little Widow D. for Gerald
" Then there'll be two Geraldines
of us 1, If you can play _ DiAmdoff
With your lame back and .catarrh 1
know I!can play Geraldine with 'this
little lameness in my left knee."
"Now von listen to reason, Mrs.
Defoe. loi n aren't built fora Ger
aldine ; you are too fat ; your feet
are too large„ you haven't got the
voi.'3e for it."
"And you'd"-make a pretty Count
Dumdotf, you would !" she , fired
back. " You want to get that crot.k
out of your back, that bald head
shingled over, your mouth repaired
and your . eyes. tou/bed up with a
paint brush! I think 1
. see-
. you
killing four villains-,-ka! ha! ha!"
" Woman ! do not anger me !" . he
said in a deep-toned voice, as he rose
" And "font you anger your Ger
aldine, either."
" Geraldine S Why, you don't
know a skyboider from a flat !" ,
• " Dumdotr! And you don't know
a Skye-terrier from the big Biddle in
the orchestral"
" We'll have no playing.
here!" • _
" Then you needn't. When .1
_play Hannah in the bakery to let you
lime e , and kiss the Widow D. or any
other woman all over thle stage,
you'll ha three or 'four Count Dum
doff's !"
"111 burn the play, jealous wo-
man !"
" Ifyou don't-I will, vain man!"
Then they sat down and resumed
their former occupation of looking
into the tire, and the disturbed cat
Went back to her - rug and her
arearn o .— etroit Free. Press.
Iva Ingersoll, one of the most oh
jeotionable men in his discourses on
religion, has a great amount of_poet
ry 'in his composition, and utters
gems of thought that are 214 beanti- ,
ful as any ever spoken. Here are a
few from spoken lectures : •
" And then, do you know, I like
to think that Wye is eternal ; that if
' you love a woman, for her sake, you
will love her no matter what she.
may do; that if she really loves you
for your sake, the - same; than love
does not look at alterations through
the wrinkles of time, through the
masks of years--if you really hive
her, you will always see the lace
you loved and won. And - I like .to
think of it. If a man loves a woman,
she does nut, ever grow old to him,
and the woman that loves a man
does not see him grow old. He is
not decrepit to. her. He is not trem
ulous. Ile is not old. He is not
bowed. She always sees the same
gallant fellow that won he' hand and
heart. I like to think of it in that
way, and as Shakspeare says, ' Let
time reach with his sickle as far as
ever be can ; although he can reach
ruddy cheeks and ripe lips and flash
ing eyes, he cannot quite reach love.'
1 like to think of it. We. will go
down the hill of life together, and
enter the shadow one with the other,
and as we• go down we May hear
the ripple of the laughter, of our
grandchildren, and the birds, and
spring, and youth; and love Will sing
more sweetly on the lea Bess branch
es of the tree of age. Dove to think
of it in that way—absolute equals,
happy, happy and free, all our own."
A CRUEL Hoex.—Lasti evening,
just before sundown, a gentleman
who was sitting by his window on
North B street, .casually remarked :
" There goes the woman that George
Brown's dead gone on." .His wife,
who was in a back room getting sup
per ready, dropped a plate on the
floor stumbled_ over the baby and
ran like a quarter-horse to the win
dow with : "Where ? where? Tell
me quick !" " The one with the long
cloak—just at the corner." Then
the woman at the window said in
tones of deep disgust: "Why, that's
,Brown's wife." " Yes, exactly,"
marked the brutal husband quietly.
Then the disappointed woman went
' back and got the supper ready, but
her usual sweet disposition was
soured for• the entire evening.
- • ,
1 I-,
~. . . ,
•' .
Returning lonely from the fteld
She met me at the paettire tars;
The maim was like a golden shield,
The armament was lit with stars.'
As morning dswn, her face was mild ;
As evening so her limpid eyes.
God never gave a sweeter child.
Poe we a r] child to idolize.
flu winsome seemed her artless mirth, i
Her soft caress and ardent kiss,
•I thought, of ell delights of earth,
The angels surely covet this.
I know they mean to do no 11l ;
But whom th 4 lore they lore sway.
Good angels. loie her u ye will.
But lease per with me, while I stay
Just as she la; fort would set
The band of Time behindan hour
If that would l stay a little yet
The bud from blooming to the flower'.
And when at length we homeward went
The fragrant azure shone so clear—
Tim great familiar Armament,
' 1 thought, bad never seemed so near—
So near, the 'noon shove the trees-
An airy globo of silver swung, ".
And In the dewy tops of these
The stars In mellow clusters bung--
So near that fceuld scarce forego
The thought that one who longing waits
Slight hear a Whisper, sweet and low,
Across the goldenportalled gates, -
Cincinnati Methodist Conference.
A great religious convention is
now, in session at Cincinnati. It is
the General Conference of the Meth
odist Episcopal Church, an ecclesi
astical organization whyi has made
an immense growth within the centu--
n of its existence in the United
States. The origin of this denomi
nation, its impulses and its methods
have much similarity' to those of the
Company of Jesus, founded by Igna
tius Loyola. The martial Spaniard
was ktrue ante-type of the enthusi
agtic and militant John Wesley. In
the careers of these founders, of com
plex and' far-reaching hierarchies, as
well' as . in the history of the great
societies they instituted, there are
many significant parallels. It is
worthy of note that the-Praying, Club
'of the Wesleys--Jolin and Charlei--
at Lincoln College, Oxford, in
which was the germ of Methodism,
was preceded precisely Zen years by
the similar association of Loyola,
Peter Faber and Francis Xavier, at
the College of. St. Baraba, in the
University of Paris. The "spiritual
exercises " of the earnest enthusiasts
of CI e ancient Church corresponded,
as clOsely as could be expected from
the distance in time of the two eras,
to the Scriptural readings, godly
converse and 'devout prayer of the
pious English students. "Both were
alike ascetic in character, - mystically
emotional, and indefinite in .aim,tho'
full of an eager energy. Each insti
tution, in its deVelopment, had much
of the military element compact
and effective organization, and of
strict subordination tothe iecognized
superior, and they were tecogniied
by the same intense missionary spirit,
and apostolic fervor. The itinerancy'
of the Wesleyans was but the coun
terpart of the Jesuit vow of " Per
petual travel." The - two societies
were based upon the doctrine of obe
dience, animated by, the same gener
ous_entliusiasm, and closely held -in
hand each by a single master mind.
Neither was instituted as a new sect,
but as an ally and coadjutor of the
Church to which it. confessed allegi
ance. Far from anything like a schis
matic impulse, each was inspired by
a burning zeal for the propagation of
the accepted faith.
In 1814; the Methodists of the
United States celebrated the centen
nial anniversary of American Meth
odism. Where, one', huittired years
before, there were but a few scattered
preachers, with their horses and sad
die-bags, their BibleS and their hymn
books, traveling a vast extent of ter
ritory and penetrating its lonely,
primeval forests, there is now a great
people, instinct with the soul of a
glorious Christian- faith, having thou
sands of active and devoted pastors,
with churches, colleges and schools
on, every hand. Methodiim hai kept
equal "step with the progress of the
Republic, awl it is now the most nu
merous and influential Protestant
denomination in the United States.
Virginia and North Carolina were
the cradle of American Methodism.
The introduction of this new sect in
the Northern States was tardy and
comparatively difficult. John Wes
ley, in his visit to this continent in
1735, made hardly any impression
except in the South. In New En
gland especially the austere tenets of
Calvinism took deep root with the
06ctipation of the grim and solemn
Pitritans. In the Carolinas end the
011VPominion, on the other hand,
the glad evangel of the Wesleys
found a congenial soil, an those
States became the radiating point of
its wonderful and continually widen
ing 'forces. That is a strange episode
of the young and uncultured Jesse
Lee, who actually went from North
Carolina: in 17h9 as a self-appointed
missionary to the land of the Pilgrim
Fathers. The story of the bold 'Ar
minian's attack upon the forbidding
fatalism of predestination, election,
fixed decrees, and final perseverance
in the very fortress of theiAmerican
Geneva, reads like a chapter from
Corvantes. Methodism was aptly
fitted to the exigencies of frontier
religious work in the New World.
Everywhere the pioneer preacher
pressed closely, in the footprints of
the pioneer settler. And the earnest.
unselfish herald of the Cross was re
ceived with. gladness. .Rude, and
often with but little culture, these
militant missionariee had a power
which seethed the very unction of the
Holy Ghost. They possessed the
eloquence Which the great Roman
orator, despairing of definition, char
acterized as being immensum
turnque. Their progress through the
country was almost a continual pen
tecost. Revivals of religion, such as
were never known before, broke out
wherever those mighty elders - went.
What was known as "the great
awakening " of 1776 *as a wonder
and a joy for years. Their Camp
meetings, beyond all similar assem
blies on this continent, witnessed the
highest efforts and the grandest tri
nniphs of religious eloquence. These
meetings originated ha the section
1 I]
then called the " Western country ",
during the great revival of 1799:
The numbers in attendance at them
were immense. According to the
density or sparsenese of the . popula
tion the multitudes ranged from 3,-
000 to - 20,000. The scenes at these
gatherings are described as in the
highest degree impressive.. In one
great meeting there were no less
3,000 converts. Thenceforward they
became, along ; with class. meetings.
love feasts and watch nights, a 'part
-of the recognized machinery of Meth
odism.' '
The followers of Wesley, prior to
the Revolution, were not dissenters.
Wesley himself was a Presbyter of
the Church of England, ito which he
remained a loyal adherent till his
death. Unlike. the Baptista and' the
Presbyterians, they never presumed
to administer the sacraments. Bap
tism and the Lord's Supper, the burial
of the dead and the solemnization of
matrimony were scrupulously left"to
the clergymen of the parent Church.
.It was not until after the formal or
ganization of the "Methodist Epis
copal Church of the United. States
by the fabliau's Christmas Conference
at Baltimore in 17'34, that their min
isters were invested with full clerical
_functions. The storm of the Revo
lution had then swept away the
establishment in . America, and Wes
ley, hitherto uncompromisingly 'op
posed to a religious separation, was'
compelled to yield at last to the
" logic of events," and to " accept
the situation." He accordingly con
secrated Thomas Coke as a bishop,
and sent him to - America, where he
in turn invested Francis Asbury with
the episcopate, and the two, were
elected by the Conference " Superin
tendents of - the new ecclesiastical
body. An abridgment of the "Book
of Common Prayer," prepared by
Wesley, was adopted, and many of
'the clergy assumed the gown and
surplice in their public ministrations.
But such was the opposition to, what
was deemed a servile conformity that
both'liturgy and canonicals were in
a few, years wholly given up. In
fact, it was - not unusual for the
" flaming Wesleyans " of that Primi
tive day to pUt oil their coats' and
neck-cloths when they took the stand
to preach. while the only unimprovis
ed part of - 'their simple service' was
some sweet hymn from Wesley's col
lection, sonorously sung by the evan
gelist in order to call around him a
Upon such foundation has been'
built up a mighty , religious body.
which grows in strength and num
bers every year, and which has, be
come in this country one of the
stoutest bulwarics of. Protestantism
among the masses of the people. It
may, indeed, be questioned whether
but for Methodism, taking into view
its influences upon the life and
thought of the surrounding sects, the
movement inaugurated by Martin
Luther would ,-not have long since
proved a failure.
—J. P. Irrine
or professional laundresses use bleach
ing powder which - makes the lace
beautifully clear, but injures the fab
ric. It is safer to do up curtains at
home. Once understood the work is
as simple as any ; washing. and, cur
tains can be made to look as 'well as
'if done up at a laundry, and will last
much longer. Frames similar to
quilting frames should be made and
covered, just the size, of the curtains.
Shake all the dust from lace curtains
—spread across two lines in the yard
and with a duster brush gently. Put
'one at a time in a tub half full of
tepid water, with two tablespoonful
of ammonia. Let them remain fifteen
minutes, turning over occasionally,
and squeezing with the hands. After
which, squeeze out and place i.
another tub containing the sa
mixture, and go through the same
process. From this place the curtain's
in clear water. Squeeze from this
and put into a bag or pillow case
and scald in clear soapsuds. When
removed from this rinse through two
waters, bluing the last one. Then
starch, n - alcitg, the starch quite blue.
(Strain.both blue water and starch
that it may contain no specks.) Then
stretch the curtains and baste on to
the frames. Dry, out of doors if
possible. -
JOY lIIAT KILLS.—A telegraph
clerk's wife had for some time been
in poor health. She went, by advice ,1
of physicians, to spend the summer
in a farm louse in Normandy, where 1
borders were taken. She wrote her
husband almost daily, and gave
fivorable bulletins of her health.
Recently be received a letter bearing
the post-mark of the village where
she was staying. It was written by
a neighbor. It announced the wife's
death: The poor husband swooned
away, fell into an armed chair, and
was completely stunned by the blow.
This stupefaction lasted three or four
hours. Ile was aroused from it by
- the door-bell. He opened the lioor.
His wife, the very picture of bEalth,
stood before him. His surprise and
joy, were too sudden—too great. He
I muttered - incoherent phrases, hys
terically laughed and sobbed. alter
nately. He, was insane. The phy
sicians fear his death will speedily
follow.— Nti& Orleans Picayune ' s
Paris Leiter.
day afternoon a belated visitor in the
Fair visited a restaurant on priswold
street, where a full dinner was adver
tised to be served for twenty cents.
He ordered and ate his meal, and
picked up the check which called for
thirty cents..l , -" See here," he said to
the man at tie counter, " don't you
give notice to charge only twenty
cents for dinner ?" " Yes, sir !" re
plied the man, "but you undoubted
ly ordered something outside the
regular bill of fare, and the waiter
has charged yea ten centh extra."
"No, I didult have a darned thing
'ceps dinner. That fellow With a
white apron - sot a hull (whole) tun)*
blerful of wooden slivers down by
my plate, but I never teched_one of
'em, and I don't Propose to pay for
what I bairn had." lie was let oft
with twenty cents.-.. Detroit Free
Press. •
$l.OO per Annum In Advance.
The- Soul Simply an Odor.
Of strange psychological theories
one of the strangest is that of Jager
that the soul of every man and ani
mal is to be sougnt in the character
istic odor - each exhales. The Nation'
gives the following abstract _of a . re
port in the Berlin Gegeniegrt of some
interesting experiments made by
Dunitmaier to test the • accuracy of
this theory:_
Dunstmaier, who unites in his
-own - person the physiologist and me
taphysiciani.was until these experi
ments convinced him of his error, an
outspoken opponent orJa g er's yiews.
fie is now, however, an enthusiastic
covert. Dunstmaier's' method was
no doubt suggest 4 to him by his
familiarity with 'experimental sci-
I price. He considered that" light and
the soul—if the soul is an odor—are
both radiated, and that light can be,
as it were, collected and fixed by a.
photographic plate coated with io
dide of sitter. What body, now; is
' sensitive to odOrS as iodide of Silver
is to light? Evidently the nerves
of smelt in a dog. In the - center of
•the laboratory a cage. containing 20
hares was placed, and a -- dog was ad
mitred to the room. He at once
made violent efforts to get at the
which, of course, in their ter
ror, rushed to and fro in the cage.
After two hoursthis torture the
1 dog was. killed. the nerves of smell
and the membrane of the
nose removed, and rubbed ,up in. a
mortar with , glycerine mlO water.
The 29 hares bad been exhaling
their souls for two hours, and the
dog, during all his panting and snuf
fing, inhaling them for the same
length of time. The glycerine might
be expected then, to contain -a cer
tain quantity of-the soul of the hare,
the main characteristic of which is,
Of -conrse, timidity. This was the
fact the following experiments seem
ed to prove. IA few dropsiof the cx
tract were adMinistered to:a cat ; - she
ran away from some mice instead of
pouncing ,upon . them. Byi the Sub
cutaneous injection of only two cu
bic centimetres a large mastiff was
rendered so cilwardly that he slunk
away froni the cat. By a similar ex-'
periment, in which, 41 4 owever, a
, young lion in ,a menag erie i played
'the part' of the hares. Dunstmaier
succeeded in isolating the soul sub
stance or courage, and in. transmit:-
ting it to other animals. Still more
interesting • experiments showed
, dearly that these - " psychotypic ",1
glycerine extracts had a decided .ef-1
feet on - the human species.' Thus,
, after swallowinga small dose of pay
chotypic timidity, Dunstmaier had
not the courage in believe in his own
qieat discovery. This effect soon
.passed - off, however. On the other i
iharid,Jager found' i a large- dose of
psychotypic courage of the greatest
use while writing his: , last work' on
the Jews. Duntmair has pubtished
his investigations in the first volume
Of the transactions of the r',German
'zoological society, where
,our readers
Also can find the details of - some ex
periments in-which a timid, blushing
girl was the original radiating body.
He promises further develvopments:
in this interesting line of research.
Mir.-" Dar' am a member present,"
began Brother Gardner, as he rose
up and crossed his arms behind: -his'
back in a stately way, "dar am a
member present who has lately
bought hisself a work on astron'my
and started out to l'arn de names of
de different stars an' planets, an'
so on. For de las' two weeks he has
done nuffin but sot in de house or._on
de fence and read 'bout Jewbiter,
Mars, Saturn, Venus, Grampus, corn
ets, an' so on. I met his fo' children
on de street yesterday, and 'dey
looked like de las' eand of a rag-bag.
as' nice his wife cum ober to my
house and said dey had n't a fing,in
de house to eat. Now I doan' ax
dat member to stan' ap whar' ye kin
all see him, but I'ze gwine to talk to
him all de same. Lwant to sec' eve
ry cull'd man in dis cuntry able to
read an' write an' cipher. I want to
see him posted ort current topics, an'
able to argy a
. little if. occashun dc
' mends. When he Ims got dat fur, he
has gone fur inUff. De cull'd pepu
lashan of dis kentry hew got to work
fur a lir-in' an' you kin sot dat e
down for • a solemn fack. Dar
am noPlaces for tis in politicks, - or
banks, or stores, or offices. We can't
cheat an' defraud an' embezzle like
de white - folks. We has got to
work an' work hard. When any
white man soapin' aroun' witti a dif
ferent story, he lies, an' he knows he
lies!" Cries of "That'!" were
heard from all parts of the hall.
" Dis beire de case,' resumed the
president, " man who wastes
his time on sick studies as astron'my
might better sit an'_whistle to a cry
in! baby. A poo' man has no mo'
bigness wid sick fings clan' aliosa has
wid - a plug hat. Ifrhe has any time
dr money to spar' after pervidin' fur
de *ants ob his family, let him put a
few dollahs *liar' he can lay bands'
on it when sickness comes 'sailin'
into de cabin. Astronmy I Why, a
good stout par' o' boots am worf
more to any cull'd man in America
dan all de Jewbeters an' comets an'
Venuseseber planted .in de big heal:N.
ens !"—Detroit Free Press:
" Oh, Mrs. Blank!" exclaimed a
Philadelphia woman,' rushing into
the house 4zif a neighbor, ' . your son
has gone off with a party to fight a
duel!" "Gracious! you don't ten
me !" shrieked the mother, throwing
her arms wildly over head. "Mt 5....-
is—oh, dear !—has he gone—tell me
quick I—has he gone as a second or
is he one of the principals?" " Why,
he's the challenged. party, and he's
one of the principals, of coarse."
"0, what a shock you gave me,"
said the mother, becoming calm in
an instant. "I feared he had gone
as a 'second, and would be brought
home badly wounded. If he is only
a .piincipal, of course he is safe from
all hare)," and the sensible woman
dismissed the dad from her mind,
and entered into an animated con
versation anent the spring fashions.
norm dawa—Bider duds.
17p In the fogy adman, AM,
Sweeping, dustings "MUNI rig" r
Oiling ali,tbe boulebold spines,-
Sewing butt - ties, tytnir Moss:
Telling Bridget, what. to do, •
blending Tipton Jolinnre shoe t •
Running up and deli the der,
T7ing baby' In a chair t • • - •
Cutting roe*, and everullg braid
- Dishing out so with per bead ; .
Eating as abe rairtip ebaaee,
Giving husband kindli glance.
Toiling, working. busy, We,
"Swart woman, •
Dan's wife."
Dan climes home at fall of
Home so eheerful, neat and bright;,
Clgldien meet Moe at the dear,
Pull him In and look hint O'er.
. Wife asks: "How the- work Zoe gone?
Bmy dines with us at borne r' J '
' Supper done, Din reads with ease—
Hippy Dan ! but one to please. .
Children mast he put ko bed—
Ali the little prams are said,
1: Little shoes In crows,
Bedclothes tucked o'er little lob!. 11
* Busy, 'noisy, weary life,
ITired woman,
• - Dan's wife.
How to Cstre a Toothachi,.
Some months ago an English tour
ist, lingering - in a i country Church
yard, was j present at a funeral, and .
observed among the group of mourn
ers a young- man,, who partlenlarly
attmCted attention. by his swollen
face, and the'utter
by his
appearance. " Here at least Is one
true mourner,4 thought the English
man. While thispought was pass
ing through_ his mind the supposed
mourner took up 'Lte skull which lay
On the top of a heap of dry mold and
crumbled bones. Ile raised,it to his ,
lips, and, with I his own teeth, ex'-'
tracted a tooth from it. Ilbrror
filled the stringer as -he watched hia
proceedings, and saw him throw
skull carelessly W
away, while he
wrapped the tooth in paper and put
it in his pocket. "Can yon tell-me .
Why he did that ?" asked our tour
ist of an old man who had - stood be
side. him during the • funeral cere
mony. "Ay, surely, your honor:;
the poor boy was very bad wi' the
toothache, an' it's allowed to be a
cure if you draw a tooth frae a skull
wi' your ain teeth.. He'll - sew the
tooth in his clothes an' wear it . as
.long as he lives." " - Yon don't tell
me, so ! Do - you think the remedy
will be effectual ?" "It's like
enough, sir," replied the old man,
showing *here a tooth Was served in
'the lining of his own waistcoat. "It's
five yearstince I pulled . that one the
same way, - an' I never had a touch o'
thq toothache. since."—Ail the. Year
Fun, Fact and Facetim.
A asp AT deal—Yonr aces and a king.
• Dirvicuta - lock- to. pick—One from a
bald bead.
To mike a• superbsoup, use the, proper
soup herbs. • • - • "
MANY a young rnan is drowned finan
cially in a fifteen ballpoll.
- SsrnbcgeTs were recently quoted with
an upward tendency. 1 _
Pr's a wise ,i'ailnad stock that knows
its own par now -a-days;
You may , sure of flailing lots of
green frogs int-he pool--loom:
Go-is-you-please Is a good gait, but
pay as you go is a bettei..
CANNIBALS -are flat straightforward
people. They are:liack-biters'.
OLD sailors Care less for native cham
pagne than for foreign ports.
IN a hardship pint shOuld be satisfied if
your daily bread is hard tack.
1 ".Turns is a good deal of nature in city
Baggage. . -In summer - the trunks leave.
yini are being flattered somebo
dy' is washing you. with imperc . Cptible
Q.CElVC—Wher4griet leaves" its , traces.
what becomes of the rest of the harness?
A ilOoxwol* is usually a grave man,
who is well versed in the dead languages.
A electric girl has been discovered in
Capada. She ought to marry a good con
A WOMAN wjth tWo'heads has just ar
rived from-'Europe. Eight bonnets a
year'—only think of it -
THAT was a peculiar little game on the
Pacific coast when Kearney "called" and
Grant wouldn't "see" him.
. _
Wisnom -is not found with those who
dwell at' their'e.ise ; rather nature, whpre
-•she ds brain, adds difficulty.
iI • •
'l"ti -No ladies are forming walking
. clubs in order to walk more effectually
into be affections of - eligible young men.
1 A AN should cultivate his talent if he
has aby. If hot he can get aldig by cul
tivating the talents of other peOple.
Al ,,e
.tracts never runs too longfor 'spec
tato but let a sermon " run- - Over forty
ti k tl
miff s r and a congregation can't sit still. D
I L PIATI asks this, question:
"'W n't it be a good idea to_ append
the e of the attendant physician to
.deaf notices?" - _ . • :
ixt . are the best stories? That de
ends., When you are telling them, " the
long ones are ; when you are listening,
the short ones. • _
A mas never looks so helpless end- in
significant as when standing around ra
dry-goods' store waiting for his wife to
get through trading._.
_Children's Fancies and Sayings.
ALICE (three years old):—"Does the
rain.ever go up"' "No, dear, -it comes
down." ;Alice, triumphantly:—" But it
"IF I punish you," said mamma to her
little girl, "you don't suppose that lido
so for my pleasure, 'do you?" "Then,
whose pleasure is it for, mamma?"
GovEn:vegs :—"Now, - Jack, if I were
to give twelve pears to Mande, tenl td
Edith, and three to. you, what would it
be ?" Jack (aged six)—" It '"ouldn't be
A LITTLE boy three yeari old, who had
been looking from the window fix; a few
minutzs at a beautiful red sunset4i3x.;
claimed :-r "Mother, look how sore: the
oor sky is."
A LITTLE five-year-old boy, who had"
seen a peacock for the first time, ran into,
- the house, exclaiming to his sister :-14,
Lizzie l• I've seen a great, great monstif.
erous tail walking around with a hen tied
to it
PEBCY (aged seven) to his- mamma, -
who had been reading Bible history. to
him :—"What did Eve do?" Mamma :
—"She took an apple." -Percy, after de.
liberation :—" Why didn't she take two?
I should."
SUNpAY-BCtIOOL teacher, examinion
Book of Kings . :—"Now,can' any Ch ild
tell rue why Elijah orde red water to be
put on the bullocks and' altar?" Small
boy, aged nine and olialf :—"Please,lsur.
to make the gravy 'with." •
A lot about four years old did riot like
Bundays. Ile, however, one day said to
bis tither Oh, papa, I am so glad it
Sunday." " Why, dear?" asked his
delighted parent. • ' Why, because it will
be such a long time before there is such
another." - -
H— hadlost his arm abroad. After
his return home,• on the occasion of his
dining with his brother-in-law, his little
niece, then in the nursery, was cautioned
to make no persolud remark to him on
his lost arm. She, obeyed orders
.citly, till she went to kiss him and say.
Geed night.'!, Then she said
haven't said a word abimat your poor arm,
have I?"
Lrivin 'NELLIE was looking- at some
pictures of wild animals when Mr. Jock
ins pilled, and appealed to, that gentle
man to explain one of the pictures.
" TWA is a - wild boar,"'said be; and this
- `'ladylooked at it thoughtfully and.,
'• TI doesn't look like you, does
is?" - "I hop? not," :e
-ast. f*Whyr ' , Becam "
• infant, 'mamma said,
dip sent Titers is