Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 13, 1880, Image 3

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Arittlforel 7,lcporta.
Towanda, Pa., May 13, 0380.
The expiration of subscription is print
ed on the colored label. By noticing the
date every subscriber can tell when his
paper will be stopped Welts tke subscrip
tion is renewed.
THE rattle on u thousand hilts
Contttbute to the iniikmau•s wealth.
80 does the water front the runs
That's slipped Into the cans by stealth..
DECORATION Day is fast approaching
0 L - R subscription list increases week by
• ltonF. apple blossoms ; this season than
for years.
CF.NsusAakers begin their labors on the
first Monday in June. •
WE understand that there fire but few
empty dwelling houses in town.
Now is the time to destroy worm nests
in your fruit and ornamentaitrcea,
THE as Company have reduced the
price of gas to $3 per thousand feet.
TUE strawberry festival will be the in
teresting social topic in the near future.
' Wirt. Towanda celebrate the ever glo
rious Fourth of July, now rapidly draw
ing nigh
FRANK MAYO has added to
the beautiful park back of his residence
near Canton.
THE new bell in the Baptist Church, at
Troy, weighs 1,350 poupds, and was made
in Cincinnati.
H. C. Jou - Ns, at on' tiimc teacher of the
Troy Academy, is io j.lO Titusville on
a charge of forgery.
STULEN'S Orchestra btu; been engaged
for the Prize Conte-t in Declamation,
Priday evening of this.week.
Tnv. Liberty Corners Band will give an
open air concert in the Park from 7 to S
o'clock this Wednesilay evening.
Si - DAY and Monday last were unmik . ,
takably hot. The mercury stood at fron4
to'llG=, according to location.
IloN J. G. PATTt s• horso Ripton
tohk first money in two races at Huntin
Park, near Philadelphia, last week.
IF liave anything to sell, the RF.
PORTER is the hest medium througi
which to let the general public know it
, •
ME Troy Ga:ette says that over 10,000
111114 trees have been delivered to parties
at that place within the' past two weeks,
Tiu American Union Telegraph Cotn
•,fiany have opened an office at Cantim, the
st message being received thereat last
Th - nos Trrt - s, of Herrickcille, is rnak
iiez preparations looking to the erection
Pf a dwelling house and store building in
that place.
A TlEnnteKa - 11.1.g correspondent says
that .lAmEs Ilent.NsoN, of that place, has
lost several yearlings by the disease called
" black-leg."
- MANY improvements are in progress in
all sections of the town. Besides adding
to the appearance, it gives many worthy
men employment.
"MINE host" JORDAN, of one of the
hostelries of Athens, presented HistruN
of the Gdafte with. a "mess" of.potatoes
of this year's growth.
enuarrt of the Messiah (Universalist),
WILLIAm Tyri,fotZ. Paitor. Ser
vices at 10, 1 A. •M. and P. M. Sunda.)
School at IV, M. All welcome.
Do NOT forget the Prize Contest in Dec
lamation by the young gentlemen of the
Institute. in Mercur I lall, Friday evening
Of this week. Tickets at KIRBY'S.
THE Vaughan Ilill Literary Society
have in contemplation the putcha , e of •a
library, and have already raised a fund of
. SU,) towards making the purchase. •
Ili a fall of coal in the mines at Bar
-I.qay,, on Thursday morning last, a son of
pANItm. POWERS, or that place, aged
about 13 years, wasjustantly killed.
CONSIDERA ui.E damage has been done
t" limher and fences by tire, in the vicin
yof Burlington, recently. A barn be
longing to a Mrs. STEELE was also burned.
CHAS Ilowwo, of East Spring Hill
bas contracted to peel Won tons of hem
lock bark on Bowman's creek for the tan
lieu company at Eaton, Wymning county
Timm: were several persons in town
Vonday List who were heard to remark
that the weather watt warm. Those who
4EO not make the remark were strongly
of that ophdun.
Tun station on the Northern Central
Railroad heretofore known "State
I,:ii-," had its name elninged the first of
this month, and will Injeacter be hailed
•• '7 -
A in . -isEss mveting of the Tow-anda
Musical S•oeiety will be hi-ld at the house
of Mrs. IVA. tivEnTos, 'S.itiirday morn
.‘levcsu o'clock. INlettibers are re to ha piesetit.
FRANK L. VIN - rici , r., foliiterly of Her
who was tried aid couvlctell of the
( , :une of counterfeiting abinit a anouth
wa.s senti-ncea ou Pri:!lty last to three
01. s iu the Western Penitcutiary.
Thy. jurymen fur the first week of
. the
plescut tel Court, Were discharged
un Tinirsda'y evenin , , all tile business re
her their at,endance for the week
h.t‘ log brut disposed or at that time.
.A TELFPI!ONE has been put up between
1' u;i:' s building and the depot in Athens.
The Gazdte says it vorits
V9lll the single drawback that "nothing
intelli4ilde l can be sent or received through
Tits indebtedness of Adult; Borough
N%.ts ed
. $569.24 durinictliii past-year.
Its itesent indolitt.iliiss is e;;:172.05, and
it assetti amounting 1.11 145.51, leav
lIVZ the actual ilidebtdiless above assets
Twit additional Loil•as hare recently
Lien put iutti the Nail Works, and the
nochinery -Las undergone a tholough
overhauling. I The well is also being deep
(tiled in older tu secure ii larger supply o
PETITIONS arc being circulated ar.d
signed by our citizens, asking Spperiu
teudent PAcs - En to stop all passenger
trains on the P. & N. Y. Road, at the
fast, end of the apprdactr to the river
bridge at this place. ,
PROF. HUTTON, of .Waverly, and Prof.
Bi:NznicT, of- Athens, have consented to
act as judges at the contest in 3lercur
• Dall. Friday evening. It is expeqted that
the Rev. Dr. FORD, of the Elmira Female
College, will be the third number.
Is many parts of our village we no
tice the work of repairs, repainting,
the building of new fences, sidewalks,
&c., going on.. This is as it should be,
but there is still a largemumber of proper
ties that need a general burnishing up.
A norsE and tairn near Troyi belong
in t!to a widort, woman by thb pantie of
1V :1.L1.\\19, were destroyed by fire one
day last week. We did not learn.the par 7
but understand the fire caught
from the cooking stove in the kitchen.
ELLEitv IVALuER., of Milan, was
thro4ll from a wagon between that place
a::ti Ulster on Saturday last, and consid
erably brui.442d, iu consequence . of the
wbich be was driving becoming
frighteoA at the cars and unmanageable.
Arm now it is announced that the Sev
enteen-year Locusts will not pnt in an
appearance until 1885. As Mother Sbip.
ton has kindly fixed the end of all things
terrestrial for 1881, there is a possibility
that we may escape the Locusts_ entirely.
IT Was our pleasure, as inspecting offi
cer, to spend an hour Saturday night with
-Swart Post Post N0..72, of Elmira. This
has a membership of about 50 live,•intel
ligerit and earnest veterans. They. have
a fine ball, and all turn out to every meet
ing.—Dushore Review.
PETER liclrrrnz, of Iflclrerynn Broth
ers, and NAT. EICHELBEIIGEN went out
on the Level Branch. and Wright creeks
fishing for trout one day last week, and
brought home 300 of the "speckled beau
tiv:s." They say they caught them them
selves, and—we believe they did. r,
BADLY lIIINT.—A little boy about four
years of age, a son of ACKLEY, of the then
of BILLINGS & ACKLEY, while playing . in
the barn just in the rear of his father's
residence, on South Main, 'Monday after
noon, was kicked by ia horse and very dan
gerously injured. The wound inflicted is
just above the left eye, the skull being
crushed in so as to expose the brain.
" ASHMAN," of the Bradford Atlas, is
an innocent, 'clever soul as ever was, but
be is so deep in the fecundity of his genius
that when be undertakes to perpetrate a
joke be passes so far away from the com
prehension of ordinary individuals they
cannot understand .the terms of expres
sion used by such an intellectua4newspa
pedal giant (?).—Athens Gatette.
THE: country, in its Spring attire, now
presents scenes of rare loveliness to the
lover of the beautiful in
. nature, and a
walk beyond the outskirts of the town at
an, early hour any of these fine mornings
will amply repay the time so employed,
in the superb panoramic views of scenery
unfolded in charming succession to the
eye: At least this is what a friend tells us.
THURSDAY last, says the Troy Gafett e
of last week, JAMES LINDERWAN received
a severe kick from a horse, which dislo
cated his left shoulder and broke two
ribs. He was going into the stable just
in the edge of the evening, when a dog
drove a hen into the stable, frightening
a horse which kicked with both. feet
viciously. It was a narrow escape from
a more serious injury. tinder the care
of Dr. A. K. Aloell he is recovering. •
F.f.sT Dttn•tsc.—We are of the opinion
that our streets are not exactly intended
for trials of speed in horseflesh, but that
they are used for that purpose to a con
siderable extent, is apparent to even the
most careless observer. Our. authorities
should lay down the law on this matter in
a most eXplicitmanner, and enforce it ri
gorously. The life or limbs should not
be endangered by fast driving, no matter
who msy do it or upon what pretense. -
131tAn . Foun and Sullivan counties Po
mona Grange No. 23 will hold their rem
lar quarterly pieetintr at the. Baptist
'hutch on Vaiighn Hill„ on Thursday,
May 27th, 1556, 1 , at 1 o'clock. P. fit. Visi
tors by train will leave at Hummerfield,
wheie teams Will be in waiting. The
meeting in the evening will be open to all,
and all are invited to attend.
DWIGHT KELLyst, Secretary.
TUE work of re-building the new Pres
byterian Church is progressing rapidly.
The brick work, under control of compe
tent workmen, is looming up steadily
upon its foundation, and will soon he rea
dy for the slate mid. It is to be a noble
structure, and a'modern Church edifice
that will challence the admiration of ev
ery beholder. Great praise is due to the
enterprising members of the congregation
for their alacrity in driving this work so
rapidly to completion.—Afhens Gazette.
RAN Donsuv, a colored fellow from
Athens, insulted a white lady on Monday
evening of. laSt week, on South Main-st.
He way attested and given a hearing be
fore a justice, who held him for an ap
pearance at Court. After being indicted
by the Grand Jury. he came before the
Court and plead guilty to assault Vaud
battery, and His Honor, Judge Monuow,
sentenced him to pay a fine of 4.20 and
undergo an imprisonment in the county
'ail of six months.
TH-V, Canton Sentinel tells how SE.i.wts
D. litiAPP, of that place, narrowly escaped
serious injury, and perhaps death, while
at work in A. B. BILAINE'S mill on Tues
day of last week : He was grinding tools
upon an emery wheel, and had stepped
back a foot or such a matter, when the
wheel burst. - the fragments dying in great
tOree in every direction. Fortunately no
body was hurt. The explosion made a
report like that of a rifle, and pieces of
the wheel were thrown through the floor
;ng beneath. One Oece struck a beam,
and glancing, was thrown several yards .
in the open air.
W . G . Mice's team made things quite
lively in oar streets for a Short time, on
Mouthy last. Ilavitig been left by their
driver for a few incim.qtts, near Neff:-
TIRE & SPENCER'S CarCiaLte shop, on
Pine street, they became frightened and
inn away. Proceeding up Pine to Second
street, they ran north on Second to Loin
baid, east on Lombard to Main; south on
Main to Bridge, wligre, in attempting to
turn down Bridge street, they stumbled
and were thrown to the ground. Before,
they could regain their feet, several
gentlemen had seized them and their fur
therlprogress was stopped. Neither horse
wale injured beSides a few bruises, but
the wagon was about. as badly damaged
as any tine that has ever come under our
observati , m, and fragments of 'it were
scattered aiong the entire route over
which the frightened horses traveled.
TWELVF years ago, says the ('anton
.!eritinel, Messrs. GLEASON & Invrs built
their tannery in this place. At that time
they employed but three men. About
three years ago the tannery was enlarged,
and not.v.nine men are kept at work. At
that tiinet there were but two dwelling.
houses on that part of Union street; there
are now upwards of twenty.. Mr. GLEA
SON. who has recently purchased Mr. lit.-
!N'S interest, is now turning 'out an
excellent quality of leather. The firm of
lintcu Moss, of New York, to whom
they send their leather—one
. of the larg
est firms in the leather business in this
country, recently wrote that the ('anton
tannery made the best leather of any tan
nery with which they dealt. This New
York firm is owner of the large tannery
at Williamsport.
learn that Mr. JAMES MACFARLANE, '1
superintendent of the new coal works near
Bradford County, Pa., known as
Long Valley, has secured the services of
Mr. ILkititts, of A:rnot, who has had great
experience in the manufacture of coke, to
test the quality of the coal, and if the ex
periments are successful, Mr. MACFAR
LANE will immediately commence the
erection of a large number of ovens for
making it. The Long Valley mine is ad
mirably situated to command the trade in
this fuel in the valley of Wyoming and
southward, in the counties of Luzerne,
Schuylkill and in the valley of the Lehigh
and the east.
If MC. MACFARLANE can secure proper
rates tOr Ll'atiSpO: ration, he) will be able
to sell all the coke he can possibly manu
facture. Success to the enterprise.—
Blositharg Industrial Register.
ilisToN, of the Athens Gazette, some
times indulges his mind in flights of fan- ,
cy. In the last issue of 'his paper be
aws on his imagination for the follow
ing in regard ';o the future of Athens :
" The rapidity with which our sister
, villagel of Sayre is increasing in_popUla
tion, and stretching out her borders, be
tokens that at no distant day, the two en
terprising villages of Athens and Sayre
will be grasping hands in fraternal friend
ship. 11ns-with Waverly on one side,
and Athens and Sayre on the other, what
is to hinder our becoming an incorporated
city with all the modern facilitiestfor do
ing business, such as street cars, for the
benefit of the people doing bnsiness along
the line, running continually ;frern Wa
verly to Athens for the nominal price of
live cents? -It may.look a little prema-•
Lure to bo talking in this way, but the
day is not far distant when n e- shall see
fulfillment of this prophesy."
Says tiro LeßaYsville Adrertioer :- "On
Saturday, May Ist, at about 1 o'clock A.
it., the house belonging to Dr. KNAPP
iind occupied by 11. L. CASE, was burned
to the ground. The Doctor's loss was
very , heavy, as most of his household
goods were stored in the house. • The fire
is supposed to have originated from the
kitchen chimney."
• •• •", IfERSONAL:
Litun,= . ittzncvn is visiting
friends in New York. • • .
' —W. A. PLutrintn. of Green's Land
.gave us a pleasant call on Monday
• —Mrs. A. E. 31E1svern arrived in town
Friday evening last and • will again reside
—Jos, Braun, of Einsqnhanns County,
spent Sunday last with friends in this
•--C.donerJorra A. Corunxn bast been
appointed Census enumerator for this
• —Mrs. H. A. Henna, of Owego, is vis
iting her brother, Hon. Josara Power,,
in this place. ,
—WILLIAM GitIFFIS is borne from
Washington, for's feiv days' visit to his
family in this place. • •
—Dr. E. IL ANGLE, dentist, has been
confined to his room for several days by
an attack of_pneumonia.
—The, Mansfield Advertiser says that
0. D. GOODENOUGE has removed his fam
ily from that place to Covington.
-41. M. PEca, Esq., of this place, is a
member of the committee on. Sunday
Schools at the General Conference.
—J. A. MAXvII.LE has moved his fanii
ly to this
_place. They occupy Mrs.
Ltatu's house, on Secend street, First
—Mrs. B. M. PEcli accompanied her
husband ; U. M. PEcx, Esq., to the Gsneral
M. E. Conference, now in session at.Cin-
—W. B. GF.III:E.Irr, of Troy, is still suf
fering from the injuries received by the
exphOon of the range in his dwelling
house last winter.
—The Graded School - was never in ,a
better condition than at present. Profes
sor J. T. , McCoLt.ox is doing a great
work.—Troy Glzette.
—Ottnrs FL:11,- of Porterville, Wyalus
townshiN has removed to• Spencer,
N. Y., where be expects to carry on the
blacksmithing business.
—S. L. JOHNSTON, a student at the.
Collegiate Institute r has 'Conducted the
services at the Baptist Church, this place,
for the past two Sundays.
—Mrs. Dr. L.. D. IlloYrativr, and
daughter CHRISTINE, who have been so
journing in the Adirondacks for several
months, returned to their home, in _ this
place, last,Week.
—The family•of GEo. IT. HONNETTER
moved to Towanda last Thursday, where,
as we have before stated, Geamoß has a
good situation in JAeOlts' clothing store.
—Dushore Review.
—Rev. S. L. CONDE preached two More
eloquent and scholarly sermons in 'the
Presbyterian . Church last Sunday, and
imprinted still deeper Orel favorable im
pression he had made oil the previous
Sunday. Last evening the tongregatien
ga"e him a unanimous call' and his reply
will be waited with deep interest.— Tunk
hannock Republicln.
=Among the locomotive engineers in
Elmira to-day In attendance upon the
meeting of the Brotherhood is MMUS
timersrnE, one-of the oldest engineer:rim
the Erie. Ile came on the road in 1851
and pulled a passenger train for thirty
years without once meeting with-any mis
hap. He is now a farmer living near Le-
Raysville, Pa.—Elmira Free Press, sth.
—THE veteran turfman, L. S. KIN.OB
- of Towanda, Widely known as a
successful driver and 'trainer of trotting
horses, is handling a number of fast step
pers this season, prominent among which
is Mr. Jos: rat PArroa's favorite - carriage
horse, that last season,
without any prepa
ration, trotted a mile in 2.32 3-4. This
season he is going encouragingly, and a
few days ago showed a half mile in 1.17.
LEM thinks, in the twenties will be his,
record before the campaign is oven—Phil
adelphia Rei'ord.
are' pleased to learn that Col.
OVERTON has appointed, 3A NI ES It.
Wrrr, .Tr., cadet at West Point, in place
of E E.ST DroNs, resigned.• YdungDE
WITT is a son of. Jas. R. PEW ITT, form
erly a merchant of this place,- and one - of
our most respected citizens. This ap
pointment is a credit to Col. OVERTON.
Although the very short time before the
examinations may be a oisvantage, - we
predict that the appointee will do honor
to the Col. and
.to-the service.—Montrose
-Refnihtiean. '
—IRA WoonwouTu, an old resident of
Springfield, met with a sudden death on
Thursday of last week. The old gentle
man had been in the habit of coining in
fr.m his work and resting himself a few
minutes by reclining on the sofa. On The
day above mentioned he came in as usual,
and laid himself down for the last time.
SoMe of the family went to him and.
found him cold and stiff in death. Ile
had made no complaint of his being un
well, awl his sudden death is thought to
have been caused by heart ;lisease. Ile
was about sixty years of age.
—CALVIN CRA*I3ERLIx, father-in-law
of lion. JAMES 11. WEB R, (lied at Mr.
Weam's residence, in Smithfield, April
in the 78111 year of his- age. The
deceased came to Smithfield some fifty
six years ago, and was married soon after
ward to Miss ANTEs TnomAs. They
raised a family of nine children. Seven
• f the children—the last of whom was
Mrs. WEen—and the good mother, had
crossed the "dark river" ere the angel
of death summoned the aged sire. A
good man, he bad lived beyond the allotted
years of man's life.
WnEREAs, by the hand of an all-wise
and over-ruling Protldenee, our friend
and felllw-student, Mr. CifAs. SI'MNER
Vot - onT, has been taken from our midst
by an early death ; and whereas, in his
death his aged parent hag lost a hiring
and dutiful son, the brothers and sisters
a kite! and faitaul brother, and the teach
s and students of this school a congenial
ass, teia t and fellow-worker,—
Bco/10,1, That we, the teachers and
'seletlarSi of the Susquehanna Collegiate.
Institutd, extend to the aged parent and
brotherg and sistersof out deceased friend
our beatiftlt sympathy in. this the hour of
their great bereavement.
Rotolred, That, as a token of respect to
our departed friend, the seat Mt vacant
by him in the Oratory be appropriatelY
decorated, and the Oratory be draped iii
mourning for the period of thirty days.
Reito/red, That these tettolutious be
printed in each of the Towanda papers,
and that a copy be sent to. the aged pa
rent of the deceased friend.
W. V. I)u6GAN, Corn
T. A. SPENcmt,
As, follows is the programme for the
Franklin Benefit Concert, t 4 he given at
14Iereur Ball this Wednehday evening :
I. Qt"AnTETTE.—When the Moon on the Lalce Is
!teaming.. 4 .llassell-11 tiros QUARTIATZ.
2. Srmo Fantastic Caprice— ['Jetts
frrnpr—Mr. 111.tiltI SINC.EIteIOrE.
3. SoLo—Friars - Of Orders Gray—Shield-31r.
4. SOLll—l'uNdialse—Sfignon - 3 1 r5.. 31 . E. clo
!I IN.
i. PLANO SOLO—MIMI .1 - 1:1.L.% rill Ll.IfR.
6. grAItTLTTIC The lianist ,3100 h— C. 11
11 hilt' —. lltlttV gu AI:TETTE.
7. VI,,LIN SoLn—Witeties
Mr. 111:Nto SINGERII"ry,
2, :401.4 7 -Valley of ('hamoectil—Glover—Mr. C.
. . . .
P. t_zot.o—Curltoe Song—Pearl—Mrs. 31, E. tilt).
Rom .
to—Du - Err—Flow Gently In:ea—Parry—Messrs.
Staticr and CLAIM . .
I. A L 31Attett,The Trumpet Calls, Away
The. Liberty Corners Band will give an
open air concert in the Park from 7 to 8
The other day at Sayre, Pa., a fire oc
curred that destroyed several stores, the
upper parts of which were occupied by
families as residences, and in one of them
our friend L.B., train dispatcher,
on the. Lehigh Railroad at that station,
lived. Mr. 13EA5ixit was unfortunate and
loft everything in his rooms but one
trunk of clothing, which his wife succeed
ed at • great risk from burning, and bad
no insurance. After the fire, r. Itonmer
A. PACKER, learning of the facts, and
that. Mr. liEssor.v was -a faithful, and
popular Employe of his company, visited
him at his °nice, and presented 'aim with
a check for $250, and gave orders that his
salary should be increased $lO per month,
to help make up the loss be had sustained.
I Mr. BEASLEY is well known' here, the.
I brother-in-law of Alderman GAFFNEY and
Morr. Boss, and his' many friends will
congratulate him on being solortnnate as
to be in-the employ of "Bob" PACER%
millionaire though he is.—Binghamton
Democrat. .
No. 68, (i. A. R.,
• TOWANDA, May 3d, 1880.
General Vrctere—No 1: -'
L The 30th day of May, this year, oc
curring* on Sunday, Saturday, the 29th,
will in accordance with the i‘ Rules and
Regulations" of the Grand Army of the.
Republic be observed as Memorial Day.
Watkins Post, No. -68, will 'observe the
day, by paying the enstomary honors due
to our departed comrades, who fell in de
fense of our flag and country, or have
since died, by strewing flowers npop, and
otherarissdeeoniting the graves of those
whoso,retuains are deposited in our ceme
teries, or have mounds erected to. their
iniemoo, and' by suitably - decorating a
• mound in, memory of those whose last
resting place is to us unknown.
2. It should be distinctly understood
that t 1 flowers placed upon the graves
of our comrades, and also those placed
upon, the mounds, are notto be removed'
I by aybody, when the ceremonies are
ended ; but are to remain there to wither
and fade. Let every member of the
Grand Army consider it his duty to guard
their, graves with sacred vigilance, and
allow no wanton foot to tread rudely on
such hallowed grounds, or a single flower
to be removed therefrom.
13. Tho customary ceremonies of the
G - . A. R. will be observed and appropliati
addresses delivered upon the occasion. v .
el Special invitations, to participate
with us in the ceremonies, will be extend
ed to our Clergymeu, Board of Town
Council, Hie various Secret Organizations,
Civic Societies, Posts of the Grand Army,
and Military Companies, in our vicinity,
and Watkins Post extends a cordial in
vitation to the people . generally, to be
present and participate in paying a grate
ful tribute to the memory of the heroic
men, who were obedient to their country's
call, testifying their allegiance , by the
sacrifice of their
5. The several Ministers of this place
are hereby invited_ to deliver appropriate
discourses on the Sabbath preceding Me
morial Day. .
6. For .the purpose of preparing for
and conducting the ceremonies in accord
ance with the foregoing order, the follow.
ing .comrades of Watkins Poat. are ap
pointed committees, viz :
Arrangements—Comrades J. ANDREW
Finance—Comrades JAMES BRYANT, D.
and G. I). Smoot".
Fowera—Comradtsl 0. 1). LYON, WM.
Music—Comrades L. F.. Gann:slim, J.
and A. A. ST. JOHN.
Invitations—Comrades J. A. WILT;, E.
Official. By order of
CEO. MyEn, Commander.
Hon. G. W. gINNEY, whalliat - 1 been ill
for several Weeks past, died fat his resi
dence in Shesliequin, on Satiirday last, in
the l'Oth year of his ago. From the Re
view of Tuesday we clip , thefollowing
brief history of this good ma whose-death
will bring sorrow to the hearts of all wbo
knew 'him :
"AlthOugh -a modest, unpretentious
man, Mr. lits.xitt was far above ordinary •
men in intellectual ability, and had . he I
been ambitious, could have stood in the
fOremoit ranks of public men. Ile chose I
the quiet of a rural life, and" employed .
his time and-talents for the greater part
of a long life in cultivadug - his farM, and
aiding to educate and elevate his friends
and neighbors, by whom he was always
held ,in the highest esteem, and frequent-'
ly visited for counsel :ud advice, _which
were always given with characteristic
modesty, and generally acted upon.
The deceased a;as the eldest eon of the
late GEOROE KINNEY, and was born in
Sheshequin in 1811.' At . an early ago he
was apprenticed to the printing business,
in the office of the Independent Republi
can, a newspaper then printed in this
borough by TitonAts CATLIN. After serv
ing his time as an-apprentice, ho printed
the Anti.ibutonic Democrat at Troy—his
friend, .Desimicn; LILLY, working _with
him. Ile also spent some time working
as a ",jour" iu Conneeticut.
In the year 1834 Mr. KINNRY and Mr.
LIMA* established the ilrgus, in this
place, and merged'vvith it the Anti-Ma
sonic' Remberat, of Troy. At the end of
one year Mr. li'INICES retired from the es
tiblishment, and returned to his farm in
Shesheqiiin. Some twenty-eight 'years
ago he sustained an injury while felling
trees, which materially" interfered with
his prosecution of manual labor and in
1853 he went to Texas, at the solicitationt,
of his brother SOMERS, and for a year or
two edited a newspaper. But his strimg
anti-shivery convictions, and free soil Ken
unions, were not iu harmony with the
Southern idea, and he was a man 'of too
much moral courage to stifle his honest
convictions for pecuniary gain, so be re
signed his position 'and , returned to his
home in the. old Wihnot: District, where
the political atmosphere was more in ac
cord with his broad and philanthropic
Notwithstionling Mr. KINNEY'S retir
ing dispositiOn, he had merit which the
public acknowledged and appreciated.
Ile was twice elected to the Legislature
of this State; , and filled the office with
honor apdrdignity. At the time of the
attack of illness, which terminated in his
death, he was Deptity Prothonotary.
The deceased was a firm believer in the
doctrine of universal salvation ; and his
life corresponded with his faith.-fle wasan
active Odd Fellow, and in his intercourse
with his fellows. endeavored to exempli
fy the teachingsof the Order.
.It the age of twenty-live Mr. KuvliEv
married Miss ABBY M. HUTCHINS, of
Connecticut, who sqrvive& him, and four
children, three gills and one oy, were
burn to them. The sou entered the Union
army, and was killed in one of &Mil-
DAN 8 campaigns. The loss of his only
son, ivho was a young man of unusual
promise, wa, a severe blow to Mr. Kix
sty, who 'owl anticipated a brilliant and
useful career for the young man'; but his
hnhl~cit faith in the goodness of the
Heavenly Father led him to receive the:
stroke with bumility.i
. His funeral was attended yesterday af
ternoi4l, and the large concourse - of
mourning fniends and relatives' evidenced
the high esteem in which he •was held by
the Community in which he had lived for
nearly the allotted period of man.
The funeral sermon was preached by
Dr. TAYLOR, of this place. •
"Life's fitful fever over,* he deeps
~ The following appointments of enumer
ators of the census in this county have
been fnade by Supervisor HAYES and ap
proved by the Census Ihgeau :
Mlt2tly and Overtun Township: and Sew Albany
Borough—Oen. W. Nichols. -
A*turn Township—O. A. Gilbert.
At hens Township—Manson Elshree. ,
Athens Borough-11. \Y: Tripp. ~
Itatelay Township—C. H. Johnson.
Burlington Township and Itprough—B., K.'Outi
t In.
• .
. .
cantor, Township and Alba Borough—Chas. 11,
Canton liorough—Jblat t Val,Dyke.
columbta Township and Sylvania Illrough—
Geo. P Monroe. •
Franklin and LeßoyTownships—B.3l, Walters.
Granville S. Bailey.
Herrick Townsitlp—(. L. Stewart.—
Litchfield Tdwnship—Levi Morse.
Monroe Township and Borough—U. 31. Pratt.
Vrwell Townahlp—Geo. W. Wells.
l'lke Township and I,ellaysrllie Borough—B.
W. Buck.' • !
Itidghury Township—E. A. Cooper.
H omo Troviothtp and Borough—Alias E.; Seeley.
• Sheshegulti Towns!ilp—Geo. 1.. Fuller.
Slott bnoid 0 . scott•
South Creek Toumship—David Chace.,
South Waverly ltorough—Chas.l). Tracy.
Springfield Township—A. G. Bailey.
Standing Stone Township—Gen. A. Stephens.
Terry Towust Ip—Situbel Bowman
Towanda Borough—John A. Codding.
Towanda and North Towanda Townships—Ben)
F. Hale.
Troy Bprougl!—Thos. McCabe. •
Troy and A rmenia Townships—M. 0. Loomis.
Tuscarora Township—S. F. Ackley.
IJlster'Township—S S. Lockwood,
Warren Townstdp—Darld
West Burlington Township—A. C. Blackwell
Wells TOWD44IIII,—(7IIIS. I... Shepherd.
Windham ToWnstdp—Jorry Jakewsy. •
Ilmot Township—Goo. U. Horton. •
• Wyalusing To. lishlp.—Edward Vaughn.
_ Wysos. Township---Titus; E. Myer.
The Grand Jury disposed of the follow
ing additional cases :
Com. vs. James Purand and Daniel
McCarty—Vagrancy. .
Corn. yr: Ward Thopiipson, Charles
Gorman, John Cronin ;anol Frank Gilson
—Larceny. •
Com. vs. Etty MailGeer—Robbery.
Coin: Vs. Mrs. Howard Conklin—Rob
Can. vs. lissry Coardneism--liellbri
liquors without` license. , _
Com. , n. Borzoi—Assault
and battery. .
Com. vs. Benjamin Itiehards—liedeo•
tion. , -
Com. vs. Orlando Rogers—Stealing a
Com. vs. John Ackley—Larceny: ..
Corn. vB. John Mack—Malicious mis
The Grand Jury were discharged Wed
nesday, May sth.
Coln.' vs. Michael Nestor Larceny.
Com.' vs. William Monahan--Lareeny.
None prosequi entered in each case on
payment of costs. • I
Com. vs. R. B. Bwiaber—Forilication
and bastardy. Corn. vs. Etty May . Gfer
—Robbery. Corn. vs. Mrs. Howard Conk
lin—Robbery. Corn. v. .lind Mc(arrick
—Larceny. The above cases continued
to September Term on difendants giving
bail. •
Com: vs. Joseph T. Forbes—Larcany.
Juty find defendant not guilty,
Com. vs. Telegraph Brown—Stealing a
child. DefeLdant discharged and county
for costs.
Corn. vs. Jamei Durand and Daniel
McCarty—Vagrancy. Defendants plead
guilty. Sentenced to pay the costs of
prosecution and -. undergo an , imprison
ment in tho County. Jail for , thirty days.
Com. vs. Ward Thompien, Charles
Gorman, John Cronin and Frank Gilson
—Larceny. District Attorney McPher
son for Commonwealth ; IL F. Maynard,
Samuel W. Buck and Thomas E. - Myer,
Esqs., for defendants. Jury find defend
ants guilty.
Com. vs. Obed ti anduzer—Aggravated
assault and battery.' Dist - Het Attorney,
McPherson for Commorarealth ; Madill 4.V.1
Kinney for defendant. Jury find defend
ant guilty on , first count in the indict
ment, but not guilty on the sethnd.'• Sen
tenced to pay a fine of $lO and costs of
Com. vs. Granvil e Dorsey—Assault
and battery. Distric Attorney McPher
son for Commonwea th ; William- Max
wi II and H. J. Madill, Esqs., for defend
ant. Jury find defendant guilty. Sen
tenced to pay a fine of $2O, costs of pros
ecution, and undergo an imprisonment
of six months in the County Jail.'
COm. vs. John Cain an: Cornelius Cain,
Jr.—AAsault and battery. John Cain
sentenced to pay a fine of Vi and costs of '
prosecution. Cornelius Cain, Jr., a fine
of $25 and costs of prosecution.
In re. the petition of W. J. Thompson,
et. aL, asking that an additional, tax be
levied in Barclay township. Prayer of
petitioner granted..
Court appoint G. N. Larrington Depu
ty Constable of Herrick township.
W. T. Halstead vs. Mary L. Halstead.
. Ellen Wallcatt vs. Ira Wallcatt.—S. B.
Eayt, Esq., appointed Coramissionsr in
each case.
A. Morgan, Esq., appointed Commis
. Emma Storms l vs. Joshua W. Storms.—
W. J. Young, Esq., appointed Commis
Mertie Hickok vs. Samuel S. Hickok.
Harry Seeley vs. Lucy H. Seeley.—W. C.
Sechrist appointed Commissioner in each
George H. Graft and J. R. Farmington,
Esqs., appointed Conimissioners.
Lydia McCannon vs. James McCannon.
-L. T. Hinds, Esq.; appointed .
Estella J. Chamberlain vs. Hezekia,b
chamberlain.—Alias subpcna in divorce.
directed to be issued.
D, R. Blackman vs. James Minard.
Building Assocbition vs. George Barnes.
—Rules to open judgment in each case.
W. S. Pierce, Administrator, vs. J. • H.
Chaapel.--Rule to strike off satisfaction
of judgment.
. The followir% Sheriff's Deeds. were ac
knowledged :
To, Samuel Powell, for house and lotin
Towanda Borough. Sold April 29, 1880,
as the property of H. W. Mosier. $lOO.
To Ann Meehan, for house and lot in
Towanda Borough. *Sold April 29, 1880,
as the property of M. 0. Moody and A.
J. Sharron, 1;205.
To James H. Webb, - Administrator of
C. F. Welles, for ono lot of land in Ath
ens. Borough. Sold April 29, 1880, as the
property of Jacob 11; Sickler. $5O;.
To John G. Spaulding for -75 acres of
land in Wilmot township. Sold April 29,
1880, as the properly of Samuel and
Christiana Norconki: $7lO. 4
To E. W. Stewai for four 'acres of
land in Leßoy township. Sold April 29,
1880,. as the property' of 11.. E. Andrus.
$215. .'
To Nand) , E. Fivie, for 84 acres of ) lar.d
in Rid A elniry township. Sold April 29,
1880, as the property Of Thomas and El
len Divine. $l6O.
To the Sayre Land company,. for one
fourth of an acre of South Waver
ly Borough. Sold Aprili2o, 1880, as the
prope . rty of John Cotter. $lO.
To E. Pomeroy, for one lot of land in
Canton Borough. Sold April 29, 1880, as
the property of Jerome E. Sernure and
5..1. Hickok. $750. .
To G. W.-Crum, for one lot of land in
lVysox and Bottle townships. Sold April
29, 1880, as the property of S. W. Riney.
To E. T. Fox and D. S. Pratt, for one
house and lot in Towanda Borough. Sold
April 20,, 1880, as the property of 11. S.
Clark. $1,050.
To J. A. Record, for 30 acres of land in
Towanda township. Sold April 29, 1880,
as the property of Sapultel and Ellen F.
Means. $925.
To John Holmes for two acres of land
in Franklin • township. Sold April .29,
1880, as the property of William Tall.
Richard Bailey vs. Lillie 31 : Bailey
ALlry T. LeF,ever ye. Jonas LeFever.
Corn. vs.' James Van leek—Malicious
mischief.! Sentenced to pay a fine of 15100,
costs of prosecution, and undergo,an im
prisonment in the County Jail for a peri
od of six month's.
Com. vs. Ward Thompson, Charles
Gorman, John Cronin and Frank Gilson
—Larceny. Defendants committed to
the Rouse of Refuge at. Philadelphia.
Charles Homan vs. E; T. Fox,. Admin
istrator of L.-L. Moody deceased.—Rule
for a new trial refused.l
IL 11. Mace vs. F. M. and J. 11. Lewis.
—Rule discharged on pldintifFs remitting
In re. the new School District—in Co
lumbia township,—Report of viewers fil
ed and contirivied ni. 4. . •
In re the alleged lunacy of Ansel Scott
Bullock.—W. J. young, Esq., appointed
In re the alleged lunacy of Myron ru
ther.—W. J. Tung, Esq., appointed
In the matter of the admission of dial
E. Lilley as an attorney at law. On mo
tion of W. J. Young, Esq., N. E. Lilley
WM; admitted to practice in the several
courts of _Bradford County, whereupon
be was duly sworn. . .
Tit the matter of the admission. of Geo.
•W. 'Kimberly as an attorney at law. On
motion of James Wood, Esq., George W.
• Kimberly was admitted to practice in the
several courts of Bradford County, where
upon be was duly sworn.
George Munch vs. Julia -E. Munch.—
Alias subpnma in divorce directed to be
Jesse Lorrain..? vs. Sarah J. Larrabee.
—C. M. Hall, Esq., appointed a Conimis
M. W. Merrill. vs. Melissa MerrilL—
Divorce granted. -
William M. Platt vs. N. N. Betts, Ex—
ecutor of Charlotte Ward, deceased—As
sumpsit. Elhanan Smith and H.W. Pat
rick, Ems. for plaintiff ; Davies S . ; Carl:M
elilla for defendant; Verdict for-plaintiff
.o f $" ;00.50.
Hotel license granted to Henry Barrett,
Towanda Borough, First Ward.
Eating house license granted to S. M.
Brown, Towanda Borough, First Ward.
Hiram Thomas' use vs. H. W. Thomas'
- Thiecutors, et. al., 13arnishee.--4udgraent
entered for want of appearance.
V. K. Jones vs. William It. Jones.—
Master's Report confirmed finally, and di
vorce granted.
Local Correspondence.
Warmer weather has at last reached
as, and everybody seems to "take time
by the 1 orelock ' and , perfoim the labor
necessary at this season in order teinsure
a bounteous harvest. Those who ittt . md
raising tobacco this year are. preparing
their' laud for the setting out of the
plants, finishing their.sheds,
HoLcomn has improved the ftlipeamuce of
his habitation by new shingles and other
repairs .., G. B. BARTHOLOMEW has
made several improvements and repairs
°a the housei and grounds lately purchased
by him.... At a regular meeting of the I
O. G. T. last Wednesday evening,
Ica officers were duly installed for
the,: existung quarter : W. C. T., P. Mo-
NraszT, Jr.; W. V. T. Mrs. Runt 1101 r
COMB • Secretary, E. -Th i PowEas ; Finan
cial Secretary. I. It. Scnoosissxxx ;
Treasurer, J. VAN WHY ; Chaplain, C. J.
Dumas;; Mailtzn ; M., W.
GORTCIIINB ; Guard. 111. Goxrcmxs; Sen
tinel, ;as. GitiIFFITU ; R. IL S., iVat.
KEEREDY; L. It. S., &man A. MEnutt.h.
Ittuscu, of it Unita, Is to
en a lecture at the M. E. Church on
Tuesday evening next ; subject, "The
Influence and l3eneflts cif Secret Societies,,"
May 8. ,Monthx.
MR. Enrroti :—Eyery thing about our
quiet village is as quiet as usual. IThe,
farmers seem to be - the busiest class new
days. The . seeding is about all done, and
now we are preparing for planting.
The prospects for winter grain are not'
vary flattering, although there are, some
excellent fields to be seen. ,
Our new mercantile fi rm of Penman
Brothers it- NEWMAN, seems to be - doing
a good business. Mr. NEwstitt is highly
spoken of as a business man by those
who best know them. PHILLIPS Broth
ers are well known and respected by out
townsmen. They still retain their gen
tlemanly and obliging clerk, Ilsziay
Ilastivrox. "
Teo cheese factory is now in full work
hag order, operations commenced there
list Monday morning. It is not nearly so
well patronized as it was one year ego.
The trouble seems to be in the quality of
the. whey. •It is thought' by some woo
have thoroughly tested it,. that two pails
of whey' ontain nearly' as much nourish
ment for calves or pigs as three pails of
clear water. This you see is a great sav
ing in times of severe drouth.
Lai,t Sunday the Sabbath School schol
ars of the Disciple Churth were taken to
the basement of the Church, : where ar
rangements bad been made ty the pastor,
JAMES G. liNcta, for an illustrated re
view of the lessons by magic lantern
views. Mr. ENCiLL is an artist, and bas
paintings to illustrate many of his ser
mons. Z.
Mal 9, 1880.
The Rev. 13.• P. WATBOUS has closed
his first year's. labors with the Baptist
church. It is uncertain. whether he will
continue to supply the church. Rev. E.
McMisN, of Philadelphia, S. S. Missiona-.
ry of the American BaptiSt Publication
Society for Pennsylilinia, will preach at
the church next Sunday, P. 11: ;(16th);
at which time, also, an effort will be made
to organize sl Sabbatti-Sehool..--Ez-Stier
ill* LAYTON is preparing to build a large
barn oh his place the coming season.
nom Coomt will do the carpenter work.
..The 'mother of JAS . . C Flop Ens and
the Wife of JAMES.Turrue recently died.
..Summer schools have commenced and
the "barefooted boy" may be, seen loung
ing wearily on his way to school....Tbe
I average housewife has already made her
soap, and is now patiently waiting for her
first setting of geese eggs to hatch, which
ovcnt will herald the dawn of her glory.
The M. E. folks . ate. " third-term "
people in church matters, if not in politi
cal. Tliey petitioned , Conference to re
turn Rev. L. I'. How Ann for a third year,
and Conference so H. Mc-
KINNEY has received his commission as
Justice of the Peace, oil is ready to.dis
'misc. justice on short; gotice and. in the
latest approved style. • SYKEs.
Neighborhood Noltes—
—A dealer in Williamsport will supply
his customers with - ice from Maine.
—One hundred and fifty-seven coke
ovens are, in fall blast at Arnot,.Tioga
—Preparations are being made to build
Reveral c cottages at Lake Carey, Wyoming
county,. this spring. •
--Over forty Sweedisb laborers have re
c‘..ntiy arrived at Antrim, Tioga county,
and more are expected. • •
—David Collins and wife, William lqur-
ray, Thomas 'McDonald and Wm. Whaiin
left .Dushore - for Leadville one day last
—Willianasport has organized a' new
military company,, which will be connect
ed , with the 12th Regiment, National
. ,
Lodge of the Knights of Honor
wa.s recently instituted at Keeneyville,
Tioga county, starting out with eighteen
charter members
—Mr. W. E. Rollins, of Sullivan, Tioga
ounty, is but sixty-two years of age; and
yet has eighteen grand-children and two
great-grand-children. , •
—Timothy Sullivan, of Silver Lake,
Susquehanna county, has been appointed
County Commissioner to till the vacancy
caused by the death-of Charles Delebanty.
—Lightning struck a store of W. W.
Messenger, of Thomson, Susquehanna
county, on Monday of last week. Though
ti'e building was considerably shattered.
no one t was injured. ;
—The Wellsboro, Tioga county. Agita
tor says that while the tannery at West
' field was shut down for repairs, a, few
days ago, a couple of enterprising youths
stole the grateh from the tire-box in.the
engine-room and, traded them off for
—There is great demand for laboring
men in the back woods and around the
numerous lumbering camps in this vicini
ty. from $29 to $3O per month
and board. Any Industrious men wishing
to convert day's vTorks into cash can have
ample-opportunity this seaspn.—Dusltore
—says the Modtrose Democrat :
eral residents of 'New Milford had
sleighs . oit on Saturday morning last
There was almost enough snow here for
Sleighing, but the sun soon caused it to
disappear. . Snow on the first of May
is something rather unusual, even in this
—Says the Tioga County Agitator':
"lion. C. 0. Bowman, of Curry, who has
represented Tioga.couuty and Erie County
in the Legislature, is announced as a can
didate for the Legislature from Eric coun
ty, and he declares in favor of Grow . for
Senator. Mr. Bowman is one of Erie
county's ablest and best Republicans, and
wo hope to see him nominated and elected.
—We regret to announce that the firm
of Charles P. Starr & Co., jewelers, were
compelled to close their doors list ;Mon
day morning, and have made an assign
ment to Mr. John .1. Van Kleeck for the
benefit of their creditors. Mr. Starr has
been one of our most attentive, energetic
and popular business men, and it is to-be
hoped. that. this misfortune will not result
in his removallrom Owego. Their lia
bilities are about $14,000, about $4,000 of
which is preferred.—Owego Gazette.
—3funnEn. ELMIRA.-tit half-past 8
o'clock Thursday morning, while. princi
pal keeper McKelvey, pf the Elmira Re
formatory,Jn company with a first grade
prisoner, was attempting .to punish an
insubordinate convict named Edward Sy
monds, sent from New York for burglary,
the latter turned upon him with a long,
case-knife, 'sharpened to a tine point, and
struck him a sudden blow in the pit of
the stomach. McKelvey reeled from the
cell and fell dead in the corridor,.without
speaking a Word. The murderer, without
resistance, handed the bloody knife to an
assistant keeper, and was kicked up in a
dark cell. 'The leaves a
wife and three children, who live near the
prison. He was formerly from Detroit,
and an old officer of the Michigan State
Prison. .
WOMEN NEVEU THINK' —lf the - crabbed
old bachelor who uttered this sentiment
could but witness the intense thought,
deep study and thorough investigation of
women in determining the best medicines
to keep their families well, and
note their sagacity and:wisdom in select?
ing Hop Bitters as the best and demon.'
strating it by keping their in'
perpetual health, .at a mere uominal•es
pense, he wotßd be forced to acknowledge
that such sentiments are baseless and
vir A Teachers' Examination will be
held In the Graded SebOoWtouse, Towanda, FIAT-
tilibAY, MAY lb
. Ems.(fur goods are NEW and of ;the
BEST ; QUALITY. McKim & Vouour.
Car Try our New JAP. TEA. Best in
town. DECNIII VOUtilT.
•,r" Canoes Little Liver' Pills are free
trim all crude and Irritating mattttv. Concentrated
Medicine only; very small; very easy to take; no
ppiti ; no griping ; no ptygtng. ,
dr Prcrebtions of all kinds, of the 'best,
gear!, s VOVOLIT•I4
litr cult PAID 'OR PRODUCE at . Dzeszfi'lt Yoram's.
Or Choice TEAS and COFFEE a
speciatty t Dims= k VOUGUrS.
rir Fora good, durable and neat -fitting
Snot, eau &Cir. J. BLllfre. opposite Beeler'
motet. • Nov. 274 f.
ur WAsativros, D. C., Jan. 16, 1880.
—71.11. WARNER b Co.—Dear Slr: 1 write to
Gay that after havitig , taken your Sate Pills and
finding them all that Is Claimed for them 10 your
circular, 1 cheerfully recommend them as the beat
Pllla In the market. _ Joe. PRATHER.
409 M. street, Washington, D. C.
PitICES WAYtIOWN on Gents'
Fine and COlllllO BOots at BLUM'S, opposite gee-
ers Hotel.
Ur' L. B. Rocazits chap :ins compe
tition for quality of goirds and law prices on. Saab.
Doors. Blinds and Ifolditu, s, and al building ma.
torlal. (aug34ll.
—IIIINEHETTB. Monroe County. N. Y., .Jan. 5.
1880.— 4; 11.18 t .anmen.61 Co.—Gentlemen: 1 AM a
Man 67 years of age, bale lived in Monroe County.
N. Y., most of my life, and believe therels no man
or my,acqualntanco who would doubt any state
ment I might make. J have been a terribla sufferer.
of Catarrh of the Bladder for years. Heating of a
number of cures from'the use of your remedy, and
after taking Slew bottles of your Safe Kidney and
Liver Cure, I was not only relieved. but found, my.i
wit cured... 5.13 THOMAS OWAXS.
Ur The Largest, Best and Cheapest
line of for Ladies', Misses , and Chlldrona ,
wear Is found at Consan's new store, corner Main
am:trine-sta., Tracy & Noblei Block. apr4l6
CORNER has the best wearing Shoes.
for Men, Boys and Youths , wear ever offered In
TowanA and at prices within the reach of all.
Mr It is not -the quantity eaten that
gives strength, life, blood and health. It Is the
thorough digestion of the food taken, let It be
much or little. Therefore, do not stlmiate up
the stomach to crave food, but rather assist diges
tion after eating, by inking Sininthna• Liver Begu•
later. ; 4.29-mi...
The largest Clothing House
t• . in NorthPrn l'ennsylvania.
Most complete stock of seasonaide goods,
from the finest to the lowest grades -
My store is better lighted than any In this county.
Everyty is invited to call and see for themselves
CREAM. BAI,II.—It cures Catarrh by ex
citing discharge, not by drying it up. The appli
cation It so very simple and agreeable that no one
Is annoyed by Its use. It Is the coming remedy..
A new idea embraced in, Et.T's Cream Balm. A
remedy of real merit, and will, do what Is recom
mended of it. Call ort your druggist for it fuld
give - it a trial. Fifty cents a bottle ::*
Masaits. ELT BnOnienS, Owego. N. Y.—Gen
flemen: I have used your Catarrh Remedy, Cream'
Wang- and experienced great relief. In fact It is
the onlY remedy that gave anything like comfott
from a distre.ssingand nauseousteonif taint. In my
family I have found it specially good 10 colds af
fecting the bead - and
. nostril., With my children
and others. The relief Lax been almost Instant.
We consider it to be Invaluable-Ar family use.
Very truly, H. It. Wka..t.s,
BUIAtieNS Manager of New York Cemntercial
Aitrert ser. aptB-Itn„
ts' NEURALGIA • CURED i y Di..
Bum's Neuralgia and Sick Ifeadaclee Pills,. a
univerSal cure for Neuralgia, Sick Mead *he. Ner ,
vou s I leadar he. Is y ape psi a„ Con st I pation. Yom I ti n g
of Bleed. Paralysis. Palpitation of the Wart; and
1 ,
loss of Sirrvous Energy. These Pills•a a special
preparation for the cure of special dise4CS, and
are wialhy of a trial by all ; intelligent offerers:
are harmless 'and effectually cure all' diseases
arising from a deranged nervous system : pleasant
to take. they dissolve In the mouth. Prepared by
A. E. Briton. M. Is.. Scranton. Pa:: sent IT mall
to any address on receipt of price, 50 cis. For sale
by GLAUK B. Polak:it, 'Towanda. .
Dr. Kum? saYs: "I have sold Dr. Itynwg
Neuralgia and Sick Headache Pills for years and
they give-universal.satisfactlen.
" A. KN.see, I).,
March4ll. "Pittston, I'a."
M RSTIALt—JONES.—In Franklindale. at the
residence of the grootn's mother. on Mardi 22d,
lase, by Elder Mack, Mr. W. li. Marshall, of
Franklin. and Miss Clara L. Jones, of Towanda.
General deale qa t i o n G an r a ocri n te: ~a t n r ed I t 'fo d uce, corner
Flour per bbl $ 2! - . 0 0 00
Flour per park • el 65 (' 210
Corn Meal per 100. . .el 40 ed 1 50
Ctop Feed ... ak {I 40
Wheat., per bush.— et 20 (4 125'M 25 4 130
Corn ' r ' 5 0 0 66 ! 4•4 65
_ .._
. .. .
Clover seed t 5 00 0 5 ao
Titnotliy, western... fa!' e 3 00
!Wafts, ii'Zll, , s, *1 00.03 1 25 t: 201 a i 50
Pork; mess 10 1)1,1. 415 00 9 17 00
1/ risAvtl bogs 05 61 05% ' .. -
. • • .... .
Lard .6 us 0 10
Butter, tubs 16 0 17 18 0 '2,0
Rolls 1 13 a 16 10 0 20-
Eggs, fresh . 10 0 0 , it
Cheese 11 (0) 15 0 .10
Potatoes. per bush
A pples
-I)rleri apples
'Veal shins
Sheep Pelts....
Veal Slcine.:.
Deacon Skins
*beep l'e I ts..
thei r
NOTICE.—AII persons are. forbid
cutting Ttniher ou the lands of the late Ed•
ward McGovern, in Overton Township. without
the written consent of the undersigned, under the
penalty 4.4. the law.!
.10/IN McGOYERN, Executor,.
Overti n. May My Iskutyt•
• ,„ 7 .- 7 -,„ „ Ts
and to obtain them. Pamphlet
free, upon rncei.-A - of Stamp fa• post
age. Addross—
Itatbbarn lion.
N . P.sw FIRMt!
G. W. RYAN',
County Superintendent.
Nov. 'l74f
NEW Tonic, June 5, ISTU.
70 (4
30 4
45 0
l'O t 8
07 (i 0 09 09 11
05 (a 05
05 @
el 00
20 @ 22
05 @ rc ,
50 Ra el 25
90 r . a fin
el 00 6FO 2
0111'it'd AbVerfiStMertb.
S,lir;tm•s c•, Talents:,
ICa.t.histolipt, D. C.
7\_.. El.lkilitA, N. Y
Dealers In
assortment Of
In the Southern .Tier.
Si-Special Inducements and Prices to Milliners
A call Is stsvectfully solicited. ;.
March 1675-y1
NO. 4, Beldleakan - Illock, Brldgo-st., Towanda; Pa.
'roiciuida, Oct. 3 . 9, 1570-3 yr.
POWELL.: ..&.:'._CO-:
In Stripes, Plaids & Cheeks; in 01 new 'Colors.
In greater bargains than ever hefore offered,
SILKS, 'SATINS and BROCHE NOVELTIES,_ in a great. variety of
Styles, Colors and Prices, all of which have justlbeen received, and are ,
now ready fOr inspection. _ -
To their stock of WORSTED DRESS
GOODS, which comprises in great .
variety the newest fabrics offered V
in the market this season. - -
Fire department .
Street labor
Tools, repairs, nails and materials ' ..
, Teatning ..
- •
I.,unlber ..
Pollee - ,
Police elation
I , '
, tone , .
Engineering . ,
A totitorsi •
Town clock
Interest paid ; ,
- Overton 4 Sanderson. legal services . • ....
.1. N. Calif. retaluing fee
John Carter. repairing cattle pound. etc.
Auditor General, tax on :loans - of 1875--
Harry 'Ward. witness fee, .Wood vs. Item
J. 0, Frost's Sons, repairing onice chair.
1, N. rain% 3 Volumes Plirdou's Digest..
it. T. June, scythe and tacks
(4 75
@ 41
50 (it 55
Ica GS
. .
Dr. Joseph RingaburY, Treasurer:
To c .sh In Treasury April 1. 1879 - 1512 95 Hy orders redeemed issue of 1874
lieretreckOf Collector on depulleate 1570.::.513 48 issue of 1876
Ouplleita 1479 4.700 89 issue of 1578
k ...
On stheceall: account 19104 . Issue-of 1579
From -
exhibitions.: -'l'l4oo lssue of 1840 --
From pedlers ~ - 9OO : interest paid on orders redeelnd
From fines3o 05 ' Cash 11l Treasury '
• .
Fr.qu switch ren . " lO 00
Fromfiremvun* badges—. 53 80
rm 30
tl oo
a, Oil
. .
Liabilities ]larch atm. 1878. : 3 , Assets April lst.. 18,0. . .
Orders onfstainlitiwwith interest thereon - Cash In Treasury - Pa . 1 '
,a, per report of above date..... 17,249 23 Due and collectible on dupliciste of 1579.... 785 .113 - .....
Int: due on outstandiug orders . 129 95 . Lands returned on cloplicate4lB77 . D7B and -- --,..
Orders Issued during the year... 4.535 14 1N79. will be sobljn June and ain't paid to 447 S3' ,
1}12.2.15 33 ' Due front citizens on sidewalks built- '353 23:: •
l „'Due On switch ren• 35 00. •
054 ; 0021
75 f7O fl 25
40 ( . 4 70
el . 00 lni 2 21
Orders redeemed during year, as' stated
la foregoing tS,eO3 7 $
Int. paid on orders redeemed—. ISI 52
. Account 'With Collector Wickham.
Balance due on duPlicate or 1379 at last - Amount of - duplicate for 1879 . .
15,800 34
annual report ' 1 , 2.919 9:. Amountrecelved -44,700 59
Amount rocelved' fZ,SIS 46 Lands returned to t cotutuiSsioners. 05 00_
- -
Balance due on commission 3p. C. 101 96 : Exonerations allowed by Council. 74 _SS
Printing notices to taxpayers.... 450 3 per cent, corn. for collecting.... 171 77
. -
..- . .
PROPERTY OWNED BY . Tll E L BOROUBlL—Statlombouse :_ Env,l,, basement Owned 'by
county • 1 Silsby steam fire entilne :. 1 hand engine; new : I hand engine. Old t 1 truck and ladders ; 2
hose carriages and fuel carts; 3,000 feet of hose, old and new ; torches, beaters, stoves, axes, etc.; unl
torMsused by Franklin and: Mantua companies: street tools, barrows, etc. ; 3 badges for officeriaud 53
for members of Are departMent. .
. .
W. ii..l(Th,
PHOENIX. of Hartford, -
LANCASHIRE of England, -
CONNECTICUT of Hartford,
NORTH GERMAN of Hamburg,
GERMAN of Baltimore, • .
STAR of New York,
'NIAGARA of. New York,
None but first-claks companies. Policies
issued for one, three or five years, or for
shorter periods if desired. Lightning dam
ages covered, wh4her to buildings or live
stock. MI losses promptly adjusted and paid.
VilD gibVetibelneld.;',
Extragrainary Bargains in.
.$1.40 ........... ....... •••••••10
the NE W
1 •
worn.......01.0 0 .•11••••• • ••• • •• • •• •• •• • ••• • •• • •• •• l ' i • utV •••• • ;•••••••••••••••••• • ••••
V \
.. . . ...
................................... ..... '••
They ' also.
F.xpe .l
d W. 11. DODGE
W. ALDER, J. 11 , 01.003113.
Represents the following companies
I ,
desire to' call
• • .
"194 04 • A. D. Dye & Co.. 2 axes and I stove -lirush
716 00 A. C. Frlsbie, recording deed
47 67 llolconiii & Tracy. printing
336'25 E. A. Parsons, printing
141 7z) - 1). M Turner, printing....
1,004 00 1.. S. Russell, insurance statlon.housM...
232 54 - W. 11. Dodge, Insurance station-house ...
744 45 'M. fr.. Moody, use of well .We
105 TO W.S. - Vincent, witness fees, Frost case...
14 SO .1. Klugsbury, advanced on badges...
:is 60 11. Barnes, Borough Bolin on cemetery...
74 30 . W. Browninr, tiamagesjo wife
40 00 .4. E. Ward. telegram, Water Co
'l4B :12r Barry Smith. carriage l'Alr Water Co
10 00 .1. Kingsbury, Secrerary and Treasurer...
50 00 .1. Kingsbury, damages paid G. Bennett..
.2 50. W.. 1. Young, bill 0r,c05t....,..;
26 52 S. Whitcomb, 1 bottle dad.— .......
00 Mclntyre Bros, 1 lock for Is:mini—....
1 00 , F. T. • Fox. et. al.. view tug, Ward alley...
15 00 Johnston ken., Borough sera_
8;145 20
itki,o3o ex. Total
Balance doe from collectors without - fur-.
t her tlti , count or c01nr015510n5.,..........
A. 11 ' 1 " 1461/"n ' 1" Coun cil
2 25
2 CO
7 Z
-7 00
3 50
15 00
20 00
83 76
5 00
2 00
250 00
4 00
7 70
7 00
4 6
04,436 14
"WO 00
12,033 90
4172 33
1,692 05
HI 52
455 29
f 8.6-10 do
$2,091 'B3
5.014 01.
" • 4,826,305 00
1483,480 02
"- 2,205,150 .46
" 1,343,908 54
" \- 852,64PM'
4 ` 785,510 40
,4 I',
-687,505 00