padford Neportet 1. 0. CiOODSICII, 11:4108. Towanda, Pa., May 23, 1880. Republican State Ticket. or scrum/T. eova-r, Itqa. WIRY GREEN, Notthsaci . At-limn. GENTIZAL,. JOHN A. LEMON, Blair datz.rt7. Wok any Republican prefer a First Term trr - Triogx, to a Third Term for GuANT ? I A sst:nr,ai emocrat that Gurovr cannot; he Chicago, and observe tbe grin 4i - satisiaction that will instantly ate MS wantenance.i: - 'Tut Cunrxii-Yortst contest" scat case was isrought to , a terminatifin in the Ifouse Tuesday, by a vote I f ,f 117 to Z-1 in favor of Mr. Yof:cm retaining bia,aeat. THE Snpretne. Court ha H decided that a tax-payer hasi the right ti) work rut his roadt i, aid that supervisor have no right to a conaniision on the tat so work ed oat. _ THE PT/Mrfitr mmting (If the l'enrintlya ni4_l3(oar4 of Agriculture will be held this year at t.lettyo(urg, cornmmeing June a. There Will Ike ( excellent essays read and lectiireis -41c1i4rA on subjects interesting to farmers. Tin: apptopriation for fuel, light and water for public will town be exharvit!erl, and tiPe Of/Apt:et is that the ;prist. office% and ether ait,lie tolildirti will have their gaa unlefot P,ocne ar rangrqn.flit can rtAtle with tle I EZIEM IT in not ealeulated t'; imprews the aver age of 'Renoir Nr;i Oa the highest estirriate of political morality, to olmerve the read i with which sOrne of the prominent news papers are • encouraging arid applauding the violation of inhtraetions and the disre gard of pledges im the part of delegates to the Sational Convention. • Titt: contested election camt ,- 4 CCIyTIN Yof.t . Nl Willi tnkcn up in the House on Satuiday._ The Inajority resoliiti‘in de elateH the' eliction null and void. The Minority rewation (leclari.s that. t:Nr, the sitting - member IA the heat. 31,r ; of , the Yo'rk spoke for two 11 , m:1i in Fupport of decimiuri wam rCarh{ d. . • 'net: I,:ineafkter Ayr Er etiron itl(l4 ,Tr.. U, that. mty it/ the following e‘nriplitnentstry inanti"r : " Ifon. GA1.17611.1. A. 0nr.c..., i t0,,d,1y .4eerhg to have the In- Ur, the next United Statilm Sen. ntnr from Aide. ttax7l; thin State., wan in town thin interning and cnlivcucd t hr; New Era of lire with hk cheery face ;Mil 11h:3h:tilt nnailc. The ex-Spcakrr in the. very pic title of r4bitst health, Mid would dot the State excellent nervice in the National councilm." , ArTAIN POTTER, nt the United States Nhip 42onatellation was, Tuemday, pre perded-with this freedom of the city., of " Lord Mayor GILA v, who presid- Id at the ceremony, faate3 that the din - treha in Ireland Wan gloat. am ever, and be feared that. daring the next tlid,e Twonthg. it would be rnoa , r, /4,e'Vere. Cap- grin PtITIV.It signed the Burgess rfdl atraid cheers. Ile returned thanks to the eiti - zt. nr. The crowd cheered Captain Pl - 71:11 and i!flicvrs they were leaving the Clty Hall( Jon!: B. j iftzsriP.RsoN, a,ll‘, ligurcil #4( extelysively. . lb!: S. 1..mml anti-third term wingloitterathno the other day, was " elected to the mremsion „f IPPd from the i . eenty'of like. lie tweed him cu n t 80011 afterward and Went to the war mi r t,lie ("Mott nide. Ile %%LS a at, halt, Wag called t , tt, and took his command op into an county to wipe mit, a hlierill% A tr ece•wan agreed upon, mid llr.tiotasolki marched Iris command home. This was the extetit of his military exploits." Tait York Secretary of State has homed a prOelaniation to the Governor/4 of the Kel'otral States, calling n p.m them to appoint &monisriiiinet S to the «'o-Ifyll Fair tp be held in .New York '043. TV4:O cotomissionels are to be, appointed from - each State with 'the exception of New YOlll, I lel, ..U.4 UlllOl larger repre sentation, 'and in t ixty daps thew corn ihNitllKTH will lite II Now York for the liorporn, of or aim'. Several States have already tal;. n action in the !natter, rind the !novena lit rs gaining getter:ll sup • lowa throughout the country, '1'111: fever-stricken city of Memphis bus learned wiislom flout past 'affliction, nod is endeavoring to remedy the want of sufficient sanitary. lewd:11.1011a which bas been the solace of the pestilence that has walked at noonday through thr c; ,omcd town. Milmi‘of sowers have been built in the city since last summer, and the work is to on until the place is thor oughly protected. This is mtmh better thama reliance on Northetn money , and Northern - nurses when the pestlence comes. An ter ee 1.1 K(41.'01001 In lheso vallort it; worth a ton of cure, awl tbd neg. , ligelten of Southern municipalitiesi has been tho means of wido-spread suffering andiinnumerable deaths. TttE• jury in the (tittle 7 0f e,4. Tti Alt IN E Ai I 1,141 t and SM I T4l, Victed apd tried :fit Williatespotk ft'4' tie . inurtter'of A Noat - Ar Mit.t.Ett nu the,: ltith of March tail, near :Jersey Shore:lretureed, after hix burr~ deliberatimi, a v.erdict of guilty 11f matder in the tlrnt degree. 'rho crime of wbic h they . "...ere ecnlViCU:ll Wit% 0111 , of the troe , t at riwiototA l o recotd, Mn'. Mi I,llq urged SNl(Tril;!i:inprdt.r lipr fillfbatUl; that they might td)gotlert.° Both of them confetihed hi the crime of murder. Mrs. Mt t,t,Ett in the f l ivst woman convicted of murder ht A:yet - 411111g i xottay, and th e faet that a matt and woman. are to be exectilcil on the.naine scaffold will came a tictu:ation iu that. part of the *ate. Sr.NK 131,E ad ;CI. from the North Ameri can: 'l' If (Iv peral (i tta wr is nominated :at Chicago, which, as it secins'i to us, is neither to bo 11 'sired norfexpected, it will bo the duty of all. goodi: Republicans to give him their, hearty hit'pport, whatever may bo their personal (pinions as to the expediency of his candidature. There -fore, it is poor policy for Republicans to .., • - eoultnit themselves to a lino of conduct WWI) they may epthsetmently be required to abandon, The Republican party can only win next fall upoti the condition that RS members sal:Mice 91eIr 'private feel ings to the tpp eservatidu of unity, and in me ti. No vs, in ilicreauitig the-difficulty ot-t..We suck - Ib: A D . 14 giving hosplaßes to (or. tutu." Ties= CcernoT, of Ene, , was made crazy by the fifteen game, and sent to Dizrnont asylum, from which he returned Last week, supposed tole cared. But on. Saturday, morning while in the Cathedral, Coxzzor bad another attack. The solar& nities r,f HO - Nam were digurWi by flinging bishat high abort the Bishop's throne and exclaiming that be was Dax tgl. in the. ions' den. The e xcitement :spread trom end to gad of the large cdififx, 'and the: poor, fellow was got out and .taken borne. Ike sill probably be bent lack to Dirmont. Trts yasrtizans of Senator Ittamvore making desperate efforts to cotivinve . ithe courery that bis Puccets at Clicago is cer tain. In politics nothing succeeds so Wel. as succeo; The average; politician w4ts to he on the a - inning side. Jast now Llae onslaught is made on General Grtss:T. Ile is ti - se Hon in the path of all the Presi din lial candidates. There is great dan ger thatlhe unscrupulous axed super ser viceable friends of BtsusE will overdo the business in their efforts to convince the ciu n try with the kn Arledge that all the del ,gates elected are for their candidate, and all those instructed for Gr-s.vr are ready, tO disaabey their instructions. The appears to be conducted vrith ati unusual and' unnece&ary amount ol r brag and Must' r. reduc:ion of the rational debt is the lar i ge:4t in any tip or tbree netoithssiinee 7 , :72. It is due, of courpe, V, large iny , ,,,,rt?, and the deervase of in terr.•l. The m,nthly interest,' in Match, 72 , 'w„c y t9,(115,(XA WhilC now it jg Li" nearly 1- AA. The rect '.r - :e 1;10, mouth Wag ii:17,7.1f; s'll (iorn et.o..toras awl th(t,':67,471 (ion/ intertal reverse—ewer 4•:;• f tliirifr,f)( l o, as against ala',lo l R 1`.),'71 ( 11(jin the Fa rum '"' tri , n:ll 1 t ear, "While this showin, so a , !r( ! eaj,le r , therti as:oiler !tide to be looked at. Silver acturnnia'es. and grid jH redurieirl jIl vrAlitrie ji3 ti,C trea. - ury. The silver meurnulatibu hi now34c'!,,,- /;77, bile the Rit pply ham been re ducer'. aliont 9,000,f/y0 in fuar tnouthq. A wow, or couNKEL. the day appointed for the as sPinbling of the Republican National Convention draws near, the exertions or the friends of the prominent can didates increa ,, e and . the struggle for success waxes warmer and warmer. Never bilore ,in;the history of the Repnblican party, has the; question; as to who shall be its nominee been of siv:llllhciorbing interest, nor at traded-in such an extraordinary de gree the attPntiOn of the country. This owing in measure, to the prominence of the foremost candi dates, but principally to a corntinre, tion circumstances. The conteA is animated to a degree which...proni• ices, 1:0i 6 !SS rirorienr3., forbearancS! and; wi s do m are exercised, to produce dis astrous results. The readers of the R geoarrn will bear us witness. that our constant effort has been to re- strain the undim manhestations of partizanship for any, of the candi date/4, lA/ COTICOIe to every one free exercise ar t iil exiirnssion of their iireft!rt.67is, prew2iit, if possi file the ,engendming of animosities aii , l pr, judif!es which would in the slightest nipz,iiira 1 lesFen on r chances fur f•IINTS4 iu Nr0:9111114!r. • The pi eul:iar eft - cum:it:tut:es which, have brought into ;the canvass, so, much of activityion the part of ti ii friends of, somel of the gentlemen natui4l.for the rinnination, grew out of the eonflition or the country and the alarm of the people aronfied by the manifestations of the DemOerath in Congress. It iH admitted that when the rpviilutiiiiiary dekigrll3 of the I t•rno%:rat.ti at tilr extra mession of Congress had thoroughly alarmed an i escite , l the North, the public mind tur•mrl iwginctively to Ocn. GRANT, as the man who should be again placed in the Presidential chair. Under the shadow or a great danger which seemed, to threaten, there was an alinostunaniniowi expression that the illustrious general who had once led the armies of the nation to vic tory, and baftleif the designs of those who sought to of erthrow the govern ment, was the safest and hest man to place at the head of affairs; because Lis very name BF U presence was the assurance of pea'e4 , and safety. NV lien there was peril, there Were no ques tions raised as ti) a Third Tenn. and the sense or danger and the instinct of self-preservation swept away 7tll minor and nnimportant et asidera- BZE What seemed so unanimous and emphatic a twelve-month since has apparently changed so far as, regards the Condition of the public mind. , To-day there is a wide difference of opinion as to who is the strongest codidate to be nOtni fluted at Chkago. Tfie wisest men differ, and differ hon estly. But while there islthis diver sity of opinion, we believe there is but one sentiment as to 'the policy of selectin as our candidate the Man who will be the most: e,ertain of sue ck,ss. The important. consideration should be to keep the government' from the control cif those who but a few short years hgol endeavored to destroy it.' This : feeling should ani mate the breast of eery Republican, to the exclusion of all resentments or animosities. The lumnimoils expression of a year ago in favor of Gen. GRANT has apparently changed to such a degree that the decision at Chicago is doubt ful. The contesting candidates claim to, have:Secured 'a sufficient num f ber i)f delegates to prevent.his norn i lna 7 lion, on the first ballot, - While it is claimed with equal confidence by his friends that he is certain of a nomi- I nation. Be that as it may, it is evi-: dent that the feeling of a yeaqgo • bas in a measure been change, or that adroit machinery hag over4ome thepublie•will. There has bee* un questionably a sYstemitic, skilful, and powerful effort to break down Oen. litt.s.xv's strength, nod to create or simulate an'-expression of public sen timent, which -would prevent his nomination at. C hicago. • As ho wag the lion in the' path of all the (Alai Aspirants, the batteries ; have 1;«wa dinsctNi at him. In 'this effort, - the Democrats have- been valuable aux iliaries. Learning wisdom from the manifeWtstions of popular alarm and disapprobation of their revolutionary designs, the leaders have pursue , ' a do-nothing and say-nothing policy to quiet the apprehension s of the country. It would be useless to deny that they hare succeelkal, partially, awl as the country became quiet and re-assured, the partizans of the sev [ errl Pre..idential candidates. becarnt impressed with a ream/nabte hope of turning the ±rnind avi`ray from GEANT, anal the possibility of on trolling the -Chicago Convention for' sonic other aspirarst. 'The methods , erniiloTed, have not been exactly such. as we: tonal` approve of, but - joerhapi' Such as might be erTected' under similatr,eireumstance3. What the re= snit wilt be, remains yet to be-seen- But what we most . desire is to irn- press upon our, readers the necessity for harmibny and fraternal action. ThereiWnotking in all this prelimir nary action which should cause a feeling of disappointment or give rise to resentments which shall pre vent a cordial and enthusiastic sup port of the Chicago nominee. Should Gen. Cift%tiT ire the f, tandard-bearc.r. every ;Republican, remembering his great seiiices, should nut, fOrget that within thy; riast year the Public mind of the country has instinctively turn ed to him for safety. Mould some other statesman be selected, it will be in deference to public sentiment, the force of which should be recognized and „acquiesced in by every true lover . of Ms country. The motto of every Republican should be : The success of the Party, Cur the good of the Nation. Tim Republican voters of Lancaster county, will hold their primary elections on the 2`2rl inst., when they will express , their preferences forkandirlates for county officers. The tickets will also be pr4ared to vote instructions on United States Senator, and to vote for TWO lOr.k.lEtl.kTrA .1,0 go to Chicago and vote for Preitidential candidates. There is, for a wondclr, a cor dial afire, rn , •rit betwetal the) Rings as to the pi opt icty Of recommending 3lr. for C. S. Seaator, and the vote will, he given for him with great unanim ity. The Nett l';r:a says that "no Repair licau who desires to have the great Corn monwea;th of l'eonv lvaida represented in the United Mates Senate by an original publican of unquestioned integrity, a State-rnan of expi rience. and acknowl edged ability, and - a man who will faith- . felly'aepresent the interests of the People,- •should fail to vote for instructions to out . • Senators and Representatives to . suppotit , GaLustra A. Guow. flier° is no man in the State iittre worthy of this honor_ than ex-Speaker ;Mir, whose :Janie is identified With the early struggles of the I ItepuldlCall tarty, and who in a Inn; and dist:iignished pail lie career never sacritiet.d psistrplc to expediency. Ire iichly the tribute of a unanimous itolorsemtait frttrit'the Republicans of the felt Gilard,, at,d every voter who reads 1 this journal simaid see that his name is on the ticket he, I .attes at the primary.'" Cot,osm. G. JArrooN, Quartermasti r-General of >the State Na tional Giniid, died s ud de nly at his home in ih;rviick, m u Monday, May 3d,• Was hien nn the 251 h of March, 1342. Ile entered the syrvice a; Second Lieutenant of Comparly ii, 84th Regiment of Infant ry, Pennsylvania Volunteers, on the 2d of August: was promoted to its First Lieutenancy January 1, ISri'd, and ,to its Captaincy July_ 1, of the Aareee year, transferred to C.ernpany IL 57th Penusyli, vania Volunteers, as Captain January 15, .1865, and honorably discharged March 10, 18115. Ile participated in the - battles of Fredericicshurg, ChancellorsviFe, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spi ittsy vaunt Court House, Cold harbor, and Petersbuig. Ile was %minded and captured at Cball ePllOrtiVille May 3, Nll3,,:ind seventeen years afterward, on the anniversary day of that event, died in the quiet 'of borne and family. Au Veletiteer and guards he was faithful. 'etiicient, and meritorious, leaving a soldier record honorable in its country's service. As one of_the leaders of a largo and thriving industry, his judi cious management of capital and wise control of lahrir, enabled it Co pass suc cessfully through all the recent disasteis in the one and disturbances in the other. Yet in the prime of a vigorous inanhoixl, still active his vigorous pursuits, he was enjoying the fruits othim wisdom and toil.. Faithful to his trusts, true in his friendship, and generous in all his deal , - ingA, he commanded universal respect , and esteem. I WHENEVER a member of the British ;louse of CW1111)0118 is offered seat in the Cabinet he must, before he can hold lit, op,tain a re-election to Parliament. This usage explains why it was micensary 'for Mr. tlt,AnsTii?in, the new Premier, to again go before a constituency of the +plc fur indorsement, although he had „inst been cho-eti from both .Midlothian slid Leeds. lie stood for 3lidloth i ian, and received a - unanimous re-election, while his son has been chosen without opposi tion from the borough of Leeds, the seat from which became vacant by thedeclina tion of the father. Sir WlLmAst IlAiwounr, One of the ablest of English tirwyers, who Was selected for tli c e post of Secretary of State for the Home Depart went in the new Ministry, has (idled to be re-elected by Oxford, 'which returned him to Parliament at the i recent general election. This} result nullities his appoint ment to the Cabinet, and he loses his seat in the House of Commons at the Same time. lie can, stand, of course, for . any other constituency in which there may happen to be a vacancy; but the number of these is small,'most of the few seats now open to contest being from such boroughs as chose members' who were also elected by other boroughs. Tint sub-committee of the House Judi- . 1 Clary Committee have reported to the full.' committee a bill to establish a uniform System of bankruptcy throughout the United States. The original draft of the bill was prepared .by Judge Lownr.z,, of Boston, at the. request of the -Board of Trade of; that city. It is-very probable that the bill will be adopted by the com mittee. Some of its provisions aro inter-; oiling and are thought, to obviate, the' chief objections to the old law. The reg isters arc paid by the Government and the clerks by fees, Which, however, aro simplified, diminished and consolidated. While they do most of the work formerly done by marshals, there.are to be super- visors in each district to oversee the set tlement of estates. The duties of such officers will be sfml r'to these of s bask cm:airier. The sinceuttofpropertrez.; empted is made sobstsnlidly uniform for all traders throughout the exam It is I claimed "that under she bill the holiest 410 tor will olindn his diFebarge mare I teittlity and at less expense than under the Lsw. T . lre eyes of the , country have been anxiously turned towards Cook. county, in,..which . Chicago is situated, as Illinois was stipposedi,to settle the Presidential question, and Cook county with its 92 delegates to the State Convention, was to decide the complexion of that body, which mts on the 19th inst. The Cook County Convention met on Monday. The Br...s.rxE and WASHBVRIC man were in a majority, and as they proposed to deny the Gttarr men any'repeesentation in the State Con yentionilthe litter bolted, and held a separate ?;onvention. The result is two sets of delegates to the State Convention. Should the usual custom •be adhered to, in admittinz a proportion of • the Ona-sir delegates, the : State Convention will con tain a majority of friends of the ex-Presi dent. MI Claimed that even if the anti- RANT eiegates from Cook county, are admitted the Convention will still declare for GILA NT. It is extremely questiimable what the result will be, but from all ap pearances Grt , T will have a majority in the State Convention, though it is not probable that there will be a solid dePtga , • tion for him. Jr may person imagines that TILDEN does not intend to make add take the Democratic nomination, or that he has any plans which took to substituting any friend for that honor, they will wake op some day with the knowledge that they have made a great mistake. The Triluae is authority fat a reported conversation which took tracb between Mr. TrumN and a sell-known lawyer, sVliore relations with the Gramercy Park statesman are most confldetti4l,• which was communi cated to another law 4 Yer not now .in any political organization. Mr. TiLnot is asserted to have said that be would be a candidate before the Democratic Conven tion, no 'matter who might be named at Chicago by the Republican patty; tha while he had not formerly intended to be a candidate, except in the case of the nomination otGeneral GRANT 4tChim g o, be had resolved to be /mein any event., and that Mr. PAYEE, of Ohio, would be ' his choice for Vice-Presideut. Evidences are overwhelming that Tr LtDEN intends to force his nomination at Cincinnati and the Democratic party cannot help itself. THE Pret4 offers some very sensible ad vice to the rnalcanterit l s and self-sufficient gentlemen who recently met at St. Louis to regul4te the affairs of the Republican party. They are warned that "a disre gard of the unwritten law becomes a mere bagatelle when compared with handing over the Government to a party whose controlling spirits , have amply de 7 rnonstrated that when it suits their pur, pume they will violate any law, written or unwritten. In the important National contest now opening there will no middle ground. If the members of to day's con vention allow their opposition to GRANT is a candidate before the Republican con vention to extend as GRANT as a candi date before the peOple they will, citify en roll themselves in the long list of Repub lican deserters who, failing to control their own party, have accepted political obscurity in the ranks of the Democracy.', A WAsumwros issecial dispatch says that while it M true*llATEs long ago an nounced that he w , ,uld not be a candidate for re-election, be iwouk not be likely to leftist, a nomination mind his party ten der it to him. It not improlnible, ei ther. that the Chicago Convention may• turn to the present incumbent as its'stan dard bearcir. 'The votes in the Conven tion may be so divided among CinANT. M.A's': and SHERMAN as to prevent ei ther from getting the nomination, and then there would naturally follow some sort of a compromise. In ca tiny; about for a dark horse with the best running capacity, attention *mild be directed to the present administration, and this very fact that there is nothing to criticise or condemn ill its four years of government would constitute a strong point in favor of giving it another trial. A TRIUCIftb: affair took phsce in Oil City on Thursday. last. Tou Mcßtn- NEX, of that place, is a powerfulonan, who formerly was 'much addicted to • drink.. Recently ho quit, and since stopping has become partially in. sane on religious subjects. Lsst Sunda) he created great disturbance in the Meth odist Episcopal Church. Thursday Me- PARSES( and his wife Called Sma neighbor named. Sumoixoten FM for a friendly via it. While, there. 3103tuver grabbed sussut,EoericEit's three-year-old daugh ter, held her by the head under his arm, and with his list commenced pounding dier. Ile said (lop had directed him to kill her. lie nearly succeeded before her father could rescue her. He then at tempted to kill him. It is thought that the girl cannot recover, and. Mt:Bin:it:sr was arrested. A nowt deal of speculation exists wit reKpcct of the compensation of parties taking tile forthcoming census. The fol lowing extract from a circular sent tint by the Census Department at Washing ton settles that question : • t , Two and one-fourth 'cents per .name, except in cities and towns containing 2,009 inhabitants or noire, according to the census of 11870, when the rate will be two cents pre:emir. . For each death re ported live For est abbriliments.of productive indus try.reported (manufacturers) as follows : For. each establishment returned on the special schedules of mihmfactures, twen ty-live ceobt. These rates ace, of course, subject to the pro Vision of law, that no enumerator shall receive in excess of $4 per day. . , CONRILLNG ON (MANI'S CIIANCES report of. a corniersation. with Senator CoNxt.l;io, is published in the 1s4: : . V. Herald, with the statement that it is given with the consent of the Senator. Ms views of the situa tion as regaxds the prospect . of -1311,AfiT'S nomination and election, Will be found interesting. - The Sena tor says: ' ' . • s" I think that General Grant will be nominated by the people and elect ed by the people and by a great. ma jority. 1 . say by the people, for this reason—nothing has been done for General Grant; everything has been done and is -being done against him. I say nothing has, beendone for Gen 'era! Grant, because no committee, no combination, no bureau, .no patron age, no money has been enlisted for him, but all these have been arrayed against hitn, with a systematized and arranged combination of many news papers besides. The sole support General Grant has received has Come from spontaneous judginent - and . action. The ex immon sense of men , with no purpose Save the success of the Republican party and the safety of the country has espoused General Grant. If anything else t 1.112 support ed him Ido not know It. Many per sona write me to know where they can get a Grant document. . Sure' enough, where are they? Not a dom..' meat or circular has ever been sent out, or printed for Grant that ` I have herd of; not a clerk has been em ploj•ed even to write a letter fur him. Any other candidate would hake been buried out of sight by thm time. The strength of General Grant and his hold on the regard and confi dence of the country has never shown more conspicuously than in the fact that, pummelled and buffetted om every side, not only by the wholo. Democratic press, but by the unheard of instrumentalities which have been resorted to for his competitors, yet, without organized effort for him, he distances thehole field. No other ! c ti man in either party could have sur vived such ' a nstant concentrated ' fire..A few mo hs ago no man could wink so hard. as of to see that at a national convention of Republicans held then no other name would be seriously canvassed. So far as any change has been pro duced, what has caused it and what does it show ? The condition of the country ,and the perils of the future are all the same. General Grant is the same, his competitors are the same. What, then, has caused any doubt or •,,iisk. Avidion of sentiment now which did not exist then ? Nothing but the enormous activities and persuasions, conibinations ? maAinery, and push whieh has been put work to get up counter sentiment:, Had every can didate done only what General Grant has one and left. the office to seek hini, do you think be would care to ask tally Tan what the Chicago con vention would probably do ? 'Why, the question 'void be settled now as clearly as it will after the convention adjourns. The whole question, if any question remains, is whether official power and patronage, electioneering politicians and money can prevail. ,against the conviction and conscience of an overwhelming majority of thoughtful earnest Republicans; The prevailing ideabf the canvass against General Grant is most extraordinary. It is little less than a menace not to support him- if a majdrity see fit to nominate him. The party which , allows itself , to be bullied by a minority deserves the fate of a Gov ernment which allows itself to , be bullied by a mob. Neither deserves to live and peither will live. Can 64zieral Grant carry New, York? Irilmy belief, without a doubt, and by a larger majority than any other man - could obtain. Can he, carry any Southern State? I believe he can, and my advises on this point are the greatest marvel of the can vase. After the South was made solid and the Republicans there aban doned:and trampled - upon, it seemed iMpossible for any Republican to re ceive a majority or to have it count ed in anyt Southern State, but men not. likibr to be deceived in at least four. Southern States now describe a condition of things there which gives me great confidence that General Grant will receive-,a ,majority vote and a Vote backed 'by a &termina -1 Lion which will make it hard to choke or vitiate the count in several South ern States." PHILADELPHIA LETTER. P/111-ADLLPDIA, May 10. The great political event of the past week, has been the pretended "revolt" as it is called, of the Pennsylvania delega tion to Chicago. If it was intended to "point .a moral," this flurry would fur nish an excellent illustration of the unre- liability of newspaper reports. Your readers will do well not to pin their faith upon all the statements. made in the city journals. When the enterpising reporter isn't inves'.ig.tting facts he is manufaitur ing canards. Tho life of a reporter isn't a happy one—he must bring some 'grist to the mill, or his occupation's_ gone. So the invention of I.ensational items is a ne cessity, and wboi desperate he draws upon his iina;4inatinn for his facts. The reporters have been, in their element the last wet k. They started the , story of a revolt ,in the Philadelphia delegation against Grant, and the newsy apeis havo been _full of pretenod interviews which never took place; and of declarations on the,part of delegates which were never uttered. It's no use trying to "shako f ' one of these interviewers. The safest way is to disclose all your opinions and frank: ly tell your intentions. Because, if you persistently refuse to say anything; 'they will put words iu your mouth, and .astonisli you with a colunin of your reve- atfon4 'The opening races of the Spring , Trot ting Circuit commenced at the new Hunt ing Park, near this city, on Tuesday of list week. Bradford County was well represented, the entries being L. Kingsbury's brown gelding Riptou, and M. Stephens black mare, Josephine. The newspaper reports say that the_tir-t day's programme included two races, the . :30 and '2:37 races. For the first event there were six entries, but at the call of the judges only four appeared at the., score. ltipton. a clever-gaited brown gelding, nine years old, handled by the veteran, tem.Kingsbury, of Towanda, was made the favorite in the pools at the odds of $lO against sli for the field. The 'favor ite drew the pole, but Price , went away H with a rush,,iind at the first turn drew to the inside, Ripton leavibg his feet in bad style. At the quarter p4e Pike bad opened a gap of five lengths, Caprice the same distance in front (!of Harry G., Rip-. ton being two lengths fourth. Before the half mile waa reached Riptonhad hecome well settled, but ho waFt only enabled to take the second position, Price finally winning the heat by one and a half lengths, in 2:40 ; Caprice and Harry G. distanced. This left but two horses to settle the dispute, and notwithstandilg Ripton's showing in the 'first beat ho still ruled a great favorite. The confidence was not Misplaced, for ho won the suc ceeding three heats and' the race in 2:301. Riptou also won the race on the third day, the best time beini 2:341. . . Josephine did not coins off with such flying colors, being the sixth in the race of the second day, and distanced in the fourth days' race. At the opening races at Suffolk Park, l the Bradford County horses did not, win any heats, and consequently gained no laurels nor purses. In the first race Rip ton was second iu the second heat, but fell behind in the other treats, while Jo sepuine was distanced. In the second race, John 0. Ward's Larkin, was fourth in the first heat. Perhaps they are "lay ing low" for-heavier purses. A German baker, whose _store at the southeast corner ) of Filbert 'and Seven teenth streets is now on the line of the new elevitted raillOad; has ,pOsativelY re fused to accept the $14,000 offered by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for his prOpThisty, as the amount is $4OOO lees than be denundiel. It is the intention of the conenstilin to mike, carve at the hi- terseciion:of the street!' nienticated.:*Och willnot neeeseithte the use oftbe „proper- Saturday nsorning; ,aa a shifting engine on the Reading Railroad, at prnnte and Green streets, was engaged in drilling cars, considerable excitement was ' aces- - sinned in thelladies' waiting room by a car bouncing tbroogb the partition sepa rating the 'waiting room from the depot. If appears-that the shifter sent several nark whizzing into the depot, when the car struck the bumper used to cheek the cars with iocli force as to knock it out of - - position, 144 break tbrougb the wail into the waiting room, The paasengers in 'the room were much frightened, bit fort unately no one was injured. One of the cars was cohsificrabiy dantaged. The Perrnatect Exhibition is, to open on Monday text, and' to be kept open un til cold weather seta id. • The Board !of ]tanagers has resolved that nothing shall be left undote iliat will serve to render it an in:mediate' and permanent success. Having secured the hearty co-operation of the. Park Corruiiissioners, they now earnestly solicit like co-operations on the part of Manufacturers, and such support in the fdrm of visitors as will . prove that our citizecs are really desirous of having this enterprise sustained. , • Thomas A. Iltvzgina, the colored boot black of the Commercial Eichange, walk- ed into the buildimt Friday. afternoon, about half•pa4t two o'clrck, foot-sore and weary,•having tramped from . New York in twenty-four hours, to win a wager of /500 • put up by the reereliants on 'Chapge. (hi Thursday afternoon Tord-r_ my left New York, that sending a dis patch that he wi•a coming for the /500. The merchant% were on hand to receive him and gave Lin) a royal welcome. A great crowd Lad c4 , llected in front to re ceive the pedestrian, but. Tommy, being, notified Of the Tact by an officer at Second and 'Chestnut streets, entered the Ex •change by the rear and thiiti - appeared at a window and was. rt.eeived; with cheers:. He made 'the walk. ,from New York iri twenty-four honrs, less ten minutes. - The Zoological 'Garden has received a remarkable accession, a Braz;lian ant eater laving been added to the collection. lie appears very much like a bear, but with an elongated „ narrow head from which at times protrudes a tongue meas nring over two.feet in length. He is also provided with a wide fan-like tad which he can throw over his body and shield himself from vulgar gaze when so dis posed. In dolor be is brown, with the exception of the head and face which is gray and the throat which is very black; The claws on the fore feet are extremely long and are only usad as a means of de fense. Once implanted in the flesh of a human being, the wound is apt to prove fatal., In walking the.claws turn inward, and the animal walks upon the outer edge of the fore feet in a very awkward why. In ita own eountry the ~ant -eater feeds on i ants alone, gathering into its mouth a thousand of the little creatures at a tin e with its long tongue. At the Zoo tine y scraped beef mixed with eggs and sugiir take-the place of the rafts, apd the animal takes-to the change with very good grace. The Union Republican Club has secor-- ed quarters at the Tremont House, Chi-, cago, and will send one hundred men to the Convention, accompanied by Mc: Clurg's Band. The delegation will be attired in a uniform dress, the rules call ing for a white vest, with pantaloons and coat of dark blue serge. The great engine that run sixty miles of belting in Machinery Hall, during the Centennial, has been sold by Mr. Corliss, the owner, to the Pullman Palace Car Company Tho first appointments of Mr.- White, the Supervisor of Census for this district, were two ladies to serve as Enumerators. Information has been lodged with the police of the swindling operations of 'a well-dressed woman in the large sti - ires. Tier plan is to denote' the denominathin of bills handed by the - cash boys to the cashier during a rush aml then declare that she had Oven him a bill for change. If ho expresses any doubt of the tianEac tion, she assumes %irtuous inili A naGon and threatens to call the proprietor. This generally has the effect,. and the cashier gives her small change for a bill that one of the cash boys has given hini. The fence at the end of . the wharf of Ridgway .Park ferry, beloW Chestnut street, was broken dower by . a .crowd of 2,000 people, Sunday afternoon, who had gathered t bere_for.the p.arpo,e of cross ing; over the river to the Park. (Oilers were given to stop running the boats,_ and the trips were not ret;oined for an hour. Some.of the .at .the island became boisterous diving the afternoon, which resulted in the police tug-boat Stokley being sent over to the scene of the disturbance and the arrest of the ri oters, who were locked up on the boat, The International - Presbyterian 'Coun cils which will assemble in this city op Sejitember 23d, promises to be one of the most important religionvonventions ever held in America. For some time past a committee representing every State in the tnioii, as well as Cimaila, Great' I'lrithin and Frame, has been busily engaged' in pushing the preliminary arrangements for the gathering. The convener of the council is Rev. 11. A.. Boardman, D. I)., who was elected to the office upon the death of Rev. Dr. Elias B. Beadle. There will be a great demonstration at the Academy of Music ou IVednesday.ev ening next, by the friends of the temper ance cause i reognition of the public services of FranCis Murphy, who for the brit two months has been conducting a very successfo temperance work in vari ous ehurcheiOn this city in conjunction with the temperance committee of the • Young Men's Christian Association. Mr. Murphy's subject wilt be real life and battle-field 'experiences. Henry Ward Beecher will be present and make an ad dress. John Wanainaker will preside. STATE NEWS. -1-The six weeks suspension of the nail mins reduced stocks 650,000 kels. —John Sheridai, a miner, was killed at rittion on Saturday by a fall of rock. -Peter Raclin was- suffocated by gas from an oil tt+k, at Tituatllle. on Saturday. ---Joseph - lytle, aged 10 years, was kick ed to death by a horse at Meadville on Monday. —George flutehinson, 55 years old, Committed aulelde at It rad lentil , tatting morphine. -The Bradford Era estimates the loss by the recent fire In the northern oil field at r_so,- No; —The .Erie car works give employment to six hundred men, And cover [Dineen acres of ground. The monthly pay roll of the Pittsburg dlvbilen of the retatsylvauL% Railroad amounts to $150,000. —.Tames Boyle and John Gallagher, coal miners, were Instautly killed Ilya fall °ems,' at Audearled. —A lionolio correspondent states that tho pipe line to-tortulriale at, North Bend will soon be completed. --;James carter, 18 years of age, was crushed in death in the wheel foundry at Altoona on Saturday morning. , —Most of the steel mills iu tho State are full of orders, ',bleb cannot be completed un tll the early fall months. —The strike in the' coke regions has be. come Metal. Dicpatchea from Conuedmillo state that no Moublo is anticipated: • .-Hos.l3ea EMai z ifikb ilioisixed Tetts•go papers so • -aaa. tat twooltaindai to the Militants boo that musty. • . ...The body a Anal Noma, s T y , Mrt, who itasppeared ftesa Atosesarn es Kassa tut. u Mead la rte Lealet_littrer. —Lewis Stople, Of Easton: 12 yearlsof ma, raptured bWof vesirel wittle o'er a fence eo Therssay, and wed to dam . The price of who is reported to be so low that the ratan Iron Company. of Masea.and It ebesper to bay than to mannfamare tL —A My-hoar waiting snatch closed in Brad ford on Saturday eight, an onaltneen" inaltiag DS sales and taking or the first prize. pzio. —A - nest of snakes discovered neat Pottstown was Mt:silted- by a EMU alined with s dab, who dispatched hineteen of the retches. —Geneial Kane, the " Sticktiii" re taitaty. tt wiling - bugs quantities of Laid to Sued• Lh settiets war the Owe named MUT. himself. —There are tied Deinoeratia factions in Lebtaoh county. One is marshaled by Iron. John A. stun and the other by Iron. WWI= ILiitlOSldell. —A land turtle was found in South Hanover township; Dauphin county. a few days ;co, by Y. Saul, width be nutted thirty years ago. • —Michael Kearney, an old man employ ed it the Gautier S'eei Works was Instantly allied on Thursday monlb.g .by the huratios of a belt -4llarry Elliot, of Karns City, while in a Et pt jealousy about his wife. cane very near tie ing Successful In an attempt at sttlelde on Saturday evening. • —;-The pay-of the men in the Uonnells villa coke tee rns has been reduced. and they threaten to strike unless the amount held. back Is refunded. • —Mr. Joseph George, a p inept citi zen of Irhlertown, was thrown ere sn-einbank ment by an , rnmanageahle horse, on tarday, and Instantly tilled. —The Pittaburg Cl,rfonide tea that the.lmpressien among the iron men In t t section Is that It would be better for the trade' to shut down until fall. well-to-do married eitizenof liar rtstgireiukupted to elope with a yonng wormer' who had tmqn employed In his fatally, bat was de tected and locked up. —A supper was given ,to retiring State Treasurer Noyes of the Grand !lota In Harden:mg 6n,.Tuesday alght. There was .11r . iurnber at prowl ir.ot gentlemen present. —Thirteen thousand tons of iron ore shlpprd films Spain. and-recently arrived at Bahl- more, 13 bring shipped to the Edgar Thompson Steel Works at Braddocks. • —Twenty-one hundred bands are em pioy«A at the different works of the Bethlehem-Iran Company. The arorage daily amount of steel made at these•srcrks Ir about' s•/O Was. —Gen. W. 11. H. Davis has issued a rail for a reunion of the surviving rsut.the One•humiretl-and-fourth Pentnivirania Regiment at Dolies!on on the Mh Instant. —A th - opositicin to remove the Beaver Palls Fife 'Works to N err Yora was rejected by the coca ho , :de:s at a reeent meeting, and they voted criLirge the works immediatety. —The survey of the Cherrytree and Al toona, Railroad was begin on 3tonday. It la to be a narrow guago mad. built by the capitalists of Al toona and Northern Cambria county. • , —Tames Hargrove, Esq., of Aimistrontt county, and Greenback candidate for Congress two years ago, now announces himself as a candidate for Congress In the Democratic party.' —The 3lonurnent Association of Sun bury has received a 'letter from Senator Wad tiatuNon expressing his Inability to be there on Decbratbdt day. In answer loan Invitation. —A. grand military fete is to be held at Pott this Aotum - er4onder the an.pices or the Vint Delendk,r*. Wine two 244 Vlnt.l4efeuders who wen: from Putt/n(11 , 1e only zlity are —The present daily production of slate quarr•es atemg the reughkeepsie nod. w England Italiieay. is 124 earloads: and this eau 1* deubled when the e. utpany is tvady to move the 'slate. —At Franklin, on Tuesday afternoon, (11:j0 %Vill;eh•, a yotlag 21311 Ms teens, broke 4:9 balls thrown from a Bogardus trap, out of a po , ,stble 500, nalim a Kennedy repeating, rifle, la feet the. —'f he body of Jocob Werrer, aged 73, a farmer of Prescott. Lebanon rti. Was found Coating in the canal near tbat mace on Monday morning. It Is nut' knowu bow he met his death. —The survey of a branch road from the main line of the Pennsylvania, Pounghreepsie and New England Railroad has been completed to the slate quarries stfrroundlng Bangor, Northamp ton county. —The Meadville Journal, with author ity for doing so. mentions thar lion. Samuel B. Dirk will be a candidate for renomination to Con greas. Ills strongest opposition wilt-he Dr. Rob erts, of 'l . ltirsvilie. —.Joshua Hutchinson hung himself in the tireensburf jail. on Monday. with .1; rope made out of strips turn from his shirt. Ile was impris oned for assaulting a Constable, and lift. - 1 been mo ruse for some time. —.James Dickson, father• of" Thomas DicksOn—Prsident of the Delaware and Dodson Canal Company. flied at Carbondale last week. in his :OM year. Ile came to Carbondale from Scot land fifty years ago. —A plan of Rev. Say& Hill, of Phila delphia. and John tyltay sod Edwatd flarltunn. prisoners In the Erie Jail, to overisfwer the warden and escav, was re. , ently frustrated by 3lrs. Staf ford, wife of the Sheriff. —Evati•Missler, a well-known citizen of Iteras county. dbul ou sloriday. De was Sheriff for three . fears from Is 71; Chairman for several years of the Democratic r•ourity Committee, and a member of the State Committee. —The Washington Reporter states that there seems to be a general at finiescence 'nail the counties of the Twenty-fourth congressional Dis• frifJ that Dun. Witlizinf S. Shallentfergner shall be tho.ltepublican nominee for Congress, —A. boy named Patrick - Malone -was hired by a stranger In Pottsville on Saturday to' procure tincture of citric acid. Sopa after the boy, lett the drug store-with the compounds in a bottle they exploded, and he was fret busty injured. large nom+ er of the hands of the Calmogatipla Manufacturing Corn pane lit work Friday. causing the mills to stop. The s rike was rause,' by the priprietor discharging several hands , because they bolg,gril to the Amalgamated f 71003.1 —A young man namell E. M. Millard, who has-Wen travelling through the c.nin ty obtain ing money front 'Catholic priests under false pre tences w,s arrested at Pittsburg fut Thursday night while making an attempt of this kind ou tiphop Trrig4. —Dave Richards-and Toin Thomas en gage.l.ln a pri.te tight, near Byda Park. on Friday. in Cite presenee of a corgi unitiblr of spectators. They !might th-s;.,:x!Oy. th, w ifk , of one being laid hand to'eacourag , her tituoranil. After:: routats the tattle was decided draw. —A special dispatch to the Pittsburg Cotorrner , ial-gaz , tte front Bradford states that the disastrous fir, in the northern oil. fields were c•atis rd hy a workman a tang fire to some hushes near h: w City. The win I was high awl' the , flames soon communieiced with the 01. wells. —A. E. Freston, or, Luken , ' rolling mill, Coatesvatle, Write. to Aratritan that lils greatsgratol father. I Pennock. established the fir,t rolling mill in Anierlea in 17t Tti sinl was called Federal Slitting 5101,1' and was Meat el on Buck Run, In East, Fanownehi Chester county. —.Tulin Erneigh, of Sarah's Furnace, near Altoona,' barrios! his initial thrnugb grief over the death of a you. Ile lal•rrs tinder the hallucina tion that ids stet has eonitnamied film to kW Ids •In fant.ebild. Several attempts that he - has made at this have failed. and for the safety of the child he has been placed In an asylum. —A reporter of the Pittsburg Diopatch hies liven .11i formed that the proposed tariff dem qt. Oration at Heaver on June 5 viill.protiatity not take place. It Is charged lc the. Grant nien that et bt Intended for a Blaine *boom," anal many Repair:t ear., sac that It witi be a Democratic deninnstratlon, while Cho Demurrals aver thatit wilt he a Republi- Can affair. —Mrs. Shoff, livina near Nefrs Island. In the Snsuoehanna River, took her 'two small children In a boat on Thursday to row where her husband was .11.11Ing. TM, heat struck a rock and the Manual', tellh.g the children to cling to her, undertook to swim a:More.. tine of them fell MT and was drowned. and she reached_ tho shore in safety with the other, hut much exhausted. .—ln the Iloffinan-Nolen case at Potts ville, on Saturday. a suit for warmth'''. a Isnstpone ment was outdo until Atonday. Miss Holman too• came very excited when this announcement wan made, awl was?with ditneulty restrained front mak. fog a (intone attack on Nolen in the court room. A former trial of the case was Interrupted by Miss Hoffman takink laudanuut with suicidal Intent. Pittsburg correspondent of the New York Herald. under the date of Saturday. says: Mr. James Campbell, - an employe of the Fort wayme Railroad, yesterday received a letter from his son Wltliam, whols now in Peru, which brought the startling news that another sun, dames. bad been eartur r d by the Chilllans In a raid. end after being subjected to various cruelties, had been tried and 'shot. GENERAL NEWS. —Three steamships. carrying 1,703 head of cattle, sailed on Saturday frbui Montreal for En gland. —The Nevada Bank,',at San Fraifeiseil," on Saturday d:eeltarged Keve u of Its leading em ployes. —Silas D. Perry, Treasurer of the State Savings Hank of Hartford, Conn., died swidenty ot.;s*arda.y. —Steel imported for nice M the manu facture of skates has been placed on the tree list of Canada. • —The Loiisvillb and Nashville Ran i-nal Company has whittled control of the New Orleans and. Hallman. , • —The shop of A. H.. Foxeroft, i Bm ton diamond critter. was broken Into on Saturday and rtitect et dinnonds valued at tZ,OOO. —Dr. Chester. Martin, a leading physi elan and preintnentliaßon. died suddenly at Chat ham, Va., on Saturday. of paralysis. —Gabriel Parillo, 18 years old, was fa tally stabbed In !Sete York on Friday Melt by An gelo Capello, and Capello was arrested. Tames Tobin, a Chicago stevedore, while drunk. on Saturday Mght kneetad down tits 17-year.old daughter and stamped her to death. —A jail at Crocket, Texas, was set on Aro from within on 'Friday. John Winter, a plia °nor, la thought to have perished In'the dames. "I DON . T IVANT THAT STUFF.''—is what a lady of Boston said to her hus band when. be brought home some medi cine to cure her of the sick headache and neuralgia which bad made her-niisemble for fmirteen years. At the first attack thereafter, it was administered to her with such -good results, that she continu ed ittkuse Until cured, and made so enthu siastic in its; praise, that she induced twenty-two of the best families in her 'circle to adopt it as their regular family medicine. Tina ",stuff" is Hop Bitters. lAra Shatisatestb. JAMES MoCABE Has remit to _ CORNER MAIN ik BRIDGE-STS. goaklag It Ids Zeadquarters FOR MOIG:E GROOt-M3. CASTIIPAID FOR • BUTTER, EGGS, tte. GOODS SOLD AT THE LOWEST LIVING RATES. JAMES McCABE. TogniHid*, April 2,1, 195011. HENRY HOUSE, COR. MAL.N7 & WASHLNOTON-STI3., FIRST WARD, TOWA N DA, PA The Proprietor of this favorite Tioo+•e, duly thankful for the very liberal parroi,age received lance its opeulug, again invites the artentioa of jurors. witnesses, parties. attending the Coons. and others visiting Towanda on bus:nose or pleas ure. to the great Inducements he is again able to offer in superipr access:must alio= and liberal prices The housi, furniture, bedding and other appli ances are first-class, a , :d entirely new and fresh throughout. He has just finished a apactobs, fi:e•prr•nf, brick barn, pronounced the finest In Northern Pennsyl. Tanta. and Is now readF to supply his guests and all others with safe and saperior stabling. Boarding by the day and week. Slagle weals at all honrs. , The Hoeg will be Well supplied with ple;saut And attentive Waller!. WILLIen HENRY; Towanda, April Z.). 135,1 CHAS. JOHNSON & CO.'S Foundry & Machine Shops, TOWANDA, PENN' A We claim to make the BEST 6IRCULAR SAW MILLS; In the market SHINGLE MILLS- 7 -LVPH MILLS Patnell'l4 ImproFed Feed Cutter, Stroud's Keystone Fire Shrinker, Griswold's Boss Water Wheel's, Ward's Patent Buckwheat Cleaner,. &c., &c., &c. ENGINES AND BOILERS Slade to order. lt,trilrtug or all kinds done on stßat nottr.% SaiWaetion .guaranteed. Alsr, manufacturers of' and dealers In 'JOHNSON'S PATENT Polishing pin 4 Fluting Immm The best in the wurht. Agents wanted. JOHNSON ;.t CO. Towanda. April 15, IS,O PERRY DNS' PAIN KILLER IS A P-VBELY VEGETABLE EBBED? For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Use. PAIN KILLER alleitl tuct,ling to fio.• each bottle smite cal , • S. ct en en M. encne inexperi mend Aandit. tAIN KILLER '" a Co u r g O lia, f CI S * I c irto e , inrrtura:l) . yaentery, Crampa s ati Bowe/ tamp/460a. - PAIN KILLER Li S ou - a for l irea Sl S ' l r eTt m iteti' Sick Headache. rain In the Buck or Side. Itherizontiont. and liieicealgio. PAIN KILLER 1 1.1;itifi:E0-sfriPir rt Mims •Pevde rthejr in tit oa t ,,s o f Nroines, Coto, Sprainv, Severe Burns, PAIN KILLER the ..-en.trta and truricti friend of the ilieelutic. Farmer, Planter. Sailor. and Infect All claFre r e viwiting• a medicine always at hand; and sa fe /3 Internally or externally with certainty of relief. l ..tie family can afford to be Ulthout thfg In valuable in the 1r , r0.0. It. t‘rice brings it ritltin the reach of all, and it will - 41..nuallY cure Liriv tunas Its cost In ,locione Leas. eft by dr4gglatt .t 411 a aattfa. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Provideiese. R. l. Proprietors. , Agricultural. IViachinery '; ~ _ . ~~~ R. M. Welles, Towanda, Pa., Wholesale and Retail deakr 111 IMPROVED FARMING IMPLE MENTS AM) MICIIINERY: WIRAD TRUE CHILLED' PLOWS, Gale Chilled Plows, Best Reversible Plows, Adgato and Enterprise Churn PoWers, Corn Shelters, Farm' Wagons, Platform Wagons, Buggies, . - • Feed Cutters, Grain ; Drills, ACME nvEIIItING !ABBOT AVD CLOD catrsEza, Bullard's Hay Tedders, Leader and Gale Raktt, Tompkins County Imported . Cultivators. Slowing Machtnes t Keapera, Now Sultys, Sprout's Hay Elevators and Harpoon Forks. Liquid Paints, mixed ready for the brash. of hest brands. SIX STAR HYDRAULIC CEMENT. ate.,lm. Call and see iny stork or sett] for circulars and prices. °Mee in C. , 09. Cent Stone. Warehouse directly In rear of alma la the alley. . R. 3T. Iti ELLEt. Tolland.", March 11 1 1880. • ' AIFNUAL MEETING.-The An anal .ceder of the Stoekhotders of the !WAVE 1.1.51C.* SULLIVAN' E. S., Ca for the election OrPresideat end rttremon; mad for the tradebettoci of soup other badness es may EMU be. , tore them. %die M 44 sterile aloe - of tbe Cims. peer. ho 'the Borevgb of Torrzotte, mowzry..- N ESDAT, rAg, O. it id o'clock A. 3f., - • or. A. B %LEWIN, Secretary, 4oursade,. Pa., .111.4114. Mao. NOTICE IN . PARTITION. Stata of Penc.lll tegit,ty Braimed, ft: To( ivorge Cornett. Phoebe Cosine , 11 frisw Phrr be Dory). Matinsh"Cornell Dow Itannah an residing In Mu township of LitelWd. Bradford Cott:D.j. Pa.; Jolla Ann Cornell teas Julia Ann Merrnith "OL Belmont. Allegany Gf' azaty. N. Ti; Phoebe Spear. ream of Mattilaa Of ToMpitins Countl, Y 4 Mat) , E. Lynch, intertnarried with C L Lynch.f Ithara. Tompkins , Co. N.Y.: A : yMica B. Carr and .Fetes ft. Carr;reshltagar. Ithann. Tompkins Conn tr. N. Y.. and .;'Wt Carr. `ltending u L 14, 1 61. Broome COC!*II7. N.llo—pimse late"notire : Whereas, at an Orphans . Coort.itseld Tonrindw.• in dad, for the sold County of Bradford, on the 15th .417 of April. A. D. anon. - perm Use Hon. Hugh K." Commin. rpm.dent Judge of the said Coati, in the matter ot the *loathe of Moses W. COrae; do. ceased, the petition:of John Cornett, brother of the said Moses W. late of the .L4errnsbip of Li teh neld CV:). deceased. was presented, liettiar forth that ; • said•Mottes W; rOresell dEr44. on or about the day of Septemisrr. A. D. intestate; and,leasing neither favitt n , r mother surslritig Aim. bat, basing' Vito:het* sisters. children and lineal descendants of sitters as (allows; The petit:otter. tjohn Cornell. resicilag at Barton, Ticga Contity. N.Y.. a brother: George Cornell. brother: Phoebe Doty. widow of . John S. Doty. deceased. sl!der: Datatah Parks. wire cf Moses Parks; !incr. all I:residing in the Lown.,:i.dp of Litehneld afetesaid AIM Merrill, wife of Ahrahani Merrill. sister, residing us DelutOut. Al- Srkan7 Phoebe Spear.'.‘tf Mathias Spear. deceased. sister. residing at tit. - o - a. N. 'f . the following children of Jinn (Cat- rot;) Cur sod Atsrourn Cair at'r bastraind:r.t.4t.ri, both ranw dt:thased. to wit Maxi E. I..,stutt, tra..r.• married with taar - oes Lymeht Gitriekt Cur, Alan , ort..B. Cart and , Peter E. CUT. teitdirag sad Carr, rea✓Stag LWe, Ittronne'County. N. ' That said dssst-edent. 51 , ./tsei W. dled 5e12.,1 In fee of and In a i s r pas , „ e ; or land. actuate in the ts..wn , hip of I , st.".hteld. Cc , fidy and State atoresa , l„ bltossl,l st e ,,,,,rits e d as -0A,3. lenals : • Be:Tinning at Ai nrd1114.4,44: vdner rife wid 16; are) to :Le of the fate Charles Kinney tot: th, t.. G-sen oat: , 2".-3rdl=g to the magnetic Tar - Ist:on Stay 14.1 - 411,,,;47 z. 14 rods to a pock& the &es's - beast efe.ner or sallf(flian ee ney th , :nee north a. (;144:;:nany run .5 . % rods to a sate the soatturc-t. s-ossn-r ..ahat,'",ras the Aral) Sherman lot theisen eta a< ,r4:062i11y r. aincg th e esotts' s.,f the 441 , 1 A rat,-testate .o: €o r.ele to a pos.: the sP. - ,uthea,st corner of ..aid nherman lot in the, we‘t . ;los. of what was tl. - sts.l K. Walker lot thenre swath- .14.4 unglnally rots 10.riroCts to a alate the nor:hr.:l-r eornt , rof Lorefand land 4, by'the-north hest of tat. welt a. onzt natty run 7.10 1143 to a etake its( ace 11 , 4:11 as criginal.y run Na rd., to the, place siT be ginning; (.07rtillnIng It 7 acres anll . 7.'s ~erclae, Insire or le Si. PROPIULTOB A I.: 4 )-4),1-s. oth-r lot of land. tail - mile in saki Ll:ehtiehl town-111p. lion't:ded north t y iarh, . ?AO: , :Inds of Hors 'Slone south ty LifiA1 , ,0r .. 5.2.,,,-.lel • Lee. and west by lands t.f uel P:Woleezt rontatrilng :11-ne-ret..mure Thatruo ur rah:at:on of said rtate bar. • tog he,m m 34, Eour peti.loner reqmssts- ths. ("ours: to le pieiard Waward an Inquest to make reartithr: of the .pienii‘eS store-sald to and among the r,:ptv sentatlves of :It, gatd In:estate In each manner a:A In such proportions as by the laws of this - Wealth is directed. if such partition can Iss. without prejudice to or ,po}4ing• :he whole t het If such partition cannot he made there Of. 'then 1,, w5me..310 appr4l3o the same, and 'to make return of their pro,erdings aceordiog to tzsv - . And where. 'Open th- said Curt, on doe proof and nni of • the pretrit-e, , . awarded an Inquest ihe pitrposas ar , re,al,l. We therefore commatirl 'bar, taktr:g with ymt seven gtx , tl and Lawful to-n of yOnr baltiwlek. yon go to Aw , l upon the pketnis'es aft - met-aid:and there,•ll, th e pres.snee of thelpart afore?ahl, f-y you to he. warned (if upon' -hell,tt warned they ne . present), and haring re-,peet to the true valUmtion thereof and rif,:a the os,thc 'and at:trig:4ll , 2ns of the ta:d seven gt.,rl and lawf::: men. you make partiticm to and stung •and legal I .. .4 , r.:sentative . i of the sail such - manner and La- such pr.portl,;:,, , 'a, by the laws of tht. Colutftonweatth is - d irect, , ,l • t f can-be-s., parted an : d.vided withZert or 'spotting the whole: aitd If such partlt'en ;Ann , : be made thereof without prejudice to or the *bole, that cause the said inquest : 2 , Inquire and .7.3eertt4l: whether :he tratne.,•,lll I'L'lllehliY.a.-' o u l Ole!st.iti . lnoie that. one 'of the sal - 1' heirs nod repte.serhativ,s6f tie said itite:dato. without' l.r. l•slice lad if so h..nw mat, It will as al'.•:,sani accotoMOdate:d,- s s isri , dr.z, ea, ~ a rt tseinds, and returning-a ;lust Vs' oat i o n ot' the zayne. Bat)! the sald,intiuest you tti su•nuonesd as aforesaid to wake the said partition or . - ah1a.:4.1, shall he of opinion that the premises af• real.l With the .1-I,llrte•tianCeS.eatirkg parted sod as to accommodate more _than one. Of ties said heir , anci legal representatives on the said ...tat-, that then you cause the inque,t tos ante thr vt bole of the sahl real estate *Rh the. appurteriar—s. having respect tot he true valuation. therevt it r- - ably to law. And thatltte peitloco or valnatHa so made V.,13 distinctly and ~,p,„,;)s• have before our =aided u.igt.t at Towanda. a: au Or phans-CW.2r: be held on the daa•uf se.s . 4nis th• reof, after such inqweri Shall - be mad, utirler your I. ind and seal, and under the Lanai' and Leal. of thi,se, t v Ith,, oaths or settrmatioos you shall n.ske such partition or valuation and Lave you th..a and there this. writ.. Withes:: 11,ig,11 Curainin. President of cur !'said court a'. Ton anda aforesaid, the ill:it day of ' April, A. r): A. C. £111,131E, Clerk of Orphans' Court. • In cantor:nity uith the aly4ve ord,r, 1 hereby glv.c tne- algwe natne'd ant all 6*.tfcr per,4_(,),s lute , eszed. that an inquest ail! l,v b<-!l th, ate. oh the prentt,e,,ur. SATURDAY, 41:N E. 19th, A. I). 1 , ,5(), at II Wetc..l.:, a. 31. O. 1)1.: Shetiff. RtCEIPTS: AND EX PF:.:SES of C,.l , .enbla !Lim! In Iprti 73l b, l'•50. • - t:ECELPT:.I. • . . Treasticy April 1.4.1,79 11;4 , 7.1 71opli,a.t4z ' - Fion, • ' .._, lR e l dtLuria! 11. 1111,-v. 'Back r..adt;.. - x - collected Pant for rent hall-- T0 ,, T1 clerk - O. " .1 If. remtaisston,r• ennui»intit:r .I.u.ll'orq • t'olloctor, S'aNehers".,::lfl etc:...., Tn Pr. thononiry For ' • l'cr Wank anti I.rt'lv, - • arty.. at t.;I/dibg en:T..4kt! ~ I pport or IN .or Ti'oxo tax eV-Ler:I:11m , N•n•e% bursa' 1411 nice lu rycasury ) A. Aildlt.;rs •.1. If. AVATKINS, i S V. V. ‘ll,le.c.A.N.Tonn XTOT iCE',—This my. eleventh sea , Su Tou, , nda. I :wain r 11 . 4 - for 511,3 , 111 - 1) 111 i; PLANTS, romptl,lo{ mfv., "al tinii!.ll , , at-o. i ialgl tmelt of {-.;.:•g Kititl,o4llt I N‘i iSr.s. .18 at I cad and examine-i.t0 , 1; acd rtala ..437k1 CalAkage Plato s hYwr.2,lly. ..they v•afetal.lft pant. to their sea on.-, ".; I. or brirrh. AMES C. RVECG. "rlll..iirv9, Apr11 . 2 . .1, ISio-In2. A. BINEALY.SMITII, BOOKBINDER AND DEALER IN ,SCROLL SAW -GOODS at 1 Zl' 1:%4 ',fox d are prompCy. N >I..K math t ord.r and trarraNt(d " .AMATECTZS' SUPPLIES . Tltts,sl . rat tm C.': my hu=ll:' sis cent' cem WOODS. SAW BLoCKS, (LOCK MOVEMENTS, &c., Cue-tautly nn Land. and for g:fle lowa prjePS tbAn tlsetthere. 81.35 W , RTII OF DESIGNS FREE FoR 81.00. Sca I for pr ee lists. 1. ItErt)RTETt 11 . 1.71L.1),1NG. . 44.'9.80. TOWANDA. PA., P. Q. not . 13 • , and 'evils, and restop s the patient 1 ,, a porter: fy nem y ,condition h ity . lind mind. no raptil/y !Goma log detnaint rot:thls medicine and our largo 'Alt , In c. rm.ineatc. Is Indeed ',efficient eviticuer itt tts gstaivndarity. IT HAS Perfe,otly NO EQUAL Harmless. It can be used any - time wit/tont ,•fear by the tu,t , delicate porrons. No matter what the ailing, may be given to chl' , ,trenwfthi,ertect'..arety.-8, bad remits follow its use, doing no,p,,ilde injoy. •Asa ndhl Ttnlitt, Ofltio al,3Varlye- ;ma 21,..rit2:e•• Inytgorant lt Is' Int}niteilf stye' it,kito any linoNa renteds fur • Mu tarfppa Fererg, • 17•+iCti Jounair , of ReNtt,sa , • , s. • Mmutitl I>cl+Ttaxi•i+i,. + ' :, l ick ller+•lrich.. Con xt Bit • :Read followlrg , nines,of• persons an.l whlely linawn. who tkodif the Iro•nabl."ptor , ' , Hem of z..IMIIONS 1..1‘ 4, ,ER REGULATOR i2R MEDICINE : /Hon. AleZ. :Hephenv; John W. lleckwlo.llhMoi , of Geoigla.; G en. John It. (lot. deo., iF. S. sr mi. or •I( on.; John 41111, Shorter, Rev. Bislom rivree: 1(111, i 1 n. dato C. Brvetlnrldge: Prof. David. Wins, 1,). I). IV flram Warner,' Chief au.tlee. or Ceorgla; Levi la Wunder. A.sVI r. M., I'lol,, many other , from whom wii have leuteri cominvu!. log upon this medicine ia a moat valuable hoax . - hold remedy. t The Cheapest, Purest find Root Pamil:l Chit in the World. Original eon: genuine. MANUFACTURED ONLY - J. 41. ZEILIN Q. CO.,Phitadelphla. IPrire. "'Rohl by all liiugglslA. USQUETIA.NNA CoLLEoIATE IN rTiTt.:74t.—SOrltig Term will bel:ln NONitA Y, _APRIL fern. ' , lasi% for board, tultioa and furnished' room. from C7f," to els° per year. • Vor eittdlogno or further particulars addre tbtt . *Panellist, EDWIN E: QUINLAN. A. 11. TowillMis, jail. 16,4180. ettof. f•il • '2 =I 4- `>6.3 43 31 4•I 56 36 r , 4:t 7 2.4 13 " 1 .1 47 24 1 '3; le, '1 3:7 41 6 n , ) 870 72, 60 1 . 110'1 t ;1,612 32 cw ilbvertis'cmcuto. 00e. Al' qll line of TESTIMONI .aIs are recelt , d every slay Iry the .prs primor. of 51. )t ,, ' , S I.lVEtt 111131*1.. - TOP, Irmo, rrnmn, nf edttPatlott an4l mnan!... tunic, from 411,part , of the country attling . Ito.the unmiferful ~r'• tlve prop,rttes of illk great nunthnne. N. other preparati“rt t.nt eihttitt Oh.covered tr. o 1)1- SP4SIA. U