tadforti eporter, • • .1 -CLIALS. E. MAIN. LOCAt *SATO& TRwanda, Pa., MET ;6, aft. ENTERED IN THE POSTQFFICE AT,TOWANDA AS MAIL MATTER OF THE SECOND CLASS. LOCAL AND GENERAL. The expiration of subscription is prf'qt ed on the colored label.. By noticing the date every subscriber ,can tell when ibis paper will be stopped unless the subscrip tion is renewed. • • I . FRANELLN's Coacerl, May 12th. „, You can get the most delicious of Soda Waters at FITCH'S Tim Baptists of this place expect to "411" a minister at no distant day. -..FlTcit's Ice Cream Parlors have been refitted and are ; open for the Summer now campaign. i . TILE Pennsylvania Reserves will have their annual re-union at ilarburg in July neat; - Orrn *merchants all have their ;counters filled with tine stocks of spring and Bum mer goode i . r Jumigiso rope to excess is a very dan gerous pastime for little girls, andoome times results seriously. 3fontEr is erecting a fine resi dence in Alha, on the site of the elle burned some time since. VIELE'S new 'grist mill, on Canton street, Troy, will be ready to begin grind ing the latter part of June. This, Thursday, being AScension Day?, will be commemorated by appropiate vices in Christ Church, at 10 :30 A. M. OUR , Burlington correspondent giver this week a description of the work already done on tho Poor-House building. THE man who will tie his horse to a sh uls tree call him any name you choose which may express your feel ing,. AN old resident informs us that in 1828 there were betWeert Ulster and Monroe ton, sixteen distilleries. Now thkire is nut one. AN unoccupied bouse, in Burlington, belonging•to .J,Amr.s WEISLEY, was totally destroyed by fire, on Wednesday morning of last Week. / Cuuncu of the Nles4iah (Universalist), Rev. AVNI. TAYLOR, pastor, at 101')A. subject, "The NI inistry of Reconciliation," m., "The End." .10IIN KLINE has purchased the interest of ;As partner, L. D. BOWMAN, in the Fu-si, Ward Market, and - will hereafter conduct the business alone. 'FIFE next meetim, of the Northern Tier'Poultry Association will be held at Opcia 'Rouse, Troy, on Saturday next, April Bth, at 3 o'clock, P. W. T. bAT.Y, of Leona, has been fixing over his mills sd that he can use water p.kver :in sawing, or connect both his steam and water power together. Tim nail factory at Tpwanda is mak ing.as much noise as ever, and has not , been week at a time for more than a year.---:Tunkluz n Democrat. Jrnsox and MARY are, determined that the Towanda Chief !if Mice shall have a salary proportionate to his size.—Canton Sentinel. Just so. " But who is MARY? ATTEND Franklin's Concert, Wednes day evening next. . ELY MURRAY, of Green's Landing, will plant three acres of tobacco this season. He is now bpilding a shed 24x110 for its accommodation, or for hay, etc., when needed. THE Presbytei ians of Canton have pur chased of Miss JENNIE 'Fox the lot Ad joining the Church property in that vil lage,-on which they intend to build a par sonage. THE blown-up engine that was wreck-, ed at Rummerlield Creek on Monday, is ii ow at the repair shops at the Junction. It is t hard looking customer.— Waverly Advocate. . THE Leßaysville Adrcrtieer says that Mr. WILLIANt (I..tGr. has broken ground, preparatory to theimeetion of a dwellnig -house, to be o..eupled'hy himself,. in that borough. A BUSINESS meeting of the Towanda Musical Society s jil be held at the house of Mrs. Dr. PoirrEn, Thursday morning, at eleven o'clock. Members are request ed to be present. Tut: Erie Midway will have a new Time Table. next\Monday. The time of arrival at departure of trains from Elmira will not differ very materially from that of the present iwhedule. THE managers of the Agricultural Society will meet at the Secretary's fdiite ou Saturday, May t...t.11, at 1 o'clock, P. NI. The committee on revision of the pre mium list will report at this meeting. • FttANKLIN'S Concert, Wednesday even- 11.4 Ile%t - t ON Tuesday night of last week, a house belonging to .J. W. Nulon.s itl Burliiig bm, was dilstroyed by !ire. Td,e building nas known as,the 010 Nichols (louse," having been the residence: of W. Null father lIMIECE! TpEnv. is one public. gathering thai in cienient weather ; utter affects. We al allude to the young bloods who gather in frat of the church doors after evening .crvices to stare at the worshippers as they come 0ut..., Cti„ address a few remarks iu another coluncV, to ladies, in regard to silk's. Their stock is an immense one, and readers should be sure to call at their establishment kiefore making pur chases in this line. A TROY correspondent. says that a fe male fiend living on 31ackney street, in that. village, threw a liox. full of pepperin ! . the Nee OC a, little boy living her neigh -toi hood - Thiirsday. ' The Child suffered terribly, but, owing to skillful treatnwat is slimly recovering, • SAys the ,Alba correspondent of the Canton .titiai'net of last week : '" The firm of ItErNot,ns t Ev.t” has nearly corn- Pleted a number of omnibuses to be sent to the city. 1 3 F.Ts.n 24. C. .I.llEn cue and several other gentlemen were in town this week inspecting them." Wont: is well along on the steam Fair tnill On the MeKAv place, says the Can , ton Sentintl, hear the Carbon Run braddh j of the , Schrader. The proprietors expect t have the mill in operation within a rujinth's time, when the steam whistle % ill first be heard in these forests. Tim Canton Sentihq says, "we never • could conjecture the iise of PETER HElt r !CS elephantine brick edifice.at 3linne qua. But yve see how it all is now. It was designed fors wagon manufactory,' anal will tAion turn out thousands of the vehicles that-are to "revolutionize local trauspot tat km:" F l Lsr.wtiEltr: we give the statement of the ReceiptS and:Txpenditures of Towan daliorough fof:the year ending March 31;t, as "otliciaW compiled. It will, undoubtedly, Kai° interesting reading to the tax-pa.- - of pur A. It will be observed iledness of the Baru, 10 AT 11),... . 11. Pats ., -NEI', on Wednesday evening of last week, the Archery Club was re-organized, aLil the following officers were chosen Atvi4ent—Dr. C. IC.. LAUD. . I ire -3 ANIEs T. lIAT.E.. Sceretar y find' Treasurer—MANVlLLE PRATT. NEST Wedne . benefit of Frankl lAy evening, Concert for n No. 1. IN consequence of removal from our 'tillage, Dr. D. L. Pawn ' at, the meeting of Crystal Lodge, K. of IL, on Monday evening lest, tendered his resignation as Dictator and Medical Examiner of the Lodge. The resignations having been as C. M. /Dim was elected and in stalled Dictator, and Dr. S. M. WOOD innw Was - elected 'Medical Examiner. Tar. lIICHM9ND & VON Holm?. Comedy Company, presented the laughable Come dy, at Hamar Hall, on' Thursday even ing . last, of " Our Candidate." It is but Jus tice to say of this troupe that it is among the best that have ever visited our village, and should they conclude to again visit ns, they will be greeted with such an au dience as will put "standing room" even • at a premium. • Fins.—The dwelling house of A. BAX• ter ' at West Burlington, was destroyed by lire April 9th, together with most of its contents. The tire caught in the roof, and Mr. B. and family being absent, had made such progress when discovered, that it was beyond control. The furniture in the kitchen and in one sleeping-room, was all th'at was saved from the burned building. The loss is about $BOO. No insurance., LUKE DOLAN and sister:, while return ing from this place to their home in Her rick, ou Wednesday evening of last week, were thrown from their wagon near M. LANING's, in Wyse; in consequence of their horses becoming frightened and unmanageable . at the giving way of a por tion of the harness. The' lady was but slightly injured, but Mr. DOLAN received a number of severe-bruises and . a broken nose. =I SAYS a Canton correpiondent : "The Odd Fellows dedicated the new hall on Thursday afternoon. Notwithstanding the bad weather there was a good turn out. The gram' officers of the State were present and everything passed off- very nicely. The hall is ono of the finest in the State. In the evening JAMES B. NrcrtotsoN, the Grand Secretary, deliver ed aleettire in Citizens' Hall .L The hall was packed and the lecture finei-" DON'T fail to attend the Franklin's Concert. WE credit the Canton Sentinel with the first "trout story" of the season. And, taking into consideration that this• has been rather a cold spring in which to ger minate fish stories, we consider the Senti nen; effort not a mean one. Hero is what it published last week : " Some boys sot eel hooks one night re cently in Towanda creek, and caught a trout weighing a pound. Trout are rare fish in that stream." Attotrr twelve mileS, from Canton, says the Sentinel, in Sullivan County, is a sheet of water called 31erritt's Lake. It is somewhat larger than Lake Nephawin, and is often visited'hy fishermen in quest of sunfish, catfish, and eels. Recently the lake has been stocked with bass, and when thrde years expire, before which time bass fishing is not allowed, another attraction-Will be added to those which Northern Sullivan now presents to pleas ure seekers. THREE fast trotters left this place for the Philadelphia races last Satiirday; they were shipped in one car and reached the' city t!•e next morning. JOHN 0. WARD'S "Larkin," M. D. SWART'S "Josephine" and J. G. PATTON'S "Ripton,r The two Latter, "Josephitf9 '' and "Ripton," have received some training from L 'S. litsus nunv, whose seccessful development of trotting speed itiithe noble animal is well understood in this section. The races commence at the New Hunting Park, May 4th. • SAYS an Athens ) correspondent :—“A horse owned by .2C. C. Risnitt., of this place, chose to 1 / xick when the'Pr. wanted him to go forward. The consyqueuce was lie - IntlAdd himself off a Orpendicular wall over fifteen feet high, into the Sus quehanna river, sitting down on the dash board, which didn't hold him,. Strange to saylthe horse came out almost without any marks, but the buggy was a total wreck.. The water being only twelve or fifteen inches deep, the wonder is how the horse came out alive." HE Leßaysville ..Idrerti,er entered up on its second year with its issue of last we:•k. It 'celebrated the event by hoist tug the Republican State'Tieket, and an nouncing that hereafter it chooses to be numbered in the ranks of "stalwart" Reput 3 ..4drertiser. It ha: thist year, a bright , 11 edited and •xcell, dcome it to the ra i patty, and hope h m thousands :halt ; ler. ____ • Is connection itt fife Reading Room at Athens, (Atha,i are now being made to establish a Lib ary. The Gazette says ~_.l, that " Books b. ve been opened at the store of G. T. Eace. NBHACK, and lists are in-the hands of each of the Executive Committee of-the Athens Reading Room for subscriptions to the capital stock of the Athens ,Library Association, limited to 100 sharcA. , lAs soon as the stock shall be subscribed i fiar, a meeting of the sub cribers will be , , held for the payment of i'•'d on each . shate, and the transaction of the necessary labsiness th place the Asso ciation on a ..wkrking bads. ,THE ildrrliser's Troy corres pondent says : "A man by the name of Ni , .i.soN, while attending a logging bee oil the premises of JAMES GnEEN, on Ar menia :shuntain. on 'Thursday, had his leg brOken. The fracture was near the' joint. both bones Leine broken. Di. E. Tu.ter, who was called at a late hour Thursday evening, fears that the joint is injured. It is unfortunate that there was whisky. at the bee t for there is no evidence that any of the'partics were intoxicated, but many uncharitable people willattrib ute the accident to the frequent visitation of the jug." IIIN•rox of the Athens G rzetM, has be come tired of keeping out-of his paper tha doings in and about Athens •" just for the rake of the feelings of intimate friends" of those who commit misdemeanors. In the last (la:die we find the following, and we hope CitAni.gv will live right up to what be says ' " Last week we had two or thiee splen lid rows, an.l early on Monday business -opened in full blast. We have kept quiet all this time, hoping that no locution of them would be made, but as other papers are picking up the items, under our very nose, and making capital news out of them, we cannot remain longer quiet, and hereafter a full account will he given, re gaidless, of the parties concerned. If peo ple will get down in gm mud,- we can't help it if their names do appear in . public print." • FRANKLIN's Concert ONE of the queer things in business is the propensity of people to seek irregular mediums of advertising. The Cincinnati (lazette says it is, unaccountable the prices some men pay for sticking their advertise ment in irregular places. Especially is this so wheitycompared with their unwill ingness to pay anything_ for advertising in 'the regular channels. Advertizements, thrust into irregular and unbusiness-like places, impress the general mind that the concern iy of a similar character. But an advertisement in a general newspaper of first-class standing, carries the impression that the advertiser has a standing in his oviii community, which he is not afraid to sbuw to his neighbors, and that he does wit shrink from competition with the best of them. If any one is going to a place to buy, whether he boa trader,or buying for his own use, and has to seek dealers through advertisements, where will ho look fur them? To registers, almanacs, theatre bill frames, in railway stations, occasional advertising sheets or circulars? CM the contrary, he looks to the Most re putable newspaper 'of the place, and he thinks that advertising in these gives an assurance of the good standing of the ad vertiser and his business enterprise and of the sufficiency of his-stock. The following has. been published in the Athens Gazette for 'sonic time past, over the name of C. 0. LiuNTtnoros : NOTICE.—Any party who has borrowed money of the*Atnens Building and Loan Association, or Mutual Building and Sav ing Fund Association of Towanda, or Towanda Building. and Saving Fund As sociation, or Bradford Loan and Building Association of Athens . Township, may learn something to -their . advantage by calling on me before making any further payments to said associations.: • WHAT DOES IT MEAN ? PERSONAL. -Mrs. - JOSEPO POWELL is visiting Mends is New York. . .;--Mrs.'SYLVIA BLOM, of Alba, is recov erhig frdin a dangerous illness. —Return? McKim is confined to his house by an attack of rheumatism. —Mrs. Awn° THOMAS, of Alba, is re covering from an attack of pneumonia. , —Col. JuLius MASON, U. S. A. is visit- Jug relatives and friends in this place. —Rev. Mr. CaovrEa.r. Wm moved to Al ba and has charge of the Baptist Church there. —IMRE( MACFATIWE, Esq., has, so far recovered from bia recent illness as to be able to , ride out. —Mrs. R. C. MITCHELL and daughter, PEARL, of Wilkes Barre, are visiting Mrs. I. M. CAMPBELL. ' —CHARLES LOUGHHEAD, of Alba, left on Tuesday of last week. for Westly, It. 1., to fill aisituation there. —R. A. PACERS, was selected by the Democratic State Convention last week, as one of the delegates from this district to the Cincinnati,Convention. • - —Mr. GionoE W. GRIFFIN', the pres ent Superintendent of the Disciple Sunday School, at Canton, bas been connected with that school for the past thirty-three years. —W. S. VINCENT was /last week offer ed the agency. of the Niagara and Star, two sterling . fire insurance companies of New York city, and has since accepted the appointment. —Mr. E. D. FERN, formerly of Canton, a miller of largo experience and excellent reputation as a miller, has accepted the position of head miller at the City Flour ing" Mills.— Williamsport. Banner. —Rev. CF 11. WRIGUT, of Towanda, formerly pastor of the M. E. Chprch in this place, was in town this week, and . was warmly welcomed by his, many old parishioners.=Blossburg Register. —Mrs. J. W. VANDORN, of this place is visiting relativ . 'es and friends at Mt.. Mo rris, N. Y. She will be absent for several weeks, and to-day, Thursday, will be present' at the golden wedding of Tier parents. —Editor P. C. VINGELDER, of the Le- Raysville Advertise-7; gave us a pleasant call on Monday last. Even editors are not exempt from jury duty, and so VAN will help to dispense justice during the present week.. —Jude PARSONS; of the Argus, who has been confined to his residence by an ttack of rheumatism for several weeks past, has so far recovered as to be able to be out of doors. Whereat a host of friends rejoice. —GEORGE W. BRINK, Esq., sold the house and lot on Main street, formerly occupied by C. W. Puiwv, last week to A. 8.. FAYSON,- who, we understand, will soon become a resident of- Leßaysville. Leßaysrille Advertiser. —Dr. D. LEONARDFRATT, Win remove with his family this week, to Minim apolis, Minn., where he intends to make .his future residence. The good wishes of a host of friends here will go with •the Doctor and family to theinuew home. —The friends of L. .1i; TAYLOR, of Granville Center, present his name as a candidate for nomination for the office of Repiesentative in the Legislature, subject. to the appnoval•of the Republican County t Convention. ' —BF:x.I. M. PEcs, Esq., 'lms , gone to Clue nnati to attend the General Confer ence of , the M. E. Church, as a lay dele gate from Geuessee Conference. The General Conference 'meets but once iu four years, and its seisiOns usually occupy abont four weeks. —The following named persons have been elected officers of the Disciple . Sun day School, Canton : 'Superintendent, G Eouot W. GRIETTN ; Assistant Supetin tendent, E. Hata ; Secretary, P. 11. PRATT; Trea.S.lter, 11. H. SPENCER; Li brarian, ELI P. ItocKwELL. —Mr. PETER B. CRASS, aged 88 years died at the residence of his son, ADAM CRANS, in Litchfield, on Monday morning, of erysipelas. Mr. I:11Am was one of the old pioneers and was much esteemed by a large circle of friends and relatives. liis funeral was held at the M. E. Church_ at the Centre on Tuesday. —Says the Barton correspondent of the Owego Gazette: "' Rev. LUTHER PECK, our officiating Clergyman for the past three years, is tent, by the Wyoming Conference, this year, to LelLaysville, Ps. Mr. PECK had gained many friends while among us, who regret his removal. —Mrs. Dona,EsKIE Cout,' nAuart, wido7 or the LILO E. 13. COOLBACOII, of Wyboir, died at the Fesidence of her son-in-law, 11. W. NOBLES, in East Towanda, on Saturday morning last; aged sixty-six years. The deCeased had been in feeble health fur more than a year past. The funeral will take place this, Thursday. --Says the Waveily correpipudent of the Athens Gazette : " Mr. Siatox Km- NEI' has come to the conclusion that sweet home is nearer' and dearer than. Western scenes, and will postpOrie his trip thither. Himself and family, intend to make a temporary home at Burlington, Pa., the coming summer, and ho will cry More mort " oil the new Poor House 41oW tieing erected there." -'-,T. C. Cowes, I well known in this rpllace, and formerly in business, here, died suddenly of apoplexy at his residence idl.:lniira; on Wednesday morning of last week.' lie was a man of great business activity and enterptise," aird one 'of the most popu!ar men in Southern New York. A vely large circle bf friends and acquain tances will regret t learn of his sudden death. -11Annv : ;one of the oldest resi dents of Sheshequin township, died at his residence on Friday morning last. The deceased was born in Shesbequin, in De cember, 1803, and" was consequently in the 77th year of his age. He was the fattier of E. C. SID . ,w, of this place. The funeral took place on Sunda) and his re mains were followed to their final resting place by a large concourse of those who in life had been his neighbors and friends. —Ex-Sheriff SMITH, in attempting to get on to a moving train of cars at Troy, on Saturday last, missed his footing and was thrown to the ground, receiving sev eral quite severe bruises about his head and body, besides spraining his right wrist very badly. His injuries did not "lay him up," however, as he was in. town on Monday just - as smiling and jovial as though he had not come it t ithin about eighteen inches of being run ( over by the longest.half of a long freight train. —Mr. ICH ARD G LBERT SACKETT; 'for merly of this village,- but now in business at Athens Pa., was married last evening at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. DAVIDJ° NsoN on Main .Itreet in this -village, to Miss LELIA H. JOHNSON.' The wedding 4 w..s an informal affair, only members of the family being present.' Rev. J. H. ,KIDDER officiated. We ten der our congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. SACKETT will commence housekeeping at once, in Athens.—Owego Times, April —Rev. S. L. Comm, of Troy, Pa , oc cupied the Presbyterian , pulpit in this place last Sunday, and by authority of the Presbytery declared it vacant. Ills sermons evinced deep thought and cul ture and were delivered with rare 'elo (police, every word being distinct and ex preSsive. The attendance was much larger than usual at both services, and the general expression is that Mr. CqNnp; is an orator, and a scholar of .unusual ability. He has been successively an edi tor, lawyer, soldier and ministet, and has distinguished himself in every position. Ile has been staying iii town during the week and will hold services next Sunday. —Tunkhannuck I,?epubliran. . DIED FROM HIS INJURIES. FRANit .3lAsoN ' who was injured by the explosiot of the boiler Of the locomotive " Wyoming " near nummertleld, on Mon. day morning of last week, died Tuesday morning last. LARGE FIRE AT SAYRE A fire broke out in the rear of S. F. FELLOWS' grocery store, in Sayre, on Sat urday morning last, at about ten o'clock, and in less than thirty minutes two of the largest business blocks of that thriving village were in ashes. FELLotits' grocery store occupied one-half of one block, and 11. Ftsugit occupied the other .half as a dry goods' store. PORTER st; Co.'s drug store adjoining was soon destroyed, as was also BUTLER'S restaurant. Five fam ilies occupied the second floors of the stores, and several of the members barely escaped with their lives. - The entire loss will aggregate nearly $7,000; the insurance amounting to 0,600. LThe fire - is suppos ed to have been of incendiary origin. CONCERT. , Franklin Engine Co. No. I, are to give at concert on-Wednesday evening next., May 12, which will be a rare musical treat to the people of Towanda and vicinity: It will be given by the Quartette Club of Waverly, N. Y., assistedby -Mrs. MAR E..(3ltr.son whose reputation as a fine singer is to oi well known to need comment. Mr. HERM SINGE;IIIIOPF s IIfir Elmira, the celebrated solo violinist, and Miss STELLA Pnu.Lu's, the acbomplished pianist. They will present an attractive Programme and as this is the Frankliniti first appeal to our citizens in some time,, they ask a liberal patronage at their hands. Tickets for sale at and by members of the Company. Seats may be reserved at KIRBY'S on Tuesday next. MEMORIAL DAY. The 30th daY'of May occurring on Sun day this year, the Comruander-in•Chief of the Grand Army of .the Republic, has designated Saturday to 29th for its ob servance,.tlaroughout t {:the United States. Watkins Post, No. 08,. of this plaw, have appointed the necessary committee, and are making arrangententa to observe the day in the highly com'mendable manner that has been their ciOtom, annually, for several years past. i . PRIZE CONTEST IN DECLAMATION. A . prize contest in Declamation will be held in Mercur Hall, Friday evening, May 14th ; - the exercises, beginning at 7:45. Fourteen young men, students at the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, will contend for the prizes. An.hour of dec. lamation will be interspersed with a half hour of vocal and instrumental music, thus lengthening the entertainment' to one and a 'half hours.. Tickets 25 - cents. Tickets numbered.at KIRMY'S Thursday and Friday, up to 7 P. M. NAIAD ELECTION The regular annual election of Naiad Engine Company, No. 2, was' held Tues day evening, May 4th, after which the Company adjourned to C. S. FITCH'S par lors, and formally opened the ice cream season, as has been their custom for the past six or seven years. The following is a list of the officers elected : President—C. P. WELLES. Vied President—P.. SPA.LDING. Foreman—O. E. BENNETT, First Assistant—H. TAYLOR. Second Assistant—M. 13E.Nts. Secretary-11. GonE. Financial Secretary—G. E. FROST. Treasurer—TimatAs MEnEorrO. Pipenten—E. B. PIERCE and S. W VANNOTE. • Fire PolieeA. D. CooLnAuon and T 31En EDITH. Member of Fire Bo•+rd—C. P. WELLES ABOUT TOMATOES Dr. ALLEN, in a communication to the Athens Gazette of last week, has this 'to say about tomatoes : "Are tomatoes healthy? We, unhesi tatingly say yes, if used within the limits of moderation.' We do not think they should be used very freely- without being cooked. Th3y possess an• acid that, ex cites the salivary glands even to salivation in some people, and- a long persistence in their use may cause a spongy State of the guMs, and vises are reported where the teeth have become loose, and have fallen out. Such cases are quite rare. They are an appetizer, and judiciously used stimu late the digestive organs, caniing the food eaten to be better assimilated, and the body better nourished. Dr. Dm LEwis say that tomatoes should never be eaten without being cooked. We are not of his opinion, having known many to use them daily for a long time without injury, but the fruit should he fully ripe. The use of the unripe fruit is questionable, even if used as a pit kle, yet it may be used moderately with as little tisk as other ickles. 'ThObanishing of tomatoes from the list of fruits prepared by our house keepers, would be a severe loss to them,. as they are easily prepared and cheaply produced, and are quite a luxury to very many. . - • In conclusion, we unhesitatingly say to all lovers of tomatoes, eat all you want of them, confining your appetite within the bounds of moderation, as in other articles of diete" FINANCIAL. REPORT. AT the recent session of the Presbytery of Lackawanna, at West Pittston, the following resolution was adopted : 4 •The Presbytery has heard with great pleasure the Annual Report of the Presbyterial Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, showing that *1,882.84 have been raised by the several dlstriet societies! during the year—an increase of #1,150.88 over the contributions of last year. The Presbytery-mould cordially cominend the fidelity and ettleleney• of these Clitisttau women, and would earnestly urge upoti all 'our churches to form auxiliary societies -within their bounds." The Rev. P. H. Bun°Es was directed to tabulate the report and have it printed, with the above action, at the expense of the Presbytery, in one paper in each dis trict. Report for Year Radios April, IABO , I. I= Towanda church. aux Ovei ton .. Stewart Baud .1242 00 31 b 3 I 34 43 ~ --pit 96 1 Athena church. aux $5O 00 Willing Workers• Band .... 42 to Stevensville clinrch, aux ell 13 Youths' .511561‘.11 Circle 1 95 -- 13 08 75 00 30 00 22 69 17 65 10 92 ' 30 31. -.1803 6 Troy Church, aux Canton cbutcli, aux V.a,t, Canton church, aux Monrntion church, aux.. Sylvania church, aux.... Barclay church. aux =MB= Montrmte church, aux 69 ,Sti , optehrtuna Depot c'h, aux.. •30 .50 Mite Gatherers 31 04 Great Bend rhumb. aux ! , I.tw Mutely., aux.... Franklin church, aux Liberfy church, auX ... , . Hammy cbtireb, aux WILK HS:BAUR; fISTRICT {R liken-Barre, let 1.11, aitx..1.4.171 00 Mrs I...up's Band 4 500 -- V.IG 00 • Wllkom 11 Memorial c'h, aux.: t LOO 00 WhohoeveE N% 11l Band i r - ' - 37 00 Plymouth •church..aux. Kingmot church, aux.... .... . "AO 4$ Yuttug Ladle's I. IS 00 West Pittston cluirch,.aui.. Shickslatnny church. aux Wyoming church, aux Coalvitle church, aux 112EIDESIE Scranton. Ist church, aux 2d church. aux Lines ur tho Hones4alo church. aux lloppful Workers...;.. 1J11•kson S. S 1:41E0ot Barakat Baud Langclltie church; aux N1'11015(1 church, aux llswiey church. aux... QM The four tllst rte.; s attu rontr' ceuulaf Thank offei log._ 4 Grand tidal.... WHY THEY The Wyalusing correspojident of the Elmira *Advertiser, of al recent date, has the following to say about the splendid new grist, mill just edmpleted at that place : "The people of this section, are, and have great reason to be hilarious over the fact'of the succes: ful starting of the new and elegant flouring mill of, George H. Welles, Esq., at this Place. It is now complete in all it appointments, and at a cost of twenty thousand dollars. A brief history, your correspondent deems to be in order and of intere•t 'to thotie who may become its patrons. 0 the site of 'this structure stood the old grist mill" Own-1 ed by Judge lIOLLEI4ACK, of' Wilkes- Barre, a long time since deceased. Mr. WEI.I.r.s who - was man a 1 heir of the late ELLEN iVVELLE44 came into pos session of this, the 11pLLENTIACK mill Mr. WELLES concluded to build new, and also concluded at the Same time to be true to' his nature and erect a mill, than which none better shoUld - be found in the country or of More modern ap pointments. lie looked the State over for a model, and in the tipring of 1878 con tracted with Joillt T. NOVF.S de Sox, of Buffalo, N. Y., to buildla mill on the said site that shOuld fulfill all the require ments of the best "modern mill.' The said firm were to furnish the machinery, and do all the 'work ford about $lO,OOO - furnishing all -the .materials. Ground was broken about July, 1878. The Company at once struck trouble in the nature of quicksand, causing them a loss to'start with of about six hundred dollars. The mill was tO be completed in December following, but was not till over one year. The company' put in about $2,- 000 worth of rosoldnery extra from eon- " When" it . was ' pronounced " complete Mr. WILLI& miller started the mill, but to the great consternation of all parties omMerned, it was utterly a "no go." The wheels were entirely inadequate to propel thelmmense, machinery. The company taking the position that the contract was fulfilled and Mr. WastEs that it was not, matters came to a dead-lock and so re mained until in February last, 'when Mr. WELLES employed and contracted with the "Richmond City Mill Works," of Richthond, Indiana, to coMplete his mill. In the moan time suit was brought against the aforesaid delinquents to reco ver for the injury sustained on the part of Mr. WELLEs, and is now by rule of the defendants in-one of the highest courts of the State. March Ist, ultimo, JAMES AL BERTSON came bore as wheel-right for the :said Richmond, and has with several as sistants, been busily engaged with repairs up to the 20th instant. By removing, Changing, altering, and placing in ; new machinery, the mill now gives indication of groat success. Your correspoident paid the mill a visit, and together , with Alr. ALBERTsox looked it over carefully, and although not a judge, considered it, together with the snow-white flour it de livered to the miller (a sample of which in biscuits was not only seen but tasted). prime in all respects, and an elegant mill. Air, WELLES is now prepared to furnish the "now process" flour , to merchants, dealers, and all customers at home or abroad, at the lowest rates known to the trade. He has also prepared to do all custom work brought to his mill. In a word Mr. WEI.Las has conferred ou this community, as we trust, a lasting bless ing, and on himself a profitable invest ment. Now let the good work of improve ment go on, till N't yalusing shall become what her central position demands, a largo manufacturing town." Members Present—Assistant Burgess Kingsbury in the chair, and Councilmen Alger, Holcomb, Keeler, McCabe, Mon tanye and Patrols. On motion of Mr. Alger, the mirfutes of the monthly and adjourned meetings were approved as published by the Secre tary. • Col. Means .complained of a nuisance on Second street s between 'Bridge and Pine streets, caused by dumping debris, overflowing his premises. Referred to the Street Committee of the several wards. Philip Seebich complain ed of the erection of wooden buildings in the First Nara;in violation of the ordi nance of June 9, 1869, and of the several amendments thereto. That by complying with these ordinances, ho had brought ruin upon himself, and he thought it great injustice to permit others to violate the law. Onmotion action on the matter was postponed, On motion of, Me McCabe, the Street Committee of all the wards were directed to examine and report to the next regu lar meeting, as to the necessity or propri ety of grading Maple street, between Main and Second streets. Mr. Montanye offered the following resolution Resolved, That no work be done on the streets, not ordered by the Council unless it should become neces.ary between regu lar meetings of the Council, to cle'ar ob structions from the ditches or repair crossings, and such work may be done by order of the Burgess. Adopted. Mr. Lang's proposition to continue in the care of the engine house, steamer, etc., was accepted, the Council reserving the right to annul the contract - at any time. • • • Further time was given the Gas Com mittee in which to repo+•t on the petition of Judge Morrow and others for 'lamp posts• A communication at.d affidavit from S. W. Alvord was read by the chair, charg ing Policeman Burns with threatening and blasphemous conduct on the night of the 22d ult.. !Mr. Burns was present when the affida vit was read, and denied the charge. Mr. Alger moved to lay the communi cation, and affidavit on the table. Mr. Holcotnb moved to amend by placing the papers on file ; the amendment was car.' tied and the papers filed. Messrs. Taylor and Pierce, from the Fire Department, petitioned for a, new lock for the engine house, and keys for the members. Referred to the Fire De partment committee to report at next meeting. Councilman Montanye presented the claim of J. P. Kirby, Esq., for refunding $10.55 paid by him for building aide walk in front of propeity not owned by him. Referred tattle Finance Committee to re prt at next meeting. , Bills amounting to $371.23 ,were order ed paid. Report of Police Justice Young of cases tried and disposed of for the month end ing May 3, 1880 : April 14-13. Wanser, driink• and dis orderly conduct. Arrested by .Officer Dimmock. Fine r $3.00; costs, $1.70. Paid. ' April 21 —R. Kinney, fighting ou streets. Arrested by Officer , Dimmock. Costs, $1.70. Discharged. • April 22—Seward dloagland Drunk and disorderly. AfTested by 31oflitt. Fine, $3.00 ; costs, $1.70. Paid. April 22—David Coleman, drunk and disorderly., Arrested by Moffitt: Fine, $3.00; costs, $1.70. Paid. April 24—Mike Vincent, fighting. Ar rested. by Officer Moffitt. Fine, $3.00; costs, $1.70. Committedf April 24 George Sickler, fighting. Arrested by Moffitt. etllls, $1.70. I)is. charged. April 24—WhitfieldIeene, fighting. Arrested by Moffitt. C 9 ts, $1.70. Dis charged. April 24—John Ackla, fighting. Ar rested by Moffitt. CWts, $1.70. Dis charged. April 25—Nicholas O'Connell, drunk and disorderly. Arrested by Officer qurns. Costs, $1;70. Discharged. April 24—Sam Pool, drunk and disor- Orly. Arrested by Officer Burns. Fine, $3.00 ; costs, $1.70. Committed. April 24—Asa Pool. drunk and disor ,lderly. Arrested by Officer Burns. Fine, $3.00 ; costs, $1.70. - 64 SS :to 11 23 00 26 62 9 SO ...... . 1S 00 I:=!=I 137 00 The report was accepted and placed on file, when on motion the council. adjourn ed. J. KINGSBURY, secretary. - 75 48 1........ 102 36 3.407 28 75 12 40 ==Mll lEEE #3OO 00 #13:1 47 41 00 The following. named persons were sworn in as Grand Jurors : Richard E. Gilbert, Asylum, Foreman ; A. 11. Bul lock, Columbia ; George Crandall, Troy 'township; Frank Crosby, Barclay; Eu gene Gregg, Towanda Township ; Charles Higbey, Leßoy ; Thomas J. Howie, Uls ter; Leonard Jones, Canton! Township.; Aaron Keene, Standing Stone.; Henry Kirby, Athens Township; Hiram Knapp, Windham ; Judson Murphey, Warren ; Moses Miller, Ridglinry ; Samuel Oven shire, Athens Township • Miles Shores, Wpm: ; Levi .Sanford, Leßoy ; Herbert P. Stacy, Springfield ; J. S. Thurston, Athens Township ; Orrin P. Ward, Can ton Township. ' , The following licenses were granted : I=MilE f 215 45 34 OS 20 00 2000 - 292 60 ..... 12 00 4 SO 84! 67 ..X2.475 84 buted to De- QM ..xBB2B JOICE " TAVERN LICENSE. William Henry, Towanda Borough, First Ward. O/ H. P. Disbrow,, Towanda-Borough, First Ward. X. H. Seeley, Towanda Borough, First Ward Washington Pitcher, Towanda Bor, ouugb, First Ward. _ .k. 11. McDonald, Towanda Borough, First Ward. Thomas R. Jordan, Towanda Borough, Second Ward. . Omen Ktdlogg, Towanda Borough. Sec. owl Ward. E. •A. Jennings, Towanda Borough, Second %Yard. J. Morgan Brown, Wyalusing .Town. ship. John S. Thompson, Wyalusing Town. ship. Maurice Kellogg, Albany Borough'. Daniel Brown, Ulster Township. 0. C. Mills, Sheshequitl ToWnship. Vincent Baldwin, Rulgbury Township. James P. Strong, Columbia Township. George Jordan, Athens Bomugh. • John S. , Hinman, Monroe Borough. James .1. Hannon, Overton Township. F. 0. Lantz, Monroe J. G. Daugherty, WySoz Township. A. J. Noble, Troy Borough. Martin Crowley, South Waverly Bor. ough. Wilcox,P. D. W New Albany Borough. John A. Wolf, Canton Borough. Warren Smith, Columbia Township. Duneatiß. Kennedy, Wysor Township. MIKIKITAAT DEALERS. John S. Gri ffi n, To wanda Borough, :First Ward. • . COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS COUNCIL CHAMBERS, May 3, 1880 COURT PROCEEDINGS MONDAY, MAY 3, 1880' Jamas 'Cumuli*); Taimadia Borongb, Clarence T. Kirby, Towanda jlorough, Second Ward._ H. W. Noble; Towanda Borough, Sea and Ward. EATING lIOUSE. —Frank Green. Troy Borough. • • The Grand Jury diapased of the follow- . CMS : Corn. vs. Eiward Chilson—Pornk.ation and baatardy.. Coin. vs. James VanSleek—Malicious mischief. - • Com. vs.' Timothy Miles—False Pre tences. - • .Com. vs. John Cain and Cornelius Cain,' Jr.—Assault and battery. .Com. vs. Joseph F. Forbes—Larceny. ,Com. vs. John Ackley—Larceny. Corn. vs. Obed Vandoaer—Aggravated assault and battery. ° Com. vs. James VanSleek—Malicious mischief. District Attorney McPherson for Commonweal.b ; S. W.. Little and L. M. Hall, Esqs., for defendant. Jury find defendant guilty. . Com. vs. Edward Chilson—Fornication and bastardy. 'District Attorney McPher son and D'A. Overton, Esqs., for Com monwealth; Madill & Kinney, and 'Wil liam Maxwell,' Esqs., for defendant. Jury find defendant guilty , . - Com. vs. Jerry Vanoner and Edward Bates Disturbing religious meetiag. Corn. vs. Frank E. Arnold—Fornication and bastardy. None prosequi entered in each case on payment of .costs. Com. vs. John Cain and Conielius Cain, Jr.—Assault and battery. District Attor ney McPherson for Commonwealth ; H. F. Maynard, 'Esq., for defendants. Jury find defendants•guilty. Corn. vs. Joseph F. Forbes—Larceny. District Attorney McPherson and L. M. Hall, Esqs., for Commonwealth ; Madill & Kinney, Esqs, for defendant. On trial. In the matter of-the adoption of Carrie Lane as the child and heir of A: B. Cass. —Court decree that the child assume the name of Georgie C. Cass, and have an the rights of a child and heir of A. rB. Cass. Amelia E. Barner vs., George -,Wr. Bar nor. Polly Bergstresser vs. John F. Bergstrisser,—Subpuma in divorce direct ed to bait:owed in each case. . Florence E. Furman vs. Edgar M. Fur man. Clara J. Morris vs. Ira dorris.— Alias subpoena in divorce directed •to be issued in each case. John Hutt vs. Elizabeth Huff.—W. 'J. Yoang,,Esq., appointed Commissioner. Susan A: Teeter vs. Jam'es C. Teeter. —re. M. Hall, Esq., appointd . Commis sioner. 3lariva Gordon-vs. Wilmot Gordon.— A. Morgan, Eng, appointed Commis 'stoner. Catherine M. Hakes vs. E. S. Hakes.— Howell Howell appointed Commissioner. Mary J: Dexter vs. Benjamin E, Dex ter. Lydia NlcCatinon vs. James 11cCan non. J. P. Keeney, Esq., appointed Com missioner in each case. W. W. Merrill vs. Malissa M. Hall, .Esq., appointed Cornmissioder. George E. Bullock's use vs. Margaret Dann. Mrs. G. B. Bullock's use vs. Car penter Hogeland. S. N. Bronson vs. A. Bosworth, et. al.. .I. S. Holcomb's use vs. S. C. Ketchen. 0. D. Nixon's use vs. It. Wolfe.—Rule to open judg ment in each case. . Sarah Jordan vs; Olive Elliott.—Rule for a pew trial. - In the matter,of the tuiplication of -the. School District of; Towanda Borough. The order made .Tune 23, 1878, modified so as to authorize and empower said School Directors to, issue bonds pursuant to said order payable within a period not exceeding ten years froni the date of is suing of the same. . Local Correspondence. EAST TROY'ITEMS EDITOit RErgICTEC:, May, young, bright and beautiful, is here ! Vegetation is being resurrected, and Natitte is robing herself in her most beautiful attire. And, as if it were a sin to be otherwise—as it is—everybody seems to be in harmony. The joy and gladness of unfolding Nature is reflected in the countenance, and all go on their way rejoicing'. The spirit of progress is amon g; us. The farmers are preparing for, and have already entered upon a vigorous campaign for the season. Mr. SI ILES is on hand with some forty of the celebrated Pliam pion mowers, and will soon set the ball rolling. Mr. S. is 'fast acquiring the dis tinction of being the leading mowing-ma, chine man in Western Bradford. R. M. JouNsos is buildings new house. -We have a new firm. COLE & SuEr-, etin, having purchased the shop forVierly . owned by M. W. Dotx;E, are carrying oni the blacksmith and wagon-making busii: ness. R. E. s:rtt.Es has purchased the bosh stump machine, together with the, exclu sive right to use the same in several town ships. Homer is an enterprising young man and deserves success, and we think his machine is just the thing. - Our ingenious townsman and enterpris ing friend, IV: H. Memo:, has invented and has patented a ditching machine, Which is destined to do away with the old-fashioned back-aching mode of ditch , It is pronounced by good judges to be a "good thing." That means a for tune to HENRY, and a benefit to the world at large. Dr. C. W. CARRIER has changed his residence from East Troy to West Bur lington. which is more in the center of his field of practice. Rev. C. DODGE has removed to South Litchfield where ho has resumed his min isterial labors. Fe takes with him the kindly wishes Cif many friends id this part of the county. ANON. BURLINGTON ITEMS ELOTOR REPORTER :—Doubtless every one is more or less interested to learn something of the progress of the Brad ford County Poor llott4t, which is located at Burlin g ton.. There are some titty wen, and the requisite number of teams at work on the building and premises. The old residence. and other buildings were placed upon runners, and moved off the ground to positions where they can be made useful, Tho excavations are suffi ciently completed to admit of workmen Upon, the foundations which are, already nicely under way, rocks of-a ton's weight. or more, were placed at the bottom upon which rest the. walls. The brick-yard lo lated a few rods back of the ground, where they are to be used, is in readiness for brick making as soon as the daily ex pected Quaker machine arr*s, which has been ordered from Buffalo., Under the direction of Mr. ABRANI Fnis, the work goes busily and harmoniously on-- every week sn9wing a marked progress. Although it is termed - a poor house—the indications are, that it-will be when fin ished, one of the best houses in the county. Mr. H. MomEt has engaged in the mercantile trade in the- building formerly occupied by Dr. Taaci's drug store, and is astonishing the people with his remark-. ably low prices. The BLACKWELL Brothers are gentle manly and obliging, 'and have a handsome a sort went of goods, as also has W. 11. D. GREEX. Mrs. PROCTOR bas.engaged more eiten sively than ever in the millinery business and how considers that she is prepared to meet the wants of the most fastidious. The night of April 27th, a house be longing to J. Ar.3-Nlctiot,s, the old resi dence of his father, was burned. 4u the morning of the 28th ult. an un occupied. house, the property of JAMES WEISLEY, was burned. News from his place- of residence, in Cherokee, lowa, states the death of Lieu tenant T..S. KNAPP, our formertowns man. *- May 3, 1880. . , ATHENS NOTES Thi balmy breezes are hero at last, and to-day people ar6 enjoying them. Some have just commenced sowing-spring crops though many finished before the 'rains. Thu heavy. freeze Friday 'night does nut seem to have injured fruit, and the pros pect, is good for an abundance of all kinds. W heat promises a better Yield than we expected.during the early spring, though much has been seriously injured. Influenza and measles have kept. Our physicians busy, some . deaths occurring therefrom. , A fire occurred last week in Sayre,. de stroying two or three stores, supposed .to be incendiary, and loss only partially cov ered by insurance. Illrs. Dnut et. OVENEIIIIIE was. thrown from her carriage on the avenue, last Fri day, afternoon, -and severely bruised ebony the' face. • The accident was caused by the horse falling. . • Tile usual-complement left Ibis section for Towanda, Monday morning, to attend court 7 —perhaps less criminals than usual. The old-fashioned method of tiludicat - ing character, haw 'been somewhat lir vogue recently ; no Harm done, but some amusement afforded boxers. Don't ask any candidates for Legbilsitives honors.to do.writing for you when they get there. Building is progressing satisfactorily in the village, and all lines of business seem healthy and thriving. Sociable* and , festivals in abundance, with occasional lectures to illuminite the minds Of the people. The next - thing to ' be desired is a libriiry. TIMELY Cauxt%. ll --Gennine Hop Bit • put up in care paneled, tors are p amber colored bottles, wit white label on one 'side printed in black letters, and green :hop cluster, and on the 'other side yellow paper with red letters ; revenue stamp over the cork. This is the only form in which . genuine Hop Bitters are put up, and the sole right to make, sell and use them is granted to the Ilop. Bitters Man uficturing Company, of Rochester, N. Y., and Toronto, Ont., by patents, copy right and trade mark. All others pat up in any other way or by any one else, claiming to be like it or pretending to contain hops, by whatever names they may be called, are bogus and unfit for use, and only put up to sell and cheat the peo ple on the credit end popularity of Hop Bitters. • BUSINESS LOCAL. Children' Carriages—A fine hock at the 99 Cent Store. spr29-2w. Da- Our 'goods are NEW and nf - the BEST !4U - AL ITV. tikciciat & vouonr. rir WANTED !—A good Cooker. Ad dress WALKICIt 131i0THERS. Mltatl, Pa. er Croquet Setts—Vary fine for 99 Cents at the 99 Cent store. arr29.2nr. f 1" Try . our New JAP. TEA. Best in town. Dnenan & VOUGIIT. tlr Flower Pots, Banging Baskets, and Brackets, at ehe 911 Cent Store. apr29-2w. Ur - Provisions of all kinds, of the best quality, at IItCREII & V01:0111'8. Mr" The Pinot Stook of Bird Cages in Towanda, and lowest prices, at the 99 Cent Store. M' CASH PAID FOR PRODUCE at Oct. 30. DECKER & VOCG 111" S. Vir.Cboice TEAS and • COFFEE a specialty at • DECKER k VOUG II VS. • Mr Fora good, durable and neat-fitting call at F.J.l:q.Ol'S, opposite Seeley's Nov. 27-tt.' vir Old Clothes Wringers of all kinds aro now being repaired a few door: , north of the; Postr-Offee". Let all improve this grand opportu nity. " lw• tgr Clotfies Baskets, Lun'eli Baskets, Werk Baskets and Market Baskets, at the 99 Cent apr2.9.2w„ El= =PRICES WAY DOWN on Gents' Flue and Coarse loots at, 11.L'U'S, oppo-lte See- ley's Hotel L: B. RODGERS chall , .nges compe tition for quality Or goods and low• r Aces on Sash., Doors, Blinds and Sloldinhs, and a' building rua. terlal. Eauga-tr) 123 r The Largest, Best and Cheapest .11no of. Shoes for Ladles', Mls,=es• and Chlldrens• wear Is found at Cons krt's new store, corner Main .And Plne-sts., Tracy & :loble's Block, i aprCTS M" . COR. 4 F.It has the best wearing Shoes. ror Men, Boys and Youths• wear ever 'offered In Towanda, and at prices within the reach of all. Those unhappy persona who suffer from nervousness anti tlyt•pepsla should use Carters Little Nerve Pills, which are rna.le'expiesOy Lr sleepless, nervous, „lysivplle sufferers. Price cents, all druggists, W Honesty is thebest policy in medi cine. as well as in othe'r things. AYEIr SA RSA PAM I.LA Is a grnatus preparation of that une qualled spring 'Medicine and blood purifier. decid edly superior to the - poor run tations heretofore In the market. Trial proves it. or It is not the quantity eaten that gives strength, life, blood and health. It Is the I thorough digestion of the ft'sxl taken, let it be much or little. Therefore, do not stimulate up the stomach to crave food. but rather assist diger, lon after eating, by taking Simmons' Liver Rego -4:9 ml. 0121 Dr Persons desirous of obtaining good Boa Itn liY THE DAY Oft WEEK, will do well to call at the boarding-house of E. MCINTYAZ., one door north of Dr. 1). S. l'ltarr's. The rooms 'of this house have been newly papered, .paluted and furnished. The location is rfepdrable, it being near to the Court House and businesS portion of 4.49-14-2. the towu • ar GRAND OPENING ! jet . . M. E. ROsENFIE I I,D. NEW STORE NEW GODS NEW PRICES r The largest Clothing House In North ru Przin.sylvania. Most complete stock of seasonaltle goods, froth the nova to the lowesVgrades My store is Letter lighted than any / lit this county. ETerytody is Invited to call and are for themselves. May 6. M. E. ROSE!4FIELD. From a proinineat drug house H. 11. Waits:Eli& Co., Rochester. N. Y.—Dear Sir: It is now only three'moia its billee we received vont tirst i‘bipment of Safe Itenitilles. We have sold drugs in this place fur twenty years. and wo have 'never sold a proprietary medicine that gives ,nelt universal sati,faction as yours. especially your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, and Safe diabetes el We could met,t ton many who ha4e received great benefit In caves Of Kidney itifliculiles, Asthma. ithematisui. Bright's Disease. etc. • Respectfully yours.i SISSON & FON, - 4.112,-w2. Alexanilvla Bay. N. Y. ar From the banks of the Hudson : smvnenn. N. Y., (let. L'o, 1579. IL IL WanNEI: A: Co., Rochester. N. Y. —Gen airmen : A lady of over iievonty yearn of ago. In !Jailing , health ter over a year. has been. rp•lne; tt or fern Safe littler: on my,recommehilailon. She feels very grateful for thelherefit she has derived therefrom. and ..ays that lint Il she nsed It herstont.• aril could hear no Vl.getallie food for over three yearn. I believe It to be a rennin :peeler for din. JostAsr. j Mu. EDITOR : I wish to thank the ladles M. Burlingtin and vicklty. throng!' the col umns of your paper. for their very liberal patron age already bestowed un me, and respectfully solicit a conthon.nce o tlie, same. Dresstmaktog and .7411linery both dcm, on short notice. An n-ott ready fcr misty:nom when promised.. Promp tness and strict Integrity toy Motto. M. ANGIE. TUC !MULL Burlington, May 11.4c1 Clu BALM.—It cures Catarrh by ex citing discharge, not by dryl'ng it up. Tho appli.' cation Is so very simple akidLsgreeable tbat no one k annoyed by Its use. kits :the coming 'remedy'. A new Idea embraced In lELS"s Cream italm. A remedy of real merit, and Tail do what IS reeoni mended of it. Call on .your druggist for it and give It's trial. Fitly cents a bottle : 1 NEW Tema. June 5; 1579. MEARS. ELT linCrillEnc, Owego. N. Y.—fien !feelers: I have used your Catarrh Remedy. Cream Balm. and experi-nceil great relief. In fact it is the only remedy that gave anything like comfort from a distressing r.nd telusecnis rung taint. In my family I have found It gocti In colds Ai. feeling the head and nostrils, with my children Mr (Ahem The relief has been almost Instant. e consider It to be Invaluable for family use. Very truly, . ' H. • liminess Manager of New York Commercial A.irertfeer. • • aprs•lm. • • rir NEURALGIA - CURED by Dr. Bunit'S Neuralgia and Slot Headhe Pills, a Indite - mil cure for Neuralgia. Sick lldacho, Nor von. Tleadache, Dyspepsia. Constip* on. Vomiting of Blood. Paralysis, Palpitation of Ii 0 Heart, and loss of , Nervons•Ettergy. These Pill are a special preparation fur the cure of special diseases, And are Worthy of a Arial by all intelligent sufferers.; are harmless anil effectually cure all diseases arising from a deranged nervous system ; pleasant to lake. they dissolve In the mouth. Prepared by A. E. Bruit, M. p.. Scranton. Pa.; sent by mill to any address on receipt of price, SO cts. For sale by CLARK B. POUTER, Towanda. . Dr.' KNAI'T says: ••I have sold Dr. BURR'S Neuralgla nii Slek Headache Pills for years and they giro universal saDstartlen. . I ," A. K NAM', M. I)., " Pittston, ra." =ill MARRIED. • STONE—ANDRUS.--;At the M. E. Parsounge, Ca.t Cantou,on Tuesday, April LI, by Rev. 1"..1. Bun, Mt:. J. L. Stone, of Leßoy, and Miss Ella AndrUs. of Canton. DISIMPL-lIILD4:IIRANT.—At the residence of Abraham Is Ickes° y lb Wyse:, ,April 24th, lase,. by Rev. E. T. Dutcher, Mr. Horace D. Bishop' gust Miss Mary L. liinichrent. DIED. , r LEtiT.—ln Wysox, Sabbatilt morning, April nth, 18a0. atter a brief 'illness, buddeulY, Susan. • wife of Albert Lent, to the eSth year ut her age. The funeral ras from her late have oa Food ou Tuesday, April 27th, and was attended by a large circle of rebtives"and friends, who deeply mourn the loss of Ctituraniou, Mother and Friend. NOTlCE.—All.periona are forbid cutting. Timber on. the tooth of the late u+srd lilcGtoreru, in Overton' Tuwnship, without the written consent of the i undersigned.. raider the penalty ut the law. JOIIN 11cOOVERN, Executor. Overton, Msy ad, 18ao•tyl• • POWELL::& - ZO 11E1 DRESS PLAIN DRESS SILKS WI EIU SUMMER SILKS - In Stripes, Plaids & Cheeks; in all new Colors. - SILKS _BLACK --L, In greater bargainA. than civer before offered, IN ALL QUALITIES: _.- L FOR, TRIMMINGS_ 4 PEKIN STRIPES, BROCADES, DAMASSE and WATERED. SILKS,• SATINS and BROCHE NOVELTIES, in a great variety of . _ Styles, Col Ors and Prices, all of *hid' have just been received and ire _ . .now ready for inspection. • - - - • SPECIAL ATTENTION N0v 1 274 f To. their stock of WORSTED DRESS GOODS, which compriSes in great ar iet y the newest fabrics offered in the market this season. . Of THE RECEIPTS AND - EXPENDITURES OF. THE BOROUGH :OF TOWANDA FORTHE YEAR ENDING MARCH 3lgr, 1880, AS PER iTEMIZEi). STATEMENTS - PUBLISHED MONTH• - LY IN THE BOROUGH PAPERS AND NOW ON FIEF AT TILE BOROUGH COUNCIL Rpousi PAR-5T • Fire "department Stre••t labor - 41 • Tool,. repairs; nails cud utaterialit Teatultig Lumber Police Po'lce station - cum Etigineering.,' A uni tor - 4 Election. , .Town clock • Interest timid Overton 24 t 4 auderson, legal services J. N. Calif!, retaining fee John Carter. repairing cattle pound. etc. Auditor General. tai on loans of 1878.... [tarry Ward, witness fee; Wood vs. Tier° .1. 0. Frost's Sous. repairing office chair. .1. Calif, 3 volumes Purdon's Digest.. ' 11. I'. done, seyt he,and Joseph , Kingsbury, Treasurer. - To c..sh In Treasury April 1, 1879 • $Bl2 95 ; try orders redeemed Issue of 1874 Received of Collector on depulleate 1876..' 2.913 40 ,! Issue of 1376= , M .s:l' o tivate 18 - 9 . '.. 4,760 . - Isitie of 1978 - - ..., on sidewalk seam* - i F Pi 04 i I ssue of .1679 From exhibitions ' 114 00 : ,Issue of 1980 - From pedlers , ' 900 ' InMrest paid on orders redeemed, F • • rom Ones ', 36 65 i Cash In Treasury •- • Dr. Fr,,ni switch rent • Froth tlremens' badges Total Llabllttles "larch 31st, 1879. i , % ' Assets April _ lit, 1880. - Orders outstanding with interest thereon ,'. Cask lin Treasury 4 ' - W 6 4 1 ..I.N per report of above date... 47,249 214 ' f. Due and collectible on duplicate of 1879.... 785 43 Int. due on outatanding orders - .. 12.9 9G '4,l.auiliv returned on duplicates 1577,1878 and Orders issued during the year... 4,836 14 ' '.l k.-. 1-70, will h 0 501 d in June and am% paid in 447 83 • 412.215 38 : :Dui!. Irmo citizens ou sidewalks built 388 28 Orders redeemed during year, 144 - stated - .; Due on switch - rent ..35 00 . . In foregoing account.... p 8,003 78 . '. Ink:paid on o rders redeemed,... 181 32 OE . . IlaTanen tine on duplicate of 187 s at last . Aniount - of (jupticate for 1879 ti,iloo 34 annual reprirt .2.,919 9 Amount received._ .4,700 59 - • • • Amount received 12,813 . 46 ' - . Lands returned to counnisbioners ,65 00 114 1 ance due on Conanlssion.3 p.c. 101 96 • raruierations allowed by Council. [474 55 Printing notices til taxpayers.— 4 50 - 3 per cent. coin. for collecting...' ' 171 77 Total PROPERTY OWED I}X THE 110110Etill.—StationAhuse : Engine-house, basement owned by county ; 1 Slishy steam fire ic pine • 1 band engine, now : I hand engine, old .', 1 truck and ladders ; hose carriages arid fuel cart ' ,000 . reet. of hose, old awl new ; torches. heaters •stoyes. axes. etc.; mat . 4 folios used by Franklin and 3 ulna companies; street - tools, barrows, etc. ; 3 Cadges for officers and 53 for members of,!fire department. ' . ~, ....,... • .„.. . . IA ••. .."- . ---- . " . • th:R, .1. 11 1, LCOM W. If. JON ES 'A.I -W. HEELER,''.O Al. A. SNELL!, 1 M •E. STEVENS, - ATTE:AT—JOSEPH I'INOSBURT, Treasurer, NIAGARA tnited Statei Bonds, City and Corporation Bonds, District of Columbia Bonds, . Real Estate Unincumbered, . Lens, on Bond and Mortgage, . \;_ . Loans o n Demand, Caidi in National Park Bank, . t. Interest Accrued on Stocks, Premiunisjn Course of Collection, Interest Duo and Accrued oil Collator flu, Claims in Coursiof Adjustment, I ' rve for Re-Insuranbe, . Un ' ',d Dividends, . : . . . . _ W11i....&..V1NCE.1.T,,'Ac, , .TT, Pesto Thatiiiientis.. I Extraordinary-:. ; Bargains in I 12:!1:1:=1:!1:2=1 the NEW anal Desirade Sha4es. I=== They also desire to call S'l l .A. l l - MMMN'T le.34,end . ltures . 094 04 : A. Is. Dye k Co.. 3 axes and I stove brush. 718 00 A. C. Frisble. recording deed • 47. 57 HOICOIIII, St Tracy, printing 030 35 F. A. Parses', printing ) 141 78 , I). 31. Turner, printing.... • 1.004 00 , L. S. Hassell, insurance station-house..:. - 332 54 ! W. H. Dodge, Insurance station-hats° .744 45 M. 1.. Moody, use of well ! 105 70 W. 8. Vincent, witness fees, Frost case... 14 50 'J. Kingsbury. cash advanced on badges... 55 51 11. lisrses, Borough pub'non cemetery... - 74 30 W. W. lirownine. dan‘ageS to wife 4o 00 J. E \Ward. telegram, Water Co • 140 34 • !tarry Smith, carriage 'for Water Co 10 J. Kingsbury, secreiary and Treasurer... 50 00 J. Kingsbury, damages paid G. Bennett.. 2 50‘. W. J. Young,. bill of ! cost 26 52 , S. P. Whitcomb, 1 bottle fluid.... .. .... 1 00 ; Mclntyre Bros., 1 luck for Pound:— I 00 • F. T.. Fox et. at.. viewing Ward a11ey.... 15 00 Johnston & Co., Borough seal ! ‘8,6f036,! Total 8,1R5 30 (4,0.i0 CS ACcount With Collector Wickham. =ICC EMI 11.110 DOE STATSZAZWS' FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW INOIt4 rTANUA lin LIABILITIES. CAPITAL. STOCK, NET SITEPLUS, 'rpWANDA, PIMWA. SILKS • ••••••,•••,....«••••,•• ME ME Total 10 00 , 53 50 BE3 Balance due from colleetOrs without fur ther dineonnt or cotnteiggion Burgess A. lI:KINGSBURY t Town found' 1.. D. MONTANYE OF THE.; 1880.. -. Y 1, SETS. MEI TOTAL, - *1,551,776 ri $.52,14 00 291,737 13 1235150 Tor.AL, • $334,139 63 • . . . 500,0)0 00 . . 517,637 In -----$1,351,776 Lis - CI I 111 El 11 I i 2s 2 (0 7 25 3 50 15 00 :0 00 OM 2 00 83-75 500 50 00 2 00 2.50 00 4 00 7 70 iOO 700 4 ZS #1,6116 14 Cr. . 1100 00 . a5O ...:,033 00 ~. 4,172 23 ... 1,639 05 ... .181 52 455 29 e 5.640 sti r.,091 &3 3,014 91 ':6343 . $930,400 00 . 109,280 00 . . 8,500 00 23,500 00 . . 87,4843 81 . 100,600 00, • . 42,251 39 . . 227 09 . 48,59730 . 934:20 1!1!!!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers