DRIFTWOOD. i nom pox MUM 1 .Tames Pine; a veteran fox hunter, six ty-aix years old, residing in Marbletown, has killed this winter fourteen red foxps, one crossbar, anti one gray fox. Ha is probably the fox hunter in the coun ty. He has two dogs and hunts .4:rr long stretches of conntor,Tangingall over therhilla of Marbletown, across the Omni try to High Falls and rip Shawangrink Mountain as far as Lake Mirmewaski ; in fact, beihot the crass-bar fox near Palti Point, on that Mountain. Mr. Pipe has hunted 'for forty'years„ a portion of the time in Greene County, and for twenty three seasons he has bunted in this cone , ty. The hest year he came to Ulster - County he killed forty-three foxes, though at that time; of•crirrive, ihis kind of ani ase real leas mo, numerous than at present Last! New leer's Day h / killed three fox es. Mr. Pi e hunts for 'leaefure and re creation, he owns a "fide little farm in , larbletown,' . but he ‘rills %is fez skins and in that way pays for his powder and 1 siTt. Pine says, and he affirms with both hands that it is true, tbit•oue- day while he; was out bunting he shot a :fine fox, and as he supposed the animal dropped dead. .He went to him and taking out his fack-knife commenced to take off the pelt, so he wouldn't have to carry the car cass home with him. He skinned it down and then pulled ii over and gave it a yank in order to free it from the body, when the skin came off, and to the . great and inexpressible astonibhment of the " hunter, the fox jumped up and ran on at full speed, the hunter• being unable in his surprise-to raise his gun in time to shoot , him. The dogs, however, were after him in a jiffy, and the remarkable sight of a foi without its peltlcooting along over the crust with i three hounds yelping on hiS track, was then seen. The fox being in , light marching order soon distanced the dogs and in ten minutes was out of sight. A few days after the man was out again hunting (lir foxes. The hounds run one pretty sharply . and be passed through a ravine, audit being a peculia rity of the fOX that when he goes,through a ravine hedwill come back to it again, no matter how wide the circuit may be, the hunter posted himself at this place and waited until! be beard the bay of the hounds following the track up to nehr wbere - lie stood. 'Pe was on the qui vive and got a glimp-,c of the animal running with great speed that had all the resem blance of a fox, only its coat seemed a glossy white: The bunter never thought of the skinned fox that ran away; the day before, but supposed the white fur would be a gieat rarity' in the market, so he • tired, killing the animal and with great expectations hurried up to where he lay, ,and there, lo and behold; found instead of a white furred fox the one that he had skinned the day before, the white " flesh looking like white• fur in the sunlight. Seemingly the fox bad not minded the lack of his skin - veri mach, and the flesh had become by exposure in tbc.air almost . of the consistency of leather.—From t)Le : Kingston (N. Y.) Freeman . . ' quEEn AnvEnrlsEmENTs. 'We see some queer advertisements in ' our newspapers sometimes, . but we can't hold a candle to Europe for that 'kind of thing. For instance, here is an advertise ment from anewspaper published at Car diff, in Wales : "Lost, between the Roy al Hotel and two o'clock yesterday, a hunch of keys." This little literary gem may be pronounced a Welsh rare-bit of beef. Beef, beearise it partakes of. the . nature of; a bull , OS ACCOC;iT OF rum TWIli-sIS;'EII. This isn't the invention of a ewspa . per's comic liar, but an actual occurrence at the recent election in Massad.lasetts, when women voted for schoollectors. A Boston' lady came to register They asked hoW old she was. She wanted to know if the law required her to dive her age. It did. She answered the.reg&trar : "Worlds, sir, would not tempt me to give it 1 . Not that I care. No ; I had as lief wear it on my bonnet, as a hackman does his number; but I'm a twin, and if my sister has a weakness, it is that she dis likes any reference Wade to her age ; and I could not give my - own, because I don't wish to offend her." ABSENT MINDED. The most minded man is evi- dently a living proof of the doctrine of transmigration of souls. He turns up ev ery few years in another shape. At pres ent he is a professor in Heidelberg Uni versity, in Germany. White he was cross ing a street, a watering-eart let its flood loose upon . him. The professor quietly raised his umbrella and walked two *blocks before he discovered that the sun was shining brightly. ,Now we would just like to know'What he was doing car ',lug an umbrella when the sun was shin ing brightly. Perhaps Heidelberg is, like Towanda, where you sometimes have all the four seasons condensed into one day. . A .lIETENGEFUL WOMAN As has been frequently observed in these columns, revenge is sweet. Some women are revengeful: therefore some women are wee 6idn"tMean to sink. izto login. but to it'll •a ii :e story. A one-legged and woo6en :!..Teisr Haven mat, • cr.arreiled with seiara•4l Ira= his wife. (one' day *est v.., the hone where the aired and vois l a pr.trait c.f her from the =all. He - lov*.j,l the po yoi we. It never jaw. r4lini. When she ft•satii it out (it refers to the poraait, and also to what - had hap.- r ad she got mid, and went lo hi house for it. He was asleep, and . afie: hunting ail over the house• for the pintait in vain) she wanted it because it . reminded her of the time 'when she was and pretty), she went to her bering es-busband iirt took o i his wood_ r, en leg. as he slept, leaving; a n to saying that she'worild return the leg hen he re turned the portrait. He pro ..ptly sent - the picture hack, =tying for bi 4 own con solation that he didn't want . the old thing any way. corsenn. I The first moneycoined in the United States were copper cents iu 1793. Silver dollars we Made in 1794, and gold eagles il2 1795. No eagles were coined from 1805 to 1837 inclusive ;no ball' eagles in 1816 or 1817 ; no quarter eagles before 1798, or in 1800 or 1801, nor from 1809 to ifie.V, or in 18':, , 18`3, 1828 or in 1841 ; no ,dollars from 1806 to 1838, except 1,000 in 1836; no half dollars fr0m,1797 to 1800, _ nor in ;1815 ; no quarters before 1796, none iron; 1793 to 1803, none from 1808 to 1814, and none in 1817, MI, 1826, 1829 , and 1830 ; no dimes before 1796, none . in 1799, 1806, 1808, 1812;1813, 1815, to 1819, none in 1824, IEO.B and 1830 ; no half dimes in 1798, 1799,. 1804, 1800, .tO 1828; no cents in 1815 ; a. few specimens in .1823 ; no luilf cents in 1798, 1801, 1812, _,t44824, le7, to 1830, 1834, 1838, and 1840. A. few half cents were struck every year from 1040 to 1857. First three dol lar pieces in 1854. .it_rtsw book is entitled 4 .A. Woman Ai ter All." Tbst's it. Tbe sat se oldster 7, • Ebo never 'would be cOnDectkod wi th . IN us* PREASMERS BALE OF Ult. BEAT= AND IM MO • WM.-1a =rof an Act of Abwriabll peened March an. sod 0( ether helmet daseilplAthtre wtd be exposed to pantie ate. at the Doeustalleo ere' Olhee lam" the Borough of Towanda. on, the SECOND 3101CDAX OT JUNK. A. D. talle.' the tracts ot land owned tn the folknring Ust, unites the taxes are pall before tbat Use. 'Pransellted List. . Warranta .21'irWee. . • Amonst. Saida?—Conningimm, G. U. 414 SI Hardy, James • le. 30 I flardy,-Nstaall 1142 50 I Hardy. Blman . 1 150 Bad/. Pant I ls3 as • - hardy. Andrew - 'Jle 24 ' Bidden% Samuel . 142 SO Saddens, Joseph - . lON Siddens. James us vr . 1 swamis. Peter aim . -Edge, Samuel 22 Zs hags. George 210 , 4 li inflamer. Jacob = 77 .rdley. Andrew 45 80 salty, Peter , LU 40 R, Ladley. Joaepli. ' 50 49 itt ) Stewart, Water ' =43 M ' Stewart, Deborah ' 40 .5 9 200- Leßoy—Reek. Henry . ilso z..' , 2 ' GrAres. Fredrick • 16 67 4c2 ;. Barron, John, Jr, 33 15 139 Pfeifer, George ' 11 as 3u61 Itionme—Benner, Jacob' 1:7 e t , 390 • I Renner, Jacob, Jr. ' 24 97 Gray. Innis= T 3.4 50 Napkin% Robert - . 376 54 . - ,"Naga, Peter 141 . . .... .. _ CM 400 ' 400 400 150 31:0 400 400 nS , 175 I 8 , Latiley. Hugh ' 1 12 50. 4.= , McAdams, Ephraim rz 40 400. I North. J&MeSIM 00 t 5 r rose, nand s 66 143 Stewart, Waiter ; , 10 74 400 Wilson, WISH= , 30 CO 183 ' Wallace, Samuel • . . 13 as WO ' , Young. Samuel '• IS 00 343 Overton—Betz, Henry; - .311 al 342 Betz, John 3S 11 , 343 Betz, Joseph as If 343 'Betz, Jamea as It 400 • , . Dyson, Henry • 44 40 57 Cooley, Henry — 6 29 400 Cooley, Joshua 44 40 400 Moore, Paul - 44 40 .221 ; tilddens, Peter. 25 03 75 • Bidden; James . 8 37 as Temple. George 4 39 343 . Edge, Peter 38 11 217 Frttz, John 23 57 343 Fritz, Samuel ItS 11 300 Raga. George 36 30 400 , Hagi, Nathan . 44 40 336 flags. Peter 37 30 400 Hardy, Sam oel - 44 40 375 ' Hardy, James 41 SS 225 , Hardy, Henry 25 0. ..%.3 , Ladley, Hugh 25 so 100 Ladley. Andrew s 11 10 375 Moore, George 41 55 400 : 'Moore, Paul • 44 40 100 Palmer, Thomas .. II 10 400 Seeley, Henry 41 40 375 , Seeley, Jonathan 11 67 400 Seeley, Peter i , 44 40 400 • Slddens, Andrew i • 44 40 400 • Slddena, Geoige r 14 40 225 Siddens; Peter i , 25 01 75 - Stddens. James . , 837 400 Seeley, Joseph 1 . 44 40 298 i • Temple, Peter 33 OS 400 Temple, Samoa./ 44 40 60 Wcsviratt. Hannah ' 6 60 39 - Temple. George • 439 56 • —Tuscarora—Yield, Jimmy 5 13 106 Runt, Job 9 11 3.5 Porter. James' . 3 18 56 IV llmot—illeu, dobn 6 13 75 - 110/lenbiek, Jobs , 8 24 97 j 51arsb, Samuel 10 66 2 , 0 , Stowell, C. S.'.. 21 90 250 • • Stowell, D. B. - ' 27 37 • ...ALSO-In pursuance:Libel pros - 1410ns of the Act of General Assembly, p cd the 29th day of April, A..D. 1844, Section 4181. at the Anne time and place, will be exposed t public sale the tracts or parcels of land or real estate designated in the fol lowing list, unless the taxes and casts upon the same are paid before that time. t'" 'T. s"g. ASYLUM. 1577 Wm. ac r.ll.gg, 50 23 23 1.30 1575 Wm. &. C. KvHogg, 50 26 45 30 ALBANY. • 1877 John A. lieverlY, 2 SO ISM li. E. Case. S 7 157 392 52 .... Estate L. A. Cate, 69 124 311 41 .....R .VG. Hawkins, 65 153 356 247 .... Jobn Maloney, 30 54 135 14 Butmle:u.Toe: TOWNSIIif.. 11 . 8 . Road Morton, 208 2OS 2Oi .... A. 11. Allen, 2IS 2SS 2Se FIcANKCIN. 1577 Stewart Roberts, SO 49 LITCLIFIELD. 1577 John '8100d,2. 52 11enjsmin halt, 3 65 • Aniae-a Kinney, 6 :;0 i.Enerr. I 1577 George lieninilog-r, 750 210 3 (61 160 Ibni George Iretnniinger, 150 ITO IRI ,1 P.darard F4,13,1c. 106 69' 58 J 55 310Clollan, 24 720 100 .IJ'O .... Anthony Darling. 00 441 345 344 onwELL. 1673 A. W.. Alger, 3 lols 411 548 442 • •.r. , .Nel E - c_ 0VF.11.70,4. 1:77 A wire.' Jarkson f I nn fl 00 et 4b fi2 . 00 t 2 00 Oweni & Lantz, 90 ' 126 1 80 1 50 .... Cornea Sullivan, 100 100 1 40; 00 200 John Sullivan, • 2 7.5 '2 25 3 1,5 450 450 Wilcox & Klwell, 4D 40 56 3.0 , James Wood. 2 50 2'50 .„. oella Wnalon, 37 37 52 73 75 „. Jon Wl:fie„ 40 4'l 36 80 50 L. S. Holland, 50 50 70 1 00 .1 00 john Means, 25 (4) 25 00 M. C. Mereur 12 001•2 00 .... Jos. Moshacker. 3.00 840 420 600 6CO ~.. A. .t T. WAlonan, 9 sO .... Dennis Keefe, 2,1, County Tat. fl SS 1575 'J. T. ('3lll/7„ 27 63 37 I. G. 59 30 1 00 1 00 :. Sarah A. ii , •ene, 274 I 50 210 • 1. Philo 511Tigu8, 45 75 45 150 150 Owens & 31 90 54 1 80 1 80 • :II 40 24 80 60 5411e0x & Elwell, 24 40 24 • 80 8 , " 4 .. 'Mary W,1401:. 4i 45 1 50 130 Oella Whmort,. 22 23 22 75 75 % . 1 . lt• C:`, m - 4 = .•1 ..:. "3 Name. i ... _- . t ... 5 .. i . ~., a , ? 1, ... . ... 1877 J. J. Barnes a; Co.. ..:. Henry Pepper estate, :4; George,ltought, 77 28:8 Hen ry Pepper estate, 10 .1877 Barney 31cgitints 1877 E. Ratterson. .. J. K. Aweigh. 1878 J. K. Ameigh, .... E. Batters4du 1877 G. M.lnfxby. 60 126 ' .. Chas. Northrup, 0 105 , 1 20944:912.9 T0w...66111p. 1977 WilHitou . Dalrd. 3 31 5 13 1 92 4 .„. S. 1): Madden, • 116 99 99 .1.. Anclo4ll4Ltnnett. 1 93 1 65 1 6.3 .... illtp.ul Baker, 44 3.8 38 ~. Clo4oinir & Rw , 6401. 316 99 '93 .... G. D. Mont.o.uye Mate, 2 31 4 98 199 ' .... 7..atterlee & 11.3&se1L, 77 66 66 Pittlrk Suoli - au, 77 410 66 ....., S. C. Stevens. 39 33 32 i .... 311/es Mack- 77 64 66 . T...rirauda hen 111 Co. 46 t 06039 60 .... 16.294411.44 2i.arthrup, 1 141 99 99 . . .... E. Morlc,u. 4 C. 10 SKI 3 96 -- -4,c42 2.49a2.2.-an. ' 92 79 79 3176 Am.r.e , Beat. 11.. 1 62 2 29 1 62 —.. 4 - 4..th.trln..C.lts.re. 23 44 23 j .... 142'9.. 9224 k. 66 EA 64 t, 22 44 22 -..,.. 6.27ter0.A. & Russel, 66 88 66 . e . D. N. Neyr7o , 7.. 4 29 5 7 2 4 : 373 .... 6.... fr. ~ t err-46. 23 44 21 .. Jl:3 '.14 - .61:0.ry 23 44 33 ...„ ..N.etta.t, ID.4'ilki. 33 44 33 Emerc 23 44 33 We aual:aize: we 157: C. , ,ddil•--E £30.0411, 05 90 43 43 20 43 .... F. A. Cish, i 52 7=l 3,60 .2 52 slrsl .21, - .43 2 05 11 CO 3,50 284 .. d. Vl - ,.0,135:1. 250 EOO 400 2 80 Mrs. lotaa 11ee123.3, 0.4 300 180 •84 .... Limits k.Eli`ott. 1 43 4 00 2 00 1 40 A. 5. Mc Livi..a;d, -.. Frank Prince. coctdir & Rus..en, Ilereur. .... Ws, tibraf-.30. .. Frank Fnnce, 1 - 8 : 7.7 Cyrus Areryi .. Stark & Vo.e, tern John Owens, 1878 Orrin D. Nichols, 4 23 5 43 1 83 I WILMOT. ' . 1 1877 . Edward Over ton, , 115160 2 00 .... A. J. Stone. ' 210 '1 80 240 .... Henry 3100/1f,2 43 '2 10' 280 .. W. Banowellk, 1 75 1 50 200 1378 A.J. Stone. 3 80 2 40 2 80 .... W. Barrowellff, 1 50 200 3 00 B.z-Notice is hereby Linn that an amount sufficient to pay taxes and coats will be required In every ease whenland Is sold at the time of sale, and unless these terms are complied with the land will be again exposed to sale. JOHN H. GRANT, Treasurer. Treastmers Onice, April 1, 1650. .. . 1' • tALPPLICATION IN DIVORCE. —To Jonas I.4 l Perre. In the Court of 'omuion Pleas of Bradford county No. Y 6. Bac teria. 18:9. Yon are hereby nodded that Mary T.. your wire, has applied to the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford County for a divorce from the bonds of mattituony,and the said Court has ap pointed Monday. May ad, 1610. in the Court House In Towanda, ' for hearing. the surd *try T. htthe premises, at *Mob Moe and place you may attend if you Mint popper. ' • 44*. . , PIMEIS J. DON, !Sherif. A p PPLICATION IN DIVORCE. —To AIMS IL Belli. In the Court of Com mon kw a Bradford Cam. No. 301. Decem ber T" WS. Tousle hereby notified that Abysm 5, (your husband. haw applied to the Coon of Com ' monTisaa of Bradford County ter s divorce front the bonds of taatrUnedr. sod the SW Court baa ap. pointed Woodsy. May_ 341, the Court Pottle ID Toolpubb. tae heath{ the iald.Abrani S. the prolaireeseh yid* fine sad place les attend If pp Mat DLit, , . " tsar : seated List. MIME Egin DEMBII 641 372 654 SOrVII:CIIECK. 5 62 DIM =I 1 34 390 216 136 66 161 90 sa 04 43 43 49 Z 3 :3 4 n 16 43 9 VI 6 56 49 160 1 SO 64 49 160 90 64 11.07m0.• Y;Kirtty, a 103 2 20 71 00 5 50 4 40 .J. D. - .ll , :garqe - , store 464 43 194 J. I/. 114so..anyt, ,tare 15 . 141 50 notsoopno . J. J. Gerso, Wirt ":1 00 12 00 9'oo . J. J. Griffith. 9 00 4ou J.. 1. Griffith. : 6 60 4 30 3 40 . J. D. 31 on, =o3'o, :0 24 00 12 00 9 w . S. Mellonald, 75 2 50 1 :5 100 EME:IME! 3 1.5 Town. Road. 3 15 7 .70 9 00 71 7 7 134 240 ME= MIMS Visisses and Crtruu7 Organ/4,8,0d other disorders Caused by these. • THE ONLY SURE REMEDT for - . BRIGHT'S DISEASE A. YD DIABETES. . Taker my chriippeilur tor Strong Drink. 'rub compounds, awl If the reinedrfor Diabetes is irantecL call for Safe Diabetes Clue; 11 the P. remedy' tor Dricht' and other diseases. eau for bate klidney nini Liver Cure. Price. $2 &bottle. A $l,OOO GIIAIULNTEL. w inner's Kidney' and er Care in positively cure Might I Maenad and betel:'cfdjßO will guarantee that ft will also care PO per Cent. all - other Kidney Diseases; tt:i per cent. of all Liver Mamma. and will help in every ease. without injury to the "Mem. when tarn ac.cording to directions, and we will an Penken who canprove that tt till tailed:to Vats, tho aunt otll. ooo . IL IL WititNEU CO. r.:ZSTIITOIC/ALS. The Itse..T. i Its iire, D. D, of Washington,. D. eta. nes that he has kno!rn of Several '''lsntinnent cures of &seams a the kidneys . and uruhry organs," bythe use of the Safe kidney rud nicer Cure, and adds: - `,l do nut Winn% that I.Lasineat virtue." - D. itmitvcr, 31. D., P.D. of Enst Orange. cefirdes tla.t whin bevels teteatly Duper and a.s.r.ering from Bright's Disease, he tow Liw..nt two w,..uks by the Sae Kidney. tell Liver Cure. - - Prof. C:tr_rdv. ft distinguished altathle phys. ict-a of the ...oath, wrote to the Medical Journal to the erect that alter all oth ex illetICIS had failed, he sent b T the Kidney Cure (Safe' Kidney and I.lTer Cure). and to los astonishment cored a sr_rious ease of Dried' s liPqmse by talministerma it. and afterwanis found it equally benedetal in vther cases. lie advised his brother physicians to use d, in preferened to m,ythlna else. 'or kidney Bev. C. A. IFIART - Cr. D. D ' Artnancia. and Eduestioral F:cretary of Iloward University. c.-rthies tliat he has been ectp.minted with tue KidnLy and Liver Cure for two years, and in some cases of 13r1glit's Insmise. which seemed to be in the-last stages. and which had I.weimiyen up by practitioners of both schools. seemdy charme wrought by' this remedy d Out littie less than miraculous." E. 3 .V:ZZ7re; Bans Street: Detroit. Mich.. certifies thut he was completely cured et a chronic Liter complaint after numerous other had failed, by taktiag the .5...qe Sidney soil Liver Cure. R. Cdri..WINS. 31. D., of Dochester. N. T. certifies that "with hesitatior." utiministerea the Fate Kidney uncl Licer Cnre to a patient whose kidneys find f irer were badly areeted,und that "the result was satisfactory in the ex trcnic." Ito adds "Without hesitation I would now presertha the sanicrucedy te u CITARLES S. Pnr:Yrrirr: F-Aq.. of Toledo. O. certifies in a icn.,..chy ~,m.u.‘unication that be escaped death tram Bright's Disease by the use Warner'sof Kidney Ond Liver Cure, alter Laving bi.en trcataa in vain f;a- the giLsense by K.VCral rt the 11: , )! , L physic:4W of thin • country and I.'l:lnca r t -rt. snowmcm.tx. cf Dataela.'sZ.V.: ecru :G. 10w:et of O. a.rtgr a tinatlul kidney ; chain:re of 411 y. rrs. the 5:; fa and firer .eel hue n new .eau.. C" - T tief tefft!mocL7.l3 cor.dcwed 7""rWarr.er'sErle Wariacr's.c.fe ISTervinez.nd Warricen firlfc ratters am ^Lio ffinpencr mraedics, 'tic Lest 4.1 f its Ims. HALL'S Cum Colds, Pneumonia, Bronchifts, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all diseases of the Breathing Organs, It soothes and heals the Itembrane of the Lungs, Inflamed and poisoned by the' disease, and prevents the night. sweats and tightness across the chest which accompany it. CONSIMPTION isnot an incurable malady. It Is only necessary to have the right remedy, and H AIL'S BALSAM is that remedy. DON'T DEVAIR OF BELIEF, for this benign specific will cure you, even though professional aid fails. HENRY'S CMOLIC SALVE the most Powerful Sealing Agent ever Discovered. Ilearg's Carbolic Salve cities sores. Henry's Carbolic Salve allays pain. Henries Carbolic Sales cures eruptions. henry's Carbolic Satre heals pimples. Henry's Carbolic Salve heals bruises. . Ask for Henry's, and Take Pio Other. lar BEWARE or corsizerrrrs—ags TOWNSLET'S Hitt' CRESS IN ONE MINUTE. • '' Edey's Carbolic Troches, A SURF. PREMCTIVE OF Contagious Mosses Colds, Hoarseness, Diphtheria, and Whooptair Cough. Pleasant to the Taste. Irnei hygnitti 'believe 'Dyspepsia an i• • ••; O' FOR SA Tn BY ALL DECGGISTS. JOHN F. EMMY, CURILAIST & CO., POLE 24 College Praorarroppro, ,Isoe, New York. raitiatran of budnesioreakessed by the AMU' of Var dalics. maid stimulants sad WO Ael l k VONT:ISRS Uranus a dian of letterataniag owerraanaktakba Ikaitotaleraaaraltatrvetatarics If Mire Toad and — o - ofty itoTloaintrisia or diadratlan ill you are married or Muck, old or Pawnip c =cola a P=ll4r e twash• m I \We Swrvasz Whoever_ you an. wherever yvoi aro.whebeieryoUrrot •thaa set a =or swrvim! *Omer or Mr. earat e roarta. Mr,orsrerartr IWlCtiticito7RS. !Maar. stenerreek and latraphited.trit tt Bat" /add wenn. Your drontst e = lll . Is ail aim J ow li ft II as babel& Cant Cants the lownriestortastaadbmiL Ask cidlaluh The Hop 1.1.1 for flicsoads, Una. Mianomts loan won. Corby apologias. 12 porran Ask D. C. Y aboolsto anatresdashio fat' era , mime. totems atom:Me. dopefole.Hop aitianalfg,". • Ykromosam . • STOP THAT COUGH BY USING Du. GNIIMANPIS CODGIN AND CON SIMPTION CVRIE. 'Warranted to gtre relief or money refunded READ THE FOLLOWING -LETTER WHICH SAYS: ' Mesas. Howarth k Ballard. • Gentlemen I take pleasure In recommending Dr. German's Cough and Consumption Care. as I have suffered with a severe cough since last May. Have used all kinds of Cough Mixtures. but could get no relief. Mornings after getting up from my bed I would be so choked up that I could WWII breathe ; Moo frequently vomiting severely. A' friend directed me use Dr. German's Cough and Consumption Cure. I did so, with but little faith at the time, but after - using I changed my mind, anff I can conscientiously say, after taking only one bottle. I did not only obtain relief but am not troubled with that fullness In the morning. My cough has stopped, and I can obtain a good night's sleep--something not enjoyed br me for weeks before. • Will -close by ' saying It i bis letter will be of any benefit to you, rou may have my consent to make It public. Years very tespect • • • J. E. DOOSIIAME.R. lileecker St., Utica. Remember that after ming of a bot tle and' you are not satisfied return the bottle and get your money at we sell no cure, no pay. Price Me and *l.OO per bottle, as we are authorized to sell on these terms, Turner a ,Goldon fbr Wands, Pa. 7 ' SEMI ME "_naf" -71rnnernes hp Druggists dealer In inedione psuenu. a — Send for ramph. Address !MUTE & CO. chestier, N. T. BALSAM i ;:::':A-1:z1.::::';--,,‘-:::;-5.1;taZ -;:?'M...','T?:';;;,?;?,;l.*ri:.;gatf3:Y,O;?-,!:Z:1`,.:•-r-tlYIEIT,NA.,14.F.i;',W,1::7‘;'4R.z.Y:TiF,-.1.-345"g:-.7.r,',i51:-',:::;t-:1,1::J:',V=7;31'!X-',,'-Vi-....'-?-17SZiet 7 -,.. '•'.";;:::::11" - __: ,- -T.:71...v;•A r,, , ,- 5, '-. , ..;--,.. , , - .‘ , ._„,• , ; , •.-: , f.:-' . • ,!,..,,,..,. ',!-. , -. t . r. , 1 , ;•.. , ...;,:... R.--, , - ~.:,..-t ft_..,:;. y .7.- : ,•:., ; . 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A 1 v . .: Illt, --, : .. 5I I' .:.. ..Ro4hester. 1000 811 100(0:::: ... 430 , ...... Lyons— 817 525 8 1101.... i v, 10 . .. 454 9 254 :... ...4346eva.. 741 6 15.4 144... ISs i 114 .... ...10=s. .. a 24)8 4e.... 1120 5 300 ..... .. Atibttrn .. 10 .... 925440 4 9 1 .. ...Chino... On .. 4g04 2g 521 90 1 1 V ..Elmira.. 52511: .41 05so 61 9 451 44 909 :AVaverty . 4 46111 5016 40 3 if. 4 • 2. , t ole t its, 1 1.5 ....Sore.— 411143,S 10,7 42 4' 01 2 00 1 9 te,...Athens... 401 11 55,5 00 25 -6 S 5 .... ....111 30;....3111511... 1 .... ill4 1 4 547 2$ 445 ..... 9401. ..1114 - ter...l —.III 14 8 14 47716 i 700 0 1 2 :Dip cot...TWOrdilli .1 i CO'l3. GC i Ul7 04 ' ',0 4 .... "...Ito to Wl:suiting, .....JIO 4 1 4 24. A. 31 ... ........'10" .Bta'g Staae.t... - .11028i4 1a.... 0 1 4 ...1 .... ..-„. 1030 Btulrerteld ... 10 30 - 4 10 .... ....1 .. . . 1089 Prettelitawn .. .il A..2 . x . - : i ll .1 1 . 1% ..343.. 115 . 10 1144 5,2 13iFI W : Ylil hoopaurvf ogr ie g yir .3 .. 0 .. 2] 11 99 0 0 0 19 11 :4 2 3.0,34 52 1: i. t.i . 6 . 2 . 1. J t.... ..;. 1130;8310's Eddy. .... , 4212 20; 12 ,3 11 x7 l Be5hOPPOO .... 9 284 15;..- 71 MU 1 12 1220 Tanaban'ek 218 1 . 8 1412 47193* 7 .......: 12 40.: La Grange. ...I II 4412 37* 20 ..... 4: 561, , 1 .F3114.., . ...I'S 3813 25.005 000 1 4 50 1 304 , 31 11 Jllllo'o 135 , 8 054.03'801 8 135 513 2001 Wilk-Barre 1 001 7 3011 40' ; 8 40 ~... 11 34 7A 4 35;Irch Chunk ,11 051 ....11110i5 50 12021 448 g 24 5 30. Allentown .11002 t ....!10071434 13 15 5 10,3 55; 11 05'.11ethlebell.1 950, .... 1 8 115420 12 50 6 00'9 tot 610 .. 1.Ekrr00.... to vr ....11,u'o so 102 6 4011001 815 rhilhariphia g 001 ....le Ist 30 850 - ..4180!1 00 P. X...11.311.!!".91.P.11.1 - P.41.14.:11.15 194 , m Trains 8 and IS run daily. Sleeping cars on trains 8 and IS bezween Niagara Yalta and Philadelphia and between Lyons and New York without changes Parlor cars on Trains 2 and 8 between Niagara Balls and Philadelphia without change. IL A. PACKER, Supt.. Sayre, Pa., Ncrr.lo, 1878. P. kY.Y.R. R. . Acmiture. BRIDGE STREET FURNITURE STORE. TWO STORES IN ONEI Haring doubled our facilities this year by occu pying two stores, we are prepared to offer you a larger stock than ever before, and at reduced prices. we are selling FURNITURE Of ail kinds as CHEAF If aot CHEAPER CHEAPESTJ AYthe same time we keep up the standard ot our goods, UNDERTAKING, (Otit SPECIALTY), i t • - . . 1 We guarantee aatistaction. We are prepared todo anything in that line on sport notice,. and are de termined to please. 7 Call and see fcir yourself Tcnrancla, May Ist, 1879 ;Sister fatuous,: TIAEMLESS, EFFECTUAL Ai AGREEABLE slat your Druggist for Ctreutaii. For sige by CL&P.K B. POUTER (Ward lionseli DEUGGIST Witars-Banr.lB, Pa., Oct. 9, 1879 I are using - El - sere= Bahia and receiving very beneficial results. It Lithe only remedy of a great - many I hare tried*whteh tuns acted , as a cure.. I have been troubled with catarrh for over 15 yearn, my bead has been, mesa of the time. stopped and very.mueb inflamed. It has opened my nostril* and reduced the inflammation it my head—in fact I feel lam tieing cured. It Is the only remedy I have found which can be applied without pain and dread. My eyes are Improving so that I eat stand strong light, which I have not been able to do for years. • Narita sant. FiGLIT. With E. Y. Mocrz, Merchant. , • 701711aadt los r,2 - ao y am • -4:c) r, 1- 0 c-, d. r. S. .1, is a liqtxl4,-1 valuable combination coznposel of several of; the most powerful and lxm:trailng liquids known in Che mistry, and was ,Ii•-•-nvere4 by a eelebratei English chemist, end Lit reduced into the United States in the year and edam that time. by its marvelous enra t:t-,3 rowcn. hzs*on for itself a world-wig° repn t.ition for its many cures of Itheumatiam..Pains and Swellings. Burns and Scalds . Sprains and prith , es, Celts - and 014 Sores. Contraction of tho lluselzs. Tender and Frosted Feet. PhilbLains, Neuralgia. Pain in The Side. Chest and Back., and is a Spo.ldc for Horses as wallas for Man, and now viands at the head of all Liniments unrivaled. an I scarcely a stabloorhouse can bo found with out bottle where it t/11 known. • - - li"o challenge competition.: $l./XO will be pail for any case of the above-named ills that 0. E. 8. 8. not cure if the directions atv'closcly oh; 0.8 & & only stands the teat because it p. 28 proved the best. It is safe and wise to al: n ysko? abottloonhandlet4ty in frequentanenyc calling doc to r . There is a balm for most all Ms: • 'Ms neither cayenne drops nor hartshorn pat— When fairly tried, it thee Intl show That CarersG.E. 8. 8.15 morn than blow. Try a bottle and if It does not Rise satisfaction return it to your Druggist half-full and ho will refund you your money. ,Did apace permit we could giro riu a hundred testimonials from men and families in this county teat could not be doubted. ; call upon your nearest Druggist or Stole-Kea. er and ask for Carera a It 84, and not be put off by scythe other. worthies, trash. If he has not got it on hazel. mak bim tO send for it for you. • D. GI. CAMEL Some Pstorancroa. Middletown. n Co, For sate In Towanda. Ora ra.., ge.N.Y. C. T. KIRBY and H. C. PORTEg. nw . Hamm! H. DAVIBOW & BRO., So. 4, Beldlezaan Block, Brldmit., Towanda, PA CASH PAID YOB PUBS, HIDES, PELTS, WOOL AND BEESWAX. r. To.awati, Ort. 10. Dr.i-lyr. GET TOUR Lira CUT ANi! SHAVING; AT THE 'Wawa 3Eicrtlsio SHAD NO PARLOR. Eirlye Owl; to paw • Ll . V. UTZDOZ, FlOrl Taltlellit rag Ad/ 111, McINTYRE General Hardware, HEAVY' Stoves, Tin, Iron, Nails, Paints, Oils,.Glass, Putty, 1 Gunpowder, Sh(4,-Cartridge.-J. a Wagon Makers' Supplies, :* Farming and. Dairy Implements,, Table Cutlery, Clothes Wringers, RANSOM COTTAGE RANGE, SMYTH'S PATENT DUPLEX GRATE. With or without Low.bloset, Reservoir, or Ornamental Elevated Shelf. Than the The Greatest Combination of,Varuable Improvements Ever Presented in one Range, After the nattering experience of the past year, having had a very large and extended tale, we end that the Tut ItAsowat Cor?aois unlvilamily conceded to be - the most desirable Range of itj class In the market. Its - general features are the same as in the celebrated Ransom Range. which has for Teari , been eoustdered the finest Range made. It contains the Patent Expansion Broiling Chamber, which Is universally acknowledged to be the only successful awl practical broiling attach ment In use- It Is also tarnished with Stnyth's Patent Duplex (irate. This eelebte,d Grate is exteemelysimple ie its construction. It hai ra now been in 'tette - ewe for more than five years, and in view . of the universally successful experience el its operation and durability during - that time. as well as the highly eatistactoryresults obtained by us Inoue own thorough trial of itc,qualitiee, we have no beSitation in pronouncing It the only complete and euceessful arrangement for removing clinkers and refuse from the tire-box instantaneously. thoroughly and - cleanly, white the degree of combustion obtained has Dever, in our opinion. been equaled with any other style of grate. Tim AICSOSI COITAIRS It ,a thoroughly firal i elnas tangy In attics portions and appointments, while the price feereremSly low. It is so constructed-that it can be changed from a Low Closet to a Single Oval Range. by merely lifting the upper part of the Range from the Low Closet and placing It upon set of ornamented 'kV. All sites can also be furnished with the Ornamental Elevated Shelf. The large Bated Ash Pan is taken out at the end of the Range instead of the front—a much more con veuCent and cleanly arrangement—and the capacious Warming Closet extends underneath the whole Range. The Hot Water Reservoir is heated entirely from the bottom, and Is Of a larger capacity than will be found on any other Range of this elaka All the minor details in the construction of this Range have received the closest attention. It has highly burnished ends, nickle-plated knobs of a new and beautiful pattern, talctie-plated panels, sickle-plated Towel Racks, and the mounting and fittings Is In the best style. N. P. IfICKS. , I ll j4LITANDABC of excellence dans/sad di sy World. • iikm.ass for rainassinr, nare,Sesing. per, ~.t (.... .R.p 6t i resof rk.rnowch Work. 1.14C0 IR P A R A BJ,E in QWalei of Material.rerfretine r 241.5. Yaorosgh Wariananahly, .Efogoaf Ir.msa, and zoty o f Modell • sitARVELOcS far easily roporiorr work in al/ kiwi* -. of Grall2.a.tO entoerissll.rkfrown as the only - successful Mambo? to Flan. Thoot Clorer.and all other Seeds. • rodrefstly ristp/e, nuns less than i the usual wears and Delta. - . _ ..ceCTIOI., and STRAW•BURNINC STEAM -ENClNEllocith special feratrie - r; 4 - foirer: Durability, Edon Economy, and Boma/ entacts nrdmconi in other makes Scram* Pewee mune, and 14tesunoPoiree Se re .a epeekelly. Four eats .0! Separators , Rau ox to twelve. horse power; also two ntYlen laPralorol Mounicu Horse Power". Thirty-Two Years of Prosoerous.and continuous Business by thaticKueoratiost cheese of , name, location, or cuanananent„ tufes a Aront Ifilarsates for superior goods and honorable 'dealing. • • . ~... CAuTltli I The wonderful max. and popularity of 1 _ ..............---"-""'"Wito. . our V 122410% Machinery has dire," other ,---- ,-- mactdoes to wall ; hence various makers are row attempt. ' lot to toad sad palm off lector sad aiourrol Italia:low of **v.- ... _- - ---,' 2 • • "` our twos. yowl. •BE NOT DECEIVED ) li ne -.._,-- .. :, :. — . ..-- .7 . ; ,- ~--...,,5, 16 „'.„by Saa b expertratal and wor th less niaelilaery. If you Cori s at . set lb. Chrlglanl• and the .Gewelne.froo us. ..--.‘ G*For tall sarticulars can an our deal...re, or writs , •• ‘.- . 7 '..-- . i . , , ' = to . for !nonrated Circulate, which we wall tow. Address ,- ; - ' se- %1... 4 -- ....._.4 .or • ~.,,4 NICHOLS, SHEPARD 8c CO., Battle Creek. Mich. - • +-,.. . , - („-fri AVDT -1- 1NF 7 7 T7r.r. " 7 'T 71- r T rri i=l Geo. Ross; Of the Third NCard Stem has opened a large and convenient Store in the brick block., First Ward. opposite Humphrey Brothers & Tracy's Boot . and Shoe Factory, and has Ailed it with A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE . GROCERIES • OF ALL KINDS / Which be has purchased ht New York for cash, and solicits the confidence and patronage of the public, and respectfully annocutces that he • : WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ' By anybody.. His. Third Ward Store will also be kept stocked with best cfaas got", and will be sold as low as the lowest, Towanda, Jannes7 a, IRO.• GILMORE& CO [Established 1665.3 • . I'ENSI.3ISI3,'LECREABE.O}` PENAIONS, • and all other classes of elalma tor Soldlen stni &Men , Deli's. Pmatlas& Address erttb stamp. - 011.31011212 - C0..- Wasblattoo, D. C.' oeibwies - V 6 04 , 4k4 Tcrwaxweiviv 3Paft, DrA vas DT Mil Carpenters' and . Joiners' Tools, Rope,- Bolts, 'ALSO AGENTS FOR THE B 0 k i Al U 40 CO , ' 4 ' lki With the Expansion Broiling Chamber,l_ • ' • • MCINTYRE BROTHERS. Towanda, Pa., October 30, 1879 - 'gliscetlantotts. OItrADAtH E =:X= " 1 1_1 rnrm's'TZT CARTER'S LITTLE tIVER PILLS Assonantsll forms of Rillousness,pruvent Coast*: Ptilot!and Dyspepsia. paitoote Digestion. relieve . Caress from too heart, eating. cornet Disorders of the Stoieseb. Stimulate the Liver, and Regulate the Rowels. They do all this' by taunt just one I Uttlepillat a dose. Thera:* purely regetsble,do Ma air or Purge,and are as nearly perfect aS pdssEble fors pill to bei. Price bents. 5 for n. Sold by druggd.sti ereuvhere or sent by mail. CARTER EERCINE CO.: NEW YORK PATENTS and bow to obtatn them. Pimpblot tree, upon receipt of Stamp for post - age. Address— GILMORE, & CO. - &war/ ga Ywr Patna gem treatimetat, A et BROTHERS, CXMBISTUtO OF HARDWARE, SHELF 4 Chains, &e., &c. -AND - gem Abvertistments. Be Not Deceived J. K. BUSH, THE" i BRIDOE-ST, CLOTHIER, ' Is bound to sell CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER CLOTHING HOUSE F Before the - late advance in prices we purchate4l the LARGEST STOCK EVER CAR RIED Br US, and therefore can SELL AT OLD PRICES Our Mock comprises a run !Ina of— MEN'S, YOUTH'S, CLOTHING! For the Spring 'trade The largest stock of HATS in town. A full and supett line of Gents' FUSNISHING GOODS. Trunks and Traveling Bags, At imanufactarers', prices. Toraada, eh' 114 15604/. CAPABLE .MEN .WANTED TO solicit ceders for our Nnnary stack. Yen of Integrity, good babits, energy and, tats - business capacity can eadly acquire a knowledge of the busineis, nand-give entire attention to the welt and be able to go to any part of their own or ad. joining coontits. PERMANENT EMPLOY MENT, 004)11 PAY AND EXPENSES. dire age, prey:ions salvation. and references. Address R. 0. CHASE it CO. 4.1. : 10 NrNetricE Bt., Vrotrtll, 4l 7=lZV l .,.:4=, EME INIZI O 0•141, tz , I T 0. 4":41 I Li IN TOWANDA! AND CHILDREN'S J. K. Brsn, No. 2 Bridge Street. =I ttotorit'sotoo:. • _ irtiormAia Lim =rm. tITTENITUR.E.I We sret noi pawed ear the 81111X0 %lAD* with* tall Ilas of - NEW AND DESIRABLE MODS OTT LATEST STYLESAND LOWEST PRICES width we tivito the public to can matt eumtas. Oosampostmastot PARLOR SUITS IN RAW SILK, TERRIS; PLUSH AND NAIRCLOTH, =I • We have s , NJ ups or F HAMER SUITS ni ASH; WALNUT AND SO FT7ffooD, bleb ire are sallies at smy knr plea. A. full eof • . . MING BEDS, MATTRASSES AND PILLOWS. UNDERTAKING In t his department we shraphare the best etude hi the; market, and are continually adding NEW STYLES with all the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, while our Flees sus the lowest. t • J: 0. 1:110ST'S SONS' Towanda, April glisiectantons GREAT SALES GOING ON GREAT' SALES -GOVIG ON GREAT SALES GOING ON Beady-made Clothing at.} !McMinn. Ready-made Clothing at a asetince. a ltraty-to t hda:Clotttlng at a Sacrifice. CLOTHING! Ileady.made Clothing at a:McMinn. 'Ready-made Clothing at a Sacrifice. Beady-rude Clothing at siSacrillee. TWENTY-FIVE PR; CT. SAVED TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED For the Next Forty Days . For. the Next Forty Days For the Next Forty-Days By buying of .By buying et M. E. ROSENFIELD. M.E. ROSENFIELD. • The consequence of this .great sale of my stock Is that R am compelled to-enlarge my present store to.make mom for my increasing busi ness, and instead of rnoting my stock while build ing WILL SZLL FOtt COST for the nett 410 days. No such chance for years to.c - como. No such chance for years to come. No such chance for years to come. Fall stock going very fast. Fall stock going very fast. Fail stock going very fast. The opportunity to purchase a CHEAP tALAT Is a rare one, and should he embraced by all. Can early at M. E. ROSENFIELD'S and enjoy the advantages nosy °tiered by him. Towanda, March 4, ISSO STEVENS & LONG General Dealers in GBdCERIES, PtOVISIONS, And COUNTRY PRODUCE, Lll2/1 :10 '44 D 4 0 Cal Di 11 TO THEIR NEW STORE. CORNER OF MAIN & PINE-Sts. (The old 'stand of Pas, Stevens & )term?.) They invite attention to their complete assortment • and very large Stock of Choice New Ooods, ' which they have always on hand.. . ESPECIAL ATTENTION' GIVEN TO THE PROOCCE TRADE, • And Casls' paid for desirable rinds. f M. J. LONG; Tuvriads...tpri I 1879. Ayees Cherry Pectoral; FOR 'DIEILASTIOr( Tale I Throat ,and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colas, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asth ma and Consumption. Jationi, must have twat:rattail . virtue*, ips no one ever se. so wide a repute w maintained It so . AYER'S CHER, _nova to the public about forty years, by a long series of roarvelOui cues, that have won for It a confidence to Its vir tues, never equated by any other medicine. It will makes the most effectual cures 'of Colombo" Colds, Cassamiptian, that cao be made by medical skill. Indeed, the OltritltT RECTOILILL has really robbed these dangerous diseases of. their terrors to a great extent, and given a feeling of Immunity, from thilr painful effects, that Is well founded, If the remedy be taken In - season. Every family should have It In their closet for the ready and prompt relief of Its members. elekness, lag, and even life Is sired by this timely ;rotas- Wm The prudent should not neglect it, and the, ise will not. seep It by you for the protection It isiirdeby Its early use sodded attacks. , I .• PASPAIULD UT Dr. J. O. AYER £ CO. Lowell. Mom Pradical asd Alm_Weal Clursittste Bold by all Drugglai and Dealers In Med Winn. farm Aceounts! mwer" Trr swvivi r . frialltaiesTarak:e6tag ' - INgVRANCE! .0 killii4P4 : *'-i i:„- : TOWAIXEI.4. PA. --, FMB, UFA AND. ACCIDENT lasted as pm most ! SUMO* taus. /Ow but rigiabis companies mrsinitia Laws *Spited aI . A paid bore. 7s:iim . 3fay. 13,11 t HENRY MERCUR, inCALEE IN ABI"HRLCITE AND C 3 CV.A.-ILE CORNS* PANIC AND VIDOR DIZZOTS. TOWANDA. F I . • Coat screened, sad delivered teinny parget the ikoltdiglL ALL CIADItAII =8? B ACCOMPANIAD BT run emu. : 4 • ft. XSRCUE, Towanda, Dee, f,1870. NEW ARRANGEMENT nue: COAL BUSINESS.' The, undersigned haling purehased Boni Rs. McKean the COAL YARD AT THE FOOT OF mica STREET, NEAR THE COURT HOUSE, t Invites the patronage*? his old Mende and the public generally. I shall keep e full Sasortenent ot all slses. PITTSTON, WILKESBARRE AND LOYAL SOCK COAL, AND SHALL SELL AT LOWEST PRICES FOR -CASII. • NATHAN TIDD. Towanda. Pa., Aug. IL igts. - Ityl CHAS. JOHNSON £CO.'S Foundry & l!hchine Shops, BEST. CIRCULAR SAW' MILLS it • In the market. , } ~ ,~~~ B , 3IINCtLE MILLS.-LATH MILLS_ • Pirnell's Improved Feed Gutter,'? Strond's Keystone Fire S h rinker, Griswold's Boss Water Wheels, Ward's Patent Buckwheat Cleaner, &c., &c., &c., &c ENGINES AND BOILERS Made to order. Repairing of alt 'kinds done on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Also, manufacturers of and dealets in Polishing and fluting Trons The best in the world. Agents wanted Towanda, April 15. 1550 Agricultural Mchinery Bat. Welles, Towanda, Pa., L Wholesale and Retail dealer In IMI I s'ROVED FARMING IMAE •MENTS AND MICIEINERI7. ,;r WtIIAD TRUE CHILLER PLO's, Gale Chilled Plows, • Best Reversible'Plows, Adgate and Enterprise Churn Powers, Corn Shelters, Farm Wagons,. Platform Wagons, Buggies, Feed Cutters, Grain Drills, 1111 ACME PITLVEBIZZIG 141110 W AND CLOD CaLMICEE, • ' ' t , ; • .Bollard's Hair Tedders, Leader an d l) - ale Wheel, Rakes, 1 Tompkins COunty 3mpiosed • Cultivators. Slowing htnehiles, Reapers, Plow Sulky.; ... Sprout's Nat Elevators and Harpoon Forks. Liquid Paints. mined ready' for .the brush, of best brands. +.\S STAR. HYDRAULIC CEMENT, &c., &c. Call and see my stock or Dead for tiro:llan and prices. OHce in C. P. Welle's so.cent Store. Warebouse directly in rear of same In the alley. It. M. WELLES: Tostanda„ Mares HOMO. .' •'• ' ! • 1 GEO. STEVENS. SPRDIG AND SUMMER 1880. L.' ROSENBAUM & SONS. yeur compositlens bite won the ten or mankind and household wards . not only one but ? ; 201 'EAST WATER STREET. DRY AND FANCY (ODDS, .; JOBBERS OF MILLIgERT. .LARGET, Br.ST AlrEi CIieIYSZT MILLINERY Allar•SpaLsl fudueeineats ilia Prices tolallffiters. 4. off is respectfully solicited. . - L: ROSENBAITht 1; SONS, • 4 Set ► tOr wAritymntarr. k • Saab= Row Diost. Nutb 117n3. ME '?"~ POLICIES pd. rig A ilv TOWANDA, . PENN'A. We claim tej make the, JOHN )N'S PATENT CHAS. JOHNSON &. CO *lnfra jtivettisements. ELMIRA, N.Y. Dealers In ALSO o=l Agiortonat of In the Southern Tier. g3liiiig MMI About Potatoes: Whst pond= to call the antei: tiara tubes "bleb potato? when It is well known to have been indigenous to American soil _ - _ - To cultivate thee- s frish potato sue. ceiudbllythat It, to make a: less la borlons ' mitre "than - is now practiced generally--to double the land yield . , it is only het:miry to observe a few important rules to ac complish the purpose. • - Well prepared new ground lathe best for potatoes ; but when panted in old ground plow deeply- , -- ( If thee sail or the strength of the team will not admit of at Least twelve inches in depth, let a sharp shovel plow follow in each furrow, drawn by one horse, and loosen t e ground to ', that depth. After plow ng, harrow • smoothly. Then lay o the whole ground with a . bull-tongue, merely marking the ground two feet apart; . then lay off the rows the reverse way, three feet _ apart, with a large _ shovel plow, as deep as • possible with two -horses; only four rows at a . time. Drop one whole potato; of medium size, where the marks of the bull-tongue and the 1 regulator rows cross each other; thus having your rows three feet by two feet regular and straight, 'to fa= cilitate cultivation. - i. - - Then drive the wagon, loaded ' well-rOtted and well-pulverized sta ble manure, by the side of these four rows, andthro* shovelful of the Ma nure on. each 'potato. so dropped ; then cover with a. turning plow and lay off four rows more ; the • wagon can pass over the first four rows without displacing the potatoes, ;Pursue this:course' till the whole, field is planted. The work will seem rough, and incomplete, but I l et it re -main so for a time, and you, will find' the advantage. When you find-that the potatoes are ready to come---by this' time, too, the ground will be covered with weeds and igrass which, if left to grow with the_-! potatoe-6, isill.almoat choke • them before they are large enough to be worked—then just at this stage of growth, one here and one there coming - up, take your_ two florae harrow, and - drag it over -the field,both ways till the ground is , perfectly . clean artd ,smooth. In a, few days all the potatoes come -up through a soft and clean mold, and the growth is so vigorous that the grass. and weeds never act pear-any, more close to the potato sines. Thus all the work of hoe and hand,pulling of weeds and grass by, ,hand is saved. Cultivate the three-. Soot way with a double bull-tongue, the two-foot way with a single ball on,gue about twice each Way and the • ,cultivation is 'easy and cheap. and `you will have a crop of from 400 to 600 bushels to the acre. Cultivate level--:--never bill the potato. - Let me here remark that if. 200 ,pounds (-f plaster is added to the -ton of manure, and thoroughly mix ed tegether, it will be better. And again ; s hout two days before you plant cut the seed end (that' is, tae. end that has many eyes) off the po-. tato, and let the cut part dry; -or, if there is no time for its drying natur ally, rub the cut end in plaster, which will dry it thoroughly and - prevent decay. 1 Many do pot believe in the moon when plt.nting potatoes, but I know that to plant in the dark of the moon in April will bring .potatoes . large enough lo- eat two weeks sooner than those planted in the light of the moon, in March., - I ti ied an experiment: some years ago by taking large potatoes, as near the same size as I could - find. Two of these were planted whole in the ground, two feet apart the, other two I cut into twelve peices, with only one eye, each; and put into - the ground, one piece ,to the place, two feet - apart, close to the whole dries. They•hald the same care. When dug I notieo the produce of the whole seed were greatly the finest in- ap pearance, all being me rehan ti bl e;while the curt seed produced about the same quantity in weight, but most of them small, but only a few fit to -go to market or be brought to the table. To my mind this was conclusive in favor of whole seed. The cut seed took six times the- ground, and of course six times the work, that the whole seed did. - I tried pilling two rows in a patch of a good, - new variety of potatoes, and they did not-do well, while those that were not billed did well. Hence, now I never hill potatoes, butneulti vate well, but level. . -T. J. FINNIE, Red Bluff Ostofflpe,, Wythe caun Virginia. Which is the Most Prolific Corn? It is a question worth - considering: in what direction =we shall "breed" one seed corn. Whether itlis better to,encourage a growth of one larg e ear upon each monstrous cOnt stalk, or aim at getting two or mire small er ears upon a meditim sized stalk, one which may' be used for fodder. and thus allow the whole plant to be utilized. In the west the aim is to have one large ear, of Whi i eh 100 will - produce a bushel of , Shelled corn at least. In the east some corn,grow ers are ,striving to "breed" a corn which shall produgc three or more ears.upon a stalk, of which 1 - 50 yield a bushel ofshelled corn: With three upon a stalk of, this character, it is evident that the produce will be at least double that of the larger ear ed variety. In addition to this gain. the stalk of the smaller variety :is not so coarse ; and may be nearly all consumed, and the ears are better Stud for feeding whole, or' for cut- Ling into chaff together with, stalks. These items should all be taken into amount in determinin,g'lto !what end we shall direct our efforts, in the im provement of this, the most valuable of all 'crops.--.,elmeican rug. 1, Wheat an Oats. A number of agricultural journals have advocated sowing oats and wheat together. The - leaves of the oats are supposed to keep the snow from blowing away, to prevent the sun from thawing the frozen ground and to make a 'good top-drel3sing for the growing wheat in the spring. But it seem? plain that if wheat Makes a' fair growth- in the fall itt; own leaves will arrest the snow as .well as oat leaves., while they would, serve as Well to arrest the -action of the sun upon the frozen ground. As a "top dressing" we do not believe the wheat crop would be- benefited. Not until the leaves were plowed tin der and rotted in the ground could any benefit be derived from them as a manure. -So far as we can see, therefore, the oats, instead of bene fiting the wheat, would stmply . ex haust the soil ,of uutritnent .an(l inolsture.—:Rural ,1 4 t'eti Yorker. Mil la - pANNI*m.