Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 18, 1880, Image 2

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    L und geporter.
Towanda, Pa., March tB, 1880.
Republican State Ticket. ,;‘:
Hon. HENRY GREEN, Northampton
Hon. JOHN A - . 41101i t ' Blair Oatintv.
CAPTAIN Esns proposes to'build a huge
railroad which shall transport'the largest
ship across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.
The plan is said to be feasible, and Rill
not cost a tenth as much as the contem
plated ship canal..
TOWN B-; IIAwLEY, Assistant Secretary
of the Treasury, Saturday formally re
signed his office as Assistaut Secretary of
the Treasury to take effect April 1. Mr.
.1. Ti. C.rTON, of New Hampshire, Chief
Clerk of the Treasury, will Succeed him.
IF the Democracy really has so mucl
sympathy for FITZ JORII PORTER, anti
are anxious to give him $60,000 back pay,
suppose TILDEN pays the income tax be.
owes the government, with the under
standing that it shall be applied for that
--- liv..tttsEY, the San Francise., black
guard, was arrested on Thursday, charg
ed with the utterance of olmeene and pro
fane language, which with his abuse and
threw s constitute his chief siock in trade.
Certainly there should be Some way in
which to squelch this unmitigated nui-
Wrsball expect now to see an exodus
of strung-minded females. Those who
are tired of
. living under the despotism of
tyzannic man, and anxious to evjoi , one of
their beaven-born and inalienable rights
e3n go to Wisconsin, the Legislature of
that State having' just decided to give to
women the ballot. Now let the dear
creatures vote early and vote often.
. -
Mn. (1.- tENT W. Pi.AlttiALl. died and,
was buried •n the Troy cemetery near
Iliimitigham, Michigan, a
. few days ago.
After a briefs vice at the grave the,offi
elating minister gave notice that the, cof
tin lid would be removed and packages of
Digo-glycerine placed about the body.
This was-intended to prevent 'tlio grave
flow being visited by the bodyzsn4chers.
•II t DGE KELLEY went a gunning with a
thirty-twO pounder after a torn-tit. in the,
louse on Thursday„ last. Somebody at
le in pied to - tamper with him, and the in
dignation the Judge displayed would be
edifying Was not so ludicrously out
of proportion to the importance of the of
fence. His reputation is far above the'
necessity for vindication or explanation.
TttE House Committee on Coinage,
Weights•and Measures, having reporty
favorably on the bill authorizing the Sec
r.JarY of the Treasury to exchange stan
dard silver dollars for trade dollars, and
providing that:no more trade dollars shall
bo coined, it is not improbable that it will
pass the IfouSe. Theo bill also provides
that the trade dollars received by the
Treasury shall be recoined into standard
silver dollars. .
TIIE recent decision . of the Supreme
Court of this State in a usury case is a
niost important one, for it defines clearly
the present condition of the law against
usury The decision amounts to this :
that it debtor Arho. contracts to pay more
thTia six? per cent. interest, may, if he
chooses,Alecline to pay the excess; but
be cannot, as in former times, trepudiate
.the whole debt. Ile can be compelled at
least to pay six i er cent.
" LOVE laughs at locksmiths," but it
don't often send a young maiden to the
nuptial altar, clothed only in her robe de
suit. At Elizabeth City, N. C., a young
lady was lately married undtjr peculiar
- circumstances. She was about to elope
with her.lover. tier father got kind of it,
fired upon her lover, wounding him
in the arm, Taking in the situation at a
glance, the ouug girl tied from her room
in her night clothes, joined her lover, and
in this garb : tied to Hymen's altar.
THE state of public opinion in tht43outh
is shown by the, failure to secure ajury to
try for the murder of Judge Git.-
mEtt. The Kemper County massacre is
still fresh in the recollection of our read
ers, and the trial of one of the murderers
was set down for last week. Nrs.
mat, the widow of the murdered man,
was in attendance, - but she had her long
-journeys in vain as no jury could be had,
and the trial was postponed. This pro-
bably ends the farce - of attempting to
ptinish, a man for the slight offense of
nnirdeing Republicans in cold blood
Tar Canadian weather prophet who
announced a coneentrstion of the snows
e of winter in the month of March ought to
feel encouraged by, the weather returns
of the first two weeks. He will need a
gocid many snow storms; however; to
comfoit him for the utter failure of his
prophecies. for February. Weather pro
pliets have the advantage possestied by all
seers, that themass of people remember
only their successes and forget all about
their failures, eVen when the latter
amount to ninety-nine per cent, of the to
tal prOphecies.
SOME of the Democratic papers have
been terribly worried about the possible
Republican candidate for the Presidency.
And now a new source of tribulation is
discovered. ,One of them is in fear "that
the GRANT papers will support LAINEor
SIIERMAN if either shall be nominated,
and the BLAINE and SHERMAN paperi;
Will support GRANT if lie shall lead the
ticket," Which is much nearer , the truth
than the ! Democratic papers at usually
in the habit of getting. We stould be
glad; to relieve their distress but we
are afraid this anticipated calatnity is
likely to come upon them. • ;
• SENAToiCArtrENTErtmaynotbe versed
in ornithology, but the verdancy he exhib
ited n reference to the Harrisburg "roes.
ter." is delightfully amusing, Is it pOs
. • Bible that the-legislative bird is unknown
in Wisconsin? Certainly. Senator CAR
reosvErt bas been "cock of the walk '•
long enough to be thoroughly posted in
thtf cognomen, either philologically, or
. figuratively. .Yet in the P i. ETRO,FP trial,
• when a witness testified thit the immac
ulate P. asked him how he would like to
be a "rooster," both Senator CARPENTER
and Mr. Gows.s profesed ignorance of
the term and its meaning. We can hard
ly give 31r. flow:EN credit for verdancy,
considering that the Reading Railroad
has been fur years notoriously active in
the Legislative Halls, and keeps every
eiuter at Ifarrisburg a skilled corps of
paid lobbyists. The witness, in answer
to a question, proceeded to give a detlni- 1
tion of its meaning, as "s member of the
Legislature• who would vote for a bill un.
der the inspiration of a pecuniary consid
eration." The explanation was satisfac
tory to the legal gentleman. The term
is a local one, originating at Harrisburg„
though why its suggested itself it is diffi
cult to understand. Certainly there is
nothing in the habits of the "bird of the
ramping" to justify such an impbtation
as is conveyed by designating the corrupt
lobbyists of the Capitol as " relosters."
There does not appearto be anything in the
6bite oinature of the fowl; which apper
tains W the lobby by way of comparison.,
Now that it has bad judicial investigation
and applitation the terms will become, if
not classical, at least established.
Tuff Senate committee upon the negro
exodus is beginning to get clown to the
bottom facts of the movement. A negro
witness from Louisiana testified that the
black people were impelled to leave the
State because, although they were free
they were still treated
,as slaves, because
their sufferings had become unendurable,
and because they feared that if a Demo
cratic President should be 'elected they
would be denied the right of emigration.
Now that the committee has undertaken
I to summon witnessetofrom Louisiana we
hear no more nonsense about ?Radical
plots and Republican conspiracies. 'Ve
hear only or Democratic persecutions and
intense dread of Democratic supremacy.
TUE truth of the old saying that " mis- I
fortunes never come singly," was un
pleasantly exemplified in Texas township,
Wayne county, a few days ago,. at the fu
neral of a young daughter.of Jour; CAMP
BELL. The funeral procession bad just
started, when a horse attached to the hearse
became frightened at the noise caused by
the closing of the hears© door, and ran
away. The horse, hearse and coffin were
thrown down an embankment, injuring
the horse so badly that it had to be
ed. The coffin was also thrown out of
the hearse, but not broken. The afflicted
family had returned home only a short
time when the other twin daughter also
I died of diphtheria.
THE present British Parliament will be
dissolved on the 23d instant, and soon
thereafter writs for a new election will be
issued, and the new Parliament will meet
about the firs., of Slay. Tne present body
Ass been in existence six years. The 'elec
tion will cause great political excitement
throughout Great Britain, as the contests
are usually very warm, and oar cousins
are not above the employment Or means
of doubtful propriety when conducting
a canvass. Unseating a membei of Par-
liarnerit for bribing and corrupting voters
is not unusual. Already some of the can
didates are getting up "booms" to en
sure re-election.
There is an old rule, and a good
one, which we would commend to the
calm and earnest consideration of
hysterical and terrified Republicans.
It is not to cross a bridge before get
ting to it. And our advice to the
restless and crotchetcy is not to burn
the bridges behind them. They may
'teed them to recross, and get back into
the. Republican ranks before autumn
has tinted the leaves. For while it
is the privilege of every Republican
to have his preferences and even his
prejudices and to be for whoeVer be
pleases for the Presidency, yet the
time will- soon come when he must
face the naked question as to wheth
er or not he is willing to surrender
the destinies and interests of the
Nation into the hands of the Democ
Those unwise and excitable Re
publicans who are working them
into a- fury over the probable
action of the Chicago Convention,
will do well to allow reason and
nioderation to ,'resume their sway.,
There is nothing in the probabilities
which calls for the exhibition of tem
per or which would eause a moment's
ankiety: The 'diStinkuished and hon
orable men who are likely to be
nominated, are all worthy of the Sup
port of every Republican. And he
who goes about whining and growl
ing, and declaring that he will not
support such a man if nominated or
that, defeat will inevitably come if
some one else is named, is neither a
sensible man nor a good Republican.
When the nomination is made it be
comes a simple question whether it is
not better that the nominee of the
Republican party, though he may not
be,our favOrite, shall be chosen, or
whether we would have a Democratic
administration, with its consequent
reaction and mischief. What might
be expected in the lattet case, should
the Democracy get into pssession of
all the branches of the - government,
has - been clearly foreshadovied by the
proCeedings of the extra session, and
the attempted usurpation in Maine.
We respeca partizan whO declares
himself frankly or emphatically for
is the distinguishing characteristic of
the Republican party that it allows
Free Speech. But it is pot necessary
heca f use we are partial to any man
that we should work ourselves into a
frenzy, and do or say things which
are calculated to embarrass our fu
ture:action; and hazar,d party success:
ThOidiculious prominence given to
the "third term" spook, is unworthy
of the men who are engaged in mag
nifying it, and while they dool be
lieve there is any danger or import
ance attached to it, is nevertheless
from its constant reiteration caleula
ted to • work mischief, should Gen.
GEANT be nominated. Then there
are partizans of the other candidates
who assert with lugrubious coun
tenances, that the Maine statesman
is vulnerable, and that a campaign
with him as a standard bearer Would
be a defensive one. Even SuEnsuat,
with his past record for consistent
devotion to the principles of the
party, and his brilliant achievements
in his present position, not does es
cape the attacks of 'indiscreet and
jealous men. And there are allot of
superfine Republicans who are
against everybody named, and who
hay.c not found a man immaculate
enough to . deserve and ooMmand
their support.
Now we earnestly and in a friend
ly spirit renew our advice to all these
people, not to burn their bridges.
The campaign of 1872 should at once
be a reminder and a warning. . Then
there i was great oppositiOn to the re
oomination of Gen. GRANT. Promi
nent, Republicans in every State were
committed not only to oppose his
nomination itut election. •It seemed
early in the campaign as if the diver
sion was of such magnitude that
overwhelming defeat was to come to
the copimander who had never suffer
ed defeat. . But before the election
those who had not burned their
bridges were glad to recross them,
and the rout of the Democracy was
complete. Many of, those who had
committed themselves not to vote for
him were ready to east their ballots
in his favor when the polls opened,
and t hose who persevered in their op
position have almost unanimously re
pented their i ' indiscretion.
There is nothing at present which
justifies .any Republican in declaring
that he will not suppOrt cheerfully
and zealously the Republican nomi
nee. lit is not certain who that nomi--
nee will be. Certainly of all the men
named as possible candidates there is
not one wlia is not worthy of the
support of every Republican. The
least desirable of them is !better than
the best Democrat, and it is not at
all likely that the leapt objectionable
Democrat will be the candidate of
that party: The issues are to be'
sharply defined, and there can be no
,opportunity 'for mistaking the duty
of every lover of his country. Per
sonal preferences and petty prejudices
sink into insignificance when com
pared with the welfare of the Nation.
The question Which every voter will
haie to meet, is whether the Repub
lican party shall cont4nue to adminia:
ter the affairs of the Nation, or
whether the party which attempted
to destroy the Nation shall be en
trusted with its, control. The minor
questions which . are now being agitat
ed should not weigh as a feather in
the balance. And we predict that be
fore the day of election comes, the
Republican party will present an un
divided front, and will march with un
broken and invincible columns, to a
brilliant victory. If there are any
malcontents, or incipient disorganiz
ers or rebels, we advise them not to
born their bridges, because they wilt
find them handy when they are harrY
ing back into the Republican' ranks.
As we announced last week, Messrs.
CRAWFORD, indicted for " corrupt solicita
tion" of members of the Legislature in
connection with the Riots Damage bill,
pleaded guilty, when arranged •in the
Dauphin County Court. Mr. KIMBLE'S
plea of guilty was accompanied by a
qualifying statement that while admitting
his guilt, he denied being "corruptly " a
transgressor, 'which Judge PEs.rtso's der
dined to accept. The trial of EMIL J.
PETROFF resulted in a conviction on both
counts ,of the indictment. The Judge
fixed upon the 29th of March, as the
time when he will pass sentence. The
trial of the remainder of the cases was
iiostponed until April next. The legal
penalty of the offense to which these four
plead guilty is a fine not exceeding $lOOO,
and an imprisonment not exceeding two
years. A formal announcement is made
by advertisement in a Harrisburg paper,
the five. men` awaiting sedtence of
th r a tendon to apply to the Board of
'Pardons fora remission of whatever pen
alty may be imposed upon them. It is
given out that the pleirs of, guilty were
made "under a .more or less definite
understanding with the prosecution that
the . moral effect of a public conviction
was more to be desired than the imprison
ment of the parties accused, and that the
leading actors in the prosecution will not
appear before the Board of Pardons add
renew the battle there." Whatever l of
truth theremay be in this statement, the
public will receive with great satisfactiOn
the certainty of the fact, that this prose
cution is likely to create a more healthy
atmosphere about the halls of legislation,
and that professional lobbying will be
.done away with for a time, at least. These
are dozens of men, throughout the State,
more richly deserving of punishment than
those now caught in the toils, and the
offenders who now await sentence are by
rr) means the most culpable. That . they
will be dealt with in ' such a way as will
beit preserve the interests of, .public
morality, we have no doubt, and the un
pleasant predicament in which they are
placed, will deter others from following
their example.
TUE condition of affairs has reached
such a threatening and dangerous attli
tude in San Francisco, that.the law-abid
ing and orderly portion of the popu
lation bas been impelled to organize un
der the name of the "Citizens' Protective
Union," and have made I formal an
nouncement of their organization and
purposed. The preparations of the or
der-loving citizens for the putting down
of disturbances, the protection of proper
ty,. and the prompt punishMent of the
agitators and incendiaries, were so mani
fest, and the recollection of the old-time
vihilance committee so vivid and sugges
tive of unpleasant' consequences to" the
agitators, th it the Kearneyites have call
ed a halt, and protest that their incendia
ry utterances were mere "sound and fu
ry, signifying nothing." It is but a few
drys since that the sand-lot orators were
uttering their fearfdl denunciations and
uttering their bloody, threats, and the as-
sembleooodlums were passing resolu
tions that if interfered with in their de
signs on tChina-town they would "visit
upon the low, designing minions of pow.
er, backed though they may be by cow
ardly capitalists and corporations, punish
ment so swift and speedy that- readers of
history will shudder at the record." And
Mayor KALLOCIE, in a speech made the
same day, said that the resolutions in sub
stance embodied his views I The order
loving citizens of San Francisco are so de
termined, and their .preparations for
promptly squelching violence are so effi
cient, *hat the ruffians have been cowed,
and now the Mayor wonders that anybo
dy could have thought the cut-throats
anything but meek and gentle supporters
of law and order. It is probable that all
danger has pawed, and that no eiil con
sequences will result, except such as have
lready been experienced frornaittempo
rary shccese of unprincipled deunkoaties.
Tus Inicatigsting Onsoilttee Of the
Maine tegislatorets, at length extort
ed from ex-Goverbor asiminan the ad
mission that, he was gong of negligence
in not looking into toots and Simi. for
himself, Waked of accepting the state
ments of .his "witioed whim" of hip
COuncit s for ' rather
. better` than gospel
Umbe l , The position of the ex Governor
at the present time is s rather pitinhle
one. Before he beciiine Governor be was
a man of expellent private reputation, and
reputable men of all. parties; were quite
well satisfied to have him in the Execu
tive chair, for it -was believed that, at
though be might not make a particulariy
brilliant Governor, he would at least
make an honest one. He had a chance of
going oat of office ivith honor, but in an
unlucky moment he permitted himself to
be drawn into the Fusionist conspiracy to
set aside thelisults' of an election, and
the result was that be went out of office
in disgrace and without having even the
mean satisfaction of succeeding in the ac
complishreent of his objects. Ile is just
now making bad worse by attempting to
throw the onus of the 'conspiracy on the
members of his Council, and by refraining
from seeking to in a measure tl rehabili
tate'himself in the esteem of his fellow
citizens by making a clean breast of the
whole business and candidly confessing
his wrong-doing in all its lengths and
SENATOR. CAMERON is reported as hav
ing assured a delegation of ehiladelphis
polticians that his " faith in the fact that
GRANT would be nominated remained un
shaken ; that be didn't believe there
would be a ballot, but that the nomina
tion would be made by acclamation ; that
the advices he received werel thit Ken
tucky, Tininessee and Missouri would de
clare for IGRANT, stud that eien ihougb,
BLAINE_ claimed the Indiana delegation,
that GRANT would get the half of it. Fur
ther, that he thought that Grissur's nom
ination would be alusuied at least two
weeks before the convention.
Elam B. Piresunuiiiiir, of Illinois, ar
rived at St. Louis a fe'w days ago, and
was closeted most of the day with leading
Missouri Republicans. 'To a peTtsistent
interviewer be said he bad no, doubt that
GRANT would be nominated at Chicago
and that the Illinois. delegation would be
a unit for him.
A dispatch to the Philadelphia Record
says : The latest convert •to Graittimn is
President HATES, who-haft said within a
few days that he favored the nomination'
of President GRANT.
All of which our readers we at liberty
to take with as i inany grains of allowance
as pleases literal.
THE presence of M. DE LICE4F.PIS tt the
National Capitil has had th eirt to
bring nP the Monroe Doctrin an the
President has sent to the Se a; mes
sage in regard to the Pans. a Canal,
which is a re-affirmation of tabprinciple
enunciated by President Itfolvnoz. The
message contains the folloWing in refer
ence to the proposed Panania Canal:
"The policy of this country isa canal um
der American control. The United States
cannot consent to the surrender of this
control to any European power in to any
combination of European powers. The
capital invested by citizens or corpora
tions of other countries in such an bnter
prise must in a great degree look for pro
tection to ono or more of the great pow
ers of the world. No European power
can intervene such protection without
adopting measures on , this continent
which the United States would deem
wholly inadmissible."
Simian:AßT SIiERMAN , has written a
letter to a friend in Chicago, inwhich he
says "The first public mention of my
candidacy was in the inference drawn
from my letter to the Hon. bir. lissaix,
of New York, in which I stated what I
would seek to do in case of my nomina
tion and election. Since that time I have
been considered by the public as a candi
date, and have so regarded myself with
the purpose neither to press any one• to
support me, nor to decline such friendly
aid as is offered me. This positition I in
tend to occupy to the end. I do not think
it necessary for me to,belittle or arraign
General GRANT, Senator Mem, or any
one else, nor will I nee my official, posi
tion to promote my candidacy." Which
is a very dignified tind,proper position to
occupy, and one which will command the
respect of the whole country.
Tan ,'Butler, Pa., Citizen, discruiaing
=: - •
" dark horses " for the P residential nomi
nation has the following :
" Speaking of the " dark horse " that
may be introduced and carry off the
nomination at the Chicago convention,
who would be a better man, if such a
compromise has to be made, than Hon.
Galusha A. Grow, of our own State? 'He
would give satisfaction to all in an emi
nent ,degree and be a candidate whom all
would be proud of. Senator Blaine le
also a Pennsylvanian by birth, and that
is one of the reasons why the Republicans
of this State have rallied to bim as they
have. ' We feel confident of his nomina
tion, and believe he should have it, but if
there is a "dark horse" in the matter
then we say, Galasba A. Grow. Garfield,
Edmunds or Washburn would be good,
but Grow better."
STRAWS 1 The instFuctions l for Judge
EDMUNDS in Vermont are said to ensure
the votes for GRANT. The latest from
North Carolina is that Sumatra; already
has seven, and will have eight more of
that State's delegation. Micldgan was at
first thought 'certain for GRANT, but
BLAINE will have a number 44 . delegates
therefrom. Three ex-Governors.—BouT.
wr.u, CLAFLIN and Race—will be dele
gates-at-large from Massachusetts to
Chicago, and they are GRANT men.
HENRY G. VENNOII. of Montreal, who.
has attained considerable celebrity for his
weather forecasts, givrs the following as
his latest : "There will be snowfalls in
differint parts of the
,I.lnited States and
in Europe. during April and otrertfely
backward weather in. the fore part of
May. The finest part of the year 1880
will be its latter half. Further details,
with dates, will be attempted toward the
first part of May."
THERE will be to vote for'on the State
ticket this year in Pennsylvania, one per
son for Auditor-General in place of
Scurst.t., and one for Suprenie Judge in
place of Judge WOODWARD, deceased.
Besides the two State officers, there will
be a full delegation of Congressmen to be
chosen, 25 members of the_ State Senate,
210 members of the House of Representa
tives, and large county tickets.° This, in
addition•to the Presidential contest; will
make a lively campaign next PAR.
IRON has been booming in Price, until
the iron workers have become impressed
with the idea that they should share in
the profits of . the trade, and then has
been a general cessation of work in the
rolling mills from,Pittabargh to Philadel
phia, and strikes in the to nice.. Thou
sands of men . will stop work on the istof
April, unless an suivanco is made in their
wages, and probably, there will bs *awes
of violence.
&Mu of our Members of Cobras Mid
the memo ot an aleetiim very beam
bat they ate trilling compared wiib the
expense of n contest for lieriber of Part
Lament inAugland. DAMN are given
where Abe...legitimate maga was over'
;100,000. The canvass is conducted by
regularly appointed agents, who superin
tend all the detalls, and exercise the
utmost Ingenuity to put the cash where it
will do the most good, and at the same
time avoid the penalties of the Jaw.
Tun floosie Tunnel bad its 199th vic
tim on Sunday inc*ng, ALBERT MAR
CBOll being killed, hi the explosion of '4l
blast. Tim tsumei was Commenced twenty
years ago. lad the inre;ber of fatal *xi-.
dents has averaged' twenty a year. The
work has been accomplished at a fearful
coat of human life.
IT is DOtbitlglnitt "IMNI Repub
licanism that he has & strong preference
for any particular candidate, provided le
concedes to others the same right, and is
willing to accept cheerfully the decision
of the majority, expressed through the
accepted sind legitimate channels.
IT has been the popular belief that the
presence of tailraad officials ensured pate
ty for a train, but on the West Chester
Road, Monday, an excursion train laden
with officials was demolished, by , a col
lision, fortunately without very serious
Mu. sends a telegram from
Lewisburg, denying that the prosecution
in the Riot bill bribery cases assent to or
acquiesce in a pardon or commutation of
sentence, and that he should deprecate
any interference with the regular course
of justice.
SIALWART Republicans are not bolters.
They recognize, at all times, and under
all circumstances, the tint law of party
existence, which is—submission, complete
and unreserved, to the Will of the
Tins Woman Suffragists are happy, for
five female school trustees were erected
Wednesday at Middletown, N. Y., by
handsome majorities.
Senator Conkling's Speech and the Utica
'it. may seem presumptuous for a common'scribj
bier to criticise the speech of the groat Senator
from New Yea ; and If the speech were Indeed as
great as the Senators reputation,and as unanswer
able as the Eitnira ddrerti•eic the New York Com-
mereiat Advertiser andlds other fulsome Battersea
bsee declared' It to be, then It would be preaumptu
oiie as the attack of David an Go;lathe/tad no such
'successful termination for the suallant could be
hoped, for. But the speech Is not "a masterpiece
of oratory,"-and except for Its arrogance might
have been made by any well-informed boy . in a
debating school. Mr. Cankling is s goad - lawyer,
and knows how to present the strong points of his
case to good advantage, howto be bitter and ear-
castle to those who differ with him to opittloa, and
how tobide the weak points tableaus, by'• abusing
the plaintitranttorne,l.' , it to my to see that his
Rental knowledis Is hot extensive, and that the
stock of English words In his vodbulary Is sesta,
as the tools In the kit of a traveling tinker, and
are made to do such constant and repeated titmice.
In season and out of season, that some of them
fairly groan with weariness. Here is a specimen
of the Utica speech which his admirers say "sur
prised everybody" and In which "he excelled
himself ": "If delegations are to go to represent
not - their own will, bat the will and judgment of
those behind them, what is the -objection, what
would not be the cowardice of our manly saying
what we believe 1"
What he says In the above Sentence when stated
In direct terms, without rug circumlocution or
eraw-dsh rhetoric, is precisely this: 1. The dele
gation from this State to Chicago is to represent
not their own will,•nor the will of the people In
their districts, but the will and Judgment of those
behind them. 2. The Graaf majority in this
Convention la behind them. 3. It the Grant ma
jority, having the porer.ldoes not Instinct them to
vote for Grant, then the Grant men are Cowards
He appeals , to their State pride to have their del
egation Instriaeted to, vote u a unit. He ram
Ironically " How, proud we should feel If on the
roll coming down td the letter N, New York Is
called, and some of her delegates Tote for one man
lend some for another, and -when It comes to be
annoanced, fl they virtually neutralised each other
and telt the roll-call where It was, and then comes
'little New Hatnpstdre and casts her ten votes and
she determines the ballot. , Would not the Itepob-
Brans of Now York feel proud In the presence of
such $ result?"
Nos In the ease he supplies, it , seem' to us that
f the people of New Torkare eo equally divided
In their preferences between two candidates that
their delegates would just neutralize ;each other
"and leave the. roll-call where it was." that :it
would be the best plan, and the one that would
a the greatest satisfaction to the people, not
only a that State but of others, not to ihstruct.
but let tbe delegates be tree to represent the will
of, the people In their respecelve districts. If near
ly half the people in New York are for Blaine,
there Is no good reason why the whole delegation
from that State should be compelled to vote for
Grant. In Pen.ssylvanla there Is undoubtedly a
majority of the people erg , et a third-term Fred-
dent, and yet the Pennsylvania delegation is ex
pected to vote solid for Grant. No matter how old
the precedent, nor bow great the men who father
the iniquity, the nett doctrine; especially In States
nearly equally divided; is a crime and an outrage.
"We know," said Mr. Conklin', " the over
whelming judgm-nt of the Republicans of this
State.; let us state it honestly and fairly." The
vote was taken at the close of this speech and re
sulted as follows: " For the nominee of the Chica
go Convention, whoever be may be," 180; for
Grant, 217 ; majority for Grant, 27. Opinions dif
fer, but if Mr. Conkling considers 37 majority
"overwhelming" in a Convention of over 400 dele
gates, then it is because he loves to use a big ward
to represent small figures. When It is remembered
that the Titles Convention was composed of one
delegate from each assembly be:the num
ber of Republican voters In it aver so small, and
one additional del4ate fa each 1,800 Republican
voters; and when we bear in mind that many of
the assembly districts in the cities, and especially
of New York and Brooklyn, are so strongly Demo.
erotic that thp Republican votes are scarcely worth
1 Counting—and sometimes, we suspect., ,:tiOn't get
counted ; and when we consider that.thele strong'
Democratic districts with but few Republican
voters In them almost without exception sent Grant
delegates to the Convention, we are compelled to
believe Mr. Corikling4 assertion of the " over
whelming " judgment of the Republic-tuts of New
York for Grant to be unwarranted and untrue ;
and yet he demands that New York, like renneyi
menta, In the Natlenta 'Convention shall be solid
for the third-term candidaW It Is amusing to
hear the great Senator talk of the country districts
having teen ' carried against Grant " by an able
corps of trained officials, with their salaries In their
pockets, camped in a particular district and mak
ing their headquarters in the saddle, carrying en
au Setae campaign on the higterukte and th e by.
roads for a month, particularly It the roads are
had or the maw is deco." It will be news to the
people in the country dtstrieta to learn that, con
'vary to President Hayes's civil service order, a
maps of trained ofilcials have been monk
them, riding hither and thither, on the high-roads
and by-roads; when the Snow was deep and the
rends bad, and succeeded in 'carrying so many of
them against Grant.- .
Somebody must have hoaxed Mr. Conkling, un
less be' is troubled with a vivid Imagination, for
nobody would sniper , the great Senator of lying.
He is an honorable man. Hear him extol the cities
where the Grant strength came from : "You may
go MO • -city, a metropolitan district; you- may
have the question fairly and an overwhelm.
lug, unmistakable verdict is tar Gen. Grant.' ' It
bra notbeen generally supposed that the inhabitants
of the citlU are more Intelligent,' honest or patri-
otie than the people In the country. Had it not
been for the Republicans in the districts, Mr.
Conkling would never have. seen tin inside of the
Senate chamber except, as a spectator from the
"Yon remember," be continued. wheriabra.
hem Lincoln was rwoominated, end you remember
what preceded that nomination. The lights we
see now. the sounds ire bear now. were all seen
and beard then. The newspaper folks took can.
vanes of the people and found three•fourths of
them opposed. to Lincoln. Conventions were held
In which the galleries and outsiders, with that
modesty and courtesy slims observed on sorb oc
casions. undertriok to impress and Implea4 the
conventions with the Ides that the public Judg
ment was against Lincoln." tis It requires an
extraordinary memory to recollect things which
never took place, and which Mr. Coulding does Doll
Wert that be remembers or that ever actually
happened, he Most not Mine us If we tenant re.
taAmber Mena We, amid be 04 do oblige: Oa,
led** cleft lto It. There are are Wes wititeseas
la W wbriars wfssatarrensberelyadag they
malt to' perhaps he as pears it by emu - Hera
lathe record of history t 4 . As the careens proceed
ed, thapiopedar matilnent was foimod so weevily°.
amity l fevered Mr. Liatiote GUM eit IMAMS ocean"
carted reeistaiear to Me rwacrelarelosi wY medal
Ms &deviates choosing delegates to the Nationsa
Convention with barely a show of 'reiebithee nom
every loyal State except Missourl, which' •ibose
delegates for General' rant." Be. American Con-
Met, tot. end, page Me.
There 11111111110tiot mass meeting held at CleYe
cm the nest of. May, 1164, at which above Xer
persona were present, very few or none of them in
the capacity of delegates, Of which General John
Cochrane, who is now shooting for Oran; was
Piesidents general factotem, and grant aggregate.
General lemma _Was nomloated for President,
and General Cochrane for Vice-President. Both
candidates accepted the nomination, and both
withdrew before election, teeing `discovered that
they were not likely to receive as. many votes as
there were States In the Union. : •
Kr. emitting is not • &dated orator, and has
none of• the natural gifts of a popular speaker.
cold and tintless, without magnetic power. without
sympathy, without :enthusiasm, without charity
and without eloquence, his Words fell in the Con
vention, not like the welcome music of a summer
rain on thinly earth and drooping lowers, hot
with the chilly thud of frozen clods on the coffin of
a friend at* winter funeral. •
Li Mr. Coniling, and others like him, incapable
enanlllniloili and Utterly devoid of statesman-
ship, are elicited to lead the Reptibllcan party,
they will lead It down beilide a deep grave, front
which only a Superintending providence and en
omnipotent Nand can 'vacua It.
Pm LtoictrittA, %Web 15, 1510.
The " etherial mildness" of the "gen
tle spring" hal not been experienced dur
ing the past week, but on the contrary
" rude Bursae . bluideriug railer hes
ruled with absolutwaway.
bona of those who thought the spring
had come in earnest have been bit
terly dbewpointed. The truckers had al
ready coMmenoed their gardening opera
tions, and their green things have come
to grief,! February gave the promise. of
an early summer, but March preserves its
old-time reputation for unreliability and
One would suppose that the Lenten sea-
son with its obligatory fasting and prayer
would have the , effect to promote brother-
ly feeling and .Christian chanty in the
churches, but it does not appear to have
settled the difficulties in Christ Church,
and now a portion of the vestrymen are
camped in the Chapel "holding tho fort,,!
against the Rector and Church auttiori
ties. The difficulty grew out of the re-:
quest of the Rector for .the resignation of
Rev. Mr. Hudge,who officiated_ as an as-
sittant in the Chapel, which is a branch
of Old Christ Church. lie promptly ten-
dcred his resignation, but his vestry and
congregation won't accept and refuse to
give up possession of
,the Chapel. As
possession is nine points in the law, —"a
portion of the vestry 'keep watch and
ward- by day and night in the building,
and'are determined to stay until legally
dispossessed. The Church militant still
hold die entrenchments.
William Cooper, of this city, who aban
doned his business at the outbreak of the
Rebellion, and gaVe his premises for the
establishment of a refreshment, saloon, at
which thousands of soldiers who were go
ing to the front and returning from the
war, were fed, died a few weeks ago, and
now it is said his family aro in a condition
in which aid would be acceptable. It sure
ly is not a mere matter of charity that
their wants should be responded to, for
° there are thousands in the States, wbo
would consider it an honor to contribute
to the relatives of one who was their ben-
factor in years past.'
Mr. Francis Murphy, the celebrated
temperance advocate, has returned to this
city, and will at once inaugurate a tent
perance revival in the city churches.
The annual commencement of the -Jef
ferson Medical' College took place at noon
at , the Academy of Music. The pro
gramme comprised music by the Germa
nia Orchestra,. Mr. William Stoll, Jr.,
conductor; a prayer by Rev. 1. 1. Nichol
son; the conferring of degrees and priz
es ; a valedictory address by Professor
Robert E. Rogers, and . , benediction.
There were one hundred rand ninety-six
graduates, and at least twice that num
ber of boquets and floral designs, present
ed to the new-made M. D.'s by admiring
Jacob Miller, an intoxicated tramp, was
arrested by Reserve Gouldey, Saturday
afternoon, while endeavoring. to batter in
with a stick ono of the massive plate win
dows of Bailey's jewelry store, Twelfth
and Chestnut streets.
The advance guard of the " salvation
army" from London, has reached this
city, and arranged for holding meetings.
The corps of workers is English, and has
been well known there for tke last two or
three years. Their idea is to bring the
Gospel into the streets, to the ignorant and
poor. Their usual plan -is to take hold of
hands, dressed in a peculiar -garb, match
lug into some crowded thoroughfare,
singing hymns, - set -to a popular tune.
When a crowd is gathered they begin to
preach. There are now one hundred and
twenty-five corps and stations of the
" Salvation Army " in Great Britain, with
one hundred and seventy-nine officers
wholly employed in its labor. Friends of
the work claim that through its influence
"the character:of the whole - population
of South Wales has been changed, the
charge sheets of the police courts have
been greatly reduced, the liquor traffic
has almost suspended, and whole counties_
have been roused to spiritual concern."
They will unquestionably attract much
attention here, but it_ is questionable if
their methods are suited to the necessi
ties or habits of our people. We have too
many churches, which are free to all, to ,
necessitate 4u4h gospel eeremonies. Street
preaching is common here, but does not
seem to be successful.
During the past three or four weeks
some of the , most noted convicts in the
Eastern Penitentiary have become very
ill. P This is especially the case with those_
who have long terms to serve. Their sys
tems seem to have broken down complete
ly, and one of them, Ike Marsh, a notori
ous burglar, is exceedingly sick. Dave
Cummings, an equally notorious robber,
is ill, and Colonel Rollins, the Chambers
lburg brink robber, is fast failing. These
men !were all high livers when at large,
had plenty of money and spent it freely.
Their confinement 'has been mare than
they could bear, and they may go under.
Early on Wednesday morning' last, an
elephant, said to be the first ever born in
,captivity, was ushered into existence in
the building on Ridge Road, in which the
animals belonging to Cooper S. Bailey's
menagerie are kept. The matter is con
sidered important in a scientific point of
view, and Drs. Chapman and Leidy Will
report concerning it. The baby elephant
is thirty inches high, Measures thirty-five
inches from the trunk to the crupper and
weighs two hundred and thirteen pounds.
Twenty minutes after its birth it was
trotting around the cage and endeavoring
to insert its trunk into the pockets of
those present, as older elephants do. The
mother became so angry at interference
with it, that she had to be chained.
A. J. Cieekmore, while engaged on
Wednesday afternoon, in painting near
movie machinery in a - building, an neth
street, had his' , clothes ; caught by - the
shaft, his bead and feet at each
striking alternately the ceiling . tut.l the
iloor. His skttil was &nattered - itl several'
places and the lower put of ilia bodt
shockingly mangled . ; • - -
The Supreme Court` of this State, on
Monday last, rendered a decision against
the claims of a number of heirs of tLe Gi
rard estate, who had tiled ahill in equity
against'tbe city of Philadelphia, to rem- .
er the personal and real estate, left by
Stephen Girard, conditionally for the sup
port of the co/lege-4bn claimants assert
ing that as the permanent fund - for that
purpose was more than sufficient for the
maintenance of the institution, •the be
quest Was void, and they are entitled to
the property. • *
wasnisirros, D. c., It+ren U Um !
When-the Grant and anti-Grant men
were struggling for supremacy in Penn
sylvania, the. Democrats were loud in
their predictions of a split in the Republi
can ranks. But that struggle was mere
pleasantry compared with the bitter fight
now being waged there between t h e Til
den and anti-Tilden factions. They are
going for each- other like Kilkeny cats.
The State Convention meets at Pittsburg
od the 18th instant, and to control its ac
tion is the nbject to be- attained. i It is
generally Onceded, that - 1 if Tilden con
trols the Pennsylvania delegates, his nom
ination is assured. Ilene the anti-Til
denites are doing their level best. But it is
of no use—Tiiden is going for.the empty
honer of the Democratic Presidential
nomination in a way that means success ;
and one that his opponents being linable
to cope with, hate him all the more for.
The "moral obligation " the party owes
he is bound it *shall pay, or else suffer.
The proceedings in Congress show - that
the party realize this, hence they -are
careless of their record, reckless and des
perate. By the way—the latest Demo
cratic Combination is '" Tilden and Fitz
John Porter," because they " both seek
vindication;" -
The Democrats in their endeavors to
make political capital, seem to have lost
sight of Mr. Wood's three and one-half
per cent. refunding bill which they prom
ised to pass in a hurry. Although this
measure is of doubtful poliey'to Republi
' cans yet it would seem that argument
'upon it would be safer for the Democrats
than that now engaged in. Several days
ago Mr. Wood made an able speech on
his bill, and his Democratic brethren, un
able to appreciate a really good speech,
coolly left the, Hall, leaving their financial
champion tu:Speak to a far more appreci
ative Republican audience. But 'When
Mr. House made his slanderous attack
upon the Republican administration, every
-Democrat was in his•seat, smiling appro
val. The average Democratic' Congress
cannot grasp• . anything deeper that- a
The protection of the Indian Territory,
pending the action of Congress, is, the
subject of much anxiety in army circles,
and it has been determined that if ,the
force - now there is inadequate to prevent
trespass, the. available force in the East
will be sent out. It is not vibe believed,
however, that the people will disobey the
" President's pi oclamation. The openin;
of the Indian Territory is only a matter
of time.
The expecta-
DENNIS KEARNEY.-A. dispateli from
San Francisco, dated the 16th,' says
sentencing KEARNEY, the Judge said, it
was not his duty to
„punish., the prisoner
for similar offenses in the past, but to
confine himself to the present case. He
would pass judgment without prejudice,
feeling or vindictiveness, but the sentence
impoised would indicate the estimate of
the gravitrof the offense. KEARNEY re
ceived the sentence in silence, but his' fea
tures indicated intense surprise and indig,
nation. He previously - stated that he ex
pected to get off with a fine of twenty
dollars., After-leaving the court, he free
ly expressed his anger and chagrin, de
nouncing the penalty as outrageous, and
claiming that he would beat it. - Proba
bly in the expectation of a nominal sen
tence, his counsel neglected to demand a
jury trial, and having no resource in that
direction, filed an appeal to the Superior
Court, furnishing bonds of $3,000. Many
expressions of gratification at the Judge's
action have been heard on all sides. He
was.senteticed to pay a fine of $l,OOO and
undergo an imprisonment of six months.
Tux Reading brewers ask nine
dollars a barrel for beer.
lIANovEtt boasts a 'Poland China
hog, weighing over 950 pounds.
COLONEL E BEATTY. a proniinent
citizen of Carlisle, died on Monday
Tur. Lancaster County Medical
Society has begun a campaign against
the medical practitioners who have
on diplomas.
Representative in Congress from the
Somerset district, is dangerously ill
with .diphtheria.
Mn. W. T. SCHEID; of Tidioute,
has been appointed Genecal Manager
of the United' Pipe Lilies in
of the late E. Hopkins.
THIRTEEN wolves during the cur
rent winter have been scored by a
hunter named Brown, who lives in
Burr township, Cambria county.
S. A. Devenport has decided to
remove to another State, and wants
to sell the Erie Gazette, which is a
Republican organ in a Republican
THE property of the Lehigh Slate
Company, at Allentown, was sold
by the Sheriff yesterday afternoon to
Alexander Wiln, of Easton, for
A car works and nail factory, it is
said, are to be erected at Watson.
town, Northumberland county, in
this State, which will be managed by
Peter Herdic.
HENRY Wurrs, a lawyer of Wil
liamsport, who died last week, was
the Democratic candidate for Con
gress against - the Hon. John 1. Milli
ken in 1818.
GEORGE Tuostrsox has been arrest
ed at Bradford for committing a
criminal assault upon rMiss Lizzie
Howard, a very pretty .young lady,
20 years of Age.
-HENRY' C. Burs fell against a re
volving saw in Loyalhanna township,
Westmoreland county, on Saturday,
and was so badly injured _ ' that he
died an hour afterward. -
- Tug frame building in ii - clC.ees
port, Allegheny county, occupied by
Messrs. Galvin ik • Bros. as a grocery
store, was, destroyed by fire on Tues
day.- Loss, $3,000; ( partly covered
by insurance. r
• A fire St Andentied, Carbon coun
ty, on Wednesday night, destroyed
the office and store of the Lehigh
and Wilkesbarre Coal Company and
two houses. Most of the goods in
the stores and dwellingi were saved.
orix hundred dollars fine, costs,
and eighteen ninths in the Sistern
Penitentiary was the sentence for all
the keepers of bawdy-houses that
came before the courtdnring its hfst
term at Williamsport.
IT is expected that work , will , be
commenced' on the new railroad from
'Johnstown to Somerset during the
early part of 'April. The cost will
be about $750,000, the Cambria Iron
Company, at Johnstown, subscribing
one-half of the amount.
Ax old women, supposed 'to be
very poor, living near Middlesex,
Butler county, was taken dangerous
ly sick a few days ago, and neighbors,
who went to the old woman's •aid,
made a Search of the premises.
They found at least $l,OOO hidden in
different places.
O'LEARY won the San Francisco
walking match.
Moil. of the piano factories of Ne w `
Yorkivere closed Monday in conse
quence of the strike of the workmen.
Tim Armenia snd the
Kurdestan extends over an area of
one hundred ' thousand square in' es.
THERE is considerable ice 'in be
1 .
Hudson . ' below Castleton, 'and the
,boats were riot running,Baturday
Joire SANISfET, the murderers of
Ohristian Spriblar, was sentenced - at
Canton, Ohio, to be hanged on Arne
23. I
THE Guion steamship Montan t a l is
ashore at Church Bay. The passen
, gets and mails will be sent to Liver•
pool in a tug.
TIIE lower House of the Austrian
Reichsrath has decided to discuss the
bill for a railroad through the Ail
hery Mountain.
THE Princess Louise, according
to an Ottawa despatch, has nearly
recovered from the effects-of the re 4
cent accident..
THE carpenters and brick layers
of Boston - held meetings Friday
night and organized to obtain an ad•
vance in wages.
THEODORE THOMAS severed his•
connection with the Cincinnati Col-
lege of Music., Re will take charge .
of the May Festival.
P A. SAWY,ER, having testified be
fore the Committee on State Seal
of thet Maine Rouse of Representa.
tivs,, ewas dtsclutrOd froni custody-.
Wtt.uAm F. TAYLOR, ex-Auditor
of Public Accounts of Virginia, was
found dead in his bed in Richmond,
Friday morning. lie was 6`3 years
of age. • ;:
SMITH COLLEHE; 'at Northauipton,
.Mass., ha. - 4 beep closed two weeks,
before the spring vacation,
the appearance of a case. of scarlet
roy, Out., was killed and her -hus
band was dangerouly
.-injured by a
runaway accident. .
Ex-GovEnsov. GAttc4oN appeared
before the. Investigating, Committee
of the Maine Legislature Friday,
and testified regarding the . Fusion
N. Y., was burned to death , in her
house Saturday. The eause of the
fire is unknown. - It is, said , that Mrs . .
Grilling made her will. the day pre
THE old business relations of the
Atlantic anti Pacific and Western
Union Telegraph Companies have_
been fully restored on the Union
Pacific and St. Joseph and Western
THE Arkansas Republican State
central committee has called the
State Convention at Little Rock.
April 28, to nominate Presidential
electors and to select delegates .to
the Chicago Convention. .
THE 11. S. Grand itirrat Milwau
kee has indicted J. 13ridgmati, es-In
dian Agent , at Menomonee reserva
tion, for,Making fraudulent returns
and pesenting false vouchers to the
THE weavers at 'Stewart's woolen
mills, at Glenbam, New York, struck
for higher wages , , and on being refus
ed left the . buildinglia a body. Short.
ly afterwards the demand was acced
ed to and work tvits.resumed.
Two passenger trains ran into each
other, durint , a heavy snow storm, at
Red Desert, fifty miles west of Raw
lins, Wy. T., Friday •morning, and
an engineer was fatallly injured.
The pisengers escaped injury._
Tun engine and nine , cars of
freight train on the &iota Valley
Railroad were thrown from the track
by a horse at Ropetown, Ohio Fri
day. Lawrence W. Barry was killed,
and the fireman was. fatally injured.
Tun residence .of Mr. Richard
Johnson, a farmer, near - Dennison,.
Crawford county, lowit,Was biirned,
and his two the
flames. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and
seven of their - children had a narrow
A tine farm house 'belonging to
John Clark, three miles from Lacks
waxen, Pa., was. burned on Friday
night. Loss, about $3,(100., with lit
tle or no insurance. The cause. - of.
the fire is unl, nown, but - it is . beliOed
to be the work dun incendiary: '-
ACCORDING to a Washington des-.
Patch to the Charleston (S. C.) News
arid Courier; the expense of renrov
ing the 'Alexandrian obelisk from
Egypt to New York, is borne by
H. Vanderbilt, .wlio ,is' to
pay $15,000 when the. task is success
fully completed. .
TuE Scheme for uniting by canal
the German Ocean and - the Baltic is
so far matured that Herr . Dahistrotn,
a Hamburg engineer, 'has been fur
nished with a concession to commence
preparatory operations.iniaccordance
with a plan submitted by.him to the
closed yesterday for the spring vaca
tion and the spring term begins April
8. Athletics are beginning to receive
due attention from the students and
they expect to put in the' base ball
field this year the strongest nine the
college has ever had. _
A tenement house in' North Mar
gin street, Boston, was slightly dam-.
aged by fire early Friday morning.
Renard. McAleer and his daughter,
Mrs. Mary Douglass, becoming pan
ic stricken, jumped from a window,
and are supposed to be fatally injured.
ALBERT MARCROS was killed by
the explosion of a blast in the Iloo
sac Tunnel on Sunday morning.
This is the 199th fatal calamity-that
has occured in this tunnel since it
was begun, some twenty years ago.
A dispatch from Tucson, Arizona;
says the Scriielllin Brothers sold their
interest-in the Tonibstone Mill and
Mints to Corbin Brothers and Ham-,
ilton Disston and party, of Philadel
phia, and Messrs. Simmons and
Squire, of Boston. The price. paid
was two million dollars.. :
, AT San - Francisco the siorkingmen
ire gradually changing 'their se,nti
mcnts,; and no longer talk of riots or
extreme measures. i.
'JOHN WELes, on trial at Fremfont,.
Ohio, for the murder of a man Dam
ed Cottericker, in Ma), 1878, iwas
last evening found
,guilty: of murder
in the first degree.
Tut Kentucky Rouse of Repre
sentatiies Tuesday - refused to give
Henry Ward'Beecher the use of the
Legislative Hall for the purpose of
delivering an address. -
Tnt heaviest rains have fallen for •
the past four days known in Georgia
for years • all 'the ' streams _ are-very .
high, and over flows which will dam
age the crops are reported. '
Tnz Eric railway has ifegun a suit
to recover from James McHenry $l,-
307,000,- with interest-fro* July last,
The complaint states I that this
amount was received by McHenry
for the use of the plaintiffs.
THE ship: N:l3, Palmer reports that
on February 15th she spoke the Brit
ish. steamer Deer which-went from
Glasgow for the island , of Trinidad,
with her cargo in the aforehold on
fire for four days. She hoped
able to reach Trinidad. ,
Tn e firm of'J. W. Arnetman & C 0.,.
brokers in Broad street. New York,-
snspended Monday morning. The•
embarrassment of the firm is saia to• .
be - due to . contracts in Nashville anat . '
Chattanooga stock.
Dustgo•Monday morning's session
of the Bticholz murder trial at Bridge
port; Conn., Chief Justice Park
charged the jury. The charge is con
sidered tO; have been against the
accused. The jury is still out:
:AT th; Hammond colliery, near.
Girardville, Tuesday morning, 'just.
after the men went into the shaft the.
gangwayi caved- in, and' imprisoned - 1
twenty miners. After Several hours,,
all the men were released. Martin
McDonald - was mortally injured..
The rest escaped with a few bruises.
The wildest excitement prevailed for;•
a time.
• A prominent citizen has been ar
rested at Atlanta, Ga., for threaten
ing to kill Rev. R. C. Foult. (rector
of St. Pbillipts Church at that place),
in the pulpit, on. Sunday, and going
to church avowedly for that purpose.
He aCebses; Fonle of causing a di,-
vorce between himself and wife. . tie
has been• bound. over to. keep thc:
peace. ,
THE Grand Jury of Union county,:
New Jersey, Monday brought a true:
bill against; 'Char'les . A. Middleton,:
secretary:of the ContinentaE Tele
graph . Company, . itn. organization
owned, by the Western Union Tele
graph i.lompaay, for wantonly cut
ting down the wires and polesof the
American Union Telegraph Company.
TnE lower Mississippi river is - very
high, and apprehension is felt fod le
vees in 'some places. 1A crevasse 31)
feet wide is reported near Locko:irt,'4
La.; and the State Engineer will send
men to repair it.. . There was a break
in 'the levee near, the barracks. at
New Orleans, but , ;men were at onee
set to. close le opening and sirength•it
en the bank.•
President of
. the _National Bank Of l
Baltimore, died Friday in Baltiinore,l
in the 800 year of his age: lie grad
uated .at West Point, in. ISO, _and
served in the army until 1836, when
he resigned and entered into mercan
tile business, He was. respected for
" steady qualities" throughout his
active life. •
IN the Criminal-Court at Washing
ton, Judge /Inner refused to grant.
a new trial in , the case of the negroes-
Babe Bedford, Edward Queenan and
Saniuel Penn, convicted of the-mur
der of George Phillips Birth on the
evening of. January - 7. last,, and sen-.
tenced the prisoners to be banged On
April - 30 nest.
. .
- A lOt of politicians of the Fourth.
Fifth and Six wards of New .York -
got:up a grand spree at Ryland's sa- .
loon;on 'Sunday night, and, besides
breaking the excise law, cracked a
number,. of heads. -A man named -
Burke was fatally shot, while a num-,
bet. of persons were stabbed. No ar.2
rests were Made,-as the row was not
'interfered. with by the •" best police
force in the world." -
A cable dispatch from Rome, spe—
cial. to the New York Freeman's<
Journal, announces that on Sunday,
March 14, the Pope. approved and
named Right -Rev. Michael Reiss,
now Bishop •of La Crosse, Wis.,.as
Coadjutor, with .right of succeeding
to the Archbishop of Milwaukee, and
approved and named Rev: joint A .
Watterinan,.president of Mount. - St.
Mary"s College, Emmittsbnrg, Md
to be Bishop of Columbus, Ohio.
GENERAL GRANT'S reception at
Puebla, Mexico, was diversified by
an excursion to• the .pyramids or
Cholula. F.:ntertaintilents in lavish
style were given by the officials and
private citizens ; and it•was intended
to.give a ball in his honor on. Easter
Monday, but he intended to sail for
Galveston on the ItSth inst. The
Governor returned General. Grant's
visit on the 9th inst., and in the eve
ning the General visited the Exposit..
ion. The party. left Puebla and ar
rived in the City . of Mexico on -tile
.11th inst. •-•
WORKISOMEN.—Before you begin your
heavy spring work after a winter of re
laxation, your system needaeleamiing and
strengthening to prevent .ari attack
Agne;Billious or Spring Fever, or some
other Spring sickness that wiltiudit you
fnr.a - season7s work. You will save tine•.
much sickpess and great eiperise if you
will use one bottle of Hop Bitters - in your
this. mouth. Don't wait. Sue
alother coluMn.
The undersigned baring - taken nossefsl , n
of the above hotel: rvspeet fully solicits thv
age of Ids old friends and the public gvn,;:o;Y
-aorta-tr. . ' 3t. Voi:I:f.ST..
(ROUTH alDi PiI.;I3LIC 5QC.9:6.)
Thlaweli-known house has been thoroughly ro
niveated and repaired throughout, and the pt.; rit
tor Is now prepared - to offer first-clues aceondoel. , -
lions to the public, ou the most rem z onaide u-•
E. A: J'ENNIN6I . ...
Tovranila.,Ta., May 2, 1878, • .
TOWANDA, rA. 7 1 .
stoats seall hours. Terms to suit tbs.-times. Large
•s stable attached.
ItY, your
Towanda, July 3.,170-tt.
varitopEAN tiou4E.—.B row dyer:. ~•„u,., ; 1
the Means Hansa. tlearitlos the IlaV er 'e.' ,l, '',','
reatninable tonna. Wanu inealsaereeo at all 1. '.
" , i'
Oysters at wholaNale and retail. /0,11:1
rp 11ER HOUSE,
tier.l .1-m
tie3r Mr Pert,
401 IN WOLFE, reor'l