opittlfori CUM'. It. ALLEN, LOCAL ILDITOIL Towanda, Pa., March 4,:880. ,SNTERED IN THE FOSTOFFICE AT TOWANDA AB MAIL MATTER OF THE HEDOND CLAM. LOCAL AND GENERAL. The expiration of subscription is print- Ted on the colored libel. By noticing the ; date every subscriber can 'tell: when his paper will be stopped unless the subserip ; tionlis renewed. DAVID' GARDNER, ESq., of OITAIII Creek, is authorized to receive moneys on subscription to -the REPORTER and re ceipt therefor. . BEAUTIFUL cieather S.CARC.—LocaI items TIIIZEE weeks from next Sunday (will be Easter DAYLIGHT 18 increasing and daikness diminishing. Om merchants aro already beginning to receive spring goods. • i CANDIDATES fOT census enumerator are numerous and. nervous _ A :Lonoi of the Knights of Honor is 'to , be instituted at alouroctou on Tuesday evening next. 4 FAMILY in this 'village who cannot furnish a case of mcaFles, is considered out of fashion. , THE price of wall paper has advanced twenty per cent., and that, too before the spring trade has opened. TILE contract for.hurning the brick for the Poor-House buildings has boon let to a gentleman of Canton. 'Tom - AN ).\has t► Democratic majority iin itc borough Council.— Wizrerly Reciito. 7.l . 4.canda has nothing of the kind. By A letter of idstruction fo the super visors of the census, it would seem that womt n are not ineligible as enumerators. "A. TRAMP AnnuAn."—On account of - the unprecedented reports from agents, the issue of this work is delayed some cnta t. A concert will be given at the Wysox White Chinch on Thursday the 18th of 3lareh for the benefit of the Wysox Baud Association ABOUT the couteuts of the Bradford Beiotlilican: "Hotomß," "Machine,"' ''County Printing.'! —.Went Gazette. Tar: Tioga llotCl, at Waverly, was to have been sold on Monday last, under a foveelosure of a mortgage of $20,000. It issaid the building cost $65,000. THERE seems to have Veen but little, if. any; politics in Bradford County town meetings. Well, why isn't that a Pretty good viay ?-IVarerly Adcoertle. TIIE,' Star of Hope, a temperance paper :published at Williamsport, is offered To r. :sale. The publisher-claims that the paper has . a h i st of 3,000 "Subscribers. • CAMPBELL, of Athens; had his hand Madly injured, whilst eng,agcdin unning a shingle machine in the mill;of 1%%. -c; REEN, one day last week. SAYS the Leßaysville .-Idrertiger of last week : -" Quite a number of our farmers hereabouts are losing their ealc'es with that dreadful disease black-leg:7' -REPAIR the dilapidated sidewalks. As a matter of duty twe must occasionally resiind persons of &dr wretched condi- We again say, repair the sidewalks. MORE liCailtiftll day than Thursday last wai"never experienced in February in this section of the country. To this statement the oldest iuhabitsnt gives an unqualified approval. 1111,16 R ALEX. DIVEN w•r.s clectcd.3lay or of Elmira on Tuesday last, by ,a major ity of 509 over his Democratic competitor. Here's our congratulations to ALEX. and thb 'people of Elmira, generally,. At DISTRICT Teachers' lustitute is to be orgaidzed at Athens, 'on Sairlrday next, March (;th. AU persqns desiring to aid in such organization are requested to be present at 2:30 P. 31.. - Of the day named. BY the explosion otl a lamp the Waverly Berirrc office nartowV escaped destruc tion by tire one evening recently. The flames were extinguished, hewever, be fore anAgrious damage was done to the building or its contents. Su EsnEqutx has a thiatrical troupe. They hacu played twice therf lately, and realized quite handsomely. The last per forMance, on'Tuesday night, was for the benefit of the Odd FtlLows' liorary of that place Itrarei.:y Adrocate. THE "Mt. Pisgah Praying. Baud," who arc conducting Ipectings at thii M. T. •Chmtch, are doing a good work in re lcWining sinners. TCI.4 have „called at many private residences during the past week.—Moral one Republican. FT`i cases of measles Were reported a: favorably progressmg in i Smithboro last week. There's a "booml! for the "y; lung scratchers." 0 F.O nr; W ILLIAM editorials, in Harper's Weekly, are iividently beginning to "bring forth A'itEVIVAL is in progreiis at Ulan...! Seventy-live have already sought Clinnei . at the Altar, and the wi:irk continues. ; The Milan Praying Band—FARNSWORTH • and MYEll—havc , assisted the pastor, L. I'. How Ann, doing an excellent work foe two weeks. l.mox D COO K. of Facteryville, a gardener, was very badly injured on Mon day of last week, by jumping from his - wagon-when the horses, which had be eimie frightened, were running away. • Several bones Were broken; and he was fr badly marked up, Wt.: learn nom the ..I(byertiier that a Mr. CORNISH, *bile at work in J. F. Git.t• Lvrr's mill, at Gilletts, a few days ago, in tryintrto remove the belt from a pulley, caught his lag in the saw and received a very seve6 injury, having his leg sawed about half .off just below the knee. ) 1 1 - aurniiiicatioti signed " Temper ance," is, very respectfully declined, for the teas* that the writer failed to give ; his , place tif residence, and if the nuisance c9tiiplatned of really- exists, it can more, readily be removed by law than by noticing it in a communication to a newspaper. IiEZ • / , 4 A tit - untli of the best and reatest num of this country, and quite a number of the smailest• and meanest, reside•in El mini at the present time, or did on Men- day last, if icebelieve what the newspa- NT,: of that city have been saying about - them for several (lays - previous to that day. Dowertost.—Tbere will be a donatien and oyster suppei at, the Gnaw. Ball; Asylum, on Wednesday afternoon and evening, March 10th, 1880, for the bene fit of ReV. 8. A. CUM:MUCK. A Cordial invitation is extended to all. By, order of Corn. Fours Lads, named respectively, FRANK Cllu oft , CnARLIE PORMAN, FRANK CRONIN and WA ED TUOMPBON, rifled the money drawe4 in Mr. TIDD'a coal office on Sattirday list, of several dollars in money while Iflr. 'inn was at dinner. They were arrested by officer Buns's and lodged in, the County Jail, to await a hearing. - - WE learn that South Waverly people have be4irrie sick Of city life, and are desirous of being placed back in the town ship, to which there will be opposition. We see no help for you further than this: We can send you a Pergess on the econo my plan. Of course, sidewalks, street crossings, etc., will receive due neglect.— Athens Gazette. GENERAL KrixArmelit.--Arraugements are being made for a lecture by General liti.ramica, on March 18th, at Meteor Email, under the auspices of Watkins Post, No. 68, G. A. R. Those who beard him at the G. A. R. Encampment, will want to hear him again, and those who did not hear him then should not fail to hear him now. A 2 , PEcf L train carrying a party o t' Erie railroad officials and coal operat o rs ; passed up I to Bernice on .Wednesday. It is only a qn'estion of a few years when the mountains of Sullivan will be tilled with workmen taking . out the valuable coal and iron ore.' Other regions have , Issed their, prosperous day! but ours are "Itstabout commencing.—Dushore Rerietr. A. connEsrosnENT says illat Er.r.rcorr STCRDEVANT and. WILMER DWI:ERMAN, two lads of Burlington, sawed and split tkvelve cords of hard wood, commencing the task on the 20th ult. at two r. x., and finishing it at four r. u. of the 21st. The c,)rreSpondent remarks: "Pretty ipOd work that for two small boys," whieViwo should think "it were." A 131tAKE " MAII on. Erie train No. 3kby the name - of S. D. Mares, and wholio sided at Hprnellsville, was killed by the cars at Waved - 5 , on Tuesday morning last. The unfortunate than in sume way be came wedged bet Ween the bumpers, ar.d afterwards fell upon the track, the wheels passing over him, mangling him beyond recognition. Ho was about forty-years of ago and leaves a wife and two ohildren to mourn his terrible end. WF. arc glad to hear that the Helping Hand Society of Christ Church propose giving a- course of lectures, tho' first of which will be given at the Episcopal Church tNxt Friday the sth inst., at 7:30. The suh'#t of this will be "The Won ders of the Great Pyramid," to be deliv ered by the Rev. G. 11.. MeKslonT D. D. o' Elmira. During the evening an offer ing will be received to pay expeaces, &c. SAYS the Athens Gazette: I " GRAN DORSEY bas a barber slid') in farron's t block, and has had a Mr. JOHNS is work ing for him. Last Saturday, wnig DOn- SEr was at dinner, JOHNSON 00k the contents of the tin—about nineJdonars— some razors and a vest, and organized a " nel,rro exodus" on a small scale.. He was found , late in the day at Milan, and compelled to disgorge." . FIFTEEN.—OfCOUriie:yOII "worked" it in about five minutes.• EvOy person in this neighborhood has done the same, thing.. You have worked on it five hours at a time since, and you cant bring it right. Of course you haven't told any ..ne of your failure. - Neither has any one told you of theirs. But you just try eon fcssing-to • some one, and see what a mu tual confidence will at-once be establish ed: NonTH TowANDA Lodge of Good Teta')lars, dedicated their new hall on Thursday evening last. The ceremonies were conducted by Hon. H. S. DARTT, and short.addiessui were made by EZRA RUTTY, JAMES ELLIOTT, W. 11. SMITH, .CHURBUCK, G. A. GUER.IitIEY, and others, followed by readings by Professor 'limas, which were enjoyed by all Pres ent. This Lodge is one of the most -tiros perons in the county, as it is one of the oldest. - MIKIOTINCENT, MACK SICKLEIt and AsA. Pooh were arrested by Constable Moreirr and taken bafore Justice YOUNG on Wednesday, chiirged with stealing .a ::Aaron from 7tlvEn DEvoE's slaughter house and selling it for old iron. A jury was summoned by Justice 'Yorso, and a verdict of guilty rendered against SICK- Lim, and not guilty a.s to the other two. SICKLER was sentenced to pay a fire of return the property, and undergo an im prisonment or il() flays in the county jail. —l . ?erier, Friday last. , THE fate residence of Ssui.fititir COLE, deceased, in Monroe toilinship, narrowly escaped destruction by fire on Saturday morning last. The flames welt discbver ed issuing from the roof of the building by Engineer GUNS, Of the .Barchy Rail road, !who at once stopped his train, and several of the train hands at once applied themselveri re, extingAishing the fire, which they succeeded 'in doing befok much darnage was done. The fire canglit: from the chimney, in 4lfich there was a defect.. j - ON Thursday afternoon, while at work Li the woods about twoniiles cast of town,. Mr. A. DOI - GLASS ,W.tB knocked down by a falling tree and .sustained a 'double "fracture of the left thigh: The injured man'was at once brought to his home at R. H. IlitEwnit's, and his cots, bruises, and broken limb received prompt atten— tion from Dr. WADDEL, ass sted by R. B. 3 A CKNON . Mr. D9U01..10k3 is pretty'well along in years, and has had :the, misfor tune to hurt that same Ifig beiore. He is an industrious-man and a. go9d citizen, and has the sympathies of all in his aftlictioc.—Duslore Reciew,. February —The injured man is a brother of Asa I Douoi.asS, of this place. WILSON & FARLAN'S "Mirror of the World," will-he exhibited at the M. E. Church, iu this . place, on Monday evening next. {)f this entertainment Dr. Out Eli WENDIML HOLMES baX written : "To have these visions of strange cities, of stately .edifices, of lovely , scenery, of noble statues, steal. out upon" the con sciousness and melt away one with anoth er, is like dreaming a long beautiful dream with eyes wide open., A journey with the ' is the Grand Tour mi nus the passport and thg' bills of ex change, the voyage and f the accidents, , . the tavern-keeper's retkoning, the swoop of the custom eflicer, the incubui of the . Cicerone, the tables a look at which gives the appetite its quietus, and the beds which late cities of refuge to all mur derers of sleep. Children of_ arms are hardly too young to find delight in these Exhibitions, while their parents and grandparents look on with equal pleas , ure." Tickets to the eptertainment have been fixed at 25 cents for adults, and 10 cents i for children. The proceeds of the enter tainment aiv.for the benefit of the librai y fund of theLlil. E. Church Sunday Schad: Tug Burlingtob correspondent of the Elmira dckettiser, under date of Pebrultry faltrtnnrs thusly "Nolithat Towabda is td be supplied With water ~from Mountain Lake, that beautiful little sheet of water ought to be a mere popular wittamer resort than ever. It lies in a eircullr basin right in the top of a high 'lnountatn. and Is claimed by some to be the crater of an extinct volca no. We cannot say . berii bow true this is, but we do_know that pickerel and catfish are plentiful in its waters. And oh, such lovely waterlillies f not yellow OA bet the - genuine article, white as snow, belav). as wax, with that subtle and delicious' perfume that belongs to no other flower. And if any Elmirlaus do not believe that we can pick five quarts of winter green berries in two or three hours' time, let, them come to Burlington and visit the mountain of the lake." Cot-minus (co'm ' monly known 'as "Cum ") DEFortuer, whoa has constant ly figured in the police iourts.of Towan da, Waverly and Owego for several years past, is once more in trouble. Ho and JEANS FmsTrut, another colored man, were arrested by Police Constable Ron- EnTsoN and Constable PUTNAM last Sat urday evening, charged with burglary and larceny: They were accused of break ing into thelmuse of Mrs. Suntivas, a colored - woman, who lives on Chestnut street, on the night of Pebruary 10th, and stealing therefrom six chairs. A search was made and the chairs woke recovered in DEFOREST'S possession. He had oth er stolen chairs, which have not yet been claimed by their owner. The prisoners were committed to jail to await the action of the next grand jury.—Otevo Gazette, February 2Gth, AT a regular meetiug of White Lily Lodge, No. 808, I. 0.. O: F., 'held at their hall in Wyalnsing, Febiiiary 24th, 1880, the following was adopted : H ERE", In the wise - . providence of our Heavenly. Father oar brother S. C. Gaylord has been called to pass through deep afflictionin the_ loss of a beloved Companion, be it Resolved, That we extend to our belov ed brother our sincere and pf rsonal.re gards for him in this hour of his great sorrow ; though conceiving the utter in ability of any human hand to bind up the wounds which such an affliction in flicts, yet we extend to him assurances of our Beatty and fraternal sympathy in his bereavement, with .the hope that the Father of Mercy will ,bestow upon him all needed light i> this hour of darkness And sorrow. Resulred, That a copy of these resolu tions be presented to brother S. C. Gay"- lord and be published. Attest IL T. ITALLocK r Sec'y. PERSONAL —Miss ETTA PIirTICE, of Towanda,. Pa., is visiting Mrs. S. U. ThouAs in this village.—Outgo Gazette. , —Join A. SCIIICK, of Tunkliannock, formerly foreman of the Republican of fice, this place, has accepter' a position ou the Easton Expreeit. —Says the Stroudsb*, Monroe Coun ty„liffergoziian, of last Week, " CT ARNOLD; of Towanda, Pa„ was visit iting her brother ANDREW - , ai4leru`-yville,' List week." -I-The services of Rev.- G.H. HUBBARD, of 11ladii4on, N. Y., have been engaged for the Bapti“ Church, at Waverly.. He is to take charge of the congregation 0 . 13 the first of the coniing September. —lnformation is wanted of the wherea- . bouts of LCCIUS L. CARIIIEIt, who was Second Lieutenant of Company A., Elev enth Pennsylvania Cavalry, in 1t3(4. Ad dress AKIN W. WIAN.r, llatrisburg, Pa. (Exchanges please copy.) —Among the most MtereSting and en tertaining letters from ; EnFlop° that we have ever had the pleasure of perusing, are those now Lein.; published in the Owego Times, from the pen of Miss LAU RA LEONAIiII, of that village. —HARRY GREEN closed a successful term of teaching at Sayre. last Friday. nanny is a progressive "teacher, a favor lie in society, and his efforts to build up his School at Sayre hase had stile hearty co-operation of the citizens, and it is now in a flourishing con iition. He entered the Collegiate Institute, at Towanda, to pursue his studies during vacation.—Ath, ensWazette. —Mr. i:'LLAICK. P. TUPPER, of Towanda, the accomplished stenographer. attending court, has created himself into somewhat of a "curiosity" to the people, who are not acquainted with the system of short hand writing, as this is the first case be has been on since his appointment in the district, which is composed of Bradford, Susquehanna, Wyoming, Carbtln and- Sullivan counties. Mr. TUPPER is at the . head of his proicssion, having followed it since the age of sixteen years. lie was . chief Stenographer for the three years the State Senate, which position he tilled 'with credit to himself and people of the State. Upon his retirement from his arduous duties the.-,members of the. Senate in appreciation of his faithfulness presented him with numerouS, gifts as . in dividuals as well. as a body. Exasperated calls we dislike, hence we will close with the remark, that FRANK is found to be a gentleman by all who come in contact with him.—Laporte Democrat. • HIS, 77TH BIRTHDAY. The friends Of Rev. JOEL JEWELL, especially from Sylvania, dined with him and his ladynt Troy, Pa., .on the 11th of February, leaving some sixty dollars; be sides many good wishes. The clargyman . gave the donors the following "Thoughts on His iith White here I trembling stand, How short, this life appeals ! How swiftly fleeting Is the term of seven and seventy - years ! It Is a little point. ' This three•acore seventeen; But millions go in that brief space, Into the worlds unst en. 3ly father, mother dear, And brothers all hare passed : Three Maters. toe, are on that shore, To which 1 beaten fast. One sister yet remains. .• With friends and kindred hero; And toy companion still is spared, My heavy heart to cheer. 'Tls better far up there,— Mom prnclons souls I love ; Aud Jesus soon will send for me, To dwell with him above. INCENDIARISM AT GILLETTS The Ginetts correspondent of • the Elmira Advertiser, under date of Febru ary :rah, furnishes that pap - er with the following : "Last Thursday night about twelve o'clock a pardon of our little town was aroused by the cry of tire. People, saw Mr. David G. Knapp's house in flames. On being aroused and looking down the strtet, Mr. Knapp saw two figures moving down 'at a brisk pace, a lame ',man and woman. Mr. George Suffern, of the Centre House, and Mrs. Melissa Knipp, wife of David Knapp, who left him about' two months ago, and who, was also spy ing at the ,Ctntcr House, were arrested and tried before Squire Moody, but were d;scharged, for lick of positive evidence. With ready help of near neighbors, and his own energy, the flames were soon ex tinguished and the house saved." SNAKES. A paragraph Las been going the rounds of the papers iu regard to the (lino - cry of black snakes "by the bushel " on a fardi near Libertyville, Sussex County, N. J. I have no doubt of the truth of the etattementi. The writer spent his boyhood days on a farm within two miles of the . Mike of the &alto story. - Colonel Aim% of Macedonia, hiterwards lived on thb samevfainn Mrb yhood adv'enitires with snakes; end especially black snakes of enormous size, , were sometimes thrilling, On one, occasion, when the writer was about ten years old, be and his only sis ter, two years older, went into the fields, ;Index:the ahadow of the 'rodeo, to pick . strawberries. • A my large black snake lay coiled up by the side of a "stake and ridered " atone fonee.`' , 4 at onc e took in the situation, and Concluded that / could kill his anakeship Without the haat danger, (abd I have eYar simce been brave whore there was no appearance of dar= ger). I was "bare-footed boy, and my plan Wag to takes atone ) as large. as I could 0.1t17, get on durrtop tail of the fence, and walk along cautiously on the rail, until I Was directly Over the nticon scious snake., and then to hurl this. atone on him, with such force as to praduce in stant death. My plait was carried out to the letter,. and lb due time I stood over the snake, atid raised the stone as high as I could, and waa bringing it down as I supposed, with crushing effect, when, lo 1 a stake Came out of the ground, and let me, stone and all, right down on the snake. I can even now, aftei the lapse Of Corti -4x years, foeLthe cold, squirming coils under my feet ; The sequel to the Whole ndventurc was : His snakeship ran as fast as be could in ono direction, sod a bare foot little Imy as fist as he could in 'an other. If. A. THE SCHOOL WARRANTS. Professor WICKERSIIAII, Superintend ent of , Public Instruction, having issued school warrants to the Directors through- Out the State, and there being no funds on hand at present to pay thorn, has is sued a circular to School Directors, in which he says : "The • warrants first issued were promptly paid, but them) sent out later have not been so fortunate, the State Treasurer returning them with the state= ment that. they "will not be paid at pres- ent." When payment will bo resumed is of course unknown fo this department., but in view of all the circumstances School Directors receiving tho warrants are advised as fqllows : 1. To apply to have theurcashdfl at the usual places in the usual way. 2. If not cashed, to hold ,them, if possi ble, until they can be ca.slied. They are good, and rho districts ought not. to be compelled to sacrifice than, or even to pay interest on them. If the circumstances of the diitrict be such that. money must be obtained at once, almost any banking institution will advance the money on the warrants at the usual rates; or they can be used as collat eral in the discounting of notes. ' 4. Warrants that have been returned from the State Treasury unpaid, are just as good as they were when first receive) from this department. 5. As soon as the State Treasurer shall resume the payment of the warrants, no. tice will be giiien in the oftiial. depart ment of the State Journal. More partic ular information must be applied for to the State Treasurer himself. The State Superintendent can issue the warrants, but he cannot pay them, nor has he the means of knowing when they will be paid. _ • _ GOOD TEMPLAR'S CONVENTION The forty-eighth quarterly session of tho Northern District Convention, 1. 0. G. T., met at Athens, Pa., Tuesday and Wednesday, Febfuary 24th and . 2.5 th ; was called to order by D. W. C. T., 0. J. Countima, who made the following pro. WA. appointments : P. W. C. T., Bro. PALMER; W. V. T.,'NETTIE CARPENTER; Secretary, P. McNEitNEY, Jr ; Assistant Secretary, ANNIE HUTCHINSON; Marshal, ,Sister GREGORY; Guard, Sister St xxamoti ; also the following' committee : Resolu tions, Bros. B. S. DAIITT, S. F . WRIGHT, P. WARNER, H. A. llmzsEt.t., B. A. WOOD Good of Order, Bros. H. T. Di6Kka, C. E. WHITE; Sisters, PIIEBE i. ANSON, MIS. 0. J. CII63BUCK, MARY 'TRAVIS; :Finance, Bros. A. JUDSON, M. 'E: Eworr. The committee on resolutions offered the following, which were adopted Rexolced, That iu the large and earnest :1 - ttendance at this District Convention of Templar, from 'all parts 'of our great county, we recognize the good hand of God, and a kind providence in giving health and determination to ,pursue the common enemy f)f the race with 6n:that ing zeal until he shall be driven back to his native hell. • Rcsoiced, Thdt - the fruit of the vine preserved either in sealed packages, or the dried fruit suitably prepared should in all cases be used for Sacramental pur poses. Therefoi c, we set our faces firm ly against the use of fermented wine as an emblem of clic saving blood of our Lord and Saviour. rt. Besotted, That we regard cider drink ing as-constituting the primary depart ment of the school of drundlirds. Rorolced, That we, as (loud Templar& idtedge oar infloenee against all drinking of sweet, or sour cider by any. Resolved, That as intemperance is the most prolific source of all vice and crime, preventing. all commendable ,progress in Church or State. in everything that is good, it is the duty of every Templar especially, and of every lover of home and country to use their utmost - endeavors to bring about speeflily, absolute legal prohibition to the liquor traffic. Resolved, That it is the duty of all temperance men to support only such meu for our Legislature and other responsible positions, as are known to be temperance men. Resolved, That in view of the increas ing interest manifested in the temperance work by the masses, we have reason to feel encouraged, and as Good Templet's we will ever labor for the advancement of `temperance iu our respective communities. Resolved, That the thanks of this Con vention ale due, and arc hereby tendered to the members and friends of Athens Lodge, and especially to Perkins Post, G. A. It., for the use of their beautiful ball and cordial entertainment. The committee on Good of the Order submitted the following programme for the evening session : Prayer, Bev. S. F. Witicier ; Speech, B. g: DARTT ; Decla. ination, SUSIE Hossitit Singing, Choir ; Speech, Rev. 13. F. WRIGHT ; :Metal:Ha .tiOll, Lot..? MAT WILSON ; Singing, Mrs. B. 'W. WOOD t Speeches, Wit. CHAXDER LAIN and A. 11. SPAULDING ; Declama tion, CARRIE GLEASON ; Singing, ,Choir ; Speech V. J. DETTRA ;* Singing, Choir. The *hole session was one of great interest, and we trust much good will be derived therefrom. The nest session will be held at North Towanda, .subject to the call of the executive committee: - P. TilcNslusEv, Jr., Secretary pro. tent. ANNIE HUTCHINSON, Ass't Sec'y. Ulster, Pa. Feb. 274'1880. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ITEGULA.R SESSION. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, • March 1, 1880. Members Present Burgess Dodge, Councilmen Alger, Holcomb, Jones, Kingsbury, Keeler and Montanye. Councilman 3lontanye moved that the reading of the` minutes of the last meeting be dispenied with; and that they stand approved tis published by the Secretary. Carried. • James Wood, Esq., desired to know what conclusion We Council had arrived at in regard to the claim of Mr. Walborn, for d;mages to his wagon in crossing the railroad track at the foot of Pine street. -The Finance Committee to whom the Matter was referred, were not ready to report, and further time was granted, with tie i4riderstandirigi that they would submit their report at the next meeting, By Councilman Montanye : ReSiiirsit That the Chief Kagineer :be sod Is hereby authortaed to sell for.thit, per, i et lee best obtainable prices, tar or all the Ofd Dose or Vroesi "1416 1:e al t d o orifra — r in es e by the 1 44- .. '-. ..'. Counc ilmanl Huicimiti moved that the Secretary maim out a bill against the borough‘of Atbeuspr 400 feet of .hose, ,itt twenty eeunf,per 'foot; and' that the Alma be given ta the Chief Engineer for immediate colledtion. ' Adopted. -. ' • Councilman Jones, from the • Finance Committee--to - vihoni . was referred 'the claim of Linta Pose Company for Wm.. bursement of expenditures for 1i378 and 1879, submitted the following. resolution, which was adopted without dis Ont : altesbiepi, That as no Appropriation has been made to the. Linta Hate Company for the years 157* and HIM that an appropriation of elte hoodred and fifty dollars be made to cover the necessary ea. pontes Incurred by said Company for the two years ending January 1, IVO. • By touribilman Holcomb : R05u11..4, Thad the Council approve. and dO hereby approve the loemlOn Of the fifty bydrantue yy as located on the map of the borough by the speclaf committee appointed on the Oth day of October. IWO, and the “Towanda IVater Works" is hereby atnborlsed and directd to place the Wild bydrantt So lto Indicated. In the 'construction of the Water Works tinder the contract made with said "To- wanda Water Works," under date of 28th day of October, .t. D., 1570. Adopted. LOCaTION Or lITDRANTS. 1. Corner Giant and Main streets. 2. Near alley not th of Grant on Main stmt., 3. Corner of Franklin and Main streets. 4. Corner Elisabeth and Main streets. 5. Cornet Washington and Main streets. 6. Corner Bridge and Main streets. • 7. Corner Pine and Malu streets. IL Corner Park and Main streets. • U. Corner etate and Main streets. 10. Corner Carter alley and Main street. 11. Corner Weston and Main streets. 12. Corner Lombard and Main streets. 13. Corner Cana{ and Slain , tteetsr 14. Between Chestnut and Barstow ave. on Main 15. At old Borough line on Slain street. 16. Cotner Locust and Matu Streets. _B. Corner Centre street and Parker avenue. is. Corner W Illtam and Chestnut streets. 13. On Court street at Eagle Hotel. 20. Corner York avenue and t bestnut streets. 21. Collier York avenue and Houston street. 2: Corner York avehile and Locust nt•eet. 23. On York are. between Houston and Locust Its z 4. Corner Chestnut and Third streets. 25. Corner Houston and flat d streets. 24. Gorier Houston and Fourth streets. 27. On Houston 200 feat west of Third street. 28. Confer Second and Lombard streets. 20. Corner Second and State streets. - ad. Corner Second and Pine streets. 31. Corner Second and Bridge streets. 22 Corner Second and Elizabeth streets. sa. Corner Second street and College avenue. 31. On 01Ire street 200 feet west of Second street 3.5. Corner Elliott and Fourth s treets. 30. Corner Elizabeth and Fourth streets. 37. Corner Pine and Fourth streets. al. Coiner State anti Fourth streets. Corner Lombard and FOurth streets. • 40. Corner Maple ant Third streets. 41. Corner Poplar and Third streets. 42. Corner itpruee and Third streets. 43. On Wind avenue Soo feet easCof Western ate 41. Corner Ward and Western avenues. 4.5. Cotner State street and Filth avenue. 4d. Corner Western avenue and poplar swot. 47. Corner Poplar and CUL/Cot etreeta. 48. On Charles Street 300 feet south of Poplar-st 49. On Mechanic street 400 feet south or Poplar-et. SO,'Corner l Dridga and Mechanic `streets. Bills 6 the amount of $513.42 were ap proved by the Finance.Committe6, and on motion, the Secretary was directed to draworders for their payment. No report from the Police Department. On motion, the Council adjourned, o meet on Wednesday the, 31st to close up the business of the year. KINGsnulA - , Secretary. A FEW MORE FIGURES.- The Ittnootrratt of last week, went lath a labored C3killalt.n to snow that It printed lucre ems, lead. lug matter., than any other paper lu fawn. We shall not dispute Its figures so far as that paper is coneerurd, but as to our own It Is understated by about ten thousand. We do not refuse to -carry the advertising for OUT business men, and we give all the reading [(tater we can after areommodatlng our business patrons. If the REPORTER'S compu tation shows anything. It shows that there Is a lack of confidence In the paper as an advertising . ntedl nm. There are two reasons for this. The first Is, that the REPORTER has ceased .to.be a correct ex- patient of the popular sehtlinent of the puople. and has become the mere mouth-pierc of the Cameron machine political ring that assumes control of the Republican organization. both comity and State. The nee •ud la, that Its subscription RIO. In censer w IF woos of Its false teaching, has run . oa n five or sIX hundred below ours, rendentig .1 . niparative ly valueless as an advertising medt '' is Is evinc ed by Comparison with our pam.r, lye carry Fite columns more home advertising 111111, the REPOR TER, and yet by setting our third page In Mailer type we give about as much reading matter as that paper. We would nut have alluded to this subject had.lt not been opened by the REPORTER. which seenwilo be Making a desperate struggle to regain lo,t . grouud. purNue our busine-s in a legit!. :nate way, and we care not bow much or how little the Itatrairran, or any other paper does. Our bus- nevi hi to attend to nor own business. The amount of harking done by those allied with the REPOlt d,es not alfeet us. If it did, and its predic tions were worthy of credit; we would byte ceased =I too exist lung ago This we have achieved against vindictive and malignant oripositiou and -lying. When the fight ceases; we will drop the.sulleet, but so long as It Is continued we will stand on the defensive and give as gimd av to neut:—/iradford. Septa,ll can. February .161 h. In the RETORTER of February 19th, we gave, as we had a legitimate right . to do a statement of the amount of reading matter contained in each of the papers published in this village the week _previ- ous. The amount given In each case was by ona, or,as the matter so given is mess -tired by fprinters. That the measure menu; wore correct, is best evidenced by the fact that, with the single exception of the Iftpublfean, they were accepted:as be ing so by all of the parties interested. To prove that we did not underestimate the anuctint of matter contained in the Repub iielin of the date Mentioned, we state that our figures were not based on an estimate j at all, hilt on an actual and accurate 3tEiksuntmENT. We stated then-that the measurement .comprised "reading mat-. ter, exclusive of all advertising," and based on -the figures as then given tre said that the amount ,of reading matter contained in "two issues of the REPOR TER exceeded that contained in three is sues of the Republican, by 11,237 ems." That statement was correct, and the fig ures given favored the Republican, which we will bristly demonstrate.' Sine eead ing thh Republican's laMentation, we have carefully measured the reading mat ter which it has furnished its readers since its last issue in November, up to and including its issue of the past week. The measuremeut shows that it has aver aged in each issue 53,393 ems. While a Measurement of the REPORTER for the same time shows that it has averaged 104,433 ems, or nearly double the amount given by the Republican. Should the editor of the Republican find any pleasure in a perusal of these figures, as revived, he is at perfect liberty to enjoy it to its utmost limit. We simply add, that the figures are correct. But it wins not because of a belief on the part of the editor of the Republican that an injustice had been done his paper in our statement, that the characteris tic article quoted above was given a prominent position in 111 + last issue. It was because he saw in it another chance to vitn his spleen and spite against the editors of the itErott- TElt, and to endeavor to injure its busi ness, by statements as to its circulation', etc., that he kirew to be unfounded and ulijust ; and an opportunity to again boast of a circulation for his paper that it has not now, never l had, and probably never will have under its present editorsbip. As the statement in .regard to circulation has been freqnently made by the Republi can, during the past year, we deem the present a fitting occasion to submit a few figures, which lwe trust will prove inter esting reading to the editor thereof, if to no other person. For the past year the Republican has dallied a circulation •of 2,600. This claim has been frequently,. made. Now on information that we deem perfectly reliable; we make the assertion (and - We think it will trouble the, editor of tie Republ ican to disprove it,) that' the hig h est number of quires of paper over Used by it toisupply its entire list of sub- - 'scribers, exchtnges, and "dead-heads," in one week, was eighty-taco. . As there' are 24 sheets of paper in a quite, We multiply 82 by 24; which gives 1,968 sheets. Showing that the Republican never hactallist of subscribers that 'lum bered even 4 000 and deducting its ex changes, etc., 1,000, and we doubt if an .octual count would give -it 1,800, when its was at, its largest. We have likewise eicellinfevidelice that within the past 00 days the Republican has suffered a loss - in subscribers of nearly, if not quite,. 2.50, and iu tfie ight Sit suels . pviilence winsuke the statement - that its bonsijide list 'of subscribers is lessthan either the Rzroit- Tin; itissinA or Argus. This much for the Republican's boasted list of 2,000 sub writers, • In the month of November, 1878, the RarettrEn's_list cif bona 'de substiribers numbered Ster VOO, and the Puls- Osbert; gave notice that, commencing with the first of the succeeding ,January the system of payment in advance would be rigidly and strictly adhered to, and that the price of the paper would be rais ed to $1.50 from $l.OO, at -which latter price it was then ,furnished. On the first of January the publisher's did just what they said they would do at that time in No vemberretopped every paper teat was not paid for in advance. This redu ced the list of sabscribers to about 1,300, and during the next two months nearly 'l5O more . names were added to the list of 1,300 dis continued,- leaving the list of actual sub? scribers at abcait 1,100, where it remain, ed until the • first of April, since which time less than 50 papers 'have been stop. pod for any cause. Commencing there: fore with April, at which time our list "began to grow," and when those who had previously talmn the RF,POJITER, but had subscribed for the Republican, and perused its columns for three months, we" have added to our list of subscribers, up to Saturday last, eight hundred and eizty wen names, and of this number three hundred and si.rly-three have been added since the first of December last. Carry ing our list a!) to over 1,900 bona fide sub scribers! A larger number than the Re publican over bad, and nearly three hun- dred more than it has now. This increase of nearly nine hundred subscribers within the past eleven months, without employ ing a . lcanvasser or solicitor. during any part of the time, is, we honestly _believe, without a parallel in the history of .any Country paper published, and is the best refutaticin that could possibly be furnish ed to the allegation of the Republican, that the RErourEti. "has ceased to be a cor rect exponent of the popular sentiment of the people." We borrow a phraae l from, the article quoted above, slightly changing its-phra• seology, when we say : " The best evi dence of z bona fide list of subscribers, is a bona Ale list." • In conclusion, we'have 'onlito say, that in the above.statemer.t, so far as wb have given the business of our own office, our, books will substantiate it. 'During the y :a.F past, we have given our circulation just as it Was, whenever asked to do so by those'whO desired to advertise in our paper. When•asked as to the circulation of our neighbors we have given it as near as we knew., To the silly attacks made upon the ItEron - r:Ett, by the _editor of the Republaran, beca l ugo its senior edi tor "holds an office, under the Government, no answer is needed. Not satisfied, with having himself held offiee during twenty . of the past twenty-six. years, he Is trou bled with a chronic hatred and j inCry of those who now hold puldie office, wheth er the position be that of a Congressman or a - postmaster. We therefore have for him far more pity than blame, when we remember that he has an infirmity in this respect, which often causes him to appear ridiculous and robs him of opportunitiest to strengthen a cause that his advocacy of is now considered as adding - 4111 Y au element of discord • and weak ness. Having said thus much in vindica tion of- the buSinesS of - our office as against the undeserved and uncalled , for attack of the Republiwn, we bid.that pa per an affectionate good-bye. TUE leading article in the North Amer ican Reriew for March is by ex Judge JERE. S." Bk•AcR, and is entitled "The Third Term," being a reply, to ex-Sena r tor Howes paper on that subject in the Review for February. Mr. BLACK holds that to elect General Gmtlyr to a third term of office in the Presidential chair would be a violation of a custom that 'is stronger than any laws or constitutionS whatever E tbak it would in effect be'the end of our republican institntioni, and the enstallment of "empire." Hon. E. W. S-rtionoirrox follows Mr. BLACK, tak ing precisely the contrary view, that • not only is a third term•not a thing to be dep recated, but that it is eminently- desira ble, especially if, as in General GRANT'S case, interval of time has elapsed be -1 tureen the second term and the third. A ',timely article by DAVID A. - WEtts aims ,to prove that a discriminating income tax is essentially Communism, an that this is specially true of such w income tax as was levied in the United- States by Acts of Congress in 1863, and sueeding }eats. The fourth article is by Rev. Dr., BEt.toivs, and treats of Civil . Service: Reform. The author recounts what has been done in Britain to reform the civil service of that country, and shows how tLe extierience'of British statesmen may be turned to advantage by American law makers. Professor SIMON 'NEWCOMB, in an article on "Our political Dangers," calls atiention.to the need of some non political tribunal for the determination of contested elections. - Ile looks on the Presidential struggle of three years ago,. and the recent excitement in Maine, as symptomatic of a diseased political condi tion.which calls for , remedies very differ ent from those which have hitherto been employed. 'JOHN LANCASTER SPALDING, Bishop of Peoria, Makes a spirited reply to FROUDE'S recent ; article on "Roman ism and the Trish Rate in America." The notices of new books' arc by Mr. E. L. DIDIER. AMONG OUR EXCHANGES TIIE Williamsport Gazette. and Bulletin has just donned a new dress. It adds very materially to its appearance, bat its editors will find it a ," tough job" to make their Taper anymore it telysting to its readers with the new type; than .they have done with the old. THE Dushore Ree , ieir commenced its third year with the issue of last week. Its the best conducted newspa per Sulli van county ever bad, and we arc glad to learn that the citizens of that .l ounty ap preciate the fact and are giving rt.a gener ous and liberal Support. W ITII its issue of last week,' the Brook ville, (Jefferann County), Republican; gan its twentieth year. The icepriblican is a peat paper in typographfe;il appear ance/1 and is ably In pOlitics it is "04%6rt'• Republican, and is not afraid to let , people know the fact. We should judge from its large amount oil adVertis ing patronage that it is Weil supported— as it deserves tobe. May it live long and always be prosper...us. - Tun editor of= the Elmira Free Press speaks of the rivers Delaware aid Schvyl kill as "two Pennsylvania creels." But then thin is not to •be wondered at when we call to mind the fact that the gentle; man riassed his boyhood days. on -the hauls of the mighty Genesee, and in his manhood he is a resident on the shores of that great inland artery of coiumerce— .. the Chemung. • Tun Journal says It would nitheil tike ur NEURALGIA CURED by lir. Nottlmulo peockorOt Would appropriate its Destro itentaigia and Sick Headache Pins,t , items without any credit ~ than give credit nniverral cure tor Neuralgia, filet Headache, liter -to the REPORTER.. And that's just what Yeas Heathscite. Dyspepsia, Constipation. Venal dr we think of the Elmira Adtrertiser?—Desi-1 of Blood, Paralysis. PelpitaUmi of the Heart, and 1.9 Review. • , \ loss of Nervous grimy. Thews Pills are a special ..—We trust the Oentocral will at mice ' preparation ter the cure of special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by 01 Intelligent soffereri ; apologize to the ,Journal for * crediting those alas lines to Olt BurouTuREPORTER. : ,,are barmleu and etrectuidly mire all Malawi was arising from a drizzled nervous system; pleasant undoubtedly au unintentional error on to Wm. they dissolve in the mouth. Prepared by the part of the Democrat, but it cannot go A. ' E. tics*, al. 11.. Senators. Pa.; sent !Timm unnoticed. In regard to several items to any °°°t°6°°° receipt of Pile° , 6° eta sir we . that appeared in the Democrat credited by Ctenn POSITEL Tolianda. to the Journal, quite` recently, which wore clipped from the REPORTER, no ap ology is needed. ' " We have got used to that kind of thing. If tib Advertiser has credited any of the Review's locals to the REPORTER, we trust it will take an early opportunity to make the correction--but we have failed to notice any locals in the Advertiser so credited. If the Advertiser has inadvertently credited any of the RE .PORTEIt locals to the Review, no correc tion is necessary. Our Local Department is gotten up expressly for the information of our readers, our neighbors of the Press are at liberty to , take whateier they choose from its columns, credit or Et. qiedit. Its evdidence that they know a :gopil thing when they see it FROM SMITHFIELD EDITOR RV:PORTER :—Election is pass ed, and of coarse there are sonic disap pointed candidates. During the past week sugar making has been the main business with Many of our farmers. We understand that Ali. S. MSEN•IN has made about eight ,hun deed pounds of that article. Quite a number of our ,young teen ex pect to start West next week to take, up farms. We wish them all abundant sue 0n the eyening of the 21st, a New Eng - - land Supper was given at the residence of Mr. JORALEMON, which netted a "peat sum for the benefit of the M. E. church.. From over the hills and rnountains, up from the valleys and lowland, comes the report that Smithfield has been the, scene of a long and bloody conflict. It is said that on elect;on day (or night), severe .battles were fought by the tiro contend ing armies, and that the•blood. of the pa triots flowed freely. •We were not a witness to these heart rending scenes, but as near as we are able to learn from the General's commanding, abott the only . weapon used was the tongue, and the most formidable missiles thrown, were bad words. Although the lines of battle were repeatedly formed, retreats formed the principal part of the action. • X. Smithfield, February 28, 1880 SPELLING REFORM—Is yet a thing of the future, and until it becomes generally adopted all persons who use pen or pencil want a bandy pocket dictionary. . The neatest and mast complete thing in this line is given away as a premium i to all who send Fifty Cents for. one year'S sub scription to the Health Monthly. Sample . copies sent free by the Murray gill Pub lishing Company, 129 E. 26th Street, New York City. " ,Feb.26-3t. BUSINESS LOCAL. -DS—Our goods are NEW iad of the BEST QUALITY. DEWKIR k _'Ladies, examine the N,OVELTY FCLDING WORK TABLE, at the AO Cent store. Mareb t-s • --- - ----------- , Or Try our New JAP. TPA. Z est in DECKEIL & VOUGIIT. EOM ar Twelve Cakes of Oatmeal Soap for 50 coots—Three Cakes Magnolia Itorpet for 25 cents, at 99 Cent store. March 4-w2 IT Provisions of all - kinds, of the belt gamily. at D.ECKEILL & VOCGIIVS. or "Sweet Bye and Bye,' an elpgant , perfume, only 25 clouts, at try Cent Store, slar _ _f FOR RENT.—The- yellow house, on Canal street, east of the Etilseopal Church. • Apply to .1 A 3163 3f Aia , ..4.nt.A7te. vi' We shall have a full assortment of PLAIN AND FANCY FLOWER PUTS for the Spring trade, it S Cent Store. Jtarett.47wl, Vir Choice TEAS and COFFEE spvcialty at llicictit 6 VouGlart`• rir CASH PAID FOR PRODUCE at MEM or For a good, durable and neat-tittnig suoE, call at F. J. BLUM'S, oppoblte Seelerti lintel nr PRICES WAY DOWN on Gents Fine and Costae Boota at BLUM%;, opposite See le)'s Hotel Mr L. B. ,RODGERS chalk:ages corniie tidon for quality of goods anti low fliers oni§ash, Doors, 1:111rids and MoldIn), g, and al building ina.. Lariat Inr The Spring Term of the Smithfield school will open March N. Special attention be given to those preparing to teach. ..For - further particulars address - I. a. CnawrottD, Feb. ' tar The -Large4, Best and plicapest Hue of Shes for Ladles', Misses' and Chlldrens' wear Is found at CORSER'S new store, corner Alain and Cine•sts., Tracy & Noble's Block. .apr4lB tlr ColtsEn has the best wearing Shoes for Men, Bops and Youths' wear ever offered In 'rowan.la,'anil at prices within the reach of all. MtsICAL CONVENTION.—Prof. C. J, Bnows;; of Sheshequin, . will hod a !41 mical . Coavention at the M. E. Chut i ch, Litchileld"Centre, comment:l4 Wednesday, 313rch 17, and close with a Con , ert on Friday evening; March 19 (three ses sions each day). The bcolcs tided will be !long King and Choir, and other music. , ,tuarchi. M' The Pennsylvania 'State College offers free tuition - to all who enter-Its classes. Being liberally endowed by the State.. it is able not only to make this proposition. but Italso provides kitchens and furnishes the fuel-for them freo of charge to those stmlentawho wish to .lessen [Mir expenses by boarding themselves. For full infor mation, address the President, State College, Cen tre County, Pa, Feb. la% wl.l rsir llmr,, STRAW AND STALK CUTTERd. —A full line . of FODDER CUTTERS, for hand and power, from Will to tao. The best kinds in use and very cheap. AlsO, CORN SIIELLEUS and ROOT CUTTERS. . R. M. W.r.t.Lms, Der..ll ; Towanda, Periiiis. 1013 - • For fine Millinery, first class Hair ,Goods, ! Ism, eanvass, Gold and Silver tinted Card Board, and Children's Sailor lists, call on Mrs. U. A. Fletcher, No. 4, Bridge Street. Bleaching and sewing over a speiiialty.. . itgr LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN—,—From th; premises of G. U. Wskt.ks, Wyains'ing. Pa., 'a I.)lack and tan-. Fox Bound; name 31ajorL tan legs., t cad and eats: black on back from shoulder to tip of tall, which is a little bushy; elect small *bite spots on chest and neck. Any one returning him will be PAID. Liscubs Wkid e r.s. • Wyalusing, Pa.. Feb. lis, t&SO•tf. . ' • IplrllQt FOR KANSAS t Jim Excursions to. Klnsley In the Arkansas 'Valley, In southwestern Kansas, at greatly reduced rates, will leave Elmira, N. Y., on the second Tuesday of every month, at 5:40 A. 31.. accompanied by a ptirson of esperieuce, a4O will give every desired attention to the parties in-his . charge. For full Information, apply by letter or In person to C. F. NictioLS, at Dolevan House, Elmira, N. Y„; m by letter at Towanda,' Pa. Parties can procure tickets at sa . ple rates every Tuesday morning. WI, r.Ir'WILKI:S-BAILItE, Pa., January 29; ISsO-3lessri. ELT Brothers---Gents: The supply of Cream Balm I purchased of you, sold rapidly. Such Is the demand I have had occasion to dupli. cate.the order no less than fire times within three months. My customers have found out this Is no humbug; but a preparation of real merit, and evf 7 deftly a sovereign catholican for t the cure of so distressing a disease as Catarrh. Au article that will produce such satisfactory results will prtive a blessing to any comtuuuity. Very truly, 'Pe b.atis I. , WM.-TL`C'IL, Druggist. . PirrsToN,. Fin. 6, 180-I.)r. A. E. BLTUII—Dear Sir: My wife had lieuraigla for tea days and her physician could givelier no relief. I called 4m Dr..K.wari• and got a hottle of your Neuralgia l'ilte, and they relieved her In a few hour,. Tours, respectfully, . 'Tlinatag LORD, 1111. Agent Dupout Powder.' Dr. Hararr- sap: "1, bare sold" Dr. Dnan's Neuralgia and Sick Headache Pins firr yeari and they give universe tat Dfactioe.. ••A. K warp. M. D., " Pittston, rs." Mueb4l , l • Cir SPECIAL NOTICE TO TILE PUBLIC.Tti - o place for. Farniers to sell their Produce always for ready ash' is at Smut k 14'y/waking, Pa. The placo to bay floe Groceries; tIrY Hata and Caps; Boots said Bhbes, cheap for cash or In exchange for Produce. Is at Saul Tit & Also, s ehdlro Sot of Cloiror and Tlmoiliy,Seed Just rcceired and minter at. biAtnm prices, at S ?GUTH it PARX'S. Ca and be - convinced, . Feb. Set- - Ity nuiveiaal accord AS SR's CA IIIARTIC PILLS are the. best of all Purgatives for famitruse. They are the product of long. labori ous and successful chemical Investigation, and their use, by Physicians in their practice, and by ill civilized 'nations,' proves them the lA4 :and most effectu-si purgative Pill that medical skill can devise. Being purely vezitable. no harm can.arLe froui their use. In Intrinsic value and curative powers no other pills can be compared with -them, and every person, knowing their virtues, will em ploy them, when needed. They keep the systm In perfect order, and maintain In healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and of feetual, thes are specially adapted to the needs of the digest' e - apparatus, eerangemants. or which they preveut and cure, If timely taken. They are the best and eafmt pbosic to emplyy for children and weakened enastltutioni, where a mild, but etreetual, cathartic is required: SOLD BY ALL. DRUGOISTa'.` .WIRGAN—JetIINSON.—At the Hornbrook Par sonrige..l)eceether D. th:D._ by the Rev. S. - V. Wright, Mr. Harry Morgau,,of North florae, all Miss Ella Johnsoli, of Ghent. - TYRRELL , — PITCJIKK.—At the house of the bride's pirents, February 2n, 1:030, by Rev. D.C. Tyrrell, of Windham, and Miss Kate .I.•Pltcher, of Orwell. • C ARM A N—kRENCII.--.At the M. M. Parsonagg, Monroeton. Feurnary 2sll, IMn, by Rev. Haßock Armstrong, Mr. John W. Cat tnan and Mta.s Maly E. Frrnrh, both of Burlington. DI t the Parmviage. Liberty cor-- Hera, February :ditb. 1630. by Iter. S. -A..ebub. buck, Mr. D. J. Dux, of Standing Stone, and Ml .s Mary 'luster; of Arylutu. ROG EltS. n Litchfield, Fchriiary. th, of pneumoula. Elwell Rogers, lu • the 21st year of his age. • MILLS.—Mrs. C. MINN mother of Mni. T. Camp. of Camiitown, died at the restdeoce of the latter Fehruary . 6, 1830, aged 67 years and 8 months. . TOWANDA MARKETS. General dealers In Groceries and Produce, corner Alain and Pine Streets. WEDNESDAY ..t:TENING, MARCH 3, IMO Flour per bbl ' Flour per sack Corn Meal per 100 lbs Chop,Feed, Wheat, per bush _ Corn Bye • Oats Buckwheat Clover seed Timothy. western.... Means, lbs, Pork. Dressed hog's Turkeys Ch'ekens Ducks teese • Hams Shoulders Lard Butter, tubs ... .. Eggs. fresh • Cheese Potatoes. per bushel. Apples Dried Onions Beeswax. Hides Veal 'skins. Deaeons:.. sheep Pelts 'Reporter Clubbing List for 1880. We have made arrangements with the publisheri4 of the following periodicals by which we caa-offer any ode of them- in connection with the Rltrt)Writ: at greatly reduced rates. We will send the ItE rOItTER, with any of the papers named below, for one year, at the figures indicated : • Reporter and WeeklYTrlbline " " Semi-Weekly " • Weekly, Times " Semi-Weekly . " Weekly Evening Post " 'Semi-Weekly .• " I Philadelphiarress =‘! Not. •...7-tf Nov . 27-U taog3-t MARRIED. DIED. Sty mother dear, oh : can it be , • . Thou art no more distressed? That death bath kindly set thee tree, And thou art now at rust ?. REPORTEDGY STEVEN'S & LONG, PAYING. AT.T.LING 0 soq, 7 50 7600900 Gefil, 200 ' 1 754 20 (ci, • (a) 1-50 Fu - 110 I 20fo I- 1 25653 110 45 6 -0) 65 ~(as 4 , (4 45g (4 3 23 . 1 0001 1 40 I : 0 4 I 75 . bbl. 13 Ot( 1:00 . 010 . 63:04 . t•e74,0 . : 7(04 .. 540 2::(7t7.4 21'65'24 1161. 15 0,30 54 WiO . 74 75(3.11 00 I 000 120 '2i 622 24 CORRECTED Br GEO. A. DAYTON Times -2 30 " American Agrlculturth 2 10 " Country 3 00 " floral New Yortei 2 85 liarpers W(!.ekly d 423 ' " Bazar. 423 `• Maim:lEoB ' 4 25 Scribner Nicholas •• Wide Awake, •• •• Baby Land • - ••• Llttel's LICIng Age •• ' •• The Nursery •• • A ppletotes Journal. •• "- Popular Science Monthly.... 5 tts •• ••• Peterseit's3lagazlne v .. 265 •• •• (totters ' 265 •• I.lpptncott'a •• Atlantic M.ntlily •• 0111. Farmer..f... •• Lama:Act' Farmer 2 Ot llemorest Without premium 2 60 •• with premium.-- 3 00 , • dew Abvertisements. 311 IS. E. J. PERRIGO, = Leistiuq given In Thorough Bass a7d flannony. Cuirtvallon of th.• voice a speciality'. Located at A. Snell'n, ali.lu Street. I :T Towanda, Pa, March 4. 1830. STATEMENT OF THE PHCENIX INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD, CONN., JANUARY IST, 188.0. Ct - vsh Capital Reserve for reinsurance.... 759,878 64 Reserye for uradjusted,legses 108,958 00 .Net Sniplus • . 874,504 63 Total Assets IL KELLOGG, President, i• D. - K.(l. SICILY:OS, Secretary. GEO. H. - BITRDIOK, Ase.t,See'y W. S. VINCENT, Agent, TOW ANDA, PENN. March 4, 1480-tt. GILMORE .k CO., ... ... . . (Estlibllshid 1be4.1 . • - , --. PENSI , ..)NS, INCREASE 016 PENSIONS, I. alitfali other elasses'or astatsLioy Soldiers and Selene& Heirs, prosecuted. I Address wltts mitao... OlLlito tli: & CO:. - Wishlngtott, D. C. ' . VOsoffe!uiss H. • DORM AUL, • 325 . East Water St., Elintra, . let iloOr DRY GOODS 2d Floor 34 floor • MILLINERY CARPETS 4th Floor CLOAKS i 811A1111.43 Upper floors aeces•lble bYekrraior, Sir A stelt of Insidetlon Is respectfully solicited • GET YOUR HAIR CUT 1 AND SHAVING, AT TIM W4Wrq...l3COLisse SheiNring Parlor. ifir•We study to.ptear. - • D. V. STED(EL Prorr Tim J Towanda, Pa.. uly 16, WS. . QIJSQUEHANIVA COLLEGIATE IN: - 1k.314/117rE. 1.1. , •na.1 Whiter T_eren Jritr [Mgr 266 g. 16110. Expenses for, board. tul lion and furnished room from 6172 to lll6o, per year. - For catalogue or, fur Otter partlentots address the Principal. • EDWIN' E. QuINLAN. A. 761; Towaeda, Jan. 15, 1650. - • 7yl • ALUA BiE FAR 3.t•FOR SA LE. • v—The-property kaolin as the Berry Yam. one mile below +Milan station; consisting' of 110 acres, flue buildings. fruit trees and itch produc. rave land ; will be meld on the best of terms, and. Iposacasion glees Immediately. Address ILA. EVEEIL • __ti .- • N. Y • NV: B.- LANE • whhes to Inform Itte frit ude antleuitotners triat he REMOVED to hie well-knfocti . • Livery .Stables of Efolmes,& Passage,' -• where he will keep a. first-class LIVERY AND ittiA.RDLNIi STABLY.. He -will thoroughly re , pair the tarn and make It rt - convenient race for people.coming to town to leave their horses mid have them cared. tor. Those coming Into the horn to ?trend the - evening at' partles...kc.. ran leave their horses at these stables and have them went to them at their order. A good. trusty man will he tdio.d at the barn both day and night. • !Thanking my patrons for their past trade. I writPir solicit a' continuance. - or 'the same. had wilt he pleased to hAve them call on me at my new toca t ton. Also Open and Top Buggies for sate. Tolland•, Pa.. Jan. 14. lie , NOTICE;i— J. P. A.Vedder_ es. "Catherine Ladd. In the Court Common Pleas of Bradford County. %0., 1111 t, December Term, 1876. The 'undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Court:to distribute the fui.d arising scout the Sher- ItT's sale of def6dint's real estate, - will attend to the dutl. o of his appointment at his office In tit's Borough of Towanda. on SIONDAY, the gath day of 31.1.8C11, A-, I). IMO, at 10 o'clock, LK.. when - and where all. pevsons haring claims against said funiltuust present theui - wr tee forever debarred front coming in upon.the same. THOS. E. MYER, Auditor. Towanda, - February 26; 1880.W4. SSIGNEE'S SALE.—By virtue if an order Issued from the District Court of %hell:tilted States for the Western District Of Pennsyqvanla.;.the undersigned. Assignee In Bank ruptcy , t.f Orrin I). liiirtiett (who was adjudged a _ Bankrupt In said Court). will expose to public sale at theliCourt /Dime In tne.Borough of Towanda, on TCE.WAT. MARCH 16, IMO, at 2 o'clock. C. if•. - the remainder of the rest estate of said Bankrupt, all situated in said Borough - and mere folly de scribeips follows: Nu. 4. One pie 6 of land ittaii feet. distant 142 , . 'feet from Bridge street, and tying south of the jtoghe.. (N0..33) and Szrerroof lota. - " No. 45. One lut adjoining No. 44 on Die south, known as the Albert nunihird. i. A. c. No. 45. one lot sast:ll. adjoining No. 45 on the • south, known as the Northrup tot. No. 47. One 101 45:1:18. east of au unnanitiil street running south. from Bridge street and .south of an , Miry; known as the, Jtoeter fut. No. 45. 4 rile lot '2.51140. west-aide of Third'street at.d south of land of W. No. 49. The - privllege of conducting water from large- p 'rlug on the west. aide of Bridge street, near land of - 0. E. Harris. ' - Nos. FA - and 91. The Hinkrupt's Interesiiln two loti on the south side of Bridge street, known as_ the Westou lut and the Shipman lid. - TERMS OF SALE-20 per cent. of pnrchaye pricest time of hah• - ; 1:0 Per cent. on counrumtlent the baiance Seprember 15t,13..41, with interest at per ceni. • - the same time. and place.i Were , judgments.—notes and accounts which Were for wetly' (if said Bankrupt: Terms cash. ,!..by desired information.will he furnished by the Assignee. JAMES R. CORDING,- Towanda, Feb. 26.wa. ' Assignee. (cfl 75 4io 4 504 55 6 OX'44 6 2.4. A SSIGN.EE'S SALE.—By virtue. rt. of an order granted by the Court of Common nf Bradford County, 1 *ill expose to public_ late, on j . THURiIDAY. 111 . 11, IaSO, at 1q o . onrii. A. 311.. oti Itie pterulsos in the Borough of onr...e. Bradford County: Pa., flue of land; hetog lots Nos. I. 5, 6at,d 15 as set off..Au W. A . .' Rockwell by partition or the estate of hs father, Abler C. Itite_kivell, by the Orphans' Court of Itrallto:rd County, and confirmed by Id Court May 10. • • - I ,tful also, by virtue of the afore.i 'atoned order, sell at puhltr sale, on • 0963 I 1 g, , (o) 10 :50 2 7 22@ 27t (4) 1t 10 3 . - - FRIDAY, MARUM 12TH, 16501 1-' at 7 o'clor It. P.-sc., °tithe premises In Towanda. the-following described property: to nit .1 .. , One lot , situate in the Borough of _Towanda, hounded north by 11. A. Burbank:a vltlag . lot. eaq .., by the Susquehanna rivet. south by .folm • eau's lot. and west by George Fox's land: Lei 50 fret trent and 100 feet deep, a Itli-a 2-story fra e dwell lug house and a barn th.rreri. Belug the ' , acne lot conveyed to W. A. Rockwell by Stephen Powell, by deed dated the lath day of--duly. IS6o,:and re corded lit derd,Lslok No. 57 me 4 - 64, etc. ALSO—tine other lot lbeing.the undivided half i situate In the .Borough of •Towarida, bounded as r0111.h,: Brgisning at the northeast corner ida lot of in, d formerly owned I y the late C. L. Ward ; 'Thence- south 3 6 east 120 feet - to an alley: thence along the same cast 60 feet- to the line of Mrs. tis lwo-tes lot; t , encr along the line of the same north as - nest 120 feet to a - corner; thence,along Lombard street w.st 60 feet to the place of beginning ; with a frame dwelling Rouse - and a few fruit trees thereon. tot of Lai . . 05(40414 .. 50(2.M., ... 200,5,0 1 Otqa. u 0 trio . 3 10 ALSO—One other lot of lauL, __tate In "ugh of Towanda aforesaid. bounded as follows Itegliinlng at the southeaSr corner of , Main.. and Bridge streets: thence , along the south side of Bridge street eaderly 62 'fret to within 4 inches of the fare of the Wall of the building standing on the. lot herebycotroyed to -the line of land of t - John Iteidlenian I thence sonth by lineparallel with the east line of Main street and 4 Inches wed Of the east line of ,said wall f 6 feet to an aikr leading from Mains fret to the .. river ; thence westerly along the north ride of - Said alley 20 feet thence northerly ;by a line parallel with the east title of said Main street; thence along the west face of the . near wall of the two stores now str lately owned by John Bettliernan 42 feet to-the centre of the wall : thence westerly along the - centre of - salt! wall 4: feet to the rant side of Main street thence north erly along the east- ,isle of Main street 24 feet to the p;ace of beginning ; containing 2.31.4 equate feet, with a 3-story brick' store building thereon. Also, the full right lit con:talon with the owner of the building adjoining to 1 . 1-if, and occupy for all purposes of ingrestand egress the entrance and stairway leading froth - Maid' street adjoining: ill& south side of 'sad totlining'to all the upper rooms In raid building sbleng as said building shall stand. but uo longer: vedt II! the further understanding that the east wall of/ the, buthlidig, as well as the parti tion wall referred to. shall linematti in -and where they now severally stand f 4 !the joint use and ben efit of each Of the atijoinitig - owners.,thelr limits and assigns, _ ..... .. I. 60 ... : ' 2.5 .... 3 50 425 4 25- 2 in TFIt US AND CONDITIt /NS—The jabove men . t wheal moperty to La tuthl It the following terms 31111 'M•udltton,: to he en each lot at the tune of sale. and one.thlrd (Including Ito f - 25 - pil4l to 1,1 paid Im the entalnnatlon Uf said pale, and one-half of the Ika:ance with Interest In one year, And the remainder with Interest In two years - from the chntlrmalten. of said sale. e. S. RIiSSEI.L. Assignee of w. ,t..-Itockwed Towanda, February .17, laall-wa. NOTICE—The - Board of Revision have fixed upon the following dates and places. between the hours of 8 A. X. and 3 fbr holding appimls for . lBsii, viz: - .Welb Township and South Crest Townsh_lp--At George Suffrens• in SoutlaCreek. February IS. Bldg , ury Township --At George. SUarellb . In South Creek. February 20. - Springfield, Columbia and Sylvania Borhugh— - At the Troy House. Troy -Borough, February 23. Smithfield and West Burlington—At the Troy House, Troy iMrough, February 24. Troy Township and Troy Borough-ACthe Troy House. Troy Borough. February 25. `Armenia Township and Alba Boyotigh—At the Troy House. Troy Boroogh, February 2d. Leßoy and Granville Townships—At the TabJr 'House, Canton Borough, February 22. CaStein.Township and Canton 'Borough—At iho fabri Canton Borough, February:*. treerton Township. Albany and Now LA lhany Borough—At Dodge's Hotel, Monroe Burudgh, • March 2. .. Franklin, Monroe Township and -Borough—At Dodge's lintel, Monroe BOrough, ]larch a. ' Athens Borough and 'South Waverly—At the Ex change Hotel, Athens Borough, March 1. - Athens Tdvinithip— At the Exchange Hotel,' Athens Borough. March 5. Wilmorand Terry Townships—At Brown's tel. Wyalusiug, Starch 9. . Tuscarora and Pike—At Brown's Hotel, Wyatt'. ' sing, March 10. • Leltayaville Borough, 'Merrick and Wyalusing— A t Brown's . Hotel, W }ensing ' , March ii. , Barclay and Asylum Townships—At the' Court House, Towanda Borough, March 12. - Windhaiii and Warren Townships—At Taylor's Hotel. Route Borough, March-Is. Orwell and Litchfield Townships—At Taylor's Hotel. Rome Borough. March : lL, Sheshecitiln, Route Township-411 - d Borough—At Taylor's Hotel, Rome Borough; March 18. Wysox and Standing stone—At the Court House, Towanda Borough. March 19. . _ Towanda Township and Towanda North—At the Court House, Towanda Borough, March 23.( . Burlington Township and Harlington Borough-- At the Court House, Towanda Borough, March 24 Towanda Borough and Ulster—Al 111 Cuu House, Towanda-Borough, March 2.5. - Assessors will be punctual In delivering notice to taxables and, in making returns In person at tfid time specified to the warrants, it Which time and place the Board of Revision will attend and hear those who consider themselves aggrieved by the assessment, and make suelr alterations as to them shall appear just and reasonable. I s BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. Attest—Wl LL IA Law's, Clerk. Commissioners' Ocoee, January 28, 1880. $1,000,000 00 $2,733,341 27 IN . LIXIECUTORS' -NOTICE.— Let -14 ' tors testamentary having been granted to the mosersignell. under the lint Will and testameut of 1431vanus Vaubusktrk, late of Rldgbury, deceased,' all persons in6bted to the estate of said decedent' arc hereby notified tomato Immediate payment,' and ,all having claims against said estate must !srie sent' the same duly authent:msted to the under signed tor rttleinelit. - N,A,,Zeli E. VAN ITUSKIItIii Executrix. ' ' At. TUTTON, Executor. ,Itldgbuty. January 22, loco-w.S. I s77aoTtltrag.T.lt's«girrd Ta,"fieL'au W. B. hANE El In the Iron MEM