Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 12, 1880, Image 3

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Towanda. Pa., February . 12,1880.
swum= ret THE roftorpics. AT sowezus
The expiration of subscription is Print
.4,lls; the colored label. By noticing the
,date every subscriber can ten when his
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tion is renamed. •
DAVID GARDNER,. Esq., Of Great
Creek, is anthonzed to receive moneys on
subscription to the RI:PORTER and re
- ccipt,therefor.
IT is Lent.
AinE:as hasifour barber shops.
YESTERDAY was Ash Wednesday.
NEXT Saturday is St. Valentine's Day.
Snow shovels' were busy during last
EAFTEIt comes this year on the. 28th of
DWELLING houses are in .demand in
thi; place.
Wuo said we wouldn't have sleighing
this winter?
Ancrrnas heaq snow iq predicted for
the 15th instant.
MERRY sleighing parties were out every
evening last week.
J. W. Bonn, of Waverly, has opened a
meat market at Sayre.
TT is =predicted that there will be a
large crop of fruit this year.
A lodge of the Knights' of Honor is to
be instituted at Canton at an early, day.
SERVICES will be held in Christ Church,
to-day, - Wednesday, at 10: . 30; A. M. and
4 r. ar4t,
TUE ground-hog, it is very evide.t,
saw his shadow, when he came out Of alig
hole on the 2d instant.
REVIVAL meetings were begun at the
Wetonah Church by the pastor, Rev. W.
STATHAM, on Sunday last.
STONE ma4ons have commenced work
on the foundations, for the Presbyterian
Church building at Athens.
THERE are not many strawberries in
market just yet, but the trade in cough
Medicine and umbrellas is booming.
THE village of Mehoopany, Wyoming
dunty, has subscribed $3,000 towards a
new school building to be erected there.
Pike township, bad his leg broken by a
fall nx' a tree on Wednesday of last
THERE are families in town who make
it a rule never to send more than about
six of their children to the post office each
day for their mails.
TUE Morris Run '(Tioga County),
Lodge - of Odd Fellows has one hundred
and fifty-three members, and about $2,-
000 in their treasury. .
CAPFrALISTS from Massachusetts and
New Jersey contemplate erecting a silk
factory on The Wallenpaupack, near 'Haw
ley, Wayne County, this State. °
Troz.Novelty Furniture Works Compa
ny, of - Athens, are about to commence
the erection of a large warehouse adjoin
ing their manufacturing building.
Tus Canton Sentinel says that the to
hacco manufactory in that place is closed
for the present, but will re-open in the
spring,with a large force of hands.
BEAVER County, this State, has a post
office named Pinafore, and it is said that
it "Sweet Little Buttercup" will make
havoc among the " males" therein.
ANOTHER Convention and not a word
about the Crawford County System ; and
its champion a very active delegate there
in. Really our faith begins to waver.
OUR neighbor of the Argus is forcibly
reminded that DoN CAMERON has been
distributing blooded calved throughout
the State. Don't need one in the Argus
office. ;
TUE trotting horse " Mallory," which
was sold to a gentleipari in New York, last
Tall, by Wmt M. M.l.,Lonv, of this place,
for $10,500, died a 'few days agci of pneu
Dri.nTrtEara i$ making sad inroads on,
the juvenile population in this State. Al
most every paper we pick up contains in
telligence of one or more deaths:lmp the
A SERIES of revival meetings are being
held in the M. E. Church, Leona, and
have awakened considerable interest.
There has already been over thirty con
LERAYSVII.L . is Still 'lwithopta photo
graph gallery, the gentleman who con
templated opening one 'there the first of
February having "backed out," the Ad
vertiser says.
TIrE Canton Sentinel says that it is re
ported that the Union Telegraph com
pany will put a wire through that place
soon. The poles of the Northern Central
railway will be used.
THE law providing for the erection of
fire'escapes is being enforced in many of
the towns throughout the State, and
Causes much ill feeling among those who
must incur the expense.
A STATE Line correspondent says : A
remonstrance against the sale of intoxi
cating liquors it Gillets has been, circulat
ed by a boy at this place. GOD bless that
bop l Where are the men ?"
W. 8., MERRILL; of West Warren, we
learn from the ildcertiser, of Leßaysville,
cut his fr;ot so badly, one day of week be
fore last, that be is confined to his house
from the effects of the wound.
TIIE account of the late Republican
County Convention, as published in the
Republican of last week, contained a good
deal more Flor.coun than it did of the
real proceedings of the assemblage.
'IIAwLEY at East Lynn, Susquehanna
County, has been arrested and is now
confined in the jail at Montrose. He is
seventy-nine years old and a cripple.
CRURCII of t he
i Messiah (Universalist),
Rev. Was . TAYLOR, pastor, at 10 A.
subject, " The test of our profession."
At 7 r. me, the,first of a series of sermons
on death, resurrection and judgment.
THE friends of Rev. D. Cam*? will pay
him a ft ..donation visit at the parsonage,
Wyalusing, on Friday evening, February
20, 1880. • tiy order of Com.
TEE ainatenr dramatic troupe, it
letts are to iday , "Voile Tomos Cabin,"
on the evening, of the 19th instant—next
Thursday. Proceeds for the benefit of the
Baptist Church in that puce.
Tme entertainment given for the bendt
of the Library Fond at Met= Han on
Monday evening last, was largely attend,
ed and enjoyed, and was deo, band,*
a grand amen.
Tag Northern Central railroad com
pany, says the Canton- &WWI, are ex
tending their sidings at State Line, and
reports have been circulated that their
shops are to be removed to that place.
THE Review advertises a meeting of Po
mona Grange, No. 23, tote held at Stand
ing Stone, on Tuesday, .Februcn, MA,
1880,- at one o'clock, P. tr. The 26th of
the present month falls on TEDIEISDAY.
TnE Canton &Mina sa,yi that Ingham
Post, G. A - . R., of that place, was one of
the few; ecimpLimented in tti, Department
reports for ha remarkable increase in
membership and advancement generally.
'THE North American Review for March
will contain articles by ex-Judge Jana.
S. BLACK and the Hon. E. W. fiProtroirros
on the third term question; and a paper
on our political dangers by Prof. SIMON
Ax interesting event will present itself
for our admiration on the last day of this
month, very late in the evening. Jupiter
and Mercury will be in' conjunction, very
close, within thirty-nine or forty minutes .
of each other. -
" HEAVEN lies about us in
. our 'lnfan
cy," says the poet, and ail exchange
truthfully remarks : Yes, and our neigh
bors lie about us when we grow up. No
reference is here intended to our neigk
bor, the Republican. V
THE ladies of the church of the Mes.
siah (Uniyersalist), will serve oysters and
other refreshments at their church on
Tuesday evening, February 17th. All
friends of this church are cordially in
vited to come and partake.
Tits-thermometer registered twelve do-
gries below zero, at Dushore, on the
night of the Ist instant, and ice, six inch
es thick, was formed on READLEVB lake,
near that place, during the night. Thus
saith the DushoreTeriete.
ZIERSON says that a man ought to car:
ry a pencil and note down the thought of
moment. Yes, and one short pencil,
devoted exclusively to that use, would
last some men we know about two thous
and years, and then have the original
point on it.
THE business boom has hit the printer
an unlucky stroke. It has advanced the
price of paper four or live cents a pound,
and other supplies and expenses in, pro
portion, without affording him any
chance for a corresponding advance of his
rates and charges.
THE Lehigh Valley Railroad, says an
exchange, during the year 1879 paid all
its expenses, paid a four per cent. divi
dend, did not incur a dollar of indebted
ness,,and has a surplus on hand for con
tingent use. This is an exceptional ease
and worthy of praise.
THIRTY thousand eggs of the Atlantic
salmon have :been placed in the hatching
house at Bloomsburg, Columbia County,
where there are already half a million of
California salmon ready for distribution.
The Delawaiv and , other rivers are to be
stocked 'with thern..
ELMIItA is to have another daily paper.
It will be a morning paper, and will make
fits appearance 0n .. , or about the 15th
instant. It will be managed by Hoag
Br.s.ns, thecogno-
men of
of gem, /13, ig -luny been
thoroUghly repaired and beautified, is to
be rededicated on Saturday next, Feb
ruary.4th. Rev. N. E. .I!trIKINPA, Presi
dent of Syracuse Conference,. will con
duct the exercises, Which will begin at
101 o'clock, A. M.
- THE voters of the old No. 4 district,
then township, including from WILL
D. aTuawsoNtli down to E. C. llEurticres,
who by the formation of the borough of
South Waverly, were deprived of ayoting
place, have just _been_ joined to district
No. 1, and - will vote at the Exchange
hereafter.—Athena fazed.
A exchange says if yOur local paper
happens to tread on your toes a little in
performing its mission, don't get your
back up and abuse its editor, but stop
and, take a good breath, and think for a
season, and see if you can't remember
some of the favors and kindness it has
shown you it the past.- Then reflect that
it ;May not be long before you may want
some favors again.
WE learn from the Leßaysville Adver
tiser that the Presbyterian Church at
Warren , Centre, came very near destruc
tion by fire on Sunday the let instant.
Some wood piled under the stove was ig
nited by the beat, and when the people
began to assemble for worship, the fire
had made such progress that in a few
minutes more it would have been beyond
Tux Union Square Comedy Company
will give an entertainment at iMercur
Ball, on this, Thursday evening, on which
occasion they will render the emotional
drama of the "Two Orphans." This
Company is spoken of by our exchanges
as among the best traveling, and we have
no doubt they will be greeted with a full
house here. The price of admission is
35 and 50 cents. Reserved 'seats can be
secured at KIRBY'S ;Drug store. See ad
vertisement in another column. •
THE.Reception given by the C. Y. M.
A. A., Of this place, at Mercur Hall, on
Friday evening last, was a very enjoyable
affair, about 100 couples participating in
the festivities. The music was furnished
byKEELIR'S orchestra. The refreshments
were served in the Green Room, under
the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. DAVID
SHEIIIDAS, and were ample and excellent.
We learn that the 'affair netted the Asso
ciation quite a handsome. sum. The
Committees who had the Reception in
• ...
charge are entitled to no small amount of
praire for its-success.
TnE Canadian weather expert, whose ,
predictions We give elsewhere, shares the
honors with the weather-wise wood-chuck
about these days. Monday of last week
was the, day for the ground-hog to step
out and take a look at the sun, and as the
day was clear, and he must have seen his,
shadow, `there is nothing for it bat to en
dure with all patience the forty days of
winter which according to the old belief ,
is still in stare for us. On Tuesday, the
3d, as if to verify the old adage, and in
strict accordance with the prognostida
[ tions of Prof. VENNOI4 a heavy fall of
snow came, and at this writing it looks as
if there might be 'plenty more Weems.
,One Man Killed and Two Others
the boner in the. stem saw mill• of
Lvriies & VAS Hotta, situate in NolnL
tosh Hollo1►'; Anneals township, exploded
on Tuesday last, instantly killing Lamm
VAN Hoax, and so badly injuring N.
M. Lunen and Cmutmts OAPEPHILL
that it is not thought possible for them
to recover.
At the time of going to prcm this, Wed
nesday,. afternoon; ire have been unable
to get further particulars in regard to the
terfible eataistrophe.
Lorraw services in Christ Church as
follows This week, Ash Wednesday,
101 and 41 P. x. After this week,
Tuesdays, 4* P. Nip Tbusdays; P. M.
Tau machinery at the Nail Works was
started on Monday afternoon
. last, was
run for an hour, and found to be in ei
cellent working order. Tuesday morning
the works were again Anted for continu
ous business, and we aincerely trust that
the lessees will find it necessary to keep
them running and day during the
entire duration of their fears, in order to
supply the demand for , the'? products.
PUBLIC SALM —Persona who contem
plate disposing of their real or personal
property, at public sale, should advertise .
paper circulates extensively in all parts of
this and the adjoining counties, and
among those "who Have means to pur
chase. Our new tyfoe, in the hands of
skillful workmen, enables us to turn out
Job Work of the best and most attractive
kind, from the smallest_ label to a large
A. CORRESPONDENT of ;the Elmira Aci
eertiser writes : •
" Wyalusing is headquarters for ice.
The L.V. R.R. Co. has had a large squad
of men here, under the) management of
Johnny Rabat, for a number of days past,
gattuiring ice , on the pond owned by Geo.
Welles, Esq. Theyliave shipped from 500
to 1,000 tons to different points along the
road. The ice in ',thickness is from six
inchis to one foot, - and very nice. There
is plenty left, and if any one wants the
article in your county, this wilt notify
them to apply to Wyalusing creek."
As the time for spring elections draws
nigh; the aspirants for political honors in
the different townships are commencing
to come to the surface. The people should
see to it that good, reliable men are
chosen. Let there be particular care ex
ercised in the selection. of election of&
rs. The election this year is one of ex
ceeding great importance, and the very
best of men should he selected as election
officers, in order that the ballot- may be
cast in accordance with • the strict letter
of the law. •
FERDT7iAND 31eINTOS0,. in Armenia,
says the Troy gazette, one day last week
met with a sad and serious accident.
While at work in the new steam saw mill
of L. G. VANFlonx, he fell in such a way
as to bring his left hand in Contact with
a circular saw in such a manner as to cut
his band nearly off, the saw cutting it di
agonally across the root of the .thumb to
the janction of the third finger. Dr. E.
G. TRACY was called, and it was suppos
ed for a time - that a portion of the hand
might be saved, but erysipelas, setting in,
the hand. had to be amputated at the
As a result of the revival meetings now
in progress at the Methodist and Presby
terian Churches, in this place, a number
of persons have joined each church. Sun
day morning last ten persons joined the
Presbyterian Church, four of them by let
ter, partook of the communion. In the
evening at the Methodist Church Rev. M.
Hinman administered the sacrament of
baptism to twelve persons, and received
into Ithe church on probation, twenty
eight members. The meetings have been
of great interest. They will probably
continue another week. So far forty-six
persons have presented themselves at the
altar for prayers.—Troy Gazette.
ist Church
("lunge a goodly number of the farmers
of this and adjoining counties attended
the last Saturday's meeting of the Elmira
Farmers" Club, for the pumas° of listen
ing to an address by Commissioner La.
Duc, of Washington, on the question of
"Agriculture and its Relations to Gov
ernment." Those who were present
unite in pronouncing the meeting a de
cided success, and the 'address an excel
lent one, Col. V. B. PIOLLET, of Wysox,
also delivered a short address on the same
subject, which was listened to with the
closest attention. The Advertiser says :
"There were many other speakers at
the meeting besides those notedpbut they
were mainly of the class that seeks to
gain information rather than to impart it,
so their remarks were confined priricipal.:
ly to questions for which General LeDuc
was the convenient target a full hour or
more, preserving meanwhile admirable
temper and • occasionally , enlivening the
moment by characteristic humor. • With
his address and answenng questions he
was kept on the floor More" than • two
hours, during which there was not a dull
moment. It may be said he is an enthu
siast on the question of sugar-production,
but such enthusiasts frequently become
the world's benefactors.
The closing hour of the meeting was
signalized by very spirited discussions of
the appointed question, in which there
was very earnest determination to ask of
the general government more complete
recognition of agriculture. A resolution
favoring the establishMent of a full de
partment of agriculture with a cabinet of
flcer at its head, had enttusi do approv
al. There were sharp critici ms of polit
ical and commercial journal that indulge
in sneers at the demands of farmers for a
just share in the administration of affairs.
A abort time given to social intercourse
and the meeting ended.", , ,
The Sunday School scholars of the
'Church of the Messiah, will give an enter
tainment, consisting of dialogues, decla
mations, recitations, zones, etc.,; at the
Church. this, Wednesday evening, to
Which all are cordially invited. No ad
mittance fee will be charged, but a col
lection for the benefit of the Sunday,
School Library, will be taken up.
Rev. Her.Locx ARMSTRONG and wife
desire to express through the REPORTER
their sincere thanks to their friends for
their pleasant visit, and bountiful dona
tion, on the evening of Wednesday, Jan
uary 28th. Notwithstanding the bad
going, more than one hundred men,
women and children: assembled at the
parsonage, leaving with their pastor one
hundred and twenty dollars. Many,
many thanks.
No. 68. G. A. R.,
'TOWANDA, Pa. Fib. 11, 1880.
General Order, No : j ;
The members of the Post are requested
to requested to report at Military Hall, on
'Thursday, February 12th, at 10:30 A. 31.,
to attend the funeral of Comrade ROBERT
BnimstePlat 11 o'clock.
By order of G. V. lima,
-Mn. U. Einniovn, of Lelis~llb,
le quite seriously W.- . •
—Damn Rouen, of Leone, is damp
geroudyMordiplitheria. • - -
Z. Macau has been appointeii .
station went Frenektivons.
—Mr. W. B. YAw? bee !agen taken.
to the Danville Inaane As3rium for treat
ment. -
- Cumin Witrossa, of Warren
Center, is visiting friends in Waverly,
N. Y. - - ' •
—Dem= liimeires, of Lime Hill, who
bas been quite Seriously ill of eilsipelas,
is improving.
—Mrs. Jmunsnra Smilax and daughter,
Lama, of Lime Hill, an visiting friends
in Clearfield County.
—O. P. HARICRESB; of Leona, has been
danger:Maly but is terar in a fair way
to recover his health.
—Mrs. BOARIOVAN, of Penn Tan, N.
Y., is spending the winter with Mm., 0.
8. OvEBTON, at Lime OM
—HENRY J. Dinrunr, of Binghamk
died at that place on Wednesday. He
was a veteran of the war of 1812.
—Ne.rusn Tina injured one of his
limbs quite severely by a fall on Friday
last. Icy pavement was thecause..
-Mu LIZZIZ MEANS treated a number
of her young 'school mates to a very en
joyable sleigh-ride on Thunday afternoon
=Professor d. T. McCoLum Principal
of the Troy Graded School, has , just re
covered from a severe attack of quinsy,
which has kept him from his. school some
—Mn. B. L. MUMMY, at one time post
master at LacerWe, but now a. resident
of Kansas, recently received the appoint.
ment of Deputy' Sheriff of Lamed 'Coun
ty, that State.
L METLEET, of Iliapollls, Sul
livan County, is mentioned as a candidate
for State Senator, to fill the vacancy oc
casiOned by the death of the late Hon.
—Ctuattp CRANE; of State Line, who
bas been confined to his house for some
time past, 'by a broken leg, has so far re
covered from the injury as to be about
with the help of crutches.. .
—A State Line correspondent, under
date of February 3d, says that Mr.
Mrs. S. T. BaowN, Mrs. MYRON BROWN
and son, JULIAN, are to- start today on a
visiting excursion, to be absent two
—Gwonaz MiLLER, a resident of Albo
ny township, this county, died on Thurs
day, the 29th,, ult., aged 'eighty-three
years.. He had been a member of the
Masonic fraternity for the past sixty
—Professor J. T. McCoLLori, Principal
of the Trot Graded School, has just re
ceived the degree of A. M., (artlum ma
vizier), from Lafayette College, at Eas
ton, Pa. It is a gratifying honor, and
well and worthily bestowed.
-ANGIE KINGSBURY invited half-a
dozen of her young friends and school
mates to a sleigh ride on Saturday, The
young lady's father, Councilman KINGS
BURY, handled the reins, and the mamas
of thehappy party felt no anxiety as to
the safety of their little ohms, all of whom
expressed themselves perfectly delighted
with the ride.—Reriew. .
—E. R. Dritoso, of North Towanda,
died at his residence in that place,
this, Wednesday morning, at about six
o'clock. Mr. DELoso had been ill for a
considerable length of time, and for a
number of months past had been confined
to his house. He was-a worthy citizen,
and his death will belnourned by a large
circle of friends and acquaintances.
—MrsurE, daughter of our enterprising
merchant, G. L. Ross, celebrated her
twelfth birthday anniversa' bird; Thurs
day evening.:About twenty ofi her com
panions paid their compliments,, and were
handsomely entertained. Con ti Joustsow
presided at the piano and the ; little folks
enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent.
The young hostess was the recipient of a
valuable gold ring, as a birthday present.
—ROBERT J. SISERMAN, Mail Agent on
the State ,Line and Sullivan Rail- road,
died at the resideice of his father-in-law,
J. 0. Fitosr, in this place, on Monday
morning last. Mi. S. had been ill for
Several months past, but was able to at
tend to . the duties of his position in the
mail service until within the past few
weeks, when he was compelled-to relin
quish them, and he did so, trusting that
a brief respite from labor would-restore
him to health. He was a generous friend,
an excellent citizen, and his early death
will be mourned by a large circle of
friends an acquaintances. The funeral
will take place this, Thursday, afternoon.
—One hundred years ago the2,ltii of
this month, when Berner DUNNING was
born the country was in the midst of the
Revolutionary war and .it was not till
three years later that the treaty was sign
ed at Versailes. At the time of Wash
ington's death she was a young lady of
twenty. Thirty years ago she had reach
ed the allotted three score years and ten
and now at the ripe old age of 100 years
her deicendants delight to do her honor.
On the 20th inst, she held a reception-at
the house of her grand-daughter, Mrs. R.
F. DELMOT. During the day over one
hundred persons called upon her and
"Aunt BETSEY" greeted them all with a
hearty shake of the band and word of
recognition ; Indeed she does riot act like
so very old a lady. Her mind seems as
bright as ever. She . . can knit and spin,
and to show the company that she felt
still young, went through the steps of a
dance of her youth keeping excellent time
`to the 'music.—Canton
—The Rev. E. P. litawmoin has been
conducting revival services, in Bt. Catha
rines, Canada, for the past three weeks.
Of these meetings, and the work of the
'Evangelist, the Toronto Globe says : •
"He has met with marked and unex
ampled success. Over six hundred per
sons have been examined and given. in
their names, professing to have experi
enced a change of heart. Services have
-been held during-the whole time of the
revival in all the, churches continuously
and almost siMultaneously. Meetings
have also been held in the drill abed, in
the market place, and in the police office.
St. Paul-street IMettiodist Church, the
largest in the city, and capable of bolding
1,600 persons, has been tilled to its utmost
capacity every night, and crowds were_
finable to gain admission. The Baptists,
Presbyterians, and Methodists , are work- -
ing in the utmost hartnony together. So
great has beei the awakening
.that not
only are the people aroused In' the city,
but large numbers flock in from the stir
rounding country, all anxious and eager
to bear and listen to the great revival
liteacher.. The work has been predictive
of ; grftt good to many young men. Old
hardened sinners who hardly ever uttered
prayer, have succumbed, and tearfully
told their experience, and given evidence
of their desire to lead Christian live*.
The work does not seem to be very emo
tional, but some deep mysterious poem is
moving the people. Although. the work
has been going on for three weeks there is
not a particle of abatement in the interest;
Nothing in the history of St. Catharines
ever: Caused such, a universal feeling
among the people. It is a great religious .
awakening. Deputations have come in
from the adjoining towns - and villages
asking for Mr. Hammond's help. tr
ea l r 4 t ;
calls lave also come from the
cities in the Dominion asking Mr.
mond to come and help them ? " .
I. 0. of 0: T.
The and make of tbri 2forthent
trial Convention of flood Tersidaro will
be hold st r Athos, phnutert 14tb and
Stith. Triitoroany,'
B. Brow thrownei,
Diotriot doorsory.
rot* Orwell, February I, 11180.„
NIENNORok 1113
Vinson is a Canadian who makes
almanacs that have forecastingi of the
waterier sack' month. Be has &tight
ed more or less prominence Of late years
from the feet that in a number_ of in
stances he has hit the mark precisely..
llis prediction for February was as fol
lows, arid tts the first pert has falba so
socurately, l it may be a matter of enmity
to see how the whole mouth fills out:
" One of the hesviest snowfalls of the
winter is likely to come -upon us on the
Ed or 8d of February, and occasion deep
drills and railroad blockades— Following
this immediately, a cold snap will set in
of oonaiderable severity, lasting some four
or more days. Next will come a period
of mildness, even warmth. 'with rain and
slush, up to about the 15th or 166. The
16th will g ive us the second betty's snow
fall of the tnontb, with drifts again, and
another railroad blockade. Between the
20th and 25th the second cold term will
probably set In, and this bids fair to be
very severe, and occasion some very low
thermometer readings. Thus, with the
exception of one considerable thaw this
month. February will be an exceedingly
wintry month. The 17th teed 21st of
March will again give heavy snow thlls,
and it is ptobable that in this month we
will have more snow than at any time
1 previous during the winter of ,1880."
Judge WrLaos , recently charged the
grand jury of Tioga county to consider
the praCticability of building a new court
house. the cost to be, naing the available
portion--cf the house in the construction,
$35,000 ; being one-half of onel per cent.
of the assessable valuation of the county,
viz, $7,000,000. The Elmira Free Press
learns that the grand jury reported favor
ably, and a few of the prominent citizens
of Blosaburg met at the office of R. B.
Fnzintsw, Ern., to consider the *dries
bility of ' erecting from the eastern por ,
two of Tioga and western portion of
Bradford counties a new county, defining
the western boundary to begin at a point
on the line of New York and Pennsylva
nia *bout five miles west of Lawrenceville,
running south about five miles distant
from Tioga• river parallell thereto to the
western boundary .of /Liberty township,
continuing thence to ILyooming county,
thence west to a pO l int five miles east of the
Northern Central railway, thence north
in a line five miles east of said Northern
Central railway to the aforesaid New
York and Pennsylvania state line, thence
west along said line to the place of begin.
Wog, locating the county seat at Moth
burg, as being the place most accessible
for the general public. The case is to be
more , fully considered at some future
On'the morning of the 31st alt, there
passed away, quietly out of the ranks of
earth, Comrade Joust IL LILLET, aged 34
years, and a son of EBEN DIZZY, one of the
widest known and most respected citizens
f i
o Leßoy township. Comrade LILLIIR,
while a soldier in the 2nd Pa. Heavy Ar
tillery, nerving in the trenches before Pet
ersburg, was captured, during a sortie,
and became for over five months, one of
the occupants of the Rebel prisons at•Sal
isbutlr, N. C. One of ten thousand4ho
went in there wind men, of whom only
five thousand ever came out alive. , Com
rade LILL" was when captured a robust
man weighing 190 i pounds. When he
reached home, after being exchanged, he
weighed less than 90 pounds. From the
disease thus produced ho never fully re.
hovered. With shattered constitution be
lingered on, often suffering severely, bear
ing it patiently, and as a result of his im
prisonthent passed away into the 'higher
life, at a time which should have been the
full beauty and strength of manhood.
He waione a l ibi most active Odd Fel
lows in his neighborhood ; loving the prin
ciples taught •bi the • order, and living
them out in his life. Canton Lodge No.
321—and Leßoy Lodge No. 843, of which
ho was a Charter menber, attended the
funeral in full ranks, as did also Ingham
'Post, No. 91, G. A. R. The services were
held in the " Disciples Church at Alba.
(Rev. Mr. HEYWARD'S) who, with Rev.
Mr. WELLEs of Canton, and Rev. Mr;
Bum. of Leßoy, united with Rev. Dr.
e r /LIMON of Towanda, in the services.
The address was delivered by the latter
gentleman, and was an eloquent and
glowing tribute to the worth of the deceas
ed, as well as an earnest appeal for the ap
plication of the lessons afforded in the
occasion. •
The large audience, numbering proba
bly 400, filled the Church to overflowing,
and was in itself, the highest tribute that
could be paid to our comrade's memory.
He leaves a widow and two children to
mourn his loss, and to learn in loneliness
and sorrow, what it means for "Father
to hive' been a Soldier"
[We cheerfully give -place in our col
umns to the following letter, which the
reader will discover, fully explains itself
risrassr, Worsts Co., Pa. }
January 28, 1880.
J. F. BLocnza, Wyalusing, Pa.-3fy
Dear Sir: Professor JOHN Mors's+. „of
Parkersburg, Pa., 4canvassing this coun
ty in the interests of the " Pennsylvania
Prohibition Allianc6," and as he will vis
it your county in a. few weeks, I wish to
assure you that the " Alliance " he rep- -
resents will commend itself to every tem
perance man and woman. ; : It is the or
ganization we havei been wishing and
waiting for . these years, and I hope yon
and : the friends of temperance in your
county will avail yourselves of the oppor
tunity you will have to acquaint your
selves with the working's of this young,
society. It is open, easy of comprehen
sion, and decidedly practical.
As to Protestor MOFFAT himself, I may
say, be is neither a "tramp" nor a
" quack "as you will discover. lie is a
Scotchman and a natural orator, which
added to his vast fund of information,
hisihod sense, and. native wit, makes
him ighly instructive, pleasing and pro
fitable. Those who hear him once will
not fail
-to heir him again and again; if it
is possible for them to de so. The " Al
liance " could secure no better man to rep
resent it. ,1
Professor BrOFFAT also gives A lecture
on " RonzaT)Bunxs, and the Lessons and
Influence of His Song," which is a literary
treat and better than medicine to the
Do not fail to get him to deliver it, and
then be sure to have our mutual friend,
Rev. and Hob: Gums LANDox hear . it.
I know it will snit you and him. -
Very truly yours,
P. R. Tows.
The Grand Jury disposed of the follow
ing additional oases •
Cow. vs. David Bruoe—Larceny.
Com. vs. George Young—Adultery.
Com. vs. R. W. Vanßarager—Assault
and battery. Prosecutor, 'Philip Ryan,
for costs.
Com. Ss. Jared Allen—Assault and bat
tart, with intent to commit rape. Prose
cntrix, Jane Brown, for costa.
The liirand Jury was , discharged Wed
nesday, February 4th.
Com. vs. Cooper illanaiok—Adultery.
Belptenced to pay the costs of prosecution;
pa a fine of Pi, and two months in
onty Jail. • •
__Com vs. Jews Larrabss—Adultsq.
Bsatenosd to psy the oasts of promo*"
pay • Bane i6O, sod four months in
unty JaiL
Coin. vs: J. - W. two caiss
liquais on &slay add to . habitual
drunkards. Cont. vs. Along° Bosworth
—Fornication and bastardy. Nona pros ,
egni entered hi mob can on payment of
Com. vs. Lyman Asheraft—Arson. Dis
trict Attorney McPherson, H. N..
Hams and W. H. Thompson, Ens., for
Commnnwealth ; John F Sanderson and
D'A. Overton, Ens., for . defendant. Jury
find defendant not guilt,. -
Com. vs. Stewart Anderson--Lareeny,
fear cases. Defendant pleads guilty.
Com. vs. James Vann and • Clarence
Vargason—Burning barns. District At
torney McPherson and Peck & Overton,
Esqs., for Commonwealth ; H. J. Madill
and O. D. Kinney, Esq., for defendants.
Jury find defendants not guilty, but that
they pay the coats.
.0: E. Wilco; et. - 111., vs. George Han
carton% et. 111.—Williani Foyle, Esq. - , ap
pointed Master and Examiner.
John M. Pike vs. William M. Seger.—
Rule to open judgment, and Sheriff en-.
joined from proceeding further until the
determination of rule.
E. C. Wright vs. E. G: Wright.—W. 3.
Young, "Esq., appointed Commissioner.
Melissa J. Jones, vs. S. W. Jones.—Ed
want Mills, Jr., and . A.‘ St. Clair Smith,
appointed Commissioners.
C. M. Hakes vs. E. S. Hakes ; M. U.
Verrill vs. Melissa Merrill.—Subpremi in
divorce directed. to be issued in each case.
- Sarah E. Clapper vs. Abram ( Clapper;
Cooper Hancock vs. Flelb3n Hancocl.—A.
B. Porter Esq., appointed Commissioner
in each Case,
Eliza Kurkendall vs. Albert Ktirken
dalL--Aliac subpaina in divorce directed
to be issued.
Mary T. LeFener vs. Jonas LeFener;
Mary J. Dexter vs. B. F. Dexter.—Sher
iff directed to make proclamation in each
Ellen C. Wright vs. E. G. Wright;
Abbie E. Hart vs. H. A. Hart.—Divorce
granted in each case.
The following Sheriff's Deeds were
acknowledged :
To E;Pomeroy, for 97 acres of land in
Granville township. Sold January 29,
1880, as the property of Charles Clark.-
To A. J. Close, for 00 acres of land .in
Wait Burlington. Sold January 29, 1880,
as the property of Charles Taylor, et. al.
To J. P. Coburn, for 12 acres of land in
Orwell township. Sold January 29, 1880,
as thepropCrty of H. H. Grow. $165.
To P. M. Bile, for 60 acres of land in
Windham township. Sold January 29,
1880, as the property of 0. J. Dawes.
To W. H. Barnes, for 06 acres of land
in. Wilmot township. Sold January 29,
1880, as the property of B. C. Barnes.
To A. L. Cranmer and 0. M. Brook,
for 90 acres of land in Friinklin township.
Sold January 29, 1680, as the property, of
.1. Tt. Vanness. et. al. $lllO.
To 0. D. Bartlett, for two acres of land
in Wilmot township. Sold January 29,
1880, as the property of 0. D. Bartlett,
$235. •
-To Selab Wickham, Jr., for 107 acres
Of land in Wells township. Sold Novem
ber 28, 1879 as the property of Petah
Wickham. $5O.
To J. P. Kirby and W. T. Davies, for
one lot of, land in Towanda Borough.
Sold January 29, 1880, as the property of
Isaac Middaugh. $215.
To H. N. Williams and E. J. Angle,
for house and - lot in Canton Borough.
Sold December 15, 1879, as the property
of James Fox, Executor. $1599.
To C. W. Reynolds, Executor, for 70
acres of land in Pike township. Sold
January 29, 1880, as the property of J. B.
Bradley. $ 6 65.
To Jane Fox, for one-half an acre of
land in Canton Borough. Sold December
5, 1879, as the property of James F. Fox,
Executor. $35.
The following licenses were granted
Ira H. Smith, Alba Borough. -
George and 0. L. Jordan, Athens Bor
George Suffern, South Creek township
M. A. Forrest, Ulster township.
C. E. Bartlett, Wysox township.
Charles IJ. MeGonegal, Troy Borough
James F. Fox, Canton Borough.
Joseph Comer. Springfield township.
J. A. Briggs, Sayre.
Dwight Dodge, Monroe Borough.
L. Morris, Burlington Borough. ..
William Bolan, Towanda Borough,
First Ward.
James Nestor, Jr., ToWanda Borough,
Second Ward.
A. J. Beers, Canton Borough.
R. Caton, Towanda Borough.
H. L.,Scott vs. H. S. Hellen, et. al.—
Rule to open judgment.
Susan A. Teeter vs, James C. Teeter.
—Sheriff directed to make proclamation.
Julia A. Lenox vs. George Lenox.—C.
M. Hall, Esq., appointed Commissioner.
Com. vs. David Bruce—Larceny. De
fendant pleads guilty.
Corn. vs. R. M. Knapp—Aggravated
assault and battery. District Attorney
McPherson, and H. N. Williams, Esq.,
for Commonwealth; Elhatuin Smith and
James Wood, Esqs., for defendant. Jury
find defendant guilty of an assault and
battery.' Sentenced to pay a tine of $5,
and costs of prosecution.
Joseph A. .Mead vs. Georgia Mead.—
Divorce granted. _
John Russell's use vs. J. 1). Barbour
Gainishee of Sally Davidson, Adthiniatra!-
trix.—Case discontinued.
John Randall's use vs.
_Sally Davidson,
Administratrix.—Order staying modified
so as to permit plaintiff to sell land levied
upon, except land conveyed to J. D. Bar
Com. vs. Jose:3h Quick—Larceny. Sen
tenced to pay a One of fss; costs of prose
cution, and four and one-half months in
County Jail.
Com. vs. N. B. Doane—deceiving Stol
en goods. Sentenced to pay a One of i,
costs of prosecution, and four months in
County Jail.
Corn. vs. Stewart Amdersonatenced
to two months in County Jail.
The Council met in regular monthly
session' February 2, 1880:
' The following members weke present :
Burgess Dodge, Councilmen Alger, Jones,
Kingsbury, Keeler and Montauye.
Bills to the amount of $258,00 were ap
proved by the Finance Committee a-tui
ordered paid.
Without transacting any other busi
ness the Council adjourned to meet on
Saturday evening, the 7th inst.
The Council met in prusuance of ad
Members present :—Messrs. Burgess
Dodge, Holcomb, Keeler, Montanye and-
On motion of Mr. Montanye, the read
ing of the minutes of the regular month
ly meeting held January 5, 1880, was dis
pensed with, and approved as published.
On the verbal petition of Mr. Taylor,
from the Ist Ward, for side-walk on Me
chanic, and Poplar street extension, the
Secretary was directed to cause notice to
be rarind on the I:9llowing property own
ers to build walks on said streets, to wit :
J. 0. Fiost's Sons, and Holmes & Pass
age, on Mechanic street, and Chas. Rutty
and the trustees of the Ward estate, on
Poplar street extension.
The annual report of, the - Chief Engi
neer Of the Fire - De partment , Edward
Frost, Esq., was received, read, and on
motion of Mr. Holcomb, placed on tile.
Orders amonnting to $32,81 were order
ed to be drawn.
',Report of Police Justice Young, of
cases heard and disposed of for the month
ending February 7. 1080 : .
January 19.—Miller Kipp, by. Burnti,
charge, being drunk and disorderly on
streets. Defendant discnarged.-
January 21.—James Daly, .by Wells.
charged with being drunk and disorderly
on streets. Fined $l.OO, Justice 70 cents.
Constable $1.00: Committed.
January 20.—Riley M. Hall, by Burns,
CitZdwith being drunk and disorderly.
e 53.00, Justice 70 cents, Constable
$1.00; Defendant committed.
January 27. Anthony O'Boyle, by
Burns, charged with being drunk and dis
orderly. Fused $3.00, Justice) 70 cents,
Conatsble $l.OO. Defendant committed.
• January 27...--Jofin Kennedy, try Burns,
charged with being drunk and disorderly.
Fined $3.00, Justice le cents, Constable
$l.OO. Committed. • _
January 27.-- Charles McCarty, by
Burns, charged with being drank and dis
orderly. • Fined $3.00, Justice 70 cents,
Constable Committed. -
February Babcock, by }tof
f% ehri with being drunk and disor
derly. Mimi $B.OO, Justice 70 'cents,
Constable $l.OO. Defendant pays i 4.48,
and was d
Febtuarrt-Vdter Meeker, by Min
orca,changed with beirgi drunk and dia.
orderly. Fined $B.OO, Justice 70 cents,
Constable $l.OO. Fine and colts paid. •
W. J. Yo t u rti x Pones Justke. '
Report read, awe , and placed on
file, when on mo on, the Council ad-
Waxy' S. • BULLOCK, a' young man
about 26 y ears' of ago,. and a nephew of
BURTON S. Pensents, who resides near
Gillette this county, committed suicide syt
the Elmira House, in Elmira, on Monday
night last. ButLocir, registered at tlie
Elmira House on Monday afternoon, and
at bed time was assigned room No. 19.
About 11 o'clocik Tuesday morning.the
chamber maid being unable to gain an
entrance to•the room in consequence of
the door beiog locked, notified the propri
etor of the fact,- when a step.lad&r was
procured, ascending which the maid open.:
ed the transom over the door to the room,
and in looking in discovered the for tu
hate man on the bed partly undressed. Im
mediately on the .young womb's inform
ing the proprietor of what shi saw 'in the
room, says the Pres Press, "Air. Casey
(the.proprietor) summoned Polioi Officer
Purcell; who.with the chambermaid went
up stairs. She climbed into , the room
through the transom window and unlock
ed the door, Purcell then entering tbe
Bullock lay on the bed, with his coat
off sital a cloth over his head. A bottle
that had contained chloroform was au&
pendeil over,his head, balanced in its place
by a bOot over the other side of the head
board: The month of the bottle- was
dowuward,and from it went an India rub
ber tube, this other end of which was in
the .young man's nostrils. The lamp was
still burning in the room. It was evfdent
that be had been dead all night, hit} body
being frozen. stiff.
Coroner Dundas was immediately noti
fied. On the person of the yeung man
was found two letters sealed and stamped.
One was directed to Burton B. Parsons at
Gillette, the other to Miss Mrytia E.
Wheat, Horsebeada. ' With them was a
note directed to Mr. Casey asking him
to mail the letters ; and saying that his
bill would be paid if his friends were not'
Dulldck was an unmarried Mail.
Local Correspondence.
People ate guessing on the cOnnandrum
sually propounded , at this season of the
Year—viz : ' Who are to be the township
,officers ?" Take a woman's advice and
adopt the prospectus of the BRADFORD
fiRFORTEN and "Take the Best "--1
espmially for school directors The,
Library Association sends greeting to
the "Thirty Ladihs " of Towanda, and
rejoices in their prospect of success kii
-establishing a good library '
supper is to be held at DIMMI 8 Hall.
for the benefit of the Orwell library, on
Friday evening, February- 20th. It is
bound to be a success—socially and finau
ci‘lly—so say those who are most interest.
ed. lolirriE.
Orwell, February 10th, 1880. ,'
At last we have snow enough for sleigh
ing, and it is being improved by those
who have waited' for it so 10ng..... We
understand that Mr. CRAWFORD iitends
to teach sv select school here in the spring.
Th'ose intending to apply for certificates
at the "spring examination will do well to has been rumored about
town that 'parties from Troy expect to
purchase the dry goods establishment of
N. BuLLoce. S. doss net lack for stores,
the?e being no less than sevEnt at the pres
ent' time.... We hive no yet heard
whether either of our public houses are'
to be 'allowed, by law, to o what they
can to make drunkardi and paupers of
our boys. It is a strange and lamentable
fact that there are good (?) Christian men
among us who will deliberately attach
their names to a petition askingthat such
liCense be granted. A very large majority
of our citizens want no Been* ; if our
publib houses cannot live witiggi„-:t, let
them close up. But give us 1 o 'dram
shops. ,••‘
Smithfield, Feb. 11, 188_
A lodge of ,The I. 0. P. of T. was insti
tuted at this place on Monday evening,
January 26th, 1880, by JOHN D. RUMSEY,
of Mansfield, Pa.. Deputy Worthy Sire
Of the Supreme Lodge r. o P. of T. •,
title, Highland Lodge ; contains twenty;
nine members. The following officers
were nominated, eleeted and installed for
the term ending June 314, 1880: Worthy
Sire, ANDREW CAMP ELL; Venerable Pa
triarch, THOMAS S RANGE ; , Veuerabli
Matron, Mrs. SAMUE SennAnan ; Chap
lain, THOMAS WEBS ER ; Marshal, REU: ,
BEN TALADY; Assistant Marshal, GEORGE
STRANGE ; Lady Assistant lirarshal, Miss
;Treasurer, SAMUEL SCHRADER ; Inner
'Guard, DANIEL STRANGE; f -Outer GR1111:1,
Barclay, Feb. 11, 1888. ~ it
A donation of sixty-onevetollars to Rev.
PAUL SMITH, at the ParsOnage, Friday
evening, January 3d • one of twenty dol
lars to Rev. P. H. I3ASFORD, at S. M.-
DicEintstAN's, Friday evening, January
30th. This was, indeed, a pleasant affair.
Mr. and Mrs. DICEERMAN received each
guest I with that hospitality that every
body love,. As they placed their grand
parlors and saloons at their disposal, : ight
and life, music and mirth seemed to,reign
triumphant. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. MOALEY
were there with their baby ItAItOLD,
which the youug ladies took special ue
light in holding and kissing and. pro
nouncing him the fattest baby in the
vicinity. Prof. R. W. KENDALL was
present with his choice cremona violin,
and by request favored the company with
the "Mocking Bird," which he renders
so charmingly as to hold his listeners
spellbound to the close of the piece. Mr.
;JAMES KENDALL aecompanied him on the
organ. That only can be called music
that commands attention. None, could
• have gone from there with any other than
a feeling that they, had received a dona
tion instead,of giving one. Only twenty
five cents each for a fifty-cent supper, and
the oysters prepared by Mr. T. C.- Prtoc
, TER 1.... The thirteenth annual eleetion
of officers of the Burlington Sunday-
School took place at the Church on Sun
day, as follows : Superintendent, Mr. D.
BOURNE ; Assistant Superintendent, Dr.
E. A. EvEnrrr • Secretary, Mr. LEE
BOURNE ; Assis tant Secretary, Mr. WIL
LEE ; Librarian. Miss BELLE MEAD ;
Chorister, Mr. L. D. HILL; Organist, MSS
LILLIE SMITH ; Assistant Organist, Miss
ELLA LOMAX.... A barn and shed belong
ing to Mr. .Ton MORLEY, and containing a
quantity of hay and stalks, in which Mr.
LEWIS HINES' bad an interest, was burned
about one o'clock Thursday morning,,
January 29th; no insurance.:.. Mr. ALON
zo Ross and Rife, and Miss MARY E.
RICE, of Elmira, were visiting friends in
this place ,two weeks since.., Miss HAT
TIE E. Beass is attending -tb Graded
School at ;Towanda this winter. ...Ambi
tion for new and better buildings in Bur
lington township continues unabated. Mr.
E. GUST/N gave the lead by building a
substantial and convenient farm-house,
finishing and furnishing it all complete
from cellar to garret. inat content with
this, be has added otLer buildings till his
place is quite a villa. Mr. L. M. RENDELL
tollowed with a much larger house, one
that would do credit to a village or city ;
Mr. R. M. PRUTNE with a large barn.
Rev. A. LANE, not to be left behind, came
to time with as good a house as the best.
Mr. JEREMIAta THAves_is finishing a new
and stylish dwelling at Luther's Mills.
Mr. L. P. Gowns, on Kendall Hill, not
to be outdid by his father or Any of the
"Sugar Checkers," first - -built the finest
gambrel-roofed barn irithe township, and
is now completing a dwelling to match it.
Mr. P. P. BURNS, a new corn and grain
house, abed with stanchions and hertery ;
Mr. JUSTIN MORLEY, new dwelling-; Mr.
-R. M. KNAPP, preparing to build a new
house in the spring.... The coming elec
tion promises to be a hotly-contested one
for township officers. -
Burlington„ Feb. 10, 1880.
SWEIM.—At Elan, January 20th, after in illness
of hat ten hours, of spinal or spotted fever, Vtora
say. only daughter of Charles M. and Carrie Z.
sweet, aged tow years, five *oaths and one day,
_ OT THZ •
Tearnonnt pall Auditors ', p4l fa
Auditors for Pro'lary and Beglster.:.... . 1000
Bridge contracts 1,441 ST
Bridge repine. 1433 03
BBVOnrus ' ..... . , 1211 93
1 ord Co. Agrbudtani Society • 100 00
Constables, - for Making returns to
I Court and attending at °bottom' 711 $1
. 9.71141 00
Costs In Commonwealth suits-- ...... 11,492 29
Counsel. to Conimtsslonen • ' 50 Mr
Crier and tlpststs of Court 911 00
DlstrloCAttorney 7p-00
Elertltif expenses— . --1,06130, .
Yu& sod - lights • ...; ... ........ an 10
Grand Juror" 1,050 011.
Traverse 31314111 ' 10,104 66
lanniaeo on Wolfe buildings 97 60
Cozeners• and justices' loqulattloos..... • 161119
,Jury coosmboduoen ' . 177 66
091ce boots 466 49
Postsgb and stationery ' - • - . 169 69.
_ .
' Account t With the ' Several Collectors of County Tax for the Year iflyg and Previous..
. • , • -.
.. _
's 4 Biwa, I Colleetori. If,r Charged. Received. Ex'arted. Persyre. Doe. Amount • Amount Amount Amount • -
, 1
. . . - j .--"-----,
Barlinirton."•Witst N. C. McKean .1 , - -
Burlingtorr West N , C. Meßcha ' ' 1 1 078 " 6: 1 7 I ra 117 411: t s t : 34 0 - 1 vs 1. 34 73
Canton TWp......Mdward Cote 1.... 1,40 07 1,393 or II mil .73 47
Leßoy. ..... , ....L. A. Wooster . ...... ;.i... 902 08 844 17 . 111 411, 44 13
Monroe Twp......M. 8. Magas . 04-11 434 12' . .10 381 - 44 la 4
Rome Born M. Z. Spalding.— ' •••• ED IL - 120 37 92- - 4 31.0 - -
11pvismilleid. ' Tim Leonard • . t " - ..'.. i 1,431 83 1,371 is • 361 74 17
South C1V1C.... David Chase •••• 744 44 - 498 94 a 92 1 36-74
Sylvania 80r0....J.• F. Bristol • ./. ... '..Et... 13s 33 10 64 ' 1,4; ';'"
Towanda North.. E. R. Deicing ••• 424 Orr 396 011 7 141 20 64 1 ...
Troy 80r0... • ..• . N. J. Stewart ' - 1 m0 ... 1488 3,3 1,117 70 32 011 . $0 .
Terry S. 80wman.„..... ik 536 62 -523 13 11, 96 --27 0
Nil ysox M. B. Bishop - ; . ..::. 1,214 - 57 1,12311 .31 77' ' 39 141 '
Wells ... ' 'Deo. H. Knapo.. . ...... 1.... 1.096.18 1,026 96' 13 07 1 0 151 "
1 ' . 1 . . 1.... .6 ,--- 1 ------
Total ... ... : ... .1 111.676 _lll,OOO 02 311 d 134 1 306 1111; 1 31 73.
Albany.-.... iW. - 4; Kenyon 1879 , $ O2 201 08466 - 3 3 2! - fito 791
Alba 110 v C. 8. Wilson,. 154 48 1 133 00 -371 1; 7 481 311 07 "
Athena Twp... ...N. V. Welke - • .... 2,701 41, 2.525 0 43 - 31 132 let •-•
Athens Fero John ; H. Romer ''' ' - .... 1 • 1,524 48' 1,150 11111, - 1 444 0 -
Asylum ', B. D. Chitson . '....1 994 891 938 40, 111 in 0 0 •
Armenia. - 'John B. Morgan . ' ••• 20 29, . 22'7 60 18 72 .:" II 97- .
Rarely George Rarefy ....1
$l2 221 . 743 301 29 81 -', ,'39 122 ,, 1 -
Burlington Tirp•Wm. P. Lane . - • •• - •1 90 2 88 1 713 o *. 157 $8
Burlington Born. S. K. Rom 1....: 133 041 70 001 -r• . 004 •
Biartingtan West N. ff. McKean ~...1 771 27. .707 00. 494 , ", , n 2:6 31, '2O ips
Cantos Bore • C . Z. Stone "-,-,-...-.- ii - — 1 880 os' 823 10 13 641. . 0 ir °
Canton Twp...... Edward Cole - 1 .1.; 1.689 :II .1.547 001 40 .• I ,SI 41 ..
Colombia . 7. P . Cornell 1..1.. 1.806 881 1,711-43. ••511 - ' l l ~90 07
Franklin - - 'W. L. Lantz..• • ....,.., , . , 596 811 835 fie. Ii 59:1 0 10 24 •
Granville' P. Bailey - I 1,104 32. 1,036 07 11••0 104 631
Herrick. - Zopher Platt . 1 ..... 780 32 - 731 27, 10 58 ,2, 36 48t• ~N :
Leßoy L. A. NVowter . 1..... 1.057 85 . - 991 14 14 25 1., 0 161
Llichfield.. .. .... AlberttCarmer 1 ,1 0 4 14! 1.097 64 .. $73 , • 51 77 1 ,
L 0100111; 'M. S. Prentice - ....:... 2119 N. 287 77 612 -, 15 lII' -
Monroe 1t0r0..... B. B. Rollett • •••• 23r 10 . 212 08. - 7
93 11 161 -
Monroe Twp..... John Ennis.... ' I„„ 1.039 1 1 . 992 09 - 14 81 .'- 52 211
Orwell A. A. Allyn • • •.• 1,360 08. 1,7203 67 898 67 551 '
Overton 'Charles Streery •• • • 319 511 314 46, "26 93 .18 121
Pike I -e. F. Jones.; .... 1.571 07! 1,473 701 20 41 - 77 56'
Illdgbur7 John Stition. , J l - 1 , 213 94; 900 001 ... • 37994 .
Room Bora ' I A. P. Young' ••• • 144 18 136 34 • - 118
Rome Twp • ' .C. 121. Van Winkle: ..j 1.091 30' 1,033 931 .998 54 41 - '
Smithfield - IDitoo Pheips ' 1..• 2.052 54' — LO32 301 18 54 ' 101 70, •
Springfield •- ' James E. Verkes.. ........ ...... 1,446 97' 1,587 44, 15 . 88 .',. ,83 551'
South Creek IDavid Chase - - •-: 403 3.3 -
Sylvania Boro....lDavid Stevens ...0-.I;- 0557 88 115 00 ' J - 42 88
Sheehequln 'George Childs . • 1,4231 91 1 1,727 14 287 . .20 90 - •
Standing Stone.„loeorge - 7 .....1 - 170 - 04' 765 68 - 14 10 - 40 30 -
Terry jS. Bowman .' • •59 ••, 641 62 - -389_87 71 , - 51 04
.Towanda, .
Twp..• _,F. W. Fisher •
1,040 20' '. 83 8 47 • 136 55 4.5 18! '
Towanda North.. 4. M. Ayres •••• 5Ol 10 4'o ; fir . 24 761
Towanda 80 6 0...14. Wickham.-- .. .. ....I - `
4.679 44 4,327 II 1,. 38 .221 75
Troy Born -
I N. J. Stewart ....1 1,330 55, 1.240 7. 0 4 651 115 301
Troy Trip. _ 111, N. Flab ' ....I 1.847, 06 1.744 43 0 72, -
- 91 811
,Tuscarora.. '• , John Clapper- - ...... 1 I
811 62 831 i ' 7 B 451 44 16'
Ulster. - "aeorgeM ....artholomew.:. •.....' 1,023 71 1 , 950 24 73 47
Warren ......IT. - J. Sleeper ....i 1,462 391 'Lao 64 Vi 98., 71 77
Waverly So. Burod. H. Rowell ...... ~..........1 610 971 473 03 30 711 29 01 78 20
Windham - ;Henry Walker . ...... .... 1 1.16.50: L076'60 7 24, 56 661...,..
Wysinsing. 0. lif.' ;Corbin ... 1 - 1.65 - 1 09, 1,563 sb : ..14 23 82 n., 1
Wpm, ---•• 'E. 41. Bishop " .;.-.' . ....,1 1.529 19 1,416 77 • 'ZS 75 74 671
Wells ;W. J.j Brewer ' ....: 1,288 761. 1.176 62 - 50 21, 61 93 •
Wilmot.... .:..' Thos . E. Qiick . ....854 pi, 638 30 213 71
• - 1..„ , ......____.
Total • 1....313,334 56 4411.20; 75 4168 ai 112,283 27 11,915 30
--- -
Account With the Several Collectors Of Dog Tax for the Year ;87g.
. . . . ._...
• Amount 1 Amount 1 Amount Amount Amount
Twp's k Bozos . ' Collectors, .
Charged. Recemesl.lEx•nrted. i'nt'ense. Due.
" 1 - L i
' - -
•Ailettil• . W. L. 'Kenyon 1 36 00 367. 40 , -11 IX . t.l so
Alba 80r0.... • C. S. Wilson • - • - 900 7 60! . 10[ 40 .
Athens Betio " John IL limmer . - 30 00 •70 03
Asylum B. C. Cblison I ; 73 SO 62 23, 8 IX -- 327 '
Armenia... • . John B r Morgon ' -25 00 ! ! 19 00, 501 1 00`
Barclay - C cargo Emery
Burlington Twp. Wm. P. Lane " St 50 - I 53 iii , !
Burlington Arturo. S. K. Boas ' - 550 550
Burlington West. N. C. McKean' . • 40 00 ' 5 5 0 1 172 32 78
Canton Boro C. E. Stone 14 SO, 10 45 , 2 Si - - - 55;
Canton Twp:,-.-...-Ellward Cole:— ' 126 00 96 Me 24 05. - 5 10; - ...
Columbia ....... F. P. Cornell 1 , 73 50 68 49 . 3 Sol - 3 601
Franklin:.. ; ..... W. L. Lantz • , 48 00 45 121 ' 51 :' 331
G ranvi11e........ P. S. Halley '' .88 00,80 75; 3 00 1 - .11 ^5l '
- _ .
Herrick Zopher Piatt ,‘ - .62'00 43 791 60: 2-so;
t.e troy. .•, .. ..:.'i.: A. Wooster.... .
r. , 84:100 - 72 20; 800 ,3 81
Litchfield....... Albert Carmer • i
• so - 70 301' 1 3 , ' 3 70
.„. , .
LeHaysville on.) SI, S. Prentice 10 50 9 98 ; 52 '
Monroe 80[0.;... 8.. B. ifollett • 9bo •El 55' ' I 45
Monroe Twp John Ennts ~
9; 00, 79 90 11 001 4 V.:0.4.., ......
Orwell - A. A. Allyn ........... •77 50 . 66 501 7 501 350 .... •
Overton 'chariest StreeVey.., ' 24 "50, - ' -20 43, 2 00; - ' - 107 "
Pike ::, • ,C. F. Jones . 89 so 68 88 1 1 800; • 3 62
tudghtuz • :John Stirton. Jr 101.00 - • 104 00
Borne Bar° .....4,.., 1 A. I'. Young.. :!... ~ - ' 11 00 903
, 1 60, 47
!tome Twp C. M. Van Winkle • 63 50: 53 NI; I 7 50, 2 80
Springfield J. E. Yerkea " 101.00! 81 = - 15 50 '4 27
South Creek 'David Chase I 58 501 " . 58 50
Sylvania Boro..•
• David Stevens • ' 1 7 50 ' - , " 7 SO
StieshequM George Childs , - 123 SO; 107 83 'lO 00 567 ~.
StandlnglStone ..,George Sage .. . , 64 00: 55 S 8 '5 SO • 292 -- '
Terry..- r •'- S Bowman 85 00 64 - 60 17 00
,3 40
Towanda Twp...lP. W. Fisher 60 00: 47'03 • 10,50; . 2 471
To*andi North..l.l. M. Ayres - 43 00: 36 00 - 3 Oa- ,2 00
Towanda Bo...,A.lVickham .
49 50' 41 33 - 6 00, .
Troy Burg..lN. J. Stewart 19 10, 14 25 -. 4 50, 2 O
:. ..
Troy Twp ' ill. N. Fish • - 66 00,75 05 .7 00 •.5 95 ..... . ... -!'
Ulster.... ,George Bartholomew.... ....... - 74 .':,O -60 00........ 4 ........ - .14 50
• 'S •
Warren. ... ....IT. J. Sleeper 91 00, 71 73 15 SO -3 77
Waverly , o.Bool
S. H. Howell 29 05: ,
Windhant..,• B. Elenry -Walker . • za-so' --- , 32 30 51 170 ,'„;;
Wysor..... ....••
IE. B. Bishop 65 00 1 66 98 14; 352 -
Wells' •IW,. J. Brewer - - 67 001 53.0 10' i .2 8.
Wilmot ' ' Thos. E. Quick.,. ' 114 50 114 50
. -- --
John H. Grant; Treasurer, in Account With the County t 4 Bradford.
A mount due upon duplicates for 1878 ;Ind ,
premiums years . ti,ZlB . 08
Duplicates 1979, including reassessments 53717458 i
Dog tax, ' 2,80 00
Bank tax. . . ' ' . 1,458 90 i
Overdraft all First rational Bank ' , 11,198 05 1,
Incidental recelvala
Tax received on lands returned'
In Treasiaq. danuary let, 1879
We, the undersigned, ComMlssioivers of said County, do hereby certify - tbat._ this is a true and cor.„ tr
rept statement of the receleals and expenditures of. said County front the alai day of January, iblV, to 4!
Die 31st day of December, ISIS, both days Inclusive. ,!' .
Witness our hands and seals of Dines at Towanda, this 14th day of January, A. D. l&SO. - - -
BItADFORD, 1 . '
.1„W. HISRST. -- CoMmissioners:
M. F. RANSO,f,
.. . .
. .
.:, • ....—, , .
' ' •
We. the nderslgned. Anditors of add County, do hereby certify that we have emnined the foie.
going stateniont, and vouchers for the same, and find it to be correct.
. . •
'•- . -
. .
• .
- • U. M. PRATT, , Auditors.
' ' ' •C. P. W/ILLES,
Commissioners:olsre, Towanda, January 14, IBM
of Real sad Personal Property, Trades, Protestlons, Occupations, Money at-Interest, anAtTatch
es, as returned by the several Astessors for the County of Bradford, for the year A. D. lain.
,•= . r, . 1 g
0. .
. - zi
r.. m . -.4 it 1 , •••
q • . t. • 'g ; - g --..- r,
. • ' , ' ... 1 C
- •
B 4 [ -
4 %
. 4
• g [. - 4
..;.' "
' 5 • - "
.4: - - • a •
. .
, I _ ~
_ . .
. - g .
. •,, ; - .. •
.:,_ ..
. .
- -
• i - . . . -
Armenia Township ."•• $ XL= , $, 3. 0 58, $ ' s•• ..,.•',.•.:. ........ .....'.....
Asylum Township 138,553 _ ' 9,671 -
_ 235 1 , 370 . -1
Athens Township 352,707 • • 17,579 1,250. 3,627 ' 7
Athens Borough. ' 168.143 3.390 - 11,240 - 1,150 16
Alb.iny Township • -.• , 89,919 • 9,8004 175; .... ..... ... ... ..... ....
Alba Borough.} 16.383 8801
. Barclay Townsbip ' • 120.130 . 1 . 700 1 12,696..,
Burlington/Township • 121.379. ' . 10.253.... 170 _
• 3,983 . ' 17
Burlington West 90.711 8.5051 - - ' 920
Burlington Bon:high • 13,863 . 1,021 , 860 2,001 10
Canton Township • ' 208,438 : 163301 480 -,- 3,627 3
Canton Borough. • • 97,762 . 2.834! 2.923 4,010 -
yolumhin Township • 233,590' 18,107' .. ...... . - 1,6f,0 • 3
prantin•Township...•, '15.290 . 5.472t1 7.Vi 3,922
Granville Township. . 138,676 11,488' 10 ' 6
Herrick Township ' ' 90,809 16.164
Litchfield Township 154 619 ! 10 953, - - 535 / 2,400
Leroy Township - 145,0'53..1 11.2451 621 1.615 : , ..
Ler iptville Borough - 39,462 ;' • 1,0 9,2431
3! 1,700 '
Monroe Borough ......... .. .. . ........ 29._ . 1,2601 •• . 2.0951
Monroe Township... ' ' 135.974 - i 8,479, 150 ' 1,3...M1 ~
New Albany Borough. 8.932 • 830 1 - 375 ..:: ... . t 3
Orwell TownshiP• •• . ' + 17 1 .714 14.4281 815 _ .4,1iX1 1 .... ....... ..
Overton.Township 50,283 3,749;.... '
Pike Township...... .
.......... ........ 203,014 ..-1 14.813; , -815 6,277 '
Ridgbury Township 156,578 -15.50. V .. 55 - - - 6.240 .......,.....
Rome Township - - 131 730 9.7861 _ 1.510'
Rome Borough • .
18.111 • ..i. 1 - .35/ • 100' --- iso - . 1
Stnwhisquin Tviwaship - •____ 227,541 - `" 15.588 lO3 2.677 ............
Smithfield Township • 938,453 • 19.329 • 1150 10,815.. ..... ~. ..-..-
South WayeriY Borough _75,448 14.2901 1,690 - 150 , • 20
South Creek Township ' 1(13,418 -10,838, 45 , . t. 83/..... ...... ..
aprinatield Township.. -••- 229.610 19,612: 'l4O _ . 153,... ...
Standing Stone Township ' 101.261 • 7.549 , - 1,400 1 ' ' • 1.110
Sylvania Borough - 20, 1,680 78 .1,500 •
r Towanda Borough •,. 519.5 .6,33 1 i 30,M71 . 13,824 ' 106
1 Towanda North 62;7 0., 4,330 - 40 ....... . s 5
. 1 . 0
Towanda Township 120, . 4.354 416 .91 . 4 • a - 4
Troy township 217, 7 16.712, , 60 1,770
Troy Borough 164. 2'51n1 , 17,221 36.400 - . 10
TuseatonsTownship. Ile, 8 610 -'
1,800 .... ..... . ..
Terry Township . 82. I.*sil -aso ;.... -• 13
Ulster Township ' 131,143 •11,021 • ' VW 10,950 - -
Warren Township _ • 193.618 18.080 50 " - 4.0001 ' .
Wei • Tom:011p. • 164,670 - 1 4 791 . - 1,560!
Wilmot, Township 104.1150 . 8.816 215 • 6801_
Windham Township 151.511 12.558 ' 445 9.080
Wyalgaing Township . , . 186,199 12398 3.20; .. 111 . 1/6 '__ 8
• Wyettx Township 11,529 - " 640
. ._.
TOT 4 $6,830,1 . 6 ' $ 4 50, 61 0 - 01.3.50 - $196.8113 - - .
. , .
. . . .
, . - •
We, the undersigned Commis'loners of said County. do hereby certify the
above to at r ue and correct Statement of the several Assessments of Bradfbrd County, for the
year INIO : And we also give notice that we will Inlet at The Comailseioner'aDfllos, In Towanda. on
TUESDAY. UtelOth day of FEBRUARY, MO, for the purpose of reviling and equalizing utd, WOW
ment. ~
• . .1? W. UMW. - - Complesionerik '•
Attest—Witums LEVU , Clerk. K. F. RA IC NSO i
• conuntaidOners Ma, Towagda, 40017 29, teen.. • -
. , •
0 111 4 riga
Public printing p.. W
Prisoners* support In jail 2,01 IS
Prison support In Ensure Penitentlarp . 1.4711 SI
Conveying pitmpublicen
fwd. to penitentiary— 7111 TS '
Pro'tory Sod Clerk_ ogrt'r Seirtafts , CS Iff
Berairs Oft hangings . 814 en
em rent for Trey Court •1,
100 CO
Sheriff for summoning jurors. SU 00
Sheriff's fees in Commosturealtl snits.. Prt iii -
Tax refunded Si Si
Wild4l4 eel tillentea ' ' . 175
Copying registers. ete ' : 15 00
Stenographer of Court 1,215 00
Bounty for thOge return of stolen WWI. , 21 W 2
Tda brid espouses . s 7;
Insurance on Towanda. bridge u
.... - ' ISt 50
Damages, low of sheep by rives
Daniel Bradford. County Commiser: .
J. W. Burst, County Commissioner....
X. T. Ransom. County Commissioner..
William Lewis. Clerk '
Total '
92.663 00i 41.856 99; 1285, 00 $6 ..1.31
Amount returned uncollected for 1879
and preolous years. Co. tux. 41,919 93
Dog tax 42018
- -- 62,140 71
Exonerated to Collectors 1373.. 664 oi
Ex. Colll3 I'9, Co. tax..llBBa 34
Dog tax
18 a 7
69660 1
Exoneration!' and percentage ofiCoirra
In reassessments fat Is and previous
Percentage to Collarsfur 1178.. (033 18
! To Cairns '79, Co. tax. 12,733 27
• Dcg tax 96 23
.2,379 so
• •
.... 2882 681
1. Bank
. .
- tax - - 1,438 90
I Supt. Ryan tor Teachers: Institute 200 00 L.
On order No. Vlrst Citizens Nat—Bank 7,981 '7O l
Orders paid, No'. tto'239, both Inclusive 58.771 50
I One per cent. commission on 04,i22 72 841 It; -
{ Two per cent. - comniluion on 08,938 28 1339 13
Amount In Treasury dimuiry 14, 1880:. 124 ...
.. r 0.754 59
/101 (N 1
MIO 00
...413.531 69
Kb) 78
1,151 31
3,k1 16
$76.7M A.l