Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 12, 1880, Image 1

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The linaDtOßD URPOSTRS le publiehed may
Thursday morning by GOODRICH k GITCHCDCY. , ,
at:One Dollar per annum, fa advance.
.Advertising . in all cues ex/
ttihalve of Sate;
strition to the paper.
EClALNOTtantoaertariViiN MINT/ per
. line for first insertion; and inns caste utilise for
each subsequent Insertion, but no notice Inserted
for less than fifty cents.
' - ed at reasonable rates.
, Administrator's and Exeeutor's 'Strikes, Pi
Auditor's Notices4l.6o ; ligsineascards, Avenues ;
(per year) SS, additional lines #l, each.
Yearly advertisers are entitled tO terly
changes. Transient advertisements mut quar , be paid
for In advance.
Ail resolutions of associations; communications
of limited or Individual Interest, and notices of
marriages or deaths, exceeding Aye lines are charg
ed viva us :ire per line, but 'pimple notices of mar
riages and de .the will be published without charge.
The Reranma baring &larger
!l a the elreutlou b
any other paper in the county, makes best
advertising medium in Norther% Pennsylvania.
JOU PRINTING of every kind, in plain and
fancy colors, 4one with neatness and dispatch.
Handbills, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, Bill heads,
Statements, kc., of every variety and style, printed
at the shortest_ notice. The SIPORTXR ofece is
well supplied With power presses, a good assort
ment of new type, and everything In the printing
line can tie executed In the moat artistic manner
and at the lowest rate& TERMS INVARIABLY
§arbs. '
°Mee over Mason's old Bank
Office with Patrick' and Foyle
Solicitor of Patents. Pateuffir attention paid
to business ih the Orphans urtiind to the settle
went of estates.
Office In llontanyes Block May I, 19.
V V •-.
Judge Jessup having resumed the practice of the
law in Northern Pennsylvania, will attend to any
legal business intrusted to him in Bradford county.
Persons wishing to consult him, can call on H.
Streeter, Esq., Towanda, Pa., when all ap{mUttment
can be ma to.
Feb 27, '79
L. TOWER, M. P.,
09— Residence and Office Just North of Dr. Cor
bin's, on Main Street, Athens, l'a.
1 -1 •
Agency for the Sal and purchase of all kinds of
Securities and for making loans on Real Estate.
All bindness will receive. careful and prompt
attention. Pune i. 1579.
11i tt
to all bustuess entrusted to his care In Bradford,
tiulllcau. and Wyoming Comities. Office with Esq.
Porter. [n0v1:444.
11. ANGLE, D. D. S._
()Mee, oa State S t reet,.second - ttoor of Dr. Pratt's
Oa we. ' apr 3 79.
N. C. ELsiiims
()Mee—Rooms formerly occupied by Y. M. C. A
Reading Room.
Brad. Co
Diet Att
TickFlN W. MIX,
y -;
Omce—Nonh Side Public Square.
Jan. 1,1875
Otliceocitti side Poplar scivete opposite Ward
House. , , '[Nov. El. 10.19.
Dec •L 3-79,
Opce Aver Turner St Coriton'ii Drug Stare
Ttiwanda t Pa. May be consulted In German.
1/2 [April 12, ,75.)
4 flire—seennd door south of the First Nat!onal
Bank Main St., up stairs.
fr E.—Formerly occupied by %Vm. Watkins.
H. N. WILLIAMS. (Set.l7,
nice river Dayton's Store
April 12. 1876.
In .otl's Block. first door souLS of the First
N oank, up-stairs.
H. 1. kl/11.1.. (Jana -7:11y) J. N. CALIFF.
1)1.t. ',l , L+ WOODBURN, Physi
, r eiao and Surgeon. Office over 0. A. Black's
rk-T v
T.,.‘0. , a, May 1, Ismr.
I;er. B. KELLY, DrsTisT.--,oifice
T • over M. E. Rosenfield's. Towanda. Pa.
'Pa :hln,erti•d ~,, Gold. Silver. Rohner. and Al
umni,( base. Teeth extracted without pain.
wt. 34-72.
1 4 -1 D. PA M. D.,
Otlhe over NtontanTe,' stortt. (Mee hours from 10
to 12 A. W.. 504 fry'an 2 to 4 I'. a.
Speehahttentrou given to
or I and of
Ottlet day last Saturday of earth ninhtn, over Turner
& Gordon's Drug store, Towanda, Va.
T.,wanda, June O. IsTs.
- T ER:MS.—V(I per term.
(Residence Third street, Ist Ward:)
T , .wanda, San.
Thia Bank offera unusual facilities for the tram
action of a general bareting business.
J OS. POWELL, Piesident
ra, fif bushiest; in. ?if ercur Block, next door to
J , ,u rant °Bice, oppoalte Public Square..
Piacnbf ng. Gas Fitting, Repairing Pumps or - all
4.1,. and all kinds of Gearing promptly, attended
t ,, . . wanting work in his line should giro him
Dec. 4. 1077.
• t
When the feet are worn and weary,
When the tyre grew dim with tears,
When the days are long and dreary
When Oa monotone of year.,
And the fainting footsteps falter,
In the marshes dant and deep,
With the gilds no time can alter,
Will He give •Hta kwed ones sleep?
When our pleasures all have ssAlskeds
And the heakt is wont aisd old,
Feeding on thi , husks is tarnished
With a hungering untold, '
And the day is:dark and lonely
Up the ruggid mountains steep.
Faith asks the assurance only
Will Ile give )11s loved ones Sleep?
BENJ. M. Bscx
Will Ile lead them by stilt waters,
rn the postures tairand bright,
Earths poor, heart-sick sons told daughters,
From out darkness into light/
Ob ! I long to know the secrets •
The eternal silence keeps:
Will we lose our burdens some day/
Will He give His children isitep?
Will there come a day of resting,
When the pain slid-toll are done,
Done the penance snd the fasting, --
And the Anal muds are run?
Will the heart forget tie sorrows, -
And the eyes forget to weep V
There will be no weary morrows
If He gives His loved one sleep.'
Terrace Hall, November 17bb
The county of Down is a distriCt
that can ardly: be rivalled in the
'ivorld for aried picturesque ' cenery
and gener, 1 interest ; a pleasanter
spot for a ramble could not be found
elsewhere. iiNo matter whether the
traveler's taste prefers the rugged
scenery of the uplands, that border
Dundrum Bay, the grandeur of
Strangford Lough, with its three
hundred and sixty-five islets, its ru
ined castles and dangerous currents,
or the cultivated beauties of 'Ross
trevor and Warren Point; no matter
whether he may travel in pursuit of
pleasure, health br information, for
The picturesque pr the antique ;
- whether he be a genial roving Bohe
mian ; finding pleasure in every
phrase of nature, or an antiquary
seeking for the round towers, Druidic
remains and other archtelogictil treas.
urea so common in this country, he
will at every step discover fresh ob
jects a interest and beauty to reward
his trouble and furnish him with
pleasing recollections for future hours.
Ireland, the birthplace of my Moth
er's_race, has always seemed to me a
second home,.-and in one of my nu
merous visits to its shores I was
Stopping with some friends at '.tho
lovely little village of Rosstrevor,
which ,lies at the foot of Sljeve Ban
like a chilkin the aril's of its nurse.
It is thoroughly protected on the
north and past by adjacent hills; and,
although open to the sea, is only ap
proached by soft southern breezes.
Villas, mansions and cottages ornee,
embowered in trees, surround it on
all sides; and, beinkn very
Of health, it has become one of the
most prosperous watering places in
the north of Ireland. 'lt is scarcely
gossible to believe in the existence
of; a more beautiful spot than this
little town, above whieh the wood
covered hills rise upward' until the
green slopes mingle in the dark gorges
of the Mourne Mountains, over which
Slieve Donard towers, "the, ,range, in
pyramidal. majesty, flinging masses
of, shade upon the waters of the bay.
- The farm houses in this county are
much superior to those in the more
southern portions of the island ; they
are neatly, built and comfortably fur
nished, have excellent barns and
byei . att4hed to them, and stand in
the midst of cornfields and pasture
rand, the natural richness of which
has been greatly enhanced by indus
try and well 4 applied . science ; each
cottage shows tokens of prosperity:
every son of the soil looks cheerful
and happy, and the traveler will soon
believe that if there be an earthly.
paradise in the Emerald Isle it is to
be found between Carlingford Bay
and Belfast Lough, between Moira
and the Irish Sea.
One. morning started, accompa
nied by Charlie Yernon, the friend
with whom I was stopping;lo visit
the seaport of Carlingford, which is
full of castellated Ad. monastic re
mains ; having gratified curiosity we
crossed the Bay of Kilkeel, where, we
lunched, and took a car to drive
around the coast to' Newcastle, a
small town on the shores of Dundrum
Bay. There we intended to rest for
the night, and to make the ascent of
Slieve Donard, the monarch of Irish
mountains, the next morning. In
the evening we amused ourselves,
with strolling about the beach, watch
ing the fishing smacks that lay at,
anchor in the •bay, with their white
sails ,flapping lazily against their
masts, while their owners got ready
to. tempt thq, dangers of , the deep.
When I was first in that part of Ire
land, in 147, the Great Britain, now
one of the luckiest vessels sailing to
A ustmlia,.went ashore on the pun
drum sand banks. The thought
brought back happy dreams of ,my
childhood. Ilow many of the friends
who visited that shore-bound vessel
in the hour of her trouble have pass
ed away.
While Ilwas pointing out to Char
lie the spot on which iihe run aground
he gave a startling exclamation and
pointed to,a narrow ledge that jutted
out from, the side of the mountain
overhanging the sea. On the extreme
verge of . the precipice two men were
engaged in a deadly struggle, and as
we sprang forward and shouted for
assistance one' of them stumbled;
for 'a moment he hung
over the waters; and then the other
stooped_ down and forced hie hands
from the cliff; he fell, and the dark
waters closed over him.
Charlie aia I rushed off to procure
a boat, but iyere stopped on the way
by an old gentleman, the priest of
the parish.
" Ali, sirs," said he; "it is of no
use; the struggle that you have wit
nessed was not. between mortal men.
Every year,. on this day, the same
tragedy, is played."
N. N. BETTS, Cashier
Arll 1, 157.9
• fork,.
gel c cled k
" We do not understand you."
" Twenty-five years ago two broth
ers .struggled_ on the brink of the
abyss. Afterward the one who burled
the other into the sea committed sui
cide, and, since that time, on the
anniversary of its death, the villagers
have been terrified by the eight that
you have just witnessed."
By this time we were surrounded
by a number of fishermet; who cor
robonded their pastor in every re
spect. The - old sentlemanaaked us
to dine at his cottage, and offered to
be our ' guide up the mountain the ,
next day, promising that he would ,
tell us the whole story of the appari
tion during our walk. Of course, we
accepted his offer, and, in the morn
ing, when we came down to break
fast, we found him (waiting for us.
The ascent . of Slieve Donard Is a
grudual one of--ribciut four miles,and
it is nearly 3,000 feet above the evel
of the sea. There is a mountain path
about half way up, and the remain
der of the way is through healthy
slopes, and over rocks with scarcely
any b og land intervening.
The scenery is of the most varied
and attractive character. We caught
glimpses or hundreds _of beautiful
striking views on land and sea.
Climbing up high steeps, del - Mending
deep valleys, - skirting around narrow
paths - that overhung deep inlets of
the sea, we could make out the Hill
of Ilowth, and far out in the ocean
the Isle of Man was dimly percepti
ble. Below, to the north, lay Ard
glass and Strangford' Lough, which
our friend particularly pointed out to
us, as the inland sea was connected
with the story he had promised to
relate. Sometimes, through an open
ing in the hill, we could 'see the fer
tile valley that leads forty miles in
land to Lough Neagh, and obtain
peeps at the long, solitary, deep hol
lows that lie in the hearts of the
At last--we reached the summit,
and, throwing ourselves on the grass,
we gazed long and earnestly on the
surrounding landscape. From the
northern brow of the mountain fell a
plOsant fountain of exceedingly pure
water. The stream joins many oth-.
era, which, in their rapid descent,
form a river, running through a
channel of white stone, broken by' a
thousand windings, and making in
the summer a prospect of waterfalls,
cascades, jets d'eau and ponds, the
most variegated and delightful ; but
when the-winter floods came, the roar
and impetuosity of this fall are ter
rible in the extreme. From- the top
down to the rocks overhanging the
sea is one continued descent, and the
lower parts, though craggy and rude
enough, are covered with hazel, holly
and rowanash--Ithose next the cliffs
being old, bowed, stunted and lan
guishing; while the - more remote,
although in a higher situation, are
flourishing and healthy ; and all this
upon the face of the mountairi, ex
posed to the wide open eastern sea.
Near the summit are the - ruins of
two rude buildings, said to be the
cell and oratory of St. Donard, a dis
ciple of St. Patrick, who once made
his home on these mountains ; and
here the peasantry assemble on the
patron saint's day to do penance and
pay their devotions.
Here, lying at the foot of the \r uins,
Father Michael began his tale :\
"You see, gentlemen, the Moun
tain that stands on the southwest,
divided from Slieve Donard by that.
narrow vale and stream ? It is called
Slieve "Snaven, or the Creeping
Mountain, because a portion of it
can only be ascended in a creeping
posture. As you perceive, it pre
sents to the view a huge rock; re
sembling at a distance some old for
tification, very high, overhanging and
detached,'aa it were, from the eastern
side of the mountain. After rain a
stream rushes from the western side
of the rock, shooting from the top,
and falling in a large cascade to the
beach; to the east of this fall-there
is a vast natural cave, with an en
trance nearly as wide as. the cave
itself. This chamber is lined with
ferns, grass and many beautiful
mountain plants, and is inhabited 'by
many hundred hawks, jackdaws and
owls. At the further end there are
some crevices through which -the
light penetrates, and if you climb up
a Marrow passage on, the left, to the
top of itte rock, you will arrive at.
one of the most beautiful and roman-.
tic spots that can well be conceived.
You will find that the rock is only
the advance part of a large shelf,
which projects at about the height of
half the mountain, with a sweep, and
leaves the space of about two acres
on the top. Round the northwest,
the west and south of this area, the
mountain rises to a great height, and
stands like a great wall; the area
itself is almost round, and slopes.
gently from all sides towards the
middle, where is formed a beautiful
circular lake, as clear as crystal.
" One morning about twenty years
ago, as the sun was sinking' to rest'
in the waters, two lovers were seated,
side by side, by the margin of that
lake, under the shadow of the over- I
shadowing precipices.
" The ocean, which 'had that brill
iant green , tinge peculiar to the wa
ters of our coast, was turned at the
extreme horizon into molten gold , by
the rays of the setting orb of day.
In 'the bay beneath, smoke was iisine
from the little village of Newcastle ;
while, further north, like dots in the
distance, shown the walls of Dun
drum. Far away at sea, the white
sailed fishing boats, Whose owners
bad been endeavoring to earn a scan
ty living for their wives and children,
were just visible, returning with the
finny spoil. To these toilers of the
sea the blackened walla of the gloomy
ruin on Slieve Donard served as a
landmark ; and the mountain side
was a 'favorite trysting place for the
lads and lasses of the neighborhood.
"Everybody loved Nelly O'Hara,
the prettiest girl in Down, a county
noted, even in beautiful Ireland, for
the beauty of its women. At a dance
everybody was ready to fight for the
honor of shaking a' foot with her ;
indeed, the rival wooers did often
finish by breaking each other's heads
in revenge for Omit. own broken
heart, till at last itcwas known that
Nellie looked witlrifavorinireyes
on- Carrick -O'Farral f • the son or a
small fanuer who lived near
. Kilkeel;
and as Carrick was a broth ofi . t bciy,
who could hold own . and bandit)
a tvrig 'with the best of them, csie by
one they retired • !rote the contest,
skid the. little
_world on the '.Doi,rn
coast looked upon him as the accept
ed suitor.
"But, as is usual, - the-course of
true tore could only be made smooth 1
with a 'golden roller. :Nellie's 4:•11 .
father, Dennis O'Hara, had met-mis
fortune. During the ea;ly part of
the , ptitato famine he had become se
eurity for a poorer neighbor who had
since failed,iand all the littlemoney
that he had passed $ lifetime in sav
,disappeared. The. rent, . which up
to this period had been punctually
paid; fell into arrears; his landlord,
a stern, harsh man, who presetvid
everything but his ,tenantry,,threat
-ened to turn him out of, Ns *olll,`
and ruin seemed to dare hint hi the
face.' Then,' for .the first time in his
life, he thwarted the daughter who
had shed a sweetness on his home in
ber dearest wish, and refused his con
sent to her marriage with the man of
her choice.-
"Poor, handsome Carrick was not
the eldest son; his father bad been
twice married, and had two children.
Dermod, the eldest., a man of morose
disposition, was. strongly suspected.
by the villagers of being the cause of
several wrecks that bad taken place.
False lights had been used, and the
vessels,= lured to certain destruction
among the numerous rocks that stud
the treae,herous shores of Strangford
Harbor, and, although proof was ab
sent, T rumor pointed to the dark,
sombre man who answered to the
name of Dermod Dhu. •
• " Black Dermod was one oC the
many suitors who had been neglected
by Nelly, -but unlike the others he
had not given up all hope. Believing
that_ everything may be gained by
those who wait, he advanced small
sums of money, from time to time,
to the old man, her father • and,
when he found him th oroughly in
volved, once more began to urge his
suit. The father soon consented, but
Nelly, who disliked and despised
Dermod as much as she loved his
brother, declared that nothing should
tempt her to break her plighted troth.
" But the constant dropping of
water will in time wear a rock, and
at last when Dermod swore: that it
she did not marry him he would send
her father to prison, she, knowing
that the shame would kill him, beggid
for a month's'delay, and putiniseo
become, at the end of that time,'the
wife of , the man who would pay all
his debts, and prevent the old farmer
being turned out of the home .of his
It,, was to Wll Carrick this that
Nellie met him for the last time by
the side of the upland lake. This
spot had long been their trysting
place; and now the gloomy old moun•
ten seemed to frown upon their for.
tunes and their low&
" Sadly they paited, hoping against.
hope. ' Nelly returned home to pray
over her lover's success, while he
went forth to battle with the world
and win it.
"True, he had one chance, to ex
plain which it is necessary to look
back at events that happened a few
months, before the commencement of
this story.
" One evening a beautiful - cutter
yacht, with the Stars anti Stripes fly
ing at .her masthead, rounded t.
John's point and dropped her anchor
at Dundrum Bay. She was the pr
erty of an American, gentleman, Mr.
Winthrop, who was making a coast
ing tour around the Emerald Isle,
accompanied by his daughter and a
party of friends. For ' several days
the yacht remained in the hay, the
tourista - arn using themselves by climb.
ing the Mourne Mountains, and mak
ing occasional trips to Strangford
Lough to visit Gray Abbey, the ruins
of the old Augustine Monastery of
Moville, and the numerous castles
that are scattered about in the vicin
One day, about a week after her
arrival, the cutter rode at anchor on
the crest of the big round billows,
which swelled up, spread and tumbled
over lazily, their glossy surfaces
scarcely broken by a ripple ; after
the' sun had junk in the waters a
thin brassy belt of light was seen on
the verge of the horizon ; the air be
came thick and leadlike, no star
broke through the haze, and although
the sails flapped heavily against the
masts, as the
~yacht swayed to and
fro with the motion of the water, not
a breath of .wind was stirring. The
sailors were grouped about the deck,
smoking and spinning yarns to,while
away the tedium of the calm. ,
"On the little quarter deck a fair
haired girl was sitting talking to an
elderly gentleman. This was Kate
Wiethrop and her father, the owner
of the yacht.- The bright,gay-hearted
girl, ever anxious to be on the move,
was longing for a breeze, and Mr.
Winthrop turned to question. the
mate, an old salt;who had been many
years in the whale trade.
"'Lord. love - you, miss,' said he,,
•is its breeze you want? We shall
i have one before long that will blow
`the anchor into the foretop and the
hair off the captain's head. Look `at
that belt iof light just above the hori
zon ;. if that don't mean a hurricane
I'm a Dutchman.' And he hurrieti
forward to see everything close reefbd
and,,made taut.
" This bad scarcely been done when .
the tempest came suddenly upon
them with all the hOrrorieno common
to a storm on the northeastnoset:
The broad billows, mountain high,
threatened. to overwhelm Ahem; the
roar of the tempest as it struck. the
yacht was terrible; the uprearing
waves charged upon her like armed
squadrons, anti all was confusion'aid
terror; for an instant the cutter waa
motionless, then she reeled over On
her beam-ends, everything went to
leeward, and all_ on board thought
their last moment had tome ' •'but
after the , first gusts of wind :14,4
rushed shrieking past, the yacht,.
trembling in every Plankit slowly
righted, and then - - drove awiftly•to
wards the shore. .
"As. the vessel Heemed,dooracd to
certain destrictiOn, hooker
;1 - 7.•", •
Bbisailudo tor ttainntramox PROW•AXir WAR ' TX R.
pasaed•nnder her stern, and a voice
vas heard above the storm
rope was ,thrown and a wan
lumded on board. /Ele- sprang to the
wheel and shouted, just as the raan
at the lookout vried. 'Ereakeirs
ahead!' ,
"tilantin your stub - races! Ease
off to larbOard !'
"The sailors rushed to obey, and
the yacht, answering her helm, swung
round and entered a narrow channel
With breakers on both aides of It.
For a fel minutes, whiO seemed in
eternity; she ,held her Icourse, and
then the' passage wldeoed, and, like
an ocean bird rushing its native
element, she' rounded t e point and
stood out to sea. : l • '
"The worst of the; danger pan
over, and after a short time, as the
gale slackened, the cutter was tafely
anchored in Strangford harbor—
those on' ,board owing their lives' to
Carrick °Tatra], the smartest sailor •
on the eastern coast.
" Old Mr. Winthrop was not un
grateful ; he offered the brave young
man a farm in the green lands across
the Atlantic, telt Carrick preferred
the old home, and, besides, if he had
gone, he would hive to leave Nelly
behind him, for she would not desert
her old father in bis troubles. How
ever, Mr. Winthrop' told him he
would give him time to reflect upon
his , offer,•and that be would write to
him on his arrival in London.
On the day that Carrick met
Nell,y, at the trysting plaCe on the
mountain, be had.,received a letter
stating that the yacht was off Kings
town, and asking him to,come and
meet her passengers in Dublin.
4 Without any adventures by the
way, Carrick reached the capital,
where he saw his kind friend and ex
plained his position. Mr. Winthrop
at'once gave him sufflcient:money to
pa 4 y off 03d Hara's liabilities, and to
strrt him afresh. He then offered to
take•the young man back to Dent
drum on board the yacht; telling
him the whole party wished to be
present at his wedding, and that he
hoped still to persuade him to cross
the Atlantic. The cutter made a
quick Passage, anchored in. the bay,
and, on the evening of her arrival,
Carrick was landed at the foot.of
Slieve Donard.
" Before he went to Nelly's cottage
he determined to climb the hillside
and look once more at the old tryst
ing place where they had carted so
sorrowfully a few days before.
4 He did so, and, on reaching the
overhanging ledge, found himself face
to face with his half-brother, Dermod
"So you have returned 1' said
"'Yes, and snecesaful replied-his
brother; I have returned in time to'
prevent the villany you have plotted.
I have returned with the money to
release Denis O'Hara.'
" 'Liar V.
" Carrick's reply was a light laugh ,
as he turned .to descend the cliff. '
Hoping to take him at a disadvan
tage, Dermod sprang upon him, and
seized him by the throat. The two
brothers were equally matched as re
gards height and strength, but the
quiet, steady life of the younger gave
him a - treatadvantage over his dis
sipated opponent.
" As they struggled they drew near
er and nearer to the smooth and slip.
pert' edge of the cliff that went down
nearly a hundred feet sheer to the
sea. Dermod's hold was growing
weaker and giving way, and he was
about to beg for mercy, when his
brother's foot caught in the tangled
fern and they fell, Carrick rolling
over the precipice.
"With' death before his eyes he .
clutched desparingly at the tough,
short bushes upon its brink; for a
few awful seconds he looked up at •
his brothel., and, with 9 cry of Cain!'
uponlAis lips, the branches broke and
he fell into the sea. As the waters
closed over him his whole life came
back before his eyes, the memory of
his love, their last meeting and his
promise to return. The frowning
face of Black Dermod came between
them, and then the dark waters sang
in his ears and all, remembrances
faded. With the voice of Nelly call
ing to him he , became insensible.
"The - end of the month arrived,
and Dermod claimed his bride. Nellie
had heard nothing of her lover, the
officers were ready to, take her father
to prison, audl she allowed herself to
he led to the, little village church by
the man she detested.
" Was she to - blame? Wail she
false to her love?
" Ah 1 how many pure young girls
have gone victims to the altar to save
some lather or brother from disgrace!
Surely the misery of such martyr
dom-is a sufficient punishment fee
the heartaches they have caused.
Who will try to judge when a girl
has to choose between her love and
her kindred ?
"the chapel_
— was decorated with
all the mockery of gaiety=flowery
garlands were twined round the pil
lars, roses were scattered in the path
—and the bridal party entered the
holy place. Among the spectators
Mr.' Winthrop and several gentlemen
from the yacht quietly took their
places without causing surprise, as
one of the sailors had informed the
villagers of their.wish to witness the
ceremony. .
" The bride appeared with her
father, surrounded by her kindred;
she was pile and trembling. , The
weight of heavy sorrow seemed to
have added years to her young life.
Dermod advanced to her, and the
priest was about to commence the
service when; from the strangers,
Carrick stepped between them, and,
facing his brother, said :
"I have come o claim my bride.'
"With a blasphemous yell of
hatred; Dermod rushed , from the
church as Nell) , fell-fainting into her
lover's arms. •
- "Of course the wedding took place,
but Carrick was the bridegroom. A
boat from the yacht bad picked him
np :wile was sinking for the last '
time; and the shock had brought on
a fit of illnessthat con fi ned him to
his bed Abr. sevend da3s. But now
ell was joy,tlie lade and lassies danced
Merrily that evening' In 'the old barn
1 0
at 'l9.'Ram's farm ; and , before the
yacht left Ireland, Nelly had consent
ed to go with her husband to
"In the new country, fortune fol
lowed him, and he became one of the
most popular. faimers in the Far
West. Nelly,adored by her husband
and surrounded by her numerous
children, 'lived - as happy as the day
is long, and almost ceased to think
with regret of her home in the Em
erald Isle.
- "Two days after the wedding the
body of Dermot' Dhu ed
ashore at the foot of th mountain
where his - brother f •an ever since,
on - the anniversary of ii death, the
restless spirit returns to'go through,
the crime'tbat doomed 'him to de
struction." • .-
The old priest thus finished - his,
tale, and, as the evening was drawing'
near and the sun sinkingbehind the
distant hills, we slowly descend the
mountain. . Years have pkssed since
I saw • this phantom struggle and
heard the explanation given by the
old man' but time will never make
me forget the fiendish face of Der
modDhu as 1 saw him gaze a ft er his
fallen brother that evening in the
Mourne Mountains.
A New Remedy - for Toothache.
Dr. T. C. Osborn states that his
cook .came to him with is swollen
cheek, asking for something to re
lieve the toothache with Which she
had been suffering all night. , Re was
on the- point of sending
.her to a
dentist. when it occurred to him than
there was in the house a. vial of com
pound tincture of berzoin. "After'
Cleansing the decayed tooth," he
If ays, " I saturated a pledget of cot
ton lint with' the tincture, and pack
_ed, it well into the elvity, hoping this
would malice for the time, and told
her to come back in two or three
hours if she was not relieved. I was
turning away, when she said it might
not benecessarkperhaps, as the pain
was already goii*. Supposing her,
faith had a large share in the relief,
I would not allow myself to think
that the medicine had anything to do
with the cure any more than so much
hot water would have I had. But
when I arrived at my office two other
patients were Waiting with the
same affliction, and I det4rmined by
,way, of experiment to use the same
remedy. To my agreeable surprise,
both patients declared themselves
immediately relieved, and begged a
vial of the tincture for future
During , the winter a number of
similar cases applied, and were in
stantly relieved by the same treat
ment, all expressing much Satisfac
tion with the remedy. In December
I told my druggist of the discovery,
' and' recommended him to sell it to
any person applying for 'toothache
drops.' This - , he reports, he has
done, and every one seems delighted
With the. medicine."
ASKING TOO Mucn.—A shy young
man of , Scotland for fourteen years
bad wooed the lassie of his heart.
One night Jamie—for that was the
young man's' name—called to see
Jennie, and there was a terrible look
upon his eyes; just as there is some
times when they have made qp their
minds to pop the question. And
Jamie came in and •sat down by the
fire . just as he had done every Tuesday
and k'riday night for fourteen years,
and he talked of the. weather, and
the cattle, and the crops; and the
stock-market, I was going to say—
but no, they didn't talk ;bout that;
and finally Jamie said : , ,
"I've known. ou for a long time."
" Yes, Jamie," said she.
"And—l've thought I'd ,always
like to know yOu, Jeanie." •
" Y-e-s—Jamie."
" And so I've bought—a—lot,
"So—tbat--w he n—"
" Yes—Jamie—Yes."
"We're dead we can lay our bones
together l ''"
The fool had gone and bought a
lot in a graveyard, but :Jennie was
not discouraged. She knew her man
well!—after fourteen years she.ought
to—and so she said gently :
"Yes, Jennie."
" Don't you think 'twould be 'bet
ter to lay. our bones together while
we're vet alive ?"
A BOY oN WasniNaToN.—Boys'
compositions are often fearfully and
wonderfully. put together. Here's
one about George Washington that
puts the Father of His Country"
on a stronger moral basis than any
that has yet appeared. It serves the
still further purpose of showing that
where is real, irrepressible genius,
great ideas somewhat precede: the
mere' knack - of spelling: ...George
Washington was a little boy that
onet lived in Virginny what, had a
nax give him by his old man. When
george he got the nax he tutted a
tree what had cheereys - up on it and
eat the. cheereys he and.a nother boy.
Wen george's old man foun out what
geotge and the nother boy done, he
called george to him an he see, george
Washington who dated the - . bark
ofen the cheerey tree, george sais i
did And i cannot tell a li. Why cant
you tell a li sais the old man. Coz
sale george if i tell a li this here
felleri blow on me an then ill be
spanked twiet. teats rite sais the
old . man ;- wenever yer git in to
trouble the esyist way out is the
A. the boys from the Portsmouth
halted for
. a few moments on the
avenue during the parade of Wed
nesday, a till, finelooking old man
thus addrestied one of the mites:
"Well, sonky, 410 you, think -you
could,hurt any !one if you tried ?"
The smallest of our country's future
defenders looked at him patronizing
ly and condescendingly, and merely
replied, in a tone ealenlated to allay
all his questioner's fears, 4 ' We're
not out. for that purpose:. to-day,"
and then stood unmoved and grave
amid the shouts of laughter - caused
by his . rerly,Washington (D. 0.)
- Ü2l
, Lt. _.
' t -ti : -, -' 4,...,
, I 1..,,:..- ~ . .
. ,-7„ . -. ~..._--_
Self-righteous souls, your bitter scorn
Of those who falter In
W show yourselves snore nobly horn.
More free from taint of hounth day,
As from your homes of calm repos° '
In all-untempted righteousness
YOu look•serenely forth on tboeo
'Who tall and lease them comfortless.
'2 , Fo cheering ward, no helpful prerr,
-Yo ray of hope their souls to win,
What wonder It in sheer dospoir
They sink from error Into sin?
Your path perhaps hatb fairer snares, • .
You note each step whereln.they fall ;
Bit% If Viur souls were tried u theirs, "
How would your boasted strength stall P
Your lives flow on ;40 still and cold, -
No force Is yours to stem ; '
Self-praise around your hearts you fold,
£,4 ail you cannot feel condentrn
But into God's greit scale at last, l
Both deeds and motives shall be thrown;
When Justice weighs each sentence past,
" Oh then what secrets shalt be known
And ye shall bud who censure most
That yours was far the greater sin
Who count these weak ones wholly lost,
intim heav'n's own peace la thefts to win:,
A Pretty Rhine Legend
Once upon a time there lived 'be
side the Rhine a beautiful lady. She
had a lover who loved her, and whom
she loved in return. But after he
bad wooed her—not one year, but
three—he asked her Co marry him ;
and she, anxious to show her power,
merely an - swered:
a"Wait." .
"I have waited three years," he
said, " but at your bidding,. I will
wait once more—just once more."
Then he,wcnt away . and became a
soldier; and praise of his bravett
filled the land; but the lady ,wap ,
piqued by the thought that he +hao
been able to leave her even a year,
and when he returned she determiE!-
ed -to punish : him, though all the
while she loved him well.
He knelt at her feet and took her
hands in his; and said :
" Lady,.l hare come hack to claim
you for my, wife."
But all she answered was:
" Wait longer; a patient waiter is
not a loser."
" I will wait two years longer," he
said, calmly. "Ifl do not lose all
is well."
Then he left her again. She' had
hoped that he would plead for her,
and Milt she would be forced- to
change her mind; but .now he was
gone—gone for two long years. How
she lived through them she could not
tell,.•but they passed, - and again her
lover was before he.
" "I have waited patiently," was all
he said.
The lady yearned to east herself
into his aims, but pride was strong
within her.
" Wait longef," she said.
"No," he answered: "This is the
last time. It I wait now I will wait
At this she drew back haughtily.
"Then Wait forever," she said
Ile left her without a word. -And
now her heart sank in her bosom.
She wept bitter tears, and repented
in dust and ashes. When a year had
gone by, she could bear her woe . no
longer, and sent, her little foot-page
to her old lover, biddin,:r him bear
this message, " Come back to me."
But the message the little foot
page brought was just this:
Again she was left to her sorrow,
and two years glided by ; then once
more She bade her page ride over the
mountains to her lover's castle.
" Tell him I am _waiting," she said.
, The page rode away and r'ode
baCk. Ile stood before his 14dy and.
doffed his cap, and repeated themes
sage that had been given Min: '" The
patient waiter is not a loser."
. ".lle is punishing me," thought
the lady, and for two long years She
remained in her castle.- Her 'Nazi
was breaking—her health failed—
she knew death was not far distant.
Again she sent, her cruel lover .a
message. -
" Tell him," she said, " that I am
near my end, and that if I wait long
er before,l see him I shall wait for
ever." • -
The page returned, and stood be
side his lady's chair. His eyes were
full of tears ;-,his head was bent Upon
his breast; he sighed and hid his
plumed cap. .
The lady lifted hei• wan face. '
" Speak !" she said," the message.".
" Alas !" sighed the page ; "
would it were a more tender one."
*,t- Whatever it may be, speak,"
gasped the lady.
" The only message that I have,"
replied the page, is "'Wait forever."
"I am well. paid in my own coin,"
said the lady. _.‘ At last I have re
ceived all my own answers back..
In ilittle while she died, and they
buried' her in the old - church-yard,
with a i stone at her head and a stone
at hetiefeet. •
'When spring came there was grass
up - on the grave, and theie also was a
new plant strange to those who look
ed upon it, a plant with dark, glossy
leaves, that crept slowly but surely
along; clutching fist to every rough
surface it met.
There had never. been a plant, like
that on earth before..
..1s.;o1V we call
it but this is what those who
saw it for the. first time said of it :
"It is the lady whom her lover
bade to wait:forever. In this form
she is creeping towards her castle',
slowly but surely. So she will creep
on until she reaches the heart she
threw away." %- -
Generations have passed from
earth. The castle ayuin, covered
with ivy, and peasants there will tell
you thatit has crept there. from the
lady's grave, point by point, over
stone and rock, through' the grave
yard and over gates and fences. You
can trace it if you choose, they say,
but you do not try.
EDISON says be can fix electricity, soit
will run a sewing machine at an expense
of two cents a day. Good enougol
what would be the probable expende of
arranging it so as to run a sowing-ma=
chine agent out of a town?
TILAVELEB—" Here, waiter, take , thii
steak away and give it to the poor. It's'
as tough as Waiter (blandly)—
" We've 'never 'ad, no complaints, sir."
Traveler—" No; beeause, than wretched
old cow bad 'em all."
$l.OO per Annum in Advance.
Our National Flag.
There is 'a very interesting volume
on oor National flag about -to appear
in a second edition, the . first having
been only 'printed for- a few public
libraries and friends of the antlior,
by Rear . Admiral George H. Preble,
nephew and present representatiVe in
our navy of the. illustrious:Commo
dore. The origin of .our Stars and
Stripes was,rlike that of alMost ' all
other good .and appropriate thi g's;
1 ,
due to an accident, lind such a 1 •ci
depts seem to uphold the 11(A:trim' of
the'survival l of the fittest, since with-:
out such a law they are likely, to I . ,ad
to no resultsi:whatayer. The earliest
suggestion-cif the stars. was in 1774,
when the Massachusetts Spy, pub-
Balling an article oii the Boston mas
sacre, suggested that in the Aineriqati
ensign • would -- heieafter sparkle. a
Star ' : . - .
Which shall shortly !Wee wile through the tpheres.
Stripes' found their way into our
National bunting, by appearing on a
flag carried by a troop of Philadel
phia tight-horse, conimitniled by a
Danish gefitlethan, Capt. Alarkoe.
This flag, is still in the possess;on,of
his descendant; Col. Abraham Mar
koe, who has also the.hill for, its cost
in '1775. It CO£at. £ i l: Si: to design
(aboat,,S7) ($-v;) to get it up
in silk, gold-fringe, and embroidery.
The troopi of light-hocse that w4tted
it escorted Gen. Washilii?,lton to Ca-in
bridge when he went to take com
mand of the.Army' of the North, and
its thirteen stripes most probably
suggested to the General the idea
adopted to the banner oldie Nation'.
The original design in 1;77 bore
thirteen stripes and thirteen stars.
In 1;85 fifteen . stripes and fift t een
stars were for a time adopted. In
1818'there was a very pretty l ehange
in the flag, the stars being arranged
to force the letter A ; bet this altera
tion was .not permanent; it settled
into the Pre - senrilag—thirteen stripes
for the thirteen original States, and
on each accession to the Union an
additional star. The .present flag is
certainly as pretty a ono as call be
made of bunting, and' very sug
gestive of our- perpetual increase.
other nations make no changes
hi theirflaoexcept under the_press
nre of a - reyoltnion, x thisiand of pro
gress adds do hers every three years
or so
,another representative star.
Adthiral Pri4ble's book is an historic
al monograph; full Of anecdote, re
search, and beautiful cob wed engrav
ings. In connection with the history
of our SturSand Stripes, it gives all
- the American patriotic songs,-a de=
seription of our State flags,' of the
flags• of the Confedcpate . States, the
tacit club flags, the seals and arms
of the United States and its depart
ments. • In short, --- it is a complete
colleetion'.'of our National flaglitera 2
ture;--BalliMoie American.
A New_Dodge
Sauntering up to the counter he
began to harpotin the e,atables at the
free lunch table, and as he stowed
away, the articles
. unden, 'his vest he
began', in a toue of melancholy sad-
ness; " Gentlemen, my actions may
seem ill:bred, but, with a half-starved
man hunger must be, satiOled before
good Manners, can: ix; attended
to." The bar Lender reached for a
club and told - the n pologaii; stranger
that if he -would not leave at ,once.
he'd go for him._ " dearsir," re
sumed the gauntdook.::ng new arrival,
with a deprecatory waive of the
a childlike smile was spoiled by his
having a mouthful 'of pickled cab
bage to attend to, I CAI: understand
Your astonishment at what, may seem
impudence onthe part . td' ,an entire
stranger, and :1 -ant not offended at
the anger it causes yo - t - frlo display:
But when I say that. lam a poor,
homeless, Wandering refugee from the
fever-stricken . 'city of ,lemphis—".
Five schooners of . beer. were laid:
clown upon -the counter with
taneousness that
.shoWed prompt de
cision arid- panic-stricken men:
permAulatfil toward the door with a
unity of 'upon that was admirable.
The man, 'lirhind the bar had vanish-
ed into airy nothingness, and as the
weary stranger polished off the free
lunch and gathered in scdtoOner after
schooner until, beer laden, he ambled
toward the street, that saloon
bare as tire upper lip of a sixteen
year-old youth; and the homeless,
wandering refugee from the -fever
strieken city o r Memphis, footsore
and woe-begone, turned' into Beek
man street. with a dozed, sad counte
nance Of one whom life had left noth
ing worth living. fur. As he passed
into Theatre alley two shabbily-dress
ed tramps approached him - and, in ,
quired in accents of-anxiety: "Well,
Bill, hoWdoes the new racket work-?"
The poor, homervss, wandering refu
gPe from the stricken city of Mem--
Phis, who -had so suddenly descended
to plain ." Bill." - IncOnivally replied,
with a. -deflection Of the left optic,
" Immensej"---Purk.
Ho4N Washington Died
The certificate of Drs. - Craik and.
Dick, the physicians who attended
George Washington at the time of
his.death, has just been unearthed
from ' a Georgetown newspaper of
1795. It does not appear in any of
the' biographies of Washington. The
certificate concludes thus:: . "lle
was fully impressed at the beginning
of his complaint, as well as through
every succee,dirig stage of it, that its
coneltisiori , woold he Mortal; submit. :
ing to the several exertions made for
hialecovery 'rather as In. duty than
from any expectations of their ern:
eacv.- lie considered the operations
.of - death upon his system as coeval
with the..diSease; Anil several hours
before ids decease, after repeated
efforts to; be . understood, succeeded
in expressing a desire that he might
be permitted to die - without interrup
tion. Paring the short period , of his
illness lie economized his time in the
arrangement of such few concerns as
required attention with the
utmost serenity, and anticipatedhii
approaching di:is:Motion with every
denionstration of .:;hat equantimity
for.which bis7whole - 'life had been so
uniformly and .singularly conspicu
One time Henry- .Ward - Beecher
went down to Boston tirlecture, In '
the afternoon he went into a barber
shop of, great tone and-rennement to
be• shaved. The barber was- a 'garru
lous little fellow who entertained Mr.
Beecher, while be lathered his face,
with intellectual: conversation. He
asked: ".Are you going to the lecture
this evening ?"
",Oh," Mr. Beecher replied wearily,
as a man who didn't - take much stock'
in lectures, "I don't know ; who's
going to lecture ?"
"- Why," the amazed barber. ex
claimed, "Rev. Henry Ward Beech
er ; Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, of •
Brooklyn. Going to lecture to-night
in Music Hall." - _
Beecher Mr.
c roused up a litt4e with
an air, of indifferent interest. - ‘. Oh,
well,"• he said, "if. he is going to
leeture, 4 guess I'll ;have co to.'
" Got your tickets?" the barber
rattled on. "Got soar -tickets? Got
,your tickets ?" 5 ,
".No," !Mr. Beecher; replied, "
have no ticket." , - '
The barber laughed
ha, ha," he shouted. t
4 . 1(04.11 have
to staff(' up; yO.Ol have to stand up!
Seats 411 . gone two days ago ; yonll
have to stand up.t' , -
is well, now," said Mr. Beecher,
with an air of grave •vexation; ".do.
you know that is just my luck? I
was in, Brooklyn last ,Sunday, Went
over to Plymouth clinreli twice to
hear:that fellow preach, - Morning and'
evening, and both _times I had to
stand up all through the sermon."
- And as he went away thd still inn= '
enlightened barber laughed . at the
man who would have to 4tand up?'
at Mr: Beecher's lecture.--=Barling t
ton Ifawkeye. • ! -•
MOT flElt.'( noticing lier sotee weediness)
—" George. -you should-always leave tho
table feeling that you could eat. a little
more." George—" I eo, mother." •
" You'll Have to , Stand.' ,
Fun, Fact and F = cetiae.
As through faArion'a, dEreree .
dresses grew-small,. gentlernen's l pants
were enlarged, and now that the hoops "
are again affected, trousers' - legs begin to' .
get ti,
t.i . CENg . : Recitation room in naturalhis
tory. . Instructor—" Mr. X., have ytin
ever put4otir head "down nil any one'S,
breast and listened to the heart-beats ase
Huxley describes them ?"':Mr. X.. (blush. -
ing)—" Yes, sir." -
"A, - Louie,
se, my heart is very deH '
spondeut. Evefsince I have gate ' into
•the depths of .those lovely eyes, I "--!
" Hush; John, put an air-brake o that
gain of thought, - Pa ..bas introdue ql me'
to his new partner, and I am his fdr $2, 2 1
000,000: That settles it."
Puck: Au Au uncom-promising infant :•
Mrs. Levi—" You wualdn't - charge dot
leedle pahy, full 'fare ?" : Condueor—•
"IloW old is. he, mem2" 'Levi, Jr.i--" I
vas sees years:" Mrs. Levi- 4 'f) Jokey;
.lakey; you vial never make a sdlimart
man like your fader." -
-Drum. (aged four Years. and six
months), having heen previously scolded
fur a too lavish use'of her paint box, is in- .
tently watbhing a 'glorious autumn sun.
set. She suddenly exclaims, with a
frown : - Naughty Dud, tq waste so many
I.4Liiii.S• ",.: . r' • 1
Tim End of all Things.—Mistress (to
her late servabt): "Well; . Mary, how
have you been since 1 you left' me, and
where are yciu livin g novel?" Ye servant:
"Il easi , ,ma'am, I don't live
. abywliere,
ma'am, I'm married, Inas:lin.' -
'A rniF.ND of ours who lieard - somebody
read the faShionahleitem that John,
Bright always carries a copy of Paiain , e
Lost with him, said that was riotliirg, he
did so himself. And be productl a pie.
tore of his girl, who recently-muitticil azi,
otherlellow. ' , - - - - ,
AN emaciated i humorist who had been
sick for a long time, Was required by leis
doctor to have- a large Mustard PlaNter
put on his chest. "Look- here, doctor,
isn't that a great deal of mustard, when
the quantity of meat is taken into consid
eration?' asked the-sufferer.
A MAN coming out of a •-newspaper
withrbis nose spread all over his face,
replied to a policeman who interviewed
him : "I didn't like an article that; ap
peared in the paper last•week, and I went
in ter-see the maii that writ it, and he
war thar !" • ,
A BOSTON preacher- said "The li l ttle
good ally of us can-do must be dune vial'
our hearts thumping against- tlie hearts "
of our fellow. men." And ,every wmnan
in church looked at every :ether young
woman and aruiled.alProvinaT•
POLISHED steel vrilit "not Shine: in thti
dark ; uo more can human reason, howev
er refined and cultivated; shine effica
ciously hut as it reflects -the light of
vine high from heaven. -‘
TtmEs of the greatest calamity and con,
fusion have ever been prOductive - of the
greatest mines. The pure r or comes from
iLe hottest furnace ; the brightest- flash
from the. darkest (Amid.
industrious bee. (hies not -,top to
complain that :hero arc so many ppison
ous flowers and thorny; branches in the
road, but buzzes n ;selecting the honey
Whertr she ,ean find it, and passing by the
place where it is not. .
IT is not work that kills men,: ii-js wor
ry. Work is healthy; yfitieatt hardly put
more upon a loan than he can bear. Wor
ry is rust upon-the blade. It is not the,
revolutb in that 'destroy:4' thp machinery,
but the friction not listen to those who think:
we to be angry with our enemies,.
and who believe this to be great and man
ly. Nothing is more praiseworthy ; and •
nothing indreates . a great and - noble soul
more than clemency and readiness to for
WHAT a difference have we 'often seen
between our afflictions at our' first meet
dug with and parting from them !
have • entertained them, with si!is, and"
tears, but parted froth them with joy,
.blessing God for them as the
. happy in- ..
struments of our-own good.
FLATTERERS are the worst kind of trai
tors, for they; will strengthen your imper
fections, encourage you in - all evils; - cor
rect you in nothing, but so shadow and
paint your follies and vices-as yon
never, by their will, diseover - gold from
evil, or vice from virtue. •
ImAorsAity evils soon become teal ones
by indulging our reflections on them ; as
lie Who, in a melancholy fancy 'seei some
thing like a-face on• the wall or .4ains-
Coat, can, by 'two or three touches with a
lead pencil, - make it look visible, and '•
agreeing with what'he fowled.,
SELF-activity fa - the indispensable con,
dition of improvement ; and education is .
only education—that is accomplishes its
purposes only by affording 'objects
supplying materials to: this. spontaneous
exertion. --Strictly speaking, ; every man
Must educate himself, - • •' . • •
A MAN quit keeping a diary because he
never could find' write in _it,
and was the next day ran over by - a cart,
beaten; out of three dollars Ou'a dog trade,
blackguarded by a wishwife, and drawn,
_nu a jury. lie will resume - the diary.
"Now,, 1.711 , 1 e Pete, I am goimr" to' give
you something. bully. This • brandy -is
twenty-four years old." Twenty-four
yEars:old; boss?" asked old Pete, eyei,ng
the "one linger" doubtfully—!'this yar
brandy twenty-four years old?' Mighty'
small for its age, boss-L.-mighty ; small.'"
WESTERN papers, while _admitting the,
utility ofiEdifion s light, are strongly op
posing the introduction of gas for heating
and cooking puiposes. They admit that,
it will be.cheaper for those why can .af
ford to pay at all; but there are stitnring
- poor ! how are they to furnish tbernsblves
from the neighboring gas pile ?- .
A COLLEGE professor owe tried to con-
Vinte .11orace Greeley of the value of--
lau,guageS. ,The Professor said,:
These ladguages are the conduits of the
literary triasures of - antiquity.", Mr.
Greeley replied : "I liko proton water
very well, .but it doesift'follow that 1.
should eat yard or two of lead-pipe."
A VERI' tedious old actor, whose Him
'let occupied aui hours, was once playing
the part in a country town, and with
plenty of emphasis and no. discretion was
"lading out"the celebrated. soliloquy;
"7'o—be—or—not—to-4e,"- when an ir
reverent gallery boy called out to him,
"OW toss up for It, mister ; - : and don't
preach.r • , .