Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 29, 1880, Image 3

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CILIA& 11. ALL'S. LOCAL sorrow.
Towanda, Pa., January 29, gib.
The - expiration of subscription is print
ed on the colored label. By noticing the
date retry sulmicreer can 'tell when his
paper will be stopped unless the subserip:
lion is renewed. - .
Creek, is authorized to receive moneys on
.subscription to the -I fiIIPOnTILR and re
ceipt therefor.
; No ice yet, but plenty of mud.
THE days are getting longer at both
ends. I
FEBRORY term of Court begins next
Wuo will be,the new members of our
Town Council?
THE firm of Psca. Brothers, Canton,
has been dissolved.
Tux next term of Court at Troy, com
mences March 22d.
PAINTERS and paper bangers oontem
plate a busy season soon.
WIDE ribbon sashes will be mnai worn
during the coming season.
DAYS of rain and sunshine made up the
weather for the past week.
P.E*EMBER the Delegate elections are
to be held. on Saturday next.
L_twrsna are now busy preparing cases
for the February term of Court.
THREE-CORNERED silk handkerchiefs
are popular for ladies' neck wear.
MottnAY last was a beautiful - day, more
,like the 26th of June than of Jatuary.
THE livery business does not seem to
be enjoying a " boom " just at present.
SEVERAL residents of Leßaysville are
suffering from inflammatory rheumatism.
MR. GEORGE DECKER, will. erect a $5,
0(03 reilidence on Third street, next sum
THE Enterprise Manufacturing Compa
ny's shops at Troy, are crowded with
THE next meeting of the Whist Club
will be held at the residence of Judge
3lnucun. ,
Ouregtement hOuses, so many of which
have been eo long empty, are all gradually
filling up,
THE books of the Towanda Library are
kept at the house of Miss HELEN CARTER,
DON'T despair. In 1832 there was not
a pound of ice gathered until after the
first of February.
NAILS are up to $5 per keg ; not many
months ago they were scarcely saleable at
half that price.
WILLIAM M. MALLORY will remove his
office to the large room under the Argus
office, in a few days.
WE are making daily accessions to our
subscription list, and it is increasing at .a
most gratifying rate.
- 4 said that winter grain has been
much improved by the recent rains, and
that it is growing finely.
TIM entertainment to be held on Tues
day, the 10th of February, will be in aid
of the Towanda Library.
MR. TULE will put into his new mill at
Canton, a shelling machine that will shell
1500 bushels of corn per day.
THE Troy Dramatic Club is practicing a
play entitled "The Texan Rough," to be
presented in that place soon. •
LINTA 9 B Reception at Heron Hall this;
Thursday, evening. It will be the finest
one ever given by that Company.
SUNDAY, January 11th, was the Seven
tieth Anniversary of the founding of the
Baptist Churth in East Smithfield.
H . RRICK S. McKEAN has sold the pro
perty known as the " Viele Mills," in
Troy, to GEORGE DILLON, for $7,000.
Lave taken the contract for putting up G.
F. VIELE'S Mill on Canton .street, Troy.
Aso now the North Towandians want
to be incorporated into a Borough, and
have a Town Council, Burgess, Pound
Master, etc.
TuE Grangers of Ridgbury contemplate
buying a building in Centerville, which
they will convert into a hall and a co-op
erative store: -
DAVID GAVIN bad 'four fingers of his
right hand taken off while engaged in
coupling cars between Athens and Sayre,
on Monday of last week.
MR. JAMES H. CLOVER has become
" miue host" of the Warford House, Wa
verly, having bought Mr. JAMES A.
-BELL'S interest therein.
Ma. PAnwEa, of the Novelty Works,
Athens, is erecting two comfortable dwel
hng houses at the corner of Elmira and
Willow streets, in that village.
THE Athens Gazette thinks that the
next time the Post-Office in that village
is moved, it should be to the old ceme
tery. "It would be so bandy for deeid
A PosT of the Grand Army of the Re
public was mustered at Troy on _Thurs
day night last, by C. T. Huta., assisted
by several members of Perkins Post, of
THERE havecaiready five gentlemen an
nounced themselves as candidates for the
office of Justice of the Peace at the ensu
ing election in Troy Borough, and the
end is not yet.
MR. CHARLES DIMMICE, of Sayre, was
seriously injured , by being caught be
tween two cars on the G. I. & S. Rail
road, which he was engaged in coupling,
one day last week.
A. J. FourEn, the photographer, has
bought a lot on Fourth street, near the
residence of 0. D. BARTLETT, and will
erect a handsome dwelling thereon dur
ing the coming summer. ;
WE desire to call the attention of our
boronglifauthorities to the side•walks in
many parts of our village. In some
places they are positively dangerous and
should be repaired at once.
THE Grangers in that neighborhood
were to bold a meeting at'Bentley Creek,
on Tuesday last, for the purpose of an in-
terehange of views relative to the fature
PneePSs of the (huge moyeatent?
Tama will bean Episcopal sociable at
the house of Mr. H. PATRIC; 00
Wednesday evening, February 4th. All
are invited. A good time is anticipated.
"NaD" Lamas, of the Enterprise Man
ufacturing Company; Troy, met with a
serious accident one day last week, crush
ing two fingers of his left bend in an iron
lathe, and severely bruising others.
than new National air by P. 8. Otte-
MORE, lately given in . Hew-York at the
Academy of Music, will be rendered at
the variety entertainment at Menu Hall,
on Tuesday evening, February 10th.
NEs. D. GEsint, of Gillette, fell dews
the cellar stairs in her Maiden" one day
recently, and - received some quite severe
bruises on her head, but it is thought tiat
the injuries wM not prove serious.
WE are request"' to,state that the elec.
tion pers - for the several townships of
the nty for the election which will oc
cur my
17th, are now at the Com
missioners' office, ready for distribution.
Tau Ladies of the Church of the Messi
ah (Universalist), -will hold a sociable at
tke'residence of GEORGE W.' BLACKMUN,
on 'Fourth street, Tuesday evening, Feb.
ruary 3d. All are cordially invited to at.
tend. •
Camels of the 'Messiah (Universalist),
Rev. Virna.rast TAYIA)R, Pastor. At 10}
A. x., subject, " The Vine and its Fruits,"
At 7 P. M., Miss MYRA ICIROBBWRY will
preach. Subject, "The God Prize." AU
A MINERAL hunter turplcl. _ near
Ridgbury one day last week, on the farm
of Mama DEWEY, found what he suppos
es to be good lead ore. He is of the Opin
ion that if the place was thoroughly pros
pected a vied vein of the metal might be
THERE will be an - oyster supper and
donation at the residence of B. N. Dicw...
ERMA.; in Burlington, on Friday evening,
January 30th, 1880, for' the benefit of Rev.
C. H. BASFRRD. A cordial invitation is
ext‘nded to all.
THERE is some talk of building an
Episcopal church in Tunkbannoe' k,
Wyoming county. The Democrat says
the stone for its foundation were procured
long ago, but no further action had been
taken till recently.
THE Troy Gazette says .that LONG st
co., dry goods merchants of that place,
made au assignment on WOnesday of
last week, to bairn Wartaxan and
Tqwfas McCABB. The liabilities of the
firm are considerable.
Tux /otherly feeling displayed by the
Argue and . Republican is b4autiful and
wonderful I They are in happy concord
in their opposition to General tinerrr and
a third term. And they. both agree in
casting longing and expectant eyes to
wards the Post Office.
THE- protracted meetings which, for
some time past;,,,bave been in progress at,
the Methodist and Presbyteriati Churches
in Troy, still continue to be held, and the
interest in them; it is said, remains una
bated. Meetings are also held several ev
enings each week at the Baptist Church,
and are largely attended.
Is laying the foundation of G. P. VIE-
Ls's new mill, says the Troy Gazette of
last week, the foundations of Q. P. BAL
LARD'S old ashery, burned fifty yews ago,
-were exposed. In the days before chem
istry revealed the production of soda, the
manufacture of pot and pearl ashes was a
part of the industry of every town.
THE Pisgah Praying - Band has been la
boriag at Ulster, for some weeks past,
and have now gone to Naples, N. Y., to
engage in revival work. At Ulster, Rev.
E. D. Rawsoar, the pastor in charge, la
bored with them, one hundred and eight
were forward as "seekers "with over one
hundred converts while sixty-four joined
the church.
MAJ. CHARLES SEXLEY, tias purchased
the lot northcof his European Hotel on
Main street, for the sum of $9,000. The
lot is 75 feet front on Main street ant' runs
west 200 feet to i en alley. We understand
it is the intention of the Maj or
i to erect a
large brick stable and carriage house on
the west end of the lot. In t l fact, the ex
cavations for the foundations for such a
building have al t ready . been commenced.
THE Lancaster aminer of the 22d;
says Last evening, J. W. HUILST, M. F.
wanda, Commissionots of Bradford coun
ty, arrived in this city, and wont to the
Stevens House. The object of their visit
was to inspect our charitable institutions,
it being their intention to erect an alms
house in Bradford county. This morning,
accompanied by our Commissioners, they
bald a visit to the almshouse.
,CAtrizolv.—We see it stated that the
Supreifie Court of this State has decided
that the change of a figure on a note im
pairs the validity of it. This being the
case, persons making piomissoq notes on
the printed forms, should be careful not
to mark an 8 over the 7, on the date.
Either a new note, printed for 188—,
must be used, or the whole date written
before the printed figures on the old
Tan first of a series of Temperance
meetings was held in the Baptist Church
on Tuesday evening last, and - notwith
standing the inclement weather, quite a.
large number were present. The meet
ing was addressed by C. G. aim% of El
mira; LEW HARRIS, and others, of this
place, and several came forward and sign
ed the pledge. The meetings will con
tinue every evening this week. Mr.
SMITH and others will address, the meet
ing this, Wednesday, evening.
RULES of the Towanda Library as di
rected by the Library Constitution :
This Library is free to members of the
Towanda Musical Society, subject only to
fines according to the Library , rulee. To
others : Subscription for six months, $1.75.
Any citizen of Towanda may draw a
book on the payment to the Librarian of
ten cents.
A book may be kept two weeks ; if
longer, a fine of two omits a day be
required. -
Tax'Standord, published at Tunkhan
nock, has recently been enlarged to forty
column's, and
. eight pages in form. .Two
pages are printed at the borne oftlee,•sad
the other six somewhere elie. The six
foreign pages are, neatly printed. The
two home pages are not -excellent sped.;
mons of the typographic art, but contain
about as much pure Democratic "cussed
ness" as can conveniently be crowded
into that amount of space.
A YOUNG woman _ named ELLA HAWES.
Tir and a young man named DANIEL
Suzzasx, were arrested Saturday night
in a place at the norner of Main and Wa
ter streets, By Chief KNArr and Captain
DEtwrsn. There seems to be sornethbfg ,
very wrong ins law that will nni:y hold
the man as a witness, to be then released,
while i the woman is punished. The young
woman is not more than fifteen, and is
from the neighborhood of Toirauthi--
Pmfrq Adrortivr?
Ws have no hesitermy in
ibis is the darkest,
gloomily, dark, dun, black, blinikal A 7'ric.
est, ably " 00140, erebus, 'dis
plays o f incomprehensible Weal
inigmas presented to ns Ibr our elucida
tion of such a rliseouraging,, unnatural,
wintry sitnatione.;-Thitly Gasstre.
—flood Heavens ! And was the man
still alive when the machinery was flinty
stimurd? Of Course his remains must
hsive been horribly mangled. ' People
cannbt be too careful when *brat ma
chinery—erpecially printing praises.
A KAN by ; the name of awl, of Brad . -
ford oountihas been appointed , Super
visor of the Census in thht districstMos
trims Democrat., Wrong. It is Dr. WK.
Ems, of Ming, Lycowing County,
who has been appointed Supervisor Of. the
Census in this district, 'and, judging from
!e number of persons who have asked
us for his Past-Moe address, within the
post ten days, we have no doubt that be
is at the present time giving employment
to several clerks, in order to answer the
letter' of those who desire appointments
under him.
At'ennscalrnon Is in circulation to
raleetneans to hire the Rev. H. J. Him,
LARD the • whole time at the Warren
Ventre church. Mr. Mua.Ann hap labor
ed with , this church :heretofore only one
if of the time. He is one of the best
preachers in this section, and his entire
time is greatly needed with the above
church. , With a neat new house of wor
ship, and a large congregation, together
with a live working membership, makes
it really an inviting field faith
ful work. We tru st flg re Rev.
may be secured.—Lsßayseille Advertiser.
• Wuo would 'not belong to the best so
ciety, and commune, intimately and fear
lessly, with the choice spirits of mankind?
Who will not think its rare benefaction
to give to others an opportunity to know
the noble ones of the earth? And who
would not wish that our own town should
be furnished with an increasing treasury
of good 'books to please, instruct and
subtly cultivate the minds of our own
townsmen and ourselves? To • collect a
good Library is to honor.the past, to help
and ennoble the present' generation, and
to enlighten,. posterity. Says MILTON :
" A good book is the precious life-blood
of a master spirit embalmed and treasured
up to a life beyonklife."
Tna following named persons were in
stalled acofficers of Ingham . Post, G. A.
R., of eanton, on January 13th, by Com
rade A. H. STEAD, of Reno Post, No. 64.:
Conimander--WILLux L. BELDEN.
Chaplain—ET:lmmo Winas.
Surgeon—M. M. TROUT.
O f ficer of the Day—WoorrEn' MANDE
Adjutant—C. E. Moos.
Quartermaster—A. J. CONKLIN.
Sergeant ifajor T -A. D. AYRES.
Q. M. Sergeant—A.. M. ATTIE&
O f ficer of the Guard—L. A. BATES.
Representative to .Department Encamp.
ment--W. L. SELDSN.
Tan Moans.) Democrat says that the
trees in some of the sugar maple orchards
of the eastern part of Susquehanna
County, were tapped during the fore part
of this month, and that sap run quite
briskly, and 'that new sugar has been
made from it. The Democrat further-re
marks: "This will 'do to be recorded
for future reference, for It certainly is the
first time we ever heard of sugar being
made from sap taken from the trees in
January. Often a warm spell in February
or March melts some -of the old sugar
into sap, and it appears in small cakes in
the market, but a case like this which is
well authenticated, of .actual sugar
making in January in, ;,-Srusquehanna
county, will be a somewhat memorable
event in its future history." '
A LODGE of the Knights of Honor was
instituted at Gilletts on the 11th instant,
with thirty-three charter members. The
following named gentlemen were elected
and installed officers for the current term:
Dictator—Dr. C. F. ICrunwran.
Vice Dictator--S. L. TuoursoN.
Assistant Dictator—M. WARNER.
Reporter—G. H. TuomrsOs.
Financial Reporter—C. O. Prrr. •
Treasurer , --G. R. StrirFERN.
Chaplain—LTmAr; Buss&
Guide—F. 0. EDWARDS.
• GAardian—Jouseßstun.
Bentina—W. 0. GAULTRY.
Past Dictator—J. D. PITT.
Represent . D. PITT.
Medical Examiner—Dr. 'a F. Kum
Truateea—W. S. PITT,. J. L PITT And
G. H. Tuoites(*.
-Dr. J. H. CoLze, of Gillett', is very
—Mrs. SETE PORTER, of Canton, is
dangerously ill.
—Josara Dwz, of Michigan, is visit
ing his parents at Gillette.
FRED GORE'S mail route extends from
Harrisburg to Pittsburg.
—A. J. STAcir and wife, of Leona,
visited friends in Elmira last week.
—Miss NELLIE BAIRD has been - elected
organist of Trinity Church, Athens.
-SHERIFF DEAN witnessed the execu
tion of SEARLES, at Owego, last week.
—Mn.s Dr. KIERSTED has been elected
chorister of the Baptist church at Gillette.
—lt is said that ex-Sheriff V Fiscr
will engage in the Sewing Machine busi
—Mr. and Mrs. PRANK- ldsTo are re
joicing in the late addition to their family
of a baby daughter.
—Hon. E. OVZUTON 1198 been appoint
ed a member of the committee on Elec
tions, and on that•of Mileage. -
-HENRY Mancun, who has been con
fined to his house for some time past, is
again able to attend to business. •
—EDWARD WALKER, who has been ill
for a week or two past, has so far recov
ered as to be able to be out of doors.
81117XWAIr of Siring
whose health has been poor for some time
past, has gone on a Western trip in hopes
to better it.
—E. L. HALis, Esq., of this place, is
to give select readings in the " Home
Course" of lectures. at Wyalusing, this,
Wednesday, evening.
and respected resident of this place, died
at her residence on Main street, on Mon
day last. She had been M for several
months past.
—Captain Gamma V. Miss and Cap.
tain J. A. WILT, of this place, attend the
G. L. R. Encampment at Reading, this
—W. J. Tomo, Esq., 'will be a dandi
date for re-election to the , office of Justice
Of the :Pews, of this Borough, at the ap
proaching election. ) •
—R. J. SMERMAN, Mail Agent on the
State Line & Sullivan Railroad, is quite
ill at the residence of his father-in-law,
J. O. -FruSrr, in this place.
—Mss. Liz= HAT Quiet, of South
Waverly, daughter of Giuscox HAT,L.V.
engineer, died very Suddenly last week. .
Obt) wo a low% 100; wanatai pit
ilarthig out in domestic We, and her sad
den death is *sad biow to her bulgy and
many dear , triends.—Warerly Advocate.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kau enter:
blued a large party of their hiendi at
their residence on Monday evening Lit t
it being the tenth anniversary of their
wedding /:
and Mn. s Mirth EVAMII were
treated to a f'suiprise" on Wednesday
evening of Lit' week. 'TWas -a=
happy throng that filled their
and the evening will kmg lee remembered
by all present as one of Tale enjoyment.
—Mn.s HmurtMrx, 'who had been ill
for some time pait, died at her reeldenoe
'on Main street, Tuesday morning last.
Mrs. Mix was one of the oldest residents
of our village, beloved and, respected by
all, and her death will be mourned- by
this entire community. •
—At the last meeting of the Roeml
about Club, held at the residence of 'IL
W. THOMAI, at SaYre, the following air
oers were elected for the ensuing year
President,. Rev. G. F. Rossmmumut
vice president, W. H. Ilessmor ; seer"!
and treasurer, C. A. BLOOD ; musical
director, C. T. Hull assistant musical
director; C. E... -- 1114 1 , DDLTON ; pianist, Mrs.
H. W. Tames.
- —Prof. E. 3. VAR NEss, tonne* of
Staniing Stone, is about to receive the
appointment of State. Deputy of P.'of, I.
Q. F. W. are glad to learn tia. 7 :The
Profeuor, who recently entered the mah
rimonial precincts, is a young man of
scholarly attainments, and' literary incli
nations. May strum attend him and his
amiable wife through the devious wind
ings of life.—Canton Sentinel.
—Mr.. J. M. Lew, of Tunkluumock
hswaccepted the position of conductor of
a passenger train running from Towanda
to'Bernice. ror a number of years Mr.
_LIIiu has served the Pa. & N. Y. C. & R.
R. Co., as freight, condgetor, and is
thoroughly acquainted with the business.
Hula an excellent business man is genial,
gentlemanly and obliging. We congratu
late him upon his promotion and the com.;
pang upon securing his services. We are
informed he will remove his family to
Towanda soon. They will be greatly
missed in Tunkhannock.—Tunkhannock
—TnEns. was on Thursday evening a
pleasant gathering of relatiires and friends
to witness the marriage ceremony, by
TOMBLIN, of Emerson, loWa, and,Miss
ANNIE L., daughter of Col., B. V. BIMP.
MAN, at No. 269 Warren avenue. The
bride is well known. and highly esteemed
by a large circle of acquaintances, whose
united and cordial good wishes will ac
company her to their new home and
sphere. The wedding presents_ were
numerous and elegant. After supper and
the congratulations of the assembled
friends the young peoPle , departed for
thoir western home.—Chicago Sunday
Times, 18th.
—A Sayre correspondent of the Elm
Advertiser. says: The suspense among the
Pa. & N. 'Y. R. R. employes, and in fact
to all interested in our. thriving place,
as to the final action of Mr. Ronstyr A.
Psonsit, concerning the Presidency of the
Lehigh Valley Raiload, is definitely
settled in the selection of Mr. Casimir;
Hamrsuoaris, of Philadelphia, for
the position. While Mr. PACKER'S many
friends would gladly rejoice in any
good fortune which might come to him,
it was cOnsidered by all that larking
which would occasion bis removal from
our town would be spublic calamity and
seriously dettimeital to the best inter
ests of Sayre. • Mr. P. and family WOG
recently - returned from Philadelphia,
where they have been spending some
weeks, pending the election mentioned.
young ladies would like to speak to you;
They want to ask a favor of you for your
and their benefit. 4 This happy combina
tion of interests grows out of the fact that
Towanda, seemingly, has so little respect
for great men and noble thoughts that in
the matter of a Public Library, or any
collection of books, little Orwell is way
ahead of us. It has seemed good to
thisty ladles, otherwise known as the
Towandst Musical Society,'' that this our
reproach• among towns should be taken
away. They have already gathered to
gether, by means of certain slender, one
may say, attenuated Society fines and
fees, sixty-two volumes, of which eigh
lteen are of fiction, thirty-one biography,
thirteen essays, three history, threerpoe
try, one travels and three miscellaneous.
Thoy even dare Hatter themselves that,
as is small collection, it is at once sound
and comprehensive. This little beginning
therhope will prove the nucleus of a use
ful Library, and they ask your help for,
-this most worthy object of public good.
If some Mr.. Doubting Heart now ex
claims " Humph ! all very nice I—Have
heard something of that sort before !
Probably wilt down soon enough," it will
be necessary to punish him with old
proverbs, to remind him that "Rome was
no; built in a day," and that the stately
city which became the terror of armies in
itsinfancy was encircled with so low and
contemptible a wall that it could be jeered
at,and- i jimped over. To be sure, it can
not be expected that the Towanda Libra
ry will equal the Astor ; which is anoth
er way of saying that Towanda is not
New York, nor ever will be. But is there
anything beyond the bounds of probabili
ty—given a. little time and a certain
amount of entrgy perseverance and help
-in the establishment of &Library ade
grate to the needs and Improvement of
our intellectually forsaken, town ? And
is this not worth an effort, lilacs certainly
it cannot be a successful fact without
such an effort?
As one step toward this desired end,
the Towanda Musical Society will give a
variety entertainment on the evening of
February 10th for the benefit of the To
wanda Library.- For further particulars
see posters and next week's papers. Let
every one who would approve inch a Li
brary, if established, Come on that evening
and do all they can to give it a Arm foot
The Barclay Coal Company, in addi
tionlo their mines and railroad in .Brad
ford County, Pa., which an - operated by
the N. V. L. E. & W. R. R. under a lease
to the Towanda Coal Company, have for
several years owned another large coal
tract, near Towanda, which formerly be
longed to ELIBIL/L A. PAncea. ;:s These
lands are held under re* charter in the
name of the Long. Valley Coal Company.
During the last summer some explora
tion were made on them by Mr. F. F.
Lxorr, the Engineer of the Towanda Coal
Company, which have proved the exist
ence of an excellent field of 'Coal with a
bed of five feet of good coal. The owners
have concluded that the time has onme to
open n colliery at Long -Valley.
_For this
purpose they have secured the $6lllOOll of
JAMES MAOPABLANE, E sq.,.and his two
Mier TOW4I4P O. Si/d Gpum )14crew
LA A, and have placed . ' a large, sum of
money at their disposal, to be expended
immediately in the requisite works toe a
first-class 'colliery, with ecelmovems dsr
the umnutintura Of coke.' A short brunch
of the Barclay railroad, short
from the Woes, will an inclined planefor
the mine cam, will bring the cod to the
=Brad at. Lambs •station, ten miles
how Towanda.
- . ‘ On the completion of the works, which
will require several months, they are to
be operated permanently by Yr. MACTAIL
-14.113 and his sons, under a Welly &dun.
tageous lease to another company,
M probably be called the Lamoka Coal .
Company. The mining tillage, which'
will 'oaths erected at the new mine;
trUl be called Long Valley. The office of
the Coal .Company will be at 'Towns:
du, whetu iiiclPAlll.B3ll has always
It is well known that be was the first
General Manager of the Barclay Railroad
and Coal Company for eight years, dur
ing the trying times when the seri-bitu
minous coal trade was in its Wang. He
afterwards organised the Towandn Coal
Company and conducted it for two years,
and aims then he bas 'been for thirteen
years the general sales agent of the Blow
burg Coal Amociation for the State of
New York, and for{ the lest year for the
Western States. His soli EDWARD, 1301 r
living, in Racberurj has bad several years'
experience in the coal besiness ass sales.
man, ioth, of Bituminous and. Anthracite
cog, and Mr. lkiaatia• MACIPARLA.IF6,
who is a civil andi l mining engineer by
profession, was employed by General MA
axe during the comirtruction of the coal
works' at Antrim, and of those of the
Buffalo Coal Company at Clermont, Mo-
McKean County, otiose mining opera
tions at the hitter p has had gen
eral charge since their, eommencement.—
Elmira Advertiser.,
Manly Jones, who resided between
Second and %Third streets, in the First
Ward, 'of this Borough,. oommitted,
suicide on Wednesday evening last by
shooting himself. He complained in - the
morning of feeling unwell, and said to
his wife that he thought be would not go
to work that day. Leaving theism's' be
tween 9 and 10 a. tr. he flame up into the
village and visited the gun shop of J. V.
Genies, where he borrowed a small,
single barreled shot gun, telling Mr. G.
that he desired it to kill rata with. He
returned to his house at about noon, ',par
took of dinner as usual, but complained
of bad feeling and pain in his head. He
was in and around the house during most
of the afternoon until somewhere near
four o'clock, when he left and did not re
turn during the night. In the morning
his wife, becoming alarmed at his absence,
sent a messenger to the residence of his
father stems the river, in Wysox, think
ing that perhaps he had gone there and
remained over night.; but learned that be
had not been there. At once a search
was bet on to find out his whereabouts,
and at about 11 a. s. his lifeless remains
were found in an old budding. near his
residence, formerly used as a cooper shop.
He bad placed the muzzle of the gun In
his mouth and discharged it, the thine
therefrom passing.through the roof of his
mouth and. lodging against the skull, kill
ing him, no doubt, almost instantlY. Jus
tice YOCISG, was immediately notified
after the finding of the body, and sum
moned the laming named gentlemen as
jury of inquest, W. W. Exam' A. 0:
Srzwityr, rises, B. E. Attunes, E.
B. Purses, Jas. A. Butt, whoifter an
investigation, returned a verdict that the
deceased etl2llo to his death by his own
hand. The deceased was about 28 years
of ' age, *ld leaves a wife and two Small
children to mourn his tragic death. He
was a sohei, Industrious man, aid no
cause is known for the rash act, and there
is no doubt that at the time of taking his
life, the man was laboring under annbera
tion of mind. He had complained for
some time put of hiving a pain In his
head; and at times was melancholy and
despondent. His remains were buried in
Riverside cemetery on Sunday last.
When any of our readers deske to see
a first-class, handsomely prLuted,' well ed
ited paper, all they have to do id to send
for and peruse the BRADFORD Exporran,
published - et Towanda, Pa.—Owego Blade.
• - The above-named work is one of rare
merit, and deserves a place in every ism=
ily in the country. It has the eilorso
ment of clergymen of all denominations
wherever the book hat been sold.
Rev. Dr. STSWAST. Pastor' of the Preabyterlam
Church of Towanda. says of It: " I am untied
that It is a plain and useful comnd of the facts
and truths of Scripture as held -pe by the Christian
Rev. Dr. TAYLOR, Pastor Church of the Met
slab, says: "The Young People's Bible History,
Illustrated. I deem one of the most useful and In.
teresting forms of presentation of Scriptural truth
fir e young minds, and quite attractive also to the
Rev. Cara. H. Warcare, Pastor of the Meth°.
dist Church, says: " We have aged Young People's
Bible History In oar 'family and most heartily en
done it as a very useful help in a home religious
Instruction. It Is admirably adapted to the needs
of youth, bearing In an Inviting and attractive way
the truths of Biblical History to the minds' of no
yang." -
Rev. Mr. Rector of the Eploospal Church.
. says : "It needs no endorsement. The book will
recommend Useif to-ail who welt."
A distinguished clergyman of another State says
"I recommend the Young People.. history because,
and only beau:sea like It; it is not a milk and water
production. but has the bream of the Bible."
The endorsement of our own clergymen
will be of more worth than anything we
can my of this book, subscriptions for
which are now being Wren in this com
munity by , Mr. .1. M. /ABRADE& The
work is sold to subecrib3rs only, We
cheerfully recommend it to all of our
readers. In addition to the book each
subscriber will be presented with a beau-
UM steel engraving 22z28 inches, called
the "Btu of Bethlehem," • representing
the angels announcing to the shepherds
the birth of Christ. We beiipeak for the
agent a large subscription list in Bradford
Local Correspondence.
That poetical young chap that wrote
about the beautiful snow in such geshhr,
verse, better chew it now to i 4 Ye beau
tiful mud;" also, he should wilts the
clerk of the weather telling him that a
boom will be booming for some more fes
tire clerk union he gives us a sktighride
soon on the beautiful snow.... The friends
of Rev. P. 8. Evmutarr gave him a pound
party at the house - of ELL= EiTZTZNI3 on
tWednceday evening, January 21,st, when
they pounded him to the tune of $75.
This action was twice blessed : blooming
those , that gave and thole that received.
EvEnsre stays with as another year,
for all Of which we hope to prove grate;
fa1....J. C. Ronutsou has built him an
icehouse. Re evidently intends to keep
cool (by the way, a sensible coambiskork) ;
yet, methinks I hear him gently sigh,
"When shall the harvest be ?"..,.The
Grangers of this place have their annual
love-feast at tbe house of Emu thymus,
on Tuesday, evening, January 27th.
" And may all things lovely be," foe they
propose to trip the light fantastic toe and
cot to Fo witPs.,totir
political pot is 'now. at a boding point.
Like the one described by Shakespeare in
2faebeth .and• the witches, it contains
much that- is foul and loathsome to the
better class Republioans, and .1 ban
no doubt they will, at the popes time,
discard ill that are unworthy and accept
only those that are honest, truthful and
just. May Wise counsels prevail is the
what of your - Bynum amen.'
`Bentley Creek,. Jan. 26.
Not being willing that a town of the
enterprisei and thrift of Ulster should go
so long unmentioned hi the columns of
your excellent paper, I improve this op.
;no:trinity of informing you of some of: the
doings hereabouts. ...The Pisgah praying
band, have been with us two weeks, and
during that time many have sought and
found the Saviour. Multitudes locked
to bear the "old, old story" from the
lips of these men of God, and the senti
ment of every heatt is, God blees them.
....Our school is prospering finely, the
attendance being greater than ever before.
Mr. EIJOILNE TnomrsOn is the Principal ;
Miss Gruarrrx has charge of the linter.
mediate department d MiIISMETUVEREA7
the "primary. It Is • e intention ot the
board of directors to
building nest year.
L talked of for the
money to purebase
your paper mom, I
Ulster, January 26.
enlarge the school
d an entertainment
purpose of raising
a be 11... . Wishing
• I close. F.
Ma. EDITOR :—Ae have never seen
any communication i . - your paper from
Towner. Hill, I thong . t Ilitmld send you
a few items that migh be. of interest to
some of your readers... We have a-com
munity made up of la -abiding, industri
ous fanners, who are not ashamed to ac
knowledge that they earn their bread by
the sweat of their brow ; and we have as
a hill-fariant country as can be
found in Northern Bradford. On the
highest elevatida stands our neat little
'church, where we can get the fresh breez
es-unobstructed from the far-off moun
tains, and where every alternate Sabbath
we listen to those things that pertain to ,
our happiness here and ourlirelfare here
after, by Brother SIBLEY, end livery Sab
bath at twelve o'clock we meet for Sab
bath School, with a membership of over
sixty, and among them a good many good
workers. Sabbath evenings we have a
Convert's- or Cottage Prayer Meeting,
which we pass around from house to
house, besides our usual Thursday - even
ing prayer meeting. Also a singing school
every Saturday evening, taught by our
neighbor, L. H. TOWNER. So you will
see we are w.,t - a . slothful pe0p1e....1
mast tell of a very enjoyable affair which
occurred-here lately. Our genial friend
and brother, J. H. ALLEN, made the re
mark at - a ; visiting party, that on Monday,
January 19th, it would be twenty years
since he took to himself a help-mate.
When the,evening of the anniversary of
his wedding day arrived, and as he was
enjoying the comfort and 'quiet of his
home, he was not a little' apprised to see
his friends and neighbors begin to gather
in, and seeing he was taken, he submitted
with very good grace. Not being pre
tared for company they anoth
er room for a short time,, and when we
next saw them—l will take the responsi
bihty to say—although time has begun to
make its mark upon them, they could not
have looked happier twenty years ago.
Alter asocial visit, about ten o'clock we
found ourselves seated at the table tilled
with the, comforts and luxuries of life, to
which we all did ample justice, the bride
and groom taking their place at the head
of the table, and were made the target of
a good many jokes, which they generally
returned with usury. After supper we
had singing and a few remarks by Cap
tain Forms, who has been acquainted
With the bride and groom from child
hood, and althOugh his remarks were not
so eloquent, they betokened that friend
ship, which is dearer than eloquence, af
ter which we had prayer by: Brother" C.
J. Vaxcisi; and after wishing the bride
and groom much joy and many returns of
their anniversary, we left for our homes.
Although "every day bringi something
new,'' yet in the main things in this rural
part'of the county move along about as
usual. ...The Spring Hill Lyceum holds,
forth Wednesday evenings ; Prof. J. F.
BLecaza hal s singing class at the chinch
Friday evenings, while. an occasional oys
ter supper and socialgathering comes in
to give variety ; every other Satuiday
there is a Township Teachers' Institute';
Rev. L. Cols will commence a series of
meetings at the M. E. Church this eve
uin,g ; there _are two donations near' by
the present week—so you see we are riot
"holed up" for the winter after.the man
ner of the woodchuck.... Monday of last
week the Farmers' Mutual Insurance
Company held their annual election of
directors, with the followirig result :
B. W. WOOD, J. W. Boswoutn, J. E.
Donor, D. ACKLEY, F. ACKLEY, R. - E.
chosen President of Board, 7. H. BLACK
Vice-President and Agent, A. B. SUMNER
Secretary, and B. w. WOOD Treasurer:
-.-... Mrs. JouN Iltoria, who has long been
confined to her bed, has so far recovered
as to walk about her r00m.... Mr. Wm.
SHIINWAY left on a Western trip last
Thursday in search of health. He has a
sister living 1.1 Illinois and a brother in
Kansas.... Last week and week - before
some persons were doing their plowing
for corn. It is rather cool, for planting,
however.,'..Prof. S. F. ACKLEY is awoy
from hoffie this winter, except Sundays,
teaching music....lf this does not go
into the waste basket you may hear again
from . RURAL.
Spring Hill, Jan. 19.
and 110811 CRY. to close out stook s at . 97 -Cent
Store.. Jan.=
M.. Our goods are NEW and of the
Ur LAMP ctIIMNEY" at the OLD
PRICE—SIX for 25 CENTS—et 90. Cent Store.
tlr Try our New JA.P.. TEA. Best in
*mu, ' DSC*** k VOUGUT.
at 1111. Cent Store. J *a. 22.
t Provisions of nil kinds, of the best
quality, at. IDICKSIt k VouGin's.
ur FRENCH CHINA. Tea and Din
nor sets at sS.Cent Store. ' on.
. Choice TEAS and COFFEE a
simian/ sa r DIM= k V9OGHT4.
lir Just received a full line of Japa-,
CAGES, ate., at Meant Store. . Jan: 22.
C' Fora good, durable and neat-fitting
811014 call at Y. J. BLUMIS, opposite Seeley's
UoteL , N0v.274.
or PRICEB.WAY DOWN ou Gents'
Find and Cause Boots 9 opposit4Set
lers Hatid. Nov: 274 f.
lir L. B. Roixlirai citallengm compe
tlUoti ter wising of goods and low prices on Sash,
Piers. Wads and Moldlni,s, and s) building ion.
IsThe Largest, Best and Cheapest
'lot tibia tot Ladles.. Atlases. and Children's.
ifauna at Coaanath new am, corner Men.
mad ? Maasta., Tracy k Noble's Block. aperth
'tirA young man desirous - of attend:
leg school and paying his way In part by doing
ebarisorill be aided by applying Immediately to
Z. B. Qutnipt i at Ibe ithareipsnlta Collegiate
Ur Comma baa the best wearing Shies
for Mon, Boys and Youths 4 weer ever offered In
Towanda, and at price. within the reach of an. '
tuft line of VODDER CUTTZRS. for hand
an 4 power; from se.6e to 3s. The best thole In
ttse and very cheap. Also CORN SIIILLERS
and ROOT CUTTERS. R.K.I Wizz,zs.
Dee.ll. , Towanda. Penn.*.
vtr The price of Groceries have not ad
vanced the least at the Store of °sexes L. Ross
opposite IttratrusKY's Bodt sod Shoe Kanawha
ry. Pint Ward. . jan224l‘.
. jer Fortino Millinery, lint class Hair
Goods, Jaya Canvass, Gold and 81lar tinted Card
Board, and Children's Bailor Hata, all on hirs
A. Fletcher, N 0.., Bridge Street. • Bleaching and
sewing Mar &specialty. • _
Fouttrt—On the 15th of December,
1119, near Towanda, a Pocket Book, with money
and valuable papers In it. Any one discerning It,
can get it by calling on A. W. GRACIC,
Bradford County, Pa., and paying for Ibis notice.
having removed his Livery Stables to the Means
House barn, la prepared to farnishi hit old entiom
ere, and as many new ones who May give him a
call, with first-class rip of every description.
tremens desiring to leave their hones while trad
ing will be accommodated there at reasonable
prices. Careful and trusty men will be In atteed-
Ince night and day to wait upon customers: ,
'keratin; Items a ipecialty. Jan.ll.ral.
I Attend the auction sales at STERN
Brothers' NEXT WEEK. Iw.
I Students of the Pennsylvania State
College enjoys summer temperature throughout
the year,. the entire College building being pleas'
aptly warmed hy the new steam heating apparatus
lately Introduced. fly this great Improvement
students occupying College dormitories are made
thoroughly comfortable, the charges for fuel 1t is
hoped will be lessened, land the Chemical and
Physical Laboratories are rendered much more
complete by making possible the Introduction of
various Improved appliances requirierthe use of
steam. Send for Catalogue. Address the Press.
Aent, State College. Centre County, Pa. Iw.
Dar By universal accord AYER'S RA
.Tuanvic PILLS are the best of all purgatives for
family use. They are the prodect of long, labori
ous and sucelessful chemical investtgation,and
their nse, by Physicians in their practice, and by
all civilised' nations, proves them the best :and
most effectual pi/Tingly° Pill that medical akill can
deVise. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise
from their use. In Intrinsic value and curative
powers no other pills can be compared With them;
and every person, - kiewing their virtues, will em-.
ploy them, when needed. They keep the system In
perfect order, and maintain in healthy action the
whole machinery of life. : Mild, searching and eft
fe'etual, they are specially adapted to the needs of
: the digestive apparatus. eerangemente of which
they prevent and cure, It timely taken 4 They are
the beatandsafest phonic to emplyy for children
and weakened constitutions, where a mild, but
effectual, cathartic la reqaired. SOLD : BY ALL
lIItTCHIDT9: In Pmvidetwe, R. I, Noyembei
11th, 117 e. Chester I'. Hutchins, In the fiftieth
year of hts age.
e fcgat
Hon. Paul. D. MouaOW, Presideut Judge of
the 13th Judicial District. consisting of the county
of Bradford, has issued his precept bearing date
the Isth day of December, 1070. to me directed, for
holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer. General
Jail Delivery, Quarter Session of the Peace. Com
mon Pleas* and Orphan's Court at ToSranda. for
the county of Bradford, commencing on Monday,-
FEBRU &RIC DE, 1880, to continue three weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroners
and Justices of. the Peace of the county of Brad
ford, that they dbe then and there in theinproper
persons, at 10 o'clock lu the forenoon of said day,
with records. inquisitions and other remembrances
todo those things which to their office appertain
to be dotiS.: and those who are bound by recogni
moms or otherwise, to prosecute against the prise.
ners who are or may be in the Jail of: said county,
are to be then and there to prosecute against them
as shall be Just. Jurors are requested to be punc
tual in their attendance, agreeably to.thelr notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 76 day of January, In the
year of' our Lord one thousand eight hundred
eighty, and ef the Independence of the
United States one bundled and fourth.
PETER J. DEAN, Sheriff.
Term of Court, 1880, to be held at Towanda.
, .
W. S. Pierce's adm's vs. W. firamhall et al —sot fa
D. Davidson's adner vs. Jas. D. Harbour issue
Daniel 80 , 19181 vs. Chas. E. Noble. .• ~.. • issue
Short ridge k Co. vs. S. J. Rickok....l . '.. .... issmpt .
Plurnix Life Ins. CO. vs. H. A. Burbank et a/. set (a
Theo. Larrison vs. R. C. Lockwood . tres
ra. aN. Y. - R. R. Co. vs. J. D. sfontanye et al:eject
C. Homan vs. L. 1.. Moody's idmls...
Setb Doane's adwrx vs C. W. Doane -troy
D. C. DeWitt vs. Shrader Coal Co ....tres
E. T. Fox, assignee, vs. T. F. Madill ...asspt
Sarah Jordan vs. Olive F. Elliott sci to
Wm. M. Keeler vs.M. It. Keeler ' 'astoPt ,
3. P. Horton vs. R. Bennett et al ' asspt
W. W. Harris vs. A. J. 'Layton app.
L. S. Wood's Ukci1,.,1 1 ).. J. Layton ' tres
... —. .
H.. 11. Ingham vs, i. 4. Laitlin
D. F. Barton vs.'A. J. Layien et al . tree
F. G. Hall's use
_vs. George Tills et al Issue
B. C- - Hall vs. Wm. Wilgus , app
Lyman Blackman. guanilan, es. J. M. Fox app .
Senn Kirby vs. H. C. Carpenter ' eject
0. J. Chnbbuck vs. Wm. H..Morgau's adm'r...assp
Wm. 11. Storrs. assignee. vs. T. It. Jordan.....agsp
Daniel Bewley vs. 8. Evans etiil eject
J. Munch. guardian, vs. P. 1... Ward et al eject
E. C. Sweet. 1111111 ° X, vs. A.. 1. Layton.
H. 11. Kilbourn, adner, vs. Hartford Fire Ins. Co.
Elizabeth Drake et al vs S. H. •Farnswortb...eject
Brad. L.Snd B. Ass'n of Athens vs F.A.llootact fa
Chauncey. Wheeler vs. J. F. Woodruff ' app
0. C. liollon vs. Elhanan Smith ' • app
Wm. M. Mallory_vs. Jas. T.:Clark part
A. Loder vi. Elhanan 5mith....... ' rasp
.1. C. Biumvs. A. J. Layton. :. 4. t . IRS
Jno. F. Means vs. Lycoming ins, Co imp
E. T. Fox.'Psignee, vs..V. E: Ploilett assp
Rose Finctut vs. Pa. & N. Y. R. R. Co -
C. A. Heizlenor vs. 1). Heavenor's eseentor...assp
J. B. BrOadley vs. Alonzo Hill et al ' eject
H. Cunningham vs. David Whipple-- '
Daniel daggers vs. Lewis-Bites et a 1....
Jos. McKlnuers use vs. J. M. Myer... .
J. L. Eishree vs. Hugh Clark
Leonora Heath et al vs. John Carroll ' tres
J.W . Hollenback vs. H. B. Inghain.... ...... eject
.Win. H. Barnes vs. Wm. May '• '' tres
Hira - m Horton's use vs. Erastus Shepard' set fa
do , do do , do
do' do do 'i . do. -
SubeenaS for second week returnable &n Mon
day. P ebruary Mb, 1880; for third week; returnable
on Monday. February 16th. 1880.
GEO. W. BLACKMAN, Prothonotary.
Towanda, Jan. 15, 1880. .
j MENSES.— N'otice is hereby
j_J given that the following applleatlons',for
licenses for hotels, eating houses and merchant
dealers,have been filed In this office, and thati the
same will be, presented to the Court of. Quarter
Sessitins, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2n, VW,
for the consideration of bald Court,
alMell F. Fox, Canton BorOugh. •
Jakeph Causer, jr.. Springfield township. • _
0. C. Mills, Smithfield township.
'C. E. Bartlett, Wysox townsilip. ' '
M. A. Forrest. ilister . township.
George Sufferni'South Creek town-hip. '
fij H. Farnsworth. Athens Borough.
Leonard Morris, Burlington Borough.
its IL Smith. Alba Borough.
Weorie and 0. L. Jordon. Athens Borough.
Dwight IL Dodge, Monroe Borough. •
Chas. McGonegal, Troy Borough.
James W. ,W !Scot, 'Sew All4ny Borough.
• no. A. Briggs, Sayre.
Frank N. Wolfe, Canton Borough. J - •
A. 4.. Beers, Canton Borough. •
William Bolan, Towanda Borough; Ist Ward.
James Nestor, jr.„ Towanda Borough, 2d Ward
S. W. Northrop, Towanda Borough. 24 Ward.
James Lockabee, Towanda Borough, 2d Ward.
Redmond Caton, Towanda Borotet,.lat Ward
Toeratida, Jan. 13. 1880.
is hereby given, that there has been filed jin
the office of Register of Wills in and for the comity
of Riadford accounts of administration upon the
following estates, via: ' •
Final account of J. L. Elstiree, administrate of
the estate of 'Dennis Driscoll, deceased.
Final account of F.llen Nenninger, adtidnist
trti of the estate of ]fox Henninger, deceased.
Final account of Sarah P. Price (formerly Sarah
P. Jones), admintatratrix of the estate of J. Ld
Jones; deceesed.
Final account of A. L. 'ferry, administrator of
the estate of J. W. Vanauken, deceased.
. .
Final - account of C. F. Pendleton, executor of
the estate of Sally M. Dunham, deceased.
, _Final account of A. Dell. Walker, administrates
of the estate of Gee: H. Walker, deceased.
Final account of Thomas E. Quick, executor of
the estate of Geo. A. Gannon, deceased.
Final account of Susan Eaton, administrates,
and a. T. Repo, administrator of the estate of G.
H. Eaton, deceased.
Final account of Mahlon E. Elliott, administra
tor of the estate of William E. Richards, deceased.
Fibal account of Andrew Messing, administrator
of the estate of Tillman Messing, deceased.
Final account of WO). -F. Coburn, administrator
of,tbe estate of Sylvester D. Sturdevent, deceased.
vim] account of It. S. Sabin; aintinistrator of
the estate of Mrs. M. Z. Sabin. deceased.
Final accountof Wilson M. Decker, administra
tor of the estate of William E. Piper, deceased.
Final account of James Fit: Simons. executor of
the estate of Dennis McMahon, deceased.
Final account of Harrison C. Allis, guardian of
Hula C. Allis. minor child of 811 as Allis, deceased.
Final account of H. Howell, administrator of the
estate of Nathan Newman, deceased.
Flital account of Thomas Blackwell, administra.
tor, and Mrs. H. IL Hilton, administrates, of -the
estate of M. J. Hilton, deceased.
Final account of J. B. M. Hinman, executor of
the estate of Clark Sweet, deceased.
Partial account of H. .Catlln, one of the exein-
Rua of the estate of Nelsen Reynolds, deceased.
And also the appralsement of property set oft by
the Executors and Adtululstratora to widows
s and
children of the folios lug decedents, els:
Estate of Charles Crane,
" Bishop H. Watertnan,
Joseph McKinney, •
" Peter D. Vannes,
" Menlo M. Coolbangh
• " Byron W. Clark,.
•• W. 11. Locke,
Elisha Rich,
'Debir Ridgway, • .
" 'Platt Wood.
And the same will be presents d:o the Orphans.
Conn otVßradtord County, February ith.- A. D.
ASO. at FONCiotY. r. at., for confirmation and
- - A. C. mistim e Register.
ToolOp ? 'roi l Januar, s, peo,
To amount pai d Auditors CU 00
Auditors for Proniry and Register..... 'so Co
Bridge eoutrueti i 1.661 67
Bridge repairs 3,113 03
. _
Bridge viewers ... 1161 MI
Bradford Co. Agrieulturslll4xiety.,....- /90 60
Constables, for . 1111161011 i'. returns to - -
Court and attending at eientious 7M $4
Assess= - ‘ • r 1.736 00
Costa In Commonwealth suits.— .. -.. .. 5.662 'A
Counsel to Commissioners/go - 50 00
Crier and tiVidaffs of Cain
, t 00
District Attorney . 146 00
Election expenses _ " 1,431 20
Fuel and lights • .... 1 4171 10_
Grand jurors - . 11050 03
Traverse Jurors 10,106 $ll
Insurance on piddle bulb:Hogs , • 07 50
Coroners' and putties' inquisitions..... 156 36
Jury commissioners 177 115
Omen books .. 466 49
- .
Account With the Several Collectorsid County Tit for the Year 1879 and Previous.
... -.-
. . .
. . .
. • - . •
. ..
.. _
,•. Amount' Amount , Amount Amount, Amount •
Ewles 111 Hardy 1 " ieet°n •'" 1 - a % _Charged. Received. EVarted. Peretge. Due.
Burlington W _ ; •-....,-----
• • _ -
• .1
Wed N. 45. McKean 1817 #789 32 , -
1781 110 1
14 73
Burlington West N. C. McKean
. 1878 667 to 659 111 #5.281 433 1 4
Canton Twp... ...Edward Cole ' ' ..•• • 1.428 07 1,295 011 18.69;- - 13• 47 '
Le110y".....v......1. A.. Wooster - .... 902 04 844 17 13 48; -14 43 '
Monroe Twp 1:11. 8. Mingo.. 694 111 539 12 10 881 -; 44 111 " .-
Itome Boro -K. E. Spalding ....... I
- 127 62, • 120 37, '62, • $ 331
Springfield ..... i . .. Tim Leonard • 1 1.451 83 1,371 7.8 11 U; 77 17 ...•./ .
South Creek • David Chase • 1.-1 . 744 64 698 94 892 - - 36 78
Sylvania 'Born., F. Bristol ..., 1,21 33' 126 116 . 6 ....%. .....
Towanda North.. E. R. DeLoog ' .. , .,1 -424 os: - 216 06, • 7 15 1
,' - 5111 14
Troy 80r0....... 1 14. J. Stewart • ........ ..••1 1,186 52 1,117 70, A 12 011 .., 56
Terry ,S. Bowman , j.... , 556 62! , 527 13 , 1 1 id' -27 33 ' • .
A , ysoz • . :E. B.' tsishop ', 1.... 1.214 57, .1, 123 66 M 77 59 14 ;,
Wells ' - Gem H. Knapp ~, - .... 1,096 12 . 1.2332231 13 27 3 1 l
: . .
Total / •••••• #11.676 90111.000 02' 1 135 - 54 #33.5 11,;1• •$4 73
ilieny iliV. L.. Kenyon • 1879 #621 20' :pa 06 •#5 33 130 711. ' ' 2
Alba hero - C. S. Winton' .... 134 46 ', 135 1 1 0 • 271 --7 VP #11f 07:
Athens Twp..".... - .IN. V. Weller , ' 2701 41 ' 2,525 20 43 V lit I
Athena Mom John H. Hosmer ...., 1, 894 48 1.150 00. - ' . 444 41
Asylum 111. 1 0'. Chilson 1 998 . 89 • 936 80 13 00 49 29
Armenia. 'John B. Morgan 1 .., 234 39; 227 601 L 2 72 11 97 ..
Barclay 'George Emery 1 .
.....1 512 231
743 41/0 743 20 - 29 81 •39 12
Burlington Twp.W 1.-... i 902 98
m. P. Lane ..... - 137 88
Burlington Moro. S. K. Ross; , , *....1 153 04 1
70 06 88 01 ,
Burlington West. N. C. McKean ' 1....1 721 271 707 00, 408 -38 21 •2093 -1
Cecile,. Born • 'C. E. Stone .... ;....1 - 880 06, 823 10, 'l3 64 - 43 7 11 . i.
Canton Twp,......Edward C01e.„.. ....... - ..:.1:-.:1, 1.669 211 1;547 00! . 40 7 51 42
Columbia F. P. Cornell , ~...11 1.804 68, 1,711 451 516 •. 90 01 ..
Franklin - W. L. Lantz-. ....... .....1....1 596 511 135 MI! .11 29 24 . .
~ _
Granville .P. 8. Bailey • 1,104 32:. 1,038 071 11 6. 1 54 63
Henlck. Zopher Platt. 1 7 1 780 33 731 27, 10 311 -, 38 41.
Leßoy. l-'l.: A. Wooster 1 ....1 1,037 55 991 141 14 2.5 . 82 161
Litchfield.:......-Albert Carmer ....I . 1,164 141 1,097 44; ', 8 73. 57 77'
LeKsysville - M. 8. Prentice. I .••• , 309 04, 287 77 1 1. 612 " " 15 15 ..
Monroe Bo ro - ,14. B. Holiett • ' ....1 231 19 212 08 '7 9,5 11 16 ... ..
Monroe Twp..... John Ennl l l.• • • ....1 1.0.50 11" • 992 00_ , 14 81 _52 21
Orwell ' ' A. A. Allyn ....1 1,300 08. 1,283 571: 896 • .67 55 , -
Overton 'Charles Streery . ....: 189 51: 344 46. 26 93 - 18 12 ' •
Pike. „. ..... .b....,C. F. Jones -' - .... 1 1 1.571 671. 1,473 701 20 41 •-77 56
It 1dgbur7....6 1 ....:J0bn Stilton. Jr .... 1 '1,279 94, 900 00' " ' ' '379 94
Rome Bole --lA. P. Young • .... 1 , 144 16, 136 38 60 ,-7 18
Borne Twp • "C. 31. Van Winkle • ' .... 1 1;098 30, 1,033 93 '9 96 54 - 41
Smithfield .t..2...,lSitott . Pheliss • ••••1 2,052 34 1.972 30 11 54 ,
101 70 .
Springfield James E. Yerkes. .. 1 .. 1,686 87 1,557 44 15.88 - 83 53
South creek.....t,David Chase • - 830 54' 42.5 00 403 5.5
Sylvania Bons.... l David Stevens ....,' 157 61 " 115 00 1 CBB
Snesilequin ' George Childs , 1 1,824 911 1,727 14 2 871 ' 90 90
Standlng, Stone..'Cleorge Sage 1....1 . 870 p 8; ,
765 - '6B 14 10, ' 40 30
Terry b. 4 Rownsut • .... 441 62:.. 1589 37 20 711 31 04
Towanda Twp..:. F. W. Fisher '. • ~... 1,040 20' KA 47 136 551. 45 181
Towanda Non/I_4. M. Ayres . .... • 501 in: 4 - 0 90 . 5 421 -24 71 "1 .
Towanda Bow:. ,A. Wickham..:. .. s . 4,079 44' -4,3= 31 115 38 1 .. 227 75 ._
Troy 8010 N. J. Stewart' ..... 1,330 551 1.340 7e 24 53 1 63 30 . .-.........
Troy Tip H. N. Fish ...., 1,847 05 1 1,764 45 :- 10 79, 91 81
Tuicarora. (John Clapper . . .............. ...., 891 60, MB 99 8 43 - '44 10 /
47 :: ,
Ulster - George, Bartholomew... .... ....: . 1,023 711 950 24 r
,Warren ' (F. J. Sleeper ....:1 1,462 39', 1.30.3 64 26 98, 71 77
Wavcrly So. Bueo3 H. H0we11.............. - ....., 610 01: . 473 OS" 30 71' - 29 011 78 20 . ,
Windham . illenry Walker . ...., 1.140 50, 1.076 . 60 :: 7 24 - .56 46 , .
Wyallisiog ,O. W. Curtin . ' .........••. .... L63* 49, 1.563 IS ' 14 = 82 27
Wysos ' K. R. Bishop . ... - .....,' 1.329'19. 1,419 77 1 •33 75 - ,- 74 47
Wells' - W. J. Brewer .. 1,289 761. 1,176 62 50 21,_ • 61 93 -;
It'llipot ..... .... 1 . - rhos. E. Quick 851,01 i 638 31 ~ 213 71
Total - , 1... 1433.334 36 #48.267 7r, # 9OB - 34 Va 2o3 27 1 $ 1 . 9 / 5 2 . '
__:__ •
. ,
fsl to
Alamt Ittelmoiwv
°Start and datlonery 119 ell
. .. -
• • Account With the Several Llectors of Dog Tsai for the.. Year 2879. .
. . . .
.... 1 I Amount 1 Amount , Amount „Amount I Amount
Twp's A Boros. Co ll ec t ors, ,lCharged.,Received.,EiMrted. Perlcrge. Due.
. .
I 1
, .
. . '
Albany:— , •W. L. Kenyon 1 98 9 0 , #B7 40 ;
k 4 04' j 4 601 •
Alba Bora.. •C. 8. Wilson ' 9 001 760; ! 100 ..,, 301
Athens Boro ;John H. Hosmer -- 30 00 1 . -
~ • 1 Ito of
Asylum IL C. Chlison • .73 50: 62 23 . BOC 3 ail•
Armela ...... .:. John B. Morgan • 25 00 19 00: -5 OCI 1 - 001 - -
Banda George Emery 81 50:- 66 98 11 001 ,3 5i
Burlington Twp n Wm. I% Lane • . 53 50' - I I
Burlington Boro. 5; K. Ross ' - 550 _
• 1 550
Burlington West.lN. C. McKean, -40• 00 .
: 5 501 1 721 32 78
Canton Boro .C. E. Stone ; ,14 50, 10 4S, 350. • - 531
Canton Twp 'Edward C01e.... . - • 126 . 00 09 90 24 Mr 5 10:
Columbia ~..... : v. P. Cornell . . 75 SO, I 68 1 40 , 350; : 3
-Franklin.-- .. . . W. L. Lint 5.......... - .48 00,
1141 45 12 50; / * 1.•.4 •
Granvi11e........'. 88 P. S. Bailey " •00 75, .2 001 . - -25
Herrick : Zopher Platt - I 52 00 - 43 70 6 00• 220 '
Leßoy: ..... .. ....IL. A. Wooster.... 84 00 72 20' 8 00 1 ' I 80i ..
Litchfield.... . !Albert Outlier : - 67 So 70 30 l3 501 , 3 701 '
Leltaysville Li i orUlM. S. Prentice 10 50 ' , 998 , '''
52; L•
Monroe Boro 111. B. Holiktt 9 00' - 8 55 1 • 43—, - '
Monroe Twp..i.. John Ennis... - 95 00 _79 N 4 7(4
VI. II 0 0 ' •
Orwell.. ... :..A. A. Allyn- . ".. 77 50 • 811 50 . 7 SO- --- 3 501 '
°yet ton 'Pharles Streevey - 24 50 20 Al 3 00' %
.3 112 1 ..
,- 1 07
Pike :' t C.-F. Jones 1 80 so 68 sa: 800 !.
nidgbury . 'John Stirton, Jr " 104 00 • I - 704 00
Rome Boro A. P. Young_ - 11 00 903 150 471 .2
Bomb Tip ' ' C.'.. M. Van Winkle 63 50 • 53.20 ..
750 - 2 60 ;
Springfieldl ' J. E. , Verkei _ ,
101 00 61 23•16.50 4 25% 7
South Creek-- David Chase '5B 50 - I , 50
Sylvania 80r0.... David Stevens.... - ' 7 50 I 1 7-50
Sheshequin. ' George Childs . .. 123.110. 107 831 " 10 00 • • 5 el.,
Standing Stone ..George Sage • - 64 00 65 581 .560 • 2 92;
Terry ' ......IS. Bowman 65 00 84 60' - 17 00 a 4o;
Towanda Twp.. . F'. W..Fisber 60 0e .47 03 1 10 50 . . .2._`47i •
' Towandsk North .... 4. M. Ayres - 43 00 1 1 33 00 300 _ _ 9fooi
Towanda Born.- A. Wickham _ -49 50 ' 41 331 600 '... 2 17! -
Troy Born - .:,N. J. Stewart le 30, 14.25 "4 50 . •• 751 - '
Troy Twp llt. N. Fish 60 00' 75 05i • 7 00' •,
.3 93! • '•
Ulster.... 'George Ilartholomew.... ....... 74 50! 60 00; 14 50
Warren. ........•T. J. SleePer --• 9 / 90 1 71 73! 15 50 377 .. -
Waverly * So. Bore : S. H. Howell
, •39 501 nao '2,9 00 ....:r.- •
Windham Henry l Walker 5 50. I 70; ‘.....
Wysox.... - - IE. R. Bishop 85 001 ;66 98 - 14 SO • 3 52 1
Wells . . • 11V. J. Brewer - I 67 00 -53 68 1 , 10 50 ,2 82
ilmot - 'Thos. E. Quick 114 501 - 1 ;114 50
i •••• ~.--,..—,.._.4....._,1.-
'John C. Grant; Treasurer, in 'Account With the County . of Bridford
DV.. ; . .
. . -
• - r.I. - - . • ti.
Amount due upon duplicates for 1878 - and. . I Amount returned uncollected for 1879
previous years' 114,`M8 08 , ,and previous years, Co. tax.. 11,919 93 . _
Duplicates 1879, including reassessments 63,334 56 1. Dog tax '' 420 78
Dog tax ' 2,663 00 ! • ~—, K',340 71
Bank tax ~ • • 1.458 90 • ' Exonerated Jo Collectors 18784 . 04 02
Overdraft at Plist,National Bank - 14,198 35 .;. Ex. Collets I'9, Co. tax. 4868 34 • -
Incidental recelvals - - 38 37 l Dog tax . 269-06 . .
Tax received on lands returned 1 126 67 ; . --.---- 1,1§2 31
In Treasury January Ist, 1879 ....... '....., 696 60 i-- 1;221 36
H - .. ‘4ll,'•—•
BRADFORD COUNTY as: - " - , - '
- .
- We; the undersigned, Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify that this Is a true and eon.
Feet statement of the receivals and expenditures of said County from the first:day - of January, 1879, to
the 31st day of December. 18714 both days Inclusive. •
Witness our hands and - seals of onto! , at Towanda, this 14111 day of January, A. D. 1880.
J. W. HURST. - 1 CommLssfouers.
ArTzeT—Wil i plAM LEWIa, Clerk
BRADFORD COUNTY ns : ' - . , ' ~ •
We. the undersigned, Auditors of sold County, do hereby certify that we haveexamlned the fore•
going statement, and vouchers for the same, and find tt to be correct. •
- - ' . .I.II.IIARSII. -.-
- , - U. M. PRATT, Auditor!.
' C. P. WELLES, .
. : -
'Commissioners• 0111c4N Towanda, dinum7 14,1180.
of Real and personarProperty, Trades, Professions. Oczupatiotur. Money. at Interest, and Watch
ell, Al returned lip the several Assessors for the Coin:mut Bradford, for the year A. D. MO.
- - •o. O fr, i._ , 31
I.j N a
i N
. 0 b .
) •' .4 72' .., , ..,
E ,
.. , :
• r
E o •4_ I
.1 . V.
. ,
• ", -a-.. VI -
111 - 23
• . .
. .-•- • 'l4 . ' 1 . 4 *
. .
Armenia Township... e• •• ' --- 8 no.zo a loas a , - a ... _.. .....,.....
Aayium Township 136,553 . 9.670 235 1 . 370 ', 7 i
Athens Township 852,707 17,579 . 1,250 3.= ~ l 7
Athens Borough.; - 1 168,743 3,390 a,240 , 1,150 . .16 -
Albany Township. - I 69,919 9,6001 • 175 ' -
Alba Borough , 18,363 • 780 170 .. . ..... t 1....
Barclay Townahip 1217,130 1.7001 12.606 6 ... r-... . ..........
Burlington Township 121,319 10,253 , 1701 , .3,;38; - ii'
liorlingum West- 99.711 8,505 1 ' - 93 0 '
Burlington Borough 133413 1.11:17 880 2,000 1 10
Canton Township 208,438 -16.130 480 . .3,627 ' '3
Canton Borough • 97,262 2.834 ` 2,925 4.010 ' -
uointabla Township .
%)13,821 18,167 -
1,500 3
Franklin Township.... 4 75.290 5,627 I - 351 . 3,91... ..... ..-..
Oranvillo Township •1 ' 138376 11,477 ' ' 10 ' -•• 6
Berrirk Township ' 1 . 90309 . - 15,164
Litchfield Township . 154 619 10 9531 535 , 2,4001 _ r
Lev* Township 145,023 ' 11315 - 025 1.815,
Ler6yeville Borough 39.452 1.828 1.71 X) • 9,2431 ' k .
Monroe Borough ' 29390
'Monroe Tow - whip 135.974 .8,879 1;0 _ ,370,t '
New Albany Borough. 6.952 830 s 375 •.....;,.....1 "'. 3'
Orwell Township 171,774 s 14. 428 815- , 3,190'
Overton To wn ship. 50, • 3,749 ...
Pike Township • •• • 1 203.014
v.' • 14.813 815 ',. 10377
Bid/bury Township , 15%578 15. 502 65 , 6.240 - • ••• • •
Horne Township - 131 130 9.786 1.510', ' - 1
'Rome Borough .-..... 18,111 1.359 100 . 45n
SheshPqnin Township ' , 221,7 4 1 - 15.588 ' 120 - . 2,077 .... ..... ,:i.
Smithfield Township. ' i - =‘,453 19 , 529 " 550 .)
10,835 . • '
South Waverly Borough . - 75.446 • 14. 1000 .. 150' - NO
South Creek Township ; ' 103,418 10,636 45 . 1,6291.... .... ~ ..
Springdeld Township. - 7 ~ 229.610 - 19.612 . • 140 153 • ... ...... .•
Standing Stone Townstdp " • 101.281 1349 • 1,4001 , 1.710 •
Sylvania Borough 20,095 L - 1380 ..- ; 78 , 1,500 ,
Towanda Borough - .'' tamto - 5.331 ackly: 13,824 ' 10:
' Towanda North 62,710 5-130 - • , 40
Towanda Township - '120359 . 4,354 • 16 - 10,914 ' 4
Troy Township • 247,07 16.712 .605 1.770 •
Troy Borionsh 13035 2,510 17,271 - 36,400 • 10
Tuscarora Township. 118.370 8 640 - 1,800
... ....... ..
Terry Township 82.530 ' 7.264. 160 ...... 13
Ulster Township 131,143 - • 11.021 260 Iffi .-
.950..... ...... .;
Warren Township . 193.678 18,080 ao 4.01 X) .
WOl a Township - • ' 161370 16.791 - • 1,548/1 _.'
Wilmot Township lo4,Bs o 8,816 235 ' 1300 :` .
Windham Township . '.. 151,511 , .12.558 - 455 - • 9,060
Wyalnring Township. ' 186,199 . 17,198 2,20 143201 • ' 8
Wysas Township . 1 186,354 - 11,629 .'- 840 4.770 , . . 7
. ----- 1 -----
TOTAL. . • - '' r — 639,770 , M
9, 8 18 385, -
25P 3185, 5 831 ;
J • , - .:
.. - ............ ,
. . ,
TY, SS. ., • . .. . • ' c '
We. the uc wigged COtainistioners of said County. do hereby certify the
above, to - be a tnte and coned II at of. the leveret Asiierathents of Bradford County. for the
Year Itso t And we also Rive notice twe will - meet st the Corumlloner 9 s Office. In ?owned*, on
TUESDAY.' the 10th day of FEBBIi T, 1150. forithe purpose of - revising and equalising said mew
, -
. . :.. ,J. W. BURSI', • 1 CoptialssiOnclit.
Attest—Witham Laing, Clerk. - N. P. 44N1E9,( 1 . ' ..
conunismoners owe 'lmagis t mum 0, ink . . . ..
~. -
gnit,f4 3filiances:
OW Tilt
Public printing - • - • IMO OS
Prisoners' support in Jail ' • 1. • 2,471 21
Prison support In Eastern , Penitentiary 1,47$ St
Conveying prisoners to penitentiary.. - Da 7$
Prolary and Clerk Q't'r Semitone' fees. CS I. •
Repairs on public building, 1,514 10
Room rent for Troy Court , 160 Olt .
Sheriff for summoning ;mom ' 232.00
Sheriff's fees Id Contaminant' suits,. 164 GS
Tax refunded lt $4
Wild-eit ow tifiestes ' • - 9 76
Copying registers. Me:). , 76 00
Stenographer of Cowl • 1,212 00.
Bounty for the return of stolen hones. : 21 20 •
Towanda bridge expenses , 728 77
Insurance on 'Towanda bridge.:.. Illi SO
Damages, loss of sheep by Op 1.54$ 11
Daniel Bradford, County iComudarr. - . SOS 00
.1. W. Burst, County Commlisioner... . - Se , 60
M. P. Bansom,County Cattimlssioner.. • 500:00
Winn= Lewis, C1erk...900 00 ,
Total - , •
$4,433 ai
Mai 00111,356 991 '5285"00 - 026 23 441E0-224
Ezonera Yis and percentage of Collars
In reassaisments for 78 and *viola
Percentage to ColPrs fur 11179:.•003 18
To ColPrs 19, Co. tax.r.,U3
Deg tax ' 99
2.379 SO
2,812 88
Rant tax miss 90
Supt. Ryan for Teachers' Institute....: 200 00
On order No. :SI at Citizens Nat., Rant,7,981 70
Orders paid, Nos. I to 239, both Inclusive 38,774 58
One per cent. commission on 134,111 72 541 23
Two per cent. commission 0n58,958 21 1,339 13
Amount In Treasury - danyary Jl4, 1810.. 124 29
,_ ! .17 1 1.754 53 j