Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 22, 1880, Image 1
TERNS OF PITBLICATION. The THILDTORD REponvatt II published every Thursday morning by GOODUICH & HITCHCOCK, at One Dollar per annum, In advance. /11rAdvortising In all 'caies•exclusive of sub ecriptlan to the paper. ' SPECIAL NOTlCESlnserted at TEN CLAW! per line for first Insertion, and FITZCVATS porllne for :tacit subsequent insertion, but nomotice Inserted for less than fifty cents. YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS will be insert ed at reasonable rates. t Administrator's and Executor's Notices, t 2; .Andltors t Rosiness Cards, fiTelitles, (per year) tti, additional lilies 11 each, Yearly advertisers ate entitled to quarterly changes. Transient advertisements must be pall for in at/coact . . All resolutlons of associations; communications Of Matted or Itidield oat Interest, and notices of marriages or heaths, exceeding We Ilnesare charg. ed riVE CENTS per line, but simple notices of mar riages and de tths.will be publlsbOxvithout charge. "'he ItErincran staving a larger circulation than any other paper In the cennty, inhkes it the hest advertising Medium in Northertill'ennsylvantra. .1011 PRINT! NG of every MO, In plain and fancy rotor.: done with neatneSs anti dispatch. Handbills. It lank s, Cards, Painphlets. Itllliteads, edatroodd., Sir., of ttvety variety and style, printed at the shortest to the. Tim UEPOILTEtt Mitre is se ,applied with power presses, a good assort /oral of new type, and everything fn the printing !Me can he executed In the Inte.t: artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TEEMS' IN Vitt' ARLY -CASH. C:arbs. JOHN LSV. CODDING, A TT , at NLY-A T-L AW, T4,WA-NI , A, rA I :__ Oftlee over old Itnek THOMAS L. MI 1.1, TTolt • (.l-.IT-I.:\W, TINT AN DA. PA vlt rat tieVan , l le. pEcK. te, OVERTON A TT , MNEI' , -AT-LAW . TOWANDA, ?A. ECIEMMEMI 7)OPNEY A. 31ERCUR, I ,11 AT-T.AW T. , W A NI).1. P , Il,lUrr . of l'Artiralar att.: timi pat.' Im.lur" In In, .ttoi to the Soft I, :It of tit OvERTONkstSpERsON, Arc. - -1. I= ) : : I. ‘ irr • IL JESSUP, t ANV, =MEE =1 .1 :; 1,:•• r.•-tliv,q, Vbs. rf.ti.14,1, 1 • eli , •1;: I ,1, , ,1,11.•..• I T.• 11 , 1 , •.1 t“Illin Brad Pad notr . I't.7 771.1t1,4 ..7,7711 1.1:11. 1,11 1.0: A••li aui.:l'•- STIIEETER. =1 I=l 1,. 'I ' (WN-',ll. M. D., 4F-t;ol'ATlth l' . lll - :-.l‘ i \N E4ItN" ••• : -1‘ MEE 1; L. HILLIS, N11"1: , V- T-1, kW Tt I, l'A. F A F. GOFF, 61= I= col ut, ; tlg IME MM==l Tiii 1M PS.I )N. ,ATTl,asty AT I. k", ‘ll N... P k. ailt•lld T 1o11•111r•••• P.l•loif .. ~t. r•ol. L T 1 1,111 t; 111,3E1 .itul I) D. ~ 1 1 11. ANGI.I TA. 4 , I'I7I:ATIVE AV!) ME , 11.% \II %I. \ TP-T. SON, lIIIIINEEMEI I=l liMill D. KIN t:1•:`:, J• )1( . 1'11 )N, • I= IMEEMEEM 1 0 . , ! J;-z•f. AMIN IV..NIIX f , tf - • A ri,JI; • 1.17 P% iittlt-e—Nort t. I).lviEs (;.‘iNocitAN, 11E=BIZE=1 i`r L.F \V 11 ,, 1 • 1,. PA =SE I _INDIZE'N -ft . /MIERE=MI nrr I i. S ~.,. \ - orNG, Vl7" \ •-1 =EOM =MEE ERIE EIMEIIIIII IMO ANGLE, 11.11111111M111 ''r,')l. )1A X \\* E 1.1, =MIME =MEE '.x;.1.1 .t c.\ EMI =MERE 4 ‘ • 1• !: V. "r•• • rOW Fir. I .I 1 I ~ vm 'or I- rhysi , , t ' , NE 1 7 i; V VI I,V Ni 1- r.-1)11i 1, 1 ) I). l'.ll N I:. N(. I) ME MEM 11--' 1 11". ' 1 .1 N . • ! 1; , . it. pi i MEE ' I lIINCEIII \ s r 11 .1 NCE I(;ENCY 1 . :\.\ [H )s AL Ii MERSIIIIIIM =I 11111111 MN =MEM C, 11=11 Olt (1).. =I C 9 9' LI I 1 1 ajNb~^• TI, :0„1 !Zl•nrral ••••%! .1111 ! ! : GOODRICH & HITCHCOCK. Publishers. VOLUME XL. The solemn hush of midnight brOodinglover the earth : Alone In my state and splendor, I watt for the new day'. birth, No sound break. to on the stillness, no sound In the silence calls, So heavy the velvet hangings. so thick are tuy - I woul,l >it In the dusty silence, and rest bpth heart awl brain. And her ,treugzh for the warfare that day bring, on again I .Ihit a pieture point., 10 the tart I r,s of a place I t•w At hill a ir.y. ntl l it rhtlt. the heart that Is throbbing with the of worldly 1'O• "Ti. a .Imple Cllllll'l/ In a nivailow-larnl,, IV urn. t 241 . , a a I TP-lial retl pastor sit a Who Sl - arn- his. thick wlth oil!(ted •• Fiocept ye lie like ehililten, Sr r:wu•a In.•• ' 1 _5,'79 BF . 11 h 'Rtu•ri•'. a glitter and gt o ry ;Irotoid tne that bt born or a goittea'N•luitio; I MC:I,IITV IS 311 , i 1,11" W that their iitt , t I; IN Ill! OM bipetlt. of the gaping crewil the hunt ngedhey bear lily itaute— It ruitteit In radiant letters en the glittering r:.,0,1,1,r the lvt , rd:: 1 Utter Is echoed front land o lati r !l. And 111.• hehu that ',ways a Itatlton trumed wlthlll 11,3 : F.ssNpr.l,oN kin! wy grow. faint like a woniall'm thr 4his,teof tnilight dread tit.• toleinh tnidulght when the whit, .r.,• , the struggle that ,lacett wr .1 1;1.11 the hilght : wrm...:111 IA tt It n %Ui for the hiNter that haN u^a4r • lit 1 IS A. 111.• a 411 ~ 1 Lurrt,l, and ,vto.ttlit.4l It And Inv or tio: in:44ly oomot 1 about North Dr. I ..1" a .11•• tight m%hrle •ti . Foi I f, tho llg:1; lit,• a. anti COTltillerl'd I:Le. Ova' 1 ,, .• 41, the atta .• 41- 'h . . , givarn. f:l'-• shr:llk lig, .1,11.111 tl)1,. Ss b0n,1.1 !t1;.;10113:llm =EEO All 1:• :0 I .t.O .. I • .C , .1••• irnr wtallighr, whlir lLr ghollq • I 11••) V. .0 IJ Dv , ith litliztlr% of the et, .1.441 tta I Itelpi , ,,'N”ly that taa.t In• 1 ..; 11, .y tall •~•r.•t MII=IEIZE=iIE U 41 !ilg .'reran :01 11 0 ,4 . t!p• utitAmell.•4l 1,. ME BEE I=lll Fail'. vi.."; nior , than fair wa , Nina Ilavir.A.t , n; ankl thtla. wa-, nwr. , th a n awl-, .a.auv in her hri:dit. cliii(-lil;t• fac.... MEM ,i) 11 , _! 111 V.14c11 !Ott ,tt,M :Ind the . .;; : kilt• NV : I, lOW Of. 111,1. «'h , ~a iutluanac alit 11111-4 as was„'. Nina \V : , a j oila , l child, and a, i•uch;' tniliappy. 'Lc inj thi• of her tlic , .., Icft. had nicrzcil .. l4itiw an. which fricnik many 1;i 11n liar -, ti, ii,„k u t „,r, W:1 , .v ii -cari•i• wa , the situp vat,' whoti the all wa- I , roz inn.• .-II ( I{i =il ' ‘‘ tv,17•::•, •• i-xchtmol a pipar, NAta, )Irs. .-a‘s N . “ 11 cannut hay, an;l iittlt -1 , -aker It,itatcd, as -lie .letiv t-1,0 (..:I,t a half t‘mards her Inntlier nhu , at lik•la. MEM till- t,io A C'ur r (qt• trt•iilit h-r !Hit It - I will iiiit n•iw I hi.iNv 4111pil' ; fit tri.,Xl:ll.' MEM= • s I , r; ; f x MEI =1 NEESEIIII3 4125,0041 MEM \ C} PIS, rim;; t.•t =I MEM , I 01 1% , MEE Padre. THE OLD SERMON. =IEEE hrirell win•:: Fin ' , III and si,rit I :Irewl 11.• are c.:ming next, Th • in lif t Lat .inaph• text: •• f• - x: - ept ye he Ilke the I . lliblreti, Ye : :nowt ciltnr jr. I 411.1 oral 14- Laud. heir .1 I :11.• 11,111610'4 v ,, t,•,• d,, lar 1 , .1.1 1. , 1,1, 11112,11,1,, I=l •f liieht 11(011 tile. or the 11 . 1. t . atili I= =OE =,=IMM=I t I !'t tglt;• •It tl tot , •111 +lin !war h.\•; 2. lEEE 7r7,. r'y elected 'Fab% NINA HAMILTON. \;;;; 11 1 , 11 "1 vf,tlll,l 11. , r utter:in, 'tar. hvr-,•h' ill a chair 0.,• , . , •••!nt ; p•t•-i , .1, and di,appoihi k'ry 11 , „ “ , :11•1 :\ll 11:1101.1 t (ln last , in not lo,711 , 1.•11. ii :n' 1•1111 , 1 I ivili p..101a41,.. Salhi•rt., ! T . :ye I:, v,,ti • wished :it . . , a.ase: poi will spuil TA -11.• her 1 tilt' sister. 11 , •ti . C1t•I:11111t , 1 lit :iwav the tears ii 111 i i , 1 1111.1 , 11 , 11 tilurers, the pre , ..!y• dress.: tl'er al'', it is iro,re autifttl than • h.'uf. MI-. is 111.11:iti!T I: at i r eth:!h-: *,-re 1. ! ,, c,r 11 - 111.1U1)11 , I . 1 , 1 , 1 '':: u , .1 the illasterv:lllo 111(1,4, 1 1 , , thcre was 111 1 r tla ,l \ he; 14, •_:ixe way t4i She ca- at letertii . i l' 1 ...I I LEE 411 , .. nt ,*lll I v del , _!ltt.ol to c:i- . 2 1 :01 ,• ; ~n I,nllll-4,nie ttill.y„ 5..;1'.13 1111 , 1 111111 , t1n..21 . \ the fon.l t• 1 r.inz 1,4411., and 41.41 ttn u4 , ,11,.r -Trice. 4.114' thy olitioir, , t of .rriel. but n 44.11/ 4wd,l nn.l sl4r.- r;Nv, 1,11 nii11,4,1, ', II -her s ilfnl 4.,ar :" and SM./1 .1 ,, i • V11 CRC n:p.iiinn throwdi wt, l , 1 1 4 : that 411 1114. ron,ll 41, f:014.41 to 4 , :t11 forth any 4 , f:pimir4tlon. - V,'"l-1 2 wk oldn slue sank int" :1 k • 1 ‘ritti :+1! 1 "110 Ciit it, 4 llf licr 111:11,(• Gtr the =IC . nl ' l. Ck 'll ut . rcniained ; a buw ben 1 was disarranged, a curl there out of place, and-the dress, in the morning prouteed so perfectly au fail, was' not, near so pretty by candle light as she had thought. " Nay, Nina, dear, look here," ec claimed Mrs.)!llamiltun, leading her to a mirror, in which her lovely form and lace were , reflected ; " now one smile, Nina, and there will be noth ing wanting." The tone and manner were irresis tible. The April cloud passed away, and the bright sunlight of a smile gave new beauty to h . er sweet face. A sigh escaped Mrs. Hamilton as she gazed on her daughter:, and a troubled thought for a moment deadened her, heart as the future -rose before her but all was forgotten when she heard the buzz of admiration which greeted her entrance at the ball, and there was naught but love and joy in the glance which followed the fairy fig ure that tripped so lightly through the dance. 'Twas a brilliant assem blage of beauty gathered together at Mrs. Manvers', and lovelier than all was Nina Hamilton. Admiration followed her every step, smilt•s and kind words ,greeted the lovely heiress, anti her beautiful lips parted lint to enchain listening audience. Her mother watched her• with. eyes :to which 'only a mother's love c•oflhl give that expression of proud joy. and every ; gigh for her dangliter's w:lful temper was, liTrotten and •hushed as she gazed. •• Melville," exclaimed a deep, full voice, •c who is that be,uitil•ul crea ture ?" " Where? " inquired the person,' aihlressed "direetly opposite:' That is Nina I I amilton. ii' she not. lovely ?" " Beautiful. indeed'" said his clim panipn, rather as if communing - with his o wn thoughts. ^ Surely no..crea etion of genius was ever inure fault-. 7 loss. But tell use, is she as good as beautiful ?" ' 6 my proud Leonard Grey. do you at last own the spell or beau ty, you who hate roamed through Ilistant landq„ peopled", with pretty' tio,!'es, and liri!diter cyes, ! ,and yet hoiisted that, un'Sydlicd by their in- Luvuee, you were free, while your , humble, servant! nen!, more stv.copti scd.ree reeoyers one wound ere another is inflicted'.'" N 4, Melviliv, we will tint discuss , that, point; answer my question." Veil. in friend ()I' the stony ( war t, Nj ha is a good !drl, thottHs, for truth's must conicss, a hal t . spoiled and tt ilfni. Rumor itmlics some Bahl as-c itions her impetuosity, hut tier pag ents are. I suspect, mole t o blame.'' . •• -Ili other words, she is ill-tem I,ereil, - said Leonard (iray. You have 1 - v1141er:01 ter plain in iny eyii,." :111 , 1 hi• inovrl oil' ir fearing to re main near one wlifew of heatity wa.: only too iiiiierernti,. But. When' tic Wt,lll 1. hi, gaze -yught tint caul?, and watched the change 4 which over it, heitven—lier niox with merriment...ate! with 1,1.01u:h -ey lint inn., then on another. y t 12 . yi•lv, it ittis,, Inure 11 - itlivrto nlt Ila , l-1 , (•,•?) i , rll2lit to lit t . „ 411,1111 r 4fi)t - turit , inciit.s t. 114. v. 11,1 Lr,:tve tot unt• t hoti Ll ht ot Ole rut tut.. ”:"10.. dreamed m.l that dark sitaducv: , , might er(, , ,flier path, awl, ulu,n tili4)ne Iler .mad h e ht r t Ili , h. and ,o that tie , Iv:is pleasant tt, ilur --lie eared trot Lt tltittk ut Inv ft . i. I;tit a 4.l(fivi her ivn:eli (hlrlier ,iay.Nina tr:Stni l hut ttv, .oust that ...-tirnos ()11. In:until:l. What 'dial] WU 1111 - r k'Ne:atlllol a VI)W1. 1i1111 , 4101 1,6101• all.l niti't (111, do • •4)1111 , 31)11 ill, (d . !L!. 1 . .illtilly . ; , VIV;111 , 1: 11, rallitilt hl', , I 11; tAr i.t/r wort , to with a light -t(1, thc 10.11- , ... : Ind 1,11 , 1t . 11 With plc!.:11.•ii()Ilti v ,,i,• ( •. .h„. w:0 1,1, it (it hairr,C entrroi,• ;unl then. te a r. viii,l;(4l her w „, w, , n; ~11 14 , nil.' the 110(11' . . the 1111...1*•nu thu f. :111 , 1 tlircw N.:roll uti,l I,,mr ~.11`11,1, , what it till tA , the will (ii it pni 1- 1 114 , fzivv , 1111,1. with ti merry liitvzht. Nitta ti, iuur ti•(1g•-• loy it ;111 ,1 1, 111 -1,,,i it cot, (, 11 the 1 ; 1 1.1.. rain) .11, winie •trturno.with wii .„l,l :1 11_ 1 114 , it' itrit:ltiun, ez .. wilaten " Nin:t. what i-‘,/tll,. in I It'rr"r. or Stit•lt l llillii i 1 fi•eitiss l it in 1„ ;" 1 "• 'l"'"sc• •• V" . " •• .‘ ^WC, y . 1 , 1i11.2 ;1141 . 0 to ;it 1 1 „, 1t to 4 " 1 . \‘''' SY' XjliA Lin!, 1 . ;“•.• - 14.3111- 9 , v.qt tl joy. i nnfi '‘‘" l ' L L" —i i 1..,,1N i n ,nn' I ."‘ Ysi. Limn 1••0•11. ,-14)(1I ily 4•VI ,„:):t tiliit'r-. (1;1 - rati' lit•r " .1 " 1 111:111 1,1 stmt, 1,,,rp,Wc41 111 c t'ur in Li, i n ittirt• -oftt•tiooi, II" 'llt;' ! !'• -1 Ii t L. 111:1t gird WI/111 , 1 :.1t1tc; , , , ,5•,,41 to :1 r twr c:1 1 1 l aC.:tio!, , ' 1,.11 : :111:1 ti.:ll. tlmnt Ilroiv..l linvt• luiii tt, lii;t, %%I.A om , cur', wit, :111 I.:iritt. , t ,„„„ t l int , I am , I lwar t" an i la Liu fut 11R. cli:llP,c. 11 In" 4. vu'ir lit , licit.rt,, it) ,itf si : I"' I "h 2 :cr•ti:vtit-1 the inlitti tit 1.• Vi r :tit•t lIIC ilr:tr'tzirrl, g',11t1,." 1:11:1.1 111.11:: 'lnotlln•r' , • 10 "...II 1A:1- 111 0,, prool till , nil 111,, 'Alin it 111 , 0{111 It, , ii iiii i ,t, l i i i i•ii. to her iiiiiiii. iiiiiil -Lc It was a liaiizlit day in spiin2. that i.lil-4 itil“ 1..i.i;-. Lint iu ilaiiitilter's two irentletnea walked into one iit'i , i•x i•nvlii !mini/ iliiii f i•aliiiisi I.,i•r own. tll,• 111,0-1. fti-11;111..:k1111.. -. 1 .'..q.-• in tin. :Ili' i .01 '. 1,..W -:1-1 N% .1. 11( !". l'l.llc4i'i,lis.• t.i,v. - 11, :111 . 41 c . i.ii; 11,1.1, 1 in 1.31 . 1)(--t (.1M- 1 "j.. , ',l -ht. Uniii -1 01l (:\qciiii.i. 'Mt , ' ~V...ii...:11,6,11 i. .0 ~ , ,1 11 1 ,i. itoi.t•cti, that, 1 letlerivi -iai ieprieicheil . hers- ILtliiiiy - tnariseil not th e e ntranoe o r: a l n —t idol mon snip and to lady. for. siiiill heir air aril] nii,-n hl--I 11 , Zl , ''s ~: i Iti, r -I etiler ditties. .'.. tiikeiv,--1----liii c. thiiti"h lior, , tre-- , inili- l'i i iir Nina, 'IMtII.. alike 1...,. :lid !it r-' , .11,-.1 1 ,,-, v ,, i t. a nd it w a .. l not ii i i .til 1 ....,,it: ~i; qllll, i i -:; Fil : ii, ;l l,•,l :11,11t. the' -lit• turiieil that the. youtailer of the' lin,' 1 ortit iltiwn with gi.iier, while ] , tiiiiiii, eicelainied : ' • lie:- mother :toil little s i is'iii .r busied ' " I',lraw ! 1... s a in:il there is a lace, tilt ni.....;,1vi., with th e neei s-ari' :,r- , witit•li. - in; 1111." t-1 ii, 1u0i , ...---t• , twin iiini.tiiinentsi aiel t.iiihiiiii il the few . lii-iiiity than ail law slimly lain•lse il pes t hinizs they 4',,t1.1-1 c:111 their own., - The :mil 1.1 . 1. , ht cy, - of Italy, about which i.l it y (-Amu, imil they ler! their i•nee yon r:+\ t.. I W1,U1.1 rather catch a rei,:al home : anil 'iiiterlv N ilia wi lit . , 1 1114-0 1 , 1 . Cll3l_ ''..-titiv , t, VVi. than ~ 3 Ze -• !-11 , lia , --t .1. for 11“ 1:1-.1 .1 i Plc. 111.1“: w.l \ .•11ic , ', l; in. , . or all tilt. (.1:1--It• t;,li.-4. hail,, rich ill splendor. and -p.its iiii the :_iiliihe. - t riiyaiil - upon nie iler o r n tions iii i whieli • Anil pii tiliiips -hi, companion her tastes and wishes had lietiA c: ,, ii . 1.11 ,, 111t, :,,,, t , )(/. 1;11' n d ee p limu..h -lilted. . . mounted to his iirow„ and he , ':1/,, , 11 I. ilainilt'on, thrnu , di the kiwi- with a fiNcil admiration on the lin nii,, of ', N i et o ,i,..,p!„ 1 .,,,, h a d 'win n,q`i.,•lnn, 2 . ii - 1 an 5.',1,• martrii her pur -1 i naiiiril to save a few tlOnsatiiis. ellses. little dr( amid tt that she was with which lie tl,lok a !..111::11 l'i.t.t:l2C LI/0 4 )1 ,. i-lq , or ,11,...11 au.,:lition. li n th e ~: 1 . 1 10 ,..,...,.n.l 1,,,v-,l tl.crt• tn ••• 1),I Veli kiiiiw her. Alto:s:" LX live i i•iitionociiiiy, Thither they tw.,,v,.,i, and comfort I ' (1 ' il: s . l, : oi :: d Mr• bray, his she left the " 1 once ^IIW :I lace strangely NEE 1 tlt ti, TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA.., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1880. I.2ss indeed was the place; but even here' tly. dwelt . not long in peace. ,Soured by the loss of his property, and his selleetions Tendered mor bitter' by the pale looks of his-wife, and unceasing laments of his daugh ter, Mr. Hamilton -resorted,, to the gaming -table, where in a short time he made away with' the little be.had preserved frinu the general wreck. Starvation seemed ,to stare them in sic face, and there waS no alterna tive left but to seek some employ- went. But . ere any- arrangement could be made, Mrs Munilton sank under the. accumulation of misfortune, alid her life was despaired of. Then the woman shone in all her strength in Nina's, character. Every nobler and better feeling was exiled into actiou. she energies which hair been latent she strove to arouse, anil oftdn wondered that she had hitherto not examined her heart. The strug!de was long and bitter, but. her better nature gained the mastery, and noble indeed was the conquest. Weeks -passed, of painful, bodily sutferiwr Mrs. Ilaniilton, awl still. greater mental sorrow, to Nina ; tut she was rewarded by the gentle smile of happiness which beamed on her mother's Alice at her approach, the swi , et kiss of Ellen a she gazed in wonder at her changed sister, and the approving look of her father. who, watehedher as she fullided her many duties, witlt : . a bewildering, glance of astonishment. A. year had passed ; it was a brill iant evening in autumn that Niffa - sat by her mother, yet an invalid, and as in,r little lingers plied her needle nii,~t busily, the silver times of her vo i ce wqre often heard cheering the drooping spirits of the,sick one. `: Nal'. dear Nina," said Mrs. Ham ilton, her toffee taint with suppressed erootion rest. : t while from your lioug task: I tremble for your health. :wee, dear, what a lovely evenin! , — doe,; it. not tempt you-to throw aside y,mr work anti revel in the sunshine? haste, or von will lose it." , • g lot 'Veil up from t l er weary task with a glow on her p;')I0 cheek, hut in another instant it. had faded, and she replied I " Nay, mother, I shall soon be done, and I could not enjoy the uye. ise:l4tittll :is it is, if I left you here al,one. Nay, do not mare me, i mother." she whied, Haunt ! turn Was aboUt, to renew' her entrea ties: " ant I not repaid for my labor by addin , r to your comfort ? Have you for , rotten, when we had wealth at voninnind, how readil . t . my father and ytmrself supplied my every wish' and wilful girl that I was' ever tiloOlatertil C:11 - 1'I for;re t this, dear i‘,ther. awl y4nr. kindness to Inc when I was most irritable and impa tient ? Nay. Mother. dry those tears; 'tis should it vi for my past inisc , ndnOt —hut you have forgiven me. ha veyou not '!" ' " bless you, my daughter l'• e , :elaintril Mrs II amiltt in, 66 and make us thankful - I* , ir such a treasure. - ' ' Ile does bless you, mother." said Nina. Asc. and she was for even the loVet'Ul smile of the g irl car ried a Ile- in , * to the- mother's heart. here Elicit," she exclaimed. jost from school, a nd while sh e is ‘,ll. I Will and , li , l -r• of iiit rmkjii,l motht r. thsv v on ' toar=," `• I weop flirt, ftfr sfq•row j..y= IllilltletatlV ;ill.' thallkllll - anti .. lnyt)11 , Nilla'S as she 'hurrl(.4l t Irrwprii tht• town. '1 and. ha vit):2, - pilr post., rf•turnf tl, alninst all 1111.11( . ". nut bcr. a lak)r itf s.ra , ; 11H11., , 0 %s:t , t a r liut . - • !len. nU I VL'r REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION EROM ANY QUARTER. like hep, and would fain know it if it is the satre.l "it is Nina • Hamilton," said his friend; "the_ daughter of the once wealthy Hamilton. By some unfor tunate steculations he became almost begemred,• and now maintains his family in a comfortless dwelling enough near by. But he is rich enough, in the possession of such • a daughter, for Nina, from bein , g the spoiled and petted heiress, has prov ed the stay and comfort of the family. Her mother. is an invalid, and Nina i nurse, attendant, seamstress, and all." Any did Leonard. (fray hang with such breathluss attention on the words of his companion,. and w.hy did the tide of feeling rush with:such force to his heart? There were memories - and impres sions which he had illecked, though not extinguiShed, :Ind hey had grown even while; he ! , azeil for a few mw ments on :her- face, : nd listened to the accomilt thus, disinterestedly n . id - en of filial affection. It was a rei:ollectio of her wide): hari hung around\ hin like a spell of a sweet dream, and which h. d vague ly haunted him in his warm rings. I have glad tidings, Nina." .ex claimed Mr. liamilt.oi one.kVelling ; "and now, dear citild, I shall no long el: see y( ou striving against poverty. Mr. I; rey, a'gentleman with .whoin I w a s acquainted in ibriner day-;.bas uttered the a situatio which will maintain least I,conartll; re with a thim! , lititii ail recall some remembr: The "Oh; I - rece;fllleet toim.4l; " .was at Lail, ant! I rvmeialwr toeing somewhat piqued that he ;lid not seek an intro duet non to mx :. the spoiled. clohl cif flattery. Indeed it is very him. :mil we had no right to expect it.- And nowl, Nina, sai4l her father, " to-morrow We must seek a trotter d‘vellin g . and yoa shall go and tit ni yowl. mother's chamber;,, %Vim can tell Llw (Wei) cif thankfulness with which she executed her luvecul task. and tsaW her suffer ing, mother, settled- in a etituffirtultle vontenteil awl cliet-r -ful faTe..4 1 F her lather awl si-ter new'pleasure to her own. Sidi' was fitr , ittlen. and still site wattdiell and tended them Nvitli a pure and holy uffection. Friends, if they de , erved the name. who haul forsaken them when depriv, eel of their' wealth, now 'tine forward, with atfertiomie iffilitiries. and :\ Mit wondered iii her l-trt at the world'; changeableness She who hail been t so low:, for.zotuin was now o:reet.o,l with Isinei wonls :and ,carious l'rowl of his beautiful 'child. Mr. Hamilton, was urgent that she shouhl iii ii soeihity, and at his en tr.•aty. she one eveuite4 rteparol to a , taarpatty hint to a ball. A Cti red iu simple white. with ornament hut a roselani half hid in her luxttri ant curls, they- entered the tlauy e3,-;,wer‘: east on the new and litettitilitl facie. 311 , 1, ft•W whit , razeil r!lt•tb 1)111. I.lllltl ❑ ' 7 O TOll'l H:11111% b 6 Nllll. le t jilt I'l 41 W.,' you to 1; ley, - said Mi. lather. rt-turn -11,, after a f e w moments' alisenee, ar. comp:oiled by .a *"you already Blow how miteli we owe him, and will. I am sure. thank . hint for us I ! ell :“ attubthe nu xt moment the vilin"- !*irl :Iti forth her i!ratittide In low word-, mid heir • :truest eyes it Him_ in a lan . ! , tee , e stroni , er than sjetiell the i-rateltil fetilini , s of het heart. shr but tire:lnle' how 'leaf:those word, were to the listener. perhigeo hey 11:141 been less earnest. l i nt -he spoke from her heart mid tholullt. (th .of hel iiiirents itml sister. itVeelis let,acel. I.conard 11:1,1 • 1., (•,011.. ..1,11:.1 :it MI. !I sifili;l ii s, and N 's In art had Ikarned . to liir i aml her ef t• der liri._:hten at his a 1 hie stmlit day he )iii 'e and tie , tither w. i ntior e ,l tOrtil into llte helds. where. tt ii .,, w ; I", , )11 , 1W1 :I 11.11)k %11l ly tram 'iiirt•SV ! , . 01111• fancy work 1:1' , 111 her retieule,:trl ale- I,e-:,reil t i l be its Inv -teiic , all Ow Ista.ll - hat. ei'ery 'stitch %%Long, for skio felt tmit, the ey e s of 1, ) , : , 1 -.1 were !Ton I.,ther than the 1, tr,ml+4..qt an,t tll,l lr•r (11,4.4 i!!l,l,eci liwy -a!, 1 . 4,1 . , 4')tho titu v 01.1.1 r,., Fitt_ 11:k Al. If / tr 11,", , , a Itimiit hri t•N, (;ucv. tlu•v 1191 V :i..1.t . :)11111 - .)1 It is a 1.) 1)I1.•% that the 1 , 1111 )r) . Slll ()II!' 111,..11)111. " N:t‘'.. to dit•y 11(•1•1•I' ht. :IS 1.0 ', 121k• ..1);111 'OM OE c!tl 11 , • , t , 1 ,11 121:incv in.. ( , )111. i •• Itt n• charni ~L 1)(.1112: l:w%r i Ns - it II t nu—n:iy, nit oocr: npt 11:1;ifilton. loit 10 cu' 1:1 1, 1 . :1 , 1.1 . 1 . 1•••11n:z , no lon,:cr 19 "' IP! 1.9 V, Out; oth.ll } ,'raEt yoti ;INV, yrt In h.:1111. th.. 1,111 at \lr Mau It thk 1 . , I Ca . :J. ....LW t, 11. !trld I lit' irni.rc , -, , 0n your t.,•tuty tna it• un 111% You tents 1111.11 tfts. Hamilton, ::nil the r,-I,ruirl!.iluc,•ll 1 , 311 and - FT‘)111 a friend 1 ik•i ' y,“l were !wart sta., a wilful aiii thou•di t licaeon "—. 2 i n hi ,l„,k4, k n i t . nt l y f au lt,. I I ii,Giest un the ), _wt•re I !--a- Vit• tny lief,. IK.auty. 1 r is-1, you.: r,iint blew I tilowtht from. lIIV 111111.1. :11,1 lt: tiie ! ia,}lill:r tail !..111()to, liar 1 )I'l ly ,'llt abroad where I nk;111 . '.1) , ., tlit• tie remained four vt•ars. But wrt lw• , licitet•ful the iti(iNvin. , I ‘vgtild, the memory of your flee I:lrate: •• niy own - -and tlit• would (Bpi , to me in spite of my en- fit•nnir in 1111 v iiei sac horn to ritt.t it after my i pitrt.-1•—" return I `-:1W, v1)11 altd It'3lllt.' , l v 4 01.1 i !.'tlll-- . 2110 tee c'oa-ttenetl I your sulky- !litiw what elite It did -.ty. kit it wai; int 2 ,. • I 'to render every IViiii intuition a- istanee to ',lir lather- in my ! , •ifie i tr_: 4 and -he -coop. power. and by the aid of influential led him in.— Itt • friends, obtained the situation he now occupies. I have khown you but to love you more deeply.than words can tell. Say, will you not make me more tban . happy by reciprocating my at tachment ?" With.a smile she turned her blue eyes to his face. and frankly placing her hand in his, replied : " Here, Leonard, is the hand you sue tor, and I only wish that the heart was more woreby that goes with it. :inch as it is, it js yours tbrever: I have been a wilful girl. but I trust the lesson I have experienced will ever retain bits influence. -Reared in the lap of luxury, ray parents.deem ed it impossible to refuse a wish of their petted and impatient child. With nought to wish for, I Was un grateful ; but the day of retribution came. Then it, was-that God in his !nervy wrought a change in my hard ened heart, and I gradually awolic'as from a dream, to a just view of my past conduct. W,rd are inadequate to an idea of mj sufferings, as I watched by the sick couch of her who had ever been the kindest of mothers ;'and, oh, how I prayed that she might live to' bless her repentant 3ly prayer was granted, aMr I have learned to bless the afflictions I then thought so hard to . bear." But why continue the tale .! They were married. 11 . r. and Nirs. Hainilton gave their (laughter to one worthy Id such a eharge, ! and, with (Imp thankfulness of heart, they live,l.lto behold' her the joy of a home of her 'own: I , with a salary t in comfort at ?" Nina, as if trvintr t( Canon Farrar on Temperatice CIE Callon Farrar recently defended total alistinencedwforca splendid au dienci, in the Sheiklonian 'flieatre of Oxf,,pl Univei say. The eloquent canon told his audience that he had been- instrumental in closing :in hominahle . tiriukin,, house in a erbwdeil .inartcr of London. and there was not, a wretched drunkard in Lii:ll,4 - t•vt, who was n o t se cretly rateful to. - him for dohiir, Ile took up tin. famous. ilw,l-ram of a cer tain Lord-hishoi, tlnit Ire would now," 4lie con- Mrs. Manverh' •• rather hate I:.wrlanol to lie free than . F.teeian‘l to he sf)ber.” Canon Farrar tore • the sentiment to. ,1)1(41,4, and eonelmled with fill, lonp , t of - clr,- ~twurc ; lio toot fet 11A rhea l,e friglit'ened from the clear, imperative path of national :linty by the lnit=hear violateil liberty. The n to ti l i, not free which only free to plunr , e into the flame. The ship is inh free which only free to pllll : , tr:light upon the I iron shore in the fory of the storm, with nip hatel of ti n steersman npr,n hrr helm. If free .11Q11 is to Ire :111011i er name for 99,00.) pub:ie for :;'. 1 .01-. tier shops; n o r p-rsons.arr ! ..sttal for Cirnill , :eriness and disorder .in ten , years : for I op. -12 . .2 cost -c of assault in one year-. of which au . u . ravated assaults women :knit lor I wo men drunlf 311,1 di..01,11,1...y ii London alone last l yea. and if , 1,. in ow total 1.1 . stab a 4, to . hear thei wail of nlyrinds of ag.e beasts. Jnyriads 0f.,1 solated'llornot-,i, then in heaven's rxianie let us have inste:el of it the lwneficent km.bert..of virtue, ' the shitit:ry restriint of Christian I. Irislation -- for such" build:we is :love sueh Sevenil 14 , 41,111:11 . ;ernirs tite (41 - ',444in 44C itin,l ear4l 14t,:• 1,44015, 't 1 ail, - 1' '.:t hint; w,•re 41,,t I,v tiu• INOI' )11(1 ig( I)''U-' ti , Opcnil ;irk' 111 Wit: I{tPnttuliPcl, nit,ll,,u. s , pn . d o . ti v kllt'Wll I,l't alt tli' Vo•l," . (•11 , 1 t lie I , ,tirtet•ntli tor tlot, ,ott, urrr cop-, I,l( , titty. 1-w0i.1,.. to riti , rit , orit rt•:l , t.n -ttrnik• lit, 11.1t1;i'rr Ittil;tri :1,(..ti , 14.111•111y nt .1,, l'lti• -, Icavt , - I :tool :it•orii , . 'Hot 4 • r , 1l I wari:-: (.1111 ,, 1 Tint tt:tr.), - sn , l it, Lit.titt , t. , :iti40.114 - T. It- the , 1,1 ivritriti 441.3r1:,... to whiel, 1 lie 1 . 1 . , , ne1, tile ie0.144.`,41 ~, fr-ill it- 4.44-411i1,;,,,,,, .01 ! p:k( • . E11; . /:111 ,. / * Ole ''',111 1, ( , 1 viv,•ll., hut the en, 4:44r tit-ir 4•4irre-pouili4 , tz 'l•h, ,•iult i. In (;,.; hut u 4 tiil• 1t II UU f1:11 tit . . NV hick art 11111 ntrr ,, - 1 , chin 111)1)1) liwir card , . ncart , , I.•*-yetvicAt {vont all , l , 11:1111 41 11.1s fr , qll4liu piert.•, N 44 An hr (144ne in a =I twit, i -1.:11•t• tll d.!• Vt:y 1,1 . 1.. it I , say tlint in.lllt , 14, 1,.• {,I . pulk \\ - 11. 11 . 1: -5.1,1 , .---".1011111e. 11 , jai l,a th --It Cm...11y Ltic 411 , 1-I . :o•llluntsii chair L!killl • l . 4lii , :IIw , 11:1 , 1 0111'n mCO.IIO - i , -( , 1 : "tny :•?“1 1 11 , , in ,11,194,1 tt, 11v . oly light i1:11'1,111112 l'Oi : •• in‘• 1111, 1 1, L-tnit• v...nt in t'io it. , I,st n.:- quo aupt in•ad (~!itii i rni4 111:inly 1,1,01,11 . . . . . „. - .. I . -ft • . . . . . . _ . . . . . . ~..... . 1 . - A ? / .- . r . rp. • r.r. _ . . =I Origirr'of Cards SNOW-BOUND COTTAGE = A hard, (lull bitterness of cold Tice coming of the snowstorm told. NleanWlilie we (lid our nlitlitly chores,. 'Brought to the wood front out of doors Shut In from all the world without, . We sat the eleau-winged hearth about The house-thug, on his Jitws outspread, Laid to the tire hisilre#sy head t' '- The cat's dark stlhonetie on the wall, A couchant tiger's seemed to fun And, for the winter's firetthle uneet, Ilutween ltm . andlruit's turaddtru g ree mug of rider Minim:red slow, T. !tplolt's !Tattered in a row And chase at Italia tiro Itattitet stood With outs Irma brown October:, want init. father again hi, ride (In Meni l iire'nnigng'b wooded stile ; Sat (Wien Again to lIJOOSA, 311.1 Nalllp In f rapper':. but and I inhan ramp; Ottrtnother, wltl le she turned her ' Wheel tit tilt, the new-Ittllt stotititig-heel, Todd hint. the I ittllittikortli , rotor tlowit At mitlttight tin enettero toirtt Hurls. 111111.1ren I a //Oa:S. 1 in i 4,11.1 of fields and ',looks; N St the l!;` :VIII I . VOlost. ~m)I.• of cheer And col. a )1) Inc:Luis 1 se, and s‘vote,l U11111:111 42% er Fat,', l'arlerse, aviiir , l a 11'.11N,I'old mate. 'I lime, tut,, our elder sh•ter pllud Ilri:.•retaug task ILI' stand A full, rlt Ti uatnn•. f to I ru.t, Truthful a n d alth,t,t sternly 111,1 thi. mat liar w•:wg+• , t 411 , 1 nur .I+•arent tat I;ri-k 1,11 - 4•11.anll cute, Th,• maNter of the !! riet 'lel.) at the tire hi, fAvoretl warits 4:ow lit a laoghlng fare R'i• heard our” Tura: tln• The nl'•• old durtor his i . outtd. JuNt idthslhg at our door to say, In tit• !din r, an ;6, rat le a ay. hat , c.tar'ty...r uclghbor, ,ick alien, Kt hi ht oar lii.ttber'nlai.l nviuld nerd. , . . Awl u1:11.., 'Alt!, var.• ; ..tir in..tlivr lahl I 111. , v,,t - li ;,-.1.1, her ,t,•1.... sh., ,tay.',l ' 1.- mm 1,11% •••••killg Io k..Niorrs4_ T arAt.•llll I,t For , :11 . 1 . 11111:11Id bealth. A 1,1 ,1111..1/1111.11! Iraq' 111.01 Wl,lllll. How - a Tramp Made his Point Bain Stoddani. - a well-known tramp Rho has !rrown gray ofl -t-e road, walkod into tin Cominth.cial Bank yesterday, anti approaching the Cash ier, a!blressed him in that familiar way whieh is so eharaeteritic . of thy veteran : . "Gimme twenty-five cents to buy - . a firal's victuals." San) looked a trifle worse than when he. was here hix months ago. .Ilis raiment was in a more ailvaneed stage 91' ilec;iy. awl his nose had taken on a deeper purple and, hail developed a f e w more pimples. "t;infrne tprity•fli,4• cents' and I'm ii4r for San Franvievo by the next bitat.7 The Caslii'er (thin't. Sam's sta:,•ing iinali4es, and , :m.,..r . gesteil. that linos were Intril and twenty-five-cent pic cc -; w e ie not picked up everywhere. *••Time, it !'' exclaiined in a tone. which indicated that he was prqarcq to arg,ue that point. Ti4nt'", hard I I apprehend, ,ir,that you will have ,onie dittleult). in wak ing Veit a,sertion ; good., What are the 'facts - • - To t hunder with the Tact, !'' Said the l'a,hier, as he bent over hi, ludgcr. • • •• What are the tat -'•' continued Sam in a Ilie - hcr key. ' "'During De cember the pill* d e bt was reiluved 1.2 T„ anti rtke lier reuse since July la-t It ote•ht to 1 plain to every unpretijuieed mind the -o tam 'front times twin , * hard, eves t thing is lovely anti the country is on the b0e..;1 high)vity to prosperi ty. .11 . !- a mighty small pittance 1 ask— i Tilt. town is aerrun with mtu o ~ - ~~ur ~~L•i:. Thcre is no reason under hcaven tch~ the tow!i should bc, :mti 1 hav,u ii doubt thi.y are iintilistcrs. Point out shit: ry reason tchV the c•nnttrt shuuhl he tilPeti with n>i•tli cant•. Ili-avens! . total debt. cif the (i..\rihtnit•iit is ottly a trifle over no • nt'r.i, Cash bal:r• ICe . day i , r .Tanunyv Was ti., thi.s snip. 11 liv. look at the :..-et• of the Governinent--- ithout arguing the cast•, the to say that. you will get nu twenty , . five rent..; here:* , !in uu tvn ".1. ‘rf,Tl't givo you :1 pienynne, and wall ‘l ,l l to not thiS." - I 1,1 , 1.4)-e to voi?viiwtt you that. t country hetter 11V1 . 11 1 ,, -11:1y, :111 , 1 1.11:1t 11:11.i011:11 1, 1 1,1 5 , •11 . , ii & c1,r1 , ,•11 I,IIV 1; , .)\,•11:111,111.311,1 :11 , 111111:1111.- I V :.1 , 10 II) eXtrll,l 11 10'11611 , 11:11111-----' . 111 l'xii•n(l yom :t liciping foot if von. titoCt Cwir =9 Ilnw Tritt6ll nyinoy .1,, thiTt• the Sttlt this 'vi•ry nuuutc '• \VIII yffil :rvt ()IV, (.1 . this, I am not Ihl to give you 'the ex.- aet euutinited Snin, hut it i. r;:ty. up in the I'llll.lN-I Theo. then , E, the tic th e ll:iilway intere , t pa \ :titre in lawful money : principal out..tnnitifej: Qiitnetiliter \tv-four hundred N 1 llv. man alive. what's ten eetit•4!" I'a-41kivr tlippoi Salty oat a hall' ::ml told him to hurry or lip wotll , l tin• San Vrancisco • u , i# i -•~~►. _t Yt: It(.', Itatvr 4,1 toll:141.i, .1,1:44 I nri negrro woina,ll:, t lit funn , l wilt),(• pipe 'isicrt . if ••ktt.: , .v:is• a Ctirislittn. Yr,„ 10111111. F: . Spt'(•l'i I 1,) Iwilt•Vc ill ilk! Vihk.? ~', , I,ru 1,1 r ph, know , there is a passiu:re in the Serii,tute which s:iys that nothing unclean isivtli inherit the kiirr,l,n of heaven r . “re'-. hear,i it. - NV, 11. 4'1111)0. - pai i urkc awl v u (• WO, enter the liinHotiPtir lit'aVell Iri•callso thy], iS 1111(Le111 as t 6 1.1'0:111I a smukt•r. Wll3l, ilu taut .-z3N to that?" •• 11 i,t. I 'olict, to leave mt• brell 1,,11in0l wlu n l !),) Oar.- nt-x! man v.l,tt cans.on, us Jo ii.ll us about a 1.0'.y upward a hundred yvat , v. 11.1 ha, vitadv• a I . 2.1. 4;;9.-1 - 21-pieve Iteghittilt ttiit aril what l‘t• cp a, so”, 81:00 per Annum In Advance. Falling in Love. In man's life falling in love is a revolution. It is; in fact, the one thin!; that makes him man. The world of .boyhOod is strictly a world of boys. Sisters, cousins, aunts, mothers, are mixed up in the general crowd of .barbarians that stand with out the playgronntl. There are few warmer - ior More poetic affections than the chiValrous friendship of school-fellows; there is_ no tru,er or more genuine "worshii) than a boy's worship of the hero of the scrim mage or, the play-ground. It is a tine world in itself, but it is a wonderful ly'nai row and restricted world. Not a girl may peep over the pailings. Girls can't jump, or fag', out, or pwann Up a tree; they have nothing to talk about as boys talk ; they Bever heard-of that •glorious - swipe of old llrtiwn's ;, they are awful milk sops ; they cry- and "tell mamma .tufty are afraid of governess, and of• a cow. It is iMpossible to con ceive a creature more utterly eon temptible in a-boy's eyes than a girl of his, own age generally is. Then in some fatal moment comes the revo- lution. The barriir of contempt goes down with 'a. crash.. Tile boy- - ivorld.disappears. Brown, that god of the play-grotind, is cast to the owls and to the bats. There is a sudden coolness, in the friendship that` *as to hist . from the school to grave s Paper ehaseK - and the annual match witfilhel"ohl fellows" cease to he the' highest objects of human interest. There is leSs excitement than there, was last year when a great ebeee.weleolnes the news that Mu; by as won - . the prize. The boy's life as. become muddled and - confused. 'he old esistcnci is sheering off, and th new comes shyly, fitthtly. - It is only by a sort of compulsion that he will own that he is making a " fuss" ahout For the moment - he re bels against the si ell of that one little yaee, the witchery of that one little hand. lie fingers - on the bord er of this new country from whence there is .no return to the old • •ing fields. lie is shy. trine to t world . of woman and nut tan's talk awl woman's 'ways. The surest. steadiet' foot on the, play-frround tumbles ovet foot-stool§ and tangles itself iff colored-wools. The sturdiest, ,4 1 arth m at, ever Ala ed hat tremliles .at the touch of a tint Clinger. The voice that rang. out like a trumpet among the t , i .. 411tr.0f foot I,all hushes and tremaes and falters in sayin half a .Morin e(onwon'place The 4,1 , 1 sense of maiitery gone. lie ,kn,vws that every (lilt in the 1-yr-4 , ry has but his secret, an( over it. 111 14a--:lies and a boy's blush is a hot. painful the'Sisterlv3beads hold together and he liears them whisper what a fool. lie is.• 'Yes, lie is a fool—that is one' thin! , whicli he feels tveti more certain about—that he is in love, and that love has made him a man. • - ---• Language" 'of the troorni We have the language' of the flow ers, the fan, the handkerchief, and so on, and now we shall liave the lan• oritac!e of the brootn„whiell is intend ed more especially for the ladies. Taking it in the hand ,proiJi'lrly—l shall sweep the -floor. ' Iltin_in« it up over the 4liould rrusii end foremost—Look 'out=--its loaded. lloldina it. across the peroun— Ii)\•II anotlwr. it•alung near thi•'eeiting see a eullyvvb in the Ilisi,anee, Sweeping tlir ili)or very inatis trion:ly,My s*vei,he:irt cometh. auk he will consi,ler my usefulness wile' lie • with the stick ,•!).I—lle i. nip• 1111,:riutlti; anti he neat• coyi:ri!ting 11:111 , 11 , 11114 . Vi•l'y - C:a01 . 111111' :1.11(1 tull.ll- criV-11rp0111:•; have gone up, and you can't , ret ono Vol th e n oenta. Putting away in the ,i.orn(r bru,ll 111)-1 know very talk? about the vare of broonin. • Putting, a string to-the hanollt; and hanging on a nail—l "know all about Throwing , the. obi stuby s over the lkaek 'new, lirth.tll sweeps clean. c i n :or s V FAiETAlii,ft Gro - ,writ Ix A 4 ; 14 -k \ E.—SOllle till 1•t\• yOar, ti , ro, *ay, tho I'foott,/, 17 , 0 - ..,7„ all . illit'llib , lll N:t•-• 111:01' ill a cemetery ill Swart-yy: Ma;-., .in which the ~ , r , a ve wa- hcliti ult,i f•riel: .at the ,- idei; :ul , l bottom a n•l covere4l .willi 'a 11:it -tone, llvr rnetii:all,v. scale 1. - Sonic tWerltv-live vv:a , . sul,sequerit tht. friend, , hail % l c .. • ea,ion to open tlm -,,trave filr the pill% po-,ir or r,,movin," the hulls' to another ph . c..eor ~, p ith•hri,... olcre•achinf z Ow ,•,,t . llll a most stn:4'll:u. sh!lit present ed itself. ' 1t , .., pilfire : surface; top, I.ottom„ aml siiie.,:, W ;is overgn,wn with a 'thread-like vine, million- , -of 111 c, of whic,l, hado, etvined them .., ,t.ive. to",,ther a,..(•11111 1 ,1t.R.:1 3 1a; link' Itrailitql by a.rtilicral ,, , lop:Muff a ,nettimr - one inch in thirlint , s-;. :tail 1 its entire surfaci' as even as though pres...q.(l out by - solue henry weight. , The ends wc‘re riot, calvercii, and'the eolliti luitl gone CO deraV, I NV: - . kvirt lOgi•t11 4 :r unit l'iti-eti from its re,t-ing-place anti depo-itt . ri in a 1)O,N 1 • r , n!.aet throw2:ll • the adhesion of the vim' ;r1,1,v1 , -nirlithuit4l. A 1 iiaa , - , of it, i'dk ot it, ,1x,ine1 1 , , ,; square, tcas eta 011'. ;aid- k 111,W ill 1)), , t.S! , 1(111 or the rather .or ilit .1,-t•v.0.1. NIT.. William . It. Wood, of . . Stvansey, in all ~!,?,;.tellent state or I h ? ...4..rvatioi.i. Its color wa-' : a 1 . 1:111; brown. ‘Vith no t:arth in thh grave. it is a Jp4crstiim or some - inter 'est where .vinva took their 1 1 1'1_1U Tit t itr.,,n,ht not to 1, anyailliculty in a Unto:ter becoming. a sailor, inasmuch as the sons of t he. eleaver know all al, tit' steer ace.ustotned to cleavcrs, they owzla not to -experience any ine,,n, ritiem {•h>ayiu;; tht waec.. 1l ay nt , !..arimil all alwltt Utinc they arc ilol strattets'to the briny speaking ping, asailor k not a sailor unless he "corded." Bun:li e:lN too, array thent , el% es in white l kliwk, and-must. kti4w how to tnakr a salt,: .• N% 1..11 1 fitltit been si, stuck up.' said the neat her-vane , when it. ;IS 1,1 ,, 1%.1 the .ti- et by a .Nt•Vel - C gust IV'.r7, rL.a I Are rF•4;:r. Tus it . .tyottet i , the net that t".atvla‘, fish. Chronological Events of ' the Year just! - 7 ' During tire year jug, buried and' wept. over several things happened which vgill never he mentioned in the dictionary. or, encyclopedia, but' ;should be remembered: by the public all the same.- - NUMBER 34 =I The Record of aig. Passed The number •of men wile:pulled their guns towards them - ty the muz ile was. , about. fifty. Qne trial will satisfkyou that it never fails.,;:, .Eighteen hundred and seventy-nine was a good! year for the fool' who .poini.s unloaded revolvers at his aunt and folks.. Fie managed to keel lover about twenty Victiani; and is " real -sorry ': for it. - Ile wouldn't have done it for nothing, you know. During the year eleverr paragraph .ers got off jokes bn the mother-in law and then softly slipped intotheir last resting place benenththe willows.. It is - well. Nobody Irks missed th'em. The number of orators, - who, in 1 - 878, began - their speeches with, ." Fellow-citizens of ' this • glorious country," was -eightplive; the num ber in 1879 was only eighty-four. Let us bef,Aankful for small favors and hopes Of the future. - Of • the , one - hundred and fifty-two householders who borrowed Shot-guns and. took dead aim at " that infernal cat'," three hit the cat' and the re mainder knocked over stnall boys _and other-live ,stock, and, are now wondering how, on earth! th6y could possibly have done it: .'• • . . Eigh,testri hundred and seventy-nine Was a goood year for deaf persons to go visiting. Thirty-four of them took the railroad track - do save dis tance. . The day 'express was on time. The sea serpent "was. seen only nine times during 18;9. This may influence some people to believe that he is gradually dying out and will soon become extinct, buti.ttiere is no 'of it—not with the present brand of --- i Tea captain,i. - The number of motherswhO left rat poison and other fatal - doses where the children could o. at them Was twenty ,- one. Th 4 is At crease over the previous year, and in the itn, future womankind may possibly realize the . fact that children, cats, rats, cockroaches aunts are--suscep tible to the same influence. • Duriti 1 7, `t• only two householders mistook the -hired girl for a burglar and 'popped her dead. 'there is eon s'eitiently no demand for a national clni-ention c,f hired ,girls to discuss the jitiestion : Shall we wear bullet.; ahoy corsets and demand more w.wes .The number' of kind-hearted peo ple who went out hunting; mistook friend for a wird• twkey, : fox or griz zly a wl peppered dead was four teen, with Rhode - Island tcs hear from. Everv•one of them felt had enoiT•h . to cry, but Mistakes will happen in all families.. The number of men who sudden and mysteriously dit,appetired during I'-7 was very large, and the number who turned up after a s three days' druni~, was perfectly amazing; and: . .the, returns are-still, coming -in by every mail.. produced no im provement in - drawing teeth; no con solation for the man wholuis tolave his hair cut ; no" .better Method for brealiitir• in new boots; no new route - for embezzlers to get into Cahaila. ; no of getting alon! , on the Street cars except to : stand iip, and no -new was of getting back small loans. 'Onsillered as a whole ; she wasnt anything extra of a year, even fur bad weather.—Delpoit Free • A S - PARTAN MOT A strong example of a mother's love was wit nessed.this.week iit the court-room of. Missoulian, Montana. Mrs. Adele, Tcheau. who, at the advanced age' or near seventy years, this season crossed the . Cour d'Alenes, over a rough,. rocky trail, to be present at her damiliter7,s trial- for the„murder ,of M. M. Drouillard; a regular at, : tendant on the court, She is tall and :stately, and ,as she daily-comes in and ; takes- tier place behind her , laughter. the.cynostnyof all eyes. A draniatic scene took place last .Mouday when the prisoner was called_ to' answer the charge against her. ,S-lielresitated,-and the old lady leaneid . over and- said in a low voice, but per fectly audible Orono-bout - the hustfed court rooin : " 'the truth-, my dauirhter, it' it takes you to the-scaf fold l" A thrill of admiration passed ov e r the spectators, and the judge found it necessary to say: •• :•,:heriff, keep ord , ..r in the, court."— . E,0! , -/prise, • fashion PJotes ; . -- . Tui: hitest exhillition of leap yciar eti-, .111,..tite anton t , the ladie -, ---,- k to. tti4their 14et ~,- hat, to' the cult-r ..ex. . llk‘ , 1:1.1.i , with refieil. attached,' to makkt note or b.tygaitk,,,are ;a, novelty. - • , 'fitl , ..lia.:kl,laid ~t 1 the' fetni'nine head k now parted in th,• C4`lll EV. , - - the .1 , 1 revived are ,larQ tn . bl;‘ , .k ••• trilfituod with .1, .1,0 or fe:10)- t. 4 -' 1 4. 1 511 1.111 . 1`1..11.:1 C14.1111: 4 . I.t . 111.1 , 11 , 1 1;111.11. 4 , 1' 11::111 c,Lur!, ‘‘, :111 a 1.11.4141 111141 -Clllll4. 4.1 . IL4• ,iik .. ,l.;linan,are.-lini , d with ot Is..ixt• a Flti ',tilt min t !, ' ' )11..14 . -• ; Ito trim uiin_, : V. 114.11 Tn:pf,t4 , rpat,th tr dre-s ll* fill tVI":11 , ihr•y UlllllllOl e•„ii . • \Coat:: at I. , Ittrwer worn ih t lie t IlLle.k. tn. 4.r aaltanesi• Hue, t. , l6%tdt , tet•rt >•ttitt and !Linnet lake flutir 11 WO, 1 ‘1: ,tl.l;tittt-,:. Itratitt.. from- tittirly i4rht fort int. :Atli- Hit of a ' , hats', c"ilar anti app,l and uxtra , t; fb.i. ; : , .,%1E magnificently broead h ea'sat in, for vvemmtz. !w..e . a %%lute hi, , eade.l lilt lb • eye, ot tho .\ t.t. acuun r 4,1 111:4444:41,44 metals :Out tzt. Ins %satin as 1141141ai1t , , 111141, Anti I,IIIS. a1i41 . 1.11 , :,' ; (ir i .,•ts. 4, 1 t Int sante siot•etts are Sect' fur til t ilvvura tp,nuf the \ .to • ,try latt•A Ne, m pffly 14. t: and 'll‘,,:! vvry traftd,, , mte and Out getwrally I,runtfipi w 11), =I I-11 IL.111.111.• Irlict;3l - 11:4re.t:iy in ::: Leh: *4' fawn, on chinchilla. plain with In -h. 0: eI. : L. wnh teLvet. . - made p•rfeOly il, Th. , •r• -rii'tihtykable for si , el.lleity: \Vitlt these skirts worn the latdivtquin apery pverskirts,, .1 very beeoitild_t tasnion for slender dres.. Sr vi.-1,1s; li,niziet, are made in We I )er by, helmet, eottagii i‘int hapr All tin it lit tle plumes 11)(41 1. match. it shirred ins plain satiji lining :Intl I=l=l !work, who are mg exactiug. as :t nile.alcie.v , .,insiNt on baying their foal- I; tiit flesh. ‘16 , 1' cV,A•ytking is liable to (A -1,1(.1.k. n ,. .wadAysj , "paid the lielipeek,d. being Twitted alter a bl o wjri,:up he ha.,l rceeiv.vdcrt.n.n liis stvoliget-ntiutlett half.