Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 08, 1880, Image 3

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    VVAdfori Arvada
Towanda ? Pa., January 8, i 814).
• •
The expiration of subscription is print
red on the colored libel. By .noticing the
.(14We every subscriber. can tell when his
paper wild be stopped Unless the subscrip
tion is renewed.
DAYID GARUNER, !Esq., of Orcutt
Creek, 'is authorized to receive moneys an
subscription 'to the REPORTER and re
ceipt therefor..
is the week of payer
TnE,days are growing longer
THE l cold'snap was of brief duration
Rim,NsoN's Circus will " winter" in
11AvE the date . on your paper marked
up to 1831.
THE Ladies Aid Society elect officers
this, Wednesday, a!terncion.
31n. J. G. PATTON advertiset a valuable
mill . for sale in another column. ,
A Lopnr:of the Knights of Honor is
soon to •be established at ; Gillett's, this
AN old superstition puts seven uulucky
days in January-Ist, lid, 4th, sth, ith,
10th and nth.
TIM Auditors are busily engaged in
looking over the, county expenditures foi:
the past year,}
THE REvoitrEn is the favorite in
this County,: and this is a good time - to
subscribe for it.
nuchihned dishes used at the
Naiad's Reception can be found at C. P i
IVF.r.tEs ii9et store.
MR. WILLIAM Cnoogs, of Canton, is
having a neat and commodious dwelling
house erected in that place.
Airrnun, son of P. E. WOODRUFF, of
Pike township, had his collar bone broken
by a fall on the ice December 31st.
WE cannot furnish copies of Our Clirist
number. The editiOn is entirely ex
hausted. Sorry, but cannot help it. •
W.vrsox WRmHP, of Leßoy, met *Rh
quite a serious loss recently. A valuable
horse belonging to bim broke its leg.
THE Odd Fellows, of Morris Run; Tio
ga County, propose, to celebrate the tenth
anniversary of their organization next
REV. Tiros. SWAIINE, of Philadelphia,
will preach at the RaPtist Church, on
Sun4lay evening next, All are cordially
ANO num Grocery iii the First ,Ward,
oppOsite flumminEv Bros. £ Titikcy's
Boot and Shoe Manafactory. I See adver
tisement in another column.
E. W. ELWELL has purchased a fine
span of horses from G. B. ThLt.s, of
North Towanda, which ho will use to
draw his baggage express w;gou.
Tut , . workmen employed by lintennEv
BnoTITERS •S: , TRACY, are having a week's
vacation, whilst their employers .are mak
ing their annual inventory of stock.
TUE Odd Fellows of Canton held the
first meeting iu their new :Hall oplatur
day' evening last. ..the time for thq dedi
catory exercises has not as yet bden Axed
Foot thp first time since the organiza
tion if the Stat-e government, says the
Ilarrisburk Telegraph, the Governor of
the Commonwealth will omit to issue a
message for a year
•Ir will be some days yet before the Nail
'Works arc plat into operation, as the les
sees are determined to have all of the
machinery in first-plass 'order before com
mencing active business.
LEVI IMWEV, of Doty Hill, lost a van
able pair of oxen, fin the night of tli l e 2flth
ult. The stanchions of the barn in which
Ulu were stabled gave way and fell lon
theta, breaking both their necks.
P.vritoN BOWMAN. of Towanda
Orange installed the officers elect of
(Isedlawa Grange of North Towanda,
Friday evening last. A list of the officers
was published in the ItcpoitiEtt last
week. -
. THE IW.Xt meeting of the Ting-a County
Teachers' Association is appointed to be
held at iiiossburg on 'Friday and Satur
day, Ja - miry 16;th and 17th. Among
other subjects to be discussed are "board
ing armui:i" and "better salaries."
I) , ,NATtos.—The friend: of -Rev. E. C.
give him a donation visit nt
the residence of J. S—Asoi.E, in Herrick,
on the afternoon and evening of Friday,
January In, 1S31),
By order of Committee
A 11ORQE belonging to Rev. F. 31.
Serra ; of Canton. fell An the ice in that.
place. one day recently, and .broke a leg
necessitating* the killing of the animal. A
subscription paper was circulated and the
money raised to purchase Mr. S. another
Curitcn of the ,Messiali (Universalist),
Rev. WII.LIANt TArLon, Pastor. At 10i,
subjezt, "Spirituality in Religion." At
r..Nt., first of three lectures on the ques
tion, " What is Universalinn?" Sunday
School at 12 M. Conference Thursday at
All welcome.
THE LeHays ville Advertiser of last
week, says " Wrmi.s, of Pike,
brought to this otiiee on Friday last, three
delicious ripe StTawberries, picked the
same day. They wen the Wilson variety,
and looked as fresh"' and nice as when
ripened in their season."
Tut: spacious rooms of DANIEL
residence,. at Grover. says the Canton
ntir,rl, were well filled on Christmas
uve. The occasion was gotten up for the
benefit of the Methodist Church of that
place. There were about seventy-five
present, and all seemed , to enjoy them
selves first-rate,
AVE learn from the Canton ,Ftntinel,
that Mr. I). A. .4To.vt, of Leßoy, having
lust his horse by an accident, secured the
use of a horse for a short time, belonging
to J N. WIII(UIT, in the morning,
went to the barn and found this one dead,
it having fallen through the floor, strik
ing on its head, dislocating the neck bone.
RANSOM FORD arid wife, of Pittston,
Massed through LeßaysVille, December
19th; on their way to visit friends at
Nichols, N. Y., and were making the en
tire distance of 1.10, miles by walking it.
The Adrertiser says they took dinner at
Lellaysville, and did not appear to be the
least fatigued.
WE learn from an 'Elmira parer that
MERTON WRlCilir was found on tbe Fri
day night after Christmas, lying} in the
snow at Canton, with the fingers j of 'both
of his hands frozen yery badly. The same
paper says that ho had been "
ing" Christmas; and that he has' a wife
and seven children dependent upon him
for support.
Ws learn from the Reticle thWHEttuir
BARLOW, a young man living near` Green's
Landing s wartiKt last week by the reac
tion of an pverloaded shot guh. He was.
S I,
in the ac 44 shooting at a squirrel, when
by some cans both barrels wexe dis
charged, a d' he received a broken nose
and bruises.' When he came to himself
the dogs were fighting over his squirrel.
WE have received a copy -of -the first
issue of the Owego Weekly Blade,i)ublish
ed at Owego, N. Y., by- McConstzcir
Youxo. It isf a 28 column paper, well
printed and excellently edited. Its local
page-is filled to overflowing with "home"
news, well s written and arranged. We
wish the new journal all the success it
shall merit, seeing "as how " it is Re
publican in political faith.
THE ladies of the Benevolent Associa
tion acknowledge the receipt of ten dol
lars from some person unknown. The
donor will please accept the'thanks of the.
Association for the generosity manifested
in giving for the relief of the tempciral
wants of destitute in our midge. May
Spirtual blessings in abundance be receiv
ed in return by this friend of the poor.
bins: C. S. RUSSELL. •
.A - CORIIESPOINDENT writing from Alba,
says that the entertainment at the Disci
ple Church, in that place, an Christmas
eve, was a grand success.: The church
was tastefully decorated and the Christ
mas tree was arranged in sueh a wan as
to reflect much credit upon those who had,
its management. The recitations Were
well delivered and a very enjoyable even 7
lug was spent.
'LAST Wednesday, says the Canton
Srntiilet, of last week, as ihr. FRANK
f -
JosEs, of Grover was on3his way home
from Canton, by way of the hill road, and
while driving down a steep bili*one of the
side straps of his ,harnoss tavo way,
eat - 1841g his horse to hec - Ine badly fright 7
ened, and soon became unnu t inageablo.
Mr. JON-ES was throWn from ! the wagon
and was quite badly hurt, but iortimately
no bones mere broken. 'The buggy was
very badly broken, but the horses escap
ed without any serious
THE Elmira: dcertiser has been chang
ed from a four to , an eight page papiir,
which makes its perusal much more
pleasant and agreeable. By the way, the
Adcertiser has improved very materially
in the matter of contents recently, and
we now rite it as an A 1 newspaper. As
a matter of course it is Republican in poli
tics, and of "Stalwart" persuasion—all
good papers generally are—and those
wanting au Elmira - Daily should not hesi
tate long' in making! a selection of the
TUE Canton Sentinel of last week thus
talks of the business "boom " *in that
village : "The flood tide of prosperity is
gradually reaching this quiet little place.
Among the things that are in the pros
pective aro two more grist mills., We
learn that Mr. Sam J. STILAIT proposes
soon to erect a mill for grinding feed &c.,
on the site of hiS former "Centennial."
The shop of Mrs, LoritE which has been
idle for several years has been rented to
Mr. WILLIAM TOLL, of Minnequa, and a
gentleman- i frorn Williamsport, whose
name we did-not learn, for the 'Purpose of
making, chop,
.meal &c. The parties'are
making, preparations for the changes this
A' GILLETT correspondent says that the,;
Christmas dinner and family Christmas
tree at M. M. CAREN, of that place, was
n grand success. The entire family, con
sisting of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. C.kun, Mr.
and*Mrs. W. S. `PITT and daughter KIT
.TIE, Mr. and Mrs..T. L. PITT and chil
dren, DAN, JottNNIE and GRACIE, Dr.
and Mrs. C. F. KIERSTED, and Mr. and
Mrs. M. D. I..ooatts were nll present. The
tree was beautifully ornamented and pro
duced a bounteous supply of fruit, there
being Landed down by 3laster DAN and
Miss , KITTIE over one hundred and fifty
presents. May they all live
. to, enjoy
many a Christmas time in the years F to
A STATE LINE correstiondent writing
under date of December :;oth,. saps :
"The Sabbath SchOol exercises 1:Oa Sun
dt), evening were as follows : Greeting
glee, by the school ; 2:3d .Psalm, hy six
little girls . ; Lord's Praier, by the school;
song, by the school ; essay by AMELIA
BEEK, subject, The Sabbath School;
recitation, by Mr. Samosa, The Open
Door ; recitation, by Miss Maus Kittos-
LAND, The :Burial of Mosek ; snug; by
Grow:F. Cot,EvLaN ; recitation, by Mrs:
S. M. FASSETT, The Boat of Lifq;,recita , -
tion, by Miss GRACE BEEK, The Tramp;
song by school ; recitation, by Miss PUT
sAm, The ingel's Visit ; song. by Mrs.
(l.nomat: DusllAsf, "The Disowned ;".
Recitation by Mrs. C. Betts, My Garden
Plot ; Sabbath exercises by
. Schl.
Scripture readings by six young
Essay by Mrs. C. BEtut ; Addresses to
the Sabbath ; closing song."
The County Commissioners have made
the following appointments for the pres-
cut year: •
Appraiser—CuAßLEs STEW
ART, of Herrick.
Couitsc/----DAvi &
Jail Physician—Dr. C. K. LADD.
Under the direction of Prof. S . . F. ACS
LEY, is held at Liberty Corners, in
the Church, commencing on Wednesday
evening, 21st, and continuing two days,
closing with an Entertainment on Friday
evening, consisting of singing, literary
a;xcreises, etc. Proceeds for the benefit
of the Church. All arc invited to attend.
By order of Corn.
The Wyalusjng correspondent of the
Elmira Adrortiyer, under date of January
3d, sends that paper the following : "The
good people:of Terrytown, in this county,
are much interested in a certain fiiscovery
made in or near that place during the
past week. A man by the name of JOB
GAY, while trapping for skunks just back
,S the tdwri, on the farm now Owned by
Dr. TERRY, undertook to craw l ) under a
large rock, and to his surprise came in
contact with a human skull. tpon re
turning to the spot with help, they
brought to light the lower jaw, which fit
ted the upper. The skull and jaw are
thought to be of a girl not over IS years
old, as the wisdom teeth had - just appear-'
ed through the jaw. Other bones of the
body have been found, together with a
second under-jaw, supposed to be that of
a man. It is all a mystery yet, and fur
ther developments' will not, be made nutil
Dr. TERRY recovers frona aS.temporary
—Mrs. E.-IV-km is visiting in Phila.
delphia. -
—L H. Suaw, of Canto; is confined to
his house by illness.
—Rev. J: P. Bum is holding a series of
meetings at East Canton.
—Col: J. W. Mesox, 11. S. A., is visit
ing relatives in this place.
RI:RIDGEWAY and wife, of Frank
lin are visiting friends in Michigan. .
—Miss' •lALME Gna.v, of Leßaysville,
has goOe to Illinois to spend the winter.
—Miss MILLER, of Onshore, spent the
holiday season with her friend, Mrs. GEO.
EVAIO3, of Alba.
mal School, is spending vacatioa'with
friends at Alba. '
—Mr. and Mrs. JAMES IV4LnEn,.of this
place, are visiting their son NATUAII in
BRADFORD, Mclican County.
-v,. Waso24 and „TIMM-1S S. SMI !
LE yere sworn into office as Jury Corn=
Inissioners , on Thursday last.
—The services of Miss Enaxers E.
LEONARD have been secured as an assist
ant teacher in the Grover School.
—Miss 11.4 LEWIS, of Leßaysville, who
has been quite seriously ill for some time
past, is slowly regaining her health.
—Miss DELL Gonnos, of this place:
spent the holidays, with Rev. GEORGE C.
JoNns and family, at Rochester, N. Y.
—HENRY MEncun, who has been ill for
several days past, is convalescing, and ex
pects to the a‘de to attend to butdness
again in a few days.
—Miss ESSIE.LIoriaNs, of Stevensville,
is spending vacation from- her' duties as
teacher of music and elocution in Doyles
town, at her home. •
—Hon. W. T. DAVIES represented this
county at the meeting of the Republican
State Central Committee held in Philadel
phia, on Tuesday of lait week;
—W. IL CinxocnAN, Esq., has pur
chased the handsome dwelling formerly
occupied by S. W. ALVORD, on Chestnut
street. Consideration, $3,750.
C. DEWITT, Esq., has rented the
dWelling house now occupied by C. E.
ANDnus, on Chestnut street, and will take
possession of it on April Ist, next. , •
—H. A. PunnA.sK was- quite seriously
injured by falling down the stops in front
of the residence of J. P. VANFI.EET, on
State street, on Wednesday morning of
fast week. .
, LEWIS W. GRANTEEIf, a former resi
leut of Canton, who has iiesided in Min
nesota-for some months Oast, has remov
ed to Mount Pleasant, lowa, whielt-place
ho intends to make his future home.
—Rev.'GEO. T. KELLER, who has been
pa4or of the - Presbyterian Clu4e r k in
Tunkhannock for the past seven years is
about to sever this connection with that
Church 'and *Ahoy° to South )Bend;
Indiana. • ' ^ !,
—Miss IDA llooata, former) of Troy,
Pa., a graduate of the State Normal
SChool, and Miss DoANE, of Sri ngtield,
were in Elmira on Satuarday, en route to
assume school duties at Wilkes-Barre.:—
Elara Advertiser. - -
—Says the Leßaysville Advertiser,:
"Hon. E. aVERTON, M. C., has gener
ously contributed to our library two yob,
umes more, entitled "Charters and Con
stitution of the Unitld.. States." This is
a splendid acquisition to the books alrea
dy received,•and for which the officers are
under lasting obligations."
—District Attorney, I. 3lcPrmasos,
having come to the- sensible conclusion
that." it was not good ..for man to hve
'alone," led to theitymenal altar, on Wed
nesday afternoon of last week, one of To
wanda's fairest eaughters—Miss BEIVNiCti
MAO ILI,. A host of frielids wish the new
ly wedded pair a lung life of prosperity
and happiness.
-t-.A very pleasant gathering assembled
at the. residence of PHILIP DAVIES, Esq.,
in Ncatb, under the auspices of Mrs. 11.
C. EVANS, both on Christmas eve and
day. The relatives from the ripe old age
of eighty-six to the infant were present,
including many, invited friends. The
presents, repast, and social chat, made
the occasion one of much pleasure to all
present.—Leßaysrille Advertiser.' •
—lt may be possible—and yet We doubt
it—that there is somewhere on the face
of the earth a pleasanter - or more jovial
good fellow to enjoy a leisure hour with
than County Commissioner RANSOM.
And just hero we are puzzled to under
stand why and how it is that he will per
sist in advocating the cause of Democra
cy. But we have not had a chat with
hiM since Gancm.ox attempted to steal
—A goodly number of friends assembled
in the Church of SS. Peter and Paul last
evening to witness the marriage of Mr.
JAMES Kiawis, of • Ithaca, and Miss
-HANNA 1317nm - fru, of this place. The
bride was-neatly and faultlessly arrayed,
,while -Jim.mY, with his white neck-tie
and kids and genteel suit of black looked
as happy as a king. We extend our con
gratulations to the happy pair.—Reyiew,
—The - sad intelligence was received
here on Sunday last, says the llirieir, - of
Ale death of Mrs. V.I.TZABETII Tomrxvis,
wife of N.-C. Toeriiss,.of Belvidoc, Il
linois. The deceased was a daughter of
the late - , Wil.t.rAm Ilumns . .c Mr. Tx and
wife lived here fcir many years, and Mrs.
T. has three sisters still residing in To
wanda, Mrs. Col. Surrn;V;Mrs. H. -B.
MEnctit and Mrs. T. M. Wtioviturr.
—Every one who has bnkiness to trans
act at the County Commissioners office
will be pleasedito learn that that .genial
gentleman, Wtz..t,TAat LEwis, has received
the appointment as Clerk to the Commis
sioners for another year. The Commis
sioners might have searched the entire
Commonwealth, and they. could not have
found a gentleman better qualified to till
the position, nor a pleasanter man to
transact businesg with. .
—At the residence of Cuant.ks SCOT:-
TON'S, on Wednesday, December 24th,
occurred a very brilliant wedding. The
bride and groom *ere Miss EMMA. Lr.wr%
of Burlington, .and G Eolgn STIP/ill, of ,
Wyalusing. The ceremony 4-as perform
ed,by Rev. Davin ertarr, of Wyalusing,
who rendered a short and very impres
sive service. After the ceremony, and
congratulations, the guests sat down to a
most bountiful and elaborately preixtred
supper. Early the next morning the hap
py couple were accompanied to Towanda,
by Mr: At.t.r.s SCOUTEN arid Miss JOSIg
—A very pleasant . family gathering
took place, at the residence of Mr. Jost.
.Toimos,: father of GEoncE N. JOHNSON,
of this borough, on Christmas day—the
occasion being the seventy-sixth birthday
Of Mrs. Jost. JouNsox. Five of the chil
dren, sixteen grandchildren, and two of
the great-granchildren fwere present to
greet the parents, grand-parents and
great-grand-parents. An excellent din
ner was served,i and the happy family re
union will long be remembered by the at
tendants. Sixty yeah; have passed since
the aged couple united for lifc.—Lellays
rine Advertiser.
—The State Line correspondent -of the
Elmira Advertiser, says there was a sur
prise-party at the home of T. B. Moons,
n that place, on Monday evening, the rth
nit.' The . following named persons
were present : Mr. 8. M. PAsswrr and
lady, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Bnowav, Mr. and
Mri. J. M. ROUSREY and daughter, •of
Ashland ; ex-Representative J. F. GIL
LETT and lady, RowLAND SE.V.z.r.v and
wife, and the Misses SExt.Eve, Mrs. My-
Elmira; J. HINKLE of Philadelphia; Mr. .
aid Mrs.. Bxnx and the Mi4sea Ban;
Mrs. GEOROE Dumum, of this place;
Miss PUTRAD, of Texas 31i.413 HATTIE
YOITNG, of Kansas; Messrs. PALMER and
Yotrxo, of Ashland. Ii was a very pleas
ant and enjoyable affair.
I desire to - most heartily and sincerely
thank my brother hackman who so
promptly initiated the movement, and
the good peopleiof Towanda who so gen
erously contributed funds to purchase for
me a horse to replace the one which I had
the misfortune to lose a few days since.
The present was a• most agreeable stir
prise, relieving me from serious embarras
meat and cheering me in the day of,
trouble. -T.bie recollection of the occasion
will be kept fresh in my memory till the
end of •life, not 'only on account of the in
trinsic value Or the gift, but the noble,
anselfish sentiment which prompted It.
May the liberal doilors realize that "it is
more blessed to give than receive."
The Seventh Annual Reception of Nai
ad Engine Company, No. 2, - was held in
Mercur Hall, on Thursday evening of last
week, and was, in every respect, .a com
plete success. The attendance was by
far larger than. at any of the Company's
previous receptions, nearly three hundred
guests being present in the Hall at nine
o'clock. The Hall was not as elaborately
decorated as on -several previous occa
sions, but nevertheless presented a - very
handsome appearance. • The door was
covered with a white duck carpet,
and the walls were tastefully hung, with
evergreens, pictures, and mottoes, whilst
pendant from the ceiling were several_
bird cages and beautifully :arranged hang
ing ba.skets. In the centre of the east
wad lwas a large horse-shoe, 'nine
feet high. and five feet' broad, covered
with silvered liver, bearing the words
. " Good Luck," 'in gilt letters around it,
laid.iu such a manner as to represent nail
beads, which_ they did most perfectly.
Within the horse-shoe, on a red back
ground, were the words in white letters,
"7th Annual, 1380."- This was decided
ly . the prettiest thing in, the way of deco
ration we have ever seen in the Hall, and
Messrs. LAPLANT and Oitcyrr, who de
signed and - constructed it, were the recip
ienfs 'or many compliments for their skill
and ingenuity. 'lo the left of the horse=
shoe, in gilt letters, were the words,
"Naiad's Welcome," to the right, "Hap
py New Year;" whilst over the main en
trance door to the Hail, was the well
-1 known and wall-deserved motto of the
Company, " First at the Fire." Around
the -Hall, and on the stage—not occupied
by the Orchestra—were arranged opera
chairs for the convenience of the guests.
The Orchestra under. the leadership of
Professor lIENTiI STOLEN, with Miss Pen
itiooma, as Pianist, occupied- a portion
of the stage, and furnished the finest mu
sic everxiveu on a like occasion in this
place. This Was the verdict of all present.
At Mile o'clock ninety-two couples join
ed in the Grand .!arch, and it was nearly
four o'Jock Friday morning when the
last waltz—." Home, Sweet Home," - --was
concluded, and the happy throng, began
to separate. The order of darrzing was
an'excellent one, and comprised sixteen
round - and' the same number of square
Whilst the greater PortionW the large
and brilliant assemblage was composed
of our qwn best citizens, therewere not a
few ladies and gentlemen from labroad,
among whom wore Miss GRACE KINNER,
'Atbens i ; Miss SARAH KINNEY and Miss
Llzzie I GORE, Sheshequin ; Mr. J. B.
IlAwEs; Greenwood; Mr. J. N. PIOLLET,
Wysault'ing, ;.Mr. J. It PiEEBE, Brooklyn,
Pa._; Mr. 31..M00nn, Miss FANNIE PECK,
Miss DENHAM and Miss WARREN, Troy ;
Miss PAwLiNn, &diet, Ill.; Miss SALLIE.
ASPINWALI I 31inucapolis, Mi 1111.; and Mr.
Mr. WILL McGov'EnN and Mr. I. SERER&
3lmiy of the lathe's were handsomely
attired, Whilst licit a feW of the gentlemen
were iu full evening dress.
The Refrqhments wets served in the'
Green rootn, and` consisted in part of roast
turkey, chicken, pboiled ham and tongue,
and scolloped -oysters, tea and coffee, t
cakes ; jellies , oranges, fete. The waiters
were attentive and and there
was plenty for all who came.
In ascribing credit to whom it belonks
'fur the success of the Reception, for ccr
-tain re*suus, we copy' the remarks of the
representative of the Elmira Free Frees,
with the simple preface that to the untir
ing truirgy and lalnirs of Mr. E. B.
PIERCE, more than to any other individu
al is that success due. The Free PA4ess
says :
"Those who have attended any of the
brilliant receptions held in ,=this city arid
vicinity, need no other desclipt ion of the
one of 'which we write, than to know that
it was fully equal to the' best of them.
Taken as a whole, tile reception was, in-'
deed, a grand
.suess. The committees
having it in charge, and to whom, in a
'great measure its success is due, were as
follows : •
Managers (white badge) —C. P.
WELI.Ut I / 2 E. 11, PluncE and A. D. Coot-
13331 M
. Floor Committee (red badge)—E. B.
Ptiatcr, C. 11. A.1.1.E5, J. It. BEEBE, and
S. W, VAN - .
Deception Committee—(bluo .badge)—
E. W. ANtiI,F., Fox and HARRY
The committees were unremitting in
and their most sanguine ex
pectations have been realized."
AT a regular meetitig of Naiad Engine
Company, it was Unanimously resolved
tyt the Company tender a vote of thanks .
t( the ladies and gentlemen Nvho so kind
-13 assisted them_ in their Seveiith Annual
lbeception.. C. P. W.E.m.F..s, Secy.
_ •
Ku exehange suggests that a society for
the prevention of -cruelty to brakemen is
needed to remedy some of the dangers to
which this class- is exposed during the,
rush of business that is now cumbering
all the tailroads of the country. Scarcely
a day passes that the death or injury of
some poor . brakeman is not; recorded in
our daily papers. 'The railroad Magnates
are evermakiug improvements by adding
more powerful engines to haul Imigor
trains_; the cars ate made higher to con
tarn more freight ; and while thus adding
' to the risks of the . : brakeman, - - little is
done to avert accidents. For wane of a
proper uniform . system of coupling and
uncoupling cars, the brakeman has ,to
venture between the cars, etc., etc. All
this is true, but ub remedy is suggested
Iby the humane writer, - .
Attt regular communication of - Le •
Lodge, No. 371, A. Y. N., of Leßaysvi
beld on Saturday evening; December 2
the folloWing elliceis were elected for
year. < W.' PAYSON, W. M.; P
CHAFFEE, S. W.; THOS. Monnts, J.
P. C. VANGELDEII, Treasurer; GE°.
Join:mos, Secretary. _ •
On Saturday your correspondent accept
ed an invitation to be present in ' the - ev the public installation of. thelof
floors elect of Perkins Post, No. 20 1 2, G.
4. R., and attentthe camp-fire. •
seven o'clock the company began to
gall rin their ball in Eastabrotdc's Block,
N .In the public ball in the same build
i the ladies were busily 'engaged pre-
Paring the tables for the repast that was
tolollow the ceremonies.
'Perkins Post Band furnished excellent
music, and after the opening exercises
Post Department Commander C. T. HULL
was introdticed as Deputy to install the
officers-elect, which ho proceeded to . do in
a graceful manner, according to the ritual
of the order. .
Then followed the song, "Tenting
To-Night s " by the members, after which
the newly installed 'Commander, ELY
WRIGHT, was called upon to address. the
Mr. WILIGELT introduced., himself in a
facetious manner, and after compliment
ing thote present and thanking the com
rades for the honor conferred upon him,
made a few happy hits. and sat down
amid general, applause and mirth.
The song, "Marching Through Geor
gia," was sun g di the old time manner
and spirit, when Post Commander, LAP
AYF.TTE ANSON being called for, made
short remarks, which were received with
Comrade HULL then read a short sketch
froth which it appears that the Post was
established nine years ago with thirty
charter members, Captain E. A. SrALD
ING, Commandcr One hundredand twen.
ty-five in all have been mustered, and si,x.-
ty-five are on the roll. Six have died in
the time.
Over one thousand dollars, each, has
been distributed-in the time, besides large
amounts in other ways, and the sick have
been taken carp of by friendly hands, and
orphans assisted to become useful mem
bers of society, and all without display.
The Post has been honored by Wei State
.Department of the Order, one d their
number serving as Commander of it,. and
they have been instrumental in organizing
thirteen other Posts also. Comrade 1ft.71.1.
closed his sketch with _ interesting and
touching references to the Post, paYing
tribute to the memory of those who ale
beyond the sound of bugle or trumpet
blast. The Post was named iu honor of
AtmusTus S. Pr.untris. who fell upon the
field of Fredericksburg. We have men
tioned all who have been Coinmanders
of it.
Another sung, "Rally Round the Flag,"
was sung, after vi hich .Comiado p. C.
GdAY gave a stirring poetical addre4t, en
titled, "The Days . When We Wore the
Blue," which was descriptive of CO past
and fall of loyal sentiments.- •
The programme being closed, the
guests of the evening were presented, be
ing Captain OLMSTEAD, of Binghamton,
and his son HARE; who holds a first
place as a heroic youth for services at the
Newtown Centennial. He appeared and
and bowed his acknowledgment upon be
ing called for, and Captain OLMSTEAD re
sponded iu a few. brief sentences to the
calls for him. lie is a :,Icasant, genial
gentleman, and Captain of the first prize
artillery company of New York State mi
litia. His son is a modest boy, and a fa
vorite with the ladies.
Ex-Sheriff SPALDING and Dr. E. P. AL
LEN were called for, and responded in fit
ting terms, atter which the band played
all air and the formal exercises were
The invited guests were escorted to the
dining hall, hero they with the soldiers
and their families were served with a
bountiful repast. The remainder of the
evening was devoted to social amuse
ments, the old tine games being' intro
duced among others, none of the ladies
thinking it a dishonor to play "Snap and
Catch 'Ern," with the veteran's of. many
battles. We thought as we looked upon
the old flag with its scars and stains, of
the men who first enlisted and bore it, a
present from the ladies of Athens, down
the valley towards the scene of strife. in
April, 1801, and of those who never re
turned to greet friends . and kindred, and
said to.ourselves, it is meet and proper
that they should be honored and their
memories cherished. Well remembering
the pleasant day of their, departure, and
the anxious looks of old men, the cheerful
faces of the young ) and years of trial that
followed, we say : Honor to the fallen,
and to the survivors encouragement and
sympathy in trials!
To Comrades Ilum. and 111N•rox we ex
tend personal thanks, and to all our best
wishes for long life and happiness.
The following are the. present officers :
Com—ELY ,
°Pew of 7Thll—D. C. GRAY.
Ofti e r of Guard—WITLIAM 5 ... ELLE6.
Quariermaster—JFals H.
Suryeon—R. C. SissAnAcGu.
BerfAant Major— A. LADD.
Aid.. Q. M.—R. H. Toils.
Athens, January. 5, 1580. W. A. P.
. 'EDITOR OF Tim BiatiFont) ItErowrgn
—Dear sir : The liarts of the little ones,
as welt as the older ones, were made glad
uy a Christ Mas tree at.,the school house,
in Sayre, on Christmas eve, for the 31. L.
School. The following were the exer-
cases :
1. Carol—" Hark, the Song;" by -the
2. Prayer by the Superintendent, E. 3L'
THOMPSON—the school joining in the
Lord's Prayer.
3. Exercise—" Sacred Places of the
Gospel," (school). Description of the
Holy City by Miss ELLA Prtims, from
-Revelations 21st Chapter, 10th verse, to
cud of chapter, was finely rendered.
4. Duet—" Beautiful Star,7 ' was well
rendered by. Mrs. R. STEVENS; Mrs. Dr.
LANE, Mrs. R. HOOEY, and Mr. J. LA-
Most; MiSS.CAHRIE Ross presiding at the
5. Lighting the tree, which was, when
lighted, very beautiful..
6. Song—" On a Christmas 4orning,"
(Infant Class).
S. Distribution of gifts.
9. Closing by singing the Doxology,
and Benediction by the pastor. Take it
all in all, it was a very enjoyable occasion'
-Miss Msnv LAISAITE has returned fret!
White Haven, where she has been spend
ing the holidays.with her mother.
Mrs. M. Sew.kun, who has been spend.
iug a few days with her friends in Bing-
Local Correspondence
7. Address ,by Rev. G. M. CHAMBER
hamton, N. Y., is expected home Tues
day evenipi. . .
Mrs. J. M. COOLEY, of Owego, N. Y.,
anti Mrs. fisuvay 8. CHANDiLL, Of Cort
land, N. Y., are the guests of Mrs. E. M.
i l~
The children sick with the scarlet fever
aro reported convaleicent.. . ,
December, 29, 1879. Stritscannza.
Mr. LEVY DEWEY met with a severe
loss the night of the 29th. Ilia stanchi
ons fell down and broke the nooks of a
fine yoke of oxen, and so injured a tine
yearling heifer thatit had to killed.
S. B. BROWN. is recoverin from a se
vere attack of fever, He as also got his
new boils° near cornplet. BAYLEW
is tbd architect and builder.
'Two black dogs made a raid on L. C.
Paiaisit's fine flock of sheep, the 29th
ult., and were driven off by Mrs. PALMER,
and the unruly canines then attacked B:
11. DOTY'S cattle and injured several of
them, before Mr. PALMER could get them
off, and not then until he captured one of
the ferocious animals with his trusty rifle.
December 31, 1879. SUBSCRIBER. ,
WE invite special attention to 'the Ad
vertisement of the ORANGE 4qt:113-Co. The
subject of Fencing interests every
and much valuable information on this
and many other valuable subjects, with
abort WO engravings,. are to be given in
the thirty-ninth volume of the American
Agriculturist. See what the Publishers
Vi' Grand Holiday Stock at the 096
tom ['tiros nt 99et store.
• OrFancy Goods, Topi, Games, Dolls
A 13 C Blocks &e , st oue Store.
tar Jewelry, Silverware, Toilet Sete
Cblua Cups and Saucers, ac., at 99c Store.
Sr A:complete Dictionary for 6:i cents
and Dollar books for I'S cents, at the l 9 Cent Store.
litA;, Our goods are NEW and of the
Or Try our New JAR TEA.. Best in
town. DECKEIt & Vocuitr;
Vir Provisions of all kindi, of the best
quality. at DEUKEQ & YOUGUT'S:
Mr Choice TEAS and COFFEE la
specialty at DECKER & VOUGIIT'S.•
Oct. 30. nrxxEit & VOUGIIT'S.
Mr . Tho 99ct store is headquarters fur
c not' Eitir, GT. ASSW ARE. LAMPS and LAMP
fixtures, best goods and lowe'st prices
ar Fora good, durable and neat-fitting
SHOE, call at F. J. BLUM'S, opposite Seeley's
Nov. 27-tf.
,M" PRICES WAX DAWN on dents .
Fine aniUCoarso Hoots at Rl.llll'y, olpo?Ito See
ley's Hotel. ; Nov. 27-tl.
INT" ConsEit haS the best wearing Shoes
for Men, Boys and Youths' wear ever otfort`d In
Towanda, and at prices within the reach of all,
Or L. 13. Itononns challenges compe
tition for gnaltty of goods and"low prlce's on Sash,
Doors, Blinds and ..11oldiN,s, and a) building Ts
terlal. (aug3•tf7.
t The Largest, Best • and Cheapest
line of Shea "for Ladles'. Allsses• and Chlldrens
wear Is found at Cons En's new store, corner Main
and Plne:sts., Tracy At Noble's.Bloeli. aprra
'ft7" For fine Millinery, first class Hair
Goods, Java Canvass, Gold and Silver tinted Card
Board; and Children's Sailor Bata, call on Mrs. M.
A. Fletcher, No. 9, Bridge Street.. Bleaching and
sewing over a specialty..
JORDAN'S Market, Towanda, Pa.. Is In daily re.
eelpt of the choicest oysters to be olitatned, which
ac i,
are wholesale to Km ahe r . tilers, and
for f,arty and donation occasions: The atronage
of the piddle is solicited and satisfaction guaran
ted. 3W
—A full line of FODDER CUTTERS, for band
and power, front ft 3.50 to tao. The hest kinds in
use and very cheap. Also, CORN SIIELLERS
and ROOT CUTTERS. ' R. M. AtEt.Lns, -
Dec. Towanda, Penn's.
Cr In the whole history of Medicine
no preparation hasever performe,lsuch marvellous
cores. or maintained so
_wide a reputation, as
ATEit,'s ('tiEnny PEcrnitAL, which Is recognized
as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat
and lungs, Its long-continued series of wonder!,
crres In all climates has made It universally known
as a safe and reliable agont to , employ. Against
ordinary colds, which are the forerunners of more
serious disorders, Itfacts speedily and surely, all
ways relleVing suffering, and often saving life,
'The protection It atiards, by Its timely use In the
throat and lung disorders of children, makes It an
invaluable . s...tvnedy to be kept always On hand In
every home. s.'o .person can afford to be without
It, and those whohave once used It. never 1,111.
From their knowledge of Its composition and of
fects . l . , Physicians use the CHERRY PECTORAL
CXteRSIVVIy In their practice. arid Clergymen see'
oinmend It. If is absolutely certain In its remcdia.
elects, and will always cure where cures are possi
We. For sale by all dealers.
mcrilEßS ON —M(111 LI. n Towanda, Arc
Lc the Itcr. d. S Steuart, 11. TE. isalahltcMor
sun, bEq.. to Miss Bernice It. McGill. ;!,"'
CHAFF E F.—CII A FFE.E—At the house of E: I.
lifee, in Home Borough. Dec. 25, 18:9, by Rev.
P. T. Maryatt, Mr. Dudley .1. 'Chaffee, of She
shyptiti Township, and 3llss Sarah .1. Chaffee, of
Route. Pm.
TOM P B BERT—At the M.,1.1. Parsonage
Athens, Dee. alst. by Iter. (:. M. Charniterliii,
Mr. timer Tomptln&and Miss Sarah A. V Merl',
all of Sheshequiu, I'3.
EMERY—LEWIS--At the Parsonage, Liberty
- Corners. Pa.. Jan. ad, by Hee. S. A. (*bulimia'.
Mr..lames It. Emery and Miss Mary S. Lewis,
both of Asylum. •
JEN NINGS—ii ItEEN—At the rOsldettro ot Mrs
Swingle, the bride's sister, Dec. :loth, by Rer..o
H. Bast red, Mr,Perry Jennings fo Miss Jo,"le . .ir
green, both of Bradford County, Fa.
BE•..11011 N—l Es.—A t the residence of .T. M.
W...stbrook, 1,, fast Towanda, January 3, 180, by
itmv. Charles 11. Wright, 31r: Orlando Benjamin
a•nd Mks Cora Jones, nottiot Towanda.
STllt)ll.l—LEWltt.—At the rest lenre of Charle
Scouten, Esq., Mountain Lake, December 9-Itli
- by Rev. - David Craft, Mr. George If Stroud
of Sugar Rum, to Miss Emma Lewts, of Mountali
thn residence of the
bride's parents, In Wyaldsing. January Ist, Mo.
by Rev. David craft', Mr. P. IJ. Frutchey, of
Spencer, N. Y. to Miss:Elia - 3% yoangest (laugh•
ter of Orrin
£ Y.—A t the rrOdence of his brother. Aaron Fly
Esq., In Sugar Run, Derelnher 2.Gth, Mr,
Allen Ely, aged RI years and 5 months.
lIIRST.—In Miranda. on the morning of the aeth
of December. Mrs. Ida S. Hirst, wife of Win. L.
Hirst. Esq., of Chicago.
The deceased was the eldest daughter of the late
Wm. H. Moses, and was Just in the:Morning
light of an admired womanhood. • Entering upon
the cares and responsibilities of life at an early
age, the seeds of latent consumption were speedily
developed, and it became manifest that her earthly
course would soon be rnn. This painful fact was ,
received by her with street patience and resigna
tion. and 'looking unto.Tesus she found Joy In be•,
lieving on Him and fu suffering for Mtn. This
fey was her strength, and remained fresh in her
heart through•ail the trying experiences of her
decline. With a beautiful patience•she lore her
severe sufferings, and eheered her family with the
tokens of a tender and child-like affection. Gently,
with a serene assurance and Joyful expectation of_
eternal life with her Savretir, she fell on sleep.
"So fades a summer cloud away,
t4o sinks the gale when stones are o'er
So gently shots'the eye of day, • .
So dies a wave along the shore."
cw itbnetioements.
V —The property known as tie Berri - Farm,
One mile• below Milan Station; consisting of Ito
acres, fine buildings; (tuft trees and rich produc
tive•tand : will be sold on' the best of terms, and
psssession given immediately.
Address IL-A. ELME%
Vr'averly: N. V.
Tne Partnership 'heretofore existing between
Ltabella Rockwell and A: L. Rockwell. under the
firm nament A. L. Rockwell .t Co, Is this day
„Monroe, Ira., Nov, n. ib7D-4%!
ritANWARE--a large and general
wortment at lox prices, at! JUNE'S.
Ricrowrgio DYBTEVENif k LONG,'
• ; I
Generaldeslera In Groceries and Produce, corner.
- Main and Pine Suer ts.
- FAIIII6M • ast.t.tnn
Flour per bbl 6 sea 73,0 7 0003 0.00
Floor per sack 1 700 2 lop 1 75(. 220
Corn Meal per 100 lbs .. 0 t 0 130
Chop reed . 0 0 1 10
Wheat, per bash 1 200 128 4 - IMOi 30
Corn We i .0 es
Rye COW& r; se ..76
Oats .... -100 ' 45 48
Timothy, western,..
Beans, 62 lbs,
Pork, men, ....
Dressed hogs
Benxi, tub 5.., .....
, Rolls
Eggs, fresh •
. Cheese
Potatoes. per bushel
Dried app1e5.......
Veal skins
Sheep Pelts.
Lamp skins
The subscriber offers for sale an undivided
half Intetest In the (poi* Mills, near Towanda,
autladjoining Mal. Male's, with mill•house; barn
and other'out buildings, and eight acres ofj-iand
connected. therewith. 'The mill has lately- been
put In thorough repair, and Is noWdolog a splendid
bnsiness—rimning day and night. Said • half
Interest now rents for tiso a year, clear of all ex,
twines, and In good times would readily rent for
This Is a rare opportunity for a pmfitable
investment: Terms, half cash, the balance on
long time. Josit tt G; I'ATTO:st.,
Geo.. L. Ross ,
• 7
Of. the Third Ward Store, has opened a large and
convenient Store In the - brick block. Plod Ward.,
ttrilmsite Illituphrey Brothers & Tracy's Boot and
Shoe Factory, and has filled it with
Willett he 11411 pUrchased 4n• New York for cash.
and solicits the confidenee and patronage of the
public, and respectfully ;sulk:duces that he
fly anybody. file Third.Waril Store vein:also be
kept stocked with first-class gtsids,and4lll be sold
as low as the lowest.
-Towanda, January 8, 1880. ,
Hon. Pent. D. Monizow, Presldeot Judge or
the lath Judicial District. consisting of the county
of Bradford. has Issued his precept bearing date
the 15th day of December, 1579.10 the dincted, for
holding. a Conn.)! Oyer and Terminer. General
Jail Delivery, Quarter Session_of the Peace. COM
nivnYleas andorphan's Court at Towanda. for
the county of Prailford, commencing en Monday,
FEBRUARY 20. 1550, to continue three weeps.-,
Notlee is therefore hereby given to the-Coroneis
and. Justices of the Peace of tile county of Brad
ford, that they be then and there In their proper
perscns, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day,
with records, inquisitions and other remembrances
to do-those things which to their office appertain
to be done : and those who are bound by recokni
rances-or otherwise, to prosecute against the priso
ners who are or may tie in the Jail of said county,
are to be then and there to'prosecute against them
as shall tie Just. Jurors are requested to be lame
tual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice.
Dated, at Towanda, the 7th day of January, 'in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and eighty, and „of the Independence of. the
United States one hundred and fourth.
PETEIt J. DEAN. Sheriff.
Is hereby given, that there has been filed In
the °ince of Register of Wills In and for the county
of Bradford accounts, of administration upon the
following estates,•viz:
Final account of J. L. fasbreei' administrator of
the estate of Dennis Driscoll. deceased.
Final account of Ellen Nenninger,-administra
trix of the estate of 310 x Nenninger. deceased.
Final account of Sarah P. Price (formerly Sarah
P. Jones), administratiriz of the estate of J. L.
J ones, deceesed.
Final account of IL L. Terry, administrator of
the estate of .1. W. Vinauken. deceased..
Final account of G. F. Pendleton, executor of
the estate of Sally M. ikpaintin. decea sed. Final account rat A. Dell. Walker. administratrix
of "the estate of Geo. 11.1 Walker, deceased. .
Final account of Thomas E. Quirk, executor of
the ,state of Geo. A. Gannon. deceased.
Final account of Susan Eaton ; admtnistratrix.
and 1.% T. Itoyse, admlniqrator of the estate of G.
11. Eaton, deceased. _ .
Final account of Wm. F. Coburn, administrator
of the estate of Sylvester 1). Sturdevent, deceased.
Final atemint of It. Sabin, administrator of
the estate of Mrs. M. B. Sabin, deceased.
4®411 '
0 63
@ 300
1 000 140 1 200 1..15
@bbl. 0 00
. • 708 • Pe 11
•• 5 0. 1 e '
. 2x025 :545 2 5
2007.2 22 0. 2 / 4
2°021 22 u
:154. 15
0 - 35
,600.' 75
hero Abverfisemento.
Tiz,?ncla, January a, 1880-4 or.
Final account of Maiden E. Elliott, administra.
or of the estate of William E. Richards, deceased.
Final account of Andrew Messing, administrator
f the estate of Ullman Messing, deceased.
Final account of Wilson M. Decker, administra
tor of tlo• estate of William E. Piper, deceased,
Final . account of James Fitzsimons. executor of
the estate of Dennis McMahon, deceased.
Final account of Harrison C. Allis, guardian of
Huta C. Allis, minor child of Silas Allis, deceased.
Final account of H. Howell. administrator of this
estate of Nathan Newman, deceased.
Final account of Th 011134 Blackwell, administra
tor. and Mrs. H. M. Hilton. adininistratria, of the
estate of M. J. 1111 tom deceased.
Final account of J. 11. M. Hinman, executor - of
the estate of Clark Sweet, deceased.
- Partial account of H. Catlinome of the execu
tors of the estate of Nelson Reynolds, deceased.
And alsh the appraisement of property set oil by
the Executors and Administrator:4 to widows and
children of the following decedents, viz:
Estate of Charles Crane, •
%. Bishop H. Waterman, '
• 'Joseph McKinney,
Peter D. Vanness,
Marvin M. Coolbaugh,
• `. • Hymn W. C.lark,
W. H. Locke,
: Elisha Rich,
Deblr Ridgway,
Platt W.. 11/.
And the same will he presented to, the Orphans'
Court of Bradford County. February sth, 'A. D.
IRAN at 1. o'clock, 1. at., for continuation and all
. C. FittSBIE, Iteglitet. '
Towanda, Pa., January s, 1880. 43
Would respectfully announce that he Is continuing
the Market business at the old stand of
Itundell, will will at all times keep a full supply of
constantly,onlhand. Country dealers suppllTl at
city Tates.
Jar All Goods delivered Free of Charge.
Towanda. Pa. Nev. 27, 1579.
.Announee to the people of Towanda and vicinity
that they are now prepared to tundah
And Vegetables In their season. at the most-r e asen
able rates. Everything purchased of us
delivered promptly free of charge.
lii our location. 01 4 :E, DOOR NORTW OF
SCOTT'S BAKERY, is convenient for all.
Webuy Ithe best stock. and take great pains to
keep everYtblng l in the best.erder. Givens a ("AP.
Ton-anda,,l)i.e. 5, ts,s.
Keep on hand,
B` All goods delivered free of charge.
Towanda, Pa., May 28, 1879
.', . - • , '
325 •Easat Water St., Elmira, N.Y.
Ist Floor .:. .. ... . ........ noons
2d Floor ~d MILLINERY
3d Floor.. ,- CARPETS,
'lth Floor ,7 CLOAKS & SHAWLS
Upper floonFaceessible by elevator.
air A visit of inspection Is respectfully solicited
FOR SALE.—The undersigned offer kir sale
.their property at Orcutt Creek, Bradford county,
formerly knexti -as the Mittman place, Price
lola' and terms to Atilt purchaaer, if the right party
Apply to or address
201Fisst Water-st.', Elmira, N. Y.
Nov. la, - •
theistockholders of the First National Rank
of Towanda, for the oleition of Directors, will he
held at the •olTice of the Bank, In Towanda. on
TURADA Y. JANUARY 13, 1880,:between the
boars of one sod threO o'clock, P.
N. N. - BETTS, Cashier, "
,Towanda, Dec. 4, 1679.,
E •
® 1 00
. ongtotoi
.. soot%
oo@► 25
.. 25
Over and Mare, 4:Pipet:la ly. If you
have d FARM or Village LOT, requlthq
---,-=---- --=----
r rs-o Mouton,' MittiorS Pottors:) are s,:rtuldsti
FENCING. To truce our new Western rrlds
Artll nttsra. tnnub more. .ErnrY FARM .11 , 1
Imre LOT Owner. PAST. t:ST. and
1. in terrAted. • To fence a ICS-arm-Farm cous $i 200
to 0700, and ror n :Arlo Village I.ot VS3 to
Wood rt•nres soon decay. !tut a NOW
Ern is at hand. py new invention.,
STEEL and IRON arc to Supplant - WOOD,
turntrltina better. Cheaper, and Lgiti,l Venco,k,
391V 0 Infne of tln! American - A erical.
tarint t for Plqn) now lwgsnnn.r. vIIL r..:ivn vr.l.-
innell inionnation about new Fene . lnc. n+tO
Entrravlntts. (The 'Sunnite!' (Or 1 tey.. 1,1. lets 21
ett2rarlittn of Ilarbeil Fearing, and Inneh Intetsat•
Ind matter. Sent po.d.paln for 15 (.7.104.)
:7- To ever}- one tntereated In FENCING for
FARM, or Village LOT. the 32th .. eattlee
of the Americaic Afir . leulturixt Will he weTtit
Arc; Ittneg, If not a linndretr Meg., Its small enet.
BUT, besides the above Important feature. the -
American Agrlcultp - I4 will give a very great
amount of Useful. Practical. Reliable
Intairmation—for , the Farm, the Garden,
and Household (Children Included)—aud over
P4OO Orlvjuni
111tWratInc /.:eoor-taring, La,boe.helping contriv
ances. Animals, plant,, Fruitland Flowers. Fairc
Ituildlocs, and Many other Pictures instruct IV? and
pleasing to,Old arid Young.—lt Is useful t) ALL In
City, VillaiTe, and Country
Its constant exposures of 11C1Invips. which
rare saved to:lts readers trutny 3111 hons of
p 4131:14. 0111 6ontlnned vlgdrously. For the
nl no the loteri,an n
r fontivy. no matter bow many other Journals
are taken t Ids° for Its Speriot lrfOrouttloo and Its
notlzttude of pleasing'•and useful Engravings In
which IL
.fln• r.reete (In other smi7or
31.1(pmatace prernl , l).—sl. ZO a yrar. Four
Sidgle nun:l'6 , m In rents. (One epecl
❑wn cnly, for two suuTipe.)
:7" Ort.r 1200 Vnluablr Premium Art Ides
?looks Ittll offered to tno , ..e notilto; tp
'Pre:lntim List fiett on recrtin of rt cents Nisi*.
ORANGE JUDI) CO: l lPANl%'P;; l .li.hera.
, 245 Rroodw•ar. Nev York.
preSeta rOr thPII). L SIVA IS lgS MI:, az,
One man can saw more logs or Cord woOd itl one
clay and easier than two men can the old way. It
will saw a two foot log In three minutes. Ewen,
FarniCr needs one. Township agents w.:ated.
tst.nd for Illustrated Circular and T.•rms.
. Address W. W. lIONT WICK &CO..
Elm St, Cincinnati - , O.
R, EDU . C D P. ‘ R ES!
Is now opening a large and general assortment
Hardware. - Cutlery. Stove:4. Iron. Glass
Paints. Oils. Varnishes', Tinware, House Furnish
ing Go &e.. purchased for cash and offered for
sale at 'Bargains to these who pay cash for goods.
ANGES. and Coolang , Stoves, for
AA, Coal and Wood. at low prices, at JUN' E'S.
THE Gossip, ,the -best low-priced
stove for offices and chambers ever made, at
° E'S.
j Olt Horse-Shoes anti llorsc-Shoe
_j_lls, go to .1 'N
LARGE stock of .11ar,-5 quarC,
-IX: Round, Half-Round, Oval, lia;f-oval. Band.
awl Hoop-Irou. at JUNE'S..
VOR Paints, Oils, ntl Vainishes,
_IL go to . 417
T J AN TERNSa. great variety at
tow priceik, at JVN - E'S.
f OC KS, Latches,- and Bolts; every
ILA yariety and kind, at'
OAST and. Toe Corks (Steel), at
_ .
I)ISSTON'S Celebrated Saws, at
►(ABLE and:Tocket Qatlery, at
ITOUSE Furnishing Goods, at
NAILS and Spikes, all sizes . , at
NORWAY and Sweed's Iron at
MECHANICS . will tiod_ a good as
sortnivut of Tools at Jr S E'S:
A. IA HGE7stock of - Philadelphia
(,:an 14 . 0. and Tiro Bons; at
W I R E,Cloth,. at
POWDER, Shot and Caps fors*
at 'I4II.TNE'S.
BLASTING Powder, at
FILES and. Rasps, ft full assail-
Itent, at JUNE'S.
lAMERY Cloth and Paper, and
Sala Paper. at JUNE'S.
l is - 9 N ; ito
SCREWS and Tacks, djrect from
the JUanufacturers, for sale at 'wholesale and
tetall.. — at reduced prices. at JUNE'S.
LAMPS, Lamp Burners, Chimneys,
Shades, and Wicks of:every
variety. at '
THE -Graphic awl New Jewel, th
moot per,iect antlornamental heatinz , stimes 1
the wort& at
71[? OPE, Sash, Cord, Twine and
.11. t. Wick, all sizes, a- JONES.
MUGU sTiarbs.
The undersigned having purchased the MAR
RLR YARD of the late tiEult(it: 31t:CA DK, de.
sires to inform tbe: public that having employed
experienced men, he liprepared to do ill kinds of
work In the line of
• , .
in the:very best manner and at lowest rates.
Persona desiring anything in the Marble line are
invited to call and-examine work, and save agents'
JAMSII3 3.lel'AftE.
T o wanda, ra., bittv. 15, 1578. 411. f
itY* . lt a DAVOE
11. T. JIciNE, AGENT,
of thi n First tiatiiinal
,ISank... , at Towanda,
In the lilate of Pennsylvantsio at tho ctoso of. Laal.
nets December 11,1679: •
. .
Loans and discounts ' .403.8 . 28 so
Overdrafts . .
- • 3,330 33
V. S. Roods to secure circulation 135.009 00
U. S. Bonds on band
.. .. . . . .....
other stocks, bonds.. and Inortgages...,.. 14.27018
Duo from approved reserve agents 87,360 84 -
Due from other National Banks '5,409 27
Duo from State Minks and tankers 8,471 24
!feat estate. furniture. and natures 22,347 04
- Current expenses and taxes pild • ' .. , 8,e87 64 ,
Checks and other cash Items ' • '4,771 32 k
Sills of other Ranks • . ' ' 1,256 00
Fractional currency (Including nickels) 5...17
Specie . 3.611 112
Legit-tender note% .. 10.4:6 00
Redpt fund with U S Tr. (5 pre - C.ol'dr.) 5,600 00
fruit from US.Trearr oth'rtten 6p ilt 11 4 ' 696 up
•:Total.. . ' ' 72.5,1=
1.• •
• •• LI•D'ILITIZ9.- i 7 ;
capita stiva emit in ' ' ti17.5,000 00
Surplus I and , ••• C ' - 01,000 00
undivided profits • '- _ •.,12,1422 42
National Batik notes outstand i ng - ' - 4 . / 1243 0 0 00
Illvldthois unpaid i -.. , 1 1 - pp 00
Indivoars dersits subject to
cheek • ri.9.3-14 (II
•Irnol certilleates of deposit:. 111,211.13
Dile to tai: National Ratak%
Stato of IN:titi ylvanla. 4` , lnnty of Bradford. at:
1.N.• N. BETTS; CaAbler of the atsivn named.
bank. do soleuvity swear that thkalM)Ve stair:nen%
Is true to the best of tny.knowledge awl belief. •
••• .N. N. BETTS. Cashier.
Sulisertlxol and sworn to before me this :Nth day
of 'December, th 79.
W. IL DODGE, Notary Public. •
ColthEur —Atteq.:
F 129
. ,
. .. C HAS. L. TRACY,Directors
E. W. HALE. --s
. , ,
Towanda, 1, ISG,O•vri. -' _
amla, In the State of Prunsylvaula, at the ciao
of business . December 1., 1579:
clityi and Illscottita-
. . .
C: S. Bonds td.r..ecure circulation - - 150,000 00
Other stocks, 'bonds and mortgages.... -.4.623 20
i)oe from approved reserve agents 36.634 20
Due from other,National Banks =574 32
Due from State hankii and .bankers.—.. "3.325 87.1
Real estate; fUrniture and fixtures - 22.639 211 f
Current expenses and taxes paid. - 6:716 35 i
Prenilunin paid ....... . .... ' ' • - 9,523 00 l '
Checks and other cash 'Demi : , 303 34
Bids of other Banks — l, ....... __ , 33500
,Fractional currency (Including nickels) ~ 16
Specie (lorlnding gold Treasgy.certlfie's) - '' 3.224 CO
Legal tender notes . - - - 5,969 00
itedetnptlun fund with U. S. Treasurer i .
(5 per cent.of circulation) ' - 6 245 00 .
Capita) stock paid In - ' ' - t 150,000 00
SnrpinB fund \ .2,01:0 00
Undivided prnti1.•,21,891 59
118 . alinal bank- noteBnutstandibe ,. 1;18,240 00
ID,IIB - IdepoBits Buldeet Ipelili.Ki..6l2 3.1 1 .
4teinand.certillealeB of dirposil 19,915 :9
38,523 13
/ 2.2'23 35
.10,000 00
Due to other National Dania.:
13ills payab'"
-- 142'2,903 12
Cot: sir or. Bum:wont'', c"•
G. X. GVERNSI:I%, Ca' tilerof the above named
hank, do soletnrily swear that the above statement
Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
, I G. A. (WERNSEV, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th dap
of December, i 579..
W. S. VINCENT, Notary Public.
• F e . T. FoX. - = ?
BENJ. 31.,PF:Cli„. Direkors.
: - .W. DITTR/Cli,. I
Towanda. D'0e.7..;. 1879-wI.
IX—To Samuel - W. Jones. In the Court of
Ilea, of Bradford county. No. TO& May
Term, 1679. You are horety mrtiliel that >feti tie-
vour wife, lias' applied to the. Court of Com
inot. Iblean of itradaird County, for a divorce from
the bowls of inatrhin•ny, and they sald Court has
pointed Monday. Ft. hruary 2d, 18W9, In the Court
House in Towanda, for hearing the paid M ellk to
J. In the premises, at which time- awl place yud
may attend if you think prommr..
I- iv:. • - PET Ell. J. DEAN, Sheriff.
—Tn .Jilines McCann. In the Court of
Common P 1 as of Bradford count Y .. Sep
tember Term, You are hi',reby notified that
Lydia. yoor wife. has applied to the Court of
Common Bleas of Bradford County for a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony, :Mil the said -Court
has appointed Monday: February gd. leiso. In the
cour: !louse in Toviandm, for nearing the
ledia In the premises, at which t line and place you
may attend if you think' prole•r. "
r Eg DEAN. Sheriff.
_ •
A rpLAcATio,N 1:k.,7 'DIVORCE.
Li..—To Abram CI. pper. ;In the Court of Com
mon Pleasol Eradford counts. N 0.97. Sept. Tern,
11b79. You are herehy.uoilned 'that - -tuna A.,
your wile. has appli e d to t C6urt of Common
l!leaS of Bradford County for a dittorn2 from the
:hotids of matrlinony„ ant .Lhe' batik-Court has ape -
p..Mted Nionday, Vidnuaryld.-laso. In the Court
Ifoube at l;uwanda, for hearing the• raid Sarah
-E. the premises, at time and placeiyou
may-attend if you think proprr.;
PETER 4: DEAN - Sherlif.
-,—To George L-nox. In the Court of
tort nen, of Bradford county. No. ,S..
Terra. tb7a. You are hereby notifitql that Julia A.,
your WU, has applied to the Court of Common
Pleas of Bradford County for a- divorce from the
bonds of matrimony, ant the bald Court has ap
pointed Vonday, the gd day of , February. In the
Court Muse -in Towanda,: for heiaring the said
.141113 A. In the premises, at which time and place -
you may attend If you thing proper.
• EETERJ. DEAN, Sheriff.
-T) , GeOrOa'llead. to C.ourt. of Com
num Pleas of, Itradforili , minty. 4.74; Sept. T.,.
1.71. Ton are hereby notified that Joseph A , your,
husband. has applied to the Court of Common - ,
Pleas of Bradford County', fur a divorce from the'',
botols of matrimony, and the "said ,Court has alp
pointetP , Nlontlay. February lid. I - 6A In ;.he Court
llouse In Tonatla. for bearing said; Joseph A. In'
the premises. at whlell time and place you may at
tend If you thltik proper.
PETER .1. bEAN. Sheriff.
—To Jane Kingsley. 111 rhe - Couit of Com
mon Pleas of •In rad ford County. - No. 457. Septem
ber Term,isin. You are hereby notified that Felix.
your husband. has applied to the-COurt of Cool:
mon Pleas of Itra.ifi , rd County for a divorce, from
the bonds of matrimony. and the said Court has ap
pointed Monday; February si. MO, In the Cdurt
lloube in towatola. for hearing the tail Feili
In the premisen, at which time and place you can,
atteipl if you think proper.
U 45.. " rETED J. DEAN, Sheriff.
Sophia Safford. In the C6urtof Common
Pleas of Bradford :vot#lty. No. Pitt, Sept. Term,
You .are hereby !notified that Elkha, poi!. has applied to the Curt Common.
Pleas of Bradford county for a dlimree froth the
bonds of Matrimony. and the said Court has-ap
petaled Monday. February 2il. ItSO, • i the Court
Howse lii Towanda, for hearing the said Elisha In
the, at which time and-place you may at
tend if you think proper. .
- - -
1-4 w. - PETER. J: DEAN; Sheriff.
fi n al saccrlunt of I). H. Crane. committee
of INaat , Crane, a lunatic. In *tite....cotirt of Corn.
111011 ria . : lA of Bradford county, No. lIP, February
Term. Bur.. ,
The undersigned, an Auditor ail - pointed l y tho
Court of Couttoon Pleas of Bradford county. t( tt
exceptions tiled to final art your of euttlMltteelvqn
at Letol to the aypointinotit at the office
of DavleC 8 Carhochan: In the Borough of Towan
da. on F1:11)AY. the Gth day-of FEBRUARY.
Thbo, at 1 o'clock, M.
To r {i•anda, Dec. '2l, 1579. ' ,
the estate of Andrew 31t•Queen,late of the
township of Ulster. deceased.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the
Orphan's Court of: Itrad ford County, to distribui6
the fund-in lipml.4 of the Trustee, raised by the sale
of the
. tral'estate of said decedent. will
thr dottes of, his appointment at his Once (with
Mercer, Esq..) In" ' Towanda. Oil SAT.,
L'IIDAY. the WTI' day of tIANI , AItY. A. D. 15so,
at IC o', A. 31.. when and where all
. persona
haring .-.13,1n14 on said fund 11111 , t present them; or
he forever debarred from coining In on said fund,
.1 ACK . ..54/N P.. KEEN 1:1*, /Waiter.
Towanda, Dee. IS, 1079.•,c
AUDIT 011,'S• . .NOTICE.—In the
matter of the estate •ofßush, de
ceased: In the Orphans' Court of (Mat - ford county:
The undersigned, an Auditbr ap . pointed by this
said Court to distribute tenures In the hands of the
Administrator of the alone estate, will attend to
the duties of his appointment at Idsoftlee In Troy,
Bradford county. on FRIDAY. the 23,1 day of
JANUARY, A. D. ISSO. at' 1-o'clock, I'. .at
which place and time all .persons are: hereby re
quired to make their claims iseforiq Me, or ho
debarred from coming In upon said fund.
W, CHlLSON„tuditor.
Troy, Devember
•irtne of an Order lastied'out of the, Orphans'
Court of Bradford County, Pa... May 24, 11179 and
continued December 15. 1/.79, the undersigned, Ad
mint,drator of the estate of Lois S,Gillocrt. deceas
ed, late of Waverly, N. V., will sell at public safe,
at the Court in Towifilla.-Pa., MON-
D AN, JANUARY 25, tssO. at 3 o'cwk N. M., the
foilowing described property. viz:
on lot of land situate In Bradford County. Lonati
ed av i 1 Beginnita at a Stakk, and stones
on t h e l i ne of Julius - Gorham ; thence north
Xl° east rs' e 5 perches to stake and stokes on the
line of 'tendon, formerly William Browning
thence south 73° west 53 perches. to stake and
.stones on the line of ?tendon Mr.; thence south 4S°
west 59 perches and 5 Bilks to stake and .pones ott
.corner of Wells' lot ; thence south 72° east 50
perches and 9 links to the place of beginning ;
talnlag.tacres, more or less. - •
A I.SO—Cne other.lot, bounded as follows, viz:
Beginning at the northeast corner, north 08 0 -west
t perches to Where.the road front the south Inter
sects the road near the' bridge, - -south Is°. west 21
perches on read. south 25 0 west 54 Perehes'on road
southwest 27 3-I0 perches to a post, south -it° east,
18 7-10 perches to a post, north 30 0 east Ila perches
to road, thl Place Of beginning. containing 21.
acres, snore or less, reserving I acre and 10 perches
on the northwest corner of said lot, being I
ed to Cordetla A. Wells, bearing date - Dber
: l e
31, A. I)., leo 2.thosaid`land being In Oro ( II town
ship, in Bratlford - County, and deeded to salt1,1:113
S. Glibirt by the Sheriff of said county by deed
duly -
acknowledged on the 2.3d 7 0f .February, - 1070,
and recorded Id the Sheeiff`s and Treasurer's Deed
tOok, volume 1, page 332, etc.-
TERMS OF SALE-4100 at time of sale, oneshalf
on cnnllrniatton, and balance one year from confir
mation, with Interest from confirmation. ,
III:J. BALDW IN; Administrator.
Waverly, N., Y.. December 2::„ ts7o.-dec?.s.
s7 . 7a 4. t i u tA T i th rr a: . 4 . lex s pen w sealzaran o4A te u qd totaiAfteLintse
.. - 1.590 CO
400,564 14
',I:0 14
ei SO t ns 49
trZ2,?O3 11