rjuUrt %tPortn Mgeni OCAL EDITOR. Towanda; Pa., January z, xBBo .ENTERED IN THE POSTOFFICE AT TOWANDA AS MAIL MATTER OF THE SECOND CLASS. LOCAL AND GENERAL. " The expiration of subscription is print ed on the colOred label. By: noticing the ldate ecery subscriber can VI schen kis 11 ,2ioper . tcil1 to I stopped unless 'the subscrip ,Yion ren,etceq. saw. I ITArm NON, Year to everybody THE week of prayer begins on Sunday . . richt. -1 Wito will tahe the census in this d triet? ! BE good this year and you will be happy THE new leUves are to be turned over to day THE liveliest; holidays seen for many years. : St:*QuEnaNNA county has a temperance reFfial. - 41 ' ANOTHER slight fall of snow on Christ mas day. • Tun practical Christian puts ashes on the sidevialks. rnosTs' Sons have a_bandsome new delivery wagon THE net proceeds of ;,tbe.JonNSON ben cut amounted to $111.00: .Ton.x 0. 'WARD has opened a livery and sales stable on Poplar street. MosTnosu is to be litTlited by the MC ti,on of a number of street lamps. THE Athens Cornet Band is no more 'lt is now the Perkins Post Band. . ITS a good thing for some people that Christmas comes onty once a year. THE Lehigh Valley route to and' from the West is beOming qiiite popular. -0. S. POST is building q.iite a large ad siitinn to his dwelling on Virk avenue. NoAlenying it, there *ere a number of drunken people on our streets Christmas. - k . . 1 IN Fe i bruary there will be five - Sundays, something that will not bccur again in a century. A GREEN ehristinaS makes a fat grace yaid. Poor prospeCts-for the uudgrtakers this year. SITERIFF. DEAN • t reated. the prisoners confined in. our county jail to au excellent Christmas dinner. G:iOII.GE . E. KINNEY & Co. Lace put chaNed the mu - luta:king, business of E. L CIL% FrEE, at Rothe. 'NE Good Templars of State Line are practicing a drama with the expectation of its early 4 production. ' TilE Anights of Honor of this place lrng out a very neat transparency in f o il f their lodgh room. liwrit,,'lthe Methodist and Presbyterian chri:,l4 of this place will observe the 1! o`,-teh l of prhyer, commencing Sunday next. i f :mull: Iloss, of the Third Ward cry store, has, opened a branch store, the Kellum block, Maiu street, First [r 1! 1; NJ.% miN C A liy, of Waverly, sustain, some quite serious injuries recently by &altar , from a wagon. Iris shchrlder was dislocated. PENTECOST is the name of a new post-' iu Susquehanna► Cqunty, of which I- 31r. LUM.LET has been appointed o Tost master. • Au. kinds of Job Printing neatly 'and .beautifully done at this °thee, at reasona, `ale prices. INo amateur work done at any pridC.; TII .temperance meetings at the Nati ks school-11mile closed on Friday eve ning last. It is said that much' good - has' Lien accomplished. TEMPEIZANCE and revival meetings ate.; being held this week at Grange Hall„ North TowaVa, by Hey. C. 11. Wittomr :laid Maj. VAx CLEVE. 4- LECTURE.-MT. J. W. INGHAM will lecture before the Literary Society, at the A cadeniy Han. Wyalusing%, Pa., Wednes day evening, Jarnta6 , 7. I=2=l Anotiv'the middle of this mouth E. E. 131 i . FoavroN will remove his livery sta bles to the barns formerly` attached to the :Means. house, 'on Bridge street. IT:: looked mid laughed at another man:liT fail. The other man looked and lin;fied at him a moment later. No bones broken. Main street. Icy pavement. -4 Q:ITE .' PIG.-Mr. FRANK STRUTHERS, of ilerrick, slaughtered a seven months' old pig , last week, that weighed when dre—ed three hundred and forty-seven pout:ds. GEon l iE EsTi - ,‘ of Dimock, Susque li3l{ll9, comity,. arrived at his hone last ueek after an absence of several years on a whaliint voyage,•durilig which be has sailed around the world. INiAaoit VAN CLEVE addressed a very laigo audience at the : - 31. E. Church on Sunday evening last, On t 4 subject of Temperance. Ills remarks were listened to with the closest attention. Jtnix BEEmax was unfortunate enough to lose one of his hack horses by death on _Monday last. His fellow hackmen prompt ly r.tised money and bought him another oi,e. Good for the backtati. Tar. installation of officers of Perkins Post. G. A. ;It., of Athens, takes placT on Saturday evening next. ..,The in. Aaliation is to be public, and the gazette Isays a good time is anticipated. t! Cornea of ills Messiah, (Universalist), Rev. Wm..T.tvton, Pastor, 10 1 : , re ccition,of n3erahers and communion. At r. M., "New Year thoughts." Sunday School at o'clOck. All welcome. TIIE Ladies of the ('hurch of the Messi ah (Universalisti, well hold a sociablg at the residence of Mr. lir.s. - av Ki:sTosnunir, o n Second street, on "Tuesday eveninO, January 6th. MI are cordially invited to attend: SoaignoDY hai been taking a hack -- ,ht carriage statistics end says there is a car ria-c for every thirty-eight persons in the 'United Statds, and cue for each voter on election day. Somebody Las, evidently; g ,, t our carriage. IIoAN GoE•rcittErs and Jou Gltnim. s ., ys the Athens Ga:ettr, were out at Pine ( C ' , 4i after deCr. and - succeeded in bring: twoline ones home. DoAN brought us ..ver a tine steak, for whiCh he will 14ease accept our thanks. LAST week, SIDNEY WILLIAMS, Of Le- Roy, killed an old bear and cub on the mountain south of the Schrader. .TnE following table of the elevations of towns in this region above tide-water will be of interest : Carbondale, 1015 feet; Honesdale, 1003 feet; Scranton, 743 feet; Tankhannock, 711 feet ; Montrose, 1656 feet; Towanda, 738 feet.: DON'T forget that the season for killing partridges, pheasants, wild turkeys, squirrels, and rabbits, closed yesterday, according to law. Any parties killing game of this kind until the season Opens again are'subject to a heavy, fine. TnE Reading -Room at Athens Is bound to be a success, $o a Axtrresioukent 'in forms us, as its establishment is in , the hands .of gentlemen who know no such word ns fail. Glad of it. Wish we had a whole lot of just such men hero in To wanda. JOHN C. McConmtcx, charged with the killing of . Was. McDo:int:an, in Rush, Susquehanna county, week before-last, bad a hearing before Esquire CROSSMAN, at ,'Montrose, on the 22d ult., and was bound over to await the action of the Grand Jury. LEau Lodge has just presented to Bradford Lodge, L - 0. of O. F., a hand some silver water pitcher, goblet and salver, appropriately engraved., The pres ent is a , valuable one, - and will be treas ured by the brethren of •BradfOrd Lodge. —Daily Review. . F. CALKINS resigned the pasto rate of the Presbyterian Church in'Wella boro at ,the meeting of the Presbytery at Tiogalast 'Tuesday: His, resignation is to take effect the first of January next: - He has been pastor of the Church about thiity-tive years. CALVIN DETRI7K 7 late a citizen. of Tonkliat.nock, has, it is reported, suc ceeded in utilizing " &Am," or coal dust by means of au inllamable cement. Should this prove the case, Mr. DETRICK has an invention of which it can truly be said "there's millions in it." THE Elmira Advertixer announces that hereafter it will be issued every day in the year—Sundays_ excepted. We are glad of this eldfe ; because the Adver- tiser,is almost indispensable, and we have heretofore had to do without it the day succeeding a holiday. - GEORGE OSBORNI; an employeat the Novelty Furniture Works, met . Tajth a se rious accident on Monday, whileoperat ing a buzz saw, having three fingers tak en oil' his left hand. His friends made liim a d(nation of $62.50. This is the spirit of true friendship. —Athens"Giizette. TitY4i gargle of enperas in all cases of sore throat at especially in, diphtheria. It is a well knots' and among the best or disinfectants, and a favorite remedy with noted Western physicians. A, piece the size of an ordinary field bean to a:half tinnbl&. of water is said to be the 'proper proportion. A TELEGRAM was received hero last Friday, says the WeUsher° _Agitator, an nouncing the sudden death of Mr. HENRY DOUNIAUX, hi . Colorado. No particulars were given. lr. DoptAux was a son of Mr. BkirrnANn t DoustAta, of this village, and he had a large circle of acquaintances in this region. FITCH & Ki RN's hardware store, Athens, was entered by burglars Tuesday evening of last week. What wa's taken has not beempade public,, and for the best of reasons. is high time 'some thing was done to make thorough seiStch for any thieves that may be lurking in our vicinity.HAthens Grizette. • A sat) mishap befell Mt. HAnvEv Baus- TER, of Waverly, :a young man employed by the railroad at that place, on,Wednes day of last week. He Was engaged in coupling cars, when unfortuzuf.tely his left hand was caught between the bump ers and seeercly pinched. It was found necessary to amputate two fingers and the thumb. AT the annual election of Rural Amity Lodge, No. TO, F. & A. M., Athens, held Tuesday evening of last week, the follow- ing officers were elected for the ensuing year : W. 3!., D. W. ; S. W., Jo sErir J. W.', A. D. 3tus.N.; Secre tary, JOSEPH 31.. ELY ; Treasdrer, Jon - GRIFFIN ; Trustees,- 31. COLEMAN, .F. T. PAGE, JOHN, ,AIRS. WE desire to call the attention Hof the business public to the fact, that our job department is stocked 'with a good assort ment of material whiclfgiVes us facilities' for turning out some of the finest work' this section. We use nothing but first class stock and inks, and do not attempt to compete with cheap work, - poor stock and short count. 'Every job is neatly printed, full count and in every respect first-class. SHERIFF UTZ was made the recipient of a watch chain on Wednesday evenittg, presented tOim by the court, 'accompa nied by a neat speech of B. S. COLLINS, Esq., our *next District Attoimey. The Sheriff invited all hands over to LAUER'S, and some fifteen or twenty ate oysters at his expense. Sheriff 15Tz is a deservedly popular officers, and has made hosts of friends throughout the county.—Dnhore Reriew. THE North Towanda Sunday-School held 4 very enjoyable entertainment in connection with a Christmas Tre l e at Grange Hall, cm) Christmas .EVe. The entertainment co isisted of tableaUX, dia logues, recitations, etc., which wee well rendered in everpitistance. The evening was one filled with plea Sure to all who , were fortunate enough to be p-esant, and one long to be remembered by every par ticipant. TOl'\u WELTS, who lately - escaped . from our jail, ,says the Tunkhannock Democrat, has been returned thither by his guardian, who went search of him, having been accused *(whether truly or, falsely we do not know) of giving a help ing hand in hik getting ,away. Judging from the proclivity Of...the_young gentle man for forgery, prison i§ the best place for him. Disr r garding the lesson taught here, we understand he again indulgedin the free use of the Peniwiiile in WO:cou sin. Probably the syrripaPiy of the Judge and publid.will not noW be given to him as lavishly a 5 before, and his chances of remaining reduced to . a'certainty. Tuts is from a wide-awake exchange:: Some business men never spend a cent for advertising either in thenewspapei or any other way. In the Mores of such men are generaly seen old barrel heads, on which are inscribed in chtilk or char coal such devices as these : Flower, Korn. heel, - Pertatoes, Pourk; CheFe, Kalikcr, goods cheeP fur ',Kash, Tee, , ShuAr, etc. Such business Men are not up to the timeS, they• read no papers and know nothiiig of the markets, 'they do not buy chOap and cannot sell cheap.. "Shun the store," where the proprietor does his advertising in that way. . . A' NATTER OF CORGRAFULLTION FOR PRE NEW' YEAR.—Tite Churchoit the ,Missiah .(Universalist), has wrelreerful .ipint, bright hopes at the entrance- of 1880. ;Ever since tbe; completion_of the church, three years ajuce, there; has re mained on it a' debt 414 about silty-five hundreds of, dolbss. The. cause of con kratulatkin is that 1870 among its other burdens, will bear away this laid from the church. Through, the earnest efforts of pruttbr and people, and the generosity of kind friends, the , whole of thO indebt .edness has been lifted from the/ church, and it enters 1880 free from all in cumberancea to Work for the cause of Christ and all His with greater freedom . than ever before. During the fourteen months of the charge of its pastor, Rev. Dr. TATLOR, its membership has increas ed twenty-Ave per cent. Its Sunday School, under charge of Mr. L. F. GARD NER, is flourishing, and -will soon invite . our public to a Sunday School concert. Taken altdgether_ the church has great cause to say happy Now Year. PERSONAL. —Elder WATnous, of Athens, is hold ing revival meetings in Litchfield. —Mr. J,tmis SITAUT, of Ilornellsville, spent_Christlnalvith friends in this place. —Hon: JAM'ES Forman, of North To wanda,passedghristmas Day in Leadville. • —A. G. CRINMER, of Monroeton, has been dangerously ill for several days past. —Mr. and Mrs. ,T. ARTHUR RIDGWAV, are visiting friends in Michigan 'and Illi nois. • •:--JJ W. LEWIS, of Leßaysvillo, is visit ing Lis sister, : Mrs. ,Lis. LANGFORD, at Pittston. —F. C. 3IcKEE,. of :this place, spent, Christmas with his uncle, Dr. McKEE, in Kingston. • —Miss Mary KtitwiN, of Ithaca, N. Y., is spendim, the holidays with friends •in this place. —Mrs. J. N. CALIFF, of this place, is confined to her bed byTa severe attack of —HARRY MADILL and JtTuus ,MA.soic are spending their holiday vacation with relatives in this place. —D. T. - STERLING, Esq., of .4eshoppen, spent Christmas with his daughter, Mrs. C. F. Choss, in this place. —Mr. J. 11. WANDS, of State Line l _has gone . West. - Ho contemplates making Nebraska his future home. • • - - —"Judge " E. A. P.tnsoxs', of, the Argus, is spending the holiday season in • New York and Philadelphia. - -E. B. 3IcKEE, of the Graded School, - this place, attended the Luzerno County Teachers' Institute last week. —Mr. ELY, ibf Bradford county, father dr R. H. FIX, M. D., is spending a few days at Laceyvil e;—Tunkhannock Dtinoi erat. • —Miss MAirritA DOANE, of Leona, and Prof. FRED L. GRAN have been engaged as teachers at Arnot .for the new Graded School. • ' —Mrs. IDA llonsT, daughter of the late WILMA* MORGAN. died at the residence of her mother on Tuesday morning, of consumption. —GeoitußlE. Fcq, of this place, who has been in Maryland for several- months past, returned last week very much im proved in health.,. r—MISS MATTIE MALLORY is spending Vac holiday vacation of school with her parents,:Mr. and Mts. IN'tt.i.t.sst M. MAL tonv, in this place. 5 • • and Mrs. Wst. MINIUM, of &imps, Mrs. J'. YOUNG, with her son and daughter, are the, guests of GEORGE PUNTIAI, Esq., State Line. —Mrs. 'D. C. HALL, who has been visit- n 1,7, relatives and friends in Buffalo and Rochester for several weeks past, return ed to her home in this place on TueSday. —LEvr W: TOW:4EI4' of this county, is instructing the young folks of North Bar ton, N. Y., boW to :become vocalists. And he knows bow to instruct them in that direction too. -STANLEY LITTLE, Esq.; of Towanda, and S. Juncos STAICK, of Tunkbanpock; basic been appointed adndnistrators of the estate of SAMUEL STARE, lately deceased. —Tunkliannock.Democrat. —Miss •E. P . : GAMBLE, of Athens Graded School, has the honor of receiy ing, the first .and only professional certifi cate granted by Professor RYAN during his present term of office.—Athens-Gazette.' —" Two Christmas EVes," is the title of alcharming little story in the holiday number of the REPORTER from the pen of the , able and popular pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Dr. STEWART.— Daily Iteciew. _ —SnEnf Er LITTLE, of Chem ung county ; N. T.. who takes , his , place to-day, has made the following appointinents : Under Sheriff, URI HALL; Clerk "and Deputy, E. 6. BEERS ; Turnkey, MONROE LITTLE ; Deputy, ENOCH LITTLE. —Mrs. VAN FLEET, mother of J. P. VAN FLEET, of this place, died at thereig• idenco of her son, on State street,„ Tnesi day morning. The remains •were: taken to East Canton for burial, to-day. Shei • seventy-four years of age. -Col. T. R. Jpito.vx, the genial host of Ward [loused was confined to his room QM the last week, by a sever! attack of pneu monia. We aro • glad to Itatelhowever, that he has recovered, and is :again able to attend to all who stop at the best kept hotel it, the State. —The North Towanda Sunday School has a scholar who is over ninetpone years ,old who, although childlike and teachable in spirit, is still halo and vigorous, with clear •intellect and unclouded vision. There are few scholars in any Our Sun day schools more interested in the Word than Deacon ELLIOTT.—DaiIy Review. - —The .employes of MILES TROUT, of. Elmira, (a native and for many years a ,resident of this place,)' presented him on 'Christmas evening, 'with a handsome gold headed cane, as a mark of respect and esteem, whereat the Telegram of that city . remarks : "Mrs Tuorr is fortunate in having such faithful, appreciative em yloyes and they in turn are lucky in hav ing such a splendid man to work for." —The newly elected chief engineer of 'our lire department, CLAIM B. PORTER, is a first-class fireman, and will be an honor' to'the department. He has taken great interest in the department since he has been a resident of Towanda, and it was through his efforts mainly that Linta_ steamer was purchased, which has saved thousands of dollars for the .people of Towanda. lie is " the right man Tnthe right place."—Towanda correspondence of Elmira Telegram. —The following scholars have liven present at every session of the Towanda Graded School during the past four months GRAVES, WILLIE LAY TON, CARRIE JENNINGS, JENNIE JEN INGS, MINNIE KLINE, Y , LORA TIMELIER, LAMENT, EZRA TITI7S, ANDY HAFER, MAME SI3IMINS, GRANT BLAS DELL, FRANK KLINE, GEORGE LEWIS, FRANK MAY, BERTIE MCINTOSH, WILLIE TAYLOR, BESSIE 44pAms, HATTIE KOOK, WILLIE BLASDELE; 4 HOY LYON, JENNIE GOODALE. Of th?se, WILLIE LAYTON, CARRIE JENNINGS and JENNIE JENNINGS were not tardy during the term. THE NAIAD RECEPTION. The liknrOnth Annual Reception of Naiad No. 2, takes place at Mercur Hall, this evening, and will niuloubtedly be one of the finest and most largely attended 4?f any heretofore given by. the: Company. The Comiaittee w ho , have bad the prepara. tions in charge have been unremitting fn and - untiring in their labors to make the affair a grand success, and everything points to a realization' of their most san .guiue expectations. The Hall has been very tastefully decorated with evergreens, and the floor covered with a carpet of pure white. The Orchestra will play the Overture at 8;30, _and the Grand March wid commence at precisely 9 o'clock, and will be led by E. H. Aicoi.x, President of the Company. The order of Dancing comprises sixteen round and sixteen square dances, and has been very care fully and judiciously selected. Refresh ments will be served in the Green Room froth 10:30 r. at., until 3A. m. -Carriages will commence running at 7 P. Y. - CHRISTMAS AT, WE CHURCHES THE Annual Christina* Festival of Christ Church Sunday School took place on Wednesday. afternoon, at 4:30. The Church was very hadsomely decorated for the occasion, and a happy. and joyous, occasion was enjoyed - by all - connected with the school. On . Christmas.morning the usual Christmas services were hold in the Cll'urch, the Rector, Rev. J. S. BEERS, delivering a very interesting 'and instruc tive discourse, suited to the occasion. TnE exercises of the Presbyterian Sunday School, held at the church, on Christmas Eve, were of a very agreeable and enjoyable character. The teachers, scholars and friends filled the large and spacious edifice—wbich had been hand somelyand tastefirlly decorated for the occasion—at, an early hour. The pro gramme of exercises for the occasion bad been carefully arranged arid was carried out to the entire satisfaction'of all present. At the conclusion of the ~ e xercises, the presents were taken from 'the two large •trees and distributed among the scholars, when the audience dispersed and went to their several homes, happier fop the even ing's enjoyment. THE Church cf the Messiah was hand somely decorated for, the Christmas Day service, and the pastor, Rev. Tat. TAT- Log, preached an excellent sermon suited to the season. On the evening before Christmas the Sunday School scholars, their - teachers, and a goodly number of visitors, participated in a very pleasant social in the church parlors, which were also handsomely trimmed with flowers and evergreens. Several of the scholars re ceived valuable presents from their teach ers, and the teachers and scholars, pre sented Mr. GARDNER, the superintendent of the school, with a very handsome gold pen and holder, as a slight token of their appreciation and regard for him. The evening was truly an enjoyable one to each participant. BROKE HIS NECK JonN NowrintuP, a man of abOut 7i years-of .age, came to this place, Christ mas day, from his 'home in Monroe town ship to spend the day with his brother-in law, WILLIAM TALADA. It is said that both men partook rather freely of ardent spirits during the day, and in the evening, l'i . onvtuti fell down the outside cellar stairs to '•,71. TALLAna's residence breaking his neck. 'He lived until Friday morning, when death relieved . .his Sufferings. W. YOlli3, Esq., of. this •place, etnpanell ed a jury . composed of the following named gentlemen : A. SHEARER, L. SHEARER, I. SIDLE, E. SIDLE, J. LEstai, and G. A. BURNS, who after viewing the body rendered a verdict that death was the result of a blokel neck, caused by a fall. - THE GRANGE At a regular, meeting of Oscaluwa Grange, of North Towanda, held at .Grangp Hal 4 on Friday evening last, the following named persons were elected offi cers for the ensuing year : . jfastd—W. 11. .Satrru. Overseer—S. W. AEvotto. Lecturer—D. 0. HoLLos. Chaplain—J. B. SMITH". Steward—S. M. HusToN. B:eretary—Mrs.,D. 0. HOLLON. Treasurer—B. lionToN. Assistant Steward—LESLlE ,MlEt.e. 4Cezeardess-3its. LINDLEY. • Ceres—CIIARITY WEBS. l i 'onionti--01614E Flora—Mrs. .J.'W. LANE. • Gate-Kce . per—J. W. LANE. The installation ceremonies Will take place to-morrow, Friday, evening. KNIGHTS OF HONOR , At a regular meeting of CryStal Lodge, atlas place, hold on Monday evening lastoat Castle Hall, the folio:ming named gentlemen were elected officers for the term beginning January first : DictatorD. L , PRATT. ,Vice Dictator—L. HAR RIS. - ARsistant Dictator—J.oms MclltrE. Reporter—JOAN R. KITTRIDGE. Financial Repoiler—S. W. RODGERS. Trcagurer—H. S. GRIVES. • Chaplain—O. A. BLACK. Guide—GEORGE H..RSTELL. Guardian—C. T. McKINNEY. Sentinel—R. S. Mutt:Emu. Repregcntative - to Grand Lodge—C. Q. MOwEu—alternate—GEOßGE C. RfDGE iVAY. - Trustees—C. 31. 3lrEn, 0. A. BLACK, GEORGE C. BITRIENTAY. .3fedical Examiner—Dr. D. LEONARD PRATT. ,K„ and L. of H On Friday evening last, ?dyetie Lodge, No. 40, , ,elected the following offieefs for the ensuing term : Protei.tor4C. M. MYER. Vice Protector—Mrs. E. A. KIT TRIDGE. ,S.ecretary—J. R. KITTRIDGE. Financial :Secretary—C. F. Cnoss. • Treasurer4EonoE A. DAYTON. . Chaplain—Mrs—L. M. GRAVES. guide-311.J. D. M. DAYTON. Guardiai-I I FitANK E. POST. :Sentinel—J Amu LEWIS. Trustees—S. M. WOODBURN, J. R. KIT.: TRIDG E and C. D. PASSAGE. MASONIC 4- Companion JAMES H. CORDING has been appointed District Deputy Grand High Priest, for the counties of Bradford, Sus quehanna and Wyoming. Companion ROBERT C. SIMPSON for the counties of Tioga, Potter and McKean. GEORGE E. DENNts, of Athens, has been appointed. Distric t Deputy Grand Master for the counties of Bradford and Sullivan, and Lodges 249 and 263 in Wy- oming. CHRISTMAS ATIMILAN. Ay correspondent 'writing from Milan, this 'county, to the Elmira Gazelle, has this to say in regard to the doings at the M. E. Church atG that ,pface, on Christmas eve: •1 - - 1 "The tree was a grand success, and . the committee of arrangements deserve great credit for the taste and !skill displayed. The church was beautifully trimmed with festoon/0 of evergreens, which with the trees, One on each side of the pulpit,, _ . . en with presents, the bright, sparkling light and the beaming faces of the ones, all helped to make up a bearitiful picture, that will take many days to ef face from the minds and hearts of those present:, The exercises were well con ducted vtheSinging by the intent class seems worthyof special mention, as was also the declamation, "The Night Before Christmas," by Master Bruce Edminster, a little lad o f years. S. N. Ha vens, the su rintendent of the school; received an e egant cake basket from the school as a alight testimonial of their re gard and appreciation of his services, al ways so cheerfully rendered, and many times at much inconvenience to himself. The pastor,' Rev. E. D. Rawson, was very pleasantly surprised with err Afghan, from a Member of ids Church - at Milan, 'the work being contributed by the deft fingensi of Miss Marian Doane, who, al though not a member of his church, very kindly offered her services, and forwhich her friends are truly grateful. From the -happy-face of the recipient both makers and donors will long be remembered with gratitude. The presents were elegant and varied, being both useful and erne :mental, many hearts wore made glad and we hope that all may live to enjoy many more such happy times." THE JOHNSON BENEFIT The entertainment given at Mercur Hall on Friday 'evening last, by several ladies and gentlemen of this place, for the beirellt . of ono of our wort* colored citizens,—Joe JOHNSON—was quite large ly attended: ;The play presented is en titled "Fashion," and was written as a hit - at the Mra...Grundyisni of fashionable society. The' caste of. characters was most excellent,, and a better pleased ,audience never left !demur Hall at the . conclusion of a Performance than on this occasion. We 'doubt very much if a company composed of the best profession al talent could have rendered the piece in any better : tyle, and certainly no More pleasurably - to the audience. Without a single exception thor o who tc ok part in the drama acquitted themselves in a most perfect manner, and any praise that is merited by one character would be due fittingly and justly to each. As fol ios's was the caste of characters in the drama : Adam Trueman—a farmer from Catanaugus, Mr. LataitAND linswnn. Count Jolltitaltre—Pasllonable pretender, Dr. D. LIONARD PRATT. Col. Howard—U. B. Mr.lieuur M. Toltt.Ok ltTr. Tigatl—A Now York merchaut, Mr. JAMES R. MACTARLANZ T. Tennysitn Twinkle—Modern Poet, J. P. Kazrezy, Exl Agastils Foog—Wall Dower, Snobson—Confidential clerk, 41 Zeke—A colored servant, Mr. JOIIN PIIELAX Mrs. Tlttatty—A lady whoie alm lu Ilfe • is to be fashionable Mies J. IiATTIE DELANO Prudencr—Sialden•lady, Miss EFFIE. PXXNEYPACIRER Milliletl•—£ reach lady's mall, 31r3 L. l'ilArt Gertz tide—A, governess, Miss ;CARRIE F. BUCK Sang)blna 'll(lmq—A bell, Miss. LIBIITE nissr.LL Stui.EN's orchestra discoursed the sweetest, of Music, and added. no little to the enjoiment of the occasion. At the conclusion of the performance, the Rev. Dr. • TAYLOB, on behalf of the beneficiary, came before the curtain, and in a few very appropriate remarks, thank ed the audience, and the performers for their kindness. The net receipts amounted to $lll.OO OUR TEACHERS THE teachers of Lfltoy organized a Dis trict Institute last Saturday: A. T.• LEY was elected President, and C. 0. 110AOLA . ND Secretary. The exercises were as follows : C. F. TlEvEnur-441ethods of Teaching Orthography. J. Bowmix—Friinary Arithmetic. . -A. T. LiLLEY—Vsa of Mathematical Counters and Object method of Teaching Fractions. .1.. IlowNrAs—Reasons for the Usual Methods of Multiplication and Division of Fractions. -; C. F. HEN . Enta=—Blackboard. exercise in teaching Priniary Arithmetic. 7 C. O. Ilo.tor.AN-Instruction in Lan guage Lessons. C. N. FLtatmosp—History.. . C. 0. HoAoLAND—Topical Method of Teaching History. f. N. Wntottr-,Primary Geography. A. T. LlLLEY—Mathematical Geogra phy. . C. N. HAMMOND—Reading. Questions to be answered at the next session : Why does the Earth revolve as it - does? Why does the Nile grow smaller as it approaches the Mediterranean, while the Mississippi grows 'larger as it approaches the Gulf of Mexico? Why is the South Temperate Zone warmer than, the North Temperate? Progran,m6 for the next session : Reading—C. 0. HommAND. • Mental Arithmetic—BELLE CHAAPEL. ArithmeticA. T. LIMEY. Diagram Analysis—C. F. HEYERLY. Geography- , —.1. BOWMAN. History—Miss WEBSTER. Writing—C. N. HAanto.N,n. Spelling— J. N. WRIGHT. Adjourned to meet at Center School House in two weeks. Local Correspondence. SMITHFIELD. Christmas is passed and so are those bountifully loaded Christmas trees, It is a rare species of tree that bears.sirch variety of fruit, an 3 that in the dead of winter.... Literary exercises were given at the graded school Wednesday after noon, consisting of recitations, declama tions, Music, etc. Mr. CnAwFonntakes a vacation of about two weeks....lt is said by some that the graded school will not be run as a graded school another year. There always has been Consider able opposition to it.... The singing class, which has been so successfully conducted by Mr. FRANCIS FRENCH, will give a public entertainment on the evening of January 1, 1880, at the Baptist church.... Dr. CLARK has resigned his Services at the Disciple church.... J. G. ENCELL, of Troy, N. Y., has been delivering a course of lectures on the - Apocalypse and Jewish Institutions, at the Disciple church. His lectures were beautifully illustrated by about thirty-six paintings. These lectures were both pleasing and instructive. Many parts of Revelations, which to many seem so 'mysterious and hard to understand, were made perfectly clear and compre hensive ....Last Tuesday DELS. S. COW ELL had a very severe attack - tit rheuma tism in the bowels, which catini near prov ing fatal. He was attended by Dr. CLARK. Smithfield, December 27, 180. NICHOLS' N0T0.,." The change's of the pita Wn.sic with us produce vacancies at our flresides:Whairs stand empty to-nightishich one' tv4k ago were kept to the floor by fiViiti.oo l d'irieu fr.,m a big county over tholling-their homes, however, in three toivnoiips of Springfield, Smithfield and -Ens( Troy. The friendships formed in s these two weeks .will mature as the ye.nrs glide away, and the lights along this: valley for miles may burn on till kerOsene gives. way and the electric fluid flashes through all.. our ,ftitting-roorpa at h0me..... BAL. LARD, BAXTER, PARTRIDGE, D.T. and A. SUITE bade us a good-bye on Monday last': bitching their'" time steeds" to ,a "war democrat,'! and pulled for tho other 'here. C. D. Woon felt for his pocket handlvrehief, while Hookas was 'fitting a coop of his Buff Cochin! in for BALLARD (the trio), while &trim was figuring the "profits!" for the year on poultry. Rev. 3. K. dried his eyes till they got to the bridge, and then with heart full and' eye lids wet, he took the bridge l alone, sting ing, " Who goes into hope and passioh back, -wbo comes with me- and memory on? Lonely looks mY onward track," the chain into—and I'm alone--(to-day!) "Our meetings go on—bat we miss you at home, Yes we miss you; at marolng, at noon, awl at Apt. There lingers a gloomy shade round me, That only your presence will During these ineetings one : hundred and forty-seven have been to the altar; and atilt the work goes on. The young men have instituted an afternoon meeting, se- looted a teacher, hired a room, anti ; fitted it up for a place of prayer and Christian counsel—boys that a month ago. were "thoughtless and wild,". to-night make their mothers happy at home (thirty-eight in all and more to follow!) Living here twenty-five years, have never seen such enthusiasni in religious meetings . —whole families at l the altar pleading for mercy, and now rejoice in "a• _Saviour's 10ve.... Wo often strike hands with Mr. MADDEN, of Windham, a whole souled farmer, whose progress in life is marked by those acts of every day life, which make him a blessing where ho lives.. ,',The . Johnson blethers often linger with us, and help to make this generation a blessing—true friends and kind neighbors.: ..Mr. MAINE makes limself visible, at the sing of "tic tag" goes the mill; labels your grirts, sending you on yotir way rejoicing. His light always shineti ; and the Sunday school hi his neighborhood speaks for itself—WlLLlE JoeNsoN, Secretary.... Mr. FENDERSOINN ' ' Steam mill ready to put up again—may the man who fired the first mill be marked 43n the road to misery. We'don't.envy his happiness in this life (or the next)—(music)----" Sowing the seed while the tear-drops start"—The incendiary ought to be burned to the stake inside the" fire. ...Cruirtfar. DUN HAM is keeping . A nTilUlt quiet as the : world moves.... "MARK CUILDS opened his Testament iu the line school house on the 29th instant. Boys, take your survey JAMES T. 'HALE, Esq' Mr. CIiABLIS FOS this morning of a man " who rules the roost." • You scholars who go to Nichols, tarry here (at home) and take notes.... Mr. FAIINIIA3I is keeping time "at the wheel," turning out work to ornament our home kitehens....Mr. SISK •iif ready for the show at the academy, beating out his "ring on the anvil."....',Sqpire How- ELL is'shaping life for the spring time,. when the singing of birds Shall wake up the "mill turtle "—" tick tack" goes the :;EI.LIATI EVANS is singing "Home Sweet Home "—but GITS'ItS SMITH wakes froni his reveries at Corning—WlLLlAM makeS the fire.. , . Happy New Year to you all—in Towanda. T, W. Nichols, N. Y., December 25, 1879. • _ _ A FAVOitITE topic with ancient writers was the seven wonders of the world. These have come down to us embalmed in the eloquence of the poet andbistoriab. One. of the wonders Of our own 'time is that great Fashion Journal 7 -Amireirs' Bazar., Six years ago launcliel on the sea of journalism, where havei been so many shipwrecks, to-day with a subserip ,ion list of 75,000; it stands preeminent, the acknowledged standard of American fashion, absolutely reliable on all matters pertaining to - the :toilet, superbly illus trated, and brimftiFof chaste and brilliant literature. Andrews' Bazar was founded in Cincinnati, but the great demand for it in the East has'conipelled its publisher to establish his main offices in -New Yor, where its Fashion, Editofial and Literary Departments are.noviconducted. It is published simultaneously in both cities. ;For. $1 per annum every lady can have this invaluabje fashion ,mentor. Every "yearly subscriber is preset ted free with 50c worth of ..4ndreies' ;Bazar Pat terns; and, netwithstanding,these won derfully low figures, with the' January number the publisher willgivellis new yearly subscribers a supplement sheet of designs worth- $lO. Every lady shoUld send a year's subscription, or 10c for a sample copy, to W. R. ANDREWS, Pub lisher, Tribune Building; New York. di LADY'S WISII.-" Oh, how I do wish My skin was •as clear and soft as yours," said a lady to her friend. You can easily make it so," answered the friend. " - Row?" inquired the first lady. "By using Hop Bitters, that makes pure rich blOod and blooming health. It did it for md, as you Observe.” " Read of Carlo Bulletin. BUSINESS LOCAk. Ur - Grand Holiday Stock at the 99c Store. Ca' UNDERWEAR of all kinds, bot tom prices arpsct store. , or Fancy Goods, Toys, Games, Dolls, ABC Blocks, acc , at 90c Store. Qom' Jewelry, Silverware, Toilet Sets, China Cups and Saucers, &c., at 900 Store, tir A complete Dictionary ; for 6. cents and Dollar books for 75 cents, at the 99 sent Store. izza, Our goods are NEW auil of the BEST QUALITY. DECKER h YOUGHT. Try ; our New JAP. TEA. Best in town. nx.csEn & VOCGIIT. fia" Provisions of all kinds, of tho best quality, at DECKEtt. & VOUGLIT'S. rgr Choice TEAS and COFFEE . a specialty aC DECKER & VOUGIIT'S. rar CASH PAID FOR PRODUCE at Oct. 90. I) Eel; En Vortaiirs. Vir The 99ct store is headquarters for CROCKERY, GLAS,SW ARE, LAMPS and-LAMP fixtures, best goods and lowest prices. ' tar 'for a good, durable and neat-fitting SHOE, call at F. J. BLUM'S; opposite Seeley's Hotel. Nov. 2741. PRIES WiY DOWN on. Gents' Fine and Coarse Boots at BLUM'S, opposite See ley's Hotel. "Nov. 27-tf. Vir CoptsEn has the best wearing Shoes for Men, Boys and Youths' wear over offered In Towanda, r}tid at prices within the reach of all. Dr L.; B. RODGERS challenges compe tition for quality of goods and low prices on Sash, Doors, 'Blinds and Moldint, s, and a/ building ma. terial. Eaug34t7. Cam' '1711 7 p Largest, Best and Cheapest lino of Shejl for Ladles•, Misses' and Chlldrens' wear Is found at Cons EU new store; corner Main and Plne.abl, Tracy k Noble's Block. apr47B zW.- For, ne Millinery, first class Hair 4 1 Goods, Java anvass...Gold and Silver tinted Clint Board, and hildren's Sailor Hats, call on :Hrs. M. A. Fletcher, o. 4, Bridge Street. Bleaching and sewing over 'speccalty. ~. OY.TERS ! OYSTERS !-T. R. Joupsx's 3 arket, Towanda, Pa., Is In daily rt.- ceipt of the choicest oysters to be obtained, which are furnished at wh;lesale to smal,er dealers, and for party and tblaation occasions. The patronage qt the public ts 'solicited and satisfaction guaran i telt!. 9w ar HAY, STRAW Aim STALK CUTTERS. --:A full line of FODDER CUTTERS, for band and power, froin 1113.30 to 11:10. The best kinds In use.and very cheap. Also, COW: SIIELLERS and ROOT CUTTEDS. . R. M. WELLES. Dec.ll. Towanda, l'enn‘a. We" NEB YEAII2B PARTY.—There will boa Sew Year's Party at the Bartlett Bousie,.Wy aatiklek: an WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 319 T, 1879. Music by McDoNaLO & krato's fat band. Bill, P 1.50. _Dec. IL BAtTLETT Mos., Prop're. - .4 Ur J. A. Rummy, of Towanda; will dive" of 100 Pianos and Organs. from ten differ ent fi r st-class manufacturers, at extremely low prices, for the next ninety days._ Every meat Is fully Warranted. Satisfaction guaranteed in all transactions. Those wishing to buy a good Plano or Oryput will find it grle - a l tly to their interest to ealron Mr: Max vs Lt.r. herr • purchasing else circulati and orders by mail promptly attended to. Pianos and Organs tuned and re paired.. Office with C. 'if. Itaxvicite. Iw. girMossro. A. J. Irwas & Co., Bing hamiOn, N. T.--qentlemen—l found so touch re lief from using the sample bottle of Ely's Cream Balm, for Catarrlti_that I purchmed three bottles of large site, whfcb has almost cured me. I had suffered from Catarrh for ten year 4; at iffmei the pain would be so bad that I wait bffgedlto stay in the house and send for a doctor, I had entirely lost all sense of smelt The Cree'm Balm has worked 'a Miracle for me. I shalt i4rsevere in its use, for Lam convinced It will effectA cure. C. S. EPLEY, Binghainton, N.Y. ISnovew NOVELTY I FURNITURE WORKS, ATHENS, PA.:, - Having established a first-class Retail Store in con'. nection With their Manufactory. anienabled town goods it eery leiw They lure the finest Furniture Shop In Bradford county, audit !swell stocked with goods which are warranted in every respect. We can make it an object to. any person needing such goods to call. We will show you a Vine Stock and sell on the beat terms. , Tor the' Holidays we have goods appropriate. manufactured here and folly waranted. Odr facillties for furnish, ing those preparing to keep house with comfort end-elegance, are net excelled. Call at EAITA SHOOK'S Block or the Manufactory. December 23, 15794 w. , • ror-,IIALL'S VEGETALLESICILIAS Itbrewira Isa scientific combination of some of tlie most powerful restorative agentaln the vegetal hie kingdom. ltrestores gray hale to its original color.' It makes the scalp white 'and . It cures dandruff And humors, and faillog•out of the . hair. It furn4hes the nutritive principle by which the hair Is notljlshed and supported. : It makes the hair moist, 1(4 and ghissy, and Is unsurpassed as a hair-dressing, • leis the most economical prepata tlon"over offered to the public, as its effects remain . a long time, making only au occasional application necessary. It isrocommended and used by Colin-. ent medical men, and officially endorsed, by the State Assayer of Massachnsett. The popularity of Hall's Hair Renewer hair Increased with the test of many years, both in this country and ,in' foreign lands, and It is now blown and - used In all the civilized countries. of the world, Irdit SALE 111( ALL DEALERS. • MARRIED. STUART—BENJAMIN.—At the Parionage,Mon. root(); Dec. 220, by Rev. Hallock Armstrong, M,r. Sidney Stuart, of Terry, and Miss Edith Benjamin, of Towanda. PER.RT--JACOBY.—At the Parsonage. Monroe .. ton, Dec. 24th, by Rev. Matlock Armstrong, Mr. Jerome Perry; of West Burlington, and 311frs Addle Jacoby, of Durell. RIKER P—BUSll.—iln Alba, Dec. 24th., at the home of the 'bride, by R. P'.Delmot. Mr. G. W. Mort, of Grover, and kliss E. Belle Bush, of Alba. . . SEIOVELLIA--SANiTEE.--At the 3!. E. Paieon. _age. Dec. 2.Bth, by Rev. Cbss, H. Wright, Mr. William Shovellia and Miss Maggio Santee; both of White Haven, l'a. ' FOX—MARCY.—At the home of the bride, De. comber 24. 1872, by Rev. S. A. Chubbuck, Mr. William's D. Foxand hiss Mary L. Marcy, all 'of Monroe. T OWAND.A. MARKETS. REPORTED BY STEVESOL F.ON G, GenersidealerS In Groceries and Produce, corner Main and Pine Streets. • WEDNEIDAY EVENING, DEC. 31,18;9. t Flour per bbl Flour per sack Corn Meal per-100 Ilts Chop Feed Wheat, per bush Corn Rye PAYING. - SELLING (..6 aoca 750 7 0009.00 • 1 70g 200 1 750 2 211 . @ 1 5 0 • 1? 1 . . 40 1 20(41 125 1 250. 1 1 30 • OW 0 - 65 f• i~ge's 54 75 . 4501 45g 48 • .45846 . 0 Oats Buckwheat Clover seed Timothy ; western,.. Beam, 62 lbs, 4il 050 ( ..? 1 1 0046 150 , Wig. 100 ,75 15 00 Pork, mess... Dressed hogs Turkys . saw • . 844.8 . . 8,•5•.t0 •• . B‘ii.2. • • 708 - / 0 4 11 • 5/.40 -a: 8 -. V-ijaii 08 _lO • • 22 025 - 25 0 30 2002':'.. , • "7...* '2B . -, 20,g121 ' .4 15® . i 8 . am • 0 , -as • caul •• ' su6j) GO . 4a.0; Chickens Ducks... Geese.... Hams 'Shoulders_ Lard Butter, tubs Roll% .4 Eggs, fresh.. Cheese ll'otatoest per bushel lirled'apples.... Beeswax..., (4)75 •-(?) 1.00 20 1 . '24 • 4 cpicnEcTED BY CEO. A. DAYTON Hides,..... Leal skins Deacons.. EMI Sheep Pelts Lamp skins tls4tratlCC. NSURANCE! .c.s.RUSSELL, Agent, 1 TOWANDA, PA. IRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENT POLICIES Issul on the most reasonable terms • Vona but reliable companies represented. tosses adjusted and 'raid here Towanda,lNov. 1 ,13, FIRE ASSOCIATION Of Philadelphia. • - ORGANIZED SEPTEMBER L 1817 • 3 CAPITAL. - 5500.000.00 ASSETS nearly - 54,000,000.00 I . This Association continues to insure - iron, Loss and Damage by Fire. Buildings, Hooschoid Fpr niture, and Merchandise generally. ' WM. S. vitibiT, Agent.: Main Street, Tewanps, Pa goat.i TE E\TRY MERCUR, ' DEALER IN I ANTHRACITE AND !SULLIVAN ANTHRACITE COAL, CORNED PAM: AND lIIVZIL STBEICTS, TOWANDA, • 1 7 • Coat screened, and • delivered to my part:of the Borough. Att. 4111DE.118 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED By TIIE CAM!. 1 . 11. MERC DB, Towanda, Dec. 1, 18:9. NEW ARRANGEMENT I=l COAL: BIISINESS. The undersigned having purchased from Mr.: McKean the COAL YARD AT THE FOOT OF PINE'STREET, NEAR THE %., • COURT HOUSE, Invites the patronage of his old friends arid the public generally. I shall keep a full assortineit • • of all sties, PITTSTON, WILRESBARRE AND LOYAL SOCK COAL, , ; AND SHALL SELL AT LOWEST , PRICES FOR CASH: NATHAN MD. -- Towanda, Pa., Ant. 31, MS. . • Ityl went Abvertilementi. VALUABLE FARM FOR SATA. V —*he property known as' the Berry Varna. one mile below Milan Station . ; consisting of Ito *ere* tine troll trees and rich product the land will be sold on the best of terms, and possession Wien Lannealately. Address BEE it EIMER. -Waverly. N. y. • . DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SIIIP. Tne Partnership beretororo existing between Isabella Rockwell and A. L. Rockwell, under the firm name of A. L. Rockwell & Co.. Is this day dissolved.. - ISABELLA ROCKWELL, Monroe, Pa, Nov, 29,1579:4w• IrrilE ANNUAL MEETING :OF the stockholders of the Pint Nationatliank of mends, for,the election or Directors. *lll be held at the 'ortlas Of' the Bank, in Towanda. on TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, itso, between. the hours of one and three o'clock, P.ll. N. BETTS, Cashier. Towanda, Dec. 4, 1879. THE' ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the Towanda Bridge Company, for the election of 'a President, Treas.' rarer and six Managers- ta arse the ensuing year, W.ll Ist held at the First National. Bank, Towanda, Penna., on WEDNESDAY, JANUABT 7, 1880, between the hours of one and three o'clock, P. 31, N.S., BETTS, Secretary... • Towanda, Dee, 41: i 879. ' D - • FISMABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.—The underalkned.otterfor sale their property at Orman Creek, Bradford county, rormerly• known as the Glttleman place. Price . low and terms to suit purchaser, It the right party Apply to or address • • L. EOSENBAII3I.& SONS.. 201 East Wateret:, Elmira, N. Y. Nei. 13, 1379.31 e. THE. REGULAR ANNUAL meeting of, Die stockholders of the Citizens National Bank of Towanda, for tho election of a Board of Director's and suchother.busin.s.3 st. 3 may legally come before them; wilt be held at their omen on TIIIIIIsDAY, JAN UARY b 11 . 1380, be tween the hours.of 2 and 4 o'clock, I' M. - • .• GEO. A. GUEEASET, Cashier. • Towand/i, Dec. 11. 1b79. ab, woi Pay You . . T • . . • S Over and More, Especially it ro n have. a FARM . or Village LOT, requrritir, , • • $2,000,000,000 Tern 77,o4Aiindiffi4(na Dotlers!) are expended In FENCEC.G. To febee ouriww w e ,t ern nod e rn.t wore. - 1 Every FARM and VII. Inge LOT Owner. EAST, WEST : : nd SOCTII, In i , dere..ted. ToTence 100-acre Farm colt. 8100 to 5700, eel for a 50xItY) Village Lot 823 to 511100. Wood' fencer poon decay. 1:14 a New ;Era last !laud. By new inventions, - STEEL and IRON arc to supplant WOOD, tartdshi“c.isetter, Cheaper, and Luting Fenceit. The. 2911 i Voinme of theAmerients llttria (for I 690) now beginning, will give very-r• mach ['dorm:Mon about new Fencing, with many Engravings. "(The 'Nrittiber for Dec. Ist has 21 engravings of Barbed Fencing, and dutch intertitt• lug matter, Sentpost.pald for 15 cents.) :1r To every one Interested In FENCING for a FARRL'or Village LOT, the 39th Volume' or Use American - .Apileutturog will he worth five titnes, if not a hundred times, its email cost. - BUT, besides tI;C above Important feature,the Agriculturtvt will give a very - great amount of Useful, Practical, Reliable Intorituttion—for the Farm, the Garden, sad Household (Children Included) , --and over *M -O Original Enkravfnits., . . Illustrating Labor-oaring. Labor-helping contriv ances, Animals. Plants. Fruits and Flowers. Farm BnildJnits, and many other Pictures instructive and Pleasing to Old and Young.—lt is useful t 6 ALL In City, Village,.and - Country. Its constant exposures of nun BUGS; which have saved, to, Jim readers tnanyt, Millions of Dollars, will be Continued „ vigorously. For these ohms the ‘itnerteenAgricutturedVaboUld be In er.r.y . damily, no matter how many oilier Journals ire ta.k.n also for Its Spedal htforvunion and Its malUhtde , of pleasing 'and useful Engravlngs tildeli It flu• exc - eis att.lother Journ'als. (posta;re impost d).—s.l-71a year. Four copies, it;. Single nuinbers, 15 cents. (One sped!. men only, for two 3-cent stareps..> :)7 Over 2200 Valuable Premium Articles and hooks fire to.fereti to those netting up 'clubs. Premium[ List sent on receipt of:: cents poitage. ORANfZE JUDD CO3l PA -245 'Broadir - ay. Nei" York: 07g108 +I, .. 50(41Z5 -0(450 00®1 25 .. 25 1 25 present demand for tto•ir... It sawWLOMI of any cize.. One wan earl saw more logs or cord wigsl in one day and raider than two tarn can.the old way. It will saw a two foot log in three Minutes,. Every Farmer need* one. TownAhlp agents wanted.. Send for tilos: rattsl I ircniar 1-014 10111%. ' Address W.«'. BOSTWICK t CO-. 1:11 Elm St.. Ci nnat 1, O. NOTE: One W. W. Giles, a 1 id.r W W formerly of St. Louis, Nle., advertises that_he hasan infringement suit against us, which isfalse. We hope to soon bring this poring fides,', • Jilz, to juiitice. Send for zatticul.trs. 3.. s)arbwarc, . . H . ARDWA.RE - - . ~_. • AT ormATLy 1 .. . R E Po 11, . C E -D -P R .1. C E SI • 31 . T . JUNE, AGENT,. . Is now opening a large and general assortment o Hardware;. Cutlery, Stoves, Nails, Iron, Glass Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Tinware„liouse Furnish log (fools, Ste., purchased . ter cash and offered for satitat Bargains to those who parcash\ for goods, 14 ANGES Coolin g And: Stoves ie ~ for Coal and Wood; at low pre n s, it JUN E'S. I , ---r THE Gossip; the best, low-priced _IL stove ter offices and eksmbers ever made, at - JUNE'S; 111 LIOR Horse-Shoes and-Horse-Shoe .. 12 Saila, go JUNE'S. , LAROR-stock of Bar, Square, A Hound, Half-Round, On', Half•Uvar. Band, alai Hoop Iron, at • JUNE's. VOR' Paints i :Oili,,and Varnishes, _I: go to , 1 - • JUNE'S. T ANTERNS--a great rariety.. at . 4 low prices. at I JUNES. - • r OCKS, 'Latches, and . Bolts, every varit , ty and kind. at JLAT'S. _ • CAST and Toe Corks (Steel), at JII7.NE'S. • _. • . lISSTON'S Celebrated Saws, .at, .11.7NE'S. • ' ---: T ABU and, Pocket Cutlery, ut • , :i - JUNE'S. • HOUSE Furnishing Goods, at . JUNE'S. NAILS and Spikes, all sizes, at JUNE'S. NTORWAY and Sweed's, Iron at . JUNE'S. , a road as 31Enoertilm,.!.iNorITC.Sis v a r t illfind ALARGE stock of Philadelphia, Caritage,and Tire Bolis.at, - JUNE'S. W.1,11,E Cloth — , at • . JUNE'S. . • AOW DE R, , Shot and Caps, for sale, at , JUNE'S. BLASTING 'Powder, ht • x r 3uNr.ls. FILES and Rasps, a full;assort meld, at - JUNES. VMMERY Cloth' and Paper, and 4 Satl' Paper. at - JUNE'S. N - WIDOW GLASS, from 7x9 to 24x36, at JUNE'S. SCREWS and Tacki, L direct (foil the , manufacturers, Tor - sale at wholesale add tetalk at reduced prices, at • JUNE'S. • T AMT'S, Limp Burners, Chimneys; Shades, and Wleks or every variety. at JUNE'S. THE . and New Jewel, th most perfect and oruatnout.S . l heating stores 1 the world,at JIINF.'S OPE,• , Sash, Cord; Twine and Wlek. all Mum. a ' •.11 NE',s. 1N WARE—a large and' gent T assortment at low prices, at St.t.N e fesd. LI EPORT OF THE CONDITION ic of the; -First National Bank at •Towanda; la the State of Pennsylvania, •at the close of bust. nese December I«, 1879: . , 1180U4elt6. - ' . • Loans and discounts ~...... ' $401.830 89 Overdrafts - 3,320 31 IT. 8. Bonds to secure circulation . I=ooo 00 U. 8. Bonds on band.."., - 1.590 00 otherstocks. beads. and raortypsges ivro is- Due Ohm eppreredreaerielageuts 87,380 84 Due trot* other National Bents • , 3,409 27 Doe from state Banks a atrtteaten..... 0 , 47 1 24 Real estate, fun:Mere, alo4lxtures . 29,347 04 Current expenses and tate pato . A 067 Si Cheeks and other cash items - 4,771 33 Bills of other Bias i - 1,251 00 Fractional eitrrency (Including - nickels) , 617 Specie • . 3,011'83 .I.egal•tender antes - ( ` 19,471 00 Uedpt fund with L'' 8 Tr. (3 pr etiof eir.) 0 .0 0 0 00 uue from V 8 Treas.r oth's tien 3 , p cB Y 606-38 Total.. , . • - I LIABILITIiii. . iCaptt.sistockpa.aili iiutplus rood .1 , ..... Undivided prolltt • L National Rank notes oittattuidttig. their's/ids unpaid! i !offline:Os deposits!suWeet to I . , cheek i r.A9.345 Ot Wind eettitleates,l?(.deposit.. 111,213 13 400.660 14 - Due to other Natlonal Rinks . 9,179 16 • Total r25,1= -State of Pennsylvania; County of, Biadford. as: • _l4 . I. N. N. BETTS. -Cashier- of the above named • bank. do solemnly ewear that the above statement Is true to the best of toy knowledge and belief. - N. N. LE:l7". 4 ..Cashlea. Subsorlbod and sworn to beforeme thls 21th day of Lacombe'', 1979. i • - NV: H. DODGE, Notary Public. COI: It EC T , -Attest : • • JOSEPH POWELL, - • , CHAS. L. TRACY, Dlreetore. W. - . HALE,-. - Towanda, January 1, 1880-wi: - )EPORT OF TH.E.CONDITION Iti of the CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. at Ton anti a, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business Deeemberly.,lB7.9: uzeOuswes. ir,.oatis, and discounts Overdrafts V. S. Itutotsio secure. circulation... Other stoektc bonds and mortgages. Due` from approved reserve agents... Out; from other National Banks One from State-banks and bankers:.. 'eat estate. furnitureand fixtures... Current expenses and taxes paid l'renultims - • • Cheeks and other Cash Remit. '".. •d other ..nattka. Bills of other f einka - -' 335 00 Fractional currency (Including nickels) . 16 Speck (including gold Treasl 00[11110) 3.r , ..1 00 Legal tender notes . • 5,660 00 redemption fund seltli U. S. Treasurer . i (5 per cent: of cfrcolation) ' - 6.245 00" BM LIAM IaTIZS Capital stock paid in Sampling fund I. trroliyidefl National bank notes outstanding Indir'l deposits subject to 011E469.812 3 Demand cellticat9sof deposit 19,915 79 Dee to other 'National Banta.. Bilis payable Total _ . STATE: OF-PENN-SYLVAN/A,. t.,- • COUNTY OF READTOBD, i-- I, G. A. G E'ER NS,EY, Cashier of the above named bank, do soleniuly sWear that--the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. - - .G. A. GUERNSET, Cashier. , Subserlbed and sWoin to before me this with day of December, 1979. , _ •11V". S, VINCE: 4 ;T, Notary' Public. - - Correct—Attest: ' , . E. '1". £o*:. ) • . DE NJ. M. PECK; } Directors - Towandp, Dec.::, 1679-wl. PPLIbATION IN DIYORCE. IL-T o Samuel W. Jones. In the. Court "of Common. Pleas of Bradford county. No. 508,..31ay Term. 1679. You are heret.y notified that Melissie .1., yew. wife. has, applied to the Court of Com mon Plt•as of Bradford County. foir a divOrce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said Court hag ap pointed Monday. Ft bruary 2d, 1890, in the Court house In Towanda, for hearing the said Melisste J. in the premises; at which time amf place you may attend If you think propper. ! 1-4 w. . TETEIt4 . DEAN, Sheriff. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE. —To James McCann. In the: - Co . yrt of Common Pl..as of .11ra,1 ford county.: No. SS:J. Sep t.• iber Term, I%7:1. You are 'fterellY notilikd that - your wife. has applied to this !Cohn of Common fleas ofliradford County for a divorce from the howls of 'matrimony, and the said Court has appointed Monday. rebruaty Zd. 1880, In the Cour. House in Towanda, 'for hearing the said Lydia 11l .the premises. at which time and place you may attend if you think .proper. PATF:It .1. DEAN, Sheriff. A . P.PLICATION IN - DIVORCE. A Abram Cbpper. In the Court of COM. mon Please! Itrad ford county. N 0.97, Sept. Term, 1 , 179. You are hereby notified -that Julia votir wife. has applied to•the. Court. of Common Pleas of Bradford County fur a divorce front the bonds of matrimony, and -the. - said Court has ap pointed Monday, February 2d. 7089, Id the Court House at Towanda, for hearing the said Sarah E. In the premises. at' which time: and place you may attend if you think proper. I- tw.: PETER J. DEAN, Sheriff. A PPLICATION IX DIVORCE. .1 -To George Lenox. In the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford county._ No. Ssi. Sept. Term. I , qa. You. are - hereny notified that Julia A., your wife, has applied to •the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County for- a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said Court has ap pointed Monday, the '2,lday of February. In the Court House in Towanda, for hearing the said Jnila A. laf the .premises, at which timeand place you may attend if you thing proper. I-IW. ' PETER J. DEAN, Sheriff. • APPLICA-TION IN. DIVORCE. -To tieorght yead. In the Conn- of Com nom Pleas of - Bradford county. No. RI, Sept. T., I ls:n. you are hereby notified that doseph A', your Inisband. has applied to the Court 'of ContillotO PILMS of Bradford County, for . a dlvorcegroin the r ttonds of matrimony. and the Faid Court has up. pointed SlOnday. February :Id. ISSO, In .the Court .Itouse in Towanda, for hearing said Joseph A. in the premises. at Which time and place you In - ay at tend If you thlui proper. I-4w. • . PETER J..pEAN, Sheriff. APPLICATION' IN DI V ORCE. —To Jane Kingsley. In the Cmirt of Com- Tll.sll Pleas of BradtOrd County. No. - 1:57. Septem ber Term, is7n. Yotaare hereby notified that Felix, your _husband. Its. applied to the Court of Com mon Pleas, of Bradford County for a divorce' from the bonds of ruatriniony, and the said Court basap- P.inird MolidaY. February td, taSO. in the Court [louse In Towanda. for bearing the said Felix in the premises, at which time and place yOu can attend if you thilA proper. PETER J. DEAN, Sheriff. PPLICATION IN. 'DIVORCE. X—To SnphiaSafforii: In the Court of Coinzoon - Pleas of Bradford county, N0..560, Sept. Term, IsSO.' You are hereby notified that Ellsha, your husband. Inoi applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County - .for a dlirorce'from the bonds at - matrimony.. and the said ;Court has ap- Poinieci Monday, February:id. ISM. In. the Court House in Towanda, fut hearing the said Elisha in the premises, at wldeh timeand place, you may at nd if you think proper. ' _ .PETER J. DEAN, Sheriff. • _ A , n ' ITOR'S 'NOTICE.— In. re . .1:r the nnal account of DI ir..Crane. committee of Isaac 'Crane. a Innatrei . In the Court of COM. mon Nem of Bradford county. No. 118, February Term, I.tifiZt. . The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford ,eounty, ton exceptions filed to float account of committee) will attend to the duties of htsantidnfnumt at the office of Davies S Carnochan, In the Itoroughof Towan da. on FRIDAY. the nth . day of FrItILUART, litiee, at Ineclock, r. at. . • W.. T, DAVIES, Audllor I Towanda, Dec. 24 . 1879. • Aurn.Tows NOVICE. Iu re the estate of Andre* McQueen. late of the toxiishipbf Ulster, deceased'. The undersigned, an Auditor afpointed by the Orphan's Court of Miad ford County. to distribute the fund In hanthcof the Trustee, raised - by:the sale of the 'real estate of said decedent, v. - 111 attend to the duties of his appointment at his office (with Itrdney A. Jilereur, - Eso.,) in- Towanda. on SAT 171t D A Y. the 10TH flay of J AN VAItY, A. D. I.Sso, at 10 o'clock, A. 31.. when end where all .persons having elaltus-on said fund (oust pi r esent them, or be forever de,harred,froin cloning in on said fund. .lACKSON P. KEENEY Auditor. Jowanda, Dee. Is, AU, • DITOR'S - NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Johtup. Bush. de- - erased: In the Orphans' Court of Bradford county. The undersigned, an Auditor appSlnted by the ;aid Court to distribute moneys to thelmtatisof the Administrator of the above estate, will attend - to the duties of his - appointment at his oftire In Itradfopi county. on FRIDAY.. the 23d da of JANUARY, A. It. IMO. at. 1 o'clock; I'. 31.. at which place and Ame all persons are hereby r , e• mitred to utak4v their claims before me, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. W. E. elill.SON, Auditor. 1 . Trey, December 24, ORPTIANS' COURT SALE.—By virtue oran order Issued out of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County. Pa.. .May 24, •1570. and continued December 15. 1579 , the undersigned, Ad ministrator of the estate of Lois S. Gilbert; derra4- .ed, late of Waverly, N. 1" . „-wil1 sell at public sale,.. at the Court house. In Towanda, on MON- Ati c JA Nl' ATLI" 24,'15410. at 3-o'clock P. at... the , following described .prnperty,.viz ' On tot-of land situatJ in Bradford connty, bound. cd as follows. viz: Beginning at a stake mid stones I on the west line of Julius Gorham Dice north 33 0 east 45' perches to stake and' snit: s .on• the line of - - ! 3letithlti, formerly William .1 rowning :hence. south 73° west 53 perches 10 Stake.; and stones on the line of Metillon lot : theneel south 48 0 , west In perches and links to stake and Stones t corner of S. C. Wells` lot :thence south 72 0 east.so ' perches and 9 linkslo the place.Of beginning ; con- -- taining 24 acres,'more or less. • j ALSO—Cne other lot, bounded - as follows, viz: Beginning at the northeast corner, north 65 0 West 37 perches to where the'road from the south inter sects the road near the bridge, south 18° west 2t perches on road. south 24 0 west 54 perches on react southwest 27 3.10 perches to.a post, south 41° east is 7-10 perches to a post, north 30° east lie perches to road, the- place of beginning.. containing 21 acres, more or less, reserving 1 acre and IR perches on the :northwest corner of said lot, being lot deed ed to Cortielia A. Wells, bearing' date December :ILA. D., 1862. the Said land being-in - Orwell town,' ship: 14012,1(o:A Count.y. and deeded to said Lois S. Gilbert by-the Sherif/ of said county by deed;" duly acknowledged on.f.he 23d of February, 1e76. and recorded In the Sherlff's and Treasurers Deed. - 'Rook. volume 4, page 312. etc. TERMS OF,SAILE-41100 at time:of intle, one-half on confirmation, and to lance onelear front conlD mation, with Interest front confirmation • 11. J. BALDWIN; Administrator, Waverly, December 22 , 1870...der3. _ $77a.1 11 117;4 1 ! ZWlA"Vs4gtCt'auf"l., AtrigtlrktAClit Mil 1733,122 = • .1 1 *59 0 , 00 • 45,000 00 92 .• .112,500 00 . 60 00 X 150,045 49 « 474.6.8 .. 150,000 00 .. 4.823 39 .. 34.634 26 23.574 32 z,ns 87' =.659 24 „ 6,716 35 0,51300 103 34 enzwa 12 •150.000 00 •• • • 2.000 00 2.1,2191 57 118,_69-00 88,328 IS 14=3 33 40,000 00 622,932 12