Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 01, 1880, Image 1
TERMS OP PVIILICAT/0/1. The BaLDPORD RZPOWIIIII IS published every Thursday morning by GOottalcu t atiCIICOCE, at One Dollar per annum, to advance. air Advertising In all cues exclusive of Sub. 'acription to the paper. SPECIAL NOTIC ES inserthd at TIN MINTS per _line for drat insertion, and MECUMS panne for each subsequent Insertion, but no notice Inserted for len than Iffy cents. YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS will be Insert ed-at reasonable rates. Administrator's and Executor's Notices, it; Auditor's Notice-NO:SO t Business Cards; Ere lines, (per year) IS, additional lines Si each. • Yearly advertisers are entitled to _quarterly changes. Transient advertisements must be paid for is advance. All resolutions of associations; communications of limited or Individual interest, and notices of marriages or deaths, exceeding Ave Unsure charg ed viva eaters per line, but simple notices of mar riages and de tdhswill be published without charge. "tie RagOnTau having a larger circulation than any other paper in the county, makes IV the best 'advertising medium in Northern Pennsyliania. JOB PRINTING' of every kind. In plain and fancy colors, done with neatness and dispatch. Handbills, Blanks. Cards, Pamphlets, Billhetuis, Statements, &e:, of every variety and style, printed at the @honest notice. The - HeronMt Mace Is well supplied with power presses, a good assort ment of new.type, and everything in the printing line can be executk in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS INVARIABLY CASH. Nusiness garbs. J OHN W. CODDING, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW. TOWANDA. PA. °Mee over Mason's old Bank. THOMAS E. MYER ATTOIINEY-At-LAW, TOWANDA, PA 0111ce with Patrick and Foyle PECK & OVERTON ATTORNETS•AT-L AW, TOWANDA, PA. D'A. OVNUTON, RODNEY A.MERCUR, ATT II AT-LAIC, TOWANDA, PA., Solleltor of Patents. PatOrular'attention paint to In.lttess to the Orphans Court and to spa settle• nient of estates. (Mee in Montanyes Block Alay 1, 19. , OVERTON & SANDERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA. JOHN F. SANDERBO.i.; E. OVERT.Oti..II TIT H. JESSUP, VI • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW., MONTROSE. PA. Judge Jessup having resumed the practlceof the law In Northern Pennsylvania, will attend to any legal bushings Intrusted to him In Bradford county. Pere us wishing to consult him. can call on It. Stree:er, Esq., Towanda, Pa., when au appolntruen t can I. male. • HENRY STREETER, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA 1 41.. VS WOOD, ATTOII NET-AT-LAW, mch9-76 TOWANDA, PA. • HL.:TOWNU., M. D., • HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. •lb Residence and (Mame just North of lir. Cor bin's. on Main Street, Athens. Pa. Jun26-6ni. "E 1 L. HILLIS, 14. ATTOHNEY•AI , LAW, TOWANDA, PA. Cnovll-75, E. F. GOFF, ATTORNpY-AT-LAW, WYALPSING, PA AgFn'y for the sale and purchase of all kinds of :Seem Ries and for mat:lng, loans on Real Estate; Ail .lep.iness will receive careful and prompt attention. f June 4.1879. IV H. TTIOMPSON, ATTORNEY V • kT LAT:, WYALUSING. PA. WM attend to all business entrusted to his care In Bradford, Sullivan and Wyouiliig Counties. Office with Esq. porter. En0v1974. T N • •• It AGLE D • S• 114. OPE4IATIVi AND MECHANICAL DENTIST umee on State'Street, second pour of Dr. Pratt's 'Office. npr 3 79. TLSBREE & SON, A TTOUN EYS-i AW, MWAN DA, PA. C. ELSBREE. 11 D. KINNEY, I,Jr • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OfTb-p.—Rooms formerly-occupled by Y. M. C. A Rending Room. rian.3llB. McPIIERSON. • I! ATTORNET-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, VA. Diet AWL, Brad. Co. , - T ORN W. MIX, OP ATTORNEY-AT-14 , A' AND U. COMMISSIONER, - TOWANI)A. PA. Oftice--North Side Public square. DAVIES CARNOCITAN, ArronNEvs-AT-LAW, SOUTH SIPE OF WARD HOUSE Dee !:3-15, ANDREW WILT, ll I ATIORNSX-AT-LAW (Mira over Turner Sz Cordon's Drug Store Tor. Ada, Pa. May ne'consulted In German. , [April 17, '74.3 TI V T J. YOUNG, 1 • A ?Tort N EY-A T -L AW, TOWA DA, PA. door smith tit the First National Bank Main Si., uli stairs. • WILLIAMS S, ANGLE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. uF FlCE.—Formerly occupied by Wm. Watkins. 11. N. '% I. LI A Ms. (Oct. .77) AVM. MAXWELL, ATTOItNEY-AI'LAW ToWANDA, I'A. Driee over Dayton's Store Apr] 12, 1576. - • ArADILL CALIFF, AfTORNEYF-AT-LA W, ToWANDA. PA. Ofri , e In Block. first door south of the First i i ;11ank, 0 DILI,. rinne-731y1 .T. N. CAMPY'. S. M. AVOODBURN, Physi clam and :_surgeon. 011 co over 0. A. Black's J.:P.-4 , 1v store. • ' la, May' I. 14721 y•. M. S. VINCENT, GEsEnAL INSURANCE AGENT, St, Inn A 1 B. KELLY, DENTIST.—Office • over M. E. Rosenfield's, Towanda, Pa, 'reeth Inserted ou Gold, :Silver.- Rubber, and Al titanium basa, teeth extracted without pain. ' Oct. 04-72. 11 -I _, PAYNF'„ M. D., PIiVAICIAN AND SuortftoN. Ortive over 7sl ontailyeNl Store. 1 11Iten hullos from 10 to A. 1., aiol from 2to4P. It Special attention given to DISEASES 0). , and - TIIE EYES 1 1 - W. RYAN, luR • COUNTY SU I'EttINTENUE Office day laA' Saturday of each month, over Turner & Gordon's 'Wg Store, Towanda. ra. TowaudA, June H. PEET, TjEACII ER iitl PIANO:Mrstc, TF.IIM per term. (Residence Third street, 1M ward.) Towanda, Jan. y. • C . 'S. RUSSELL'S GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY TOWA'SD A, PA. May2V7Ott. C 4 . Ali w. BUCK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAM TO ii'.4.VDA, PESX Office—South side Poplar street, opposite Ward Ilou.e. : [Nov.l3, 1579. F IRST NATIONAL BANK, TOWANDA, PA C A PIVAL PAID 11 4 : SCP.I'LLTS FUND... Tht, Bank offers unusual facilities for the trans sett,n of a general banking business. N. BETTS, Cashier. dO9, row ELL, rresldeni. Aril 1, 187.9 COODRICH & HITCHCOCK. Publishers. :VOLUME XL Though towers have perished at the toneh Of Frost, the 'early coiner, 1 hall the season Idred eo much; , • The good St. Martin's summer: . , O gracious morn, with rose-red dawn, And thin moon Curving o'er It I The old year's darting, latest born, More loved than ail before it How flamed the suhrlso through the pines! How stretched the birchen shadow[, Braiding in long, Wind•wavered lines The westward sloping meadowi. The sweet day, opening as a flower Unfolds itepetalls tender, Renews fur us at neontide•s hour 5ep.25, , 79 Tho summer's tempered splendor BZILT. M. Baca The birds aro'hushed ; alone the wind, That through the woodland searches, The red oak's ilngeelug leaves can find, And yellow.plunies of larches. But still the balsam-breathing pine Invites the thought of sorrow. . No Mitt of sorrow from Mt like wine . . . . . . Tbe earth's content can borrow. The summer and the winter here Midway a truce are holding, A soft, consenting atmosphere Their tents of peace enfolding The silent woods, the tette*. hills; Rise solemn In th'eir itidness; The quiet that the valley tills Is scarcely Joy or'sruluatis. Ilow strange the autumn yesterday In wintern grasp 'seemed dying; On whirling winds from skies ottray The early snow was dying; And now. while over Nature's mood There steals a soft relenting, I will not mar the present good, Forecating or lamenting. Feb 27, •79 My autumn time and Nature's bold A dreamy tryst together, And, bah grown ol , about as told, , The golden tissue I weather. I lean my heart against the day To feel Its bland caressing; I will not let It pass , a,way Iletore it leaves It; blesslnF. God's angels come riot as of Old The Syrian sliephikds know them ; In reddening dawnv, in'sunse,t And warm noon lights I view them Nor need there is, in time like this When heaven to earth draws nearer, Of wing or stingits Witneises To tuake their 'Presence clearer. O stream of life, whose swifter Sow, Is of the end forewarning, Methinks the sundown afterglow Seems less of night than morning. Old cares grow light; aside I lay The doubts and fears that troubled ; Ttie quiet of the happy day • 1\ lthlu tnylsoul IsSloubled. That clouds must vellthis fair sunshine Not less djoy I thnt it ; Nor less you warm horizon line That winter lurks 'behintrit. The mystery of the entried,days I close toy eyes truth reading ; His will he done whose darkest 19)1 To light and life are leadik Less drear the winter - night shalt he, If memory cheer and hearten Its heavy hours with thoughts of thee, Sweet summer of :it. Martin ! —John Greenleaf Whitifer, in Atlantic ;Monthly Ml= THE SILVER HORSESHOE. [ feb.l'7B A STORY IN TWO CHAPTERS We had been so sure that the trou- bles that wO're overwhelming others in the manufacturing world would never touch us!]l We had been so sure that delegateS from the_ Unions might prowla out .anning our " hands," and ne er gain one sinale adherent ! Eli= 17= . : I thought our s fety founded on a rock. I thought we could calmly and sympathizing y look down upon the troubles of ar neighbors. Now, when I say "we; I mean John and I. ThiS sounds "strong minded," you are ready to say. Well, I don't know What -other people may choose, to call it, but in truth I have been very proud and glad that ever since-the clay I mar ried the owner of Otway Mills he has liked ,me to I take an interest in his work and in his people. 1 don't mean tO say - that he talks t 6 me aboirt the price of yarns, or tells me of the rises and falls in the cotton market, though I think that if any great anxiety came upon him, even of that. kin I, Jack would give me a hint of it, an I'm sure I should try my best to 1 ok as wise a's a young owl, andja if the ins and outs of the trade W t ere familiar subjects to my inqui ring and enlightened mind. +,. You see, I have had such an exam - - ple in John's mother; and then-- well,.my family thought that I ought to have done better than marry a ‘-Lancashire mill oWner; and they said a good many bitter things. Aunt Denison used to] give her shoulders the least little shrug and draw her shawl - about her las if, she shivered slightly when I allltided to my future home; and when she shook hands with John she always managed to convey to me antlffected'misgiving that she rather feared her delicate fingers might be* soiled by the con tact. These things hurt at the time; though,, they lost their sting quickly enough *hen I got him' all to r . myself, and be held me close in his arms and told me how hard he would strive to make me happy. Happy! well, well, I wonder does there live a happier woman than John's wife in all the let;gth and breadth of F r nglatril Yet no life is without its day of trial, and the story. I am going to tell you now is of one ofthose dark times, that come to us all sooner or laler. ES= COWANDA. PA MSEA.SES or • THE EAR The way that Aunt Denison and others of my own kith and kin be haved about my marriage naturally put me "out in the cold " with them, and threw me More completely upon John's people than might have been the case otherwise. And, how good they were to me ! I had never seen Mr!. Ralph Cot way, John's mother, anal I came to the land of smoke and tall chimneys. fur she had not come South to our wedding: Iles delicate' health was the excuse put forward, but my own .private , opinion is that Johu was . afraid of auntie. • lid' could put up ki t alaily enough with that shiver and shrug when Oirected against himself; but.both he and I had once inadvert ently heard her say that " she be lieved all Lancashire ladies spoke in 8123,000 66,000 orire. ST. MARTIN'S HYMN. Ct ciccfctl CHAPTER I . ...... , ~.___. _. .. . _ . . .• • „ . ... • . .. , , . • • • ---.... .., . , . . . •,. .„ „ .. :. . „ ... .„ - ..., . , -... .. . ' • ,_ ... . . . - . . -.., .. - .• . . . •,„• - • , - ------/-, , - -._ -. . --._ _ , ,-:i t s . - -.--; • —•-•••• ' 1,, , .N-•-•••• J - r•,..,•Lc•••.:; , - r.:;-,-. -. ; 4,---- - ; ... —;•••.,•;:i:, - • ...... —i \ - 1 • . • , .. , . _4 (l \ ) ; . . . . . . - I ) \ t . , \ 1 . 1k \ 1 . -•.•-... .._,,..r ..•''' . . • ..,,, , , - 1 i"-- 4° T' I.' ') \' .: .+. !r , ,•'..: L;;, - , ' !. : • 1 -1 - ; - 1 :::f .'.'' :„- ‘ :::: ', . -- e ; ';-..--„... kl • , , ~, _ , .. , ..•,-; •,„, . i ,_ ~.,..; „ .• , t . .1 ':::41; .^., t i .• .- • - 1 I • 1 1 v . .., ..!,,fi , .. I .'. r • : . . - - I . I . .. ~/ 11, ‘ '. . . •%, 11: • k„ .„_ '''. - , ....,..-_ , ~ K . :k (1 „.• L 1. ' 1 /... t 7 ~ ,), 4., . . . n , \... Ne... •V. , .": . I. 1 ,'; C :.......i : „........• , , .. ... . • -:.. - ... • ......., , • , . - . .. .. „ . , . . . . • .• . .., a loud voice and had very red hands," and Lthink that was enough for John. When I first saw . Mrs. Ralph Ot way this saying at once darted into my, mind, fornever, among all the grand London ladies that visited at my guardian's house, hal I ever, seen a woman so completely, beautifully refined in look, voice and manner. Then her hands! Why they were such soft, white, womanly things, and closed over one's own with such a tender, faithful clasp, that once, sitting by her knee, I.could not help bending down and kissing them as ,they lay, upon her lap. i She used to tell me stories of Jack's boyish days—stories that she never tired of telling or I of listening to ; and sometimes she spoke of,her dead husband, and of how he had been re vered and looked up to by everybody, until at last , his name became a sort of proverb, and people in the busi ness world had been heani to speak of him as "honest Ralph Otway." You could hear a tremor in her voice when she spoke of things like these, and see a faint flush, like the pink in the inner side of a seashell, ,rise to her delicate cheek. • "It is a great responsibility to have so many hands under one head, and to be answerable for the welfare of them all ; it needs wisdom to rule them well, and to be just as well as kind," she would say to me, speaking of the great mills where the machin ery whirred and buzzed all day long, and the " hands " came rushing . out when the dinnerbell clanged its noisy summonSilike bees swarming from their hives. Listening to her wise and tender words, it was borne in' upon me• that from his early boyhood John had been trained in the best school to make a man good and true. He had wanted his mother to live—and you may be sure that I had no will apart from his—but she said, "No; married folks are best left to themselves." She had her way, but, we would not let her go far from us ; only a "step or two," as John said, so that we could run across of an evening, and she could come to us without fatigue. By.the end of the first year of my married life I seemed to have...forgot ten the fact of being a South-country wtoman. d found that there were plenty' of art lovers among the pea ple whom Aunt Denison once told me went into society with little fluffy bits of cotton sticking to their dress coats ; while, as for honest warmth of heart s and true, ungrudging hos pitality, I soon came to the conclu sion that the South couldn't hold a candle to the North. I was, ' very happy during that strange new year ; happier still.dur in,g the one that followed, , When I held John's son in my arms, and saw the clear gray eyes that had won my girlish heart look up at me from my • At first Motherhood seemed to me such a sweet, new, precious joy that I was ready to be over-anxious. I might have fallen into the mistake that', - so many,.young wives make, and in my love for baby let the , even dearer possession of my hUsbandts companionship slip from my . hold. However dearly a man loves , his children, tie does not always want to b€ bearing about-them; least of all when •he comes home tired with the days :work ; nor yet does he like to see his wife gradually become little better than a nursemaid.' I know all these things now; but in-those early days I might have lost the.freshness of John's sympathy for me - , and Mine for him, if it had not been for the gentle word in season that fell from his mother's lips, and Made, as it were, scales to fall from my eyes. She . spoke with her hand on my shoulder, and her dear beautifUl face all a quiver in the dread lest I should be ready to resent her counsel. , I • " Don't let baby keep you from being the heart of John's life,child," she said. " Let no (Me ever ihave'the power of takidg that froin you:24, Then I remembered how the night befoie I had been chattering away about baby's remarkable feats and marvellous doings, and how weary John had looked—nay, how I had caught him in the loving hiding. away of a yawn that would not be wholly repressed, and wisdom came to me as I pondered. Times were bad ;. trouble was around us everywhere in the mercan tile-world ; evil counsel was leading honest men astray,and wanton hands ware sowing the seeds of dissatisfac tion in the hope of-reaping harvests of advantage to themselves. First one class of .operatives would strike, anti then another. The " hands "at this mill or that refused to go on working except under the spur of higher wages, and so the busy whirr whirr of the machinery was 'silent until stranger hands could be found to set it going again. Darker shadows crept into the pie ture after this; men an hour ago hale and hearty were maimed, blind ed, beaten almost out of life; and these crimes were done in the dark. The masters did not escape; one was fired -at, the cowardly bullet coming from no one knew whither. I grew fearful, and in spite of strug- files after courage, more than once 1 had to turn my head after John's gOod-by kiss had pressed my lips, as he 'set off for Otway Mills. Our hands seemed all right as yet. Yet I saw, day by day, how ,the cloud deepened on my husband's face. I used to sit very quiet, just within reach of his hand, of an eve ning, or We •would stroll down to Mrs. Otway's—John very silent, but yet I knew, by the magnetism of touch, happy in the feeling of my hand resting on his arm. The mother and son spoke earnestly together of the state of trade, and the dark mists hanging over the North country, and well typified by the black smoke that came from, the big chimneys and hung like a canopy above the town. Who shall tell of the tribute paid in pain and tears by the women and children in those troublous days.? Surely no bitterer pang there can be than the sharp stab that goes through a mother's heart as the cry of her child for "Bread ! bread l" has to be smothered against her bread, lest its 1 1 sound drive the brooding man by the TOWANDA, BRADFORD 001T1M,,. ,FA., TIMM' n fireless hearth to . madneas and , vio-, knee.' I, • This is, what" - being 'um i3"trike" ,, means to the Wives and little ones'of Our mill bands. say "our" lieeause ..;--alas! that I should have to write it—the day Catllo when John return.; ed from town lookirK as l'had never seen him--as the mother who bore , him had-never seen him. Otway 'Mills had stopped. The men, whose'relations with tneir mas• ters had been a. proverb in the trade; were on strike. John did not say much. He was never a man of , many words, and si lence is . natural to men „as a refuge from possible team " Our turn has tome at last; it is , hardly the me . 's fault ;. this sort of thing is as. catching . as the ; plague. They know 'they have been fairly dealt with. That blackguard Jim Stevens is at' the bottom of .it; be was Seen talking - to one di' the. dele gates from the Union:" That was all John said. His moth er and I listened ; and; noting the set line of his lips and. the stern•look in his eyes, we knew that, let the men of Otway kills be as stubbotin . as tley might, the master would not yield an inch. Our honie, the dearest spot on earth tome—the fairest, too, in spite of its nearness to tt mannfactdring centre—was some three miles out of the-town. John, used generally to drive in and out, to and from the' mills, but sometimes he rode his • big black horse, King Cole, and now and again I would ride by him on my pretty little bay mare, Lassie, returning with the groom. I Well, the bight after he told me of the strike I lay wide ; eyed through all the lon g , long hours, hearing each one strike below stairs, and thinking those thoughts of mingled love and fear that gather about a woman's heart like . a flock of ill-omened birds when her nearest, and dearest are threatened with danger. The ,still ness of night is a,terrible magnifying medium ;‘ possibilities take gigantic proportions seen !thfougli its voice less—quiet. now glad I was when faint lines of light began to creep in- . , to the room ! - - It was past—that night of thoughts, that were almost prayers—and pray ers that were only like thoughts that I trusted to God to read the mean-. ing of. t Breakfast over, the passionate pro- test in my heart bubbled up to my lips,-like a spring that must well, up to the light: Jack I oh, Jack! you will not go to the to-day f" The answer came, calm and clear, smiting me with despair. I did not think my wife would try to make a coward of me." Ile did hot speak.harshly; I could have borne it. better if he had. Ile kissed me a moment after— held me very fast and chre—then, before he went,,he kissed me again. " That ,is for the youngster up stairs," he sail], with a tender smile sottening the set look of his mouth ; " give it when he wakes." • The groom,' an old and faithful 'servant of the Qtways, looked grave as he led up King Cole and gave the bridle into his Master's banA. 'Then John rode away and I went into the_ house, seeing nothing clearly for the mist that gathered round me, not even baby's face as nurse met me with him at the foot of the stairs. That night and morning formed the initial letter,of a time of anxious foreboding that iieined long to me, though in reality . its duration was scarcely a fortnight. Threatening letters missi i - efi of that most cowardly character called anonymous—came at" intervals. Many husbands would have hidden such things trout a wife, but I think John knew that of all trials I could have least endured the thought that he kept a trouble from me. Mrs. Otway's face grew. pallid with a more transparent Whiteness every -day ; her eyes, always tearless, had a fixed, -.hard look, the look that comes from *grief restrained from outward show by might or will. lent!th netrotiations for the em- ploymetit of alien " hands ".._--men willing to work for the wages • that was all the masters could give in those biting times—were spoken of. :Wrath that had simmered now seeth ed; scowling,lmen gathered in, yroups about the narrow streets that sur-. rounded the mills like a labyrinth ; muttered curses made starved and frightened women hurry by; clench ed ,fists threatened the world - for grievances brought about by the, bad counsel of wic;:ed men and the brute .resOlve and stubbornness. of uncul tured natures. Many cases of low fever, the result of insufficient food and fuel, occurred among the wives and children of our rebellious operatives; and my time was soon taken up by ministering to the necessities of the sick. In this work, John never strove' to hinder me ; not yet, in the want-stricken homes of the people, was one word of reference to the strike ever uttered in my hearing. The people were kindly and grateful to me in their own rough way, and I crossed no threshold that a welcome did not greet me. God knows how full my heart was in those days of darkness He was teaching me the deepest lessons of life, for " in the day of my sorrow I sought the Lord. Not with long• prayers, or any outward acts of de votion,- but with a close dependence on His care that became as the very air I breathed. Nor was I without comfort. The sympathy of those dependent 'upon ".tis ,is a beantifid thing in time of trouble—and • there *as not a servant] ii , our, lionSehold whose heart did not beat in sympa thy with mine; not one who ,did not rejoice with mein the safe return of the master evening by evening, and enter into my repressed anxiety as we saw him ride away in the morning. At leUgth came a dayone. of those days that are to be found in most lives—a day that, however long we live, however far away - from its scenes our after fate drift ns,, is traced upon our memories in indeli ble colors and forms a' &WO upon • ". • - I ~ •1 1! r. " -;• • raiCiABDIAriM4i Pit DiFtitrX7,4 l l o .4f. ,FTL.P 3 ANY gIUAIMER. which we turn and look back, to tnarvel again andagain how we lived through its horror and its anguish. • The.days were beginning to short en. I , Jove _the gloaming, and was net sorry ~to welcome the soft dusk a Wren bit. eaklier each day. , Ilaby liked. it, .too,, I , think, for, twilight makes idle fingers, and I had. more , time to ftn toss hup and down and _ listen to the merry music. of: his crows of pleas t tare: _However. sad and' haious at other, times, 1 always M aaged to cheer' up when -baby made is appear twee in my sitting-room';,;'and, oh, *hut comfort I fonnd in the touch of his Velvet4Oft ' cheek' Griddled 'up against mine, and 'his little pink palmed hands clinging round my lingers.: , . - ~ 'Well, one day-4 rather afternoon 1 , the, shadows were lengthening out, and robin wao piping ,the first notes of his plaintive even-song, I sat alone in my cosy, My.mother (I -tali her thua because, in mycreed, Joha'l belongings were mine, too) had been ailing for a day or two. The straia,of, anxious, lov ing thought for her son had ~told Upon that fragile frame, wearing it as the sharp sword wears the scalr• bald. For our troubles were black around us as ever. " If I had dealt unfairly by :4 sin gle man in my employ, I would own to the wrong and make reparation," my darling said: " Some hands have Just, cause to complain of the Masters; mine have none. I will not budge an inch." It seems to me that I . am telling my story in a strange, desultory fashion, but I cannot help it. I give. you the memories of tho'se days as they rise one by one before me. The illness of Mrs. Otway kept her a prisoner to her own home, and day by day I went to sit , beside her couch and talk of John, andof scarce aught else. Women who are Leal and true, can give sweet, store of com fort to each - other in time of trouble by community of sympathy, even if they be but close friends; how much more, then, could we two, to each of whom the man upon whose. head sor row had fallen was the best and dearest 2 Baby, on the day which I now write, and from which I 'seem ever wandering in devious paths of thought, had seen lit to take his sleep' at air., unwonted hour; so I- was alone in the deepening twilight for once. The house , was very still just then, for the servants were at their tea, and a thick, green-haized door shut off their premises from the rest of the rooms. It was so quiet that through the open window I could hear Lassie whinny softly, in her stable across the yard; so quiet that the sound of my own name, spoken hurriedly and almost in a whisper, made me start, and seemed as it were, to tear the mantle of silence that was brooding overthe earthly autumn evening. •" Mistress Otwayl Mistress . • Ot way !!' said the voice, " for God's_ sake coom round to 't door and let me in. I'm nigh drooping • Inn moment I.had reached the porch, opened the door, and was half supporting, half-leading a figure so ghostly, /30 deathlike, that it might almost have been taken- for a visitant from the spirit-world. • It was Jim Steven's wife; a woman haggard and fever-wasted, and whom I had seen milk the day before lying weak and wan, with her two-day old baby by her side. . "Lizzie !" I cried, as she staggered into my room, and still holding my arm in a wild, convulsive grasp, gasped out something I — could not understand, "are you mad ?" " Ay, a'most she whispered, rais ing her fever-bright eyes to mine, and wiping the sweat from herpoor thin face with a corner of her shawl. "Listen, lady," she- Went on; "if they miss me fro' my bed' and Jim learns I've coom oop here, I'm a-dead woman ; brak every boan in my body, as sure as theer's a God above; but I dnnnot care. Yo've bin a,good friend to me, and the like o' me, and I woant see yo made a widder, and yer little one fatherless." The. words struck me like blows, felling me where I stood with their terrible force. On my knees, with my head in that poor creature's lap, I wrestled with a pang so..awful that as, I write about it now, after. long. years, it seems to rice my heart- • " Nay," 'said . Lizzie, lifting my bowed head with her, shaking hands; tfi,yh' munna greet—yo' mun'be strong and hale—for the sake o' him as loves yo'. If summat ain't done he'll be carried - whoam to yo' dead this neet, wi' bullet in his bress." "My God I my God I" I cried, stag gerino, to my feet, " help me I" "Ay, I say Amen to that, lady," said - Lizzie, catching my hand and pressing it agiinst her bosom. " Yo've helped' others ; happen God 'ull mind that now and help yo'." " What can I do ? Tell me—tell me the whole truth, Lizzie: See, I'm strong and hale now ; God has help ed we already. He has put courage into my heart." " Thou% need it, my lass," said Lizzie, forgetting in her eager trouble all barriers of class, for pain, the great - leveller, set us • for the nonce side by side, just two sorrowing, timorous women, and nothing more. It's Jim as is at t' bottiim o' it all —may God forgive me for speakin' agen my' mon, Mistress Otway—l wudna ' but it's to hinder- murder hula' done, and afore 1:ell thee, wilt 'thou swear that n.e'er a word shall pass thy lips to -hurt, him ?' He's a bad mon, I know ; but fora' that he's my mon--and it's hard for, any woman to speak up agent her mon I" 'ln sorest anauish of impatience I wrung my hands the one in the other, and, ' with lips ssi white as Llizie's °ln, swore the oath she craved for. Then she told me all the shameful 'Story. _ The foreign workmen' whom (so report had it) John hid decided to employ •were on their way to 'the North ; there was no chance now of bringing the owner of. Otway Mills CHAPtilt .TANT!AtY 1, 1880. on big knees. The furnace of hate, heated Oven timhs with 'the fuel of 'drink, seethed like a mighty cauldron. Jim stirred -it with bitter, angry words. Ile had been at fault more than • once, and at last diatnissed; he had.wrongs to , revenge, he said—they all had. Thus the evil tongue tried to stir tip strife but only one or two turbu lent spirits like himself would be led into: plotting against the master. Theise then had laid a foul plot--the plot' that' poor, faithful Lizzie had left-her bed of weakness and . pain to . Warn . me 'of.. " You know," she said, "the big wood wheel , t' two roads meet, half way. 'Mixt here an t' mills ?• Wee), they're to watch for him passing , ' by Cheer on his black horse, and, oh, my lady !the shot coom from behind the trees." • "..When—when?" I almost shriek ed.' • " To-neet," she whispered hoarsely, as though she feared the. very walls would tell Jim of her great ,-reg,cli ery. " Theer's no toime, to lose. Thee must go . theesel' • they'n know surawat's up if (my alter body goes by. Which .0' the roads does the meester coom by ?I she added, with a Sudden - look of- dread in her eyes that was-mirrored in my own. . "Sometimes' one, sometimes the other," I wailed. " Oh, I cannot tell 'which 1" - • "It's hard on thee," she said, with_ wonderful, pitiful lovingness. "How wilt thou knaw which way to game ' " How, indeed ?" "One—two—three-four's rang out the little clock upon 'the bracket, by the window. 'We 'both started, tied Liizie gathered her shawl, about her. " I must gang my way," she said, her head drooping on her breast. ilut she lingered a moment more, holding my band close, and peering eagerly into my face. - "If Jim ketches . me," she said, " if he murders me, if I sec thy face no more, dunna forget mY . little 'un, for heaven's love !" "No, no," " I.cried; "but do not speak such words! they break my heart! God keep you . from harm. He will! He will 1" She shook her head, and a tear trickled down her cheek., "Tell thy errand. to Atone," she-said earnestly. " The .meft love the,: sight of thy bonny face, even the roughest of 'em ; but, they're not theirsel's now; ',they're loik - wild beasts mad wi' the taste o' blood ; theyrd shoot , yo' dowit loik a rht if they guessed yer errand." t. I had hurriedly fetched • a . glass of • wine, and now held it to her drawit lips. - .- :. '‘, / " Drink's a good 'servant, bit a bad .master," she said when she swallow ed it, "and happen I'll get whoam the better for that. (food-bye, .my , . lady " • _ _ . I have always been impulsive--at least I believe so; at all events, in another moment my lips were press ed against Lizzie's sunken cheek, aup her tears and mine mingled. We stood thus, hand in hand, nodonger diVided. by any thoughc of classor , caste, only two sobbing, troubled' women, and then— • .. . Like a shade] that ad come and gone, as a strange apparition might do,• . the tall ilgur%'with . .the shabby shawl 'gathered snood-like over its head., ad - glided away among the trees, and I was left alone to think. Time, precious time, was passing by. I had—how long to reach, the mills? Scarce an hour. How should I- go? By .whicliof the two roads would John come?. I stood out on the green, velvety lawn where of. an &Veiling he smoked his cigar while I set by. I remembered I . this as I stow ' there, and had to crush back a c y that rose to my lipS. . Just at that moment once more a low, soft whinny came from Lassie's stable. Then I knew. The grooM was crossing the yard; and speaking, measuredly, as one in great haste,.l told him to saddle the lrtbl'e mare : " I am= going to ride to meet, your - master; you need not come with me." Then I turned hastily toward the house, fearing some expression of surprise upon -the man's part. „ I remembered what . had! said : " Let no ode know thy errand." - To fly rather than to walk — to my bed-room, to equip myself in my riding-dress, in so- short a time that it was a wonder mortal fingers could achieve-the task, and then, just-for one moment, to-steal to my7darlinft's' little bed ; not to weep, tears weaken at such a time, but just to kiss the cheek flushed in sleep, and lying in such sweet-repose - upon the tiny open palm. - "Oh, baby !" I said bowing my head upon my hands as I knelt. " I am going to save him—for you and for me I" • And I sobbed, though my eyes were dry. , . Who, watching a sleeping infant, has'not seen that sudden, ineffable' smile that, like a sunbeam playing on'the petals of a flower, parts the sweet injlkAedewed lips, ,and passes swiftly 4s it came? I,cheSe• to take that , smile as a good Omen; 'I chost to think IfeavenlLangel, in my' hour of need, stood by me, -and the closed violets of my darling's eyes saw the minis tering presence. - I heard the clatter of Lassie's hoofs upon the etones of the yard. I,staid one fleeting instant at the nursery - door, and then- down the stairs, out through the pretty porch; one spring to the saddle. Oh, it did not take long, and we. were on our way—on our way upon the journey that meant life or death for him and for me—worse than-death . if , the worst befell. • ' I dare not hurry . much at first; kneW that "the hedges had eyes and the trees ears. •Iloyr they sighed aboVe my head as the evening wind swayed them gently. telenched my hand on the - handle of mr riding 'whip. I set my teeth hard. 'I fought for 'patience.- Every moment was a "jeviel of great-price," and yet 1. dare not.hur ry. riot yet. , Once the horrible gloom of the thick wool past, and . 1 then the terrible choice between the two roads would lie before me. My heart beat so thick and fast I scarce could draw my breath ; and just as csve were , near the thickest part of the bush and trees something stirrbd l. whila, Lassie gave,a,sudden startond then a bound. " Stead3r, - steady, little one," I said, speaking out loud; " it is - but a poor, silty sheep that has stmyed into the wood." .Lassie trembled, as I_ could feel ; but she stepped on quietly enough, and--Heaven knows where a woman's strength cornea from at such Uwe-- I let the reins drop loosely on: her shining, neck, and sang to myself as I.went along. • The ears that listened could not think a woman rode a race of life and death for the sake -of the man she loved, could they ? • • We had reached the fork of the two Toads • thb dark shadow of the wood lay behind, us. A touch, and the mare stood still. " Which ? which ? 0, my - OW help ine ! guide me!" I prayed. 'Then I let the rein drop on Lassie's neck, closed in eyes, and gently : urged her on. She took the waythat the left. The eho ce was 'Ostia. Maddening thoughts throbbed in my brain. Was John, even now, as Lassie's willing hoofs rang out on. the hard road coming along the almost parallel route, each step of his trusty steed leading him nearer death? •Or had some blessed chance delayed him ? Should I find him at the mill ? Would Heaven be so Merciful as that to the-? Three miles! three miles! Did ever the road, gleamin g palely white' before me in gathering dusk, seem so long before? The night, like a soft curtain, was falling upon the world ; I saw a single star glimmering above -the robin sang no more. We were - in the open country.;'we passed no more dwellings where lights twinkled through the trees, acid seemed to speak of human com panionship and happy:homes. Alone in the twilight two solitary figures = my little mitre and et On, Lassie, on !" I cried to her. "Faster, faster!" I saw, the smoky canopy that over hung the town, though now—ominous sign !—it was less dense than its wont. I could have cried aloud for joy. "Lassie! Las4iel make good speed, little mare—we have Inot an instant to spare !" The road seemed to rush along be neath us. "quicker! quicker! make gOod speed ! make good Speed,little mare!" 1 touch4d her Hank's lightly with my whip ; she tossed her pretty head, flung off the White fOam that had gathered .on her bridle, and sprang forward with added life and spirit.. "Lassie! dear Lassie!bonnie Las sie! see, the ,gall chimneys are, in Stg,lit, we arel,i,ettin,g near him now, Lassie; we shall save him yet!" • I. knew not' what wild . words I" uttered in my mad excitement; lath; erto I had managed to keep, the curb upon my terror and my pain; but, now, as the goal of my desires was nearly reached, 1, could have tossed tpy arm aloft; I could have stKiek ed out to the night; I could have been'guilty of any mad thing. • -' At the entrance to the town I drew rein, and Lassie and I tried to look as-quiet and respectable as we As we passed through the narrow streets, where men , stood about in little groups, and- wOrne.n, with poor. starved-looking children clinging to their petticoats, Stared ut me: and my panting steed. The great. gates that led into the mill yard were closed. How strange , a contrast to when they stood widely opened, and of men, 'like bees out of Live, came pouring - through them, while the great bell, that meant " work isnver " clanged out its come message! • A man looked thr4ugh a grating, anti not without some curt express ions of amaze. " Has the master gone I asked, in a voice that did not sound like EtEr2 " Noa, rny leedy," he answered in the North country tongue. Once. inside the yard I - stepped from my , saddle, find! left 4 Lassie standing there panting • and foam flecked. (lathering . my, habit in my , . hand I went up the steps into the cold whitewashed passages, and so on to a room L knew well—John's ZOOM.. lie was writing at a table, and the flaring gas above his- ! head showed me his : face, grave and anxious; change to a look of uttermost sur prise as he saw his wife standing in the doorway. Perhaps tbe .moment of relief is more -trying than the suffering we have waded through :to reach cannot tell; but I kdow that as I inet my husband's eyes—as saw John there before Me—as realized the - mighty truth -that he was saved, I gave a great cry, and fell.,down without sense or life at his feet., • These things happened,a long time ado. People have forgotten the year of the great strikes; 1 have not. , Baby is a young giant nlow;a head l taller than his mother; 'and 'owns a sister Whose inches reach : , 'well nigh to his stalwart shoulder? . John still .smokes upon the lawn ofip. summer's' evening ; while I sit by, but tell him he is growing fat and lazy,' .At which he laughs, and says he shall soon turn OtWay Mills over lb his. son .altogether. • t. - Our mother rests now from all earthly sorrow, and her memory is like -a beautiful presence among-u 5..,, On the table iu my own sitting. room is a little hoof, shod in a silver hoe. The relic is ,kept under a glass. shade, and I always dust it. with my. Own hands. 1. am sure you will know without - my telling you that it is held dear foi the sake of Lassie, the little mare. IYou will divine th;tt it is one of those willing' feet that carried me . to Otway Mills•through the dusk pt a memorable day to save a life clearer, than Inv own. That.dear- life • cost another, ‘ . for poor Lizzie left her baby motherless; and I had to promise . . ,Weak ened with'fever,"and her recent trial, the strain ofthat errand of love that the set out Opon to warn ale of her $l.OO per Annum' in 'Advance. husVand's plot against mine, proved too much for her•feeble frame. I kept my oath sieredly;and one, save John and I; ever knew that. Jim's wife, with a noble disloyalty, "spoke up- aged her mon."—All the Year Round. POPULAR:MEDICAL SClncE.—Clem Berry, the sable philosopher of Carp son, spent a few days-in this city last week. He sins sorry to find his old friend Marcus A urelius Johnson, con fined to his bed when he called. • " Why, Marchs, what on errs de matter wid-ju?" "Dunno, 'Clem—dui no 'zactly. Doc Bronson sez de- disease hasn't gone 'long 'nuf ter make a erect doggyneses of it„but he believes it's de roomytism or:the newralzy, " Well if dat's what de matter, I jest know how ter-flr you. Seen lots Of it cured down der in Cahson. Der was Guv'nor Kinkead, an' ole Jasper Balicoek, an' Farmer Treadway, an' a lot o' dem ,kind o' fCller—all had 'de roomytism, or de newralg,y, or some udder mighty reliable disease of de same - gin'ral nature—an' I've seen all dem cured. You , jes' send fo' yo' doctor, an' tell him to cut a button-hole in yo' hide whar de pain does de mos' work, an' .to take a seeringe an' squirt 'bout half pint mawfeen in dar. Pat's what'll cure you, Marcus—you hear me. I'm a talkin, chile—cure you shuah. Dat's. what we call the sutterranean injecshin, an' don't you forget it.".— Virginia (Nee* Chronicle. AN EXCELLENT SERMON: - This didn't happen - in Elmira, but the ap plication is just as binding : A little shoeblack called At tht , residence of a clergyman of this, city, and solicited .a piece Of bread and some water.- The servant wits di reetcd,to give ; the child bread from the cruirib , basket, and as the little fellow was walking slowly away and shifting the gift .between his fingers for a piece large enough to chew, the minister called hint back and' askqd him if'he had ever learned to pray. On receiving a-negativ.e answer he directed him to . say, , 1 " Our Father," but he could not understand the familiarity: . "Is it our fatheryour father—my father ?" • ". Why, certainly.", ". The boy looked at him awhile and commenced Crying, at the same time holding up his crust of bread,, and exclaimed between his sobs. , You say that your father is my father; aren't you ashamed to_ give your little brother such stuff,to eat when you have got so many good things for yourself?" .A- VULGAR AM-ERiCAN FROM Cill cAGo.-A downright vulgar Amer ican is about as vulgar a than as you could'meet with anywhere, and per haps the flower of American vulgarP! ty'is to be 'found in the thriving city, of Chicago. The lion of - a fashion:ll' ble dinner table; at which I happen ed- to be. present the other : evening ; was a Chicago banker, so enormous ly 11.1 that he -might havef.daid with Mr. A lqwn.,in "Courtship," Wealth I woller in it." He carried the out ward signs of it ahout him in several Massive rings and a watch chain that hung like ropeS' of . g old - about his waistcoat. He was tall, . lean, and .yellow, and abominally over dressed ;. but In - others with marriage able . I dattgliters . could ' not make enough .-of him. He Aid not talk much, and. would have got through dinner well enough but for one un - - lucky slip into' which the kindness of his hostess betrayed' him, He ate but little; and refused one dish . after another; and the hi)stess ; after ttyinc ., in vain to tempt his appetite,i said e she believed. she must give him up. " Wal, yes,' ma'am - I believe you'd best," said-the banker. You kno* I'd trust you with my purse and my topcoat ; but I guess I'll boss my -own stummick."—London World. WOMEN.—The Archbishop of tan, terbriry heartily approves.'of universi ty education for young women. At the recent distribution of the prizes of . the- Oxford -local exaMination he declared that-ilie, w:is glad' to think that fltst-class instruction was ready to the bands of. all young ladies Who desired' to avail themselves of it; and spoke in Commendation of the opening.a.these examinations to young women; " whose education, after a comparatively-early-age,' was left entirely unattended to, and -they had no stimulus to continue it." An otherdistinguished gentleman, • Sir Alexander. Grant, at the recent open ing of the session of the Edinburgh Association for the University Edu cation of Women; - spoke heartily. in favor of the higher education fit women. He characterized - the old System Of education_ - in boarding schools as. meehanical and dry, and I said that the - .proposed substitution was not longer hourS of •study, -but a more rational employment , of a short er time._ I • L SOME geETlri Tnixas. Take, for example, the folloWing gehuine notice on an Irish church door: "This is to give notice that ,no person is be' buried in this 'church-yard bu't those living in this . parish. Thoie who wish to - be buried are desired to apply. to me, Ephraim Grub, parish: clerk." Here is another . kindred specimen-i " The churchwardens will hold their quaitCrly meetings once in six wecks,iinstead of half-yearly; as , formerly." , In April of Mu: the following bill was . stuck up : .". This house to be let:forever, or longer; if required." Such a house would quite match the goWn.mentioned .by Miss Edgdworth.. " which would wear for; ever, and might be converted into a petticoat afterward." Another pe culiaegarmeat is described in one of Lady i Morgan's earlier .noVelS in Cr composed of "an apparent tissue of woven air." • IMI A LITTL girl of four yearaWaa 'recent ly called as a witueas in a.. police court, and in answer,to the question what be came of little girls who told lies, ,intio n eentbr moiled that thev Were sent to bed. ,--11roso York Eronissyt Post. The old year sat beside the hearth In thoughtful mood : the boor was bite ; Acid era be vanished from the earth - The past hi: !Yale would contemplate. 6 6 1 brought - a wen th of joy or those Who bad toorbUrtloned been with grief.'' lie said. "and for unnumbered leers .1 . Furnished thepeordist of relief; "To some I gave a garden's bloom. -street pansies and forretdarnots; , • To some the cypress, atli-batOmb. - The barrenness.of:desert snow_ With lore I tarrtel!for a Awhile, Breathing the sweet elyalan Mr ; And bidding hope serenely Smile - Across the thresbcdd of Murals: • I mitered mit my natal hoar littlidened alike with bliMand bane; Cominissloned by my Lord to dorm!' Some heartkwith ease, and ifolre with pain . happiness bad rich Incrase, - I shall be honored long, I kdoWi Due those I robbed of Joy and peace- They will be glad to !lava me go 1- NIJIO3ER 31 " I've followed Many a bridal' traixt Have` witched many a lonely bier With birth and death, with loss and gain, !lade up the record of the year. And sow beside liecember'S gate • 1 1 Where bangs the yearealaretu bell, I pause to scan the past, and wait The'seund of my own funeral knell. “One : How the boors liavpoilipped away? Two: Some Will weep with sore regret; Three Could I still on earths detiy Four : 'Some good r might accomplish yet,. Flee f An angelic song awoke - Six Surely are the fetters riven ; Soven.l.iioon I Allan bear the - final stroke—. "Eight Chime sweetly with the clock of heaven. " Nine lam neareeto my goal 1 - Teti 1 Time must eternity begin : Eleven t Awake, iminortalaoul -. ' Farewell! Farewell and let the new year In S• "I come the old year's debt to par I come his promises to keep; To walk upon. the world's higtiway,- , ! .• • - And deck the-graves Where the dear ones sleep. Where he gave smiles I may give feinr, Lite's path vv v gh goed or bestrew; " For unto him_4(r views the years • . The new Is obi, the old ts new!' ------- UlvpE t, II unz4.—Xany a babe gets a wren - ch'.from ; loving hands that might, account for the Sudden ; attacks ; of spasms. the day after, or; for hours of fretfulness that no coaxing seems to soothe and no -medicine apps to reach. Falls from little perambu lators while-in'charge'ofnurses, tho' they leave no.-outward and visible sign in the shape of_ cuts or bruises, , may have inflicted something worse by far than`cuts or bruises would have proven to Me. Cases "have. -oc eurred•frequeritly where infants hart - , had falls of „ which nurses h 7 s've not told, and no maiks from : which were visible to the eye, but .whiCh made the child unaccountably fretful for weeks, until curvature of , ; the spine told its frightfurstory. - rnr this rea. • son mothers.Onnot be too' careful in; hand!ing ; their little ones-and looking • after them personally; rather than trusting Iso- much; to hired nurses: , A child ; is tender thing, arid a kart' which lea.ves no s U rfaCe sear may thy - the foundation of;an early death or futtire deformity. ; , AN Acron's PRAYERS. -It ,iS scarcely creditable, but nevertheless_; . true, that on the morning of the day on which •he is to appear in, a new piece, M. Lafontaine goes to offer up - .a prayer. that he may he successful. - f . Some years ago, when - lie .belong,ed to the Comedic- Prancaise, •fnend met' him and his accomplished 'wife out sof the g4,,pe " The Franeaise," said th actor, ex planatorily; `k revives Tartuffel this evening." ." What!" . exclaimed the friend,T" ask God' to aid - You in play ing: h.,'part.which . the clergy hold to _ lie inimical to religion?" ''Gently;" replio M. Lafontaine; - "we paye!.l, that,we might be . protected , ithis eve- - ning., hut we did not saythat it. ws. for Tartruffe.' " ' _ - OLD AND NEW AT-SEA IS TUE CLo i uns.—A young woman who is visiting friends at Chi cago, hearing some conversation up- on literary matters, in Which allusion was made. to the Flying Dutchman and other phantom vessels, asked if any of them had reacU. Burns' i tme poem. - ou the subject. "Burns' poem?" echoed one of the company ; "I 4v er knew that Burns bad written 'a poem - about pi l iantom ships." ."There is hardly a school girl in 'Boston," said -the young woman froin the Hub,- severely, '‘that does not know that he was the author of the. 'Brigs of Ayr.' " And with mile!' dignity she - retired to peruse Tgr. Joseph -Cook's fascinating work on '' The . Oosmogo - - ny of Theodolitic CrepuSculisni," El= Ati 113iNEsrEn ComtuNts7.- , -- An old, man, the senior of the band,. was wrapped ups in a,. blanket, and trem bling withTMu cold* Of ague. A sharp cry diverted attention from him. It . proceeded from Mime:Rogues, who _recognized in one of-, the yellow .aisaged, gray-bearded, spectres her his - band,' who was a most respecta ble loan, and for years - Mayor of .. Patbhux. His .case. at. the time' of his trial excited great - interest. He . was not a Communist, but was guilty ' of having granted beligerent'rights to some who were wounded.', The Wife threlTherself into his arms, an. she: led 'him to the - saloon in whic• Louis Blanc was waiting. ,Tho- i• looking op - felt too sadito cry, "Yiv. • la Republique". To the Christian the -little events of daily life tend wonderfully to his Jtantifi cation, though he may not know it at the time: This discharge of, duty, this trial of patience, this-.denial of self, this loss or suffering, or affliction, each, like the-finishing strokes of the -sculptor, here strikes off an escresenCe and there brings out a beatity of form 'or feature,. till' .at last the work is completed, an fin ished for the upper temple. ' . rorutAn concert .singer advertfged... to participate in ani entertainment, ex cused her absence Ow the ground of hay- ju g a Severe cold in the :head, and - the next day received the following from -au admirer "Thii ix gotise greze ; melt it, and rub on the bridge of yore note xintji cured, i Inv you:to distraxshun." i . _ . TREItE is to' be a la.wsuit over "Baby' Mine," in Which the author sues Dition & Co. for $20,000. There was a similar suit, it Will be remembered, in the time : of Solomon, in' which—but our readers arc of - course aCquainted with the Old - Testament—Net° . York Convnircial Ad earthier. - TEI:FI , fact that a Marrjs a member of an unii-prbfanity society; which tines 'its members for using bid . language, will have no weight with him when ,he finds that the cat curled up and . went .to sleep in his new silk hat; and on waking yawn ed and . gtretcheid.--Baltimore Netts. Josii I3lLListislias discovered that "ft" iz a good deal ov a bore -to hive others luv us more than we luV•them.l' That's a lotiely sentiment for es •successful lan guage-twister.—New York ._Commercial Advertiser. IT appears that the only way for a man to escape having a monument erected on his account after his death is for him to be President of the United States.—B6s ton Poit. NOAH built his ark 'of.g.opher wood and fir, because to didn't have fir to gopher . it.—Providence Journal. ,- TUE New York IPIIOB . tells of a mart who wns killed by a fan of four feet." Did a mute, jump on him " ?'.Boston Post. SOME papers can't take a joke, and lots `ertiiand do t and what's more, they pass it Off far ono of their own.-Boston Post.